Russia Proposes Commission to U.N. Korea War Settlement Sharp

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Russia Proposes Commission to U.N. Korea War Settlement Sharp LIGFTING-UP TIME Yesterday's Weather 6.01 p-m. Maximum temperature .. 78.3 Minimum temperature .. 71i2 Sunshine i,. 9.10 hours TIDE TABLE FOR OCT. Rainfajl - 3?v ••-••• 17 in High LOW (No forecast of today's weather was Date Water Water Sun- Sun­ ajn. p.m. a.m. p m. rise set available at the Meteorological Office last night.) 30 6.08 6.29 — 12.28 6.34 5.31 31 6.56 7.16 12.36 1.21 6.35 5.30 Wt)t Jtogal IGlastlle VOL. 32 — NO. 254 HAMILTON. BERMUDA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1952 6D PER COPY Lyttelton To See Russia Proposes U.N. Kenya African Sharp Criticism Of Delay Commission To Union Leaders NAIROBI, Kenya, October » (Reuter). — Mr. Oliver Lyttel­ On Imperial Property Deal ton, Britain's Colonial Secretary, arrived here today to investigate Korea War Settlement the anti-white campaign of ter­ Impatience over the drawn-out negotiations between tiie rorism by the African Mau Mau British Government and the Bermuda Government regarding Secret Society. UNITED NATIONS, October 29 (Reuter). —Russia to­ 'His plane landed one hour ? ate the disposal to Bermuda of surplus Admiralty and War De­ Chance Of day proposed in the political committee of the United Nations because it had circled over the partment land in the Colony flared-up in the House of the establishment of a commission for the peaceful settle­ Kikuyu tribal "reserves, centre of Assembly yesterday into a pointed attack on the British the Mao Mau society where re­ Govettiment by -a number of Assemblymen. Honourable Peace ment of the Korean war. 5 *•). inforcements of British troops and Mr. Andrei Vyshinsky, the Soviet Foreign Minister, police were sent last night, to A suggestion was made that Bermuda make an official proposed that the commission should include all those con­ give him a close look at -the approach to the Canadian Government regarding the Be Seized cerned in any way in the Korean conflict. territory. possibility of the Colony becoming affiliated with Canada. Mr. Lyttelton will advise on an The U.K. Government was The proposal came in a lengthy reply by Mr. Vyshinsky economic and social "new deal," accused of a dog-in-the-manger LONDON, Oct. 29 (Reuter) to the speech ih the committee last week by Mr. Dean announced yesterday by the altitude that had resulted in Ber­ —The Foreign Secretary, Mr. Acheson, the United States Secretary of State. The Soviet Governor, Sir Evelyn Baring, just CENSUS COSTLY AS WEL muda losing valuable opportuni­ Anthony Eden, gave an assur­ before heavily - armed troops ties of establishing light in­ ance in the House of Com­ Foreign Minister accused Mr. Acheson of "gross distortions." moved out for the perimeters of AS USELESS, SAYS HOP. dustries which would i.ave bene­ The committee adjouriwd until | principle in a number of treaties all Kikuyu tribal reserves. fited the entire sterling area. mons today that he would tomorrow without taking - any A Government spokesman said "seize any fair and satis- in the past, Criticism was made of the treat- action on the Russian proposal. Reviewing tbe negotiations be­ the movements were to protect Further £487 To Pay ForI ment accorded Bermuda delega­ •%i factory" arrangement . to Mr. Vyshinsky's motion made tween the United States and the white settlers and "loyal Afri­ tions to London by "Whitehall *y arrive at some alternative dip­ these two main points: Soviet Union following the cans" from tfae Mau Mau, whose Printing Of Report bureaucrats." lomatic means of overcoming , 1. The General Assembly, hav­ Moscow conference, Mr. Vyshin­ programme of devastation and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Other members, led by the the truce deadlock in Korea, ing examined tbe report of the sky said the United States bad terror started two months ago. Sharply questioning the need Speaker, Sir John Cox, and Cap­ if such a possibility was pre­ United Nations Korean Commis­ "sabotaged the decisions of the Mr. Lyttelton told a press con­ tor a census, Mr. Ernest Vesey in -a*" the Hon- N- B- D*11 urged sion,, deems it essential to estab­ Moscow conference."* ference that he would see as many the House of Assembly yesterday forbearance and repudiated the sented at the United Nations lish a commission for the peace­ . They had attempted to give people as possible and "try to get J session which he hopes to grudgingleruri t. in _-1y v askeaskedd ththee HousHniiBfe t t"too I suggested affiliation with Canada. ful settlement of tfae Korean prominence to certain small a balanced view of the whole Under discussion was the draft. attend next week. question with the participation of "reactionary groups" who sup­ situation." accede to a request from the the parties directly concerned and He said he had agreed to meet Governor for £487 to complete reply of the Assembly to tfae . At the same time be repeated ported Dr. Syngman Rhee, the payment for printing the census I Governor's speech opening tbe British Government's view of other states, including such South Korean President, and had a delegation from the Kenya Colonial Parliament. The reply, states as have not taken part in tried to exclude large "demo­ African Union, largest African report. —, . that nothing should be done to the Korean war. political group here whose leader, . ___ , .... _, ., prepared by Mr. F. C. Misick, extend tbe war, such as an in­ cratic" groups from any con­ T 2. To instruct this commission sultations. Jomo (Burning Spear) Kenyata, Later a resolve entitled the £ol£nel j. £. Astwood and Cap- vasion of the Chinese mainland to take measures without delay Mr. Vyshinsky said Mr. was arrested during Ihe big anti- i Census Expenses Resolve was ,tain j^ was adopted ?_„______ by Chinese Nationalist forces of for the settlement of the Korean Acheson's statement, that the terror round-up. The Kenya Afri­ reaNotind forg thtfaae firstt th timee takin. g of the hamousld beey aften madr ae slight amendment Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek question in the spirit of the uni­ Soviet Union had trained North can Union, which has tried to census had proved expensive, Mr. (The text of the reply is on Formosa. fication ot Korea, such unification Korean Army forces and had work tor African advancement Vesey said he doubted if mem­ reported elsewhere.) to be carried out by the Koreans maintained a secret police control through democratic means, now bers of the House would take tfae Mr. Eden was asked 'whether themselves under the supervision of the country was "ludicrous has a new set of leaders who in­ ______ _L -, _._— ______ __. i • Opening the debate, Mr. Misick be had seen a statement by Gen­ of the above commission. and absurd." tend to ask Mr. Lyttelton ,f o r toe to wade through the report. noted that much of tbe reply eralissimo Chiang that the *J18iLno*_. "^J*01*-!_.«_•-* *? I dealt with the sense of dis- Mr. Vishinsky reserved his pro­ He then launched into a long improved conditions. next time the census was taken ! Chinese Nationalist authorities posal till the end of a speech from criticism of the Rhee regime, Mr. Lyttelton said a Royal appointment^ present over the were to seek release from the the counting would not have to be fallui.e ^ H.M. Government to» a 72-page manuscript. He had claiming that it had done harm to Commission was being set up to Mr. W. A. Muller, Inspector-General of Colonial Police, arrived done in London but could be Leach some decision regarding netttralisation*^ ^ of __ Formosa, | gjven a£ biQt tbatthere was any the South Koreans, had been investigate land holdings in Ken­ ordered by President Truman, ya, and it would probably be at yesterday to inspect the Bermuda Police Force as part ef a tackled in Bermuda. | tjjejj. _^n_s ^d buildings in Ber- proposal to come. guilty of "repression" and was In answer to a question by Mr. and permission for a Nationalist constantly engaged in political work by the beginning of next routine inspection of police forces in the ambit of the Colonial muda so urgently required by invasion of the mainland. SOLE OBSTACLE year. But it would take "a long- E. Harley Barnes Mr. Vesey said the Colony. As far as could be He said that the prisoner of war struggles with the National Office. (Mr. Muller is shown above being greeted by the deputy that 600 copies of the report had j seen the lands and buildings were The Foreign Secretary was Assembly. ish time to report." Police Commissioner, Mr. M. B. Parker, and Mr. J. Fountain asked further to give an assur issue was the sole obstacle' to One of the main African been printed and were being sold serving no useful purpose, ance that the British Government I settlement of the whole Korean ALL MANKIND of B.O.A.C.) After he leaves Bermuda Inspector-General Muller at 10s per copy. "Our case, as far as I can see it . Mr. Vyshinsky said that the grievances in Kenya is that the n would oppose any such proposal, question, assorting that "any ob- European population has; taken . will proceed to the Bahamas, after which he will visit 12 other "AB **e need to know is how -» *l everyone in Bermuda sees it, He replied: 'The view of the jective analyf is"- of the prisoners report of tfae United Nations many people there are in Ber- & -» strong that one wonders British Government remains, as j issue would m a k e ii "perfectly Commission on Korea on tfae ^tttfl Continued ea Page 19 British Caribbean territories.
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