THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1936 Page 4-B TORRANCE HERALD, Torrance, California "David Copperfield" "One More Spring" Opens At Black Outrage Portrayed In * 9 At Lomita Tonigh Deer and Lion Share Dramatic Honors In 'Sequoia Play, "dive of India' the Lomita, Sunday, April 7

Above are ahown W. C. Fields and the sensational boy >t«r, Freddie Bartholomew, aa "David Copperfield" in Dickens* Immortal story, which will be seen on the -Jean Parker in. a Scenelfrt>rm",Sequpiii}'' screen at the Lomita- Theatre, to­ The most amazing revelation o night, Friday and Saturday. Other* nature's intimate secrets ever at in the . impressive cast include "Sand Hogs'-Battle the River tempted for the screen IB to b Edna May Oliver, Roland Young, e black crime of the Black tury production starring; Ronald seen In "Sequoia" (pronounced Krank Lawton and Maureen O'Sul- Colman, which comes to Jhe Tor­ "See-Quo-Yah"), startling: outdo Hole of Calcutta is brought to drama featuring Jean Parker and livan. rance Theatre tonight, Friday i ght pn the screen for the first Saturday. showing at .the Torrance Theatre Pontiac Dealer Ime in "Clive of India," Darryl F Not even the Bastille of Fra Sunday and Monday. &AFFLING Call 444 for Ad Service anuck's million-dollar 20th Cen- or the Tower of hou Nearly -two years In the fllmln! double murder Invites Public to greater horror than that infann the picture deals with a friendshl cell, some 18 feet square, i between a deer and a mountal MYSTERY Ffree Show Tonight which, on June 30, 1756, in the lion, two of nature-'B most deadly city of Calcutta, India. 145 men snemles. Raised together from th Introducing Aline MacMahon and A free movie with sound 'n bottle feeding" age,' the two anl woman were crammed by tiie Uuy Klbbee in entirely different everything will be shown to the soldiers of a cruel potentate and nals are shown fighting the wild left to die in a night of hideou together. ales from those usually associ- public tonight at. 7:80 o'clock a,t luffering. ' In additipn- many other specie ited with them, 'the second of- the the showroom of the Moore Auto NO (ASH Only 23 Survive • American wild life wer :iue Club productions, "While Company, 1912 Carson street. The The Nawab's guards seized all italked" 'with a camera, Includln The Patient Slept," First thews of the ntcture Is. groupejjl off to glee present and carried them coyotes, bears, raccoons, onal's latest and most baffling 1935 Silver Streak ihe Black Hole. Two small iron- lesnakes, baby fawns around tho hew urdor mystery drama, is an- Pontlac and apcordlng to those barred windows admitted the only small lion cubs. junced as the feature attraction ray of light, the only breath of at the Torranco Theatre, tonight, who have seen the "show" it i* air. Crushed together as by a vlsei Film Icicles Made Friday and Saturday. both educational and entortalnlps*. the prisoners were denied even Mr. Cartwrlght, local manager ot ter. The heat of the summer Baaed on a novel by Mignon G. By Studio Experts Sberhart, "While The Patient the Moore Auto Company, Ponttab night added to their torture. Those Allnfurso Sarah Kcate, detective tion to everyone. Th'o picture will make all the Icicles for First Na^ lc1r6T*I»~.imost amazing .character, require jibout_20 .mtnutea to-s,hwvir. hoot them. Others clutched at ost dangerous game in their new co-starring picture for .work at­ tional Pictures, their latest nd Guy KTbfieil nV~:n " small town r own throats In a pitiful x Film, "Under Pressure," In their latest vehicle the two being in "Living On Velvet," which tempt to end their agony. leuth. . .. ' side-splitting' romance between ars are tunnel workers, cheating death beneath the river. es to the Torrance Theatre on Mlsg MacMahon and Kibbce. A Not, until six o|cloek the next While the plot Includes a double iown at the Torrance Theatre Tuesday and Wednesday, Sunday and Monday. . urdor, double action .and double e serious romance, that .has morning was the door of the 'snow same happy ending, occurs were pril 9 and 10. Also "Captain Hurricane,'-' starring James Winter' scenes, for which he usual quantity of thrills, the the rison opened. Ho crushed drifts, icicles, frosty windows and between Lyle Talbot and Patricia II the bodies that .It - took 20 Icturo aJoo contains much rare arton and* Helen Mack. ' ylnd effects are necessary ar» umor, hilarious comedy and a Bills, . ' " . ilnutes to sort the living from ,made amazingly realistic. le dead. Twenty-three survivors lanaged to crawl out of the death 10 experts developed a new chamber, among them a young method of making Icicles for "Llv- pride, who was placed in Suraj Ud Wings In the Dark/'Exciting ng On Velvet," using cellophane Dowlah's harem. wax Instead of the old fibre and' plaster. Camphor, applied by Air Film, Stars Loy and Grant men who know all the tricks Jack "Cimarron," Frost plays on the world's win­ dows, provides the frosted glass. 'Kay ! Francis, -Warren William and Geoge Brent form the tri­ PHONE TORRANCE 132 Returns To angle of a most unusual romance in "Living On Velvet," which was Plaza Tomorrow directed by Frank Dorzage. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 4-5-6

Five thousand persons made up :he mighty horde- that performed i reenactment of the most, dra- LOMITA natic spectacle" of contemporary THEATRE :ime the Oklahoma Land Rush of •24333 Narbonne Phone 243 CLIVE 1889, for the spectacular highlight Any Seat, 20o; Children, 10o if "Clmarron," RKO-Radio Pic- Poors Open At 6;46 P. M. ure., Flanked by squadrong of motor rhurs., Frl., Sat., April 4-5-6 police with the ' red spotlights W. C. Fields, Freddie -«- italning the highway, oxen and Bartholomew in o: INDUS lorses drew hundreds of covered "DAViD, ELECTRIC vagonu, buggies. Hurries, ox carts COPPERFIELD" ind incongruous vehicles of all AND Icscrlptioiis up In lino for the bis. itampode for government land. Ramon Novarro in RANGES At daybreak a cannon boomed "THE NIGHT ts signal and the record throng IS YOUNG" oared Its way across the' prairie n the mightiest, maddest moment Sun., Mon., Tues., April 7-8-9 ivor recorded on celluloid the and rush sequence in "Cimarron." Janet Gaynor, Warner vhich plays a return engagement "ONE MBORE SPRING" COLMAN 'riday and Saturday, April 5 and i, at the Plaza Theatre,, Haw­ AND withLORETTA YOUNG thorne. George Q'Brlen in "I For only 5{ a day more COIJN CLIVB • FRANCIS LISTER Old-time plainsmen, veterans of "WHEN A MAN'S C. AUBREY SMITH* CESAR ROMBRO •• you can get an Electric ho Oklahoma Run itself, saw the A thrilling, dramatic and suspenseful drama which gives ^_ A MAN" Us Water Healer which drama of their lives re-enacted otion picture audiences a peek into the lives and works 20th CENTURY WCTURB entitles you to,lhe very is the film thousands surged over DISHES FREE . . , UNITED ARTISTS he starting line with the name the heroes of the peacetime skyways, Paramount's lowest wholesale to every womjn with adult Ightlng determination of the orijr- iVings In the Dark," comes to the Plaza Theatre, Haw- " ' ANI> domestic rale. nal land-hungry horde. The weird orne, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, April 7, 8 and 9, admission Wednesday chicles, the live stock, men afoot, til lovely Myrna Loy and hand-" 1 m horseback, and even astrldu "While The Patient Slept" ilcycles swept over the prairie like y Grant co-starred. rater through a broken dam. This exciting drama brings avia- with Aline MacMahon, Guy Klbbee f cUfitfoled fcores of cameras, mounted date and ahead of the w>^n aoy m up to Holding Company iverhead. underfoot and alongside IICH by dealing with Innovations ATALL DEALERS thousands, recorded Sunday, Monday, April 7-8 he milling blind flylne which have not us ivury detail of the mighty charge this or tile fjlm that brought Edna t been perfected. Around epic story to the screen. clinical prcibl. 'erber's y ol Htruiwlc and achievement, "SEQUOIA" Mthough the land rush Sequence HAWTHORNE, CALIFORNIA with Jean Parker Electric Range Headquarters inns but a small part of "Cimar- y deals with a young See Our Complete Line! hailed lot wild is an inventor of Instru- Telephone 299 "The Friendly Family Theatre" —AND— in's" action, It has been Adult Admission 20o Logos 25o Children lOc nanimously by critics as the lltB for blind Hying. Aided by General For a beautiful remali- stunt pilot, lie lost outstanding screen ai'hleve- Our Program Appears Daily In the Los Angoles Evening Herald "Living on Velvet" Limited Time:- lent since- the advent of talking runres to Hut nut on a trans- ictures. eanlc hup to prove Ma linen-. with Kay Francis • No cash Dlx and Irene Uunna is, hut an accident blinds him Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6 great cast In tills drunia Hi.- laat moment. In this state Continuous Saturday from 1:30 payment. conceive* the idea tit prrfiH-ting inuntio West, World's Mightiest Show! No payment same bill tomorrow and instniiiii>nt» so that tevcn In Tuesday, Wednesday, April 9-10 Saturday at the 1'luzn In seen Ills blind condition he can fly the for 30 days. plane. Richard Dix - "CIMARRON" - hue Dunne ge Walsli, one of the biggest AND ( 'ox stars of Uie silent screen, in "Under Pressure," co-blurring with Reserve Captain Hut Record "UNDER PRESSURE" 1'Jdmund I-owe and Victor Mr- DOSTON. (l).l'.) Captain Wll- "UNDER PRESSURE" With Edmu/id Low» and Victor McUaglen jiglen. The plctuiv depicts tin- lluni J. Mi'Cliiidii'y, iMimiimndvr »f —AND— v liven and loves of "suml-hcis*" tin' M.irliif Ui-.'u'iA-i- I'umpany, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, April 7, 8, 9 ) dig our river luiinclx. u r.'i-uKl nil liiii own. Ho Terms has paitli'ipiiUHl In every HoHtoll EDWARD C. ROBINSON "Captain Hurricane" As Low As COMING Evacuation Day celebration tor __ with Jamee Barton, Helen Mack Shlrluy Temple, must popular the iniHt M yearn. "THE WHDLfc TOWN'S TALKING" L'hll'd star, will be soi'ti. jit tho • nd MYRNA rorrunce Theatre Thurml.iy, l-'ri- Turns Tables LOY ilay and Saturday of nvxt wi-cU, in JkWEUSON CITY, Mo. (t'.P.) "The Little Colonel." Tradltliiniilly. tliu home comes Thursday, Kriday, Saturday, April 11-12-13 -.U And Other Reliable Makes of Electric A r\ I to the aid in' HIL- stranded auto. Wednesday, uud Thursday, April 10 and. II Ranges Now on Display______A Pay! Freight Rescued Court Hut tin- won; turnud wlleu .Minm.Ksiiouo. uVnii. (U.i1.) S. I', l.wthrii's uld til-ay mure Shirley Temple in A licit-lit train hauled judge, jury bt'Ciiiiii' "luck In the mud. It took Rudy Vallee in "SWEET MUSIC" and court alLutln-'b to I'lnevtllo a wiucluiifj i-tir t» nut her out. and BARBARA «TUr WAIIAN IN DEW Littk Colon«l" Tprrance Electric Shop when Hood »ut«rs rote ao hlgli STANWYCK Iflt WyJIJAW, III RtU "The 1419 Marcelina Avenue—Phone 567 court sessions had to be aban­ doned. Bead Our Want Ads!