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A Research Bibliography -- -

0, (7 .~

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'" 0' Department of Criminal Justice o University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha, Nebraska o .~? d," .'0 0 ~~~""I.,.::," ,"r)f'; (L I • - .. """-- ~ ~ i t j TABLE OF CONTENTS I

I! 1 ! ! Preface i I I ',' 5 General Works ••...... ••...... 1 t I ! Bibliographies and Indices ...... 6 /, ,I Cultural and Social Organization .•..•..•.•.•. , ... 8 "1 ! } Social Psychology of Native Americans •.••..•..... 23 . Social Problems ...... 27 I 1 j Urban Problenls...- ..... !t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 37 ~

"i Administration of Indian Justice ...•.••..•••....• 39

Indian Law and Civil Rights .•...... •...... 46

Property and Resource .t{ights ..•.....•...•.•...... 54

Social Policy and Reform ...... •..•.....•. 60

• II ~I iii • PREFACE

~- ---- One of the most ignored and powerless minorities

in the United States is the Native Americans. This

first seems to be reflected in the relatively small

amount of academic literature devoted to the topic of

Indian justice per see In spite of the lack of interest

from those in the academy, a fairly large volume of

I literature exists in popular sources. This would seem ~~ ----- to indicate that Indian justice is an important issue

from the general public's point of view.

No doubt a great deal of the public's interest has

been generated from the recent conflicts between Native

Americans and governmental authorities. FBI raids, the

occupation of Wounded Knee, political trials, and other

confrontations have forced attention onto the problematic

nature of the creation of law and the administration of

justice among Native Americans.

Increasingly, the public's interest in Native American

problems is being translated into some response in other

sectors of society. At the federal level, several poli- --~

ticians are becoming concerned with the inadequacy of past

and current Indian policy. Additionally, some state

governments are attempting to include consideration of the • Indian justice issue in their criminal justice planning efforts.

iv To a, lesser degree, some persons wi thin the ,

~cademic community are also interested in the develop- ment of Indian justice as an area of research and action. At least potentially, social and behavioral scientists could play an important role in understanding and modifying criminal justice related problems of Native Americans. While this bibliography was compiled for all of the aforementioned groups, it is hoped that those in academia find it most useful in developing research on problems of Indian justice policy. Other groups, such as social workers, educators, police officers, planners,

etc. ~hould also find this bibliography useful. In terms of the sources of compilation, items were extracted for the period of 1966-1975 from these ind~ces and abstracts:

Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature

--~ --.. Social Sciences and Humanities Index Index to Legal Periodicals Crime and Delinquency Literature Abstracts of Criminology and Penology Crime and Delinquency Abstracts Poverty and Human Resources' Abstracts Psychological Abstracts Sociological Abstracts II ~I Besides these sources, items were also taken from other

bibliographies. - -~- v -.,,- ---

Hopefully, this bibliography will prove to be useful to researchers interested in the problem of criminal justice for Native Americans. The Criminal Justice Educational Development Project Staff

VINCENT J. WEBB EMIL SPICKA Project Director Research Assistant PATRICK ORTMEIER SAMUEL E. WALKER Research Assistant Research Director ROBERT ROOS Research Assistant DENNIS E. HOFFMAN --. Principal Investigator MICHAEL ESKEY Research As sistant

MICHAEL TATE, Department of History, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Editorial Consultant

I~.. _. JULIE EDELL, Administrative Coordinator

IRENE LAIER, Manuscript Typist

This research was supported by a Law Enforcement Assistance II Administration Grant (72-CD-99-002) and was conducted by the Criminal Justice Educational Development Project Staff of the University of Nebraska at Omaha.


Most of the publications listed in this section deal with the socio-historical situation of Native Americans in the United states. Many of these histori- cal accounts are books. While none of the references specifically relate to Indian justica, this general section is valuable in terms of providing a contextual framework for the justice issue.

ANDRIST, R. K. The Long Death: The Last Days of ~he Plains - ~---- Indians, illus. New York: Macmillan, 1964. AXTELL, J. tiThe White Indians of ColoniC'.l America, tI The - .. William and Hary Quarterly, XXXII (January, 1975)-;--55-88. BAERREIS, D. A. The Indian in l>1od€:J:n America. Madison, Wisconsin: State Historical Society, 1956. BAHR, H. M., B. A. Chadwick, and R. C. Day, eds. Native Americans Today: Sociological Perspectives. New York: Harper and Row, 1972. BALDUS, H. A. tiThe 34th International Congress of Arneri­ canists,tI Sociologia, XXII, No.4 (December, 1940), 459-63. BETZINIZ, J., and W. S. Nye. I Fought with Geronimo. New York: Stackpole, 1959. BLANKENBURG, W. B. tiThe Role of the Press in an Indian Massacre, 1871," Journalism Quarterly, XLV, No.1 (Spring, 1968), 61-70. • BROWN, D. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. New York: Holt, --- Rhinehart and Winston, 1970. New York: Bantam Books, 1972. and M. F. Schmitt. Fighting Indians of the West. II New York: Ballantine, 1975.


-~. The Galvanized Yankees. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1963. . BROWN, J. E. The Sacred Pipe. Norman~ University of Oklahoma Press, 1953. , . BUCHANAN, W. J."Trial of Coronado," Amerlcas, XXIII (January, 1971), 28-38.

~---- CAHN, E. S., ed. Our Brother's Keeper: The Indian in White America. New York: New Community Press, 1969.

CATLIN, G. North American Indians. New York: Dover, 1973.

COLLIER, J. Indians of the Americas. New York: W. W. Horton, 1947.

---..".,,---.,::-::--· "The Unfinished Indian Wars," Nation, CLXXXIV, No. 21 (May 25, 1957), 458-59.

COLLIER, P. "The Red Man's Burden," Ramparts, VIII, No.8 (February, 1970), 26-38.

- CONNOLLY, T. F. "The Future of the American Indian," Catholic World, CLXXXI (July, 1955), 246-51.

"Consultation or Consent?", ghristian Century, LXXIV~ No.4 (January 25, 1956), 103-04 .. - CRAWFORD, W. "Indian Talks Back," American Forestry', LXIII (July, 1957), 4.

~-- CURTIS, E. S. The North American Indian. 20 vols. New York: ,Johnson Reprint, 1970.

DEBO, A. A History of Indians of the United States. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1970.

DELORIA, E. Speaking of Indians. New York: Friendship Pres&, 1944.

DELORIA, V., Jr. Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto. New York: Macmillan, 1969.

· Of Utmost Good Faith. New York: Bantam Books, ----,1,-,9=-=7=-=1-.------· We Talk, You Listen. New York: Macmillan, 1970 . DOCKSTADER, J. The American Indian in Graduate Studies~ A • Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations. New York: Museum .of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, 1957.

ENGLUND, D. R. "Indians, Intruders and the Federal G0vernment," Journal of the West, XIII (April, 1974), 97-105.

- 2 EWERS, J. C. "When Red and White Men Met; Excerpts from Address, April, 1971," American Heritage, XXIII (December, 1971), 107-0'9.

FORBES, J. D. The Indian in America's Past. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1964.

GESSNER, R. Massacre; A Survey of Today's American Indian. New York: J. Cape and H. Smith, 1931.

"Guts and Tripe," Coalition of American Indian Citizens, I, No.1 (1969), [n.p.].

HAGAN, W. T. American Indians. : University of Chicago Press, 1961.

_--=-"...--_~::-' The Indian in American History., New York: Macmillan, 1963.

HOLBERT, V. L., and others. Indian Americans at Mille Lacs. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Training Center for Community Programs, July, 1970.

"Indian: The Forgotten American," Harvard Law Review, LXXXI (June, 1968), 1818.

"Indians: Better Dead Than Red?" Southern California Law Review, XLII (Fall, 1968), 101.

JENNESS, D. Indians of Canada. : National Museum of Canada, 1960.

JENNINGS, J. D., and others. The Native Americans. New York: Harper and RoW, 1965~

JONES, J. C. American Indian in America. illus. 2 vols. Minneapolis: Lerner, 1973.

KLEIN, B., and D. Icolari, eds. Referenc~ Encyclopedia of the American Indian. New York: Klein, 1967.

LAME DEER, J. Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1972.

LEVINE, S., and N. O. Lurie, eds. The American Indian Today. Baltimore: Penguin, 1968.

LINDERMAN, F. B. Plenty CO'ups, Chief of the Crows. Lincoln, Nebraska: Bison, 1962.

MANY PENNY , G. W. Our Indian Wards. New York: Da Copo Press, 1972.

3 ----,~---

- -- MARQUIS, T. B., MD. Wooden Leg: A Warrior Who Fought Custer. Lincoln, Nebraska: Bison, 1965.

MAYNARD, E. "The Growing Negative Image of the Anthropol­ ogist Among American Indians," Human Organization, XXXIII, No.4 (1974), 402-04.

McLAUGHLIN, J. My Friend the Indian. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1910.

McNICKLE, D. "It's Almost Never Too Late," Christian Century, LXXIV (February 20, 1957), 227.

. "A U. S. Indian Speaks," Americas, [ n. v.J (~M~a-r-c~h-,-1954), 6-8. > '

MICKINOCK, R. "The Plight of the Native American," Library, Journal, XCVI (September 15, 1971), 2849-53.·

MIRRIELEES, E., "The Cloud of Mistrust," Atlantic, CXCIX (February, 1957), 55.

NEIHARDT, J. G. Black Elk Speaks. New York: William Morrow, 1932.

PARMAN, D. L. "Indian and the Civilian Conservation Corps," Pacifist Review, XL (Fall, 1971), 39-56. - -- PARSONS, L. H. "A Perpetual Harrow Upon My Feelings: John Quincy Adams and the American Indians'," New England Quarterly, XLVI (September, 1973), 339-79.

PEITHMANN, I. M. Broken Peace Pipes: A Four-Hundred Year History of the American Indian. Springfield, Illinois: Thomas, 1964.

PEPPER, J. "Geronimo, Goodbye," New Statesman, LXXXV (January 19, 1973), 87-88.

PORTER, K. W. "Negroes and the Seminole War, 1835-1842," Journal of Social History, XXX (November, 1964), 427-50.

POWELL, Rev. P. J. Swee~ Medicine~ Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1969.

Rolling Thunder Speaks: The Owyhee Confrontation. Los Angeles: Pacific Tape Library, 1969.

II SANDOZ, "M. The Battle of the Little Bighorn. New York: J. B. Lippincott, 1966. II Cheyenne Autumn. New York: Avon, 1964.

__~~~~_. Crazy Horse, the Strange Man of the Oglalas. ... ~-- New York: A. A. Knopf, 1942.> 4 p


SCHUSKY, E. L~ nAn Indian Dilemma," International Journal of Comparative Sociology, II,' No.1 (March, 1970), 58-66.

The Right to be Indian. San Francisco: Indian - Historian Press, 1970. SHERWOOD, M. B. "Ardent Spiri·ts: Hooch and the Osprey Affair at Sitka," Journal of the West, IV (July, 1965), 301-44.

"Speaks With Sharp Tongue~ Views of K. Horn," New Yorker, XLVIII (May 27, 1972), 28-31.

SPICER, E. H. A Short History of the Indians of the United -- States. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1969. STANDS IN TIMBER, J., and M. Liberty. Cheyenne Memories. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967.

STEWART, T. D. People of America. illus. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973.

UNDERHILL, L. E. "Hamlin Garland and the Final Council of the Creek Nation, II Journal of the West, [n.v.] (July,1971), 511-20.

flU. S. Indians Speak, " Christian Century, LXXVIII, No. 27 (July 5, 1971), 819.

VESTAL, S. Sitting Bull, C~ampion of the Sioux. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1957.

VOGEL, J. This Country Was Ours: A Documen·tary History of ·the American Indian. New York: Harper & Row, 1972.

''---.- WAX, M. L. "The White Man's Burdensome 'Business': A Review Essay on the Change and Constancy of Literature on the American Indians," Social Problems, XVI, No.1 (Summer, 1968), 106-13.

WESLAGER, C. A. The Delaware Indians: A History. New Bruns­ wick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1972.

WISSLER, C. Indians of the United States. New York: Double­ d.ay, 1966.


-~ ~~-.~.".,...... ,., ...... ------I

BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND !NDICES 1 I, ~ ! This section includes both bibliographies dealing j l specifically with Indian justice and other bibliographies !; .\ i which contain items relevant to Indian justice. 1 It should be acknowledged that portions of some of

these bibliographies were incorporated into this biblio-

graphy. The authors are indebted to the compileFs of

these other bibliographies.

American Indian Historical Society. Index to Literature on the American Indian. 3 vols. San Francisco: Indian Historical Press, 1970-72.

American Indians: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Library Sources. St. Paul, Minnesota: State Department of Education, Indian Education Section, 1970.

Comprehensive Index of Articles Concerning American Indians Appearing in Legal Periodicals. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico School of Law, 1968.

GANTT, P. H. "Bibliography of the Court of Claims," Geor~L~­ town Law Journal, LV, No.4 (March, 1967), 647-55.

HARGETT, L. A Bibliography of the Constitutions and Laws of the American Indians. cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1947.

HUGHES, J., and L. Wisdom. American Indian Problems: A Selective Bibliography of Books, Periodicals and Documents. San Diego: Public Library, 1972.

O'HAP-A, F. J. "Selected Government Publications," Wilson Library Bulletin, [n.v.] (March, 1971), 696-704.

"On the American Indian," Current History, LXVII (December I' 1974), 271-73.

PRICE, M. E. "Indian and the Whit,e Man's Law," il1us. bib., Art in American, LX (July, 1972), 24-31.

6 Law and the American Indian: Readings, Notes and Cases. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1973. SABATINI, J. D., compo American Indian Law: A Bibliography - of Books, Law Review Articles and Indian Periodicals. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, American Indian Law Center, 1973. "Selective Bibliography of Bibliographies of Indian Materials for Adults," American Libraries, IV, No.2 (1973), 115-17 .

.... . _0-_'


A perusal of this section reveals that many of the items

relate to the processes of demographic and cultural change.

Information on the social and economic characte~istics of

Native Americans is also contained in this section.

American Indian Religion: Young Mohawks Describe the Indian Concept of Spirituality. North Hollywood, Californ~a: The Center for Cassette Studies, 1972.

"American Indian Today: Out in the Cold?" Senior Scholastic, XC (February 17, 1967), 3-6.

"American Indians Come Nearer Mainstream," Business Week, - June 7, 1969, pp.118-20.

"American Indians: Strangers in Their Own Homelapd?" Senior - -- Scholastic, XCIV (May 7, 1969), 13-15. "American Indians: The Right to be Themselves," Senior Scholastic, XCV (October 13, 1969), 3-7.

AMES, D. U., and E. P. Fisher, "The Menominee Termination Crisis: Barriers in the Way of a Rapid cultural Transition," Human Organization, XVIII (Fall, 1950), 101.

BAILEY, L. R. Indian Slave Trade in the Southwest: A Study of Slave-Taking-and the Traffic of Indian Captives. Los Angeles: Westlore Press, 1966. BARRY, L. E. "Indian in a Cultural Trap," America, CXII (April 10, 1965), 482-84.

BASEHART, H. W. "Political and Social Organization, Mescalero Apache Band Organization and Leadership," Southwest Journal of Anthropology, XXVI (Spring, 1970), 87-106.

and T. Sasaki. "Changing Political Organizations in the Jicarilla Apache Reservation Community," Human Organization, XX IV ( 1970), 283 - 89 . BASS, W. P., and H. G. Burger, "Anlerican Indians and Educational Laboratories," Southwestern Cooperative Educational Laboratory Publicati9n, [n.v.], No. 1-1167 (1967), 1-37.

8 BASSO, K. H. "Semantic Aspects of Linguistic Acculturation,!' - American Anthropoligist, LXIX, No.5 (1967), 471-77. ,

_-=-:-=-~ __ • "Social Life and Customs to Give up on Words: Silence in Western Apache Culture,H Southwest Journal of • Anthropology, XXVI (August, 1970), 213-30. BEAGLEHOLE, E. Notes on Hopi Economic Life. New Haven: Yale III University Press, 1937.

BEALE, C. L. "An Overview of the Phenomenon of Hixed Racial I Isolates in the United States," American Anthropologist, LXXIII, No.3 (June, 1972), 704-10.

BENGE, W. B. "Law and Order on Indian Reservations,l! Federal Bar Journal, XX (1960), 223.

BERRY, J. W., and R. C. Annis. lIAcculturative Stress: The Role of Ecology, Culture and Differentiation," Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, V, No.4 (December, 1974), 382-406.

BIGART, R. J. lIIndian Culture and Industrialization, "American Anthropologist, LXXIV, No.5 (1972), 1180-88.

"Birth of a Nation," Newsweek, LXXXI (March 26, 1973), 22.

BLACKMAN, M. B. "Totems to Tombstones: Culture Change as Viewed through Haida Mortuary Complex, 1877-1971, II EthnologYf XII (January, 1973), 47-56.

Black Mesa - A Tr'agedy: Progress Versus CuI ture - Peabod~al ' Company Challenges the Hopi Indians. North Hollywood, California: ...... The Center for Cassett Studies, 1973. --- BLOOM, J. D. "Population Trends of Alaska Natives and ,the Need for Planning, " American Journal of Psychiatry, CXXVI, No.8 (1972), .. 998-1002. - BLUMENTHAL, W. H. American Indians Dispossessed. New York: Arno Press, 1975.

BOLTON, R. P. Indian Life of Long Ago in the City of New y6rk. New York: Crown, 1972.

BONGARTZ, R. "New Indian," E§.Suire,LXXIV (August, 1970), 107· Ll9.

BOYER, L. B., and others. IIApache 'learners' and 'nonlearners'," ---- ~ Journal of Protective Techniques and Personality Assessment, XXXI, No. 6 (1967), 22 - 29. ------BRINKER, P. A., and B. J. Taylor. "Southern Plains Indians Relocation Returnees," Human Organization, XXXIII, No.7 ------(1974), 139-46.

9 --- - BROCKMAN, C. T. "Correlations of Social Class and Education --- on the Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana," Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal, VIII, No.2 (1971), 11-17.

BROWN, M. H., and W. R. Felton. The Frontier Years. New York: --- Holt, Rhinehart and Winston, 1955.

BRYDE, J. F. Indian Students and Guidance. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1971.

BURNETT, J. B. "Trail of Tears," National Parks and Conservation • Magazine, XLIX (August, 1975), 8-9. BUSHNELL, J. H. "From American Indian to American Indian: 'rhe Changing Identity of the Hupa," American Anthropoligist, LXX, No. 6 (1968), 1108-16.

CASPAR, G. "The Education of Menominee Youth in Wisconsin," Integrated Education, XI, No.1 (1973), 45-51.

CAVENDER, C. C. An Unbalanced Perspective: Two Minnesota Textbooks -- Examined by an American Indian. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Training Center for Community Programs, 1970. - -- CHRISTIANSEN, J. R., and others. Social and Economic Characteris­ tics of the Ute Indians on the Uintahauray Reservation: 1965. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, Institute of American Indian Studies and Research, Social Science Research Bulletin -- No.4, August, 1966. COLE, H. J. "A Comparison of Associative Learning Rates of Indian and White Adolescents," Dissertation Abstracts International, XXXII, No. 7-A (January, 1972), 3779-80.

COLLIER, P. "Red Man's Burden," Ramparts Magazine, VIII (Fall, 1970), 26-38.

CRANDALL, F. E. "A Cross-Cultural Study of" Ahtena Indian and Non­ Indian High S6hool Students in Alaska on'Sel~cted Value Orienta­ tions and Measured Intellectual Ability," Dissertation Abstracts International, XXXI, No. I-A (July, 1970), 214-15.

DANE, J. K., and B. E. Griesman. "Collective Identity of Marginal Peoples: The North Carolina Experience," American Anthropologist, LXXIV (June, 1972), 694-704.

de la GARZA, R. 0., Z. A. Kruszewski, and T. A. Arciniega. Chicanos and Native Americans: The Territorial Minorities. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1973. II

- 10 ·~------.-- --

DELORIA, V., Jr., and P. Collier, eels. "American Thing: White Society is Breaking Down Around Us," M~demoiselle, LXXII (April, 1971), 202-04.

God is Red. San Francisco: Straight Arrow Press, 1971 .

• "Indian Movement: Out of a Wounded Past," Ramparts, --- --=X=I=I=I~(M~a-rch, 1975), 28-32. DENIS, M. "Religious Education Among North American Indian Peoples," Religious Education, LXIX, No.3 (May, 1974), 343-54.

DOLLAR, C. D. "Renaissance on the Reservation: Rosebud Sioux Reservation," American Western, XI (January, 1974), 6-9.

DOW, J. "Models of Middlemen: Issues Concerning the Economic Exploitation of Modern Peasants," Human Organization, XXXII, No.4 (1974), 397-406. --.-

DUMONT, R. V., JR., and M. L. Wax. "Cherokee School Society and the Intercultural Classroom," Human Organization, XXVIII (Fall, 1969), 217-26.

du TOIT, B. M. "Substitution, A Process in Culture-Change," -- --- Human Organization, XXIII (Spring, 1964), 16-23. DYER, D. T. "Human Problems in an Indian Culture," Fami~ Coordinator, XVIII, No.4 (1969), 322-26.

EASTMAN, C. From the Deep Woods to Civilization. Boston: Little, Brown, 1916.

Indian Boyhood. Blumenschein, New York: McClure, Phillips, 1902.

EFRAT, B., and M. Mitchell. "The Indian and the Social Scientists, Contemporary Contractual Arrangements on the Pacific Northwest Coast," Human Organization, XXXIII, No.4 (1974), 40~07.

ETEROVICH, A. S., ed. Ethnic Studies. Saratogq., California: Rand E Research Associates, 1974.

FALLIS, D. L., and W. Claymore. New Career - Final Progress Report. Washington: Sioux T'ribes of Souih Dakota Development Corporation; Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, [n.d.).

FARB, P. "American Indian: A Po"rt:rai t in Limbo; Excerpt from Man's. Rise to Civilization as Shown by the Indians of North America From Primeval Times to the Cominq Industrial State"s," Saturday II Review, LI (October 12, 1968), 26-29.

11 FELDMAN, K. D-. ItDeviation, Demo'lraphy and Development: - Differences Between Papago Indian Communities,lt Human Organization, XXXI (Summer, 1972), 137-47. ~- - FEY, H. E. "America's Most Oppressed Minority," Christian Century, LXXXVIII (January 20, 1971), 65-68.

and D. McNickle. Indians and Other Americans: Two Ways of Life Meet. New York: Harper and Row, 1959.

FONAROFF, L. S. "Political Process and Culture Change Among the Navajo," Geographical Review, LXI (July, 1971), 442-44.

FONTANA, B. L. "American Indian Oral History: An Anthropologist's Note," History and Theory, VIII, No.3 (1969), 366-.70.

FORBES, J. D. "Comprehensive Program for Tribal Development in the United States," Human Organization, XXIV (Summer, 1965), 159-61. -- FREED, S. A.,and R. S. Freed. "Kinship: Note on Regional Variation in Navajo Kinship Terminology," American Anthropology,. LXXII (December, 1970), 1439-44.

FRIAR, R. E., and N. A. Friar. Only Good Indian .... The Hollywood Gospel. New York: Drama Book Specialists, 1972. -- --;--- FRIESEN, J. W. "Education and Values in an !ndian Community," Alberta Journal of Educational Research, XX, No. 2 (June, 1974), 146-56.

FRITZER, D. E. "Cross-Cultural Understanding by Anglos in Navajo­ Anglo Interactions, " Dissertation Abstracts International, XXXIII, No. 8-B (February, 1973), 3936.

FUNAROFF, L. S. "Government Relatione. Political Process and Culture Change Among the Navajo," Geographi~ Review, LXI (July, 1971), 442-44.

GANDHI, R. S. "Conflict and Cohesion in an Indian Student Community," Human Organization, XXIX, No.2 (Summer, 1970), 95-102.

GARBARINO, M. S. "Decision-Making Process and the Study of Culture Change," Ethnology, VI (October, 1967), 465-70.

GEIST, C. D. "Slavery Among the Indians: An Overview," Negro His­ tory Bulletin, XXXVIII (October, 1975), 465-67.

GLASS, T. E. "A Description and Comparative Study of American Indian Children in the Detroit Public Schools," Dissertation ~II Abstracts International, XXXIII, No. 5-A (November, 1972), 2167-68 •

,;:- .... --- 12 GRAVES, T .• and G. A. Lave. "Determinants of Urban Migrant Indian Wages," Human Organizat~on, XXXI, No.1 (1972) 417-61. - "Personal Adjustment of Navajo Indian Migrants to Denver, Colorado," American Anthropologist, LXXII (Fall, 1970), 35-54. ~------"The Navajo Urban Migrant and his Psychological Situation," Ethos, I, No.3 (Fall, 1973), 321-42.

and M. Van Arsdale. "Values, Expectations and Relo­ cation: The Navajo Migrant to Denver," Human Organization, XXV (April, 1967), 300-07.

--- GRIESSMAN, G. E., ed. "American Isolates," American Antl'iropology, LXXIV (June, 1973), 693-734, 1276-1306.

GRIGGS, A. "Alaskan Natives Face Urbanization," Race Relations Reporter, IV, No. 16 (1973), 4-6. - GRINDSTAFF, C. F., W. Falloway, and J. Nixon. "Racial and Cultural Identification Among Canadian Indian Children," Phylon, XXXIV, - No. 4 (1972), 368-77. HACKENBURG, B. "Social Mobility in a Tribal Society: The Case of the Papago Indian Veterans," Human Organization, CCCX (1972), -- ..., 201-09.

HACKENBURG, R. A., and C. R. Wilson. "Reluctant Emigrants: The - Role of Migration in Papago Indian Adaptation," Human -- Organization, XXXI (Summer, 1972), 171-186.

HAMMERSCHLAG, C. A., C. P. Alderfer, and D. Berg. "Indian Education: A Human Systems Analysis," American Journal of Psychiatry, CXXX, No. 10 (1973), 1098-1102.

HANLON, W. "Growing Up An Indian," New Catholic World, CCXVI, (November, 1973), 264-68.

HANSEN, N. M. Reservation Development Versus Migration: A Study of the Locational Preferences of Indian High School Seniors in the Southwest. Austin: University of Texas, Center for Economic Development, 1971.

HANSON, L., and others. Suburban School Children and American Indians: A Surve~ of Impressions. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Train1ng Center for Community Programs, May, 1970.

HASSRICK, R. B. The Sioux: Life and Customs of a Warrior Society. II, .11 Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1964.

13 HELMS, M. W. "Matrilocality, Social Solidarity and Culture Contact: Three Case Histories," Southwest Journal of ------Anthropology, XXVI (Summer, 1970), 197-212. HENDERSON, R. W., and R. Swanson. "Application of Social Learning Principles in a Field Setting," Exceptional Chil­ --- dren, XLI, No. 1 (September, 1974), 53-55.

HENRIKSON, C. E. "Acculturation, Value Change, and Mental Health - Among the Navajo," Dissertatio-n Abstracts International, XXXII, No. 9-B (March, 1972), 4992. HERTZBERG, H. W. The Search for an American Indian Identit~: --- Modern Pan Indian Movements. Syracuse: Syracuse Universlty Press, 1971.

HICKS, G. L., and D. I. Kertzer. "Making a Middle Way: Problems of Monhegan Identity," Southwest Journal of Anthropology, XXVIII (Spring, 1972), 1-124.

HILGENDORF, R. "Black Mesa: Economic Development or Ecological Disaster for the Navajo," NLADA Briefcase, XXX (), 171.

HIPPER, A. E. "Athabascan's of Interior Alaska: A Culture and Personality Perspective," American A~thropo1ogy, LXXV (October, III!""- __ 1973), 1529-41.

HOLLAND, R. F. "School in Cherokee and English," Elementary School Journal, LXXII, No.8 (May, 1972), 412-18. -- HOYT, O. American Indians Today,. i11us. New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1972.

Indian Training Workshops in Billings, Montana and Aberdeen, South Dakota: Final Report. Los Angeles: Harbridge House, [n.d.]. -,....,... JOSEPHY, A. M. , JR. "Hopi Way, " American Herita9:e , XXIV (Fall, 1973), 49-55.

The Indian Herita9:e of America. i11us. New York: Bantam, 1968.

"Most Satisfactory Council; Excerpts From Nez Perce Indians and the Opening of the Northwest," American Heritage, XVI (October, 1965), 26-31.

LaBARRE, W. The Peyote Cult: Enlarged Edition. New York: Schocken, 1969.

LADD, J. The Structure of a Moral Code; A Philosophical Analysis of Ethical Discourse Applied to the Ethics of the Navajo Indians. II-II Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1957.

14 t---:

LaFARGE, O. "The Enduring Inl.;,ian," Scien·tific Alnerican, [n.v.] (February, 1960), :'02-;37.

LAMMERS, D. M. "Self Concepts of American Indian Ado10scents ~- -- Having Segregated and Desegregated Elementary Backgrounds," Dissertation Abstracts International, XXXI, No. 3-A (September, 1970), 930.

~--- ,~ LANE, R. B. "Canadian Indians," Canadian Psychologist, XIII, No. 4 (October, 1972), 35-59 .

...;-- -- LAVENDER, D. "Building a New World: the White Man's Mighty Effort to Civilize the First Californians," American West, VIII (November, 1971), 36-41.

LAZURE, D. "Indian Children of Canada: Educational Services and Mental Health," Child psychiatry and Human Development,

-.-- - '----.- IV, No.1 (Fall, 1973), 44-52. LeFLEY, H. P. "Effects of a Cultural Heritage Program on the Self­ Concept of Miccosukee Indian Children,," Journal of Educational Research, LXVII, No. 10 (July-August, 1974), 462-66.

LIEBERMAN, L. "Atomism and Mobility Among Upperclass Chippewas ...... and Whites," Human Organization, XXXII, No.4 (1973), 337-47 . Life on the Reservation. North Hollywood, California: The Center for Cassette Studies, 1969.

LIND, M. L. "Relationships Between Work Attitudes, Perceived Needa Structures, and Types of Job Settings for Bureau of Indian Affairs Teachers in Alaska, "Dissertation Abstracts International," XXX, No. 10-A (1970), 4189-90.

-~ LOCKLEAR, H. H. "American Indian Myths," Social Work, VII, No.3 (May, 1972), 72-80.

LOMBARD, T. P. "Psycholinguistic Abilities of Papago Indian Children," Dissertation Abstracts International, XXX, No. 6-A (1969), 2379.

LONG, R. F. "The Big Hunt: Indians Seek Industry," Opportunity, I I, No. 2 (1972), 29-3 0 .

"Navajo Schools: Indians Teaching Indians," Opportunity, I, No. 3 (1971), 3-7.

LUKACZER, M. "National School Lunch Program and Indian School Children," Indian History, VII (Winter, 1974), 17-23.

LURIE, N. O. "Enduring Indian," Natural History, LXXV (November, 1966), 10.

MANGEL, C. "Sometimes We Feel We're Already Dead:. Arizona's Ruined Cocopah," Look, XXXIV (June 2, 1970), 38-43.

15 -

- ... MARRIOTT, A. L., and C. K. Rachlin. American Indian Mythology. illus. New York: Thomas Y. Cro~ell, 1968.

MARTIN, 'J. F. "Organization of Land and Labor in a Marginal -• Economy, I, Human Organization, XXXII (Summer, 1973), 153-61. MARX, American Indian: A Rising Ethnic Force. New York: III H. W. Wilson, 1973. McCRACKEN, R. D. "Urban Migration and the Changing Structure of Navajo Social Relations," Dissertation Abstracts International, XXIX, No. 4-B (1968), 1246.

McFEE, M. "150% Man, A Product of Blackfeet Acculturation," American Anthropologist, LXX (December, 1968), 1096-2007.

McLAUGHLIN, W. G. "Red Indians, Black Slavery and White Racism: America's Slaveholding Indians," American Quarterly, XXVI, No. 4 (October, 1974), 367-85.

McNICKLE, D. "Goals of the Group: Last Days of the Plains Indians," Nation, CCI (September 27, 1965), 167-68.

"Indian and European, Indian White Relations," The Annals of the American AcadeI"y of Political and Social Science, CCCXI (May, 1957), 1.

"The Indian Tests the Mainstream," Nation, CCIII, No.9 (September 26, 1966), 275-79. -- -- Indian Tribes of the united States: Ethnic and Cultural Survival. New York: Oxford Univ~rsity Press, 1962.

MILES, C. "Racial Differences," Hobbies, LXXVIII (May, 1973), 141-42.

MILLER, F. C., and D. D. Caulkins •. "Chippewa Adolescents: A Changing Generation," Human Organization, XXIII (Summer, 1964), 150-59.

MORLEY, R. L., and F. Wien. "Socio-Economic Inequalities, Social Rigidity and the Relation to Development," Cornell Journal of Social Relations, IV, No.2 (1959), 1-16.

National Advisory Council on Vocational Education. Indian Education: A Special Report. Washington: Government Printin~Office, December, 1973.

Native Council of Canada. "Metis and Non-Status Indians in Canada," Integrated Education, X, No.6 (1972), 64-72.


~------~------NEFF, R. L., and J. A. Weinstein. "Iowa's Indians Come of Age," 'Socie'ty, X'XII (January, 1975}, 22-26.

NORRIS, R. "The 'Effects of Selected Cultural Variables Influencing the college Performance of Native American Indians," Dissertation Abstracts Interhational, XXXII, No. l2-A (), 6783.

"Notes and Comment: Visit to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation," New Yorker, XLIX (March 24, 1973), 29-30.

-:------,. NURGE, E., ed. The Modern sioux. Lincoln: University of Nebrask~ Press, 1970.

OPLER, M. E. "Jicarilla Apache Territory Economy and Society in --- 1850," Southwest Journal of Anthropology, XXVII, ~o. 4 (Winter, 1971) 309-29.

PADFIELD, H., and J. Van Willigen. "Work and Income Patterns in ~ Transitional Population: The Papago of Arizona," Human Organization, XXVII (Fall, 1969), 208-216.

PATERSON, J. H., Jr. "Assimilation, Separation, and Out-Migration in an American Indian Group," American Anthropoligist, LXXIV, --- ..... No.5 (1972), 1286-95. PERRY, R. J. "The Apache Continuum: An Analysis of Continuity Through Change in San Carlos Apache Culture and Society," Dissertation Abstracts International, XXXII, No. 10-13 (April, 1972), 5589.

PETERSON, H. L. "American Indian Political Participation," The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, CCCXI (May, 1957), 116-26.

PHILLIPSEN, G. "Navajo World View and Culture Patterns of Speech: A Case Study 'in Ethnorhetoric,1/ Speech Monographs, XXXIX, No. 2 (June, 1972), 132-39 . .-- POWELL, .P. W. "Black Legend Alive and Well: Tree of Hate," Americas,. xxy (Fall, 1973), 41-42. REICHERT, B. "Wisconsin's New Indian County," American Mercury, [n.v.] (May, 1960), 90-125.

REYES, P. "Indian Uprising, Five Years Later; Dispute Between the Catholic Church and the Isleta Indians," Christian Century, LXXXVIII (January 20, 1971), 80.

ROSENFELT, D. M. "Indian Schools and Community Control," Stanford 'I,cl Law Review, XXV (April, 1973), 489-550.

17 ROSS, R. M. "Cultural Integrity and American Indian Education," Arizona Law. Review, XI (Winter, 1969), 641. ~-- -~ ., RUYLE, E. E. "Slavery, Surplus, and Stratification on the North­ west Coast: The Ethnoenergetics of an Incipient Stratification System," CUrrent Anthropology, XIV (December, 1973), 603-31.

RYAN, C. W. "Counseling the Culturally Encapsulated American Indian," Vocational Guidance Quarterly, XVIII, No.2 (December, 1969), -.-- - 123-26. SADY, R. B. "The Menominee Transition From Trusteeship," Human Organization, VI, No.2 (Spring, 1947), 1-14.

SALZ, B. "Indianismo. Ibero-American Indians and the Indian Problem," Social Re:search, XI (1944), 441.

SASAKI, T. T., and H. W. Basehart. "Changing Politic'Cll Organization

~ ';;--~ in the Jicarillo Apache Reservation Community, 'I Human Organization, XXIII (Winter, 1964), 283-89.

SAVISHINSKY, J. S. "Coping with Feuding: The Missionary, the Fur Trader and the Ethnographer," Human Organization, XXXI (Fall, 1972), 281-90.

"Mobility as an Aspect of Stress in an Arctic Community," American Anthropologist, LXXIII, No.3 (June, 1971), 604-18.

SCHLEGEL, A. "Adolescent Socialization of the HOpi Girl," Ethnology, XII (October, 1973), 449-62.

SCOTT, L. C., and P. R. Blume. "Some Evidence on the Economic Effectiveness and Institutional Versus On-The-Job-Training, " Social Science Quarterly, LI, No.4 (March, 1971), 910-23.

SHANNON, L. "Development of Time Perspective in Three Cultural Groups: A Cultural Difference or an Expectancy Interpretation," Developmental Psychology, XI, No.1 (January, 1975), 114-15.

SHARMA, K. L. "Dominance Deference: A Cross-Cultural Study," Journal of Social Psychology, LXXIX, No.2 (1969), 265-66.

SHEPARDSON, M. B., and B. Hammond. "Change and Persistence in an Isolated Navajo Community," illus. bib., American Anthropolo­ gist, LXVI (October, 1964), 1029~50.

SCHIFTER, R. "Indian Reservation Development: Reality or Myth?" California Western Law Review, IX (Fall, 1972), 38.

SHUNATONA, G. "Indian Goals for Higher Education," Integrated Education, XII, No. 5 (1972), 30-31.

18 SIEGEL, B. J.- "Social Disorgan~zation in Picuris Pueblo," International Journal of Comparative Sociology, VI (Summer, 1965), 199-206.

SIMPSON, G. E., and M. Yinger, eds. "American Indians and American Life," The Annals of the American Academ of Political and Social SCl.ence, CLLXI May, 1957), 1-165.

, SIMPSON, J. R. "Uses of Cultural Anthropology in Economic Analysis: A Papago Indian Case," Human Organization, XXIX (Fall, 1970), .1. 162-68. SMITH, M. T. "The History of Indian Citizenship," Great Plains Journal, [n.v.] (Fall, 1970), 25-35.

SORKIN, A. L. "Some Aspects of American Indian Migration," Social Forces, XLVIII (December, 1969), 243-50.

SPRING, A. "An Analysis of Washo Conjugal Relations," Cornell Journal of Social Relations, II, No. 2 (Fall, 1967), 35-52.

- STEIN, G. C. "The Indian Citizenry of 1924," New Mexico Historical Review, XLVII (July, 1972), 257-74.

STEINER, S. "New Indians," Catholic World, CCVII (July,1968), 178-80.

The New Indians. New York: Dell, 1969.

STENSLAND, A. L. "American Indian Culture: Promises, Problems, and Possibili ties; Classroom S,tudy," English Journal, LX' (December, 1971), 1195-2000.

STERN, T. The Klamath Tribe: A People and Their Reservation. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1965.

STRICKLAND, R. "Redeeming Centuries of Dishonor: Legal Education and the American Indian," University of Toledo Law Review, In.v.], No. 2-3 (Spring, 1970), 847-90.

STRIPE, C. E. "Eastern Dakota Clans: The Solution of a Problem," bib., American Anthropologist, LXXIII (October, 1971), 1031-35.

STUCKI, J. "Case Against Population Control: The Probable Creation of the First Indian State," Human Organization, XXX (Winter, 1971), 303-99.

TALBOT, S. "Why the Native American Heritage Should Be Taught in College," Indian Histor:i., [n.v.] (Winter, 1974), 42-44. i_ ,II 19 ! ,-I "," ;-

TAYLOR, F. L., "An Investigation Qf Environmental Conditions Which '- Characterize Indians in the Oklahoma City School District and a Background for Understanding Contemporary Indian Attitudes and Behaviors," Dissertation Abstracts International, XXIX, No. a-A ~-'- (1969),2501.

TAYLOR, T. W. "American , Indians and Their Government," Current - '- History, LXVII (December, 1974), 254-58. TEFFT, S. K. "Intergenerational Value Differentials and Family Structure Among the Wind River Shoshone," American Anthropologist, LXX, No.2 (April, 1968), 330-32.

"Three and a Half centuries of Accord and Conflict," Senior Scholastic, LXXXVI (March 18, 1965), 5.

TIDWELL, D. "Indian Career Officer," Police Chief,. XXXVI, No. 11 (November, 1969), [n. p. 1 .

TOOKER, E. "Northern Iroquoian Sociopolitical Organization," bib., American Anthropologist, LVII (Fall,. 1970), 30-37.

TRAFZER, C. E. "Politicos and Navajos," Journal of the West, XIII

--- r.__ (October, 1974), 3-16.

"Tribal Injustice: The Red Lake Court of Indian Offenses," North Dakota Law Review, XLVIII (1972), 639.

TROTTER, R. J. "Indians and Sociologists: Science or Exploitation?" Science News, C (October 2, 1971), 234.

-- r~ TUTTLE, R. L. "Economic Development of Indian Lands," University of Richmond Law Review, V (Spring, 1971), 319.

TWEEDIE, M. J. "Notes on the History and Adaptation of the Apache Tribes," American Anthropologist, LXX (December, 1968), 1132-42.

United Tribes of North Dakota Development Corporation. New Career Pro~ram Progress Report. Washington: Law Enforcement Assistance Adm~nistration, April, 1973.

U. S. Small Business Administration. Developing Indian Owned Businesses Through Assistance of the 8(a) Program of Small Business Adminiitration. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1971.

VOGEL, V. J. "This Country Was Ours," Christian Century, XC (September 19, 1973), 920-21.

WALKER, D. E. Conflict and Schism in Nez Perce Acculturation; A Study of Religion and Politics. Pullman: Washington State University Press, 1968.

20 ,- WALKER, F. IIBridging a Cultural Gap For BE!tter Patient Care," -- Military Medicine, CXXXIX r No. 1 (January, 1974), 26-29. WALL, J. M. "Indian Theology and White Man's Laws," Christian Century, XC (September 19,1973), 907-08. ~'- WASHBURN, W. E. American Indian and the United States: A Documentary Histo.E,X.. 4 vols. New York: Random House, 1973.

, ed. Red Man's Land - White Man's Law. New York: --~C~h-a-r~l~e-s- Scribner's Sons, 1971.

WEAVER, T., ed. Indian Education in Indians of Arizona, A Con­ temporary Perspective. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1974. ' r- WEPPNER, R. S. "Socioeconomic Barriers to Assimi;Lation of Navajo Migrants," Human Organization, XXXI (Fall, 1972), 303-14.

WESTERMEYER, J. J. "Indian Powerlessness in Minnesota," --~.~ Societz, X (March, 1973), 45-47. WHITE, L. C. "Assimilation of the Spokane Indians: On Reservation Versus Off Reservation Hesidence," Dissertation Abstracts -- International, XXIX, No. 9-A (1969), 3243-44. WILKINS, T. "Cherokee Tragedy, II Saturday Review, LIV (Fiebruary 13, 1971), 50.

WILLIAMS, L. E. "The Relationships Between Dogmatism, Academic Adjustments and Grade Point Averages for American Indian College Students," Dissertation Abstracts International, III, No. 5-A (November, 1970), 2028.

WILLHELM, S. M. "Red Man, Black Man and Whit~ America: The Constitutional Approach to Genocide," Catalyst, No.4 (Spring, 1969), 1-62.

WINSOR, H. M. "Chickasaw-Choctaw Financial Relations with the United States, 1830-1880," Journal of the West, XII (July, 1973), 356-71.

WISSLER, C. Red Man Reservations. New York: Col~ier, 1969.

WITHYCOHBE, J. S. "Relationships of Self-Concept, socia.l status, and self-perceived social status and Race Differences of Paiute Indian and White Elementary School Children," Journal of Social Psychology, XCI, No.2 (December, 1973), 337-38.

WOODS, R. G., and A. M. Harkins. Indian Employment. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Training Center for Conununity Programs, April, 1968.

21 Indians in Minneapolis. Minneapolis: League of Women Vqters of Minneapolis with the Assistance of the University of Minnesota, Training Center for community Programs, April, 196,8. WRIGHT, S. J. "Redressing the Ambivalence of Minority Groups in the Profession," Journal of Higher Education, XLIII, No.3 (March, 1972), 239-48. YOUNGMAN, G., and M. Selongei. "Counseling the American Indian Child," ' Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, VIII, No.4 (May, 1974), 273-77.

l I

22 - SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF NATIVE AMERICANS In comparison to other categories, there appears to be limited I work on the social psychology of Native Americans. With the ex- I II ception of one publication, most of the items in this section are drawn from either academic or professional journals. I ,-- ALLEN, J. R. "The Indian Adolescent: Psychosocial Tasks,of the Plains Indian of Western Oklahoma," American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, XLIII, No.3 (April, 1973), 368-75".

ARNEKLEY, B. L. "The Use of Defensiveness as a Covariate of '- Self-Report in the Assessment of Self-Concept Among Navajo Adolescents," Dissertation Abstracts International, XXXII, No. 7-A (January, 1972), 3772-73.

ARONOFF, J. C. "The Inter-Relationship of Psychological and Cultural Systems: A Case Study of the West Indian Village," __ 1._ Dissertation Abstracts International, XXVIII, No. 4-B (1967), 1681.

BAHR, H. M., and B. A. Chadwick. "Conservatism, Racial Intol­

- 1-... erance, and Attitudes Toward Racial Assimilation Among Whites and American Indians," Journal of Social Psychology, XCIV, No.1 (October, 1974), 45-56.

BOYER, L. B., and others. "Apache Age Group," Journal of Projective Techniques and Personality Assessment, XXVIII, No.4 (1964), 397-402.

"Psychoanalytic Insights in Working with Ethnic Minorities," Social Casework, XLV (November, 1964),519-26 .

- .. ~ . BROMBERG, W., and S. H. Hutchinson. "Self Image of the American Indian: A Preliminary Study," International Journal of Social Psychiatry, XX, No. 1-2 (Spring-Summer, 1974), 39-44.

BRUNER, G. M. "The Missing Tins of Chicken: A Symbolic Inter­ actionist Approach to Culture Change," Ethos, I, No.2 (Summer, 1973), 219-38.

r-,.- ...... CRESS, J. N., and J. P. O'Donnell. "Indianness, Sex and Grade Difference,s on Behavior and Personality Measures Among Oglala Sioux Adolescents," Psychology in the Schools, XI, No.3 1111 (July, 1971), 306-08 . • 23 CUNDICK, B. P. "Measures of Intelligence of Southwest Indian Students," ~ournalof' 'Social Psychology, VIII, No .. 2 (1970), l5l-'Hl. '

DLUGOKINSKI, E., and L. Kramer. "A System of Neglect: Indian Boarding Schools," . American Journal of Psychiatry, CXXXI, No.6 (1974), 670-73.

EGGAN, D. "Hope Dreams in Cultural Perspective," The Dream and Human'Soc'iety, XLIII, No. 10 (1967), 237-65.

EISEMAN, R. "Scapegoating the Deviant in Two Cultures," International Journal of Psychology, II, No.2 (1967), 133-38.

GALLOWAY, C. G., and N. I. Mickelson. "Modification of Behavior Patterns of Indian Children," Elementary School Journal, LXXII, No.3 (December, 1971), 150-60.

GAUDIA, G. "Race, Social Class, and Age of Achievement of Con­ servation on Piaget's Tasks," Developmental Psychology, VI, No.1 (January, 1972), 158-65.

GOLD, D. "Psychological Changes Associated with Acculturation," Dissertation Abstracts International, XXVII, No. 10-A (1967), 3514.

GOLDSTEIN, G. S. "Behavior Modifications: Some Cultural Factors," Psychological Record, XXIV, No.1 (1974), 89-91.

GOODEY, D. J. "A Study of Interpersonal Values of Indian Adolescents, 'I Dissertation Abstracts International, XXXII, No. ll-A (May, 1972), 6128.

HALLOWELL, A. 1. "The Role of Dreams in Ojibwa Culture," The Dream and Human Society, XLIII, No. 10 (1967), 267-92.

HANNIN, C. "Selected Factors Associated with the Participation of Adult Gibway Indians in Forcial Voluntary Organizations," Dissertation Abstracts International, XXVIII, No. ll-A (1968), 4730-31.'

HAYES, E. J. "Environmental Press and Psychological Need as Related to Academic ~uccess of Minority Group Students," Journal of Counseling Psychology, XXI, No.4 (July, 1974), 299-203.

KAHN, M. W., J. Lewis, and E. Galvez. "An Evaluation Study of a Group Therapy Prpcedure with Reservation Adolescent Indians," Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, II, No. 3 (Fall, 1974), 239-42.

KAPP, J. L. "I Sees 'Ern As I Calls 'Ern: Hue Discrimination and Hue Naming Across Cultures," Dissertation Abstracts Inter­ national, XXVIII, No. 7-B (1968), 3075.

•• 24 -

- KROHN, A., and D. Gutmann. "Changes in Mastery Style with Age: A Study of Navajo Dreams," ~~ychiatry, XXXIV, No.3 • (August, 1971), 289-300 • LEFLEY, H. P. "Differential Self-Concept in American Indian Children as a Function of Language and Examiner," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, XXXI, No. 1 (January, III 1975), 36-41.

LEON, R. L. "Some Implications for a Preventive Program for American Indians," American Journal of Psychiatry, CXXV, No. 2 (1968), 232-36.

MASON, E. P. "Stability of Differences in Personality Character­ istics of Junior High Students from American Indian, Mexican, and Anglo Ethnic Backgrounds," Psychology in 'the Schools, VIII, No. 1 (January, 1971), 86-89.

MILLER, A. G. "The Influence of Personality Characteristics and School Environments on High School Grades and Attitudes Toward School," Measurements and Evaluation in Guidance, VI, No.3 (October, 1973), 136-44.

MOORE, J. L. "A Study of Incentives and Attitudes in the Moti­ vation of Navajo Indian Children in Bureau of Indian Affairs

0__ Elementary Schools for the Development of Motivational Techniques," Dissertation Abstracts International, XXXII,

No. 7-A (January, 1972), 3868. 0

NIXON, B. W. "Navajo Parental Attitudes and the Effect of - Bilingual Education on Student Self-Concept in San Juan School District, 1969-70," Dissertation Abstracts Inter­ national, XXXII, No. 3-A (September, 1971), [n.p.].

POLLARD, W. G. "Implications of the Rank Concession Syndrome for Adult Education Programs: An Exploration in Social Roles and Program Effectiveness," Adult Education, XXIV, No.4 (1974), - .. 255-69. ROSENTHAL, B. G. "Developments of Self-Identification in Relation • to Attitudes Toward the Self in the Chippewa Indians," Genetic Psychology Monographs, XC, No.1 (August, 1974), 43-142.

SASLOW, H. L., and M. J. Harrover. "Research on Psychosocial Adj ustment of Indian You'th," American Journal of psychiatry, CXXV, No. 2 (1968), 224-31.

SCHUBERT, J., and A. J. Cropley. "Verbal Regulation of Behavior and 1. Q. in Canadian Indian and White Children," Developmen­ tal PsychologYf VII, No.3 (November, 1972), 295-301.

---- 25 SINGH, D., anti W. T. Query. "Preference for Work Over 'Freeloading' in Children," Psychonomic Science, XXIV, No.2 (July, 1971), 77-9. W!THYCOMBE, J. S. "An Analysis of Self-Concept and Social Status of Paiute Indian and White Elementary School Children in Nevada, II . Dissertation Abstracts ·International, XXXI, No. l2-A (June, 1971),6420. WITTKOWER, E. D., and R. Wintrob. "Developments in Canadian Trancultural Psychiatry," Canada's Mental Health, XVII, - No. 3-4 (1969), 21-27. WOLMAN, C. "G rot'i.p Therapy in Two Languages, English and Navajo," American Journal of Psychotherapy, XXIV, No. ,4 (October, 1970), 677-85. YOUNISS, J., and H. G. Furth. liThe Role of Language and Experience on the Use of Logical Symbols,1l British Journal of Psychology, LVIII, No. 3-4 (1967), 435-43.



A multiplicity of topics are covered here. A significant

number of items deal with alcoholism. Other social problems,

e.g. criminal behavior and deviance, racial discrimination,

poverty, health, and instability, have also been studied, and • are included in this section. Additionally, some of the references pertain to protest confrontations between Native Americans and the

state and federal government.

ABAUGH, B. J., and P. O. Anderson. "Peyote in the Treatment of Alcoholism Among American Indians, it American Journal of Psychiatry, CXXXI, No. 11 (1974), 1247-50. ACKERMAN, L. A. "Marital Instability and Juvenile Delinquency Among the Nez Perce," American Anthropologist, LXXIII, -- No.3 (1971) I 595-603. AL-ISSA, I, "Application of the Dennis Uses Test to Canadian Children," Perceptual and Motor Skills, XXVI, No.1 (1968), -- 183-88. "American Indians: A Special Issue," American west, X (July, 1973), 4-48.

"American Survey: Indian Uprising?" Economist, CCXXIV (August 12, 1967), 576-77.

"American Survey: On the Poverty War Path," Economist, CCXIX ~-- (April 2, 1966), 40.

"Angry American Indian: Starting Down the Protest Trail," Time, XCV (February 9, 1970), 14-20.

"Another Battle of Wounded Knee," Economist, XXL, No. 6804 (January, 1974), 58.

ARNOLD, O. "Apache Doctor Who Sparked a New Era for Indians~ C. Montezuma," Today's Health, XLVII (October, 1969), 30-33..

"Behind a Modern-Day Indian Uprising~ Sioux Militancy," u.S. News I and World Report, LXXIV (March 12, 1973), 36. "Behind the Second Battle of Wounded Knee," Time, CI (March 19, 1973),18.

27 BERGMAN, R. L. "~avajo Peyote Use: Its Apparent Safety," American rr-- r- Journal of Psychiatry, CXXVlll h No.6 (1971), 695-99. "I ,'f. BIENVENUE, R. M., and A. H. Latif. "Arrests, Disposition and Recidivism: A Comparison of Indians and Whites," Canadian Journal of Crilni'nolO'gy, XVI, No.2 (1974), 105-16.

"Blazing Saddles; Militant Kootenai Indians," Newsweek, LXXXIV (September 30, 1974), 32.

BONGER, W. A. Race and Crime. New York: Morningside Heights, 1943. -r­ ,I BOSMAJIAN, H. A. "Defining the American Indian: A Case Study in the Language of Suppression," Speech T€:acher, XXII (March, 1973), 89-99.

BOZOF, R. P. "Some Navajo Attitudes Toward Available Medical Care," American Journal of Public Health, LXII, No. 12 (1912), 1620-24.

BOYLE, K. "Day on Alcatraz with the Indians," New Republic, CLII (January 17, 1970), 10-11.

BROWN, D. Action at Beecher Island. Garden City: Doubleday, 1967.

BURNETTE, R. The Tortured Americans. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1971.

and J. Koster. The Road to Wounded Knee. New York: .- Bantam Books, 1974. BYLER, W., and others. "Problem of Child Adoption; Removal of Chil­ dren From American Indian Families," Current, CLVIII (January, 1974),30-37.

CARDINAL, H. The Unjust Society: The Tragedy of Canada's Indians. Edmonton: M. H. Hartlg, 1969.

"Clean Up tvounded Knee, It National Review, XXV, No. 25 (April 13, 1973), 405-06.

CLINTON, K. L. "Correlates of Success and an Evaluation of a Federal Program for Improving the Employability of Emigrants from Indian Reservations, It Dissertation Abstracts International, XXXIII, No. 6-A (December, 1972), 3048=49. COHEN, W. H. "Divorce Filing Fees in Indian Tribal Courts: A First Look After Boddie v. Connecticut (91 S ct 780) ," Law and Social Order, [n.v.] (1970), 541.

COLEMAN, J. A. "Lord of the Rocks; Occupied Alcatraz," America, CXXII (May 2, 1970), 74-75.

28 COLLIER, J. "Back t.o Dishonor," ~hristian Century, LXXI, No. 19 (May 12, 1954), 578.

CONRAD, R. 0., and M. W. Kahn. "An Epidemiological Study of Suicide and Attempted Suicide Among the Papago Indians," American Journal of Psychiatrx, CXXXI (January, 1974), 69-72.

DeGEYNDT, W., and L. M. sprague. Health Behavior and Health Needs of American Indians in Hennepin County. Minneapo~is: Univeristy of Minnesota, 1971.

DeLORIA, V. Jr. "Theological Dimension of the Indian Protest Movement,'1 Christian Century, XC (September 19, 1973), 912-14.

DINGES, N. D., M. L. Yazzie, and G. D. Tollefson. "Developmental Intervention for Navajo Family Mental Health," Personnel & Guidance Journal, LII, No. 6 (February, 1974), 390-~5.

"Dispossessed Americans," Times Literary Supplement, LXXI (July 21, 1972),829-31.

DIZMANG, L. H., and others. "Adolescent Suicide at an Indian Reservation," American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, XLIV, No.1 (January, 1974), 43-49.

EVERETT, E., and others. "The Indian Question, 1823-1973; 150 Years of White Attitudes Toward the American Indian," North ~erican Review, CCLVIII, No.4 (Winter, 1973), 1-112.

FARB, P. "Not All Roads Lead to Wounded Knee," Natural Hist,ory, LXXXII (October, 1973), 88-92.

FERGUSON, F. N. "Navajo Drink;i,ng: Some Tentative Hypotheses," Human Organization, XXVII, No.2 (Summer, 1968), 159-67.

FEY, H. E. "America's Most Oppressed Minority," Christian Century, LXXXVIII (January, 1971), 65-68.

"Forgotten American is Aiding Himself; Anti-Poverty Programs on the Rosebud sioux Reservation," U.S. News and World Report, LXIXI (October 2, 1967), 66-67.

"Forgotten & Forlorn; Presidential Message Concerning Indian's Poverty," Time, XCI (March 15, 1968), 20.

I FORSLUND, M. A., and R. E. Meyers. "Delinquency Among Wind River • Indian Reservation youth," Qr~minology, XII (May, 1974), 97-106. and V. A. Cranston. "A Self-Report Comparison of Indian -I and Anglo Delinquency in Wyoming," CriminoloSl:, XIII, NO.2 II (August, 1975), 193-98. .!, 29 ~" d J!!.i!i!!S&U!£J :sma: Ai A

FOSTER, A., A. M. Haggerty, and E.O. Goodman. "Use of Health Services in Relation to the PhYliiical Horne Environment of an Indian Population," Health Services Reports, LXXXVIII, No • 8 ( 19 73), 715 - 2 0 .

From Alcatraz to Chicago: -Indians Ask For Their Own Land and Decent Housin~. North Hollywood, California: The Center for Cassette Stud~es, 1974.

FUNKAND, A. K., W. A. Peter::;on, and J. H. Trent. "Evaluation of an Ethnic Studies Course Taught at Mineral County High School,« Education, XCIV, No.2 (November, 1973), 162-67.

GARRISON, I. R. "Factors Which Related to Teacher Turnover in Bureau of Indian Affairs Schools," Dissertation Abstracts Internationa~, XXXII, No. ll-A (May, 1972), 6036-37. , , GLINSKI, H. J. "Crimes Conunitted By or Against Indians 'Qn and Off Reservations in the State, Jurisdiction of State Court. [Wisconsin v. La Barge, 291 N.W. 299] ," Marsuette Law Review, XXV ( 19 41), 97.

GRAVES, T. "Acculturation Access and Alcohol in a Tri-Ethnic Community," American Anthropologist, LXIX, No. 3-4 (1967), 306-21.

GUYON, S. "The Challenge to the Indian Health Service," Health Services Report, LXXXVIII, No.8 (1973), 687-90.

HALPERN, K. S. '!Navaj 0 Health and Welfare Aides: A Field Study," Social Service Review, XLV, No.1 (1971), 37-52.

HAMER, J. H. "Acculturation Stress and the Functions of Alcohol Among the Forest Potawatomi," Quarterly ,TournaI of Studies ori Alcoholism, XXVII, No.2 (1965), 285-302.

"Guardian Spirits Alcohol and Cultural Defense Mechanisms," Anthropologica, II, No.2 (1969), 215-41.

HANLON, W. T. "Whose Ox Was Gored at Wounded Knee?" America, CXXX (March 16, 1974), 209-10.

HAVIGHURST, R. J. "The Extent and Significance of Suicide Among American. Indians Today," Mental Hygj,.ene, LV, No.2 (April, 1971), 174-'"'7.

HAYNER, N. S. "Variability in the Criminal Behavior of American Indians," American Journal of Sociology, XLVII (January, 1942), 602-13.

HEDGEPETH. W. "Alcatraz: The Indian Uprising That Worked," Look, I,ll XXXIV (June 2, 1970), 44-45. HOFFMAN, H., and A. A. Noem. "Alcoholism and Abstinence Among Relatives of American Indian Alcoholics," Journal of Studies on Alcoholism, -," XXXVI, No. 1 (1975), 165. 30 , i

HOFFMAN, H., and D. J. Jackson. "Comparison of Psychopathology in Indian and Non-Indian Alcoholics," Psychological Reports, XXXIII, No.3 (December, 1973), 793-94.

HOWARD, J. R., ed.Awakening Minorities: American Indians, Mexican Americans', Puerto Ricans. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Books, 1970.

HURT, W. R., and R. M. Brown. "Social Drinking Patterns of the Yankton Sioux," Human Organization, XXIV (Fall, 1965), 222-30.

"Indian Juveniles and Legislative Delinquency," Montana Law Review, XXXIII (1972), 233.

"In the State of Reservation," Vista Volunteer, V, No.8 (August, 1969), 12-17.

"In Wake of the Siege at Wounded Knee," U. S. News, and Wbrld Report, [n.v.) (May 21, 1973), 112-13.

JACKSON, C. E. Identification of Unique Features in Education at American Indian Schools. San Francisco: Rand E Research Associates, 1974.

JAMES, B. J. "Continuity and Emergency in Indian Poverty Culture," Current Anthropology, XI (October-December, 1970), 435-52.

JESSOR, R., and others. Society, Personality and Deviant Behavior. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968.

JOHNSON, H. W. Rural Indian Americans in Poverty. Agricultural Economic Report No. 167. Washington: Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1969.

~--.~ JOSEPHY, A. M., Jr. Red Power. New York: American Heritage Press, 1971.

~-- "Woun~'G.d 'Kn'2,'? '2.~.&- All That, What the Indians Want," -- New York Times Magazine, March 18, 1973, pp.18-l9.

KAHN, M. W.', and J. L. Delk. "Developing a Community Mental Health Clinic on the Papago Indian Reservation,'1 International Journal of Social Psychiatry, XIX, No. 3-4 (Fall, 1973), 299-306.

KENTFIELD, C. "Letter From Rapid City," New York Times Magazine, April 15, 1973, p.82.

KENTFIELD, S.D.C. "Dispatch From Wounded Knee," New York Times Magazine, October 15, 1967, pp.28-31.

KLINE, J. A., and A. C. Roberts. "A Residential Alcoholism Treatment iF' -- Program for American Indians," Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcoholism, XXXIV, No.3 (1973), 860-68. II II and others. "Personality Characteristics of Male Native American Alcoholic Patients," International Journal of Addictions, VIII, No. 4 (~973), 729-32.

31 Kt,JNITZ, S. J., and J. E. Levy. "Changing Ideas of Alcohol Use Among Navajo Indians," Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, -- - XXXV, No.1 (1974), 243-59. KUTTNER, R. E. "Comparative Performance of Disadvantaged Ethnic and Racial Groups,"Psychological "Reports, XXVII, No.2 (October, --- -- 1970), 372. LEVY, J. E., and S. J. Kunitz. Indian Drinking: Navajo practices and Anglo-American Theories. New York: Wiley, 1974.

"Indian Reservations, Anomie and Social Pathologies," Southwest Journal of Anthropology, XXVII (Winter, 1971), 97-128. • and M. Everett. "Navajo Criminal Homicide," Southwest Journal of Anthropology, XXV, No.2 (Summer, 1969), 124-50.

"Notes on Some White Mountain Apache Social Pathologies," Plateau, XLII (1969), [n.p.].

LORREY, E. F. "Mental Health Services for American Indians and Eskimos," Community Mental Health Journal, VI, No.6 (1970), 455-63.

LUEBBEN, R. A. "Prejudice and Discrimination Against Navajos in a Mining' Community," The Kiva, [n.v.] (October, 1964), 1-17.

LYLES, J. C. "Gresham: Occupation and Aftermath: Occupation of Alexian Brothers' Noviate by Menominee Warrior Society," Christian Century, XCII (February 19, 1975), 155-57.

MANGER, R. Welfare, Poverty, American Indians, Eskimos. : McGraw-Hill, 1974 .

. ,~ MARMON, W. "Anomie at Alcatraz," Time, XCVII (April 12, 1971), 41.

"Marriage and Divorce for the Devil's Lake Indian Reservation," North -.~ Dakota Law Review, XLVII (Winter, 1971), 317.

MARTIN, R. D. "Reduction of Adolescent Drug Abuse Through Post-Hypnotic Association," Canadian Counsellor, VIII, No.3 (June, 1974), 211-16.

McCONNELL, V. "H. H. Colorado and the Indian Problem," Journal of the West, XII (July, 1973), 462-70.

"Menominee Troubles; Take-Over of A1exian Brothers' Novitiate, Gresham, Wisconsin," Christian Century, XCII (February 5, 1975), 103-04.

MEYER, E. I. "Bury My Heart On The Potomac," Ramparts, XI (January, 1973), 10-12.

~- MILLER, S. I., and L. Schoenfeld. "Grief in the Navajo: Psychodynamics and Culture," International Journal of Social Psychiatry, XIX, No. 3-4 (Fall, 1973), 187-91.

MILLER, S. 1., and L. Schoenfeld. "Suicide Attempt Fatterns Amt:>ng the Navajo Indians," International Journal of Social Psychiatry, XVII 11,0.• No. 3 (Summer, 1971), 189-93.

32 r

-- -- MINNIS, S. "The Relationship of the Social Structures of an Indian Community to Adult and Juvenile Delinquency," Social Forces, XLI (May, 1963)) 395-403.

MITTELBACH, F. G., and J. Short. "Rural Poverty in the West--Status and Implications," The University of Kansas Law Review, XV, No.4 (May, 1967), 453-67.

MUENSTENBERGER, W., and A. Esman, ecs. The Psychoanalytic Study of Society. New York: International Universities Press, 1972.

NAGEL, G. S. "Origins of the Indian's Plight," Current History, LXVII (December, 1974), 247.

"Native Americans and Discrimination in Kansas: Trails From Injustice," University of Kansas Law Review, XX (Spring, 1972), 468.

NEWELL, W. B. Crime and Justice Among the Iroquois Nations. Montreal:

Caughnawaga Historical Society, 1965. i

"New Flag Over Alcatraz," Time, XCV (January 5, 1970), 20.

NORRIS, P., and D. B. Overbeck.. "The Institutionalized Mentally Retarded Navajo: A Service Program," Mental Retardation, XII, No.3 (June, 1974), 18-20.

.... - - Oakes, R. "Alcatraz is Not An Island; Indian Occupation of Alcatraz," Ramparts, XI (December, 1972), 35-41.

-.- OGDEN, M., M. I. Spector, and C. A. Hill, Jr. "Suicides and Homicides Among Indians," Public Health Report, LXXXV, No.1 (1970), 75-80.

Pine Ridge, South Dakota: community Mental Health Program. Pine Ridge ""'" - -- Research Bulletin. U.S. Public Health Service Publication. Washington: Government Printing Office, December, 1968.

"Problems of Indian Poverty: The Shrinking Land Base and Ineffective Education," Albany Law Review, XXXVI (Fall, 1971), 143.

"Raid at Wounded Knee; Sioux Protestors," Time, CI (March 12, 1973) ,21.

REASONS, C. E., and J. L. Kuykendall. Race, Crime, and Justicew Pacific Palisades, California: Goodyear Publishing, 1972.

RESNIK, H. L., and L. H. Dizmang. "Observations on Suicidal Behavior Among American Indians." Paper presented at the 123rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco, May 11-15, 1970.

"Revolt on the Reservation; OEO Chief Banished from Navajo Reservation," Time, XCIII (March 14, 1969), 80.

RICHARDSON, B. E. "Quo Jure? Advertising for Suitable Librarian to Serve American Indians Without Discriminating," American Libraries, II (March, 1971), 304-05.

33 1J

RIFFENBURGH, A. S. "Cultural Influences and Crime Among Indian­ Americans of the Southwe.st ," Federal Probation, XXVIII (1964) 38.

ROBBINS, R. H. "'Alcohol and the Identity Struggle: Side Effects of Economic Change on Interpersonal Relations," American Anthropologist, LXXV (Fall, 1973), 99-122.

"RUIZ v. Morton (462 F. 2d. B18): BIA Welfare Extended to All American Indians," New York University Review of Law and Social Change, III (Spring, 1973), 201-12.

"RUIZ v. Morton (462 F. 2d. B18): Federal Welfare for Non-Reservation Indians," Utah Law Review, XV (Summer, 1973), 328-34.

I • SANFORD, N. "Dehumanization and Collective Destructiveness," Inter­ national Journal of Group Tensions, I, No.1 (January, 1971), 26-41.

SAVARD, R. J. "Cultural Stress and Alcoholism: A Stud:y of Their Relationship Among Navajo Alcoholic Men," Dissertation Abstracts International, XXIX, No. 8-A (1969), [n.p.].

SCHOENFELD, L. S., and others. "We Like Us: Attitudes of the Mental Health Staff Toward Other Agencies on the Navajo Reservat.ions," Mental Hygiene, LV (April, 1971), 171-73.

SELLIN, T. Culture Conflict and Crime. New York: Social Science Research Council, 193B.

"Sexism and Indian Women," civil Rights Digest, VI, No.3 (Spring, 1974), 29-35.

SHORE, J. H. "American Indian Suicide: Fact and Fantasy," Psychiatry, XXXV.III, No. 1 (February, 1975), 86-91.

and others. "Psychiatric Epidemiology of an Indian Village," Psychiatry, XXXVI, No. 1 (1973), 70-B1.

and others. itA Suicide Prevention Center on the Indian Reservation," American Journal of psychiatry, CXXVIII, No.9 (1972), 10B6-91.

"Suicide and Suicide Attempts Among American Indians of the Pacific Northwest," International Journal of Social Ps chiatr , XVIII, No. 2 (Summer, 1972 , 91-96.

and B. VonFurnetti. "Three Alcohol Programs for American Indians," American Journal of psychiatry, CXXVIII, No. 11 (1972), 1450-54.

SHULMAN, R. "Parkman's Indians and American Violence," Mass Review, XII (Spring, 1951), 221-39.

, I

34 -- - SIDER, D. "Trouble In the Land of the Flint: Indian Takeover of a Forest Preserve in Adirondack State Park," Time; CIV (,' 1974), 16.

SMITH, A. New Mexico Indians; Economic, Educationa~ and Social Problems. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico, 1966.

SPIKER, L. "Under the Indian Sign: A Blanket Over Homicide," The Nation, CCII, No. 17 (April 25, 1966), 483-86.

STANBURY, W. "Poverty Among British Columbian Indians Living Off Reserves," Canadian Welfare, L, No. 1 (January-February, 1974), I 20- 32.

STEWART, O. "Questions Regaxding American Indian Criminality," Human Organization, XXIII (Spring, 1964), 61-66.

STONE, ~'. T. "Columbus and Genocide; Excerpt From the captain of the • Pinta," American Heritage, XXVI (October, 1975), 4-8 . STRATTON, J. "Cops and Drunks - Police Attitudes a"nd Actions in Dealing With Indian Drunks," International Journal of Addictions, III .. VIII, No.4 (1973), 613-21.

Suicide Among the American Indians; Two Workshops; South Dakota, . ,'" September, 1967; Lewistown, Montana, Nove·mbe~, 1967. Washington: National Institute of Mental Health, Indian Health Service, 1967.

"suicide Among the Blackfoot Indians," Bulletin of Suicidology, [n.v.], ---- No. 7 (Fall, 1970), 42-43.

"Suspenseful Show of Red Power: Sioux Protest," Time, CI (March 26, 1973),67.

SWANSON, D. M., A. P. Batrude, and E. M. Brown. "Alcohol Abuse in a Population of Indian Children," Diseases of the Nervous System, XXXII, No. 12 (December, 1971), 835-42. STRIMBU, J. L., L. F. Schoenfeldt, and o. S. Sims. "Drug Usage in College Students as a Function of Racial Classification and Minority Group Status," Research in Higher Education, I, No.3 (1973), 263-72.

THORNBURG, H. D. "An Investigation of a Dropout Program Among Arizona's r.linority Youth," Education, XCIV, No.3 (February, 1974) 1 249-65.

.. .;-- TOPPER, M. D. "Drinking Patterns. Culture Change, Sociahility. and Navajo Adolescents," Addictive Diseases, I, No.1 (1974), 97-116.

-..::--\- TCIRREY, E. F. "Mental Health Services For American Indians and Eskimos," Community Mental Health Journal, VI, No.6 (December, 1970), 455-63.

I ,,- .-- 35 -

U. S. CONGRE~S. Senate •. Coromi ttee on the Judiciary, Subcorrunitte'e - to ~nvest~gate Juven~le Delinq\lency. Juvenile Delin9uencl: Among Ind~ans. Report, 84th Cong., 1st Sess., 1955. Wash~ngton: • Government Printing Office, 1955 . UTTON, A. E. "Indian Rural Poor: Providing Legal Services in a Cross-Cultural Setting," Kansas Law Review, XV (May, 1967), 487.

I VACHON, A. "Liquor in Indian Society," Toxicomanies, I, No.2 (1968), 205-15.

VON HARTIG, H. "The Delinquency of the American Indian," The Journal of Criminal I.aw, XXXVI (July-August, 1945), 75-84. \ -.

WASHBURN, W. E. "Red Power," American West, VI (January, 1969), 52-53.

WELCH, W. B. "The American Indian (A Stifled Minor'ity) ," Journal of Negro Education, XXXVIII, No.3 (Summer, 1969), 242'-46.

WERDEN, P. "Health Education for Indian Students," Journal of School ----Health, XLIV, No. 6 (June, 1974), 319-23. WESTERMEYER, J. "Chippewa and Majority Alcoholism in the Twin Cities: A Comparison," Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, CLV, No.5 ------.. ' - (1972), 322-27.

"Operations Regarding Alcohol Use Among the Chippewa, " American Journal of Orthopsl:chiatrl:, XLII, No.3 (April, 1972), 398··403.

"Suicide Among the American Indians: Two Workshops," Public Health Service Publl:..9ation, [n.v. J, No.1903 (June, 1969), 1-36. "Where the Real Poverty Is: Plight of American Indians," U. S. News and World Report, LX (April 25, 1966), 104-08.

WOLFGANG, M., ed. Crime and Culture: Essays in Honor of Thorstein • Sellin. New York: Wiley, 1968. Crime and Race: Conceptions and Misconceptions. New York: • Institute of Human Relations, 1970. Wounded Knee and After: American Indian Movement Leaders Review. The • 71 Day Siege, 1973. North Hollywood, California: The Center For Cassette Studies, 1973.

"Wounded Knee Just a Prelude?" U. S. News and World Report, LXXIV • (March 26, 1973), 57. 111 YOUNG, B. W. "American Indian: Citizen in Captivity: Plight of Navajo Indians and a Land Sale Case," Saturdal: Review, XLVII (, 1965),25-26.

) ZWERDLING, D. "Off the Reservation; Plights of Indi.ans in Aroostook • County, Maine,~ Progressive, XXXVIII (April, 1974), 45-47. • 36


The publications in this section deal with the problems

and issues attending the Native Americans' migration from the

reservation to urhan areas. The literature provides information

on relocation patterns, cultural conflicts, 'and other subj ect I

matter which r~lates to the predicament of Native Americans living

in cities.

ABLON, J. "American Indian Relocation: Problems of Dependency and Management in the City," Phylbn, XXVI (1965), 362-64.

"'Cultural Conflicts in Urban Indians," Mental Hygiene, LV (April, 1971), 199-205.

"Relocated American Indians in San Francisco Bay Area: Social Interaction and Indian Identity," Human Organization, XXIV (1964), 296-304.

"Retention of Cultur~l Values and Differential Urban Adaptation," pocial F~rces, XLIX, No.3 (March. 1971), 385-92.

BEAULIEU, D. L. Native American Students in SMSA: A Selective • Analysis of 1968.HEW Data. Minneapolis: university of Min~esota, Training Center for Community Programs, 1970.

BERGER, F. The Minnesota Indian in Minneapolis .. Minneapolis: Uni­ versity of Minnesota, Training Center for Community' Programs, 1970.

CASTRO, T. "Crisis of the Urban Indian," Human Needs, I, No.2 (1972), 29-30.

CHADWICK, B. A., and L. C. White. "Correlates of Length of Urban Residence Among the Spokane Indians," Human Organization, XXXII, No.1 (1973), 9-16.

GABOURIE, F. W. "Justice and the Urban American Indian," Journal of the St~~e Bar of California, XLVI (1971), 36.

GAILLARD, F. "Cities Contradict Lumbees' Values," Race Relations Reporter, II, No. 11 (1971), 6-9.

GUILLEMIN, J. Urban Renegades: The Cultural Strategy of American Indians. Irvington, New York: Columbia universitx Press, 1975. , .:, .1, 37 ------~~ HARKINS,.A. M., and R. G. Woods. Attitudes of ,Minneapolis Agency Personnel Toward Urban Indians. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, rtraining Center for Conununity Programs, December, 1968.

and others. Junior High Indian Children in Minneapolis: A Study of One Problem School. Minneapoli~: University of ' Minnesota, Training Center for Conununity Programs, July, 1970.

HARPER, D. "I Can't Really Get Involved in Urban Indian Problems, Because ' Any time I May Go Home," NLADA: Briefcase, XXX (May, 1972), 161.

"Indian in the City; Effects qf Relocation," Newsweek, LXXVII (June 14, 1971), 94.

"Indian Stronghold and the Spread of Urban America," Arizona Law Review, X (Winter, 1968), 706.

KERMITZER, L. S. "Adjustment and Value Conflict in Urbanizing Dakota Indians Measured by Q-Sort Technique," American Ant.hro~olQgy, LXXV (June, 1973), 687-707.

NEILS, E.'M. Reservatic~ to City: Indian Migration and Federal Relocation. Chicago: University of Chicago,Depar£ment of ~ Geography, 1971.

PRICE, J. A. "The Migration and Adaptation of American Indians to Los Angeles," Human Organization, XXVII (Sununer, 1968), 168-75.

RAY, P. "The Measurement of Assimilation: The Spokane Indians," The American Journal of Sociology, LXVII (March, 1962), 541-51 .

. WADDELL , J. 0., and O. M. 'Watson, eds. The 'American Indi.an in Urban Societl' Boston: Little, Brown, 1971. WESTERMAN, J. "Urban Indian," Current History, LXVII (December, 1974), 36-37.

II --- 38 - --- ,-- -- - ADMINISTRATION OF INDIAN JUSTICE This section might be more appropriately labeled the I administration of injustice. The operations of criminal justice

agencies in dealing with Native Americans have been highlighted

by acts of violence and unequal treatment. While most of this --~ apparent injustice has stenuned from the relations with law en-

forcement agents, judicial personnel: and to a lesser 'extent

correctional personnel, have participa·ted in the mistreatment of

Native Americans.

A perusal of the items shows that four of the functional areas -- ~ of criminal justice are included here. These areas are as follows:

-- -lIiii 1. Police and related law enforcement areas.

2. Prosecution and defense, including special

legal services for Native Americans.

__ i __ 3. Judicial areas, such as jury composition and

Native American judges.

4. Correctional programs and institutions.

Additionally, material is listed on the differing jurisdictional , ___ !...:...... IiIII. limits of federal, state, county, local, and tribal criminal justice

I ! agencies. 'rhe complexity of jurisdiction and authority seems to be a ~ confounding factor in attempts to analyze the workings of' any sort of , I __ t .... legal system on reservation~.

~, t---.i 39 ;. I'

ABERLE, S. B. The Pueblo Indians' of New Mexico: Their' Land, Economy, and Civil orga'n:iz'ation .-' Menasha, Wisconsin: American Anthropological Association, 1948.

"Administrative Law - The Indian Claims Commission's Jurisdiction to Hear Claims Based on Injuries to Tribal Structure," Wayne Law·,Review, XX (JUly, 1974), 1097-1108.

ANGLE, J. Federal, State, and Tribal Jurisdiction on Indian Reservations in Arizo'na. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1959.

BEAN, J. L. "The Limits of Indian Tribal Sovereignty: The Cornucopia r of Inherent Powers," North Dakota Law Revie~,1 XVIX (Winter, 73), 231. .

BELL, .-r. N. "America's Oldest Debt: Justice For the, Indians, II Good Housekeeping, CLXXII (January, 1971), 78-79.

BENGE, W. B. "Law and Order on Indian Reservations, II Federal Bar Journal, XX (Summer, 1960), 223-29. r­ I BENNETT, M. C. "Indian Counselor Project Help for the Accuaed, II Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections, XV, No.1 .. - (January, 1973), 106 • BOBO, D. Law and Order on the Mississippi Choctaw Reservatio~. Washington: Association on American Indian Affairs, National - Institute on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, November, 1970.

CANBY, W. C. "Civil Jurisdiction and the Indian Reservation, II Utah Law Review, [n.v.] (1973), 206-32.

CARR, A. L., and S. M. Jogenson. "Extent of Washington Criminal Jurisdiction Over Indians," Washington Law Review, XXXIII (Autumn, 1958), 239-303.

CHAMBERS, R. P. "Judicial Enforcement of the Federal Trust Respon­ sibility to Indians," Stanford Law Review, XXVII (May, 197j), 1213-48.

--.-- 1 .,- CLAYTON, W. F. "Indian Jurisdiction and Related Double Jeopardy i Questions," South Dakota Law Review, XVII (Spring, 1972), 341. COHEN, F. G., "Indian Patrol in Minneapolis: Social Control and Social Change in an Urban Cont.ext," Law and Social Review, VII (Summer, 1973), 779-86.

COHEN, F. S. The Legal Conscience, Selected Papers. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960. I .- ~- 40 F~~" ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~" rr -~

COLLINS, J. J. "Law Functions and Judicial Process at .a New -' Mexico Pueblp,IIInternational' Journal of Comparative Sociology, IX (July, 1968), 129-31. .- CONN, S., and A. E. Hippler. "Justice in the Far North. Conciliation and Arbitration in the Native Village and the Urban Ghetto,"Judicature, LVIII (December, 1974), 229-41.

"Contract Approval: Attorneys and Indians," Harvard Law J<;mrnal, XV (Fall, 1968), 149.

COY, P. E. B. "Justice for the Indian in Eighteenth Century Mexico," American Journal of Legal History, XII (1969), 41.

IICriminal Jurisdiction Over Non-Trust Lands Within the Limits of Indian Reservations," willamette Law Journal, IX (June, 1973), 288.

DEAN, S. G. Law and Order Amon<; the First Mississipians. Washington: Association on American Ind1an Affairs, National Institute of ~ Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, [n.d.].

IIEducation, Jurisdiction and Inadequate Facilities as Causes of L_ Juvenile Delinquency Among In dians, " North Dakota' Law· Review, XLVIII (1972), 661. ! I" __ -r "Even Chance," Law and Social Order, [n.v.] (1971), 245. "Extension of County Jurisdiction Over Indian Reservations in Cali­ fornia, Public Law 280 and the Ninth Circui~" Hastings Law i... 0 .... Journal, XXV (May, 1974), 1451-1506 .

i FAHEY, R. P .. "Native American J'ustice: The Courts of the Navajo - t - Nation," Judicature, LIX (June-July, 1975), 10-17.

I! FARBER, w. O. Indians, Law Enforcement and Local Government,: A a- - Study of the Impact of the Off-Reservation I~9ian Problem on South Dakota Local Government, With Special Reference to Law Enforcement. Vermillion: State University of South Dakota, t_ Governmental Research Bureau, 1957.

j G}~INES, J. R., and others. "Pine Ridge Shoot-Out; Killing of Two :t~ FBI Agents on South Dakota Indian Reservation," Newsweek, LXXXVI (July 7, 1975), 15-16.

'i ~l Genocide American Style: A Brutally Frank Look at U.S. Mistreatment 'oIO~ of the First Americans. North Hollywood, California: The Center for Cassette Studies, 1971. ! il :l~ GETCHES, D. "Difficult Beginnings For Indian Legal Services," NL ADA Brie£case, XXX (May, 1972), 181 . .j l..-

41 , .....

, iJ -

.. GOLDBERG, C. E. "Public Law 280: The Limits of State Jurisdiction Over Reserva,tion Indians," UCLA Law Review, XXII (Fall, 1975), 535-94. - GREEN, L. "Justice in America, the Persistent Myth," Social Education, XXXVII (November, 1973), 637-38. I GROSS, M. P. "Reckoning for Legal Services: A Case Study of Legill Assistance in Indian Education," Notre Dame Law Review, XLVIV (October, 1973), 78-104.

GUBLER, B. H. A Constitutional Analysis of the Criminal Jurisdiction and Procedural Guarantees of the American Indian. San Francisco:

~-r I Rand E Research Associates, 1974. I l HAAS, T. E. "Legal Aspects of Indian P.ffairs From 1887 to 1957," , - The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, CCCXI (May,1957) , 12-22.

HAGAN, W. T. Indian Police and Judges: Experiments in Acculturation and Control. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966.

HALL, E. L., and A. A. Simkus. "Inequality in the Types of Sentences -.., Received by Native Americans and Whites," griminology, XII, No.2 (August, 1975), 199-222.

F.OEBEL, E. A. The Political Organization and Law--Ways of the Comanche Indians. Menasha, Wisconsin: American Anthropological Association, 1940. - HUMPHREY, N. D. "Police and Tribal t'lelfare in Plains Indian Cultures," Journal of Criminal Law, XXXIII (1942), 147.

"Indian Legal Services Programs: The Key to Red Power?" Arizona Law Review, XII (Fall, 1970), 594. ~\ 5i ..t~ Indian Legal Workshop, University of Washington, 1960. Proceedings • Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1960.

"Indians-State Jurisdiction Over Real Estate Developments on Tribal Lands," New Mexico Law Review, II (January, 1972), 81.

"Indian Tribal Courts and Procedural Due Process: A Different Standard?" Indian Law Journal, XLIX (Summer, 1974), 721-39.

"Indian Tribal Courts-Jurisdiction-Navajo Tribal Court Jurisdiction Over Non-Indian Defendants,"St. Louis Law Journal, XVIII (Spring, 1974), 461-73. '! 1.,.. "Jury Composition - The Burposeful Inclusion of American Indians," South Dakota Law Review, XVI (Winter, 1971), 213. --

42 I

." ">0 ~ -'·--'-'-·--~·,-··_ ..·, .. _ ..,_~".o," ..,_ lJ


KANE, A. E. "Ju.risdiction Over Indians and Indian Reservations," Arizona Law Review, VI (Spring; 1965), 237. ~~ _t1_ KAWASHIMA, Y. "Legal Origins of the Indian Reservation in Colonial Massachusetts," American Journal of Legal History, XIII (Jan­ uary, 1969), 42.

KOBETZ, R. W., and C. W. Hanun. "Contemporary Problems in Law Enforcement on American Indian Reservations," Police Chief, XXXVII, No.7 (July, 1970)( 58-61.

"Law and Order on the Reservation - A Look at the Indian Police," State PeaCe Officers Journal, XII, ~o.3 (March-April, 1975), [n.p.].

MacLeod, W. C. :'Police and Punishment Among Native Americans of the Plains, " Journal of, Crimin'al Law and Crimino'lqgy, XXVIII (May-June, 1937), 181-201.

METARELIS, G. S. "Lawmen for the Reservation," FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, XL, No.7 (July, 1971), 16-20,,30-31.

MORGAN, L. "Life in a Sanctuary: What Refuge for the Aleuts?" Nation, CCXV (, 1972), 561-62.

National American Indian Court Judges Association. Criminal Court Procedures Manual - A Guide For American Indian Court Judges. Springfiefd, Virginia, 1971.

OLGUIN, L., and A. E. Utton. "The Indian Rural Poor: Providing Legal Services in a Cross-Cultural Setting," The University of Kansas Law Review, XV, No. 4 (May, 1967), 487-503.

PARKER, A. "Delinquents and Tribal Courts in Montana," American Indian Culture Center, III, No.1 (Fall/Winter, 1971-72), 3-6. '~.:

PARKER, A. C. "Civic and Government Ideals of the J;roquois Confederacy," Case and Conunent, XXIII (1917), 717.

"Pine Ridge Shootout; Murder of F.B.I. Agents on qglala Sioux Reservation," Time, CVI (July 7, 1975), 8.

PRICE, M. E. American Indian Legal Problems: Cases and Materials. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico School of Law, 1969.

"Lawyers on the Reservation: Some Implications for the Legal Profession," Law and Social Order, [n.v.] (1969), 161.

RANSOM, R. E., and W. G. Gilstrap. "Indians-Civil Jurisdiction in New Mexico - State, Federal, and Tribal Courts," New Mexico Law Review, I (January, 1971), 196.

"Requests Probe of Indian Slaying; White Racists in Maine," Christian Century, LXXXIII (January 12, 1966), 37.

RICHARDS, J. R. "Providing Legal Services to Montana Indians," Brief Case, XXVII (December, 1968), 62.

43 --'

"Right of Tribal Self-Government and Jurisdiction of Indian Affairs," - Utah LaW' Review, [n.v.] ,(April, 1970), 291. .- RUSSELL, T. B. ' EValuation of the North AineriCan Indian Court Judges Training Project' - Albuquerque Session, 1971-72. Washington: American University Law School; Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, 1972.

SCHONBACK, S. "What the Red Man Needs; Proposal to Establish A National Ombudsman's Post,'" C'a'tholic World, CCXIV (November, 1971), 66-70.

SHEPARDSON, M. B. "Problems of the Navajo Tribal Courts in Transition," bib., Human Organization, XXIV (July, 1965), 301-44. f_ Social Criteria for the Designo'f 'Imprisonment Facilities in Montana. Bozeman: Montana State University, 1972.

"South Dakota Indian Jurisdiction," South Dakota Law Review, XI 1_ (Winter, 1968), 101.

"Sovereignty Citizenship and the Indian," Arizona Law Review, XV (1973); 973-1003.

"State Assumption of Jurisdiction Over a Divorce Action Between Enrolled Reservation Indians," North Dakota Law Review, II (Fall, 1974), 1.- 217,-23.

"State Civil Jurisdiction Over Tribal Indians - A Re-Examination," Montana Law Review, XXXV (Summer, 1974), 340-47.

Trial By Prejudice: The Problems of Finding a Fair Jury for Indian Defendants. North Hollywood, California: The Center for Cassette Studies, 1974.

"Tribal Self-Government and the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934," a- l- Michigan Law Review, LXX (April, 1972), 955.

U. S. Department of Justice. Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. 1- Montana University Law School - Indian Tribal Courts Program. Washington: Government Printing Office, [n.d.].

, ~ U. S. Department of Justice. LEAA Indian Trainin s, Montana and Aberdeen', South Da ota, Fl.nal Report. Harbridge House, [n.d.]. " .f1 U. S. Department of Justice. Bureau of Prisons. National Prisoner Statistics: Characteristics of State PriSoners. Washington: ['ul; Government Printing Office, 1960. U. S. Department of Justice. Bureau of Prisons. Statistical Tables. .r. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1964. ::1:,.", '"Tf",i,'., 44


ffJ\}:.~ ------U. S. Department of the Interior. -Bureau of Indian Affairs. Governing Bodies of' Fed'e:r;ally Recogni:zed Indian' Groups [excluding Alaska]. Washington: Government Printing Office, • 1972. U. S. Congress. Senate. Indian Affairs Committee. Jurisdiction Over Offenses Committed 'By or Against Indians On Devil' sLake III Indian Reservation, North Dakota. Report 997, 79th Cong., ~nd Sess., February 27, 1946. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1946.

"U. S. Courts and Native Americans at Wounded Knee," Guild Practice, XXXI (Spring, 1974), 61-69.

UTTON, A. E. "The Indian Rural Poor: Providing Legal Services in a Cross-Cultural Setting,1I Kansas Law Review, XV'(19§7), 487.

WOODS, R. G. t and A. M. Harkins. Rural and City Indians in Minnesota Prisons. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Training Center for Community Programs, January, 1970.

YANKWICH, L. R. IILaw and Order Under the Incas," Southern California Law Review, XXII (1949), 133.

YOUNG, R. Historical Backgrounds For Modern Indian Law and Order. - Albuquerque: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Police Academy, 1969. -


! t~

45 r \ -~~ - --


I Most of the items here pertain to the general area of Indian law. This encompasses tribal law and sovereignty as well as the

. civil rights o. f Native Americans under the United States Consti- ~..t ___. tution and other rights granted through legislative bodies. Of f special interest are several symposiums on Indian law~ Along with - items on contemporary Indian law, some material was uncovered on

Indian laws of the past.

"Action Needed For Indian Rights," Christian Century, LXXIV, No. 22 (May 29, 1957), 676.

American Indian Civil Rights Handbook. Washington: Government Printing Office, March, 1972.

American Indian Law and Related Subjectt. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico School of Law, 1969.

··;~ i, "American Indian - Tribal Sovereignty and Civil Rights~" Iowa Law - Review, LI (Spring, 1966), 654. BAUER, G. W. "Aboriginal Rights: The Continuing Debate," Canadian Forum, LIV (April! 1974), 10-14 .

..:. BECKER, R. "American Indian Law: New Publications Since 1970," ~;, North Dakota Law Review," LI (Fall, 1974), 233-35.

BIMS, H. "Indian Uprising for Civil Rights," Ebony, XXII (Fall, 1967), 64-65.

BROPHY, W. A., and S. B. Aberle. The Indian: America's Unfinished Business. Report of the Commission on the Rights, Liberties, and Responsibilities of the American Indian. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1966.

BURNETT, D. L., Jr. "Historical Analysis of the 1968 'Indian Civil Rights Act'," Harvard Journal on Legislation, IX (May,1972), 557.

California Indian Legal Services. Civil Rights of American Indians. Washington: Government Printing Office, April, 1972.

46 --

COHEN, F. S. Handbook of Indian Law. Albuquerque: University of New - Mexico Press, 1971. COHEN, W. H., and P. J. Mause. liThe Indian: The Forgotten American," • Harvard LaW Review, LXXXI, No.8 (June, 1968), 1818-58. Conference on Indian Rights and Resources. pro~~edings. Minneapolis: I University of Minnesota, 1953. "Conflict of Laws, Legitimation, Effect of Indian Tribal Law," Harvard Law Review, XXXVIV (1926), 895.

~Constitution and Mrs. Colliflower: Curb Power of Tribal Courts," Time, LXXXVI (September 3, 1965), 72.

"Constitutional Implications of an Indian Defendant's Right to a Lesser­ Included Offense Instruction," South Dakota Law Review, XVI (Spring, 1971), 468.

"Constitutional Revision - Indians in the New Mexico Constitution," _.-- -. Natural Resources Journal, IX (July, 1969), 466.

"Constitutional Rights of the American Tribal Indian," Virginia Law ~ Review, LI (January, 1965), 121.

,c __ "Danger to Indian Rights," America, LXXX (March 20, 1954), 641. DANIEL, J. "Legality and Wounded Knee," New Statesman, LXXXVII (Fall, 1974), 213-14. ~ -- ~~ DAVIS v. LITTELL. Catholic University Law Review, XVIII (Winter, 1968), 248. I - ~a.t "Equality For the Red Man, II Time, XCII (April 19, 1968), 86-,87. i "Federal Law and Indian Tribal Law: The Right to Civil Counsel and I_ the 1968 Indian Bill of Rights, II Columbia Survey o~__ !:I_u~~E.....~ights, • III (January, 1971), 49. - FAY, H. E. "The Indian and the Law, II Christian Century, LXXII t.. (March 9, 1955), 297.

FILLMORE, W. P. IIHalf-Breed Scrip, II Manitoba Bar News, XXXIX :..~- (August, 1973), 124-30.

IIFreedom of Religion," The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and i Police Science, LV, No.2 (1963), 253. "- FRETZ, B. D. IIBill of Rights and American Indian Tribal Governments," 1,- Natural Resources Journal, VI (October, 1966), 581. FUNK, E. C. An Approach to the Study of Non-Literate Law in Three North -"

~. American Societies. A Thesis ..• For the Degree of Arts in Anthropology. ..:-- Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Pr~ss, 1955 • ." 1- 47

, ,-: ~ GRINNELL, J. H. A Bibliography of the constitutions and Laws of the American Indians. Cambridge I Harvard University Press, 1947.

HAGAN, H. H. "Tribal Law of the American Indian," Case and Comment, XXIII (1917), 735.

HANKS, J. Law and Status Among the Kiowa Indians. New York: J. J. Augustin, 1940.

HOEBEL, E. A. The Law of Primitive Man: A Study of Comparative Legal Dynamics. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1974.

and K. ~. Llewellyn. The Cheyenne Way: Conflict and Case Law ~Primitive Jurisprudence. Norman: university of Oklahoma Press, 1941.

"Incompetency of Spouse Under S.4 of Canada Evidence' Act - Marriage Not in Compliance With Saskatchewan Marriage Act - No Formal Marriage Ceremony," Saskatchewan Law Review, XXXVII (1972-73), 112.

"Indian Act, the Supremacy of Parliament and the Equal Protection of the Laws," McGill La~ Journal, XVI (June, 1970), 389.

"Indian and the Law," Senior Scholastic, XC (February 17, 1967), 5.

"Indian Bill of Rights and the Constitutional Status of Tribal Governments," Harvard Law Review, LXXXII (April, 1969), 1343.

"Indian Bill of Rights," South Western University Review, V (Spring, 1973), 139.

"lndians - Criminal Procedure: Habeas Corpus as an Enforcement Procedure Unaer the Civil Rights Act of 1968," Washington Law Review, XLVI (May, 1971), 541.

"Indians - Extent of the 'Fair and Honorable Dealings' Section of the Indian Claims C(Jmmission Act," ,st. Louis University Law Journal, XV (Spring, 1971), 491.

Indian Law Forum. "Introduction," E. M.· Kennedy; "Evaluation of .Juris­ diction in Indian Country - Foreword," K. Frizze).l; "Development of Tripartite Jurisdiction in Indian Country," P.S. Taylor, M. F. Ayer, A. R. Parker; "Criminal Jurisdiction in Indian Country, 'Tribal Sovereignty and Defendants' Rights in Conflict," T. Vollmann; "What is America's Heritage? Historic Preservation and American Indian Culture," P. E. Wilson, E. O. Zingg; I<:ansas Law Review, XXII (Spring, 1974), 142.

"Indian Law - State Regulation - Hunting and Fishing Rights," New York Law Forum, XVIII (Fall, 1972), 442-50.

"Indian Law: The Application of the One-Man, One-Vote Standard of Baker v. Carr to Tribal Elections," Minnesota Law Review, LVIII (March, 1974), 668-76.

48 r - -- "Indian Law: Tb:: Pre-emption Doctorlne. and Colonias de Santa Fe Rebuttal," Natural Re.sources Journal, XIII (July, 1973), 535-45 •

• "Indian Title: The Rights of American Natives in Lands They Have Occupied Since Time Immemorial," Columbia L'aw Review, LXXV i I ~ (April, 1975), 655-86. IIIndian Treaties and Related Disputes," Faculty of Law Review, XXVII (August, 1969), 52.

IIIndictment Under the 'Major Crimes Act' - An Exercise in Unfairness and Unconstiuttionality," Arizona Law Review, X (Winter, 1968), 691.

JOHNSON, R. W., ed. Studies in American Law. 2 vols. Seat~le: Univer­ sity of' Washington School of Law, 1970, 1971.

KATZ" L. "Indian Act and Equality Before the Law," Ottawa Law Review, VI (1973), 277-84. "I • { "'--- KELLY, A. G. "Laws of the Aztecs and the Incas," Law Notes, XLVI {1942),16.

KERR, J. R. "Constitutional Rights, Tribal Justice, and the Am~rican Indian," Journal of Public Law, XVIII (1969) I 311. ,{, ,,:1.

-----~ KLAIBER, J. L. "Fjteedom Equals Liberation, Indian Population of Latin America," America, CXXII (June 6, 1970), 606-09.

KLEINER, L. S. "United States Law on American Indians, ", Case and -, Comment, LXXVII, No, 4 (July-August, 1973), 3-7. , LAZURUS, A., Jr. "Title II of the 1968 Civil Rights Act: An Indian Bill of Rights," North Dakota Law Review, XLV (Spring, 1969), 337.

LEE, R. C. "Dick Gregory Goes Fishing: Indian Rights," Nation, CCII (April 25, 1966), 487-89.

I,"" LERNER, R. "Reds and Whites: Rights and Wrongs," Supreme Court Review, [n.v.] (1971), 201.

"Loss of Indian Status by Indian Woman Marrying Non-Iridian Under Indian Act," Ottawa Law Review, XII, No.1 (Summer, 1974), [n.p.].

LYND, S. "Wayne Kennedy Case: Chicago Indians Supported by AFGE Official," Nation, CCXIV (January 24, 1922), 110-13.

LYSYK, K. "Unique Constitutional position of the Canadian Indian," Canadian Book Review, XLV (Summer, 1967), 513.

MacKINNON, V. S. "Booze, Religion, Indians and the Canadian Bill of Rights," Public' Law, [n.v.] (Winter, 1973), 295-315.

49 I ! - -

MacLEOD, W. C. "Aspects of the Earlier Development of Law and - Punishment," journal of Crimi'n'al' Law , XXIII (1932), 169. "Law, Procedure and Punishment in Early Bureaucraci~s," • Journal of Criminal Law, XXV (1934), 225. MacMEEKIN, D. H. "Red, White,and Gray: Equal Protection and the I American Indian," Stanford Law Review, [n.v.) (May 21, 1969~, r 1236-48. "-- "Ma~cari vs. Morton (359 F Supp 585): A Discussion of Preference," New Mexico Law Review, IV (May, 1974), 283-96.

MATAS, D. IIIndian Women's Rights," Manitoba Law Journal, VI (1974), 195-209. , McDONAGH, E. C., and E. S. Richards, eds. Ethnic Relations in the United States. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1953.

MICKENBERG, N. H. "Abortional Rights in Canada and the united States," Osgoode Hall Law Journal, IX (August, 1971), 119.

"M.orto~ vs. Mancari (94 Sup. ct. 2474): Achieving the Landmark Status Denied DeFunis (Defunis vs. Odegaard, 94 Sup ct 1704)," Ohio Northern Law Review, II (1974), 371-76.

"Morton vs. Mancari (94 Sup. ct. 2474): New Vitality for the Indian Preference Statutes," Tulsa Law Journal, X (1975), 454-62.

MUNDT, K. E. "Indian Autonomy and Indian Legal Problems," Kansas Law Review, XV (May, 1967), 505.

"'Must the Paleface Pay to Puff?' Confederated Salish and Kootenai vs. Moe (31 st Rep 408)," Montana Law Review, XXXVI (Winter, 1975), 93-102.

"Native Rights in the Northwest Territories - The Caveat Case," • ~- Alberta Law Review, XII (1974), 278-90. "Negro and the Indian: A Comparison of Their Constitutional Rights," Arizona Law Review, VII (Spring, 1966), 244. gl "New Indian Laws .. " Commonweal, LVIII (August 28, 1953), 505. ~ "New Town (City of New Town) vs. U. S., 454 F. 2d 121, et.al: The Future of an Illusion," South Dakota J.Jaw Review, XVIII (Winter, Spring, 1973), 85.

PRICE, M. E. Native American Law Manual. Los Angeles: Indian Legal Services, 1970 .

.' "Indian and the White Man's Law," Art in America, LX (July, 1972), 24-31.

50 i ~• I' - I - t i - RAISMES, de J. "Indian Civil Rights ,Act of 1968 and the Pursuit of Responsible Tribal Self-Government," S'outh Dakota Law Review, .- (Winter,1975), 59-106 . "Red, White, and Gray (Gray vs. U, S., 394 F 2d 96): the .American 1- Indian," Stanford Law-Revi'ew, XXI (May, 1969), 1236. REID, J. P. "Cherokee Thought: An Apparatus of Primitive Law," New York University Law Review, XLVI (April, 1971), 28l.

"Res Judicata ~ Judgment In Suit Between Navajo and Hopi Tribes Held to ESbp Individual Navajo Indians Not Parties to the Prior Suit From Asserting Aboriginal Title Claim to Ancestral Lands," Rutgers Law Review, XXVI (Summer, 1973), 909-28.

"Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Comparative Analysis': A .Panel (Sohn, Cumming, Deloria, Nahmad, Sitton, Williemsen-Diaz, Kersh.n,

':!A Nanda, Strickland)," American Sociological International L Legislative Process, LXVIII (April, 1974), 265-301. SABATINI, J. American Indian Law. Albuquerque: University of New ,q• ~ i .,\ Mexico School of Law, American Indian Law Center, 1973. ~- SANDERS, D. E. "Bill of Rights and Indian Status," University of ~~A British Columbia Law Review, VII (Summer, 1972), 81. ~',}~ "Indian Act and the Bill of Rights," Ottawa Law Review, '-, VI (Summer, 1974), 397-415. ".I ::'~ SCHMEISER, N. A. "Indians, Eskimos, and the Law," Saskatchewan Law - Review, XXXIII (Spring, 1968), 19. ';~ .. _;~l_ SMITH, W. Zuni Law: A Field of Values. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Howard University Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, 1954. :;1 ,~ "Sources of American Indian Law: A Panel (Grossman, Strickland, Walker, • Santana, Levanthal}," Law Liberty Journal, LXVII (November, 1974), 494-527.

"State Power and the Indian Treaty Right~to Fish," California Law Review, LIX (Ma~ch, 1971), 485.

STRICKLAND, R. "Corpus of the Written Cherokee Laws," Law Liberty Journal, LXVII (Winter, 1974), 110.

Symposium: Indian Law. Foreword. J. T. Vance; Special Introduction. J. Abourezk; "Indian Control For Quality Indian Education," M. P. Gross; "Indian Taxation, Tribal Sovereignty and Economic Development .. " D. H. Israel, T. L. Smithson; "The Limits of Indian Tribal Sovereignty: the Cornucopia of Inherent Powers," J. L. Bean; "Getting Back the Land: How Native Americans Can Acquire Excess and Surplus Federal Property," R. A. Hodge; "State Taxation on Sales to

51 - ~

, ~ -~ ... Reservation Indians: A Comment on the North Dakota Attorney General's Posi t'ion; Repaying Histqr ical Debts: the Indian , Claims Commission; Indians-Protection of Personal Rights in .it - General: the Right of Off-Reservation Indians to Receive General Welfare Assistance; Indians-Reservations-Effect of Later Con­ 1 \ gressional Act on Act Establishing Reservation Boundaries, 1L North Dakota Law Revi~w, XLIX (Winter, 1973), 231. I - Symposium: Indian Law. Foreword. Special Introduction. R. M. Nixon; "The Consent of the Governed-A New Concept in Indian Affairs?" S. B. Dean~ "State Jurisdiction Over Indians in Indian Country," -' M. J. Sonosky; "Submarginal Lands: An Instance of How the Legis­ lative Process Fails Native Americans," H. M. Gross; "Indian Housing: 1961-1971, A Decade of Continuing Crisis," A. C. Sternberg; "Indian Water Rights in the Upper Missouri River Basi~," W. H. Vee­ der; "Tribal Injustice: The Red Lake Court of Indian Offenses. Education Jurisdiction, and Inadequate Facilities,as CaQses of Juvenile Delinquency Among Indians. Equitable and Declaratory Relief Under the Indian Civil Rights Act," North Dakota Law Review, XLVIII (Summer, 1972), 529.

Symposium: Indian Law. Introduction. E.M. Kennedy; "Off Reservation Hunting and Fishing Rights, Scales Tip in Favor of States and Sports­ men?" J. L. Bean; "An Analysis of the Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance Program," M. W. Blue, S. W. Barlow; "The ~i Menominee Struggle to Maintain Their Tribal Assets and Protect 'J ...... -8J; Their Treaty Rights Following Termination," S. A. Felsenthal, J. F. Preloznik; "Eahling vs. Jones, Mandate for Another Trail of Tears?" R. Shifter [Sic], W. R. West, Jr.; "Indian Prior and Paramount Rights vs. State Rights," W. H. Veeder; "Minority Rights and American Indians," E. J. Ward; \IAn Interpretation of the - Due Process Clause of the Indian Bill of Rights,P North Dakota Law Review, LI (Fall, 1974), 9-204.

Symposium: Indian Law. "The State of i:he Indian Nation - An Intro- duction, " S. L. Udall; "Indian Ad~1 ustment and the History of Indian Affairs," W. H. Kelly; "Indian Manpower Resources: The Experience of Five Southwestern Rese:rvations," B. J. Taylor; "Needed: A System of Income Maintenance For Indians," R. c. Wolf!; ~ ,L. "Indian Rights Under the Civil Rights Act of 1968," G. K. Reiblich; "Problems and Prospects in Developing Indian Communities," R. L. Bennett; "Indian Education-A Test Case For Democracy," P. J. Fannin; :{ '1 "Indian Mineral Interest - A Potential for Economic Advancement," ,'~ E. B. Berger; Arizona Law Review, X (Winter, 1968), 553.

, THOMPSON, J. J. "Law Amongst the Aborigrines of the Mississippi Valley," " ~ Illinois Law Quarterly, VI (1924), 204.

~~ U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, ~ Subcommittee on Indian Affairs. Rights of Members of Indian Tribes. :L. Hearing, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., March 29, 1968. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1968.

52 ! "

-, U. S. Congress. ~enate. Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee -- on Constitutional Rights. Co:n:sti·tutional Rights of the American Indian. Hearings, 89th Cong., 1st Sess. Washington: Gove,rnment .- ~ -, Printing Office, 1965. ' U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee

~ on Constitutional Rights. Amendments to Indian 'Bill of Rights. 1- Hearing, 9lst Cong~ 1st Sess., April 11, 1969. Washington: Government Prin'tin'g Office I 1970.

-, U. S. Commission on Civil Rights. Ameri'can Indian Civil ,Rights Handbook. Washington: Clearinghouse Publication No. 33, 1972.

U. S. Department of Justice. ' Law and Order Code of the Crow Indian Tribe. Washington: National Criminal Justice Reference Service, [n.d]. , U. S. Department of the Interior. Federal Indian Law •. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1958.

U. S. Department of the Interior. Handbook of Federal Indian Law, With Reference Tables and Index, [by Felix S. Cohen]. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1942.

iJ:I) -,1 11 I "U. S. Indians: On Legal Trail-And Winning, U. S. News and World Report, LXXVIII (May 26, 1975), 52-53.

"U. S. Indian Treaty Rights," America, XCI (July 24, 1954), 410.

VAN EVERY, D. Disinherited: The Lost Birthright of the American Indian. New York: Morrow, 1966.

"Whether Provision Insperative Under Canadian Bill of Rights As Dis­ crimination by Reason of Sex and Denial of Equality Before the Law," Ottawa Law Review, VI (Summer, 1974), 635-40.

WILKINSON, C. F., and J. M. Volkman. "Judicial Review of Indian Treaty Abrogation: As Long as Water Flows or Grass Grows Upon the Earti1- • How Long a Time is That?" California Law Review, LXIII (May, 1975), 601-61. ~t ~e_, ZIONTZ, A. J. "In Defense of Tribal Sovereignty, An Analysis of Judicial Error in Construction of the Indian Civil Rights Act~" South Dakota Law Review, XX (Winter, 1975), 1-58.

1f ~;J_f


53 -

- I I

• i .PROPERTY AND RESOURCE RIGHTS I 'With respect to Native Americans, the question of justice cannot be understood apart from the issues of property and resource rights.

From a historical perspective, however, it is clear that land has

been at the roots of the conflict between Native Americans and the l government. Ever since the first white settlers landed in North t~ America, property relations with Native Americans have been character-

.~ __ ll-t ized by a kind of invasion and domination process. Even today, the white man's appetite for the Native Americans' land, minerals, water,

and wildlife does not seem to be satiated. And as some Native Amer-

icans claim, land is still the issue which underlies most of the

relations between Native Americans and the government.

ADAMS, J. I? "Why the Alexians Gave the Abbey to the Indians," Christian Century, XCII (March 5, 1975), 223-28.

"Access an~ Wharfage Rights and the Territorial Extent of Indian Reservation Bordering on Navigable Water - Who Owns the Bed of Flathead Lake?" Montana Law Review, XXVII (Fall, 1965), 55.

"American Indian Land Claims: Land Versus Money as a Remedy," University of Florida Law Review, XXV (Winter, 1973), 308.

ANDERSON, D. H. "Strip Mining on Reservation Lands: .Protecting the Environment and the Rights of Indian Allotment Owners," Montana . '~s1 Law Review, XXXV (Summer, 1974), 209-26.

BARKER, R. W. "The Indian Claims Commission - The Conscience of a mil.:.-,c Nation in its Dealing With the Original American," Federal Bar Journal, XX, No.3 (Summer, 1960), 240-47.

;;~ ., 54 - '-

BARNEY, R. A. "Some Legal Problems Under the Indian Claims Commission Act;" Federa:l Bar :Jpu,rnal, XX, No.3 (Sununer, 1960), 235-39.

BERGER, E. B., and W. J. Mounce. "Applicability of State Conservation and Other Laws to Indian and Public Lands," Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute, XVI (1971), 347.

"Negotiations For Acquiring Exploration Rights on Indian Lands," Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute, XIX -. (1974), 447-81. "Indian Lands - Minerals - Related Problems," Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute, XIV (1968), 89.

BISHOP, C. A. "Land Tenure Emergence of Hunting Territori~s Among the Northern Ojibwa," Ethnology, IX (January, 1970) '. 5-15.

BLOCK, W. E., Jr. "Alaskan Native Claims," Natural Resources Law, IV (April, 1971), 223.

CHAMBERS, R. P., and M. E. Price. "Regulating Sovereignty: Secre­ tarial Discretion and the Leasing of Indian Lands~ Stanford Law Review, XXVI (May, 1974), 1061-96.

CLEMMER, R. D. "Northern and Eastern Nevada: 1858-1971 Land Use Patterns and Aboriginal Rights," Indian History, VII (Winter, 1974), 24-41.

COLLIER, P. "Salmon Fishing in America: The Indians vs. the State -- of Washington," Ramparts, IX (April, 1971), 31. COLLINS, D. O. "Battle for Blue Lake," American West, VIII' (September, 1971), 32-37.

CONLEY, C. "Editorial; Alaskan Native Claims Bill," Field and Stream, LXXVI (February, 1972), 4.

CUMMING, P. A. "Indian Hunting Rights in the Northwest Territories," 1_ Saskatchewan Law Review, XXXVIII (1973-74), 251-323. "Native Rights and Law in an Age of Protest. Native ~ Land Rights and Northern Development," Alberta Law Review, ~_ XI (1973), 238-59; Petroleum Law Supplement, XII (1~74), 57-68.

DELLWO, R. D. "Indian vlater Rights - The Winters Doctoring Updated, " J. Gonzaga Law Review, VI (Spring, 1971), 215. "Economic Development of Indian Reservations: Increasing Tribal Par- :'1 ticipation, Limiting Federal Control," Tulane Law Review, XLVIII !if. (April, 1974), 649-64.

"M 55 &- (

"Environmental Law-National Environmental Policy Act--Approval by --- Interior Department of Indian Lease Constitute~ Major Federal Action, I' New York Law Forum, XVIV (Fall, 1973), 389-97 . • FISKE, T. N., and R. F. Wilson~ "Federal Taxation of Indian Lands," Law and Water Law Review, X (1975), 63-92.

1- FRANCISCO ~ W. P. "Land is Still the Issue," 'rulsa Law Journal, X (1975), 340-61.

FRIEDMAN, H. M. "Interest on Indian Claims: Judicial Protection of the FISC," Valparaiso University Law Review, II (January, 1972), 729. - FRISON, T. H. "Acquisition of Access Rights and Rights of Way on Fee, Public Domain and Indian Lands," Rocky -Mountain Mineral Law Institute, X (1965), 217.

HAILE, B. Property Concepts of the Navajo Indians. Washington: Catholic - University of America Press, 1954. HOBBS, C. A. "Irtdian Hunting and Fishing Rights," George Washington Law Review, XXXVII (July, 1969), 1251.

Indian Claims -- The U. S. Experience. "Indian Claims Mechanisms," L. B. Barber; Symposium on the Law and Native People-­ "Administration of Justice and Native People," W. G. Morrow; "Legal Education and Native People," S. Deloria; "The First Canadian Program of Legal Studies for Native People," P. MacKinnon, P. Rhodies; "Indian Hunting and Fishing Rights," - D. E. Sanders; "Native People in Areas of Internal National Expansion,u D. E. Sanders; "The Calder [C~lder vs. Attorney-General of British Columbia, 34 DLR (3d) 145, 1973) Case," W. H. McConnell; "The Royal Proclamation of 7 October 1963, the Common Law, and --- Native Rights to Land Within the Territory Granted to the Hudson ,Bay Company," K. M. Narvey; "Hunting Rights--provincial Laws .... - Application on Indian Reserves," D. E. Sanders; "Indian Act-­ Status of Indian Woman qn Marriage to Person Without Indian Status," D. E. Sanders; Saskatchewan Law Review, XXXVIII (1973-74), 38-249. ~-- "Indian Fishing Rights," Willamette Law Journal, VIII (June, 1972), 248.

_c)_ "Indian Hunting and Fishing Rights," Arizona Law Review, X' (Winter, 1968),725.

.! "Indian Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Rights: The Record and the "':c8 Controversy," Idaho Law ReView, VII (Spring, 1970), 49. . ..- ... - "Indians - Hunting and fishing Rights - State Law Must Yield to Federal Treaty," North Dakota Law Review, XLVII~ (Summer, 1972), 729.


.1 I "Indian Property and State Judgment Executions," Oregon Law Review, LII (Spring, 1973), 489-550.

"Indian Regulation of Non-Indian Hunting and Fishing," Wisconsin Law Review, [n.v.] (1974), 499-523.

"Irrigable Acres Doctorine," Natur'al Resour'ces 'Journal, XV (April, 1975), 375-84.

ISELY, H. B. Unconunon Controversy: Fishing Rights of the Muckleshoot, Puyallup, and NisquaTly Indians, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1970.

"Interagency Conflicts of Interests: the Peril to Indian Water Rights," La~ and the Social Order, [n.v.] (1972), 313.

JOHNSON, R. W. "States vs. Indian Off-Reservation Fishing: A United States Supreme Court Error," Washington Law Review, XLVII (1972),207.

LeDUC, T. "The Works of the Indian Claims Conunission Under the Act of 1946," Pacific Historical Review, XXVL (February, 1957), 2-16.

LOWIE, R. H. "Property Rights and Coercive Powers of Plains Indians Military Societies," Journal of Legal and Political Sociology, I (1943), 59.

LURIE, N. o. "The Indian Claims Conunission Act," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, [n.v.] (Ma~ 1957), 56-70.

NICKERSON, S. "The Indian Water Wars," Race Relations Reporter, V, • No.3 (May, 1974), 12-17. "Power of a State to Impose an Income Tax on Reservation Indians," Wil1amet~e Law Journal, VI (December~ 1970) 515.

"Preservation of Unal10tted Tribal Lands: Concurrent Federal and Tribal Jurisdictions," Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems, IX (Winter, 1973), 279.

"Proposal for the Quantification of Reserved Indian Water Rights," Columbia Law Review, LXXIV (November, 1974), 1299-321.

RADLOFF, F. E. "Survey After Lease Issues-Federal and Indian Lands," Rocky Mountain Mineral Institute, XI (1966), 473.

RANQUIST, H. A. "Effect of Changes in Place and Nature of Use of Indian Rights to Water Reserved Under the 'Winters Doctorin8'," Natural ResourceS Law, V (January, 1971), 34.

"Recovering Indian Lands: the Land Patent Annulment Suit," Ecology Law Quarterly, II (Winter, 1972), 195.

57 --- ',! __ L, ......

"Regulation of Treaty Indian Fishing', ", Washington Law Review, XLIII (March, 1968), 670. .

REIGER, G. W. "Bury My Heart at the Western District Court," Field and Str'e"am, LXXX (June, 1975), 38.

"Remedy for a Breech of the Government-Indian Trust Duties," New I Mexico Law Rev~ew, I (January, 1971), 321.

RINGOLD, A. F. "Indian Land Law - Some Fundamental Concepts for the Title Examiner," Tulsa Law Journal, X (1975), 321-339. ::il~ __ SCHAAB, W. C. "Indian Industrial Development and the Courts," Natural Resources Journal, VIII (April, 1968), 303.

! SELANDER, K. J. "Section 2 of the Indian Claims Act," George Washington Law Review, XV (1946), 388-425.

SMITH, J. C. "Concept of Native Title,U University of Toronto Law Journal, XXIV (Winter, 1974), 1-16.

"State Pxtension of Cigarette Sales Tax to Indians," Idaho Law Review, XI (Fall, 1974), 101-11.

:.~ "State Jurisdiction Over Indian Land Use: An Interpretation of the 'Encumbrance' Savings Clause of Public Law 280," Land and Water ~- Law Review, IX (1974), 421-56.

"State Taxation of Inuians - Federal Preemption of Taxation Against the Backdrop of Indian Sovereignty," Washington Law Review, XLVIV (November, 1973), 191-212.

-'State Taxation of Ihdian Income," Law and the Social Order, [n.v.] (1971), 455. i;~ ~"J_ "State Taxati6~ on Indian Reservations," Utah Law Review, [n.v.] (July, 1966), 132.

"Systematic Discrimination in the Indian Claims Commission: The Burden of Proof in Redressing Historical Wrongs," Iowa Law Review, LVII (June, 1972), 1300. ,c"f/ ~~i~L "Taxation - Indian Trust Property - State Inheritance Tax - The United States Government Breached Its Fiduciary Duty by Paying Oklahoma Estate Tax on the Property of a Non-Competent Osage Indian Without Determining Whether Intervening Cases and Internal Revenue Rulings had R3 moved the Requirement for Paying the Tax," St. Mary's Law Journal, V (Spring, 1973), 161.

"Taxation of a Possessory Interest in Restricted Indian Lands in Arizona," Law and Social Order, [n.v.] (1972), 467.

58 l.:t ___ _ -.- < -

"ToO Little Land, Too Many Heirs - The Indian Heirship Land Problem," - Washington Law Review, XLVI (197,1), 709. "Toward a New System for the Resolution of Indian Resource Claims," New York University Law Review, XLVI (1971), 709.

TREISMAN, E. "Last Treaty: Effect of Pipe Line on Alaska Native Land 1- Claims," Harper, CCL (January, 1975), 37. "Tribal Consent and the Lease of Indian Lands for Federal Power Projects," -- :.... - Minnesota Law Review, LIX (December, 1974), [n.p.].

"Tribal Control of Extradition From Reservations," Natural Resources Journal, X (July, 1970), 626.

U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and I~sular·Affairs. Providin'l for Distribution of Funds Appropriated in Satisfaction of CertaJ.n Judgments of Indian Claims Commission and Court of Claims and for Other Purposes. Report, 93rd Cong., July 16, 1973. ':,), '>i Washington: Government Printing Office, 1973. iJ_ . U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. ... ~ Hearings' on S. 2670 and H.R. 7674, Parts 1-12, 83rd. Congo d... Washington: Government Printing Office, 1954.

U. S. Depa,rtment of Justice. Indian Treaty Reservation Lands, \ Authority of the President to Return Possession of Lands Placed in National Forests and Excluded from Reservations as Result of \ Erroneous Surveys. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1972. '1 U. S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Indian Affairs. You Asked About Tribal Claims Against the United States. washington: Government Printing Office, April, 1973. i,~ . , ---~~ VANCE, J. T. "Congressional Mandate and the Indian Claims Commission," North Dakota Law Review, XLV (Spring, 1969), 325.

VEEDER, W. H. "Indian Prior and Paramount Rights to the Use of Water," Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute, XVI (1971), 631.

"Winter Doctorine Rights - Keystone of National Programs for Western Land and Water Conservation and Utilization," Montana Law Review, XXVI (Spring, 1965), 149.

"What.ever Happened to: That B,illion-Dollar Windfall for Alaska I s Natives," U. S. News and World Report, LXXIX (Dec:ember 8, 1975), 45.

WILKINSON, G. A. "Indian Trial Claims Before the Court of Claims," Georgia Law Review, LV (December, 1966), 511.

59 -- -


Items in this section focus on the nature of federal and state Indian policies. With the ineffectiveness of past policy and the current protest about the social, cultural, economic, and political condition of the Native American, there seems t. »e pressures for

\1 policy analysis. In fact, a federal commission, headed by Senator __ It:~ ..... James Abzourek of South Dakota, has been created for this purpose. Presently, however, only a scant amount of literatu're l1as focused on past and present problems of Indian policy. ~rt ~.-- "About That 'I'rail of Broken Treaties," U. S. News 'and World Reports, LXXIV (April 2, 1973), 29. American Indians and Federal Aid. Washington: Brookings Institute, 1971. BARNES, P. "Trinkets for the Navajos," New Republic, LXXV (July 3, 1971), 13-16. BAUR, J. E. "Senator's Happy Thought: J. G. Fair's Idea to Use Santa Catalina Island as an Apache Reservation," American West, X (Janu~ry, 1973), 34-39. "Behind the Indians Uprising: What They Have, and Want," U. S. News and World Report; LXXIII (November 20, 1972), 109-10. BOHN, D. "Liberating the Indian--Euphemism for a Land Grab," Nation, CLXXVIII, No.8 (February 20, 1954), 150-51. BROM, T. "Southwest: America's New Appalachia," Ramparts, XIII (November, 1974), 17-20. Brookings Institution, Washington, D. C. Institute for Government Research. The Problem of Indian Administration; Report of a Sur­ vey Made at the Request of Honorable Hubert Work, Secretary of the Interior, and 'SUbmitted to Him: Feb. 21, 1928. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1928. Bureau of Indian Affairs: Critics Attack This Hotbed of Inertia. North Hollywood, California: The Center for Cassette Studies, 1974.

60 -

,~ CAHN, E. S., ed. "Our Shameful Failure With America's Indians; Ex- cerpts From Our Brother's Keeper; The Indian in White America," Readers- Digest, XCVI (April, 1970), 104-09. \ i~ CHAPMAN, B. B. 'The Otoes 'and Hi'ssouria'si A Study of Indi'an Removal and the' Legal Afte'rma'th. Oklahoma City: Times Journal Publishing Company, 1965., r~ ~ COLLIER, J. "Indian Take Away--Betrayal of a Trust," Nation, CLXXVIV, No. 14 (October 2, 1954), 290-91.

{~ j Conference on Indian Affairs. Programs and Proceedings. Vermillion: State University of South Dakota, 1955.

1~ "Congress Should Revise Our Indian Policy," Christian c~ntury, LXXIII, ~ No. 16 (April 18, 1956), 476.

1~ "Congress Should Vote New Indian Policy," Christian Century, LXXVI, No. 33 (August 19, 1959), 940.

1~ "Constructive Legislation For Indians," America, XCII, No.5 ';'t. (February 5, 1955), 468.'

"Correct Old Errors," Senior Scholastic, XCII (March 21, 1968), 14-15. -- 1-::"1 "Crow Indian Threat to Western Strip Mines: Invalidating Coal Mining Leases," Business Week, October 13, 1975, p.37. ,.. - l- (t Data on Termination of Federal Supervision Over the Klamath Indian Reservation. Eugene, Oregon: State Department of Education, 1956.

~fA DEAN, S. B. "The Consent of the Governed - A New Concept in Indian Affairs?" North Dakota Law Review, XLVIII (1972), 533. ,..... ;J- DELORIA, V., Jr. Behind the Trail of Broken Treaties: An Indian l~ Declaration of Independence. New York: Delacourte Press, 1974.

,.-- "This Country Was a Lot Better Off When Indians Were 1- Running It," New York Times Magazine, March 8, 1970, pp.48-56.

"War Between the Redskins and the Feds," New York Times ~ Magazine, , 1969, p.47. DIAMOND, S., and other$,. "Memorandum Submitted to Subcommittees on Indian Affairs of the Senate and House of Representatives," J American Anthropologist, LXVI (June, 1961), 631-33.

- ~ ~ "Drums Along the Potomac," Newsweek, LXXX (November 20,1972), 37. - EDGERTON, R. B. "Menominee Termination: Observations on the End of a If Tribe," Human Organization, XXI (Spring, 1962), 10. ~

I - ~, d 61 • - J ,,-'- ELBERT, T. "Wounded Knee: A Struggle For Self-Determination," - Christian Century, XL (March, 1973), 356-57. -- "Emergency Employment Act on Indian R~servations," Modern Labor ~ Review, XCVI (November, 1973), 62-63. \ 'EMMONS, G;. L. "u. S. Aim - Give Indians a Chance," Nation's Business, XLIII, No.7 (July, 1955), 40. I ERNST, R. "House Concurrent Resolution 108," Indian Affairs, [n.v.] No. 27 (July, 1958), 2-5.

"-- FEY, H. E. "Our National Indian Policy," Christian Century, LXXII, No. 13 (March 30, 1955), 395.

"First Americans; Proposed Legislative Package," Newsweek, LXXVI - (July 20, 1970), 18.

~- GILBERT, W. H., and J. L. Taylor. "Indian Land Questions,"Arizona Law Review, VIII (Fall, 1966), 102.

""--- GRANT, J. B., dkr. IIJdian Justice Planning Project, 1971. Santa Fe: National Indian Justice P~annin~ Association, 1971.

GRANT, J. B. Ingian Justice Planning Project, 1971. Phoenix: Arizona - State Justice Planning Agency, 1971. GREEN, L. C. "Canada's Indians: Federal Policy, International and - Constitutional Law," Ottawa Law Review, IV (Summer, 1970), 101. GUTTMAN, A. States' Rights and Indian Removal~ The Cherokee Nation - vs. The State of Georgia. Boston: D. C. Heath, 1965. HAGAN, W. T. "Kiowas, Commanches and Cattlemen, 1867-1906: A Case Study of the Failure of U. S. Reservat:ims Policy, " Pacific - - Historical Review, XL (August, 1971), 333-55. HARMON, G. D. Sixty Years of Indian Affairs, Political, Economic, and Diplomatic, 1789-1850. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1941.

HARRIS, F. R., and L. C. Harris. "Cheyennes Trying to Break Coal Leases," Progressive, XXXVIII (November, 1974), 22-26.

HILL, E. E. Office of Indian Affairs 1824-1880; Historical Sketches. New York: Clearwater Publishing, 1974.

History of the Forked Tongue. North Hollywood, California: The Center for Cassette Studies, 1971.

~'J HORN, K. "Speaks With Sharp Tongue," New Yorker, XLVIII (May 27, 1972), .;;,;a, 28-31 • "Indian Battle for Self-Determination," California Law Review, LVIII

~. ,; to,,, (March, 1970), 445. ~_i

"Indian Nation is Gaining Unity, Respect, and Results," U. S. News and World Reports, LXXVI (February 25, 1974), 60-61.

62 I "Indian ReservatiQns: Shou}!', They be Abolished? Arguments on Three Sides," Senior Scholastic, XCVII' (September 28, 1970), 21-23. "Indian Taxation: Underlying Policies and Present Problems," California Law Review, LIX (Sununer, 1971), 1261. J,,'_ Invisible Indian (Menominees of Wisconsin). North Hollywood, Cali­ fornia: The Center For Cassette Studies, 1971.

JACKSON, H. The Earl Crusade for In~ian Reform. 1965.

JOHNSON, N. B. "Solution Assimilation," Rotarian, LXXXV (August, 1954), 29. JOSEPHY, A. M., Jr. "Cornplanter, Can You Swim? Kiozua Dam Flooding Senecas' Ancestral Lands For Allegheny Reservoir," American Heritage, XX (December, 1968), 4-9.

"Indians View of Indian Affairs," North American Revie~, VI (Spring, 1969), 56-64.

KAPPLER, C. J. Indian Treaties 1778-1883. Washington: Government printing Office, 1941 .

KELLY, L. C. The Navajo Indians and Federal Indian Policy, 1900-1935. • Tucsor,: Univelrsity of Arizona Press, 1968 • ' • KELLY, W. H. Indian Affairs and the Indian Reor~anization Act; The Twenty Year Record. Tucson: University of Ar1zona Press, 1954 • KENNEDY, E. M. "Let the Indians Run Indian Policy," Look • XXXIV ~une 2, 1970), 36 • KENNEDY, R. F. "Buying It Back From the Indians," Life, [n.v.] (March 23, 1962), 17-19. • KRIEGER, H. "Principles of the Indian Law and the Act of June 18, 1934," George Washington Law Review, III (1935), 279.

-­ "LaFarge Chargels U. S. Break~ Indian Trust, 1\ Christian Century, LXXI, No. 20 (May 19, 1954), 604. .' LaFarge, O. As Long as the Grass Shall Grow. New York: Alliance Book, 1940. .'t·· . "Termination of Federal Supervision: Disintegration and the American :rndians, II The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, CCCXI (May, 1957), 341-46 •

LAMBERT, P. F. "Cherokee Reconstruction Treaty of 1866," Journal ..... of the West, XII (July, 1973), 471-89 •


III~ ~ ~' "~ 63 - LEVITAN" S. A. Big Brother' s Indian Programs With Reservation. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971.

LURIE, N. o~ "Menominee Termination from Reservation to Colony," Human Organization, XXXI, No.3 (1972), 258-70.

MARDEN, D. "Forgotten But Not Gone: A Case Study in the Persist~mce I of Reform," Phyl'on, V (March, 1974),108-09. McCULLAR, M. B. "Choctaw-Chicksaw Reconstruction Treaty of 1866," Journal of the West, XII (July, 1973), 462-70.

McNICKLE, D. "Dead Horse Walks Again: Report on Pending Legislation," Nation,CCV (, 1967), 677-78.

MEYER, R. W. History of the Santee Sioux; united Stetes Indian Policy on Trial. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 196,8.

~t MILES, C. "Notes on a Fort Peck Pamphlet," Hobbies, LXXV (January, 1971), ;;{;_ 152-53.

Minnesota Interim Commission on Indian Affairs. Report. St. Paul, , 'Minnesota, 1957.

MOULTON, G. E. "John Ross and W. P. Dole: A Case Study of Lincoln's Indian Policy," Journal of t-he West, XII (July, 1973), 414-23.

MUSKRAT, J. C. "Indians-An Analysis and Proposal," Brief Case, XXVIII 'i¥£ (May, 1970),:~187. ~:~~-- -- NAMMAK, G. C. Fraud, Politics, and the Dispossession of the Indians; the Iroquois·Land Frontier in the Colonial Period. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1969.

"Need For a Federal Policy in Indian Economic Development," New Mexico 1_ Law Review, II (January, 1972~ 71.

~'New Indian-Treaty Wars," Newsweek, LXXXV (January 13, 1975), 58-59. ___ il_. "New York Indians' Right to Self-Determination," Buffalo Law Review, XXII (Spring, 1973), 985-1019.

"None But the Brave; Government Tightens Squeeze 011 the Rock," Newsweek, LXXVI (July 6, 1970), 38-39. ORFlELD, G. A. Ideology and the Indians: A Study of the Termination Policy. Chicago: university of Chicago Press, 1965.

~ ~Overview of the Question of Access Across Indian Lands," Land and ~~_ Water Law 'Review, X (1975), 93-117.

PRIEST, L. B. Uncle Sam's Stepchildren; the Reformation of the United States Indian Policy, 1865-1887. New York: Octagon Book~ 1969.

~'! :"'~ 64 - - PRUCHA, F. P. American Indian Policy in the Form'ative Years; The Indian Trade and Intercourse Acts 179'0-1834. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1962.

PUTZI, P. "Indians and Federal Income Taxation," New Mexico Law I Review, (July, 1972), 200. "Real Goals of the Restless Indians," U. S. NeWs and World Repor~ LXXIV (April 2, 1973), 26-30.

REID, J. P. "Conflict and Injustice: A Discussion of Francis Paul Prucha's 'American Indian Policy in the Formative Years'," -- ~-- North Dako~a Law Reivew, XXXIX (1963), 50.

REITZE, A. W., Jr., and G. L. Reitze. "Northwestern Frontier; •• ,1 --- ~..-. 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act," Environm~nt, XVII (March, 1975), 4 •

.. ll- SCHIFTER, R. "Trends in Federal Indian Administration," South Dakota Law Review, XV (Winter, 1970), 1.

SCHMECKBIER, L. F. The Office of Indian Affairs; Its History, Activities and Organization. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1927.

SCHONBACH, S. "What the Red Man Needs; Proposal to Establish A National Ombudsman's Post," Catholic World, CCXIV (November, 1971), 66-70.

"Service on the Reservation; Library Facilities at the Fort Hall Indian Reservation," American Libraries, V (January, 1974), 17.

SHEEHAN, B. W. "Indian-White Relations in Early America: A Review Essay,", William and Mary Quarterly, ,XXVI (April, 19,69)J 267-,87.

,.j.,: SHEETS, K. R. "America,n Indians Bargain Arab Style to Cash In On ,",- Resources," U. S. News and World Reports, LXXVI (June 3, .1974), 5,3-5,4. 1- SMITH, M. T. "Wheeler-Howard Act of 1934: The Oldian New Deal," bib., Journal of the West, X (July, 1971), 521-34.

SORKIN, A. L. "American Indians and Federal Aid," Nation, CCXIV (February 21, 1972), 240-49.

Stanford Research Institute. Preliminary Planning for Termination of Federal Control Over the Klamath Indian Tribe. Stanford, California: Stanford University, 1956.

),!- STRICKLAND, R., and J. Gregory. "Nixon and the Indian," Commonwe,al, XCII (Septembe~ 4, 1970), 432-36.

65 l SULLY, L. ,t Indian Agent: A Study in Corruption and Avarice," Amer­ ican West, X (March, 1973), 4-9.

TALNEY, M. A. "Question Validity of Klamath Plan," Christian Century, LXXIII, No. 30 (July 25, 1956), 882.

TATUM, L. Our Red Brothers and the PeacePoli.cy of President Ulysses S. Grant. 1899;, rpt. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1970.

TAYLOR, G. C. "Tribal Alternatives to Bureaucracy: The Indians New Deal, 1933-1945," Journal of the West, XIII (January, 1974), 128-42.

THOMAS, A. B., ed. and trans. Forgotten Frontiers: A Study of th,,= Spanish Indian Policy of Dan Juan Bautista de Anza, Governor of New Mexico, 1777-1787. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1932.

Today's Indian Wars: The Guns Are Silent, But the Struggle Goes On. North Hollywood, California: The Center For Cassette Studies, 1974. TURNER, A. o. "Financial Relations Between the united States and t',he Cherokee Nation, 1830-1870," Journal of the West, XII, No.3 (July, 1973), 372-85.

TYLER, S. L. Indian Affairs - A Study of the Changes in Policy of the U. S. Towards Indians. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1964.

Indian Affairs; A Work Paper on Termination, With an Attempt to Show Its Antecedents. Provo, Ut'ah: Brigham Young University, 1964~

"Udall's Indians: Proposed Legislation to Manage Own Lands," New Republic, CLV (October 15, 1966), 7~8.

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U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. -~ Authorizing Indian Clainis' Commissio'n to Hear' and D'etermine Claims of Indians of Ca1if'o'r'nia. Report 1343, 80th Cong., 2nd Sess., May 18, 1948. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1948. II." U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. J Hearings on Klamath Terminat'ion. 83rd Cong. Washington: Govern­ ment Printing Office, 1956. D~. " , "" ".," U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on mterior and Insular Affairs. 1 Terminating Existence of Indian Claims Commission. Report 1727, 8-' ':'1 84th Cong., 2nd Sess., April 11, 1956. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1956. II( U. S. Congress. Senate. Indian Affairs Committee. Creating Indiah Claims Commission. Report 1715, 79th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 5, 1946 • • ,J Washington: Government Printing Office, 1946 .

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WADDELL, J. O. "Resurgent Patronage and Lagging Bureaucracy in a Papago Off-Reservation Community," Human Organization, XXIX (Spring, 1970), 37-42.

67 - t_

WAHRHAFTIG, A. L., ~nd R. K. Thomas. "Renaissance and Repression: - n The Oklahoma Cherokee, 'Trans-Action, [n. v.] (February, 1969), [n.p.] •

WATKINS, A. V. "Termination of Federal Supej~'vision, The Removal of Restrictions Over Indian Property and Person," The Annals of the AIDer ican Academy of Political a'nd Soct'al Science, CCCXI (May, 1957), 47-55.

~.. ~ __ f:f_ WELSH, D. "Brothers of Passamaguodia: The Royal Screwing of the Passama9uodia," ' 'Ramparts Maga'zine, VII (January 25, 1969), 98-103.

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68 I (~. (... J