Wine Contamination with Ochratoxins: a Review
beverages Review ReviewWine Contamination with Ochratoxins: A Review Wine Contamination with Ochratoxins: A Review Jessica Gil-Serna 1,* ID , Covadonga Vázquez 1, María Teresa González-Jaén 2 ID and JessicaBelén Gil-Serna Patiño 1 ID1,*, Covadonga Vázquez 1, María Teresa González-Jaén 2 and Belén Patiño 1 1 1DepartmentDepartment of Microbiology of Microbiology III, III,Faculty Faculty of Biolo of Biology,gy, University University Complutense Complutense of Madrid, of Madrid, Jose Antonio NovaisJose 12, Antonio 28040 NovaisMadrid, 12, Spain; 28040 Madrid, Spain; (C.V.); (C.V.); (B.P.) (B.P.) 2 2DepartmentDepartment of Genetics, of Genetics, Faculty Faculty of Biology, of Biology, Univer Universitysity Complutense Complutense of Madrid, of Madrid, Jose Jose Antonio Antonio Novais Novais 12, 12, 2804028040 Madrid, Madrid, Spain; Spain; * *Correspondence:Correspondence: jgilsern;; Tel.: Tel.: +34-91-394-4969 +34-91-394-4969 Received:Received: 31 31October October 2017; 2017; Accepted: Accepted: 29 29December December 2017; 2017; Published: Published: 29 15January January 2018 2018 Abstract:Abstract: OchratoxinOchratoxin A A (OTA) isis thethe main main mycotoxin mycotoxin occurring occurring inwine. in wine. This This review review article article is focused is focusedon the on distribution the distribution of this of toxin this andtoxin its and producing-fungi its producing-fungi in grape in grape berries, berries, as well as aswell on as the on fate theof fateOTA of duringOTA during winemaking winemaking procedures. procedures. Due to itsDue toxic to its properties, toxic properties, OTA levels OTA in winelevels are in regulated wine arein regulateddifferent in countries; different therefore, countries; it is therefore, necessary toit applyis necessary control andto apply detoxification control methodsand detoxification that are also methodsdiscussed that in are this also revision.
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