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10-25-1966 The Quill - Vol. VI - No. 1 - October 25, 1966 Roger Williams University

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Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "The Quill - Vol. VI - No. 1 - October 25, 1966" (1966). The Quill. Paper 15.

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=====V=O~L,~VI:::-~N~O~.~l====TUE~~S~D~A~Y~,:::OC~TO~B=E=R=2=5:::.=19=6=6======}=6=0B_~~AD STREET, PROVIDENCE, RHODE 1SLAND 02903 President Speaks New Look Resident Campus on registration day returnIng In a recentInterview Dr. Ralph 2. The avallability of capable students discovered a nwnber of E. Gauvey, President of Roger InstruCtors and sufficient fa- changes and improvements over Williams Jr. College, made cilities necessary for a credit.. last year. !mown a few basic plans for a cillties necessary for a Students entering the pen:ling four-year curriculum creditable program leadIng Y.M.C.A, were greeted by a at the Bristol campus. UtilizIng to the grantingofthe bachelor smart sign on the outside of a weatherman's percentile degree. the buildIng which flna11y in­ scale of pOSsibility, Dr. Gauvey 3. The acceptance of the bac­ formed the publ!c that Roger suggested an eighty per cent calaureate degree, byeducat­ Williams Is located Inside. chance of the program's Im­ ional institutions and once Inside the registration plmentatlon by nIneteen slxty­ prospective employers. room. many students discover­ eight. Dr. Gauvey's formula for ed for the first time that most U all goes well studets will achievIng baccalaureate statUS classes would average fifty be allowed to pursue further at Roger Williams hinges upon minutes. as oppossed to one sudies on the senior division counseling: hour and twenty last year. of the new campus. A nwnber "Highly personalized Another surprise shook quire of majors In English, History, counseling Is vital to the a' few students who were un­ Mathematics, Soclo- Polltlcal success of an educatloal prepared to pay fifty-percent of studies, and Education probably system. Here atRoger Williams the tuition, and who were forc­ will be offered. The AdmInIs­ classroom instruction and per­ ed to return home to get the tration will seekState Depart­ sonal counseling services are difference. Although a few were ment approval prior to offerIng cOWlSellng services are con'" inconvenienced, the majority, at the senior deivision.. sidered inseparable." the end of the semester will The factors determining a Before a smdent chooses a appreciate havIng had to pay particular progra m·s accePt­ major course of studies for a half. ance in the Colleges'S cur" bachelor's degreeattheplanned A nother welcome surprise riculum. according to the Pre.. "Roger Wliliams College" he was the new furniture In the sident, are: will -have had the benefit of lounge and outside the office 1. The expresseddesirability professional guidance presen­ In the Broad Street Building. hy student and commlUlityfor ted on a highly personalized The Quill also learned from DORM COUNSELOR INTERVIEWED: from left. Dick Gug­ the progam. format Mr. Hallenbeck, Director of Uelmettl, Jennette Frase., and Pete Taylor. PlannIng and Development, tlIat more new chairs and tables are Due to the tremendous In­ Cormecticut, two from Rhode The Quill Greets on order but have been de­ ,lux of out-of-stateappllcatlons Island, one from Massachu­ layed because of the war In Roger Willlams, for the first sens, and one from Texas. Viet Nam.- time is accommodating a total To establish ground rules "and listen to complaints var­ The classrooms at Pi ne of 79 students in dormitories. New Instructors Street have undergone a number The school has made arrange ious officers have been elect­ Presld~:. toral work at NewYorkUniver­ of changes, Half of what us­ ments for 17 girls to board -ed: Wllllam lbarr, s1ty. ed to be the large drafting at the Y. W.C.A, and 42 stu­ Richard Cook, Vice President: classroom has been partitioned dents at the Crown Hotel. Glenn Gagon. Treasurer; and off and Is now used as the main Further accorrunodations Jerry Novak, secretary. office In thatbuilding. oneofthe have been provided at 33 Moore At their first meeting the old offices is now a class room; Street for 21 boys. boys voted the following re­ the others, the former biology Former president of the Stu ... gulations: dent Council, Richard Guglie­ 1- NO DRINKING OR GAMB- department office. now houses LING. • LB.M. machines which the lmetti is proctor of all the school Is leasing. boarders. 2- NO GJRLS PAST THE The only changes from last An interview concerning the FIRST FLOOR. year which do not seem in the students' adjustment to com­ 3- SUN THROUGH THURS.­ interests of the students are munal living was conducted. QUIET HOURS BETWEEN the raise in food and drink Our first stop was Moore 7-9-30 AND 10-11, prices In the coffee shop. Street - where we were cord­ 4- 12 P. M. CURFEW ON ~ \ WEEKDAYS TELEVISION I Taylor ially accepted. We learned -The Metal shortage, due to the re are 21 boys in this OFF BY 12, AND HOUSE the heavy demand of the war, house: (en from New York. four QUIET. from New Jersey, tw.o from 5- f1NES ARE PAID FOR Jeffrey Feinman has delayed production ofltems which contain metal INFRACTIONS OF THE Mr. Feinman completed his RULES, Bachelor's work at New York Ronald James Davis Following the Moore Street University a nd received his Mr. Davis received ~ Bach­ interview we went to the Y. W. Master's degree from the Uni­ elor's and Master's Degri::es C.A. and found the girls en­ ".,rslty of . HIs from Duqueane University. He gaged in serious study, course work is completed and has taught at saint AnselmHigh Theirs Is the sixth floor of his thesis Is yet to be finished. SChool In Pittsburg, Pennsyl­ the building. and each occupies Many students are famUlar vania, and has been a graduate a single room. A main lounge with Mr. Feinman because he assistant In historyat Duquesne Is available for those who wish taught part time second semes­ University. to chat between their hours of ter, last year, at Roger Wi!... Mr. Davis plans on movIng study. llams. with the college to Bristol. Their scheduled dormitory Absalom F. Williams The historian will start war llfe Is comparable to that of on his Doctor's Degree the boys. They too have ej­ Mr. Williams received his summer. Both faculty and Stu­ ected ollicers (Presi.t, Bev­ B.S. degree from Purdue Uni­ dent body wish him success. erly Bruce and Boo BJanY""­ versity and his M.A, degree Peter Matwijcow. Jr. ship, Vice President) who take from Depauw University In In­ charge of the complaints and diana. He completed his Ph. D, Mr. Matwijcow completed . the organization of the girls. Degree In biology at Purdue bachelor's degree at Trento John R. O'Brien However. most of the rf'gu­ University. State College in New Jerse lations are the Mr. Williams has been a with a major In psychology and Dr. Rodolpl1e-Louis Hebert Mr. O'Brien holds his bache­ lor of arts In Psychology and a Y. W.C.A. oificlals. teaching assistant at Purdue received his master's degree at In addition) room and master of education in COWlSe­ University during the past two COlumbia UniversityIn PSycho­ Dr. Hebert holds his B,A. board at the Y. W.C.A.. the girls years. under the direction of logy. He has done further grad­ "degree from Assumption Col-" ling Psychology. Mr. O'Brien has taught as a have full use of the gymnas­ Dr. sam Postlethwelt. uate work at Columbia Univer­ lege. He received a B. Ed. ium and the swimmIng pool. Degree from Rhode Island Col­ graduate assistant at sity. Aside from the petty annoy­ Dr. Walter Hobbs, Jr. Mr. Matwijcow was on the lege, and a M.A. and Ph. D. College for the academic year of 1965-1966. ances of small beds, small faculty at iselin Junior High Degrees from Brown Unlver­ rooms, lack of sufficient eJ­ Dr, Hobbs received a B.S. sity. DurIng his stay at Boston SChool In New Jersey. lecuical outlets,- overcrowded Degree and .. M.A, Degree In Dr. Hebert has been on the .College. he received experience Industrial Arts from Ohio State In audio visual aid and teehnl­ bathrooms, and Insufficient lin­ faculty of , en supPlYr we fOllD ior College is superb and the ~ cases with stress on the negative side. .,; student bod y is outstanding. '" At Roger Williams this semester, college The yare making excellent "'0:: When discussing the valu.e of an education, spirit seems to be high; the fraternities headway under the most ad­ and the sororities are out in force seek­ verse circumstances." g the terms itself deserves some qualification. ...Chet Welch-Cranston g Education denotes a learning process which in ing their pledges; the QUILL has added a Tom Carmody-SCituate ,..: turn gives rise to student behavioral changes. number of ·recruits to its roster; a lively 6 Obviously, the desired end, or change in be­ interest in being generated in the basket­ "There is great room for improvement in some of our ~ havior determines the course of studies utilized. ball schedule; new clubs are being formed•. faculty members. I. ~ The individual goals and aspirations of the all in all these things speak well consid­ ••• Fran Feldman-Cranston ...: student are evaluated and superimposed on the ering how cramped we are for space. 0:1 most logical curriculum available. Whether these are but flurries of inter­ "I feel that the faculty of "' The ideal situation above serves as a general est in October that will disappear before Roger Wl1liams Junior College the semester ends, or before the year is has an excellent staff of learn­ \i norm for choosing appropriate subjects; however, ed people. ThIs opinion Is based ~ the intrinsic weaknesses of the guideline be­ over, remains to be seen. It is an easy on the teachers 1 have had thus matter to complain that things could be ;> come apparent upon closer inspection. Of primary far this year.-' ~ concern to the student are the new and com- better. The question for every student to ...Janet Pleasant-Cranston prehensive insights to be gained from formaliz­ ask himself is What am I doing to enhance the college spirit? There is an activitywhere "The facultY is all right, ~ ed education. The search for new experiences NOTIlING EXCEPTIONAL." ...: has led him to college. In a state of budding you can do your part. Think it over and be ...Sue Erickson-New York 8 maturity, the freshman is required to state his a contributor, so that 1966-67 will be the 0:: life goals and accept contemporary modes of best year for cooperation and enthusiasm ~ attaining them. The relative ambigity of a fresh­ among the student body Roger Williams has ever had. ...,:=> man curriculum confuses and confounds the stud­ :i1 ent. First he is charged with choosing a degree <0 program, then given a number of seemingly un­ STUDENT POLL Dear Editor! ::l related subjects to pursue. At this point, little As a new student tlu.s year, ~ credulence is given to administrative judgment. Polls seem to be a big thing many many parties.) I was appalled at the mass con­ 0:: The conflict between expressed desires and In this country today. Polls to So if you go for the idea fusion. line cutting, elbowing, ~ channeled activities of times undermines a stud­ tell who watches what show at please let us know, if not, let trampling. tha t accompanied ~ ent's initial enthusiasm. Tedium colors scho­ what time etc. So not to be us know that to. If you have registration. I had been warned different we have one. a suggestion ( a group yoU: in advance to arrive early; so ...i lastic requirements and a potentially capable' We want to know bow the like or a place you know of ) 1 came at 7~5. There were go student performs less ably than expected. students of this great institut­ let us know. It's up to you! already about twentY students .. The causal factors of such a situation include Ion of higher education feel a­ ahead of me which 1 figured '" unrealistic goals and "less than ideal" pre­ bouJ having a winter weekend. There will be boxes in both wasn't too bad. By 8,30 there 15 college counseling. The primary inducement of­ The whole bit, a big name buildings to deposit your hal-' group on Friday, pep rally and lots. Look for them and please were fifty students ahead ofme. fered adolescents entering college is invariably bonfire Saturday. and a jam let us know how you feel. May 1 suggest a humble sol­ .. ,of a financial nature; high paying jobs upon grad­ session Sunday. (There will be ution to this problem, which uation. The developing awareness of the young a c:ame somewhere in there and on inquiring. I find has plagued student is effectively stifed by this measure rp;~~;;;~ every registration :since the employed by a society unsure of its own intent­ school was founded. The solution is simply that ions. The arts and humanities, evolved through YES THE MAN'S SHOP a volunteer (and there seemed Man's past dealings with his existence, are chided o I I to be an awiullot of "helpers" as useless extravagences. The student is pressed I I that day) station himself at the by his background to pay little heed to, or dis­ front door before me students regard completely, the thought and actions of QUALITY CLOTHING arrive. When the exodus begins, NO o I I the volunteer hands each stud­ humanity concerning life itself. I I ent a numbered card, much the Contrasting concepts meet the Freshman im­ ! I same w,ay as 1S dcne in the mediately in the form of. "required" liberal I fOil TN E COLlEGE I meat department of a market. art s courses. usually of a survey nature. Dean Salatino If a student knew thathe would I I not be admitted to the regis- Socially conditioned desires and concepts of ed­ Announces tration room until the number ucation are redressed by enlightened adminin­ I MAN I preceding his had been admit­ tration. Realizing the dangers ofnarrow technical Appointments I ted, there would be no confus­ training, educators attempt to broaden 'the stud­ Woshington ion, no line cutting, no elbow­ ent's perspective witha liberal curriculum; how­ Another inovation this yearis I ing and no asphixiation. the setting up of area co­ I ever, difficulties arise at this point. The task of ordinators in addition to the. Disturbed convincing the student to involve himself ser­ department heads. ThIs pro­ i_~~,~~~~~j iously with the aesthetic studies is left to the ceedure is designed to facllitate winds. A crippling handicap is placed upon the commWlications from students, \1nderclassman so ill prepared to bear it and to facultY to the Dean. In the past, for example, under achievement results. English, math. humanities. etc•• Students at all levels of education must be were regarded as separate in­ The QUIll. prepared to accept views alien to their own in depend~nt identities, each an objective manner. The value of a new con­ having a department head. Editor-in-Chief John E. Kenny cept too often becomes lost in a maze of pre­ The wants and needs of each department wereconsideredin.. Executive Editors Ron Hourihan conceived absurdities learned unconSCiously for dividW\lly. Often the road of the most part. Common sense has come to mean Communication from facultY to Peter V. Taylor the subjective conjecture acquired from our own department heads to the Dean Business Manager Sal Rebecchi private dreams rather than knowledge basedupon was not as smooth and efficient orderly empirical investigation. By channelingour as 18 now possible under the new Photography Staff Randy Hoops system. Mark Rosenberg minds toward a distinct and relatively attainable the new proceedure inter­ goal, engineering, business, and even manyliberal grates departments which have Editorial Staff Debbie Blomquist arts majors, condemn themselves to bigoted un­ a cornmondenominator. Forex'" Steve Couto amPle, all the social sciences Jim Dorenkatt awareness. John E. Kenney (psychology, sociology, history, Jennette Fraser and polltical science) are Celesta Jackson grouped as one. Mr. Verstandlg Barbra Kochan and the math department.ordinators increasing resPen- , co-ordinates all these depart­ Paula Messier Mr. Zinnlni is responsible slbllity, the end result is a' ments. Barbara Najarian for the co-operativedepartment ,more efflclent chain of com­ Mr. Rlzzlni Is In charge of which handles the technical en- municatlon and conseouentlv humanities, Engllsh, phil­ Frank Procaccini gineering work study program. ,'be tte r advisement for the' osophy. Richard Viti By integrating related sub- student. Mr. Sherman co-ordinates jeets aoo by giving the co- (Taylor) the sclences, the engineering, ~~-----",~------~------~---,-

New Position§ Engineering Politics·Club Phi Alpha Epsilon Continued from Page 1 Club News The Politics Club of Roger WlllIams Jr. College Is at this Mezzan~ ching General Psychology and Is The Engineering Qub of Ro­ ,!?hi Alpha Epsilon due. }jrother Frank ger WlllJams Junior College Is time pleased to make the fol" It> AE opened the year with a cello has done a splendid job ~ acting as assistant to Dean lowing announcement con­ Piazza. now recruting members of the mixer at the Venus de Milo with setting up this year's pI ... Engineering. SCience, and C0­ concerning membership ap.. on september 23. edging. TIlANKS FRANK ! ~ plications and nomination ane Mr. Rocco CoLagiovanni Op sections of theschool, which The main purpose of the The Frat also has many e- '" Mr. Colagiovanni rece!ved is contrary to last year's election of club officers. dance was to get the new stu.. vents planned for this coming .p Any and all students who wish his Bachelor of Arts Degree membership of0 nl y Engineer­ dents acquainted with the re~ year. ~ fro m Catholic UniversitY of Ing students. The first meet­ to be registered members of turning students and each oth· There will be hay rides, and 0 America, his Master's Degree Ing of the Engineering Qub the Politics Club must submit er. closed parties for the brothers. ~ a completed application form from Manhanen College, and Is was held on 7. and tem­ We also have new officers. as well. as a host of mixers ::;:J OCt.. to any officer oflastsemester's presently working toward a. porary officers were elected. They are as follows: aud In November will be..... ;§; executive branch. Applications Doctorate Deg ree at Notre During the meeting, such to­ PRESIDENT - Richard Gog- Oh weil, why let the cat out t'" will be accepted throughout the Dame UniversitY. pics as field tripS and dances lielmett"': of the bag. Wait ltil November. ~ Mr. Colaglova."lni has been were discussed. entire semester. VICE PRESIDENT - E. Jay ;:: Nominations for club officers Chalrman of me Mathematics Those stndents Interested In Brown; will be opened at the first LIME LIGHT TIME '" Department at Bishop Bradely joining must contact either 1REASURER - Steve Ald­ 'c! Hfgh School In Manchester, New Irwin Gross or Bob Muto. General meeting at 12:00 on rich nus section of our colurrm z Friday, OCtober 21, 1966, and HampShire. Formerly he was The next meeting of the En­ SECREATRY - Ray Huellng will be reserved to pay spec'" @ will remain open until 5 P.rn. Chairman of Mathematics at gineering Qub will be held With deep regret, the hroth- ial tribute to a brother who on Monday, October24, at which Bishop Loughlin High School In on Oct. 23, for the election ers acceppted the resignation has achieved some distinction time nominations will be auto­ Brooklyn, New York. He has of officers. of President Guglielmett.: after either from the College orfrom matically closed and elections ~ served as director of the Mod­ a very short stay in office. the general public. will at that time be opened and ern Mathematics Program in Joseph Sabatino (Pledge We'll kick off the year with fl will remain open from 5 P.m., the diocese. Class of '66) will be Richard's Richard (Gong) Guglielmette. '"0 Business Club October 24. to 5 P.m., October I asked the pleasant mathe­ successor. Richard, a graduate of Roger 13 matician what his main objec­ 28. The brothers feel that Joe WlllJams Junior College, re- S Forming Now Election results will be an­ tives are In teaching Math ill? will do a great job cepient of the De2.n L Phinney ~ nounced by use of the school He replied, with a smile fol­ The Business department of GL"XlD LUCK JOE I Award, and past president of ~ bulletin boards. Installation of lowed by c;. serious voice, Roger WUliams Jr. College is Ray Hoollng, secretary, :ll­ the Student Council, was cho- [Tl those newly elected oftlcers ICThere are many, but fore­ now in the process of forming so turned in his resignation sen by the College to be Head ;0 ',,"ill be held from 12:00 ro12:30 most to understand the proper­ an "Economics and Marketing and was replaced by Dan Mar­ Dorm Master for the two new t'"4 Club. ,t on li.onday, October 31. ties of nwn1::ers. It tin. The brothers Wish to con­ dorms. (Moore SI. and n,e Plans are In progress fortha The group would meet mon­ It is the expressed desire of pasr, present and future office vey their best wishes and good Crown) a Arithmeticiar. to move to tile thly with a goal of introduc­ luck to Dan, Steve a.nd ]ety This job requires a lot of ~ holders of this club !hat1966-67 Bristol Qmpus. Ing students to the Business roo I work and a great deal of re'" e will be a year which the Politics Mr. Rocco ColagiovalUll said, structure. Plans lnclude guest "'1ith the NewYear comes new sponsability. We know you can .~ Club can again be a forceful "I have been away from Rhode lecturers from leading corpor­ pledges. arid this year. as in do it Goog. GOOD LUCK/!! Inter-Collegiate Political or­ Island for eighteen years." I ations and field trip visits to the past, our pledge board was The brothers of AE Frat- ganization. R told him, "I could not think of businesses In the Rhode Island ernlty would like to take this In order to accomplish this swamped with male students. Cl a better reason to .return than area. both new and old. looking for opportunitY to wish Ko. oK, ~ goal, it will be necessary to to teach at Roger WlllJams Students interested In jolnlng a hW. and our wonderful Sister, AE, ::0 attend collegiate at Junior College.It He agreed. should contact either Mr. Fein­ At the present time mere u1.e best of Wishers for the ~ such schools as P.C•. Brown, man or Mr. McKenna, the fae-­ are 53 applications for hlds new semester. We also send l-' Bryant, Salve Regina and other ulty advisors. filed with our pledge board. our congratulations to all the Colleges and Universities g;; The first meeting of this new (Boy, is someone going to be newly elected officers of Ko, en throughout the state. The group will take place In late sore!IQ oK, and AE. Politics Club will also be sPon­ OCtober. is an appropriate spot The Brothers of Phi Alpha soring: a fUm and lectureseries to give credit where credit is Epsilon for the student body of this school. In addition to the above men­ SPACE SERVICES tioned, there will a 1s 0 be din­ Phi Kappa News ners sPonsored by the R. L Collegiate Council for the Since the beginning of the sisters of Phi Kappa S<>rorltY. United Nations. PART TIME semester at Roger Williams, They are Debbie Blomquist, Past and future experiences Phi Kappa SororitY has kept Donna Boadway, Diane Gelin­ In the Politics Qub have been and can be both enjoyahle and Itself busy with pledging and eau., BarbAra Kochen, Carol the planning and SPonsoring of Miccolis, Sandy salvadore, and MESS ATTENDENTS rewarding for those students social functioIlS. The sisters Rosalie Wheeler. who enjoy a close fraternal friendship with fellow students sPonsored two Coffee Hours for The newly elected officers of and who want to work as a all girls Interested In pledging Phi Kappa Are President, Ann Maccarone; Vice - President,. Peter A. Porte. ASE club d the~resPon- the sororitY. At t."ese coffee US NAV 'LB an accept Regina Kleinberg; Recording Mr. P 0 r t e r reM'ved- his •• ." sivilitles'dan challenges that hours held In the Colonial Room. chelor's and master's den -... al all questions about the sororitY secretary, Pame 1a Bernard; ba ~...... are so prevent In an organ- from the UniversitY of Buffalo. Ization. were answered. Corresponding secretary, Rob­ Mr. Porter has taught at Dick Cashman, On Friday, October 7, Phi in Girard; Treasurer, JtlJ'1et Erie CountY Technical Instl- Past President Kappa sponsored a m1xerentlt- Clampanel1i; Social Committee tute, the UnI.ersltY of Buffalo, APPLY Politics Club led "Friday'S Flop". The mixer Chairman. Cyndee Plstocco. Ohio Unlvers!tY and Frostburg was held at the Venus de MIlo Muriel Hartnett was appointed SUlte College...... and "The Breakers Five" pro- seargeant-at-Arms by the Pre· NOTICING A DUTTON MTSSTNG Vided the music. The d.ance, sident. trom her dres~. the six-year-old 1) NEWPORT BLDG 355 • THE VERY MODERN TONE Ironically, did not live up to On Wednesday, October 19, . . b k Ed. S1RAK>\, Mgr. POEM was being performed bv It's name. a cake sale was held at school. in!:>i5.:ed all scwmg it ac on . the symphony orchestra. The October 7-14 was Hell Week This year as in past years, herself. After moistening the end I 55 . 2) QUONSET POINT B dg musicj.ans used whistles, gongs,' for the sororitY pledges. A of the thread, she squinted and the sale was very well received Irvin SINOT, Mgr. sirens, banged and rattled strips change was made this year by the student body. :s~p~ok~e~t0;lt~hfe~n~ee~d:le~'.'.'c~o~m:e.o~o~,.!~~~~~~~~~~~!of metal, horns, faHing lum~er. in the attire of the pledges. , The sororitY will hold it's !!ow. Say Ahhhhf" r As the musicians became more The. girls were dressed as -first semi-formal dance of the and school year on November 5, TOP 100 MUSiCAL INSTRUMENTS and more enthusiastic, and the Indians as nurses. These RECORDS AND ACCESSORIES music louder and louder, the costumes brought out the true 1966. The place and name of audience began to snicker. An character cJ the girls. Itshowed the band will be annoWlced later. elderly and distioguished-Iooking that If one wants somethinghad­ The sisters anticipate a good reception from the facultY and BOVI'S DISCOUNT MUSIC STORES gentleman in the front raised his ly enough. she will go to ex" from the students, similar to 130 WEYBOSSET STREET - PROVIDENCE cane aloft. Tied to it was a white. tremes to attain it. Thesegirls handkerchief. - really wanted memhe:ship In that given at the Sweetheart 9 METROPOLITAN PK. DR. ~ RIVERSIDE Phi Kappa S<>roritl' ar'" proved Ball last year. • FORMAL: peacock and per:- themselves by snlvh1ng "Hell guin affair. Night". UFE TRANSFIGURED ROBERT BOVI, PROP. TEL. 621-4049 On Columbus Day, thepledges Ule must learn to see-and of Phi Kappa S<>rorltl' an

PHOTOGRAPHY BY UNDY HOOPS VA Details New GI Bill Travels Through Parking Regulations The nation's 1200 university The law requires that monthly The Parking Lot east of the 3. The balance of the park- and college newspapers, maga­ certificates of an..ndance sign­ WAIT! Please don't turn the Greek Orthodox Church is of- Ing lot will be avallable for ~ zines and other publicationS ed by veterans be sent to the have been asked to join the VA attesting the veteran has page without reading me, I'm flclally under ~oger Williams ~n:te~ ~:;,Ja~:~~.::e~~ '" Veterans Adminlztration In an attended classes. writing this just for you. I'd Jwdor College Jurisdiction, and 10 like to welcome you to my is subject tv the folloWlRg reg- "fI r s t come, first served" ~ all-out saturation campaign to Necessarily these certifica­ =~ acquaint every veteran-student tes can be sent only after a section of the woods, and 1 ulations: . hi . upon payment of parking .... month's schoolingIs completed. hope that you will enjoy what 1. Parking be nd the huildlng With all details of the new G.L 1 have to say; join me In my at PIne Street and along the The fee will be payable hy BIll payment procedures of the On the 20th of the followi.lg 13 search for new am excitingex- cham link fence on the right the semester at the rate of ~ education program. month. VA malls the payment periences. going Into Roger Williams $3.0Q per month. :

~ .,; * '"a: ~ g ~ Ci YOUR REPRESENTATIVES HANDLE '"~



• •• •




- SPOKESMAN i* i.¥.¥~~.w ...... •...... ,!