RZ Umschlag Investorenbroschüre_SD_engl 3mm Rücken_AZ 06.02.2008 12:02 Uhr Seite 1 ROOM TO SUCCEED Europe’s chemical park Contents Ideal conditions 04 Located in Europe’s industrial heartland 01 Strong network for greater added value Benefits at a glance Mario Bernards, Dr. Heinz-Hermann Greve, Dr. Jörg-Michael Söder (from left) Three sites offering excellent opportunities 12 Leverkusen 02 Dormagen Your contacts Krefeld-Uerdingen Service for your company 20 Building blocks for success Dr. Heinz-Hermann Greve 03 A home for new businesses Phone: +49 214 305 74 29 Our chemical park partners Fax: +49 214 306 72 45 E-mail:
[email protected] Dr. Jörg-Michael Söder Phone: +49 214 303 19 30 Fax: +49 214 309 63 19 30 E-mail:
[email protected] Published by Mario Bernards CURRENTA GMBH & CO. OHG Phone: +49 214 307 24 15 51368 Leverkusen Fax: +49 214 302 12 57 Germany E-mail:
[email protected] www.currenta.de Leverkusen Dormagen As at: January 2008 Powered by CURRENTA Krefeld-Uerdingen RZ Umschlag Investorenbroschüre_SD 3mm Rücken_AZ 06.02.2008 11:35 Uhr Seite 1 RZ Umschlag Investorenbroschüre_SD_engl 3mm Rücken_AZ 06.02.2008 12:02 Uhr Seite 1 RZ Umschlag Investorenbroschüre_SD_engl 3mm Rücken_AZ 06.02.2008 12:02 Uhr Seite 2 Service for your company 27 Building management com- Development and produc- Market-leading credit in- Manufacturer of titanium pany and supplier of resi- tion of highly flexible elec- stitution in Leverkusen dioxide, e.g. for coloring dential real estate to buy or troluminescent films plastics, paints and paper rent in the CHEMPARK areas To see more of CHEMPARK, take a look at the enclosed DVD.