Australian Chamber Annual Report and Business Review 2018 Chamber Annual Report and Business Review 2018 Published by the Australian Commerce of Commerce and Industry Level 2, 24 Brisbane Avenue, BARTON ACT 2600 P: 02 6270 8000 ISBN 9780646534091 Editors Sarah McGregor Senior Manager, Membership and Marketing
[email protected] Emily Kennelly Adviser, Public Affairs and Advocacy
[email protected] Zoe Callaghan Communications and Events Coordinator
[email protected] Design 3 Degrees Marketing No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission from the Australian Chamber. CONTENTS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 1 CEO’S MESSAGE 3 AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP NETWORK 5 NATIONAL SECRETARIAT 10 GOVERNANCE 11 OUR BOARD 13 STRATEGIC PLAN 14 YEAR IN NUMBERS 15 PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND ADVOCACY 17 ECONOMICS, INDUSTRY AND SUSTAINABILITY 18 EDUCATION, EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING 19 AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER - TOURISM 20 TRADE AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS 21 WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY AND WORKERS’ COMPENSATION 23 WORKPLACE RELATIONS 25 SUBMISSIONS 26 BIZ BETTER TOGETHER 27 2017 EXPORT AWARDS 30 2018 BUSINESS LEADERS SUMMIT 31 2017 BUSINESS LEADERS ANNUAL DINNER 33 BUSINESS LEADERS COUNCIL EVENTS 35 AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER ANNUAL REPORT AND BUSINESS REVIEW 2018 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE THE EXTRAORDINARY IS BECOMING COMMONPLACE AND THE NEED FOR COLLECTIVE POLICY AND ADVOCACY BY THE AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER AND ITS MEMBERS HAS NEVER BEEN GREATER. The past year has thrown up as series of extraordinary national political events with a major impact on the interests of businesses represented in the Australian Chamber network. Government entered the year with the slimmest of majorities, staggered through a series of by-elections, elected a new Prime Minister, Treasurer and Cabinet.