Genetic aspects of

Jennie Håkansson Email: [email protected]

Introductory paper, 2004 Department of Biology, IFM, Linköping University ______


More than 50 percent of all vertebrate species are classified as threatened today and this has become a central concern for people all over the world. There are several ways of dealing with preservation of species and one of the techniques receiving most attention is ex situ conservation. In ex situ conservation animals are bred in in order to eventually be reintroduced into the wild when their habitats are safer. This is often called conservation breeding. Since usually have small and/or declining populations, the effect of is a major concern in conservation breeding. The aim of the present paper is to review genetic aspects of ex situ conservation and to discuss how populations should be managed in captivity in order to be successful in a reintroduction situation. Populations in captivity may deteriorate due to loss of , depression, genetic to captivity and accumulation of deleterious alleles. These factors could seriously jeopardize the successfulness of ex situ conservation and need to be investigated thoroughly in order to optimize conservation breeding programs.

Keywords: Genetics; Ex situ conservation; Conservation breeding ______

Introduction which occurs today is at least partly due to human influences. It is possible It has been estimated that there are that up to 18 000 species have become between 3 and 30 million species of various extinct since 1600AD (Magin et al., 1994). life living today (May, 1992). This can be This means that the extinction rate in the last compared to the 5 to 50 billion species that 400 years may have been 45 animals per may have existed at some point since the year if rates of among mammals beginning of life (Raup, 1991). Such and are evenly extrapolated to other comparisons indicate the magnitude of taxa. This rate is 15 times higher than the extinctions that have occurred in the past. estimated natural extinction rate and What is important to remember is that some conservation of species has now become a degree of extinction is an entirely natural central concern for people all over the occurrence. Magin et al. (1994) estimated world. that roughly three described animal species There are several ways of preserving became extinct each year before the threat of species and the focus of this paper is on ex human influence. However, the rate of situ conservation of animals. In ex situ

1 conservation animals are bred in captivity vertebrates may have to be bred in captivity for an eventual reintroduction to the wild. in order to survive. To preserve all This is called conservation breeding and is threatened species is practically an one of the species preservation techniques impossible mission but, hopefully, the receiving most attention. establishment of conservation programs can Today, over 50 percent of all at least reduce the extinction rates. vertebrate species are classified as Species in need for conservation threatened (Frankham et al. 2002). The first actions are categorized into different groups; convention on took place in Rio critically endangered, endangered and de Janeiro in 1992 and the ’ response to vulnerable species (IUCN, 2001). this was The World Conservation Additionally, there are some species that are Strategy (Wheater et al., 1993) with the aim completely extinct in the wild and survives to help conserve the earth’s fast- only in cultivation, in captivity or as a disappearing and biodiversity. naturalized population outside the past Many species require conservation breeding range. Threatened species are found in all to save them from extinction as they may taxonomic groups and the number of species not be capable of surviving in the hostile in each category is shown in table 1. The natural environment (Ralls and Ballou, survival of many of these species depends 1983). Soulé et al. (1986) estimated that upon well-designed ex situ conservation approximately 2000 species of terrestrial actions.

Taxonomic group EW CR EN VU

Mammals 4 184 337 609

Birds 3 182 331 681

Reptiles 1 57 78 158

Amphibians 0 30 37 90

Table 1. Number of species extinct in the wild (EW), critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN) and vulnerable (VU) in four different taxonomic groups. (After IUCN, 2003)

The ultimate goal of ex situ to prevent immediate extinction as well as conservation is to provide support for the re-establishment and support of natural survival of species in the natural populations to ensure ultimate survival of environment (e.g. Wheater et al., 1993). species in their natural environment. Hence, conservation breeding programs are Conservation breeding programs must be not an alternative for, but rather a complemented with for example habitat complement to, in situ conservation, i.e. preservation and elimination of the original conservation through biotope protection and threats in order to give the reintroduced preservation. This can be accomplished animals a fair chance to survive. through captive propagation of rare species

2 Reintroduction is the intentional of deleterious alleles (Couvet and Ronfort movement of captive-born animals into the 1994). All these factors could seriously wild. Animals can be moved into (or near) jeopardize the successfulness of a the species’ historical range either to re- conservation and despite a establish a new population or to boost a wild certain overlap; they will be discussed one population. According to Beck et al. (1994) by one. only 11 percent (16 of 145) vertebrate reintroductions where captive-born Loss of genetic diversity individuals were released into the wild can From a genetic point of view, the be considered successful. Causes of failure most critical point of ex situ conservation is or problems in reintroduction of captive- to keep high levels of genetic diversity so bred animals vary from case to case but a that the population’s ability to face new common cause is behavioural deficiencies in environmental challenges is not at risk and released animals (e.g. Fleming and Gross, to prevent to captive conditions 1993; Kleiman, 1989; Shepherdson, 1994). (Fernández and Caballero, 2001). Genetic Still, few data are available to explain why diversity is reflected in the differences reintroductions fail and despite guidelines among individuals, including coat colour, stating the need for evaluation, the results of behavioural patterns and DNA sequences. reintroductions are rarely published (Beck et Maintenance of genetic diversity must be in al., 1994; Kleiman et al., 1994). For focus in conservation breeding because conservation breeding to be a successful environmental change is a continuous technique to save species from extinction, process and genetic diversity is required for more knowledge is needed about what evolving to adapt to such change. happens with behaviour and genetics in Furthermore, loss of genetic diversity is small captive populations bred in captivity. often associated with inbreeding and reduction in reproductive fitness. According Aim to Tegelström and Sjöberg (1995), high The aim of the present paper is to levels of homozygosity and loss of allelic review genetic aspects of ex situ variation may affect a population negatively conservation and to discuss how populations in at least three ways. First, homozygous should be managed in captivity in order to genotypes may be more susceptible to be successful in a reintroduction situation. environmental variation (Beardmore, 1983). Secondly, if individuals share genes by Genetic considerations of ex situ descent, deleterious genes expressed in the conservation homozygous condition result in abnormalities, low viability and death Given that threatened species usually (Chambers, 1983; Bensch et al., 1994). have small and/or declining populations, the Thirdly, a low degree of allelic variation effect of small population size is a major limits the ability of a population to respond concern in ex situ conservation. According to temporal and spatial environmental to Woodworth et al. (2002), populations in variation (Beardmore, 1983). captivity deteriorate due to loss of genetic Most threatened species and diversity, and genetic populations have lower genetic diversity adaptations to captivity that are deleterious than related, non-threatened species with in the wild. Ex situ conservation may also larger population sizes (Frankham et al., lead to genetic changes due to accumulation 2002). According to evolutionary theory,

3 populations with low are where r is the total number of loci and rp is expected to have lower adaptive potentials the number of polymorphic loci. to cope with environmental changes than The genetic composition of a populations with higher levels of genetic population can also be described by allele variation. The environment changes frequencies. The allele frequency or the annually, seasonally and daily but also over frequency of the F allele (p) in a population time due to, for example, climatic changes. is the proportion of all alleles examined Genetic variation in a population is therefore which are F. The number of each important to be adapted to both short-term homozygote and the total is doubled when fluctuations and long-term environmental dealing with diploid animals. Similar changes. Some of the heritable variation will procedures can be applied to obtain allele of course disappear slowly if the average frequencies when there are more than two pattern of selective forces remains constant alleles at a locus, as found for many for a very long time but usually this occurs loci. at approximately the same rate as the foundation of new genetic material through (2× FF )+ FS . Because of the constantly present p = (Frankham et al., 2002) 2×Total and self-rejuvenating genetic variation, a population in the wild can adapt both to where S is an allele other than F. sudden fluctuations and a gradually Genetic diversity at a single locus is changing environment. commonly characterized by observed Many different methods have been heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity and proposed in the literature to minimize or allelic diversity. These different delay the loss of genetic diversity and the measurements will be discussed one by one. appearance of inbreeding. Several studies Observed heterozygosity, H0, is simply have also theoretically and experimentally analyzed as the number of heterozygotes at a investigated the best strategies to manage locus divided by the total number of small populations in captivity in order to individuals sampled (Frankham et al., 2002). retain the highest possible genetic information. The majority of them conclude No. of heterozygotes at a locus that the best way to control the loss of H 0 = genetic diversity is minimizing the group Total no. of individuals coancestry or average mean coancestry (e.g. Ballou and Lacy, 1995; Caballero and Toro, Gene diversity or expected 2002). heterozygosity, He, refers to the expected In order to make the right decisions proportion of heterozygous loci in a about management the genetic diversity of a population. At a single locus with two population must be known. There are many alleles with frequencies p and q, the different ways of describing genetic expected heterozygosity is variation. One way is to measure the proportion of loci with two or more alleles No.of alleles H p 2 (P) that occur in the population. e = 1− ƒ i (Frankham et al., 2002) i=1

r P = p (Hedrick et al., 1986) where pi is the frequency of allele i. This r formula can be better understood for the case of two alleles at a locus where the

4 expected genotype frequencies are p2, 2pq term founder effect refers to genetic and q2. Since p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1, 2pq = 1 - p2 variation in populations that are founded by - q2 which corresponds to the last equation a random sample of N individuals from a He is usually preferred over observed larger population and it can be considered as heterozygosity as it is less affected by a type of bottleneck effect. sampling. Ideal populations are assumed to In changes in have random system where each levels of genetic diversity over time is often individual has equal chances to mate. In a central concern, as loss of genetic diversity such populations each individual also have is an indication of inbreeding and loss of an equal chance that their genes are not evolutionary potential. Heterozygosity is passed on to the next generation. Allele therefore often expressed as the proportion frequencies in the offspring generation may of heterozygosity retained over time, i.e. therefore differ from the parental generation Ht/H where Ht is the level of heterozygosity and this is called . Genetic drift at generation t and H the level at some is often the most powerful evolutionary earlier time. For example, H may be the force acting on small populations so it is heterozygosity before a bottleneck and Ht very important that management really takes after the bottleneck. Then 1 - Ht/H would notice of it (Lacy, 1987). However, loss of reflect the proportion of heterozygosity lost genetic variation due to genetic drift does as a result of the bottleneck (Frankham et not necessarily result in an empty gene pool al., 2002). since new alleles are added through Allelic diversity is the average mutations each generation. The level of number of alleles per locus and this is genetic variation is maintained whenever another way to characterize genetic and genetic drift are in equilibrium diversity. When there is more than one although new alleles may be different from locus, allelic diversity, A, is the average those that were lost due to genetic drift. number of alleles across loci (Frankham et Populations that have been through a al., 2002): bottleneck have lost alleles and continue to lose alleles as long as the population size is total number of alleles over all loci too small to establish such equilibrium an A = number of loci (Princée, 1998).

The expected genetic loss due to bottleneck effect, founder effect or genetic Inbreeding depression Inbreeding (f) in a population can be drift is determined by population size and it expressed as increases for smaller populations. Such

random genetic processes play key roles in H conservation genetics since populations of f = 1− 0 (Frankham et al., 2002) usually are small. Not H e only have endangered species often lost genetic variation due to bottlenecks but they Consequently, no inbreeding occurs (f=0) also continue to lose it through genetic drift. when the observed heterozygosity equals the Furthermore, founder effects occur expected heterozygosity (H0=He). Positive whenever in situ populations become value for f indicates that there is inbreeding fragmented or ex situ populations are in the population and negative value established for captive propagation. The indicates outbreeding which means that

5 mates are less closely related than would be When comparing populations in different expected under random mating conditions. environments, animals have the highest Inbreeding results in an increase in fitness in their own environment and homozygosity in populations and this may perform least well in others. Hence, genetic result in reduced fitness. Individuals with adaptations to captivity will increase fitness high proportion of homozygous loci often in the captive environment, but may be have lower fitness than heterozygous. deleterious when animals are returned to Furthermore, deleterious recessive alleles their natural environment (Arnold, 1995; can be expressed due to mating of Frankham, 1995). Genetic adaptation to homozygotes. captivity has for example been described in Effects of inbreeding on fitness are several species of fruit flies and it is likely to referred to as inbreeding depression occur in all species (Frankham and Loebel, (Roughgarden, 1979). Inbreeding depression 1992; Arnold, 1995). When wild animals are that results from expression of lethal alleles brought into captivity the selection pressures or evidently harmful alleles is more likely to change. Captive populations are naturally or be detected than inbreeding depression due unintentionally selected for their ability to to alleles which only slightly reduce fitness. reproduce in the captive environment and One obvious inbreeding depression is selection for tameness may be favoured by blindness in wolves, Canis lupus. This has keepers. genetic basis and occurs exclusively in While genetic adaptation to captivity inbred packs descending of specific founder or has been recognized since lineages in the Scandinavian zoo population Darwin’s time, it has, until recently, been (Laikre and Ryman, 1991). In order to detect considered to be a minor problem in slightly deleterious alleles, comparative conservation breeding. However, now there studies between groups of inbred and non- is convincing evidence that it can be a major inbred animals are usually required. For threat to the success of reintroductions example, Ralls and Ballou (1983) compared (Frankham et al., 2002). Domestication is an infant mortality between groups of inbred evolutionary process which involves and non-bred zoo mammals and their study genotypic adaptation to the captive showed that infant mortality in inbred environment (Price and King, 1968). When groups was generally higher than in non- we move an animal from the wild into bred groups. captivity, it is inevitable that it becomes domesticated to some degree. The genetic Genetic adaptations to captivity changes associated to domestication are the It has long been known that animals result of three phenomena: genetic drift, adapt to their local environment conditions. inbreeding and selection (Fig. 1).

6 • Genetic drift • Inbreeding Nature • Selection Captivity •Relaxed •Artificial selection •Natural selection in captivity

Figure 1. Genetic influences during domestication, the adaptation to physical and biological environment. (After Price and King, 1968)

As shown in Figure 1 there are selected for their ability to catch prey. basically three selection pressures operating Furthermore, in captivity, there is usually no on populations in captivity; relaxed natural competition with other species and limited selection; artificial selection and natural competition for mates within species. selection in captivity. Natural selection on such characters will be Relaxation of natural selection is a relaxed or they may even be selected against natural consequence of the environmental if there are trade-offs with other aspects of changes associated with provision of food, reproductive fitness (Bryant and Reed, shelter and protection from predators in 1999). Hence, selection on reproductive captivity (Price and King, 1968). Relaxation fitness is likely to maximize reproductive of natural selection takes place when captive fitness in the captive environment rather conditions allow certain behavioural traits, than the animals’ natural environment. which would have been selected against Furthermore, unconscious selection may under wild conditions, to remain in the take place when animals of different population. In captivity, animals are tolerance to captivity and different provided with food and protection against reproductive fitness in captivity are mixed predators and therefore, certain behaviours together in a breeding stock and this may that are important for survival in nature lose alter the gene pool of captive populations much of their adaptive significance (Price, considerably (Frankham et al., 1986). 1984). Predators and parasites are usually Hence, there is no doubt that functions controlled or absent, food is provided by essential to survival in the wild, like humans and carnivores are no longer predator avoidance, ability to catch live prey

7 etc., will eventually be lost in captive both due to the small population size and the populations unless they are subject to relaxed selection (Theodorou and Couvet selection. 2004). The benign conditions in captivity, Artificial selection is selection for e.g. absence of predators, provision of food, biological traits desired by humans. medical treatment, may result in a relaxation Artificial selection is avoided as much as of selection pressures against harmful alleles possible when animals are bred in captivity that would otherwise be kept in low for conservation purposes. However, there is frequencies in natural populations. This may still a risk that individuals that are easy to increase the genetic load and the risk of handle and cope well with the situation are extinction of natural populations (Lynch and preferred simply because of maintenance O’Hely, 2001; Theodorou, and Couvet, issues. Selection for traits such as tameness 2004). Consequently, populations of can be very strong in captivity. An example endangered species may be subjected to of how quick major changes can occur is introductions of individuals from an Belyaev’s (1979) domesticated silver foxes alternative setting where selection may be (Vulpes fulva), which after only a few (less relaxed or in a direction opposite the natural than 20) generations of selection for selection and this may increase the risk of tameness exhibited dog-like behavioural extinction. Woodworth et al. (2002) found traits. that captive populations of Drosophila Natural selection in captivity is showed fast genetic deterioration in another selection adapting the animals to the reproductive fitness when translocated to captive environment. This usually starts “wild” conditions and they concluded that early in the domestication process because the changes were due to genetic adaptation individuals differ in their ability to cope to captivity and inbreeding depression. with the captive environment. According to Genetic adaptation was more important in Price and King (1968) this selection acts large populations while inbreeding primarily to eliminate those individuals that depression had most impact in smaller are biologically and/or psychologically populations (Woodworth et al., 2002). incapable of producing offspring in captivity. In the absence of human Management of captive populations interference, the individuals best able to cope with captive conditions will have the As Earnhardt et al. (2001) point out, highest reproductive success. self-sustaining captive populations are important because many captive populations Accumulation of deleterious mutations represent insurance strategies against Deleterious alleles which are harmful extinction or act as ambassadors for under both in the wild and in captivity may conservation of wild populations. Given the be eliminated from captive populations. importance of captive populations for However, this kind of selection may also conservation and the restricted space result in elimination of alleles that are available in captivity, captive management advantageous in the wild but not in programs should use the scarce space captivity. The risk is also that recessive optimally and preserve as many species as alleles that are detrimental in the wild but possible (Conway, 1986; Soulé et al. 1986; neutral or beneficial in captivity may be Hutchins et al. 1995). However, the question favoured. The accumulation of deleterious of how to best manage captive populations mutations could be enhanced in captivity is not an easy one to answer. There are many

8 aspects to take into account and different they better achieve the long-term genetic analyses may result in different goals of captive propagation. recommendations. More knowledge about Frankham et al. (1986) suggest different management of small captive populations is managing techniques for three different needed and there are several improvements categories of ; 1) long-term that require attention for the captive conservation of endangered species, 2) breeding efforts to be fully successful. captive breeding for release back into the Margan et al. (1998) and Woodworth wild, and 3) rare species not yet capable of et al. (2002) recommend that captive self-sustaining reproduction in captivity. populations of endangered species should be fragmented in order to minimize genetic 1) Long-term conservation of adaptation to captivity but since small endangered species. This category involves populations often have problems with species whose wild habitat may be lost and inbreeding, occasional translocations will be whose future lie in captive maintenance. The required to prevent serious inbreeding main considerations for this group are to depression and extinctions. Other maintain viable populations and to preserve advantages with fragmented populations in as much of the original genetic diversity as captivity are maintenance of more genetic possible. In such cases it may be impossible diversity than a single population of the to recollect individuals from the wild so it is same total size (Margan et al., 1998), and crucial to do the best of the situation. There reduction of movements between institutions may be conflicts between culling of outliers which will reduce costs and disease transfers and maintaining equal representation of (Woodworth et al., 2002). In a comparison founder individuals when the number of of the effect of loss of genetic variation in founders is small. In such a case Frankham captive populations on average et al (1986) suggest that it is better to delay heterozygosity and the number of alleles at a the culling of outliers until the population is locus, Allendorf (1986) concluded that the larger and the genetic loss is not greater than loss of both allelic diversity and the gain. In the long term this kind of heterozygosity should be considered in the population is destined to lose functions that design of breeding schemes for captive are essential to survival in the wild. populations. Furthermore, Caballero and 2) Captive breeding for release back Toro (2002) showed that conservation into the wild. This is according to Frankham decisions using genetic distance methods et al. (1986), a short-term approach in which can be completely misleading when applied population size is the main concern. The aim to subpopulations of a given is fast increase in numbers for instant release metapopulation. They argue that the global into the wild. Such populations usually diversity of the metapopulation should be spend little time in captivity and therefore, considered and hence, both within and the relaxation of natural selection will not be between subpopulation variability should be serious. Selection against outliers is a included in conservation decisions. Lacy concern as well as preservation of the (1987), on the other hand, suggests that genetic variation. The captive environment simulations can help to define the effects should be as similar as possible to the wild that different management strategies will in order to ensure that the animals are have on the genetic constitution of a returned to the wild with the required population. With such knowledge, immunities, tolerances and physiological management plans can be planned so that adaptations.

9 3) Rare species not yet capable of self- 2. The founder group must be increased sustaining reproduction in captivity. as quickly as possible to the target Unsuccessful conservation breeding efforts population size. in this group is very worrying because it 3. The minimum size of the target critically endanger the survival of a species. population should generally include In many cases the reason for failure of self- 250 to 500 animals. sustaining captive breeding is motivation or 4. The sex ratio of the reproductive money. However, other issues like stress animals must remain as close as management, behavioural and possible to 1:1. environmental aspects are also important as 5. Inbreeding must be avoided as much well as genetics. According to Frankham et as possible. al. (1986), successful conservation breeding 6. To slow down the potential rate of of many species requires such intensive genetic change, the generation time selection for adaptation to the captive should be extended so that animals conditions that only a small proportion of will reproduce at later ages, as soon males and females contribute to the gene as the target population size is pool. It must then be recognized that this is a reached. step in the direction of domestication, 7. Continual efforts must be made to although it is beneficial for breeding avoid unnatural selection pressures. success. 8. If possible, a small number of Since genetic variation is so important in animals unrelated to the population the wild, it is of course crucial to keep the should be added to it each original variation as intact as possible in ex generation. situ populations. As mentioned before, captive populations generally differ from The practical implementation of these natural populations in three ways. They are recommendations and suggestions must be much smaller and therefore susceptible to based on thorough information about the random processes that lead to a loss of population in question. Keeping records on genetic variability. They are also often all animals involved is of course essential to divided into many small sub-populations all forms of population management. Good which lead to a risk of inbreeding if there is management is impossible without reliable no exchange between the sub-populations. information on aspects such as the number Furthermore, the animals in ex situ of animals in the population, location, kin populations live in environments that are relationships, descendants, sex, and age. The different from their natural habitats and thus zoo world has three levels for the recording there is a risk of unnatural selective and reporting of individual data. First of all, pressures. Fortunately, deleterious processes each individual zoo registers their animal that can occur in small, fragmented data including e.g. place of origin, birth, populations have been intensively studied in parents, offspring, diet, feeding habits, recent years and on account of the insight health and medical treatment. Secondly, gained so far a number of guidelines have there is a worldwide database for zoo animal been established (Wheater et al., 1993). information. The third level of animal data is These are summarized below. the studbooks for endangered species. These are based on the previously mentioned 1. The founder group should consist of database and also take into account zoos that at least several dozen animals. have not yet registered their animals in the

10 database. Each international studbook is this knowledge, numerous reintroductions maintained by assigned studbook keepers are predestined to fail just like in the past. and contains information on all individuals Only with the right knowledge decision- of one particular species that live or have makers have the chance to make accurate ever lived in a zoo throughout the world. decisions about management techniques. As has been discussed in this paper, However, as Rahbek (1993) points out, optimal conservation breeding is not an easy conservation breeding must not on any level task for conservation biologists. More result in misallocation of available resources knowledge is needed about factors or become an excuse to avoid dealing with influencing populations in captivity and the preservation of habitats. interactions between those factors. Without


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