DOUGALSTON, Promotional Masterplan Document December 2019

For British Land Company PLC CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION

2.0 PLANNING POLICY 2.1 Redevelopment Plan Promotional Background 2.2 Planning Policy and Future Considerations

3. 0 REGIONAL SETTING 3.1 Historic Dougalston Gardens 3.2 Historic Milngavie 3.3 Regional Context 3.4 Landscape Character


5.0 SITE APPRAISAL 5.1 Arboricultural 5.2 Ecological 5.3 Landscape and Visual 5.4 Access and Transport 5.5 Townscape Appraisal


7.0 LAND-USE 7.1 9-Hole Golf Course 7.2 Outdoor Activity 7.3 Glamping 7.4 Lodge Park 7.5 Commercial Hub 7.6 Care Home / Village 7.7 Residential


Applicant: Planning Consultant:

Design Team: Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document


This Promotional Masterplan Document has been prepared on behalf of British Land Company PLC as part of an application to East Council to redevelop pockets of land within the Dougalston Golf Club for residential housing, a high-quality lodge park and additional recreation and commercial facilities. British Land Company have appointed the following experienced consultant team to appraise the proposed development site and contribute to the proposed layout:

• Brindley Associates Ltd – Landscape Architects and Ecologists; • Gray Planning and Development Ltd - Planning Consultants; and • ECS Transport – Transport Planning and Engineering Consultants.

Dougalston Golf Course lies in a unique location. At the last local development plan Examination, the Reporter agreed with British Land’s analysis that walking and cycling connectivity from the centre of the site to the centre of Milngavie is one of the shortest routes for an edge of centre location around the town. A very sustainable location. Go the other way east, and again, the connectivity from the site to the open countryside, and beyond is also extremely well-linked but poorly promoted. This highlights the significant existing green space and connectivity benefits the location already offers. However, we believe without the right re-positioning and a new definition for this sustainable location, there is a concern that these attributes can be lost, or over looked. British Land wants to re-purpose the property fit for the 21st Century and to cater for changed leisure, health and well-being habits and needs – with greenspace and connectivity at the heart of the proposed development framework promoted to the Council. Broadly, there is a lack of provision of commercially viable outdoor leisure and recreation opportunities in the central belt of . Elsewhere in Scotland – ski resorts in the Cairngorms, coastal locations of Aberdeen, Angus, Fife and East Lothian provide the ‘go to’ locations for golf and the Scottish west coast and islands provide real wilderness, green and blue space for water, hill and adrenaline activities. Yet, the property lies less than 30mins from and is extremely well-positioned to offer all-year (not seasonal) weekend and short break opportunities owing to short travel times. This is coupled with a prosperous local socio-economic profile, and great potential nearby to be a favourable location to meet an aging population, a mobile family population and a thrill-seeking ‘millenial’ population. This demographic will support the facilities intended to be provided in the re-purposed Dougalston. Taking a short step out of the town, and looking slightly to the east lies Mugdock Country Park, and large water reservoirs of Craigmaddie and Mugdock – large recreational areas a short hop from Dougalston. British Land’s vision is to place the proposal site within the outdoor destination hub that could be established here – a serious departure point for those seeking to accomplish the , or a short circuit loop around the reservoirs. Douglaston can therefore offer more than just green space, excellent connectivity and an ailing 18-hole golf course on the edge of Milngavie. British Land vision for the place seeks to retain the leisure and parkland feel, will not breach the boundary of the green space to do so, and modernise the offer for the potential holiday-makers referred to. This could be achieved by: • Reducing the 18-hole golf course to an 9-hole facility, with enhancement of the existing golf and sports facilities already offered. • Enhancing the offer with new commercial-focussed family-oriented eatery, gift shop and outdoor hire potentially linked to the theme ‘on the edge’. DOUGALSTON • Retaining the green spaces, woodland and re-purposing fairways to create a new parkland setting for retirement living accommodation – so close to town and so convenient. • Drawing on the visitor hub potential being ‘on the edge’ provide new holiday lodge accommodation. • To help improve the road, drainage and wider infrastructure, and to ensure the Climate Emergency of now is addressed, the re-development can will re-invest capital towards affordable and private homes at location closest ‘ON THE EDGE’ to the town.

1 December 2019 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document 2.0 PLANNING POLICY

East Dunbartonshire 2.1 Development Plan Promotional Background Local Development Plan 2017 • Since 2009 through to the last local development plan Examination Report of 2016, the golfing market continues to decline, and the growth of smart leisure and ways and means of finding new ways to spend leisure have grown in popularity. Equally, since 2016, we now know of the strong likelihood of a dependent aging society with new needs and requirements. Affordability of homes to first time buyers, and the need more than ever to address wetter warmer seasons, rising sea levels and flood risks. This has made British Land re-visit its previous plans to better reflect the future and to ensure such an opportunity can assist the Council and its residents to tackle these issues locally.

2.2 Planning Policy and Future Considerations • In there remains a need for housing (of a range of types and tenures) to meet the wider ClydePlan requirements for the long term. We also note the growing need for special or adaptable housing accommodation for the elderly, special needs and for those unable to enter the housing market. This is particularly in East Dunbartonshire and other local areas.

• We note the national planning policy of needing to start with brownfield land opportunities first, before considering green sites. East Dunbartonshire, and particularly Milngavie and has limited vacant or derelict land and is fortunate to be set in a green space location as it does. However the real risk is Dougalston becomes a vacant or lost loved green site turned to brownfield site. The potential is here now to reverse that risk.

• The promotion site lies in the East Dunbartonshire Green Belt with respect to Policy 3 of the adopted Local Development Plan (2017). Some of the proposed new buildings would however be on the edge of the defined Existing Settlement of Milngavie.

• The site is also protected for various local reasons including being a ‘community facility’ (Policy 7), and a ‘locally important garden and designed landscape’ (Policy 10). We would highlight the ‘local landscape area’ boundary to the east (Policy 8) whilst not a physical boundary provides a clear change in setting which will be highlighted in the analysis to follow in this document.

• These policy matters are constraints that are designed to manage change, not stop change. The re-defined proposals of today are more sensitively considered to these policy areas and respect these.

• The proposed new buildings and uses in the Green Belt, for leisure and visitor economy purposes are considered appropriate in terms of acceptable low-key low-impact and there are many examples of such buildings being located in countryside locations for recreational, forestry, farming or wider leisure activity needs as this is the most appropriate and compatible place for these to be.

• The proposed new housing of c100 units (of private and affordable together) is significantly reduced in scale, form and capacity to the 2016 proposals, and are considered to be on a location chosen for its high accessibility and sustainable connectivity to local services. This in turn justifies the location identified for the care village element. This package of new accommodation is not only needed to meet policy requirements, it will be a vital component of the landowner and developer’s response to delivering much needed private investment into infrastructure facilities going forward.

2 December 2019 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document

:\Y]L`VM/PZ[VYPJ.HYKLUZ HUK+LZPNULK3HUKZJHWLZ  PU,HZ[+\UIHY[VUZOPYL 1 2 3.0 REGIONAL SETTING 3.1 Historic Dougalston Gardens MILNGAVIE SITE • In 1767, tobacco lord John Glassford bought Dougalston from the Grahams of Dougalston who were credited with bringing the first linen mill to Milngavie.

DOUGALSTON • Glassford extended the mansion and ‘laid out the grounds anew in the most ornamental style’ creating a new loch and planting many new trees, including spruce and silver firs.

above: Photo of the historic • In the following years the mansion and grounds changed hands until, in 1976, the house was centre of Milngavie demolished to make way for the new golf course. The local paper reported ‘ a reader deploring opposite: the passing of the lovely grounds to make way for the coming golfing and leisure centre’. 13 1. Settlements adjacent to site STIRLING • The legacy of the Designed Landscape can be seen in the mature woodland tree cover and estate 2. Dougalston Historic planting species. Additionally, certain built features remain such as the 18th Centruey Dovecot Gardens and built by John Glassford. Designed Landscape 1914 • Some areas of parkland character remain although for the most part landforming and new 3. Local urban centres MUGDOCK planting has altered the character to a golfing landscape. The steepness of the central part of !6YKUHUJL:\Y]L` THW  4. 18th Century the site contributes to its special character. 4 Dovecot 4HWZHUK.YHWOPJ,]PKLUJL MILNGAVIE • No features of archaeological interest have been identified although hidden interest from EAST )SHL\ZOV^Z +V\NSHZOO VUS`9V`JZOV^ZHUL_[LUZP]LYLJ[PSPULHY below: Historic mapping previous site uses may remain (EDC Survey of Historic Gardens and Designed Landscapes 2006). DUNBARTONSHIRE SHUKZJHWLVM[YLLSPULKLUJSVZ\YLZH[ +V\NHSZ[VU^P[O[OLOV\ZLPUHZX\HYL 1856-1958 LUJSVZ\YLHUKHNYHUKH]LU\L[V[OLZV\[OJYVZZLKI`HULHZ[^LZ[YVHKMYVTH JYVVZZPUNVM[OL>H[LYVM(SSHUKLYPU[OLZV\[O^LZ[9VZZKLWPJ[ZHZPaLHISL 3.2 Historic Milngavie BEARSDEN MVYTHSSHUKZJHWLVM[YLLSPULKJVTWHY[TLU[ZH[+\NHSZ[VU9VZZ ZOV^ZP[ X\P[LKPMMLYLU[S`UHTLK+V\NHSZ[VU^P[O[OLSVJOHUKOV\ZLPUKPJH[LKHTVUN • Milngavie originated around a country village within the Parish of New Kirkpatrick. Its origins ZJH[[LYLKISVJRZVM[YLLWSHU[PUNHUKHUVY[OZV\[OH]LU\LLHZ[VM[OLOV\ZLHUK relate to the movement economics of the time with a drove road from the highlands meeting HI\PSKPUNHUUV[H[LK )HUR)HUX\L[PUN/V\ZL&[VP[ZLHZ[9PJOHYKZVU  DRUMCHAPEL ZOV^Z+V\NSHZ[VUPUZVTLKL[HPS^P[OH^PUKPUNHWWYVHJOMYVT[OL^LZ[HUKH a crossing point on the which provided power for the 19th century mills. The TVYLKPYLJ[HJJLZZMYVT(\JOLUOV^PLH^HSSLKNHYKLUPU[^VZLJ[PVUZ[OLSVJO development of the railway in the 19th century allowed further rapid growth of Milngavie as a GLASGOW CITY ZOV^UHZ-PZO7VUK[OPJR[YLLILS[Z[V[OLUVY[OHUHYYV^LYILS[[V[OLLHZ[HUK L_[LUZP]LWHYRSHUK^P[OJS\TWZHUKPUKP]PK\HS[YLLZ[V[OL^LZ[.YHZZVT  dormitory Town for Glasgow and other surrounding locations. ZOV^ZH]HYPH[PVUVM[OPZSH`V\[^P[OPU[LYUHSKP]PZPVUZVM[YLLSPULZ Z[LKP[PVU6YKUHUJL:\Y]L`PUKPJH[LZHSHYNLHUK^LSSKLÄULKKLZPNULKSHUKZJHWL • Milngavie expanded rapidly through the early post war period with large housing estates of ^P[O+V\NHSZ[VUSVJOMVYTPUN[OLZV\[O^LZ[IV\UKHY`"WLYPTL[LY[YLLILS[ZHUK JYVZZILS[[V[OLZV\[O^LZ[VMMJLU[YL^P[O[OLOV\ZLVU[OL^LZ[ZPKLHUK[OL predominantly one and two storey mixed typology housing. These estates are typical of the 1856 1925 ^HSSLKNHYKLUH[[OLZV\[OVM[OLILS[PJLOV\ZLVU[OLZV\[O1958 ZPKLVM[OL^HSSLK period and have a high quality garden suburb character with mature gardens and tree lined NHYKLU^P[OTHPUWHYRZ[VUVY[OLHZ[HUKZV\[O^LZ[KV]LJV[LPUZTHSSWHYR[V streets. UVY[O"THPUKYP]LZMYVT[OLUVY[OHUKUVY[O^LZ["WVUKH[[OLLHZ["ZPNUZVMMVYTHS [YLLZPUWHYRZ 6YKUHUJL:\Y]L`!ZV\[OLUKVMSVJOKYHPULK^P[OVULZTHSS PZSHUKUV^H[YLLJS\TW"UL^KYP]LMYVT[OLZV\[O"L_[LU[VMWHYRSHUKYLK\JLK" • The pattern of historic urban development reflects the assimilation of many of the surrounding historic estate landscapes into the settlement which we see today, with evidence of policy woodlands and other historic landscape features providing important elements in the local character.

• Today, the settlement has a population of approximately 12,000 – 15,000 residents based on the 2001 census (with a notably high retired population). The local economy is supported by tourism to the area – largely due to the Town’s historic character and strategic location for outdoor leisure, recreation and long distance walks including the West Highland Way.

3 December 2019 Legend Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document Site boundary

Study area (2km offset from site boundary)

Landscape Character Types (LCTs) SNH 2019

3.3 RegionalLCT Context 211: Drumlin Foothills

• Dougalston GolfLCT Course 0: Urban lies to the east of the settlement of Milngavie, north of Dougalston in the East Dunbartonshire Council area. The surrounding countryside is mostly in agricultural LCT 150: Lowland hill fringes use, but is also highlyLCT 205: valuedBroad valley for lowland its scenic quality. - Glasgow & Clyde Valley LCT 200: Rolling farmland • The surrounding- Glasgow foothills and Clyderange Valley in height from 150-200m, with notable topographic variation throughout the golf course itself, rising to 85m.

• The town of Milngavie offers abundant local shopping and leisure facilities with good core path and regional cycle links.

• The urban layout of Milngavie in particular offers strong legibility, with a series of key built form landmarks (such as churches, community halls and nodal points) further defined by a clear and logical street pattern. This helps to orientate movement through the settlement and define the town centre as distinct from its suburban surroundings. 3.4 Landscape Character • A 2km study area identifies four distinct SNH Landscape Character Types; The Drumlin foothills which covers almost all the site; the Urban extents of Milngavie and Dougalston; Broad valley lowland of the Glasgow and Clyde Valley to the south and Lowland hill fringes to the north.

• The Drumlin Foothills Landscape Character Type is distinct to this region of East Dunbartonshire, typified by undulating drumlin landform created by glacial deposition.

• It represents an area of transition from lowlands to more rugged moorland hills. The area is dominatedProject: byDougalston, well-managedClient: pastoralBritish Landfarming, giving way to areas of moorland vegetation in the more elevatedMilngavie and exposedCompany areas. Ltd There is a combination of semi-natural woodlands along incisedDrawing Title: burns,SNH Landscape farm woodlands, Character Types small conifer plantations and more extensive areas of mixed woodland. Scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 Date: 29 / 11 / 2019

Figure No: 03 Status: Planning • To the eastDrawn by: ofR Moorethe site settlementsChecked by: R Whiteoccur in the form of scattered farmsteads and small villages with this pattern becoming more fragmented towards the urban edge. There is 2km considerable pressure for housing due to the area’s accessibility from and the attractiveness of its character. 2 3 1 plan: SNH Landscape 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 m Character Plan LegendLegend

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2019. Licence Number: 0100031673 images: Site boundary 1. Typical Drumlin Foothills landscape Study area (2km offset from site boundary) type 2. Landscape Character Types (LCTs) SNH 2019 Topographic plan 3. LCT 211: Drumlin Foothills Urban grain LCT 0: Urban

LCT 150: Lowland hill fringes LCT 205: Broad valley lowland - Glasgow & Clyde Valley LCT 200: Rolling farmland - Glasgow and Clyde Valley

4 December 2019

Project: Dougalston, Client: British Land Milngavie Company Ltd

Drawing Title: SNH Landscape Character Types

Scale: 1:25,000 @ A3 Date: 29 / 11 / 2019 Figure No: 03 Status: PlanningThis is one of 390 Landscape Character Types identified at a scale of 1:50 000 as part of a Drawn by: R Moore Checked by:nationalR White programme of Landscape Character Assessment republished in 2019.

2km The area covered by this Landscape Character Type was originally included in the Glasgow and Clyde Valley LCA (Land Use Consultants), published 1999.

3 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 m SNH National Landscape Character Assessment LCT 211 DRUMLIN FOOTHILLS

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2019. Licence Number: 0100031673 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document 4.0 SITE ANALYSIS plan: Landscape Analysis Plan • The site is bounded by a combination of existing field boundaries, deciduous woodland associated with the golf course and, to the west of the site Milngavie and the Strathblane Road.

• Landcover within the site generally comprises grassland associated with the roughs, fairways and putting greens of the golf course separated by mixed woodland of varying maturity and condition.

• Other features within the site include man-made ponds and areas of grassy marshland which combine with the extensive woodland to provide visual interest and diverse habitat for wildlife. Occasional man-made structures such as the 18th Century Dovecot and remnant stone walls add to the distinctive character of the site. The site also features mature and over-mature woodland associated with the former Dougalston Estate.

• The woodland associated with the golf course and surrounding land is covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) which is enforced locally be East Dunbartonshire Council.

• The extent of woodland within the site provides alternating areas of openness and enclosure, which provide function to the golf course but also allow frequent vistas along fairways and occasional views across the wider landscape.

• Although land generally falls across the site in a northwest to southeast direction, within these areas land is undulating with a series of hummocks and rounded hills providing interest and character to the recreational landscape.

Road is a rural single carriageway route that cuts through the site east to west, connecting Milngavie with the conservation village of Baldernock.

• Overall the site is a complex mix of unmanaged and managed land, interspersed with small waterbodies and visibly contained by an existing woodland which acts to create an interesting and unique environment.


5 December 2019 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document 5.0 SITE APPRAISAL Primary Tree Species 5.1 Arboriculture • An arboricultural assessment of the existing woodland areas of the proposed development site was undertaken by Brindley Associates during November 2019. The study assessed the characteristics, condition and biodiversity value of the existing woodland groups.

• The current Landscape Development Framework indicates a vast majority of the existing woodland is proposed for retention as a result of the development, with only the current golf course fairways being affected, which currently provide limited environmental value. Scots Pine Birch Pinus sylvestris Betula sp. • The proposed incorporation of the residential, lodge and activity developments throughout the existing woodland, presents features with the potential to promote positive recreation, health and well being for residents, patrons and visitors alike.

• Through the implementation of appropriate woodland management measures, the existing areas have the potential to be maintained and enhanced, presenting natural, environmental, amenity and recreational opportunities throughout the lifetime of the development.

• Semi-natural broadleaved woodland is dominant across the site with mixed semi- Beech Norway Spruce natural areas also present in east and south. Sections of coniferous plantation Fagus sylvatica Picea abies woodland, dominated by Scots’ pine and Norway spruce, are also present in the south and south-east of the site. A large proportion is in good arboricultural condition, with a small number of mature, expired specimens within the centres of some large groupings. • A number of opportunities for biodiversity enhancement in relation to arboricultural features present themselves at the site including the control and reduction of the current occurrences of rhododendron, which are currently present in the understorey of a majority of the woodland blocks throughout the site.

• Control and reduction of rhododendron in the site has the potential help promote natural regeneration of the understorey by native floral species, further enhancing the environment for native species of invertebrates and other fauna.

• Due to the mature tree specimens present, a large portion of the woodland areas also has the potential to support roosting bats, due to the presence of natural cavities, such as rot holes and lost limbs.

• The diversity of tree specimens across the site also have the potential to support a variety of nesting bird species throughout the breeding season.

• Standing dead timber, most notably present in the proximity of the ‘Tinkers Burn’ in the east, can be retained, where safety consideration permit, to provide a valuable resource for a variety of insects and wildlife.

6 December 2019 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document Legend Site boundary

50m zone of influence (ZoI)

A1.1.1 Semi-natural broad-leaved woodland Planting Species LegendLegend A1.2.2 Coniferous plantation woodland IS IS IS Site boundary .! !!!!!! !!!!!!!! A1.3.1 Mixed semi-natural woodland .!IS3 IS IS 50m zone of influence (ZoI) !!!!! !!!!!!!2 !!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!IS IS IS A2.1 Dense/continous scrub AAAAA!!!!!!!AAAAAAA AAA A1.1.1 Semi-natural broad-leaved woodland !!!!!!!! DDDDD !!!!!!!! AAAAA!!!!!!!!AAAAAAA AAA DDDDD !!!!!!!!! A1.2.2 Coniferous plantation woodland A2.2 Scattered scrub ! IS!!!!!!!! IS IS !!!!!!!!! DDDDD !!!AAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAA!!!!IIII !. !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!.!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A1.3.1 Mixed semi-natural woodland SI B2.2 Neutral semi-improved grassland !!!!!!!!.!!!!AAAAAIS3!!!!!!!! ISAAAAA IS AAA AA!!!!!!!AAAAAA!! IIII !!!!! A1.3.1 Mixed semi-natural woodland !!!!!!! 3 !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2 !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!IS IS !!!!!!! 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Brindley Associates Ltd undertook a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal of the AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAA !!! • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA !!! J4 Bare ground !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IS IS IS IS IS IS!!!! IS IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IS!!!!!!! IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS!!!! IS IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS J1.4 Introduced shrub !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAIS IS ISAAA IS ISAAA IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS IS AAAAAA 4 J1.4 Introduced shrub !!! proposed development site during November 2019. The survey defined all broad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! 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J3.6 Buildings support roosting bats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAIS ISAAAAAAAAAAAA IS ISAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IS IS IS IS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA J3.6 Buildings habitat types present, it’s suitability to support protected species and made !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAA 8AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA5AAAAAA !! IS!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS5 IS IS IS IS IS !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!.! 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AAAAAA!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAADDDDDDIS IS IS • The site comprises areas of grassland, woodland, scrub and various waterbodies. !!!!AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 2. Badger sett and 30m buffer. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!DDD!!!!DDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!DDDDDD 30m buffer from badger sett/entrance burrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAA!! !!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3. Single entranceThe habitats badger sett and 30m plant buffer species recorded within the survey area are considered !!!!AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!IS!! IS ISIS IS!!!!!!!IS !!!!DD!!!!!! IS!!!!!!AAAAAA.! IS AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!DDDDDDIS IS IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! 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IS AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! !!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAA!!!!!AAAAAAAAAIS IS IS AAAAAA!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAADDDDDD 2. Badger sett and 30m buffer. !!!!!!!!!!!!! DDD!!!!DDD!!!!!!!! !!!!DDDDDD 2. Badger sett and 30m buffer. !!!!!!!! !!!!!DDDDDD!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!DDDDDD !!!! assessment is currently recommended. !!!!!AAAAAAAAAAA!! !!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!AAAAAA!!!!AAAAAAAAA!!!!!DDDDDD 3. Single entrance badger sett and 30m buffer !!!!!!IS!!!!!!! ISAAAAAAAAAAA!! ISIS IS!!!!!IS !!!!DDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! IS!!!!!!.!IS IS ISAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! IS!!!IS ISIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IS AAAAAA!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAADDDDDDIS IS IS AAAAAAAAAIS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS ISIS ISIS IS.! IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IS IS IS !!!!!!!!!DDDDDD 4. Watercourse with suitability to support otter. AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!DD!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!1 !!!!!!! AAAAAA!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAADDDDDD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAADDDDDD IS IS ISIS ! IS!!!!!IS !!!!!!!!!! IS !!!!!!IS IS!!!! IS!!!IS IS IS !!!!!!!!!DDDDDDIS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS ISAAAAAAAAAAA ISIS ISIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IS !!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIS IS IS IS IS IS AAAAAAAAAAA! !!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!AAAAAA9!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAADDDDDD AAAAAAAAADDDDDD The current Landscape Development Framework indicates that the proposed !!!!!!!!! CONFIDENTIAL• ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IS IS IS IS IS!!!!! IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!DDDDDD IS IS IS IS IS IS IS ISAAAAAAAAAAA ISIS ISIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIS IS IS IS IS IS AAAAAAAAA plan: Phase 1 Habitat and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!DDDDDD Project: Dougalston developmentClient: British will Land be located within the current golf course’s fairway areas. Due AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! !!!!AAAAAAAAA Ecological Survey IS IS ISIS IS !!!!! IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!DDDDDDIS IS!!! IS !! IS IS IS AAAAAAAAAIS IS IS Milngavie Company !!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!9 AAAAAAAAADDDDDD!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! CONFIDENTIAL to their low floral diversity and frequent maintenance regime, these fairways !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! !!!!!!!AAAAAAAAA IS IS IS IS IS!!!!! IS !!!!! IS IS!!! IS !!!!!!!IS IS IS IS IS IS Drawing Title: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Project: Client: Phase 1 Habitat and Ecological Observations !!!!!!!!!!!!! Project: Dougalston Client: British Land currently present minimal ecological value. Therefore, low ecological habitat !!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!IS!!!!!!! IS IS Milngavie Company !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAA impact is anticipated as a result of the proposals. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAA Scale: 1:6,000 @ A3 Date: 26 / 11 / 2019 !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!IS!!!!!!! IS IS Drawing Title: Phase 1 Habitat and Ecological Observations AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Figure No: 01 Status: Final !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! !!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!! Scale: 1:6,000 @ A3 Date: 26 / 11 / 2019 Drawn by: J Ashworth• The woodlandChecked by: K Hassardareas proposed for retention, in combination with the site’s water AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! IS!!!!!!! IS Figure No: 01 Status: Final features, provide a dense and well distributed green, linear habitat network AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!! Drawn by: J Ashworth Checked by: K Hassard AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS!!!!!!! IS with the potential to aid both foraging and commuting bat species. In addition, IS!!!!!!! IS !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIS IS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! naturally-formed cavities within a number of the mature and semi-mature tree Invertebrate activity !!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIS!!!!!!! IS !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! specimens within the site have the potential to support roosting bat species. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 0 100 200 300 m • Habitat suitable for foraging and commuting land-based mammals is also present within 1 0 100 200 300 m 1 the site. The green habitat areas proposed within the Landscape Development Framework Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2019. Licence Number: 0100031673 look to largely maintain this network. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2019. Licence Number: 0100031673

• Additional foraging opportunities for birds, mammals and invertebrates are presented via the potential to implement an enhanced and diverse, native understorey woodland mix across the site, following the control and reduction of the current rhododendron specimens.

• A total of ten ponds were identified, eight of which occur within the site boundary and two within 500m of the site. These present a valuable resource for fauna within the area and their retention and enhancement with additional riparian species has the potential to provide additional features of biodiversity value.

7 December 2019

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5.3 Landscape and Visual Appraisal !(

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A landscape and visual appraisal was prepared in order Listed buildings !( (

•! Site boundary

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! to indicate areas within the proposed development site Landscape Designations (

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! !( ( where predicted changes in either landscape character or ! Listed buildings

Local landscape area !(

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Landscape Designations !(

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! Cultural Heritage Designations !( (

• Part of the process involved site assessment work to ! Local landscape area !( ( ! !( !(

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gain an understanding of the site and the surrounding Gardens and designed landscapes: !( !(

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area, including! areas designated by East Dunbartonshire Locally important gardens and designed ( ! Country parks !(

landscapes !( ! (


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Council as being of particular importance, such as: !( !( !( ( ! !( !( !( !(

Cultural Heritage DesignationsScheduled monuments !( ! ( (

! !(

Bardowie, Baldernock and Torrance Local !(

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! World heritage sites !( (

Landscape Area; ! Gardens and designed landscapes: !(


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! ( ( Dougalston Locally Important Gardens and ! • Conservation areas !(



! Locally important gardens and designed ( ! !(

Designed Landscape; landscapes !( ( ! !( Designated Routes !(


!( ( • Milngavie Reservoirs Locally!( Important Gardens !

Core path !( !(

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! Scheduled monuments

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and Designed Landscape; and !(

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! !( !( !( !( !( Regional cycle network

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( ! - Great North Trail !(

Glasgow Road/ Baldernock Road/ Glassford Street !( (

• World heritage sites ! ! (

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Townscape Protection Area. ! !(

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Conservation areas !


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To appraise potential visibility of the site from the ! (

• ! !(


!( ! Designated Routes

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!( ( surrounding area, a Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) ! !(


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Core path !(



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drawing was produced; this provided the platform for !

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selecting representative viewpoints to illustrate potential !


! !( !( !( !( !( Regional cycle network ! ( (

!( ! (

visual changes from static locations throughout the ! - Great North Trail !(



!( ! ! (

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plan: Landscape image: !


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Designations and 1. Photomontage of new !

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( Following the completed appraisal, it was found that !


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Designated Routes housing looking from !( !

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there would be very limited change on the character of Dougalston Avenue !


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Dougalston Locally Important Gardens and Designed !

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Landscape within which the proposed development !


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lies was predicted to undergo the largest change, but ! ! (


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! !( !( ( this would be limited given the existing well-wooded! !( !( !( !( !(

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conditions of the site. !

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• Notable visual change was predicted to be limited to ! !(

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users of Baldernock Road in close proximity to the site, ! !(

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with other users experiencing little or no visual change. ! !( !(


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0 200 400 600 800 1,000 m !

Overall the proposed development will provide much !(

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needed housing for the local area, in addition to !( !

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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2019. Licence Number: 0100031673 !

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contributing positively to the local economy by way of ! !( !( !(

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tourist/ visitor provisions. Sensitive siting of the various !(

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elements of the development in addition to retention and !

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enhancement of the existing woodland framework has ! !(

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ensured that implementation of the proposals would not !( !( !(

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result in unacceptable changes in the surrounding area. ! !(

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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2019. Licence Number: 0100031673 !( !


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!( !( Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document

Figure 3: Existing Public Transport Provision

Key plan: Existing Public Transport Provision 5.4 Transport and Access Development Site The site will be accessed from Strathblane Road and Baldernock 5 minute Walk Isochrone • Road ensuring the development area is porous with improved 10 minute walk Isochrone plan below: Walking Isochrones Bus Route connectivity to the existing settlement. An internal street network

Bus Stop will be formed to connect both roads but designed to ensure that the

Railway Station route is attractive for access only with through traffic discouraged.

• Baldernock Road will be provide direct access to the residential area on the western boundary of the site. The site ownership presents the opportunity to realign Baldernock Road via the development areas and improve the level of infrastructure to modern adoptable standards. The existing section of Baldernock Road could be converted to a shared walk / cycleway providing enhanced access.

• The ability for all areas of the development to access Strathblane Road and Baldernock ensures the site has two full points of access to support the scale of development proposed and will reduce the potential impact of new traffic on a single access point.

• The unique setting of the development area presents the opportunity to introduce attractive walk and cycle routes which could ultimately Figure 2: Walking Isochrones enhance the core path network in the wider area. The proposed routes would ensure that all aspects of the development proposals Key connect to each other and the wider settlement. Site Based upon20 minutethe Ordnance Walk Time Survey's (1:1250) Map of 2019 with permission of the controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown copyright reserved.Core Paths ECS Transport Planning Ltd Centrum Offices, 38 Queen Street, Glasgow, G1 3DX. License No: 100055056

• The proposals will result in a minor increase in traffic on the adjacent road network as a result of the mix of uses proposed. It is accepted that the residential element will introduce a limited increase in traffic during peak commuter hours but this will be manageable given the modest number of new homes proposed. It is generally accepted that holiday lodges, care homes and leisure activities result in very little vehicle traffic during peak hours therefore it is considered that the wider road infrastructure can readily accommodate the development proposals.

• The centre of Milngavie, including the various amenities and services, are located within a 1,600m or 20 minute walk of the centre of the site ensuring that accessibility within the settlement meets the requirements of Government policy.

• Existing bus stops located on Strathblane Road and Milngavie Rail Station are approximately 400m and 550m from the boundary of the residential area, respectively which meets the requirements of PAN75 with respect to accessibility to public transport.

• Where possible, the existing footways on Baldernock Road and Strathblane Road will be enhanced and more direct routes introduced to the new development areas.

C:\Users\StevenScott\Dropbox\ECS\Projects\19106 Dougalston Golf Course\Reports\Accessibility Plans.docx

9 December 2019

Based upon the Ordnance Survey's (1:1250) Map of 2019 with permission of the controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown copyright reserved. ECS Transport Planning Ltd Centrum Offices, 38 Queen Street, Glasgow, G1 3DX. License No: 100055056

C:\Users\StevenScott\Dropbox\ECS\Projects\19106 Dougalston Golf Course\Reports\Accessibility Plans.docx

Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document

5.5 Townscape Appraisal • The Townscape Appraisal focuses on Milngavie as it both the closest settlement to the proposed site and also typifies many attractive qualities and examples of positive urban design. These characteristics can be extended to the proposed residential development within the site with a view to unifying the urban grain and extending successful streetscape principles.

• Milngavie boasts a strong and largely legible central Town centre with good mixed uses and pedestrian priority high street environment orientating around the historic bridge crossing.

A positive response to the underlying topography and particularly the local waterways with plan: Movement • framework and urban development generally following the local contours and avoiding low lying flood risk areas. grain • Generally low density predominantly low rise built form, varied and often richly detailed period architecture.

• Large areas of greenspace (public, semi-private and private) which provide a sense of leafy garden suburb which often retains former designed landscape artefacts, elements and features.

• A largely well connected movement framework with some relatively minor 20th century estates which are less well considered in terms of current best urban design practice.

• A generally strong palette of high quality natural construction materials within the urban core and through some high quality character areas of the Town.

• Within the current Scottish Planning Policy context and sustainability agenda, and without the development of new neighbourhood centres, Milngavie has largely reached a logical spatial capacity to the north, south and west.

• Spatially, and in terms of traditional radial settlement expansion and based on a walkable community, there are however clear opportunities for logical, sensitive and well considered settlement expansion to the east of Milngavie in the western extent of Dougalston golf course.

• There are significant site specific opportunities to use the local green networks and historic landscape to inform a high quality urban design response including the existing Dougalston estate Dovecot, the existing core paths network and local ecological habitat corridors.


Primary route West Highland Way

Primary path Kelvin Walkway

Secondary route Core path

Secondary path Regional cycle route

Tertiary route Rail line

Tertiary path Railway station

10 December 2019 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document

plan: Landscape Development Framework 6.0 DESIGN PRINCIPLES • The ethos of the design is to expand the current range of land use activities and opportunities for recreation, housing and commercial activity. The masterplan is focused around good practice guidelines for the creation of a welcoming, distinctive, safe and accessible mixed-use development.

• Key to these proposals is making the most of the site’s natural assets, including outstanding mature woodland, distinctive local features such as the Dovecot as well as ensuring the layout is responsive to existing topography, with any proposals positioned sensitively to protect views from nearby residents.

• The primary road entrance comes from the existing northern access from Strathblane Road. This route is extended along natural contours to link the lodge park, glamping pods and residential development.

• The existing network of footpaths, which are currently used to link fairways, will be extended to connect the different activity spaces and establish a series of woodland walks for locals and visitors alike. These footways and cyclepaths will link through to Milngavie, allowing easy access to local shops and facilities.

• Existing core paths will be reinforced, improving sustainable connections from the town centre out to the wider countryside.

• The expansion of the existing fitness centre to become a larger commercial hub is designed to promote and support local business opportunities with introduction of destination artisan outlets and leisure / recreation facilities, creating a welcoming and exciting entrance space.

• The site boasts spectacular mature woodland and is well contained from a landscape mitigation perspective with only minimal additional structure planting proposed. All proposed streetscape planting will be locally appropriate species to create a strong sense of place. Newly created green open spaces for residents are to be safe and overlooked.

• By retaining the vast majority of the site’s natural habitats such as wetlands and woodland the proposals aim to protect sensitive ecological species and enhance biodiversity.

11 December 2019 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document

7.0 LAND-USE plan: Land-use plan

• The masterplan seeks to redevelop approximately half the existing open spaces and fairways links to connect a range of outdoor activities and recreational / residential spaces.

• A 9-hole golf course will be retained to the south of the site, screened from any proposed development by existing woodland and topography. Existing golfing facilities will be supported with opportunities to enhance links with existing health centre infrastructure.

• The focus of the site is to promote and support a mix of wider outdoor activities, from gentle woodland walks up to tree-top rope courses and adventure trails.

• To facilitate a wider range of outdoor sporting activities there is a proposed expansion of the existing fitness centre to include commercial plots promoting outdoor lifestyle products, local crafts and farm shops.

• Naturally framed by woodland, several of the existing fairways to the north of the site present excellent setting for a static lodge park and ‘glamping’ pods.

• A high quality residential development, circa 100 units, is proposed around existing Doocot and framed by mature woodland with easy links through to the centre of Milngavie.

• Linked with the residential development, to the centre of the site, is space reserved for a care home / village, providing much needed retirement residences in a spectacular setting.

12 December 2019 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document

7.1 9-Hole Golf Course • Approximately half the site will be retained as a core 9-hole golf course, covering the undulating southern boundary.

• Due to the vast majority of existing tree cover being retained and all proposed development located within existing open space, any visual impact of development outwith the 9-hole golf course is predicted to be minimal. Existing views and sightlines are preserved. plan: Indicative layout for 9-hole golf course • With upgraded internal access roads linking through the site there will be increased accessibility and parking facilities for images: 1. Accessible for care golfers to enjoy. home residents

The plans to expand commercial / leisure facilities to the north 2. Coaching lessons • available as part of the site will afford potential upgrading and integration of of wider outdoor golfing facilities as part of the health centre expansion and activity complex

promote a more inclusive range of outdoor activities. 3. Fairways retained and maintained • With increased accessibility and the promotion of attractions 4. Increased for all age groups, the benefits of a combined-activity site opportunities for will have positive implications for a wide variety of locals and multiple age ranges visitors.

1 2

3 4 Focal Point Tree Species

Quercus robur Pinus sylvestris

13 December 2019 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document

4 7.2 Outdoor Activity • At the core of the site masterplan is the ambition to promote a wide range of outdoor activities to address a lack of provision for commercially viable leisure and recreation facilities in the local area. The natural assets of the site, namely a mature native woodland, diverse topography, open grassland and wetland terrain lend many spaces to the pursuit of adrenaline activities and outdoor activity infrastructure. plan: Indicative layout for outdoor activity hub • Many of the high-canopy deciduous and conifer trees images: present an opportunity to explore activities such as 1. Tree top rope course tree-top rope courses, zip lining or adventure play

2. Team sport pitches equipment. and training facilities The site contains many large open spaces suitable for 3. Outdoor adventure • trails team sports pitches, tennis courts or team-building activities to complement the extensive golfing facilities. 4. Zip-line assault course • Existing lakes and wetland areas can be utilised for kayaking, aquatic adventure equipment or other water- based outdoor activity.

• The rough terrain and topography make for ideal hiking routes, assault courses or mountain biking trails.

• The combined outdoor / leisure activities and holiday lodges establish a perfect ‘jumpin-off-point’ for visitors to explore the wider area, following core-path trails and investing time in experiencing the outdoors.


1 2

14 December 2019 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document

7.3 Glamping 1 • As a more exclusive alternative to traditional camp-sites, fixed glamping pods provide a flexible and attractive form of accommodation for visitors. These compact timber cabins act as a base for those wishing to explore the outdoor lifestyle and engage with the activities on offer throughout the wider site.

• Situated along one of the linear fairways adjacent to the proposed lodge park the site presents an ideal space for glamping pods. The gently undulating topography framed by woodland will support duel facing rows. plan: Indicative layout for glamping pods • A network of smaller access roads and woodland footpaths link the lodge park images: with the wider site and beyond to the civic centre of Milngavie and east to the 1. Example glamping countryside. pods in Oban

2. A base for exploring • Facilities and infrastructure associated with the pods can be centralised with the wider area the lodge park and outdoor activity buildings. 3. Typical glamping pod interior



15 December 2019 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document

1 Planting Species

plan: Indicative layout for lodge park

images: Sorbus aucuparia 1. Indicative lodge interior 2

2. Example high-quality timber lodge

3. Precedent lodge park adjacent to water at Forest Holiday Resort, Argyll 4. Lodges set within existing mature woodland setting

Fagus sylvatica

7.4 Lodge Park • The linear fairways to the north of the site present an ideal opportunity for the promotion of a high-quality lodge park. The gently undulating topography, mature woodland backdrop and aspects over water features afford each cabin an attractive, semi-rural setting.

• Within easy walking distance of both the new commercial Lonicera nitida ‘Maigrun’ / leisure hub and the town centre of Milngavie the lodge 4 park will have access to multiple facilities. 3

• A network of smaller access roads and woodland footpaths link the lodge park with the wider site, providing a base for exploring the local area and engaging with the outdoor activities on offer.

• The lodges can potentially provide affordable alternative accommodation for long-term residents or as holiday shalleys.

16 December 2019 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document

7.5 Commercial Hub • To support the expanded menu of sporting and outdoor activities on offer, it is proposed that the existing fitness centre complex is enhanced to accommodate a range of community-focused, family-friendly eateries, farm shops and cafés.

• This commercial hub can support specialist outdoor- plan: Indicative layout for oriented shops, equipment hire and gift shop on the commercial hub theme of ‘On the Edge’. images: 1. Specialist shops for • Team building and multi-use meeting facilities can outdoor sports be incorporated to promote an outdoor-oriented 2. Social meeting space destination for businesses, promoters and suppliers. 3. Farm shop and local • Front-facing commercial buildings are shown to address craft stalls Strathblane Road with the potential to enhance an active 4. Artisan eateries site frontage and attract visitors.

• Enhanced parking, road connections and ancillary lodge infrastructure can be accommodated within this commercial hub, providing a communal recreation / leisure complex for residents, locals and visitors alike.

1 2 3 4

17 December 2019 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document

1 2 7.6 Care Home / Village • Situated as a built-form extension to the residential development, the proposed care home / village is located to encourage inter-connectivity with wider community and promote a mixed residential demographic and increased social interaction.

• A range of independent living homes and supervised care facilities will provide much needed housing and support for elderly citizens.

3 • The care home / village buildings are located along existing fairways, framed with mature woodland allows opportunities for integrating the natural environment to provide an attractive setting for lodgings.

• This semi-rural backdrop has myriad health and well‐ being benefits, with woodland walks and low-impact sporting facilities on the doorstep.

• Best practice guidance is to be followed to create a high-quality living environment for residents, with design 4 focused on creating a community which caters for all abilities.

• The care home is within plan: Indicative layout for a short walking distance care home / village of the centre of Milgavie with access to shops and images: 1. Assisted living social meeting places. flats with shared community facilities

2. Private and communal gardens Planting Species for residents

3. Example of modern area home living integrated with natural environment

4. Care home development at Allanbank, Dumfries

Prunus serrula tibetica Skimmia japonica ‘Rubella’ Fritillaria meleagris Allium ‘Purple Sensation’

18 December 2019 Dougalston, Milngavie Promotional Masterplan Document

1 2 7.7 Residential • A new development of mixed affordability housing is proposed Planting Species to the eastern extents of the settlement of Milngavie. Well- sited so as to maximise the natural screening and integration provided by topography and existing mature woodland, the housing layout makes the most of existing site features such as the 18th Century Dovecot and parkland trees.

• To conserve the distinctive character and inform a high quality urban design response the residential area will be of an appropriate scale to fit within the extents of the fairway.

• The site is well located within a walkable proximity of the Quercus robur ‘Fastigiata’ civic settlement centre of Milngavie, promoting sustainable lifestyle activity and economic benefits for local shops and services.

• Designs and materials should reflect traditional buildings in the area with opportunities to reflect local historic patterns of development as highlighted in the Townscape Appraisal.

• The housing layout should be permeable, legible and inter- connected, with road layouts to promote ease of movement and sense of place. Carpinus betulus • Footpath links will be reinforced between development plots with opportunities for cyclepath connections and promotion of natural site assets.

• Potential for the integration of new public parkland spaces with opportunity for safe and overlooked play areas.

• Additional structure planting to eastern boundary is proposed to screen the new development from adjacent properties and establish a naturalised boundary.

• The use of locally appropriate planting throughout the Hebe ‘Red Edge’ development is paramount, with focal point / avenue street plan: Indicative layout trees to primary thoroughfare and more compact front for residential garden planting to define public / private spaces. development images: • The site affords the opportunity to effectively contribute to 1. Vernacular materials used for housing and much required local need for affordable housing. streetscape 3 2. 18th Century dovecot - proposed open space centrepiece

3. Example of housing development at Nethy Bridge

19 December 2019 West of Quarry Drive, Kilmacolm Design & Access Statement

plan: Landscape Development Framework


• This masterplan seeks to actively expand and enhance the range of land uses on the site of the existing 18-hole Dougalston Golf Course. The aim is to allow a greater number of people and range of demographics to explore and enjoy this attractive setting, whilst protecting the core green infrastructure which makes the site so special.

• Historically the site was enjoyed as a landscaped garden, only for the last 40 years has it’s sole purpose been as a golf course. This masterplan once again promotes the site as a multi-purpose parkland for a wider range of outdoor activities and residential / commercial opportunities.

• This is a landscape-lead design which emphasises the retention of green spaces and mature woodland, with proposed developments sited along re-purposed fairways and in natural clearings. The ecological and landscape qualities of the site are abundant and present excellent opportunities to closely integrate any new development with the site’s natural assets.

• The masterplan dramatically upgrades existing road and footpath infrastructure, linking into the core path network, connecting the edge of Milngavie through to the countryside beyond.

• By reducing the golf course to 9-holes, the north and west of the site can be opened up to a range of exiting new land-uses:

• A much expanded range of outdoor and sporting activities to attract a broad demographic, from ramblers to thrill-seekers;

• New lodge and glamping accommodation to house visiting holiday makers and prove a base for exploring the wider local area;

• Enhanced commercial and leisure facilities to the northern site entrance, promoting local enterprise and supporting an active lifestyle.

• As a location for a new retirement community with close links to adjacent housing and within easy reach of the town centre;

• The establishment of new housing to the eastern edge of Milngavie, providing a logical extension to the town and providing much needed affordable homes in an extremely desirable setting;

• This masterplan presents an exciting opportunity to put Dougalston on the map as a destination for outdoor-oriented activities, commercial opportunities and as a high- quality residential setting.

20 December 2019 a: Axwel House East Mains Industrial Estate Broxburn West Lothian EH52 5AU

t: 01506 858 757 w: