Rural Amendment Package 5.Xlsx

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Rural Amendment Package 5.Xlsx Fiscal Year Job no. Administration Type Phase County FHWA Approval FTADate Approval DateResponsible Agency Project Name Limits Length Primary work Type Project Description Federal Budget Federal Fund Source State Budget State Fund Source Local Budget Total Phase Cost MPO/ Rural Action Date Amendment Type Air Quality Comments Total Project Cost Job Type 2019 110719 FHWA CON Shiawassee MDOT Grand River Road NW of I-69, in Shiawassee Township, Shaiwassee County. 0 Roadside Facilities - Preserve Mill and resurface $59,423 ST $13,177 $0 $72,600 10/22/2018 JOBSCOP $76,485 Trunkline 2019 116377 FHWA CON St. Joseph MDOT US-131 William R Monroe Blvd to the Rocky River Bridge 2.305 Reconstruction Reconstruct existing, no widening $18,007,000 ST,TA $3,993,000 $0 $22,000,000 10/29/2018 CNSTRLGTH $24,275,000 Trunkline 2018 119385 FHWA EPE Delta Delta Area Transit Authority Transit Delta Area Transit Authority, Escanaba 0.073 Transit Facility Improvements $60,000 STL $15,000 $0 $75,000 10/31/2018 PHASABND Local 2020 119518 FHWA CON Otsego Otsego County Kujawa Rd Goslow Rd - Seymore Rd 1.438 Reconstruction Reconstruct $376,376 STL $0 $495,824 $872,200 10/30/2018 ESTLCLBGT, ESTFEDBGT $872,200 Local 2020 119942 FHWA CON Houghton MDOT US-41 City of Hancock & Franklin Twp, Houghton County 1.023 Road Rehabilitation HMA Mill & Resurface $1,375,080 ST $304,920 $0 $1,680,000 10/29/2018 PHASSUSP $160,000 Trunkline 2020 129625 FHWA CON Hillsdale Hillsdale County Montgomery Road Cambria Rd to S Hillsdale Rd 1.979 Road Capital Preventive Maintenance HMA Overlay $303,046 STL $114,081 EDD $22,873 $440,000 10/31/2018 JOBSCOP, PHASBDGT, ROLLUP $440,000 Local 2020 129634 FHWA CON Hillsdale Hillsdale County Camden Road Pioneer Rd (M-99) to Tripp Rd 1.993 Road Capital Preventive Maintenance HMA Overlay $0 $301,503 EDD $0 $301,503 1/31/2018 PHASABND Local 2020 129635 FHWA CON Hillsdale Hillsdale County Various Locations Various Locations, Hillsdale County 0.001 Road Rehabilitation Chip Seal $150,400 STL $0 $37,600 $188,000 1/31/2018 PHASABND Local 2019 129664 FHWA CON Mecosta Mecosta County 80th Avenue/Cleveland 13 Mile to 90th Ave 3.608 Reconstruction Reconstruct $725,039 STL $30,790 EDD $68,350 $824,179 10/30/2018 PHASBDGT $824,179 Local 2019 129717 FHWA CON Menominee Menominee County CR 400 From US-2 to 2.85 miles north 2.57 Reconstruction Reconstruct $750,787 STL $0 $326,024 $1,076,811 10/31/2018 PHASBDGT $1,076,811 Local 2019 129796 FHWA CON Alger Alger County H-44 H-44, beginning at King Road and extending 1.75 miles east 1.75 Reconstruction Reconstruct $167,000 STL $68,000 EDD $50,000 $285,000 10/31/2018 PHASBDGT $285,000 Local 2019 129801 FHWA CON Marquette Marquette County County Road 426 1.5 m west of Delta CL to 0.6 m west of CR SAF 3.924 Reconstruction Reconstruct $824,898 STL $198,377 EDD $7,848 $1,031,123 10/31/2018 ESTLCLBGT, ESTFEDBGT $1,031,123 Local 2020 129818 FHWA CON Marquette Marquette County CR 581 CR PRE to Tony's Lane 2.018 Reconstruction Reconstruct $536,729 STL $82,744 EDD $134,182 $753,655 10/31/2018 PHASBDGT $753,655 Local 2019 130162 FHWA CON Tuscola Tuscola County W Bay City Forestville Rd Unionville VL to French Rd 1.21 Road Rehabilitation Crush and Shape $234,923 STL $11,129 EDD $136,948 $383,000 4/12/2018 ESTSTBGT, FINSYSALL, PHASBGTDWN $383,000 Local 2019 130316 FHWA CON Alpena Alpena County Wolf Creek Rd Nicholson Hill Rd south for 1 mile 1 Reconstruction Reconstruct $356,528 STL $0 $543,472 $900,000 10/30/2018 PHASBDGT $900,000 Local 2019 130322 FHWA CON Oscoda Oscoda County N Mt. Tom Rd. M-33 to Miller Rd 0.395 Reconstruction Reconstruct $143,682 STL $83,919 EDD $109,834 $337,435 10/30/2018 ESTLCLBGT, ESTFEDBGT $337,435 Local 2019 131105 FHWA, FTA NI Ingham Ingham County Areawide Areawide in Ingham County 0 1170-Other Capital Items (Bus) FY 2020 MICHIVAN marketing and capital CMAQ prog $363,774 CMG $0 $0 $363,774 10/29/2018 PHASABND Multi-Modal 2020 132593 FHWA CON Grand Traverse MDOT US-31 US-31/M-37 in Traverse City 0.299 Minor Widening Widen to provide a left turn lane $643,031 HSIP $71,448 $0 $714,479 10/29/2018 PHASADD $943,814 Trunkline 2019 133152 FHWA CON Lenawee Morenci East Main St over Silver Creek 0 Bridge Replacement replacement $1,036,000 BRT $194,250 $64,750 $1,295,000 10/29/2018 PHASBDGT $1,295,000 Local 2019 133159 FHWA CON Hillsdale Hillsdale County Montgomery Road over W Br St Joseph of Maumee 0 Bridge Replacement replacement $640,000 BRT $128,653 EDD $31,347 $800,000 1/31/2018 PHASBDGT $800,000 Local 2019 200512 FHWA PE Calhoun MDOT 15 Mile Rd Calhoun County Road Department 0 Operation Improvements PITWS $24,555 ST $5,445 $0 $30,000 10/29/2018 PHASABND Trunkline 2019 200512 FHWA CON Calhoun MDOT 15 Mile Rd Calhoun County Road Department 0 Operation Improvements PITWS $139,145 ST $30,855 $0 $170,000 10/29/2018 PHASABND Trunkline 2019 200761 FHWA CON Manistee Manistee 12th St 12th Street 0.459 Reconstruction Reconstruction $375,000 STUL $0 $625,000 $1,000,000 10/29/2018 PHASBDGT $1,000,000 Local 2020 201248 FHWA CON Houghton MDOT US-41 US-41 From North of Ingot St to Agent Street 8.328 Road Rehabilitation Mill and two course overlay $4,696,622 ST $1,041,462 $0 $5,738,084 10/29/2018 CNSTRLGTH, PHASBDGT $6,019,098 Trunkline 2020 201999 FHWA PE Otsego MDOT I-75 I-75 8.249 Traffic Safety Relocate Roadside Obstacles $90,661 HSIP $10,073 $0 $100,734 10/29/2018 PHASADD $952,356 Trunkline 2020 202078 FHWA CON Hillsdale MDOT M-49 M-49 and M-99 27.042 Traffic Safety Non-freeway sign updating project $325,000 STG $0 $0 $325,000 10/29/2018 CNSTRLGTH $375,000 Trunkline 2019 202272 FHWA CON Presque Isle Presque Isle County W 638 Hwy CR 451 1.462 Reconstruction Reconstrcuct $330,000 STL $20,000 EDD $90,000 $440,000 10/30/2018 CNSTRLGTH $440,000 Local 2019 202385 FHWA CON Allegan Allegan M-40 M-40/M-89/Western Ave/Lincoln Rd, Delano St, Grant St, 115th Ave, Knapp St 4.125 Roadside Facilities - Improve Nonmotorized path, sidewalk, crosswalks $650,535 TAUL $0 $0 $650,535 10/26/2018 PHASADD $650,535 Local 2019 202715 FHWA CON Dickinson Kingsford Pyle Dr SRTS Brietung Township Schools, Kingsford 2.51 Roadside Facilities - Improve Sidewalk construction, crosswalks, bike lanes $496,677 TAL $0 $0 $496,677 11/1/2018 PHASADD $496,677 Local 2019 202778 FHWA CON Marquette MDOT M-28 Acre Trail 0.237 Minor Widening Turn Lanes $486,064 NH $60,783 $47,000 $593,847 11/5/2018 JOBSCOP $675,687 Trunkline 2019 203249 FHWA CON Delta Delta County 15.5 Rd CR 410 1.158 Road Capital Preventive Maintenance Resurface $0 $200,000 EDD $50,000 $250,000 10/31/2018 PHASBDGT $250,000 Local 2019 203457 FHWA CON Shiawassee Owosso S Washington Street S Washington Street from Gute Street to M-71 0.354 Traffic Safety HMA cold milling & resurfacing and pavement markings to modify laneage $600,000 HSIP $0 $407,000 $1,100,000 10/29/2018 PHASBDGT $1,100,000 Local 2019 204351 FHWA PE Shiawassee MDOT I-69 E East of M-52 to M-13 15.986 Road Capital Preventive Maintenance Milling and One Course HMA Overlay $108,000 IM $12,000 $0 $120,000 11/5/2018 PHASBDGT $10,615,179 Trunkline 2020 204825 FHWA CON Shiawassee MDOT I-69 E 11 Structures on I-69 0 Bridge CPM Overlay - Epoxy $4,409,538 IM $489,947 $0 $4,899,485 10/29/2018 PHASADD $5,666,361 Trunkline 2019 204879 FHWA PE Lapeer MDOT I-69 Five Lakes Rest Area 0.957 Roadside Facilities - Improve Rest Area Rebuild $368,325 NH $81,675 $0 $450,000 10/29/2018 PHASADD $4,703,000 Trunkline 2020 204879 FHWA CON Lapeer MDOT I-69 Five Lakes Rest Area 0.957 Roadside Facilities - Improve Rest Area Rebuild $3,481,081 NH $771,920 $0 $4,253,000 10/29/2018 PHASADD $4,703,000 Trunkline 2019 204908 FTA NI Arenac Arenac Dial A Ride N James St Areawide/Arenac County BOC 0 1110-Bus Rolling Stock Reassignment of four buses from the Bay Metro Transportation Authority. $38,989 5309 $9,747 $0 $48,736 10/29/2018 PHASADD $48,736 Multi-Modal 2020 204987 FHWA CON Emmet MDOT M-119 M-119 700' east of Park lane 0.04 Reconstruction Culvert Replacement $1,232,664 ST $273,340 $0 $1,506,004 11/5/2018 PHASADD $1,800,004 Trunkline 2019 205097 FHWA CON Gratiot Gratiot County E Buchanan Rd Blair Rd to Wisner Rd 1.011 Reconstruction Reconstruct, Crush, Shape and Paving $240,000 STL $0 $60,000 $300,000 4/10/2018 PHASADD $300,000 Local 2019 132528* FHWA CON Jackson,Lenawee MDOT M-124 US-12 to Channel Drive 7.75 Road Capital Preventive Maintenance Single Course Mill & Resurface with shoulder paving $403,064 ST,TA $83,562 $4,915 $3,290,104 10/17/2018 PHASBDGT $3,389,670 Trunkline 2019 203017* FHWA PE Kent,Ottawa,Muskegon,Allegan MDOT Grand Region longitudinal pavementAll markingsnon-MPO roadways 1.089 Traffic Safety Application of longitudinal pavement markings $3,600 HSIP $400 $0 $7,500 10/29/2018 LOCDESC, MJRRTE $2,742,500 Trunkline 2019 203017* FHWA CON Kent,Ottawa,Muskegon,Allegan MDOT Grand Region longitudinal pavementAll markingsnon-MPO roadways 1.089 Traffic Safety Application of longitudinal pavement markings $1,341,501 HSIP $149,056 $0 $2,735,000 10/29/2018 LOCDESC, MJRRTE $2,742,500 Trunkline 2019 203018* FHWA PE Kent,Ottawa,Muskegon,Allegan MDOT Grand Region special pavement markingsAll non-MPO roadways 1.863 Traffic Safety Application of special pavement markings $2,520 HSIP $280 $0 $7,500 10/29/2018 LOCDESC, MJRRTE $692,500 Trunkline 2019 203018* FHWA CON Kent,Ottawa,Muskegon,Allegan MDOT Grand Region special pavement markingsAll non-MPO roadways 1.863 Traffic Safety Application of special pavement markings $245,455 HSIP $27,273 $0 $685,000 10/29/2018 LOCDESC, MJRRTE $692,500 Trunkline 2019 203024* FHWA CON Kalamazoo,Berrien,Van Buren,Calhoun MDOT
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