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New Zealand Gazette Bttmb. 45. 913 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1918. Bouruiarie8 of Districts under the Marriage Act, 1908, altered., by that stream to the Rakaunui Creek, by that creek, Kawhia __ Harbour, and the sea to Aotea Harbour, the place of commence- [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. ment. W AmARAKEKE DISTRICT. A PROCLAMATION. All that area in the Auckland Land District bounded N pursual!ce and exercise of the power and authority towards the north by the sea from Albatross Point to Rakau­ I vested in me by the Marriage Act, 1908, I, Arthur nui Creek in Kawhia Harbour; thence towards the east gene­ William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor­ rally by that creek and Te Toi Stream to Section lA, Block General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby abolish XV, Kawhia North Survey District; by that scction, Sec­ the existing marriage districts known as the Kawhia, Wai­ tions 3, 2, and 1, Block III, Kawhia South Survey District, harakeke, Raglan, and Ngaruawahia districts, and do pro­ and Sections 4A, 3, and 1, Block VII, to the southernmost claim and declare that the territory heretofore comprised corner of the last-mentioned section; thence by a right line within the said districts is hereby divided anew into four to the easternmost corner of Section 2, Block XI, Kawhia marriage districts, the names and boundaries whereof shall be South Survey District, and by the south-eaStern boundary of as follows :- that section; towards the south by Blocks XV, XIV, and KAWHIA DISTRICT, XIII, Kawhia South Survey District, to the Marakopa River, All that area in the Auckland Land District bounded and by that river to the sea; and towards the west by the sea to Albatross Point, the place of commencement. towards the north-west generally by the Aotea Harbour and the north-western boundary of the Moerangi and Matakowhai Block to the south-western boundary of Raglan County; RAGLAN DISTRIOT. thence towards the east generally by that county to Mahau­ All that area in the Auckland Land District bounded kura Trig. Station, a right line thence to Te Ake-o-Hikopiro towards the north generally by the southern shore of Wha­ Trig. Station, and a right line to the easternmOilt corner of ngape Lake, and by a right line running west-south-west from Section 1, Block VI, Pirongia Survey District; by the eastern the south-western corner of that lake to the west coast; boundary of that section, the eastern boundaries of Sec­ thence towards the west generally by the sea to Aotea Har­ tions 1, 2, and 5, Block IX, and the road forming the eastern bour; thence towards the south generally by Aotea Harbour boundary of Section 6 and Te Rau-a·Moa Village to the and the Moerangi and Matakowhai Blocks to the Waitetuna junction of roads at the easternmost corner of Te Rau-a­ River; towards the east generally by that river to the Raglan­ Moa Village; thence by the northern boundaries of Sec­ Whatawhata Road, by that road to the western watershed of tions 1, 4, 7. and 8, Block X, Pirongia Survey District; the Waipa River, and by that watershed to a point due east thence towards the east generally by the eastern boundary of Trig. Station 82 (Kokako); thence to that trig. station and of the last-mentioned section to its south-eastern corner; a right line to the source of the Te Karaka Stream, by that thence by a right line to the north-eastern corner of Sec­ stream to its confluence with the Ohautira Stream, by a right tion 1, Block XIV, Pirongia Survey District; by the eastern line running in the direction of Trig. Station 1601 (Ihunui) boundary of that section and the north-eastern boundaries to the southern boundary of Section 129 near that trig. station, of Sections 1 and 2, Block II, Orahiri Survey District, and by the southern and western boundaries of the said Section the northern boundary of Section lA to its easternmost 129 and the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 81 corner; by the south-eastern boundaries of Sections lA, 5, to the parish boundary, by the western boundary of Pepepe and 7, Block' II aforesaid, and the eastern boundaries of Pariah to Section 215 of that parish, by the southern and Blocks VI, X, and XIV, Orahiri Survey District, to the south-eastern boundaries of that section and the southern south-eastern corner of the said Block XIV; thence towards boundaries of Sections 88, 87, and 89, Whangape Parish, to the south generally by the southern boundaries of Orahiri the watershed near Trig. Station 79, and by the watershed to and Kawhia South Survey Districts to the northernmost the southern shore of Whangape Lake, the place of commence­ corner of Section 3, Block IV, Maungamangero Survey Dis­ ment. trict; thence by the production of the north-western bound­ NGARUAWAHIA DISTRIOT. ary of that section to the southern boundary of Section 6, Block XVI, Kawhia South Survey District (Small Grazing­ All that area in the Auckland Land District bounded run 26); thence towards the west generally by Block XV, towards the north generally by Section 215, Pepepe Parish, Kawhia South Survey District, to Section 2, Block XI, Kawhia from the western boundary of that pariah to Section 88, South Survey District; by that section to its easternmost Whangape Pariah; by that section and Sections 87 and 89 corner, thence by a right line to the southernmost corner of , to the watershed near Trig. Station 79, and by the watershed Section 1, Block VII, Kawhia South Survey Distrjct; thence to the southern boundary of Pepepe Parish; by that parish along the south-western boundary of that section, the western to and across the Waikato River, by that river to the Koma­ boundaries of Sections 3 and 4A, said Block VII, the western korau Rivei-, and by the said Komakorau River to Kirikiriroa boundaries of Sections 1, 2, and 3, Block III, Kawhia South Parish; thence towards the east and south-east generally Survey District, and the western boundary of Section lA, by that parish to the Waikato River, by the right hank of Block XV, Kawhia North Survey District, to Te Toi Stream; that river to a point in line with the north-western boundary , A 914 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 45 of Pukete Parish, across the river and by Pukete Parish to I to the Manukau Harbour; thence towards the south-west the Waipa River, acrOBS that river and by its left bank to the and west generally by Manukau Harbour to the road form- . northern boundary of Karamu Parish, and by that parish to ing the southern boundary of Seotion 83, Manurewa Parish; the western watershed of the Waipa River; thence towards thence by a right line to Trig. Station 1076, and along a right the west by the said watershed to a point due east of Trig. line thence to the mouth of the Ararata Creek; again by Station 82 (Kokako); thence to that trig, station and a right· Manukau Harbour to the. Great South Road at St. Ann's line to the source of the Karaka Stream, by that stream to Bridge, and thence by the Great South Road to the place of its confluence with the Ohautira Stream; thence by a right commencement. line running in the direction of Trig. Station 1601 (Ihunui) to And I hereby deolare that this Proclamation shall come the southern boundary of Section 129 near that trig. station, into operation on the second day of April, in the year of our by the southern and western boundaries of the said Section Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighteeu. 129 and the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 81 to the parish boundary, and by the western boundary of Pepepe Given under the hand o( His Excellency the Ri~ht Parish to Section 215 aforesaid, the place of commencement. Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, And I hereby declare that this Proclamation shall come I Earl of Liverpool, Member of His Majesty's into operation on the second day of April, in the year of our Most Honourable Privy vouncil, Knight Grand Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighteen. Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Member of the Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right Royal Victorian Qrder, Uovernor-General and Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Earl of Liverpool, Member of His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Depend­ Most Honourable Privy COuncil, Knight Grand encies; and issued under the Seal of the said Cross of the Most DistingUlshed Order of Saint Dominion, at the Government House at Wel­ Michael and Saint George, Member of the lington, this twentieth day of March, in the year Royal Victorian Order, Governor-General and of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's eighteen. Dominion of New Zealand and its Depend­ encies; and issued under the Seal of the Baid G. W. RUSSELL, Dominion, at the Government House at Wel- Minister of Internal Affairs. lington, this twentieth day of March, in the GOD SAVE THE KING' year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighteen. G. W. RUSSELL, Boundaries of Districts under the Births and Deaths Minister of Internal Affairs. Registration Act, 1908. altered. GOD SAVE THE KINo! [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. BCfUndaries of Districts under the Births and Deaths A PROCLAMATION.
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