Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Nanomaterials Volume 2013, Article ID 613638, 9 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/613638

Research Article Electrospun Hyaluronan-Gelatin Nanofibrous Matrix for Tissue Engineering

Hau-Min Liou,1 Lih-Rou Rau,1 Chun-Chiang Huang,1 Meng-Ru Lu,1 and Fu-Yin Hsu1,2 1 Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 20224, Taiwan 2 Department of Life Sciences, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 20224, Taiwan

Correspondence should be addressed to Fu-Yin Hsu; [email protected]

Received 23 July 2013; Revised 25 September 2013; Accepted 26 September 2013

Academic Editor: In-Kyu Park

Copyright © 2013 Hau-Min Liou et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Schwanncellsplayacriticalroleintherepairoftheperipheralnerve.Thegoalofthisstudywastofabricateelectrospungelatin (Gel) and hyaluronan-gelatin (HA-Gel) composite nanofibers to provide a suitable growth environment for Schwann cells. The fiber diameters of Gel, 0.5 HA-Gel, 1 HA-Gel, and 1.5 HA-Gel were 130 ± 30 nm, 294 ± 87 nm, 362 ± 129 nm, and 224 ± 54 nm, respectively. The biological performance of Gel and HA-Gel was evaluated using an in vitro culture of RT4-D6P2T rat Schwann cells. We found that the cell attachment and proliferation rates were not significantly different on these matrices. However, the Schwann cells displayed better organized F-actin on HA-Gel than on Gel. Moreover, the expression levels of several genes, including Nrg1, GFAP, and P0, were significantly higher on HA-Gel than on Gel. In addition, the levels of Nrg1 and P0 expression were also higher on the HA-Gel than on Gel. These results indicate that the hyaluronan-gelatin composite nanofibrous matrix could potentially be used in peripheral nerve repair.

1. Introduction made of natural and synthetic materials is a promising alter- native for promoting successful nerve regeneration. Regeneration of the nervous system is a major challenge. Gelatin is obtained by the partial hydrolysis of native col- However, the peripheral nervous system has a better intrinsic lagen in an alkaline or acidic environment. Gelatin exhibits ability to repair and regenerate axons after axonal damage due excellent biocompatibility and biodegradability properties; to the ability of Schwann cells to enhance the environment for thus, it has been widely used for nerve repair [4]. Hyaluronan regeneration [1]. For the treatment of peripheral nerve injury, is a naturally biopolymer composed of repeating disaccharide nerve autografts or direct end-to-end surgical reconnection is units of glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine. It is the used to repair nerve injury. Unfortunately, direct end-to-end major constituent of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of con- surgical reconnection only can repair small gaps in the nerve, nective tissues and has many important biological functions. because the tension introduced into the nerve cable would Because of its excellent biocompatibility, nonimmunogenic- inhibit nerve regeneration for longer nerve gaps [2]. A nerve ity, and specific biological functions, hyaluronan is used in autograft harvested from another site in the body is used in a variety of clinical therapies, including supplementing joint these cases and is considered the “gold standard” for repair fluid in arthritis and facilitating wound healing and regen- of the longer nerve damage gaps without immunological eration [5, 6]. Furthermore, hyaluronan is known to prevent rejection problems. However, a nerve autograft has several perineural scar formation, which improves peripheral nerve disadvantages, including neuroma, hypofunction at the regeneration [7]. donor nerve graft site, and nerve site mismatch. Allografts Tissue engineered scaffolds are another choice for im- and xenografts are possible replacements for autografts. Nev- plantation to facilitate neural repair. Fibrous scaffolds have ertheless, the major clinical problems are the risk of immune become very popular in tissue engineering because they repulsion and disease transmission [3]. Thus, a nerve graft mimic the physical architecture of the ECM. The architecture 2 Journal of Nanomaterials

Table 1: Oligonucleotide primer for real-time PCR amplification. 2.2. Preparation of Hyaluronan-Gelatin Composite Nanofibr- ous Matrix (HA-Gel). To allow complete evaporation of the Gene Primer sequence: sense/antisense 󸀠 󸀠 solvent, the solvent used in this study was a mixture of formic 5 -GGTGTGGAGTGCCTTCGTAT-3 acid and 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP) at a vol- GFAP 󸀠 󸀠 5 -TACGATGTCCTGGGAAAAGG-3 ume/volume ratio of 3/7.The gelatin powder was dissolved in 󸀠 󸀠 5 -CCAAGCACTGGAACTCATACTGC-3 the solvent mixture to a concentration of 12% (w/v). Various NGF 󸀠 󸀠 5 -CTGCTGAGCACACACACGCAG-3 concentrations of sodium hyaluronan (0%, 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% 󸀠 󸀠 5 -GGCAGTCAGCCCCTTTGTG-3 w/v) were added to the gelatin solution and dissolved by Nrg1 󸀠 󸀠 5 -TGCAGGGTTGTGATGAAAGGA-3 vortexing until the solution was clear. For the electrospinning 󸀠 󸀠 5 -CATCTCTGTGGACAGCCAGA-3 process, the polymer solution was placed in a plastic syringe p75 󸀠 󸀠 5 -CTCTACCTCCTCACGCTTGG-3 fitted with an 18 G needle and attached to a syringe pump that 󸀠 󸀠 provided a steady flow rate of 8.5 𝜇L/min. The electrospinning 5 -CTGCACTGCTCCTTCTGGT-3 P0 󸀠 󸀠 voltage of 2.3 kV/cm was applied using a high-voltage power 5 -CCTTGGCATAGTGGAAGATTG-3 󸀠 󸀠 supply (Glassman High Voltage, Inc.). 5 -ATAGCACCTCCGTTGGACAG-3 S100 󸀠 󸀠 5 -TCGTTTGCACAGAGGACAAG-3 󸀠 󸀠 2.3. Characterization of the Electrospun Nanofibers. The fiber 5 -GGCCCGAAGCGTTTACTT-3 18S rRNA 󸀠 󸀠 morphology and diameter of the HA-Gels were determined 5 -CGGCCGTCCCTCTTAATC-3 by a field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM; model S-4800, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan). Briefly, the electrospun matrices were sputter-coated with gold and visualized by SEMatanacceleratingvoltageof5kV.Thefiberdiameterwas of the ECM plays an important role in regulating cell behavior analyzed using image analysis (ImageJ software 1.42, National with biochemical signals and topographical cues [8, 9]. Institutes of Health, USA). The average fiber diameter and Electrospinning is an easy method to fabricate ultrafine standard deviation were calculated from 100 random mea- fibers with submicrometer to nanometer diameters. Electro- surements. spun fibrous matrices exhibit certain special characteristics, such as a high specific surface area, a high aspect ratio, and a high porosity surface area. Most importantly, the topological 2.4. Cell Culture on HA-Gel. Because the HA-Gels readily structure of electrospun matrices mimics the architecture of dissolved in aqueous media, it was necessary to cross-link the ECM and could enhance cell attachment, migration, pro- them before using them for cell culture. The electrospun liferation, and differentiation10 [ ]. matrices were cross-linked by treatment with N-(3-dimethyl- aminopropyl)-N-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC). Schwann cells are a major component of the peripheral Thematrixwasimmersedin1%EDCsolutionin95%ethanol nerve system and play an important role in Wallerian degen- for 2 hrs and then washed repeatedly with 0.01 M PBS to eration and the subsequent axon regeneration in peripheral remove the residual EDC. Finally, the electrospun matrices nerve injury [11]. After Wallerian degeneration, the Schwann were sterilized by exposure to ultraviolet light in a sterile hood cells begin to proliferate and migrate to the lesion, forming overnight. The electrospun matrices were placed in 24-well longitudinally oriented cell strands called the bands of Bung-¨ tissue culture plates containing a suspension of RT4-D6P2T ner; thereafter, Schwann cells secrete a number of neurotro- 4 rat Schwann cells (BCRC no. 60508) (5 × 10 cells/well) in phic factors such as nerve growth factor and cytokines that DMEM supplemented with 10% (v/v) FBS, 100 U/mL of peni- support the survival of injured neurons [12], secrete extracel- cillin, and 100 𝜇g/mL of streptomycin. The cultures of cell- lular matrix components, such as laminin and collagen type seeded electrospun matrices were harvested at 1, 2, 3, and IV, for axonal growth, and produce neurite promoting factors 4 hrs for cell attachment assays and on days 1, 3, and 6 days for to guide the growing axon [13, 14]. Thus, the aim of the present cell proliferation assays. Cell viability was determined using study was to investigate whether a hyaluronan-gelatin elec- the MTT assay. At each time point, three samples were used to trospun matrix has potential as a neurograft for peripheral measure the number of cells attached to the electrospun nerve repair. matrices. The experiments were performed in triplicate.

2. Materials and Methods 2.5. Fluorescent Staining of the . The morphology of cells with their F-actin cytoskeleton fluorescently stained 2.1. Reagents. Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM), with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated phalloi- fetal bovine serum (FBS), and trypsin were purchased from din and nuclei stained with DAPI was examined. After 1 or GIBCO (Grand Island, NY, USA). Gelatin type A (Gel) was 4 hrs of cell culture, cells were fixed with 3.7% (v/v) para- purchased from the Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Company (St. formaldehyde in PBS for 10 min, followed by 2 times washing Louis, MO, USA). Sodium hyaluronan was purchased from with PBS and permeabilization with 0.1% (v/v) Triton X-100 NovaMatrix (Drammen, Norway). The RT4-D6P2T rat in PBS for 5 min. After washing with PBS, the samples were Schwann cells were purchased from BCRC (Bioresource Col- blocked with 1% bovine serum albumin in PBS for 1 hr. lection and Research Center, Taiwan). The other chemicals After blocking, the samples were stained with 6.4 𝜇MFITC- used were of reagent grade unless otherwise stated. conjugated phalloidin for 20 min. Cell nuclei were stained Journal of Nanomaterials 3

Table 2: Sample notation, average diameter of hyaluronan-gelatin composite nanofibers.

Sample Gelatin concentration Hyaluronan Average diameter 1st quartile; 3rd quartile notation (mg/mL) concentration (mg/mL) Standard deviation (nm) (nm) Gel 12 0 130 ± 30 109; 144 0.5 HA-Gel 12 0.5 294 ± 87 230; 352 1HA-Gel 12 1 362± 129 282; 422 1.5 HA-Gel 12 1.5 224 ± 54 179; 256

󸀠 with 4 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). After staining, immunoblotting were analyzed with the nonparametric the samples were washed with PBS and observed under a flu- Mann-Whitney U test. Differences at 𝑃 < 0.05 were consid- orescencemicroscope(TS100,Nikon)andalaserscanning ered statistically significant. confocal microscope (LSCM, Zeiss LSM 510 META). 3. Results 2.6. Quantitative Real-Time PCR. Real-time PCR was used to determine the levels of neuregulin 1 (Nrg1), S100, nerve 3.1. Fabrication of Hyaluronan-Gelatin Electrospun Nano- growth factor (NGF), low-affinity nerve growth factor recep- fibers. Formic acid is a good solvent for hyaluronan and gela- tor (p75), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and tin. However, gelatin and hyaluronan/gelatin which dissolved protein zero (P0) mRNA and 18S ribosomal RNA (as the in a formic acid solution cannot be fabricated into nanofibr- internal control). Table 1 showsthesequencesoftheoligonu- ous matrices by electrospinning. In a previous study, hexaflu- cleotides that were used as PCR primers. Briefly, the reaction oropropanol was found to be a suitable solvent to dis- is followed by the manufacture protocol of SYBR Green PCR solve hyaluronan/collagen [15]. To obtain hyaluronan-gelatin Master Mix Kit (Protech SA-SQGLR-V2). The real-time PCR nanofibers (HA-Gel), we used the cosolvent method by mix- ∘ conditions for the promoter region were 15 mins at 94 C, ing formic acid and HFIP. ∘ ∘ 1minat62.5 C, and 15 s at 94 C. Real-time PCR reactions Figure 1 shows that the synthetic product was a three-di- were performed using an iQ5 Gradient Real-Time PCR sys- mensional nonwoven nanofibrous hyaluronan-gelatin matrix 130 ± tem (Bio-Rad). The levels of RNA expression were calculated with interconnected pores. The fiber diameters were −ΔΔ 30 294 ± 87 362 ± 129 224 ± 54 using the 2 Ct method. nm, nm, nm, and nm for Gel, 0.5 HA-Gel, 1 HA-Gel, and 1.5 HA-Gel, respectively. These dimensions are similar to those of the native fibrous 2.7. Immunoblotting Analysis. Cells were seeded on substrates 4 2 in the ECM. We found that the diameters of the fibers in the at 3 × 10 cells/cm in medium. Immunoblotting to detect the HA-Gel matrix were significantly different from those in the -specific proteins neuregulin 1 (Nrg1), myelin Gel matrix (𝑃 < 0.05,one-wayANOVAwithTukey’sposthoc protein zero (P0), and CD44 was performed after day 3 and test) (Table 2). In addition, the diameters of the fibers grad- day 6 of culturing. Cells were collected and lysed in lysis ually increased and then decreased as the concentration of buffer. The supernatants were obtained by centrifugation at ∘ hyaluronan was gradually increased. 4 C, 15,000 ×g for 10 min. The concentration of protein was The Gel and HA-Gel fibers cross-linked with EDC are analyzed using a Bradford Coomassie assay. The proteins showninFigure2. The Gel and HA-Gel fibers still maintained (30 𝜇g/𝜇L) were fractionated by electrophoresis and electro- their morphology. However, the fibers appeared to be more transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride film (PVDF). Block- rubbery and were fused at fiber junctions. ingwasperformedusing5%(w/v)nonfatmilk,andthenthe primary was applied to the membrane overnight at ∘ 3.2. Cell Attachment and Proliferation. Cellular functions, in- 4 C. specific to CD44 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology- cluding spreading, proliferation, and differentiation, are sen- INC. sc-9960), Nrg1 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology-INC. sc- sitive to the composition and surface topography of the 28916), P0 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology-INC. sc-18531), and matrix. To test the effects of the hyaluronan/gelatin weight nucleophosmin B23 (Invitrogen 325200) were used. After ratios of the nanofibrous matrix on cell morphology, we incu- incubation with a HRP-conjugated secondary antibody, the bated the RT4-D6P2T rat Schwann cells on hyaluronan and immunoreactive bands were detected using enhanced chemi- gelatin matrices with different weight ratios. The morpholo- luminescence detection (Millipore WBKLS0500). The immu- gies of the Schwann cells that adhered to the different matri- noreactive bands were analyzed by ImageJ software (National ces were investigated by staining the actin cytoskeleton with Institutes of Health, USA). Nucleophosmin B23 was used as FITC-phalloidin and visualizing the cells with a fluorescence the internal control. microscope (shown in Figure 3) and a laser scanning confocal microscope (shown in Figure 4).Wefoundthatmostofthe 2.8. Statistical Analyses. Statistical analyses were performed Schwann cells cultured on the HA-Gel matrix appeared to using SPSS v.11 software. For each condition, the diameters of have spread during the 4 hr attachment period. However, it at least 100 randomly chosen fibers were measured. The fiber was obvious that the cells cultured on the Gel matrix re- diameters were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA with mained round after 4 h (Figure 3(e) and Figure 4(e)). The Tukey’sposthoctest.Thecellviability,geneexpression,and attachmentandproliferationoftheSchwanncellsontheGel 4 Journal of Nanomaterials

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 1: Scanning electron microscopy images of as-electrospun HA-Gel matrix at a magnification of 5000x. (a) Gel, (b) 0.5 HA-Gel, (c) 1HA- Gel, and (d) 1.5 HA-Gel. The scale bar represents 10 𝜇m.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2: Scanning electron microscopy images of electrospun HA-Gel matrix after EDC treatment at a magnification of0000x. 1 (a) Gel, (b) 0.5 HA-Gel, (c) 1 HA-Gel, and (d) 1.5 HA-Gel. The scale bar represents 5 𝜇m. Journal of Nanomaterials 5

(a) (b) (c) (d)

20 𝜇m

(e) (f) (g) (h)

Figure 3: Fluorescence micrographs of F-actin stained RT4-D6P2T Schwann cell grown on an electrospun matrix of Gel ((a), (e)), 0.5 HA-Gel ((b), (f)), 1 HA-Gel ((c), (g)), and 1.5 HA-Gel ((d), (h)) for 1 hr ((a), (b), (c), and (d)) or 4 hrs ((e), (f), (g), and (h)). Cytoskeletal F-actin was stained green with FITC, and cell nuclei were stained blue with DAPI. (Scale bar = 20 𝜇m.)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g) (h)

Figure 4: Confocal micrographs of F-actin stained RT4-D6P2T Schwann cell on an electrospun matrix of Gel ((a), (e)), 0.5 HA-Gel ((b), (f)), 1 HA-Gel ((c), (g)), and 1.5 HA-Gel ((d), (h)) for 1 hour ((a), (b), (c), and (d)) and 4 hours ((e), (f), (g), and (h)). Cytoskeletal F-actin was stained green with FITC, and cell nuclei were stained blue with DAPI. (Scale bar = 10 𝜇m.) and HA-Gel matrices were quantified using the MTT assay. PCR for Nrg1, S100, NGF, p75, GFAP, and P0 and 18S riboso- There were no significant differences in attachment or prolif- mal RNA (as shown in Figure 6). On day 3, the Schwann cells eration among the cells cultured on 0.5 HA-Gel, 1 HA-Gel, or displayed insignificantly increased levels of 1.5 HA-Gel (𝑃 > 0.05)(asshowninFigure5). Nrg1, S100, NGF, p75, GFAP, and P0 when grown on 0.5 HA- Gel, 1 HA-Gel, or 1.5 HA-Gel relative to those obtained from 3.3. Real-Time PCR Analysis. The expression levels of cells grown on Gel (𝑃 > 0.05). However, on day 6, the Schwann cell-specific genes were analyzed using real-time Schwann cells showed significantly higher gene expression 6 Journal of Nanomaterials

0.5 1.6

1.4 0.4 1.2

0.3 1.0 0.8

0.2 0.6

0.4 MTT assay (OD at 570 nm) 570 MTT at (OD assay 0.1 nm) 570 MTT at (OD assay 0.2

0.0 0.0 1 234 135 Incubation time (hours) Incubation time (days)

Gel 1 HA-gel Gel 1 HA-gel 0.5 HA-gel 1.5 HA-gel 0.5 HA-gel 1.5 HA-gel (a) (b)

Figure 5: Quantification of RT4-D6P2T Schwann cells on Gel and HA-Gel matrices. The MTT assay was used to quantify cell attachment and proliferation on Gel and HA-Gel. (a) The attachment of RT4-D6P2T Schwann cells on various matrices after culturing for up to 4 hrs. (b) The viability of RT4-D6P2T Schwann cells on various matrices after culturing for up to 6 days. The data are presented as the means ± SD, 𝑛=4. No statistically significant differences in cell attachment or proliferation on the HA-Gel and Gel were found.

4 4

3 3

∗ ∗ 2 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 1 1 ∗ ∗ Relative gene expression gene Relative Relative gene expression gene Relative

0 0 Nrg1 S100 NGF p75 GFAP P0 Nrg1 S100 NGF p75 GFAP P0

Gel 1 HA-gel Gel 1 HA-gel 0.5 HA-gel 1.5 HA-gel 0.5 HA-gel 1.5 HA-gel (a) (b)

Figure 6: Real-time PCR analyses of the nerve-associated genes expressed by RT4-D6P2T Schwann cells on various matrices after culturing for (a) 3 days or (b) 6 days. The data are shown as the fold change relative to those obtained from cells grown on the culture dish surface. The ∗ data are presented as the means ± SD (𝑛=4). ( ) denotes significant difference between HA-Gel and Gel(𝑃 < 0.05). levels of Nrg1, GFAP, and P0 when grown on 0.5 HA-Gel, However, the levels of Nrg1 and P0 on day 3 and day 6 were 1 HA-Gel, or 1.5 HA-Gel compared to cells grown on Gel not significantly different among the cells grown on 0.5 HA- (𝑃 < 0.05)(asshowninFigure6). Gel, 1 HA-Gel, or 1.5 HA-Gel (𝑃 > 0.05).

3.4. Western Blot Analysis. The CD44 levels expressed on day 4. Discussion 3 and day 6 by the RT4-D6P2T rat Schwann cells grown on the different matrices were not significantly different𝑃> ( Sponge forms of gelatin, hyaluronan, and their composites 0.05). The levels of Nrg1 and P0 were higher in the cells grown have been widely used to fabricate scaffolds for tissue engi- on 0.5 HA-Gel, 1 HA-Gel, or 1.5 HA-Gel than in the cells neering [16–18]. However, the physical structure of the grown on Gel on day 6 (𝑃 < 0.05)(asshowninFigure7). sponge form of these matrices is not acceptable for the tissue Journal of Nanomaterials 7

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) CD44 CD44

Nrg1 Nrg1

P0 P0

B23 B23

5 5

4 4

3 3 ∗ ∗

2 2 ∗

∗ ∗ ∗ Relative gene expression gene Relative Relative gene expression gene Relative 1 1

0 0 CD44 Nrg1 P0 CD44 Nrg1 P0

Gel 1 HA-gel Gel 1 HA-gel 0.5 HA-gel 1.5 HA-gel 0.5 HA-gel 1.5 HA-gel (a) (b)

Figure 7: Western blot analysis of CD44, Nrg1, and P0 proteins in RT4-D6P2T Schwann cells cultured for (a) 3 or (b) 6 days. Densitometric quantification of the protein bands was performed by normalizing with B23. The data are shown as the fold change relative to those obtained ∗ from cells grown on the culture dish surface. The data are presented as the means ± SD (𝑛=3). ( ) denotes significant difference between HA-Gel and Gel (𝑃 < 0.05). (1) Gel, (2) 0.5 HA-Gel, (3) 1 HA-Gel, (4) 1.5 HA-Gel, and (5) culture dish.

regeneration. A porous and nanofibrous biodegradable ma- factors might explain why the mean fiber diameters increased trix that mimics a natural ECM is the optimal scaffold for at lower hyaluronan concentrations and decreased at higher tissue engineering [19]. It is widely accepted that hyaluronan concentrations. and most cellular activities, including spreading, migration, Hyaluronan is found in all vertebrate tissues and is impor- proliferation, gene expression, and cytoskeletal function, are tant for the organization of pericellular and extracellular sensitive to the nanotopography [20] and molecular compos- matrices [22]. Hyaluronan plays a crucial role in tissue hydr- ition of the matrix [15]. Xu et al. demonstrated that there were ation and lubrication and in the regulation of cell functions,- stronger interactions between the cells and the nanofibers including cell attachment, cell mitosis, cell migration, tumor [21].Consequently,mostresearchersbelievethatananofibr- development, metastasis, cell apoptosis, and inflammation ous matrix may promote cell growth more effectively than a [23, 24]. The function of hyaluronan depends upon its inter- sponge substrate. action with the cell surface receptors, including the receptor Several methods have been used to fabricate the fibrous for hyaluronan-mediated motility (RHAMM), cluster deter- matrix, but the electrospinning is a simple and effective fabri- minant 44 (CD44), lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan cation technique to produce nano-/microfibers. The mor- receptor (LYVE-1), hyaluronan receptor for endocytosis phology and diameter of electrospun fibers are dependent on (HARE), liver endothelial cell clearance receptor (LEC recep- many processing parameters, including the molecular weight tor), and toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) [25, 26]. Hyaluronan has ofthepolymer,theconcentration(orviscosity),theconduc- been shown to influence the interaction of glial cells with tivity, the applied voltage, and the feeding rate of the polymer axons, to reduce the formation of scar tissue and to provide solution. In our previous study, we found that increasing the asuitableenvironmentfortissuerepair[27–29]. 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