Public Disclosure Authorized Afghanistan Rural Water Sector Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized 27/4/2012 Developing Sector Strategies and Options to Support the Sector OUTPUT 3: Institutional Development for the Rural Water Sector Commissioned by World Bank - MRRD Public Disclosure Authorized Afghanistan Rural Water Sector This report has been commissioned by the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development MRRD for the Rural Water and Sanitation Sector (RWSS) project, and specifically for the work package “Developing sector strategies and options to support the sector”. Financial support for the study was provided by AusAid and the World Bank. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the World Bank Group. SIM- SpA Afghanistan Branch in Kabul provided all the necessary logistic and administrative support. Prepared by SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI MONITORAGGIO (SIM) in joint venture with S.W.S. For questions or comments concerning any aspect of the survey and this report please contact: SIM S.P.A. Afghanistan Branch Tel: +93 (0) 202202043 E-Mail:
[email protected] Skype:Sim.Afghanistan; Head Office: Via Ticino 6, 00152, Rome, Italy © MINISTRY OF RURAL REHABILITATION AND DEVELOPMENT (MRRD) OF AFGHANISTAN. August, 2012 Picture: ©2011 Wahid Ghanizada, Herat Province Acknowledgements We are grateful for the assistance provided by all RWSS stakeholders in Afghanistan, for giving us access to all available data and information, in sharing with us their concerns, successes, challenges, lessons learned and good practices in the rural water sector. In particular the support from and discussions held with His Excellency Wais Ahmad Barmak, Minister of MRRD, Eng.