Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Edge of Life by Joe Hart On Vince McMahon Not Stopping "Over The Edge" PPV Following Owen’s Death. Martha Hart recently spoke with CBS Sports to promote Tuesday’s “” episode on the death of her husband, former WWE Superstar . Owen passed away on May 23, 1999 at the WWE Over The Edge pay-per-view after a stunt for his entrance went wrong. Martha holds WWE directly responsible for Owen falling almost 80 feet to his death and says WWE took cost-cutting shortcuts on performing the stunt, hiring unqualified personnel and setting off a domino effect of catastrophic choices. Martha named Bobby Talbert as the “hacker” hired after experienced rigger Joe Branam had refused to do the stunt. Branam had done rigging work for The Rolling Stones and Elton John, among others. “First of all, the stunt itself was so negligent,” Hart said. “They hired hackers they knew would do anything they wanted when they knew that proper riggers they had hired in the past had told them, ‘We won’t do this kind of stunt, it’s not safe.’ Everything about that stunt was done wrong. The entire set-up was wrong. The equipment was wrong — the harness, for example, was meant for dragging people behind a car. It was a stunt harness, but it wasn’t meant to suspend someone 80 feet above the ground. “What was happening to Owen when he was sitting in that harness is, his circulation was getting cut off and he couldn’t breathe. Then, the snap shackle that they used, that snap shackle is not meant for rigging humans. It’s meant for the sole use of rigging sailboats. It’s a sailboat clip that, by design, is meant to open on load. By the very design of the stunt, it was meant to fail, because the weight of Owen on that clip actually made it more likely it would open spontaneously.” Hart continued with more details on what happened and said Owen never questioned his safety as he thought WWE would be hiring people who knew what they were doing. She believes WWE had no regard for his life. “Proper riggers have a few things they would never do. First, they would never do a stunt without redundancy,” Martha said. “That didn’t happen; there was no redundancy. Second, they never, ever, let the talent have any control into the stunt. These guys were telling Owen, ‘This cord taped here, don’t pull it until you get to the ground.’ That would never happen; proper riggers don’t rig things this way. The other thing is, WWE is a billion-dollar company. Owen never questioned his safety. He thought for sure they were hiring people that knew what they were doing. He was putting his life in their hands, and they didn’t care. They didn’t have any regard for Owen’s life whatsoever. They went outside of qualified riggers that had good experience.” WWE has been criticized for years over how they ended up finishing the Over The Edge pay-per-view following a short break after the incident. Martha said the wrestlers who worked the show could feel the dip in the ring where Owen well. She called Vince McMahon a poor leader. “When Owen died, they scooped him out like a piece of garbage and they paraded wrestlers out to wrestle in a ring that had Owen’s blood, where the boards were broken from Owen’s fall and where the guys could feel the dip in the ring from where he fell. Just that disrespect and lack of respect for a human life that had just been lost,” Hart said. “The fact that they didn’t stop the show is just appalling. Vince McMahon was a poor leader, and he failed because that talent was looking for leadership and he failed them.” Hart: The illusion of intelligence of the imperious 'woke' Left. The three-month trial membership in "wokeness" is up, and America does not want to subscribe. With the monomaniacal desire to get rid of Trump, the leftist millennial "woke" crowd has overplayed its manufactured grievances. Some have become so "woke," they can't sleep. It turns out, most Americans do not like these whiny incoherent layabouts who are bent on making us bow to their whimsy. The media recently realized this and no longer show the ongoing riots, destruction and lawlessness of anarchists across the country in cities such as Minneapolis, Seattle and Portland. When visuals do not help their cause, the media hides them. Those who built this country find the gripes of this crowd to be petty. This millennial generation has it so good that to make their own failings palatable, they manufacture victim-hood. The Greatest Generation stormed the beaches at Normandy, staring down certain death to liberate Europe. These snowflakes are triggered and cry when they glance a statue. There should be a "Millennial Survivor" or "Fear Factor "show in which contenders are forced to go a weekend without being offended by a statue or syrup bottle. If you believe you are right, do not tear down instructive historic relics of the past. It is the reason the Jewish community doesn't demand Auschwitz demolished. Contextualized properly, it serves humanity better by standing as a reminder. Griping is easy to do from the comfort of a parent's basement while watching Netflix and 2,500 other channels on TV. My generation had three TV channels and had to wade through 12-feet of shag carpet to change the channel. It is the same with sex. Today it is ubiquitous. We had to work for it with wooing, flowers, kindness, and trial and error. The Beatles sang to my generation, "All You Need is Love." This generation can get "loved" in an hour by swiping right on Tinder. We would go to a movie and then decide if we want to have sex. Now people have sex and then decide if they want to go to a movie. I get it; going to a movie is a bigger commitment of time. "Woke" is a form of virtue signaling. Democrats thrive on empty gestures that improve no one's life but make themselves feel superior. By agreeing to inane things, corporations and individuals buy political cover from the woke mob — much like the folks in North Korea who put up a picture of Kim Jung Un. It buys safety, for now. This very callous "woke" crowd is defined by trying to cancel anything they disagree with. They do not want debate, or opposing opinions, they just want it gone. Mexican food products manufacturer Goya Foods recently became a target of the cancel culture mobsters, led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Yet, when the owner stood up for Trump, his sales skyrocketed. He should name AOC employee of the month. The news of this even found its way to Biden, who likely responded with: If you support Goya Foods, you ain't Hispanic. All this woke leftist malarkey has forced Biden, a man struggling with his mental acuity, to act like he cares about it. Biden awkwardly tries to understand the vagaries of the jarring movement left of his party and jumps on board with anything his advisers tell him. It will get worse if he picks true progressive and accomplished wacko Elizabeth Warren as his vice president choice. She wants it so bad, and like others, is shamelessly pandering for the spot. Warren even changed her Indian name to Running Mate. Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden co-opted this leftist progressive environmental millennial crowd. This is ironic since their age combined is a millennium. Biden now leads the nuts, advocating the Green New Deal, wherein we would have no aircraft, no automobiles, no boats. We should elect Biden president of Gilligan's Island, and tell him he won. Hart: Joe Biden's bumbling starts before he is even sworn in. Joe Biden's Gerald Ford-like bumbling has begun even before he is inaugurated. CNN gleefully reported that Ole Joe broke his foot after getting out of the shower to playfully chase his dog, which, miraculously, threw Joe a ball. His German shepherds, which the media report he humanely rescued from the dog shelter, will be at the White House with the Bidens. The two dogs are named Graft and Corruption. When Kamala Harris heard of the dog incident, she rushed to the hospital to demand that Joe Biden be put down immediately. If this had happened to Trump, the media would have reported that the president got caught naked chasing German tail. Adam Schiff would then launch a congressional investigation into the Trump family's German connections, pointing to Ivana Trump's German accent to get a FISA warrant — which, of course, would be issued by an Obama-appointed judge in Washington, D.C. It is hard for Joe, Kamala or their PR agents in the media to be mad at these sweet dogs. Both canines voted for Joe in Philadelphia. And they voted absentee in Atlanta because dogs are smart; they did not want to travel because of COVID. This all happened as the Harris/Biden administration is naming its Cabinet, one so weak that you'd think it was one from IKEA that I had assembled by myself. It seems more about symbolism than substance. Biden is taking a Noah's Ark approach, considering gender and ethnicity first to make sure he checks all the boxes. Which leads us to the Democrats' heavy-handed role in their COVID responses. While their blue state politicians like Gov. Gavin Newsom and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, both from California, and the governor of New Jersey disobey the rules they impose on others and then lie about it, we are supposed to bend to their-ever changing dictates. They love to say they are "following the science" to make themselves look smart, but it's like following a street-corner Three- Monte game or a Rorschach drawing: however they interpret any scientist they currently want to believe. I thought we ended all this COVID stuff when we stayed home for 14 days to "flatten the curve." As Democrat elected officials try to out-mandate each other, which is killing small businesses all across the country, the less restrictive states have fewer deaths. Clearly, Democrats think government is the answer to everything. They love controlling us by creating laws, usually based on a feel- good hunch. Dems love laws as long as they are the ones creating them. Trump's success in getting layers of government red-tape out of the way in Operation Warp Speed to get us vaccines was truly remarkable. The vaccines could save more than 100,000 elderly lives or, as Stacey Abrams is already calling it, future voter suppression. Biden and his team of political hacks are already acting like they are taking steps to end the COVID virus, even though they have not articulated one original thought about what they would do differently. The media will play along by telling us the virus is bad now, but they will slowly stop reporting on it once Biden is inaugurated. For sure, two things will disappear after Biden and Harris are sworn in: COVID coverage and Hunter Biden's personal computer hard drive. The Hunting Experience. Artist Joe Mannino is the Edge of Humanity Magazine contributor of this photo essay. From the project ‘Fresh Tracks’. To see Joe’s body of work, click on any image. Making Tracks on Tracks. Waiting For the Fog To Clear. Stretching My Legs. Four Hours, No Sign of Deer. My life and my upbringing has inspired me to make work about the hunting experience. This body of work shows the positives of hunting; the familial bonds, the connection to nature that it provides, and it comments on the social and historical impact of hunting. Scavenged and Picked Clean. I am creating this body of work for the same reasons I hunt: for the connection to my environment and my food, for the adoration of being outside, for the bonds made with family and friends, and for the need to get away from a disconnected existence. I hunt because I love wildlife and have a vested interest in the conservation of wildlife and wild places, and to be a participant in the raw, unforgiving truth of life. Reverence For an Animal That Fed my Family and Friends. These images are a first-person account made to shift the culturally preconceived perception of hunters. We’re not separate from nature but deeply connected to land, animal, and sustenance. Revealed: Joe Hart has one significant weak spot and opposition players are starting to notice. F or far too long now there has been a weakness to Joe Hart's game that has been all too apparent. Since his summer move to West Ham, that very problem has reared its all too ugly head once again. The opening weekend defeat to Manchester United gave Hart a chastening debut, and although the loss was a result of an exceptional performance from the hosts and in particular two other debutants in Nemanja Matic and Romelu Lukaku, more could reasonably have been expected of the England No 1. It was when the game was already done and dusted that Paul Pogba put the cherry on United's cake by making it 4-0. Hart's starting position as the Frenchman lined up a shot from the edge of the box was poor, but his attempted dive was almost laughable. He was slow to react to a shot that was neither powerful nor in the corner of the goal, and didn't get down to his left quickly enough. The shot went past him almost in line with the middle of the goal. A keeper of Premier League quality should unquestionably have done better.