Congressional Record—House H6058

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Congressional Record—House H6058 H6058 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE July 21, 1999 So I would hope that we can do what just say to my friend we could move to XVIII, the Chair declares the House in the gentleman from Connecticut has rise, and it will take all of 30 seconds the Committee of the Whole House on suggested. to do it in the full House and then go the State of the Union for the further The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. Would right back. consideration of the bill, H.R. 2415. the gentlewoman from California be Mr. GEJDENSON. We achieve the willing to withdraw her amendment same goal, and I think my colleagues b 1458 momentarily in order to accommodate could sit down. Either way we get the the suggestion made by the ranking same result. IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. I am not member? Accordingly, the House resolved Ms. WATERS. Following the 1 sure if the gentlewoman is willing. itself into the Committee of the Whole minute of the 2 minutes which were Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Chairman, I House on the State of the Union for the granted for the extension of the debate, move to table this amendment with the further consideration of the bill (H.R. I would be willing to do that. But for understanding that it would be 2415) to enhance security of United the 1 minute that is still left in this de- untabled at the appropriate time. bate I would respectfully like to take The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. In States missions and personnel over- that at this time, Mr. Chairman. Committee of the Whole the motion to seas, to authorize appropriations for The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. The table is not in order. the Department of State for fiscal year gentlewoman from California is recog- All time is expired. 2000, and for other purposes, with Mr. nized. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Chair- BARRETT of Nebraska (Chairman pro Ms. WATERS. Mr. Chairman, Lori man, for purposes of working this out, tempore) in the chair. I move that the Committee do now Berenson has been in prison for 31¤2 The Clerk read the title of the bill. rise. years. She was tried by a military tri- The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. When bunal that was hooded. She did not re- The motion was agreed to. Accordingly, the Committee rose; the Committee of the Whole rose ear- ceive any justice. Does not the time and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. lier today, the amendment offered by served count for anything? Or are we to KINGSTON) having assumed the chair, the gentlewoman from California (Ms. believe that Fujimori, who has said to Mr. BARRETT of Nebraska, Chairman WATERS) had been withdrawn. us by way of communication in a letter pro tempore of the Committee of the and otherwise to everybody who has at- It is now in order to consider amend- Whole House on the State of the Union, tempted diplomatic relations with him ment No. 33 printed in Part B of House reported that that Committee, having that he will not release her, are we to Report 106±235. had under consideration the bill (H.R. believe that this man is capable of giv- 2415) to enhance security of United AMENDMENT NO. 33 OFFERED BY MR. BILBRAY ing her a fair trial? Do we not care that States missions and personnel over- Mr. BILBRAY. Mr. Chairman, I offer she may die up in the Andes, a young seas, to authorize appropriations for an amendment. woman who is an idealistic journalist the Department of State for fiscal year who thinks she is working for the The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. The 2000, and for other purposes, had come rights, human rights, of individuals? Clerk will designate the amendment. to no resolution thereon. Does she deserve to be treated this The text of the amendment is as fol- f way? lows: My colleague has admitted that he MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Part B Amendment No. 33 offered by Mr. does not know if she is innocent or not, A message in writing from the Presi- BILBRAY: but how can he be comfortable not dent of the United States was commu- Page 84, after line 16, insert the following: being sure that she is guilty of a crime, nicated to the House by Mr. Sherman that she continues to serve even be- SEC. 703. SENSE OF CONGRESS REGARDING SEW- Williams, one of his secretaries. AGE TREATMENT ALONG THE BOR- yond this 31¤2 years? f DER BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES She has said she is not a terrorist, AND MEXICO. she does not belong to that terrorist MAKING IN ORDER CONSIDER- organization, and the international (a) FINDINGS.Ð ATION OF WATERS AMENDMENT (1) The Congress finds that it must take human rights committees are not de- NO. 31 AFTER BILBRAY AMEND- action to address the comprehensive treat- manding a fair trial of Fujimori. They MENT NO. 33 DURING FURTHER ment of sewage emanating from the Tijuana are demanding her release. CONSIDERATION IN THE COM- River, so as to eliminate river and ocean pol- This statement, this amendment that MITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF H.R. lution in the San Diego border region. I have, is an amendment that asks the 2415, AMERICAN EMBASSY SECU- (2) Congress bases this finding on the fol- State Department to use all of its dip- RITY ACT OF 1999 lowing factors: lomatic relations for the release of her. (A) The San Diego border region is ad- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. versely impacted from cross border raw sew- That does not dictate how that is done, Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to but it simply says that the Congress of age flows that effect the health and safety of proceed out of order and to proceed di- citizens in the United States and Mexico and the United States is interested in them rectly to the Bilbray amendment when the environment. being about the business of showing we return to the Committee of the (B) The United States and Mexico have some care and concern about an Amer- Whole House and then, after that agreed pursuant to the Treaty for the Utili- ican citizen who has been imprisoned point, to return to the amendment zation of Waters of the Colorado and Tijuana unfairly and unjustly over in Peru by a from the gentlewoman from California Rivers and of the Rio Grande, dated Feb- ruary 3, 1944, ``to give preferential attention dictator. (Ms. WATERS). Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Chairman, will to the solution of all border sanitation prob- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the lems''. the gentleman yield? gentleman ask for unanimous consent Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. I yield to (C) The United States and Mexico recog- to return to the Waters amendment to nize the need for utilization of reclaimed the gentleman from Connecticut. be reoffered after the Bilbray amend- water to supply the growing needs of the Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Chairman, I ment in Committee of the Whole? City of Tijuana, Republic of Mexico, and the have just been informed by the Parlia- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. That is entire border region. mentarian that we would have to go to correct, Mr. Speaker. (D) Current legislative authority limits the the full House. So what I would suggest The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there scope of proposed treatment options in a way at this stage is that the gentlewoman objection to the request of the gen- that prevents a comprehensive plan to ad- and gentleman sit down and work it tleman from New Jersey? dress the volume of cross border raw sewage out. If they cannot work it out, we go There was no objection. flows and the effective utilization of rec- right to the vote in the appropriate lamation opportunities. f (E) This section encourages action to ad- order. If they can work it out, we dress the comprehensive treatment of sewage would include the new language in the AMERICAN EMBASSY SECURITY ACT OF 1999 emanating from the Tijuana River, so as to en bloc amendment at the end. eliminate river and ocean pollution in the Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Reclaim- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- San Diego border region, and to exploit ef- ing my time, Mr. Chairman, I would ant to House Resolution 247 and rule fective reclamation opportunities. July 21, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H6059 (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.ÐThe CongressÐ b 1500 ico Border. Mr. Chairman, I will just (1) encourages the Secretary of State to quote briefly from this statement. give the highest priority to the negotiation Mr. FILNER. Mr. Chairman, al- though I am not opposed, I ask unani- Surfrider states in their communique and execution of a new treaty minute with that ``a comprehensive solution will Mexico, which would augment Minute 283 so mous consent to claim the 5 minutes in as to allow for the siting of sewage treat- opposition to the amendment. offer the benefits of timeliness as well ment facilities in Mexico, to provide for ad- The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection as the consideration of other priority ditional treatment capacity, up to 50,000,000 to the request of the gentleman from issues such as the ability to treat all of gallons per day, for the treatment of addi- California? the sewage problems within the re- tional sewage emanating from the Tijuana There was no objection. gion.'' It says that the proposal is with- area, and to provide direction and authority Mr. BILBRAY. Mr. Chairman, I yield in the existing systems of wastewater so that a comprehensive solution to this treatment that will benefit both Mex- trans-border sanitation problem may be im- myself such time as I may consume.
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