Congressional Record—House H7242

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Congressional Record—House H7242 H7242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 6, 2000 For nearly 5 years, I have been ask- overturned, but they worry that polit- of compassion and for her health, I hope Lori ing my colleagues to join me in pro- ical pressures will ensure that she will will soon be allowed to come home. testing her conviction. I have cir- receive a long sentence in a civilian Sincerely, culated three letters to the President trial. CAROLYN B. MALONEY, Member of Congress. over the years, and each letter has In Peru, it is a crime to express sym- f been signed by more and more Mem- pathy for the MRTA, the crime is apo- bers of Congress in support of Lori. In logia. In the United States, it would be MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS RE- August, 221 Members of Congress, in a protected as free speech. There it can GARDING COLOMBIA IS IN THE bipartisan way, signed a letter calling carry a long prison sentence. BEST INTEREST OF AMERICA for Lori's release. I hope that Peru can be persuaded to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a I will be circulating a new letter ask- act with mercy. There is nothing to be previous order of the House, the gen- ing for mercy for Lori, asking for Peru gained by keeping Lori in prison any tleman from Texas (Mr. PAUL) is recog- to act with compassion and send Lori longer. Peru has already admitted that nized for 5 minutes. home on humanitarian grounds. Lori was not the terrorist leader she Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, those of us Since her conviction, Lori's health was originally convicted of being. who warned of the shortcomings of ex- has deteriorated. She was originally panding our military presence in Co- I wrote to President Fujimori yester- sent to Yanomayo Prison, located high lombia were ignored when funds were day to let him know how pleased I am in the Andes, over 12,000 feet above sea appropriated for this purpose earlier that Lori will have a civilian trial. level. The altitude destroyed her this year. We argued at that time that President Fujimori has taken a brave health. People like Lori who have not clearly no national security interests step that has subjected him to enor- grown up in the Andes cannot accli- were involved; that the Civil War was mous criticism at home. I am pleased mate to the high altitude of more than 30 years old, complex with that he recognized that the evidence Yanomayo. three factions fighting, and no assur- showed that Lori did not belong in I visited with Lori in October of 1997. ance as to who the good guys were; Peru's military courts. When I saw her, her fingers were swol- that the drug war was a subterfuge, len and she had circulatory problems Now it is time for Peru to take the only an excuse, not a reason, to need- as a result of the high altitude. Very next step and release Lori. Lori will lessly expand our involvement in Co- little natural light comes into the pris- not be getting off lightly if she is re- lombia; and that special interests were on, and prisoners are allowed only 1 leased now. She has spent nearly 5 really driving our policy: Colombia Oil hour a day to exercise outside. As a re- years in prison in conditions that have Reserves owned by American interests, sult, Lori's eye sight was failing. seriously undermined her health. I American weapons manufacturers, and Yanomayo was not heated, and the hope that whatever the outcome of her American corporations anxious to temperature rarely rises above 40 de- trial, Lori's ordeal will soon be over. build infrastructure in Colombia. grees. The cold gave Lori perpetual lar- For humanitarian reasons, for the sake Already our foolish expanded pres- yngitis. of compassion, and for her health, I sure in Colombia has had a perverse ef- Eventually, the Peruvian officials re- hope Lori will be allowed to come fect. The stated purpose of promoting sponded to pleas to move Lori. But in home. peace and stability has been under- some ways, she faced an even harder Mr. Speaker, I include my letter to mined. Violence has worsened as fac- challenge to her health. The new prison President Fujimori for the RECORD as tions are now fighting more fiercely was more than 5,000 feet above sea follows: than ever before for territory as they level, better than the former prison, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, anticipate the full force of U.S. weap- but still hard for a New Yorker. The al- Washington, DC, September 5, 2000. ons arriving. titude, while less dangerous to her President ALBERTO FUJIMORI, The already weak peace process has health, continued to affect her cir- Palacio de Gobierno, Plaza de Armass S/N, Lima been essentially abandoned. Hatred to- culatory system. 1 Peru. ward Americans by many Colombians The toughest part was that she was DEAR PRESIDENT FUJIMORI: I am pleased to has grown. The Presidents of 12 South forced to spend months completely learn that Lori Berenson's conviction has American countries rejected outright alone. For more than 100 days, Lori was been overturned by Peru's military tribunal. the American-backed military oper- kept in solitary confinement. The iso- As you know from our conversation when we ation amendment aimed at the revolu- met in April 1998, Lori Berenson is a con- lation had an extremely negative effect tionary groups in Colombia. on her psychological well-being. stituent of mine and I am deeply concerned about her. I appreciated your willingness and This foolhardy effort to settle the Co- Despite the difficult circumstances, that of members of your government to dis- lombian civil war has clearly turned Lori has always been quiet, polite, and cuss her case with me during those visits. out to be a diplomatic failure. The best well behaved, a model prisoner. I am The tribunal's decision is a tremendous evidence of a seriously flawed policy is hopeful that Peru will take these cir- step forward for human rights in Peru. I ap- the departure of capital. Watching cumstances into account and act with plaud the members of the tribunal for look- money flows gives us a market assess- mercy and compassion. ing at new evidence in this case and con- ment of policy; and by all indication, I returned to Peru in April of 1998 cluding that the new evidence did not sup- our policy spells trouble. and, together with the gentleman from port the original verdict. There is evidence of a recent large- New York (Mr. GILMAN), met with In October 1997, I visited Lori in prison and scale exodus of wealthy Colombians to President Fujimori. He was very open I found her spirits to be good despite her de- Miami. Tens of thousands of Colom- during our meeting and agreed to take teriorating health. Like many people who bians are leaving for the U.S., Canada, are unaccustomed to high altitudes, Lori another look at Lori's case if new evi- Costa Rica, Spain, Australia. These are dence was presented. Apparently, Peru could not acclimate to living at Yanomayo prison. The high altitude played havoc with the middle-class and upper-class citi- has uncovered new evidence, and Lori her health. When I saw her, her fingers were zens, taking their money with them. is getting a new trial in a civilian swollen, her eyesight was failing, and she Our enhanced presence in Colombia has court. was having circulatory problems and per- accelerated this exodus. Since Lori was arrested, her parents, petual laryngitis. After she was moved to a Our policy, unless quickly and thor- Mark and Rhoda Berenson, have prison at a lower altitude, she spent more oughly reversed, will surely force an worked every day tirelessly for her re- than 100 days in solitary confinement. De- escalation of the civil war and a dan- lease. They know Lori as a young spite the severe privation, she has always gerous increase in our involvement idealist who traveled to Peru as a jour- been quiet, polite and well-behavedÐa model prisoner. with both dollars and troops. All this nalist. University professors who live will further heighten the need for drug in my district, the Berensons have I am grateful that she will have a civilian trial. However, after nearly five years in sales to finance all factions of the civil given up their careers to devote them- prison, Lori has already undergone severe war. So much for stopping the drug selves to trying to free their daughter punishment and I hope, whatever the out- war. and bring her home. They welcome the come of her trial, her ordeal will soon be Our policy is doomed to fail. There is news that Lori's conviction has been over. For humanitarian reasons, for the sake no national security interest involved; VerDate 11-MAY-2000 03:55 Sep 07, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06SE7.080 pfrm02 PsN: H06PT1 September 6, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H7243 therefore, no goals can be set and no We now see that Hispanic Heritage REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- victory achievable. A foreign policy of Month is not just about celebration, VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF non-intervention designed only to pro- but it is about uniting our community H.R. 4115, UNITED STATES HOLO- tect our sovereignty with an eagerness to better educate our children and to CAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM to trade with all nations willing to be educate ourselves about what it means Mr.
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