View Panel Was Instituted and the Reduce the Budget Deficit Has to Be Commended
The National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka NCCSL Building #450, D R Wijewardena Mawatha, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka. Web: INTRODUCTION President’s Statement | Anual Report 2012/13 TheThe National Chamber Chamber of Commerce of Commerce of Sri Lanka of(then Sri Ceylon) Lanka was (then Ceylon) was foundedfounded in in 1948, 1948, soon aftersoon the after country the gained country independence gained from independence from BritishBritish colonial colonial rule. rule.Prime objectivePrime objectiveof setting up of the setting Chamber up was the Chamber was to establish a forum for the local business community. The foremost toobjective establish of the aChamber forum at for that the time localwas the business ‘Ceylonisation’ community. of trade as The foremost objectivethe policy climate of the was notChamber conducive atto nationalthat timeinterests. was the ‘Ceylonisation’ of tradeSubsequently as the incorporatedpolicy climate as wasa limited not conduciveliability company to national interests. in 1955, and charting a course initiated by its twenty-one Subsequentlyfounder members incorporated comprising leading as abusiness limited figures liability from company a in 1955, cross-section of the country’s communities, NCCSL today consists andof 600 charting corporate a members course and initiated is still growing. by its Moretwenty-one importantly founder members comprisingthe Chamber’s leadingassistance tobusiness over 2,500 figuresMicro, Small from and aMedium cross section of the country’sEnterprises, from communities, all parts of the country, NCCSL exemplify today NCCSL’s consists commitment of 600 corporate to achieving equitable development. members and is still growing. More importantly the Chamber’s assistanceThe Chamber hasto now over emerged 2,500 as a leadingMicro, national Small trade and promotion Medium Enterprises, organization in the country providing a variety of services to the Sri fromLankan all business parts community.
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