
Cardiology Journal 2011, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 233–245 Copyright © 2011 Via Medica REVIEW ARTICLE ISSN 1897–5593

Electrolyte disorders and arrhythmogenesis

Nabil El-Sherif1, Gioia Turitto2

1State University of NY, Downstate Medical Center and NY Harbor VA Healthcare System, Brooklyn, NY, USA 2Methodist University Hospital, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Abstract disorders can alter cardiac ionic currents kinetics and depending on the changes can promote proarrhythmic or antiarrhythmic effects. The present report reviews the mecha- nisms, electrophysiolgical (EP), electrocardiographic (ECG), and clinical consequences of elec- trolyte disorders. (K+) is the most abundent intracellular cation and is the most commont electrolyte abnormality encountered in clinical practice. The most signifcant ECG manifestation of hypokalemia is a prominent U wave. Several cardiac and + non cardiac drugs are known to suppress the HERG K channel and hence the IK, and especially in the presence of hypokalemia, can result in prolonged duration and QT interval, QTU alternans, early afterdepolarizations, and torsade de pointes ventricu- lar tachyarrythmia (TdP VT). affects up to 8% of hospitalized patients mainly in the setting of compromised renal function. The ECG manifestation of hyperkalemia de- pends on K+ level. At 5.5–7.0 mmol/L K+, tall peaked, narrow-based T waves are seen. At > 10.0 mmol/L K+, sinus arrest, marked intraventricular conduction delay, ventricular techycardia, and can develop. Isolated abnormalities of extracellular (Ca++) produce clinically significant EP effects only when they are extreme in either direction. , frequently seen in the setting of chronic renal insufficiency, results in prolonged ST segment and QT interval while hypercalcemia, usually seen with hyperparathy- roidism, results in shortening of both intervals. Although is the second most abudent intracellular cation, the significance of magnesium disorders are controversial partly because of the frequent association of other electrolyte abnormalities. However, IV magnesium by blocking the L-type Ca++ current can succesfully terminate TdP VT without affecting the prolonged QT interval. Finally, despite the frequency of abnormalities, particularly , its EP effects are rarely clinically significant. (Cardiol J 2011; 18, 3: 233–245) Key words: hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia, magnesium, sodium, lithium

Introduction The resting (Vm) is calculated by the Goldman constant field equation [1], Cardiac are an expression of the same fundamental electrophysiological (EP) principles RT PkaKo + PNAaNao + PCLaCli Vm = ln , that underlie the normal electrical behavior of the zF PkaKi + PNAaNai + PCLaClo . The electrical activity of the heart depends on transmembrane ionic gradients and the time- and which incorporates the permeability (P) and activi- voltage-dependent alterations of their conductance. ty (a) of all ionic species that contribute to it.

Address for correspondence: Nabil El-Sherif, MD, Cardiology Division, NY Harbor VA Healthcare System, 800 Poly Place, Brooklyn, NY 11209, USA, tel: 718 630 3740, fax: 717 630 3740, e-mail: [email protected]

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Electrolyte abnormalities may generate or fa- Table 1. Modulation of potassium currents by cilitate clinical arrhythmias, even in the setting of electrolyte concentration. normal cardiac tissue. Furthermore, electrolyte IK1, inward rectifier Its conductance is proportional aberrations are more likely to interact with abnor- + to the square root of [K ]o mal myocardial tissue to generate their own cadre The instantaneous inward of cardiac arrhythmias. Electrolyte disorders exert rectification on their actions by modulating the conduction of is due to the Mg2? block at physiologic [Mg2?] [4] across specific cardiac membrane channels; and this i + in turn can result in antiarrhthmic or proarrhyth- IKr, delayed rectifier Low [K ]o decreases the delayed rectifier current (I ) mic sequelae. Kr Ito, transient outward One type is voltage activated and modulated by Potassium neurotransmitters Potassium is the most abundant intracellular The other type is activated cation and the most important determinant of the by intracellular Ca resting membrane potential (RMP). The EP effects IK(Ca) Opens in the presence of high of potassium depend not only on its extracellular levels of intracellular calcium concentration, but also on the direction (hypokale- IK(Na) Opens in the presence of high mia vs hyperkalemia) and rate of change. Hoffman levels of intracellular sodium and Suckling [2] have noted that the effect of po- tassium on the RMP is modulated by the simul- taneous calcium concentration. The interrelation- Table 2. Factors that affect the transcellular shift ship is such that an elevated calcium level decreas- of potassium. es the depolarizing effect of an elevated potassium level, and low calcium levels diminish the depola- From inside to outside From outside to inside rization produced by hypokalemia. When extracel- Acidosis Alkalosis lular potassium levels are higher than normal, the - -adrenergic receptor membrane behaves as a potassium electrode, a b2 stimulation stimulation as described by the Nernst equation: Digitalis

+ + Solvent drag Vm = –61.5 log [K ]i/[K ]o.

At levels of less than ~3 mmol/L, the transmem- brane potential (Vm) is less than that predicted by the Hypokalemia Nernst equation [3], because hypokalemia reduces membrane permeability to potassium (Pk). Hypokalemia is the most common electrolyte Indeed, potassium currents are modulated by abnormality encountered in clinical practice. Potas- the potassium gradient itself and other sium values of less than 3.6 mmol/L are seen in over as well (Table 1) [4]. The conductance of the inward 20% of hospitalized patients [9]. As many as 10% rectifier current (IK1) is proportional to the square to 40% of patients on [10] and al- + root of the extracellular K concentration [K ]o [5, most 50% of patients resuscitated from out-of-hos- 6]. The dependence of the activation of the delayed pital ventricular fibrillation [11] have low potassium rectifier current (IKr) on the extracellular potassium levels. Hypokalemia results from decreased potas- + concentration [K ]o helps explain why the action sium intake, transcellular shift, and, most common- + potential duration (APD) is shorter at higher [K ]o ly, increased renal or extrarenal losses (Table 3). + and longer at low [K ]o concentrations (Table 1) [7]. As important as the time factor may be on the EP Electrophysiological effects of hypokalemia impact of different potassium levels, it is equally Hypokalemia leads to a higher (more negative) important to note that rapid fluctuations in extra- RMP and, at least during electrical diastole, a de- cellular potassium levels do occur, especially crease in membrane excitability as a result of wid- through transcellular shifts (Table 2). Insulin, ening of the RMP and the (TP) b-adrenergic agonists, , and changes in difference. Low extracellular potassium decreases blood pH may independently affect serum potas- the delayed rectifier current (IKr), resulting in an sium levels [8]. increase in the APD and a delay in repolarization.

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Table 3. Causes of hypokalemia.

Decreased intake Potassium shift into the cell (see Table 2) Renal potassium loss Increased effects Increased flow to distal nephron Primary or secondary aldosteronism Diuretics Ectopic ACTH-producing tumor or Salt-losing nephropathy Cushing’s syndrome Hypomagnesemia Bartter’s syndrome Nonresorbable anion Licorice Carbenicillin, penicillin Renovascular or malignant hypertension (type I or II) Congenital abnormality of steroid Congenital defect of distal nephron Renin-producing tumor Liddle’s syndrome Extrarenal potassium loss Vomiting, diarrhea, laxative abuse Villous adenoma, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

It has been suggested that extracellular K+ ions are Table 4. Electrophysiological effects of hypokalemia. required to open the delayed rectifier channel [7]. Decrease in conduction velocity Most importantly, hypokalemia alters the con- figuration of the action potential (AP), with the du- Shortening of the effective refractory period ration of phase 2 first increasing and subsequently Prolongation of the relative refractory period decreasing, whereas the slope of phase 3 decele- Increased automaticity rates. The latter effect leads to an AP with a long Early afterdepolarizations “tail”, resulting in an increase in the relative refrac- tory period (RRP) and a decrease in the difference of the resting membrane potential from the thresh- Table 5. ECG manifestations of hypokalemia. old potential during the terminal phase of the AP. Thus, cardiac tissue demonstrates increased excit- Repolarization changes ability with associated ectopy for a considerable Decreased amplitude and broadening portion of the AP. Conduction slows because depo- of the T waves larization begins in incompletely repolarized fibers. Prominent U waves Furthermore, hypokalemia prolongs the plateau in ST segment depression the Purkinje fibers but shortens it in the ventricu- T and U waves fusion (in severe hypokalemia) lar fibers [12]. The AP tail of the conducting sys- Conduction abnormalities tem prolongs more than that of the ventricles, in- Increase in QRS duration creasing the dispersion of repolarization. Hypokale- mia increases diastolic depolarization in Purkinje fibers, thereby increasing automaticity. Increase in P wave amplitude and duration In summary, the EP effects of hypokalemia Slight prolongation of the P-R interval are: (1) a decrease in conduction velocity; (2) shortening of the effective refractory period (ERP); (3) prolongation of the RRP; (4) increased automaticity; and (5) early afterdepolarizations The electrocardiographic (ECG) changes result- (EADs) (Table 4). ing from its effects on repolarization include: de- creased amplitude and broadening of the T waves; Electrocardiographic manifestations prominent U waves; ST segment depression; and of hypokalemia T and U wave fusion, which is seen in severe hypo- The electrocardiographic manifestations of kalemia (Fig. 1). When the U wave exceeds the hypokalemia [13, 14] can be conceptualized as those in amplitude, the serum potassium is < 3 mmol/L. due to its effects on repolarization and those ema- ECG changes due to conduction abnormalities are nating from its effects on conduction (Table 5). seen in more advanced stages of hypokalemia and

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Figure 1. Diagram of the ventricular action potential superimposed on the ECG at different extracellular potassium concen- trations (4.0, 3.0, 2.0 mEq/L). The numbers on the left designate the transmembrane potential in millivolts. From [14].

include: increase in QRS duration without Hyperkalemia a concomitant change in the QRS configuration; atrio- ventricular block (AV); cardiac arrest; increase in Although less common than hypokalemia, hy- P wave amplitude and duration; and slight prolon- perkalemia may affect approximately 8% of hospi- gation of the P–R interval. talized patients in the United States. Hyperkalemia is seen mainly in the setting of compromised renal Arrhythmogenic potential and function, particularly in association with the admini- clinical implications of hypokalemia stration of a variety of nephrotoxic . Hypokalemia-induced hyperexcitability is clini- Hyperkalemia may result from either decreased cally manifested by an increase in supraventricular excretion or a shift of potassium from within the cell and ventricular ectopy. In the Framingham Off- (Table 6). spring Study, potassium and magnesium levels were inversely related to the occurrence of com- Electrophysiological effects of hyperkalemia plex or frequent ventricular premature complexes The disproportional effects of varying levels of after adjustment for covariates [15]. hyperkalemia on the RMP and the TP explain the Hypokalemia facilitates reentry by slowing initial increase in excitability and conduction veloci- conduction during the prolonged RRP and by caus- ty followed by their decrease as the potassium le- ing an increase in the dispersion of refractoriness. vel increases further (Table 7). Mild-to-moderate Its suppressant effect on the Na-K pump leads to levels of hyperkalemia decrease the RMP (less ne- intracellular Ca2+ overload and this facilitates the gative) more than the TP, thereby diminishing the development of delayed afterdepolarizations via difference between the two and increasing excitabi- a transient inward current (Iti). Hypokalemia enhan- lity. The decrease in the slope of the upstroke of ces the propensity for ventricular fibrillation in the the AP (dV/dT), one of the major determinants of normal, as well as the ischemic, canine heart [16]. conduction velocity, is counterbalanced by a de- An association between hypokalemia and ventricu- crease in the RMP to TP difference, resulting in an lar fibrillation in patients with acute myocardial in- ultimate increase in conduction velocity [21]. Se- farction has been well established [17–19]. vere hyperkalemia is associated with an increase Several cxardiac and non cardiac drugs are in the difference between the RMP and the TP, known to suppress the HERG K+ channel and hence leading to a decrease in excitability. Further dec- the IKr, and especially in the presence of hypokale- rement in the AP upstroke (dV/dT) overwhelms the mia, result in prolonged action potential duration positive effect of the TP decrease on the conduc- and QT interval, EADs, and torsade de pointes ven- tion velocity, resulting in a definitive decrease of tricular tachyarrythmia (Figs. 2, 3) [20]. the latter.

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Figure 2. A. Twelve-lead ECG from a patient with hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia showing marked QTU prolon- gation and QTU alternans (marked by arrowheads); B–D. Representative rhythm strips from the same patient as in A, showing tachycardia-dependent QTU alternans and torsades de pointes [16].

Hyperkalemia is associated with increased most sensitive, the ventricular myocardium less membrane permeability to potassium, a conse- sensitive, and the specialized tissue ( quence of an increase of the inward going rectifier and His bundle) the least sensitive. In other words,

[Ik1] and the delayed rectifier current (IKr) [5–7]. the depression of excitability and conduction in the This accelerates the rate of repolarization and short- atrium occur at lower extracellular potassium levels ens the AP duration. Hyperkalemia preferentially than in other types of myocardial tissue, as exem- shortens the plateau of the Purkinje fibers, there- plified by the occasional pacemaker case of atrial by decreasing the dispersion of repolarization in the noncapture and ventricular capture [22]. The sym- ventricle [12]. Furthermore, it slows the diastolic pathetic nervous system seems to contribute to the depolarization of the Purkinje fibers. sinus node resistance to hyperkalemia [23]. The effects of hyperkalemia depend on the tis- Many investigators have observed regional dif- sue involved, with the atrial myocardium being the ferences in repolarization time in the nonischemic

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V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6



V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6

Figure 3. A, B, and C are tracings from a 39 year-old patient with end stage renal disease on who presented with and . Chemistry showed a serum potassium level of 10 mEq/L; A. Atypical bundle branch block; the QRS is wide and is merging with the T wave; B. Ventricular tachycardia that failed to respond to adenosine and procainamide given by paramedics; C. Resolution of above ECG changes with dialysis and normalization of serum potassium level.

+ Table 6. Causes of hyperkalemia. Table 7. Effect of [K ]o on RMP, TP, and Vmax in ventricular muscle fibers of guinea pigs. From [21]. Decreased excretion + Renal failure [K ]o RMP TP RMP–TP Vmax [mM] [mV] [mV] [mV] [V/s] Renal secretory defects Hyporeninemic 2.0 99.4 72.7 26.7 236 5.4 83.0 65.1 17.9 219 10.0 65.8 51.4 14.4 178 Drugs (ACE inhibitors, , , NSAIDs, ) 11.5 62.8 45.6 17.2 154 13.0 60.7 41.9 18.8 103 Shift of potassium from within the cell (see Table 2) 16.2 55.4 34.7 20.7 45

Massive release of intracellular potassium RMP — resting membrane potential; TP — threshold potential; + [K ]o — extracellular potassium concentration Hypertonicity Insulin deficiency Hyperkalemic open-chest dogs during graded intravenous infusion of potassium to a plasma level of 9 mmol/L. Their results suggest that the regional differences in re- myocardium in response to hyperkalemia. Sutton polarization times are mainly a result of local chang- and colleagues have recorded monophasic action es in activation times rather than a direct effect on potentials from the endocardium and epicardium in the APD [24].

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Table 8. ECG manifestations of hyperkalemia. bundle fascicles. These manifestations of intraventri- cular conduction delay correlate with a prolonged Mild hyperkalemia (K = 5.5–7.5 mEq) intracardiac H–V interval [28]. As hyperkalemia Tall, peaked, narrow-based T waves progresses, depolarization merges with repolariza- Fascicular blocks (LAFB, LPFB) tion, expressed in the ECG with QT shortening and Moderate hyperkalemia (K = 7.5–10.0 mEq) apparent ST segment elevation simulating acute First-degree atrioventricular block injury. The latter disappears with — Decreased P wave amplitude followed by dialyzable current of injury [29]. The effect of hy- disappearance of the P waves and sinus arrest perkalemia on QRS morphology of ventricular paced ST segment depression beats have also been studied [30]. Hyperkalemia is Severe hyperkalemia (K > 10.0 mEq) the most common electrolyte abnormality to cause Atypical bundle branch block (LBBB, RBBB), IVCD loss of capture. In patients with pacemakers, hyper- Ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, kalemia causes two important clinical abnormalities: idioventricular rhythm (1) widening of the paced QRS complex (and paced P wave) on the basis of delayed myocardial conduc- LAFB — left anterior fascicular block; LPFB — left posterior fascicular block; LBBB — left bundle branch block; RBBB — right bundle tion; when the K level exceeds 7 mEq/L, the intra- branch block; IVCD — intraventricular conduction delay ventricular conduction velocity is usually decreased and the paced QRS complex widens (Fig. 4); (2) in- creased atrial and ventricular pacing thresholds with An interesting phenomenon, the Zwaardema- or without increased latency [30]. ker-Libbrecht effect, is the result of a change from The parallel changes in the AP and ECG can a low to high extracellular potassium level and mani- be appreciated better by reviewing Figure 5 [14]. fests itself by a transient arrest of pacemaker cells, abbreviation of APD, and hyperpolarization [25–27]. Arrhythmogenic potential and This phenomenon underscores the fact that the rate clinical implications of hyperkalemia of intravenous administration of potassium is more Potassium and myocardial . In the important — from a proarrhythmic standpoint — early phases of an ischemic insult, the cardiac mem- than the absolute amount of potassium administered brane becomes increasingly permeable to potas- and the final level of extracellular potassium. sium. After coronary ligation in pigs [31, 32], the rise in extracellular potassium concentration results Electrocardiographic manifestations in currents of injury, refractory period shortening, of hyperkalemia conduction slowing, and ventricular fibrillation. The ECG is not a sensitive indicator of hyper- During ischemia, APD shortening is more pro- kalemia; 50% of patients with potassium levels nounced and the conduction velocity is slower in greater than 6.5 mEq/L will not manifest any ECG failing than in control myocardium. Extracellular + changes (Table 8) [14]. The ECG changes due to potassium [K ]o reaches higher values during acute mild potassium elevations (K = 5.5–7.0 mmol/L) ischemia in failing vs normal myocardium. Increased + include tall, peaked, narrow-based T waves and fas- spatial dispersion in EP parameters and [K ]o over cicular blocks. Moderate hyperkalemia (K = 7.5– the ischemic border in failing may explain –10.0 mmol/L) is associated with first-degree AV the higher propensity for reentrant arrhythmias block and diminished P wave amplitude. As the during acute regional ischemia [33]. potassium level increases further, the P wave dis- Potassium and calcium abnormalities. The appears, and sinus arrest, as well as ST segment combination of hyperkalemia and hypocalcemia has depression, may develop. Atypical bundle branch a cumulative effect on the atrioventricular and in- blocks (LBBB and RBBB), intraventricular conduc- traventricular conduction delay and facilitates the tion delays, ventricular tachycardia (Fig. 3), ventri- development of ventricular fibrillation. Hypercalce- cular fibrillation, and idioventricular rhythm are mia, through its membrane-stabilizing effect, coun- more commonly seen in cases of severe hyperkale- teracts the effects of hyperkalemia on AV and in- mia (K+ > 10.0 mmol/L). The bundle branch blocks traventricular conduction and averts the develop- associated with hyperkalemia are atypical in the ment of ventricular fibrillation. This protective sense that they involve the initial and terminal for- effect of calcium is immediate and its intravenous ces of the QRS complex. Shifts in the QRS axis in- administration should be the first therapeutic mea- dicate disproportionate conduction delays in the left sure in cases of hyperkalemia.

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Figure 4. This 12-lead ECG is from a 74 year-old patient with a history of pacemaker implantation for sick sinus syndrome, who presented to the Emergency Room with complaints of “weakness”. He went into shortly afterwards. His potassium serum level at the time of the cardiac arrest was 10 mEq/L.

Figure 5. Diagram of an atrial and ventricular action potential superimposed on the ECG for extracellular potassium at 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, and 12.0 mEq/L. The numbers on the left designate the transmembrane potential in millivolts, and the numbers at the bottom designate extra cellular potassium concentration [mEq/L]. From [14].

Potassium and digitalis. Hyperkalemia inhi- cellular calcium concentrations in the physiologic bits glycoside binding to (Na+, K+) ATPase, de- range have no appreciable effect on the resting mem- creases the inotropic effect of digitalis, and sup- brane potential. Hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia presses digitalis-induced ectopic rhythms. Alterna- have opposing effects on the APD and ERP by af- tively, hypokalemia increases glycoside binding to fecting intracellular calcium concentration and mod- (Na+, K+) ATPase, decreases the rate of ulating potassium currents [2]. elimination, and potentiates the toxic effects of digi- talis. Hypocalcemia Calcium. Isolated abnormalities of calcium con- centration produce clinically significant EP effects Hypocalcemia is most frequently seen in the only when they are extreme in either direction. As setting of chronic renal insufficiency and is usually expected by reviewing the Goldman equation, extra- associated with other electrolyte abnormalities.

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Generally, hypocalcemia may result from decreased Table 9. Causes of hypocalcemia. intake or absorption or an increase in calcium loss (Table 9). Decreased intake or absorption Malabsorption Electrophysiological effects of hypocalcemia Decreased absorptive area (small bowel bypass, short bowel) Low extracellular calcium decreases the slow inward current and intracellular calcium concentra- Vitamin D deficit (decreased absorption, decreased 25-hydroxy-D or tion during the AP plateau. The latter decreases 1,25-dihydroxy-D production) outward current, possibly via I , prolonging phase 2 k(Ca) Increased loss of the AP, the total APD, and the duration of the Alcoholism ERP. As a consequence of low intracellular cal- Chronic renal insufficiency cium, contractility decreases. Moreover, hypocal- therapy (, ) cemia slightly decreases the rate of diastolic depo- larization in the Purkinje fibers and increases Endocrine disease excitability through a direct interaction with the sar- or pseudohypoparathyroidism colemma. Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid (calcitonin secretion) Electrocardiographic manifestations Familial hypocalcemia of hypocalcemia Physiological causes The ECG changes of hypocalcemia involve Associated with decreased serum albumin a prolongation of the ST segment and QTc interval (normal calcium concentration) and T wave alterations, including upright, low, flat, Decreased end-organ response to vitamin D or sharply inverted T waves in leads with an up- Sepsis, , induced by right QRS complex (Fig. 6). aminoglycoside antibiotics, plicamycin, loop diuretics, foscarnet Hypercalcemia

Hypercalcemia occurs most commonly in the setting of or as a consequence Electrophysiological effects and electrocar- of several malignancies. A plethora of other causes diographic manifestations of hypercalcemia account for the remaining clinically encountered High extracellular calcium levels shorten the cases (Table 10). AP plateau, the total APD, and, consequently, the

Figure 6. This 12-lead ECG is from a 24 year-old black female patient with sickle cell disease, end stage renal disease, and hyperparathyroidism. The patient’s serum calcium level was 7 mg/dL and the potassium level was 6.5 mEq/L. This ECG demonstrates a prolongation of the ST segment and QTc interval (leads V5 and V6).

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Table 10. Causes of hypercalcemia. Electrophysiological effects and electrocardiographic manifestations of Increased intake or absorption hypomagnesemia and Vitamin D or vitamin A excess In the presence of extremely low extracellular Endocrine disorders calcium concentrations, magnesium exerts an effect Primary hyperparathyroidism or secondary on the current or currents that modulate the dura- hyperparathyroidism (renal insufficiency, tion of the ventricular AP plateau. Hoffman and malabsorption) Suckling [2] found that in the presence of normal Acromegaly calcium concentrations, had little effect on the AP of the canine papillary mus- Neoplastic diseases cle. However, when the calcium concentration was Tumors producing PTH-related protein lowered to 1/10 of normal, complete omission of (ovary, , lung) magnesium in the superfusate prolonged the AP Multiple myeloma (osteoclast-activating factor) plateau, which was already increased in duration by Miscellaneous causes low calcium, from a normal value of 100 to 150 ms to 1000 ms or more. Sarcoidosis Magnesium blocks the calcium channel, shifts Paget’s disease of the the steady-state inactivation curve of the fast so- Hypophosphatasia dium channel in the hyperpolarizing direction, modi- Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia fies the effect of hyperkalemia, and exerts modu- Iatrogenic lating effects on several potassium currents. Hyper- magnesemia depresses AV and intraventricular conduction. DiCarlo et al. [38] observed the follow- ing ECG effects of intravenous administration of duration of the ERP. A study of the effect of hyper- magnesium in patients with normal baseline serum calcemia on the guinea pig ventricular AP suggest- magnesium and other electrolyte levels: (1) prolon- ed that a decrease in the inward Na+/Ca++ exchange gation of sinus node recovery time (SNRT) and cor- current might be largely responsible for the short- rected SNRT; (2) prolongation of the AV nodal func- ening of the AP [34]. Elevated extracellular Ca2+ tional, relative, and ERP; (3) a small increase in QRS concentration has a stabilizing effect on the mem- duration during ventricular pacing at cycle lengths brane, increasing the extent of depolarization need- of 250 and 500 ms; and (4) a significant increase in ed to initiate an AP. In addition, hypercalcemia has the atrial-His interval and the atrial paced cycle a positive inotropic effect, decreases excitability length causing AV node Wenckebach conduction. [35], and slightly increases the rate of diastolic de- Kulick et al. [39] in studying healthier hearts, polarization in the Purkinje fibers. The ECG chang- noted the following ECG effects of intravenous es as a result of hypercalcemia are limited to short- magnesium administration: (1) significant prolon- ening or elimination of the ST segment and de- gation of the P-R interval from 145 to 155 ms after creased QTc interval. magnesium infusion; (2) prolongation of the atrial- -His interval; (3) prolongation of the sinoatrial con- Magnesium duction time; (4) prolongation of the AV nodal ERP; Magnesium is the second most abundant intra- and (5) no significant increase in SNRT in the atrial cellular cation after potassium. The significance of paced cycle length causing AV node Wenckebach magnesium disorders has been debated because of conduction or in QRS duration. Hypermagnesemia difficulties in accurate measurement and their fre- and hypomagnesemia do not produce specific ECG quent association with other electrolyte abnorma- changes. lities [36, 37]. It is an important cofactor in several enzymatic reactions contributing to normal cardiovas- Magnesium and torsades de pointes cular physiology. Magnesium deficiency is common, but its EP sequelae have evaded even the closest The administration of intravenous magnesium scrutiny. Magnesium therapy in pharmacologic dos- sulfate to patients with prolonged Q-T interval and es has been beneficial in treating torsades de pointes. torsades de pointes, whether the initial magnesium Magnesium toxicity rarely occurs except in patients level is normal or low, may suppress ventricular ta- with renal dysfunction. chycardia. Takanaka et al. [40] studied the effects of

242 www.cardiologyjournal.org Nabil El-Sherif, Gioia Turitto, Electrolyte disorders and arrhythmogenesis magnesium and lidocaine on the APD and on barium- Sodium -induced EADs in canine Purkinje fibers. Their data Sodium is the most abundant extracellular ca- suggest that hypomagnesemia may be arrhyth- tion, and the sodium current determines the phase 0 mogenic when combined with hypokalemia and and amplitude of the AP. Its conductance increases , and magnesium administration may precipitously with the initiation of the AP, allowing suppress triggered activity, mainly by directly pre- its transmembrane gradient to determine the first venting the development of triggered APs. In con- phase of the AP, and, consequently, its ultimate clusion, magnesium sulfate is a very effective and configuration. Hence, increases and safe treatment for torsades de pointes [41]. hyponatremia decreases phase 0 of the AP by alter- ing the transmembrane sodium gradient. The up- Magnesium and heart failure stroke of the AP is determined by the sodium gra- dient and the transmembrane potential. Therefore, In a sample of ambulatory patients with heart hypernatremia, by increasing the sodium gradient, failure, magnesium depletion in serum and tissue negates many of the effects of hyperkalemia, which did not appear to occur more commonly in patients decreases the transmembrane potential. By increas- with serious ventricular arrhythmias than in pa- ing the amplitude of the AP, high sodium levels pro- tients without serious ventricular arrhythmias [42]. long the APD. In vitro, an increased Na concentra- In patients with moderate to severe heart failure, tion restores the normal configuration of AP that is serum magnesium does not appear to be an inde- altered by previous treatment with pendent risk factor for either sudden cardiac death blockers. Despite the frequency of sodium abnorma- or all-cause mortality [43]. Hypomagnesemia was lities, particularly hyponatremia, its EP effects are found to be associated with an increase in frequen- rarely of clinical significance. cy of ventricular couplets, but it did not lead to a higher incidence of clinical events [43]. Lithium Although lithium is not a naturally occurring Magnesium and electrolyte, it is frequently encountered clinically in the treatment of manic-depressive disorders and, Magnesium administration has been found to as such, its potential adverse effects on the sinoatri- have a positive effect on the consequences of myo- al node should not be overlooked. Lithium is asso- cardial infarction in experimental models. Its effect ciated with sinoatrial node dysfunction (sinus brady- in the clinical setting of myocardial infarction has cardia, sinoatrial arrest, or exit block, either type I been controversial. In the LIMIT-2 study, magne- or type II) and reversible T wave changes [51–53]. sium administration was noted to have a positive effect on mortality rate, a finding that has not been Acknowledgements reproduced in the ISIS-4 trial [44–49]. The authors do not report any conflict of inte- Relationship between potassium, rest regarding this work. magnesium, and cardiac arrhythmias This work is supported by Department of Ve- terans Affairs Medical Research Funds to Nabil No specific EP effects or arrhythmias have El-Sherif, MD. been linked to isolated magnesium deficiency. Nonetheless, magnesium may influence the inci- References dence of cardiac arrhythmias through a direct ef- fect, by modulating the effects of potassium, or 1. Goldman DE. Potential, impedance and rectification in mem- through its action as a . branes. J Gen Physiol, 1943; 27: 37–60. Magnesium deficiency is thought to interfere with 2. Hoffman BF, Suckling EE. Effect of several cations on transmem- the normal functioning of membrane ATPase, and brane potentials of cardiac muscle. Am J Physiol, 1956; 186: thus the pumping of sodium out of the cell and po- 317–324. 3. Sheu SS, Korth M, Lathrop DA, Fozzard HA. Intra- and extra- tassium into the cell. This affects the transmem- -cellular K+ and Na+ activities and resting membrane potential brane equilibrium of potassium, which may result in sheep cardiac Purkinje strands. Circ Res, 1980; 47: 692–700. in changes in the resting membrane potential, 4. Ishihara K, Mitsuiye T, Noma A, Takano M. The Mg2+ block and changes in potassium conductance across the cell intrinsic gating underlying inward rectification of the K+ current membrane, and disturbances in the repolarization in guinea-pig cardiac myocytes. J Physiol (Lond), 1989; 419: phase [50]. 297–320.

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