FOX VALLEY PARK DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Serving the Fox Valley Park District Kane, DuPage, Kendall and Will Counties, OPEN SESSION MEETING AGENDA September 21, 2015 Prisco Community Center 150 W. Illinois Avenue, Aurora 6:00 p.m.

1.0 CALL MEETING TO ORDER President Vaughan


3.0 ROLL CALL President Vaughan

4.0 ADDENDA TO THE AGENDA President Vaughan

5.0 CONSENT AGENDA President Vaughan

5.1 Approve the Open Session meeting minutes of 08/17/15.

5.2 Approve payables 08/31/15 in the amount of $1,119,607.96.

5.3 Approve statement of estimated revenues and expenses for period ending 07/31/15.

5.4 Approve Executive Director, Department Heads and other reports.

5.5 Capital projects permitting fees and charges, cost summaries and project bid schedule report.

5.6 Approve the extension of the license agreement for three years with Reuland Food Service, Inc. to provide concession services at the outdoor aquatic centers and Blackberry Farm.

5.7 Approve the Asphalt and Paving Projects at various sites throughout the District in the amount of $$261,000 from Evans and Son Blacktop, Inc.

5.8 Approve the License Agreement between the Fox Valley Park District and Copley Memorial Hospital, Inc. for a sidewalk access connection to the Waubonsie Creek Trail.

5.9 Approve the amendment to the agreement with Ellis and Associates exercising the option to extend the Vaughan Athletic Center aquatics operating agreement for three years (through the 2019 fiscal year).

5.10 Approve the amendment to the agreement with Ellis and Associates exercising the option to extend the operating agreement for the outdoor aquatic centers for three years (through the 2018 season).



6.1 Gold Medal Presentation

6.2 Service Award Presentation

7.0 PUBLIC COMMENT - For matters not on the agenda. President Vaughan (Limited to one-3 minute comment per person; maximum 15 minutes).

8.0 ATTORNEY BUSINESS Attorney Hodge

8.1 Correction of the public record to reflect the Fox Valley Park District received notice of a letter from the Illinois Department of Labor dated August 28, 2015 indicating that the matter relating to case number 2014-PW-RDW11-0260 involving the City of Geneva project and Muscat Painting and Decorating was dismissed without any notice of violation or payment of penalties.




11.1 Approve the Cumberland Park Playground Renovation Plan Jeff Palmquist

11.2 Approve appointment of Dennis Wiggins to the Fox Valley Special President Vaughan Recreation Association (FVSRA) Board with a term to expire in December 2015.

11.3 Approve the appointment of Jeff Palmquist as the Acting Executive President Vaughan Director to the Fox Valley Park District effective October 1, 2015.


13.0 CLOSED SESSION President Vaughan

13.1 Approval to convene into Closed Session of the Fox Valley Park District Board of Trustees to consider one or more of the following subjects under the Open Meetings Act, Section 2 (c): (1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; (5) The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired; (6) The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body; (11) Pending, or probable and imminent, litigation when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the district has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting; (21) The discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. (GENERAL PROVISIONS (5 ILCS 120/) Open Meetings Act).


14.0 RETURN TO OPEN SESSION President Vaughan

14.1 Approve Closed Session Minutes from 08/17/15.

15.0 ADJOURNMENT President Vaughan

The Fox Valley Park District is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities, are required to contact ADA Coordinator, Mr. Mike Erickson (630-897-0516) promptly to allow the District to make reasonable accommodations.



BOARD OF TRUSTEES OPEN SESSION MEETING MINUTES August 17, 2015 Eola Community Center 555 S. Eola Rd., Aurora 6:00 p.m.

1.0 CALL MEETING TO ORDER President Vaughan called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.


3.0 ROLL CALL The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Alex Alexandrou, Chuck Anderson, Theodia Gillespie, Rachel Ossyra, Cynthia Penne, Bob Vaughan and Denny Wiggins. A quorum was present. Also present: Executive Director Nancy McCaul, Attorney Gerald Hodge, administrative staff and guests.

4.0 ADDENDA TO THE AGENDA Attorney Hodge added item 8.2, Cell Tower legal description under Attorney Business.

5.0 CONSENT AGENDA Alex Alexandrou motioned, Cynthia Penne seconded and the board unanimously approved the consent agenda items. Roll call – voting Aye: Alex Alexandrou, Chuck Anderson, Theodia Gillespie, Rachel Ossyra, Cynthia Penne, Bob Vaughan and Denny Wiggins; voting Nay: none. Motion carried.

5.1 Approve the Open Session meeting minutes of 07/13/15.

5.2 Approve payables 07/31/15 in the amount of $1,927,691.73.

5.3 Approve statement of estimated revenues and expenses for period ending 06/30/15.

5.4 Approve Executive Director, Department Heads and other reports.

5.5 Capital projects permitting fees and charges, cost summaries and project bid schedule report.

5.6 Reject the bids for the construction of the splash pad at the “Coach” Wilbert Walters Park.

5.7 Award the base bid in the amount of $45,497.60 from Fuerte Systems Landscaping, Inc., Plainfield, Illinois, for the construction of Palmer Park improvements.

5.8 Approve the License Agreement between the Fox Valley Park District and Aurora Memory Care for a sidewalk access connection to the Fox River Trail.

5.9 Approve payment of the 2015-2016 invoice for dispatch services in the amount of $40,942.35 to Kane County Emergency Communications.

5.10 Approve the purchase of a Lastec Model 80 mower from JW Turf in the amount of $35,112 and declare #122 surplus. 1

5.11 Approve the Vermont Systems, Inc. software and maintenance agreements.

5.12 Adopt Resolution approving a Tax-Exempt Bond Record-Keeping Policy.


6.1 Park District Intern Presentations Cristina Carlos, summer Marketing Intern, recapped her tasks working with the Park District. She grew up in Aurora, is a Communications major at Aurora University and has one year of school left. Some of the projects Christina completed were to make updates to the website, sending emails regarding programs and taking photos of parks and trails. Her favorite part about working here is the amazing staff at the Cole Center. She thanked everyone for the opportunity.

7.0 PUBLIC COMMENT – None presented.


8.1 Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Minutes: Approve a Resolution for the (1) release of certain closed session minutes in full relating to the period January 2015 – June 2015 and (2) continued redaction of certain closed session minutes in whole or in part and (3) destruction of certain closed session verbatim recordings made prior to January 2014. Attorney Hodge briefed the board on the Open Meetings Act requirements. Review of closed session meetings is required twice each year to determine if there are any minutes that can be released to the public in part or in full; any verbatim recordings of minutes released in full to the public may be destroyed after 18 months or longer. Attorney Hodge determined there are no closed session minutes to be released in full; there will be no destruction of tapes. Rachel Ossyra moved, Theodia Gillespie seconded and the board unanimously approved the semi-annual review of closed session minutes. Roll call – voting Aye: Alex Alexandrou, Chuck Anderson, Theodia Gillespie, Rachel Ossyra, Cynthia Penne, Bob Vaughan, Denny Wiggins; voting Nay: none. Motion carried.

8.2 Legal description in American Tower Corporation cell tower agreement. Attorney Hodge explained the legal description in the agreement that was approved by the Board in June 2015 had a slight change by 7’ and the Board was required to approve the change. Alex Alexandrou moved, Cynthia Penne seconded and the board unanimously approved the change to the legal description in the ATC cell tower agreement. Roll call – voting Aye: Alex Alexandrou, Chuck Anderson, Theodia Gillespie, Rachel Ossyra, Cynthia Penne, Bob Vaughan, Denny Wiggins; voting Nay: none. Motion carried.

9.0 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BUSINESS Executive Director Nancy McCaul informed the Board that Splash Country is now closed for the season but is open on Monday and Wednesday mornings for member lap swim while the Vaughan Athletic Center pools are closed for scheduled maintenance. Phillips Park pool is open on weekends only now through Labor Day. With the warm weather finally in late July, our daily pass revenue has increased nicely, coupled with a Groupon promotion we offered. Blackberry Farm has had record attendance on the six free days this year: nearly 15,000 guests attended on those days this year vs. 10,000 last year. On several of the days, we were at capacity and had to let guests in only if someone else left. McCaul also pointed out the invitations to the Gold Medal Reception at the National Conference were on the table and she had already RSVP’d for all of our attendees.



11.1 Presentation and acceptance of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Audit) for the Fox Valley Park District fiscal year ending April 30, 2015. 2

Fred Lantz, Partner with Sikich, LLP, explained the audit results. The District again received a clean, unmodified opinion. Only 1% of all special purpose government agencies receive this. He stated the District has a great unrestricted net position of nearly $27M. From a long-term perspective, the District is doing a great job. Our costs for providing services are at $31M which is $800,000 less than last year. Our fund balances are strong and we should re-visit our fund balance goals. Chuck Anderson moved, Denny Wiggins seconded and the board unanimously accepted the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fox Valley Park District for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2015. Roll call – voting Aye: Alex Alexandrou, Chuck Anderson, Theodia Gillespie, Rachel Ossyra, Cynthia Penne, Bob Vaughan and Denny Wiggins; voting Nay: none. Motion carried.

11.2 Presentation and acceptance of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Audit) for the Family Aquatic Centers fiscal year ending April 30, 2015, contingent upon the Aquatic Administrative Board review and acceptance of the same. Fred Lantz, Partner with Sikich, LLP, explained the audit results for the outdoor aquatics which are operated jointly with the City of Aurora. He stated the total assets are up from last year but it is mostly due to the receivable from the agencies is higher due to a greater loss for the 2014 summer season. Rachel Ossyra moved, Theodia Gillespie seconded and the board unanimously accepted the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Family Aquatic Centers fiscal year ending April 30, 2015, contingent upon the Aquatic Administrative Board review and acceptance of the same. Roll call – voting Aye: Alex Alexandrou, Chuck Anderson, Theodia Gillespie, Rachel Ossyra, Cynthia Penne, Bob Vaughan and Denny Wiggins; voting Nay: none. Motion carried.

11.3 Approve the amendment to the agreement with ATI for the continued lease of space that they currently occupy at the Vaughan Athletic Center through 4/30/2016. Laurie Hoffman stated the current lease expires this month and a five-year automatic renewal (the last of three from the original agreement) would start but both the District and ATI are interested in reviewing space needs so the lease for the current space will now expire on 4-30-16. Alex Alexandrou moved, Denny Wiggins seconded and the board unanimously approved the ATI lease to run through 4-30-16. Roll call – voting Aye: Alex Alexandrou, Chuck Anderson, Theodia Gillespie, Rachel Ossyra, Cynthia Penne, Bob Vaughan and Denny Wiggins; voting Nay: none. Motion carried.

11.4 Approve the following appointments to the Fox Valley Park Foundation Board of Directors with terms to expire in 2017: Rachel Ossyra and Alex Alexandrou. President Vaughan discussed the Park Foundation has approved new by-laws and the District now will have two Foundation board members as opposed to five. He recommended the terms end in May 2017 (due to elected officials beginning at that time) as opposed to August 2017 as stated in the report. Chuck Anderson moved, Cynthia Penne seconded and the board unanimously approved the appointments of Rachel Ossyra and Alex Alexandrou to the Fox Valley Park Foundation Board of Directors with terms to expire in May 2017. Roll call – voting Aye: Alex Alexandrou, Chuck Anderson, Theodia Gillespie, Rachel Ossyra, Cynthia Penne, Bob Vaughan and Denny Wiggins; voting Nay: none. Motion carried.

11.5 Approve the following appointments to the Fox Valley Park District Executive Director Recruitment Committee: Alex Alexandrou and Theodia Gillespie. President Vaughan mentioned 37 candidates have applied for the Executive Director position so far and interviews can begin in September as August 28 is the deadline for applying. Trustee Alexandrou complimented staff on the outstanding Executive Director Recruitment Brochure. President Vaughan said he is recommending Alex Alexandrou for the Recruitment Committee as this is what he does for a living and Theodia Gillespie since she is the longest serving member on the Board. Trustee Ossyra stated she wants to see all the resumes and wants to have input on the selection. President Vaughan said none of the applications will be screened and that all board members will see every application/resume. Trustee Ossyra asked what the role of the Recruitment Committee is and President Vaughan said they will coordinate with Attorney Hodge on the process. Trustee Ossyra clarified that the entire board will be involved with the entire selection process and President Vaughan confirmed that. Rachel Ossyra moved, Cynthia Penne seconded and the board unanimously approved the appointment of Alex Alexandrou and Theodia Gillespie to the Executive Director Recruitment Committee. Roll call – voting Aye: Alex


Alexandrou, Chuck Anderson, Theodia Gillespie, Rachel Ossyra, Cynthia Penne, Bob Vaughan and Denny Wiggins; voting Nay: none. Motion carried.

12.0 CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS President Vaughan inquired as to what a change order would be for painting the roof deck at the Vaughan Athletic Center since the painters are already scheduled to paint the trusses. Mike Erickson said he would find out.

13.0 CLOSED SESSION Rachel Ossyra motioned, Cynthia Penne seconded and the board unanimously approved concluding the open session at 7:05 pm and moving into closed session for the reasons stated on the agenda. Roll call – voting Aye: Alex Alexandrou, Chuck Anderson, Theodia Gillespie, Rachel Ossyra, Cynthia Penne, Bob Vaughan and Denny Wiggins; voting Nay: none. Motion carried.


14.1 Approve Closed Session Minutes from July 13, 2015. Alex Alexandrou motioned, Rachel Ossyra seconded and the board unanimously approved the closed session minutes from July 13, 2015 by roll call vote. Roll call – voting Aye: Alex Alexandrou, Chuck Anderson, Theodia Gillespie, Rachel Ossyra, Cynthia Penne, Bob Vaughan and Denny Wiggins; voting Nay – none. Motion carried.

15.0 ADJOURNMENT Rachel Ossyra moved, Cynthia Penne seconded and the board unanimously approved by voice vote to adjourn at 7:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted by,

Nancy McCaul Executive Director




ON September 21, 2015

Fund Numbers:

10 Corporate 30 Capital Development Fund 11 Liability Insurance 31 Land Cash Fund 15 Orchard Valley Golf Course 33 2005C-D GO Bonds/Capital 18 2008 Referendum 34 Equip & Vehicle Replacement 19 Golf Course Sales Proceeds - Cap 35 Land Acquisition Fund 20 Recreation 36 2006 GO Bonds 21 Museum 37 2007 GO Bonds/Capital 22 Police and Security 38 2008 GO Bonds/Capital 25 Fox Valley Special Recreation 39 2010 GO Bonds/Capital 26 Illinois Municipal Retirement 40 Debt Service 27 Social Security 60 Employee Benefit Trust Fund 28 Audit 70 Foundation 29 Facility Improvement/Replacement Fund Fox Valley Park District List of Bills Month Ending August 31, 2015

A.G.A.D. PEST CONTROL INC. G/L: 20600001 53990 Invoice # 98803 JULY PEST CONTROL - PRISCO 100.00 G/L: 20600001 53990 Invoice # 99026 AUG PEST CONTROL - PRISCO 100.00

Total invoices A.G.A.D. PEST CONTROL INC. 200.00

ABBEY PAVING CO.,INC G/L: 297092 57020 Invoice # EOLA-2-FINAL PAYOUT #2,FINAL - EOLA PARKING LOT 14,091.03

Total invoices ABBEY PAVING CO.,INC 14,091.03

ACCURATE OFFICE SUPPLIES G/L: 10150031 54010 Invoice # 333327 OFFICE SUPPLIES - COLE 79.09 G/L: 20150031 54010 Invoice # 333327 OFFICE SUPPLIES - COLE 79.08 G/L: 10150031 54010 Invoice # 333539 OFFICE SUPPLIES - COLE CENTER 19.01 G/L: 20150031 54010 Invoice # 333539 OFFICE SUPPLIES - COLE CENTER 19.01 G/L: 10850000 54010 Invoice # 333907 OFFICE SUPPLIES - BARNES RD MAINT 87.34 G/L: 10250000 54010 Invoice # 333908 OFFICE SUPPLIES 15.51 G/L: 10150031 54010 Invoice # 334131 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.71 G/L: 20150031 54010 Invoice # 334131 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.71 G/L: 10850000 54010 Invoice # 334486 PRINT CARTRIDGES 89.02 G/L: 10150031 54010 Invoice # 334801 OFFICE SUPPLIES - COLE 30.79 G/L: 20150031 54010 Invoice # 334801 OFFICE SUPPLIES - COLE 30.78 G/L: 20500000 54010 Invoice # 335474 OFFICE SUPPLIES 51.95 G/L: 20500000 54010 Invoice # 335628 2016 CALENDAR 15.57 G/L: 10200000 54010 Invoice # 335668 OFFICE SUPPLIES 51.63 G/L: 20200000 54010 Invoice # 335668 OFFICE SUPPLIES 51.62 G/L: 10150031 54010 Invoice # 335669 OFFICE SUPPLIES 41.34 G/L: 20150031 54010 Invoice # 335669 OFFICE SUPPLIES 41.34 G/L: 20600002 54010 Invoice # 335951 OFFICE SUPPLIES - EOLA 226.58 G/L: 20600002 54010 Invoice # 336067 OFFICE SUPPLIES - EOLA 75.34

Total invoices ACCURATE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,030.42

ACCURATE REPRO, INC G/L: 20600003 54210 Invoice # 105699 TENNIS BIO WALL - VAC 3,124.00

Total invoices ACCURATE REPRO, INC 3,124.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 1 of 54 ACE HARDWARE G/L: 21859206 54350 Invoice # 359885/3 TOOLS 48.94 G/L: 187011 57300 Invoice # K03693/1 SCREWS - LIPPOLD SIGNS 38.66 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # K03714/1 SMALL SCALE PERFORMANCE 50.81 G/L: 10859200 54190 Invoice # K03769/1 SCREEN - WHEATLANDS 9.89 G/L: 20600001 54090 Invoice # K03791/1 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - PRISCO 15.69 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # K03900/1 SMALL SCALE PERFORMANCE 16.42 G/L: 2033901 54680 Invoice # K03934/1 PARKERS CHILDREN THEATER 22.26 G/L: 21604305 53990 Invoice # K03966/1 RED OAK SUPPLIES 7.19 G/L: 21604305 54680 Invoice # K03966/1 RED OAK SUPPLIES 73.76 G/L: 22808123 54110 Invoice # K03992/1 (20) 302 LOCKS 152.82 G/L: 10859200 55990 Invoice # K04049/1 HARDWARE - 712 BOAT DOCK 54.39 G/L: 10859131 55990 Invoice # K04056/1 CABLE TIES, FASTENERS 10.39 G/L: 20600001 54090 Invoice # K96384/1 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - PRISCO 17.09

Total invoices ACE HARDWARE 518.31

ADAM A EATON G/L: 21859206 54610 Invoice # 729564 PONY HOOF TRIMS 405.00

Total invoices ADAM A EATON 405.00

ADVANCED DISPOSAL/AMEX G/L: 10859200 53790 Invoice # 13591 REFUSE REMOVAL 891.02 G/L: 10859200 53790 Invoice # 13634 REFUSE REMOVAL 973.14 G/L: 10859200 53790 Invoice # 13677 REFUSE REMOVAL 976.76

Total invoices ADVANCED DISPOSAL/AMEX 2,840.92

ADVANCED MATERIAL SERVICES, LLC G/L: 10859400 54150 Invoice # 6888-1 MULCH - FLOWERS BEDS/TREES 450.00 G/L: 20859654 54130 Invoice # 6888-1 MULCH - FLOWERS BEDS/TREES 210.00 G/L: 21859406 54150 Invoice # 6888-1 MULCH - FLOWERS BEDS/TREES 90.00 G/L: 10859400 54150 Invoice # 6949 MULCH - EOLA/STUART TREES 90.00 G/L: 20859654 54130 Invoice # 6949 MULCH - EOLA/STUART TREES 735.00 G/L: 10859400 54150 Invoice # 6983 MULCH - EOLA/STUART TREES 540.00 G/L: 20859654 54130 Invoice # 6983 MULCH - EOLA/STUART TREES 210.00 G/L: 20859654 54130 Invoice # 7011 MULCH - STUART TREES 210.00 G/L: 20859654 54130 Invoice # 7038 TREE MULCH - STUART SPORTS 420.00


AIRGAS USA LLC G/L: 10859300 54360 Invoice # 9041316957 PROPANE - FORKLIFT/WELDING SUPPLIES 255.62 G/L: 10859300 54360 Invoice # 9929185831 MONTHLY CYLINDER RENTAL FEE 275.81

Total invoices AIRGAS USA LLC 531.43



Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 2 of 54 ALL CLEAN FUN G/L: 20600003 53300 Invoice # 15-516 CLEANING - CHILD CARE PLAY AREA 475.00

Total invoices ALL CLEAN FUN 475.00





AMERICAN BUSINESS INTERIORS, INC G/L: 297092 57020 Invoice # 1213 REPLACE COUNTER TOPS & CABINET 18,877.23 G/L: 297092 57020 Invoice # DEPOSIT-2-EOLA REPLACE COUNTER TOPS & CABINET - EOLA 9,000.00 G/L: 297092 57020 Invoice # DEPOSIT-3-EOLA REPLACE COUNTER TOPS & CABINET - EOLA 9,000.00


Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 3 of 54 AMERICAN EXPRESS G/L: 10150000 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-01 CREDIT MEMO -89.00 G/L: 10150000 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-02 GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING BOOK 29.16 G/L: 10200000 51660 Invoice # 1003-0715-03 SUPPLIES - ALL STAFF SUMMER BASH 46.50 G/L: 20200000 51660 Invoice # 1003-0715-03 SUPPLIES - ALL STAFF SUMMER BASH 46.50 G/L: 20600001 51600 Invoice # 1003-0715-04 I-PASS REPLENISHMENT 25.00 G/L: 20600002 51600 Invoice # 1003-0715-04 I-PASS REPLENISHMENT 15.00 G/L: 10200000 51660 Invoice # 1003-0715-05 COOLING FANS,GENERATOR - ALL STAFF SUMM 667.50 G/L: 20200000 51660 Invoice # 1003-0715-05 COOLING FANS,GENERATOR - ALL STAFF SUMM 667.50 G/L: 10200000 51660 Invoice # 1003-0715-06 SHARKO'S CATERING - ALL STAFF SUMMER BASH 862.50 G/L: 20200000 51660 Invoice # 1003-0715-06 SHARKO'S CATERING - ALL STAFF SUMMER BASH 862.50 G/L: 20350000 53040 Invoice # 1003-0715-07 6/28 CONSTANT CONTACT - MARKETING 295.00 G/L: 20350000 53720 Invoice # 1003-0715-08 FACEBOOK ADVERTISING 91.32 G/L: 20350000 51650 Invoice # 1003-0715-09 KANE CTY CHRONICLE SUBSCRIPTION 59.99 G/L: 20350000 51650 Invoice # 1003-0715-10 DAILY HERALD SUBSCRIPTION 79.00 G/L: 21604306 51640 Invoice # 1003-0715-100 UNIFORMS - LANDS END 118.80 G/L: 21604306 56020 Invoice # 1003-0715-101 GEO CENTRAL GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE 551.61 G/L: 2135406 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-102 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - BFARM 27.87 G/L: 2154706 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-103 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - BFARM 6.99 G/L: 21604306 54620 Invoice # 1003-0715-104 UNIFORMS - LANDS END 59.00 G/L: 21604306 54380 Invoice # 1003-0715-105 SHELVES - BFARM STORE ROOM 179.13 G/L: 21604306 54380 Invoice # 1003-0715-106 BIKE RACK - BFARM 459.31 G/L: 2127106 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-107 CAMP SUPPLIES - BFARM 17.99 G/L: 2127106 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-108 CAMP SUPPLIES - BFARM 24.45 G/L: 21604306 55990 Invoice # 1003-0715-109 SUPPLIES - BFARM 28.87 G/L: 2135406 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-110 UNIFORMS - LANDS END 30.45 G/L: 2121505 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-111 MICHAELS CAMP SUPPLIES - RED OAK 3.48 G/L: 2146205 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-112 DOLLAR STORE PROGRAM SUPPLIES - RED OAK 4.72 G/L: 21859205 54610 Invoice # 1003-0715-113 ANIMAL SUPPLIES 22.98 G/L: 21859205 54610 Invoice # 1003-0715-114 CORN SNAKE - RED OAK 39.98 G/L: 2146205 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-115 RABBIT SKULL - RED OAK 56.95 G/L: 2146205 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-116 DOLLAR TREE SUPPLIES - RED OAK 18.00 G/L: 21604305 54090 Invoice # 1003-0715-116 DOLLAR TREE SUPPLIES - RED OAK 5.00 G/L: 21604305 51990 Invoice # 1003-0715-117 IPRA CEU FEE - M.GAZDACKA 5.00 G/L: 21859205 54610 Invoice # 1003-0715-118 ANIMAL SUPPLIES - RED OAK 14.58 G/L: 2146205 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-119 PREZI SOFTWARE RENEWAL - RED OAK 159.00 G/L: 20500000 56510 Invoice # 1003-0715-12 MANAGEMENT EXPENSE 59.18 G/L: 21859205 52020 Invoice # 1003-0715-120 WATER TESTING KIT - RED OAK 12.80 G/L: 2017101 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-121 SPECIAL EVENTS 135.00 G/L: 20350000 53730 Invoice # 1003-0715-121 SPECIAL EVENTS 49.85 G/L: 20350000 53040 Invoice # 1003-0715-122 ANNUAL STOCK PHOTO PACKAGE 551.65 G/L: 20600003 54190 Invoice # 1003-0715-123 SHOWER CURTAIN HOOKS - VAC 91.75 G/L: 20600003 56520 Invoice # 1003-0715-124 CUSTOM DOG TAGS - VAC 10TH ANNIV 244.39 G/L: 20600003 56520 Invoice # 1003-0715-125 PROMO ITEMS - 10TH ANNIVERSARY 270.68 G/L: 2032303 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-126 DUPAGE CTY FAIR - VAC SUMMER BLAST 650.00 G/L: 20500000 51650 Invoice # 1003-0715-128 MEMBERSHIP - J.IJAMS 15.00 G/L: 21604306 56020 Invoice # 1003-0715-13 KELLI'S GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE 157.55 G/L: 20500000 56510 Invoice # 1003-0715-14 MANAGEMENT EXPENSE 35.29 G/L: 21604306 56020 Invoice # 1003-0715-15 KELLI'S GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE 82.00 G/L: 20350000 51600 Invoice # 1003-0715-16 NRPA CONF AIRFARE - J.LONG 362.00 G/L: 10100100 51650 Invoice # 1003-0715-17 TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION 86.43 G/L: 10100100 56520 Invoice # 1003-0715-18 GOLF SPONSORSHIP 150.00 G/L: 10100100 56510 Invoice # 1003-0715-19 MANAGEMENT EXPENSE 276.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 4 of 54 G/L: 22808123 53990 Invoice # 1003-0715-20 UPDATE USERS FEE 10.00 G/L: 22808123 54650 Invoice # 1003-0715-21 GPS EQUIPMENT - POLICE 539.70 G/L: 18000000 57000 Invoice # 1003-0715-22 AIA DOCUMENT - COPLEY II BOXING 63.72 G/L: 10250000 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-23 NRPA CONF AIRFARE - J.PALMQUIST 306.20 G/L: 10150031 54010 Invoice # 1003-0715-24 OFFICE SUPPLIES 53.73 G/L: 10300000 57090 Invoice # 1003-0715-25 GO DADDY SSL RENEWAL 69.99 G/L: 10200000 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-26 WESSELS SHERMAN SEMINAR - HR 37.50 G/L: 20200000 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-26 WESSELS SHERMAN SEMINAR - HR 37.50 G/L: 10150000 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-27 NRPA CONF AIRFARE - D.ERICKSON 373.00 G/L: 20500000 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-28 NRPA CONF AIRFARE - L.HOFFMAN 373.00 G/L: 10200000 51670 Invoice # 1003-0715-29 CRAIGSLIST JOB POSTING 12.50 G/L: 20200000 51670 Invoice # 1003-0715-29 CRAIGSLIST JOB POSTING 12.50 G/L: 20500000 51660 Invoice # 1003-0715-30 GEM GIFT CARDS TARGET 750.00 G/L: 10300000 53760 Invoice # 1003-0715-31 FIREWALL SUPPORT RENEWAL 460.06 G/L: 20300000 54040 Invoice # 1003-0715-32 BARCODE SCANNER 124.44 G/L: 20300000 54040 Invoice # 1003-0715-33 BLANK ID CARDS 58.65 G/L: 10300000 54040 Invoice # 1003-0715-34 PRINTER SWITCH BOX 20.45 G/L: 10300000 54040 Invoice # 1003-0715-35 PCI CARDS AND WIRELESS KEYBOARD 89.97 G/L: 20300000 57090 Invoice # 1003-0715-36 REPLACEMENT ID CARD PRINTER 961.67 G/L: 10150000 54660 Invoice # 1003-0715-37 SAFETY SUPPLIES & TRAINING 1,004.25 G/L: 20300000 54040 Invoice # 1003-0715-38 HEADPHONE ADAPTER 1.49 G/L: 20300000 54040 Invoice # 1003-0715-39 ID CARD PRINTER RIBBONS 68.00 G/L: 10859100 54100 Invoice # 1003-0715-40 SOUND METER 850014 199.27 G/L: 20350000 53040 Invoice # 1003-0715-41 WEB HOSTING 196.20 G/L: 10850000 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-42 NRPA CONF AIRFARE - M.ERICKSON 396.00 G/L: 297082 57020 Invoice # 1003-0715-43 AIA DOCUMENT - VAC 31.86 G/L: 10859400 54350 Invoice # 1003-0715-44 (3) LOPPERS 104.94 G/L: 10850000 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-45 ILCA FIELD DAYS 30.00 G/L: 10859100 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-45 ILCA FIELD DAYS 30.00 G/L: 10859112 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-45 ILCA FIELD DAYS 30.00 G/L: 10859131 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-45 ILCA FIELD DAYS 30.00 G/L: 10859400 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-45 ILCA FIELD DAYS 30.00 G/L: 10859600 51610 Invoice # 1003-0715-45 ILCA FIELD DAYS 30.00 G/L: 20859203 54570 Invoice # 1003-0715-46 VFD - VAC SLIDE PUMP 3,190.20 G/L: 297092 57020 Invoice # 1003-0715-47 AIA DOCUMENT - EOLA CABINETS 31.86 G/L: 2029902 53950 Invoice # 1003-0715-48 8/8 RENTAL - SUMMER BLAST CAMP 236.00 G/L: 2029902 53950 Invoice # 1003-0715-49 MAIN EVENT FIELD TRIP - SUMMER CAMP 748.00 G/L: 2020202 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-50 USA GYMNASTICS MEMBERSHIP FEES 30.00 G/L: 2029902 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-51 CANVASES - EOLA SUMMER CAMP 127.35 G/L: 2029902 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-52 PRINTS - SUMMER CAMP 4.13 G/L: 2029902 53950 Invoice # 1003-0715-53 BULLS/SOX CAMP TRIP - EOLA 750.00 G/L: 2020202 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-54 TRAINING MATERIALS - EOLA 35.71 G/L: 2029902 53950 Invoice # 1003-0715-55 7/21 ZOO FIELD TRIP - EOLA 1,024.00 G/L: 2025802 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-56 (3) TUMBLING MATS - EOLA 1,739.00 G/L: 2029902 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-57 SUPPLIES - SUMMER CAMP 19.83 G/L: 2010501 54681 Invoice # 1003-0715-58 DANCE COMPANY FUNDRAISER - THIRTY-ONE 6,247.80 G/L: 2011701 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-59 FINAL PYMT - 7/29 SENIOR TRIP 955.11 G/L: 2010501 54681 Invoice # 1003-0715-60 DANCE CO FUNDRAISER - COUGARS GAME 625.00 G/L: 2017101 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-61 SUMMER STAGE CAST PARTY FOOD 122.76 G/L: 2010501 54681 Invoice # 1003-0715-62 DANCE CO FUNDRAISER - THIRTY-ONE 1,826.82 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-63 TEEN PLAY PERUSAL SCRIPT 5.95 G/L: 2010501 54681 Invoice # 1003-0715-64 SUPPLIES - DANCE CO 100.00 G/L: 2010501 54681 Invoice # 1003-0715-65 MERCHANDISE - SUMMER DANCE CONCERT 130.20

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 5 of 54 G/L: 2010501 54681 Invoice # 1003-0715-66 MERCHANDISE - SUMMER DANCE CONCERT 36.70 G/L: 20600001 54550 Invoice # 1003-0715-67 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - PRISCO 183.92 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-68 PLUG 2 - GENERATOR 11.99 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-69 PLUG - GENERATOR 54.99 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-70 PRINCESS COSTUME 1 42.98 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-71 PRINCESS COSTUME 2 155.98 G/L: 21604306 54620 Invoice # 1003-0715-72 EXHIBIT SUPPLIES 18.94 G/L: 2135406 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-73 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - BFARM 30.89 G/L: 2135406 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-74 DAY CAMP SUPPLIES - BFARM 80.42 G/L: 2135406 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-75 SUMMER CAMP SUPPLIES - BFARM 29.09 G/L: 21859206 54050 Invoice # 1003-0715-76 PAPER,PENS - BFARM 46.30 G/L: 2127106 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-77 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - BFARM 2.00 G/L: 2137406 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-78 BARNYARD BASH SUPPLIES 73.85 G/L: 21604306 54380 Invoice # 1003-0715-79 STORAGE BINS - BFARM 158.91 G/L: 2135406 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-80 TABLE CLOTHS - CAMP ART TIME 139.83 G/L: 21604306 55990 Invoice # 1003-0715-81 LANDS END UNIFORMS - BFARM 154.13 G/L: 21604306 54380 Invoice # 1003-0715-82 MUSEUM DISPLAY EASELS 46.56 G/L: 2127106 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-83 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - BFARM 32.51 G/L: 21604306 55990 Invoice # 1003-0715-84 SUPPLIES - BFARM 23.98 G/L: 21604306 54090 Invoice # 1003-0715-85 VACUUM CLEANER - BFARM 622.98 G/L: 2154706 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-86 B-DAY PARTY SUPPLIES - BFARM 440.00 G/L: 21604306 54620 Invoice # 1003-0715-87 GROTH MUSIC TRAIN WHISTLES 128.69 G/L: 2137406 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-88 SUPPLIES - BARNYARD BASH 44.88 G/L: 21604306 51640 Invoice # 1003-0715-89 UNIFORMS - LANDS END 269.74 G/L: 21604306 54620 Invoice # 1003-0715-90 EXHIBIT SUPPLIES - BFARM 56.87 G/L: 21859206 53400 Invoice # 1003-0715-91 IL DEPT OF LABOR REGISTRATION - BFARM 56.88 G/L: 21859206 53430 Invoice # 1003-0715-92 PANDORA SUBSCRIPTION 24.95 G/L: 2137406 53950 Invoice # 1003-0715-93 FAMILY FUN NIGHT - BFARM 124.00 G/L: 2137406 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-94 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - BFARM 11.58 G/L: 21604306 54620 Invoice # 1003-0715-95 EXHIBIT SUPPLIES - BFARM 43.75 G/L: 21604306 54380 Invoice # 1003-0715-96 FURNITURE SUPPLIES 10.09 G/L: 2135406 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-97 SUMMER CAMP SUPPLIES - BFARM 36.52 G/L: 2135406 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-98 SLIDE - BFARM DAY CAMP 390.09 G/L: 2142906 54680 Invoice # 1003-0715-99 PRINCESS COSTUMES - PUMPKIN WEEKENDS 290.00 G/L: 10200000 51670 Invoice # JOB POST-063015 IPRA POSTING - ATHLETIC SUPERVISOR 82.50 G/L: 20200000 51670 Invoice # JOB POST-063015 IPRA POSTING - ATHLETIC SUPERVISOR 82.50 G/L: 10200000 51670 Invoice # JOB POST-071515 IPRA JOB POSTING -PT IMRF NATURAL AREA SPEC 82.50 G/L: 20200000 51670 Invoice # JOB POST-071515 IPRA JOB POSTING -PT IMRF NATURAL AREA SPEC 82.50

Total invoices AMERICAN EXPRESS 37,413.50

AMY COTTER, CPCC G/L: 10100100 53080 Invoice # 1038 EXECUTIVE GROUP MTGS/AUG COACH 380.00

Total invoices AMY COTTER, CPCC 380.00

AMY MUSCARNERO G/L: 20603102 53950 Invoice # 81115 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS 318.76 G/L: 20603102 53950 Invoice # EOLA-08252015 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS 338.91

Total invoices AMY MUSCARNERO 657.67

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 6 of 54 AQUA DESIGNS INC G/L: 20859654 53460 Invoice # 4345 IRRIGATION TROUBLESHOOTING - STUART 196.00

Total invoices AQUA DESIGNS INC 196.00

AQUA PURE ENTERPRISES INC G/L: 20859203 54570 Invoice # 98861 GASKETS, COVERS - FILTERS 969.94

Total invoices AQUA PURE ENTERPRISES INC 969.94

AREA RESTROOM SOLUTIONS G/L: 10859100 53520 Invoice # 10896 JERICHO GARDEN PLOTS 83.00 G/L: 21604309 54370 Invoice # 10897 LIPPOLD PARK 83.00 G/L: 10859100 53520 Invoice # 10898 HUPP SKATE PARK 83.00 G/L: 10859100 53520 Invoice # 10899 LINCOLN PARK 83.00 G/L: 21859206 53520 Invoice # 10900 BLACKBERRY FARM AUGUST 110.00 G/L: 10859100 53520 Invoice # 10901 VETERANS ISLAND 83.00 G/L: 20850000 53520 Invoice # 10902 MIDDLEBURY PARK 83.00 G/L: 20850000 53520 Invoice # 10993 O'DONNELL SCHOOL 83.00 G/L: 10859100 53520 Invoice # 10994 OAKHURST GARDEN PLOTS 83.00 G/L: 10859100 53520 Invoice # 10996 STUART SPORTS 83.00

Total invoices AREA RESTROOM SOLUTIONS 857.00

ARENDS HOGAN WALKER, LLC G/L: 10859300 53390 Invoice # 1078879 REPAIR - 4320 STUARTS TRACTOR 772.63 G/L: 21859206 54260 Invoice # 1080199 PARTS - AMUSEMENT RIDE 66.33

Total invoices ARENDS HOGAN WALKER, LLC 838.96

ARLENE KALLIEN G/L: 20500000 51610 Invoice # EXP-8/14 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 22.57

Total invoices ARLENE KALLIEN 22.57

ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPMENT, INC G/L: 10859700 54340 Invoice # 644892 MAINT EQUIPMENT 51.67


ARTHUR SCOTT III G/L: 20603102 53950 Invoice # EOLA81115 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS 133.35 G/L: 20603102 53950 Invoice # EOLA81815 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS - EOLA 145.35 G/L: 20603102 53950 Invoice # EOLA82615 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS 133.35 G/L: 20603102 53950 Invoice # EOLA9115 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS 145.35

Total invoices ARTHUR SCOTT III 557.40

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 7 of 54 AT & T G/L: 10300000 52040 Invoice # 6308517078-0815 OAKHURST - 8/22-9/21 85.00 G/L: 10300012 52030 Invoice # 6308517078-0815 OAKHURST - 8/22-9/21 150.27 G/L: 20300002 52030 Invoice # 6308518990-0815 EOLA - 8/22-9/21 413.13 G/L: 20300054 52030 Invoice # 6308920046-0815 STUART CONCESSIONS 8/7 - 9/6 61.59 G/L: 10300000 52040 Invoice # 6308966945-0815 BARNES RD MAINT - 8/13-9/12 89.99 G/L: 10300011 52030 Invoice # 6308966945-0815 BARNES RD MAINT - 8/13-9/12 147.74 G/L: 21300005 52030 Invoice # 6308971808-0815 RED OAK - 8/19-9/18 188.66 G/L: 10300031 52030 Invoice # 6308976896-0815 COLE CENTER - 8/19-9/18 65.19 G/L: 20300031 52030 Invoice # 6308976896-0815 COLE CENTER - 8/19-9/18 65.19 G/L: 10300031 52030 Invoice # 6308977681-0815 COLE CENTER - 8/19-9/18 65.04 G/L: 20300031 52030 Invoice # 6308977681-0815 COLE CENTER - 8/19-9/18 65.04 G/L: 20300026 52030 Invoice # 6308987500-0815 COPLEY II - 8/1-8/31 69.94 G/L: 20300003 52030 Invoice # 6309071858-0815 VAC - 8/25-9/24 535.17 G/L: 20300003 52030 Invoice # 6309078067-0815 VAC - 8/25-9/24 543.65 G/L: 10300000 52040 Invoice # 630R270808-0715 PHONE SERVICE - 7/28-8/27 64.95 G/L: 10300011 52030 Invoice # 630R270808-0715 PHONE SERVICE - 7/28-8/27 157.72 G/L: 10300016 52030 Invoice # 630R270808-0715 PHONE SERVICE - 7/28-8/27 195.60 G/L: 10300031 52030 Invoice # 630R270808-0715 PHONE SERVICE - 7/28-8/27 369.38 G/L: 20300001 52030 Invoice # 630R270808-0715 PHONE SERVICE - 7/28-8/27 736.62 G/L: 20300031 52030 Invoice # 630R270808-0715 PHONE SERVICE - 7/28-8/27 162.57 G/L: 20300031 52030 Invoice # 630R270808-0715 PHONE SERVICE - 7/28-8/27 369.39 G/L: 21300005 52030 Invoice # 630R270808-0715 PHONE SERVICE - 7/28-8/27 79.51 G/L: 21300005 52040 Invoice # 630R270808-0715 PHONE SERVICE - 7/28-8/27 99.99 G/L: 21300006 52030 Invoice # 630R270808-0715 PHONE SERVICE - 7/28-8/27 572.63 G/L: 22300023 52030 Invoice # 630R270808-0715 PHONE SERVICE - 7/28-8/27 411.83 G/L: 20300003 52040 Invoice # 708Z041116-0815 TENNIS DATA LINE - 8/16-9/15 275.11

Total invoices AT & T 6,040.90

AT&T G/L: 10300000 52040 Invoice # 3581019201 INTERNET - COLE 1,094.01 G/L: 10300011 52030 Invoice # 5076488206 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 1.71 G/L: 10300031 52030 Invoice # 5076488206 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 12.56 G/L: 20300001 52030 Invoice # 5076488206 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 1.15 G/L: 20300002 52030 Invoice # 5076488206 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 31.75 G/L: 20300003 52030 Invoice # 5076488206 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 22.00 G/L: 20300026 52030 Invoice # 5076488206 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 0.10 G/L: 20300031 52030 Invoice # 5076488206 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 12.56 G/L: 21300005 52030 Invoice # 5076488206 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 5.54 G/L: 21300006 52030 Invoice # 5076488206 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 3.17 G/L: 22300023 52030 Invoice # 5076488206 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 0.69

Total invoices AT&T 1,185.24

AT&T LONG DISTANCE G/L: 10300031 52030 Invoice # 858313375-0815 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 2.87 G/L: 20300031 52030 Invoice # 858313375-0815 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 2.86

Total invoices AT&T LONG DISTANCE 5.73

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 8 of 54 AT&T MESSAGING G/L: 20300001 52030 Invoice # 7079393 PRISCO SPORTS LINE 14.95

Total invoices AT&T MESSAGING 14.95

AT&T MOBILITY G/L: 10300000 52030 Invoice # 287231239810X-081515 IPAD SERVICE 53.72

Total invoices AT&T MOBILITY 53.72

AT&T TELECONFERENCE SERVICES G/L: 10300031 52030 Invoice # 508-16110 TELEPHONE SERVICE 13.12


ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT SOURCE, INC G/L: 2020202 54680 Invoice # 27481 (4) BEAMS, (3) SET OF LEGS - EOLA 1,900.00

Total invoices ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT SOURCE, INC 1,900.00

AURORA AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY INC G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 144867 EQUIPMENT PARTS 48.90





Total invoices AURORA SIGN CO. 7,450.50

AURORA SPRING & TRUCK PARTS G/L: 21859206 54260 Invoice # 055351 PARTS - BFARM WAGON 224.63 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 055512 EQUIPMENT PARTS 11.88 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 055514 TRAILER HUB - STUART 108.15 G/L: 10859300 54220 Invoice # 055553 PARTS - TRUCK #25 6.00

Total invoices AURORA SPRING & TRUCK PARTS 350.66

B&M AUTO ACCESSORIES G/L: 22808123 53380 Invoice # 25881 REWIRE OEM RECEPTACLE - SQUAD #7 62.80 G/L: 22808123 53380 Invoice # 25884 INSTALL BATTERIES, WIRES - SQUAD 506.55 G/L: 22808123 53380 Invoice # 25885 BATTERY TENDER - SQUAD 10 270.80 G/L: 22808123 53380 Invoice # 25889 REPAIR DOME LIGHT - SQUAD #8 59.95 G/L: 22808123 53380 Invoice # 25899 INSTALL RADAR UNIT - SQUAD #7 164.50

Total invoices B&M AUTO ACCESSORIES 1,064.60

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 9 of 54 BCI BURKE COMPANY LLC G/L: 10859200 54240 Invoice # 69519 PLAYGROUND PARTS 1,671.02 G/L: 10859200 54240 Invoice # 69653 PARTS - WAUB LAKE PLAYGROUND 3,416.45

Total invoices BCI BURKE COMPANY LLC 5,087.47

BDK DOOR INC G/L: 25000000 53375 Invoice # 12483 INSTALL FIBERGLASS DOOR - VAC 4,159.00 G/L: 20859203 53350 Invoice # 12578 REPAIR LATCH - VAC 99.00 G/L: 20859202 53350 Invoice # 12657 DOOR WORK, RMS 110,111,114 - EOLA 265.00

Total invoices BDK DOOR INC 4,523.00

BELLA MONOGRAMS G/L: 2031602 54680 Invoice # AMAZING RACE 2015 (300) SHIRTS -THE AMAZING RACE 1,200.00 G/L: 2134705 54680 Invoice # BUGFEST-2015 VOLUNTEER TSHIRTS - BUG FEST 584.00

Total invoices BELLA MONOGRAMS 1,784.00

BILL'S REPAIR SERVICE G/L: 10859111 54350 Invoice # 4908 GATOR LINE 67.60 G/L: 10859131 55990 Invoice # 4951 2 CYCLE MIX 95.60

Total invoices BILL'S REPAIR SERVICE 163.20

BLUETARP FINANCIAL, INC G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 33648571 PARTS - PESTICIDE SPRAYER 164.08

Total invoices BLUETARP FINANCIAL, INC 164.08

BUTLER & SONS LAWN CARE G/L: 10859100 53810 Invoice # 5964 JUN-OCT MOWING CONTRACT 6,676.57

Total invoices BUTLER & SONS LAWN CARE 6,676.57

CALLIE MARIK G/L: 2010501 53950 Invoice # 8/23/15 GUEST INSTRUCTOR - DANCE INTENSIVE WKSHP 150.00

Total invoices CALLIE MARIK 150.00

CAPITAL PRINTING G/L: 10150000 54000 Invoice # 20114 BUSINESS CARDS 112.00 G/L: 10200000 54000 Invoice # 20114 BUSINESS CARDS 56.00 G/L: 10859100 54000 Invoice # 20114 BUSINESS CARDS 112.00 G/L: 20200000 54000 Invoice # 20114 BUSINESS CARDS 56.00 G/L: 20350000 53730 Invoice # 20114 BUSINESS CARDS 224.00 G/L: 20500000 54000 Invoice # 20114 BUSINESS CARDS 112.00 G/L: 20600001 54000 Invoice # 20114 BUSINESS CARDS 224.00 G/L: 20600003 54000 Invoice # 20114 BUSINESS CARDS 224.00 G/L: 22808123 53730 Invoice # 20383 NOTICE TO APPEAR FORMS 164.85 G/L: 22808123 53730 Invoice # 20478 LETTERHEAD & VIOLATION NOTICEs 452.00

Total invoices CAPITAL PRINTING 1,736.85

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 10 of 54 CARRIE ZANT G/L: 2029503 53950 Invoice # 3/9-7/29 DIVING CLASSES - VAC 1,797.00

Total invoices CARRIE ZANT 1,797.00



CATHY SCHWIEGER G/L: 20100300 51600 Invoice # EXP-8/19/15 TRAVEL/JUL-AUG CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 56.36 G/L: 20100300 52030 Invoice # EXP-8/19/15 TRAVEL/JUL-AUG CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 50.00 G/L: 20350000 51600 Invoice # EXP-8/21 MILEAGE 23.00

Total invoices CATHY SCHWIEGER 129.36

CENTAUR FORGE LLC G/L: 21604306 54620 Invoice # 442177 SMITHING COAL - BFARM 240.74

Total invoices CENTAUR FORGE LLC 240.74

CHARLES D LORENCE G/L: 21604306 56020 Invoice # 5541 GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE 96.00 G/L: 21604306 56020 Invoice # 5552 GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE 96.00

Total invoices CHARLES D LORENCE 192.00

CHARLES STEWART JR G/L: 20603102 53950 Invoice # EOLA-090115 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS 140.14

Total invoices CHARLES STEWART JR 140.14

CHASEWOOD SERVICES G/L: 2041603 53950 Invoice # 1098 STEM PROGRAMING - VAC 3,159.00 G/L: 2040802 53950 Invoice # 1103 LEGO SUMMER CAMPS - EOLA 3,393.00

Total invoices CHASEWOOD SERVICES 6,552.00

CHESS SCHOLARS G/L: 2021602 53950 Invoice # 2015202 CHESS SCHOLARS CAMP - EOLA 756.00 G/L: 2021803 53950 Invoice # 2015203 CHESS SCHOLARS CAMP AUGUST 3-7 504.00

Total invoices CHESS SCHOLARS 1,260.00


Total invoices CHESTERBROOK ACADEMY 7.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 11 of 54 CHICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN G/L: 2011701 54680 Invoice # E03466-DEPOSIT DEPOSIT - 12/1 BOTANIC GARDENS TRIP 50.00 G/L: 2011701 54680 Invoice # E03686-DEPOSIT DEPOSIT - 2/16 BOTANIC GARDENS TRIP 50.00

Total invoices CHICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN 100.00

CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA G/L: 2027601 54680 Invoice # 7866973-DEPOSIT DEPOSIT - 12/19 THEATER TRIP 196.50


CHICAGO TRIBUNE MEDIA GROUP G/L: 10150000 53740 Invoice # 2068735 JOB CLASSIFICATIONS/LEGAL NOTICE 93.12 G/L: 10200000 51670 Invoice # 2068735 JOB CLASSIFICATIONS/LEGAL NOTICE 400.00 G/L: 10850000 53740 Invoice # 2068735 JOB CLASSIFICATIONS/LEGAL NOTICE 132.55 G/L: 18000000 57000 Invoice # 2068735 JOB CLASSIFICATIONS/LEGAL NOTICE 233.78 G/L: 20200000 51670 Invoice # 2068735 JOB CLASSIFICATIONS/LEGAL NOTICE 400.00 G/L: 297082 57020 Invoice # 2068735 JOB CLASSIFICATIONS/LEGAL NOTICE 142.19 G/L: 297092 57020 Invoice # 2068735 JOB CLASSIFICATIONS/LEGAL NOTICE 385.60 G/L: 10850000 53740 Invoice # 2147237-2 LEGAL NOTICES 125.32 G/L: 187096 57010 Invoice # 2147237-2 LEGAL NOTICES 238.60

Total invoices CHICAGO TRIBUNE MEDIA GROUP 2,151.16

CHRISTINE CARLOS G/L: 20350000 51600 Invoice # EXP-8/24 MILEAGE 64.52

Total invoices CHRISTINE CARLOS 64.52

CIARA WALLS G/L: 2056125 54680 Invoice # EXP-7/2/15 MILEAGE 63.98

Total invoices CIARA WALLS 63.98

CINTAS CORPORATION G/L: 20600003 54100 Invoice # 8402334681 FIRST AID SUPPLIES - SPLASH/VAC 373.92 G/L: 20606603 54100 Invoice # 8402334681 FIRST AID SUPPLIES - SPLASH/VAC 327.44 G/L: 21859205 54100 Invoice # 8402334682 FIRST AID SUPPLIES - RED OAK 73.11 G/L: 20600002 54100 Invoice # 8402334683 FIRST AID SUPPLIES - EOLA 16.48 G/L: 20600002 54100 Invoice # 8402362386 FIRST AID SUPPLIES - EOLA 29.29 G/L: 20600003 54100 Invoice # 8402371617 FIRST AID SUPPLIES - VAC 175.10 G/L: 20606603 54100 Invoice # 8402371617 FIRST AID SUPPLIES - VAC 781.33

Total invoices CINTAS CORPORATION 1,776.67

CIPHER LTD G/L: 10859200 53350 Invoice # C15-089 ELECTRICAL REPAIR - VETERAN'S ISLAND 266.80 G/L: 20859625 54320 Invoice # C15-090 BALL FIELD LIGHT REPAIR - COPLEY I 309.94

Total invoices CIPHER LTD 576.74

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 12 of 54 CITY OF AURORA G/L: 20 20200 Invoice # 104396472-0715 FOOD & BEVERAGE TAX FOR JULY 2015 66.98 G/L: 20150003 43020 Invoice # 104396472-0715 FOOD & BEVERAGE TAX FOR JULY 2015 -1.41 G/L: 20859203 53800 Invoice # 174750 FALSE ALARM FEES - VAC 150.00

Total invoices CITY OF AURORA 215.57

CITY OF AURORA WATER DEPT/AMEX G/L: 20859201 52020 Invoice # 101-69427-0715 PRISCO 5/1 - 7/2 554.20

Total invoices CITY OF AURORA WATER DEPT/AMEX 554.20

CITY OF AURORA/WATER DEPARTMENT G/L: 20859225 52020 Invoice # 101-21378-0815 COPLEY I - 5/29-7/31 27.85 G/L: 10859230 52020 Invoice # 101-27973-0815 712 S RIVER ST - 5/29-7/31 84.40 G/L: 10859225 52020 Invoice # 101-3762-0815 WAUBONSIE LAKE - 6/4-8/6 49.60 G/L: 10859211 52020 Invoice # 101-45591-0815 BARNES RD MAINT - 5/29-7/31 80.05 G/L: 21859206 52020 Invoice # 101-54445-0815 BLACKBERRY FARM - 5/29-7/31 23.50 G/L: 10859225 52020 Invoice # 101-66132-0815 WHEATLAND PARK - 6/12-8/14 40.90 G/L: 10859225 52020 Invoice # 101-70172-0815 SPRING LAKE - 6/5-8/7 49.60 G/L: 10859225 52020 Invoice # 101-71129-0815 WAUBONSIE LAKE - 6/4-8/6 114.85 G/L: 21859206 52020 Invoice # 101-8-0815 BLACKBERRY FARM - 5/29-8/3 101.80 G/L: 10859216 52020 Invoice # 101-888889556-0815 GREENHOUSE - 6/1-8/3 40.90 G/L: 20859203 52020 Invoice # METER-VAC0815 METER RENTAL - VAC POOLS 1,600.00


CITY WELDING SALES & SERVICE, INC G/L: 2154706 54680 Invoice # 132091 HELIUM CYLINDER RENTAL - BLACKBERRY FARM 12.50 G/L: 2154706 54680 Invoice # 133112 HELIUM CYLINDER RENTAL - BFARM 12.50 G/L: 2154706 54680 Invoice # 38559 HELIUM - BFARM B-DAY PARTIES 170.00

Total invoices CITY WELDING SALES & SERVICE, INC 195.00

CLASSIC C SOLUTIONS GROUP G/L: 10859300 54360 Invoice # 7639701001 LATEX SHOP GLOVES 367.99 G/L: 10859300 54360 Invoice # 7710768001 NUTS/BOLTS/HARDWARE 603.20

Total invoices CLASSIC C SOLUTIONS GROUP 971.19

CLASSIC FENCE, INC G/L: 187002 57230 Invoice # 2015-490 SPLIT RAIL FENCE - BFARM 2,136.00

Total invoices CLASSIC FENCE, INC 2,136.00

COCA-COLA REFRESHMENTS G/L: 20607603 56250 Invoice # 822201202 BEVERAGE PURCHASE - VAC CAFE 280.98

Total invoices COCA-COLA REFRESHMENTS 280.98

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 13 of 54 COFFMAN TRUCK SALES INC G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 977535 SAFETY INSPECTION - TRUCK #220 32.00 G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 977571 SAFETY INSPECTION - TRUCK #263 21.50 G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 977712 SAFETY INSPECTION - TRUCK #1424/TRAILER 21.50 G/L: 10859300 53390 Invoice # 977712 SAFETY INSPECTION - TRUCK #1424/TRAILER 21.00 G/L: 10859300 53390 Invoice # 977868 SAFETY INSPECTION - TRAILER #153 22.00 G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 978585 SAFETY INSPECTION - TRUCK #218 21.50 G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 979474 SAFETY INSPECTION - TRUCK #35 21.50 G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 979486 REPAIR - TRUCK #35 733.32 G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 979862 SAFETY INSPECTION - TRUCK #1317 21.50 G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 980094 SAFETY INSPECTION - TRUCK #216 21.50 G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 980100 SAFETY INSPECTION - TRUCK #255 20.50 G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 980174 SERVICE INVOICE COPIES 1.00 G/L: 10859300 53390 Invoice # 980557 SAFETY INSPECTION - TRAILER #16 21.00 G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 983391 INVOICES - TRUCK #25 1.00

Total invoices COFFMAN TRUCK SALES INC 980.82

COMCAST CABLE G/L: 22808123 53990 Invoice # 36786339 VIDEO CAMERAS - COPLEY I 209.90 G/L: 20300001 52040 Invoice # 87712006001353920815 CABLE SERVICE - PRISCO 4.21 G/L: 20600003 53990 Invoice # 87712006003739360815 CABLE/INTERNET - VAC 375.92 G/L: 22808123 53990 Invoice # 87712006008066610815 FARNSWORTH PARK 107.85 G/L: 22808123 53990 Invoice # 87712006008135500815 GREENE FIELD PARK 107.85 G/L: 10300000 52040 Invoice # 87712006009860750815 CABLE/INTERNET - COLE 345.46 G/L: 10300000 52040 Invoice # 87712006009933520815 INTERNET - BARNES RD MAINT 104.85 G/L: 10300000 52040 Invoice # 87712006009946990815 INTERNET - OAKHURST 94.85 G/L: 20300001 52040 Invoice # 87712006010021040815 INTERNET - PRISCO 92.85 G/L: 20300003 52040 Invoice # 87712006010042250815 INTERNET - VAC 147.85 G/L: 22808123 53990 Invoice # 87712006010931450815 NEW HAVEN 97.85 G/L: 20300026 52040 Invoice # 87712006014720340815 INTERNET - BOXING CLUB 132.85 G/L: 21300005 52040 Invoice # 87712006101564870815 INTERNET - RED OAK 102.85 G/L: 22300023 52040 Invoice # 87712006201455380815 INTERNET - POLICE 142.85

Total invoices COMCAST CABLE 2,067.99

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 14 of 54 COMED G/L: 20859625 52010 Invoice # 0111129018-0815 LEBANON PARK - 7/24-8/24 35.66 G/L: 20859625 52010 Invoice # 0143070142-0815 WAUBONSIE CREEK - 7/23-8/24 486.51 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 0313121014-0815 BLACKBERRY TRAIL PARK - 7/6-7/31 23.48 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 0323065050-0815 WHEATLAND PARK - 7/29-8/26 33.48 G/L: 20859625 52010 Invoice # 1065157021-0815 GREENE FIELD PARK - 7/13-8/10 61.80 G/L: 20859625 52010 Invoice # 1094321008-0815 GOODWIN PARK/SCHL 7/13 - 8/12 31.46 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 1098085021-0815 SPRING LAKE - 7/20-8/18 46.84 G/L: 20859625 52010 Invoice # 1333161033-0815 COPLEY I BALLFIELDS - 7/7-8/5 19.48 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 1883092118-0815 NEW HAVEN - 7/10-8/10 237.90 G/L: 20859625 52010 Invoice # 2096064007-0815 JEWEL PARK/SCHOOL - 7/8-8/6 57.76 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 3663045068-0815 N RIVER ST - 7/28-8/26 38.85 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 4398011011-0815 NA RESTROOMS 7/15 - 8/13 25.61 G/L: 20859625 52010 Invoice # 4959077095-0815 SIMMONS PARK - 7/16-8/14 75.56 G/L: 20859625 52010 Invoice # 5502349005-0815 LEBANON PARK - 7/23-8/21 23.20 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 5502757007-0815 AUSTIN PARK - 7/24-8/21 42.41 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 5508258012-0815 WAUBONSIE LAKE PARK - 7/20-8/19 53.91 G/L: 20859225 52010 Invoice # 5900403004-0815 MAY ST 7/13 - 8/11 21.68 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 5989193003-0815 COOL ACRES - 7/14-8/12 85.78 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 6162541000-0815 VETERAN'S ISLAND 7/13 - 8/12 80.11 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 6162582001-0815 LINCOLN AVE MINI PARK - 7/17-8/15 21.22 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 6311390017-0815 MONTGOMERY PARK - 7/6-8/4 23.25 G/L: 20859625 52010 Invoice # 7249616007-0815 SCHNEIDER PARK/SCHOOL - 7/15-8/12 35.86 G/L: 21859205 52010 Invoice # 7417461009-0815 RED OAK 7/15 - 8/13 586.89 G/L: 20859226 52010 Invoice # 7422010014-0815 BOXING CLUB - 7/16-8/14 382.60 G/L: 20859225 52010 Invoice # 7580541007-0815 ARCHERY - 7/9-8/6 21.56 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 7823641002-0815 GILMAN TRAIL - 7/6-8/4 32.45 G/L: 20859225 52010 Invoice # 7847305012-0815 FARNSWORTH PARK - 7/22-8/20 26.11 G/L: 21859206 52010 Invoice # 7905581005-0815 BLACKBERRY FARM - 7/6-8/4 32.36 G/L: 10859211 52010 Invoice # 7905588004-0815 BARNES RD MAINT - 7/6-8/4 10.92 G/L: 20859225 52010 Invoice # 8073266009-0815 WESTWOOD PARK - 7/6-8/3 30.82

Total invoices COMED 2,685.52



COMMUNICATIONS DIRECT INC G/L: 22808123 54050 Invoice # SR107833 REPAIR RADIO - POLICE 107.50


COMPUTER EXPLORERS G/L: 2032202 53950 Invoice # CEFVPD072015 COMPUTER CLASSES - EOLA 4,250.00

Total invoices COMPUTER EXPLORERS 4,250.00

CORPORATE COACH OF CHICAGO, LLC G/L: 2011701 54680 Invoice # 2378 BUS - 10/16 SENIOR TRIP 950.00


Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 15 of 54 COSTCO MEMBERSHIP G/L: 10150000 51650 Invoice # 000111812422210-2015 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 79.00 G/L: 20500000 51650 Invoice # 000111812422210-2015 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 117.00 G/L: 21604306 51650 Invoice # 000111812422210-2015 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 79.00

Total invoices COSTCO MEMBERSHIP 275.00

CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY G/L: 10859200 54270 Invoice # S5000919600.001 ELECTRICAL - 712 S RIVER ST 17.61 G/L: 20600003 54270 Invoice # S500788834.002 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - VAC 294.29 G/L: 10859200 54270 Invoice # S500834102.001 LIGHT BULBS - COLE 82.27 G/L: 10859200 54270 Invoice # S500888798.001 ELECTRICAL PARTS - WHEATLANDS 95.21


CROWN TROPHY G/L: 2020103 54680 Invoice # 12229 VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT AWARDS 94.00 G/L: 2015402 54680 Invoice # 12463 ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUE AWARDS 176.00 G/L: 2032502 54680 Invoice # 12463 ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUE AWARDS 44.00 G/L: 2018101 54680 Invoice # 12476 MEDALS - FOX VALLEY GOT'S TALENT 90.70 G/L: 20600003 56520 Invoice # 12503 ENGRAVING SETUP FEE 15.00

Total invoices CROWN TROPHY 419.70

CRYSTAL MGMT & MAINT. SVCS. CORP G/L: 20600002 53300 Invoice # 23006 JULY EXTRA PORTER CHARGES - EOLA 4,046.00 G/L: 20600003 53300 Invoice # 23007 JULY ADDITIONAL SERVICES - VAC 896.00 G/L: 20600001 53300 Invoice # 23008 JULY ADDITIONAL SERVICES - PRISCO 126.00 G/L: 20600002 53300 Invoice # 23081 STRIP, SEAL & WAX ROOM 108 - EOLA 345.00 G/L: 10859231 53300 Invoice # 23101 SEPT CUSTODIAL SERVICE 1,445.30 G/L: 20600001 53300 Invoice # 23101 SEPT CUSTODIAL SERVICE 4,801.50 G/L: 20600002 53300 Invoice # 23101 SEPT CUSTODIAL SERVICE 6,547.50 G/L: 20600003 53300 Invoice # 23101 SEPT CUSTODIAL SERVICE 6,169.20 G/L: 22808123 53300 Invoice # 23102 SEPT OFFICE CLEANING - POLICE 325.00

Total invoices CRYSTAL MGMT & MAINT. SVCS. CORP 24,701.50

CYCLONES VOLLEYBALL INC G/L: 2020103 53950 Invoice # 2001 VOLLEYBALL PRIVATE LESSONS 546.00 G/L: 2020103 53950 Invoice # 2002 VOLLEYBALL SKILLS AND DRILLS 980.00 G/L: 2020103 53950 Invoice # 2003 VOLLEYBALL CAMPS,PRIVATE LESSONS 1,687.00

Total invoices CYCLONES VOLLEYBALL INC 3,213.00

CYNTHIA R HUERTER G/L: 2045102 53950 Invoice # KJ1023 KINDERJAM CLASSES - EOLA 375.00

Total invoices CYNTHIA R HUERTER 375.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 16 of 54 D & H AG THE COUNTRY STORE G/L: 21859206 54610 Invoice # 112251 ANIMAL FEED AND BEDDING 283.52 G/L: 21859206 54610 Invoice # 112329 ANIMAL FEED 191.88

Total invoices D & H AG THE COUNTRY STORE 475.40

DAIRY QUEEN G/L: 2026301 54680 Invoice # 8/20 PICNIC DILLY BARS - 8/20 FCC PICNIC LUNCH 110.00

Total invoices DAIRY QUEEN 110.00

DALE JOHNSON G/L: 2137406 54680 Invoice # 8-12-15 FIRE WOOD - CIVIL WAR DAYS 330.00

Total invoices DALE JOHNSON 330.00

DANIEL T LEAHY G/L: 20350000 51600 Invoice # EXP-8/18 TRAVEL EXPENSE 82.19 G/L: 20350000 51600 Invoice # EXP-8/25 MILEAGE 21.85

Total invoices DANIEL T LEAHY 104.04

DAVID MASCIOLA G/L: 2025701 53950 Invoice # 205 TUMBLING TOTS CLASSES - PRISCO 3,237.00

Total invoices DAVID MASCIOLA 3,237.00

DAVID W STOKES G/L: 2134705 54680 Invoice # 8/22 EVENT PRESENTOR - BUG FEST 1,112.00

Total invoices DAVID W STOKES 1,112.00

DEBBIE SMITH G/L: 10300000 52030 Invoice # EXP-7/31/15 MAY-JULY CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 150.00 G/L: 20500000 48990 Invoice # REIMB - PAYROLL LIFE PAYROLL REIMBURSEMENT 20.00

Total invoices DEBBIE SMITH 170.00

DEX ONE G/L: 20350000 53720 Invoice # 500209317-0815 ADVERTISING - YELLOW PAGES 164.00

Total invoices DEX ONE 164.00

DIANA ERICKSON G/L: 10300000 52030 Invoice # EXP-8/11/15 MAY-AUG CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 200.00

Total invoices DIANA ERICKSON 200.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 17 of 54 DIRECT ENERGY BUSINESS G/L: 10859211 52010 Invoice # 1105733-7/29/15 (13) LOCATIONS - ELECTRIC 131.70 G/L: 10859212 52010 Invoice # 1105733-7/29/15 (13) LOCATIONS - ELECTRIC 136.89 G/L: 10859216 52010 Invoice # 1105733-7/29/15 (13) LOCATIONS - ELECTRIC 429.83 G/L: 10859225 52010 Invoice # 1105733-7/29/15 (13) LOCATIONS - ELECTRIC 41.60 G/L: 10859230 52010 Invoice # 1105733-7/29/15 (13) LOCATIONS - ELECTRIC 1,493.58 G/L: 10859231 52010 Invoice # 1105733-7/29/15 (13) LOCATIONS - ELECTRIC 2,628.48 G/L: 20859225 52010 Invoice # 1105733-7/29/15 (13) LOCATIONS - ELECTRIC 45.05 G/L: 20859625 52010 Invoice # 1105733-7/29/15 (13) LOCATIONS - ELECTRIC 1,004.00 G/L: 21859206 52010 Invoice # 1105733-7/29/15 (13) LOCATIONS - ELECTRIC 1,960.35 G/L: 21859209 52010 Invoice # 1105733-7/29/15 (13) LOCATIONS - ELECTRIC 97.79 G/L: 22859223 52010 Invoice # 1105733-7/29/15 (13) LOCATIONS - ELECTRIC 587.47

Total invoices DIRECT ENERGY BUSINESS 8,556.74

DIRECT ENERGY SERVICES, LLC G/L: 22859223 52000 Invoice # 173875410586-0815 POLICE - 7/23-8/21 7.69 G/L: 10859216 52000 Invoice # 219649753320-0815 GREENHOUSE 7/1 - 8/1 4.60 G/L: 20859202 52000 Invoice # 284719527301-0815 EOLA 7/1 - 8/1 122.95 G/L: 20859201 52000 Invoice # 367908970786-0815 PRISCO 7/1 - 8/1 42.98 G/L: 20859203 52000 Invoice # 407237994832-0815 VAC 7/1 - 8/1 2,952.79 G/L: 21859205 52000 Invoice # 612929445296-0815 RED OAK - 7/23-8/21 1.54 G/L: 10859211 52000 Invoice # 649291244311-0815 BARNES RD MAINT - 7/23-8/21 5.13 G/L: 21859206 52000 Invoice # 890959509302-0815 BLACKBERRY FARM - 7/23-8/21 6.15 G/L: 21859206 52000 Invoice # 931972078790-0815 BLACKBERRY FARM - 7/23-8/21 35.37

Total invoices DIRECT ENERGY SERVICES, LLC 3,179.20

DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS, LLC G/L: 20603103 53440 Invoice # 118270 LIFE FITNESS REPAIRS - VAC 235.00 G/L: 20603102 57070 Invoice # 227180 (2) PRECOR TREADMILLS - EOLA 15,204.00 G/L: 20603102 53440 Invoice # 504044 EQUIPMENT REPAIR - EOLA 304.50 G/L: 20603102 53440 Invoice # 504766 PREVENTIVE MAINT - EOLA FITNES 2,135.00 G/L: 20603102 53440 Invoice # 505107 REPAIR CYCLES - EOLA 190.00 G/L: 20603102 53440 Invoice # 505139 REPAIR - KEISER INDOOR CYCLES 60.00 G/L: 20603103 53440 Invoice # 505223 REPAIRS - VAC FITNESS 682.83

Total invoices DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS, LLC 18,811.33

DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY G/L: 20600001 54370 Invoice # D21227750101 PRESCHOOL WALL LOCKERS - PRISCO 979.64 G/L: 2016901 54680 Invoice # D21337810101 PRESCHOOL ITEMS - CLASSROOMS 167.67 G/L: 2137406 54680 Invoice # P33218770101 SUPPLIES - CIVIL WAR DAYS 26.60 G/L: 2029902 54680 Invoice # P33340810101 DSS BUTCHER PAPER - EOLA 193.09 G/L: 2135705 54680 Invoice # P33348320101 SUPPLIES - RED OAK PRESCHOOL 15.90

Total invoices DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY 1,382.90

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 18 of 54 DON BOHR & SONS G/L: 10859100 53370 Invoice # 15-75 CONCRETE WALKS & REPAIRS - VAC 2,046.00 G/L: 10859100 53370 Invoice # 15-76 CONCRETE WALKS & REPAIRS - VAC 3,135.00 G/L: 10859131 53370 Invoice # 15-77 5" STAMPED CONCRETE - LIPPOLD 1,410.00 G/L: 10859531 53990 Invoice # 15-78 STAMPED CONCRETE PAD - VETERAN 1,448.00 G/L: 10859531 53370 Invoice # 15-79 CONCRETE PADS - STATE ST 1,810.00 G/L: 10859531 53990 Invoice # 15-79 CONCRETE PADS - STATE ST 1,790.00

Total invoices DON BOHR & SONS 11,639.00

DUNBAR SECURITY PRODUCTS, INC G/L: 10150031 54010 Invoice # I0737774 DEPOSIT BAGS 9.17 G/L: 20150031 54010 Invoice # I0737774 DEPOSIT BAGS 9.17 G/L: 20600001 54010 Invoice # I0737774 DEPOSIT BAGS 18.33 G/L: 20600002 54010 Invoice # I0737774 DEPOSIT BAGS 18.33 G/L: 20600003 54010 Invoice # I0737774 DEPOSIT BAGS 18.33 G/L: 21604306 54010 Invoice # I0737774 DEPOSIT BAGS 18.33


DUPAGE SALT COMPANY G/L: 20600003 55990 Invoice # 19906 WATER SFTNR SALT 114.15

Total invoices DUPAGE SALT COMPANY 114.15

DYNAMIC DESIGN ENTERPRISES INC/BOLLE G/L: 20603203 56010 Invoice # IN00321429 VAC TENNIS SHOP MERCHANDISE 512.00 G/L: 20603203 56010 Invoice # IN00321645 VAC TENNIS SHOP MERCHANDISE 526.00


EAGLE RIDGE RESORT AND SPA G/L: 22808123 51610 Invoice # 68V9ZT IPLEA CONF HOTEL - C.STARK 329.67

Total invoices EAGLE RIDGE RESORT AND SPA 329.67

ECO CHEM CORP G/L: 20600001 54370 Invoice # 15-0488 ENTRY RUGS - PRESCHOOL ROOM 256.94

Total invoices ECO CHEM CORP 256.94

ELISABETH TEITGE G/L: 20350000 53900 Invoice # 0027 MARKETING SERVICES 180.00

Total invoices ELISABETH TEITGE 180.00



Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 19 of 54 EMMANUEL MBENDE G/L: 2037901 53950 Invoice # JULY 9-JULY 30 20 YOUTH GAMES 400.00

Total invoices EMMANUEL MBENDE 400.00

EMV WELDING INC G/L: 10859200 54340 Invoice # 062615 STEEL - TABLE 330.00

Total invoices EMV WELDING INC 330.00

ENRIQUE CORONADO G/L: 20600000 48990 Invoice # EXP-7/15/15 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 34.04

Total invoices ENRIQUE CORONADO 34.04

EXTRACTOR CORPORATION G/L: 20859203 53450 Invoice # 15-1646 MEN'S 2ND FLOOR SWIMSUIT DRYER 728.00

Total invoices EXTRACTOR CORPORATION 728.00

EXXONMOBILE G/L: 22808123 53380 Invoice # 7959-0815 VEHICLE WASHES 305.95

Total invoices EXXONMOBILE 305.95

FASTENAL COMPANY G/L: 10859300 54360 Invoice # ILAUR145512 SHOP SUPPLIES 13.92 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145562 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - COLE 402.17 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145563 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - GREENHOUSE 58.97 G/L: 10859300 54220 Invoice # ILAUR145599 NUMBERS - VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT 105.99 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # ILAUR145599 NUMBERS - VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT 105.99 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145626 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - BARNES RD MAINT 112.97 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145628 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - GREENHOUSE 414.07 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145629 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - OAKHURST 133.28 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145654 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - COLE CENTER 69.80 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145723 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - GREENHOUSE 183.95 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145724 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - OAKHURST 127.08 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145763 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - BARNES RD 118.99 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145842 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - GREENHOUSE 12.71 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145843 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - BARNES RD MAINT 60.51 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145929 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - OAKHURST 50.31 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145930 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - BARNES RD MAINT 56.22 G/L: 10859200 54100 Invoice # ILAUR145931 VENDING SAFETY SUPPLIES - GREENHOUSE 47.44

Total invoices FASTENAL COMPANY 2,074.37

FEDEX G/L: 22808123 53710 Invoice # 5-103-84269 SHIPPING - POLICE 117.30 G/L: 22808123 53710 Invoice # 5-140-11592 SHIPPING - POLICE 106.48

Total invoices FEDEX 223.78

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 20 of 54 FEECE OIL COMPANY G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3370461 7/30 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 94.51 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3370461 7/30 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 11.91 G/L: 20859600 54140 Invoice # 3370461 7/30 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 92.26 G/L: 21859206 54140 Invoice # 3370461 7/30 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 31.96 G/L: 22808123 54140 Invoice # 3370461 7/30 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 69.20 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3370462 7/30 DIESEL - BARNES RD 562.10 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3370462 7/30 DIESEL - BARNES RD 91.50 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3371297 8/4 GASOLINE - COLE CENTER 2,717.83 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3371297 8/4 GASOLINE - COLE CENTER 591.32 G/L: 20859600 54140 Invoice # 3371297 8/4 GASOLINE - COLE CENTER 353.40 G/L: 21859205 54140 Invoice # 3371297 8/4 GASOLINE - COLE CENTER 15.34 G/L: 22808123 54140 Invoice # 3371297 8/4 GASOLINE - COLE CENTER 442.16 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3371298 8/4 DIESEL - COLE CENTER 424.26 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3371298 8/4 DIESEL - COLE CENTER 69.06 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3371375 8/4 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 171.95 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3371375 8/4 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 27.99 G/L: 20859600 54140 Invoice # 3371375 8/4 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 252.21 G/L: 21859206 54140 Invoice # 3371375 8/4 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 64.65 G/L: 22808123 54140 Invoice # 3371375 8/4 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 163.02 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3371376 8/4 DIESEL - BARNES RD 177.38 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3371376 8/4 DIESEL - BARNES RD 28.87 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3371568 8/5 GASOLINE - OAKHURST 476.92 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3371568 8/5 GASOLINE - OAKHURST 77.64 G/L: 22808123 54140 Invoice # 3371568 8/5 GASOLINE - OAKHURST 70.09 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3371569 8/5 DIESEL - OAKHURST 397.30 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3371569 8/5 DIESEL - OAKHURST 64.68 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3372463 8/10 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 202.80 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3372463 8/10 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 33.01 G/L: 20859600 54140 Invoice # 3372463 8/10 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 297.47 G/L: 21859206 54140 Invoice # 3372463 8/10 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 76.25 G/L: 22808123 54140 Invoice # 3372463 8/10 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 192.27 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3372464 8/10 DIESEL - BARNES RD 294.10 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3372464 8/10 DIESEL - BARNES RD 47.88 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3373140 8/13 GASOLINE - OAKHURST 739.60 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3373140 8/13 GASOLINE - OAKHURST 120.46 G/L: 22808123 54140 Invoice # 3373140 8/13 GASOLINE - OAKHURST 108.69 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3373158 8/14 GASOLINE - COLE CENTER 2,212.57 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3373158 8/14 GASOLINE - COLE CENTER 481.41 G/L: 20859600 54140 Invoice # 3373158 8/14 GASOLINE - COLE CENTER 287.70 G/L: 21859205 54140 Invoice # 3373158 8/14 GASOLINE - COLE CENTER 12.49 G/L: 22808123 54140 Invoice # 3373158 8/14 GASOLINE - COLE CENTER 359.96 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3373159 8/14 DIESEL - COLE CENTER 1,227.48 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3373159 8/14 DIESEL - COLE CENTER 199.82 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3373472 8/14 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 190.38 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3373472 8/14 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 30.99 G/L: 20859600 54140 Invoice # 3373472 8/14 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 279.25 G/L: 21859206 54140 Invoice # 3373472 8/14 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 71.58 G/L: 22808123 54140 Invoice # 3373472 8/14 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 180.50 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3373473 8/14 DIESEL - BARNES RD 274.36 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3373473 8/14 DIESEL - BARNES RD 44.66 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3373919 8/21 DIESEL - COLE CENTER 473.25 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3373919 8/21 DIESEL - COLE CENTER 77.04

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 21 of 54 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3373979 8/18 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 395.94 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3373979 8/18 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 64.45 G/L: 20859600 54140 Invoice # 3373979 8/18 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 399.16 G/L: 21859206 54140 Invoice # 3373979 8/18 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 138.28 G/L: 22808123 54140 Invoice # 3373979 8/18 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 299.40 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3374208 8/19 DIESEL - OAKHURST 507.28 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3374208 8/19 DIESEL - OAKHURST 82.58 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3374242 8/19 GASOLINE - OAKHURST 173.34 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3374242 8/19 GASOLINE - OAKHURST 28.22 G/L: 22808123 54140 Invoice # 3374242 8/19 GASOLINE - OAKHURST 25.47 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3374705 8/21 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 141.81 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3374705 8/21 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 23.09 G/L: 20859600 54140 Invoice # 3374705 8/21 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 208.02 G/L: 21859206 54140 Invoice # 3374705 8/21 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 53.32 G/L: 22808123 54140 Invoice # 3374705 8/21 GASOLINE - BARNES RD 134.45 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3374706 8/21 DIESEL - BARNES RD 465.72 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3374706 8/21 DIESEL - BARNES RD 75.82 G/L: 10850000 54140 Invoice # 3376411 8/31 DIESEL - COLE CENTER 401.90 G/L: 20500000 54140 Invoice # 3376411 8/31 DIESEL - COLE CENTER 65.42

Total invoices FEECE OIL COMPANY 19,739.15

FIRST ILLINOIS SYSTEMS, INC G/L: 10859200 53990 Invoice # 16033 AUG PEST CONTROL - COLE CENTER 106.00 G/L: 20600002 53990 Invoice # 16044 AUG PEST CONTROL - EOLA 90.00 G/L: 10859216 53350 Invoice # 16048 AUG PEST CONTROL - GREENHOUSE 45.00 G/L: 10859212 53350 Invoice # 16088 AUG PEST CONTROL - OAKHURST 30.00 G/L: 21604305 53990 Invoice # 16096 AUG PEST CONTROL - RED OAK 60.00 G/L: 20600003 53990 Invoice # 16123 AUG PEST CONTROL - VAC 138.00

Total invoices FIRST ILLINOIS SYSTEMS, INC 469.00

FIRST NATIONAL BANK G/L: 2017101 54680 Invoice # 9036-0715-01 SUMMER STAGE BACKDROP RENTAL 1,720.00 G/L: 10100100 51650 Invoice # 9036-0715-02 DAILY HERALD SUBSCRIPTION 47.60

Total invoices FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1,767.60

FLEET US, LLC G/L: 20859654 54180 Invoice # SI105708 BALLFIELD FOUL LINE PAINT 520.00 G/L: 20859654 54180 Invoice # SI105753 SOCCER FIELD MARKING PAINT 2,496.00 G/L: 20859654 54180 Invoice # SI105754 SOCCER FIELD MARKING PAINT 364.00 G/L: 20859654 54180 Invoice # SI105847 SOCCER PAINT 525.00

Total invoices FLEET US, LLC 3,905.00

FLOORING CONNECTION INC G/L: 25000000 53375 Invoice # 03162015CT TILE - FAMILY CHANGING REMODEL 4,008.89

Total invoices FLOORING CONNECTION INC 4,008.89

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 22 of 54 FOLDING PARTITION SERVICES G/L: 20600002 53350 Invoice # 7899 REPAIR OPERABLE WALL RMS 103-104 316.00


FORESTRY SUPPLIERS INC G/L: 10859700 54130 Invoice # 781797-00 SEED COLLECT BAGS, PPE CLEANER 49.37 G/L: 10859700 54350 Invoice # 781797-00 SEED COLLECT BAGS, PPE CLEANER 80.47

Total invoices FORESTRY SUPPLIERS INC 129.84

FOX METRO WRD G/L: 21859206 52020 Invoice # A19-8639-0815 BLACKBERRY FARM - 5/29-8/3 73.44 G/L: 10859216 52020 Invoice # A27-1070-0815 GREENHOUSE - 6/1-8/3 16.32 G/L: 10859230 52020 Invoice # A36-3400-0815 712 S RIVER ST - 5/29-7/31 57.12 G/L: 20859225 52020 Invoice # A38-2525-0815 COPLEY I - 5/29-7/31 3.81 G/L: 10859211 52020 Invoice # A80-0095-0815 BARNES RD MAINT - 5/29-7/31 52.77 G/L: 20859203 52020 Invoice # A80-7912-0815 VAC - 5/29-7/31 4,394.43 G/L: 10859225 52020 Invoice # A81-0230-0815 SPRING LAKE - 6/5-8/7 24.48 G/L: 20859225 52020 Invoice # A81-0387-0815 SIMMONS PARK - 5/15-7/17 40.80 G/L: 20859625 52020 Invoice # A81-0436-0815 WAUBONSIE CREEK - 6/4-8/6 895.42 G/L: 10859225 52020 Invoice # A81-0453-0815 WAUBONSIE LAKE - 6/4-8/6 85.41 G/L: 20859202 52020 Invoice # A99-0051-0815 EOLA 6/4 - 8/6 5,086.40 G/L: 10859225 52020 Invoice # M03-0120-0815 AUSTIN PARK - 6/1-8/1 27.20 G/L: 22859223 52020 Invoice # M03-0309-0815 POLICE - 6/1-8/1 136.00 G/L: 20859254 52020 Invoice # M03-4199-0815 STUART CONCESSIONS - 6/1-8/1 152.32

Total invoices FOX METRO WRD 11,045.92

FOX VALLEY PARK DISTRICT G/L: 2073801 54680 Invoice # 34069 ADMISSIONS - SUMMER BLAST FIELD TRIP 156.00 G/L: 2014425 54680 Invoice # 34198 ADMISSIONS -PLAYGRND/SUMM BLAST FIELD TRP 308.00 G/L: 2073801 54680 Invoice # 34198 ADMISSIONS -PLAYGRND/SUMM BLAST FIELD TRP 68.00 G/L: 2029902 53950 Invoice # 34417 POOLS FIELD TRIPS - EOLA CAMP 525.00 G/L: 2032303 54680 Invoice # 34497-FINAL BALANCE - AQUATIC FIELD TRIPS 63.00 G/L: 2012925 54680 Invoice # SUM CONCERTS-2015 SHOWMOBILE FEE - CONCERTS IN THE PARK 450.00 G/L: 2025325 54680 Invoice # SUM CONCERTS-2015 SHOWMOBILE FEE - CONCERTS IN THE PARK 450.00

Total invoices FOX VALLEY PARK DISTRICT 2,020.00

FRANCIS PENNVIC G/L: 2064602 53950 Invoice # 001 ART CLASS SESSION - SUMMER 2015 75.00

Total invoices FRANCIS PENNVIC 75.00

FROMUTH TENNIS G/L: 20603203 56010 Invoice # 944625 VAC TENNIS SHOP MERCHANDISE 189.42

Total invoices FROMUTH TENNIS 189.42

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 23 of 54 FUERTE SYSTEMS G/L: 397031 57010 Invoice # AUSTIN-4-FINAL PAYOUT #4 - AUSTIN PARK 42,547.34

Total invoices FUERTE SYSTEMS 42,547.34

FUN EXPRESS LLC G/L: 2065824 54680 Invoice # 672746562-01 DISTRICT #131 SUMMER CAMP SUPPLIES 349.06

Total invoices FUN EXPRESS LLC 349.06

FVPD EMP. BENEFIT TRUST FUND G/L: 10100100 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 2,833.64 G/L: 10150000 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5,993.66 G/L: 10200000 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 1,025.44 G/L: 10250000 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 7,168.56 G/L: 10300000 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 1,710.14 G/L: 10850000 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 43,890.61 G/L: 15707117 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 741.86 G/L: 20100100 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 2,833.62 G/L: 20100300 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 65.98 G/L: 20150000 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5,993.62 G/L: 20200000 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 1,025.44 G/L: 20300000 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 1,710.14 G/L: 20350000 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5,743.00 G/L: 20500000 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 1,273.18 G/L: 20600000 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 1,187.10 G/L: 20600001 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 16,208.28 G/L: 20600002 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 12,302.29 G/L: 20600003 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 27,328.75 G/L: 20600026 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 507.52 G/L: 20859200 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 1,192.54 G/L: 20859203 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 1,864.51 G/L: 20859600 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 3,431.08 G/L: 21604305 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 3,001.31 G/L: 21604306 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 4,733.56 G/L: 21859206 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 1,454.18 G/L: 22808123 51200 Invoice # AUG15PREMIUM AUG HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 8,795.18

Total invoices FVPD EMP. BENEFIT TRUST FUND 164,015.19

FVSRA G/L: 25554800 53950 Invoice # FVPD 07-15 INCLUSION FEES 4,105.58

Total invoices FVSRA 4,105.58

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 24 of 54 G&K SERVICES G/L: 10859300 51640 Invoice # 1028203727 MECHANIC UNIFORMS 228.00 G/L: 10859300 51640 Invoice # 1028235299 UNIFORMS - MAINT 42.99 G/L: 10859300 51640 Invoice # 1028238093 UNIFORMS - MAINT 42.99 G/L: 10859300 51640 Invoice # 1028240907 UNIFORMS - MAINT 42.99 G/L: 10859300 51640 Invoice # 1028243690 UNIFORMS - MAINT 42.99 G/L: 10859300 51640 Invoice # 1028246519 UNIFORMS - MAINT 42.99 G/L: 22808123 51640 Invoice # 93624941 UNIFORMS 560.70

Total invoices G&K SERVICES 1,003.65

GALLS, LLC G/L: 22808123 51640 Invoice # 003862556 UNIFORMS - POLICE 140.21

Total invoices GALLS, LLC 140.21

GANZ U.S.A. LLC G/L: 21604306 56020 Invoice # 6659258 GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE 474.72

Total invoices GANZ U.S.A. LLC 474.72

GLANBIA PERFORMANCE NUTRITION. INC G/L: 20553102 56200 Invoice # 924695014 SPEED STACK - EOLA FITNESS 170.48


GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS G/L: 20607603 56250 Invoice # 292764-CR CREDIT MEMO -28.50 G/L: 20607603 56250 Invoice # 294270 FOOD PURCHASE - VAC CAFE 544.03 G/L: 20607603 56250 Invoice # 294694 FOOD PURCHASE - VAC CAFE 118.69

Total invoices GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 634.22

GONSER GERBER, LLP G/L: 10100100 53080 Invoice # 26366 PROF SERVICES - STRATEGIC PLAN 1,583.33

Total invoices GONSER GERBER, LLP 1,583.33

GORDON FLESCH COMPANY INC G/L: 20600001 54010 Invoice # IN11246240 OFFICE SUPPLIES - PRISCO 168.00

Total invoices GORDON FLESCH COMPANY INC 168.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 25 of 54 GORDON FLESCH/AMEX G/L: 10150031 53500 Invoice # I00236838 QRTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 7/25-10/2 1,313.45 G/L: 10250000 53500 Invoice # I00236838 QRTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 7/25-10/2 288.43 G/L: 10850000 53500 Invoice # I00236838 QRTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 7/25-10/2 509.19 G/L: 20150030 53500 Invoice # I00236838 QRTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 7/25-10/2 1,461.48 G/L: 20350000 53500 Invoice # I00236838 QRTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 7/25-10/2 865.28 G/L: 20600001 53500 Invoice # I00236838 QRTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 7/25-10/2 1,559.12 G/L: 20600002 53500 Invoice # I00236838 QRTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 7/25-10/2 1,559.12 G/L: 20600003 53500 Invoice # I00236838 QRTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 7/25-10/2 1,492.72 G/L: 20603203 53500 Invoice # I00236838 QRTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 7/25-10/2 288.66 G/L: 21604305 53500 Invoice # I00236838 QRTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 7/25-10/2 368.05 G/L: 21604306 53500 Invoice # I00236838 QRTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 7/25-10/2 370.25 G/L: 22808123 53500 Invoice # I00236838 QRTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 7/25-10/2 763.25

Total invoices GORDON FLESCH/AMEX 10,839.00

GORDON FOOD SERVICE G/L: 2011801 54680 Invoice # 753151980 SUPPLIES - FCC/CASINO TRIP 110.67 G/L: 2028101 54680 Invoice # 753151980 SUPPLIES - FCC/CASINO TRIP 30.00

Total invoices GORDON FOOD SERVICE 140.67

GPS NORTH AMERICA G/L: 22808123 53990 Invoice # 50401 GPS SERVICE - SQUAD CAR 2,581.20

Total invoices GPS NORTH AMERICA 2,581.20

GRAINGER G/L: 2014000 54680 Invoice # 9746920546 EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES - PRISCO 151.42 G/L: 20600001 54090 Invoice # 9746920546 EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES - PRISCO 35.55 G/L: 2014000 54680 Invoice # 9764560869 CREDIT MEMO -11.83 G/L: 20859654 53370 Invoice # 9795874115 SPEED BUMP - STUART 1,128.60 G/L: 10859216 54190 Invoice # 9803878793 BLDG MATERIAL - GREENHOUSE 56.97 G/L: 10859112 54130 Invoice # 9816912118 IRRIGATION FLOW SWITCH - EOLA 170.10

Total invoices GRAINGER 1,530.81

GREAT LAKES CLAY & SUPPLY COMPANY G/L: 21604306 54620 Invoice # 68759 KILN PART 14.00 G/L: 21604306 54620 Invoice # 69197 POTTERY SUPPLIES 18.69


GROUND EFFECTS G/L: 10859531 54130 Invoice # 325247 BOULDER-GRAN 8-12" MED - FRTE 295.65

Total invoices GROUND EFFECTS 295.65

HACIENDA LANDSCAPING G/L: 397095 57010 Invoice # BIRMINGHAM-4 PAYOUT #4 - BIRMINGHAM PARK 22,017.06 G/L: 187023 57010 Invoice # LINCOLN-3-FINAL PAYOUT #3,FINAL - LINCOLN PARK 39,520.85

Total invoices HACIENDA LANDSCAPING 61,537.91

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 26 of 54 HALDEMAN HOMME, INC G/L: 20600002 53350 Invoice # 156020 ANNUAL GYM INSPECTION - EOLA 2,285.00

Total invoices HALDEMAN HOMME, INC 2,285.00

HAMPTON, LENZINI AND RENWICK, INC G/L: 10859700 53870 Invoice # 20150855 PAYOUT #2 - NATURAL AREA MAINTENANCE 26,550.00 G/L: 10859700 53870 Invoice # 20150860-1 PAYOUT #1 - NATURAL AREA MAINTENANCE 3,565.00 G/L: 10859700 53870 Invoice # 20150860-2 PAYOUT #1 - NATURAL AREA SEEDING 925.00 G/L: 10859700 53870 Invoice # 20150910 NATURAL AREA MAINTENANCE 1,250.00 G/L: 10859700 53870 Invoice # 20150911 NATURAL AREA MAINTENANCE 450.00

Total invoices HAMPTON, LENZINI AND RENWICK, INC 32,740.00

HARNER'S BAKERY & RESTAURANT G/L: 2011801 54680 Invoice # 5565 REFRESHMENTS - 8/6 FCC 91.01 G/L: 2011801 54680 Invoice # 5587 REFRESHEMENTS - 8/13 FCC 129.25

Total invoices HARNER'S BAKERY & RESTAURANT 220.26



HARRY PATTERSON G/L: 2016901 54680 Invoice # 9/1 EVENT SPEAKER - 9/1 INSERVICE PRSCHL TEACHERS 12.50 G/L: 2016902 54680 Invoice # 9/1 EVENT SPEAKER - 9/1 INSERVICE PRSCHL TEACHERS 12.50

Total invoices HARRY PATTERSON 25.00

HELEN RANGEL G/L: 10 20140 Invoice # REPLACE CK REPLACE REFUND CK 70454 10.00

Total invoices HELEN RANGEL 10.00

HINCKLEY SPRINGS G/L: 21604305 53990 Invoice # 10428777081615 RED OAK 84.34 G/L: 22808123 53990 Invoice # 10526699081215 POLICE 46.63

Total invoices HINCKLEY SPRINGS 130.97



HOLLY M WIGGINS G/L: 21300006 52030 Invoice # EXP-7/31/15 MAY-AUG CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 100.00

Total invoices HOLLY M WIGGINS 100.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 27 of 54 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES G/L: 20859203 54570 Invoice # 7010605 AQUATIC MAINT SUPPLIES - VAC 43.92 G/L: 20859203 54190 Invoice # 010432 BUILDING MATERIAL - VAC 2.60 G/L: 10859111 54350 Invoice # 0162790 RAKES 89.94 G/L: 10859231 54190 Invoice # 0162814 BUILDING MATERIAL - COLE 9.73 G/L: 20859203 54190 Invoice # 0162829 BUILDING MATERIAL - VAC 11.12 G/L: 10859211 54190 Invoice # 0162869 PLYWOOD 8.45 G/L: 20859203 54570 Invoice # 0164051 TILE REPAIR MATERIAL - VAC 251.49 G/L: 10859200 54190 Invoice # 0165250 BUILDING MATERIAL - WAUBONSIE 2.36 G/L: 10859231 54190 Invoice # 0165301 RUGS - COLE CENTER 59.91 G/L: 2154706 54680 Invoice # 02173 SUPPLIES - BLACKBERRY FARM BDAY PARTIES 28.80 G/L: 2121505 54680 Invoice # 03802 RED OAK SUPPLIES 14.97 G/L: 2124905 54680 Invoice # 03802 RED OAK SUPPLIES 3.94 G/L: 21604305 55990 Invoice # 03802 RED OAK SUPPLIES 3.48 G/L: 2032303 54680 Invoice # 04886 VAC SUPPLIES 39.48 G/L: 20859203 54190 Invoice # 1010713 BUILDING MATERIAL - VAC 50.87 G/L: 20859203 54190 Invoice # 1010736 BUILDING MATERIAL - VAC 24.47 G/L: 10859200 54190 Invoice # 10411 SIGN POSTS 51.42 G/L: 20859203 54190 Invoice # 1054222 BUILDING MATERIAL - VAC 28.41 G/L: 20859203 54570 Invoice # 1162655 AQUATIC MAINT SUPPLIES - VAC 39.27 G/L: 21859206 54190 Invoice # 1165074 CAULK - BLACKBERRY FARM WINDOW 47.84 G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 1165126 PAINT SUPPLY - BROOKLYN PARK 23.92 G/L: 20859203 54190 Invoice # 1165127 BUILDING MATERIAL - VAC 14.36 G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 164943 PAINT - PAVILLION DOORS 23.94 G/L: 10859111 54350 Invoice # 164997 PRUNERS 102.85 G/L: 10859811 54350 Invoice # 164997 PRUNERS 102.85 G/L: 10859111 54350 Invoice # 2010535 TOOL 41.91 G/L: 10859131 54350 Invoice # 2010537 PLIERS, SPRAYER 34.94 G/L: 10859200 54190 Invoice # 2163530 DECKING, SCREWS 24.68 G/L: 20859654 54350 Invoice # 2164724 TOOLS AND SUPPLIES 8.48 G/L: 2010501 54681 Invoice # 2972725 LUMBER,SCREWS - SET BUILD 54.98 G/L: 10859531 54190 Invoice # 3044475 SUPPLIES - BRIDGE REPAIR 77.48 G/L: 10859200 54190 Invoice # 3163618 HARDWARE - NA ISLAND BATHROOM DOORS 23.61 G/L: 10859100 54130 Invoice # 3165892 CONCRETE - AMBERWOOD 25.72 G/L: 10859531 54190 Invoice # 3165919 SUPPLIES - BRIDGE REPAIR 84.23 G/L: 20859654 54350 Invoice # 3972412 CABLE TIES 64.90 G/L: 20859203 54350 Invoice # 4163482 HEADLAMPS - VAC SAND FILTERS 73.92 G/L: 20859203 54350 Invoice # 4163524 WHEELBARROW - VAC SAND FILTERS 79.98 G/L: 10859200 54350 Invoice # 4163553 TOOL 49.92 G/L: 10859200 54270 Invoice # 4164550 PLUMBING PARTS 7.03 G/L: 10859111 54350 Invoice # 4164758 2 GALLON SPRAYER 14.97 G/L: 10859531 55990 Invoice # 44776 SPRAY 7.52 G/L: 10859131 55990 Invoice # 5010273 BOTTLED WATER 23.82 G/L: 10859531 54130 Invoice # 5010462 LANDSCAPE FABRIC 29.97 G/L: 20600003 54090 Invoice # 5044412 CUSTODIAL/ELECTRICAL - VAC 10.11 G/L: 20600003 54270 Invoice # 5044412 CUSTODIAL/ELECTRICAL - VAC 11.92 G/L: 2010501 54681 Invoice # 5084827 LUMBER,SCREWS,PAINT - SET BUILD 395.57 G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 5162237 PAINT 5.98 G/L: 10859300 54340 Invoice # 5164373 TOOL BOXES 498.00 G/L: 20859654 54350 Invoice # 5164387 TOOLS AND SUPPLIES 57.84 G/L: 10859131 54190 Invoice # 5164648 CENTRAL SUPPLIES 26.94 G/L: 10859131 54200 Invoice # 5164648 CENTRAL SUPPLIES 7.12 G/L: 10859131 55990 Invoice # 5164648 CENTRAL SUPPLIES 9.95

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 28 of 54 G/L: 20600003 54270 Invoice # 5561193 VAC SUPPLIES 4.29 G/L: 20603103 54680 Invoice # 5561193 VAC SUPPLIES 23.91 G/L: 20859203 54570 Invoice # 6162059 AQUATIC MAINT SUPPLIES - VAC 35.71 G/L: 10859600 54190 Invoice # 6164206 HARDWARE 23.64 G/L: 21859206 54190 Invoice # 6164273 FLOOR REF - EARLY STREETS 4.68 G/L: 10859531 54190 Invoice # 6165557 SUPPLIES - BRIDGE REPAIR 26.56 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 6972862 SMALE SCALE PERFORMANCES 49.70 G/L: 21859206 54190 Invoice # 7010609 WINDOW HARDWARE - BLACKBERRY FARM 19.14 G/L: 20859654 54350 Invoice # 7015130 CONCRETE 19.80 G/L: 20600003 54270 Invoice # 7044312 BATTERIES 20.92 G/L: 21859206 54190 Invoice # 7164389 WINDOW HARDWARE - BLACKBERRY FARM 7.88 G/L: 10859231 54190 Invoice # 8010308 NEST T-STAT - COLE 249.00 G/L: 10859200 54190 Invoice # 8010562 BUILDING MATERIAL - 712 S RIVER ST 37.93 G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 8161753 PAINT SUPPLIES - FOUR POINTS 25.90 G/L: 10859216 54190 Invoice # 8164280 MATERIAL - GREENHOUSE PLANTERS 43.36 G/L: 20600003 54090 Invoice # 8164283 VAC SUPPLIES 39.94 G/L: 20600003 54110 Invoice # 8164283 VAC SUPPLIES 29.71 G/L: 21859206 54190 Invoice # 8164308 WINDOW HARDWARE - BLACKBERRY FARM 20.93 G/L: 10859200 54190 Invoice # 9044862 BUILDING MATERIAL 12.96 G/L: 10859131 55990 Invoice # 9161606 PICNIC TABLE SUPPLIES 37.78 G/L: 20600001 54350 Invoice # 9873731 SAW - PRISCO 399.00

Total invoices HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 3,964.62

HUSAIN ABDUL AZIZ G/L: 20603102 53950 Invoice # EOLA081715 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS 338.91 G/L: 20603102 53950 Invoice # EOLA081715P2 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS 77.35 G/L: 20603102 53950 Invoice # EOLA09012015 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS 395.33 G/L: 20603102 53950 Invoice # EOLA09012015P2 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS 267.05

Total invoices HUSAIN ABDUL AZIZ 1,078.64

ILLCO, INC G/L: 10859200 54350 Invoice # 1282188 TOOL / PLUMBING-PHILLIPS 86.25

Total invoices ILLCO, INC 86.25



ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE G/L: 20 20200 Invoice # 04396472-0715 STATE SALES TAX FOR JULY 2015 903.05 G/L: 20150003 43020 Invoice # 04396472-0715 STATE SALES TAX FOR JULY 2015 -15.80 G/L: 21 20200 Invoice # 04396472-0715 STATE SALES TAX FOR JULY 2015 1,090.67 G/L: 21150006 43020 Invoice # 04396472-0715 STATE SALES TAX FOR JULY 2015 -19.92


Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 29 of 54 ILLINOIS DEPT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY G/L: 11200000 51240 Invoice # 653042030 UNEMPLOYMENT CHARGES QUARTER 2 2,834.82








ILLINOIS STATE POLICE G/L: 10200000 51670 Invoice # PKO209173-AUG2015 BACKGROUND CHECKS 1,000.00 G/L: 20200000 51670 Invoice # PKO209173-AUG2015 BACKGROUND CHECKS 1,000.00

Total invoices ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 2,000.00

ILONA ABDUL AZIZ G/L: 20603102 53950 Invoice # EOLA083115 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS 166.70

Total invoices ILONA ABDUL AZIZ 166.70

IMAGE PLUS G/L: 2011801 54680 Invoice # 31335 SHIRT - FCC 20.10 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 31338 T-SHIRTS - CHARLIE BROWN 163.89 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 31339 T-SHIRTS - THEATRE GUILD 92.25 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 31376 T-SHIRTS - THEATRE GUILD 21.77 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 31377 T-SHIRTS - APPLAUSE 2015 183.18

Total invoices IMAGE PLUS 481.19

IMAGE PRO SERVICES & SUPPLIES, INC G/L: 10300000 53420 Invoice # 24729 REPAIR (2) PRINTERS - COLE CENTER 707.75

Total invoices IMAGE PRO SERVICES & SUPPLIES, INC 707.75

INTEGRITY FITNESS G/L: 20603103 53440 Invoice # 6748 REPAIR - LIFE FITNESS TREADMILL 287.93 G/L: 20603103 53440 Invoice # 6849 KEISER CYCLING SEATS 307.60

Total invoices INTEGRITY FITNESS 595.53

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 30 of 54 IT SAVVY G/L: 20300000 57090 Invoice # 801632 SCANNER 561.40

Total invoices IT SAVVY 561.40

IVAN CHAMBERS G/L: 20600002 56510 Invoice # EXP-8/4/15 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 69.00

Total invoices IVAN CHAMBERS 69.00

J.W. TURF, INC G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 31539 EQUIPMENT PARTS 24.80 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 35598 EQUIPMENT PARTS 60.88

Total invoices J.W. TURF, INC 85.68

JANCO SUPPLY, INC G/L: 10859200 54090 Invoice # 266086 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 49.00

Total invoices JANCO SUPPLY, INC 49.00


Total invoices JEFF ELLIS & ASSOCIATES INC 104.00

JEFF ELLIS MANAGEMENT, LLC G/L: 20604603 53090 Invoice # 2007511 AUGUST MGMT FEE/PAYROLL - VAC AQUATIC 5,833.00 G/L: 20606603 53950 Invoice # 2007511 AUGUST MGMT FEE/PAYROLL - VAC AQUATIC 31,000.00 G/L: 2029303 53950 Invoice # 2007569 JULY SWIM LESSON IN SERVICE 241.50 G/L: 20606503 53950 Invoice # 2007574 JULY AQUATIC RENTALS - VAC 307.15 G/L: 2029303 53950 Invoice # 2007576 SUMMER WEEKDAY SESS 4 SWIM LESSONS 4,403.52 G/L: 2029303 53950 Invoice # 2007596 SUMMER WEEKEND SESSION - VAC 5,744.71 G/L: 2029303 53950 Invoice # 2007597 SUMMER WEEKEND SESSION - VAC 1,074.88 G/L: 2029303 53950 Invoice # 2007600 SUMMER SESSION #5 WKD - VAC 854.94 G/L: 2029303 53950 Invoice # 2007604 SWIMTASTIC SUMMER CAMP - VAC 999.38 G/L: 2029303 53950 Invoice # 2007605 AUGUST SWIM INSTRUCTOR - VAC 147.00 G/L: 2029303 53950 Invoice # 2007608 SUMMER SESSION #5 WKDY - VAC 3,169.34 G/L: 20606503 53950 Invoice # 2007609 AUGUST RENTALS - VAC 409.96 G/L: 2029303 53950 Invoice # 2007610 SUMMER SESSION MASTERS SWIM 358.80

Total invoices JEFF ELLIS MANAGEMENT, LLC 54,544.18


Total invoices JEFFREY A POINDEXTER 75.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 31 of 54 JENNIFER HUBER G/L: 2011201 54680 Invoice # EXP-8/4/15 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 52.00 G/L: 2011801 54680 Invoice # EXP-8/4/15 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 42.25 G/L: 2027601 54680 Invoice # EXP-8/4/15 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 35.00 G/L: 2057601 54680 Invoice # EXP-8/4/15 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 22.00

Total invoices JENNIFER HUBER 151.25

JESSE TORRES G/L: 2035526 53950 Invoice # AUG 17-27 BOXING INSTRUCTOR AUG 17-27 150.50 G/L: 2035526 53950 Invoice # AUG 3-AUG 13 BOXING INSTRUCTOR AUG 301.00 G/L: 2035526 53950 Invoice # JULY 20-JULY 30 BOXING INSTRUCTION JULY 20-30 301.00

Total invoices JESSE TORRES 752.50

JOANNA M ALBERT G/L: 20603103 53950 Invoice # VAC- AUG 2015 PERSONAL TRAINING - VAC 227.95

Total invoices JOANNA M ALBERT 227.95

JOFIT, LLC G/L: 20603203 56010 Invoice # 74414 VAC TENNIS SHOP MERCHANDISE 808.27

Total invoices JOFIT, LLC 808.27

JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES, INC G/L: 10859111 54250 Invoice # 72760440 IRRIGATION VALVE BOXES - VAC 127.48 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 72989621 EQUIPMENT PARTS 54.98 G/L: 20859625 54250 Invoice # 72989721 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES - STUART 362.33 G/L: 20859654 54250 Invoice # 72989721 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES - STUART 1,000.00 G/L: 10859131 54250 Invoice # 72997202 IRRIGATION PARTS 165.77 G/L: 10859131 54250 Invoice # 73077636 IRRIGATION PARTS 37.70

Total invoices JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES, INC 1,748.26

JOLENE F MELLES G/L: 10200000 53100 Invoice # AUG 2015 AUG CONSULTING - HEALTH INSURANCE 423.75 G/L: 20200000 53100 Invoice # AUG 2015 AUG CONSULTING - HEALTH INSURANCE 423.75

Total invoices JOLENE F MELLES 847.50

JON MICHAEL G/L: 10300000 52030 Invoice # EXP-8/20/15 JULY CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 50.00

Total invoices JON MICHAEL 50.00

JOSE PEREZ G/L: 10 20140 Invoice # REPLACE CK REPLACE REFUND CK 72861 10.00

Total invoices JOSE PEREZ 10.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 32 of 54 JOSEPH A GUTH G/L: 20603103 53950 Invoice # VAC-8/31/15 PERSONAL TRAINING 8-31-15 940.19

Total invoices JOSEPH A GUTH 940.19

KANE COUNTY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS G/L: 22808123 53070 Invoice # 2015-00000010 2015-16 DISPATCH SERVICES 40,942.35


KARL KETTELKAMP G/L: 21859206 54610 Invoice # 729565 BARN STRAW 508.00

Total invoices KARL KETTELKAMP 508.00

KATHERINE WALL G/L: 2014425 54680 Invoice # EXP-7/16/15 MILEAGE - CAMP COORDINATOR 221.95

Total invoices KATHERINE WALL 221.95

KELLIE M MCKANNA G/L: 20603103 53950 Invoice # VAC-AUG 2015 PERSONAL TRAINING 8-31-15 816.56

Total invoices KELLIE M MCKANNA 816.56


Total invoices KENDALL COUNTY CONCRETE, INC 762.00

KEVIN WEIS G/L: 20603103 53950 Invoice # VAC-083115 PERSONAL TRAINING 8-31-15 469.87

Total invoices KEVIN WEIS 469.87

KIDS FIRST SPORTS SAFETY, INC G/L: 2075302 53950 Invoice # 80114 BASKETBALL CAMP - EOLA 686.70 G/L: 2075302 53950 Invoice # 80119 DODGE BALL CAMP - EOLA 763.00 G/L: 2075302 53950 Invoice # 80123 BADMINTON CAMP - EOLA 249.20 G/L: 2075303 53950 Invoice # 80184/80185 KIDS FIRST ULTIMATE SUMMER FUN 728.00 G/L: 2075302 53950 Invoice # 80192 VOLLEYBALL CAMP - EOLA 763.00 G/L: 2075302 53950 Invoice # 80200 TRACK & FIELD CAMP - EOLA 289.10 G/L: 2075302 53950 Invoice # 80209 FLAG FOOTBALL CAMP - EOLA 1,297.10 G/L: 2075302 53950 Invoice # 80218 FLAG FOOTBALL CAMP - EOLA 763.10 G/L: 2075302 53950 Invoice # 81542/81543 BASKETBALL PROGRAM - EOLA 837.20 G/L: 2075302 53950 Invoice # 81546/81547 SUNDAY SOCCER PROGRAM - EOLA 992.25 G/L: 2075302 53950 Invoice # 81550 SUNDAY VOLLEYBALL PROGRAM - EOLA 354.20

Total invoices KIDS FIRST SPORTS SAFETY, INC 7,722.85

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 33 of 54 KINNALLY, FLAHERTY, KRENTZ & LORAN, P.C. G/L: 10100200 53000 Invoice # 220-00-125 LEGAL SERVICES 650.00

Total invoices KINNALLY, FLAHERTY, KRENTZ & LORAN, P.C. 650.00

KINNALLY/AMEX G/L: 10100200 53000 Invoice # 219-00-155 JULY LEGAL SERVICES - RETAINER 3,375.00 G/L: 20100200 53000 Invoice # 219-00-155 JULY LEGAL SERVICES - RETAINER 2,700.00 G/L: 21100200 53000 Invoice # 219-00-155 JULY LEGAL SERVICES - RETAINER 337.50 G/L: 22808123 53000 Invoice # 219-00-155 JULY LEGAL SERVICES - RETAINER 337.50

Total invoices KINNALLY/AMEX 6,750.00


Total invoices KRISTIN DRYNAN 16.00

KYLE DONAHUE G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # EXP-8/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 85.24 G/L: 2017101 54680 Invoice # EXP-8/24-2 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 20.59 G/L: 2017501 54680 Invoice # EXP-8/24-2 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 85.79

Total invoices KYLE DONAHUE 191.62

L.W. MEYER, INC G/L: 10859531 54190 Invoice # 650065 SUPPLIES - BRIDGE REPAIR 259.98 G/L: 10859531 54350 Invoice # 650065 SUPPLIES - BRIDGE REPAIR 8.00

Total invoices L.W. MEYER, INC 267.98

LAIDLAW TRANSIT INC G/L: 2032303 54680 Invoice # 181-C-017681 BUS - SUMMER BLAST FIELDTRIP 229.50 G/L: 2032303 54680 Invoice # 181-C-017682 BUS - VAC SUMMER BLAST FIELDTRIP 267.75 G/L: 2032303 54680 Invoice # 181-C-017683 TRANSPORTATION - SUMMER BLAST 293.25 G/L: 2032303 54680 Invoice # 181-C-017686 TRANSPORTATION - SUMMER BLAST 875.67 G/L: 2014425 53950 Invoice # 181-C-017777 BUSING - SUMMER BLAST FIELD TRIPS 1,807.42 G/L: 2032303 54680 Invoice # 181-C-017777 BUSING - SUMMER BLAST FIELD TRIPS 510.00 G/L: 2073801 54680 Invoice # 181-C-017777 BUSING - SUMMER BLAST FIELD TRIPS 75.50 G/L: 2029902 53950 Invoice # 185-C-03270 BUSSING - EOLA CAMP FIELD TRIPS 408.00 G/L: 2029902 53950 Invoice # 185-C-063269 BUSSING - EOLA CAMP FIELD TRIPS 408.00

Total invoices LAIDLAW TRANSIT INC 4,875.09

LANDMARK FORD, INC G/L: 22808123 54650 Invoice # 156673 2015 FORD TAURUS 804.00 G/L: 34850000 57030 Invoice # 156673 2015 FORD TAURUS 18,000.00

Total invoices LANDMARK FORD, INC 18,804.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 34 of 54 LEE AUTO PARTS INC G/L: 22859323 54220 Invoice # 431-276926 SQUAD PARTS 83.79 G/L: 22859323 54220 Invoice # 431-276927 PARTS - SQUAD #20 126.77 G/L: 10859300 54360 Invoice # 431-276928 12 GAL COOLANT 135.12 G/L: 22859323 54220 Invoice # 431-276949 SQUAD PARTS 31.15 G/L: 10859300 54220 Invoice # 431-277023 TRUCK PARTS 11.26 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-277041 EQUIPMENT PARTS 34.75 G/L: 10859300 54220 Invoice # 431-277055 CREDIT MEMO -193.83 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-277149 EQUIPMENT PARTS 10.28 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-277150 EQUIPMENT PARTS 10.28 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-277162 EQUIPMENT PARTS 2.73 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-277195 EQUIPMENT PARTS 13.92 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-277269 EQUIPMENT PARTS 30.64 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-277271 PART - UNIT #1414 30.64 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-277538 PARTS - TRUCK #230 12.38 G/L: 10859300 54360 Invoice # 431-277714 GREASE/TRANSFLUSH 142.81 G/L: 10859300 54220 Invoice # 431-277733 PARTS - TRUCK #230 9.69 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-277812 EQUIPMENT PARTS 15.07 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-277814 EQUIPMENT PARTS 15.07 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-277861 EQUIPMENT PARTS 95.22 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-278042 EQUIPMENT PARTS 8.32 G/L: 10859300 54220 Invoice # 431-278083 PARTS - TRUCK #234 28.28 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-278084 STOCK FILTERS 169.81 G/L: 10859300 54220 Invoice # 431-278160 TRUCK PARTS 6.09 G/L: 10859300 54360 Invoice # 431-278161 SHOP SUPPLIES 8.22 G/L: 10859300 54220 Invoice # 431-278163 TRUCK PARTS 24.34 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-278215 EQUIPMENT PARTS 75.22 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-278290 EQUIPMENT PARTS 10.08 G/L: 21859206 54260 Invoice # 431-278453 PARTS - BFARM TRAIN 194.67 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-278455 EQUIPMENT PARTS 68.69 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 431-278510 TRANSFLUID #64/GREASE 237.47

Total invoices LEE AUTO PARTS INC 1,448.93

LEHI VALLEY TRADING CO G/L: 2137406 54680 Invoice # 0135686-IN GIFT SHOP CANDY 466.58 G/L: 21604306 56020 Invoice # 0135686-IN GIFT SHOP CANDY 495.33 G/L: 21604306 56020 Invoice # 0136211-IN GIFT SHOP CANDY 272.71

Total invoices LEHI VALLEY TRADING CO 1,234.62

LINCOLN EQUIPMENT, INC G/L: 20600003 54370 Invoice # SI273848 (2) AQUATIC MATS 3'x33' 1,740.00

Total invoices LINCOLN EQUIPMENT, INC 1,740.00

LORI JONES G/L: 10 20140 Invoice # REPLACE CK REPLACE REFUND CK 63612 42.00

Total invoices LORI JONES 42.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 35 of 54 LYNN M PIOTROWSKI G/L: 2017101 54680 Invoice # EXP-8/4/15-1 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 131.03 G/L: 2017101 54680 Invoice # EXP-8/4/15-2 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 86.13 G/L: 2017101 54680 Invoice # EXP-8/4/15-3 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 199.45 G/L: 2017101 54680 Invoice # EXP-8/4/15-4 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 234.05

Total invoices LYNN M PIOTROWSKI 650.66

LYRIC OPERA OF CHICAGO G/L: 2027601 54680 Invoice # 2666499-DEPOSIT DEPOSIT - 12/11 THEATER TRIP 529.00

Total invoices LYRIC OPERA OF CHICAGO 529.00

MARATHON SPORTSWEAR G/L: 2045503 54680 Invoice # 154265 BIGGEST LOSER T-SHIRTS 288.06

Total invoices MARATHON SPORTSWEAR 288.06

MARGARET GAZDACKA G/L: 2011701 54680 Invoice # EXP-8/19/15 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 25.00

Total invoices MARGARET GAZDACKA 25.00

MARINEYDA GREGORY-RIVAS G/L: 2056125 54680 Invoice # EXP-7/20/15 MILEAGE 74.28

Total invoices MARINEYDA GREGORY-RIVAS 74.28

MATTHEW ODOM G/L: 2025202 54680 Invoice # EXP-7/30/15 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 10.00

Total invoices MATTHEW ODOM 10.00

MBS IDENTIFICATION, INC G/L: 20600003 54040 Invoice # 24091 RIBBONS - ID PRINTER 595.00

Total invoices MBS IDENTIFICATION, INC 595.00

MEGAN F VORIS G/L: 2056125 54680 Invoice # EXP-7/21/15 MILEAGE 27.06

Total invoices MEGAN F VORIS 27.06

MELISSA & DOUG, LLC G/L: 21604306 56020 Invoice # 6323586 GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE 227.55

Total invoices MELISSA & DOUG, LLC 227.55

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 36 of 54 MENARDS - BATAVIA G/L: 21859206 54190 Invoice # 92269 BUILDING MATERIAL - BLACKBERRY FARM 15.11 G/L: 2134705 54680 Invoice # 98762 RED OAK SUPPLIES 35.90 G/L: 21604305 54010 Invoice # 98762 RED OAK SUPPLIES 69.98 G/L: 21859205 54350 Invoice # 98762 RED OAK SUPPLIES 64.99 G/L: 21859205 54610 Invoice # 98762 RED OAK SUPPLIES 34.98 G/L: 21604305 54680 Invoice # 98770 PLANTS 167.05 G/L: 10859400 54150 Invoice # 99995 8" SCISSOR 5.98 G/L: 10859400 54350 Invoice # 99998 HOSES/BREAKERS,SEVIN, REPAIR KITS 80.26 G/L: 21859406 54150 Invoice # 99998 HOSES/BREAKERS,SEVIN, REPAIR KITS 43.96

Total invoices MENARDS - BATAVIA 518.21

MIDWEST AWARDS CORP G/L: 21604305 51640 Invoice # 18333 (4) NAME TAGS - RED OAK 27.80 G/L: 20600003 54000 Invoice # 18337 SM WHITE COLOR NAME TAGS 119.00

Total invoices MIDWEST AWARDS CORP 146.80

MIDWEST GROUNDCOVERS LLC G/L: 10859400 54150 Invoice # I477689 PERENNIALS - PRISCO/BFARM 45.85 G/L: 21859406 54150 Invoice # I477689 PERENNIALS - PRISCO/BFARM 54.25

Total invoices MIDWEST GROUNDCOVERS LLC 100.10

MIDWEST TRADING G/L: 187011 57300 Invoice # I407343 POND BREACH RESTORATION - LIPPOLD 1,069.60 G/L: 297050 57020 Invoice # I477255 PLANT MATERIAL - RED OAK CAVE 76.00

Total invoices MIDWEST TRADING 1,145.60

MIKE & DENISE'S PIZZERIA & PUB G/L: 2031602 54680 Invoice # AMAZING RACE 2015 POST EVENT - AMAZING RACE 1,000.00

Total invoices MIKE & DENISE'S PIZZERIA & PUB 1,000.00

MOLLY B HANKINS G/L: 20603102 53950 Invoice # EOLA-082515A PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS 180.70

Total invoices MOLLY B HANKINS 180.70

MORENO AND SONS INC G/L: 20600003 53440 Invoice # 5186 FIELD HOUSE CURTAIN 1 REPAIR 430.00

Total invoices MORENO AND SONS INC 430.00

MOTION INDUSTRIES, INC G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # IL42-725251 BEARINGS 4 DK WHEELS 110.60

Total invoices MOTION INDUSTRIES, INC 110.60

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 37 of 54 MUZAK/AMEX G/L: 20600001 53990 Invoice # 51728998 SEMI-ANNUAL MUSIC SERVICES - PRISCO 626.61 G/L: 20600002 53990 Invoice # 51729004 SEMI-ANNUAL MUSIC SERVICES - EOLA 1,105.56 G/L: 20600003 53990 Invoice # 51730702 SEMI-ANNUAL MUSIC SERVICE - VAC 679.32

Total invoices MUZAK/AMEX 2,411.49


Total invoices MYTHILI RAVINDRA 100.00

N.T.I. LINENS G/L: 20603103 54680 Invoice # 28427 HAND TOWELS 120 DOZ BATH 30 DOZ 1,612.50 G/L: 20603103 54680 Invoice # 28815 HAND TOWELS 120 DOZ, BATH TOWELS 1,612.50

Total invoices N.T.I. LINENS 3,225.00

NANCY MCCAUL G/L: 10300000 52030 Invoice # EXP-8/3 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 93.09 G/L: 10100100 51600 Invoice # EXP-9/1 TRAVEL/CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 21.40 G/L: 10300000 52030 Invoice # EXP-9/1 TRAVEL/CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 93.09

Total invoices NANCY MCCAUL 207.58

NATURE-WATCH G/L: 2135705 54680 Invoice # 70932A RED OAK SUPPLES 98.66 G/L: 2146205 54680 Invoice # 70932A RED OAK SUPPLES 81.96

Total invoices NATURE-WATCH 180.62

NEDROW DECORATING, INC G/L: 20859202 53350 Invoice # 15128 FACILITY PAINTING - EOLA 19,745.00

Total invoices NEDROW DECORATING, INC 19,745.00

NICOLE DADSON G/L: 10 20140 Invoice # REPLACE CK REPLACE REFUND CK 114412 110.60

Total invoices NICOLE DADSON 110.60

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 38 of 54 NICOR GAS G/L: 20859203 52000 Invoice # 04074508336-0815 VAC - 7/1-8/1 794.18 G/L: 21859205 52000 Invoice # 05204010002-0815 RED OAK - 7/23-8/21 46.74 G/L: 21859206 52000 Invoice # 06835316040-0815 BLACKBERRY FARM - 6/23-8/24 13.87 G/L: 10859212 52000 Invoice # 18214010003-0815 OAKHURST - 7/23-8/21 42.73 G/L: 10859230 52000 Invoice # 23587210008-0815 712 S RIVER ST - 7/6-8/4 94.80 G/L: 21859206 52000 Invoice # 24778110007-0815 BLACKBERRY FARM - 7/23-8/21 41.46 G/L: 22859223 52000 Invoice # 28778884990-0815 POLICE - 7/23-8/21 45.76 G/L: 21859206 52000 Invoice # 35615900004-0815 BLACKBERRY FARM - 7/23-8/21 48.01 G/L: 20859201 52000 Invoice # 3902521004-0815 PRISCO - 7/1-8/1 170.38 G/L: 20859226 52000 Invoice # 43962698288-0815 COPLEY II - 7/29-8/26 28.92 G/L: 20859202 52000 Invoice # 69168900004-0815 EOLA - 7/1-8/1 196.45 G/L: 10859216 52000 Invoice # 77729900009-0815 GREENHOUSE - 7/1-8/1 145.54 G/L: 21859206 52000 Invoice # 81778110007-0815 BLACKBERRY FARM - 7/23-8/24 30.01 G/L: 21859206 52000 Invoice # 91778110006-0815 BLACKBERRY FARM - 7/23-8/21 53.27 G/L: 10859211 52000 Invoice # 94615010009-0815 BARNES RD MAINT - 7/23-8/21 44.73 G/L: 10859231 52000 Invoice # 97642339556-0815 COLE CENTER - 7/17-8/17 110.14

Total invoices NICOR GAS 1,906.99

NORTH AMERICAN G/L: 20600002 54090 Invoice # 7513984-1 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - EOLA 118.43 G/L: 20600003 54090 Invoice # 7621038 CUSTODIAL/FITNESS/CAFE SUPPLIES 136.68 G/L: 20603103 54680 Invoice # 7621038 CUSTODIAL/FITNESS/CAFE SUPPLIES 655.52 G/L: 20607603 54465 Invoice # 7621038 CUSTODIAL/FITNESS/CAFE SUPPLIES 130.98 G/L: 20600002 54090 Invoice # 7621415 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - EOLA 100.10 G/L: 20600002 54090 Invoice # 7634505 FLOOR WAX, GARBAGE BAGS - EOLA 443.23 G/L: 20600001 54090 Invoice # 7634506 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - PRISCO 780.10 G/L: 21604306 54090 Invoice # 7634508 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - BFARM 1,728.55 G/L: 20600002 54090 Invoice # 7635786 FLOOR WAX - EOLA 1,378.88 G/L: 20600001 54090 Invoice # 7635787 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - PRISCO 81.85 G/L: 20600003 54090 Invoice # 7637718 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - VAC 704.97 G/L: 20603103 54680 Invoice # 7637718 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - VAC 410.03 G/L: 10859231 54090 Invoice # 7640593 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - COLE 298.17 G/L: 20600002 54090 Invoice # 7642051 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - EOLA 556.88 G/L: 21604305 54090 Invoice # 7642055 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - RED OAK 69.12 G/L: 20600003 54090 Invoice # 7644832 CUSTODIAL/FITNESS SUPPLIES - VAC 1,085.81 G/L: 20603103 54680 Invoice # 7644832 CUSTODIAL/FITNESS SUPPLIES - VAC 923.03 G/L: 20600003 53390 Invoice # 7646344 KAIVAC REPAIR #3 717.86 G/L: 20603103 54680 Invoice # 7648412 FITNESS SUPPLIES - VAC 267.12

Total invoices NORTH AMERICAN 10,587.31

O'MALLEY WELDING & FABRICATING INC G/L: 21859205 57055 Invoice # 16651 ENTRANCE GATE FABRIC - RED OAK 6,000.00

Total invoices O'MALLEY WELDING & FABRICATING INC 6,000.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 39 of 54 OCTAVIO MODESTO G/L: 2035526 53950 Invoice # AUG 17-27 BOXING INSTRUCTOR AUG 17-27 301.00 G/L: 2042026 53950 Invoice # AUG 24-27 BOXING WITH A SHIELD AUG 24-27 182.75 G/L: 2035526 53950 Invoice # AUG 3- AUG 13 BOXING INSTRUCTOR AUG 301.00 G/L: 2035526 53950 Invoice # JULY 20-JULY 30 BOXING INSTRUCTION ULY 20-30 301.00

Total invoices OCTAVIO MODESTO 1,085.75

OFFICE DEPOT G/L: 20600003 54010 Invoice # 1817425675 INK CARTRIDGE AND BLACK MARKER 138.36 G/L: 20600003 54010 Invoice # 1825271162 OFFICE SUPPLIES - VAC 56.95 G/L: 10150031 54010 Invoice # 783368012001 NOTARY STAMP 19.50 G/L: 20150031 54010 Invoice # 783368012001 NOTARY STAMP 19.49 G/L: 10150031 54010 Invoice # 783368087001 PENS 6.08 G/L: 20150031 54010 Invoice # 783368087001 PENS 6.08

Total invoices OFFICE DEPOT 246.46


Total invoices OZINGA READY MIX CONCRETE, INC 480.00

PARAMOUNT THEATRE G/L: 2027601 54680 Invoice # 10/7-FINAL FINAL PYMT - 10/7 OKLAHOMA TRIP 320.00 G/L: 2027601 54680 Invoice # 2/10-DEPOSIT DEPOSIT - 2/10/16 HAIRSPRAY 140.00

Total invoices PARAMOUNT THEATRE 460.00

PARTS TREE.COM G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 4953400 EQUIPMENT PARTS 117.63 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 4984903 EQUIPMENT PARTS 1,423.92 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 4990781 EQUIPMENT PARTS 45.92 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 5014788 HYDRO PUMPS - ZERO TURNS 997.07

Total invoices PARTS TREE.COM 2,584.54

PETCO ANIMAL SUPPLIES, INC G/L: 21859205 54610 Invoice # 060007 RED OAK ANIMAL SUPPLIES 9.98 G/L: 21859205 54610 Invoice # 060008 RED OAK ANIMAL SUPPLIES 62.89 G/L: 21859205 54610 Invoice # 060009 RED OAK ANIMAL SUPPLIES 11.98 G/L: 21859205 54610 Invoice # 060010 RED OAK ANIMAL SUPPLIES 48.46 G/L: 2121505 54680 Invoice # 060011 CAMP/ANIMAL SUPPLIES - RED OAK 33.98 G/L: 21859205 54610 Invoice # 060011 CAMP/ANIMAL SUPPLIES - RED OAK 175.54 G/L: 21859205 54610 Invoice # 060012 RED OAK ANIMAL SUPPLIES 19.98

Total invoices PETCO ANIMAL SUPPLIES, INC 362.81


Total invoices PETRA HYGIENIC SYSTEMS 1,365.90

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 40 of 54 PETTY CASH G/L: 2073801 54680 Invoice # 8/13 FIELD TRIP 8/13 LINCOLN PARK ZOO TRIP 97.00 G/L: 2073801 54680 Invoice # 8/5/15 TRIP 8/5 PELICAN HARBOR FIELD TRIP 96.00 G/L: 21 10140 Invoice # BFARM-8/25/15 CASH BANK - BFARM 500.00 G/L: 21 10120 Invoice # BUG FEST 2015 CONCESSION BANK - BUG FEST 200.00 G/L: 2135705 54680 Invoice # RED OAK-8/24/15 REIMBURSE PETTY CASH - RED OAK 33.99 G/L: 2146205 54680 Invoice # RED OAK-8/24/15 REIMBURSE PETTY CASH - RED OAK 12.99 G/L: 21604305 54620 Invoice # RED OAK-8/24/15 REIMBURSE PETTY CASH - RED OAK 23.97 G/L: 2032303 54680 Invoice # VAC-8/14 REIMBURSE PETTY CASH - VAC 26.37 G/L: 2054703 54680 Invoice # VAC-8/14 REIMBURSE PETTY CASH - VAC 35.00 G/L: 20603103 53440 Invoice # VAC-8/14 REIMBURSE PETTY CASH - VAC 17.45

Total invoices PETTY CASH 1,042.77

PIKE SYSTEMS, INC G/L: 20600001 54230 Invoice # 638941 EQUIPMENT PARTS 27.66 G/L: 20600001 54090 Invoice # 639230 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - PRISCO 90.30 G/L: 20600001 54090 Invoice # 639243 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - PRISCO 24.50

Total invoices PIKE SYSTEMS, INC 142.46

PIONEER MANUFACTURING COMPANY G/L: 20859654 53390 Invoice # INV555346 PARTS - LINE PAINTER 152.00 G/L: 20859654 53390 Invoice # INV567095 FIELD PAINTER REPAIRS 147.00


PIZZO NATIVE PLANT NURSERY, LLC G/L: 10859400 54150 Invoice # SI-12195 PLUGS - EOLA BRIDGE 950.40




POMP'S TIRE SERVICE, INC G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 330059331 CREDIT MEMO -71.00 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 330059544 EQUIPMENT TIRES 723.16 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 330060288 TIRES - EQUIPMENT 590.14

Total invoices POMP'S TIRE SERVICE, INC 1,242.30

POWER SYSTEMS G/L: 2048702 54680 Invoice # 8136908 GROUP EXERCISE EQUIPMENT 335.05 G/L: 20603102 57070 Invoice # 8136908 GROUP EXERCISE EQUIPMENT 84.95

Total invoices POWER SYSTEMS 420.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 41 of 54 PPG ARCHITECTURAL FINISHES G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 947202006154 PAINT - GREENE FIELD 30.78 G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 947202006173 PAINT - GREENE FIELD 33.32 G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 947203027085 PAINT - GREENE FIELD 169.32 G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 947203027179 PAINT - GREENE FIELD 10.79 G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 947203027188 PAINT,SUPPLIES - STUART 169.81 G/L: 10859231 54290 Invoice # 947203027210 PAINT, SUPPLIES - COLE 54.74 G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 947203027235 PAINT SUPPLIES - STUART SPORTS 82.78 G/L: 20600003 54290 Invoice # 947203027304 PAINT SUPPLIES - VAC 48.87 G/L: 20600003 54290 Invoice # 947203027381 PAINT, SUPPLIES - VAC 46.54 G/L: 20600003 54290 Invoice # 947203027398 PAINT SUPPLIES - VAC 31.98 G/L: 20600003 54290 Invoice # 947203027536 PAINT - VAC 45.00 G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 947203027563 PAINT - SIMMONS 34.98 G/L: 20600003 54290 Invoice # 947203027575 PAINT - VAC 35.45 G/L: 21859205 54290 Invoice # 947203027600 PAINT, SUPPLIES - RED OAK 73.44 G/L: 21859206 54290 Invoice # 947203027637 PAINT - BLACKBERRY FARM 26.95


PRESENCE HOSPITALS PRV G/L: 10200000 51670 Invoice # FOVALAUR2-0715 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH JUNE 689.00 G/L: 10200000 51990 Invoice # FOVALAUR2-0715 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH JUNE 127.00 G/L: 10200000 51995 Invoice # FOVALAUR2-0715 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH JUNE 24.00 G/L: 20200000 51670 Invoice # FOVALAUR2-0715 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH JUNE 689.00 G/L: 20200000 51990 Invoice # FOVALAUR2-0715 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH JUNE 127.00 G/L: 20200000 51995 Invoice # FOVALAUR2-0715 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH JUNE 24.00 G/L: 10200000 51670 Invoice # FOVALAUR2-0815 EMP PHYSICALS,POST ACCIDENTS & SHOTS 200.00 G/L: 10200000 51990 Invoice # FOVALAUR2-0815 EMP PHYSICALS,POST ACCIDENTS & SHOTS 380.00 G/L: 20200000 51670 Invoice # FOVALAUR2-0815 EMP PHYSICALS,POST ACCIDENTS & SHOTS 200.00 G/L: 20200000 51990 Invoice # FOVALAUR2-0815 EMP PHYSICALS,POST ACCIDENTS & SHOTS 380.00

Total invoices PRESENCE HOSPITALS PRV 2,840.00

PRINCE AMERICAS, LLC G/L: 2010003 54680 Invoice # 15345580 TENNIS STRING 65.86

Total invoices PRINCE AMERICAS, LLC 65.86

PRO BODY & PAINT G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 7/15/15 REPAIR - TRUCK #226 3,731.72

Total invoices PRO BODY & PAINT 3,731.72

PRODUCERS CHEMICAL CO G/L: 20859203 54560 Invoice # 210902 POOL CHEMICALS - VAC 769.75

Total invoices PRODUCERS CHEMICAL CO 769.75

PROFORMA G/L: 2134705 54680 Invoice # 90E3500535 BAGS AND PRIZES - BUG FEST 968.89 G/L: 2134705 54680 Invoice # 90e3500544 T-SHIRTS - BUG FEST 355.74

Total invoices PROFORMA 1,324.63

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 42 of 54 PURCHASE POWER G/L: 10150000 53710 Invoice # 7237-0815 POSTAGE - POSTAGE MACHINE 500.00 G/L: 20150000 53710 Invoice # 7237-0815 POSTAGE - POSTAGE MACHINE 1,000.00

Total invoices PURCHASE POWER 1,500.00

QUICK SIGNS INC G/L: 2137406 54680 Invoice # 15270 SIGNS - CIVIL WAR DAYS 244.80 G/L: 21859206 54210 Invoice # 15271 CAMP SIGNS - BFARM 81.60

Total invoices QUICK SIGNS INC 326.40

R. J. O'NEIL, INC G/L: 20859203 53350 Invoice # 101717 HVAC REPAIR - VAC 2,031.16 G/L: 20859203 53350 Invoice # 101734 REFRIGERATION SERVICE - VAC 983.98 G/L: 25000000 53375 Invoice # 101841 DRAIN REPAIRS - VAC 1,211.00 G/L: 20859201 53355 Invoice # 101878 2ND QUARTER HVAC PM - PRISCO 1,080.00 G/L: 20859201 53350 Invoice # 101901 HVAC REPAIR - PRISCO 2,197.64 G/L: 20859203 53350 Invoice # 101931 BACKFLOW TESTING - VAC 756.75 G/L: 20859203 53350 Invoice # 101935 HVAC REPAIR - VAC 301.26 G/L: 22808123 53350 Invoice # 101944 HVAC REPAIR - POLICE 2,275.00 G/L: 20859203 53350 Invoice # 101951 HVAC REPAIR - VAC 730.07 G/L: 20859202 53350 Invoice # 101969 HVAC REPAIR - EOLA 605.00 G/L: 25000000 53375 Invoice # 101975 INSTALL SHOWER TRIM - VAC 406.82 G/L: 22808123 53350 Invoice # 101981 COMMERCIAL HVAC - POLICE 1,814.27 G/L: 20859201 53350 Invoice # 102002 HVAC REPAIR - PRISCO 345.00

Total invoices R. J. O'NEIL, INC 14,737.95


Total invoices RAVINDRA RENGAN 100.00

REBECCA PHETTEPLACE G/L: 20350000 51600 Invoice # EXP-7/31/15 JULY MILEAGE 62.91

Total invoices REBECCA PHETTEPLACE 62.91

REINDERS, INC G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 1598165-00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 163.71 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 1598165-01 EQUIPMENT PARTS 18.20 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 1598391-00 FUEL FILTERS 114.14 G/L: 34850000 57060 Invoice # 4037116-00 MATAWAY OVERSEEDER 5,590.00 G/L: 34850000 57060 Invoice # 4037137-01 TORO WORKMAN MDE 11,491.66 G/L: 34850000 57060 Invoice # 4037143-01 TORO EQUIPMENT 6,999.00

Total invoices REINDERS, INC 24,376.71

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 43 of 54 REPUBLIC SERVICES/AMEX G/L: 10859200 53790 Invoice # 551-011715660 JULY REFUSE REMOVAL 968.00 G/L: 10859231 53790 Invoice # 551-011715660 JULY REFUSE REMOVAL 84.00 G/L: 20859201 53790 Invoice # 551-011715660 JULY REFUSE REMOVAL 193.00 G/L: 20859202 53790 Invoice # 551-011715660 JULY REFUSE REMOVAL 362.00 G/L: 20859203 53790 Invoice # 551-011715660 JULY REFUSE REMOVAL 202.00 G/L: 20859226 53790 Invoice # 551-011715660 JULY REFUSE REMOVAL 20.00 G/L: 21859205 53790 Invoice # 551-011715660 JULY REFUSE REMOVAL 17.00 G/L: 21859206 53790 Invoice # 551-011715660 JULY REFUSE REMOVAL 637.00 G/L: 22808123 53790 Invoice # 551-011715660 JULY REFUSE REMOVAL 12.00

Total invoices REPUBLIC SERVICES/AMEX 2,495.00

REULAND FOOD SERVICE G/L: 2135406 54680 Invoice # 27827 FOOD - BFARM SPECIAL EVENT 105.00 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 27829 PATSY CLINE DINNER THEATRE TRIP 401.80 G/L: 2154706 54680 Invoice # 27842 BIRTHDAY PARTY FOOD - BFARM 819.91 G/L: 2137406 54680 Invoice # 27859 FOOD - BFARM SPECIAL EVENT 695.00 G/L: 2154706 54680 Invoice # 27872 BIRTHDAY PARTY FOOD - BFARM 224.00 G/L: 2154706 54680 Invoice # 27915 BIRTHDAY PARTY FOOD - BFARM 350.00 G/L: 2154706 54680 Invoice # 27921 BIRTHDAY PARTY FOOD - BFARM 353.00 G/L: 2057601 54680 Invoice # TRIAD PICNIC TRIAD PICINC - PRISCO 474.00

Total invoices REULAND FOOD SERVICE 3,422.71

RICH'S AUTO SERVICE & TOWING G/L: 22859323 53380 Invoice # 8/2 TOW TOW - SQUAD 20 145.00

Total invoices RICH'S AUTO SERVICE & TOWING 145.00

RIVERDALE BODYSHOP OF AURORA G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 1629 REPAIR - TRUCK #1210 627.00 G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 1630 BODY REPAIR - TRUCK M189664 3,271.13 G/L: 10859300 53380 Invoice # 1666 WINDSHIELD REPAIR - TRUCK #255 550.00

Total invoices RIVERDALE BODYSHOP OF AURORA 4,448.13


Total invoices RKS ENTERPRISES, INC 30.00

ROBERT E DAVIDSON JR G/L: 21859205 53350 Invoice # 13922 PUMP SEPTIC TANK - RED OAK 245.00

Total invoices ROBERT E DAVIDSON JR 245.00

ROBINSON'S AUTO REPAIR G/L: 21859306 53380 Invoice # 124,981 TRAILER TIRES MOUNTED 123.29 G/L: 21859306 53380 Invoice # 125,137 TIRES - HAY WAGON 345.47

Total invoices ROBINSON'S AUTO REPAIR 468.76

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 44 of 54 ROGER'S FLOORING G/L: 20859202 53350 Invoice # CG501672-FINAL FINAL PYMT-INSTALL VINYL FLOORING - EOLA 1,817.50 G/L: 20859203 53350 Invoice # CG501791 REPAIR BLUE CORK TILE - MENS LOCKER ROOM 495.00

Total invoices ROGER'S FLOORING 2,312.50

RON CLESEN'S ORNAMENTAL PLANTS G/L: 10859400 54150 Invoice # 51301 PLANT 24.75


ROYAL PUBLISHING, INC G/L: 20350000 53720 Invoice # 7760152 MARKETING 500.00

Total invoices ROYAL PUBLISHING, INC 500.00

RRDONNELLEY/AMEX G/L: 20350000 53730 Invoice # 9400995636 PRINTING SUMMER ACTIVITY GUIDE 57,265.22

Total invoices RRDONNELLEY/AMEX 57,265.22

RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY G/L: 21604305 54010 Invoice # 617013-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES - RED OAK 142.98 G/L: 22808123 54010 Invoice # 620026-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES 32.50 G/L: 21604305 54010 Invoice # 620091-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES - RED OAK 157.84 G/L: 20600001 54010 Invoice # 621024-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES 236.91 G/L: 2031602 54680 Invoice # 621321-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES - EOLA 18.09 G/L: 20600002 54010 Invoice # 621321-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES - EOLA 95.94 G/L: 10150031 54010 Invoice # 621897-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES 238.00 G/L: 21604305 54010 Invoice # 622481-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES - RED OAK 65.98 G/L: 21604305 54090 Invoice # 622481-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES - RED OAK 59.89 G/L: 20600001 54010 Invoice # 623293-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES - PRISCO 176.80 G/L: 20600001 54010 Invoice # 623293-1 OFFICE SUPPLIES - PRISCO 31.05 G/L: 20600001 54010 Invoice # 623504-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES - PRISCO 65.89 G/L: 21604306 54010 Invoice # 623553-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES 63.98 G/L: 21604305 54010 Invoice # 623580-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES - RED OAK 37.25

Total invoices RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 1,423.10

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 45 of 54 RUSSO'S POWER EQUIPMENT INC G/L: 10859531 55990 Invoice # 2505861 CHAIN SAW GUIDE BAR AND CHAIN 69.41 G/L: 10859531 55990 Invoice # 2505868 CHAIN FILE 5.60 G/L: 10859811 54160 Invoice # 2516919 CHAIN SAW PARTS 179.21 G/L: 10859811 54160 Invoice # 2516925 REPAIR - CHAIN SAW 34.72 G/L: 10859811 54160 Invoice # 2516930 CHAIN SAW PARTS 92.54 G/L: 10859811 54160 Invoice # 2516934 CHAIN SAW PARTS 78.40 G/L: 10859112 54350 Invoice # 2533581 2 CYCLE OIL AND GAS CAN 124.32 G/L: 10859112 54350 Invoice # 2557743 TOOLS - GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 491.66 G/L: 10859600 54350 Invoice # 2566330 PRUNING TOOLS 413.94 G/L: 10859131 55990 Invoice # 2566523 WEED WHIP REPAIR PARTS 21.02 G/L: 10859531 55990 Invoice # 2566531 CHAIN SAW HOSE 6.55 G/L: 10859131 55990 Invoice # 2566532 PUSH MOWER REPAIR PARTS 37.17 G/L: 10859131 55990 Invoice # 2567305 WEED WHIP STRING 83.98 G/L: 20859654 54350 Invoice # 2581267 APRON 84.99 G/L: 10859131 55990 Invoice # 2584481 PUSH MOWER REPAIR PARTS 31.91 G/L: 10859131 55990 Invoice # 2584482 WEED WHIP PARTS 15.92 G/L: 10859131 55990 Invoice # 2584483 WEED WHIP PART 4.08 G/L: 10859131 54340 Invoice # 2584484 MOWER BLADE GRINDER 8" 1/2HP 461.99 G/L: 10859131 55990 Invoice # 2596626 PUSH MOWER PARTS 26.24 G/L: 10859600 54350 Invoice # 2605154 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 138.29 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 2607176 EQUIPMENT PART 14.44 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 2607180 EQUIPMENT PART 37.23 G/L: 10859131 54340 Invoice # 2609108 STIHL CHAINSAW/PRUNER 255.66 G/L: 10859131 54350 Invoice # 2609108 STIHL CHAINSAW/PRUNER 22.99 G/L: 10859112 53390 Invoice # 2613022 REPAIR - TORO MOWER 91.60 G/L: 10859131 55990 Invoice # 2616581 EDGER BLADES 61.80 G/L: 10859131 54350 Invoice # 2620488 (2) 60" DOT REACHERS 47.98 G/L: 10859811 54160 Invoice # 2629001 CHAINSAW BARS & CHAINS 621.00 G/L: 10859400 54150 Invoice # 2635195 ROUND UP PRO MAX 69.99 G/L: 21859406 54150 Invoice # 2635195 ROUND UP PRO MAX 69.99 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 2635204 EQUIPMENT PARTS 27.42

Total invoices RUSSO'S POWER EQUIPMENT INC 3,722.04

RYAN THOMPSON G/L: 20603103 53950 Invoice # VAC-083115 PERSONAL TRAINING 8-31-15 1,360.96

Total invoices RYAN THOMPSON 1,360.96


Total invoices SACRED HEART CHURCH 300.00

SAFETY-KLEEN CORP G/L: 10859231 53790 Invoice # 67729228 DISPOSAL OF 15 USED OIL DRUMS 957.15

Total invoices SAFETY-KLEEN CORP 957.15

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 46 of 54 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 3345 SMALL SCALE PERFORMANCES 6.98 G/L: 10859211 54370 Invoice # 000000 ICE MAKER - BARNES RD MAINT 1,389.00 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 0921 SMALL SCALE PERFORMANCES 23.98 G/L: 2154706 54680 Invoice # 1239 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - BLACKBERRY FARM 71.85 G/L: 2012925 54680 Invoice # 1261 SUPPLIES - MONTGOMERY CONCERT 16.04 G/L: 20600001 54010 Invoice # 1522 OFFICE SUPPLIES - PRISCO 144.96 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 4352 SMALL SCALE PERFORMANCES 28.94

Total invoices SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 1,681.75

SANDRA GILMER G/L: 21300006 52030 Invoice # EXP-9/1/15 JULY/AUG CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 100.00

Total invoices SANDRA GILMER 100.00

SANDWICH VETERINARY HOSPITAL G/L: 21859206 54610 Invoice # 117919 VET VISIT - BFARM GOAT 208.63


SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION G/L: 10859230 53355 Invoice # 8104059144 AUG ELEV INSPECTION - RIVER ST/EOLA 211.74 G/L: 20859202 53355 Invoice # 8104059144 AUG ELEV INSPECTION - RIVER ST/EOLA 211.75 G/L: 10859230 53355 Invoice # 8104080175 ELEV INSPECTION - RIVER ST/EOLA 211.75 G/L: 20859202 53355 Invoice # 8104080175 ELEV INSPECTION - RIVER ST/EOLA 211.74


SCHYLLING ASSOCIATES, INC G/L: 21604306 56020 Invoice # SI9681460 GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE 120.00 G/L: 21604306 56020 Invoice # SI9683676 GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE 218.40

Total invoices SCHYLLING ASSOCIATES, INC 338.40

SIKICH LLP G/L: 28150000 53050 Invoice # 225021 AUDIT SERVICES FOR FY 14/15 20,000.00 G/L: 28150000 53050 Invoice # 226926 AUDIT SERVICES THROUGH JULY 31 2,800.00

Total invoices SIKICH LLP 22,800.00

SILVER BEACON G/L: 20350000 53040 Invoice # FV093015R DIGITAL SIGNAGE LICENSE - PRISCO 714.00

Total invoices SILVER BEACON 714.00

SKYHAWKS SPORTS ACADEMY, INC G/L: 2018502 53950 Invoice # 17213 SPORTS ACADEMY CLASSES/CAMPS 851.90 G/L: 2018502 53950 Invoice # 17214 SPORTS ACADEMY CLASSES/CAMPS 386.80 G/L: 2018502 53950 Invoice # 17215 SPORTS ACADEMY CLASSES/CAMPS 241.75

Total invoices SKYHAWKS SPORTS ACADEMY, INC 1,480.45

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 47 of 54 SKYLOGIX, LLC G/L: 20859625 54320 Invoice # 11936 LIGHT REPAIR - GREENE FIELD BALL DIAMOND 1,422.00

Total invoices SKYLOGIX, LLC 1,422.00

SLAWOMIR LORENC G/L: 2024302 53950 Invoice # 107 TABLE TENNIS INSTRUCTION 240.00

Total invoices SLAWOMIR LORENC 240.00

SPORTSFIELDS, INC G/L: 20859625 54180 Invoice # 215688 BALLFIELD CHALK 536.00 G/L: 20859625 54180 Invoice # 215698 BALLFIELD CHALK 536.00

Total invoices SPORTSFIELDS, INC 1,072.00

SPRING DE LEON G/L: 2025101 53950 Invoice # 115 PRIVATE PIANO LESSONS - PRISCO 1,076.40

Total invoices SPRING DE LEON 1,076.40

SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS G/L: 2011701 54680 Invoice # 794652731-027 CELL PHONE SERVICE 51.16 G/L: 20300000 52030 Invoice # 794652731-027 CELL PHONE SERVICE 32.56 G/L: 21300005 52030 Invoice # 794652731-027 CELL PHONE SERVICE 51.16

Total invoices SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS 134.88

STATE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS G/L: 20600002 54090 Invoice # 97331977 DISINFECTANT - EOLA 160.00 G/L: 20600002 54090 Invoice # 97370642 DRAIN CLEANER - EOLA 428.00 G/L: 20600003 54090 Invoice # 97386907 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - VAC 400.01 G/L: 20600002 54090 Invoice # 97415704 DISINFECTANT - EOLA 160.00 G/L: 20600003 54090 Invoice # 97423923 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - VAC 396.88

Total invoices STATE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 1,544.89

STORM MP SOCCER CLUB LLC G/L: 2014702 53950 Invoice # 2015 SUMMER STORM SOCCER CAMP - EOLA 591.00

Total invoices STORM MP SOCCER CLUB LLC 591.00

SUNBELT RENTALS G/L: 20600003 53480 Invoice # 53709138-001 SCISSORS LIFT RENTAL 40 FOOT 516.30

Total invoices SUNBELT RENTALS 516.30

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 48 of 54 SYNCHRONY BANK G/L: 10859531 54100 Invoice # 003258 SPRAYING SUPPLIES 31.98 G/L: 10859112 54350 Invoice # 016461 TOOLS 63.96 G/L: 10859300 54230 Invoice # 017527 EQUIPMENT PARTS 17.97 G/L: 10859131 54100 Invoice # 018812 BOOTS/SHOVEL/TRACTOR PINS 29.99 G/L: 10859131 54350 Invoice # 018812 BOOTS/SHOVEL/TRACTOR PINS 42.98 G/L: 10859300 54360 Invoice # 018812 BOOTS/SHOVEL/TRACTOR PINS 10.66 G/L: 10859300 54220 Invoice # 238827 TIRES - UNIT #234 138.98 G/L: 10859531 54100 Invoice # 853481271LEQ BOOTS/AIR TANK 29.99 G/L: 10859531 54350 Invoice # 853481271LEQ BOOTS/AIR TANK 29.99

Total invoices SYNCHRONY BANK 396.50

TAIL ACTIVEWEAR G/L: 20603203 56010 Invoice # 746308 VAC TENNIS SHOP MERCHANDISE 70.46 G/L: 20603203 56010 Invoice # 746457 VAC TENNIS SHOP MERCHANDISE 179.94

Total invoices TAIL ACTIVEWEAR 250.40

TELASSIST G/L: 10859200 53990 Invoice # 107300773101 ANSWERING SERVICE 41.00 G/L: 22808123 53990 Invoice # 107300773101 ANSWERING SERVICE 41.00

Total invoices TELASSIST 82.00



THE MULCH CENTER G/L: 10859200 54215 Invoice # 5611 WOOD FIBER 1,156.00 G/L: 10859200 54215 Invoice # 6075 PLAYGROUND FIBER 3,468.00

Total invoices THE MULCH CENTER 4,624.00

THE RENTAL PLACE, INC G/L: 21604306 53950 Invoice # 17195-9 EQUIPMENT RENTAL - BFARM 466.70 G/L: 2134705 54680 Invoice # 18226-2 TENT RENTAL - BUG FEST 600.05 G/L: 21604306 53950 Invoice # 18500-4 EQUIPMENT RENTAL - BFARM 792.00

Total invoices THE RENTAL PLACE, INC 1,858.75

THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 1133-3 PAINT, SUPPLIES 59.54 G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 1485-7 PAINT SUPPLIES 34.65 G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 7922-2 PAINT - TABLES AND SHELTERS 201.84 G/L: 10859200 54290 Invoice # 8702-7 PAINT SUPPLIES 69.29

Total invoices THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO 365.32

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 49 of 54 THE SUSMAN GURMAN AGENCY LLC G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 110-8/13/15 FANCY NANCY ROYALTY CLOSEOUT 1.50


THOR GUARD, INC G/L: 21859206 54100 Invoice # 40705 (6) LIGHTNING POSTERS - BFARM 71.68 G/L: 21859206 54100 Invoice # 40722 SERVICE - LIGHTNING DETECTION 150.00

Total invoices THOR GUARD, INC 221.68

TIFFANY MILLS G/L: 2050502 54680 Invoice # EXP-8/3/15 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 59.16

Total invoices TIFFANY MILLS 59.16

TIMOTHY L JOHNSON G/L: 20603103 53950 Invoice # VAC-08/16/15 PERSONAL TRAINING 8-31-15 1,125.41 G/L: 20603103 53440 Invoice # VAC-8/01/15 PERSONAL TRAINING 8-15-15 944.81

Total invoices TIMOTHY L JOHNSON 2,070.22

TITLE BOXING G/L: 2035526 54680 Invoice # P059399301019 BOXING EQUIPMENT-JUNE 2015 33.95 G/L: 2035526 54680 Invoice # P059399301035 BOXING EQUIPMENT-JUNE 2015 115.00 G/L: 20603103 53440 Invoice # P0595204 TITLE BOXING SPEED BAG - VAC 37.94 G/L: 2035526 54680 Invoice # P059678700014 BOXING EQUIPMENT-JUNE 2015 35.00 G/L: 2035526 54680 Invoice # P059679600015 BOXING EQUIPMENT-JUNE 2015 51.00

Total invoices TITLE BOXING 272.89

TOYSMITH GROUP G/L: 21604306 56020 Invoice # 1265770 GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE 1,369.90

Total invoices TOYSMITH GROUP 1,369.90

TRANSWORLD SYSTEMS INC G/L: 20150000 53100 Invoice # 1194060 DEBT RECOVERY FEES 210.98

Total invoices TRANSWORLD SYSTEMS INC 210.98

TROY WALZAK G/L: 2015501 53950 Invoice # 2015-FVPD-P-5 HERITAGE KUNG FU-82017 206.50

Total invoices TROY WALZAK 206.50


Total invoices TUMBLEBEAR GYMNASTICS, INC 2,724.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 50 of 54 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC G/L: 10150000 51610 Invoice # 045-140725 FISCAL YEAR END PROCESSING 637.50

Total invoices TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC 637.50

UNIQUE PRODUCTS G/L: 20600003 54090 Invoice # 300380 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - VAC 451.08 G/L: 20600003 54090 Invoice # 300380-1 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - VAC 200.40

Total invoices UNIQUE PRODUCTS 651.48

UNITED LABORATORIES G/L: 10859300 54360 Invoice # INV128782 SHOP SUPPLIES/GRIPPERS 286.72

Total invoices UNITED LABORATORIES 286.72

UNITED RADIO COMMUNICATIONS, INC G/L: 22808123 54050 Invoice # 106004078-1 BELT CLIPS,EARPHONE KIT 106.00


UNIVAR USA INC G/L: 20859203 54560 Invoice # CH830015 POOL CHEMICALS - VAC 151.21 G/L: 20859203 54560 Invoice # CH831238 POOL CHEMICALS - VAC 141.13 G/L: 20859203 54560 Invoice # CH831878 POOL CHEMICALS - VAC 468.10

Total invoices UNIVAR USA INC 760.44

UNIVERSAL MARKETING LLC G/L: 2010501 54681 Invoice # 11403 PROPS - DANCE COMPANY 474.07

Total invoices UNIVERSAL MARKETING LLC 474.07

UPBEAT INC G/L: 10859131 54380 Invoice # 567933 PERMANENT PICNIC TABLES - STATE STREET 2,215.24

Total invoices UPBEAT INC 2,215.24

UPPER CRUST CATERING INC G/L: 2026301 54680 Invoice # 8/13 FCC CAFE 8/13 FCC CAFE 125.00 G/L: 2026301 54680 Invoice # 8/20 PICNIC 8/20 PICNIC LUNCH - FCC 708.75 G/L: 2026301 54680 Invoice # 9/3 LUNCHEON 9/3 LUNCHEON - FCC 843.75

Total invoices UPPER CRUST CATERING INC 1,677.50

USI EDUCATION & GOVERNMENT SALES G/L: 2020202 54680 Invoice # 376787601016 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - EOLA 391.59


Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 51 of 54 V3 CONSTRUCTION GROUP LTD G/L: 10859700 53870 Invoice # 2015 MAINT-1 NATURAL AREA MAINTENANCE 16,877.90 G/L: 10859700 53870 Invoice # 2015 MAINT-2 NATURAL AREA MAINTENANCE 39,898.27

Total invoices V3 CONSTRUCTION GROUP LTD 56,776.17

VACCARO CONSULTING, INC G/L: 20000000 57090 Invoice # AUG 2015 REGISTRATION SOFTWARE 4,024.80

Total invoices VACCARO CONSULTING, INC 4,024.80

VALLEY LINEN SUPPLY G/L: 20600002 53820 Invoice # 62515 LINEN SERVICE - EOLA 37.05 G/L: 20600002 53820 Invoice # 64212 LINEN SERVICE - EOLA 57.75 G/L: 20600002 53820 Invoice # 66527 LINEN SERVICE - EOLA 69.68 G/L: 20600002 53820 Invoice # 67388 LINEN SERVICE - EOLA 46.00 G/L: 20600002 53820 Invoice # 69001 LINEN SERVICE - EOLA 77.97 G/L: 20600002 53820 Invoice # 69014 LINEN SERVICE - EOLA 37.05 G/L: 20600002 53820 Invoice # 69847 LINEN SERVICE - EOLA 72.38 G/L: 20600002 53820 Invoice # 70682 LINEN SERVICE - EOLA 60.05 G/L: 20600002 53820 Invoice # 70862 LINEN SERVICE - EOLA 80.13

Total invoices VALLEY LINEN SUPPLY 538.06

VERIZON WIRELESS G/L: 10300000 52030 Invoice # 9749783381 CELL PHONES/POLICE BROADBAND -27.23 G/L: 2014425 54680 Invoice # 9749783381 CELL PHONES/POLICE BROADBAND 6.30 G/L: 20300000 52030 Invoice # 9749783381 CELL PHONES/POLICE BROADBAND 67.38 G/L: 22808123 53840 Invoice # 9749783381 CELL PHONES/POLICE BROADBAND 304.10 G/L: 10859200 52030 Invoice # 9749977214 7/3-8/2 PHONE CHARGES - MAINT 1,427.47 G/L: 20300000 52030 Invoice # 9750077507 TEXT LINE 79.45

Total invoices VERIZON WIRELESS 1,857.47

VERMEER MIDWEST G/L: 10859300 53390 Invoice # S27219 LOF/SERVICE - CHIPPER 465.18

Total invoices VERMEER MIDWEST 465.18

VESCO REPROGRAPHIC G/L: 18150000 53100 Invoice # 74585 COLOR SCAN - CUMBERLAND PARK 10.00

Total invoices VESCO REPROGRAPHIC 10.00

VILLAGE OF MONTGOMERY G/L: 10859225 52020 Invoice # 1000012000-0815 MONTGOMERY PARK - 5/15-7/15 33.00 G/L: 22859223 52020 Invoice # 1000030900-0815 POLICE - 5/15-7/15 139.00 G/L: 10859225 52020 Invoice # 1000157400-0815 AUSTIN PARK - 5/15-7/15 6.50 G/L: 20859254 52020 Invoice # 1000835100-0815 STUART SPORTS - 5/15-7/15 154.90 G/L: 10859225 52020 Invoice # 1001369200-0815 BLACKBERRY TRAIL PARK - 5/15-7/15 33.00

Total invoices VILLAGE OF MONTGOMERY 366.40

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 52 of 54 VILLAGE OF NORTH AURORA G/L: 10859225 52020 Invoice # 005237-000-0815 NA RESTROOMS - 5/28-7/30 40.45 G/L: 10859225 52020 Invoice # 005691-000-0815 COOL ACRES - 5/28-7/30 87.25 G/L: 20859225 52020 Invoice # 010799-000-0815 JEWEL BALLFIELDS - 5/28-7/30 16.00

Total invoices VILLAGE OF NORTH AURORA 143.70

WAL-MART COMMUNITY G/L: 2010501 54681 Invoice # 00599 SUPPLIES - DANCE CO 20.04 G/L: 2137406 54680 Invoice # 01228 SUPPLIES - CIVIL WAR DAYS 58.34 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 01278 SMALL SCALE PERFORMANCES 45.34 G/L: 2137406 54680 Invoice # 02630 SUPPLIES - SPECIAL EVENT 46.15 G/L: 10859400 54150 Invoice # 03062 HORTICULTURAL SUPPLIES 36.91 G/L: 20607603 56250 Invoice # 03164 VAC CAFE 9.98 G/L: 2054703 54680 Invoice # 03327 VAC SUPPLIES 8.00 G/L: 20600003 54010 Invoice # 03327 VAC SUPPLIES 38.64 G/L: 2016901 54680 Invoice # 04374 ITEMS - PRISCO CLASSROOMS 62.82 G/L: 2063801 54680 Invoice # 04374 ITEMS - PRISCO CLASSROOMS 62.82 G/L: 2029902 54680 Invoice # 0444 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - EOLA 47.58 G/L: 2135705 54680 Invoice # 05336 RED OAK SUPPLIES 17.33 G/L: 21604305 56510 Invoice # 05336 RED OAK SUPPLIES 30.00 G/L: 21859205 54350 Invoice # 05336 RED OAK SUPPLIES 4.77 G/L: 2032303 54680 Invoice # 05475 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - BLACKBERRY FARM 41.81 G/L: 2134705 54680 Invoice # 06189 CREDIT MEMO -159.96 G/L: 10859400 54150 Invoice # 06438 HORTICULTURAL SUPPLIES 10.73 G/L: 21604305 55990 Invoice # 07900 CREDIT MEMO -24.58 G/L: 2134705 54680 Invoice # 07999 RED OAK SUPPLIES 184.56 G/L: 21604305 54090 Invoice # 07999 RED OAK SUPPLIES 16.84 G/L: 21604305 55990 Invoice # 07999 RED OAK SUPPLIES 17.49 G/L: 21859205 54100 Invoice # 07999 RED OAK SUPPLIES 32.80 G/L: 2032303 54680 Invoice # 08501 SUMMER BLAST SUPPLIES - VAC 105.21 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 09612 SUPPLIES 15.74 G/L: 2134705 54680 Invoice # 09897 TENT - BUG FEST 174.94 G/L: 21604305 55990 Invoice # 1205 RED OAK SUPPLIES 81.01 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 1277 SMALL SCALE PERFORMANCES 75.76 G/L: 21604306 54090 Invoice # 1433 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - BLACKBERRY FARM 27.96 G/L: 2031602 54680 Invoice # 4905 SUPPLIES - AMAZING RACE 76.41 G/L: 2034801 54680 Invoice # 5437 SMALL SCALE PERFORMANCES 35.84 G/L: 2029902 54680 Invoice # 7419 SUMMER CAMP SUPPLIES - EOLA 109.33 G/L: 2010501 54680 Invoice # 7455 MAKEUP,POPSICLES - SUMMER DANCE 111.02 G/L: 2029902 54680 Invoice # 8626 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - EOLA 85.69 G/L: 2137406 54680 Invoice # 9163 SUPPLIES - CIVIL WAR DAYS 4.30

Total invoices WAL-MART COMMUNITY 1,511.62

WILD GOOSE CHASE, INC G/L: 10859700 53990 Invoice # 23469 WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 1,158.00 G/L: 20859600 53990 Invoice # 23469 WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 1,312.00 G/L: 21604306 53990 Invoice # 23469 WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 177.00

Total invoices WILD GOOSE CHASE, INC 2,647.00

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 53 of 54 WILSON SPORTING GOODS G/L: 2010003 54680 Invoice # 4518337754 PRO SHOP ITEMS AND STRING 51.66 G/L: 20603203 56010 Invoice # 4518337754 PRO SHOP ITEMS AND STRING 167.50 G/L: 20603203 56010 Invoice # 4518367009 VAC TENNIS SHOP MERCHANDISE 257.16 G/L: 20603203 56010 Invoice # 4518389594 VAC TENNIS SHOP MERCHANDISE 156.63

Total invoices WILSON SPORTING GOODS 632.95

TOTAL INVOICES $1,119,607.96

Fox Valley Park District - List of Bills - As of August 31, 2015 Page 54 of 54 5.3

Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Corporate YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Taxes Property Taxes 104,076 3,294,495 93,199 2,997,426 297,070 6,330,758 Corporate Replacement Taxes 107,446 238,235 103,314 205,858 32,377 650,000

Total Taxes 211,523 3,532,731 196,513 3,203,284 329,447 6,980,758

Rental Income 15,456 46,913 15,555 46,915 (2) 124,396

Investment Income 1,298 8,840 191 4,201 4,639 5,000

Intergovernmental 0 80,533 41,248 117,239 (36,706) 201,818

Misc. Receipts 6,233 13,516 3,232 8,936 4,581 22,864

Program Revenues 1,380 3,310 555 2,530 780 12,500

Other Finan. Sources 00 00 0 2,500 Total Revenue 235,890 3,685,843 257,294 3,383,104 302,739 7,349,836

Expense Salaries And Wages Full-Time Employees 149,105 451,617 145,909 519,177 67,560 2,055,473 Part-Time Labor 66,036 164,569 67,264 195,866 31,297 528,760

Total Salaries And Wages 215,142 616,186 213,173 715,043 98,857 2,584,233

Employee Benefits 52,323 163,086 60,396 165,958 2,872 866,230

Other Employee Exp 9,804 25,671 7,353 27,733 2,063 139,527

Utilities 21,609 33,900 14,690 29,199 (4,701) 175,310 1 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Corporate YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Professional Srvcs 14,715 22,713 3,469 14,136 (8,577) 127,810

Maintenance & Repair 26,939 48,628 30,138 75,708 27,080 598,165

Other Services 26,590 50,912 43,660 93,600 42,688 585,435

Materials & Supplies 66,975 145,534 65,253 212,038 66,504 735,120

Miscellaneous Exp. 6,088 9,203 519 4,465 (4,739) 23,191

Capital Expenditures 18,479 18,641 152 15,533 (3,108) 140,500

Other Finan. Sources 00 00 0 1,870,622 Total Expense 458,663 1,134,474 438,804 1,353,413 218,939 7,846,143

Excess (Deficiency) ($222,772) $2,551,368 ($181,510) $2,029,691 $521,678 ($496,307)

2 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Liability Insurance YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Taxes Property Taxes 5,848 185,162 5,140 165,316 19,846 355,000

Total Taxes 5,848 185,162 5,140 165,316 19,846 355,000

Investment Income 43 209 7 178 31 100

Misc. Receipts 00 00 0 1,500 Total Revenue 5,891 185,371 5,147 165,494 19,877 356,600

Expense Salaries And Wages Full-Time Employees 0 0 0 0 0 0

Employee Benefits 0 76,658 95,148 95,148 18,490 182,317

Other Services 0 114,979 104,791 104,791 (10,188) 229,958

Miscellaneous Exp. 00 00 0 3,000 Total Expense 0 191,637 199,939 199,939 8,302 415,275

Excess (Deficiency) $5,891 ($6,266) ($194,792) ($34,445) $28,179 ($58,675)

3 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Orchard Valley Golf Course YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Investment Income 413 1020 (7) 15 Fees And Memberships Gas Carts 0 0 0 0 0 0 Greens Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 Green Fee Discount 0 0 0 0 0 0 Driving Range 0 0 0 0 0 0

Misc. Receipts 56,667 113,334 56,667 113,334 0 310,167

Other Finan. Sources 00 063,556 (63,556) 0 Total Revenue 56,671 113,347 56,677 176,910 (63,563) 310,182

Expense Salaries And Wages Full-Time Employees 0 0 0 0 0 0 Part-Time Labor 0 0 0 0 0 0

Employee Benefits 742 2,226 742 2,091 (135) 5,935

Maintenance & Repair 3,047 15,542 0 0 (15,542) 40,000

Other Services 0 7,600 8,636 8,636 1,037 15,308

Capital Expenditures 0 9,411 12,608 52,608 43,197 145,000 Total Expense 3,789 34,778 21,986 63,334 28,556 206,243

Excess (Deficiency) $52,882 $78,569 $34,691 $113,575 ($35,007) $103,939

4 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Aquatics YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Rental Income 6,355 7,715 4,430 6,115 1,600 14,900

Investment Income 00 24 (4) 0 Fees And Memberships Membership 53,747 109,242 65,710 131,982 (22,740) 225,000 Daily Fees 227,598 308,879 142,576 284,653 24,226 359,000 Group Admissions 33,544 49,268 24,589 42,749 6,519 55,010

Total Fees And Memberships 314,889 467,389 232,875 459,385 8,004 639,010

Merchandise Sales 001317 (17) 1,000

Misc. Receipts 3,563 3,594 )(40 (55) 3,649 0

Program Revenues 12,769 42,152 22,643 49,901 (7,750) 70,838 Total Revenue 337,575 520,849 259,922 515,366 5,483 725,748

Expense Salaries And Wages Full-Time Employees 4,711 15,259 4,584 16,197 938 60,645 Part-Time Labor 22,684 38,199 20,591 44,221 6,022 84,700

Total Salaries And Wages 27,395 53,459 25,175 60,418 6,959 145,345

Employee Benefits 4,278 12,510 5,725 13,148 639 39,713

Other Employee Exp 0 1,347 817 868 (479) 2,750

Utilities 24,047 29,357 29,775 37,206 7,849 121,150

5 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Aquatics YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Professional Srvcs 22,200 47,200 19,853 44,253 (2,948) 113,010

Maintenance & Repair 54,204 64,507 26,894 39,598 (24,909) 133,090

Other Services 87,238 250,158 99,296 264,444 14,286 398,094

Materials & Supplies 50,589 80,946 32,378 74,874 (6,072) 131,378

Food & Bev Purchases 1,435 1,435 765 765 (670) 4,300

Miscellaneous Exp. 00 00 0 180

Capital Expenditures 12,536 54,935 4,279 19,702 (35,233) 140,000 Total Expense 283,920 595,854 244,956 555,275 (40,578) 1,229,010

Excess (Deficiency) $53,655 ($75,004) $14,966 ($39,909) ($35,095) ($503,262)

6 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 2008 Referendum YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Investment Income 46 1,445 (1,813) (5,606) 7,051 1,000

Intergovernmental 0 6,680 0 9,900 (3,220) 720,000

Misc. Receipts 00 076,351 (76,351) 0 Total Revenue 46 8,125 (1,813) 80,645 (72,520) 721,000

Expense Capital Expenditures 379,776 674,066 21,038 38,629 (635,438) 4,301,309 Total Expense 379,776 674,066 21,038 38,629 (635,438) 4,301,309

Excess (Deficiency) ($379,730) ($665,941) ($22,851) $42,016 ($707,958) ($3,580,309)

7 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Fox Bend Golf - Sale Proceeds YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Investment Income 263 1,956 (9) 917 1,039 40 Total Revenue 263 1,956 (9) 917 1,039 40

Expense Other Finan. Sources 00 063,556 63,556 0 Total Expense 0 0 0 63,556 63,556 0

Excess (Deficiency) $263 $1,956 ($9) ($62,639) $64,595 $40

8 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Recreation YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Taxes Property Taxes 57,557 1,821,969 63,094 2,029,179 (207,211) 3,500,000 Corporate Replacement Taxes 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Taxes 57,557 1,821,969 63,094 2,029,179 (207,211) 3,500,000

Rental Income 73,124 220,137 57,576 194,804 25,333 628,365

Investment Income 2,000 15,472 261 7,044 8,428 20,000

Intergovernmental 466 466 0 0 466 2,000,000 Fees And Memberships Membership 268,734 819,354 281,087 848,944 (29,590) 3,707,717 Daily Fees 29,802 82,265 24,962 71,726 10,539 322,776 Personal Training 11,170 40,066 10,365 32,457 7,609 152,900 Permanent Court Time 150 449 342 1,314 (865) 53,000 Senior Court Time 1,027 3,971 711 3,223 748 19,200 Pro-Court Time 10 1,967 (20) 1,926 41 34,092

Total Fees And Memberships 310,893 948,072 317,447 959,591 (11,518) 4,289,685

Merchandise Sales 2,894 7,948 3,448 12,661 (4,713) 64,261

Food And Bev Sales 7,469 24,293 7,857 24,075 218 95,093

Misc. Receipts 9,498 27,858 8,115 20,124 7,734 102,625

Program Revenues 313,962 1,204,765 311,525 1,223,327 (18,562) 3,847,118

9 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Recreation YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Other Finan. Sources 00 00 0 25,000 Total Revenue 777,862 4,270,980 769,324 4,470,806 (199,826) 14,572,147

Expense Salaries And Wages Full-Time Employees 186,034 571,732 185,856 647,212 75,481 2,581,492 Part-Time Labor 247,730 623,166 236,370 689,288 66,122 2,478,487

Total Salaries And Wages 433,764 1,194,898 422,226 1,336,501 141,603 5,059,979

Employee Benefits 69,045 213,996 82,486 225,131 11,134 1,155,192

Other Employee Exp 3,350 12,528 2,275 9,886 (2,642) 83,402

Utilities 98,146 159,729 67,384 159,572 (157) 777,450

Professional Srvcs 14,478 32,685 8,482 27,104 (5,581) 392,523

Maintenance & Repair 56,032 150,174 53,894 152,419 2,245 727,486

Other Services 164,694 361,284 110,131 386,751 25,467 1,924,310

Materials & Supplies 149,164 295,821 130,042 248,745 (47,076) 1,236,958

Merchandise Purchase 8,426 11,180 1,551 11,073 (107) 45,050

Food & Bev Purchases 4,156 11,973 3,741 10,265 (1,708) 44,200

Miscellaneous Exp. 730 7,941 2,250 9,918 1,977 56,110

Capital Expenditures 8,779 19,707 27,364 33,941 14,233 3,015,767

Other Finan. Sources 00 00 0 300,000

10 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Recreation YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Total Expense 1,010,762 2,471,917 911,826 2,611,305 139,388 14,818,427

Excess (Deficiency) ($232,900) $1,799,064 ($142,503) $1,859,501 ($60,437) ($246,280)

11 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Museum YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Taxes Property Taxes 13,181 417,262 11,048 355,320 61,943 800,000 Otb Tax Receipts 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Taxes 13,181 417,262 11,048 355,320 61,943 800,000

Rental Income 8,084 17,344 6,553 16,919 425 42,000

Investment Income 145 458 55 519 (61) 800 Fees And Memberships Membership 10,856 30,634 7,531 21,101 9,532 50,000 Daily Fees 98,891 196,421 97,100 188,043 8,378 305,000 Group Admissions 14,686 77,724 22,853 77,235 489 113,200

Total Fees And Memberships 124,433 304,778 127,483 286,379 18,399 468,200

Merchandise Sales 10,538 26,018 8,272 19,624 6,394 35,300

Food And Bev Sales 2,803 6,693 3,001 7,041 (349) 14,200

Misc. Receipts 2 309 481 3,872 (3,562) 3,100

Program Revenues 27,487 66,150 30,932 52,973 13,177 234,004 Total Revenue 186,673 839,012 187,824 742,646 96,366 1,597,604

Expense Salaries And Wages Full-Time Employees 22,009 64,609 20,229 70,748 6,139 277,032 Part-Time Labor 60,809 153,208 54,837 157,019 3,810 393,287 12 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Museum YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Total Salaries And Wages 82,818 217,817 75,066 227,766 9,949 670,319

Employee Benefits 9,588 30,315 9,125 24,842 (5,474) 150,925

Other Employee Exp 117 800 60 272 (528) 9,511

Utilities 3,601 7,087 5,869 9,699 2,612 39,273

Professional Srvcs 338 675 338 675 0 4,050

Maintenance & Repair 7,545 21,794 8,488 9,548 (12,247) 222,300

Other Services 10,896 21,710 9,682 16,986 (4,724) 93,032

Materials & Supplies 43,084 85,792 38,432 68,262 (17,530) 257,510

Merchandise Purchase 7,176 17,935 2,232 13,856 (4,079) 25,000

Miscellaneous Exp. 001414 14 1,100

Capital Expenditures 2,000 3,500 1,715 134,900 131,400 0

Other Finan. Sources 00 00 0 110,000 Total Expense 167,164 407,427 151,020 506,820 99,393 1,583,020

Excess (Deficiency) $19,509 $431,586 $36,804 $235,826 $195,759 $14,584

13 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Police And Security YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Taxes Property Taxes 13,663 432,548 12,787 411,268 21,280 830,000

Total Taxes 13,663 432,548 12,787 411,268 21,280 830,000

Rental Income 5,268 16,868 8,399 23,590 (6,722) 48,000

Investment Income 46 190 24 200 (10) 450

Intergovernmental 0 46,900 0 45,415 1,485 93,800

Misc. Receipts 3,306 11,524 7,871 28,806 (17,283) 40,924 Total Revenue 22,283 508,030 29,082 509,279 (1,250) 1,013,174

Expense Salaries And Wages Full-Time Employees 31,942 95,416 32,074 110,256 14,839 425,501 Part-Time Labor 26,848 72,440 21,007 67,922 (4,519) 203,343

Total Salaries And Wages 58,791 167,857 53,081 178,177 10,321 628,844

Employee Benefits 7,379 27,506 10,492 28,956 1,449 117,086

Other Employee Exp 1,868 6,053 1,167 3,716 (2,337) 28,412

Utilities 1,385 3,294 1,281 3,103 (192) 18,656

Professional Srvcs 338 675 338 675 0 4,050

Maintenance & Repair 4,360 23,020 2,478 5,141 (17,879) 33,350

Other Services 3,142 11,003 7,561 12,759 1,756 78,730 14 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Police And Security YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Materials & Supplies 3,502 10,692 7,859 14,489 3,797 58,675

Miscellaneous Exp. 232 349 0 0 (349) 1,000

Capital Expenditures 19,500 19,500 8,201 8,201 (11,299) 32,590

Other Finan. Sources 00 00 0 18,000 Total Expense 100,495 269,949 92,458 255,217 (14,732) 1,019,393

Excess (Deficiency) ($78,212) $238,081 ($63,376) $254,062 ($15,982) ($6,219)

15 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Fox Valley Special Recreation YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Taxes Property Taxes 16,297 515,902 14,680 472,232 43,669 987,784

Total Taxes 16,297 515,902 14,680 472,232 43,669 987,784

Investment Income 34 57 13 102 (44) 100 Total Revenue 16,331 515,959 14,693 472,334 43,625 987,884

Expense Salaries And Wages Part-Time Labor 0 0 0 0 0 0

Maintenance & Repair 11,930 21,854 242 3,416 (18,438) 100,000

Other Services 1,796 3,418 0 6,144 2,726 38,000

Miscellaneous Exp. 309,241 346,412 0 136,251 (210,161) 655,784

Capital Expenditures 00 00 0 295,000 Total Expense 322,967 371,683 242 145,811 (225,872) 1,088,784

Excess (Deficiency) ($306,636) $144,276 $14,451 $326,523 ($182,247) ($100,900)

16 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Illinois Municipal Retirement YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Taxes Property Taxes 13,181 417,262 12,623 405,997 11,265 800,000

Total Taxes 13,181 417,262 12,623 405,997 11,265 800,000

Investment Income 30 196 6 103 92 50 Total Revenue 13,211 417,458 12,629 406,101 11,358 800,050

Expense Employee Benefits 51,928 159,083 56,515 198,906 39,823 785,000 Total Expense 51,928 159,083 56,515 198,906 39,823 785,000

Excess (Deficiency) ($38,717) $258,376 ($43,886) $207,195 $51,181 $15,050

17 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Social Security YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Taxes Property Taxes 13,181 417,262 11,048 355,320 61,943 800,000

Total Taxes 13,181 417,262 11,048 355,320 61,943 800,000

Investment Income 38 178 5 76 102 100 Total Revenue 13,219 417,441 11,053 355,396 62,045 800,100

Expense Employee Benefits 59,516 165,072 57,293 184,271 19,198 675,000 Total Expense 59,516 165,072 57,293 184,271 19,198 675,000

Excess (Deficiency) ($46,297) $252,369 ($46,240) $171,125 $81,243 $125,100

18 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Audit YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Taxes Property Taxes 545 17,319 417 13,419 3,900 32,000

Total Taxes 545 17,319 417 13,419 3,900 32,000

Investment Income 110013 (3) 20

Intergovernmental 00 00 0 7,250 Total Revenue 547 17,329 417 13,432 3,896 39,270

Expense Professional Srvcs 1,000 2,000 0 0 (2,000) 49,610

Other Services 0 0 238 242 242 310 Total Expense 1,000 2,000 238 242 (1,758) 49,920

Excess (Deficiency) ($453) $15,329 $179 $13,190 $2,138 ($10,650)

19 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Facility Imp/Replacement Fund YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Investment Income 425 3,369 )(18 1,803 1,566 2,000 Total Revenue 425 3,369 (18) 1,803 1,566 2,000

Expense Capital Expenditures 151,097 196,068 8,997 250,234 54,167 1,470,390 Total Expense 151,097 196,068 8,997 250,234 54,167 1,470,390

Excess (Deficiency) ($150,672) ($192,698) ($9,014) ($248,431) $55,733 ($1,468,390)

20 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Land Cash Fund YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Investment Income 47 347 (2) 161 186 150 Total Revenue 47 347 (2) 161 186 150

Total Expense 0 0 0 0 0 0

Excess (Deficiency) $47 $347 ($2) $161 $186 $150

21 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Equip & Vehicle Replacement YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Investment Income 136 1,001 0 719 282 500

Misc. Receipts 00 00 0 15,000

Other Finan. Sources 00 00 0 128,000 Total Revenue 136 1,001 0 719 282 143,500

Expense Capital Expenditures 69,429 69,429 70,099 99,389 29,960 366,200 Total Expense 69,429 69,429 70,099 99,389 29,960 366,200

Excess (Deficiency) ($69,293) ($68,428) ($70,098) ($98,670) $30,242 ($222,700)

22 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Land Acquisition Fund YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Investment Income 28 150 5 65 85 50 Total Revenue 28 150 5 65 85 50

Total Expense 0 0 0 0 0 0

Excess (Deficiency) $28 $150 $5 $65 $85 $50

23 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 2010 Go Bonds YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Investment Income 04 720 (16) 15

Intergovernmental 00 00 0 50,000 Total Revenue 0 4 7 20 (16) 50,015

Expense Capital Expenditures (19,278) 109,005 15,398 123,474 14,469 605,150 Total Expense (19,278) 109,005 15,398 123,474 14,469 605,150

Excess (Deficiency) $19,278 ($109,001) ($15,392) ($123,454) $14,453 ($555,135)

24 Fox Valley Park District Statement of Revenues and Expenses Period Ending July 2015 Debt Service YTD Variance Current Current Prior Prior CY to PY Month Year - to- Date Year Month Year - to- Date Favorable (Unfav) Annual Budget Revenue Taxes Property Taxes 126,472 4,001,731 125,753 4,044,534 (42,803) 7,628,454

Total Taxes 126,472 4,001,731 125,753 4,044,534 (42,803) 7,628,454

Investment Income 162 376 44 221 155 1,500

Intergovernmental 0 27,079 0 31,786 (4,706) 54,159

Other Finan. Sources 00 00 0 1,970,622 Total Revenue 126,635 4,029,186 125,797 4,076,540 (47,354) 9,654,735

Expense Professional Srvcs 0 1,425 1,505 1,505 80 4,800

Debt Service 0 1,016,250 0 1,121,650 105,400 9,657,501

Other Finan. Sources 00 00 0 2,500 Total Expense 0 1,017,675 1,505 1,123,155 105,480 9,664,801

Excess (Deficiency) $126,635 $3,011,511 $124,292 $2,953,385 $58,126 ($10,066)

25 5.4

DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Honorable Board of Trustees

FROM: Nancy McCaul, CPRP, Executive Director

RE: Board Briefs

Please find this month’s Board Briefs for your review. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Strategic Plan Objectives 1. Develop options for the 2015 tax levy regarding capital funding. In process. Speer Financial representatives attended the June Committee of the Whole meeting and presented information on refunding existing debt at a lower interest rate and issuing General Obligation Bonds this fall for capital projects. These combined actions will keep our tax levy flat for the fifth consecutive year and allow us funding for about $3.3M of capital projects. We will have a discussion about the 2015 tax levy at the September Board meeting.

2. Develop plan to implement new elected officials legislation. In process. I discussed this process with State Representative Fortner, and Arlene and I met with Attorney Hodge on June 12 to discuss the next steps. Arlene and I also met with the Executive Assistant at the Naperville Park District and learned what responsibilities the District has regarding the election. It was a very informative meeting and has given us a great starting point to begin organizing our implementation plan.

3. Update and implement the district-wide technology enhancement, replacement and procurement plan. In process. I met with Jon Michael, IT Manager, to discuss our ideas for completing this task. We agreed there needs to be written guidelines for replacing and detailed procedures for purchasing technology components. This objective will be completed prior to the development of the 2016-17 budget.

4. Develop curriculum for continuation of Leadership Academy. In process. The Department Directors reviewed the list of all previous courses for this in- house training. We developed a list of courses to consider for next year and these were given to the HR Manager. This objective will be completed prior to the development of the 2016-17 budget.

5. Develop multi-year training and education plans for staff. This objective will begin in the fall and be completed prior to the development of the 2016-17 budget.

UPCOMING DATES & REMINDERS: • September 21, Park Foundation Meeting – 4:30 pm, Prisco Community Center • September 21, Board of Trustees Meeting – 6:00 pm, Prisco Community Center • September 22, Aquatic Administrative Board Meeting – 8:00 am, Cole Center • October 19, Park Foundation Meeting – 4:30 pm, Prisco Community Center • October 19, Board of Trustees Meeting – 6:00 pm, Prisco Community Center

CC: Department Heads

2 DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Honorable Board of Trustees

FROM: Diana Erickson, Director of Finance and Administration

RE: September 2015 Monthly Report

Strategic Plan Objectives:

1. Develop a plan for the selection, implementation and funding of a new recreation software system. In progress. A timeline has been established and the implementation team is well underway.

2. Develop plan for Healthcare Reform requirements. In progress. This is an ongoing process of making changes to comply with all requirements.

3. Implement Munis HR Training module. In progress. The training module involves tracking all training and certifications of employees. This process will require working with the vendor to upload worksheets and load existing documentation. The final phase will be training employees to enter and access this information.

4. Investigate options for multi-year reporting through Munis financial software system. Completed. This project has been in process for several months and we have completed the software enhancements to access this information.

5. Develop a summarized annual financial document. In progress. A first draft has been developed and the final information will be completed now that the Fiscal Year 2015 audit has been approved by the Board.

6. Review full-time salary ranges and make recommendations to the Board. In progress. The last time the full-time salary ranges were reviewed was three years ago. This process will begin this summer for Board review in November.

7. Provide employees information on health and wellness to help improve employee health, lessen occupational injuries, reduce absences and increase productivity. In progress. Through our safety training and wellness initiatives we are looking to increase our efforts in employee health and wellness training to benefit them in work and home life.

8. Pilot a "lunch bunch" roundtable discussion to share district news on projects, plans and programs. In progress. The development of the pilot of this plan will be discussed with the Executive Director for further guidance.

9. Prepare district for Loss Control review by PDRMA. In progress. This process began in January and involves working with all district departments to complete the review in November.

10. Research opportunities for safety related grants. In progress. The Risk Manager is always looking for ways to increase our safety program and funding for our safety initiatives through grants to supplement our costs. DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Honorable Board of Trustees

FROM: Michael Erickson, Director of Parks and Facility Maintenance

RE: Monthly Report

Strategic Plan Objectives

1. Develop a plan for maintaining/renovating Eola Community Center outdoor trellis structures.

o Completed – An initial meeting with staff has been conducted and a follow up meeting with an architect was done on site at Eola to discuss options for the trellis.

o Completed – A proposal was received from Kluber Architects for design ideas. o Completed – A meeting was held with staff to review initial design alternatives. A decision was made to have Kluber continue with the option which leaves part of the structure in place and renovate it to be more durable with less maintenance.

o Completed – Kluber Architects completed development of the preferred option and developed a cost estimate. The plan and cost estimate was presented to staff. Staff will look at funding for the project and decide on the next steps. 2. Implement site specific woodlands management plans for Lippold Park, Red Oak Nature Center, Chesterfield Park, Church Road Park and Arrowwood Park.

o Completed – These sites have been walked by staff with a natural area contractor to discuss plans for the year.

o In progress – Volunteer groups cleared invasive plants from Lippold Park and Church Road Park in July.

o In progress – Understory plant material will be assessed once the invasive plants are removed and a plan made for the standards which we want at each site. 3. Implement the Emerald Ash Borer replacement plan. o In progress – Replacement of trees has begun. o In progress – The tree survey work has been scheduled and this work should be completed this fall.

o In progress – Staff met to set up mapping for the third and final year of the Ash removal project. This plan will be finalized in the spring of 2016. 4. Coordinate with the City of Aurora on the management of lakes and ponds. o Completed – Staff has contacted Rick Mervine, the Alderman who the District has worked with on Waubonsie Lake to determine who best to begin discussions with at the City. Rick indicated that the City has funds that are budgeted for work at Waubonsie Lake. The engineering will take place in 2015 with dredging to begin in 2016 if funding is available.

o Completed – Additional discussions with the City through Alderman Mervine were discussed concerning other lakes and ponds that the District manages. Rick said that he would speak with City of Aurora staff about furthering discussions with the District.

o In progress – Staff discussed the management of the lakes and ponds with City of Aurora City of Aurora staff and we are working together on developing a list of retention areas that need to be addressed. 5. Formalize a work flow process where affected departments sign off at various stages of project development and implementation.

o Completed – Staff has already begun utilizing a web based software system for work coordination call Smartsheet.

o In progress – An analysis of which staff should be utilizing Smartsheet is continuing. Additional staff will be added as needed.

o In progress – Staff is being trained as they continue to gain access to Smartsheet. 6. Research installing backup warning devices on Park District vehicles. o Completed – Staff has contacted various suppliers and has received pricing back. Additional pricing from other vendors is also forthcoming.

o In progress – Facility staff continues to work with the fleet maintenance staff to choose the devices that will be needed for the different types of vehicles and have them installed. DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Board of Trustees

FROM: Laurie Hoffman, Director of Recreation & Communications

RE: Monthly Report

Short-Term Objectives: 2015-16

• Develop a repositioning plan for Splash Country Water Park and phase-in improvements at Phillips Park Aquatic Center. A follow up meeting was held with Williams Architects to review preliminary concepts for the aquatic centers. Staff provided further direction for follow up. It is anticipated that conceptual plans will be completed for review by late fall. Meanwhile, staff have toured a number of area aquatic centers featuring spray and splash/climbing features.

• Develop plans to furnish Stuart Sports Complex with features to attract athletic tournaments. o A concessionaire (Reuland’s Food Service) has been secured to operate the new concession building at Stuart. o Score boards were ordered in conjunction with the new fiscal year timeline. o Concession equipment has been received and installed for the new building. o A new flag pole was installed near the new ball diamonds. o The first phase of navigational signage has been installed. Tables and chairs and spectator benches have been received. o th o The ribbon cutting event was held on June 17 . o The new entry “monument” signage has been installed. o The athletic recreation and maintenance teams will be meeting to discuss plans to improve the north ball field complex area, overall parking, additional signage and scoreboard needs and develop a plan to improve upon the approach to Stuart’s Jericho Rd. entrance. (Minimizing the appearance of equipment visible from the Road).

• Develop comprehensive programming plans to coincide with priorities identified in the community needs assessment in: o Adult Fitness and Wellness o Youth Sports o Aquatics and Learn to Swim Programs o Senior and Active Adult Programs o Nature and Camp Programs Programming committees have been formed to examine these areas focusing on the development and implementation of new programs. The committees are meeting on a monthly basis to discuss and implement specific initiatives.

• Develop ad hoc committee with school athletic representatives to collaborate on the expansion of athletic leagues and programs. o This is a goal of the athletic committee. Staff are already meeting with high school athletic directors on the collaboration of the football program, outreach athletic programming through the East Aurora School District and a number initiatives through the West Aurora School District. The committee is in process of formulating ideas for initiating a formal athletic advisory committee.

• Develop and implement a customer reward/loyalty program. o Staff are in discussions about how best to structure this program. Through the implementation of the new recreation software system there are a few different options for consideration. Plans will be developed in conjunction with the customization of the software capabilities and subsequent implementation. Planning will begin in the fall of 2015 for the new recreation software.

• Complete signage updates at Blackberry Farm and Stuart Sports Complex. o New interpretive signage has been completed and installed in the early streets museum at Blackberry Farm. The signage provides more detail on the specific exhibits featured in the museum and outlines the historical perspective in detail. Staff will be touring other museums and working with a signage vendor to update the signage in the carriage museum. o The first phase of navigational signage has been completed and installed at Stuart Sports Complex. The monument entrance signage has now been completed and pole banners have been installed in the entry meridian. Staff are working to update signage (primarily traffic and instructional signage) on the north section of the complex to improve upon the consistency between the older and new sections of the complex. Meanwhile- throughout the season- staff will be identifying needs for future signage while we experience our first full season of the new expansion.

• Refine website updates and expand use of social media communications. o The responsive web site and interactive park map applications have been completed. Under the direction of the new Superintendent of Marketing & Communications- a project plan is in development. Meanwhile- the website has being updated to reflect the criteria meeting the Gold Medal award requirements. Social media communications continue to expand and grow through the promotion of our events and programs. The Athletic Committee is providing information for the web site to improve upon the navigation and the quality and consistency of information provided regarding athletic leagues and programs.

• Develop energy use guidelines and protocol within facilities to reduce energy consumption during peak volume and demand. o The Facility Management team conducted “energy” walk-throughs in each of the community centers to identify opportunities to minimize the use of energy through the development of user protocol and procedures. Managers are piloting adjustment of energy use during the summer months- during peak use times. Evaluation of switches, emergency and after hours lighting use- are being analyzed as part of the project. Facility Managers are identifying priorities and developing implementation plans.

• Expand use of volunteers and sponsorships (Month of July) Volunteer Date Location Number of Project Events Volunteers

Amazing Race August 15 Eola 67 Amazing Race

Bug Fest August 22 Red Oak 23 Bug Fest

Collaboration Date Location Attendees Info Events

Communities in August 15, 2015 Harkness Over 2000 Passed out School – Back to Center parents and Scholarship and School Fair children Low-Cost No- Cost program info.

Provided art projects for over 1,000 children

Montgomery Summer August 27, 2015 Montgomery Approximately Free concerts to Concerts/Montgomery Park 160 per concert public partnered Sponsorships: • The department is looking into the development of a sponsorship policy to assist in guiding the district in becoming more consistent with its sponsorship approach with various community groups and businesses. The policy would be comprehensive and will require some research and future board discussions. There will be more to follow in the coming months.

• 2015 Sponsorships: In-Kind and Cash • Event #Sponsors # Vendors Sponsorship Revenue

Spring Gallop 13 4 $ 10,618

Canoe Race 12 4 $ 11,180

15 Golf For Kids 40 $ 75,300 Donations

Summer Stage 1 $ 1,600

Concerts in the Park 1 1 $ 2,500

Live and Uncorked 1 $ 100

Family Fun Nights BBF 2 $ 200

Amazing Race 3 $ 6,750

Family Luau - Aquatics 1 $ 300

Bug Fest 3 1 $ 6,125

Pumpkin Weekends 2 1 $ 2,100

TOTAL: $ 116,773

• Develop and implement business and promotional strategy to maximize revenue potential for Stuart Sports Complex. o A new promotional guide has been developed and the web site updates will follow. The Community Athletic Liaison is working closely with a number of community partners on attracting future tournaments to Stuart. Discussions are already underway for securing the 2016 USSSA Girls Fast pitch National Championship. The District is working with the Tourism Bureau, City of Aurora and Waubonsie Community College- to attract this event for 2016. Meanwhile the schedule for the 2015 season has been quite comprehensive. A full revenue and expense analysis will be completed following the 2015 fall season in preparation for next years’ budget.

• Develop and implement the use of key measure reports for seasonal operations, memberships, programming and facility use. o In progress- some are now being attached to this report for review.

• Improve the customer experience at Orchard Valley Golf Course and Restaurant. o The Billy Casper Golf improvement plan has been updated and presented. o As a follow up to the July Board approval for the preparation of an enhancement plan-the first advisory committee meeting was held. Greg Martin is gathering further information and a follow up meeting will be scheduled within the next couple of weeks with the advisory committee. The advisory committee is comprised of district and board representation as well as community members. o The District has been working with Renny Jacobson with CF Turf to assist with monitoring and advising on course conditions. o Social Media comments are being monitored and a number of sites have noted improved course conditions. Pace of play and visibility of course rangers continues to be the focus of any negative comments. The District has confirmed that rangers are being scheduled and BCG will continue to work with rangers to ensure that the golfer is aware of their presence. o A number of the bunkers renovations have been completed and staff will tour with Billy Casper officials to determine next steps.

• Deliver “Frontline” GEM training. o The development of this program is in progress. We are in development of a training and orientation program that will be customized for each frontline area beginning at the Vaughan Athletic Center.

Location updates:

Vaughan Athletic Center

Month of August 2015:

Fitness Center Scans: 22,993 Participants in Grp Exercise Visits in VAC Aquatic Park: 639 Classes: 5,689 Personal Training Sessions: 11 birthday parties: 147 children 275 Café Sales: $2,708

New Memberships Sold: 340 Membership Scans in fieldhouse: 1,120 Children visiting childcare: 1,968

Prisco Community Center

Month of August 2015:

Fitness Center Scans: 571 Aug. 22&23 Disney’s “Cinderella Kids” production- 27 Rentals: 2,832 in 375 attended attendance Aug. 28th Fox Valley Theatre Guild: “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown”- 500 attendees

Blackberry Farm

Month of August 2015:

July Daily Attendance: 20,034 Special Theme Days: Season Passes YTD: 1,153 passes-2,517 Civil War Days- Aug. 15 & 16- 1,008 members attended Birthday Parties: 25; 429 attendees Family Fun Night - Aug. 7 ( 223 attended) Rentals: 28; 1,353 in attendance Aug. Live and Uncorked- 274 attended Field Trips: 23; 906 in attendance

September 2015 Marketing Report Digital Footprint at-a-glance

Website Activity Social Spotlight #AmazingRace; Eola

11.6% boost in users year over year. Eola Community Center’s Facebook Page has seen a 100% increase in just a couple months, Page views saw an 8% increase. and now boasts 1,198 fans. These fans serve as an organic word-of-mouth referral service for Eola events and programs, as anytime they “like” or interact with our content, #TBT it’s in turn seen by their network of friends. Facilities as a general group saw 21% increase in traffic. The Vaughan Athletic Center, partially bolstered by a Throwback Thursday #tbt campaign, saw a 73% increase in web visits.

LAST CONCERTS this summer! Aug. 20 Targeted Emails LibidoFREE! Funk Circus Final Concert of the Season! Using Constant Contact, twenty-one d an LIVE music! e-blasts were sent to Thursdays audiences interested 7 to 9 p.m. 21+ Smokin’Bring a blanket, picnic Gunz* in receiving information about various district basket and your favorite Do ‘Live’ for $5 THURSDAY,craft beer or bottle AUGUST of 27 Tickets sold at the door wine whileat 7:30 enjoying P.M. an events and programs. Concerts in the Park FOX VA LLEY 100 S. Barnes Road, Aurora evening of great music at TRENDING: Amazing Race photos had more Bring lawn chairs or blankets Ages 21 and up only Blackberry Farm! and Live and Uncorked benefited from AM AZING Valid until July 30, 2015. Schedule subject to change. than 2,000 clicks on Facebook. Participants the email campaigns and posted some of Montgomery Park RA E were encouraged to tag their teammates and friends, River Street & Mill Street, Montgomery their largest crowds of the season following C *Sponsored by Village of Montgomery 2015 increasing the share-ability of the content. For concert updates, visit their eblast advertising.

FREE! CONCERTS at 7:30 P.M. Bring lawn chairs or blankets August 27 August 6 Smokin’ Gunz Aurora American Legion Band Montgomery Park (Sponsored by McCullough Park Villiage of Montgomery) DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Honorable Board of Trustees

FROM: Mark Johnson, Chief of Park Police and Public Safety

RE: September Staff Report

Strategic Plan Objectives:

• Evaluate need for expanded garage and storage space at the Park District Police and Public Safety facility and determine source of funding. Status: It was determined that in order to better preserve our police fleet, added space is necessary. Currently we have garage space for 6 vehicles and there are an additional 6 parked outside year-round. There is adequate space for a structure on District owned property directly south of the police office.

Funding will be addressed in the 2016-2017 police budget.

• Develop a recruitment plan to ensure that, due to attrition, open law enforcement positions are promptly filled. Status: Ongoing. Staff has experienced an extremely high rate of attrition during the past few months. The vacancies are primarily due to staff relocating out of the area. These vacancies are going unfilled. We are constantly advertizing for applicants and receiving applications but the overwhelming majority do not meet minimum qualifications for the position.

Research shows that we are losing qualified candidates to other area departments primarily due to our entry level rate of pay. The rate is approx 30% less than other area departments.

A comprehensive review of our recruitment effort will be addressed in the 2016-2017 budget.

• Prepare for CALEA reaccreditation. Status: Ongoing. The onsite evaluation is scheduled December 4th.

• Evaluate squad car video software and implement technology that downloads images efficiently. Status: Completed. With the upgraded software, the squad car cameras are being downloaded automatically when the squads return to the garage at the completion of each shift. The images are stored on a dedicated computer in the police office for later review or as evidence.

• Provide training for the enhanced law enforcement records management system. Status: Completed.

• Provide NIMIS 200 training for all emergency responders. Status: Completed. Many of our officers have gone onto 300 and 400 level training.

• Develop an intergovernmental emergency response plan for Stuart Sports Complex. Status: Completed. A meeting was held at the Complex on July 1st. Representatives of all the responsible jurisdictions were in attendance and we feel very comfortable that we have in place a very comprehensive plan.

• Enhance the summer playground program to interact with public safety personnel. Status: Completed. A PSO was added to assist our officers in visiting the playgrounds. On June 25th, a picnic was held at McCullough Park. Approximately 250 children were in attendance. Also in attendance were representatives from 5 other law enforcement or fire agencies that brought equipment for the program participants to view and interact with.

• Update the Park Police website page quarterly. Status: Completed.

DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Honorable Board of Trustees

FROM: Jeff Palmquist, Director of Planning, Development and Grants

RE: Monthly Report


1. Implement neighborhood and community park renovation projects based upon playground and facility replacement needs and schedules. 2015-2018 • On-hold- Jericho Lake Park renovation construction. Construction to begin when the suspension of OSLAD grant funded projects is lifted by IDNR. Staff coordination with Kane County Department of Transportation regarding Jericho Road improvements and relocated Jericho Lake Park entrance is on-going. • On-hold- - Copley 1 renovation construction. Construction to begin when the suspension of OSLAD grant funded projects is lifted by IDNR. • Completed- Birmingham Park renovation construction. • Completed- Austin Park renovation construction. • Completed- Lincoln Park playground replacement construction. • Completed- Palmer Park renovation construction. • Completed- Eola Community Center parking lot improvements. • Completed- Cumberland Park playground replacement concept plan (pending Board of Trustees approval at September 21 meeting). • In progress- Brooklyn Park park renovation concept plan.

2. Complete the construction of the Prisco Community Center expansion and renovation. • On- hold, pending reinstatement of PARC grant funding by IDNR.

3. Implement site improvement plans for Red Oak Nature Center and Blackberry Farm. • Completed- construction and restoration of events plaza/Barnes Road landscaping and retaining wall. • Completed- construction of Red Oak Nature Center parking lot improvements and associated ornamental entry gate/sign.

4. Coordinate with the City of Aurora on the use and management of river shoreline property. • In progress- coordination with the City of Aurora Animal Control facility on the use of a small portion of adjacent FVPD property for parking lot expansion. • Completed- coordination with the City of Aurora regarding geo-technical work at North River Street Park and the Fox River Trail East. • In progress- coordination with City of Aurora staff and consultants regarding the Aurora Transportation Center improvement plan.

5. Coordinate with the City of Aurora on strategic intergovernmental exchanges. • In progress- coordination with City public works staff on regional storm water management plans within the Zausa property area and specific easement and drainage measures applied to the Zausa property. • In progress- coordination with City engineering staff regarding potential regional storm water management improvements affecting Barrington Park.

6. Apply the District’s sustainable design considerations checklist for parks and facilities to the design and construction of capital projects. • Completed- review/assessment of Palmer Park improvement plan. • In progress- incorporation of sustainable design considerations into the Stuart Sports Complex north renovation master plan.

7. Develop a plan for the renovation of Stuart Sports Complex north. 2015-17. • In progress- base mapping, site inventory work and interdepartmental coordination completed. Plan formulation on-going.

8. Coordinate with the City of Aurora on the acquisition and development of strategic open space opportunities within planning areas with neighborhood park open space deficiencies.

9. Identify opportunities to expand the scope of nature based play to include natural features and sustainability related interpretive interactives and signage. 2015-18. • Incorporation of nature based play and interpretive features into the renovation of Jericho Lake Park on-hold, pending reinstatement of OSLAD grant funding assistance.


DEPARTMENT NUMBER OF MONTHLY MONTHLY EMPLOYEE YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE EMPLOYEE INCIDENTS HOURS WORKED NUMBER OF INCIDENTS HOURS WORKED Administration 0 4621:23 0 37057:58 Facilities Maintenance 0 3483:16 0 27673:31 Parks Maintenance 0 7830:22 0 47000:21 Greenhouse 0 1422:12 0 10498:56 Eola Community Center 0 4708:50 1 44545:07 Prisco Community Center 0 3072:34 0 33333:40 Vaughan Athletic Center 0 10420:18 0 75151:34 Outdoor Education 0 799:50 0 7052:49 Blackberry Farm 0 5359:34 0 26031:12 Outdoor Aquatics 0 780:01 0 2199:33 Police & Public Safety 0 3535:02 1 23015:43 TOTAL 0 46033:22 2 333560:24

Footnotes: The monthly hours provided are totals hours before time card corrections.

Reported Injuries with Days Away or Restricted Time; Reported injuries with no day’s away or lost time;

None Employee stung by wasp, Medical Employee received rash form plants, no medical Employee stuck by plant thorn, Medical Employee got debris in eye, Medical Employee stung by bees, no medical 5.5

DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Honorable Board of Trustees

FROM: Jeff Palmquist, Director of Planning, Development and Grants

RE: Capital Projects Permitting Fees and Charges, Capital Projects Cost Summaries and Project Bid Schedule Report

BACKGROUND: The September, 2015 Capital Projects Permitting Fees and Charges Summary reports are attached. The projects listed represent pending construction activity of a size and scope that trigger involved permitting processes, numerous permit related costs and potential construction delays.

Primarily due to the suspension of work on the Prisco Community Center renovation, Jericho Lake Park and Copley 1 Park, the District has not incurred any significant permit related fees to any project over the past month. Other major park related construction activity has been completed for the season.

REVIEW BY OTHERS: Executive Director, Director of Parks and Facility Maintenance, and Senior Park Planner.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The impact of permit related costs significantly impacts the project implementation schedule and the overall project construction cost.

PRESENTER: Jeff Palmquist, Director of Planning, Development and Grants.


$1,000 IDNR Floodway Construction Permit fee. JERICHO LAKE $20,000 VOM engineering PARK TBD $0 TBD TBD TBD $0 $0 NA TBD NA $1,998 review fee deposit. $2,743.49 Village plan/engineering review fee.

$1,339 (up to $500 COPLEY 1 PARK NA $0 TBD TBD TBD $0 $0 TBD TBD TBD refundable)

Abbreviations: City of Aurora - COA, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency - IEPA, Village of Montgomery - VOM September 21, 2015


Approved Changes to Total Final Construction Fees & Permit Other Project Project Construction Project Bid Awards Costs Costs Budget Contracts Cost

$20,000 VOM Jericho Lake $1,250,000 $1,146,797 engineering Park construction (Wilkinson) review and budget. inspection fee deposit.

$1,000 IDNR Floodway Construction permit fee.

$1,998 Kane- DuPage Soil & Water Conservation District permit fee

Copley 1 Park $945,000 $159,802 $1,339 Kane- construction (Barton Electric DuPage Soil & budget ball field lighting Water contract) Conservation District permit fee

Copley 2/Boxing $130,000 $127,896.40 Club site restoration

Austin Park $310,000 $263,858.55 $6,832.58* $281,996.12 playground and $9,804.00** park $1,500.00*** improvements

*For repair of concrete walk by restrooms per Parks Department request- outside original scope of work.

** Plans and specifications called for re-use of existing wood fiber safety surface to save money. Upon excavation, less existing fiber determined usable than specified. Change order necessary for additional new wood fiber.

***To extend contractor watering of sod for additional two weeks beyond required 30 day obligation as specified. September 21, 2015


Anticipated Bid/RFP Anticipated Bid/Project Project Release Date Award Date

Copley 1 Park Pending IDNR notice to TBD renovation proceed

Prisco Community Center Pending IDNR notice to TBD fitness center expansion and proceed building improvements


Date: September 21, 2015

To: Honorable Board of Trustees

From: Laurie Hoffman, Director of Recreation & Communications

Re: Concession Agreement

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the extension of the license agreement (attached) for three years with Reuland Food Service Inc. to provide concession services at the outdoor aquatic centers and Blackberry Farm.

BACKGROUND: Reuland Food Service has provided concession services at Blackberry Farm and the outdoor aquatic centers since 2006. A new request for proposal was developed in 2012 and Reuland Food Service was awarded the proposal and 3-year operating agreement which was approved at the November 12, 2012 board meeting. The agreement contains a three- year extension clause extending the contract through December 31, 2018.

The District has held discussions with the concessionaire concerning potential changes that may occur at the water parks in the future. The extension agreement is inclusive of language that would provide for the amendment of the license fee (on a prorated basis) should the concession operations be impacted during this time period.

REASON FOR BOARD REQUIRED ACTION: Approval to enter into the concession agreement requires board action.

REVIEW BY OTHERS: Executive Director, Superintendent of Recreation, Reuland Food Service, District Legal Counsel.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The district receives annual license fees in the amount of $15,000 from Reuland Food Service in accordance with the agreement. The extension does stipulate that the license fees would be amended should changes occur in the future impacting the concession operations.

PRESENTER: Laurie Hoffman, Director of Recreation & Communications August 31, 2015

Mr. Ryan Reuland Reuland Food Service 115 Oak Avenue Aurora, IL 60506

Re: License agreement granting concession services between the Fox Valley Park District and Reuland Food Service for the outdoor aquatic centers and Blackberry Farm.

Dear Ryan,

Pursuant to paragraph 26 of the original license agreement signed November 12, 2012; the Fox Valley Park District agrees to extend the contract for an additional 3 years beyond the current agreement’s terms. All contractual terms in the original agreement remain the same, with the exception of agreeing to allow the Fox Valley Park District the flexibility to reduce or remove concession services provided at Splash Country Aquatic Center in the event that operations at the location are altered. If operations are altered, a portion of the concessionaire’s rental fee due to the Fox Valley Park District would be reduced by $3,800 to compensate for the difference based on the current allocation of the license fee.

This will extend the current terms of the agreement through December 31, 2018. Please acknowledge receipt and understanding of this extension by signing below and returning to my attention.


Jaime Ijams Superintendent of Recreation 101 W. Illinois Avenue Aurora, IL 60506 630-897-0516

______Reuland Food Service Signature Date


DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Honorable Board of Trustees

FROM: Michael Erickson, Director of Parks and Facility Maintenance

RE: 2015/2016 Asphalt Paving

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Asphalt and Paving Projects at various sites throughout the District in the amount of $261,000 from Evans and Son Blacktop, Inc.

BACKGROUND: Each fiscal year, various paving, sealcoating and restriping projects for asphalt trail and parking lots are included in the budget. For the 2015/2016 budget the project locations are Harbour Springs Park, Goodwin School/Park, Rollins School/Park, Washington Park, Martin Luther King Jr. Park, Clearwood Park, Sutton Lake Park, Simmons School/Park, North Aurora Island Park and the Fox River Trail West.

This work was advertised for competitive bid with a total of eight asphalt contractors picking up the project manual and only one contractor placing a bid. Bids were opened on September 8, 2015 with the low and only bid being placed by Evans and Son Blacktop, Inc. from West Chicago, Illinois. This contractor has done work for the District on numerous occasions in the past. Their work has always been high in quality and they are a good contractor to work with.

REASON FOR BOARD REQUIRED ACTION: The District’s purchasing policy requires Board of Trustee approval of contracts in excess of $20,000.

REVIEW BY OTHERS: Executive Director, Superintendent of Park Maintenance, Arboriculture and Trails Supervisor and East Maintenance Supervisor

FINANCIAL IMPACT: $388,292 was budgeted for in the 2015/2016 fiscal year.

PRESENTER: Michael Erickson, Director of Parks and Facility Maintenance Department of Parks and Facility Maintenance

BID TABULATION FORM PROJECT: 2015/2016 Asphalt Paving DATE: September 8, 2015


Evans and Son Blacktop, Inc. X $261,000.00 Yes West Chicago, Illinois

101 West Illinois Avenue • Aurora, Illinois 60506 • 630-897-0516 • FAX 630-897-6896 5.8

DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Honorable Board of Trustees

FROM: Jeff Palmquist, Director of Planning, Development and Grants

RE: License Agreement between the Fox Valley Park District and Copley Memorial Hospital, Inc. for a sidewalk access connection to the Waubonsie Creek Trail.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the License Agreement between the Fox Valley Park District and Copley Memorial Hospital, Inc. for a sidewalk access connection to the Waubonsie Creek Trail.

BACKGROUND: Last month, the Board of Trustees approved a license agreement to permit the new Aurora Memory Care facility to construct a concrete sidewalk connection to the District’s Fox River Trail. In very similar fashion, Copley Hospital is requesting permission to connect a proposed sidewalk from their facility to the Waubonsie Creek Trail. The alignment is depicted on the attached exhibit. The reason that this license is required is that no public sidewalk (which would otherwise extend across the trail in the public right-of-way) exists along the west side of Waterford Drive.

Staff has conferred with Attorney Hodge to again determine that this license agreement is the most appropriate mechanism for granting formal District permission for the placement and maintenance of the Copley Hospital sidewalk connection. The term of the agreement (see attached agreement) is 5 years, with automatic 5 year renewal periods unless notice by either party is given.

REASON FOR BOARD REQUIRED ACTION: The Fox Valley Park District ordinance regarding Licenses and Easements for Public Services requires license agreements to be approved by the Board of Trustees.

REVIEW BY OTHERS: Executive Director, Attorney Hodge, and Director of Parks and Facility Maintenance.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact to the District resulting from approval of the license agreement.

PRESENTER: Jeff Palmquist, Director of Planning, Development and Grants.


THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT made and entered into this _____ day of

______, 2015, by and between the FOX VALLEY PARK DISTRICT, Illinois, an

Illinois park district of the counties of Kane, DuPage, Will and Kendall, State of Illinois,

(“District”), and COPLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (CMH), an Illinois not-for-profit



WHEREAS, District represents and warrants that it owns all rights, title and interest to

certain land commonly known as the Waubonsie Creek Trail, in the City of Aurora, Illinois

60505 (parcel identification number 15-36-330-001) and identified in Exhibit A attached hereto;


WHEREAS, CMH desires to use a portion of the Waubonsie Creek Trail area depicted

on Exhibit A (hereinafter referred to as “the Property”) for access to the asphalt Waubonsie

Creek Trail within the Property through the construction and maintenance of a five-foot wide

concrete sidewalk that shall extend between the northerly limit of the CMH sidewalk and the

paved Waubonsie Creek Trail; and

WHEREAS, District desires to grant to CMH a non-exclusive license enabling CMH to

utilize the District Property for Waubonsie Creek Trail access purposes.

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations

contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of

which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows:

1. The District hereby grants to CMH a non-exclusive license to use the Property for

the installation of a concrete sidewalk subject to the additional terms and conditions herein set


2. The sidewalk shall be constructed in an alignment as generally depicted on

Exhibit A, provided further that such installation shall not damage the Property or obstruct the

use of the Waubonsie Creek Trail by the general public. Construction of the sidewalk shall

include the restoration of areas that are disturbed by the installation, which restoration shall

consist of the placement of 6 inches of topsoil, fine grading and seeding with turf grass.

3. The width of the area of the Property required by CMH and made subject to this

License Agreement shall be restricted to the actual width of the sidewalk, together with any

additional area necessary for related excavation, grading and restoration, but not exceeding a

dimension of 20 feet (measured east to west) and 30 feet (measured north and south) for a total

of 600 square feet maximum.

4. CMH shall maintain the sidewalk in a safe, clean condition at all times and in

compliance with any City of Aurora ordinance requirements and CMH shall indemnify and hold the District harmless with respect to the use of the sidewalk by its residents and the public.

5. Use of the Property shall be available to the general public at all times without charge.

6. This agreement shall be for an initial term of five years, ending on December 31,

2020, subject to further renewal as provided herein.

7. This agreement shall automatically renew successively for an additional period of

five (5) years at the expiration of each preceding term, unless notice is provided of its intent not

to renew the term hereof by either party hereto on or before December 31 of the year of

2 termination (for these purposes notice shall be given on or before December 31, 2020 for a

termination to be effective as of December 31, 2020). In the event of a default by CMH, the

District shall have the right to terminate this agreement immediately at its sole discretion.

8. This License shall not be alienable or assignable.

9. CMH covenants and agrees that it will not permit or suffer any lien to be put upon or arise or accrue against said Property in favor of any person or persons, individual or corporate, furnishing either any labor or material in any work herein proposed, and CMH further covenants

and agrees to hold the District and said Property free from any and all liens or rights or claims of liens which may or might arise or accrue under or be based upon any mechanic’s lien law, so called, of the State of Illinois, now in force or hereafter to be enacted. All contracts and agreements that may be made by CMH relating to any work herein proposed, shall expressly state that the interest of the District in and to said Property shall be wholly free from and not subject to any lien or claim of any contractor, subcontractor, mechanic, material man or laborer, whether based upon any law or regulation of the State of Illinois, or any other authority, now in force or hereafter to be enacted, and CMH also hereby covenants and agrees that it will not enter into any contract for such work which shall not in express terms contain the aforesaid provision.

As the District is not granted any construction rights relative to the District’s Property, it will indemnify and hold CMH harmless from and against any mechanic’s lien or other similar lien right arising or attaching to the Property which results from the actions of the District or any of its employees, contractors or agents with respect thereto.

10. Any notice hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered by personal service or by certified or registered mail, with postage prepaid, addressed to:

Licensor: Fox Valley Park District Attn: Nancy McCaul, Executive Director 101 West Illinois Avenue Aurora, Illinois 60506

Licensor: Copley Memorial Hospital Attn: Kirk Kruse 2000 Ogden Avenue Aurora, IL 60504

Either party, by a similar written notice, may change the address to which notices shall be sent.

12. This Agreement shall not be construed so as to create a joint venture, partnership,

employment, or other agency relationship between the parties hereto.

13. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, it is agreed and

understood that the terms of this License Agreement shall only apply to the District Property and shall not apply in any respect to the adjacent property owned by the Licensee.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized representative as of the day and year first above written.



By:______By:______Its President Its Authorized Agent



4 Its Secretary


DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Honorable Board of Trustees

FROM: Laurie Hoffman, Director of Recreation & Communications

RE: Vaughan Athletic Center Aquatic Operating Agreement

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the amendment to the agreement with Ellis and Associates exercising the option to extend the Vaughan Athletic Center aquatics operating agreement for three years (through the 2019 fiscal year).

BACKGROUND: Ellis and Associates has provided management services since opening the Vaughan Athletic Center in 2005. The original service agreement provided for Ellis management personnel to oversee day-to-day operations and facilitate the training of lifeguards and support staff including oversight of safety and aquatic staff administration and communications. The agreement was expanded through an amendment in 2007 with Jeff Ellis Management to include the hiring, human resources, and payroll management of aquatic employees incorporating lifeguards, cashiers, and swim instructors as Jeff Ellis Management employees. This involves approximately 300 aquatic employees between both the outdoor centers and the VAC. The most recent agreement was approved at the December 9, 2013 board meeting and contains a three-year renewal provision that would extend services through the 2019 fiscal year for the VAC.

REASON FOR BOARD REQUIRED ACTION: Board of Trustee approval is required.

REVIEW BY OTHERS: District Legal Counsel, Executive Director, Superintendent of Recreation, Vaughan Athletic Center Manager.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The annual management fee is proposed to remain at the current (2015/2016) rates throughout the three year extension period. The annual compensation (labor fees) is proposed to remain at the current 2015/2016 fiscal year rates for the following fiscal year 2016/2017 and then would increase for the following two years in accordance with CPI not to exceed 3%. The agreement and proposed amendment is attached. A thorough staffing and cost analysis was conducted to determine the feasibility of the District self-operating the aquatic function. It is estimated that the District would save approximately $3,000-5,000 in labor costs annually by outsourcing this function to Ellis in addition to administrative time savings particularly in hiring, personnel and payroll administration. With budget preparation underway shortly- this will facilitate the planning and budgeting process for the next fiscal year.


This Amendment is made this ____ day of September 2015 by and between FOX


INC. (“Manager”), amending certain terms of existing service agreement (dated December 1,

2013) between Owner and Manager relating to the aquatic operations at the Vaughan Athletic

Center. For these purposes, the provisions of this Amendment is expressly intended to include operations at the Vaughan Athletic Center and the existing agreement thereto (collectively, the

“Agreement”). The parties acknowledge that there are provisions for a separate agreement relating to the outdoor aquatic centers.

1. Extension of Term. The parties agree that the term of the Agreement, is further extended

by this Amendment for a period of three years, commencing on May 1, 2016 and ending on

April 30, 2019. The annual management fee to be paid hereunder shall remain at the same

level as set for the 2015/2016 fiscal year, for the entire length of the extension in the annual

amount of $70,000 payable in 12 monthly installments of $5,833 payable as outlined in the

December 1, 2013 agreement. The annual compensation (labor) and fees to be paid

hereunder shall remain at the same level as set for the 2015/2016 fiscal year for one year

(2016/2017 fiscal year), namely, total annual compensation budget of $372,000, payable in

12 monthly installments of $31,000 in each month beginning May 1, 2016. For fiscal years of

2017/2018 and 2018/2019 the total annual compensation (labor) fees to be paid will increase

in accordance with the established Consumer Price Index (CPI) each year not to exceed 3%.


2. No Other Extension or Renewal Options. The renewal option referenced in Section 5.01

of the Agreement and prior amendments is hereby eliminated.

3. Original Agreement Continues. It is intended by the parties that the Agreement, as previously amended, shall, except as further modified by the terms hereof, continue in their present form for the extended terms set forth herein and the other provisions of the Agreement shall be and continue in full force and effect, except as expressly modified herein. The parties ratify and confirm that all contractual indemnity, insurance coverage, hold harmless provisions and obligations of Manager as contained in the original agreement shall be in effect and continue for the extended term established hereunder.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment to service agreement this ____ day of ______, 2015.



By:______By:______Robert Vaughan, Its President Jeff Ellis, Its President

2 5.10

DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Honorable Board of Trustees

FROM: Laurie Hoffman, Director of Recreation & Communications

RE: Outdoor Aquatic Center Operating Agreement

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the amendment to the agreement with Ellis and Associates exercising the option to extend the operating agreement for the outdoor aquatic centers for three years (through the 2018 season).

BACKGROUND: Ellis and Associates has provided management services for the Fox Valley Park District outdoor aquatic centers since 2004. The original service agreement provided for Ellis management personnel to oversee day-to-day operations at both outdoor aquatic facilities and facilitate the training of lifeguards and support staff including oversight of safety and aquatic staff administration and communications. The agreement was expanded through an amendment in 2007 with Jeff Ellis Management to include the hiring, human resources, and payroll management of aquatic employees incorporating lifeguards, cashiers, and swim instructors as Jeff Ellis Management employees. This involves approximately 300 aquatic employees between the outdoor aquatic centers and the VAC. The most recent agreement was approved at the December 9, 2013 board meeting and contains a three-year renewal provision that would extend services through the 2018 season.

REASON FOR BOARD REQUIRED ACTION: Board of Trustee approval is required.

REVIEW BY OTHERS: District Legal Counsel, Executive Director, Superintendent of Recreation, Jeff Ellis and Associates.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The annual management and labor fees are proposed to remain at the current (2015) rates throughout the three year extension period. The agreement and proposed amendment is attached. A thorough staffing and cost analysis was conducted to determine the feasibility of the District self-operating the aquatic function. It is estimated that the District would save approximately $3,000-5,000 in labor costs annually by outsourcing this function to Ellis in addition to administrative time savings particularly in hiring, personnel and payroll administration.

The District is currently in the process of considering changes at the aquatic centers. Should any of these changes impact the operation such as hours of operation, length of season or closure- there is a clause in the amendment that would provide the fees to be reduced based on the direct allocation of costs. This is outlined in the agreement and amendment.


This Amendment is made this ____ day of September 2015 by and between FOX

VALLEY PARK DISTRICT, an Illinois Special District, as agent pursuant to an agreement with the City of Aurora (“Owner”) and JEFF ELLIS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. (“Manager”), amending certain terms of existing service agreement (dated December 1, 2013) between Owner and Manager relating to the Philips Park and Splash Country aquatic centers (collectively, the

“Outdoor Aquatic Centers”; also referred to collectively as the “Facilities”). For these purposes, the provisions of this Amendment is expressly intended to include operations at both Facilities and the existing agreement thereto (collectively, the “Agreement”). The parties acknowledge that there are provisions for a separate agreement relating to the Vaughan Athletic Center.

1. Extension of Term. The parties agree that the term of the Agreement, is further extended

by this Amendment for a period of three years, commencing on May 1, 2016 and ending at

the conclusion of the 2018 outdoor aquatic operating season. The compensation and fees to

be paid hereunder shall remain at the same level as set for 2015, namely, total annual

compensation budget of $300,000, payable in four installments of $75,000 in each month of

May, June, July and August of each year hereof and an annual Management Fee of $50,000,

payable in four monthly installments of $12,500 in each month of May, June, July and

August of each year hereof.

2. No Other Extension or Renewal Options. The renewal option referenced in Section 5.01

of the Agreement and prior amendments is hereby eliminated.


3. Original Agreement Continues. It is intended by the parties that the Agreement, as previously amended, shall, except as further modified by the terms hereof, continue in their present form for the extended terms set forth herein and the other provisions of the Agreement shall be and continue in full force and effect, except as expressly modified herein. The parties ratify and confirm that all contractual indemnity, insurance coverage, hold harmless provisions and obligations of Manager as contained in the original agreement shall be in effect and continue for the extended term established hereunder. Parties understand that the outdoor aquatic centers are currently undergoing a study which may impact future operations. Both parties acknowledge that should the operations of the outdoor aquatic centers be amended during this period of

“extension” such as for a closure, renovation or change in operations- that the management and labor fees will be revised in accordance with its attributable fees.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment to service agreement this ____ day of ______, 2015.



By:______By:______Robert Vaughan, Its President Jeff Ellis, Its President

2 11.1

DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Honorable Board of Trustees

FROM: Jeff Palmquist, Director of Planning, Development and Grants

RE: Cumberland Park Playground Renovation Plan

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Cumberland Park Playground Renovation Plan.

BACKGROUND: Cumberland Park is a 3 acre site located just south of Route 34 near the Route 34/Montgomery Road intersection (see attached location exhibit). The park consists primarily of a 2.5 acre blue-green mowed turf area and a high-dry “plateau” at the southwest corner of the park where the existing playground sits.

The renovation of the Cumberland Park playground is one of as many as seven park renovation projects identified in the Capital Plan for FY 2016-17. With this aggressive park redevelopment program, Planning Staff will be presenting renovation concepts plans before the Board of Trustees over the next few months, beginning with Cumberland Park, so that we can proceed with bid documents and bidding of these projects in early spring. The projects should then be ready for construction once the FY 2016-17 budget is approved and construction funding is made available.

With limited high-dry area available, the proposed concept plan locates the proposed new playground within the approximate footprint of the existing playground (see attached Concept Plan and Features Images exhibits). Staff has developed an equipment concept that offers unique features and maximizes the play value within the limited available area. This playground is to offer elements that are new and different from the more traditional playgrounds within other parks in the area

REASON FOR BOARD REQUIRED ACTION: Fox Valley Park District Board of Trustees review and approve park development plans prior to bidding and construction.

REVIEW BY OTHERS: Executive Director, Director of Parks and Facility Maintenance, Senior Park Planner and Superintendent of Parks.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost estimate for the proposed playground renovation is $203,500. This contrasts to the $250,000-$300,000 budget amount required to complete a renovation that includes a shelter and other features that a larger park may have. By having park renovation concept plans and associated cost estimates in place through the end of the year, staff can more accurately account for these costs in the FY 2016-17 budget.

PRESENTER: Jeff Palmquist, Director of Planning, Development and Grants.


DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Honorable Board of Trustees

FROM: Bob Vaughan, President

RE: Appointment to the Fox Valley Special Recreation Board

RECOMMENDATION: Approve appointment of Dennis Wiggins to the Fox Valley Special Recreation Association (FVSRA) Board with a term to expire in December 2015.

BACKGROUND: With the resignation of Laurie Hoffman this month, a vacancy for one of our board representatives from the park district to the FVSRA Board occurred. Laurie Hoffman and Trustee Penne were appointed in January 2014 to serve through December 2015. Trustee Wiggins will serve the remainder of Laurie’s term on the FVSRA Board.

REASON FOR BOARD REQUIRED ACTION: Board of Trustee action is required for FVSRA Board appointments.

REVIEWED BY OTHERS: Executive Director

FINANCIAL IMPACT: No financial impact.

PRESENTER: President Vaughan


DATE: September 21, 2015

TO: Honorable Board of Trustees

FROM: Robert Vaughan, President

RE: Appointment of Acting Executive Director to the Fox Valley Park District

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the appointment of Jeff Palmquist as the Acting Executive Director to the Fox Valley Park District effective October 1, 2015.

BACKGROUND: The current Executive Director is retiring and her last day is September 30, 2015. An Executive Director Recruitment Committee was appointed to collect and review all applicant submittals and the full board is currently in the process of reviewing all resumes.

The recruitment process is expected to continue beyond the final date of employment for the current Executive Director. Therefore, an interim Executive Director will need to be appointed to ensure the District continues its operations with competent leadership until such time that the Board has chosen a permanent replacement.

Jeff Palmquist has been employed with the Park District as the Director of Planning, Development and Grants for 18 years giving him the required technical experience and skill, intimate knowledge of the Park District and experience in a leadership role to successfully perform the duties of Acting Executive Director.

REASON FOR BOARD REQUIRED ACTION: Board of Trustee action is required for the appointment of an Acting Executive Director.

REVIEWED BY OTHERS: Executive Director


PRESENTER: President Vaughan 12.0


1. Stan Bond, Trustee, Village of Montgomery Compliments and congratulations on a remarkable park atmosphere.

2. Scheketa Hart-Burns, Alderman, 7th Ward Thank you for your help in making the 28th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Funfest and Back to School Bash a success.

3. Fox Valley Park District in the News Various recent news article(s) concerning the District.

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September 2015 Board Clips

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Online News Audience: 35,721

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AUG How Kane County plans to make forest preserve scofflaws pay 28 - For too many people, getting a ticket from the Kane County Forest Preserve District Police means 12:58 PM CST they've received another piece of paper they can dump into the recycling bin. But now, district officials are developing a strategy to make scofflaws pay for that decision. Each year, forest district


AUG Aurora knows it’s ‘not a retirement community’; city places 147th of 150 in WalletHub study 27 - A financial advice site's list of the best places in the nation to retire shows Aurora might not be one of 01:06 AM CST them. WalletHub ranked the 150 largest cities from best to worst for retirement based on roughly 25 factors in categories of affordability, activities, quality of life and health care. Aurora


AUG Fox Valley Park District director of recreation leaving 25 - After 13 years as director of Recreation and Communications for the Fox Valley Park District, 02:01 PM CST lifelong Auroran Laurie Hoffman is leaving to take a new job. Hoffman informed Park District staff this week she has accepted an offer to become director of Community Services with the city of Irvine, California,

1 26

AUG Bugfest event delights children in Batavia 24 - BATAVIA – “I only like dragonflies,” said Dominic Jaimes, 6, of North Aurora, as he hurried off to 05:51 PM CST follow the activities Saturday at Bugfest, sponsored by the Fox Valley Park District at Lippold and Red Oak parks in Batavia. His aunt, Jeanne Ranson, also of North Aurora , said she brought him to


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AUG Hoffman leaving Fox Valley Park District 27 - After 13 years as director of recreation and communications for the Fox Valley Park District, lifelong 10:42 PM CST Auroran Laurie Hoffman has announced she is leaving the district for a new job. Related Links Hoffman leaving Fox Valley Park District Bugfest delights, teaches children about insects Fox Valley Park

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AUG Biking the Virgil Gilman Bike Trail 26 - The Virgil L. Gilman Trail follows two railroad right-of-ways and runs from Montgomery, 02:15 PM CST IL west 11.5 miles to Waubonsee Community College at Route 47 in Sugar Grove. It was constructed by the Fox Valley Park District and the Kane County Forest Preserve District and is named in honor of Gilman, who served


AUG Bug Fest to take place Saturday 21 - BATAVIA – Insects and the world of bugs will take center stage from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, when the 04:18 PM CST sixth annual Bug Fest is held at Lippold Park and Red Oak Nature Center. Related Links Bug Fest to take place Saturday Woman files suit against Aldi Batavia residents protest against Prairie State


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