Connecting the Baltic Area Connecting The establishment in Europe of a postal service revolutionized seventeenth century communications as well as the media landscape. Throughout most of Europe news, which rose sharply in volume, now the Baltic Area traveled expeditiously. The comparative ease by which word could be sent helped new social and economic relationships flourish, intensifying the process of state-building. The consequences of this transformation for both postal workers and consumers alike permeate the work contained. The Swedish Postal System The Post’s historical role must be considered in the context of European in the Seventeenth Century society at large. Focus should move away from its organization and development as an institution in isolation. That is the perspective shared by contributors to this anthology. Edited by Heiko Droste Edited by Heiko Droste Södertörns högskola Biblioteket
[email protected] S-141 89 Huddinge CONNECTING THE BALTIC AREA The Swedish Postal System in the Seventeenth Century Editor Heiko Droste Södertörns högskola Södertörns högskola SE-141 89 Huddinge 2011 Book Cover Image: Detail from an oil painting of a Postman on Horseback (Postryttare), painted in the 1840s by artist and army officer John Georg Arsenius (1818–1903). The original is housed at Postmuseum, Stockholm. Cover: Jonathan Robson Graphic Design: Per Lindblom Printed by E-print, Stockholm 2011 Södertörn Studies in History 9 ISSN 1653-2147 Södertörn Academic Studies 42 ISSN 1650-433X ISBN 978-91-86069-23-0 Contents Map of the Baltic Area with Postal Routes 6 Towns and Cities 9 Abbreviations, State Institutions, Coinages, Dates 10 Acknowledgements 13 Introduction 15 Magnus Linnarsson The Development of the Swedish Post Office, c.