Senate Bill No. 60
FIRST REGULAR SESSION SENATE BILL NO. 60 101ST GENERAL ASSEMBLY INTRODUCED BY SENATOR WILLIAMS. 0468S.01I ADRIANE D. CROUSE, Secretary AN ACT To repeal sections 105.240, 542.271, 542.276, 542.291, 542.296, 544.190, 544.200, 563.031, 563.041, 563.046, 563.051, 563.074, 566.145, 575.180, 590.010, 590.030, 590.040, 590.080, 590.180, and 590.195, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof twenty-eight new sections relating to law enforcement agency accountability, with penalty provisions. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows: 1 Section A. Sections 105.240, 542.271, 542.276, 542.291, 2 542.296, 544.190, 544.200, 563.031, 563.041, 563.046, 563.051, 3 563.074, 566.145, 575.180, 590.010, 590.030, 590.040, 590.080, 4 590.180, and 590.195, RSMo, are repealed and twenty-eight new 5 sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 6 105.240, 542.271, 542.276, 542.291, 542.296, 544.190, 544.200, 7 563.031, 563.041, 563.046, 563.074, 566.145, 574.055, 575.180, 8 590.010, 590.030, 590.040, 590.080, 590.180, 590.195, 590.230, 9 590.510, 590.520, 590.651, 590.652, 590.654, 590.655, and 10 590.656, to read as follows: 1 105.240. Every officer may break open doors and 2 enclosures to execute a warrant or other process for the 3 arrest of any person, or to levy an execution, or execute an 4 order for the delivery of personal property, if, upon public 5 demand and an announcement of his official character, they 6 be not opened.
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