Bulletin of the European Union

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Bulletin of the European Union ISSN 0378-3693 European Commission Bulletin of the European Union 7/8 ·1995 The Bulletin of the European Union reports on the activities of the Commission and the other Community institutions. It is produced by the Secretariat-General of the European Commission and published 10 times a year in the official European languages. The following reference system is used: the first digit indicates the part number, the second digit the chapter number and the subsequent digit or digits the point number. Citations should there­ fore read as follows: Bull 1/2-1994, point 1.1.1 or 2.2 .3. Supplements to the Bulletin are published in a separate series at irregular intervals. They contain official Commission material (e.g. communications to the Council, programmes, reports and pro­ posals). European Commission Secretariat-General Editorial team: rue de Ia Loi 200- B-1049 Brussels- Tel. 2957930 Sent to press in November 1995 © ECSC-EC-EAEC, Brussels • Luxembourg, 1995 Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in France European Commission Bulletin of the European Union 7/8 ·1995 Bulletin information service Readers can obtain information on developments since this issue went to press (date of adoption of instruments by the Council, of opinions given by Parliament or the Economic and Social Committee, of publication in the Official Journal, etc.) by tele­ phoning the documentation service of the Commission Offices on the following numbers: London (171) 222 8122 Belfast 240 708 Cardiff 371 631 Edinburgh 225 2058 Dublin 671 2244 References in the text References to other parts of the same issue of the Bulletin are given in parentheses in text, thus (---+ point 2.1.53). Standardized abbreviations for the designation of certain monetary units in the different languages of the Community. BFR = Belgische frank I Franc beige DKR = Dansk krone DM = Deutsche Mark DR = Greek drachma ESC = Escudo FF = Franc fran'<ais FMK = Suomen markka HFL = Nederlandse gulden (Hollandse florijn) IRL = Irish pound I punt LFR = Franc luxembourgeois LIT = Lira italiana OS = 6sterreichische Schilling PTA = Peseta SKR = Svensk Krona UKL = Pound sterling USD = United States dollar Contents Part One ACTIVITIES IN JULY/AUGUST 1995 News in brief 6 1 Union citizenship 8 2 Human rights 10 3 The Community economic and social area 13 Implementation of the White Paper on growth, competitiveness and employment 13 Economic and monetary policy 13 Internal market 15 Competition 20 Industrial policy 33 Research and technology 33 Education, vocational training and youth 34 Economic and social cohesion 36 Trans-European networks 42 Energy 42 Transport 45 The information society, telecommunications 48 Environment 50 Agriculture 52 Fisheries 56 Employment and social policy 59 Equal opportunities 62 Solidarity 63 Public health 64 Consumer policy 65 Culture 66 Information, communication and audiovisual media 67 4 Role of the Union in the world 69 Common foreign and security policy 69 International organizations and conferences 74 Common commercial policy 76 Development policy 79 Humanitarian aid 82 Central and Eastern Europe, Baltic States 82 Mediterranean and Middle East 85 Independent States of the former Soviet Union; Mongolia 90 United States, Japan and other industrialized countries 93 Asia 94 Latin America 95 ACP countries, South Africa and OCTs 96 Diplomatic relations 99 5 Justice and home affairs cooperation 100 6 Financing Community activities 101 Budgets 101 Financial operations 107 7 Statistical system 109 8 Community law 111 Monitoring the application of Community law 111 Decisions by the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance 114 9 Institutional affairs 117 10 Community institutions 118 Parliament 118 Council 119 Commission 121 Community lawcourts 121 Court of Auditors 122 European Investment Bank 122 Economic and Social Committee 124 ECSC Consultative Committee 125 Committee of the Regions 126 Part Two DOCUMENTATION 1 The ecu 130 2 Council recommendation on the broad guidelines of the eco- nomic policies of the Member States and of the Community 132 3 Additional references in the Official Journal 137 4 Corrigenda 141 4 Index 142 PART ON ACTIVITIES IN JULY/AUGUST 1995 News in brief Union citizenship o The European Ombudsman is appointed ( 4 point 1.1.6). o The Commission adopts three proposals for Directives on the elimination of controls at inter­ nal frontiers ( 4 points 1.1.2 to 1.1.4). Community economic and social area Economic and monetary policy o The Council adopts broad economic policy guidelines (4 points 1.3.6 and 2.2.1). Internal market o The Commission adopts a Green Paper on copyright and related rights in the information society (4 point 1.3.24). o The Commission adopts a Green Paper on the protection of utility models (4 point 1.3.23). Competition o The Commission adopts guidelines on employment aid (4 point 1.3.53). Transport o The Commission adopts a common transport policy action programme for 1995-2000 (4point 1.3.111). Information society, telecommunications o The Commission adopts a proposal for a Directive establishing common rules for the devel­ opment of postal services and a notice on the application of the competition f4les to the postal sector (4 points 1.3.132 and 1.3.133). Agriculture o The Commission adopts a communication and two proposals for Council Regulations on the reform of the rice sector and the Uruguay Round Agreement (4 points 1.3.149 and 1.3.150). Employment and social policy o The Commission adopts its annual report on employment ( 4 point 1.3.177). 6 Bull. EU 7/8-1995 News in brief Equal opportunities o The Commission adopts a proposal for a Decision on the fourth medium-term Community action programme (1996-2000) (-+point 1.3.187). Consumer policy o The Commission adopts a proposal for a Directive on the indication of product prices (-+ point 1.3.196). Role of the Union in the world International organizations and conferences o The multilateral interim agreement on financial services is approved by the WTO (-+ point 1.4.20). Mediterranean and Middle East o The Council adopts Decisions on detailed procedures for the structured dialogue with Cyprus and with Malta (-+points 1.4.72 and 1.4.75). Independent States of the former Soviet Union, Mongolia o The interim agreement with Russia is signed (-+point 1.4.89). United States, Japan and other industrialized countries o The Commission adopts a communication on strengthening relations with the United States (-+point 1.4.95). Asia o The Commission adopts a communication on a long-term policy for relations with China (-+point 1.4.98). Bull. EU 7/8-1995 7 1. Union citizenship Freedom of movement and right of tion, specifying in particular that the crossing of residence an internal frontier may not in itself give rise to controls or formalities, that all persons, what­ 1.1.1. With a view to achieving the objective ever their nationality, should be able to cross set out in Article 7a of the EC Treaty, which such frontiers unimpeded, and that the concept provides for the establishment of the internal of internal frontier encompasses common land market - defined as 'an area without frontiers frontiers, airports for intra-Community flights in which the free movement of goods, persons, and seaports for intra-Community sea crossings. services and capital is ensured' - and imposes Abolition goes hand in hand with the application an obligation on the Union and its Member of flanking measures (Dublin Convention on po­ States to produce results, an obligation that can litical asylum, uniform format for visas, Con­ be met only if all controls at internal frontiers ventions on external frontiers and the European are abolished, the Commission has adopted a Information System, and the common list of package of three proposals: a proposal for a third countries whose nationals must be in pos­ Directive on the elimination of controls on per­ session of a visa). In order to facilitate the adop­ sons crossing internal frontiers (--+ point 1.1.2); tion and implementation of these measures, a proposal for a Directive on the right of third­ 31 December 1996 has been set as the deadline country nationals to travel in the Community (--+ for the transposal of the future Directive by the point 1.1.3); and a proposal for a Directive on Member States. There is also a safeguard clause the abolition of restrictions on movement and re­ enabling Member States faced with a serious sidence within the Community for nationals of threat to public policy or public security to rein­ Member States (--+ point 1.1.4 ). state controls for a period of 30 days. COM(95) 347 1.1.2. Proposal for a Council Directive on the elimination of controls on persons crossing 1.1.3. Proposal for a Council Directive on the right of third-country nationals to travel in the internal frontiers. Community. References: Dublin Convention determining the State re­ Adopted by the Commission on 12 July. The pro­ sponsible for examining applications for asylum posal, which is based on Article 100 of the EC lodged in one of the Member States of the Euro­ Treaty, seeks to coordinate the legislation of the pean Communities: Bull. 6-1990, point 2.2.2 Member States in such a way as to give third­ Council Regulation (EC) No 1683/95 laying country nationals lawfully resident in one Mem­ down a uniform format for visas: OJ L 164, ber State the right to travel for a brief stay in the 14.7.1995; Bull. 5-1995, point l.l.l territory of any of the other Member States. It Proposal for a Council Decision establishing will enable holders of a residence permit or visa the Convention on the crossing of the external issued by a Member State to travel throughout frontiers of the Member States: COM(93) 684; Bull.
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