1956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - ·HOUSE 2965 A. J. Hardin Peterson, Cochrane B_uilding, A. Manly Sheppard, 1001 15th Street NW.. A. -P. K. · Ward; 219 Washington Hotel, Lakeland, Fla. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. B. Peoples Lobby, Inc., 1337 21st Street B. Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission, 24 B. Joint Committee _ of · Consumers and NW., Washingtcm, D. C. Branford Place, Newark, N. J. Small· Producers of Natural Gas, room 219, Washington Hotel, Washington, D. C, A. Ada E. Pruitt, 5814 Nevada Avenue NW., A. Southwestern Peanut Shellers Associa tion, Box 48, Durant, Okla. A. Myron Weiner, 917 15th Street NW., Washington, D. C. Washington, ·D. C. B. The Far East Group, Inc., 917 15th A. Purc~ll , & -Nelson, 910 17th Street NW., A. Spencer, Moore & Whalen, 2000 Massa Street NW., Washingto_n, D. C. Washington, D. C. chusetts Avenue NW., Washington, D. C. B. Devalin Corp., 120 Wall New B. Edward Martin Hinsberger, 55 ·Wall A. Mrs. Anna Kelton Wiley, 2345 Ashmead S~reet; Street, New York, N. Y. York,N. Y. Place, Washington, D. C. B. The Women's City Club, 1733 I Street A. W1lliam T. Stephens, 700 Washington NW., Washington, D. C., et al. A. Purcell & Nelson, 910 17th Street NW., Building, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. B. American Utility Trailer Rental Asso A. A. E. Wilkinson, 417 Investment Build B. Little & Christman, 120 Wall Street, New ciation, 700 Washington Building, Washing ing, Washington, D. C. York, N. Y. ton, D. C. B. The Anaconda Co., 616 Hennessy Build ing, Butte, Mo~t. A. Frank L. Roberts, 740 lltl- Street NW., A.
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