Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 521Ð522. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 583Ð584. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by the Editorial Board.

In Memory of Boris Konstantinovich Vainshtein (on the Occasion of His 80th Anniversary)

On July 10, 2001, Boris Konstantinovich Vainsh- In 1945, Vainshtein entered the postgraduate course tein, an outstanding physicistÐcrystallographer and of the Institute of Crystallography and was bound for- member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, would ever with this institute. In 1950, he defended his Candi- have celebrated his eightieth birthday. date and, in 1955, Doctoral dissertations in physics and mathematics. In 1959, he organized and headed the Academician Vainshtein, an outstanding scientist Laboratory of Protein Structure. In 1962, Vainshtein and a remarkable person, has made a great contribution was elected a Corresponding Member and, in 1976, a to the creation and development of modern crystallog- Full Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. raphy. He was a talented organizer of science and the Being appointed the director of the Institute of Crys- director of the Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography tallography in 1962, Vainshtein continued the scientific for more than 34 years. traditions laid by A.V. Shubnikov and developed crys- Boris Konstantinovich Vainshtein was born in Mos- tallography as a science combining studies along three cow in 1921. He graduated with distinction from two main integral parts—crystal growth, , higher schools—the Physics Faculty of Moscow State and crystal properties. The great organizational talent University (1945) and the Metallurgy Faculty of the characteristic of Vainshtein flourished during his direc- Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (1947) and torship—he managed to gather around him people received a diploma as a physicist and an engineer- devoted to science and transformed the Institute of researcher. Crystallography into unique scientific center well known throughout the world. Vainshtein’s natural gifts and manysidedness was The first studies performed by Vainshtein were ded- revealed even in his student years. He was a brilliant icated to electron diffraction. He was the first to use the student, deeply interested in physics, mathematics, and Fourier analysis of the electrostatic potential and literature; he also painted, wrote verses, edited a news- derived the basic formulas of the electron diffraction paper, and played chess. structure analysis; he was also the first to determine the

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522 IN MEMORY OF BORIS KONSTANTINOVICH VAINSHTEIN positions of light hydrogen atoms in a number of struc- other international conferences, seminars, and meet- tures. Later, Vainshtein also solved many problems of ings. Vainshtein was the chairman of the Organizing the theory of X-ray diffraction analysis, which allowed Committee of the Seventh International Congress and him to start studying and successfully solve the struc- Symposium organized by the International Union of ture of a number of complicated objects—various Crystallography (IUCr) in Moscow in 1966. For a num- amino acids, peptides, and complicated natural ber of years, he was a member of the Executive Com- biopolymersÐproteins. Vainshtein and his coworkers mittee and the vice president of the International Union determined the structures of synthetic polypeptides and of Crystallography of the IUCr. some amino acids. He also made an important contribu- Vainshtein’s scientific and organizational achieve- tion to the theory of X-ray diffraction from polymer ments were highly estimated and he was awarded high molecules and liquid crystals. Analyzing structures of governmental decorations: the Order of Lenin, the biocrystals, he also widely used electron microscopy, Order of the October Revolution, two Orders of the Red developed the direct method of three-dimensional Banner of Labor, the Order for Merits before Russia, reconstruction of the structure, and applied it to struc- and many medals. ture determination of protein molecules and bacte- riophages. Vainshtein and his colleagues have studied Vainshtein scientific work brought him numerous the three-dimensional structures of more than twenty of decorations and honorary degrees, including the high- the most complicated active compounds, antibiotics, est national and international crystallographic proteins, and viruses. awards—the Fedorov and the Ewald prize and medals. He was elected a member of many foreign scientific Boris Konstantinovich Vainshtein is the author of societies and institutions. He was a member of the more than 400 scientific articles, reviews, and mono- Leopoldina Academy in Germany, a foreign member of graphs. His well-known monographs Structure Analy- the Polish Academy of Sciences, a corresponding sis by Electron Diffraction (1956) and Diffraction of member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barce- X-rays by Chain Molecules (1963) were soon translated lona, a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, into English. One of his last works was the four-volume a doctor Honoris Causa of Stockholm University, a Modern Crystallography (1994) written by his initia- doctor of science of the University of Keele, an honor- tive, with his active participation as an author and edi- ary doctor of the University of York, an honorary mem- tor, which was also immediately translated into ber of the Roland Eótvós Physical Society of Hungary, English. and an associate fellow of the Catalonian Institute of Sciences. Vainshtein published a series of articles on the most general problems of crystallography, which included In Vainshtein’s directorship, scientific activity the relation of crystallography to the adjacent fields of always prevailed over administrative activity. Penetrat- the knowledge, the place of crystallography among ing into the crux of the problems solved at the institute, other sciences, the relation and mutual influence of he determined the main directions in the activity of all both fundamental and applied crystallography. Vainsh- the laboratories. Vainshtein always stimulated and sup- tein was also the editor of crystallographic articles in ported new researches. the Large Soviet Encyclopedia and himself wrote many The name of Vainshtein will always remain in the articles for this edition. He was the editor-in-chief of history of the Russian and world crystallography. The the journal Kristallografiya (Crystallography Reports) best tribute to Vainshtein as a scientist and an organizer and the member of the editorial boards of various Rus- of science would be new achievements of Russian crys- sian and foreign journals. tallography and, first of all, of the Institute of Crystal- lography, where he had worked for more than 50 years For many years, Vainshtein had been the recognized and headed for almost 35 years. leader in crystallography in our country. Being the assistant academicianÐsecretary of the Department of This issue of Kristallografiya (Crystallography General Physics and Astronomy of the USSR (Russian) Reports) is dedicated to the memory of Vainshtein and Academy of Sciences and the chairman of the Councils is comprised of articles presented by the scientists from on Physics of Crystals and Electron Microscopy, he the Institute of Crystallography and, thus, reflects the coordinated all the studies performed in these fields in major directions of the present research at this institute. our country. Some other articles dedicated to the memory of The many-sided scientific activity of Vainshtein had Vainshtein will also be published in the next issue. won him the worldwide recognition. Since 1957, Vain- shtein had participated in all the Congresses of the International Union of Crystallography and in many Translated by L. Man


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, p. 523. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 585Ð586. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Kovalchuk.

To the Memory of Academician Vainshtein

It has now been five years that Boris Konstantinovich condensed matter (including the X-ray diffraction anal- left us, a period sufficient for letting go of the charisma ysis of proteins, small-angle scattering, electron of this great man and to make an attempt to estimate microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, topography, etc.); objectively the influence of his personality, ideas, and and new technologies for growing new crystals that had deeds on the development of modern crystallography. no natural analogues such as lasing crystals. Boris Konstantinovich Vainshtein won world recog- nition in his own lifetime. His famous monographs are It is important that Vainshtein, who created and in constant use in those research laboratories all over developed new fields of the crystallographic science, the world which apply the diffraction methods and also cared about and efficiently used the scientific study the structure of condensed matter of any nature. potential of the Institute of Crystallography that he A great poet once said that the places where once a inherited from Shubnikov. great man lived remain sacred even after a thousand Today, being a unique physical institute possessing years. Such a sacred place for Vainshtein himself had the culture and the basis for studying biological and always been the Institute of Crystallography of the Rus- organic objects, the unique set of physical and, first of sian Academy of Sciences, which he had directed for 34 years—from 1962 and up to the last day of his life all, diffraction methods for studying atomic and real in October 1996. (In this connection, a curious analogy structure of crystals and the properties of condensed crosses the mind—two centuries ago Catherine the matter of any nature and almost unlimited possibilities Great, who determined the main trends in the develop- for synthesis of new organic and inorganic materials ment of the Russian state, governed Russia for (from the crystallization methods from aqueous solu- 34 years, from 1762 to 1796.) tions to the molecular-beam epitaxy and the method of To evaluate Vainshtein’s activity, let us have a look molecular architecture based on the LangmuirÐ at the Institute of Crystallography today. Blodgett technique), the Institute of Crystallography has really become a unique scientific organization. Vainshtein’s intuition prompted to him the prospects and importance of studying biological objects and vari- Finally, Vainshtein’s intuition and his great efforts pro- ous media of organic origin still in the mid1950s. These vided the Institute of Crystallography one of the key posi- studies required the rapid development of the methods of tions in the implementation of scientific and technological structure analysis, the use of new radiation sources, the projects most important for our state and associated with design of special apparatuses, new methods for synthesis large setups (megascience). This concerns the develop- of preparations, etc. To provide such studies, new ment and use of the specialized sources of synchrotron research units were formed at the institute beginning radiation of neutrons and the studies in materials science with the Laboratories of Protein Structure and Liquid Crystals, Sectors of X-ray Diffractometry, Automation under the microgravitation conditions. of Structural Studies to the Laboratory of X-ray Optics All the above demonstrates the possibilities of the and Synchrotron Radiation and the Research Center of Institute of Crystallography at the modern stage of sci- Space Materials Science in the city of Kaluga. ence development. The current possibilities of the Insti- Similar to any other developing organism, the Insti- tute of Crystallography are the direct result of the cre- tute of Crystallography bears the trace of Vainshtein’s ative scientific and organizational work and the intellect personality, a scientist who, with his intellect, intuition, of one of the outstanding scientists of this institute— organization talent, and deeds, started and developed Academician Boris Konstantinovich Vainshtein. this important research field. Indeed, during Shubnikov’s and Belov’s time, the We, the present generation of Russian crystallogra- face of the Institute of Crystallography was determined phers, are obliged to run Vainshtein’s scientific heritage by crystal growth (mainly of crystals analogous to nat- as carefully and reasonably as it was run earlier by ural ones), the study of their classical properties (opti- Vainshtein, a brilliant scientist and a wonderful person. cal, mechanical, and electrical), the classical X-ray structure analysis, and the crystal chemistry of the nat- M.V. Kovalchuk ural minerals. Director of the Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography The Institute of Crystallography guided by Vainsh- of the Russian Academy of Sciences, tein had became famous with its research of growth, structure, and properties of bioorganic objects; new Corresponding Member methods of studying the atomic and real structure of of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 524Ð526. From Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 587Ð590. Original English Text Copyright © 2001 by Mackay.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

On Complexity* A. L. Mackay School of Crystallography, Birkbeck College (University of London), Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX Received February 28, 2000

Abstract—What is the complexity of inorganic crystal structures, how may it be measured, and is there a limit? We present some speculations for discussion. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

“There are indeed whole branches of mathematics dealing with the assessment of complexity, which no one has the ability or the imagination to make use of for grasping the biological situation. The difficulty of apply- ing topological analysis to embryonic development, for instance, is that morphological form may change considerably, while its topological status remains unchanged.” Joseph Needham (1936)

OBSERVATIONS carried the same amount of energy and that the number of high-frequency modes increased without limit. The Inorganic Crystal Structure Database contains Planck resolved the situation by postulating that the some 50 000 structures (many of which are duplicated), energy should be quantized and distributed between the which can be searched according to various parameters. modes. This function is also plotted in Fig. 1 and shows Figure 1 shows a plot of the numbers of structures con- a striking similarity with the observed distribution. Is taining 1, 2, 3, …, N different elements. A cursory this a coincidence? In fact, in a one-dimensional crys- examination shows that many of the structures with tal, the number of atoms in a repeat must be an integer large values of N contain solid solutions, different ele- and similar effects are to be expected in three-dimen- ments occupying the same sites, but the result is never- sions. Space is “quantized” by atomicity, and not all theless clear. There is a sharp limit to complexity. A dimensions of unit cells are possible. similar conclusion appears from a plot of the cell vol- umes of cubic structures (Fig. 2). A closer inspection The problem could be considered thermodynami- shows that structures with very large units cells are cally. For example, a soup of many elements does not mainly modulations (polytypes) or hierarchic assem- blies of smaller units. I, arb. units A naive application of combinatorics would lead to 0.7 the expectation that numbers would rise with factorial N or at least as the Fibonacci series. For example, the 0.6 number of polyhedra with N vertices goes up as N(4) = 1, 0.5 N(5) = 2, N(6) = 7, N(8) = 257, …, and N. Sloan [1] has 0.4 collected many examples of such series. The centenary of Planck’s discovery of the quantum 0.3 of action recalls the “ultraviolet catastrophe,” which his 0.2 postulation of the quantization of energy was designed 0.1 to avoid. A preliminary consideration by Wien of the equilibrium distribution of wavelengths of the electro- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 magnetic radiation in a black enclosure fitted observa- N tion at low frequencies but increased indefinitely with the square of the frequency, quite contrary to experi- Fig. 1. Points denote the numbers of inorganic crystal struc- ment. The theory assumed that each mode of oscillation tures with 1, 2, 3, ... . N different elements. N = 3 has a max- imum of 19000. The line follows the Planck distribution of * This article was submitted by the author in English. energy in an absolutely black body.

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ON COMPLEXITY 525 produce very complex crystals but minimizes the con- n figurational entropy by forming ordered crystal of sev- 2500 eral simpler compositions. We may try to force com- plexity for a binary mixture by choosing an atomic ratio 2000 of τ (the golden number), which is as far from a rational ratio as possible, but the maximum order is achieved by 1500 the formation of a quasi-crystal with a strong local order. 1000 500 PROGRAM 0 10152025303540 G.J. Chaitin [2] has proposed that the complexity of 1/3 a structure and the amount of information that it con- v , Å tains might be measured by the length of the computer program necessary to generate it. This carries reason- Fig. 2. The number of inorganic crystal structures against the cube root of the unit cell volume scale to approximate ably into the biological field where a protein molecule, numbers of atoms per edge (volume of average atom as a sequence of amino acids, may be described numer- approximately 20 Å3). ically either directly as this sequence or as the equiva- lent sequence of DNA triplets, bearing in mind the redundancy of the code and the fact that several triplets approximate parameters of the atoms in the asymmetric may code for the same amino acid. unit of a crystal structure, without recognizing standard A protein, such as lysozyme, might be regarded as a subcomponents and using previous experience, should region in the chemical phase diagram of the C, H, O, N, take more. Pauling’s rules [5] embody the chemical S, P system, but this would be inpractical and the diffi- experience corresponding to a native knowledge of culty of navigating a stoichiometric mixture to the rep- English in Shannon’s example. resentative region in the phase diagram would be quite It is now within the bounds of possibility to create impossible. In any case, it must be metastable and in a arbitrarily ordered assemblies of atoms by develop- local minimum. However, there is no corresponding ments of molecular beam techniques. Thus, large code for inorganic structures composed of discrete amounts of information could be written into a metasta- ions, although a method of coding periodic networks ble structure. Stereolithography is also being miniatur- has been developed using the DelaneyÐDress symbol ized and is approaching the atomic scale. We may thus (Delgado et al. [3]). An isolated organic molecule have to distinguish between stable and metastable con- might be described topologically as a connectivity figurations of atoms. matrix, the Wiswesser notation being one possible way of linearizing and compressing it, but this ignores crys- talline ordering. HIERARCHIC STRUCTURES—THE DETECTION OF SUBCOMPONENT STRUCTURES It is possible to define the complexity of an inor- ganic crystal structure (or a molecular structure for that Two classes of inorganic structures were early rec- matter) by the number of parameters necessary to ognized on the basis of the occurrence of different describe it. Only so many bits can be allocated to the strengths of bonding, calculated following Pauling’s statement of the space group and only so many to the rules [5]—those where each atom was more strongly coordinates of the atoms in the asymmetric unit. Since bonded to a central atom of a group than to the sur- the frequency distribution of structures among the rounding world and thus where the structure could be space groups is nonuniform, the coding can be further seen as an assembly of subunits and those where atoms compressed by Huffman’s method. had no particular local affiliation. × × Shannon [4], in developing information theory, esti- No crystal is infinite, and for a crystal of 10 10 mated the “entropy” of printed English text. Text can be 10 unit cells, half of them are on the outside. There is, specified by the number of bits necessary to transmit it, thus, no absolute identity of situation. Identity is further but the language has about 50% redundancy so that relaxed in hierarchic structures: either as clusters of a priori knowledge of the language can serve to iden- clusters or like rope, as fibers of fibers. In quasi-crys- tify and correct some mistakes in transmission. Simi- tals, absolute identity is also replaced by quasi-identity, larly, crystal chemistry embodies a foreknowledge of identity of surroundings out to a certain range. Absolute what is possible and what is not as regards the spatial identity comes in at the quantum level with Bose con- combination of atoms. If our recognition of 50000 densates, where conditions are very different from the structures represents perhaps 50% (or some other per- Bragg world of odd-style crystallography [6]. centage) of all that are possible, then the information In looking for significant substructure, besides dis- necessary to specify any one would be less than about crete groups, one may perceive fibers or chains or 16 bits, whereas the amount to specify the topology and extended sheets as the building motif. Silicates are clas-


526 MACKAY sified in this way. With experience, one may also detect What is seen as “order” depends to a great extent on the an extended curved surface, such as the periodic mini- viewer. As we pass from order, which corresponds to an mal surfaces or nodal surfaces. The presence of some of absolute free energy minimum, to ordered structures, these may be signalled in X-ray diffraction patters by which are in local minima, the skill required to detect the certain particularly strong structure factors. It is possi- generating algorithm increases, so that “intelligence is that ble to demonstrate the presence of simple components faculty of mind by which order is perceived in a situation in a three-dimensional electron plot. For exam- previously considered disordered” [10]. We can see that ple, by taking a plane section it could be shown that the 11.001001001001001001… is a simple repetition of carbon atoms in a benzene ring were coplanar, as was “001” units (and is 22/7), but it is not obvious that done long ago by K. Lonsdale. Now it is possible to 1.0110101000001001111…. is the binary expression take more complex sections and to show, for example, of the square root of 2. It is possible that the theorem that the silicon atoms in a zeolite lie on a cage surface. that the expansion of a rational fraction is periodic This can be done by drawing the surface and coloring it could be extended to three-dimensional atomic according to the local electron density (as demonstrated arrangements, but the opposite is true, namely, that a by S. Leoni and R. Nesper [7]). In the cubic case, some binary compound ABx, where x is irrational, cannot be of these surfaces correspond to the maxima of the struc- periodic but may be hierarchic quasi-crystal. ture-factor expressions (which combine the density We must conclude that complexity is still a some- waves for all symmetrically related reflections). what subjective concept dependent on current tech- Recently, Brenner et al. [8] have drawn attention to the niques and theories. significance of strong single reflections in certain X-ray powder diagrams recognized already by the pioneers of structure analysis. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are pleased to acknowledgment the use of the DELONE OR BRAVAIS? ICSD through facilities at the Daresbury Laboratory provided to the academic community by the SERC. Traditional crystallography, embedded in the 230 space groups of the International Tables for Crys- tallography, considers infinite arrays of atoms and asks REFERENCES under what symmetry operations are they invariant. It 1. N. J. A. Sloan, A Handbook of Integer Sequences (Aca- specifies local order from global order. Delone [9] (and demic, New York, 1973); later his colleagues) and Peter Engel worked from local @njas/sequences/. order outwards. The theory uses two parameters (r, R). 2. G. J. Chaitin, Sci. Am., May, p. 47 (1975). Given points with local surroundings identical to a dis- tance of R from each center and with another identical 3. O. Delgado, A. W. M. Dress, D. H. Huson, et al., Nature point no further than distance r away, they asked to 400, 644 (1999). what distance do the local surroundings of these given 4. C. E. Shannon and W. Weaver, The Mathematical Theory points have to be identical to require that the whole of Communication (Univ. of Illinois Press, Urbana, structure has the symmetry of one of the 230 space 1949). groups. The necessary range is remarkably limited to 5. L. Pauling, The Nature of the Chemical Bond (Cornell about 4R (with 6R being required deal with certain Univ. Press, Ithaca, 1960), p. 543. polytypes). This approach is thus suitable for including 6. W. L. Bragg and H. Lipson, Z. Kristallogr. 95, 323 glasses and quasi-crystals within the framework of (1936). crystallography. 7. S. Leoni and R. Nesper, in Proceedings of the Congress Traditional crystallography has been dominated by of the International Union of Crystallography, Glasgow, the use of X-ray diffraction, which emphasizes period- 1999. icity, but electron microscopy and various other imag- 8. S. Brenner, L. McClusker, and C. Bärlocher, J. Appl. ing techniques which do not lose the phase information Crystallogr. 30, 1167 (1997). can now carry over to the recognition of more general 9. B. N. Delone (Delaunay), N. Padurov, and A. Aleksan- forms of order. A.V. Shubnikov, for example, foreshad- drov, Mathematical Foundations of Structural Analysis owed the appearance of quasi-crystal with hierarchic of Crystals (Gostekhteorizdat, Leningrad, 1934). symmetry by examining the property of self-similarity. 10. H. A. Fatmi and R. W. Young, Nature 228, 97 (1970).


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 527Ð533. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 591Ð597. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Dmitrienko, Kléman.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Tetrahedral Structures with Icosahedral Order and Their Relation to Quasicrystals V. E. Dmitrienko* and M. Kléman** * Shubnikov Institute of Crystrallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia e-mail: [email protected] ** Laboratoire de Minéralogie-Cristallographie, Universités Paris VI et Paris VII, 4 place Jussieu, Paris Cedex 05, 75252 France Received March 1, 2001

Abstract—The possible existence of quasicrystals in tetrahedral phases is considered. It is shown that one of the well-known crystalline silicon phases (the BC8 phase or silicon III) is characterized by the icosahedral local order with three-quarters of the interatomic bonds being directed along the fivefold axes of an icosahedron. This crystal is considered as an approximant of an icosahedral quasicrystal. Higher order approximants and other tetrahedral structures related to quasicrystals are also constructed. It is shown that in these structures, the for- mation of the intrinsic phason disorder with the preservation of the energetically favorable coordination number four is possible. The ab initio quantum-mechanical calculations for carbon and silicon show that, although all the considered phases are metastable, their energies only slightly differ from the energies of the corresponding stable phases. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION present article with such scientists as Vainshtein and V.L. Indenbom, but, alas, it is not possible. Thus, we Boris Konstantinovich Vainshtein was always can only hope that someone else would take interest in deeply interested in the fundamental problems of crys- this problem. tallography and keeping in contact with people study- ing these problems. Therefore, it seems to be not acci- The basic achievements of the science of quasicrys- dental that the first true crystallographic paper on qua- tals have already been included into textbooks on crys- sicrystals entitled De nive quinquagula (On Pentagonal tallography [5, 6], but they all relate to quasicrystals in Snowflakes) was dedicated to the 60th birthday of metal alloys. In addition to icosahedral quasicrystals Vainshtein and written by a friend of his, the famous [4], other quasicrystals were also discovered—octago- British scientist Mackay, several years prior to the dis- nal, decagonal, and dodecagonal [7–9]—whose point covery of quasicrystals [1]. Earlier, the quasiperiodic symmetry groups included the eight-, ten-, and twelve- functions and surface tilings were studied only by fold rotation or screw axes, respectively. All these qua- mathematicians [2, 3], so that nothing indicated the sicrystals have dense atomic structures characterized future revolution in crystallography which would fol- by the noncrystallographic symmetry with the atoms low the discovery of icosahedral quasicrystals in metal usually being surrounded by ten to sixteen nearest alloys [4]. In the following years, Vainshtein always neighbors in the first coordination sphere. Since there encouraged the development of this direction at the are no covalent bonds, the atoms can be considered as Institute of Crystallography. He was the initiator of spheres of different diameters. In the tetrahedral struc- complementing the new edition of Modern Crystallog- tures, each atom has four neighbors related to it by raphy [5] with the chapter entitled Quasicrystals. The directional covalent bonds (the classical example here joint work over this chapter had become for one of the is the diamond structure). Therefore, it is still unclear authors of this article (V.E.D.) the unique possibility of how to apply the attractive ideas of the theory of metal getting acquainted with the phenomenal scientific intu- quasicrystals to the systems with tetrahedral coordina- ition and capacity for work characteristic of Vainshtein. tion. This problem is closely related to the structure of Of course, it would have been very useful to discuss amorphous substances which can also have metal or such a surprising turn in the problem of existence of covalent bonds; this has also been exhaustively studied quasicrystals in tetrahedral systems considered in the for many years.

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528 DMITRIENKO, KLÉMAN One of the most often used approaches to the prob- (see also recent publications [19, 20]). Another tradi- lem is based on the well-known fact that there exists a tional method applied to quasicrystals—the projection class of structures characterized by high atomic den- from a multidimensional space—showed that the sity—the so-called tetrahedrally close-packed struc- attempts to construct icosahedral crystals with the coor- tures—that can be geometrically transformed into the dination number four have failed and that many atoms structures with tetrahedral coordination. In the tetrahe- are characterized by coordination numbers three and drally close packed structures, all the interstitials are even two; in other words, there are too many dangling tetrahedral; i.e., all the atoms are located at the vertices bonds [21]. Dangling bonds are also obtained in the of slightly distorted tetrahedra (see review [10]). These comparatively simple decoration of the rhombohedral tetrahedra should necessarily be distorted because the Penrose tiling [22]. A more sophisticated decoration of three-dimensional space cannot be tiled with ideal tet- rhombohedra with dodecahedra and the related polyhe- rahedra. An example here is the so-called FrankÐ dra provides the construction of quasicrystal structures Kasper crystalline phases observed in numerous metal with almost no dangling bonds (less than 1%) [23, 24], alloys [11]. One of the most often encountered struc- but, in these models, the order is formed at such long tural motifs in these structures is an icosahedron with distances that they should be considered rather as mod- the coordination number of the central atom 12 (coor- els of amorphous structures. dination numbers 14, 15, and 16 are also possible). In The progress in the experimental studies of this field the tetrahedrally close-packed structures, each tetrahe- was considerably hindered by the absence of the so- dron shares the faces with four neighboring tetrahedra. called approximants—crystals with a local atomic Therefore, performing the dual transformation (placing order close to that in quasicrystals. With an increase of “new” atoms into the centers of each tetrahedron and the approximant order, their unit cells also increase, so removing all the “old” atoms), one arrives at a new that their structures and properties become even more structure with tetrahedrally coordinated atoms [11]. Of similar to those of quasicrystals. At the same time, the course, in this type of structure, the bond lengths differ structures of approximants can be studied by the tradi- from one another and the bond angles differ from the tional methods of X-ray diffraction analysis. For con- θ ()≈ ideal tetrahedral angle tetr = arccos Ð1/3 109.47°, ventional metal quasicrystals, numerous approximants which is not favorable in terms of energy. One more are known whose structures can be determined by the serious drawback of these dual structures is the forma- standard methods. This fact provided for the rapid tion of large cavities. To the atoms with the icosahedral progress in understanding the nature of quasicrystals. coordination there correspond cavities in the shape of Recently, it was also shown that there are quasicrystal distorted dodecahedra. Even larger cavities are formed approximants for structures with tetrahedral coordina- at the atomic sites characterized by the coordination tion [25]. Below, we describe in detail these crystalline numbers 14, 15, and 16. Therefore, the average atomic phases and their specific phason-type defects. density of these structures is rather low. Nevertheless, such metastable structures can be obtained experimen- tally, e.g., for silicon (they are related to the class of ICOSAHEDRAL ORDERING AND THE BC8 clathrate compounds). PHASE OF SILICON A similar approach has long been used in precom- The metastable silicon phase BC8 (or silicon III) puter modeling of amorphous structures. The icosahe- has long been known [26]. Under pressures exceeding dral and dodecahedral motifs are rather typical of the 10 GPa, the diamond structure of silicon (silicon I) is spherical models of metal glasses [12] and amorphous transformed into the β-tin (white tin) structure (silicon semiconductors [13], respectively. A more consistent II) structure. The removal of the pressure does not lead theory providing the construction of both crystalline to the initial structure; instead, silicon II is transformed and amorphous tetrahedrally close packed structures is into a metastable cubic phase, silicon III, with 16 atoms based on the fact that the curved space (a three-dimen- in the body-centered unit cell (the lattice parameter a = sional sphere in the four-dimensional space) can be tiled with ideal tetrahedra; this tiling has an icosahedral 6.636 Å, sp. gr. Ia3 ). Since the corresponding primi- symmetry. The “flattening” of this curved space results tive rhombohedral unit cell (used in the ab initio calcu- in tetrahedrally close packed structures with local lations of the structure and the electronic properties) icosahedral motifs in the plane three-dimensional contains eight atoms, this body-centered cubic phase is space, which is inevitably accompanied by the forma- called the BC8 phase. At room temperature, this phase is rather stable but annealing at comparatively low tem- tion of specific defects—disclinations [14]. A similar ° construction is also possible for tetrahedral structures perature (about 100 C) results in its transformation, [15] (for details see the review articles [16, 17]). first, into the hexagonal lonsdaleite-type structure and, then, into the stable diamond structure. The BC8 phase Some icosahedral quasicrystals are also related to is observed for germanium; similar phases are also the FrankÐKasper phases, e.g., the AlÐLiÐCu alloys. known for binary compounds. The articles on the Therefore, it was suggested to apply the dual construc- “exotic phases” in semiconductors were reviewed tion considered above to tetrahedral quasicrystals [18] in [27].



z the structure is projected along these crystallographi- cally unusual directions (Fig. 2). The angles between r2 the bonds slightly differ from one another, and, instead of one tetrahedral angle θ ≈ 109.47° (as in the dia- r3 r5 tetr r3 mond structure), the BC8 structure has two angles: r2 θ []()τ ≈ θ BB = arccos 12Ð /5 116.56° and AB = y arccos()Ð1/ 12τ + 9 ≈ 100.81°. x Similar to any approximant of an icosahedral crys- (a) (b) tal, the ideal structure of the BC8 phase can be obtained by projecting the points of a certain six-dimensional cubic lattice onto the real space [25, 29]. In our case, Fig. 1. Illustrating tetrahedral ordering in the (a) diamond structure and (b) BC8 phase. Covalent bonds are indicated the six-dimensional lattice is a body-centered one, by bold lines. In the ideal structure, the icosahedron edges whereas for conventional quasicrystals and their are exactly equal to the cube edges (for simplicity, the approximants, the six-dimensional lattices are either unseen edges of an icosahedron are not indicated). The primitive or face-centered. The lengths of the A and B cubes in (a) and (b) are the same, their edges are twice shorter than the lattice constant of the diamond structure and bonds, r3 and r5, are related to the constant ar of the τ2 times shorter than the lattice constant of the BC8 phase. quasilattice in the same way as in the conventional In both cases, the center of inversion is located in the middle τ τ of the bond directed along the threefold axis. metal quasicrystals, r5 = ar/ and r3 = ar 3 / 4 + 3. The lattice constant aBC8 of the BC8 phase corresponds to the lattice constant of the 1/0 approximant, namely, All the atoms in the BC8 structures occupy the crys- τ τ2 tallographic position 16(c) and lie on threefold axes. aBC8 = a1/0 = 2 ar/ 1 + (the fact that BC8 is an This structure is well described on the Internet [28]. approximant was first established in [22]). Thus, ar for Only recently, was it shown [25] that this structure is silicon should be about 3.9 Å. It should be indicated characterized by the “hidden” icosahedral order— that another interatomic distance characteristic of qua- three-quarters of all the covalent bonds are directed τ sicrystals and their approximants—r2 = 2ar/ 4 + 3 almost along the fivefold axes of an icosahedron (this distance is equal to the edge of the cube and the (Fig. 1). Each atom has two types of bonds denoted by icosahedron in Fig. 1)—is absent in the BC8 structure, letters A and B. The type-A bonds are directed along although it cannot be excluded that it would be detected the threefold axes as in the diamond structure. The ori- in higher order approximants. Due to the partial simi- entations of three B-type bonds depend on the value of larity symmetry inherent in approximants, the BC8 the parameter x. Replacing the experimental value x = τn τn τn structure has many distances r5, r3, and r2 with τ –2 ≈ τ 0.1003 by the ideal value xic = /4 0.0955, where = n = 1, 2, whereas the quasicrystals can have any dis- (1 + 5 )/2 (the so-called golden mean), one can make tances with n > 1. B bonds parallel to the fivefold axes of an icosahedron, It should be indicated that exactly the same structure i.e., to the 〈01τ〉-type directions. The motifs typical of for the BC8 phase can also be obtained at another value τ ≈ the icosahedral symmetry can be distinctly seen only if of the atomic coordinates, x = xic' = xic 0.1545, but,

(a) (b)

Fig. 2. (a) The BC8 structure viewed along the z-axis. The atoms and the bonds are shown. The maximum horizontal and vertical distances between the atoms correspond to the lattice constant. (b) The same structure viewed along the fivefold axis. One can see regular pentagons and half of a decagon, but it should be kept in mind that the structures are not planar.

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 530 DMITRIENKO, KLÉMAN τ (a) In approaching one another, two atoms spaced by r3 0,0,0 1,1,1 [111] can be displaced from their sites to form a new A bond and two dangling bonds (Fig. 3b). These dangling bonds can “propagate” in opposite directions along the chain and cause small jumps of atoms and bond switch- (b) 0,0,0 1,1,1 [111] ing (Fig. 3c). Upon the “annihilation” of all the dan- gling bonds on the crystal surface or at defect, the atomic chain is switched into a new state in which the B bonds are replaced by newly formed C bonds 〈 τ3τ3〉 (c) 1,1,1 (Fig. 3d). All the C bonds have the 1 orientation 0,0,0 [111] τ ⁄ and the lengths rC = r2 5 +46 intermediate between the lengths of the A and B bonds. These jumps of the atoms are analogous to those (d) 0,0,0 1,1,1 [111] observed in conventional quasicrystals and are called phason jumps, whereas the corresponding structural defects are called phason defects. Using the analogy between phonons and phasons, they are called bon- (e) dons. This term combines the English and the French 0,0,0 1,1,1 [111] meanings of the word bond (bond and jump, respec- tively). It is possible to show that not only one but any num- (f) ber of chains can be switched into new states with the 0,0,0 1,1,1 [111] preservation of coordination number four [25]. If all the chains parallel to one of the threefold axes are switched into another state, e.g., parallel to the [111] axis, one arrives at the structure described by the rhombohe- Fig. 3. Illustrating the formation of phasonlike defects in the dral space group 3 (which is a subgroup of the 1/0 (the BC8 phase) and the 1/1 approximants. The A bonds R are shown by bold lines; the B bonds, by solid lines; the C sp. gr. Ia3 ). Such a switching was observed experi- bonds, by dashed lines; and the dangling bonds, by bold dashed lines. (aÐd) The BC8 phase; all the atoms are in the mentally upon the change of the pressure as a reversible 16(c) positions on threefold axes. (a) The chain of atoms in phase transition between two metastable phases—the the vicinity of one of the threefold axes of the ideal struc- BC8 phase and the rhombohedral phase R8 with eight ture. (b) Two atoms jump toward one another forming a new atoms per unit cell [30, 31]. Switching of all the chains A bond and two dangling bonds. (c) Dangling bonds “prop- agating” along the chain. (d) The whole chain is switched parallel to two different threefold axes generates the into a new state; there are no dangling bonds, only the A and body-centered tetragonal structure with 16 atoms per the C bonds exist. (e, f) The 1/1 approximant; the atoms unit cell [32]. The corresponding structure was given lying on the axis and outside it occupy the positions 16(c) the name BT8, sp. gr. I41/a, with all the atoms being and 48(e), respectively. (e) The initial structure with dan- located in one general position 16(f). The energy and gling bonds for the atoms lying on the axis (the atoms lying outside the axis have four bonds). (f) Annihilation of all the the powder diffraction data for the BT8 phase are close dangling bonds upon phason jumps. to those of the R8 phase, and, therefore, it is not quite clear which of these two phases is really observed in the experiment [32]. in this case, the structure is rotated as a whole by 90° Switching of all the chains parallel to three different with respect to the initial structure. As a result of this 〈 τ 〉 threefold axes yields the R8 structure again. If all the rotation, all the B-bonds are oriented along the 0 1 chains are switched, we arrive at the BC8 phase but directions and not along the initial 〈01τ〉 directions. It with a new parameter x equal to x' , which signifies will be shown that this global rotation can be provided ic by local jumps of the atoms. that the small local jumps of atoms can result in the rotation of the structure as a whole by 90° with respect to the initial structure. If all the chains are switched PHASON DEFECTS chains randomly, i.e., in such a way that each chain can The unique property of the BC8 phase is the possi- be found in one of the two states with the probability ble formation of linear defects providing the preserva- 1/2, then the disordered structure formed is described tion of the energetically advantageous coordination by the sp. gr. Ia3 d and the diffraction pattern from this number of four. The corresponding process is schemat- structure is similar to the diffraction patterns from ically depicted in Fig. 3. The BC8 structure can be rep- amorphous structures [25]. Switching the chains in dif- resented by chains of atoms located on threefold axes ferent ways, one can obtain an infinitely large number τ and spaced by distances r3 (A bonds) and r3 (Fig. 3a). of ordered and disordered structures.


The ab initio calculations were performed for sev- (a) eral structures of this type. The early computations and z the corresponding references can be found in [27]. These quantum-mechanical computations of the equi- librium structures and the electronic properties of the crystals are quite reliable. It was shown that in silicon, all the BC8-based structures are metastable in compar- ison with either the diamond structure (under low pres- sures) or the β-tin structure (at high pressures) [32]. O The energy of an isolated phasonlike defect is not too high, and therefore, it is possible to assume the exist- ence of some number of these defects in real specimens of the BC8 phase. This should be taken into account in the structure analysis of these phases. It was also shown y that the elastic properties of the BC8 phase are almost isotropic, as was to be expected for the approximants of icosahedral quasicrystals (the elastic properties of icosahedral quasicrystals are isotropic because of their x high symmetry). (b) THE 1/1 APPROXIMANT In addition to the BC8-based structures (i.e., the approximant 1/0), it is also possible to construct the 4 approximant 1/1 whose unit cell exceeds the unit cell of 3 the approximant 1/0 by a factor a τ. The space group of O this approximant is also Ia3 ; 64 atoms are located in the 16(c) position with x = xic and the 48(e) position τ 1 with x = (1 – 2xic)/2, y = (2 – 1)xic, and z = xic. This structure is also formed by atomic chains (Fig. 3e), but 2 it is obvious that the atoms lying on the chain axes are characterized by the energetically disadvantageous coordination number—three. However, these atoms can also perform the same jumps as in the BC8 phase, Fig. 4. (a) The A15 or V3Si structure. Atoms are in the cen- which results in disappearance of all the dangling ter and at the vertices of the cube and the icosahedron inscribed into this cube. The icosahedron is irregular, its bonds (Fig. 3f). The ab initio calculations for carbon edges are equal to the half-edge of the cube, whereas the and silicon show that, energetically, the approximant regular icosahedron has the edge τ times shorter than the 1/1 is less advantageous than the BC8-based structures edge of circumscribed cube. The same icosahedra but [32, 33]. Up to now, all the attempts to construct higher- rotated by 90° are located around the cube vertices. (b) The tetrahedral structure formed from the A15 structure. For order approximants without dangling bonds have simplicity, only one icosahedron with four new additional failed. atoms (1, 2, 3, and 4) inside it is shown; the covalent bonds are shown by solid lines. THE A15-BASED STRUCTURES The structures related to that of the BC8 phase are standard method for obtaining the structures with the not the only structures with tetrahedral coordination, tetrahedral coordination is reduced to the relocation of high atomic density, and icosahedral motifs. One can “new” atoms into the interstitials and the removal of all readily see that numerous structures of this type can be the “old” atoms. As a result, one arrives at the clathrate obtained from the FrankÐKasper phases using a novel structure with 46 atoms per unit cell described by the approach [33]. same space group. The atoms in this structure form As an example, consider one of the typical FrankÐ slightly distorted dodecahedra around the center and Kasper phases, the so-called A15 structure (Fig. 4a), the vertices of the cubic unit cell; the density of this structure is relatively low. characterized by the spatial symmetry Pm3 n (eight atoms per unit cell). The atoms located in the center and Here, we will use another method for transforming at the cube vertices are characterized by coordination the A15 structure into the structure with tetrahedral number 12 (a distorted icosahedron), whereas the coordination (Fig. 4b). We leave infact all the old atoms atoms located on the faces, by the coordination and place a small additional tetrahedron (four atoms) number 14. All the interstitials are tetrahedral. The located in each icosahedron. As a result, the unit cell

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 532 DMITRIENKO, KLÉMAN contains 16 atoms in the positions 2(a), 6(d) (old sidered here only the approximants of icosahedral qua- atoms), and 8(e) (new atoms), and the symmetry of the sicrystals). Despite the fact that one has to check new structure is described by the sp. gr. P43n. Obvi- whether this diffraction pattern is really formed due to ously, the atoms in the center and at the tetrahedron ver- a quasicrystal and not due to twins, we hope that this tices have four bonds (Fig. 4b). The atoms at the icosa- experiment would trigger new experimental studies of hedron vertices have one bond inside the icosahedron, quasicrystals with tetrahedral coordination. but, since the symmetry of these positions is 4 , each atom at the vertex has four such bonds from different ACKNOWLEDGMENTS icosahedra, which results in the formation of the struc- ture in which all the atoms are tetrahedrally coordi- The authors are grateful to V.A. Chizhikov for use- nated. All the bond angles exceed 90°, but differ from ful discussions, F. Mauri for his help in computations, and to T.Ya. Dmitrienko for her help in preparation of the ideal tetrahedral angle. The ab initio calculations the figures. show that, under reasonable pressures (attainable in diamond anvils) and zero temperature, the energy of this carbon phase is higher than the energy of diamond REFERENCES (by about 0.6 eV under the zero pressure) [33]. If this phase was more advantageous under high pressures and 1. A. L. Mackay, Kristallografiya 26 (6), 910 (1981) [Sov. temperatures, this would have allowed one to explain Phys. Crystallogr. 26, 517 (1981)]. the tetrahedral growth forms occasionally observed for 2. H. Bohr, Acta Math. 45, 29 (1924); 46, 101 (1925); 47, diamonds, which gave rise to a lengthy discussion on 237 (1927). its true structure (the tetrahedral growth forms are 3. R. Penrose, Math. Intell. 2, 32 (1979). allowed for the P43n symmetry). 4. D. Shechtman, I. Blech, D. Gratias, and J. W. Cahn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1951 (1984). It should also be noted that a tetrahedron can be 5. B. K. Vainshtein, Modern Crystallography, Vol. 1. Fun- inscribed into each icosahedron by ten different ways. damentals of Crystals (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Therefore, similar to the BC8 phase, this method allows 1994), Vol. 1, Chap. 5, p. 405. the construction of an infinite number of both ordered 6. C. Janot, Quasicrystals: A Primer (Oxford Science and disordered structures. Of course, in many cases, the Publ., Oxford, 1992). bond angles are acute and, thus, energetically unfavor- 7. N. Wang, H. Chen, and K. H. Kuo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, able, but the ab initio calculations for carbon show that 1010 (1987). some of the rhombohedral structures thus obtained are 8. L. Bendersky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 1461 (1985). energetically more advantageous than the cubic struc- 9. T. Ishimasa, H.-U. Nissen, and Y. Fukano, Phys. Rev. ture described by the sp. gr. P43n, although less advan- Lett. 55, 511 (1985). tageous than the diamond structure. This makes it nec- 10. D. P. Shoemaker and C. B. Shoemaker, Aperiodicity and essary to perform new thorough studies along these Order, Ed. by M. V. Jaric« and D. Gratias (Academic, lines. Boston, 1989), Vol. 1, p. 1. 11. F. C. Frank and J. S. Kasper, Acta Crystallogr. 11, 184 (1958); 12, 483 (1959). CONCLUSION 12. J. D. Bernal, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 280, 299 Despite progress in understanding the structure of (1964). approximants, the quasicrystals with the tetrahedral 13. R. Grigorovici, Mater. Res. Bull. 3, 13 (1968). coordination still remain purely hypothetical. However, 14. M. Kléman and J. F. Sadoc, J. Phys. Lett. 40, L569 the investigations performed provided the development (1979). of new methods for constructing both rather compli- 15. J. F. Sadoc and R. Mosseri, Philos. Mag. B 45, 467 cated crystalline and partly disordered structures with (1982). tetrahedral coordination. For some of these structures, 16. M. Kléman, Adv. Phys. 38, 605 (1989). it was possible to perform ab initio calculations and 17. R. Mosseri and J. F. Sadoc, in Geometry in Condensed determine the exact atomic coordinates and the elastic Matter Physics, Ed. by J. F. Sadoc (World Scientific, Sin- and electronic properties. These structures can also be gapore, 1990), p. 233. used for modeling amorphous carbon and silicon. 18. A. L. Mackay, Nature 315, 636 (1985). It should be emphasized that, recently, an experi- 19. V. A. Borodin and V. M. Manichev, Zh. Éksp. Teor. Fiz. ment has been made in which the electron diffraction 114 (6), 2187 (1998) [JETP 87, 1191 (1998)]. patterns similar to the diffraction patterns from decag- 20. M. O’Keeffe, G. B. Adams, and O. F. Sankey, Philos. onal quasicrystals were obtained from silicon speci- Mag. Lett. 78, 21 (1998). mens deposited onto mica substrates in the helium 21. Z. Olami and S. Alexander, Phys. Rev. B 39, 1478 atmosphere [34] (it should be remembered that we con- (1989).


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Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 534Ð549. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 598Ð613. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Klechkovskaya, Imamov.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Electron Diffraction Structure Analysis—from Vainshtein to Our Days V. V. Klechkovskaya and R. M. Imamov Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia e-mail: [email protected] Received December 15, 2000

Abstract—The physical grounds of the modern electron diffraction structure analysis have been analyzed. Var- ious methods and approaches developed in electron diffraction studies of various structures are considered. The results of the structure determinations of various inorganic and organic materials are discussed. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION still the guide and the manual for all those working in this field. It should be remembered that, in different This article is written to commemorate B.K. Vainsh- times, many scientists working at the Electron Diffrac- tein and his first outstanding scientific achievement— tion Laboratory of the Institute of Crystallography also the creation of an independent diffraction method contributed to the development of the new method— (electron diffraction structure analysis). We have made L.I. Tatarinova, I.I. Yamzin, A.N. Lobachev, S.A. Semi- an attempt here to generalize the results of the struc- letov, V.F. Dvoryankin, and many others. tural determinations of various inorganic and organic materials performed mainly by the representatives of Vainshtein performed a number of fundamental the- the Russian school of the electron diffraction structure oretical studies concerning the formation of various analysis. types of electron diffraction patterns and the kinemati- The discovery of electron diffraction in 1927 cal and the dynamical scattering. In cooperation with opened the possibility for obtaining reliable data on the Ibers, he calculated the tables of atomic scattering fac- structure of thin films and finely dispersed crystalline tors of electrons for all chemical elements [8] and materials. Many scientists demonstrated transmission developed a simple method of allowance for the sec- electron diffraction patterns from specific objects— ondary scattering in the diffraction reflection intensi- thin films—and reflection diffraction patterns from sur- ties. He was the first to use the Fourier synthesis of the faces and compared their data with the data obtained by electrostatic potential for localization of atoms (includ- X-ray diffraction analysis (interplanar spacings in the ing hydrogen) in various structures. These and many lattice and visually estimated diffraction-reflection other important results obtained by Vainshtein [7] laid intensities [1]) and developed the methods of geometric the basis of the electron diffraction structure analysis analysis of different diffraction patterns [2] and pat- (EDSA). Vainshtein himself determined a large number terns from surface structures [3]. Some researchers of structures, among which were the pioneering studies tried to use electron diffraction to determine the struc- on paraffins, where he managed to determine the posi- ture of molecules in gases [4, 5]. A specific encyclope- tions of hydrogen atoms [9, 10] as well as urea [11] and dia of the knowledge accumulated over almost twenty thiourea [12]. The diketopiperazine [13] structure was years of studying the structures of various materials by determined with an accuracy compared with the accu- the electron diffraction method became the monograph racy of modern electron and X-ray diffraction determi- Electron Diffraction written by Pinsker [6]. nations. We should like to recollect his structural stud- ies of BaCl2 [14], barium chloride hydrate [15], cobalt From the late 1940s, a new direction known today as [16], manganese [17], nickel [18], barium bromide electron diffraction structure analysis (EDSA) was hydride [19], and many other compounds [20]. actively developed in our country. The important role in the creation and development of this new field was However, beginning from the 1960s, EDSA was played by Vainshtein, who not only created this method developed predominantly in the Soviet Union. Most but also established and consistently described its foun- Western scientists who made attempts to use electron dations in his famous monograph Structure Analysis by diffraction for structure determinations and determine Electron Diffraction [7] published in 1956, which is reflection intensities encountered the necessity of ana-

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ELECTRON DIFFRACTION STRUCTURE ANALYSIS 535 lyzing the scattering nature and became rather skeptical The specimens most appropriate for studying in about the use of EDSA for determining unknown com- electron diffraction cameras at accelerating voltages plicated structures (the only exception seems to be the ranging within 50Ð100 kV are crystals of about 10Ð6 cm determination of the parameters of linear polymers and in length. For larger crystals, the kinematic law of scat- two-dimensional protein crystals, where large unit cells tering becomes invalid and the probability of inelastic containing light atoms provided the reliable use of the scattering in these crystals greatly increases, which kinematical approximation developed for thin crystals). essentially hinders the transition from the experimental In the following years, these scientists preferred to use reflection intensities to structure factors. If crystals are high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM). It too small, two-dimensional diffraction can arise, which seemed then that HREM could help to solve all the also distorts the “kinematical” reflection intensities. problems at the atomic level which were encountered in The optimum specimen thickness at the accelerating the structural determination of thin films and objects voltages indicated above ranges within 200–600 Å with small unit-cell dimensions. In the past decades, (depending on the atomic number of chemical compo- HREM stopped being an “exotic” method and has nents in the compound studied). The required crystal become a conventional working tool in structural stud- dimensions can be obtained by varying the conditions ies. All the advantages and disadvantages of HREM of specimen preparation such as the substrate tempera- have been established. The main disadvantage of ture and the condensation rate. Yet, the situation is HREM is the necessity of a priori knowledge of an ade- rather complicated, because these parameters also quate atomic model of the structure, which allows the influence the orientation of crystallites in the film. As a calculation of the images of the object in the multibeam result, one often has to compromise and neglect, approximation. depending on the main goal of the study, either the The turning point in the realization and use of all the crystallite dimensions in the film or their orientation. possibilities provided by electron microscopy and elec- Crystallite orientation in the film and the film quality tron diffraction had become Vainshtein’s presentation provide the formation of different types of electron dif- at the 15th International Congress of the International fraction patterns—those from polycrystals, textures, Union of Crystallography in Bordeaux, France in 1990 mosaic single-crystal films or the patterns with Kikuchi in which he reviewed the results of the independent lines. structure determinations performed by EDSA. In con- Polycrystal-type electron diffraction patterns nection with the 80th anniversary of Vainshtein, it (Fig. 1) are especially valuable for precision studies— seems to be appropriate and useful to review the checking of the scattering law, identification of the progress in EDSA achieved by Russian scientists since nature of chemical bonding, and refinement of the the publication of Vainshtein’s monograph, which up to chemical composition of the specimen—because these now has been scattered over numerous articles on the patterns allow the precision measurements of reflection structure determinations of various materials, and to intensities. However, two or more reflections can over- use these data to create the general picture of the devel- lap in one ring of the pattern, especially in the cases opment of the electron diffraction structure analysis. where the material studied has large lattice parameters. Electron diffraction patterns from oblique pat- EXPERIMENTAL METHODS FOR OBTAINING tern (platelike) textures (Fig. 2) are the main experi- SPECIMENS AND THEIR ELECTRON mental material for the EDSA since they have a large DIFFRACTION PATTERNS number of reflections, so that only one pattern can pro- vide an almost complete three-dimensional set of dif- EDSA is generally used to study thin films of mate- fraction reflections. The experimental data obtained rials and allows the complete structure determinations from these patterns allows the determination of the up to the establishment of the atomic coordinates in the atomic structure of both high- and low-symmetric crys- crystal lattice and the refinement of atomic thermal tals. One of the shortcomings of the oblique-texture dif- vibrations. However, this possibility often remains only fraction patterns is the formation of the “dead cone” theoretical. The point is that EDSA requires the use of around the texture axis and, thus, the absence of reflec- specimens in which the constituent crystallites have tions located outside the interference field of the pat- some preferred orientation. The methods for specimen tern. To reduce the dead cone, one has to obtain diffrac- preparation by crystallization from solutions or deposi- tion patterns at the maximum possible tilt angles of the tion from suspensions are described in detail in well- texture axis to the beam (60°Ð80°) [40]. A special known monographs [6, 7]. The technology of prepara- method for recording the basal reflections from the tion of thin films of nitrides and carbides of the metals oblique-textures, especially important in the refinement of VIa subgroup, hydrides of the metals of VIIIa sub- of the symmetry and fine details of the structure, was group, and oxides of the metals of the IV and V groups suggested in [41]. Another drastic shortcoming of for electron diffraction study are described elsewhere oblique-texture patterns is the fact that, similar to [21–38]. Semiconductor films are usually obtained by reflections of polycrystal-type patterns, the crystallo- vacuum sputtering and condensation [39]. graphically nonequivalent reflections (having equal


536 KLECHKOVSKAYA, IMAMOV tals of tetragonal, rhombohedral hexagonal, and cubic systems usually have only one orientation. Thus, at the initial stage of the structure determination, one also often has to use some number of averaged moduli of structure factors. At the later stages of the structure determination (upon the establishment of the prelimi- nary structure model), one can divide the experimental moduli of the structure factors proportionally to their calculated values for the established model. Since the number and the indices of the reflections with equal interplanar spacings are determined by the space group of symmetry, a convenient table was constructed which indicates the types of reflections on oblique-texture electron diffraction patterns that have to be separated in all the space groups of the tetragonal, orthorhombic, hexagonal, and cubic systems where such overlappings are possible [42]. The specific role of the oblique-tex- ture type electron diffraction patterns in the study of clay minerals [43] will be considered later. One often observes the formation of the so-called needlelike textures with the texture axis lying in the Fig. 1. Electron diffraction pattern from the polycrystalline substrate plane (Fig. 3). Unlike platelike texture pat- Sb2I3 film. terns, the needlelike patterns cannot be used for esti- mating intensities, because the orientations of crystal faces parallel to the substrates are not equally probable, and therefore the intensities of various zones of reflec- tions can be distorted. Spot-type electron diffraction patterns (Fig. 4) are formed as a result of diffraction from thin films of mosaic single crystals consisting of a large number of small, almost perfect single-crystal blocks slightly mis- oriented with respect to one another. These patterns are widely used for determining the symmetry and the unit- cell parameters of crystals and for studying orienta- tional relationships [6, 7]. These patterns are obtained from the specimens prepared by condensation of molecular beams of materials onto heated NaCl cleav- ages, mica, and other single-crystal substrates [44Ð53] or by crystallization of drops of various solutions. Today, it is believed that spot-type patterns are formed due to two-dimensional diffraction from ~10Ð7-cm- thick crystals or the multibeam dynamical scattering from sufficiently perfect 800- to 1000-Å-thick crystals. Because of the high perfection of the crystal lattice, the Fig. 2. Oblique-texture electron diffraction patterns from dynamical effects in these specimens become more the thin film of the hexagonal modification of In2Se3. pronounced. The obvious advantage of these patterns is the absence of overlapping reflections having the same spacings dhkl but different Miller indices hkl and also interatomic spacings but different moduli of structure the absence of the dead zone. There are a number of factors) from crystals belonging to tetragonal, rhombo- studies in which the structure determination was per- hedral hexagonal, and cubic systems can overlap in one formed solely by the spot-type patterns [54Ð57]. The reflection [42]. However, unlike the polycrystal pat- use of spot-type patterns proved to be very successful terns, where this shortcoming cannot be avoided, the in the studies of organic compounds consisting of light problem for texture patterns can be solved by taking atoms. This direction is actively being developed by diffraction patterns from the same texture with another American scientists [58Ð60]. orientation, which allows the separation of crystallo- Diffraction patterns with Kikuchi lines. As far graphically nonequivalent reflections. However, in back as 1928, studying reflection of an electron beam practice, it is rather difficult because, as a rule, the crys- from the mica surface, Kikuchi obtained electron dif-



Fig. 3. Electron diffraction pattern from the needlelike Fig. 4. Spot-type electron diffraction pattern from the CuSbSe2 texture. mosaic CdTe film on the mica substrate. fraction patterns containing along with a small number by EDSA had been made from the very first steps of its of spot reflections also pairs of parallel white and black coming into being, and, thus, the structures of a large lines [which later were termed Kikuchi lines (Fig. 5a)] number of various inorganic and organic substances and the systems of fanlike bands (Fig. 5b). The forma- have been solved by the EDSA method, with many of tion of Kikuchi lines and bands is caused by multiple electron scattering, and they can be interpreted only in terms of the dynamical theory. The presence or absence of Kikuchi-lines and their contrast depend on the degree of crystal perfection. Electron diffraction pat- terns with Kikuchi lines are widely used for the quali- tative study of mosaicity of surface layers [61Ð64]. These pattern provide a real possibility of determining the phases of some structure factors, i.e., the partial solution of one of the most important problems of the structure analysis. This explains the constant attempts to develop the theory for interpreting Kikuchi patterns [65, 66]. (a) PHYSICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE EDSA METHOD Similar to X-ray and neutron diffraction analysis, EDSA consists of four main stages—the obtaining of appropriate electron diffraction patterns (of the poly- crystal, oblique texture, or single-crystal type) and their geometrical analysis, the precision evaluation of dif- fraction-reflection intensities, the use of the appropriate formulas for recalculation of the reflection intensities into the structure factors, and finally the solution of the phase problem. As has already been indicated, the use of EDSA in the West was impeded because of the widespread opin- ion that the reflection intensities on electron diffraction (b) patterns are distorted by dynamical effects caused by a strong interaction of electrons with the matter and, Fig. 5. Electron diffraction pattern with Kikuchi lines and therefore, cannot be used for determination of unknown bands from the surface of (a) a sapphire single crystal and structures. Nevertheless, the structure determinations (b) a Ge single crystal.


538 KLECHKOVSKAYA, IMAMOV them being absolutely independent studies performed tered wave (the first Bethe approximation). Then, the for the first time. These structural determinations were formula for the integrated intensity takes the form made mainly within the kinematical theory of electron Φ 2 scattering. However, because of the strong interaction Ihkl λ2 hkl () ------= ------2 -LD A , (5) of electrons with the matter, the dynamical effects were I0S' Ω also possible, with the probability their occurrence increasing in the transition from polycrystal to single where S' is the irradiated area of the crystal and L is the crystal films. Therefore, one of the most important factor taking into account the specimen structure. For problems of EDSA was the establishment of the rela- textured specimens, Lt is determined by the formula [7] tionships between the kinematical and dynamical scat- tλp tering. The examination of the intensities of the rings Lt = ------, (6) on polycrystal-type electron diffraction patterns per- 2πR'sinϕ formed in the late 1940s [67, 68] showed that scattering where R' is the horizontal coordinate of the reflection by small crystallites consisting of atoms of the Periodic on the oblique-texture pattern, ϕ is the angle of the Table up to gold are accurately described by the kine- specimen tilt to the electron beam, and p is the repeti- matical theory if their linear dimensions do not exceed tion factor (the number of reciprocal-lattice points Ð6 ~5Ð10 cm. The intensity Ihkl of diffraction reflections merged in one diffraction reflection). The correction for Φ is determined by squared structure factors hkl [7] extinction (the so-called dynamical correction) is set by (where hkl are the Miller indices), i.e., the function [73] I ∼ Φ 2. (1) A hkl hkl () 1 () DA = --- ∫ J0 2x dx, (7) However, if the crystal thickness t is of the order of A 10−5 cm, scattering becomes dynamical. The checking 0 of the applicability of the kinematical theory to scatter- where J0(2x) is the Bessel function. ing by crystals of moderate dimensions is made accord- The dynamical correction is introduced using the ing to the theoretical relationship [69, 70] graphical representation of the function D(A) [27], Φ from which one determines the A value corresponding A = λ------t ≤ 1, (2) to the best agreement between the experimental and the Ω calculated intensities. Introducing the corrections into the intensities of several strong reflections, one selects Φ Φ Ω where is the average absolute value of hkl, is the the relative values of D(A) for the averaged A value. λ unit-cell volume, and is the electron wavelegnth. In the second Bethe approximation, one has to com- According to the dynamical theory of electron scat- pare with the experiment not the values tering [7] we have πΦ Ω v hkl = 4 hkl / (8) I ∼ Φ . (3) hkl hkl but the calculated values of However, in practice, scattering is usually of the inter- v v v g HgÐ mediate character; then uhkl = hkl Ð ∑ ------2 2 , (9) g ≠ 0, H k Ð kg I ∼ K Φ 2 + K Φ . (4) hkl kin hkl dyn hkl where H and g are the Miller indices of strongly and The degree of scattering “dynamicity” by various mate- weakly reflecting planes, respectively. It is clear that rials (including the scattering by materials with the multibeam solution of the Schrödinger equation is unknown structure) can be estimated by comparing the more rigorous, but, as has already been indicated, it θ λ Σ curves of average intensities Ihkl(sin / ) with the fel or cannot be directly used in EDSA of an unknown struc- Σ 2 ture, because it is based on the use of the already known f el curves in the same angular range (where fel is the structure factors (i.e., the known structure model). The scattering factor of an “average” atom whose weight is attempt to use the matrix form of the dynamical theory averaged over the weights of all the atoms of the mate- for polycrystal specimens was made in [74], but the rial). Then, introducing the corrections for the dynamic authors failed to obtain the formula for direct transition |Φ | scattering, one can obtain the hkl values from the from the experimental intensities to the structure fac- measured intensities Ihkl. tors, which is necessary for studying crystal with The fundamentals of the multibeam dynamical the- unknown structure. ory were laid by Bethe [71, 72], who also described The sufficiency of using the two-beam BetheÐ electron scattering by the Schrödinger wave equation. Blackman approximation and the second Bethe In the two-beam approximation, the problem is essen- approximation was confirmed by numerous structure tially simplified—one considers the interaction determinations. The practical approach to the allow- between the incident wave and only one strong scat- ance for the dynamical scattering of electrons in thin


films is based on the assumption that the intensity of three Bloch waves [82] that can readily be represented most of the reflections is described by the kinematical in the analytical form [83]. This, in turn, allows the for- formula (Kdyn = 0) but that the intensities of some (usu- mulation of the necessary conditions for their effective ally strong) reflections can have the intensities that can use for attaining a higher accuracy and reliability of the differ by more than 50% from the “pure kinematical” final structural data [84]. intensities and, at the same time, also from the “pure It should be emphasized that the success of EDSA dynamical” intensities (Kkin = 0). Assuming that the application to the determination of atomic structures physical mechanisms of the intensity formation can be depends not only on the appropriate allowance for the somewhat different for different reflections [75, 76], all nature of electron scattering by a material but, of the reflections observed on electron diffraction pattern course, also on the methods of intensity measurements can be divided into three groups in accordance with the and the apparatus used. In the first years of EDSA stud- method used for the transition from the experimental ies, the reflection intensities were estimated visually intensities to the structure factors. These are (i) hkl-type with the use of darkening scale [6]. Later, the reflection reflections with moderate and weak intensities whose intensities were determined by microphotometric structure factors are calculated in the kinematic approx- methods [7]. In the 1960s, considerable efforts were imation by formula (1); (ii) strong h000, h0h00, and made to create systems for electrometric recording of h0h0h0 “dynamic” reflections (h0 = 1 or 2) whose struc- intensities—as certain numbers of pulses—with the use ture factors are calculated with allowance for extinction of special energy filters to remove inelastically scat- by Eq. (5); and (iii) the higher orders of strong h00, tered electrons [85, 86]. Thus, the accuracy of intensity recording on an automated EMR-102 diffractometer hh0, and hhh reflections (h = nh0, where n = 2, 3,…) whose structure factors are calculated with due regard (with two-dimensional scanning of diffraction patterns for the multibeam interaction in the approximation of and a static detector designed and manufactured at the the Bethe dynamical potentials. The practical proce- Institute of Crystallography) is about 1Ð2%. This dure for calculating structure factors for the reflections allowed the study of thin layers with the accuracy suf- of groups (ii) and (iii) reduces to the calculation of the ficient for the precision determination of the electro- “kinematical” structure factors and their subsequent static potential in the unit-cell and the study of the correction for the dynamical scattering. Of course, this nature of chemical bonding in materials [87Ð90]. procedure is limited to the allowance for only the sys- Although similar studies have been performed on mate- tematic interactions. Various methods of introducing rials with predominantly ionic bonding, they are corrections for dynamical scattering were tested on undoubtedly a step forward in the development of the high-energy (75 keV) electron diffraction from Al, Ni, EDSA method and are an important contribution to the and Au polycrystal [77, 78] and ammonium bromide solution of the problem as to how the crystal properties [79] films. The study of reflection intensities from are related to its structure. ammonium bromide (the material with considerable A bottleneck of EDSA is the determination of difference in the atomic numbers of the constituent phases of structure factors. Despite the fact that Vain- atoms) with an allowance for multibeam scattering was shtein analyzed various statistical and direct methods especially interesting, because it was believed [80] that of determining the signs of the Fourier coefficients [7], such structures could be solved only within the rigorous Russian researchers traditionally determined the phases multibeam theory. The study of ammonium bromide by the trial and error method and widely used the [79] confirmed the applicability of the kinematical the- Patterson function to construct trial structure models. In ory to EDSA, on the one hand, and showed the neces- the 1980s, numerous attempts were made to apply the sity of taking into account the dynamical effects for direct methods of phase determination also to high- attaining the higher accuracy and reliability of the crys- energy electron diffraction data [91]. These methods tallographic data, on the other hand. The nature of scat- were based on the estimation of the structure factors tering should be taken into consideration not only for with the subsequent phase determination from the sys- the better convergence of the experimentally observed tem of phase equations. Beginning in 1990, direct and theoretically calculated structure factors but, methods were used in the controlling structure determi- mainly, for the determination, with the highest possible nations of inorganic and organic crystals [91Ð93] stud- accuracy, of the electrostatic-potential distribution in ied earlier by EDSA and confirmed these determina- the lattice. tions. Unfortunately, it is only upon these studies that Western researchers recognized the importance and Among various formulations of the theory of high- usefulness of numerous structural data obtained by energy electron diffraction in crystals, one should indi- Soviet scientists by EDSA. cate the formalism of Bloch waves. The characteristics of each Bloch wave can readily and graphically be interpreted in terms of physics [81]. Moreover, the FOURIER METHOD IN ELECTRON wave function of an incident electron beam propagating DIFFRACTION STRUCTURE ANALYSIS along the principal crystallographic directions can be The modern EDSA method is based on the Fourier described with sufficient accuracy solely by two or series—the representation of the final result of the

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 540 KLECHKOVSKAYA, IMAMOV structural determination as the distribution of the elec- In practice, the effect of the nonuniform series ter- trostatic potential in the unit cell of the crystal. Sum- mination on the heights and the positions of the max- ming three-dimensional Fourier series over all the ima on the Fourier maps is established from their com- reciprocal-lattice points with the nonzero structure-fac- parison with the corresponding theoretically calculated tor moduli, maps constructed by the structure factors calculated for the same reflections that were used in the construction ϕ()1 Φ []π () xyz = Ω---- ∑ hklexp 2 ihx++ ky lz , (10) of the experimental maps. These “theoretical” maps (or hkl syntheses) calculated either with due regard for all or only some of the constituent atoms allow the analysis one obtains the electrostatic-potential distribution in of the effect of the series-termination waves on the the unit cell, which, in turn, provides the determination of all the three positional coordinates of the atoms. position of each atom. The experience of electron dif- fraction structure determinations shows that the allow- The heights of the electrostatic potential on the Fou- ance for the nonuniform series termination complicates rier syntheses calculated by the experimental structure the procedure of the structure determination, but, under factors are compared with the values of the potential at its rigorous control, yields much better results. the centers of atoms of each kind calculated by the inte- gral formula It should also be indicated that the preparation of ϕ()0 = G specimens for EDSA by sputtering alloys and other 1 compounds is usually accompanied by their dissocia- ∞ ∞ tion. The inevitable difference in the elasticity of the 1 2 2 (11) = ------∫ fS()exp[ÐB()sinϑ/λ S dS = ∫DS()dS, vapors of different components can result in chemical 2π2 0 0 compositions of the deposited thin film essentially dif- ferent from the composition of the initial sputtered π ϑ λ where S = 4 sin / and B is the temperature factor. In alloy and, therefore, should be determined by an inde- practice, the value of G1 is determined as the area under pendent method. This difficulty is characteristic of var- the curve D(S) with due regard for the experimental ious objects studied by EDSA, so that the final chemi- series termination and the temperature factor calcu- × cal formula of the film studied should be determined in lated, in the first approximation [7], as B = 3.5 the course of the structure study, e.g., by the peak 6 θ2 θ 10 /AH , where is the characteristic temperature and heights on the Fourier maps of the electrostatic poten- Aç is the atomic weight multiplied by the mass of the tial. hydrogen atom. Comparing the experimental value of the potential at the center of an atom obtained from the Fourier synthesis (in volts) and the calculated value Structure Analysis of Partly Disordered Phases ϕ(0), one should also take into account the average internal potential equal to There are systems in which the specific characteris- n tics of the electronic shells of the interacting atoms pro- ∑ f ()0 vide the formation not only of stoichiometric phases Φ but also the phases in which some atoms occupy their ϕ 000 i = 1 av ==------Ω ------Ω P, (12) positions statistically (the so-called partly disordered phases). The formation of disordered phases in such where n is the number of atoms per unit cell, f(0) is the systems is the rule rather than the exception. These atomic scattering factor of electrons at sinϑ/λ = 0, and phases are usually characterized by a wide homogene- P is the scaling factor for transition to volts. The esti- ity ranges, a considerable scatter in the composition, mates show that the accuracy of the identification of the and as a result also in their physical properties. These potential maxima for heavy atoms is ~3% and for light are various transition metal oxides, carbides, nitrides, atoms, ~10%. and hydrides. The structure analysis of these phases It is also possible to represent G1 in the analytical was first performed by the EDSA method. form [7, 97, 98]. However, one should pay attention to the fact that the analytical methods so attractive for Most of the information on the structure of partly facilitating and automating the computations can be disordered phases is contained in the reflection intensi- applied only in the case of the uniform termination of ties, although, in some occasions, the changes in the the series of structure factors in all directions whereas unit-cell parameters are also observed. The structure the oblique-texture electron diffraction patterns, the determination in such cases is hindered by the existence main experimental material for EDSA, usually give the in the lattice of partly occupied positions “imitating” data characterized by different series termination in dif- the decrease in the atomic number. The atomic factor ferent directions mainly because of the fact that some takes the form wfat, where w < 1 is the probability of the reflections (including the strong ones) are located in the position occupancy with such atoms. Correspondingly, dead zone [7]. the structure amplitude in the kinematical approxima-

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 ELECTRON DIFFRACTION STRUCTURE ANALYSIS 541 tion is determined by the formula be made of upon the crystallochemical analysis of the N s structure thus established. Φ []π ()⋅ H = ∑ ∑ f jK jrexp 2 i r j H j = 1 r = 1 (13) Possibilities of Electron Diffraction in Studies × []()ϑ λ 2 of the Structure of LangmuirÐBlodgett Films exp ÐB j sin / , One of the main methods of obtaining thin organic where fj is the atomic scattering factor of electrons for films with a controllable molecular architecture is the the jth atom, rj is the radius-vector of the jth atom, N is LangmuirÐBlodgett (LB) method [100]. The impor- the number of atoms with different atomic numbers, s tance of LB films for nanotechnology is seen from the is the number of independent positions in the structure, exponentially increasing number of publications in the and Kjr is the probability that the atom of the jth kind last two decades. The use of polymer molecules in the would occupy the rth independent position, fjKjr is the architecture of LB films opens new vistas for their prac- effective atomic scattering factor (Zeff). tical use. The Langmuir–Blodgett films are artificially constructed layer structures. The method of their prep- The quantity Zeff leads to the necessity of localizing “a fraction of an atom” occupying a certain crystallo- aration by the successive deposition of condensed graphic position. If one has to use the least squares monolayers of amphiphylic molecules with hydro- refinement, the use of additional parameters does not phylic heads and hydrophobic tails from the aqueous guarantee obtaining of reliable final structural data subphase yields ordered platelike textures—ideal (even in the case where this procedure considerably objects for EDSA. reduces the reliability factor). Since the Fourier-poten- The electron diffraction structure analysis of thin tial syntheses are less sensitive to the errors in structure layers of chain molecules is made in the way described factors [7], the analysis of peak heights on the synthe- above. In most cases, the moduli of structure ampli- ses calculated by the experimental structure factors tudes can be determined in the kinematical approxima- allows the evaluation of Kjr with a higher accuracy. The tion, because the molecules consist mainly of light criterion for detecting light atoms statistically esti- atoms. The first structure determination of an LB film ∆ϕ mated by Vainshtein [7] (based on the analysis of er, by EDSA was made on lead stearate films in the early which is of the statistical nature) and using EDSA 1990s [101]. Figure 7 shows the characteristic features showed that using the difference Fourier maps, one can of the diffraction patterns from an LB film consisting of reveal the potential peaks due to hydrogen atoms in the long-chain molecules. One can clearly see the “layer presence of the peaks due to heavy atoms (even if the lines” of intense reflections with the small period reflection intensities were estimated by the micropho- c'* = 1/c', where c' is the periodicity of the chain mole- tometric method). Thus, it was possible to localize oxy- cule, and the layer lines of weaker reflections with the gen atoms occupying their positions with the probabil- large period c* = 1/c associated with packing of chain ity 1/8 (the corresponding peak height equals ~50 V) in molecules into a crystal structure. If reflections on the the presence of (the peak height ~1530 V) [32] diffraction patterns are blurred only slightly, one can (Fig. 6). also perform the structure analysis by considering the It is seen from Eqs. (11) and (13) that the reduction discrete reciprocal lattice of the crystal. of the potential-peak height can be associated not only However, studying LB films of various materials by with the appearance of the term Zeff but also because of the EDSA, one can encounter some “unpleasant” the temperature factor. However, these two factors effects—different spreading of reflections on the influence the atomic scattering curve differently—the oblique-texture patterns [101, 102], which indicates the temperature factor noticeably decreases the fj values at distortion of the ideal packing of the molecules in the large angles, whereas Zeff reduces the scattering power film. Here, Vainshtein’s monograph “Diffraction of at all the angles. Therefore, when studying partly disor- X-rays by Chain Molecules” was an indispensable tool dered phases, one has to use the effective atomic [103]. Although the theory of second-order distortions curves, which should be constructed each time and takes its origin in the early 1920s and was successfully depend on the method used for the determination of the developed in the 1950s by Hosemann and his research crystal structure, where the atoms give different contri- fellows, who studied X-ray scattering by liquids [104]. butions to the total intensities of reflections having dif- In this monograph, Vainshtein successfully solved a ferent Miller indices [99]. number of important problems [103]. The reliable criterion of the correct determination of It is well known that the aggregates of chain mole- the atomic coordinates and the chemical composition cules can have various types of order, which can be of the material is the “purity” of the final Fourier syn- considered as the distortion of the ideal crystal struc- thesis, i.e., the absence of spurious peaks and pro- ture (although the chain molecules do not necessarily nounced differences between the negative and the pos- form crystal packings). The characteristic distortions itive values in the area between the peaks. The final are the shift of the molecules along their axes, the conclusions on the reliability of the results obtained can stacking faults in their packing, molecule rotation


1135 The starting point for considering various distor- tions is the allowance for the short-range order, which is determined by the shape of the structural units and the forces acting between them. If the distribution law of the nearest neighbors is established, then it can be used for obtaining the distribution function (without the rigid fixation of the equilibrium positions of all the dis- tant neighbors). Each type of second-order distortion 50 can be described by a certain function [103]. These dis- tortions and the corresponding functions are shown schematically in Fig. 8. Some distortions result in blur- ring or even the complete disappearance of reflections (the absence of any difference between the maxima and the minima of the interference function) at a certain dis- y tance from the origin of the reciprocal space, which corresponds to the reciprocal value of the correlation 1530 length in the real space. Therefore, studying reflection x blurring on electron diffraction patterns, one can quali- tatively estimate the existing distortions, i.e., determine Fig. 6. Fourier-section by the (xy0) plane of the cubic nio- the average distance between the nearest neighbors in bium oxide (a = 3.80 Å). the xy plane, the correlation radius Lcorr (the distance at which there still exists the finite probability to encoun- ter the equivalent structural unit), and some other parameters. If the structure is completely disordered, its diffraction pattern consists of amorphous halos.

SOME RESULTS OF EDSA STUDIES Consider the general results of the electron diffrac- tion studies performed by the PinskerÐVainshtein school along several main directions.

Structures of Hydrogen-Containing and Macromolecular Compounds EDSA played an important role in localization of hydrogen atoms and establishment of the nature of Fig. 7. Electron diffraction pattern from the LangmuirÐ chemical bonding in various organic and inorganic Blodgett PbSt2 films consisting of 20 bilayers. The angle materials. The electron diffraction study of n-paraffins between the sample and the beam is ϕ = 52°. of the compositions C18H38, C28H58, and C30H62 pro- vided not only the most accurate localization of hydro- around the principal axis, and also their tilt and bending gen atoms in the crystal lattice and the refinement of the (the so-called second-order distortions). The diffraction CÐH distances (1.125 ± 0.015 Å) but also the establish- phenomena associated with considerable distortions in ment of ionization of hydrogen atoms (from the analy- packing of long-chain molecules are usually inter- sis of potential-peak heights on the Fourier syntheses) preted with the aid of the Fourier transform and the [9, 10, 20, 54, 105]. convolution function [102]. The intensities of diffrac- The precision electron diffraction determination of tion reflections are written as products of the molecular coordinates of hydrogen atoms in the crystal lattice of structure factor by the convolution of the interference diketopiperazine [13, 106] with numerous hydrogen function Z(S) with the squared form factor S(S) bonds provided the analysis of chemical bonding in this structure. The CÐH distances in the CH2 group are 2 1 2 equal to 1.09 and 1.11 Å (±0.03 Å) and the bond angle I()S = Φ()S ---- Z()S S()S , m Ω (14) HÐCÐH = 107° is close to tetrahedral (107°). The structures of ammonium chloride, bromide, and where îm(S) is the molecular structure factor and S is iodide were repeatedly studied by EDSA [7, 107], The the reciprocal lattice vector. In principle, this formula is precision measurement of reflection intensities [108] valid for any object, including crystals. In the latter allowed the refinement of the N–H distance (1.02 Å). Φ case, m is a structure factor of the unit cell. For NH4I, the use of difference syntheses (first, with


(a) (b) (c) (d) Z ZZ Z

C Ψ ) f( ) f(Ψ) = const α ( ) ( ) α W1 xy W2 xy C τ τ τ ( c(z) (z) ∞(z) D C C X X X (Ψ) Ψ YZ0 Y


Fig. 8. Various types of distortions and the corresponding distribution functions: (a) shift function τ(z); (b) azimuthal rotation func- tion f(ψ), (c) the angular distribution function D(α), and (d) function of the net distortion W(xy). due regard for the contribution of iodine atoms, and bilayer, and the close packing of successively applied then also of nitrogen atoms) [79] showed that all bilayers (at the expense of CH3 groups of hydrocarbon 16 hydrogen atoms have only one 32-multiple position chains packed by the convexity-to-hollow principle). In in the unit cell. this case, the true period along the layer normal is 96 Å The electron diffraction study of cryptohalite [111]; i.e., it has a double value in comparison with the (NH4)2SiF6 [109] revealed the reorientation of NH4 usually indicated value. The studies of the salts of fatty groups. Despite the statistical reorientation of NH4 acids showed that their order in LB films directly groups, the three-dimensional Fourier synthesis clearly depends on the ionic composition of the subphase showed the presence of hydrogen atoms with the [112]. weight 1/3. The NÐH distances were determined as In recent years, LB films are often prepared from the 1.03 Å. molecules of unusual shapes, including the polymer The efficiency of the EDSA method was demon- films. The EDSA method was successfully applied to a strated in the study of the atomic structure of mixed number of such LB films, e.g., lipids of the membrane α metal complexes with -amino acids [110], which pro- origin [113] (phospholipids, sterols stabilizing the vided the discovery of materials containing isomers of structures of biomembranes, etc.), discotic liquid-crys- similar and different amino acids. tal materials [101, 102] widely used in various thin At the beginning of the 1990s, the Electron Diffrac- film-based sensors, polyimides [114], and other materi- tion Laboratory of the Institute of Crystallography als. The LB technology was also used to prepare the began to study Langmuir–Blodgett films. Some models films from the cholesterol molecules with the c-axis of LB films constructed on the basis of X-ray reflecto- normal to the substrate [102, 113]. The interpretation of metry (00l reflections) and electron diffraction data the electron diffraction patterns from these films obtained at the normal beam incidence onto the films showed that, in the LB film, cholesterol is triclinic and (the hk0 plane) were suggested in the 1950s. Using that its unit-cell parameters coincide, within the accu- oblique-type electron diffraction patterns and the racy of experimental measurements, with those deter- EDSA method (Fig. 7), we managed to collect the mined by the X-ray diffraction analysis. Unlike the three-dimensional set of diffraction data and performed monochain aliphatic molecules, four and more ali- the detailed structure determination of LB lead stearate phatic tails are located around the core in the molecules films with the use of Patterson and the Fourier synthe- discotic liquid crystals [102]. The oblique-texture elec- ses. It was established that the decisive factors in the tron diffraction patterns provided the first determina- formation of lead stearate structure of the LB films are tion of the parameters of the monoclinic and triclinic the interactions between the carbohydrate chains unit cells of these discotics. For tetraalkanoyloxyhyd- caused by the “compression” of a monolayer of the roquinone, we also determined the atomic structure. stearic acid molecules on the subphase surface up to the formation of the condensed state, the interaction of lead Thus, the EDSA studies showed that the oblique- ions with hydroxyl groups during the formation of a type electron diffraction patterns from LB films pro-

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 544 KLECHKOVSKAYA, IMAMOV vide the complete description of their structural organi- second, EDSA allows localization of light hydrogen, zation. carbon, and nitrogen atoms in the presence of heavy metal atoms in the crystal lattice. Another factor which stimulated these studies was a relatively simple prepa- Structure of Highly Dispersed Phases ration of thin films of these carbides, nitrides, and Vainshtein and his coworkers studied crystal struc- hydrides convenient for the electron diffraction study. tures of a number of finely dispersed phases by the At the same time, the attempts to study these objects by EDSA method. In addition to the already mentioned EDSA encounter some difficulties associated with the phases [14Ð20], we should like to indicate the rhombo- unknown chemical composition of the films usually established only in the course of the structural study. hedral PbCO3 á PbO á 2H2O phase [115] and the struc- ture determination of the CuCl2 á 3Cu(OH)2 salt [116] The precision electron diffraction studies of these and the related CuBr á 3Cu(OH) structure [117]. thin films [123–127] revealed the presence of not only 2 2 Ni, Pd, and Sc hydrides always present in the mac- The unique place among the structures studied by rospecimens, but also of the phases never observed the EDSA method belongs to low-symmetric layer there. EDSA allowed the localization of carbon atoms minerals often encountered in nature in the finely dis- in carbides from the difference maps of the persed state which can hardly be studied by the X-ray Fourier-potential [30, 31]. The results obtained in the diffraction methods but which are appropriate objects electron diffraction study of the crystal structure of for electron diffraction. As has already been indicated, hexagonal tungsten carbide were later confirmed by its these studies were performed mainly by B.B. Zvyagin neutron diffraction study [128]. The structures of (a close friend of Vainshtein from his scholastic years) numerous phases in the FeÐN [27], CrÐN [28], TiÐN and his group [41, 43, 118, 119]. The oblique-texture [129], MoÐN [25, 130], and WÐN [26] systems were electron diffraction patterns proved to be an indispens- also determined by EDSA. able tool for solving various problems of polytypism [41, 43, 120, 121], because the electron diffraction pat- terns provide the establishment of the characteristics of Structures of Oxides of Metals of IVÐVIII Groups individual layers and their mutual arrangement. We EDSA also proved to be very efficient for obtaining should like to mention only one of the latest studies in the information on the structure of oxides, the objects which electron diffractometry allowed the use of the that can hardly be studied by any other diffraction oblique-texture patterns to refine the crystal structure of method. The films and surface layers in which the oxi- the 1T polytype of serpentine-type mineral lizardite dation processes proceed at high rates and to a higher [122]. degree than in the massive specimens are the appropri- The symmetry of the mineralogical objects pro- ate objects for EDSA. The use of this method allowed vided the development of special methods for analysis not only the establishment of some new stoichiometric of oblique-texture patterns from single crystals which, and nonstoichiometric phases but also shows the exist- in the general case, belonged to the triclynic system ence of some intermediate metastable phases existing [41]. The principles of indexing of such patterns and only at certain stages of the oxidation process. EDSA determining their unit cells were applied to electron provided the structure determination of a large number diffraction patterns from single crystals forming the of transition metal oxides [32Ð34, 131Ð144] and many angle ϕ with the normal to the basal plane and rotated specific features of partly disordered compounds aris- about this normal during the experiment. In this case, ing during the oxidation process. These studies allowed the measurements and the calculations are analogous to the establishment of successive structural rearrange- those used for oblique-texture patterns (Fig. 9). The ments during oxidation, i.e., the reconstruction of the information obtained in this case is not averaged over oxidation process at the atomic level and establishment numerous crystals; thus, the nodal lines on the patterns of the specific features of oxidation depending on the from the crystal rotating in the limited angular ranges experimental conditions. [119] do not overlap, which provides more detailed The intermediate phases formed during the oxida- structural information. The combination of diffraction tion are characterized by a reduced density, partial fill- from arbitrarily oriented single crystals and their rota- ing of the atomic positions, and the formation of tion along the normal to the basal plane provides the pseudolayers, which often result in the formation of formation of a set of ellipses of spotlike reflections on textures. It should also be indicated that the “stability” the electron diffraction patterns. of all the intermediate structures is provided by at least one fully occupied (100%) position in the metal sublat- Structures of Transition Metal Carbides, Nitrides, tice. Moreover, in the regions (layers) with the consid- and Hydrides erable deficiency of atoms in both sublattices, the ÐMeÐ OÐMeÐOÐ chains are formed by the short MeÐO bond EDSA was used to study metal carbides and nitrides (1.92 Å). These chains penetrate the lattice (e.g., along because, first, these materials have some practically the c-axis in the δ' phase [133]) and the short MeÐMe important properties such as, e.g., high refractivity; bonds in the direction normal to such layers which “fix”

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 ELECTRON DIFFRACTION STRUCTURE ANALYSIS 545 the lattice as a whole. Another characteristic feature of intermediate partly disordered structures is the unusual coordination: partly filled coordination polyhedra (octahedra, dumbbels, squares, and trigonal, pentago- nal, hexagonal bipyramids) around the Me atoms which can often be considerably distorted [32Ð34, 131Ð142]. The electron diffraction study of thin films of Bi oxides [35Ð38, 143, 144] revealed at least three unknown phases, which differ by the oxygen content in the lattice. During long-term storage, these phases are transformed into the tetragonal modification of the composition Bi2O2.7–2.8, the most stable and oxygen- rich oxide phase observed in thin films of the Bi–O sys- tem. Later, this conclusion was confirmed by the stud- ies of oxidation kinetics in Bi films [145]. Not considering the other results of the electron dif- fraction study of oxides of metals of groups IVÐVIII, we would only like to indicate that formation of oxide phases in the MeÐO systems obviously depends on the position of the metal in the Periodic Table. This, in turn, Fig. 9. Rotation electron diffraction pattern from the single crystal of trioctahedral mica, which is similar to an oblique- indicates the dependence of the structure and properties texture electron diffraction pattern. The rotation of the spec- of the oxide phases on the electronic structure of the imen within the limiting range <60° excludes the overlap of constituent elements, screening of nuclei by valence the nodal lines of hk reflections and provides the unique electrons, etc. identification of the polytype 3T not seen on the oblique- texture pattern from the polytype 1M.

Structures of Binary and Ternary Semiconductors negative attitude of the authors of the “dynamical study” [162] to the use of the kinematical approxima- It should be remembered that in the 1960s, during tion for determining reflection intensities on diffraction the first structural studies of binary and ternary semi- patterns from textured films. conductors, the structures of many semiconductor phases had been known. The single crystals necessary It should also be indicated that EDSA allowed the for the complete X-ray diffraction analysis were not refinement of the compositions of a number of AIIIBVI available, so that for many years, only some general semiconductors. The chemical composition of many ideas on the structures of many semiconductors have phases was established only upon their complete struc- existed. At the same time, many of the semiconductor ture determination with the analysis of the peak heights compounds were obtained in the form of thin films so on the Fourier maps of the electrostatic potential [155]. that it was quite natural to study their structure, chemi- Finally, it should be indicated that electron diffrac- cal composition, and the conditions of their formation tion can also be successfully used for studying amor- and existence by EDSA [146Ð160]. phous substances [163]. Consider here only one example. EDSA revealed an unusual structure of AgTlSe2 [161]: the Ag and Tl atoms formed centered hexagonal nets with six-mem- CONCLUSION bered rings of Se atoms forming Se6 molecules in Thus, the above results demonstrate the possibilities between them. The structure of this compound con- of the electron diffraction structure analysis as an inde- sisted of atoms with considerably different atomic pendent method for studying structures of thin films. numbers and was determined from the oblique-texture Today, this opinion is shared by all those engaged in electron diffraction pattern. The transition to the struc- electron diffraction studies, which provides favorable ture factor was made by the kinematical formula. Later, conditions for the further development of EDSA. At the the AgTlSe2 structure was also studied with the use of same time, there are numerous problems still waiting the multibeam electron scattering [162]. Its refinement for their solution—the establishment of the nature of all in the dynamical approximation confirmed the atomic the processes and phenomena occurring in scattering of parameters established earlier in [161]. The differences high-energy electrons in thin films. It is very important between the structure factors calculated in these two to determine rigorously the contribution of diffuse scat- studies were insignificant. The reliability factor in the tering of electrons to the total scattering, etc. There also kinematical approximation was Rh00 = 6%; the use of exist some apparatus limitations. It is necessary to the dynamical approximation only slightly improved design electron diffraction cameras for higher (300Ð this value, Rh00 = 4% [162]. This result had changed the 400 kV) electron energies. One has to develop new effi-

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 546 KLECHKOVSKAYA, IMAMOV cient and objective methods for recording and evaluat- 20. B. K. Vainshtein, Q. Rev., Chem. Soc. 14 (2), 105 ing intensities on electron diffraction patterns of all the (1960). types, which is especially important for organic and 21. Z. G. Pinsker and S. V. Kaverin, Kristallografiya 2 (2), biological objects. It is also necessary to write new spe- 386 (1957) [Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 2, 380 (1957)]. cialized software for EDSA which would take into 22. V. I. Khitrova and Z. G. Pinsker, Kristallografiya 3 (5), account the specific features of electron diffraction 545 (1958) [Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 3, 551 (1958)]. data. The combination of EDSA and electron micros- 23. N. V. Troitskaya and Z. G. Pinsker, Kristallografiya 4 copy and the experience gained in such studies would (1), 38 (1959) [Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 4, 33 (1959)]. allow us to hope for further progress in this field. 24. V. I. Khitrova and Z. G. 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Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 550Ð555. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 614Ð619. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Zvyagin.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

From Electron Diffraction by Clays to Modular Crystallography B. B. Zvyagin Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Staromonetnyœ per. 35, Moscow, 109017 Russia e-mail: [email protected] Received on February 16, 2001

Abstract—Being an independent method of structure analysis, electron diffraction provides original data which are essential contributions to all the fields where this method is used. An important place of electron dif- fraction among other structural methods is illustrated by the results of the studies once started on clay minerals and continued on the objects extremely important for structural mineralogy, which stimulated the development of a new field—modular crystallography. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION screen distance (1100 mm). Two lines on the pattern are the primary-beam traces caused by a horseshoe magnet The advent of electron diffraction as an independent brought to the camera casing during the exposure to the method of structure analysis should be attributed to electron beam. Another remarkable feature of this pat- 1946, when Z.G. Pinsker gathered a team of colleagues and students from different institutions of the former tern is the fact that, as was established 37 years later, USSR and organized the Electron Diffraction labora- the intensity distribution indicates the coexistence of tory at the Institute of Crystallography. The atmosphere the vacant dioctahedral trans- and cis-layers in the 2 : 1 of mutual contacts and exchange of opinions allowed proportion [2]. Anyhow, this diffraction pattern was the this team to overcome difficulties and solve the prob- starting point for the geometric analysis of oblique-tex- lems they encountered. The undoubtful leader of this ture electron diffraction patterns, the direct determina- team was B.K. Vainshtein, then a postgraduate student tion of the unit-cell parameters, and the indexing of of the Institute of Crystallography. A postgraduate stu- reflections. The scheme of indexing made by Vainsh- dent of the Institute of Soils of the USSR Academy of tein himself is shown in Fig. 2 (at that time, he helped Sciences, I had to master electron diffraction in appli- me to illustrate my Candidate dissertation). cation to clay minerals. Even at that time, I enjoyed the beneficial influence of the friendly relations with Vain- shtein to full extent. This friendship helped me to main- tain high spirit, resoluteness, and enthusiasm at the cru- cial moments of my life, when it seemed that montmo- rillonite, a structurally imperfect clay mineral, is an absolutely hopeless object for electron diffraction study. However, fate decided to help me and provided me with specimens “saturated” with various exchange cat- ions. This gave me a new impetus for further work. It was established that the K- and Ba-cations located between the montmorillonite layers promote layer ordering, which, in turn, gives rise to the formation of general-type reflections located on the ellipses of the oblique-texture electron diffraction patterns from montmorillonite [1]. Figure 1 shows this diffraction pattern, which is also very interesting from the histori- cal standpoint, since it was obtained in the horizontal Fig. 1. Oblique-texture pattern from clay mineral montmo- electron diffraction camera designed by Pinsker and is rillonite obtained in an electron diffraction camera designed well known as a chamber with the longest specimenÐ by Pinsker in 1947.

1063-7745/01/4604-0550 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”


068,337 339

061,336 338

066,335 337 225

226 065,334 045 336 135,204 224

134,205 225 064,333 044 335 262,405 134,203 223 264,402 153,244 133,204 224 063,332 312,314 023 043 334 – 261,464 153,242 133,202 113 222 152,243 263,401 132,203 112 223 062, 172,421 311,313 022 042 331, 351,353 333 261,403 152,241 132,201 112 221 172,423 222 262,400 151,242 131,202 p 111 061, 171,420 310,312 021 041 330 350,352 p 332 260,402 151,240 131,200 111 220 171,422 q 110 060 261,401 150,241 130,201 221 331 170,421 311,311 p 020 040 331 351,351 Indices 26l 15l 20l 02l 04l 06l 17l of ellipsis 40l 31l 13l 11l 22l 33l 35l 24l 42l Scheme of the ideal electron diffraction pattern for montmorillonite

Fig. 2. Scheme of indexing of the oblique-texture electron diffraction pattern shown in Fig. 1 made by Vainshtein.

In the following years, Vainshtein stimulated and interaction of electrons with the matter, the small wave- supported such studies. Indirect evidence of this is his length of high-energy electrons, and the possibility of joking verses written on the reprints of his articles creation of optical systems determining electron paths given to me in those years: “The point is in the unit in various types of electron diffraction [4Ð8]. These cells, but don’t forget to solve the structures,” “Don’t be features allow the study of very small amounts of mate- afraid of the results, just analyze the structures,” “The rials with the exposures not exceeding several seconds. cells were given to us from heaven, but do they substi- Electron diffraction patterns can be interpreted as two- tute our luck?,” and on the reprint of the article on the dimensional sections of the reciprocal lattice. The remarkable electron diffraction determination of the oblique-texture electron diffraction patterns provide the paraffin structure: “Let paraffin be very useful to the most complete and detailed structural information on researcher of the clays.” Even more weighty evidence fine crystalline materials and can be used for efficient of this cooperation are our joint publications—on the visual diagnostics, analysis of polytypism, and the unique reflection of the space symmetry of crystal complete structural determination of various minerals structures in the relationships taking into account the [9Ð12]. The complex studies combining electron- structure-factor phases in the reciprocal lattice [3], the microscopy imaging and the analysis of selected-area fundamentals of electron diffraction structure analysis diffraction patterns of specimens are also of great for the International Tables [4], and the article pub- importance and allow the study of specimen heteroge- lished in the two-volume edition of the International neity, structural inhomogeneities in crystals, the varia- Union of Crystallography [5] on the occasion of the tions in the periodicity and superperiodicity, and some- 50th anniversary of the discovery of electron diffrac- times the refinement of crystal structures [13, 14]. Con- tion. Giving due to the role of the electron diffraction siderable progress was attained in the accuracy and method in the study not only of clay minerals but also reliability of the structural results due to use of electron of many other materials, I should like to emphasize diffractometry based on direct electrometric measure- here that Vainshtein also considerably influenced many ments of the reflection intensities [16–20]. other scientific fields. Below, we illustrate the above by the results impor- tant for structural mineralogy which were obtained by BASIC ACHIEVEMENTS IN ELECTRON the electron diffraction method. These are the first DIFFRACTION STUDY OF MINERALS refinements of the crystal structures of highly dispersed The main factors determining the efficiency of elec- layer silicates (phyllosilicates)—clay minerals selado- tron diffraction for studying minerals are the strong nite and kaolinite [9]. The establishment of the layer


552 ZVYAGIN alternation in nacrite was accompanied by the theoreti- pentines represented by lizardites, antigorites with dif- cal derivation of all the possible polytypes formed by ferent superperiods (A = na), chrysotiles, ortho-, clino-, kaolin layers. The refinement of the structure of this and para-forms with different cylindrical lattices of clay mineral showed the anomalously small angle of tubular crystals [9, 13]. The combined study of the the ditrigonal rotation of tetrahedra, which indicated oblique-texture and selected-area diffraction patterns the specific combination of interatomic forces acting allowed the establishment of a new independent kaolin onto the oxygen atoms [9, 10]. The oblique-texture polytype 2M—halloysite [10, 13]. The pairs of adjacent electron diffraction patterns of chapmanite and bis- layers of this polytype and kaolinite 1TC are symme- mutoferrite show that they cannot belong to orthosili- try-equivalent. Thus, halloysite and kaolinite are classi- cates. The analysis of these minerals provided the cal example of polytypes which are simultaneously OD structural determination of the unique analogues of the structures, contrary to dickite and kaolinite, which are kaolin polytype 1M in which the positions of Al-octa- not. The examples of the successful analysis of the dif- hedra in the layers are occupied by Fe atoms and the fraction intensities on selected-area diffraction patterns layers are bonded to Sb or Bi atoms [10]. The oblique- used for the complete structure determination of vari- texture electron diffraction patterns also provided the ous minerals can be found in [14]. Thus, not only was a establishment of Fe-analogues of pyrophyllite, ferripy- new type of the band silicates with the pyroxene chains rophyllite 2M, and the related hydrated and mixed- condensed in the rods discovered, but the atomic posi- layer phases [10]. tions with the aid of the Fourier syntheses were deter- The study of the oblique-texture electron diffraction mined. The original structural data were also obtained patterns allowed the establishment of the facts which for a number of minerals in which the layers of differ- affected the nomenclature of the layer structures and ent (oxide and sulfide) chemical nature are capriciously provided better understanding of some fundamental combined. These studies confirmed the fundamental concepts of crystal chemistry such as polymorphism crystallochemical concept of hybrid minerals. and polytypism. Among these facts is the existence of The development of the electron diffractometry axially symmetric dioctahedral mica layers in addition marks a new stage in the structure analysis of minerals to the well-known centrosymmetric layers with vacant and allows one to complement the data on the lattice trans- or cis-octahedra [2, 21, 22]. Such structures with and the atomic arrangement with the data on the poten- different constituent layers can be considered as indi- tial-field distribution characterizing the state and bond- vidual polymorphs. The refinement of the muscovite ing of various atoms including the lightest hydrogen ones. In particular, electron diffractometry yielded 2M2 structure [10] showed that the adjacent layers with opposite parity of their azimuthal orientations are more detailed data on muscovite, phengite, and selado- packed differently from their packing with the same nite [14Ð16], and revealed the differences between the parity of these orientations. The interlayer cations are internal and external hydroxyls of the layers in lizardite located not in the octahedral (O) but in the trigonalÐ [19]. A fine effect of splitting of the atomic positions prismatic (P) coordination. Strictly speaking, similar occupied by hydrogen in the vicinity of the three- and structures built by equivalent main layers but different twofold symmetry axes was recorded in the brucite and interlayers (O or P) are not individual polytypes and lepidocrocite structures [18, 20]. should be considered as pseudopolytypes. The important advantage of oblique-texture electron CONCLUSIONS DRAWN FROM THE ANALYSIS diffraction patterns is that their qualitative characteris- OF ELECTRON DIFFRACTION DATA tics allow one to draw important conclusions about the FOR MINERALS structure. This is especially important for layer struc- As an independent method of the structure analysis tures, where the characteristics of the atomic arrange- based on the specific physical phenomenon, electron ment in the layers and the mutual arrangement of the diffraction yields results which, being original and layers themselves can be obtained from the detailed reflecting the characteristic features of the material analysis of these patterns. The data on the layer charac- associated with the distribution of the electrostatic teristics, the period of their alternation, and the lattice potential, can confirm, refine, and complement the formed can often be obtained even without any detailed already known information. These data stimulate the analysis of the pattern geometry and reflection intensi- development of new approaches, interpretations, and ties on such diffraction patterns. These data provide generalizations in structural mineralogy. rather easy diagnostics of minerals and their polytypes. This concerns, first of all, the theory and practice of In some occasions, the interpretation of various mineral polytypism. The identification of each new oblique-texture electron diffraction patterns allowed polytype stimulated the theoretical derivation of other the establishment of new polytypes [10, 23]. polytypes that can be formed by the given layers with The considerable contribution to structural mineral- due regard for the rules of their mutual arrangement ogy came from selected-area diffraction studies in an and calculation of their diffraction characteristics. electron microscope. This method provided the preci- Thus, new polytypes were predicted for a great variety sion establishment of structural details in various ser- of layer structures [9, 10, 24].



Solving the concrete problems of polytypism, we of TOT, centrosymmetric (CS), or axially symmetric developed a simple practical method for the description (AS) layers with vacant trans- or cis-octahedra. These and analysis of their structures—the use of the symbols layers form individual structures of phyllosilicates. of the layers and their constituent parts, their orienta- For pure layer structures, the concept of polytypism tions and positions, and the symmetry operations. The can be somewhat simplified if one uses the equivalent layer sequences represented by the sequences of their layers and interlayers alternating in the same sequence symbols reveal the periodicity, symmetry, and indepen- (if there are several different kinds of the layers) in var- dence or equivalence of the structures described in dif- ious structures formed with the aid of various symme- ferent settings in accordance with the rules of symbol try operations not affecting their common lattice basis transformations under the action of the symmetry oper- ab. This concept depends on the choice of the structure- ations characteristic of the structures [10, 25]. forming layers, which can be illustrated by an example The experience gained in the electron diffraction of phyllosilicates with TOT layers—micas, pyrophyl- studies of polytypism in minerals promoted the further lites, and chlorites (for simplicity, we assume that the development of the concepts of crystal structures bases of octahedra and the adjacent tetrahedra have the which, first, were called fragmentary but, later, were opposite orientations). interpreted more soundly as modular structures. The Depending on TOT layers, the whole variety of point is that these structures are built by several stan- structures can be divided into two parts—the structures dard modules, which, in distinction from fragments, consisting of CS and AS layers. The differences also perform some constructive function. In the general between the layers can be considered as indicators of case, such modules can be infinite (in one or two different polymorphs. Each polymorph has the struc- dimensions) or have finite structures—layers, rods, and tures with O or P interlayers. Only the structures with blocks; however, the layer structures are still the most the equivalent layers and interlayers can be considered typical and important. The possible classification of as polytypes, whereas the structures having different modular structures in which the layer structures occupy interlayers are intermediate between polytypes and the central place was suggested in [26]. This classifica- polymorphs and, therefore, can be considered as tion also takes into account the particular manifesta- pseudopolytypes. tions of modularity associated with the fundamental concepts of crystal chemistry—polysomatism [27], Considering the individual T sheets oriented by mixed layered structures [28], hybrid layer structures their vertices along two opposite polar directions and [29], polytypism [30], and OD structures [31]. the O sheets as independent structural units, we can consider the whole variety of structures as the variety of The above concepts were developed in the process polytypes formed by layers of two kinds with TT inter- of analyzing layer structures, although, using the anal- layers being either of type O or type P obtained accord- ogy, they should be extended to the structures consist- ing to different rules of formation of adjacent T sheets. ing of rods or blocks. At the same time, as is seen from The existence of different variants of the sheets should an example of layer structures, the whole variety of be specified and motivated; otherwise, the manifesta- modular structures will not fit into the rigid framework tions of the structure polymorphism would not be seen of the above concepts. The nomenclature status of mod- and would be lost. ular structures is dependent on the choice of the build- Unlike polytypism, the concept of OD structures ing units often dictated by the author’s taste and biases should satisfy the additional conditions of the symme- (clear description, manifestation of the symmetry, lat- try equivalence for the pairs of adjacent layers of the tice or diffraction characteristics). The freedom of given type [31]. In fact, at the arbitrary choice of layers, choice is also characteristic of the structures in which such structures are singled out from the total set of the layers with fixed structures are singled out in accor- polytypes and should be distinguished from one dance with the strengths of interatomic bonds. another. At the same time, there is a tendency to inter- Operating solely with certain parts of such layers pret all the polytypes as OD structures by choosing lay- (halves of the layers, sheets of polythedra, and even ers somewhat differently, which is usually accompa- atomic planes), one can derive numerous structures in nied by an increase of the number of layer kinds. Thus, which some atomic groups would have properties not instead of one TO layer in kaolins (whose fixed struc- inherent in the structure as a whole, but the difference ture determines its mineralogical independence), layers between the individual groups would be lost in the con- of three kinds were used, including the plane of octahe- sideration of the structure variety. Thus, the symmetry dral cations (which was “forced” to have the reduced of cationic planes allows one to complement them with symmetry) and the plane of hydroxyl OH groups [32]. the anionic planes with the simultaneous formation of For micas, the OD interpretation is based on two kinds octahedral and prismatic sheets of polyhedra, but such of the layers—Oc and Tet—corresponding to the O sheets should be considered as independent types of sheet and the combination of two T sheets bordering structures. The tetrahedral sheets (T) can be equiva- the interlayer space (between two neighboring layers). lently adjacent to the intermediate octahedral sheet (O) The ideal hexagonal geometry assumed for T sheets with the octahedron occupancy 2/3 and the formation excluded the possibility of existence of the O and P


554 ZVYAGIN interlayers (it was specified later as an additional effect substances, and the establishment of the relations of ditrigonalization of T sheets). In practice, it was nec- between the compounds with common modular charac- essary to consider polar packets formed by halves of teristics. The analytical methods of structure descrip- these layers called p and q packets [33]. This identifica- tion and the operations with these structures are of great tion of polytypes with OD structures is far from being importance because, similar to polytypes, they provide convincing. The role of the chosen structural units and, the establishment either of the independence or the especially, of individual atomic layers is rather dubious equivalence of the structures described in different set- because they cannot form the whole variety of crystal tings. These methods also help in determining the lat- structures. The same structural parts, but in other com- tice, symmetry, and diffraction characteristics and pro- binations, can also enter some other compounds. If the vide the theoretical derivation (prediction) of homoge- atomic interactions inside these parts and between them neous structures. are of the same order of magnitude, then the mutual One of the most important elements of the modular arrangement of these parts is not necessarily. Also, the analysis of crystal structures is the symmetry approach success of such demonstration depends on the inven- consistently developed in the OD theory created by tiveness and the skill of the authors and is still not guar- DornbergerÐSchiff [31]. The OD theory is based on the anteed in all cases. Most importantly, any OD interpre- sound idea that the symmetry equivalence of the posi- tation should not ignore the possible existence of layers tions and the neighboring structure elements (layers) with the fixed structure not possessing the OD proper- indicates their energy equivalence. Due to the fact that ties. These layers with the fixed arrangement can form the energy equivalence is difficult to understand, it is independent groups of structures that can be qualified usually ignored. In this case, it is taken into account that as polymorphs, pseudopolytypes, polytypes, and in the interaction of the nearest parts of the structure pre- some particular cases as OD structures. The differences vails over the interaction of its more distant parts (see between these groups are objective and should not be Appendix in [32]). The OD theory has a number of con- ignored in order to avoid any distorted understanding of cepts and relationships which can be extended directly the real relationships between different crystal struc- or indirectly (upon certain transformations) to a larger tures. variety of modular crystal structures. Polytypes cannot also be identified with OD struc- The efficiency of the modular analysis of crystal tures because there exist OD structures which are not structures is demonstrated by the examples of modular polytypes. If one can single out the regularly alternat- series and systems in which various structures differ by ing layers of more than one kind in a framework struc- layer constituent module alternation [35]. ture, then the symmetry of individual layers allows the equivalent attachment of new layers on both sides of the already existing layers, which results in different REFERENCES associates of structural polyhedra providing the distinc- 1. B. B. Zvyagin and Z. G. Pinsker, Dokl. Akad. Nauk tion of true polymorphs from one another. Meanwhile, SSSR 68 (1), 65 (1949). the pairs of adjacent symmetrically equivalent layers also characterize polymorphs as OD structures. This is 2. S. I. Tsipurskiœ and V. A. Drits, Mineral. Zh. 6 (1), 9 seen from the alternation of the S and P layer modules, (1984). cut out normally to the layers of close packing in the 3. B. K. Vainshtein and B. B. Zvyagin, Kristallografiya 8 spinel and pyroxene structures, respectively [34]. If the (2), 147 (1962) [Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 8, 107 (1962)]. P modules are related by the symmetry plane of the S 4. B. K. Vainshtein and B. B. Zvyagin, in International modules, the Si-tetrahedra are incorporated into two- Tables for Crystallography, Ed. by U. Shmueli (Kluwer, dimensional sheets of single tetrahedra. If the reflection Dordrecht, 1993), Vol. B, p. 310. operation is accompanied by the translation a of the 5. B. K. Vainshtein, B. B. Zvyagin, and A. S. Avilov, Elec- module S equal to a half-translation of the module P, we tron Diffraction Techniques (Oxford Univ. Press, arrive at the sapphirine structures with the branching Oxford, 1992), Vol. 1, Chap. 6, p. 216. chains of Si-tetrahedra [34]. Because of the possible 6. Z. G. Pinsker, Electron Diffraction (Akad. Nauk SSSR, variations of translations along the c-axis of S modules Moscow, 1949; Butterworth, London, 1953). allowed by the symmetry of the P modules, each poly- 7. B. K. Vainshtein, Structure Analysis by Electron Diffrac- morph can have a polytypeÐOD variety. The dramatic tion (Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1956). differences between two OD sets of the structures with 8. B. B. Zvyagin, Izv. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Fiz. 57 (2), 2 the equivalent pairs of SP (PS) modules but with differ- (1993). ent associates of Si-tetrahedra do not allows their iden- 9. B. B. Zvyagin, Electron Diffraction Analysis of Clay tification with polytypes. Mineral Structures (Nauka, Moscow, 1964; Plenum, Striving to solve concrete problems by the simplest New York, 1967). available methods gave rise to the formulation of the 10. B. B. Zvyagin, Z. V. Vrublevskaya, A. P. Zhukhlistov, principles of the modular analysis of crystal structures et al., High-voltage Electron Diffraction in Study of [35], which includes the interpretation of the modular Layer Minerals (Nauka, Moscow, 1979). structures and the modular description of crystalline 11. B. B. Zvyagin, MSA Bull. 23 (1), 66 (1993).



12. B. B. Zvyagin, Kristallografiya 39 (2), 283 (1994) [Crys- 24. B. B. Zvyagin, Comput. Math. Appl. 16 (5Ð8), 569 tallogr. Rep. 39, 239 (1994)]. (1988). 13. G. S. Gritsaenko, B. B. Zvyagin, A. I. Gorshkov, et al., 25. B. B. Zvyagin, Symmetry: Culture and Science (Wash- Methods of Electron Microscopy of Minerals (Nauka, ington, 1995), The Quarterly of the ISIS-Symmetry, Moscow, 1969). Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 560. 14. V. A. Drits, Electron Diffraction and High-Resolution 26. B. B. Zvyagin, Kristallografiya 38 (1), 104 (1993) [Crys- Electron Microscopy of Mineral Structures (Nauka, tallogr. Rep. 38, 54 (1993)]. Moscow, 1981; Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987). 15. S. I. Tsipurskiœ and V. A. Drits, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 27. J. B. Thompson, Am. Mineral. 63 (3Ð4), 239 (1978). Fiz. Zemli 41 (11), 2263 (1977). 28. V. A. Drits and B. A. Sakharov, X-ray Structure Analysis 16. S. I. Tsipurskiœ and V. A. Drits, Mineral. Zh. 8 (3), 32 of Mixed-Layer Minerals (Nauka, Moscow, 1976). (1986). 29. H. T. Evans, J. Allman, and R. Allman, Z. Kristallogr. 17. B. B. Zvyagin, A. P. Zhukhlistov, and V. P. Plotnikov, 127 (1/4), 73 (1968). Structural Studies of Crystals (Nauka, Moscow, 1996), 30. A. R. Verma and P. Krishna, Polymorphism and Polytyp- p. 225. ism in Crystals (Wiley, New York, 1966; Mir, Moscow, 18. A. P. Zhukhlistov, A. S. Avilov, D. Ferraris, et al., Kri- 1969). stallografiya 42 (5), 841 (1997) [Crystallogr. Rep. 42, 31. K. Dornberger-Schiff, Gründzüge einer Theorie der OD- 774 (1997)]. Strukturen aus Schichten (Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 19. A. P. Zhukhlistov and B. B. Zvyagin, Kristallografiya 43 1964). (6), 1009 (1998) [Crystallogr. Rep. 43, 950 (1998)]. 32. K. Dornberger-Schiff and S. Durovic, Clays Clay Miner. 20. A. P. Zhukhlistov, Kristallografiya 46 (2001) (in press) 23, 219 (1975). [Crystallogr. Rep. 46 (2001) (in press)]. 21. B. B. Zvyagin, V. T. Rabotnov, et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk 33. K. Dornberger-Schiff, K.-O. Backhaus, and S. Durovic, SSSR, Ser. Geol., No. 5, 121 (1985). Clays Clay Miner. 30, 364 (1982). 22. A. P. Zhukhlistov and B. B. Zvyagin, in Proceedings of 34. S. Merlino and B. B. Zvyagin, Z. Kristallogr. (in press). the 7th EOROCLAY Conference, Dresden, 1991, 35. B. B. Zvyagin, EMU Notes in Mineralogy (Eótvós Univ. p. 1211. Press, Budapest, 1997), Vol. 1, Chap. 5, p. 345. 23. A. P. Zhukhlistov, B. B. Zvyagin, and T. I. Getmanskaya, Kristallografiya 46 (2001) (in press) [Crystallogr. Rep. 46 (2001) (in press)]. Translated by L. Man


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 556Ð571. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 620Ð635. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Avilov, Tsirelson.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Precision Electron Diffraction Structure Analysis and Its Use in Physics and Chemistry of Solids A. S. Avilov* and V. G. Tsirelson** * Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia e-mail: [email protected] ** Department of Quantum Chemistry, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow, 125047 Russia e-mail: [email protected] Received February 22, 2001

Abstract—The present level of the precision electron diffraction provides the quantitative analysis of the elec- trostatic potential and electron density in crystals and allows us to approach the direct study of properties of solids by electron diffraction. This is demonstrated by examples of ionic compounds with an NaCl structure and a covalent Ge crystal. Using the analytical structure models of crystals, one can quantitatively characterize chemical bonding and study topological characteristics of the electrostatic potential by electron diffraction data. It is established that the internal crystal field is well structurized, whereas the topological analysis revealed some important characteristics of its structure. These data considerably enrich our knowledge on atomic inter- actions in crystals. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION and the structural results. Vainshtein formulated the main features of the electron diffraction structure anal- The fundamentals of the electron diffraction struc- ysis. These are the following: ture analysis of crystals based on the data of high- —electron scattering from the electrostatic potential energy electron diffraction were formulated in Vain- of the crystal; stein’s book Structure Analysis by Electron Diffraction [1]. More than forty years has passed since the publica- —strong interaction of electrons with the scattering tion of this book, which has played the key role in the matter; development of electron diffraction structure analysis —high intensity of diffracted beams comparable (EDSA) as an independent physical method of studying with the intensity of synchrotron radiation; the atomic structure of the matter. Thousands of struc- —high sensitivity of the method to the distribution tures of crystalline and amorphous materials and of valence electrons. organic and inorganic compounds have been studied Thus, one can see the main advantages of the elec- since then. An important role in these studies has been tron diffraction method in comparison with the other played by the scientists working at the Electron Dif- diffraction methods and, in particular, the most impor- fraction Laboratory of the Institute of Crystallography tant one—its applicability to the studies of thin films founded by the late Professor Pinsker [2]. The structure and surface layers. It is important that the objects for determinations based on the electron diffraction data of electron diffraction studies—thin films—are prepared a number of semiconductors [3Ð5], minerals [6, 7], − much easier than single crystals and that diffusion and organometallic and organic compounds [8 10], transi- relaxation processes in thin films proceed much faster tion metal oxides [11], and many other materials during than in the specimens conventionally used in X-ray and the passed years provide valuable information for phys- neutron diffraction studies. This, in turn, allows one to ics and chemistry of solids, biology, and materials sci- fix not only the stable crystal structures but also inter- ence. mediate states and metastable phases arising, e.g., dur- The modern trends of the electron diffraction ing various physical and chemical processes—at vari- method and the main directions of its practical applica- ous stages of redox reactions, phase transitions, and tion in the period from 1950 to 1980 were reviewed in equilibrium crystal growth. the article written by Vainshtein et al. [12] including the The studies performed by Vainshtein and his col- theoretical foundations, experimental methods, prepa- leagues had stimulated the development of other elec- ration of specimens, determination of structure factors, tron diffraction methods, such as micro- and nanodif-

1063-7745/01/4604-0556 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”

PRECISION ELECTRON DIFFRACTION STRUCTURE ANALYSIS 557 fraction, convergent-beam electron diffraction, the also of the anharmonism of their thermal motion), one method of critical voltages, etc. [13Ð15]. The main fea- cannot only increase the accuracy of the determination ture of all these methods is the possibility of studying of the atomic positions and the parameters of atomic individual microscopic single crystals or small areas of thermal vibrations but also reconstruct quantitatively crystals, determined by the dimensions of the beam the continuous three-dimensional distribution of the spot on the specimen. To interpret the intensities and electrostatic potential. The thermal parameters are calculate the structure factors in the methods of conver- related to the quantities used in the theory of the lattice gent-beam diffraction and critical voltage, one has to dynamics. The electrostatic potential is related to the invoke the theory of multibeam scattering because the complete charge density by the Poisson equation. As crystals studied are usually still rather thick. The accu- was shown by Hohenberg and Kohn [19], the electron racy of the determination of the structure amplitudes part of the charge density fully determines all the prop- for low-angle reflections in these methods is 1%. erties of the ground electronic states of atoms, mole- cules, and crystals. The electron density, which deter- Since the main objects of EDSA are polycrystalline mines the characteristics of the crystal field and chem- specimens, a large number of small crystallites (either ical bonding in the material is also one of the most randomly located or oriented in a certain way) are important variables in the quantumÐmechanical theory simultaneously illuminated with the beam. This creates of the density functional which describes the electronic the conditions for the formation of specific type of elec- properties of the materials. The characteristics electron- tron diffraction patterns with continuous rings, arcs (for density are used in various physical models. Knowing textured specimens), or broadened reflections caused the characteristics of the electrostatic potential (deter- by the misorientation of the constituent microcrystal- mined from the electron diffraction data), one can lites (for mosaic single crystals). As a result, the dif- readily pass to the studies of electron density in crystals. fraction pattern has a set of reflections corresponding to This fact makes the electron diffraction method very large scattering angles which provide the structure important for the physics and chemistry of solids. analysis at a high resolution. In diffraction of high-energy (>10 keV) electrons, PRECISION ELECTRON DIFFRACTION the effects caused by interaction between the incident METHOD AND THE PERSPECTIVES electrons and the electrons of the crystal can be OF ITS DEVELOPMENT neglected [16]. In this case, the EDSA method provides for the obtaining of the Fourier-image of the electro- To provide the quantitative study of the electro- static potential of atoms, molecules, and crystals (struc- static-potential and electron-density distributions—one ture factors). The electrostatic potential determines a of the major goals of precision electron diffraction— number of important properties of crystals, including one has to develop both experimental methods for data the characteristics of atomic and molecular interactions collection and methods for processing and interpreta- [17]. Therefore, high-energy electron diffraction tion of these data. Thus, the main goals of precision (HEED) can be used for obtaining direct information electron diffraction structure analysis can be formu- on the physical properties of crystals. It is important lated as follows [20]: that, knowing the arrangement of the atoms in the unit —the development of electron diffractometry for cell of the crystal, one can calculate the electrostatic the precise measurement of reflection intensities; potential using the HartreeÐFock or KohnÐSham equa- —the development of methods for taking into tions [18]. Thus, the results of the electron diffraction account extinction effects caused by multibeam scatter- experiment can be directly compared with the data cal- ing; culated theoretically. —the improvement of methods for taking into It should be indicated that in the standard approach, account inelastic scattering; only a part of the information contained in the electron —the development of methods for modeling the diffraction intensities is extracted. The coherent elastic electrostatic potential on the basis of the known exper- scattering of high-energy electrons is provided by the imental information and evaluation of the real accuracy electrostatic-potential distribution averaged over the of its determination; thermal motion (the so-called dynamical electrostatic —the development of methods for interpreting con- potential). Dividing the dynamical electrostatic poten- tinuous distributions of electrostatic potential in terms tial into the vibrating atomic fragments including the of the physics and chemistry of solids. nuclei within a certain structure model, one can deter- The above list shows that the degree of the develop- mine the coordinates of the equilibrium points of these ment of the precision electron diffraction determines fragments and the characteristics of their displacements the state and the possibilities of the modern electron along different directions from the equilibrium points. diffraction structure analysis. In particular, the knowl- These quantities are identified with the atomic coordi- edge of the exact values of structure factors will also be nates and thermal parameters. At a high accuracy of the advantageous for the use of the direct methods of struc- experiment and the structure model taking into account ture analysis also recently applied to electron diffrac- nonsphericity of atoms in the crystal (and, in future, tion data [9].


558 AVILOV, TSIRELSON Some progress achieved in the solution of the prob- studies of the electrostatic potential and electron den- lems formulated above has already been considered in sity in crystals with ionic and covalent bonding. Some [20Ð22]. We should like to add the following. Consid- properties of the electrostatic potential are described in ering the effects of primary extinction in thin films, one [17], whereas some problems of its quantitative deter- has to bear in mind that the dynamical effects in thin mination in electron diffraction are considered in films are considerably weakened and, for the crystals of [15, 20, 32]. compounds formed by light elements, the kinematical approximation is still a sufficiently reliable tool even in the precision studies, which will be considered some- ELECTRON DIFFRACTOMETRY what later. It is important that the extinction effects can The precision structure analysis of crystals and the often be taken into account in the two-beam approxi- quantitative reconstruction of the electrostatic potential mation with the aid of the Blackman curve [12]. The requires the maximum possible set of structure factors allowance for multibeam scattering in polycrystalline (which would provide the high resolution of the elec- and partly oriented polycrystalline films was discussed trostatic potential) with the statistical accuracy being at in detail elsewhere [22Ð24]. least 1Ð2%. Such an experimental data set was col- Inelastic scattering arises due to energy losses by lected on an electron diffractometer designed on the diffracted electrons consumed in phonon and plasmon basis of the EMR-102 electron diffraction camera [33] excitation and the interband transitions [15, 25]. For produced by the Selmi Ltd. (Sumy, Ukraine). The dif- rather thick crystals, e.g., in convergent-beam electron fractometer is based on the well-known measurement diffraction [16], one should also take into account principle [34]—a moving diffraction patters is scanned absorption. This is done by the introduction of the com- point by point by a static detector (a scintillator with a plex potential. The major contribution to the imaginary photomultiplier) (Fig. 1). Both scanning and measuring part of the structure factor comes from the thermal dif- are controlled by a computer operating in the accumu- fuse scattering (TDS) [26], which can be taken into lation (the constant-time) mode. account quantitatively [27, 28]. With this aim, follow- To provide precision measurements, one has to use ing the initial formulation of the model of thermal dif- the wide dynamical range of the detector, the sufficient fuse scattering [29], one has to use the isotropic DebyeÐ angular resolution, and the measuring system with a Waller factors and the Einstein model [30]. However, it high operation speed. The electron equipment used was established [15, 31] that the intensity distributions included a scintillator with a lighting time of 4Ð5 ns and of all the diffracted beams (except for the central beam) a high-frequency photomultiplier with a time resolu- are only weakly sensitive on the form of the absorption tion of 10 ns. This allowed electron recording with a function or the corresponding imaginary parts of the time interval of ~15 ns, which corresponded to the aver- structure factors. Therefore, most of the studies on the age pulse repetition frequency of 60Ð70 MHz or the verification of the relationships of the dynamical dif- electron beam current of 10Ð11 A (under the assumption fraction theory were performed without allowance for that, in the first approximation, to each electron there absorption. corresponded one pulse in the recording system). Elec- Using the system of energy filtration of electrons at trons incident at higher frequencies were not recorded. the filter resolution ranging within 2–3 eV, one can To determine the degree of the system linearity, we esti- record diffraction patterns formed by elastically scat- mated the transfer-frequency characteristic by measur- tered electrons, which lost only a small part of their ing the electron beam current with the aid of a dc mul- energy for excitation of phonon vibrations in the crys- tiplier with a Faraday cylinder. The measurements tal. This, in turn, allows the more accurate evaluation of showed that the nonlinear distortions of the system did the thermal motion of atoms in crystals. Not going into not exceed 0.5% at the electron repetition frequency of the details of this problem, we should like to emphasize about 1 MHz (~10Ð13 A). that, in the general case, TDS results in the underesti- Recently, the so-called charge-coupled devices or mation of the heights of Bragg maxima and is pro- CCD-cameras have achieved great popularity in elec- nounced both in the vicinity of these peaks and between tron diffraction and electron microscopy [35, 36]. them. The construction of a smooth background line These rather expensive devices provide two-dimen- provides only the partial allowance for the thermal dif- sional diffraction patterns and have a wide dynamical fuse scattering. It will be shown by some examples that range and a high linearity. The resolution and the neglect of absorption in very thin polycrystalline films dimensions of the diffraction patterns studied are deter- of materials with small atomic numbers does not cause mined by the pixel density, i.e., are limited. Usually, noticeable errors in the structure factors. CCD-cameras operate in the constant-time mode, Recently, we started the systematic precision elec- which results in different statistical accuracies for weak tron diffraction studies of the electrostatic potential in and strong reflections. The use of a CCD-camera in the various crystals. The present article summarizes the lat- accumulation mode is rather difficult and reduces its est achievements of the precision electron diffractome- main advantage—simultaneous measurement of a dif- try and the first results of its application to quantitative fraction pattern along two directions. In our system, we



Electron gun

e– Condenser lenses

Digital analogue Aperture converter Specimen Digital analogue converter Scanning system

î‡ÈÎ ç‡ÒÚÓÈ͇ àÁÏÂÂÌË é·‡·ÓÚ͇ àÌÚ„‡Î˚ ùÍ‡Ì êÂÙÎÂÍÒ˚ Ç˚ıÓ‰ Screen äìêëéê: ÚӘ͇ 854 < (sinθ)/λ = 0.000000 K > ; = 1.134550 V = 0 10.6 Pulse 9.9 9.0 counter 8.1 7.2 6.3 5.4 4.5 Computer 3.6 2.7 1.8 0.9 0 Energy 215 233 251 269 287 305 323 341 359 377 395 413 431 449 467 485 503 521 539 557 575 593 611 629 647 665 683 701 719 737 755 773 791 809 827 845 filter for electrons Monitor

Scintillator Photoamplifier Preamplifier

Fig. 1. Schematic of an automated electron diffractometer.

I, arb. units

0 1 9550 0 963 Number of measurements at the fixed point

Fig. 2. Illustrating the principle of the statistic analysis of the measured signals. Each point on the left-hand part of the figure corre- sponds to the intensity of one packet at the fixed point of the diffraction pattern. On the right: the histogram of the intensity distri- bution in the packets.



I, arb. units

9 1


2 3


0 0.5 1.0 (sinθ)/λ

Fig. 3. Example of the one-dimensional recording of the electron diffraction pattern from a LiF polycrystal. (1) Experimental inten- sity curve, (2) background line, and (3) experimental curve with the subtracted background. use step-by-step scanning, in which the number and the tion pattern from a polycrystalline LiF specimen upon size of steps can be individually chosen for each object. its statistical processing and subtraction of the back- Despite the fact that the primary-beam stability is ground. The accuracy of the subtraction of the incoher- rather high (the relative current variations do not ent background in this case was at least 0.5% (the exceed 10Ð3 per 10 min), it was possible to improve it energy spectrum of the background was ignored). It even further by dividing the intensity at each new point was shown [37] that the use of the filter of inelastically into the intensity continuously measured at the refer- scattered electrons increases the accuracy of the back- ence point. Moreover, to improve the measurement ground refinement. accuracy, we also performed the statistical analysis of The process of measuring and primary processing of the accumulated signal. Each signal was divided into the experimental data is schematically illustrated by several equal packets (e.g., the signal of 5 × 104 pulses Fig. 4 with the indication of the complex of the control- was divided into 50 packets consisting of 103 pulses), ling computer programs. The initial measurement and the measurement time was recorded for each parameters include the choice of the necessary statisti- packet. This provided the analysis of the distribution of cal accuracy, the type of the diffraction pattern, etc. the measuring times (Fig. 2) and the establishment of Processing diffraction data include the statistical anal- the deviations from the average time, which were deter- ysis (considered above), the separation of the overlap- mined by current instabilities in optical lenses, dis- ping diffraction peaks and the analysis of the peak charges in the electron gun, and a number of other shape (the profile analysis), etc. The output data include undesirable processes. The unreliably measured pack- the set of structure factors ready for further use in the ets were rejected, which considerably increased the complex of specially written computer programs [38]. accuracy of measurement at each point. According to The electron diffractometer described above was the estimates made, the statistical accuracy of the inten- used in precision studies of ionic and covalent crystals sity measurements of about 1.0Ð1.5% is attained at the which will be considered somewhat later. accumulated-signal volume up to 5 × 104. The background of incoherent scattering is TOPOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS described with the aid of a smooth curve (or surface) OF THE ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL constructed by the method of a convex shell by the points between the diffraction maxima (both in the one- The development of the methods for quantitative and the two-dimensional cases). Figure 3 shows an determination of the electrostatic potential requires the example of the one-dimensional record of the diffrac- methods for reconstruction of the electrostatic-poten-



Initial parameters of photographing

1D Type 2D Fast scanning Profile measurement of the diffraction (with a large step Polycrystal pattern Texture and meager statistics)

Determination Determination of the positions of the positions of the maxima of the minima

Background Statistical Detailed Construction subtraction measurement of the background processing of the maxima function Background subtraction Profile analysis Profile analysis

Determination of the peak Determination of the peak parameters (height, area, center parameters (height, area, of gravity) center of gravity)

Peak indexing Peak indexing

Ihkl set (intensities and Miller indices)

Fig. 4. Scheme of the complex of computer programs controlling diffractometer and the primary processing of the experimental intensities. tial distribution in crystals and their interpretation. [17, 44]. Moreover, knowing the electrostatic potential, Consider in brief the main properties of the electro- one can determine the electric-field gradient at nuclei static potential [39]. (which is then used in the characteristics of the nuclear The electrostatic (Coulomb) potential is a scalar quadrupole resonance and the Mössbauer spectros- function dependent on the charge density as copy), diamagnetic susceptibility [45], and the refrac- ∞ tive index of electrons [41]. ϕ()r = ∫ {} σ()r' / rrÐ ' dv ' The electrostatic potential of the multielectron ∞ multinuclear system has the maxima, saddle points, and Ð minima corresponding to the positions of the nuclei, and consisting of the nuclear and the electron compo- internuclear lines, atomic cycles, and closed cavities in nents the unit cell of the crystal. Therefore, similar to the electron density [17, 46, 47], the electrostatic potential σ()r' = Z δ()ρr' Ð R Ð ()r' . ∑ a a (1) can be characterized by the critical points with the coordinates r at which ∇ϕ(r ) = 0. In terms of the topo- Here, Za and Ra are the nucleus charge of the atom a c c and its coordinates, respectively, and ρ(r') is the elec- logical analysis [46, 47], the critical points correspond- tron density. The electrostatic potential ϕ(r) consists of ing to the saddle points or the one- and the two-dimen- ϕ sional minima are denoted as (3, Ð1) and (3, +1) and the average internal potential 0 dependent on the shape and the structure of the crystals surface [40] and those corresponding to the maxima and the minima as can be determined either experimentally by the method (3, Ð3) and (3, + 3), respectively. Here, 3 is the number λ of electron holography [41] or calculated theoretically of the nonzero nondegenerate eigenvalues i of the [42, 43]. The electrostatic-potential distribution reflects Hesse matrix of the electrostatic potential, whereas the the features of the atomic and molecular interactions in second number in parentheses is the algebraic sum of λ the crystal and the characteristics of the crystal packing the signs of i.


562 AVILOV, TSIRELSON It is convenient to characterize the electrostatic ble preferential orientation of crystallites, the intensi- potential by the gradient-field vector ∇ϕ(R) and the ties of diffraction reflections were measured in an elec- curvature ∇2ϕ(R). It is important that these characteris- tron diffractometer at an accelerating voltage of 75 kV ϕ tics are independent of the constant 0. As is well with the statistical accuracy of at least 1Ð2%. The dif- known [48], the vector of the classical electrostatic field fraction intensities from ionic crystals were measured E(r) = –∇ϕ(r) is directed along the tangent to the gra- for reflections up to sinθ/λ ≈ 1.30–1.38 ÅÐ1 and from dient line of the electrostatic potential at the given Ge crystals, up to sinθ/λ ≈ 1.72 Å–1. point, whereas the concentration of such lines passing The intensities of overlapping reflections were sep- through the unit area normal to it corresponds to the arated either with the aid of the profile analysis [33] or field at the given point. The pairs of the gradient lines in accordance with the ratio of their theoretically calcu- in the field E(r) originating at the critical point (3, −1) lated intensities. The transition from intensities to and ending at two neighboring nuclei are determined by structure factors was made by the formulas of the kine- the eigenvectors corresponding to the only positive matical diffraction theory. The structure factors thus eigenvalue of the Hessian of the electrostatic potential obtained were reduced to the absolute scale and then λ at this point, 3. These lines connect the neighboring used to refine the isotropic thermal parameters B of the nuclei along which the electrostatic potential is maxi- atoms (Table 1). We used the standard atomic scattering mal with respect to any transverse displacement. The functions calculated in the relativistic approximation electrostatic field E(r) acting onto the positive trial [49]. To reduce the effect of atom nonsphericity, espe- charge along the internuclear line is directed toward the cially pronounced in the low-angular range, the refine- critical point (3, Ð1) and changes its direction at this ment was performed by the high-angle reflections at point. sinθ/λ > 0.6–0.9 Å–1 (depending on the material). The The nuclei of the neighboring atoms in any crystal experimental data for ionic crystals and Ge were further or a molecule are separated in the field E(r) by the sur- processed somewhat differently; therefore, data pro- faces satisfying the condition of the zero flow cessing for these objects will be considered separately. ()⋅∇ϕ() ()⋅ () ∀ ∈ () Er nr ==Ð0,r nr rSi r , (2) where n(r) is the unit surface normal. These surfaces IONIC LiF, NaF, AND MgO CRYSTALS determine the specific atomic regions (“atomic wal- Upon the refinement of the atomic thermal parame- leys”) inside which the nucleus charge is fully screened ters, the experimental intensities were checked accord- by the electron charge. In other words, they determine ing to the presence of primary extinction [12]. It was the electrically neutral bound pseudoatoms. revealed that the all the reflection intensities for NaF The constancy of the electron-density sign leads to and most of the moderate-angle and all the high-angle the positive electrostatic-potential curvature at all the reflection intensities for LiF and MgO are satisfactorily ∇2ϕ λ λ λ described within the kinematical theory. The intensities points outside the nucleus: (r) = 1 + 2 + 3 > 0. λ of four low-angle reflections for LiF and seven reflec- Since the value of 3 is always positive, there is the fol- lowing limitation: λ + λ < λ . tions for MgO were corrected for extinction in the two- 1 2 3 beam approximation with the aid of the Blackman Thus, in addition to the topological characteristics curve. Nevertheless, the intensities of the 400 (LiF) and of the electron density, the topological characteristics 440 and 444 (MgO) reflections were underestimated of the electrostatic potential [17, 47] provide the phys- because of higher order dynamical effects. Therefore, ical information on the electrostatic field of the poly- these reflections were excluded from the further refine- crystal. Below, we consider the first results of the topo- ment of the structure model. logical analysis of crystals and relate the electrostatic- κ potential distribution obtained from the electron dif- The -model of the structure [50] used at the final fraction experiment to the description of atomic inter- stage of the refinement [39] was as follows. The elec- actions in crystals. tron structure factor a of each atom was expressed as the sum of the fixed component fcore, a due to the atomic core and the variable valence component Pval, a fval, a, EXPERIMENTAL which took into account the charge transfer between the Thin polycrystalline films for an electron diffraction atoms and the expansionÐcompression of an ion in the study in the transmission mode are prepared either by crystal deposition from smoke in air (MgO) or by vacuum con- Φ ()() πΩ 2 Ð1 () densation onto carbon substrates with the subsequent a q = q ∑{Za Ð [ f core, a q transfer onto copper grids at room temperature (NaF, + P , f , ()q/κ ]}. LiF, Ge). The film thickness is selected in a way to val a val a a maximally reduce the effects of primary extinction, on Here, q is the reciprocal-lattice vector, Ω is the unit-cell the one hand, and to obtain high quality diffraction pat- volume, fcore, a(q) and fval, a are the X-ray atomic scatter- terns, on the other. The average crystallite size in the ing factors for the spherically averaged atomic (ionic) κ films ranged within 100–300 Å. Upon checking possi- core and of valence electrons per electron, a


Table 1. Refinement of the thermal parameters and the parameters of the κ-model for binary ionic crystals ϕ , ϕ , Crystal Atom B, Å2 P κ R, % R , % ϕ** nucl nucl val w n HÐΦ*** A**** LiF Li 1.00(2) 0.07(4) 1* 0.99 1.36 Ð158(2) Ð159.6 Ð155.6 F 0.89(1) 7.94(4) 1* Ð725(2) Ð727.6 Ð721.6 NaF Na 0.84(2) 0.08(4) 1* 1.65 2.92 Ð967.5(3) Ð967.5 Ð964.3 F 0.934(2) 7.92(4) 1.02(4) Ð731(2) Ð726.8 Ð721.6 MgO Mg 0.31(2) 0.41(7) 1* 1.40 1.66 Ð1089(3) Ð1090.5 Ð1086.7 O 0.34(2) 7.59(7) 0.960(5) Ð609(2) Ð612.2 Ð605.7 * Parameters have not been refined. ** Electrostatic potential at nuclei in volts. *** Calculated for the three-dimensional potential of the periodical crystal by the HartreeÐFock method. **** Potential calculated for atoms in [44]. are the atomic parameters responsible for the compres- diffraction analysis for reducing the effect of the series sionÐextension, and Pval, a are the occupancies of the termination and came to the conclusion that their use atomic shells with electrons. For a better description of results in a considerable underestimation of the atomic ions in a crystal, we used the HartreeÐFock wave func- peaks. Thus, this technique cannot be used in the quan- tions of the valence and the core electrons of singly- titative analysis of the electrostatic potential. Another charged ions (except for the F atom in LiF). The refine- method for eliminating the effect of series termination ment of the κ-model with the final reliability factors R consists in “building up” the experimental series with is indicated in Table 1. Figure 5a and 5b demonstrate the theoretically calculated structure factors until the the quality of the fitting procedure to the κ-model on an attainment of the resolution sufficient (although exper- Φ example of MgO. Here, obs is the observed structure imentally unattainable) for the satisfactory minimiza- Φ factor, mod is the structure factor calculated by the tion of the effect of series termination. κ Φ parameters of the -model, and H–î is the structure In this connection, it should be indicated that in a factor calculated by the HartreeÐFock method. number of cases involving the semiquantitative analy- In order to estimate the experimental results inde- sis of the potential-peak heights (e.g., in the identifica- pendently by the nonempirical HartreeÐFock method, tion of atoms in the unit cell), it was possible to use the we calculated the electron densities for all the crystals integrated characteristics of the maxima or their projec- studied with the use of the CRYSTAL95 program [51]. tions onto the chosen plane, which were introduced by The accuracy of these calculations for an infinite three- Vainshtein [1]. This allows one to take into account, to dimensional crystal is about 1%. Using the theoreti- a certain degree, the real experimental conditions such cally calculated electron density, the Fourier transform, as the series termination and the experiment tempera- and the MottÐBethe formula, we calculated the electron ture. However, taking into account the approximate structure factors and compared them with the electron character of the integrated characteristics and the fact structure factors calculated by the parameters of the that they give no information on the intermediate region refined κ-model and reduced to the absolute zero. The between the atoms, these conditions cannot be used in comparison of these quantities is illustrated by example the quantitative analysis of the electrostatic potential. of MgO in Fig. 5b. It can be concluded that the average The method for calculating the electrostatic poten- error in the determination of experimental kinematical tial with the use of the analytical structure model structure factors is at a level of 1%. (whose parameters are determined by fitting of its Now consider the electrostatic potential and elec- structure factors to the experimentally determined tron density calculated from the diffraction data. The ones) suggested in our earlier works has a number of construction of the electrostatic-potential distribution advantages. It is almost free of errors caused by the in high-energy electron diffraction structure analysis is series termination, the experimental determination of usually made with the aid of the Fourier series [12, 52Ð the intensities, and the transition to the structure factors 53]. However, irrespective of the experimentally and provides the determination of the static electro- attained resolution, the corresponding (“dynamical”) static potential, which justifies the comparison of the maps of the electrostatic potential are affected by the experimental and theoretical results. series termination—the distortion of the shape of the It is important to indicate the electrostatic potential true peaks of the electrostatic potential and formation reconstructed from the experiment should be corrected of spurious peaks with the intensities attaining 5Ð10% for the “self-action potential” [48]. Without such a cor- of the intensities of the true peaks [53]. We checked the rection, it is impossible to obtain physically valuable applicability of the Lanczos factors used in the X-ray energies of the electrostatic interactions between the


∆Φ/Φ, % 0.15 0.10 (a) 0.05 0 –0.05 1 2 2 3 2 4 3 4 4 5 5 4 6 5 6 7 6 4 5 8 7 6 6 7 6 8 9 8 6 9 8 9 8 8 9 6 9 8 10 –0.10 h 1 0 2 1 2 0 3 2 2 1 3 4 2 3 2 1 4 4 5 0 3 4 6 5 6 4 1 4 6 3 4 3 6 6 5 6 5 6 4 k –0.15 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 3 2 1 0 2 3 0 3 4 0 1 2 0 1 2 4 1 4 3 0 2 1 6 3 4 2 l δΦ/Φ, % 0.15 (b) 0.10 0.05 0 1 2 2 3 2 4 3 4 4 5 5 4 6 5 6 7 6 4 5 8 7 6 6 7 6 8 9 8 6 9 8 9 8 8 9 6 9 8 10 h –0.05 1 0 2 1 2 0 3 2 2 1 3 4 2 3 2 1 4 4 5 0 3 4 6 5 6 4 1 4 6 3 4 3 6 6 5 6 5 6 4 k –0.10 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 3 2 1 0 2 3 0 3 4 0 1 2 0 1 2 4 1 4 3 0 2 1 6 3 4 2 l –0.15

Fig. 5. Characteristics of the accuracy of the structure factors of MgO crystal. (a) The plot of relative differences between the exper- imental and the model structure factors calculated by the formula ∆ = (Φ – Φ )/Φ and (b) the same for the model structure δ obsΦ modΦ modΦ factors and structure factors calculated by the HartreeÐFock method, = ( mod – H–î)/ H–î. nuclei and electrons in the unit cell [39]. The calcula- value is comparable with the value of 13.01(8) V tion of the electrostatic potential with the use of the obtained by the method of electron holography [41] analytical model allows one to take into account this and with the value of 12.64 V obtained in the calcula- effect by a simple subtraction of the corresponding con- tion of several layers of MgO crystals by the linearized tribution from the total charge density equation (1). method of adjacent plane waves (LAPW) in the Since the nucleus charge a, assumed to be a point approximation of the local density [43]. charge, does not give any contribution to the electro- static potential at r' = Ra, the electrostatic potential at Consider the specific features of the electrostatic- potential distribution in the main crystallographic point Ra is determined mainly by the electron density, with the effect of all the other nuclei being negligibly planes of the fcc unit cell. The typical distribution of the small. The corrected values of the electrostatic poten- electrostatic potential in LiF is shown in Fig. 6a. On the tial in the nucleus positions in the crystals obtained whole, the electrostatic potential along the cationÐ from the electron diffraction data and the use of the κ- anion line is rather smooth with the only one-dimen- model and calculated by the HartreeÐFock method are sional axial minimum lying at the distances of 0.93, also indicated in Table 1. The analysis of this table 0.96, and 0.90 Å from the anions in LiF, NaF, and MgO shows that the experimental electrostatic potentials at crystals, respectively. These electrostatic-potential the nuclei are close to those obtained in the ab initio minima reflect the fact of electron-charge transfer in the calculations with both values in the crystal being differ- crystal and, in particular, the accumulation of the ent from the analogous values for free atoms [54]. It is excessive electron charge by anions. Indeed, the exist- shown [55, 56] that this difference in the electrostatic ence of these regions follows from the specific depen- potential in the nucleus positions correlates quite well dence of the potential of a negative ion on its distance with the binding energy of 1s electrons. Therefore, the from the nucleus (Fig. 7). Compare, e.g., LiF and NaF. electron diffraction data also provide the information The negative minima of the electrostatic potentials of on bonding in crystals which is usually obtained by the individual (“removed” from the crystal) F-ions calcu- κ method of photoelectron spectroscopy. Thus, one can lated with the parameters Pval and obtained from the conclude that the electron diffraction method can be electron diffraction experiments on LiF and NaF (see used for quantitative determination of the binding Table 1) are located at distances of 1.06 and 1.03 Å energy of core electrons. This conclusion is worthy of from the nucleus, respectively (Fig. 7). The positive special consideration. potential of a relatively large Na ion decreases more Using the parameters of the κ-model, we calculated slowly than the electrostatic potential of a Li ion, but ϕ the values of the mean inner potential 0 [17, 40, 42] for the unit cell dimensions of NaF are much larger. As a all the crystals studied, which are equal to 7.07 (for result, the distances from the anions to the axial minima LiF), 8.01 (for NaF), and 11.47 V (for MgO). The latter in LiF and NaF crystals are rather close.


(a) (b) FLi Li



Li Li F (c) FLi

Li F

Fig. 6. Electrostatic-potential distribution for LiF in the (100) plane. The critical points (3, Ð1) are shown by circles, the critical points (3, +1), by triangles; (a) solid lines indicate the traces of the zero flow surfaces. (b) The three-dimensional electron density of LiF projected onto the (100) plane. The notation for the critical points is as above. (c) The map of the Laplacian ∇2ϕ(R) for LiF in the (100) plane. The inner electron shells are indicated by bold lines.

The one-dimensional electrostatic-potential max- It should be indicated that the analogous minima of ima are observed in the center of the anionÐanion line the electrostatic potential were also recently revealed in the (100) plane. They smoothly connect the pairs of around F atoms in KNiF3 [57] and O atoms in SrTiO3 two-dimensional minima located on the same line but [58]. It should be emphasized that the appearance of the closer to the anion positions. The existence of such electrostatic-potential minima is a sensitive indicator of two-dimensional minima is reliably confirmed by the the charge transfer between atoms in the crystal. direct calculation of the electrostatic potential by the In terms of critical points, we can state that the crit- HartreeÐFock method. The analysis shows that the ical points (3, Ð1) in the electrostatic potential are more pronounced the negative charge of any isolated located on the cationÐanion and cationÐcation lines ion and the more the parameter κ < 1 differs from unity, (Fig. 6a) and are characterized by the positive curvature the lower the negative minimum. At the same time, the along the bonding lines and the negative curvature in minimum is shifted toward the nucleus. In the crystal, two directions normal to the bonding lines. The two- this behavior manifests itself in the formation of the dimensional minima located on the anionÐanion line in regions of negative values of the electrostatic potential the (100) plane correspond to the critical point (3, +1). far from the shortest bond lengths, i.e., the so-called The critical points (3, +3) are observed at the centers of nonbonding directions. cubes formed by four cations and four anions.


ϕ, V The atomic surfaces of the zero flow for the crystals 100 studied are determined by Eq. (2) and are shown in ∗ ∗ Li+ Fig. 6a. These surfaces divide the electrostatic potential 80 Na+ in the crystal into the atomlike regions (pseudoatoms) F–(LiF) determined by the corresponding nuclear potential. ∗ F–(NaF) Each element of the electron density within such a 60 pseudoatom is attracted to “its nucleus.” Therefore, the ∗ shape and the dimensions of these regions reflect the 40 electrostatic balance between the bound atoms in the ∗ ∗ crystal. It should be emphasized that these regions are 20 ∗ ∗∗∗∗ independent of the ion dimensions in the crystal deter- ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗ ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗ mined by the electron density. Therefore, the positions 0 of the electrostatic-potential minima on the bonding 1 2 3 lines cannot be used to estimate the ionic radii in their Å –20 traditional meaning.

Fig. 7. Electrostatic potential as a function of the distance The pairs of the lines of the electric-field gradient from the point of observation to the center of an atom for ended at the critical points (3, Ð1) in the electrostatic isolated ions in LiF and NaF crystals with the parameters of potential correspond to the shortest cationÐanion and the κ model obtained from the electron diffraction data. cationÐcation distances in the crystal with the NaCl structure. Since the electric field and the interacting charges correspond to one another, these lines can be Comparing the characteristic arrangement of the considered as the “images” of the electrostatic atomic critical points in the electrostatic potential and electron interactions. It should also be noted that in the study of density in LiF (Fig. 6b), one can see that the two sets of perovskites, the critical points (3, Ð1) in the electro- critical points do not coincide. The critical points in the static potential were also located on the NiÐF, KÐF, NiÐ nuclear potential also differ from the critical points of K, and KÐK lines in KNiF [57], TiÐO, SrÐO, TiÐSr, the electron density [59]. These observations reflect the 3 and SrÐSr lines in SrTiO3, and TaÐO, KÐO, TaÐK, and well known fact that the electron density and the energy KÐK lines in KTaO [58]. These observations show the of a multielectron system are only partly determined by 3 drawback of the model of pair Coulomb interactions the internal electrostatic crystal field. between all the point ions used in the calculations of the Figure 6c shows the Laplacian of the electron den- electrostatic energy of crystals [17, 61]: it reveals no sity for LiF. The region of the positive values of the gradient lines connecting anions in the field ∇ϕ(r). Laplacian between the nearest neighbors in the lattice Thus, the consideration of the gradient field leads to the and in the middle of the basal plane illustrates the out- conclusion that the long-range Coulomb interactions flow of electrons from these regions of the crystal between atoms having the finite dimensions have the toward the ion positions [47]. In this case, the region of form of the atomÐatom interactions, whose structure is the negative values of the electron-density Laplacian specific for each material or, more exactly, for each includes the valence electron shell of the fluoride ion structure type. and quantitatively characterizes the charge transfer in the ionic LiF crystal. COVALENT Ge CRYSTAL The electrostatic potential determining the internal electrostatic field E(r) = –∇ϕ(r) created by all the A Ge crystal is the traditional object for verifying nuclei and electrons also determines the magnitude of new theoretical and experimental methods of the solid the classical electrostatic (single-electron) Coulomb state physics. In particular, chemical bonding in Ge was ∇ϕ repeatedly studied by the X-ray diffraction and the Har- force at the point r. In virtue of the conditions (rc) = 0, the critical points of the electrostatic potential are the treeÐFock methods, and the method of density func- points at which the electric field and, thus, also the elec- tional [62Ð70]. As a result, the good agreement trostatic force acting onto the charge element at the between the theoretical and experimental electron den- point r are equal to zero. In the nucleus positions, this sities was attained. Consider here the first quantitative Ò electron diffraction study of bonding in Ge based on the is consistent with the requirements of the HellmannÐ multipole model [71]. Feynman theorem [60] for the system in equilibrium. There also exist points in the internuclear space where The intensities of 51 rings (up to sinθ/λ ≈ 1.72 Å–1) the Coulomb force acting onto the electron-density ele- were measured. Upon the separation of the overlapping ment equals zero. Invoking the expression for the elec- reflections with the use of the profile analysis or in trostatic-energy density, w(r) = (1/8π)[E(r)]2 [48], one accordance with their theoretical ratios, the final data can see that, at the critical points of the electrostatic set consisted of the intensities of 91 symmetrically potential, w(r) equals zero. independent reflections.


The reduction of the intensities to the absolute scale Table 2. Parameters of multipoles obtained from the elec- and the refinement of the isotropic temperature param- tron-diffraction data and calculated by the LAPW method eter B was performed over 59 reflections with sinθ/λ > [69] for Ge crystals Å–1. We used the relativistic atomic scattering 0.90 Calculated 2 Calculated by the functions [72]. The determined B value, B = 0.546(2) Å Parameter from electron 2 LAPW method (R = 2.32%), was close to the value B = 0.565 Å diffraction data obtained in the X-ray study [67]. The corresponding θ κ' 0.922(47) 0.957 Debye temperature, Ç = 295 K, agrees quite well with θ the Debye temperature Ç = 296 K obtained in [66]. P32Ð 0.353(221) 0.307 The primary extinction was revealed in the intensi- P40 Ð0.333(302) Ð0.161 ties of the low-angle 111, 400, 440, and 620 reflections. R, % 1.60 0.28

Upon the introduction of the corresponding corrections Rw, % 1.35 0.29 with the aid of the Blackman curve [12], the intensities GOF 1.98 of the 440 and 620 reflections were too low in compar- ison with the values predicted by the kinematic theory, nl κ ξ which is explained by an insufficiency of the extinction functions in the form Rl = r exp(– ' r) with n3 = n4 = 4 ≤ ξ correction not taking into account multibeam interac- (l 4) and the values of the orbital exponents Ge= tion of higher orders. Therefore, these two reflections 2.1 a.u. [68]. The Ge atom occupies the position with were excluded from the further refinement. The reli- ability factor R calculated over 89 reflections (without the symmetry 4 3m; therefore, only the octupole (P32–) 440 and 620) was reduced upon the introduction of the and hexadecupole terms in Eq. (3) have the nonzero correction for extinction from 6.40 to 2.42%. values, P40 and P44 = 0.74045P40. The electron occupan- In order to evaluate the accuracy of the electron dif- cies of the Plm multipoles were refined by the least squares method with the use of the MOLDOS96 pro- fraction data, we compared the low-angle electron κ structure factors with those calculated for a Ge crystal gram [75] together with the parameter ' responsible by the LAPW method in the approximation of the local for the contractionÐextension of the atomic valence density [67]. With this aim, we recalculated the values shells (Table 2). The analysis of the parameters obtained in [67] into the electron structure factors at obtained shows that the probability of their statistically Ç = 0.546 Å2. The R value obtained upon the compari- significant determination is not less than 70% (P40). son of two sets of structure factors, R = 2.07%, can be This result is much better than the earlier results considered as the real accuracy of our experimental obtained by the X-ray diffraction analysis of Ge [69] data. performed with the use of 13 structure factors, where the value of the parameter P was twice as small as the We reduced the experimental electron structure fac- 40 Φ error of its determination. tors hkl to 0 K and recalculated them into the X-ray structure amplitudes by the MottÐBethe formula [42]. The value κ' = 0.922 indicates the 8% “expansion” Φ At this stage, it was established that some hkl values, of the spherical part of the Ge shell in the crystal. This randomly distributed over the whole reflection set, con- siderably differ from the corresponding theoretical val- ues calculated in [67]. The analysis showed that these (a) (b) deviations resulted from small but essential errors in the background subtraction associated with the specific interpretation of the polycrystal patterns having over- lapping reflections. Upon the rejection of these reflec- tions, the final data set had 43 reflections in the range 0.15 < sinθ/λ < 1.72 Å–1. Then, the experimental data were processed within the multipole model [73], in which the electron density of each pseudoatom is represented as ρ () ρ () κ 3ρ ()κ at r = core r + Pval ' val 'r 4 l (3) κ 3 ()κ () + ∑ '' Rl ''r ∑ Plmylm r/r . l = 1 ml= Ð The densities of the core and the spherical valence- Fig. 8. Maps of the (a) electron density and (b) electrostatic- ρ ρ potential distribution for Ge in the (110) plane. The notation electron shells, core and val, were described with the of the (3, Ð1) and (3, +1) critical points is the same as in aid of atomic wave functions [74]. We used the radial Fig. 6, the critical point (3, +3) is denoted by a square.



–0.5 4.00 9.004.00 9.004.00


–1.00 –1.5

–2.0 4.00 9.00

–2.5 –1.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Å

–∇2 ϕ 10 4.0 3.5 0 3.0 2.5 2.0 –10 1.5 0 1.0 –0.05 0.5 –1.00 0 xx0 –1.50 00z –0.5 –2.00 –1.0 –2.50

Fig. 9. Electron-density Laplacian in the (110) plane for a fragment of the Ge crystal. The upper part of the figure shows the trans- verse section of the Laplacian with the inner electron shells. The lower part shows the Laplacian of the same fragment with the oppo- site sign (–∇2ϕ(r) represented in the three-dimensional form. agrees with the earlier results [66Ð68] according to retically by the LAPW method. This results in the dif- which this value ranges within 4.5Ð17.0% depending ferent values of the electrostatic potentials at the critical on the method used. points (3, Ð1). However, the topological characteristics of other critical points coincide quite well. The above As is seen from Table 2, the values of the multipole discrepancy seems to be associated, first of all, with the parameters determined from the corresponding elec- use of the nonrelativistic wave functions for core and tron diffraction data differ from those calculated theo- valence-shell electrons and valence wave functions


Table 3. Topological characteristics of electron density in Ge crystals at the bond, cage, and ring critical points Type of the critical point ρ, e ÅÐ3 λ , e ÅÐ5 λ , e ÅÐ5 λ , e ÅÐ5 ∇2ρ, e ÅÐ5 and the Wyckoff position 1 2 3 Bond critical point 0.575(8) Ð1.87 Ð1.87 2.04 Ð1.87(5) 16c 0.504 Ð1.43 Ð1.43 1.68 Ð1.18 Procrystal 0.357 Ð0.65 Ð0.65 1.85 0.55 Ring critical point 0.027(5) Ð0.02 0.013 0.013 0.25(5) 16d 0.030 Ð0.02 0.014 0.014 0.26 Cage critical point 0.024(5) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.17(5) 8b 0.022 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.15 Note: The first line gives the electron diffraction data, the second line, our data calculated by the LAPW method with the use of the parame- ters from [69] and [67]. For the critical point (3, Ð1). the characteristics of the procrystal are also indicated. because of the absence of the corresponding relativistic CONCLUSION functions and, second, with the neglect of the anhar- monic thermal motion of atoms, which distorts the anti- Our studies showed that the well developed method symmetric octupole term P32–. of transmission high-energy electron diffraction in combination with the topological analysis of the elec- The multipole parameters obtained were used to cal- tron density and the electrostatic potential provides the culate the static electron density and its Laplacian and reliable quantitative information on chemical bonding the electrostatic potential. The (110) maps of these in polycrystalline specimens and their bonding-depen- functions are shown in Figs. 8a, 8b, and 9. It should be dent properties, which makes electron diffraction one indicated that the set of experimental structure factors of the most attractive methods in physics and chemistry measured up to sinθ/λ < 1.72 Å–1 provided not only the solids. The reliability of the experimental results refinement of the scale and the temperature factors of obtained is confirmed by ab initio calculations by the Ge but also the high resolution of the electron-density HartreeÐFock method. It is possible to outline the and electrostatic-potential maps and the electron-den- future development of high-energy electron diffraction. sity Laplacian. In particular, the electrostatic-density Thus, the progress in electron diffractometry consists in map revealed the electron shells of the Ge core (Fig. 9). the use of its important advantage—high intensities of diffracted beams. This, in turn, requires the design of The topological characteristics of the critical points high-speed electron detectors, improvement of their on the bonds (Table 3) provide the quantitative descrip- tion of the well-known effect consisting in the fact that linearity, and an increase of the dynamical range of the formation of a Ge crystal is accompanied by a con- counting. The use of polycrystal specimens with the siderable electron-density displacement toward the preferable orientation of crystallites in the film (texture GeÐGe line. This is especially well seen from the com- or oriented mosaic single crystal) would allow the sep- parison of the parameters of the electron-density curva- aration of the overlapping reflections and obtaining λ more reliable diffraction data at a higher resolution. For ture i at the critical point (3, Ð1) with the analogous parameters for the procrystal (the set of noninteracting a more thorough study of the relation between the elec- spherical atoms occupying the same positions as the tronic structure and the bonding-dependent physical atoms in the real crystal) [71]. At the same time, the properties of crystals, one has to consider the electron electron-density curvature along the GeÐGe line is diffraction data on the potential and the electron-den- characterized by only slight displacements of electrons sity distributions obtained in the precision X-ray exper- toward the atomic positions. The electron density iment. around the circular and cellular critical points is consid- erably reduced (Fig. 8). Unlike Si crystals [76], no non- nuclear attractors were detected on the GeÐGe lines. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In the general case, the schemes of the location of The authors are grateful to U. Pietsch, J. Spens, the critical points of electron density and electrostatic A. Kulygin, and G. Lepeshov for their cooperation and potential do not coincide. However, because of the B.B. Zvyagin for his constant interest in our study and symmetry of the Ge crystal, both electrostatic potential valuable remarks. The study was supported by the Rus- and electron density of this crystal are homeomorphic. sian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 01-03- In this particular case, the location of the critical points 33000, Deutsche Gemeinschaft (German Research of electron density and electrostatic potential are the Society), project no. Pi 217/13-2, and INTAS, project same (Fig. 8). no. 97-32045.


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Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 572Ð576. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 636Ð640. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Vergasov, Krasnikov.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

On the Effect of Sublattice Displacement in Visualization of Crystal Structures V. L. Vergasov1 and S. A. Krasnikov Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia 1e-mail: [email protected] Received February 12, 2001

〈 〉 Abstract—Electron-microscopy images of 001 ÐGeNb9O25 obtained at the atomic resolution have been stud- ied at the electron energy E = 80 keV. It is established that one of the sublattices on the image is displaced with respect to the other sublattices. The nature of this displacement is interpreted in terms of physics. The effect was studied in the formalism of Bloch waves. The important role of the valence Bloch state is also considered. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION teristics of the electron wave function and which has already attained the atomic resolution [5, 6]. The charge, the small mass, and the short wave- As an example, consider here the formation of the length of high-energy electrons make electron beams experimental high-resolution image of the GeNb O very sensitive to the potential of the scattering object. 9 25 structure [7], which was later interpreted as an artefact This explains the worldwide popularity of the electron in [4]. diffraction structure analysis (EDSA) created by Vain- shtein [1] on the basis of the pioneering electron dif- The image of the GeNb9O25 lattice (Figs. 1a, 1b), fraction studies performed by Pinsker [2]. This method which, as the authors believe, correctly reflects the has always been one of the most efficient methods of material structure, was obtained by varying the transfer studying the structure of various materials (see the arti- function of a microscope. However, a more detailed cle by V.V. Klechkovskaya and R.M. Imamov in the study of this image showed that the empty channels between the atomic chains (represented by white spots present issue). The above factors also allowed the direct on the images) are located not exactly in the sites observation of the atomic structure of the matter in expected from the structure projection. Indeed, accord- electron microscopy. The possibilities of this method ing to the structure model, four neighboring channels and the difficulties encountered in the high-resolution should be located along one straight line (Fig. 1a), but electron microscopy are considered in detail in the in the actual fact only two channels are located along well-known review article written by Vainstein [3]. One this line, whereas two other channels are located along of such difficulties is associated with artefacts, i.e., the another line [7]. In other words, the groups of channels formation of images that do not correspond to the real are displaced with respect to one another, which indi- structure of the scattering object (see review article by cates the displacement of different sublattices with Hashimoto [4]). In addition to the obvious effect of the respect to one another on the image. It is this fact that transfer function of an electron microscope on imaging, made Hashimoto [3] consider the image obtained in [7] the artefacts can also be caused by a pure physical fac- as an artefact. tor—the interaction of the electron beam with the Below, we analyze the formation of the image of this potential of the crystal-lattice. However, the physical structure within the formalism of electron Bloch waves. mechanism of the artefact formation could not be estab- lished for quite a long time. The question as to how the electron wave field of a crystal reflects the crystal struc- TRANSVERSE BLOCH WAVES ture is also important for a novel method of electron AND THE STRUCTURE OF THE IMAGE crystallography—electron holography—which allows The wave function of a high-energy electron, Ψ(r), the determination of both amplitude and phase charac- in a crystal can be represented as a set of Bloch waves

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Ψj(r) [8, 9], sponding energy levels in the potential wells V(x, y), we can divide the quantum electron states into the bound N j j j* j Ӷ ≈ | | Ψ() ΨΨ () E⊥ V0 = V xyz,, (x, y, z), valence E⊥ V0 , and free r = ∑ 0 r j j = 1 E⊥ ӷ | | (1) V0 states. N The attractive feature of the method of Bloch wave Ψ j*Ψ j(), {}π j = ∑ 0 xyexp 2 ikz , in the calculation of the wave function is that, at the j = 1 conventionally used electron energies E ≈ 100 keV, the potential wells of the atomic chains are rather shallow each of which is characterized by the excitation ampli- and include, as a rule, only several bound states. Thus, j* j Ψ 2 tude, 0 , the projection of the wave vector kz onto the the intensity distribution J(x, y) = |Ψ(x, y)| on the crys- z-axis, and Bloch wave distribution in the (x, y) plane tal-lattice images is the thickness-dependent (z is the normal to the direction z of the beam incidence. Equa- crystal thickness) superposition of several Bloch tion (1) takes into account that electrons with the waves. It was shown in [10] that, under certain condi- kinetic energy E ≥ 100 keV having the velocity compa- tions, the lattice image can be formed predominantly by rable (by the order of magnitude) with the light velocity only one of the Bloch waves. Since the quantum energy are almost insensitive to the variations in the lattice state Ψj(r) is a physical quantity which can often be potential along the direction z of their motion and, observed, the nature of the distribution of this state Ψj therefore, move in the potential V(x, y) = V z (x, y, z) (x, y) inside the unit cell of the crystal allows its phys- averaged along z. This is equivalent to the fact that, cal- ical interpretation. Thus, it is clear that the bound state culating the Bloch waves, we take into account the has the distribution maxima located in the positions reciprocal-lattice points (relpoints) of only one plane— determined by the coordinates of the atomic chains, and the zero Laue zone. The number N includes only the minima in the positions between them; therefore, 2 these states are called bound (to the atomic chains). The relpoints {h} whose excitation errors Sn = [K – (K + h)2]/2K do not exceed the excitation errors of the free states with a high transverse energy E⊥ have a pro- relpoints from higher Laue zones, where K = nounced oscillating nature, which corresponds to an (),, almost uniform distribution of these states inside the K0 + V xyz,, xyz, and K0 is the wave vector of the incident beam. unit cell, because the electrons with high energy E⊥ are Then, the quantization of the energy states of elec- almost insensitive to the potentials of the atomic chains. trons, K {kj}, occurs in the transverse potential The most complicated distributions are characteristic of V(x, y), and these states can be conveniently character- the states of the valence band; their characteristics include the characteristic features of the distributions of j 2 j 2 ized by the transverse energies E⊥ = K – (k ) . Con- both bound and valence states, which is especially well j j ≈ sidering the energies E⊥ and the positions of the corre- seen for the states E⊥ –V0. As to the valence states

(a) (b)

Fig. 1. (a) Structure model and (b) its image [7]; black points represent tetrahedrally located NbÐGe atomic chains; black and grey × squares denote the 3 3 blocks of the ReO3 structure, the hatched regions indicate the so-called “tetrahedral positions” [7]. Dashed lines indicate the location of the channel.


x, Å (a) x, Å (b) 15 15 12 12 9 9 6 6 3 3 0 0 –3 –3 –6 –6 –9 –9 –12 –12 –15 –15 –15 –12 –9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9 12 15 y, Å –15 –12 –9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9 12 15 y, Å 1.0–1.5 0.5–1.0 0–0.5 –1.0–0 1.5–2.0 1.0–1.5 0.5–1.0 0–0.5 –1.0–0

x, Å (c) x, Å (d) 15 15 12 12 9 9 6 6 3 3 0 0 –3 –3 –6 –6 –9 –9 –12 –12 –15 –15 –15 –12 –9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9 12 15 y, Å –15 –12 –9 –6 –3 0 3 6 9 12 15 y, Å 1–2 0–1 –1–0 0.5–1.0 0–0.5 –0.5–0 –1.0–0.5

Ψj 〈 〉 Fig. 2. Distribution of Bloch waves (x, y) in the 001 -GeNb9O25 unit cell for various j values: j equals (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 3, and (d) 4. Solid lines indicate the unit cell. The insets on the right show the contrast gradation. The dashed line shows the position of (b) the 3 × 3 block and (d) the channel.

j with E⊥ > 0, it is natural to assume that the maxima of STRUCTURE OF BLOCH WAVES 〈 〉 the distribution density |Ψj(x, y)|2 inside the unit cell can FOR 001 –GeNb9O25 be determined, on the one hand, by the positions of the atomic chains (because the electrons in these states are Consider the structure of Bloch waves for the case Ψj still feel the attraction to the chains) and, on the other under consideration. We calculated (x, y) for hand, by the positions of the interchain channels (where GeNb9O25 at the electron energy E = 80 keV and N = the electrons are equally attracted to different chains, 114. The main parameters of the Bloch waves are listed which provides the conditions for their accumulation in in the table. According to these data, the total occu- 4 ()Ψ j 2 ≥ this region). pancy of four Bloch states is ∑j = 1 0 0.75 ,

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 ON THE EFFECT OF SUBLATTICE DISPLACEMENT IN VISUALIZATION 575 〈 〉 Parameters of electron Bloch waves in 001 -GeNb9O25 at E = 80 keV and N = 114 Bloch wave, j 1234

Ψ j Excitation amplitude, 0 0.12 0.40 0.70 0.31

j Transverse energy, E⊥ , eV Ð155 Ð77 Ð10 8 which makes the use of only these waves sufficient for maximum of the electron-distribution function, the description of the image with the corresponding Ψ4(x, y), does not coincide with the geometric center of accuracy. It should be indicated that the calculated the channel and is displaced toward the chains with the parameters are in good accord with the qualitative con- maximum atomic numbers. clusion that the highest occupancy is possessed by the states of the valence band [10, 11]. In the case under consideration, this maximum is displaced toward the Nb–Ge chains (indicated by filled The first and deepest bound state (Fig. 2a) Ψl(x, y) circles in Fig. 1a) with the maximum average atomic localizes the positions of the atomic chains with the number. It can readily be seen that in this case, the highest potential, i.e., the GeÐNb chains located in the channel centers on the Ψ4(x, y) distribution do not lie on middle of the unit-cell edges (Fig. 1a). Other chains do one line any more. Therefore, if under certain condi- not localize this state, because their potentials are shal- tions the lattice image is formed predominantly by the lower and, therefore, cannot include such a low-lying wave Ψ4(r) (with the opposite contrast), the corre- level. sponding image shows the so-called effect of sublattice The second bound state (Fig. 2b) localizes only the displacement. The above consideration allows one not structure of the 3 × 3 block of the structure schemati- only to reveal the sublattice displacement but also to Ψ4 cally shown in Fig. 1a. determine its direction. Thus, if the (x, y) minima are displaced toward the NbÐGe chains, the line connecting It is clear that if, under certain conditions, the image these minima in the 3 × 3 block should form a smaller is formed by only one of these waves, the image will angle with the y-axis, which was really observed in show only one of the crystal sublattices—the so-called experiments. effect of selective imaging [12] observed experimen- tally in [13]. The third Bloch state is related to the valence band ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 3 We are grateful to V.V. Klechkovskaya and E⊥ ~ V and, therefore, is characterized by a rather 0 E.D. Protsenko for the interest in our work and useful complicated distribution (Fig. 2c). It should only be comments, S.V. Nikolaeva for the fruitful cooperation emphasized that the sets of its extrema correspond to and discussion of the results, and K.L. Sorokina and the positions of atomic chains in the center and at the S.N. Shkornyakov for their cooperation. vertices of the unit cell. Each of these sets is character- ized by the symmetry axis C4 of the space group of the The study was supported by the Russian Foundation crystal, I4/m, although the sets themselves are arranged for Basic Research, project no. 99-03-32811 and the according to the symmetry C4v. Federal Program on Support of Prominent Scientists and Leading Scientific Schools, project no. 00-15- For us, the most interesting distribution is that of the 96580, and the Program on Support of Young Scientists fourth state (valence band) with the positive transverse and Post Graduates, project no. 01-03-06347. energy (Fig. 2d). One can readily see that the positions of the minima REFERENCES of the function Ψ4(x, y) coincide exactly with the posi- tions of the white spots on the experimental image of 1. B. K. Vainshtein, Structure Analysis by Electron Diffrac- the structure (Fig. 1b). In terms of physics, this can be tion (Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1956; Pergamon, interpreted as follows. The fraction of valence-band Oxford, 1964). electrons with low positive transverse energies, which 2. Z. G. Pinsker, Electron Diffraction (Akad. Nauk SSSR, are in the interchain region (the channel region), is Moscow, 1949; Butterworth, London, 1964). characterized by the maximum distribution density in 3. B. K. Vainshtein, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 152, 75 (1987) [Sov. this region. The position of this maximum is deter- Phys. Usp. 30, 393 (1987)]. mined by the equivalent forces that attract such elec- trons to the nearest atomic chains. However, since in 4. H. Hashimoto, Ultramicroscopy 18, 19 (1985). this case these chains have different average atomic 5. Electron Holography, Ed. by A. Tonomura, L. F. Allard, numbers (i.e., the forces that attract electrons), the et al. (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1995).


6. V. L. Vergasov, Kristallografiya 43 (6), 992 (1998) 10. F. Fujimoto, in Proceedings of the Fifth International [Crystallogr. Rep. 43, 934 (1998)]. Conference on Nigh-Voltage Electron Microscopy, HVEM, Kyoto, 1977, p. 271. 7. A. J. Skarnulis, I. Sumio, and J. M. Cowley, Acta Crys- 11. Yu. Kagan, É. A. Babakhanyan, and Yu. V. Kononets, tallogr., Sect. A: Cryst. Phys., Diffr., Theor. Gen. Crys- Pis’ma Zh. Éksp. Teor. Fiz. 31, 776 (1980) [JETP Lett. tallogr. A32, 799 (1976). 31, 733 (1980)]. 12. V. L. Vergasov, Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 19 (3), 23 (1993) 8. P. B. Hirsch, A. Howie, R. B. Nicholson, D. W. Pashley, [Tech. Phys. Lett. 19, 79 (1993)]. and M. J. Whelan, Electron Microscopy of Thin Crystals 13. R. Guan, H. Hashimoto, and T. Yoshida, Acta Crystal- (Butterworths, New York, 1965; Mir, Moscow, 1968). logr., Sect. B: Struct. Commun. C40, 109 (1984). 9. F. N. Chukhovskii and V. L. Vergasov, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A: Found. Crystallogr. A46, 193 (1990). Translated by L. Man


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 577Ð585. From Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 641Ð650. Original English Text Copyright © 2001 by Kiselev, Zakharov.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Electron Microscopy of Carbon Nanotubes* N. A. Kiselev1 and D. N. Zakharov Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia 1e-mail: [email protected] Received March 7, 2001

Abstract—High-resolution electron microscopy was used to study multiwall carbon nanotubes obtained by the arc-discharge technique and double- and single-wall nanotubes produced by the arc-discharge catalytic synthe- sis. The structure of conical layer nanotubes obtained by the CVD technique is characterized in detail. It is established that heat treatment of nanotubes gives rise to their structural changes. The structure of nanotubes obtained by carbon evaporation in the N2ÐAr atmosphere under high pressure is determined. A new type of nano- and microtubes with surface-modulated walls is revealed. Possible applications of carbon nanotubes are reviewed. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

* INTRODUCTION range of novel graphitic structures, of which long car- bon nanotubes are the most interesting. This publica- One of the remarkable features of academician tion triggered a large number of studies of the structure, B.K. Vainshtein was his keen interest in everything new properties and mechanisms of formation of nanotubes. in science. We, his students, were infected by his exam- ple and also tried to follow new avenues in science. We started the electron microscopy investigations of This interest gave us the impetus to study the structure these objects with multiwall carbon nanotubes of newly discovered [1] carbon nanotubes. (MWNTs) obtained at the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Carbon nanotubes are built by the so-called The structural components and the organization of car- graphene layers. A graphene layer is the two-dimen- bon cathode deposits obtained under the conditions sional (2D) section by the (0001) plane of the 3D struc- provided the efficient formation of nanotubes were ture of hexagonal graphite. Depending of the way the studied by the methods of transmission electron graphene layer is rolled up into a tube, different types microscopy (TEM), high-resolution electron micros- of nanotubes with different physical properties are copy (HREM), and scanning electron microscopy formed. Below, we consider some types of nanotubes (SEM) [2]. studied at the Laboratory of Electron Microscopy of the Institute of Crystallography in collaboration with the The typical cross-section of a cathode deposit research Institutions engaged in their preparation. The (Fig. 1a) reveals quasihexagonally ordered columnar studies were performed in a Philips EM-430ST elec- structure. The columns are about 60 µm in diameter and tron microscope operated at 200 kV and a Jeol JEM- are separated by low-density 10- to 15-µm-long spac- 4000EX operated at 400 kV. The scanning electron ings. Our studies show that the highest nanotube con- microscopy studies were performed by A.B. Ormont on centration is attained in the low-density intercolumnar a low-voltage Jeol JSM-840 microscope (Institute of spaces and on the side surfaces of the columns. A typi- Radioengineering and Electronics of the Russian Acad- cal SEM image of the side surface of the intact column emy of Sciences). taken normally to the column axis (Fig. 1b) shows the structural organization of nanotubes which form the outer braid of the column. It consists predominantly of 1. MULTIWALL CARBON NANOTUBES interlaced nanotubes and their bundles. A considerable OBTAINED BY ARC-DISCHARGE TECHNIQUE part of nanotubes forming the braid lie within the angu- lar range of 45°Ð75° with respect to the column and Arc-evaporation in the He atmosphere gives rise to deposit axes. the formation of a hard cylindrical deposit on the graphite cathode. Iijima [1] studied this deposit in a An SEM image of nanotube bundles found in the transmission electron microscope and revealed a whole space between the columns is shown in Fig. 1c. The inner part of the column inside the braid consists of var- * This article was submitted by the authors in English. ious forms of graphite mixed with multilayer polyhe-

1063-7745/01/4604-0577 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”

578 KISELEV, ZAKHAROV ture. The structure of the deposit established in the present study is inconsistent with the hypothesis about the alignment of tubes along their axis, which is an essential requirement of the model proposed in [3]. The specimens for TEM and HREM studies were prepared by dispersing the core part of the deposits in acetone with the use of an ultrasonic bath. Three dis- tinct structural components have been observed: MWNTs, MPPs, and various kinds of graphitic parti- cles [2]. MWNTs are covered by hemispherical, coni- cal or faceted caps; the latter variant is shown in Fig. 2a. These caps are formed only if pentamers of carbon (a) 100 nm atoms are formed inside the hexagonal net. The penta- gons must also be formed at the MPP vertices (Fig. 3). To obtain pure MWNT specimens, it is necessary to remove side products. The technique of MWNT purifi- cation based on specimen oxidation was developed in [4, 5]. Oxidation selectivity was provided by graphite intercalation with bromine. Etching selectivity was maintained by alternation of oxidation and intercala- tion with bromine. As a result, oxidation in the sites of distortion of CÐC bonds, MPP vertices (Fig. 3), and nanotube caps attacked the polyhedral particles and burn them away. Figure 2a shows MWNT before oxi- dation and Fig. 2b shows similar MWNT after oxida- tion. It is possible to see that the cap is completely (b) 1 nm destroyed along with some of the outer graphene lay- ers. The fragments of destroyed graphene layers fill the inner channel of the nanotube. Figure 4 shows TEM image of MWNTs after the oxidation treatment at a low magnification; one can see that a very high degree of purification is achieved.

2. SINGLE-WALL CARBON NANOTUBES OBTAINED BY ARC-DISCHARGE CATALYTIC SYNTHESIS Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were first prepared by simultaneous evaporation of graphite and cobalt [5]. The SWNTs studied here were obtained at (c) 1 nm the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A channel (1 mm in diameter) drilled in the anode was filled with the mix- Fig. 1. SEM images of the cross section of the carbon ture of Co, Ni, and C powders. As a result of arc evap- deposit. (a) Columnar structure. (b) Lateral surface of an oration in the He atmosphere, chamber walls are coated individual column. One can see the groups of tubes inclined to the growth axis by an angle of ~70° (the vertical line). with a material consisting of soot, catalytic particles, (c) Tubes found in the space between columns. Reprinted and SWNTs. from [2] with permission from Elsevier Science. The SWNTs form bundles consisting of a few dozen nanotubes. One of these bundles is shown in Fig. 5a. dral particles (MPPs) and small number of randomly The upper part of the micrograph shows that the bundle oriented nanotubes. Similar columns were also consists of smaller bundles. At the site of bundle bend- observed in the deposits containing small numbers of ing, one can see the nanotube fragments located along nanotubes. Thus, the formation of columnar structures the axis. The SWNT diameter is 1.4 nm. In many in the deposits is not the only condition for obtaining instances, SWNTs “grew” radially from the catalytic nanotubes. It can be assumed that nanotubes grow pref- particles and formed hexagonal packings with dis- erably on the column surfaces providing the favorable tances between the SWNT axes equal to 1.65 nm. The growth conditions, e.g., the suitable growth tempera- SWNT were purified using the special technique com-


ELECTRON MICROSCOPY OF CARBON NANOTUBES 579 bining two processes—treatment in acids and oxida- tion.

3. DOUBLE-WALL CARBON NANOTUBES One of the principal goals of the technology of nan- otube synthesis is the synthesis of only one of numer- ous types of carbon nanotubes, which is necessary for 3.4 nm establishing the correlation between the structural type of nanotubes and its physical properties (electric and heat conductivities, various mechanical properties, etc.). The synthesis of only one type of nanotubes is also important for the verification of new theories. It was decided to use not the He atmosphere but the mixed argonÐhydrogen atmosphere (350 torr) and the catalysts prepared from the mixtures of Ni, Co, Fe and S powders. (This part of the study was performed in cooperation with the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.) The HREM micrographs in Fig. 5b shows that most of the tubes consist of two concentric cylindrical graphene layers forming double-wall nanotubes (DWNTs) [6, 7]. Usually, the outer diameter of a DWNT ranges within 1.9 and 5 nm. The DWNTs are easily deformable. The interlayer distance measured from the tubule-wall (a) (b) image is 0.39 ± 0.02 nm; i.e., it exceeds that usually observed (0.34 nm) for MWNTs. Fig. 2. Multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs). (a) Tube At the similar arc parameters, the temperature of the with polyhedral cap. (b) MWNT after selective oxidation. carbon plasma in Ar is considerably lower than in the He atmosphere. The temperature in the Ar arc is assumed to range within 2400Ð2600 K and is too low for anode evaporation of graphite. However, adding H2 to the Ar atmosphere, one can substantially increase the 10 nm rate of anode evaporation. í í

4. CARBON NANOTUBES FORMED BY CONICAL GRAPHENE LAYERS Different aspects of the structure of carbon fila- ments and nanotubes are considered in numerous pub- lications, e.g., [8Ð12]. It should be emphasized that many papers to the effect were published long before the Iijima discovery [1]. Some of the filaments described in these publications could be classified as nanotubes in accordance with their diameter. However, nanotubes obtained by the catalytic method have an imperfect structure in comparison with fullerene- related tubes observed by Iijima. These imperfect struc- tures cannot be used (with some exceptions) in a way possible for MWNTs, DWNTs, and SWNTs. Fig. 3. Multilayer polyhedral particles and MWNTs We have studied the structure of carbon nanotubes (denoted by the letter T) prior to selective oxidation. obtained by the CVD method in the presence of the nickel catalyst at the Physical-Technological Institute in Kazan [13, 14]. The nanotubes had two main struc- the projections of side walls of conical tubes. The inter- ture types. Type-I nanotubes (Fig. 6) are formed by fringe spacing is 0.34 nm. The cone angle is defined as open conical graphene layers stacked together and are, a double angle between these fringes and the tube axis in fact, conical layer nanotubes (CLNTs). Their high- and equals 6°Ð35°. Type-I nanotubes resemble the resolution micrographs show fringes corresponding to “bamboolike” tubes observed in [15].


580 KISELEV, ZAKHAROV The characteristic feature of type-I nanotubes is open outer edges of conical graphene sheets. Many inner edges are also open, but some of them are linked by inner caps. Thus, in type-I nanotubes, the inner channel is not continuous—it is disrupted by caps. Tube walls and caps form chains of nanoballoons con- nected with the outer medium by interplanar spacings of the conical graphene layers. Nanotubes of type I were observed mainly at the Ni-substrate temperature ranging within 850Ð900°C. Heat treatment of nanotubes in a vacuum at 1000Ð 1400°C and the subsequent 1-h-annealing in the argon atmosphere at 1200, 2000, and 2800°C resulted in the removal of Ni catalytic particles and the modification of the microstructure. A type-I nanotube upon heat treatment at 2800°C is shown in Fig. 7. The character- istic feature of the modified microstructure is the for- mation of loops between the neighboring edges of graphene layers. Usually, these loops are formed either by one or several carbon layers. The degree of carbon- layer linking depends on the temperature of the heat treatment. Thus, after heat treatment at 1200°C, only a relatively small number of linked layers were observed. It is natural to assume that thermal treatment of type-I nanotubes considerably reduce the ability of gases to 200 nm penetrate the inner volume of nanotubes (nanobal- loons). Type-II nanotubes are characterized by much larger Fig. 4. Specimen of MWNTs upon selective oxidation and ° ° bromidization. cone angle (75 Ð80 and, in some cases, even up to 110°). After heat treatment, the shape of type-II nano- tubes is not changed. Most of the inner edges are linked by loops (Fig. 8). Type-II nanotubes are usually observed at the temperature of the Ni foil equal to 600°C. These tubes resemble “fish-bone” nanotubes 10 nm [16]. The early model of the mechanism of formation of carbon nanofibers was developed by Baker et al. [8]. The key stages of this mechanism are adsorption and decomposition of hydrocarbon on the surface of the catalyst with the yield of carbon, which is dissolved and diffuses through the bulk of the catalyst particle and, finally, precipitates at the back side of the particle to form nanotubes (or graphene layers). Our HREM studies of almost 50 catalytic particles showed that they could be divided into three groups. At (a) the periphery of the completely open particles, the outer polycrystalline layers were observed (Fig. 9). It 10 nm was shown that the regions A and B (Fig. 9) correspond to the (201) and (113) planes of Ni3C. The region C could tentatively be interpreted as the (111) and (200) planes of NiO. The particles partly covered with graphene layers had no such formations except for “open” regions. Par- (b) ticles encapsulated with layers had no outer polycrys- talline formations. The central part of these particles corresponded to the Ni lattice. Fig. 5. (a) Bundle of SWNTs with a diameter of 1.4 nm. We assume that the information about the micro- (b) Double-wall carbon nanotubes (DWNTs). structure of catalytic particles is consistent with mech-




0.34 nm

0.34 nm







Fig. 6. Type-I conical layer nanotube (CLNT). EO indicates the edges of open graphene layers. Fringes are spaced by Fig. 7. Type-I heat treated CLNT. MLL are multilayer loops, 0.34 nm. Reprinted from [13] with permission from Elsevier SLL are single layered loops. Reprinted from [13] with per- Science. mission from Elsevier Science.

anism proposed in [8, 9]. The formation of a Ni3C nanocrystal pointed out that carbon penetrate deep into a Ni particle. If the particle is completely coated with the layers, accumulation of carbon is blocked and car- bides are dissociated.

CL 5. SURFACE MODULATED NANO- L AND MICROTUBES CL The experiments on resistive graphite evaporation under high gas pressure (nitrogen or nitrogenÐargon 3.4 nm mixture under the pressure of up to 1300 atm) were per- formed at the Technological Institute for Superhard and Novel Carbon Materials. The source of carbon vapor was the central zone of the heater with the maximum temperature 2250°C. The screen was designed in such a way that only small amount of was supplied to the system. Upon the experiments, black “cotton” was deposited at cool places of the heater and at the thermal screen. The TEM examination of this black material revealed wide spectrum of nano- and microtubes of dif- ferent types, including conical layer carbon nanotubes and multiwall carbon nanotubes with the pseudoperi- odic variation of tube diameter and wall thickness. All Fig. 8. Type-II CLNT. CL are the sets of conical layers. these tubes had the same principle of structural organi- Reprinted from [13] with permission from Elsevier Science.


582 KISELEV, ZAKHAROV almost spherical graphene layers. In this case, the wall B 2.1 2.0 layers are complemented with those of the cap, but their C number gradually reduces back to the initial number. 85° 2.25 Considering the SMNT microstructure, one can 52° assume that they are formed at melted spherical parti- 2.4 cles of the Fe catalyst in the way schematically shown in Fig. 10. (1) The first hemispherical graphene layer is formed as is described in [8]; (2) in the space between the first layer and the particle, new layers form an inner cap with well-developed side regions; (3) gradually, the new layers deformed the particle; (5, 6) these new lay- Ni ers force the particle to move into a new position, where it becomes spherical again (3). In the case of SMNTs with “spherical” walls, the catalytic particles are 1.76 nm assumed to move at a higher velocity and the inner caps do not have enough time to acquire a multilayer struc- ture. Along with SMNTs, we also observed different sur-

2.1 face modulated microtubes with diameters up to 89° 1000 nm. The SMNT having a moderate diameter 1.95 (Dmin = 350 nm, Dmax = 370 nm) and a pseudoperiodic- A ity of 260Ð480 nm is shown in Fig. 12a. The wall thick- ness varies from 18 to 22 nm depending on the position of the inner caps. Single “open” graphene layers are seen on a HREM image on the outer and the inner sides of the tube-wall profile (Fig. 12b). HREM studies of the 10 nm junction of the inner caps with the tube wall marked with the letters B, C, and D showed that the number of layers increased in the junction site. Then it gradually Fig. 9. Ni catalytic particle not covered with graphene lay- decreased. The junction B is shown in Fig. 12b. There ers. The regions A and B of the outer polycrystalline layer are 55 graphene layers in the wall at a distance of most probably correspond to Ni3C and the region C is assumed to be NiO. Reprinted from [13] with permission 160 nm above the junction and 10 layers in the cap join- from Elsevier Science. ing the wall layers. At a distance of 150 nm below the junction, the number of layers increased up to 58. The total length of the region B studied by HREM is zation—the main part of the tube wall was formed by 310 nm. Most of the layers in the wall can be seen from continuous graphene layers with the adjacent layers of the beginning of this region to its end. The extreme inner caps. Taking into consideration these features, we outer and inner layers extending over the whole propose to refer to these new types of tubes as to sur- 310-nm-long region on the image are indicated by face-modulated nano- and microtubes, i.e., SMNTs and asterisks. Most interlayers between these two are also SMMTs, respectively [17, 18]. continuous and taken together from a continuous lay- The TEM image of an SMNT is shown in Fig. 10. ered structure. However, a few layers in this structure The tube diameter in this case varied from ~180 nm to are abruptly terminated, which can be the mechanism 158 nm and pseudoperiodicity ranged within 90Ð for changing the diameter of the tube wall. 130 nm. These SMNTs had pronounced inner caps, In the case of SMMTs, the catalytic particles might some of which were 2Ð4 times thicker than the outer be of almost cylindrical shape. Carbon layers are walls. Caps had similar orientations, in full accordance formed on the lateral and back sides of the particles. with the motion of catalytic particles. The side part of However, the distance to the back part of the particle is thick caps partly formed the tube wall. This rigid part is larger than to its side parts and less carbon can reach connected with the thin flexible part of the wall. Some this surface. That is why the inner caps in SMMTs are inner caps were faceted. either very thin or even absent. Figure 11 shows the HREM image of the cap/wall interface. The cap is formed by about 60 layers, 6. SOME APPLICATIONS whereas the wall, by only 10 layers. At the site of their OF CARBON NANOTUBES junction, there are 70 layers. At the distance of 35Ð 40 nm from the junction, the number of layers sharply Many types of carbon nanotubes have the diameter decreases to their initial number in the wall. A small less than 10 nm (for SWNTs and DWNTs, it is about 1Ð number of nanotubes are formed by five to twelve 5 nm). Nanotubes fall into the size range, where the


ELECTRON MICROSCOPY OF CARBON NANOTUBES 583 quantum effect become important; therefore, one can foresee remarkable properties of such nanotubes [19]. By this moment, many experimental studies of physical properties of carbon nanotubes and the ways of their possible application have been performed. One of the possible MWNT application is associ- 200 nm ated with their unique mechanical properties. These nanotubes have already been used as tips for STM [20], where a single 1-µm-long MWNT was glued to the Si cantilever. Later, such nanotubes were grown directly on the cantilever of an atomic-force micro- scope (AFM) [21]. The first quantitative measurements of the mechan- ical properties of nanotubes were made on a TEM [22]. The nanotubes were deposited onto TEM grids. The specimens were located on a special holder, which enabled in situ heating to the temperature up to 800°C. Analyzing the amplitude of nanotubes motion depend- Ä ing on temperature, one managed to determine the Young’s modulus (1800 GPa). A few experiments on deformation of fixed MWNTs were made with the use of the AFM probe [23]. In these experiments the bend- 1 ing force of nanotubes was studied as a function of dis- placement [23]; Young’s modulus was determined to be ë 1.28 GPa. If these data are correct, the carbon nano- tubes have the highest hardness among all known mate- rials [19]. 5 Taking into account the remarkable mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes, they should be consid- 4 ered among the first candidates being incorporated into 6 2 composite materials [19]. There are two possible highly symmetric structures for nanotubes, known as the “zigzag” and “armchair” structures (see, for example, [19]). It is believed that in most nanotubes, hexagons are helically arranged 3 around the axis. These structures are generally known as chiral. The nanotube structure is specified by the vector Ch = na1 + ma2, where (n, m) is a pair of integers and a1 and a2 are the basis unit-cell vectors of the graphene sheet. For all the zigzag tubes, m = 0; for the armchair tubes, n = m. The measurements performed on single SWNTs by the combined STM and scanning- tunneling spectroscopy methods showed that most of Fig. 10. Surface-modulated carbon nanotube (SMNT). SWNTs are really chiral. The chiral tubes were found Arrows indicate the inner caps which are several times to be either semiconductor or metallic ones [24]. In thicker than the tube walls (the cap A is shown in Fig. 11). Scheme represents a tentative mechanism of formation of [25], a field-effect transistor is described, which con- SWNT: (1) original spherical melted catalytic particle; (2) sists of a semiconductor SWNTs connected with two Pt particle deformed by the inner carbon cap (5) and its side electrodes on a Si/SiO2 substrate. The transistor image region (6); (3) the catalytic particle in a new position; (4) the was obtained with the aid of an atomic-force micro- continuous part of the wall. Black lines represent from four to ten graphene layers. Reprinted from [18] with permission scope. from Elsevier Science. Taking into consideration the high conductivity, the small diameter, and the considerable length of nano- tubes, one can predict their usefulness in field emitters. Our investigation shows that in the case of type-I Some of the pioneering studies on field emission from CLNTs, many nanotube ends are free from the catalytic nanotubes are considered elsewhere [19]. The field particles. The walls of such nanotubes are ended with emission experiments have been performed on individ- one to three graphene-layer edges, whose total thick- ual tubes and on arrays of nanotubes. ness is less than 1 nm. Thus, one can assume that the



5 * * 55L 5 60 6 2 4 5 0.34 nm 4 C 4 * 64L 3 10L

10 56L 6 * * B 64L 58L

* 200 nm * C 45L 10 63L 6 54L

* *

Fig. 11. HREM image of the inner cap A shown in Fig. 11. Enlarged right side of the cap. Numbers 4, 5 and 6 corre- spond to the continuous part of the wall, inner cap and its D 58L side region (see drawing in Fig. 10). Reprinted from [18] with permission from Elsevier Science. 68L * 56L (a) 59L (b) coefficient β, inversely proportional to the curvature radius of such structure, should be quite pronounced. Fig. 12. Surface modulated carbon microtube (SMMT). (a) Low magnification TEM image. B, C, and D are the regions Emission properties of type-I CLNTs layers grown of inner caps junctions with the tube wall investigated by on polished Ni foil at temperatures of 850Ð900°C were HREM. The number of graphene layers (L) is obtained from studied at the Moscow Institute of Radioengineering HREM. (b) Central part of region B in (a). Scheme shows the possible formation mechanism of an SMMT. Reprinted and Electronics. Experiments show that Eav = V/d from [18] with permission from Elsevier Science. (where V is the voltage applied, d is the electrode–film distance) and is equal to 2Ð5 V/µm at β = 1000Ð 1600 [26]. were filled with the KI melt with the aid of a capillary Even better characteristics (E = 1.1; β = 1600) method [31]; KI was mixed with SWNTs and was av ° were obtained for SWNT-based composite layers [27]. heated for two hours at 954 C. On the micrographs 〈 〉 〈 〉 Possibly, some small SWNTs emerge to the layer sur- obtained along the 110 direction, with the 001 direc- face. tion being parallel to the tube axis, one observes SWNTs containing KI crystals. Measurements of lat- One more useful feature of some types of nanotubes tice spacings show a longitudinal contraction of KI is their ability to absorb gases and keep them for quite crystal (from 0.705 to 0.695 nm) along 〈001〉, whereas a long time. Thus, it was shown [28] that SWNTs can in the cross section the lattice expansion and distortion accumulate up to 4.2 wt % of hydrogen. Type-I is observed. It can be caused by the adaptation of the CLNTs can also be efficiently used for accumulating crystal to the radially symmetrical van der Waals sur- hydrogen [29]. face of the confined SWNTs. Individual K and I atoms The synthesis of one-dimensional (1D) crystals can were identified from a phase image reconstructed with be very important for physics and materials science. a modified-focal-series-restoration approach. Accord- With this aim, it is very useful to encapsulate them into ing to HREM [32], KI forms in SWNTs with a diameter SWNT. In [30], SWNTs having a diameter of 1.6 nm of 1.4 nm crystals consisting of two atomic layers.


CONCLUSION 6. D. N. Zakharov, N. A. Kiselev, A. V. Krestinin, et al., in Proceedings of the 18th Russian Conference on Electron The first monograph on carbon nanotubes is entitled Microscopy, Chernogolovka, 2000, p. 76. “Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures: New Mate- 7. J. L. Hutchison, N. A. Kiselev, E. P. Krinichnaya, et al., rials for the 21st Century” [19]. Despite such an ambi- Carbon 39, 761 (2001). tious title, the author admits that it is hardly possible to 8. R. T. K. Baker, M. A. Barber, P. S. Harris, et al., J. Catal. foresee the future development of the science on nano- 26, 51 (1972). tubes. The progress in this field depends on many fac- tors, including economical factors (the reduction of the 9. G. G. Tibbets, J. Cryst. Growth 66, 632 (1984). nanotube price) and the establishment of their new 10. E. Boellaard, D. K. DeBokx, Z. H. M. Kock, and properties important for the fundamental science. J. W. Geus, J. Catal. 96, 481 (1985). 11. P. E. Nolan, M. J. Schabel, D. C. Lynch, and A. H. Cutler, In conclusion, the following can be said. The nano- Carbon 33, 79 (1995). tubes were discovered with the help of HREM, which 12. N. M. Rodríguez, A. Chambers, and R. T. Baker, Lang- is still the most efficient method for both studying nan- muir 11, 3862 (1995). otube structure and solving various technological pro- poses. The SEM method is an indispensable tool for 13. N. A. Kiselev, J. Sloan, D. N. Zakharov, et al., Carbon surface studies of nanotube-based flat field emitters. 36, 1149 (1998). Atomic force microscopy allows the observation of the 14. D. N. Zakharov, C. P. Izraél’yants, N. A. Kiselev, et al., atomic structure of SWNTs, i.e., the establishment of in Proceedings of the 18th Russian Conference on Elec- the helix parameters. tron Microscopy, Chernogolovka, 2000, p. 77. 15. Y. Saito and T. Yoshikawa, J. Cryst. Growth 134, 154 HREM still has many urgent interesting problems to (1993). be solved for nanotubes. One of the tendencies is seen 16. X. K. Wang, R. O. Loutfy, J. C. Withers, et al., in Pro- in the study of one-dimensional crystals grown inside ceedings of the MRC’95 Fall Meeting, Boston, 1995. SWNTs. Here, it is necessary not only to work at the 17. D. N. Zakharov, N. A. Kiselev, A. B. Ormont, et al., in maximum possible resolution but also to solve the Proceedings of the 18th Russian Conference on Electron phase problem and to use the method of 3D-reconstruc- Microscopy, Chernogolovka, 2000, p. 78. tion seriously studied by B.K. Vainshtein for macromo- 18. V. D. Blank, I. G. Gorlova, J. L. Hutchison, et al., Carbon lecular structures. 38, 1217 (2000). 19. P. D. Harris, Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS New Materials for the 21st Century (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1999). The authors should like to thank for cooperation 20. H. Dai, J. H. Hafner, A. G. Riniler, et al., Nature 384, 147 A.S. Kotosonov (State Research Institute of Graphite), (1996). A.L. Musatov, A.B. Ormont (Institute of Radioelec- 21. J. H. Hafner, C. L. Cheung, and C. M. Lieber, Nature tronic Engineering and Electronics, RAS), A.V. Kresti- 398, 761 (1999). nin, A.P. Moravskiœ (Institute of Problems of Chemical 22. M. M. J. Treacy, T. W. Ebbesen, and J. M. Gibson, Physics, RAS), E.F. Kukovitskiœ (Physical-Technologi- Nature 381, 678 (1996). cal Institute, Kazan), V.B. Blank, and E.V. Polyakov 23. E. W. Wong, P. E. Sheehan, and C. M. Lieber, Science (Technological Institute For Superhard and Novel Car- 277, 1971 (1977). bon Materials). 24. J. W. C. Wildoer, C. Venemal, A. O. Rinzler, et al., The study was supported by ISTC Projects 079 and Nature 391, 59 (1998). 1024, and Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 25. S. J. Tans, A. R. M. Verschueren, and C. Dekuer, Nature project no. 00-15-96580. 393, 49 (1998). 26. A. L. Musatov, N. A. Kiselev, D. N. Zakharov, et al., in Abstracts of IEEE International Vacuum Electron REFERENCES Sources Conference, 2000, p. 43. 1. S. Iijima, Nature 354, 56 (1991). 27. J. M. Bonnard, J. P. Salvetat, T. Stökli, et al., Appl. Phys. 2. N. A. Kiselev, A. P. Moravskiœ, A. B. Ormont, and A A69, 2680 (1999). D. N. Zakharov, Carbon 37, 1093 (1999). 28. C. Liu, Y. Y. Fan, M. Liu, et al., Science 286, 1127 3. D. T. Colbert, J. Zhang, S. M. McClure, et al., Science (1999). 226, 1218 (1994). 29. A. Chambers, C. Park, R. T. K. Baker, and N. M. Rod- 4. D. N. Zakharov, A. P. Moravskiœ, and N. A. Kiselev, in ríguez, J. Phys. Chem. 122, 4553 (1998). Proceedings of the Second National Conference on 30. R. R. Meyer, J. Sloan, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, et al., Application of X-ray, Synchrotron Radiation, Neutrons Science 289, 1324 (2000). and Electrons to Study of Materials, RSNÉ-99, 1999, 31. J. Sloan, D. M. Wrigh, H. G. Woo, et al., J. Chem. Soc. p. 299. Chem. Commun. 1999, 699 (1999). 5. D. C. Bethune, C. H. Kiang, and M. S. de Vries, Nature 32. J. Sloan, M. C. Novotny, S. R. Bailey, et al., Chem. Phys. 365, 605 (1993). Lett. 329, 61 (2000).


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 586Ð595. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 651Ð660. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Svergun, Shtykova, Kozin, Volkov, Konarev, Dembo, Shtykova, Bronshtein, Chernyshov, Platonova, Yakunin, Valetsky, Khokhlov.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study of the Structure of Self-Organized Polymer Matrices and Formation of Imbedded Metal Nanoparticles D. I. Svergun1, 2, É. V. Shtykova1, M. B. Kozin1, V. V. Volkov1, P. V. Konarev1, A. T. Dembo1, E. V. Shtykova, Jr.1, L. M. Bronshtein3, D. M. Chernyshov3, O. A. Platonova3, A. N. Yakunin3, P. M. Valetsky3, and A. R. Khokhlov3, 4 1 Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia 2 European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Hamburg Outstation, Notkestrasse 85, Hamburg, D-22603 Germany 3 Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Vavilova 28, Moscow, 117813 Russia 4 Physics Faculty, Moscow State University, Vorob’evy gory, Moscow, 119899 Russia e-mail: [email protected] Received March 6, 2001

Abstract—The structures of self-organizing polymer matrices based on collapsed gels and polyoctadecylsilox- anes have been studied by the methods of conventional and anomalous X-ray small-angle scattering with the use of the laboratory and synchrotron sources of X-ray radiation. The process of formation of metal nanoparti- cles in such matrices is also studied, their size distributions are calculated, and the models of localization of these particles in the polymer matrices are suggested. It is shown that growth of metal particles is controlled by the structure of the polymer network and is limited by the dimensions of its cells. The electron-density profiles of polycondensed octadecylsiloxane matrices are also calculated. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION One of the most efficient methods for studying metal-containing systems is the anomalous small-angle In recent years, the small-angle X-ray scattering X-ray scattering with the use of synchrotron radiation (SAXS) has become a highly informative efficient [7, 8]. Recording the small-angle scattering curves method and, for some systems, the only possible obtained at the X-ray beam energies close to the method of studying supramolecular structure both in absorption edge of the metal, one can separate scatter- the solid state and in solutions of various concentra- ing from metal atoms and scattering from the polymer tions [1, 2]. An important field of SAXS application is matrix. The analysis of the contribution of each compo- the structural study of polymer compounds. As an nent allows the calculation of the size distribution of object of investigation, polymers are characterized by a metal particles formed and the study of the internal number of features, of which polydispersity is one of structure of the polymer complex. the most important. Therefore, the structure analysis of The idea to form metal nanoparticles in a polymer polymer systems is performed by specially developed medium first arose in the study of stable self-organizing techniques for collection and interpretation of the complexes of polyelectrolyte gels with oppositely SAXS data, which considerably differ from the tradi- charged surfactants or the so-called collapsed gels. The tional methods of the structure analysis of monodis- small-angle X-ray scattering data showed that these perse compounds [1Ð6]. Since these techniques and complexes possess a well-pronounced regular structure methods allow the simultaneous determination of the [9Ð13]. It could be assumed that the size, shape, and the structural characteristics of the material and the size size distributions of nanoparticles in such an ordered distribution of various inhomogeneities in this material, medium should be determined by the parameters and it was natural to use the SAXS method for studying the the properties of the polymer matrix. Below, we present structures of self-organizing polymer matrices and the the results obtained in the small-angle X-ray scattering processes of formation of metal nanoparticles in these studies of the internal structure of the hydrogel/surfac- matrices. tant complexes and the process of formation of gold

1063-7745/01/4604-0586 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”

SMALL-ANGLE X-RAY SCATTERING STUDY 587 and platinum particles in these complexes. We also ana- burg, Germany (the storage ring DORIS III, the lyzed the structures of the alternative polymer systems JUSIFA setup [20]). The measurements were made at based on multilayer polyoctadecylsiloxanes [14Ð16] different wavelengths λ, i.e., at different energies E of with the purposefully introduced metal nanoparticles. the incident X-ray beam [7, 21, 22]. The atomic scatter- ing factor is determined as

EXPERIMENTAL fE()= f 0 ++f '()E if''(),E (1) Samples. We prepared gel/surfactant complexes of where the dispersion corrections f '(E) and f ''(E) two types: (1) cationic matrices based on the cationic become essential in the vicinity of the absorption edge polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (PDAD- of the resonant atom. In our case, the measurements MACl) gel and two anionic surfactants—sodiumdode- were made in the vicinity of L3, the absorption band of cylsulfate (SDS) and sodiumdodecylbenzylsulfonate Au and Pt atoms, at the photon energy E = 11.9 and (SDBS) and (2) anionic matrices based on the anionic 11.5 keV (λ = 0.104 and 0.107 nm, respectively). In gel of polymethylacrylic acid (PMA) and the cationic order to cover the angular ranges 0.4 < q < 7.3 and surfactant—cetylpyridinechloride (CPC). To provide 0.08 < q < 1.5 nmÐ1, the sample was located at distances the formation of metal nanoparticles, the collapsed gels of 935 and 3635 mm from the detector. To reduce the were introduced into the solutions of metal compounds parasitic scattering, the cuvette with the sample was with the subsequent reduction of metal ions. The meth- evacuated. The PODS powders were measured in a spe- ods of preparation of gels and nanoparticles are cially designed 1-mm-thick aluminum cuvette with described in detail elsewhere [17]. The sources of plat- mica windows. The scattering curves obtained at two inum ions were aqueous solutions of PtCl4, Na2PtCl6, sampleÐdetector distances were corrected for phonon (NH4)2PtCl4, and H2PtCl6. The metals in these solutions scattering and fluorescence; then the data were reduced were reduced by the fast Na2BH4 and slow N2H4 á H2O to the absolute units and “merged” to yield the compos- reducing agents. The reactive medium was water. ite curves in the angular range 0.08 < q < 7.7 nmÐ1. In addition, we also synthesized poly(octadecylsi- The scattering curves I(q, Ek) for each sample were loxane) (PODS) and hybrid PODS/CPC complexes by measured at four different energies of the incident radi- the method described in [16]. Then, we introduced the ation at k = 0, 1, 2, 3 in the vicinity of the absorption gold- and platinum-containing compounds (AuCl3 and edge of the respective metal. The first energy was cho- K2PtCl4 and H2PtCl6 á 6H2O, respectively) into these sen comparatively far from the absorption band (E0 = systems with the subsequent reduction of metal ions 11.560 and 11.487 keV for the Au and Pt samples, with the aid of Na2BH4, UV radiation, and the self- respectively). For three energy values in the vicinity of reduction of metal ions. The reactions for these samples the resonance scattering (E1, 2, 3 = 11.870, 11.915, and were performed in waterÐacetone and waterÐethanol 11.919 keV for Au; 11.535, 11.555, and 11.564 keV for mixtures by the methods described in [18]. Pt), the corrections for anomalous scattering were − Small-angle X-ray scattering experiment and the approximately equal to –0.06f(E0), 0.10f(E0), and analysis of the data obtained. The structure of the − 0.20f(E0), respectively. The difference between the complexes was studied by the SAXS method with the ∆ scattering curves obtained at different energies, k(q) = use of the laboratory and synchrotron sources of the I(q, E ) – I(q, E ), is proportional to scattering by reso- X-ray radiation. The measurements were performed on 0 k nant atoms. These difference curves were then used to a laboratory AMUR-K diffractometer designed at the calculate the volume distribution functions D R . The Special Designing Bureau of the Institute of Crystal- V( ) lography (Moscow) at the fixed wavelength λ = integral equation

0.1542 nm in the Kratky geometry [19] using two Rmax experimental modes. The first mode provided the mea- ()∆ρ 2 2 surements in the momentum-transfer range 0.12 < q < Iq()= ∫ DV()R m ()R i0()qR dR (2) Ð1 5.5 nm (q = 4πsinθ/λ, 2θ is the scattering angle), i.e., Rmin under scattering within relatively large angles. The sec- was solved with respect to D (R) under the assumption ond mode provided measurements in the momentum- V Ð1 of the spherical shape of the formed nanoparticles with transfer range 0.03 < q < 2.0 nm corresponded to the the use of the GNOM program [5]. In the above equa- range of scattering by the largest particles in the sys- tion, R is the sphere radius; Rmin and Rmax are the mini- tems studied. The average sample thickness was ~1 mm mum and the maximum radii, i (x) = {[sin(x) – and varied along the holder; therefore, no absolute cal- 0 3 2 π 3 ibration of the measurements was made. The experi- xcos(x)]/x } and m(R) = (4 /3)R are the form-factor mental data were normalized to the intensity of the inci- and the sphere volume, respectively; and x = qR. The dent beam, and then the correction for possible collima- scattering-length density of the anomalous atoms is ∆ρ 2 2 ν tion distortions was introduced. determined as = (N0 – Nk )e/ at, where N0 and Nk The experiments on anomalous small-angle X-ray are the number of electrons which contribute to scatter- λ λ scattering were made at the DESY Synchrotron, Ham- ing far from the resonance and at = k, respectively; e


logI, arb. units

(a)4 (b) 5 3 3 2 2 2 4 1 1 0 2 3 3 01 2 3

2 1 1

4 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 q, nm–1

Fig. 1. Small-angle X-ray scattering curves from the PDADMACl/SDBS systems (1) with the introduced (a) H2Pt(OH)2Cl4 and (b) H2PtCl6 compounds far from the absorption edge of Pt atoms; scattering curves upon reduction of platinum ions with the aid of (2, 3) NaBH4 and N2H4 á H2O, respectively, and (4) scattering from the initial collapsed gel.

DV (R), arb. units 1.0 (a) (b) 0.8


0.4 2 3 1 2 0.2 1 3


03010 20 03010 20 R, nm

Fig. 2. Volume distribution functions for (a) H2Pt(OH)2Cl4 and (b) H2PtCl6 containing PDADMACl/SDBS gels calculated by the GNOM program: (1) with the formed cluster compounds, (2, 3) Pt-nanoparticles reduced by NaBH4 and N2H4 á H2O, respectively, and normalized to unity.

ν is the Thompson radius of an electron; and at is the tering curves between metal-containing samples and atomic volume. At k = 3 (the maximum of the anoma- the initial polymer matrices by the method developed lous signal), we obtain ∆ρ = 6.80 × 1011 and 6.94 × elsewhere [23]. 1011 cmÐ2 for Pt and Au samples, respectively. Calculat- The characteristics of the internal structures of poly- ing DV(R), we used the zero value of Rmin; the value of mer matrices were calculated by fitting the Gaussian Rmax was selected individually for each case of data fit- profiles to those of the chosen Bragg peaks on the scat- ting by Eq. (2). The size distributions for particles con- tering curves with the use of the interactive PEAK pro- structed by the scattering data obtained at the fixed gram. The average crystallite size L and the degree of wavelengths were calculated from the difference scat- disorder in the system ∆/d were determined from the

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 SMALL-ANGLE X-RAY SCATTERING STUDY 589 following equations [24]: log I [arb. units] λ L = β------θ, (3) q cos

β d 1 ∆ 1 q 1 /d = π------λ , (4) 2 where β is the halfwidth of the Bragg peak in radians q 3 θ π at the scattering angle 2 , d = 2 /qmax is the character- 0 istic dimensions of the ordered regions corresponding ∆ to position qmax the Bragg-peak, and is the mean 4 square deviation of the distance between the nearest two periodic motifs of the structure. –1 The centrosymmetric electron-density profile along the direction normal to the lamella plane in the multi- layer structures was calculated with the use of the one- 5 dimensional Fourier transform 0123 N N q, nm–1 ρ , []± ()r ==∑ Aq() lql cosqr ∑ Sl() ql cosqr, (5) l = 1 l = 1 Fig. 3. Small angle scattering curves from where N is the number of peaks, and ql and S(l) are the PDADMACl/SDBS gels upon the reduction of platinum position and the area of the lth Bragg peak, respec- compounds with the aid of NaBH4: (1) H2PtCl6, tively. We considered all the possible combinations of (2) (NH4)2PtCl4, (3) Na2PtCl6 immediately upon reduction, the signs of the scattering amplitude A(q, l). The most and (4) 30 days later. The curves are scaled to scattering by an empty cell of the polymer network (5) in the region q > probable sign sequence was chosen upon the visual Ð1 examination of the experimental electron-density pro- 3 nm . files. To reduce the termination effect, the experimental profiles were subjected to low-frequency filtration with the period T = 2π/q . DV(R), arb. units N 6

DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 5 Hydrogel/surfactant complexes. Scattering from all the hydrogel/surfactant complexes studied showed 4 some common features. The hydrogel collapse during 4 its interaction with the surfactant resulted in the forma- tion of the characteristic peak in the range of q values from 1.4 to 2.5 nmÐ1 on the scattering curve. The posi- 3 2 tion of this maximum depended on the nature of the gel 3 and the surfactant used. The introduction of metal com- 2 pounds into the system reduced the peak amplitude and increased the “central scattering,” which indicated the 1 changes occurred in the internal structure of the com- 1 plexes and the formation in the system of strongly scat- tering inhomogeneities, which could be interpreted as the formation of clusters of metal compounds. The sub- sequent reduction of metal ions resulted in ever more 01020 30 40 pronounced structural rearrangements and, thus, in a R, nm decrease of the characteristic-peak value with a simul- taneous drastic increase of the central scattering, i.e., Fig. 4. Volume distribution functions in the PDADMACl/SDBS system with HAuCl4 calculated by the presumably in the formation of metal particles. All GNOM program: (1) PDADMACl/SDBS system with the these changes in the small-angle scattering from the HAuCl4 additive, (2) PDADMACl/SDBS system after hydrogel/surfactant complexes are illustrated by the reduction of metal ions, (3) PDADMACl gel upon reduction example of the PDAMACl/SDBS system in Fig. 1. of metal ions without the use of SDS (measurements were made immediately upon the specimen preparation), (4) the The inset in Fig. 1 also shows the difference anom- same as (3) but 35 days later. For better visualization, (1) is alous small-angle scattering curves obtained by the multiplied by a factor of 5.


Table 1. Structural characteristics of hydrogel/surfactant complexes obtained from the traditional and anomalous small-angle X-ray scattering curves

Ð1 Sample qmax, nm d , nm L, nm ∆/d PDADMACl/SDBS complex Gel/Surfactant 2.34 2.68 27 0.10

Gel + H2PtCl6 1.81 3.47 33 0.10 Gel + H2PtCl6 + NaBH4 1.64 3.84 50 0.09 Gel + H2PtCl6 + N2H4 1.91 3.29 62 0.07 Gel + H2Pt(OH)2Cl4 1.88 3.34 38 0.09 Gel + H2Pt(OH)2Cl4 + NaBH4 1.87 3.36 74 0.07 Gel + H2Pt(OH)2Cl4 + N2H4 1.94 3.24 60 0.07 PDADMACl/SDS complex Gel/Surfactant 1.53 4.10 31 0.12

Gel + H2PtCl6 1.52 4.13 29 0.12 Gel + (NH4)2PtCl4 1.51 4.17 32 0.11 Gel + Na2PtCl6 1.52 4.13 38 0.11 Gel + H2Pt(OH)2Cl4 1.58 3.98 39 0.10 Gel + Na2PtCl6 + NaBH4 1.56 4.02 98 0.06 Gel + Na2PtCl6 + NaBH4, upon 30-day-storage 1.58 3.97 121 0.06 PMA/CPC complex Gel/Surfactant, peak 1* 1.28 4.93 26 0.15 Gel/Surfactant, peak 1a 1.33 4.71 Ð Ð

Gel + Na2PtCl6, peak 1 0.91 6.93 25 0.17 Gel + Na2PtCl6, peak 2 3.30 1.90 53 0.06 Gel + Na2PtCl6, peak 2a 3.10 2.03 Ð Ð Gel + Na2PtCl6 + N2H4, peak 1 1.33 4.71 47 0.10 Gel + Na2PtCl6 + N2H4, peak 1a 1.17 5.37 Ð Ð Gel + Na2PtCl6 + N2H4, peak 2 3.07 2.05 149 0.04 * For the PMC/CPC complex denote the main peaks at 1.5 and 3 nmÐ1, respectively; the letter “a” indicates additional narrow peaks on top of the main peaks 1 and 2. For the additional peaks, only the period d was calculated. method described above. These curves were used to all the gel systems studied. The clusters of metal com- calculate the size distribution function of the particles. pounds penetrated the hydrogel/surfactant complexes To confirm the fact that the anomalous signal really cor- playing the role of nuclei of metal particles whose aver- responds to scattering by metal particles, we consid- age radius, R ≈ 2 nm, corresponded to the radius of the ered only those curves which satisfied two require- main fraction of metal nanoparticles. The size distribu- ∆ tions of clusters of metal compounds are of the mono- ments: (1) the difference k(q) should be proportional to the squared anomalous correction at the kth energy modal nature, whereas the DV(R) functions for metals and (2) the characteristic peak corresponding to the are bimodal. In this case, the fractions of larger parti- internal structure of the collapsed gel should be absent cles (with R up to 40 nm) are formed in the presence of on the anomalous-scattering curve. These requirements the N2H4 á H2O reducing agent (slow reduction). The were satisfied by all the specimens except for the com- fast reduction of metal ions with the use of NaBH4 resulted in the formation of predominantly small parti- plex containing H2Pt(OH)2Cl4 prior to metal reduction; the corresponding anomalous-scattering signal was so cles. small that, upon its subtraction, the structural peak did The stabilized effect of the polymer matrix is clearly not completely disappear, which resulted in pro- seen on long-stored samples. Figure 3 shows the SAXS nounced oscillations on the corresponding size-distri- curves for samples containing platinum nanoparticles bution function (Fig. 2a, curve 1). The size distributions measured immediately upon sample preparation and obtained (Fig. 2) also showed the features common for 30 days later. The characteristic peak decreases with

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 SMALL-ANGLE X-RAY SCATTERING STUDY 591 time, but the initial portions of both curves almost coin- log I [arb. units] cide. This indicates that the particles do not change their size during storage and that considerable struc- tural rearrangements occur in the gel. The matrix is sta- bilized by surfactant molecules, which is proved by the size distributions for two gold-containing systems—the 0 1 collapsed gel and system without surfactants (Fig. 4). 3 2 In a noncollapsed gel, nanoparticles are formed whose size distribution is of the monomodal nature (Fig. 4, curve 3). Upon a 35-day storage, the size distribution of metal nanoparticles in this system acquired the multi- modal character (Fig. 4, curve 4) with the formation of some large particles, whereas the size of surfactant-sta- –1 bilized gel did not change (Fig. 4, curve 2). The structural characteristics calculated from the Bragg peaks of the scattering curves for all the hydro- 4 gel/surfactant complexes studied are indicated in Table 1. The most interesting fact following from these 012 3 q, nm–1 data is the higher order degree in all the metal-contain- ing samples in comparison with the order degree in the Fig. 5. Small-angle scattering curves for the PMA/CPC sys- initial gel, despite the fact that the amplitude of the tem: (1) PMA/CPC gel, (2) the same gel with the Na2PtCl6 characteristic peak considerably decreases, which additive, and (3) the same as in (2) upon reduction by N2H4. The curves are scaled to scattering by an empty cell (4) in could have been an indication to the destruction of the Ð1 gel structure. However, the Bragg-peak amplitude is the region q > 3 nm . proportional not only to the degree of order in the qua- sicrystalline zones of the gel but also to the volume of these zones in the sample. This leads to the conclusion 1 that, during the formation of metal nanoparticles, the log I [arb. units] structural rearrangements in gel result in the formation of highly organized regions, which constitute only a small part of the total volume. One can assume that 8 these crystalline zones are localized only around metal 3 particles. This is confirmed by sample aging. For the 7 2 PDADMACl/surfactant complex with platinum ions 4 from Na2PtCl6 reduced with the aid of NaBH4, the 5 amplitude of the characteristic peak upon a 30-day- 6 storage becomes essentially smaller (Fig. 3). At the 1 same time, the size of the crystalline regions increases 5 from 31 to 121 nm, whereas the degree of disorder becomes twice as low as in the initial gel containing no 2 metal particles (Table 1). 4 The structural rearrangements during the formation 3 of metal nanoparticles in the anionic gel (the 3 PMA/CPC complex) are much more complicated 4 (Fig. 5). Upon the introduction into the system of Na PtCl , the source of platinum ions, the sharp double 2 2 6 5 peak at 1.3Ð1.5 nmÐ1 almost disappears (Fig. 5, curve 1), but at the same time an intense maximum at 3.0 nmÐ1 1 (Fig. 5, curve 2) is formed. The formation of platinum 6 particles with the aid of N2H4 results in disappearance –1 of the peak at 3.0 nmÐ1 and, at the same time, the resto- 0 2 4 6 q, nm ration of the initial maximum at 1.3Ð1.5 nmÐ1 (Fig. 5, curve 3). Taking into account that the collapsed PMA Fig. 6. Small angle scattering curves from Pt-containing gel contains only about 1 wt % of platinum, i.e., one Pt PODS powders at the X-ray radiation energy far from the ion per 50 gel monomers [12], this drastic rearrange- absorption edge: (1) Pt1, (2) Pt2, (3) Pt3, (4) Pt4, and ment shows that the structure of the complex is very (5) Pt5. The inset shows the approximation of the scattering curve for the initial PODS (symbols) by the set of the Gaus- sensitive to the penetration of the substances interact- sian peaks (solid lines). The peak positions are indicated by 2– ing with the surfactant molecules. The (PtCl6) ions arrows. Numbers indicate the reflection orders.


(a)Cl (b) (c) Siloxane layer Cl Cl Si Si Si Si Pt O O O O Si Si OH OH OH OH Cl Cl H O O O 2 Cl OH OH OH OH HH O O O O Si Si Si Si Cl Cl Pt Cl Cl HH OO Si Si

Siloxane layer


2– Fig. 7. (a) Geometry of the (PtCl6) ion; (b) schematic interaction between the planar K2PtCl4-ion with the silanol group of the siloxane bilayer, and (c) schematic representation of the hybrid PODS/CPC complex.

ρ, rel. units 6 6 8 5 5 (a) (b) 3 2 6 2 1 4 1 3 4 4 2





0 1 23450 1 2345 r, nm

Fig. 8. Electron-density profiles normal to the multilayer plane in the PODS samples with (a) Pt nanoparticles and (b) Au nanopar- ticles. For better correspondence of the profiles in the around the center of the hydrocarbon chains, all the profiles are displaced with respect to each other by the same small distance.


DV(R), arb. units

(a) (b) 3 3 1.0 2

1 4

1 0.5 2

01020 01020 30 40 R, nm

Fig. 9. Volume distribution functions of (a) Pt- and (b) Au-nanoparticle containing PODS samples. The distributions are numbered in accordance with the numbers of the Pt1ÐPt5 and Au1ÐAu4 samples. compete with surfactant molecules for bonding with Systems based on layered polycondensed octade- PMA groups and thus give rise to self-assembly of free cylsiloxanes. In comparison with the small-angle scat- CPC molecules and formation of new structures, tering from hydrogel/surfactant complexes, the small- which, in turn, provides the appearance of a new Bragg angle scattering pattern from PODS with gold and plat- inum nanoparticles is enriched with Bragg peaks peak. Reduction of the metal by N2H4 releases the 2– (Fig. 6). The location of these peaks at spacings d, d/2, bonds of (PtCl6) ions and, thus, allows the CP cations d/3… indicates the lamellar nature of ordering in the to occupy their initial sites, which, in the final analysis, polymer matrix. The fitting procedure for peaks restores the gel structure. Similar to cationic gels, the obtained from the SAXS data for the initial PODS is degree of order in the complex increases. illustrated by the inset in Fig. 6 (the fourth-order peak

Table 2. Structural characteristics of the initial and the metal-containing PODS complexes

Ð1 Sample Reaction medium Reduction conditions ql, nm L, nm ∆/d d , nm PODS1 1.21 37 0.120 5.24 ± 0.03 PODS2 1.21 37 0.120 5.24 ± 0.03 ± PODS1ÐPt1* H2O/acetone Self-reduction 1.20 37 0.120 5.25 0.03 ± PODS1ÐPt2** H2O/acetone H2 1.21 36 0.120 5.23 0.04 ± PODS1ÐPt3 H2O/acetone NaBH4 1.21 35 0.121 5.22 0.04 ± PODS1ÐPt4 H2O/acetone H2 1.21 38 0.117 5.22 0.04 ± PODS1ÐPt5 H2O/acetone NaBH4 1.21 36 0.120 5.22 0.05 ± PODS1ÐAu1 H2O/acetone Self-reduction 1.21 40 0.115 5.23 0.04 ± PODS1ÐAu2 H2O/ethanol Self-reduction 1.21 38 0.118 5.24 0.04 ± PODS2/CPCÐAu3 H2O NaBH4 1.20 36 0.120 5.25 0.08 ± PODS2/CPCÐAu4 H2O UV 1.26 32 0.126 4.99 0.07 ± PODS2/CPCÐAu5 H2O Not reduced 1.21 37 0.120 5.23 0.06 Note: PODS1 and PODS2 are two independent samples. * K2PtCl4 was used for preparing PODS-Pt1. ** H2PtCl6 á 6H2O was used for the synthesis of PODS-Pt(2Ð5); the PODSD-Au was prepared with the aid of AuCl 3.

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 594 SVERGUN et al. is absent). The periodicity d = 5.24 ± 0.03 nm is the CONCLUSIONS same (within the experimental error) for all the samples We had two main goals—to study in detail the struc- studied and equals the thickness of fully extended ture of complicated polymer systems and the formation CH3(CH2)18SiOx–OxSi(CH2)18CH3 bilayer. The struc- of metal nanoparticles in these systems and to demon- tural characteristics of the initial and metal-containing strate the possibilities of the small-angle X-ray scatter- PODS samples are indicated in Table 2. It is seen that, ing method in the analysis of such systems and pro- unlike the hydrogel/surfactant complex, the structure of cesses. The joint use of the traditional and the anoma- the initial complex only slightly changes upon metal lous SAXS methods provided the establishment of the reduction. structure organization of various polymer matrices at a The electron-density profiles along the direction resolution of about 1 nm and the calculation of the size- distribution functions of metal nanoparticles formed in normal to the lamella plane were calculated by Eq. (5). these matrices. It is shown that all the complexes stud- The choice of the scattering-amplitude signs was ied are highly organized nanosystems in which growth solved proceeding from the known chemical structure of metal particles is determined by the conditions of of PODS molecules, because the electron density reduction of metal ions controlled by the structure of should attain its maximum value at the hydrophylic the polymer network and limited by the dimensions of center of the bilayer because of the presence of silicon its cells. The electron-density profiles calculated for atoms. Moreover, a wide interval, where the density is polycondensed siloxane matrices confirm the above almost constant and which corresponds to regularly conclusions. The results obtained are of practical value packed hydrocarbon tails of the polymer, should exist since they open new possibilities for designing novel (Fig. 7). The electron-density profiles (Fig. 8) best sat- polymer materials with desirable properties. isfying the above-formulated requirements were obtained at the sign combination –+––– and l = 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. Because of the low resolution of the method ACKNOWLEDGMENTS π (2 /qmax = 1 nm), silicon atoms shared by two neigh- The authors are grateful to L.I. Man for valuable boring monolayers yield only one electron-density remarks. peak in the bilayer center. The width of this peak equals 2 nm, which agrees quite well with the size of the smallest particles formed in these systems (Fig. 9) and REFERENCES confirms the assumption that the rigid polymer matrix 1. Small-Angle X-ray Scattering, Ed. by O. Glatter and limits growth of nanoparticles inside the siloxane O. Kratky (Academic, London, 1982), p. 515. bilayer. Everywhere outside the central peak, the elec- 2. D. I. Svergun and L. A. Feœgin, Small-Angle X-ray and tron density remains almost constant at a distance of Neutron Scattering (Nauka, Moscow, 1986). 1.8 nm, which corresponds to close-packed alkyl tails. 3. D. I. Svergun and A. V. Semenyuk, Kristallografiya 32 At the bilayer boundaries, the electron density drasti- (6), 1365 (1987) [Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 32, 802 cally decreases, thus indicating the absence of any (1987)]. order in the boundary tailÐtail contacts. 4. A. V. Semenyuk and D. I. Svergun, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 24, 537 (1991). The height of the central peak for the metal-contain- 5. D. I. Svergun, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 25, 495 (1992). ing samples decreases in comparison with its height for 6. D. I. Svergun, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 26, 258 (1993). the initial PODS. This is explained by the presence in 7. H. B. Stuhrmann, G. Goerigk, and B. Munk, Anomalous the siloxane bilayer of nanoparticles, which give rise to X-ray Scattering, in Handbook on Synchrotron Radia- partial deformation of the regular structure of the layer tion, Ed. by E. Rubenstein et al. (Elsevier, Amsterdam, and, as a result, a decrease of the electron density in 1994), p. 555. ordered regions. The maximum changes are observed 8. H.-G. Haubold, X. H. Wang, G. Goerigk, and W. Schill- for the samples with the highest quantity of small par- ing, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 30, 653 (1997). ticles, which confirms the assumption about the particle 9. Yu. V. Khandurina, A. T. Dembo, V. B. Rogacheva, et al., formation inside the silicon bilayer. If the sample also Vysokomol. Soedin., Ser. A 36, 235 (1994). contains some larger particles (Fig. 9), they are formed 10. H. Okuzaki and Y. Osada, Macromolecules 28, 380 in the vicinity of alkyl tails and, possibly, also in the (1995). boundary tailÐtail regions (the latter is confirmed by an 11. A. T. Dembo, A. N. Yakunin, V. S. Zaitsev, et al., increase of the electron density of the peripheral J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys. 34, 2893 (1996). regions of the bilayer). This conclusion is also con- 12. L. M. Bronstein, O. A. Platonova, A. N. Yakunin, et al., firmed by the size distributions and the electron-density Langmuir 14, 252 (1998). profiles obtained for the hybrid PODS/CPC complexes 13. L. M. Bronstein, O. A. Platonova, A. N. Yakunin, et al., with large (up to 40 nm) gold particles (Figs. 8, 9) in Colloids Surf., A 147, 221 (1999). CPC micellas located in the hydrophobic regions of the 14. W. R. Thompson and J. E. Pemberton, Langmuir 11, bilayer (Fig. 7), which increases their density and con- 1720 (1995). siderably changes the electron-density profile. 15. W. Gao and L. Reven, Langmuir 11, 1860 (1995).


16. A. N. Parikh, M. A. Schivley, E. Koo, et al., J. Am. 21. H.-G. Haubold, R. Gebhardt, G. Buth, and G. Goerigk, Chem. Soc. 119, 3135 (1997). Resonant Anomalous X-ray Scattering, Ed. by G. Mater- 17. D. I. Svergun, E. V. Shtykova, M. B. Kozin, et al., lik et al. (Elsevier, Oxford, 1994), p. 295. J. Phys. Chem. B 104, 5242 (2000). 22. H.-G. Haubold, J. Phys. IV 3, 475 (1993). 18. D. I. Svergun, M. B. Kozin, P. V. Konarev, et al., Chem. 23. D. I. Svergun, E. V. Shtykova, A. T. Dembo, et al., Mater. 12, 3552 (2000). J. Chem. Phys. 109 (24), 11109 (1998). 19. L. Yu. Mogilevskiœ, A. T. Dembo, D. I. Svergun, and 24. B. K. Vainshtein, Diffraction of X-rays by Chain Mole- L. A. Feœgin, Kristallografiya 29 (3), 587 (1984) [Sov. cules (Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1963; Elsevier, Phys. Crystallogr. 29, 349 (1984)]. Amsterdam, 1966). 20. H.-G. Haubold, K. Gruenhagen, M. Wagener, et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 60, 1943 (1989). Translated by L. Man


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 596Ð600. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 661Ð666. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Andreev, Asadchikov, Artyukov, Vinogradov, Zruev, Kas’yanov, Kondratenko, Levashov, Mchedlishvili, Ponomarev, Popov, Postnov, Savel’ev, Senin, Struk. DIFFRACTION AND SCATTERING OF X-RAY AND SYNCHROTRON RADIATION

Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

X-ray Microscopy of Track Membranes and Biological Objects in the Soft- and Hard-Wavelength Ranges A. V. Andreev*, V. E. Asadchikov1**, I. A. Artyukov***, A. V. Vinogradov***, V. N. Zruev**, Yu. S. Kas’yanov***, V. V. Kondratenko****, V. E. Levashov***, B. V. Mchedlishvili**, Yu. V. Ponomarev*, A. V. Popov*****, A. A. Postnov**, S. V. Savel’ev******, R. A. Senin**, and I. I. Struk*** * Moscow State University, Vorob’evy gory, Moscow, 119899 Russia ** Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia *** Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 53, Moscow, 117924 Russia **** Kharkov State Polytechnical University, ul. Frunze 21, Kharkov, 310002 Ukraine ***** Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow oblast, 142092 Russia ****** Institute of Human Morphology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, ul. Tsyuryupy 3, Moscow, 117418 Russia 1e-mail: [email protected] Received March 12, 2001

Abstract—The methods used to obtain X-ray images of track membranes and various biological objects in the soft (20 nm) and hard (0.2Ð0.02 nm) wavelength ranges have been considered. In the range of soft X-rays, the images were obtained in a Schwarzshild microscope. In the spectral range of hard X-ray radiation, various methods were used including the use of Fresnel zone plates, asymmetric reflecting crystals, X-ray microradiog- raphy and microtomography. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION in the short-wavelength range of the X-ray spectrum. The difference between the absorption coefficients X-ray microscopy providing observation of internal increases with the wavelength, but this is accompanied details of objects, which cannot be observed in visible by an increase of absorption. The data on X-ray absorp- light and characterized by varying penetration depths tion in some organic compounds, water, and air are pre- and requiring the micron or submicron resolution, sented in the table, which also indicates the data attracts an ever increasing amount of attention of reported in [1, 2]. As the measure of absorption, we researchers. The importance of this method is used the linear absorption coefficient µ entering the explained by the urgent necessity of in vivo observation relationship µ , where is the intensity of of the processes occurring in tissues of the cells and I = I0exp(– x) I0 organs. It is necessary to obtain X-ray images of vari- the incident radiation, I is the intensity of the transmit- ous objects at resolution at the level of several microns ted radiation, and x is the sample thickness. or higher, to interpret these images, and then perform Thus, the selection of the X-ray wavelength is deter- the three-dimensional reconstruction of the objects. mined by the concrete experimental problem. In the These problems are closely related to the problems present study, we used 20-nm-radiation to analyze the studied by Boris Konstantinovich Vainshtein, who was structure of polymer track membranes. The 0.229-nm- a well-known expert in the field of electron microscopy radiation was used to study the structures of some bio- and X-ray diffraction analysis of proteins and per- logical objects. The structural study of some inorganic formed the pioneering studies on three-dimensional materials were performed at the 0.07-nm-wavelength. reconstruction. The three-dimensional structure and shell growth and The main problem impeding the active development regeneration of snails were studied by the method of of the X-ray microscopy is associated with low and X-ray microtomography in the wavelength range very close absorption coefficients of various substances 0.02−0.04 nm.

1063-7745/01/4604-0596 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”


X-ray absorption in organic materials (µmÐ1) Material Wavelength (nm) carbohydrate protein lipid nucleic acid water H2O air C6H10O5 H65C44O14.5N11.5S0.5 C18H34O2 H42C25.2O26.5N10.5P2.65 0.13 0.0006 0.0007 0.0006 0.0003 0.0014 6.4 × 10Ð7 0.2 0.0022 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.005 2.4 × 10Ð6 0.4 0.018 0.022 0.017 0.008 0.037 2 × 10Ð5 0.8 0.126 0.158 0.113 0.065 0.169 1.42 × 10Ð4 1.4 0.560 0.719 0.524 0.310 0.768 6.31 × 10Ð4 2.3 (before the 1.733 2.259 1.67 0.996 2.422 1.95 × 10Ð3 absorption edge)

A SCHWARZSHILD MICROSCOPE The theoretical resolution of the objective was 100 nm, whereas the corresponding value measured on the test If the wavelength of the X-ray radiation exceeds object (a freely hanging golden grid) was 200 nm [1, 2]. 1 nm, enlarged images of objects can be obtained only with the aid of the multilayer X-ray optics. For this pur- The samples were irregular (with the random pore pose, we modified an X-ray Schwarzshild microscope distribution) track membranes prepared from polyeth- [3]. The source of X-ray radiation was a laser plasma ylene terephthalate (lavsan) with the pore diameter generated in laser ablation of the target. The object was 103 nm (in the matrix of the thickness 2 × 104 nm) and illuminated with the aid of a laser-plasma source and a 4 condenser. The plasma was generated at focusing radi- 200 nm (in the matrix of the thickness 10 nm). We also studied regular track membranes with the pore diame- ation of a YAG laser (λ = 1.06 × 103 nm, τ = 5 ns, E = 0.1 J) into a spot 0.1 mm in diameter on the surface of ter 500 nm and the period 1000 nm. In each case, we a solid target. The radiation of the visible range was cut managed to detect the system of tracks and determine off by a thin aluminum filter. The objective, the source, their density, which was consistent with the data of the and the photographic film were placed into a vacuum independent electron microscopy study. It turned out chamber under the pressure of the order of 10Ð3 mmHg. that at a pore diameter less than 150 nm, the mem- The image was obtained using 1Ð10 X-ray bursts on the brane became almost nontransparent because of X-ray UF-4 photographic film. diffraction inside the track channels. Indeed, 104-nm- thick polymer layer is absolutely nontransparent for A Schwarzshild objective consists of two (convex and concave) spherical mirrors positioned on the axis radiation with the wavelength of 20 nm; thus, an indi- passing through their geometrical center. The charac- vidual track can be treated as a long hollow cylinder teristic feature of the concentric Schwarzshild objective with the diameter comparable with the radiation is the compensation of the third-order spherical aberra- wavelength. tions, with all the main optical parameters of the objec- The calculation of the field outside the membrane tive being determined by the radii R and R of the 1 2 were performed by solving the parabolic wave equation mirrors. numerically under the assumption that a plane mono- We used an objective with the following parameters: chromatic wave is incident onto an individual track R1 = 100 mm and R2 = 35 mm, which provided the focal (hollow cylinder) [4, 5]. The permittivity of the track distance of 26.92 mm and the magnification of 21.26. membrane has the real and the imaginary parts corre- The distance corresponding to the aberration compen- sponding to the known constant for wavelength of sation is Z0 = 28.19 mm. The mirrors had the diameters 20 nm. The calculations show a considerable decay in D1 = 50 mm, D2 = 10.6 mm; the numerical aperture was the transmitted-light intensity with a decrease of the NA = 0.19. pore diameter. This result is confirmed experimen- tally—to obtain the image of pores 200 nm in diameter, The mirrors had multilayer Mo/Si coating ensuring the reflectivity of about 20% at wavelength 20 nm. The the number of bursts of the solid-state laser to expose microscope mirrors, the condenser, and the reference photographic materials should be increased by a factor flat mirror were coated simultaneously. The coating of of about ten in comparison with the bursts for imaging the flat mirror was used to determine the period in the pores 1000 nm in diameter. In addition, the numerical multilayer coating, which was equal to d = 9.89 nm; the simulation shows that the tracks with the diameter less relative thickness of the molybdenum layer in the coat- than 150 nm become nontransparent for the wavelength ing was 0.34; the number of periods was equal to 20. indicated above.


598 ANDREEV et al. The studies of such objects are also of great importance for biologists as well. The attainment of high resolution for objects of the indicated linear dimensions is still hardly attainable if one uses the two-dimensional posi- tional detectors; therefore, one has to use X-ray-sensi- tive films and resists. Now consider some experimental results. The Fresnel zone plate. Let the following parame- ters determine the zone positions in the zone plate: λ, f, λ R0, and N, where is the wavelength, f is the focal dis- tance, R0 is the zero-zone radius, and N is the total num- ber of the zones. Then, the radii of the remaining zones and their widths (periods) are determined by the rela- (a) tionships 2 2 λ λ Rn ==R0 + 2 fn, dn f /Rn . Using the magnetron sputtering technique, we prepared a zone plate by coating the central glass rod (mandrel) successively with copper and chromium. The mandrel diameter was equal to 105 nm; the total number of pairs of deposited copper and chromium layers was equal to 60. The thickness of the first zone was 458 nm and the thickness of the last one, 316 nm. The theory [6] pre- dicts the 22% efficiency for a 6.5 × 103-nm-thick zone plate at the wavelength 0.229 nm. The real thickness was equal to 2 × 104 nm. The preparation of the zone 1 mm plate is a rather complicated technological problem. In (b) our case, the situation was even complicated since the mandrel was not ideally circular. Moreover, the inter- Fig. 1. The humeral bones of the newt Pleurodeles waltlii layer roughness increased with the application of each (Amphibia, Urodela). The photograph was obtained by the contact technique at the wavelength of 0.229 nm: (a) control new layer. Nevertheless, we managed to demonstrate group and (b) upon two-week presence aboard a BIOKOS- that this zone plate provides focusing of the radiation at MOS-1887 biological satellite. a distance of 10 cm. Contact microscopy. The first X-ray images were X-RAY IMAGES TAKEN AT WAVELENGTHS obtained by the contact method immediately upon the OF 0.229 AND 0.07 nm discovery of X-rays in 1895 [7] (the object was in the direct contact with the X-ray sensitive film [8]). In stud- The table shows that in the materials studied the ies of biological objects, this method was called micro- change in the radiation wavelength from 0.13 to 0.4 nm radiography or simply radiography [9, 10]. At present, (i.e., by a factor of three) results in the change in most of the studies using contact microscopy is per- absorption by more than two orders of magnitude. The formed within the “water window” and only some penetration depth varying in these materials from 104 to objects require the use of shorter wavelengths of the 106 nm in the 0.05Ð0.30 nm wavelength range makes spectrum. this spectrum range appropriate for studying various However, planning the study of rather large biolog- biological objects, since many objects of such a thick- ical objects with the linear dimensions of several centi- ness are nontransparent for visible light. meters at a high resolution (at the micron level), we We should like to emphasize the following: invoked this old method, whereas the choice of the objects was dictated by the current problems of 1. In the above wavelength range, there exist rather biology. efficient laboratory sources of X-ray. The microradiography method (including the use of 2. One can use as elements of X-ray optics both stereoscopic pairs) was applied to different classes of crystals and the conventional elements used in optics of biological objects: embryos and amphibian larvae at visible light (e.g., the Fresnel zone plates). different stages of their development. For the first time, 3. Taking into account the above indicated, it is pos- the X-ray data were used for the quantitative analysis of sible to study objects with considerable linear dimen- the demineralization processes occurring in skeletons sions (of the order of several centimeters) at a rather of cold-blooded animals under the conditions of micro- high resolution (at the level of 1 µm and even higher). gravitation (Fig. 1). We optimized the methods of sam-


X-RAY MICROSCOPY OF TRACK MEMBRANES 599 ple preparation (the lyophilization conditions) and non- We used a point source of the MoKα radiation (the destructive X-ray experiment, which provided the spot on the sample was about 0.05 mm in diameter) attainment of high contrast for various biological tis- with air cooling. The width of two slit apertures was sues at a high resolution. We should like to emphasize 0.250 mm. The sample was fixed on the second aper- that modern photographic materials really allow the ture as close as possible to the asymmetric monochro- attainment of the resolution as high as 103 nm, which mator. The monochromator was mounted on a goniom- was demonstrated in our study of calibrated track sil- eter and could be moved in the direction normal to the ver-coated membranes [(1–2) × 104-nm-thick polymer incident beam and rotated about two mutually perpen- track membranes almost do not absorb the radiation dicular axes (one of which coincided with the normal to with the wavelength equal to 0.229 nm]. the front face of the crystal). We illustrate our studies by the images of two The objects were a conventional copper sample groups of humeral bones of the newt Pleurodeles stage used in electron microscopy and a shock waltlii (Amphibia, Urodela) obtained by the method of membrane. The sample stage was a grid with square X-ray microradiography at the wavelength 0.229 nm holes with sides ~6.5 × 104 nm, the period being about (Fig. 1). The computer processing of these images 105 nm. The shock track membranes were tantalum shows that upon their two-week staying under the con- foils with the array of holes (1–7) × 104 nm in diameter. ditions of microgravity aboard the biological BIOKOS- The enlarged images of objects were recorded on the MOS-1887 satellite, the bone tissue demineralization UFShS photographic film. was as high as 27%. Figure 2a shows a positive optical image; Fig. 2b The studies of the zone-plate properties and the use shows an extended negative optical image; Fig. 2c, the of the method of microradiography became possible negative X-ray image of test objects. only upon the design and construction of a special The image of the copper grid (on the right, Figs. 2b, X-ray device, which is in fact an operating model of a 2c) is an array of strips separated by light spacings. universal X-ray microscope. Each strip corresponds to a square hole. Since the Obtaining enlarged with the use of an asymmet- image was magnified only along one direction, the ric crystal. Another optical element for obtaining length-to-width ratio for a strip on the X-ray image cor- enlarged images is an asymmetric crystalÐmonochro- responded to the really attained magnification and, as mator [11]. This crystal ensures the formation of was expected, is about 20. images with a rather high resolution and a large field of The image of shock-membrane holes also is a sys- view. Also, it is much cheaper than a zone plate. Thus, tem of strips. All the tracks in photographs were enu- the asymmetric crystalÐmonochromator can be used in merated. We managed to bring the X-ray image in cor- designing laboratory X-ray microscopes. respondence with the image obtained in an optical Here, the magnification stems from the fact that the microscope. The pore (hole) diameters obtained in the asymmetric Bragg reflection is accompanied by X-ray experiment are in good agreement with the elec- changes in the linear dimensions d of the reflected tron-microscopy data. The strips indicated as a, b, 10, r 12, 13 on the X-ray image had no corresponding holes beam in comparison with dimensions d0 of the incident beam. In the framework of geometrical optics, their in the optical pattern. The X-ray and the electron ratio is determined by the equation microscopy data show that these tracks have the small- est dimensions. θ θ dr/d0 = sin r/sin 0, (1) Thus, we showed that it is possible to obtain θ θ enlarged images of objects at the micron resolution. where 0 is the angle of incidence and r is the angle of The images of some objects were obtained with the reflection. magnification of about 20. We also managed to obtain Using Eq. (1), one can estimate the maximum pos- the enlarged images of the holes of shock track mem- sible magnification for single reflection. Assuming that branes with the minimum diameter on the order of 2 × θ ≈ 4 sin r 1 and taking into account that, at the pro- 10 nm. nounced diffraction asymmetry, the minimum angle of incidence is determined by the angle of full external X-RAY MICROTOMOGRAPHY reflection, θ = χ ≈ 4 × 10–3 rad, we obtain that the c 0 Above, we showed that it is possible to obtain maximum magnification is about 250. enlarged images of objects at different wavelengths. We performed the experiments with (111) Si single However, the complete reconstruction of their three- crystal. The angle of crystal cut with the reflecting crys- dimensional structure can be made only if we have a tallographic planes was 5.64°, which, in accordance sufficient number of their projections. As was men- with Eq. (1), provides the magnification of about 20 tioned, the first step in this direction is the obtaining of (only in one direction, since only one monochromator stereoscopic pairs (i.e., experimental recording of two was used). images of an object at angles differing by 4°Ð7°).


(a) elements is 103 × 103). The three-dimensional recon- struction of the object required 135 projections. The 1 mm device provides only a small (about double) magnifica- (b) 9 15 5 1 tion due to the X-ray beam divergence at the sourceÐ 4 sampleÐdetector path. 24 25 The biological applications of X-ray microtomogra- 16 phy to studies of soft tissues and tumors are considered 23 6 0.1 mm in [13]. 11 20 8 Thus, the results presented above allow us to put 22 7 forward the problem of designing an X-ray micro- 14 2 scopeÐmicrotomograph for studying biological 3 objects. 27 18 17 19 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1 mm The study was supported by the International Sci- 9 (c) 24 15 1 ence and Technology Center, grant no. 918, and by the 5 25 b4 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project 16 a no. 99-02-17336. 23 10 REFERENCES 20 22 8 6 0.1 mm 1. P. Sayre, J. Kirz, R. Feder, et al., Ultramicroscopy 2 (4), 11 337 (1977). 2. B. L. Henke, E. M. Gullikson, and J. C. Davis, At. Data 14 7 Nucl. Data Tables 54, 181 (1993). 21 13 3. I. A. Artyukov, V. E. Asadchikov, A. V. Vinogradov, et al., 26 2 Kvantovaya Elektron. (Moscow) 22 (9), 951 (1995). 12 3 18 4. I. A. Artyukov, V. E. Asadchikov, A. I. Vilenskiœ, et al., 27 19 17 Dokl. Akad. Nauk 372 (5), 608 (2000) [Dokl. Phys. 45, 248 (2000)]. Fig. 2. The image of tantalum foil and copper grid obtained 5. Yu. V. Kopylov, A. V. Popov, A. V. Vinogradov, et al., (a) in an optical microscope; (b) in optical image twenty Opt. Commun. 118, 619 (1995). times magnified along one direction; and (c) X-ray image 6. V. E. Asadchikov, V. I. Beloglazov, A. V. Vinogradov, obtained upon the radiation reflection from the monochro- et al., Kristallografiya 44 (4), 592 (1999) [Crystallogr. mator (λ = 0.07 nm). Rep. 44, 546 (1999)]. 7. W. C. Röntgen, Sitzungsberichte der Wurzburger The problem of obtaining multiple projections of Physik-medic (Gesellshaft, 1895), Vol. 137, p. 41. objects and the corresponding reconstruction of their 8. F. Ranwez, C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. 122, 396 spatial structure has been currently solved even in the (1896). commercially manufactured devices. 9. P. Goby, C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. 156, 686 (1913). In particular, a SKYSCAN-1072 X-ray microtomo- 10. P. Goby, J. R. Microsc. Soc. 4, 373 (1913). graph with the probe wavelength ranging within 0.02Ð 11. A. V. Andreev, V. E. Asadchikov, B. V. Mchedlishvili, 0.04 nm (Belgium) was successfully used to study et al., Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 73 (4), 184 (2001). intrinsic defects in rough diamonds [12]. We deter- mined the spatial distribution of defects (air bubbles 12. and graphite and metal inclusions) with the characteris- 13. M. J. Paulus, S. S. Gleason, S. J. Kennel, et al., Neopla- tic dimensions up to 20 µm. The device is supplied with sia 2, 62 (2000). the two-dimensional positional detector with 15 × 15- µm-large sensitive elements (the total number of such Translated by K. Kugel


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 601Ð619. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 667Ð686. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Kuranova.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

X-ray Studies of Biological Macromolecules at the Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences I. P. Kuranova Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia e-mail: [email protected] Received March 7, 2001

Abstract—The results of X-ray diffraction studies of a number of proteins and the carnation mottle virus per- formed over a period from 1970 to 2000 at the laboratory created by Academician B.K. Vainshtein at the Shub- nikov Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences are surveyed. The fundamental princi- ples of the spatial organization of protein structures are considered. The characteristic features of the three- dimensional structures of a number of various proteins performing various functions are discussed including leghemoglobin, catalases, pyrophosphatases, pyridoxal-dependent enzymes, nucleotide depolymerases, pro- teases, and plant toxins. The results obtained for carnation mottle virus are summarized. The contribution of X-ray diffraction studies to the understanding of mechanisms of functioning of the above macromolecules and the first stages of the crystallographic studies of nucleic-acid fragments are discussed. The present state and the prospects of studies of three-dimensional structures of macromolecules are also considered. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION The first steps in the protein crystallography go back to the first X-ray diffraction pattern of pepsin crystals The development of a new field of science, which obtained by Bernal in 1934 [1], who was the first to was later called biomacromolecular or biochemical show that all protein molecules have the same struc- crystallography, is one of the most important achieve- tures and are arranged in the crystal in the ordered way. ments of the twentieth century. This field of science However, the detailed interpretation of these X-ray dif- deals with three-dimensional structures of biopolymers fraction patterns became possible only in 1954, when which are studied by the X-ray diffraction analysis. Green, Ingram, and Perutz proposed the method for Today, this method is still the major source of the most solving the phase problem in the X-ray diffraction anal- precise and reliable information on the atomic struc- ysis of proteins [2]. This method was given the name of tures of macromolecules. The data on macromolecules multiple isomorphous replacement. It is based on the in crystals can also be extended, with a high degree of use of heavy-atom derivatives of proteins for the phase accuracy, to macromolecules in solutions. The know- determination. In 1958, Kendrew applied this method ledge of atomic structures is also important from the to the calculation of the electron density synthesis of theoretical standpoint for the further understanding of myoglobin first at 6 Å resolution [3] and then at 2 Å res- proteins; their structural organization; self-assembly of olution [4]. At the same time, Perutz obtained the elec- macromolecules and their ensembles; and also mecha- tron density synthesis for hemoglobin at 5.5 Å resolu- nisms of their functioning, the structureÐfunction rela- tion [5]. The achievements in the crystallography of tionships, and evolution of macromolecules. From the natural molecules won due recognition of the interna- practical standpoint, the results of the crystallographic tional scientific community and J.C. Kendrew and studies are widely used in biotechnology, gene engi- M.F. Perutz (1962) and D.M. Crowfoot Hodgkin neering, medicine, and pharmacology for the direc- (1964) were awarded the Nobel prize for chemistry. tional search for highly efficient drugs and their design. Knowing the structure and the functions of proteins and This new actively developing field of science using using the methods of protein engineering, one can the complex physical method for solving important design molecules possessing new properties by using biological problems could not but attract the attention the principles of construction of natural proteins. This of B.K. Vainshtein. Being a physicist, he became aware also provides better understanding of the evolution of of the importance and the prospects of this direction living organisms. If the new century is to be the age of and created the Laboratory of Protein Structures at the biology, it cannot be imagined without extensive stud- Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of ies of three-dimensional macromolecular structures. Sciences still in 1959Ð1960. The laboratory started

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602 KURANOVA working when nobody applied X-ray diffraction analy- been established. The laboratory also started the crys- sis to biocrystals in the Soviet Union, and molecular tallographic studies of nucleic-acid fragments Vainsh- biology itself was only at the very beginning of its tein himself initiated the research of many proteins and development. took an active part in their solutions. He was interested To examine the mechanisms of the processes occur- in symmetry of macromolecules and biocrystals, the ring in living organisms at the molecular level, it was methods of three-dimensional object reconstruction necessary to study the structures of biomolecules; to from its electron-microscopy projections, and the phase reveal and characterize their functionally important determination by the direct methods by the electron fragments; to compare the structures of the same mole- microscopy data on viruses [7Ð11]. The organizational cules in different functional states; and, thoroughly support and Vainshtein’s interest in all the studies have analyzing the results, to elucidate establish the correla- always contributed to the successful results. The enor- tion between their structures and functions. These com- mous scientific contracts established by Vainshtein pro- plicated problems could be solved only by the com- vided the supply with most interesting objects for bined efforts of experts working in various fields of sci- research. The studies performed at the laboratory ence, first of all, physicists, chemists, and biologists. To received the recognition of the international crystallo- accomplish this goal, it was necessary to educate and graphic community. A number of studies were carried train skilled experts, who should understand each other out in cooperation with the leading world’s laboratories and to coordinate their efforts. Considering molecular working in protein crystallography with the use of pow- biology from the viewpoint of a physicist, Vainshtein erful X-ray sources at the Synchrotron Radiation realized the importance of such a combined approach. Source in Daresbury (England) and at the European Vainshtein, in cooperation with V.A. Engelhardt and Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Hamburg A.S. Spirin, organized scientific schools on molecular (Germany), modern computing facilities, and graphics biology first in Dubna and then in Zvenigorod, where stations thanks to the courtesy of our scientific partners the lecturers and the participants were physicists, (M. Perutz, G. Dodson, K. Wilson, M. Rossman, chemists, and biologists. These schools have played an R. Huber, T. Blundell, and many other). important role in recruiting young scientists to molecu- Below, we survey some data on the atomic struc- lar biology. The scientific contacts thus established tures of macromolecules obtained at the Institute of made it possible to set up a number of joint projects Crystallography under the directorship of Vainshtein. with participation of various institutes on studies of The theory and the methods of X-ray diffraction analy- protein structures and functions. Many samples were sis are beyond the scope of this review. The goal of this prepared and supplied by the scientists from the Insti- review article was to show how the information on the tute of Protein Research of the Russian Academy of structures of biomacromolecules brings us to an under- Sciences (Pushchino, Moscow oblast), the Institute of standing of the mechanisms of their functioning and Virusology, the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biol- provides the establishment of the evolutionary relations ogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Bach between these biomacromolecules. Institute of Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc. Vainshtein invited to his laboratory numerous physicists, chemists, biologists, and mathe- LEVELS OF STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATION maticians, who mastered the sophisticated methods of IN PROTEINS X-ray diffraction analysis. This collaboration proved to Protein molecules are characterized by several lev- be very fruitful. In addition to the X-ray diffraction els of structural organization. The primary structure is analysis, other physical methods for studying macro- the sequence of 20 different amino acids covalently molecules were used, such as electron microscopy and bound via peptide bonds to form a polypeptide chain. small-angle X-ray scattering. Later these two methods The polypeptide chain is folded into an ordered three- have become individual branches of crystallography. dimensional globule stabilized by noncovalent interac- X-ray diffraction studies of biomolecules require tions between main- and side-chain atoms of amino the use of expensive instruments, advanced computa- acid residues. The secondary structure of the protein is tional facilities, and stations of molecular graphics. The formed via hydrogen bonding of NH and CO groups of Institute of Crystallography has all the necessary facil- the polypeptide chain. Generally, the polypeptide chain ities for structure studies including modern diffracto- is folded into α-helices and β-sheets consisting of par- meters, program packages for X-ray data processing allel or antiparallel polypeptide chains adopting and solution of protein structures [6], and methods for extended conformations (β-strands) (Fig. 1). These protein purification and preparation of protein single sheets can be twisted and, in the limiting case, can form crystals. Thus, almost all protein single crystals studied a closed cylindrical structure called a barrel (Fig. 2). at the Instituted of Crystallography were grown in the Hydrophobic interactions are of considerable impor- laboratory headed by Vainshtein. For these years, more tance in the formation and stabilization of globular than 40 three-dimensional structures of both native pro- structures. Thus, nonpolar residues in an aqueous teins and their complexes with functional ligands have medium are located inside the globule and form a com- been studied; the structure of carnation mottle virus has pact core to exclude unfavorable contacts with the polar



C 2 V I 109 A T N F T R T R N T Y F D G H D TTK Y T L A V S D 100 W Y R A N D P L I F A G R D R L V Y S S Y L K G 80 S R R S R I D A E R W T L N G 60 V Y P E R 20 N D Y I G G D V F S N I S T K K Q S G V A A P S A E L G K W G A S D L V A 40

Fig. 1. Scheme of hydrogen bonding in a ribonuclease Bi molecule [52]. Hydrogen bonds secondary-structure elements (β-sheet and α-helices) are indicated. solvent. As a result, secondary-structure elements linked by irregular polypeptide-chain fragments form a unique three-dimensional (tertiary) structure. A large number of proteins consist of more than one polypep- 8 tide chain (subunit). The constituent chains can be iden- 3 C tical or nonidentical. The polypetide chains linked by Sul noncovalent interactions (van der Waals, hydrogen, or P68 ionic bonds) form the quaternary structure (Fig. 3). The 2 F136 T61 N geometrically isolated compact globular units within 5 the molecule linked to the remaining portion of the pro- 4 tein by irregular regions of the polypeptide chain are called domains (Fig. 4). In an aqueous medium, the B protein molecule retains its unique architecture and undergoes only insignificant conformational changes 1 depending on pH of the solution or the presence of par- ticular low-molecular-weight components. In the crys- A tal, a large number (up to several hundreds) of water 7 6 molecules are bound to residues of the protein mole- cule located on the surface. Since protein crystals con- tain from 40 to 70% water, the protein structures in the solution and in the crystal are virtually identical. The relatively rigid three-dimensional structure ensures the fixed spatial arrangement of the amino acid residues involved in the formation of the catalytic (active) cen- Fig. 2. Ribbon model of the pyrophosphatase subunit from ter, where substrate binding and the enzymatic reaction Thermus thermophilus [64]. The origin and the end of the or interactions with other components of the cell polypetide chain are indicated by N and C, respectively. The medium proceed (Fig. 5). In some cases, catalysis pro- β-strands are indicated by numbers 1Ð8. The α-helices are labeled with A and B. The bound sulfate group is located in ceeds with the participation of a cofactor bound to the the active center. One can see three invariant amino acid res- protein molecule either by a covalent bond or by non- idues outside the active center. The cylindrical β-barrel can covalent interactions. be seen.





A13 B13

A16 C A14 B11 B12

B9 A12 B10 A10

A11 A9

B7 A4

A6 A3 B8

A2 B1 B2 B6



B5 N A1 A8



Fig. 3. Polypetide-chain folding in the catalase molecule from Penicillum vitale [27]. The twofold symmetry axes of the molecule are denoted by p, q, and r. The origin and the end of the polypetide chain are labeled with N and C, respectively. The α-helices are depicted as cylinders. The β-strands are depicted by arrows. The heme is shown as a planar group. The C-terminal domain is a com- pact fragment of the polypeptide chain shown at the figure top.

A primary protein structure can be established by the active center are also important for attaining tar- chemical methods or from the consideration of the geted drug delivery and designing construction proteins nucleotide sequence in the gene coding the particular with the desired propertied by the methods of gene protein. The secondary structure is identified by optical engineering. methods. The number of subunits in the protein mole- cule can be determined from the molecular weight. X-ray diffraction studies provide the most detailed LEGHEMOGLOBIN information on the macromolecule including the coor- The structure of leghemoglobin (Lb) was the first dinates of all non-hydrogen atoms. These data allow protein structure established at the Institute of Crystal- one to compare the polypeptide-chain topologies in lography. Proteins belonging to the hemoglobin family various proteins and follow the evolutionary relations perform the function of oxygen storage and transport. between proteins belonging to different families. A These proteins were formed on Earth upon the forma- knowledge of the nature and the geometry of the resi- tion of an oxygen atmosphere and oxygen-consuming dues forming the active center in the native protein and organisms. Hemoglobins contain a prosthetic group, in its complexes with analogues of substrates allows namely, the heme responsible for their functioning. In one to make some conclusions about the mechanism of all hemoglobins, this group has the same structureÐthat catalysis and provides the insight into the character of of protoporphyrin IX. The iron atom in the center of the conformational changes accompanying the enzyme porphyrin adopts the maximum coordination number functioning. The surface topology and the structure of (six) and holds two axial ligands and four equatorial



ASP120 ASP117 ASP115 ASP152 LYS61

TYR93 ASP147 GLU58 GLU148

ASP71 LYS56 TYR192 LYS193 ARG78

Fig. 4. Ribbon model of the tertiary structure of the diman- Fig. 5. Fragment of the active center of pyrophosphatase ganese catalase molecule from Thermus thermophilus con- from Saccharomyces cerevisiae with bound Mn2+ ions sisting of six subunits [36]. The threefold axis is indicated (empty spheres) and two phosphate groups (tetrahedra) by a triangle. [61]. ligands. One of the axial sites is occupied by the imida- isomorphous replacement method first at 5 Å and then zole ring of proximal histidine through which the heme at 2.8 Å resolution [13–15]. group is linked to the protein. Molecular oxygen is the second axial in vivo ligand. Because of the crucial Even the low-resolution data provided the evidence importance of aerobic respiration, hemoglobins are that the polypeptide-chain folding of Lb is analogous to that observed for animal myoglobins [16] (Fig. 6). being extensively studied by different methods. Pro- α teins of this family were the first that have been studied Eight -helices linked by irregular regions form the by the methods of X-ray diffraction analysis. X-ray same characteristic folding (Fig. 6). The homology of studies demonstrated that all the hemoglobins are char- the structures of plant and animal hemoglobins sug- acterized by the same polypeptide-chain folding, which gests that their common precursors existed more than was formed during myoglobin folding. 1.3 billion years ago, when plants and animals started developing separately. This indicates that the three- It was believed that hemoglobins could be found dimensional structure is exceptionally conservative, only in animals. Leghemoglobins, which were discov- which is seen against the background of considerable ered in higher plants, where they perform the function changes of the primary structure. of fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, can be considered as a separate evolutionary branch of hemoglobins. In Despite the fact that all hemoglobins contain the nodules of fabaceous plants inoculated with bacteria same heme group, the homologous amino acid Rhizobium, these monomeric hemoglobins provide sequences, and are characterized by the same polypep- oxygen diffusion to nitrogen-fixing bacteroids. tide-chain folding, representatives of this family are Because of a high oxygen affinity, leghemoglobin characterized by the oxygen affinites differing by a fac- 5 maintains the concentration of O2 sufficient for oxida- tor more than 10 , which corresponds to the change in tive phosphorylation and, at the same time, low enough the binding energy of O2 by 7 kcal/mol. Leghemoglo- so that it does not cause inactivation of the nitrogenase bin possesses a high oxygen affinity because of a high complex acting under anaerobic conditions. In the pres- value of the rate constant oxygen-complex of formation ence of excessive oxygen, the iron atom of the heme and the moderate rate of its dissociation. group is transformed into the oxidized ferric state so One of the goals of the X-ray diffraction analysis of that the protein cannot bind molecular oxygen any Lb at high resolution was to reveal the structural char- more; however, it can bind charged diatomic ligands. acteristics responsible for its functional behavior. The Leghemoglobin was isolated from root nodules of studies of Lb performed at the Institute of Crystallogra- yellow lupin and was separated into individual compo- phy attracted the attention of Perutz and Huber, who nents. Leghemoglobin crystals suitable for X-ray dif- performed the pioneering studies of hemoglobins, and fraction study were grown from pure preparation [12]. the subsequent investigations were performed within The three-dimensional structure was established by the the framework of international cooperation. The refine-


606 KURANOVA tions, whereas in oxy-Lb it is rigidly fixed and approaches the porphyrin plane. The rigid position of the proximal histidine in the oxy form leads to a decrease in the rate of dissociation in the oxygen com- plex. In spite of the larger distal cavity, the molecule of carbon monoxide in Lb is inclined to the heme plane heme like in all the other hemoglobins. This geometry is H unfavorable for CO binding resulting in the preferential F oxygen binding. This property, common to all hemo- globins, prevents protein inhibition by carbon monox- G ide is formed in vivo upon decomposition of porphyrin. E B CATALASES Heme catalases. Catalases belong to another family of heme-containing proteins. Catalases are highly effi- cient enzymes with high molecular weights (250Ð 300 kDa). They catalyze decomposition of hydrogen A peroxide to water and oxygen. This process is fastest among all the enzymatic reactions known up to date (the rate constant k = 107 å–1 s–1). Catalases are present in the systems in which cell respiration involving cytochromes occur, i.e., in which Fig. 6. Structure of the leghemoglobin molecule [15]. The oxygen reduction results in formation of hydrogen per- α-helices shown as cylinders are labeled with Latin letters. oxide, toxic for living cells. Hence, the main function The arrangement of eight helices typical of all hemoglobins of catalase is to protect the cell and its components is shown. The heme is represented by a disk located between against the destructive effect of hydrogen peroxide. the E and F helices. The distal and proximal cavities are sit- Catalases were found in all plants, animals, and in most uated above and below the heme, respectively. of aerobic bacteria. The corresponding reaction involves two hydrogen peroxide molecules. The first ment of the structure of ferric Lb at 2 Å resolution from molecule bound to the heme acts as a two-electron oxi- the X-ray data collected on crystals grown from the dizer and gives up its electrons to the second hydrogen ammonium acetate buffer showed that the acetate ion peroxide molecule bound to the heme. occupies the position of the sixth ligand coordinated to The structures of two heme catalases from the fun- the iron atom [17]. The complexes of ferric and ferrous gus Penicillum vitale [22Ð30] and the microorganism Lb with diatomic molecules and ions (CN–, F–, NO, and Micrococcus lysodeikticus [31–33] were first solved at CO) and bulky organic molecules (nitrobenzene and 3 Å resolution and then were refined at 2 and 1.5 Å, nicotinic acid) were prepared and studied at high reso- respectively. Catalase from Penicillum vitale was the lution [18Ð20]. Nicotinic acid is present in root nodules first protein whose crystals were grown by the ultracen- and is probably involved in in vivo control over the oxy- trifugation method developed at the Institute of Crystal- gen affinity of the protein. The X-ray data sets collected lography [26]. on crystals under anaerobic conditions and also in the The protein crystallized in the sp. gr. P3121 had presence of oxygen traces made it possible to study Lb rather large unit-cell parameters (a = b = 144.4 Å, c = in the deoxy and oxy states [21]. 133.8 Å). When the study of catalase from Penicillum The analysis of the three-dimensional structures of vitale was started, there were no data on the structures the Lb complexes with different ligands demonstrated of the enzymes of this family; therefore, the phases of that the ability of Lb to bind bulky ligands is explained the structure factors were determined by the isomor- by the larger size of the cavity in which the functional phous replacement method. There were no data on the ligand is located in comparison to that for myoglobin primary protein structure either, and the amino acid and the mobility of the distal histidine residue, which sequence was initially determined from an electron- closes the entrance to the heme pocket. The cavity of density synthesis. Later, it was compared with the the heme pocket increases because of the displacement amino acid sequence established by chemical methods. of the heme group by 3.5 Å toward the G and H helices A catalase molecule consists of four subunits and is (Fig. 6). The mobility of the distal histidine accounts described by the symmetry 222. The N-terminal seg- for the high rate of oxygen-complex formation. Yet ment of each subunit (Fig. 3) contains one α-helical another unique characteristic of the Lb structure is the region (A1) extended toward adjacent subunits and rotational freedom of proximal histidine. This residue forming numerous contacts with them. The N-terminal in deoxy-Lb oscillates between two alternative orienta- segment is followed by three compact domains. The


X-RAY STUDIES OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 607 heme-containing domain includes a β-barrel built by One more interesting characteristic of the catalase eight antiparallel β-strands and seven α-helices (the molecule is the presence of large cavities and channels. α + β domain). Another much smaller domain consists The largest spherical cavity has the radius of almost of four α helices located in the vicinity of the helices of 7 Å. The cavities do not emerge to the molecule sur- the first domain. The third C-terminal domain consists face. At least some of these cavities are of the func- of five parallel β-strands alternating with α-helices tional importance, because they ensure substrate diffu- (Fig. 3). This domain is of the α/β type and is topolog- sion to the reaction center. Two (major and minor) ically similar to flavodoxin (the flavodoxin domain). channels provide passages to the distal cavity, in which Eighty percent of amino acid residues are located in a substrate, reaction products, or an inhibitor can be ordered secondary-structure regions, and the remaining located. The major channel is 30 Å in length; its diam- residues belong to the N-terminal segment and two eter at the molecule surface reaches 15 Å. With an irregular fragments located between the domains. approach to the reaction site, this cone-shaped channel becomes narrower; hence, large molecules have only The quaternary enzyme structure is very unusual. the limited access to the heme. The inner channels sur- Four subunits are arranged in such a way that the N-ter- faces are lined with hydrophobic residues. minal segment of the polypetide chain of each subunit passes through the loop linking the heme-containing Comparing this catalase with other catalases, we see and helical domains of the adjacent subunit. that the most substantial differences are associated with the presence (catalase from Penicillum vitale) or The heme group represents the center, in which the absence (catalase from Micrococcus lysodeikticus) of enzymatic reaction proceeds. The heme group in cata- the C-terminal domain with the flavodoxin-like topol- lases is not necessarily protoporphyrin IX—some cata- ogy. The catalases of various origins also differ in the lases have modified protoporphyrins. In particular, the presence or absence of the NADPH-binding center. It catalase from Penicillum vitale contains the heme d, exists in some catalases not containing the C-terminal more stable against oxidative destruction. domain, i.e., not having the region with the topology The arrangement of the heme and the heme environ- providing nucleotide binding. Despite the fact that ment are conservative in all the catalases. Similar to these enzymes are well studied and their structures are hemoglobins, the heme in catalases is linked to the pro- known, the role of NADPH in catalase functioning is tein only via noncovalent interactions and is “hidden” not quite clear; hence, their further investigations are of inside the globule at a distance of about 20 Å from the obvious interest. molecule surface. Tyrosine on the proximal side of the On the whole, the heme-containing catalases are heme and histidine and asparagine on its distal side are characterized by the unique spatial organization which involved in catalysis. The deprotonated oxy group of remained intact throughout the evolutionary period. tyrosine serves as a proximal ligand coordinated to the This polypeptide-chain folding, common to all the iron atom of the heme group. Apparently, the negatively studied heme catalases, is called the catalase-type fold- charged oxygen atom of the phenol group of this resi- ing. The comparison of the properties of two heme pro- due is of great importance for maintaining the high teins—leghemoglobin and catalase—clearly shows the degree of iron oxidation. pronounced dependence of the heme properties on the The heme pocket on the distal side is formed mainly protein globule nature. Thus, the heme group performs by hydrophobic residues, with only the functionally different functions in different proteins. important histidine and asparagine residues being Dimanganese catalase. Unlike the enzymes polar. The ring of distal histidine is almost parallel to described above, the catalase isolated from the thermo- the porphyrin plane. This arrangement differs from the philic bacterium Thermus thermophilus belongs to arrangement of distal histidine in hemoglobins, cyto- another family of catalases in which the active center chromes, and peroxidases and is apparently associated has two manganese ions instead of the heme group with the enzymatic activity of catalases. The distal cav- [34]. Dimanganese catalases isolated from a number of ities of some catalases, in particular, the catalase from bacteria are less studied than heme-containing Micrococcus lisodeikticus, contain water molecules. enzymes. Apparently, the occurrence of non-heme cat- To reveal the heme side where the ligand is coordi- alases is associated with the specific conditions of existence of thermophilic bacteria. These bacteria func- nated, the crystals of the complex of catalase from Pen- ° icillum vitale with the 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole inhibitor tion at about 80 C, the temperature at which proteins were studied by X-ray analysis at 1.8 Å resolution. The are usually denaturated. inhibitor is covalently bound to the imidazole ring of The three-dimensional structure of a dimanganese the conservative distal histidine residue. The inhibitor catalase from Thermus thermophilus was established at does not interact with the iron atom of the heme and is a 3- and 1.0-Å resolution [35, 36]. A dimanganese cat- elongated toward the asparagine residue in the distal alase molecule with the molecular weight of 200 kDa cavity. This arrangement prevents the penetration of a consists of six identical subunits forming a hexamer hydrogen peroxide molecule to the reaction center of with the symmetry 32 (Fig. 4). The EPR studies showed the enzyme and, thus, provides the inhibition effect. that both manganese ions can exist in different oxida-

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 608 KURANOVA The study of the three-dimensional structure of cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase (AATF; transami- nase) was started in 1976 in cooperation with the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology of the Rus- sian Academy of Sciences. Aspartate aminotransferase catalyzes the reversible transfer of the amino group from aspartate to ketoglutarate. The enzyme consists of two identical subunits. The three-dimensional structure of the enzyme in the pyridoxal form was established at 2.8 Å resolution [38, 39]. The ribbon model of the enzyme is shown in Fig. 7. Each subunit consists of one large and one small domains linked by irregular polypeptide chains. The large domain consists of a strongly bent β-sheet formed by seven strands and is surrounded with α-helices located on both sides. The small domain consists of the closely located N- and C-terminal regions of the Fig. 7. Ribbon model of the polypeptide chain of aspartate polypeptide chain. Two active centers occupy a deep aminotransferase [38]. cavity at the interface between the subunits, so that the amino acid residues of both domains of one subunit and the large domain of the other subunit are involved in the tion states and can change the oxidation state under the formation of each active center. Pyridoxal-5'-phosphate action of oxidizing and reducing agents. The structures participating in the transfer of the amino group is bound of two forms of catalase—native and inhibited with to the large domain, the most stable fragment of the chloride ions—were established. The atomic models at structure. The coenzyme is located at the bottom of the a 1-Å resolution were refined to R factors of 9.8 and cavity of the active center at a distance of almost 10 Å 10%, respectively. The molecule core consists of four from the molecule surface. One of the coenzyme sides parallel α-helices with two manganese ions in between. “looks” at the β-sheet so that its mobility is limited by The manganese ions are spaced by 3.6 Å. The active the van der Waals interactions with the β-sheet. The center lies deeply inside the monomer between four opposite side of the coenzyme is accessible to the sol- major helices and is connected with the surrounding vent. The phosphate group is linked to the enzyme via solution by two channels. The coordination spheres of hydrogen bonds. the manganese ions are characterized. The high-resolu- tion X-ray data provided the analysis of the electron- In the pyridoxal form of the enzyme, the subunits density distribution in the active center of the enzyme linked to each other predominantly by hydrogen bonds and the establishment of several possible positions of can adopt either an open or a closed conformation, side chains depending on the oxidation state of the which differ by the position of the small domain. In the manganese ions. The amino acid residues of the active open form, the small domain is located for from the center in the native enzyme and in its complex with the active center, whereas in the closed form, it is located chloride ion can have different conformations. The close to the active center. In the complex of the enzyme analysis of the structures revealed the possible binding with 2-oxoglutarate [40], the latter interacts with amino sites of hydrogen peroxide, which in turn allowed one acid residues of both subunits adopting the closed con- to suggest a spatial mechanism of hydrogen peroxide formation. If 2-oxoglutarate is removed from the crys- decomposition [36]. tal, the small domain of one subunit is displaced from the active center and the conformation of this subunit becomes open. PYRIDOXAL-DEPENDENT ENZYMES Other pyridoxal-dependent enzymes, namely, The pyridoxal-dependent enzymes contain pyri- tyrosine phenol-lyases from Citobacter freundi and Erwina herbicola and tryptophanase from Proteus vul- doxal-5'-phosphate (the active form of the vitamin B6) as a cofactor. These enzymes control numerous pro- garis have similar quaternary structures. These enzymes exist as tetramers. Tyrosine phenol-lyase cat- cesses of amino-acid metabolism by catalyzing tran- β samination; aldol ; racemization; α-, β-, and γ- alyzes -elimination of tyrosine and provides the for- elimination; etc. The catalysis by these enzymes mation of phenol and pyruvate. This enzyme can be involves a number of successive stages and is accompa- used to synthesize tyrosine and its physiologically nied by conformational changes [37]. Because of the active analogues, e.g., 3,4-oxyphenylalanine used in reversibility of the reactions catalyzed by aminotrans- the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. ferases, the enzymes of this group can be used as highly The structures of both native tyrosine phenol-lyase specific catalysts for preparing ultrapure amino-acid [41Ð43] and its complex with the quasi-substrate N-(5'- samples. phosphopyridoxyl)-L-tyrosine [44] were also estab-

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 X-RAY STUDIES OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 609 lished. In the complex with the quasi-substrate, the Ribonuclease A is a classical representative of the tyrosine fragment of the substrate adopts two major RNase family. It is widely used in the therapy of some conformations. In one of these conformations, the phe- virus diseases, for example, virus encephalitis. With the nol ring of tyrosine is parallel to the pyridine ring of the accumulation of information on the properties of these coenzyme, whereas in the other conformation these enzymes and a better understanding of the mechanism fragments are perpendicular to one another. Presum- of their catalysis, these proteins are found ever increas- ably, the former and latter conformations correspond to ing range of application. the initial and the final stages of the catalytic event. It was also found that cofactor binding is accompanied by The well-studied pyrimidine-specific pancreatic a decrease in the distance between the large and the ribonuclease A (RNase A) catalyzes hydrolysis of phos- small domains by 1.4 Å, whereas binding of the pseu- phodiester bonds in RNA predominantly located next dosubstrate causes additional narrowing of the interdo- to the pyrimidine nucleotides. Hydrolysis with the use main cleft by 3 Å. The X-ray structural data allowed of this enzyme proceeds in two stages. First, oligonu- one to propose the model of conformational changes cleotides with the terminal 2',3'-cyclic phosphate frag- occurring in the passage from the free enzyme to the ment are formed, which is followed by its hydrolysis to stage simulating the completion of the catalytic event. yield 3'-phosphate. In addition to classical RNase A, a large number of microbial and fungal ribonucleases Tryptophanase catalyzes the decomposition of tryp- with the molecular weights of 10000Ð12000 Da are tophan into indole, pyruvate, and ammonia. The struc- known. Unlike RNase A specific to the pyrimidine ture of tryptophanase was solved by the molecular base, these enzymes are generally specific to guanine. replacement method at 2.1 Å resolution. Similar to Among them are fungal ribonucleases C2, Ap1, Pb1, and tyrosine phenol-lyase, the potassium ions necessary for Th [48Ð51] and bacterial ribonuclease Bi [52]. The enzymatic activity in tryptophanase were localized 1 between the subunits. These ions provide the active three-dimensional structures of the polypeptide chains conformation of the large domain [45Ð47]. of bacterial and fungal nucleases have many character- istics in common. Guanyl-specific RNase belongs to The analysis of the three-dimensional structures of proteins of the (α + β) type. The molecule core is pyridoxal-dependent enzymes revealed the conforma- formed by a β-sheet consisting of 4Ð5 strands covered tional changes for the protein globules and the coen- with one or two α-helices. The amino acid residues zyme upon the catalysis, which allowed one to follow involved in the active center are distributed among the the conformational changes accompanying the trans- β-sheet and the adjacent fragments of the structure. formation of the pyridoxal form of the enzyme into the Since the structure-specificity relationships are espe- pyridoxamine form. A more detailed spatial mecha- cially important in the studies of the structures of ribo- nism of this complicated multistage reaction was pro- nucleases, both native enzymes and their complexes posed. Despite the low homology of the amino acid with nucleotides were structurally studied. The refine- sequences, the principal characteristics of the polypep- ment of the structure of the complex of ribonuclease tide-chain folding turned out to be similar to those Pb1 with the reaction product (guanyl nucleotide) at observed for cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase, high resolution showed that the nucleotide is bound to namely, dimers in the tetramer resemble the dimer of the recognition loop of the enzyme by four hydrogen AATF (Fig. 7). bonds between the atoms of the base and the atoms of the recognition groups of the enzyme. All the amino NUCLEOTIDE DEPOLYMERASES acid residues involved in these interactions were estab- lished. Only two atoms of the adenine ring can partici- The X-ray diffraction studies of proteins involved in pate in the formation of the necessary hydrogen bonds, interactions with nucleic acids are of considerable whereas the guanine base forms four such bonds; this interest. Nucleotide depolymerases belonging to allows the enzyme to “recognize” these nucleotides. enzymes of the nucleic-acid metabolism play the key role in the “processing” of genetic information. These Unlike the structural studies of DNases and RNases, enzymes cleave phosphodiester bonds between nucle- investigations of nucleases, which do not exhibit spec- otides without the formation of free phosphate and pro- ificity to the chemical nature of the carbohydrate com- duce mono- and oligonucleotides. DNases and RNases ponent, are scarce. In this connection, the study of are involved in all the reactions associated with conver- extracellular endonuclease from the pathogenic gram- sion of nucleic acids providing utilization of macro- negative bacterium Serrata marcescens (nuclease Sm) molecules; inactivation of foreign DNA; and selective is of great interest. This protein is stable to incubation cleavage of some bonds in the molecule necessary for in 4 M urea and in 0.01 M β-mercaptoethanol and, transcription, replication, recombination, and process- therefore, can be used for removing undesirable nucleic ing of different types of nucleic acids. In biochemical acids. Nuclease Sm is a sugar-nonspecific metal-depen- assays, these enzymes are used for the determination of dent enzyme which exhibits the maximum activity in nucleotide sequences of nucleic acids. Since these the presence of ions and (with a partial loss enzymes exhibit antiviral and antitumor properties, of the catalytic activity) in the presence of manganese they are widely used in biotechnologies. ions. This enzyme catalyzes cleavage of 3'-phosphodi-

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 610 KURANOVA ester bonds in single- and double-stranded DNA and exchange catalyzed by soluble pyrophosphatase also RNA to form 5'-phosphorylated nucleotides. It is a proceed with formation of intermediate enzyme-bound structural homologue of the superfamily of nucleotide pyrophosphate. Therefore, in the absence of an external depolymerases isolated from different prokaryotes and energy source, soluble pyrophosphatases catalyze the eukaryotes. The endonuclease molecule exists as a formation of the macroergic pyrophosphate bond in the dimer consisting of two identical subunits with a active center. Hence, these rather simple enzymes can molecular weight of 30 kDa. The three-dimensional serve as convenient models for studying general char- structure of nuclease Sm was solved by the isomor- acteristics of hydrolysis and synthesis of the pyrophos- phous replacement method and refined at 1.7 Å resolu- phate bond. Pyrophosphatases attract considerable tion [53]. This enzyme is the only well studied repre- attention because of their widespread occurrence and sentative of the homologous family of related proteins. remarkable properties. The amino acid residues essential for catalysis were All inorganic pyrophosphatases are metal-depen- localized in the active center of the enzyme. The mag- dent enzymes because they exhibit activity only in the nesiumÐwater cluster was revealed, and the ligands in presence of divalent metal ions. Magnesium is the best the inner and outer coordination spheres of the magne- activator, whereas calcium, uranyl, terbium, and fluo- sium ion were found. The role of different amino acid ride ions are inhibitors of pyrophosphatases. residues of nuclease Sm in catalysis was established in the studies of mutant forms of the protein and the com- Inorganic yeast pyrophosphatase from Saccharomy- parison with amino acid residues of the related pro- ces cerevisiae was the first enzyme of this family whose teins. The DNA-binding center of the protein was local- three-dimensional structure was established by the ized with the aid of simulation and computer graphics. molecular replacement method. The structures of the free form and its complex with metal ions were deter- The consideration of the structure refined at a 1.7-Å mined at 3 Å resolution [57–61]. The structure of its resolution and the data on the three-dimensional struc- complex with the reaction products was established at tures and properties of the related enzymes allowed one a 2.4-Å resolution [62]. to suggest the spatial scheme of the reaction catalyzed by nuclease Sm [54Ð56]. This reaction proceeds Pyrophosphatase from a thermophilic strain of the according to the S 2 mechanism. bacterium Thermus thermophilus has the highest ther- N mal stability of all presently known pyrophosphatases [63]. The enzyme was isolated, characterized, and stud- PYROPHOSPHATASES ied by X-ray diffraction analysis at a 2-Å resolution using the molecular replacement method [64]. The Inorganic pyrophosphatases belong to enzymes electron density for the active center of the subunit of involved in the phosphorus exchange. These enzymes the pyrophosphatase from Thermus thermophilus is transfer the phosphate groups and are involved in the shown in Fig. 8. The study of E. coli pyrophosphatase processes accompanying the biological conversion of is under way. For this enzyme, the gene sequencing was the energy in living organisms. The enzymes of this carried out and a number of site mutants was obtained class are divided into two large families with substan- [65Ð67]. tially different properties and functions. Hydrolysis of the macroergic phosphoanhydride bond in inorganic Inorganic pyrophosphatase from yeast Saccharomy- pyrophosphate (PPi) with the formation of orthophos- ces cerevisiae exists as a dimer of two identical sub- phate is the major reaction catalyzed by soluble pyro- units related by the noncrystallographic twofold axis. phosphatases. Pyrophosphate is formed as a product of The polypeptide-chain folding of one subunit is shown in Fig. 9. Analysis of this folding showed that the biosynthetic reactions involving ATP and is of great α β importance for cell metabolism. The pyrophosphate enzyme belongs to the proteins of the ( + ) type. About one-half of the amino acid residues of the concentration affects the level of cyclo-AMP, the repro- β duction and expression of the genetic information, the polypeptide chain are involved in extended -strands, processes of tissue mineralization, etc. Hydrolytic with some of them forming a system of antiparallel cleavage of pyrophosphate following its formation in sheets. The molecule core consists of a barrel formed the reactions of biosynthesis leads to the consumption by five strands surrounded by four helices located on of two high-energy bonds per newly formed bond in the the subunit surface. In a dimer, one of these helices is hidden. The remaining part of the molecule consists of biopolymer, which makes the biosynthesis of DNA, β RNA, and proteins practically irreversible. More com- the -sheet formed by four long and three short strands. plex membrane pyrophosphatases present in mitochon- Later, it was found that the arrangement of the barrel drial membranes or chromatophores of photosynthetic and two helices is the same in all the structurally stud- bacteria catalyze energy-dependent synthesis of PPi. ied pyrophosphatases (Fig. 2). The subsequent hydrolysis of PPi under the action of The comparison of this molecule with the topologi- membrane pyrophosphatases is accompanied by the cally similar molecules showed that the five-strand proton transfer through the membrane and the appear- β-barrel also exists in a number of proteins performing ance of the membrane potential. It was shown that the different functions. Generally, these are nucleotide- reactions of oxygen isotope exchange and phosphate binding proteins containing pyrophosphate binding

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 X-RAY STUDIES OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 611 sites. This phenomenon can be interpreted by two dif- ferent ways. First, it might be that pyrophosphatases and some nucleotide-binding proteins have a common precursor. It can also be assumed that the independent evolution of these proteins gave rise to the formation of the β-barrel as a stable structural type. A shell-shaped cleft at the barrel surface surrounded by loops forms a potential binding site suitable for many ligands. MG 176 Initially, the active center was localized considering TYR 55 the positions of four uranyl ions in the crystals of the pyrophosphatase complex with these ions. The detec- tion of four bound ions instead of two or three allowed the refinement of the early kinetic schemes of catalysis TYR 139 performed by pyrophosphatase. The active center of the enzyme is located in the cavity bounded inside by the β-sheet and the wall of the barrel and limited outside by the longest α-helix and LYS 29 two flexible loops. One of these loops contains a con- SUL 175 servative arginine residue. Another loop contains sev- eral residues of dicarboxylic amino acids. The active center is formed predominantly by polar residues, most of which are dicarboxylic acids serving as potential

ligands for metal ions. The enzyme also contains a clus- ARG 43 ter formed by the basic amino acid residues involved in GLU 31 phosphate binding. All pyrophosphatases characterized by this type of polypeptide-chain folding have 17 con- servative amino acid residues located in the cavity of the active center. Using the results of X-ray diffraction studies, some conservative residues were replaced and the resulting mutants of the enzyme were studied. The positions of four manganese ions and two phosphate Fig. 8. Electron-density fragment of the subunit of pyro- groups were localized in the pyrophosphatase complex phosphatase from Thermus thermophilus. The amino acid with the reaction products (manganese ions and phos- residues and the phosphate group bound in the active center phate) (Fig. 5). The results of X-ray diffraction analysis are fitted into the electron density [64]. made it possible to differentiate the ions initially bound to the enzyme and the ions added together with the sub- strate. The spatial scheme of the enzymatic reaction of a number of mutants of pyrophosphatase from E. coli was proposed. According to the results of the biochem- showed that even a single mutation causes local struc- ical assays, this reaction proceeds by the S 2 mecha- tural changes about the substituted residue and, more N importantly, affects the conformations of the distant nism. side chains thus changing the enzymatic activity of the The comparison of the three-dimensional structures protein. of pyrophosphatases from Thermus thermophilus and E. coli revealed the causes of the high thermal stability In the experiments on crystallization of pyrophos- of the former enzyme [68]. Both enzymes exist as D3 phatase from E. coli, the special procedures were devel- hexamers, crystallize in the same space group, and have oped to improve the quality of crystals for low-temper- close unit-cell parameters. However, the interactions ature X-ray diffraction studies. With this aim, several between oligomers in these enzymes are substantially cycles of rapid reversible freezingÐthawing of the crys- different, with the number of contacts between the sub- tals were performed in a cryosolution at different con- units in pyrophosphatase from Thermus thermophilus centrations of the precipitating salt. As a result, the low- being much larger than in pyrophosphatase from temperature X-ray data were collected up to a 1.0-Å E. coli. The presence of additional ionic and hydropho- resolution [69]. bic interactions between the subunits makes the hex- X-ray diffraction study of the complex of E. coli amer of pyrophosphatase from Thermus thermophilus pyrophosphatase with inhibiting calcium ions and more compact, and the size of the surface hidden in this potassium pyrophosphate at a 1-Å resolution and the enzyme is 16% larger than in the enzyme from E. coli. biochemical assays provided the establishment of the The structures of active centers in all three pyro- causes of enzyme inactivation with calcium ions. It was phosphatases are similar. Apparently, the enzymatic found that potassium pyrophosphate is located in the reactions proceed by the same mechanism. The studies active center, so that no adjacent water molecules can

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 612 KURANOVA B. This protein is remarkable for its mixed (A + B) sub- strate specificity characteristic of pancreatic carbox- ypeptidases A and B. Carboxypeptidases A and B cleave peptide bonds following the hydrophobic residues and basic amino acid residues, respectively, whereas CPT cleaves both types of bonds. Similar to other proteins from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, the thermal stabil- ity of CPT is enhanced in the presence of calcium ions. The structure of the enzyme was established at a 2.35-Å resolution by the molecular replacement method in combination with the isomorphous replace- ment method [70]. Carboxypeptidase appeared to be a spatial homologue of pancreatic carboxypeptidases, despite the low homology between their primary struc- tures. The molecule core consists of a six-strand mixed β-sheet surrounded by seven α-helices (Fig. 10). The structure of the active center is similar to that of the pancreatic enzymes. The amino acid residues involved in catalysis and binding of the C-terminal carboxyl group of the substrate are fully conservative. Similar to pancreatic enzymes, the five-coordinate zinc ion in CPT is surrounded by the oxygen atoms of the carboxyl Fig. 9. Polypetide-chain folding of inorganic pyrophos- phatase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The bound metal group of glutamic acid, the nitrogen atoms of two histi- ions and phosphate groups are located in the active center dine residues, and a water molecule. Proceeding from [61]. this fact, it can be assumed that the catalytic mechanism proposed for pancreatic enzymes is also valid for all the carboxypeptidases. The analysis of the amino acid sub- be involved in the nucleophilic attack on the phospho- stitutions in the pocket, which are responsible for the rus atom of the pyrophosphate molecule. primary specificity, provided the explanation of the Taking into account the contribution of X-ray dif- mixed (A + B) enzyme specificity. The charged residue fraction studies of pyrophosphatases to the understand- Asp253 replacing the sterically equivalent glycine resi- ing of their function, it can be concluded that the due in carboxypeptidase A is responsible for the B spec- present knowledge on the mechanism of catalysis by ificity of CPT. This residue can recognize the positive pyrophosphatase is gained mainly to the achievements charge of the substrate. The A specificity is provided by in X-ray diffraction analysis. the small size of the pocket and by the fact that contacts with the polar residue Asp253 unfavorable for binding a hydrophobic residue are partly compensated by the PROTEASES formation of the hydrogen bond between Asp253 and Thr255. The high thermal stability is explained by the Serine proteases of the chymotrypsin and subtil- binding of two calcium ions. ysine families are widespread in living organisms. These enzymes perform polypeptide and protein cleav- Thermitase from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris is age, promote the transformation of zymogens into the extracellular serine proteinase belonging to enzymes of active forms of enzymes, and are involved in process- the subtilysine type. Its homology with subtilysines ing of a number of viruses. Proteases are widely used in reaches 44%. The enzyme exists as a monomer, its the analysis of amino acid sequences in proteins; in the polypeptide chain consists of 279 residues. Similar to synthesis of biologically active peptides and proteins; all subtilysines, thermitase exhibits a broad spectrum of and in industry as components of detergents and in the specificities. However, it predominantly cleaves pep- cases, where it is necessary to provide resistance to the tide bonds following bulky hydrophobic residues. aggressive media and temperature. The protease family The structure of thermitase was solved at a 1.4-Å is extensively studied to establish the mechanisms of resolution using the combination of the isomorphous catalysis and specificity and to elucidate the evolution- and the molecular replacement methods [71]. The mol- ary relations within this large class of enzymes. ecule core consists of the eight parallel strands forming Carboxypeptidase (CPT) from Thermoactinomyces a twisted β-sheet and five α-helices. The catalytic triad vulgaris belongs to metalloenzymes containing a zinc (Ser225, His71, and Asp28) is common to all serine ion in the active center. This exopeptidase catalyzes proteases. In the absence of the substrate, the cleft of hydrolysis of the C-terminal residue of the polypeptide the active center is substantially hydrated. The central substrate. Carboxypeptidase shows a low homology β-sheet contains a loop formed by the residues from 60 (27Ð30%) with mammalian carboxypeptidases A and to 65 with the calcium ion. The thermal stability of

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 X-RAY STUDIES OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 613 thermitase is enhanced due to the presence of the bound calcium ions and a large number of hydrophobic and ionic interactions. A characteristic feature of the N enzyme is the presence of an 11-Å-long channel occu- pied by water molecules. The channel origin lies in the vicinity of the N-terminus at the enzyme surface of the molecule, passes through its center to the C-terminal region. The channel contains five water molecules, which form contacts with many atoms of the protein. Apparently, the water molecules bound in the vicinity of the active center stabilize the enzyme structure in the absence of the substrate.

HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE SOMATOTROPIN Somatotropin is the polypeptide hormone isolated from hypophysis. This protein exhibits both lactogenic and growth activities. Despite a high homology in the primary structures, these hormones are species-spe- cific; i.e., the hormones active in animals are inactive in humans. Attempts over many years to crystallize the C growth hormone have failed apparently due to the het- erogeneity of samples isolated from hypophysis. The Fig. 10. Ribbon model of the carboxypeptidase molecule successful synthesis of human and animal somatotro- from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris [70]. One can see the pins of bacteria by the methods of gene engineering extended β-sheet and the α-helices surrounding it. provides an essentially new source of obtaining homo- geneous hormone samples. A strain of bacteria E. coli is used as the hormone producer. Recently, the three-dimensional structures of vis- cumin MLI from Viscum album (Mictletoe) [74] and The three-dimensional structure of human soma- ricin agglutinin from Ricinus communis [75] were totropin prepared by the methods of gene engineering, established at 3.5- and 3.6-Å resolutions, respectively. was studied at 3.0 Å resolution [72–73]. Knowledge of Both structures were solved by the molecular replace- the three-dimensional structure gave an impetus to the ment method. Immunotoxins of the viscumin family studies of the hormone interactions with receptors and are glycoproteins consisting of two subunits with the attempts to construct efficient analogues of soma- approximately equal molecular weights. These sub- totropin on the basis of the achievements of gene engi- units perform different functions. One subunit is, in neering. fact, lectin and has two binding sites of β-D-galactose. The other catalytically active subunit (subunit A) is a highly specific N-glucosidase, modifying 28S RNA of PLANT TOXINS the 60S subunit of ribosomes. Penetrating into the cell Toxins found in various parts of the plants distant in cytoplasm, the A subunit terminates the protein synthe- systematics, inhibit the protein synthesis in the cells of sis. Immunotoxins based on the A subunit are more eukaryotes by inactivating ribosomes. The best studied active than other analogous enzymes by a factor of proteins of this family are ricin, abrin, viscumin, and about 50 and, therefore, are used in medicine. In a ricin agglutinin. This class of proteins attracts ever dimer, the catalytic and binding subunits are linked by growing interest, because plant toxins serve as the basis a disulfide bond. The structure was solved by the for constructing targeted-delivery cytostatics, i.e., molecular replacement method at 3.5 Å resolution. It immunotoxins. The action of toxins begins with bind- was found that a viscumin molecule is an associate of ing with the receptor. The transfer of the catalytic sub- two ricin-like molecules forming a tetramer of the ABÐ unit of toxins through a membrane is followed by mod- BA type with the molecular twofold symmetry axis. ification of ribosomes, which results in termination of The tetramer is formed mainly because of strong the protein synthesis. Since the function and the mech- hydrophobic and polar interactions. The domain struc- anism of toxin action remain unclear, the studies of tures of both subunits were established. The A subunit their three-dimensional structures are important for consists of three domains. The B (binding) subunit con- solving fundamental problems, designing a new gener- sists of β-strands and loops and forms two topologi- ation of drugs with selective cytotoxic effect, and cally identical domains symmetric with respect to the searching for the methods of enhancing the activity of local twofold axis. Each domain, in turn, consists of cytotoxic action of immunotoxins. three quasi-equivalent subdomains. These subdomains

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 614 KURANOVA boxyaminoimidazole and aspartate), ATP, and magne- sium ions. The biosynthesis of purines, the most impor- tant components of the cell metabolism, is of great importance. Purines are the components of nucleic acids and also of cofactors of many enzymes. The stud- ies of their biosynthesis provide a deeper insight into the central pathways of the metabolism and help to design efficient chemotherapeutic agents. SAICAR synthase is the second structurally studied enzyme par- ticipating in purine biosynthesis. The protein exists as a monomer with the molecular weight of 36 kDa. Its three-dimensional structure was solved by the isomorphous replacement method and refined at a 1.9-Å resolution [76, 77]. The polypeptide chain of the enzyme forms three domains. The first two domains are of the (α + β) type, each consisting of the five-strand antiparallel right-twisted β-sheet and α- helices located on one side of the sheet. The third domain consists of two closely spaced α-helices. The active center is located inside the long deep cleft, whose walls are lined with amino acid residues of all the three domains. Twenty-four fully conservative amino acid residues are located in the cavity of the active center. Being an ATP-dependent enzyme, the SAICAR synthase has binding sites of adenine base and phosphate groups in the active center. The ATP Fig. 11. Molecule of SAICAR synthase with the bound sub- molecule is aligned along the phosphate-binding loop, strate and ATP [77]. in the way observed earlier in protein kinase and D-ala- nineÐD-alanine ligase (Fig. 11). It is remarkable that binding of adenine base occurs via the formation of are formed from the equally long fragments of the pri- hydrogen bonds only with the nitrogen and the oxygen mary structure. atoms of the main chain, whereas the side chains of Similar to ricin, ricin agglutinin from Ricinus com- amino acids do not participate in these bonds. Hence, munis belongs to lectins. Ricin is specifically bound to the binding region do not contain any conservative res- galactoso- and N-acetylgalactosoamino-containing oli- idues. Therefore, all attempts to identify this region gosaccharides, whereas ricin agglutinin recognizes only by comparing amino acid sequences have failed. only galactoso-containing sugars. Similar to viscumin, The topological analysis of the individual domains ricin agglutinin exists as a tetramer consisting of two showed that the polypeptide-chain folding of the N-ter- AB dimers. Two dimers are linked into a tetramer by a minal domain is similar to that found in the family of disulfide bridge of the BAAB type. The single mutation protein kinases. The ATP-binding region contains the of Tyr248 (in ricin) to His248 (in ricin agglutininin) in topological motif typical of actin and cyclo-AMP- the B subunit results in the fact that the second domain dependent protein kinases and ligases. Being taken of ricin agglutinin loses its carbohydrate-binding activ- together, these enzymes comprise a new superfamily of ity. The agglutininating activity of ricin agglutinin is mononucleotide-binding proteins. approximately 62 times higher than that of ricin. At the same time, the toxicity of ricin agglutinin is lower by three orders of magnitude than that of ricin. Apparently, CARNATION MOTTLE VIRUS the different toxicities are associated with the change in Viruses are complex biocompounds with the molec- the hydrophobicity degree of some regions of the poly- ular weights of several million of Daltons and consist of petide chain caused by the amino acid substitutions. the protein coat (capsid) and molecules of genomic RNA or DNA. Viruses generally can be readily crystal- SAICAR SYNTHASE lized. Many viruses are highly symmetric associations, the fact especially attractive to crystallographers. The Phosphoribosylsuccinocarboxamideaminoimidazole three-dimensional structure of the carnation mottle synthase (SAICAR synthase) is involved in the biosyn- virus has first been studied by electron microscopy and thesis of purines and catalyzes the seventh stage of the small-angle X-ray scattering [78Ð80]. The three- total ten stages of the process. Under the action of the dimensional structure of the virus has been originally enzyme, a nitrogen atom is incorporated into the purine established at a 18-Å resolution using the results of the ring in the presence of substrates (phosphoribosylcar- three-dimensional reconstruction of the spatial model


(a) (b)

Fig. 12. Packing of subunits in the coat of carnation mottle virus (CMtV) [82]. (a) The A subunits are grouped around the fivefold axis; the B subunits are grouped about the twofold quasi-symmetry axis; the C subunits are related by twofold axes of the icosahe- dron. (b) Ribbon model of the A/B subunit of the capsid protein; the P and S domains are situated at the top and the bottom of the figure. of the virus with the aim to determine the phases by within 12 h. from four crystals using synchrotron radi- direct methods [81]. X-ray diffraction studies of viruses ation (EMBL, Hamburg) to a 3.2-Å resolution. The have become possible only with the aduent of new structure was solved by the molecular replacement sources of powerful X-ray radiation (apparatus with a method using the molecule of the coat protein of the rotating anode, synchrotrons), high-performance com- tobacco mosaic virus as the starting model and then puters, and efficient methodological approaches to the was refined at a 3.2-Å resolution [82–83]. The compar- solution of the phase problem. The structural studies of ison of three chemically identical A, B, and C subunits spherical viruses clearly showed that they have canyons in the icosahedral asymmetric unit of the unit cell (T = 3) or several cavities, in which amino acid residues partic- revealed that packing of these subunits in the virus ipating in binding with the receptor are hidden. These capsid leads to the changes in the conformation and cavities are located around the fivefold axis of an icosa- arrangement of the elements of the secondary structure hedral particle. Because of this arrangement, the in the subunits. Each subunit consists of two major regions providing binding with the cell are inaccessible ordered domains—the S domain containing 170 amino to all the attacks of antibodies. In other viruses, the acid residues and the P domain with the fragments region of interaction with a cell receptor is protected by being extended into the solution. Both domains are a mobile extended polypeptide-chain loop located in linked via a flexible loop (Fig. 12). The P domain is less the vicinity of the fivefold axis. Knowledge of the real ordered than the S domain (the average B values differ structure of the virus capsid allows the directional syn- by almost a factor of two). The P domain contains two thesis of compounds preventing the addition of a virus antiparallel β-sheets. The principal structural motif of particle to the cell and the preparation of synthetic vac- the S domain can be represented by eight antiparallel cines and vaccines obtained by the methods of gene- strands forming the β barrel consisting of two β-sheets, engineering, whose activity is based on the comple- one of which is twisted. In addition to the β-strands, the mentary principle with respect to the virus surface. S domain contains two helical regions. The structures Carnation mottle virus belongs to the group of of both domains are similar to the corresponding struc- small spherical plant viruses with single-stranded tures observed in the capsid protein of the tobacco RNA. The protein coat (capsid) of the virus is com- mosaic virus. The C subunit contains the coordinated posed of 180 identical subunits with the molecular calcium ion. The authors believed that the calcium ion weight of 37.787 Da each. The subunits are related by triggers the mechanism of self-association of the sub- the icosahedral symmetry T = 3. The molecular weight units. The results of the biochemical assays on dissoci- of the virus is (7.6Ð7.7) × 106 Da. The complete three- ation and reassociation of virus particles demonstrated dimensional X-ray diffraction data set was collected that this process is reversible within wide ranges of pH


Macromolecules studied at the Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Molecular Protein Space group Resolution, Å References weight, Da Deoxyleghemoglobin 17000 B2 1.8 [21] Complexes of leghemoglobin with Ð Ð Ð acetate 17000 B2 1.4 [17] nitrobenzene 17000 B2 2.0 [16] nicotinic acid 17000 B2 2.0 [16] aquomet 17000 B2 2.0 [16] oxygen 17000 B2 1.7 [21] CO 17000 B2 1.8 [20] NO 17000 B2 1.8 [20] isoquinoline 17000 B2 1.9 [93] Inorganic pyrophosphatase from Saccharmoyces 64000 P21 3.0 [60] cerevisiae Complex of inorganic pyrophosphatase from 64000 P212121 2.4 [62] Saccharomyces cerevisiae with MnPi Inorganic pyrophosphatase from 120000 R32 2/0 [64] Thermus thermophilus Inorganic pyrophosphatase from E. coli 120000 R32 2.0 [65] Complex of inorganic pyrophosphatase from E. coli 12000 R32 2.0 [95] with Mn and Eu ions Complex of inorganic pyrophosphatase from E. coli 120000 R32 1.0 [67] with CaPPi Human somatotropin 22000 P43212 3.0 [73] Endonuclease Sm1 26700 P212121 1.7 [56] Aspartate aminotransferase 90000 P212121 2.0 [40] Complex of tyrosine phenol-lyase from 200000 P6222 3.2 [43] Erwina herbicola with Na ions: holoenzyme with potassium ions 200000 P6222 3.1 [43] holoenzyme with ammonium ions 200000 P6222 2.7 [43] tryptophanase from Proteus vulgaris 210000 P212121 1.7 [46] Ricin agglutinin 130000 P32 3.6 [74] Viscumin ML1 120000 P6222 2.5 [75] Neurotoxin from venom of Central Asian cobra 7800 P212121 1.9 [91] Spherical carnation mottle virus 6802000 123 3.2 [82] Uridine phosphorylase from E. coli 165000 P21 2.5 [94] Ribonuclease C2 11000 P21 1.75 [51] Ribonuclease C2 11000 P21 1.35 [51] Ribonuclease Ap1 11000 P21 1.08 [53] Ribonuclease Ap1 (phosphate-free) 11000 P21 1.8 [53] Complex of ribonuclease with 3,5-guanosine- 11000 P21 1.8 [48] diphosphate Ribonuclease Th1 11000 P3221 1.6 [51] Ribonuclease Th1 (ACG) 11000 P3221 2.2 [51] Ribonuclease Pb1 11000 I222 1.4 [48] Ribonuclease Pb1 (ACG) 11000 C2221 2.0 [48] Complex of binase with 3'-GMP 12000 P212121 1.8 [52] Thermitase from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris 29000 P212121 1.4 [71] Carboxypeptidase from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris 35000 P6322 3.0 [70] Thermoactinomyces vulgaris SAICAR synthase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae 36000 P212121 1.91 [76] Catalase from Penicillum vitale 300000 P3121 2.0 [28] Catalase from Thermus thermophilus 210000 P213 1.0 [36] Catalase from Micrococcus lysodeikticus 220000 P42212 1.5 [31] Formate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas 800000 P212121 2.5 [92] Sp. 101, holoenzyme Formate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas 800000 P21 1.8 [92] Sp. 101, apoenzyme

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 X-RAY STUDIES OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 617 values, ionic strength, and the salt concentrations. angles of inclination of the base pairs to the helix axis, Apparently, the mobility of the virus coat can be attrib- and the helical angles for the base pairs result in the uted to the presence of a large hole in the vicinity of changes of the accessibility exposure of the active threefold axes and weak contacts along these axes. The groups located on the molecule surface. These in vivo results of X-ray diffraction studies and the biochemical changes in the surface properties allow DNA molecules assays confirmed that the dimer plays the role of mor- to interact with each other and with other cell compo- phological species in the virus self-association. This nents in in various ways. A number of new conforma- process starts with the formation of the RNA complex tions of the double helix intermediate between the A, B, with the minor protein. The addition of dimers to the and Z forms of DNA were revealed. A series of succes- initial intermediate via the charge interactions with the sive changes finally resulting in the closure of the major participation of the calcium ion. groove in the A form of DNA were followed. The crystallographic studies showed that DNA can undergo conformational changes, due to which it can CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES selectively interact with various molecules involved in OF DNA FRAGMENTS the metabolism. The discovery of the Z form of DNA in the late The macromolecules studied at the Laboratory of 1970s marked the advent of a new field of biomolecular Protein Structure of the Institute of Crystallography are crystallography dealing with DNA structures. Soon listed in the table. thereafter, the studies along this line were also initiated at the Institute of Crystallography [84Ð90]. The in vivo DNA molecules form compact structures in contact CONCLUSIONS with each other and also protein molecules. A knowl- Presently, the studies of the three-dimensional struc- edge of the fine DNA structure and the character of its tures of biomacromolecules acquire an ever increasing changes under the influence of the nearest environment importance. Both experimental and theoretical aspects is of great importance for understanding the biological of the X-ray diffraction analysis are extensively devel- processes with the participation of DNA and the oped. Powerful synchrotron radiation sources provide detailed analysis of the mechanisms of its functioning. the study of smaller crystals. Because of the continuous Investigations of the fine structure and conforma- spectrum of the synchrotron radiation, one can use tional variability of DNA by the X-ray diffraction anal- anomalous scattering most efficiently. Large X-ray data ysis of various crystalline modifications of DNA frag- sets can be simultaneously measured with the use of ments were aimed at elucidating of the changes in the two-dimensional positional detectors. Complete X-ray double-helix conformation under the influence of its data sets can be collected within a fraction of a second nearest environment. Different crystalline modifica- by the Laue method with the use of white beam gener- tions of DNA fragments of the same composition rep- ated by a synchrotron. This, in turn, provides the possi- resent a convenient system for studying the structure of bility to follow the proceeding of the enzymatic reac- the DNA fragment surrounded by other molecules. tion in the crystal. A combination of the methods of iso- With the aim of obtaining the same DNA fragment in morphous replacement and multiple-wave anomalous different crystalline modifications, an essentially new scattering facilitates the extraction of the information approach to crystallization of oligonucleotide duplexes on phases. The techniques of X-ray studies at cryogenic was developed. The analysis of the experimental phase temperatures makes it possible to reduce the radiative diagrams for the duplexÐspermine system allowed the damages and improve the quality of the final X-ray dif- construction of the theoretical model which described fraction data. The vigorous development of computing the behavior of two-component crystallization systems. facilities and special-purpose software (automated This model allowed one to follow the dependence of crystallographic program packages, graphics pro- the composition of the resulting oligonucleotide com- grams, new algorithms, etc.) and the total time of data plexes as a function of the length of the oligonucleotide processing, structure solution, and refinement are con- and the concentrations of the reagents added. The siderably reduced. The improvement of the procedures regions where the crystals of certain composition for protein purification, the use of recombinant sam- would be expected to grow were localized in the phase ples, and the possibility of crystallization under the diagrams. For a number of oligonucleotides of different microgravitational conditions enabled one to prepare lengths and compositions, these crystalline modifica- almost perfect biomolecular crystals, which in turn pro- tions were really obtained in the theoretically predicted vided the solution of more complicated macromole- regions. Then these modifications were studied by the cules and their ensembles by the methods of X-ray dif- X-ray diffraction analysis. The comparison of the con- fraction analysis. formations of the equivalent fragments in different crystalline modifications showed that the DNA double helix is highly flexible and that its conformation is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS noticeably changed under the influence of the nearest I am grateful to V.R. Melik-Adamyan and environment. The changes in the axis bending, the K.M. Polyakov for helpful discussion and valuable

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 618 KURANOVA advice. The study was supported by the Russian Foun- 25. B. K. Vainshtein, V. R. Melik-Adamyan, V. V. Barynin, dation for Basic Research, project no. 99-03-33051. et al., Nature 293, 411 (1981). 26. B. K. Vainshtein, V. R. Melik-Adamyan, V. V. Barynin, et al., J. Mol. Biol. 188, 63 (1986). REFERENCES 27. V. R. Melik-Adamyan, V. V. Barynin, A. A. Vagin, et al., 1. J. D. Bernal and D. Crowfoot, Nature 133, 794 (1934). J. Mol. Biol. 188, 49 (1986). 2. D. W. Green, V. M. Ingram, and M. F. Perutz, Proc. 28. V. R. Melik-Adamyan, V. V. Barynin, A. A. Vagin, et al., R. Soc. London, Ser. A 255, 287 (1954). Kristallografiya 32 (3), 638 (1987) [Sov. Phys. Crystal- 3. J. C. Kendrew, G. Bodo, H. M. Dintzis, et al., Nature logr. 32, 372 (1987)]. 181, 662 (1958). 29. V. R. Melik-Adamyan, V. V. Barynin, A. A. Vagin, et al., 4. J. C. Kendrew, R. E. Dickerson, and B. E. Strandberg, Kristallografiya 32 (3), 653 (1987) [Sov. Phys. 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Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 620Ð625. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 687Ð691. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Antonyuk, Grebenko, Levdikov, Urusova, Melik-Adamyan, Lamzin, Wilson.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

X-ray Diffraction Study of the Complexes of SAICAR Synthase with Adenosinetriphosphate S. V. Antonyuk*, A. I. Grebenko*, V. M. Levdikov*, D. V. Urusova*, V. R. Melik-Adamyan*, V. S. Lamzin**, and K. S. Wilson** * Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia e-mail: [email protected] ** European Molecular Biology Laboratory, EMBL Hamburg Outstation, c/o DESY, Notkestrasse 85, Hamburg, 22603 Germany Received December 28, 2000

Abstract—The three-dimensional structures of two enzymeÐsubstrate complexes of SAICAR synthase from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with adenosinetriphosphate (ATP) prepared under different conditions were studied by X-ray diffraction analysis and then refined. An enzyme molecule was shown to contain two binding sites of ATP. One of these sites is located in the central cavity of the enzyme molecule and apparently binds the ATP molecule directly involved in the enzymatic reaction. In the complexes, the phosphate groups of ATP occupying this site adopt different conformations depending on the Mg2+ concentration. The functional role of the second binding site located at a distance of approximately 15 Å from the first site away from the central enzyme cavity has not been understood as yet. It might be that the second site perform the regulatory role in enzyme functioning. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION This assumption has been confirmed by the preliminary study of the crystals of the complex of SAICAR syn- SAICAR synthase (phosphoribosylsuccinocarboxa- thase with ATP [3]. In the present study, we refined the mideaminoimidazole synthase, EC is an binding site and the mode of binding of the ATP mole- enzyme catalyzing the seventh stage of the biosynthesis cule based on the results of X-ray diffraction analysis of purine nucleotides in the living organisms. The enzy- of two crystal structures of two complexes prepared at matic reaction involves the synthesis of 5'-phospho- different Mg2+ concentrations by different methods. ribosyl-4-(N-succinocarboxamide)-5-aminoimidazole (SAICAR) from 5'-phosphoribosyl-4-carboxy-5-ami- noimidazole (CAIR) and aspartic acid in the presence MATERIALS AND METHODS of Mg2+ ions accompanied by hydrolysis of adenosine- triphosphate (ATP) to yield adenosinediphosphate Crystallization of SAICAR-Synthase Complexes (ADP) and inorganic phosphate. The substrate specific- with ATP ity of SAICAR synthase was examined by various bio- Crystals of the first enzyme–substrate complex chemical methods and was shown that Mg2+ ions are (SATP-I) were prepared by cocrystallization by the necessary for the reaction occurrence. However, at high vapor-diffusion hanging-drop method at room temper- concentrations, these ions inhibit the enzymatic reac- ature. The droplets consisted of the protein solution tion [1]. (24 mg/mL), 1 M ammonium sulfate, 0.04 M aspartic The three-dimensional structure of the native acid, 0.05 M ATP, 0.01 M MgCl2, and 0.05 M Tris-HCl enzyme SAICAR synthase from yeast Saccharomyces buffer (pH 7.5). The reservoir solution consisted of cerevisiae has been established earlier by the multiple 2.25 M ammonium sulfate, 0.04 M aspartic acid, isomorphous-replacement method and refined to the R 0.05 M ATP, 0.01 M MgCl2, and 0.05 M Tris-HCl factor of 0.154 at 1.9 Å resolution [2, 3]. The assump- buffer (pH 7.5). tion about the binding site of ATP in the SAICAR syn- The crystals of the second complex (SATP-II) were thase molecule was made based on the data of the anal- prepared by soaking the crystals of the native enzyme ysis of the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme in the solution consisting of 2.25 M ammonium sulfate, and comparison of the SAICAR synthase structure with 0.1 M ATP, 0.04 M 5'-phosphoribosyl-5-amino-4-imi- the known structures of other ATP-binding proteins. dazole carboxamide (AICAR), 0.04 M Asp, 0.04 M

1063-7745/01/4604-0620 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”



Fig. 1. Arrangement of two binding sites of ATP in a molecule of SAICAR synthase.

MgCl2, and a 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.5). In order Table 1. Statistical characteristics of X-ray diffraction data to determine simultaneously also the binding site of sets collected from crystals of the SATP-I and SATP-II another substrate of SAICAR synthase, we added some complexes AICAR to the solution. However, we failed to deter- mine it apparently because of an insufficient AICAR Complexes SATP-I SATP-II concentration. Wavelength, Å 0.98 0.906 The crystals of the complexes grew to the sizes of a, b, c, Å 69.77, 74.19, 76.0 61.48, 63.05, 79.82 0.5Ð1.0 mm; they belong to the sp. gr. P212121. The unit-cell parameters of the crystals grown are given in Number of measured 25206 59439 Table 1. reflections Number of measured 13.82Ð2.05 24.74Ð1.4 reflections, Å X-ray Data Collection Last resolution 2.09Ð2.05 1.42Ð1.4 The X-ray diffraction data sets were collected from shell, Å crystals of the enzymeÐsubstrate complexes using syn- R 0.07 0.085 chrotron radiation (the DORIS storage ring, the beam int energy 4.5 GeV; EMBL, Hamburg) and an Imaging Set completeness, % 98.5 97.0 Plate detector. The X-ray diffraction data for the crys- Completeness of the 98.5 97.4 tals of SATP-I and SATP-II were collected at room last resolution shell, % temperature and 100 K, respectively. The solution in which the crystals were kept prior to the low-tempera- Redundancy 4.0 4.08 ture X-ray study contained 30% saturated solution of 〈I〉/〈σ〉 17.0 15.6 glucose, 2.5 M ammonium sulfate, 0.04 M aspartic 〈I〉/〈σ〉 in the last 3.6 6.7 acid, 0.01 M MgCl2, and 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.5). The experimental data were processed by the resolution shell


622 ANTONYUK et al.

His112 His110 His110 His112 Lys111 Lys111

His75 His75 N(1) Leu114 N(1) N(6) N(6) Leu114

Leu31 Leu31 N(7) N(7) Glu219 Lys164 O(2') Glu219 Phe33 O(2') Phe33 Asp233 Asp233 O(3') O(3') Lys164 Mg2+ Pα Pα Arg21 Arg21 Pβ Pβ Pγ

Val20 Val20

Lys19 Lys19

Fig. 2. Difference electron-density (omit) synthesis in the region of the main binding site of ATP in (a) the SATP-I complex and (b) the SATP-II complex. The contours are drawn at the 3σ levels. (The residue Val232 mentioned in the text is omitted, since it is located above the drawing plane.)

DENZO/SCALEPACK program package [4]. The sta- tistical characteristics of X-ray data collection are given in Table 1.

Determination of the Structures of the EnzymeÐSubstrate Complexes The crystals of SATP-I and the native enzyme are described by the same sp. gr. P212121. However, their Val77 unit-cell parameters are substantially different (a = 69.8 Å, b = 74.2 Å, c = 76.0 Å for SATP-I and a = 62.4 Å, b = 63.4 Å, c = 81.2 Å for the native enzyme). Glu62 N(6) N(1) Therefore, the structure of this complex was solved by the molecular replacement method using the AMORE program [5] from the CCP4 crystallographic program package [6]. The translation and rotation functions were calculated using the model of the native-enzyme Leu108 and the X-ray diffraction data in the resolution range Ser106 from 8.0 to 4.0 Å. The refinement of the rigid-body Leu107 model at 3.0 Å resolution converged to R = 34.2% and the correlation coefficient 69.1%. The unit-cell parameters of the SATP-II crystals dif- Fig. 3. Difference electron-density distribution about the ATP molecule located in the additional binding site of the fer only slightly from those of the native crystals of SATP-II complex. The difference electron-density synthesis SAICAR synthase because the former crystals were corresponds to the omit synthesis at the 3σ level. obtained by soaking. Therefore, we used as the starting


X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDY OF THE COMPLEXES 623 model in the refinement of the SATP-II complex the Table 2. Statistical characteristics of the refined models of structure of the native enzyme solved at a 1.9-Å resolu- the SAICAR synthase complexes tion in [3]. Complexes SATP-I SATP-II The atomic models of the complexes were refined by the least-squares method using the PROLSQ [7] and R-factor, %/number 16.3/23714 14.0/53447 REFMAC [8] program packages. The positions of the of reflections solvent molecules were localized by the ARP auto- mated procedure [9]. The atomic model of an enzyme Rfree factor/Nfree 21.9/1022 20.6/5989 molecule was constructed and corrected using the DPI, Å [12] 0.16 0.072 FRODO [10] and O [11] graphics program packages. The manual improvement of the model was based on Number of protein atoms 2449 2513 the analysis of the difference Fourier syntheses calcu- Number of solvent atoms 273 557 ϕ ϕ lated with the (3Fo – 2Fc, c), (2Fo – Fc, c), and (Fo – ϕ Number of atoms of ATP, A 31 31 Fc, c) coefficients, where Fo and Fc are the observed and calculated moduli of the structure factors, respec- Number of atoms of ATP, B 31 23 tively, and ϕ are the their phases calculated from the c Rms for bond lengths: atomic model. The omit syntheses were calculated with ϕ the (Fo – Fc, c) coefficients, but the contributions of the 1Ð2 0.011 0.015 ϕ atoms of ATP to Fc and c were ignored. 1Ð3 0.035 0.034 The parameters and the statistical characteristics of the refined models of the enzyme-substrate complexes 1Ð4 0.050 0.035 of SAICAR synthase are given in Table 2. 〈B〉-factor for main-chain 21.7 17.3 2 The atomic coordinates of the ATP molecules bound atoms, Å to the enzyme were determined from the difference 〈B〉-factor for side-chain 30.5 22.0 electron-density syntheses constructed after the initial atoms, Å2 stages of the refinement and then were included into the 〈B〉-factor for water 46.2 36.7 refinement along with the atomic coordinates of a pro- molecules, Å2 tein molecule.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION by the O(2')áááO(E2) Glu219 hydrogen bond in both complexes and by the O(2')áááN(Z) Lys164 and The analysis of the difference electron-density syn- O(3')áááN(Z) Lys164 hydrogen bonds in the SATP-I theses calculated for both complexes demonstrated that a molecule of SAICAR synthase has two binding sites complex. 1 of ATP molecules labelled with A and B (Fig. 1). The At the same time, the arrangements of the phosphate corresponding electron densities are shown in Figs. 2 groups of the ATP molecule in the two complexes are and 3, respectively. substantially different. In the SATP-I complex, the The ATP molecule occupying the main binding site position of the β-phosphate group of ATP corresponds (A) in the complexes is located in the interdomain cav- to the position of the SA1 sulfate ion in the native ity of SAICAR synthase and is aligned along the cen- enzyme [3]. The conformations of the amino acid resi- tral cavity of the enzyme molecule. Both complexes dues Lys19, Val20, and Arg21 forming a turn of the have the same arrangement of the adenine base of ATP polypeptide chain in the phosphate-binding loop are and the ribose ring. The adenine base adopts the anti such that the amino groups of these residues are aligned conformation with respect to the ribose ring and is in the same direction. Three hydrogen bonds between located in the hydrophobic pocket formed by the resi- the O(1B) atom of the β-phosphate group and the main- dues Leu114 and Val232 located on one side of the chain nitrogen atoms of these residues are formed interdomain cavity and by the residues Leu31 and (Fig. 2a). Rather pronounced thermal parameters for Phe33 located on the other side of this cavity. The bind- the atoms of phosphate groups and the corresponding ing specificity of the adenine ring is achieved via the difference electron-density syntheses indicate high formation of the N(1)áááN His112, N(6)áááO His110, and mobilities of these atoms in the complexes. High N(7)áááN Asp233 hydrogen bonds (Figs. 2a, 2b, Table 3). mobilities of the phosphate groups of ATP may be It is remarkable that all three bonds are formed by the important in the interactions with other enzyme sub- main-chain atoms and do not require the presence of β conservative residues. The position of the ribose ring of strates. The higher electron density at the -phosphate ATP adopting the C(3')-endo conformation is stabilized group in comparison with the electron density at the other phosphate groups and the fact that the side chain 1 All the figures were drawn with the use of the BOBSCRIPT pro- of Arg21 occupies two positions (in the first one, the gram [13]. guanidine group of Arg21 forms impermissibly short


Table 3. Hydrogen bonds between the atoms of the enzyme latter and inhibits the reaction. This assumption agrees and ATP in the SATP-I and SATP-II complexes with the results of the biochemical studies of SAICAR synthase, which demonstrated that the enzymatic activ- Bond length, Å ity at the Mg2+ ion concentrations exceeding 30 mM [1] Atoms SATP-I SATP-II decreases. As was mentioned above, the analysis of the differ- Major binding site of ATP ence electron-density syntheses for the SATP-I com- NLys19⋅⋅⋅O(3G) 2.87 2.95 plex and for the native enzyme revealed, along with the main binding site, an additional binding site of an ATP NLys19⋅⋅⋅O(1B) 3.19 molecule. This additional site is located in a small cav- NLys19⋅⋅⋅O(3B) 3.16 ity of the amino-terminal domain of SAICAR synthase (site B, Fig. 1). In this case, the atoms of the adenine NVal20⋅⋅⋅O(1B) 2.72 base of ATP form the contacts with the enzyme mole- NArg21⋅⋅⋅O(1B) 2.64 cule, whereas the phosphate groups are extended toward the solvent surrounding the enzyme molecule. N(E)Arg21⋅⋅⋅O(1A) 2.82 The purine base in this position is fixed by hydrogen N(H2)Arg21⋅⋅⋅O(2B) 3.13 bonds with the atoms of the main chain of the Val77 and N(D1)His75⋅⋅⋅N(6) 2.69 2.83 Leu108 amino acid residues (Fig. 3, Table 3). The atomic thermal parameters and the difference electron OHis110⋅⋅⋅N(6) 3.02 2.93 density syntheses indicate that the closer the ATP atoms NHis112⋅⋅⋅N(1) 3.06 3.30 to the phosphate groups, the higher their mobility. The β- and γ-phosphate groups of ATP extended into the N(Z)Lys164⋅⋅⋅O(3') 3.31 solvent have too high mobility; hence, these atoms N(Z)Lys164⋅⋅⋅O(2') 3.06 were excluded from the refinement. O(E2)Glu219⋅⋅⋅O(2') 2.70 2.44 In the SATP-II complex, the difference electron- density synthesis also showed the existence of the sec- NAsp233⋅⋅⋅N(7) 3.13 3.16 ond binding site of ATP. However, its density was lower Additional binding site of ATP than that in the case of SATP-I despite the higher ATP concentration during the preparation of the SATP-II OVal77⋅⋅⋅(N6) 2.81 2.8 complex. This can be associated with the fact that OLeu108⋅⋅⋅N(6) 2.93 2.88 SATP-I crystals were obtained by cocrystallization, whereas SATP-II crystals were obtained by soaking the NLeu108⋅⋅⋅N(1) 3.01 2.96 crystals in the solution with ATP; thus, the access to the second site could have been hindered by the adjacent protein molecules in the crystal. α contacts with the O(2A) atom of the -phosphate The functional role of the second binding site of group) can be attributed to possible sulfate-ion impu- β ATP in a SAICAR synthase molecule has not been rity occupying the position of the -phosphate group. understood as yet. The second site might play a regula- In the SATP-II complex, the arrangement of the tory role for enzyme functioning. phosphate groups differs from that observed in SATP-I. In SATP-II, these groups are characterized by a higher electron density on the difference syntheses. Two nitro- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS gen atoms of the guanidine group of Arg21 form hydro- This study was supported by the European Molecu- gen bonds with two oxygen atoms of α-phosphate, with lar Biology Organization (EMBO, grant no. PX310- the β-phosphate group being excluded from hydrogen 1998) and by the Russian Foundation for Basic bonding with atoms of the protein molecule; the Research, project nos. 99-04-48570, 99-02-16191, and γ-phosphate group forms one hydrogen bond, 00-15-96633). O(3G)áááN Lys19 (Fig. 2b). These differences are caused by the presence of a magnesium ion forming coordination bonds with the oxygen atoms of all the REFERENCES three phosphate groups of ATP in the SATP-II complex. The presence of magnesium ions in the SATP-II com- 1. K. V. Ostanin, V. V. Alenin, V. D. Domkin, and plex is associated with the complex preparation from M. N. Smirnov, Biokhimiya 54, 1265 (1989). the solution with the magnesium-ion concentration 2. V. M. Levdikov, A. I. Grebenko, V. V. Barynin, et al., four times higher than their concentration in the solu- Kristallografiya 41 (2), 293 (1996) [Crystallogr. Rep. 41, tion, used for preparation of the SATP-I complex. It can 275 (1996)]. be assumed that the binding of magnesium ions to the 3. V. M. Levdikov, V. V. Barynin, A. I. Grebenko, et al., phosphate groups of ATP reduced the mobility of the Structure (London) 6, 363 (1998).


4. Z. Otwinowski and V. Minor, Methods Enzymol. 276, 9. V. S. Lamzin and K. S. Wilson, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. 307 (1997). D: Biol. Crystallogr. 49, 129 (1993). 5. J. Navaza, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A: Fundam. Crystal- 10. T. A. Jones, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 11, 268 (1978). logr. A50, 157 (1994). 11. T. A. Jones, J. Y. Zou, S. W. Cowan, and M. Kjeldgaard, 6. Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4, Acta Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A: Found. Crystallogr. 47, 110 Crystallogr., Sect. D: Biol. Crystallogr. 50, 760 (1994). (1991). 12. W. J. Cruickshank, in Macromolecular Refinement: Pro- 7. J. H. Konnert and W. A. Hendrickson, Acta Crystallogr., ceedings of the CCP4 Study Weekend, 1996, p. 11. Sect. A: Cryst. Phys., Diffr., Theor. Gen. Crystallogr. A36, 344 (1980). 13. R. M. Esnouf, J. Mol. Graphics 15, 132 (1997). 8. G. N. Murshudov, A. A. Vagin, and E. J. Dodson, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. D: Biol. Crystallogr. 53, 240 (1997). Translated by T. Safonova


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 626Ð630. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 692Ð697. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Pikin.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Crystallographic Aspects of Functioning of Adenosine Triphosphatase as a Macromolecular Biomachine S. A. Pikin Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia Received January 30, 2001

Abstract—The structural characteristics and the properties of nanoscopic biological objects functioning as rotational molecular “machines” of the type of F-adenosine triphosphatase (F0F1-ATPase) are described in terms of physics. The fundamental relationships between the dynamic characteristics of such machines are established, as well as the kinetic coefficients in the equations relating the generalized forces acting in these molecular machines and the generalized currents. It is shown that the one-to-one correspondence between the directions of the current flowing through the biomembrane, the chemical reactions at the catalytic sites of the “stator,” and the revolution of the machine “rotor” is dictated by the symmetry of the protein subunits. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION phate group is released with the simultaneous forma- tion of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) so that the Boris Konstantinovich Vainshtein was an enthusiast evolved energy can “participate” in other reactions. about the structural studies of proteins, enzymes, and Vice versa, this additional energy can also be used to biological objects and made great efforts to solve attach a phosphate group to ADP and, thus, provide the numerous problems presented by nature, including ATP synthesis. those of the structure and functioning of living cells. He considered as one of the most important goals the The detailed chemical and structural study of ATP- establishment of the physical laws governing the pro- synthase allowed the establishment of the mechanism α tein crystallography and providing a large variety of the of its functioning [2]. The F1 part consists of three - properties and functions of the cells whose evolution and three β-subunits and one γ- and one ε-subunit. The has continued for billions of years. Admiring Vainsh- ATP synthesis occurs at β-subunits forming an immo- tein’s efforts in the propaganda of the combined physi- bile “stator” of the machine, whereas the connected γ- cal-biological approach in the research of proteins, I and ε-subunits form its “chiral rotor” [4, 5], which is of dedicate this article to his memory. great importance for understanding the mechanism of γ ε This article is aimed at the establishment of the gen- functioning of this molecular machine. The - and - subunits rotate inside the cylinder formed alternatively eral physical laws governing the structure and the prop- α β erties of the so-called rotational macromolecular either by or subunits. This rotation is governed by the ionic current and induces the structural changes in machines by an example of their most characteristic β ° representative—the adenosine triphosphatase enzyme. the -subunits located at the angular distances of 120 from each other, thus giving rise to the periodic change Enzymes of the F-adenosine triphosphatase (F0F1- of the catalytic activity of subunits. Different machines ATPase) type are unique molecular “machines” func- of this type have different charge carriers, e.g., hydro- tioning in the cell membranes of plants, animals, and gen, sodium, or potassium ions [6, 7]. The rotor revolu- bacteria and catalyzing the formation of adenosine tion was observed experimentally in [8]. triphosphate (ATP)—a universal source of energy for numerous processes occurring in living cells [1Ð3]. The F0F1-ATPase (or ATP-synthase) enzyme consists of two CRYSTALLOGRAPHY OF ATP-SYNTHASE main parts—the F1 part containing catalytic sites and Figure 1 schematically shows ATP-synthase incor- the F0 part connecting the F1 part with the membrane. It porated into a lipid membrane [1Ð5]. It is seen that the was established that the proton transport through the rotor consisting of γ- and ε-subunits has an elongated membrane in the F0 part governs the ATP formation in screwlike shape similar to the shape of anisotropic the F1 part. During ATP hydrolysis, the terminal phos- chiral molecules in low-molecular liquid crystals. The

1063-7745/01/4604-0626 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”

CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASPECTS OF FUNCTIONING 627 dimension of such a macromolecular formation (a “rotor”) in the direction of its long axis is about F 10 nm; i.e., it is three times longer than the length of a 0 liquid-crystal molecule. Similar to liquid crystals [9], ε the rotor orientation can be characterized by the unit α vector n (the so-called director) lying on a straight line β connecting the most distant points of the rotor. β α The directions ±n are physically equivalent, and γ therefore, all the physical quantities characterizing the α rotor should be the combinations of the even number of F1 the director components. Figure 1 also shows that the C director n deviates from the membrane normal z for a 2 certain small angle θ (at least in the functioning machine).

The projection of the machine onto the plane of the n⊥ membrane (Fig. 2) clearly shows the elements provid- β θ n ing the anisotropy of the -subunits and the rotor. Thus, n|| the length of the projection of the director n⊥ is approx- z imately equal to the value of θ. Moreover, the rotor is characterized by a steric or an electric dipole Pγ in the Fig. 1. Schematic view of ATP-synthase. One can see the F0 membrane plane, which can be of the same physical part attached to the membrane and the F1 part connected with the α-, β-, γ-, and ε-subunits and the orientation of the nature as in the chiral smectic liquid crystals of type director n and its components n and n with respect to the C—the point symmetry C of the chiral rotor should || ⊥ 2 membrane normal z, with the polar axis C2 being parallel to inevitably result in the appearance of polarization Pγ the membrane plane and normal to n⊥. The director revolves over the surface of a cone with the opening angle θ. normal to the director component n⊥ [9, 10]. Of course, 2 the anisotropy of the rotor shape can be more compli- cated, e.g., because of the biaxiality of the macromole- cule, the existence of quadrupole moments, etc. How- 3 L ever, even the simplest assumption made above has n important consequences. β ⊥ β Figure 2 schematically shows the anisotropy of - γ subunits in the model suggested by Paul Boyer [1, 3]. β At each moment, three β-subunits exist in three differ- T ent conformational or deformational states: open (O), O β 2 ° P tight (T), and loose (L). With a rotor revolution by 120 , 1 γ these states of the β-subunit alternatively change one pβ another. The T-state possesses the minimum free energy; the O-state, the maximum free energy; and the L-state corresponds to the intermediate energy values. Fig. 2. Schematic location of the γ-subunit, three β-subunits, In the O-state, the ATP molecule can either freely leave and the vectors n⊥, pβ, and Pγ projected onto the membrane the β-subunit or “enter” its catalytic site. In the T-state, plane in a molecular machine. The change in the shape is maximal for the first β-subunit (in the O-state) and is weaker the strongly bound ATP molecule can spontaneously be for two other β-subunits (in the L- and T-states). split into ADP and inorganic phosphate group Pi in the process of hydrolysis or, vice versa, in the process of the ADP synthesis, the phosphate group Pi can form ATP strongly bound to the catalytic site. In the L-state, pβ, whereas the T-state has the highest symmetry (there the Pi group can either be removed or, vice versa, can is no dipole). For the proper functioning of the be bound to the catalytic site. The removal of ATP from machine, the vectors pβ and Pγ or their components the T-state and binding of Pi in the L-state require con- should necessarily be mutually orthogonal, as is the siderable energy consumption (of about 20 k T [11], case shown in Fig. 2. It is also possible to foresee the B β where T is the temperature and kB is the Boltzmann situation where the dipoles of the -subunits would be constant). Vice versa, the binding of ATP in the T-state directed along the tangent to the circumference of the and the removal of Pi in the L-state results in an evolu- stator, with the rotor dipole being oriented along its tion of the same energy. radius similar to the director component n⊥. In the latter The Boyer model allows one to assume that, in the case, the dipole Pγ is parallel to n⊥, which has nothing O-state, the strongest interaction takes place between to do with the rotor chirality. Below, we consider some the rotor and the β subunit, which at this moment pos- of the consequences that follow from the structure of sesses the maximum electric or steric dipole moment the machine described above.



TRANSPORT EQUATIONS AND KINETIC The director velocity is N = dn/dt = (W × n), where the COEFFICIENTS IN THE ISOTHERMAL CHIRAL pseudoscalar W is the angular velocity of the rotor. ROTATIONAL BIOMACHINE Ω ≠ΩΩ z 0, x ==y 0, (4) The states of the molecular machine are isothermal, Ω Ω i.e., in equilibrium at each given temperature as in the N x ===Ðny z, N y nx z, Nz 0. case of linear machines considered by Prost [12]. Func- The formalism originally suggested for the description tioning of a rotational machine can be conveniently of liquid crystals [9, 10] is also quite useful for solving described within the formalism of generalized forces our problem. and currents suggested for liquid crystals [9, 10]. In our case, the machine functioning is driven by the forces The electrochemical gradient E consists of two which are, the electrochemical gradient E in the mem- terms corresponding to the changes in the transmem- brane, the velocity N of the mechanical motion of the brane potential Φ and the transmembrane proton con- rotor, and the difference ∆ between the chemical poten- centration C (pH), tials, which is, in fact, the measure of the change in free Ð1 energy per “fuel” ATP molecule. E = Ð—Φ Ð κC —C, (5) ∆ κ In the state of chemical equilibrium, is zero; it is where = kBT/Q is the constant and Q is the ion charge. positive if the ATP molecules are in excess and is neg- In the state of chemical equilibrium, i.e., at C = Φ κ ative if the ADP molecules are in excess. The forces E, C0exp(– / ), the “field” E disappears. Strictly speak- N, and ∆ provide the formation of the following gener- ing, one also has to take into account in Eqs. (1) an alized currents: the electric-current density j, the additional current of proton diffusion at —C ≠ 0 and the mechanical force g applied to the rotor, and the average corresponding kinetic coefficients. In what follows, we rate u of “fuel” consumption (i.e., the average number assume that the gradient —C is induced in the F0 part of ATP molecules bound and hydrolyzed per unit time, and is independent of the F part. with u being positive). The rate u becomes negative if 1 ADP molecules are bound, thus providing the ATP syn- The kinetic coefficient e is the polar vector describ- thesis. The mechanical force g includes the force of vis- ing an interaction as a result of which the consumption cous friction arising in the rotor revolution in the hydro- of the ATP fuel by the machine provides the appearance phobic cavity of the stator. of an electric current and a mechanical motion. In accordance with the model considered here, in the In the general case, the j(E, N, ∆), g(E, N, ∆), and θ ∆ absence of rotor inclination ( = 0) should provide the u(E, N, ) dependences are nonlinear, because the disappearance of this interaction. Thus, the vector e can machine is functioning far from the state of the chemi- p P ∆ be determined by the interactions between the β and γ cal equilibrium ( > kBT). However, the consideration P ∆ dipoles. If the value of γ is determined by the rotor of the linear mode ( < kBT) is rather useful and leads chirality, the vector e is two-dimensional and oriented to a number of qualitative conclusions. Within the lin- along the twofold axis C2. It is related to the director by ear approximation, the following relationships are valid the following equations: [13]: Pγ ==µx, ξ n n , ξ =Ðn n , (6‡) j = σE + ν()nN× + e∆, (1‡) x z y y z x

Pγ ==µn n , Pγ еn n , (6b) u = ÐeEÐ vN + λ∆, (1b) x z y y z x µ ν()× γ ∆ where the piezoelectric modulus is proportional to g = nE++Nv. (1c) the chirality parameter [10]. Thus, the vector e can be The above equations include the kinetic coefficients represented in the form chosen in such a way that the rate Sú of energy dissipa- e = c()pβ × x , (7) tion is positively defined, i.e., where c is the constant and e plays the role of the rotat- Sú = jE ++u∆ gN = σE2 ++γ N2 λ∆2, (2) ing moment [cf. with the first term in the right-hand part of Eq. (1c)] and goes to zero at θ = 0. If the dipole where the conductivity coefficient σ, viscosity γ, and Pγ is parallel to n⊥ and does not result from the rotor the coefficient λ are positive. The appearance of the chirality and inclination, then the vector e can be writ- × pseudoscalar coefficient ν in Eqs. (1) is dictated by the ten as e = cnz(pβ n⊥), where the vector pβ is directed “rotor chirality,” with the product (n × N) being a pseu- along the tangent to the stator circumference. ν × doscalar and the product (n N) being a true scalar. It The same physical reasons provide the relation of should be indicated that the director components, n = P p θ 2 the polar vector v to n, γ, and β. At small angles, the n|| + n⊥ (n = 1), approximately satisfy the relationships only expression for the vector v has the form 2 2 2 ≈ θ2 2 2 ≈ µ()× µ () () n⊥ = nx + ny , n|| = nz 1. (3) v ==b ne Ðb x n⊥pβ =ÐbPγ n⊥pβ , (8)

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASPECTS OF FUNCTIONING 629 where b is the constant, which, being multiplied by N great importance for machines with the structure char- [cf. with Eq. (2)], yields a physical quantity indepen- acterized by a considerable tilt of the director, i.e., dent of the director sign (±n). In our consideration, the n|| 0, n⊥ n, which resembles the structure of a products (pβ × x) and (n⊥pβ) in Eqs. (7) and (8) are the cholesteric liquid crystal. Possibly, the machines func- constant parameters of the machine, because, during tioning in some bacteria with rotating protein flagella the interactions between the rotor and the β-subunits in [14] elongated in the n⊥ direction correspond to such a the O-states, the mutual orientations of all the above model. The rotation velocity in this case is determined β γΩ ≈ ν ∆ vectors in each of the three -subunits remain constant by Eq. (10): z Ez – b pβPγ. It should be empha- during rotor revolution. For such O-states, the machine sized that the results obtained indicate the only possible parameter is the quantity (n⊥pβ) = θpβ. It should also be way of machine operation: the directions of the angular indicated that the kinetic coefficient v is the quantity of velocity W and the current j are strictly defined. The the second order of smallness with respect to the small ATP synthesis should result in the reversal of the W and angle θ. If the dipole Pγ is parallel to n⊥ and the dipole j directions. pβ is normal to n⊥, then the vector v can be written in If a rotor revolves with a constant velocity, no the form v = –bpβ(Pγn⊥); in other words, this kinetic mechanical work is done (gN = 0) but, as follows from coefficient should necessarily include the combination Eqs. (1) and (9), the machine generates an electric cur- of the three above vectors. rent if jE < 0 at the finite values of Ez. In this case, jz is According to the model considered here, the strong given by the equation interaction between the dipoles pβ and Pγ and the rotor σ ∆ θ νθ2Ω chirality induce the directional rotor revolution in the jz = Ez Ð c pβ nz + z. (11) machine in the presence of an ionic current. We should like to emphasize the importance of the symmetry fac- For the machines functioning in bacteria with fla- tor—the interaction energy has the term of the type gella, the electric-current density is ν × (pβ Pγ)o (provided by chirality) only if the electro- j = σE + νΩ . (12) chemical gradient and the ionic current determine a z z z certain specific direction o = E/E in the machine. If the changes in the membrane potential and ion concentration become equivalent (i.e., the system is far from the chemical equilibrium), they give independent USEFUL WORK DONE BY ROTATIONAL contributions to the moment of forces associated with BIOMACHINE the field E. No such equivalence is possible at the con- A machine does a certain mechanical work if the centration changes corresponding to the following ∆ in product gN is negative. If the product u∆ is negative, the chemical potentials: the machine generates a chemical energy; if the product 1cpβθ∆z jE is negative, it generates the electric energy. Thus, CC≡ ˜ ()z ≈ C exp --- Ð Φ + ------. (13) ATP-synthase can function in several nonpassive 0 κσ regimes. If u∆ > 0, gN < 0, and jE < 0, the machine uses the energy of the heat bath and generates the mechani- It should be noted that due to ion diffusion, the “field” cal rotation and the electric current by using excessive E can quickly disappear with an approach of C˜ (z) to ∆ Φ κ Ω ATP in the process of hydrolysis (i.e., at u > 0 and > 0). C0exp(– / ) in the situation where the velocity z and The rotor revolution with a constant angular veloc- the current density jz are equal to zero. Indeed, in this Ω ity z takes place if the moments of forces provided by case, the specific direction o related to the vectors j and viscosity and field effect compensate each other, i.e., if E in the membrane disappears, and therefore, the forces (g × n) = 0. In this case, the machine does not do any inducing the directional motion of the rotor and the mechanical work. It follows from Eqs. (1) and (6)Ð(8) changes in the shape of the β-subunits also disappear, that whereas the θ deviations become random. If the rotor tilt θ and, therefore, the polarization Pγ arise due to the γΩ ν µ∆() z = Ez Ð b pβn⊥ nz. (9) consumed energy ∆, then the finite values of θ and Pγ exist only during chemical reactions and then relax to If the dipole Pγ is parallel to n⊥ and does not result from the zero values. If the relaxation time is less than that the rotor chirality and inclination and the vector pβ is necessary for the jump of the rotor toward those β-sub- directed along the tangent to the circumference of the units at which the chemical reactions occur, then θ and stator, then Pγ should go to zero. The value of pβ should also go to γΩ ν ∆()× () z = Ez Ð b pβ n⊥ z Pγ n⊥ . (10) zero. Thus, C˜ (z) can quickly relax to the distribution C exp(–Φ/κ) at j = Ω = 0. The second pseudovector in the right-hand side of 0 z z Eq. (10) is necessarily the combination of three vectors It is seen from Eqs. (11) and (12) that the machine and provides the contribution to the angular velocity of stops generating the current (jz = 0) under a certain crit- the rotor only at a finite value of ∆. The latter case is of ical condition, which, at relatively weak fields and

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 630 PIKIN small tilt angles of the rotor has the form almost unity at relatively high values of the pβ and Pγ σ ≈ ∆ θ ӷ λσ nzEz c pβ . (14) dipoles (where bpβPγ E ). The experiment shows that the rotor revolution and the current flow in the ATP-synthase are initiated and com- CONCLUSIONS pleted almost simultaneously. Then, it follows from σ ν An attempt has been made to interpret functioning Eqs. (9) and (11) that the parameters , , b, and c are of the rotational biomachines of the ATP-synthase type related as in terms of physics. The structure and the properties of bµσ ≈ cν. (15) such nanoscopic objects are described in terms of the general principles of symmetry. We also took into It seems that the above relationship results from the account the polarization properties of chiral materials selection of biomachines with appropriate parameters and considered the transport equations, taking into in the course of evolution [15]. This condition signifies Ω account the kinetics of the structural parameters and the that jz and z are related as ionic currents in such biological objects. It is shown ν that the latter objects can be described within the for- Ω jz z = ------2, (16) malism used in the physics of liquid crystals. The γσ+ () νθ expressions for the angular rotor velocity and the elec- which reminds the expression for the well-known Leh- tric-current density in such biomachines are obtained. mann effect in chiral liquid crystals [9] and can be These expressions depend on the main structural and explained by the same physical nature of both phenom- chemical parameters of these molecular machines. It is ena. also shown that the characteristics of such macromo- lecular machines provide their high efficiencies. For the molecular machines functioning in bacteria with n⊥ n, i.e., with |n⊥| ≈ 1, relationship (15) seems to be invalid, and, in accordance with Eqs. (10) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Ω and (12), the quantities jz and z cannot have zero val- This study was supported by the Russian Founda- ues simultaneously. Nevertheless, the causes discussed tion for Basic Research, project no. 00-02-17801. above should provide the cessation of the current flow upon the cessation of the rotor (flagellum) revolution, e.g., because pβ and Ez become zero in the absence of REFERENCES the directional interaction between the rotor and the β- 1. P. D. Boyer, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1140, 215 (1993). subunits. In this case, the machine “behaves” in a ran- 2. J. P. Abrahams, A. G. Leslie, R. Lutter, and J. E. Walker, dom manner [it was noticed that the change of the Nature 370, 621 (1994). direction of revolution results in flagellum unbinding, 3. P. D. Boyer, Annu. Rev. Biochem. 66, 717 (1997). in other words, the notion of a director looses any sense 4. W. Junge, D. Sabbert, and S. Engelbrecht, Ber. Bunsen- (14)]. However, after certain time, the directions of the Ges. Phys. Chem. 100, 2014 (1996). flagellum rotation and the ion motion can be restored ∆ 5. B. Schulenberg, F. Wellmer, H. Lill, et al., Eur. J. Bio- because of difference in the chemical potentials and chem. 249, 134 (1997). the attainment of the admissible pβ and Ez values (in 6. P. Dimroth, H. Wang, M. Grabe, and G. Oster, Proc. Natl. this case, a new machine orientation in the space is Acad. Sci. USA 96, 4924 (1999). independent of its initial orientation [14]). 7. W. Junge, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 4735 (1999). The efficiency η of the above machines (determined 8. H. Noji, R. Yasuda, M. Yoshida, et al., Nature 386, 299 as the ratio of the generated electric energy to the con- (1997). sumed chemical energy) is very high. Thus, the electric 9. P. G. De Gennes, The Physics of Liquid Crystals (Clar- efficiency for ATP synthase is [13] endon Press, Oxford, 1974; Mir, Moscow, 1977). 2 10. S. A. Pikin, Structural Transformations in Liquid Crys- j E c∆ pβθn E Ð σE η = Ð------z z ≈ ------z z z . (17) tals (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1991). u∆ λ∆2 ∆ θ + c pβ nzEz 11. J. Weber and A. E. Senior, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1319, 19 (1997). If the machine generates the chemical energy at the 12. F. Julicher, A. Ajdari, and J. Prost, Rev. Mod. Phys. 69, expense of the consumed electrical energy, then the 1269 (1997). chemical efficiency is the quantity reciprocal to 13. S. Pikin and W. Haase, Zh. Éksp. Teor. Fiz. 119 (1), 199 Eq. (17). One can readily see that the maximum effi- (2001) [JETP 92, 174 (2001)]. η ciency max is independent of Ez; it has a rather low 14. V. P. Skulachev, Soros. Obraz. Zh., No. 9, 2 (1998). θ value at small angles and is close to unity at relatively 15. A. Blair, L. Ngo, J. Park, et al., Microbiology 142, 17 2 2 2 (1996). high θ-values (θ ӷ λσ/c pβ). In a similar way, for machines functioning in bacteria, the efficiency is determined by Eqs. (1), (10), and (12) and becomes Translated by L. Man


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 631Ð635. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 698Ð702. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Zhukhlistova, Tishchenko, Tolstaya, Asulyan.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of 3,10-Dimethyl-10H- Dibenzo[b,e]iodinium Tetrafluoroborate N. E. Zhukhlistova*, G. N. Tishchenko*†, T. P. Tolstaya**, and L. D. Asulyan** * Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia e-mail: [email protected] ** Moscow State University, Vorob’evy gory, Moscow, 119899 Russia Received July 5, 2000

Abstract—The crystal and molecular structures of a chiral cyclic iodonium salt, namely, 3,10-dimethyl-10H- dibenzo[b,e]iodinium tetrafluoroborate, is solved by the direct method (a = 20.678(5) Å, b = 20.738(5) Å, c = 8.408(2) Å, γ =120.404(5)°, Z = 4, sp. gr. P2 /b).1 The crystals of the title compound consist of the iodonium Ð 1 cations and the BF4 anions. The benzene rings A and B of the cations are planar. The angles between these rings are 56.1(4)° and 58.3(4)° in two independent molecules, and the rings are virtually coplanar with the corre- sponding halves of the central heterocycle C adopting the I,C(3)-boat conformation. The structural units are packed in the crystal so that each I atom forms short contacts with the fluorine atoms of two independent anions. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION maleic acid, have been synthesized [1]. In the present Recently, two cyclic iodonium salts containing an study, we synthesized another cyclic iodonium salt with asymmetric carbon atom in the cation, namely, the asymmetric carbon atom in the cation, namely, 3-methyl-10H-10-(4-tolyl)dibenzo[b,e]iodinium tet- 3,10-dimethyl-10H-dibenzo[b,e]iodinium tetrafluorob- rafluoroborate and the salt containing the same cation orate, and determined its crystal and molecular struc- and the anion of (Ð)-mono-(N-α-phenylethyl)amide of tures.


MeMgI LiAlH4 AlCl 3 Me Me II IIII

I H Me IO H Me H Me LiAlH AcO H 1. HSO 4 2 2 4 + Ð AlCl 3 Ac2O 2. BF4 Me Me I Ð Me BF4 III IV III IV VV

Salts with these structures can possess interesting a plane which passes through the iodonium atom and stereochemistry (in the series of iodonium compounds, the asymmetric carbon atom and separates two asym- the stereochemistry is poorly known), because their metric moieties of the molecule. Consequently, it can cations contain not only the asymmetric center but also a priori be assumed that four optical isomers (or two † diastereomeric racemates) may exist. With the aim of Deceased. examining this assumption and establishing the struc- 1 According to the nomenclature accepted in Chemical Abstracts, an iodonium cation containing the I atom incorporated into a six- ture of salt V, we performed X-ray diffraction study of membered ring is called iodinium. this salt and determined the geometric parameters of its

1063-7745/01/4604-0631 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”

632 ZHUKHLISTOVA et al. cation. However, as can be seen from the data consid- Colorless transparent well-faceted monoclinic crys- ered below, the molecule of the title compound exists tals of V were grown from a mixture of ethanol and only as two mirror isomers. Apparently, this fact is water (1 : 1) at room temperature. The crystallographic associated with the characteristic features of cycliza- data are as follows: a = 20.678(5) Å, b = 20.738(5) Å, γ ° tion of iodoarene III into iodonium salt V, which gives c = 8.408(2) Å, =120.404(5) , sp. gr. P21/b, Z = 4, rise to only two antipodes. In both antipodes, the bridg- M = 408, and V = 3109.7(13) Å3. The X-ray diffraction ing hydrogen atom is directed inward the nonplanar data were collected on a Synthex P21 diffractometer central ring adopting a boat conformation, which, in (θ/2θ scan mode, CuKα radiation, graphite monochro- turn, is determined exclusively by steric factors. This is mator) at room temperature. A total of 5476 reflections all the more true for the iodonium salt described earlier were measured, and processing them gave 4024 inde- in [1], namely, for 3-methyl-10H,10-(4-tolyl)di- pendent nonzero structure amplitudes (θ = 56.08°). benzo[b,e] iodinium tetrafluoroborate containing the max bulkier substituent in the bridge. The structure was determined by the direct method using the SHELXS86 program package [3]. The unit cell contains two independent cations (Va and Vb) and EXPERIMENTAL Ð two BF4 anions. Most of atoms were located from the 3,10-Dimethyl-10H-dibenzo[b,e]iodinium tet- E synthesis. The remaining non-hydrogen atoms were rafluoroborate (V). A solution of 2-iodo-4'-methyl- revealed after the phase refinement (SHELXS86 [3]). benzophenone (I) (32.2 g, 0.1 mol) [1] in anhydrous The hydrogen atoms were placed in calculated posi- ether (50 ml) was slowly added to a transparent solution tions. The non-hydrogen atoms were refined in the of methylmagnesium iodide, which was prepared from anisotropic approximation, and the hydrogen atoms magnesium (3.6 g, 0.15 g-at.) and iodomethane (9.3 ml, were refined using the riding-atom model. The final R 0.15 mol), in anhydrous ether (350 ml) at 0°C. The factors were 0.074 and 0.089 for 3017 reflections with reaction mixture was stirred for 1.5 h, kept for one day I > 2σ(I) and for all 4024 independent reflections, (TLC control), and decomposed with an excess of 30% respectively. The large R factors are attributable to the acetic acid. After standard treatment, the resulting large thermal vibrations of the F atoms of the anions. 2-iodophenyl-4-tolylmethylcarbinol (II) (IR spectrum: However, an attempt to locate these atoms more pre- ν Ð1 ν cisely using the statistics failed. The atomic coordinates 3600Ð3100 ( OH), 1600 cm ( Ar)) was reduced as described previously [2] using the complex of lithium and thermal parameters for the structure are given in the aluminohydride with aluminum chloride, which has table. been prepared from LiAlH4 (6.59 g, 0.17 mol) and AlCl3 (46.73 g, 0.35 mol) in anhydrous ether. After RESULTS AND DISCUSSION standard treatment, the resulting 2-iodophenyl-4-tolyl- methylmethane (III) was dissolved in acetic anhydride The crystal structure V consists of the heterocyclic Ð (35 ml). Then, a 27% solution of peracetic acid (83 ml) iodonium cations and the BF4 anions. The structure of was added dropwise to the reaction solution at 0°C, and + ° one of the independent C15H14I cations (Va) is shown the mixture was kept at 20 C for 12 h to obtain a solu- in Fig. 1. The benzene rings A and B are planar to within tion of the iodoso derivative (IV). Concentrated sulfu- 3σ. The dihedral angles between the rings A and B are ric acid (35 ml) was slowly added dropwise with stir- 56.1(4)° and 58.3(4)° in Va and Vb, respectively. These ring to the reaction mixture at 0°C, and the mixture was ° rings are virtually coplanar with the corresponding kept at 20 C for one day and poured onto ice. Then, halves of the central heterocycle C adopting the I,C(3)- NH4BF4 (30 g, 0.29 mol) was added to the resulting boat conformation. Similar structures of the cations solution of 3,10-dimethyl-10H-dibenzo[b,e]iodinium were observed in 10-oxodibenzo[b,e]iodinium tetraflu- hydrosulfate, and the mixture was stirred until NH4BF4 oroborate (VI) and 10H-dibenzo[b,e]iodinium tetraflu- was dissolved. 3,10-Dimethyl-10H-dibenzo[b,e]iodin- oroborate (VII) [4]. These cations differ only by the ium tetrafluoroborate V was extracted with a MeNO2Ð dihedral angles between the rings A and B (27.5° and CHCl3 mixture (3 : 1, v/v). The extract was dried, the 46.4° in VI and VII, respectively). The folding angles solvents were distilled off in vacuo, and the residue was of the central ring C along the I…C(13) line are reprecipitated with ether from acetone and recrystal- 56.5(5)° and 55.2(4)° in cations Va and Vb, respec- lized from alcohol. Salt V was obtained in a yield of tively (30.7° and 45.7° in molecules VI and VII, 11.23 g (28% with respect to iodoketone I). A solution respectively). Therefore, a comparison of the folding of salt V in CH2Cl2 was passed through a layer (h = 7Ð angles in three compounds containing different substit- 10 mm, d = 15 mm) of Al2O3; the filtrate was concen- uents at the C(13) atom demonstrated that this angle trated to the minimum volume and salt V (mp 178Ð depends on the nature of the substituents in the bridging 179°C) was precipitated with ether. group. The angle increases from 30.7° (the carbonyl group) to 45.7° (the CH2 group) [4] and then to 56.5(5)° For C15H14BF4I, anal. calcd. (%): C, 44.16; H, 3.46. or 55.2(4)° (the CHCH3 group in Va and Vb, respec- Found (%): C, 44.31; H, 3.46. tively). The deviations of the I, C(13), and C(14) atoms


Atomic coordinates and thermal parameters

Atom x/ay/bz/cUeq Molecule Va I(1) 0.38148(5) 0.22821(6) 0.62527(12) 0.0744(4) C(1) 0.4778(8) 0.3224(9) 0.5336(18) 0.071(4) C(2) 0.4683(10) 0.3770(9) 0.4620(18) 0.077(4) C(3) 0.5336(11) 0.4377(9) 0.402(2) 0.095(5) C(4) 0.6014(11) 0.4382(9) 0.405(2) 0.090(5) C(5) 0.6058(8) 0.3826(9) 0.484(2) 0.079(5) C(6) 0.5454(9) 0.3236(9) 0.5450(17) 0.071(4) C(7) 0.4171(8) 0.1576(8) 0.5333(18) 0.067(4) C(8) 0.3642(9) 0.0898(8) 0.4669(18) 0.078(4) C(9) 0.3918(10) 0.0432(10) 0.406(3) 0.105(6) C(10) 0.4652(11) 0.0691(10) 0.411(2) 0.095(6) C(11) 0.5168(9) 0.1363(9) 0.475(2) 0.078(4) C(12) 0.4936(7) 0.1839(7) 0.5452(16) 0.061(3) C(13) 0.5477(8) 0.2581(8) 0.6296(17) 0.068(4) C(14) 0.6284(9) 0.2719(10) 0.6417(19) 0.087(5) C(15) 0.3366(11) Ð 0.0301(10) 0.334(3) 0.124(8) Molecule Vb I(2) 0.11482(5) 0.34522(5) 0.87596(12) 0.0730(4) C(1') 0.0168(9) 0.3413(9) 0.9658(17) 0.075(4) C(2') 0.0288(10) 0.4078(9) 1.040(2) 0.084(5) C(3') Ð0.0369(12) 0.4009(11) 1.102(2) 0.095(6) C(4') Ð0.1059(10) 0.3356(10) 1.097(2) 0.080(4) C(5') Ð0.1086(9) 0.2747(9) 1.024(2) 0.080(4) C(6') Ð0.0485(7) 0.2753(7) 0.9522(16) 0.057(3) C(7') 0.0776(9) 0.2361(9) 0.9651(18) 0.074(4) C(8') 0.1302(9) 0.2224(10) 1.039(2) 0.081(5) C(9') 0.1071(12) 0.1547(11) 1.0990(18) 0.086(5) C(10') 0.0289(10) 0.1017(10) 1.090(2) 0.085(5) C(11') Ð0.0217(9) 0.1172(8) 1.0199(19) 0.074(4) C(12') 0.0010(8) 0.1878(7) 0.9522(16) 0.060(3) C(13') Ð0.0518(8) 0.2090(8) 0.8703(17) 0.071(4) C(14') Ð0.1290(8) 0.1429(9) 0.850(2) 0.091(5) C(15') 0.1579(11) 0.1320(12) 1.165(3) 0.112(7) B(1) 0.1960(10) 0.0465(12) 0.752(3) 0.089(6) F(11) 0.2522(7) 0.1102(7) 0.773(2) 0.180(7) F(12) 0.1321(7) 0.0372(10) 0.790(2) 0.181(7) F(13) 0.2051(12) Ð0.0041(10) 0.826(4) 0.275(14) F(14) 0.1914(11) 0.0363(17) 0.588(3) 0.294(16) B(2) 0.3040(11) 0.3505(12) 0.761(4) 0.104(9) F(21) 0.2480(8) 0.3570(10) 0.774(2) 0.182(6) F(22) 0.3681(7) 0.4041(9) 0.783(2) 0.197(8) F(23) 0.2941(10) 0.2915(12) 0.839(4) 0.252(12) F(24) 0.3095(16) 0.3342(19) 0.604(4) 0.338(19)

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 634 ZHUKHLISTOVA et al. close values and are similar to analogous bond lengths C(14) in salts VI and VII [4] and in 4,2'-iodonio-3-phenyl- 1,2-benzoisoxazole (VIII) [5]. It should be noted that C(4) C(5) C(13) C(11) C(6) C(12) sharp asymmetry of the IÐC bonds observed in mole- C(10) cules VI and VII [4] is absent in the molecule of the C(3) title compound. The IÐC bond lengths are 2.107(14) C(9) and 2.092(14) Å in molecule Va and 2.125(15) and 2.124(16) Å in molecule Vb (the average IÐC distance C(1) + C(7) C(15) C(2) C(8) in V is 2.11 Å). Noteworthy are only slight differences I in the CÐC bond lengths in two independent molecules Va and Vb. Shortening of the C(5)ÐC(6) bond in mole- cule Va [1.33(2) Å] compared to that in molecule Vb [1.38(2) Å] is accompanied by the corresponding elon- gation of the C(6)–C(13) bond [1.56(2) and 1.51(2) Å, respectively]. The C(8)ÐC(9) and C(9)ÐC(10) bonds differ noticeably in length. In molecule Va, the C(8)Ð C(9) bond is longer [1.44(2) Å] and the C(9)–C(10) bond is shorter [1.33(3) Å] than those in Vb [1.33(2) and 1.42(2) Å, respectively]. The C(13)ÐC(14) bond lengths differ insignificantly [1.55(2) and 1.50(2) Å in molecules Va and Vb, respectively]. Fig. 1. Conformation of the 3,10-dimethyl-10H- dibenzo[b,e]iodonium cation (two mutually perpendicular For the most part, the bond angles in both molecules projections). have close values. Only the C(10)ÐC(9)ÐC(15) bond angle in molecule Va [124(2)°] is larger than that in molecule Vb [119.5(17)°], which is accompanied by a from the mean plane passing through the remaining decrease in the C(8)ÐC(9)ÐC(15) bond angle in mole- four atoms of the ring C are 0.86(2), 0.67(2), and cule Va [118.0(17)°] and the corresponding increase in 0.66(3) Å, respectively, in cation Va and Ð0.86(2), this angle in molecule Vb [123.3(19)°]. The CÐIÐC −0.64(2), and –0.69(3) Å, respectively, in cation Vb. bond angles are 90.7(6)° and 90.5(6)° (the correspond- ing angles in molecules VI and VII [4] and in salt VIII The C(15) methyl group of cation Va lies in the plane ° ° ° of the ring B (the deviation is 0.02(3) Å), whereas the [5] are 93 , 92 , and 95.6(1) , respectively). deviation of this group in Vb is –0.11(3) Å. The corre- The crystal structure of V is shown in Fig. 2. The sponding bond lengths in Va and Vb, as a rule, have structural units are packed in the crystal so that each


B(2) I(2)


B(1) 0 a 1/4

Fig. 2. Crystal packing of ions projected along the c-axis.


I atom forms short contacts with the fluorine atoms of are located along the b direction. The stacks of mole- two independent anions. The I(1)…F(11) and cules Va and Vb alternate along the a direction. I(2)…F(21) distances [2.84(1) and 2.78(1) Å, respec- Ð tively] are close to those found in [4]. Other IáááF con- In the tetrahedral BF4 anions, the BÐF bonds are tacts, namely, I(1)···F(24) [3.22(4) Å], I(1)···F(23) nonequivalent and their lengths lie in the range of [3.26(2) Å], I(2)···F(13) (x, y + 0.5, Ðz + 1.5) [3.20(3) Å], 1.24(2)–1.39(3) Å, which is comparable with the val- and I(2)áááF(14) (x, y + 0.5, Ðz + 1.5) [3.46(3) Å], even ues reported previously for the BFÐ ion [4]. Although a though substantially larger than the aforementioned 4 two contacts, are noticeably smaller than the sum of the particular regularity is observed in the BÐF bond van der Walls radii (2.20 and 1.33 Å for I and F, respec- lengths in both independent anions, it is risky to attribute the differences in the BÐF bond lengths to IáááF tively [6]; or 2.15 and 1.35 Å for I and F, respectively interactions, because the thermal vibrations of the F [7]). It is known that the effective radius of an atom + atoms are large, and some of their positions could be decreases if this atom bears a positive charge [8]. For I , split. In the crystal structure, several contacts between the interatomic radius is 1.7 Å [5]. The sum of this the F atoms and the hydrogen atoms, which do not fall radius and the anionic radius of the fluorine atom into the scheme of van der Waals interactions, are (which is equal to the van der Waals radius) approxi- observed in addition to the aforementioned shortened mates the I+áááF distances observed in structure V. FáááI contacts. The sums of the van der Waals radii of the Therefore, these distances correspond to Coulomb C and F atoms and of the H and F atoms are 3.17 and (ionic or ionÐdipole) interactions. The angular (two 2.64 Å, respectively [6]. The FáááH and FáááC contacts lie covalent bonds) coordination of the I atom is completed in the ranges 2.39–2.56 and 3.17–3.32 Å, respectively. with these contacts to a distorted tetragonal pyramid. The CÐHÐF angles range from 131.4° to 151.9°. The C(1), C(7), F(11), and F(23) atoms (cation Va), which are located in the base of the pyramid, are copla- nar to within 0.037 Å. The I and F(24) atoms deviate ACKNOWLEDGMENTS from the mean plane of the base by 0.09(1) and We thank Yu.V. Nekrasov for his help in collecting 1.61(4) Å, respectively. In cation Vb, the distortions are X-ray diffraction data. more significant. The average deviation of the C(1'), C(7'), F(21), and F(13) (x, y + 0.5, Ðz + 1.5) atoms located in the base of the pyramid is 0.11 Å. The iodine REFERENCES atom deviates from the base of the pyramid by 0.03(1) Å (i.e., it lies virtually in the plane of the base), 1. T. P. Tolstaya, A. N. Vanchikov, E. V. Vinnik, and L. D. Asulyan, Khim. Geterotsikl. Soedin., No. 8, 1112 and the apical F(14) atom (x, y + 0.5, Ðz + 1.5) deviates (1999). from this plane by 1.74(4) Å. 2. J. Blackwell and W. J. Hickinbottom, J. Chem. Soc., No. 3, 1405 (1961). The BFÐ group acts as a bridge (through the fluorine 4 3. G. M. Sheldrick, SHELXS86: Program for the Solution atoms) between the iodonium atoms of two cations. of Crystal Structures (Univ. of Göttingen, Göttingen, One of the anions links two independent cations. The 1986). resulting fragments related by the b plane form infinite 4. Z. G. Aliev, L. O. Atovmyan, L. D. Egorova, et al., Izv. chains consisting of the cations and anions, which are Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., No. 5, 1042 (1985). extended along the b axis. The second anion links the 5. A. S. Batsanov, V. N. Petrov, Yu. T. Struchkov, et al., Izv. aforementioned fragments. In the unit cell, both inde- Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., No. 10, 2309 (1985). pendent cations Va and Vb are located virtually perpen- dicular to the twofold screw axes. Cations Va and Vb 6. B. K. Vainshtein, V. M. Fridkin, and V. L. Indenbom, Modern Crystallography, Vol. 2: Structure of Crystals, related by these axes are packed in stacks along this Ed. by B. K. Vainshtein, A. A. Chernov, and L. A. Shu- direction, the central rings of the cations in the adjacent valov (Nauka, Moscow, 1979; Springer-Verlag, Berlin, stacks formed by independent cations being bent in 1995, 2nd ed.). opposite directions. The distances between the cations 7. L. Pauling, The Nature of the Chemical Bond (Cornell in the stacks are equal to c/2. In each stack, the rings A Univ. Press, New York, 1960, 3rd ed.). and B of one cation overlap with the rings B and A, respectively, of another cation. The I atoms are virtually 8. S. S. Batsanov, Structural Chemistry: Findings and Relationships (DialogÐMos. Gos. Univ., Moscow, projected onto the C(14) atoms of the methyl groups so 2000). that the chains consisting of the alternating I atoms and methyl groups are observed along the c-direction. The stacks of molecules Va related by the inversion centers Translated by T. Safonova


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 636Ð641. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 703Ð709. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Rabadanov, Verin, Ivanov, Simonov.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Refinement of the Atomic Structure of CdTe Single Crystals M. Kh. Rabadanov, I. A. Verin, Yu. M. Ivanov, and V. I. Simonov Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia Received September 11, 2000

Abstract—A comparative refinement of the anharmonic and disordered models of the atomic structure was performed based on precision X-ray diffraction data sets collected from a CdTe single crystal at 295, 376, 491, and 583 K. Although both models provide the asymmetric contributions of Cd and Te to the structure factors, the anharmonic model seems to be more advantageous. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION Cadmium telluride belongs to high energy-gap AIIBVI semiconductors. Single crystals of CdTe are widely used for construction of X-ray- and gamma- radiation-detectors having considerable advantages over conventional silicon- and germanium-based detec- tors. Thus, they possess a high stopping power and allow measurements at room temperature. Another important application of CdTe single crystals is their use as substrates for growth of epitaxial HgxCd1 – xTe films for detectors in the infrared range. Recent studies showed that CdTe possesses the most pronounced elec- trooptical coefficient in the IR region of all the AIIBVI and AIIIBV semiconductors, which opens new possibili- ties the use of CdTe as a photorefractive material. Single crystals of CdTe are crystallized in the sphalerite structure type (sp. gr. F43m ) with the basis Cd and Te atoms occupying the 4a (0 0 0) and 4c (1/4 1/4 1/4) positions, respectively (Fig. 1). The struc- ture consists of sharing-vertices [CdTe4]-tetrahedra forming a three-dimensional framework. Formally, the structure can also be considered as a framework built of the [TeCd4]-tetrahedra. The X-ray diffraction studies of sphalerite-type singles crystals showed the asymmetric contributions of Cd and Te to the structure factors, which can be explained by two causes. First, these con- tributions can correspond to different physical models of the structure. In one of these models, the asymmetry of the atomic contributions is associated with the anhar- monicity of thermal vibrations of atoms occupying the above special positions. Second, the asymmetry can be attributed to small static atomic displacements. In the latter case, the atoms statistically occupy several posi- tions in the vicinity of the ideal atomic positions in the sphalerite structure. There are adherents of both anhar- monic [2, 3] and disordered models [4, 5]. The asym- Fig. 1. Two representations of the atomic model of the CdTe metric contributions produce only a slight effect on the structure [1].

1063-7745/01/4604-0636 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”


Table 1. Details of X-ray diffraction experiment, measured data, and the refined unit-cell parameters of a CdTe single crystal T, K 295 376 491 583 a, Å 6.4827(8) 6.4861(8) 6.4894(9) 6.4920(6) µr 2.598 2.595 2.591 2.587 Scanning range 1.2 + 0.35tanθ 1.3 + 0.35tanθ 1.1 + 0.35tanθ 1.3 + 0.35tanθ Detector window, mm 3 × 16 × 36 × 36 × 3 sinθ/λ, ÅÐ1 0.15Ð1.14 0.15Ð1.14 0.15Ð1.14 0.15Ð1.09 Number of measured reflections 3442 998 1530 1303 Number of independent reflections 214 207 188 152

Rint 2.28 1.96 2.64 2.89 structure factors. These contributions can be interpreted refined after measurement of each 100 reflections. The within the frameworks of both models of the crystal experimental conditions and the results of X-ray stud- structure. For example, in the detailed study of the ies are indicated in Table 1. sphalerite-type structure [6, 7], preference was given to The orientation matrix and the unit-cell parameters the anharmonicity model, whereas in [8], the model were refined based on 24 of symmetrically equivalent with the disordered atomic arrangement was favored. 844-type reflections (θ = 32°). The reflection intensities Below, we refine and analyze possible structural were corrected for the Lorentz and the polarization fac- models of CdTe crystals, namely, an ideal sphalerite tors, absorption, and thermal diffuse scattering of the structure with harmonic atomic thermal vibrations, a X-ray radiation. The first- and the second-order correc- similar structure but taking into account the anhar- tions for thermal diffuse scattering were calculated monic components of atomic thermal vibrations, and a based on the elastic constants of the crystal by the model with split atomic positions. The least squares TDSCOR program [11]. We used the elastic constants refinement of the sphalerite model (based on the X-ray at room temperature obtained in [12]. Their tempera- diffraction data) revealed strong correlations between ture changes were calculated by the equations common the structural parameters, which considerably compli- to all the crystals with the sphalerite structure [13]. The cates the problem. The present study was aimed at the CdTe density is 5.86 g/cm3 [12]. The total corrections precision X-ray diffraction investigation of CdTe single for thermal diffuse scattering depending on sinθ/λ at crystals at different temperatures and the solution of the four different temperatures are indicated in Fig. 2. problem whether it is possible to make the unique Their values are rather high. The extinction parameter choice between the two physically different models of was introduced by the BeckerÐCoppens formalism (the the CdTe structure. isotropic type 1; the Lorentz distribution of the blocks of mosaics), because other methods of taking into account extinction resulted in higher reliability factors. X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDY AND DATA PROCESSING Single crystals of CdTe were grown by the Obrei- REFINEMENT OF STRUCTURE MODELS movÐShubnikov method in BN crucibles sealed into OF CdTe quartz ampules under a pressure of 10–7 torr. The axial The structural parameters of CdTe single crystals temperature gradient was 2Ð3 K/cm and the cooling were refined by the least-squares and X-ray diffraction rate was 0.5 K/h. The synthesis of CdTe crystals is data using the PROMETHEUS program package described in detail elsewhere [9]. [14, 15]. The complete refinement was performed for A specimen with a diameter of 0.286(8) mm provid- the structural models with the anharmonic atomic ther- ing the best X-ray diffraction pattern was chosen from mal vibrations and split atomic positions. At the first CdTe single crystals ground to spheres. The X-ray dif- stage of the study, the model of the ideal structure with fraction data sets were collected on an automated four- harmonic thermal atomic vibrations was refined. This circle CAD-4 Enraf-Nonius diffractometer (MoKα model is characterized by four parameters—the coeffi- | | radiation, graphite monochromator, θ/2θ scanning cient of F exp reduction to the absolute scale, the extinc- technique) at four temperatures—295, 376, 491, and tion coefficient, and two parameters corresponding to 583 K. The specimen temperature was maintained with isotropic harmonic thermal vibrations of Cd and Te the use of an attachment described in [10]. The stable atoms. The number of independent structure ampli- operation of the diffractometer and of the temperature tudes used in the refinement at each temperature is indi- attachment was checked every 60 min by measuring the cated in Table 1. The minimum number (152) of struc- intensities of two reference reflections. The specimen ture amplitudes was measured at 583 K. The final orientation at high temperatures was checked and weighted/standard reliability factors (Rw and R, respec-


638 RABADANOV et al. α 0.6 4


0.4 2



0 0.4 0.8 1.2 sinθ/λ, Å–1

Fig. 2. Corrections α for thermal diffuse scattering depending on sin θ/λ at different temperatures. Curves 1Ð4 correspond to T = 295, 376, 491, and 583 K, respectively. tively) at T = 295, 376, 491, and 583 K were 1.25/1.27, environments of both Cd and Te atoms are character- 1.56/1.76, 1.64/1.98, and 1.67/2.05%, respectively. The ized by the same geometry. All the CdÐTe bonds are of (110 ) section of the zeroth electron-density synthesis at the same character. The atomic numbers of Cd and Te 583 K is shown in Fig. 3. The body diagonal of the unit atoms (ZCd = 48 and ZTe = 52), which influence first of cell with the basis Cd and Te atoms lies in this section. all the harmonic components of vibrations, are rather The presence of residual electron-density maxima in close. Thus, it was possible to assume that the third- this section characterizes the above-mentioned asym- order anharmonic components of atomic thermal vibra- metric contributions of the Cd and Te atoms to the tions of Cd and Te atoms have equal magnitudes. The structure amplitudes. total number of the parameters in the refinement of the In the models with anharmonic atomic thermal anharmonic structure model is equal to 9; i.e., there are vibrations, the anharmonicity was taken into account at least 16 independent structure amplitudes per param- by expanding the probability-density function of dis- eter to be refined even at T = 583 K. placements of atoms from their equilibrium positions The refinement in the anharmonic approximation into the GramÐCharlier series. Initially, we took into based on the data sets collected at T = 295, 376, 491, account in the refinement only the expansion terms up and 583 K yielded the final Rw/R factors equal to to the sixth order, but only the third- and fourth-order 0.96/0.92, 1.29/1.39, 1.19/1.38, and 1.26/1.54, respec- expansion terms appeared to be physically significant tively. The R-factors for the anharmonic model were (c123, d1111 = d2222 = d3333, and d1122 = d1133 = d2233 for substantially lower (25% of the average R factor) than each atom). Below, all the results with allowance for those obtained in the refinement of the harmonic the anharmonicity considered below are obtained in model. The Hamilton tests [16] indicated the high sig- this approximation. nificance of the results obtained. The difference maps Strong correlations did not allow us to refine inde- of the probability density of the occurrence of atoms at pendently the third-order anharmonic parameters of the given point of the space in the process of the ther- atomic thermal vibrations of Cd and Te atoms. The mal motion were constructed based on the anharmonic



c, Å 3





–1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 dab, Å Fig. 3. The (110 ) section of the zeroth electron-density synthesis constructed upon subtraction of the structure model of CdTe with isotropic harmonic atomic thermal vibrations at T = 583 K. The positive and the negative contours are shown by solid and dashed lines, respectively. The isolines are drawn at constant intervals on a relative scale.

c, Å 2.5

2.0 Te



0.5 Cd 0

–0.5 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 dab, Å Fig. 4. The (11 0) section of the anharmonic component of the probability density-distribution for location of Cd and Te atoms at different points of the space during thermal vibrations. The isolines are drawn at constant intervals on a relative scale. parameters using the Fourier transformation. The (110) and Te atoms. The negative probability densities for Cd section of the distribution of Cd and Te atoms is shown and Te atoms observed on a CdÐTe bond indicate the in Fig. 4. These maps indicate that the maximum anhar- natural asymmetry in the elongation and shortening of monicity of thermal vibrations is observed along the this bond in the course of atomic thermal vibrations. [111] direction. For Cd atoms, this line passes through At the final stage of the study, the disordered struc- the face center of the [CdTe4]-tetrahedron and also Cd ture model with split atomic positions was refined.


Table 2. Results of the refinement of the atomic models of a CdTe single crystal

× 5 2 × 5 2 3 u11 10 , Å u12 10 , Å c123, Å Cd Cd T, K d , d , xCd and xTe SRw/R Cd Te Cd Te 1111 1122 Te Te 4 d1111, d1122 , Å 295 a* 2376(6) 1679(3) 1.12 1.25/1.27 b** 2429(12) 1629(7) Ð0.00045(5) 0.87 0.96/0.92 0.00021(10) 0.00019(4) Ð0.00037(4) Ð0.000052(19) c*** 2275(9) 1340(4) 291(50) Ð131(21) Ð0.0056(1) 0.92 1.02/0.98 0.2586(1) 376 a* 3055(15) 2149(9) 1.10 1.56/1.76 b** 3151(21) 2094(11) Ð0.0008(1) 0.90 1.29/1.39 0.00084(10) 0.00052(26) Ð0.00021(9) Ð0.00019(4) c*** 2768(17) 1778(5) 324(56) Ð238(38) Ð0.0090(1) 0.91 1.29/1.43 0.2589(1) 491 a* 4095(11) 2862(6) 1.17 1.64/1.98 b** 4153(25) 2787(11) Ð0.000167(13) 0.82 1.19/1.38 Ð0.00009(32) 0.00068(14) Ð0.00060(11) Ð0.00021(5) c*** 3794(15) 2300(6) 474(42) Ð183(33) Ð0.0093(1) 0.80 1.15/1.37 0.2609(1) 583 a* 4997(20) 3486(9) 1.24 1.67/2.05 b** 5105(32) 3407(15) Ð0.000203(20) 0.91 1.26/1.54 0.00108(52) 0.00072(22) Ð0.00058(7) Ð0.00029(7) c*** 4503(18) 2812(9) 360(53) Ð203(31) Ð0.0109(2) 0.90 1.22/1.48 0.2618(1) * Harmonic model. ** Model with anharmonic atomic thermal vibrations. *** Model with the disordered arrangement of atoms.

Indirect evidence in favor of this model is the informa- tion showing the location of the atoms at the particular tion on the formation of the ferroelectric phase in points of space which were constructed using the Zn-doped CdTe crystals [17]. It is reasonable to associ- anharmonic atomic thermal vibrations. It is seen from ate the ferroelectric phase transition with small atomic Fig. 4 that Cd and Te atoms can be displaced only along displacements. The question about the directions of the the [111] axis in opposite directions from the CdÐTe atomic displacements from the positions of the ideal bond. Four threefold symmetry axes are intersected at sphalerite structure was answered upon the analysis of the center of a regular [CdTe4]-tetrahedron. In different the difference maps of the probability-density distribu- tetrahedra, the atoms are displaced with the equal prob-

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 REFINEMENT OF THE ATOMIC STRUCTURE 641 ability only along one of these axes. In each tetrahe- physics, the maximum anharmonicity observed in the dron, the equal CdÐTe distances characteristic of the case of atomic thermal vibrations along threefold axes ideal sphalerite structure become unequal. The atoms of a [CdTe4]-tetrahedron is quite justified. Vibrations of displaced along the threefold symmetry axis from the an atom located in the tetrahedron center lying on the special positions (0 0 0) and (1/4 1/4 1/4) with the point line connecting the tetrahedron vertex with the center of symmetry 43m acquire the coordinates (xxx) and the the opposite face cannot obey the harmonic law, because point symmetry 3m. The harmonic atomic thermal the quantitative changes in the lengths of the bonds from vibrations in these positions are characterized by ellip- the atom located at the tetrahedron vertex to three atoms soids of revolution; the initial position is split into four forming the opposite face are essentially different. positions occupied with the probabilities 0.25, which are located at the vertices of a regular tetrahedron. This ACKNOWLEDGMENTS model is characterized by eight structural parameters to We are grateful to V.N. Molchanov and A.P. Dudka be refined. In this case, strong correlations between the for the valuable remarks and the useful discussion. displacements and the parameters of harmonic atomic The study was supported by the Federal Program on thermal vibrations hindered in the refinement. The prob- Support of Prominent Scientists and Leading Scientific lem was solved by stepwise scanning [18] of the coordi- Schools, project no. 00-15-96633. nates (xxx) with a step of ∆x = 0.0005. The refinement of the disordered model in the approximation of harmonic atomic thermal vibrations at T = 295, 376, 491, and REFERENCES 583 K yielded the Rw/R factors equal to 1.02/0.98, 1. N. V. Belov, Structure of Ionic Crystals and Metal 1.29/1.43, 1.15/1.37, and 1.22/1.48, respectively. Phases (Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1947), p. 60. The Hamilton tests demonstrated that the results 2. B. T. M. Willis and A. W. Pryor, Thermal Vibrations in obtained for the model with split atomic positions are Crystallography (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, also significant as compared to those for the ideal har- 1975). monic model. It is difficult to choose between the 3. W. F. Kuhs, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A: Found. Crystal- logr. 48, 80 (1992). anharmonic and the disordered models by comparing 4. B. T. M. Willis, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 274, 122 the refinement results for these models from the formal (1963). estimates alone (the R factors and the Hamilton tests). 5. A. A. Vaœpolin, Fiz. Tverd. Tela (Leningrad) 15, 1223 Both models provide asymmetric contributions of Cd (1973) [Sov. Phys. Solid State 15, 823 (1973)]. and Te to the structure amplitudes of the CdTe crystals. 6. M. Sakata, S. Hoshino, and J. Harada, Acta Crystallogr., Evidently, this conclusion is valid for the precision of Sect. A: Cryst. Phys., Diffr., Theor. Gen. Crystallogr. X-ray data obtained in our study and the series termina- A30, 655 (1974). tion determined by the maximum value of sinθ/λ equal 7. M. Kh. Rabadanov, Kristallografiya 40 (3), 505 (1995) to 1.14 ÅÐ1. [Crystallogr. Rep. 40, 460 (1995)]. 8. A. A. Vaœpolin, Fiz. Tverd. Tela (Leningrad) 27 (12), The main difference between the model with split 3620 (1985) [Sov. Phys. Solid State 27, 2180 (1985)]. atomic positions and the anharmonic model reduces to 9. Yu. M. Ivanov, J. Cryst. Growth 194, 309 (1998). the formation of different CdÐTe distances. At 583 K, 10. F. Tuinstra and G. M. Fraase Storm, J. Appl. Crystallogr. all CdÐTe distances in the anharmonic model are equal, 11, 257 (1978). 2.809(1) Å, whereas the distances in the disordered 11. A. P. Dudka, M. Kh. Rabadanov, and A. A. Loshmanov, model range within 3.064(1)–2.726(1) Å. If all the new Kristallografiya 34 (4), 818 (1989) [Sov. Phys. Crystal- atomic positions in the disordered model are occupied logr. 34, 490 (1989)]. with the equal probability (0.25), one can readily eval- 12. Physics and Chemistry of IIÐVI Compounds, Ed. by uate the probabilities of formation of each CdÐTe dis- M. Aven and J. S. Prener (North-Holland, Amsterdam, tance in the above range. The probability of the forma- 1967; Mir, Moscow, 1970). tion of the distance CdÐTe = 3.064 Å is 1/16, the prob- 13. S. Nikanorov and Y. Burenkov, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. abilities of the formation of the distances equal to A: Cryst. Phys., Diffr., Theor. Gen. Crystallogr. A34, 2.903, 2.889, and 2.734 Å are 3/16, and the probability S285 (1978). 14. U. H. Zucker, E. Peterthaler, W. F. Kuhs, et al., J. Appl. of formation of CdÐTe = 2.726 Å is 6/16. In terms of Crystallogr. 16, 398 (1983). crystal chemistry, the substantial scatter in the CdÐTe 15. L. A. Muradyan, M. I. Sirota, I. P. Makarova, and bond lengths in CdTe is hardly probable. For compari- V. I. Simonov, Kristallografiya 30 (2), 258 (1985) [Sov. son, the data on the refinement of the anharmonic and Phys. Crystallogr. 30, 148 (1985)]. the disordered models are given in Table 2. 16. W. S. Hamilton, Acta Crystallogr. 18, 502 (1965). The data on the structure of the matrix CdTe crystal 17. R. Weil, R. Nkum, E. Muranevich, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. obtained in this study will be used as the starting infor- 62 (23), 2744 (1989). mation for further studies of CdTe doped with different 18. L. A. Muradyan, S. F. Radaev, and V. I. Simonov, Meth- elements. We consider as the starting model of undoped ods of Structure Analysis (Nauka, Moscow, 1989), p. 5. CdTe crystal the model characterized by a substantial anharmonicity of atomic thermal vibrations. In terms of Translated by T. Safonova


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 642Ð646. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 710Ð714. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Alekseeva, Blomberg, Molchanov, Verin, Sorokina, Losevskaya, Voronkova, Yanovskiœ.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Refinement of the K0.96Ti0.96Nb0.04OPO4 Structure O. A. Alekseeva*, M. K. Blomberg**, V. N. Molchanov*, I. A. Verin*, N. I. Sorokina*, T. Yu. Losevskaya***, V. I. Voronkova***, and V. K. Yanovskiœ*** * Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia e-mail: [email protected] ** Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Siltavuorenpenger 20 I, P.O. Box 9, Helsinki, FIN-00014 Finland ***Moscow State University, Vorob’evy gory, Moscow, 119899 Russia Received October 18, 2000

Abstract—The structure of a K0.96Ti0.96Nb0.04OPO4 single crystal was established by the methods of the X-ray diffraction analysis. Additional positions of K atoms were established. In the superionic state, these atoms pro- vide ionic transport in the crystals. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION refinement. The reliability factors for this model are R = 2.25% and R = 2.81%. The occupancies of the The present work continues the studies of the w crystallographically independent positions of the atomic structures and physical properties of the crystals potassium cations are 0.89 and 0.90 for K(1) and K(2), of Nb-doped potassium titanyl phosphate KTiOPO 4 respectively. All the Nb atoms (4%) enter only the Ti(1) (KTP) crystals [1Ð4]. Earlier [1], it was found that positions. The residual-density peaks in the vicinity of K1 − xTi1 – xNbxOPO4 single crystals with the 4% niobium the (Ti,Nb)(1), Ti(2), K(1), and K(2) positions were concentration crystallized from flux in the K2OÐTiO2Ð observed on difference electron-density syntheses con- Nb2O5ÐP2O5 system are orthorhombic (sp. gr. Pna21) structed for the above model (Fig. 1). The most pro- with the unit-cell parameters a = 12.814(2) Å, b = nounced peak was located at a distance of 1.71 Å from 6.408(1) Å, c = 10.587(2) Å. The crystal structure of the K(2) atom. K0.90Ti0.96Nb0.04OPO4 [1] consists of (Ti,Nb)O6-octahe- Then, we refined the structural parameters using the dra sharing vertices with the PO -tetrahedra, which 4 model with the split K(2) position (R = 1.96% and Rw = form the three-dimensional framework with wide heli- 2.37%). The occupancies of the potassium positions of cal channels along the c-axis. These channels are filled the potassium atoms were qK(1) = 0.899, qK(2) = 0.858, with potassium cations with the 89 and 90% occupan- and q = 0.108. Thus, the chemical formula should be cies of the K(1) and K(2) positions, respectively. The K(3) close to K Ti Nb OPO . The obtained positional substitution of tetravalent atoms by pentava- 0.94 0.96 0.04 4 lent niobium atoms provides the formation of addi- parameters were used to construct a difference elec- tional vacancies in the K(1) and K(2) positions. The tron-density synthesis. The section in which the K(2) number of such vacancies exceeds the number that and K(3) atoms are located (x = 0.394) is shown in could be expected from the condition of conservation Fig. 2. The above formula of the specimen shown that of electroneutrality and the valences other ions. the fulfillment of the condition of electroneutrality requires the presence of the additional amount of potas- sium (2%) in the structure. STRUCTURE REFINEMENT The section of the electron-density synthesis show- ing the K(1) atom (Fig. 1) also reveals an additional The structure of the single crystals of the compound position appropriate for the location of 2% of potas- was refined using the JANA-96 program package [5] sium atoms. However, the attempt to use the split K(1) and the X-ray diffraction data set collected earlier on an position failed because of the close (at a distance of automated CAD-4F Enraf-Nonius diffractometer in [1]. about 0.61 Å) residual electron-density peak in the The atomic coordinates, the anisotropic thermal vicinity of this position. Therefore, we had to take into parameters, and the occupancies of the crystallographic account the anharmonicity of thermal vibrations of positions refined in [1] by the PROMETHEUS [6] pro- K(1) atoms by expanding the probability density func- gram package were used as a starting model in our tion of the displacements of atoms from their equilib-

1063-7745/01/4604-0642 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”


(a) (b) y = 0.697 x = 0.394 z z

0.45 0.15




–0.05 0.15

0 0.10 0.20 x 0.5 0.7 0.9 y (c) (d) z = 0 z = 0.250 y y 0.6





0.32 0.36 0.40 x 0.20 0.24 0.28 x

Fig. 1. Difference electron-density syntheses for the structure model refined with allowance for anisotropic thermal parameters for all the atoms: (a) the section passing through the K(1) atom; (b) the section passing through the K(2) atom; (c) the section passing through the (Ti,Nb)(1) position; and (d) the section passing through the Ti(2) atom. rium positions into the GramÐCharlier series, and Low values of the residual electron-density peaks and retained the terms up to the fourth order. At this stage their location in close proximity to the atomic positions of the refinement, the reliability factors were R = 1.75% did not allow the refinement of the first model. Exami- and Rw = 2.15%. nation of the second model demonstrated that the The difference electron density-syntheses con- expansion terms up to the fourth order should be structed for the model taking into account the anisotro- retained. The sections of difference electron-density pic thermal vibrations had the residual electron-density syntheses for the structure model refined with due peaks in the vicinity of the Ti and Nb (Fig. 1) and also regard for the anharmonic thermal vibrations of the K K(2) and K(3) positions (Fig. 2). These syntheses can and Ti atoms are shown in Fig. 3. The final R factors are be interpreted using two different models: (a) a model R = 1.45% and Rw = 1.92% (2699 reflections with |F| > with split positions of the corresponding atoms or (b) 3σ(F) for 269 refined parameters). The coordinates of the model taking into account the anharmonicity of the basis atoms, the occupancies q of the crystallo- thermal vibrations of the Ti and Nb atoms statistically graphic positions, and the equivalent isotropic thermal occupying one position and the K(2) and K(3) atoms. parameters Beq are given in the table.


644 ALEKSEEVA et al.

x = 0.394 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION z A fragment of the K0.96Ti0.96Nb0.04OPO4 structure is 0.45 shown in Fig. 4. The structure channels are occupied by potassium cations with the occupancies for the K(1), K(2), and K(3) positions equal to 90, 86, and 11%, 0.35 respectively. Potassium atoms in different positions are characterized by different coordination numbers, namely, 9, 8, and 7, for the K(1), K(2), and K(3) posi- tions, respectively. The average KÐO distances for 0.25 K(1), K(2), and K(3) atoms are also different (2.935, 2.848, and 2.974 Å, respectively). The existence of a chain of positions suitable for location of K atoms along the framework channels and a noticeable amount 0.15 of vacancies account for the transport of K cations in 0.5 0.7 0.9 y the channels along the c-axis. Thus, the model of disor- Fig. 2. Difference electron-density synthesis for the struc- dered potassium cations in the K0.96Ti0.96Nb0.04OPO4 ture model with the statistical distribution of potassium structure explains the superionic properties of these crys- atoms over two independent K(2) and K(3) positions. The + σ × –2 ΩÐ1 Ð1 section at passing through the K(2) and K(3) atoms (x = tals with the K -ion conductivity ( 33 = 5 10 cm 0.394). at 300°C).

2 Atomic coordinates, position occupancies (q), and equivalent isotropic thermal parameters Beq (Å ) for the K0.96Ti0.96Nb0.04OPO4 structure

Atom x/ay/bz/cqBeq

Ti(1) 0.37240(3) 0.49967(7) 0 0.918(1) 0.46(1) Nb(1) 0.37240(3) 0.49967(7) 0 0.081 0.46(1) Ti(2) 0.24713(4) 0.26707(7) 0.2504(1) 1.000 0.61(1) P(1) 0.49833(1) 0.33697(2) 0.25941(8) 1.000 0.44(0) P(2) 0.18148(1) 0.50169(3) 0.51157(8) 1.000 0.46(0) K(1) 0.10468(7) 0.6968(1) 0.0688(1) 0.899(1) 2.16(3) K(2) 0.3800(1) 0.7786(2) 0.3102(2) 0.858(2) 1.39(6) K(3) 0.397(1) 0.886(3) 0.430(1) 0.108(2) 13.36(47) O(1) 0.48611(6) 0.4851(1) 0.1486(1) 1.000 0.75(1) O(2) 0.51022(5) 0.4673(1) 0.3820(1) 1.000 0.76(1) O(3) 0.40077(4) 0.1995(1) 0.2790(1) 1.000 0.63(1) O(4) 0.59402(4) 0.1947(1) 0.2409(1) 1.000 0.70(1) O(5) 0.11241(5) 0.3111(1) 0.5400(1) 1.000 0.69(1) O(6) 0.11214(6) 0.6916(1) 0.4862(1) 1.000 0.75(1) O(7) 0.25286(5) 0.5400(1) 0.6272(1) 1.000 0.76(1) O(8) 0.25341(5) 0.4612(1) 0.3981(1) 1.000 0.75(1) O(9) 0.22382(5) 0.0412(1) 0.3888(1) 1.000 0.69(1) O(10) 0.22461(9) Ð0.0352(1) 0.6419(1) 1.000 0.68(1)


(a) y = 0.696 (b) x = 0.395 z z 0.45

0.15 0.35

0.05 0.25

–0.05 0.15 0 0.10 0.20 x 0.5 0.7 0.9 y (c) z = 0 (d) z = 0.250 y y 0.6 0.35

0.5 0.25

0.4 0.15 0.32 0.36 0.40 x 0.20 0.24 0.28 x Fig. 3. Difference electron-density syntheses for the structure model refined with allowance for the anharmonicity of thermal vibra- tions of the K and Ti atoms: (a) the section passing through the K(1) atom; (b) the section passing through the K(2) and K(3) atoms; (c) the section passing through the (Ti,Nb)(1) position; and (d) the section passing through the Ti(2) atom.



Fig. 4. Fragment of the K0.96Ti0.96Nb0.04OPO4 crystal structure projected onto the ac plane;Ti(Nb) and P atoms are located in octa- hedra and tetrahedra, respectively; K atoms are indicated by circles.

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 646 ALEKSEEVA et al. As follows from the earlier study of REFERENCES K1 − xTi1 − xNbxOPO4 (x ~ 0.03) single crystals [1], the 1. T. Yu. Losevskaya, O. A. Alekseeva, V. K. Yanovskiœ, unit-cell parameters a and b increase with the tempera- et al., Kristallografiya 45 (5), 809 (2000) [Crystallogr. ture. At 620°C, the crystal undergoes the translational- Rep. 45, 739 (2000)]. type ferroelectric phase transition. It should be men- 2. O. A. Alekseeva, N. I. Sorokina, M. K. Blomberg, et al., tioned that the parameter c is virtually insensitive to a Kristallografiya 46 (2), 215 (2001) [Crystallogr. Rep. 46, temperature rise. A similar behavior of the parameter c 176 (2001)]. is also observed at lowering of the temperature. Thus, 3. P. A. Thomas and B. E. Watts, Solid State Commun. 73, the unit-cell parameters of the K0.96Ti0.96Nb0.04OPO4 97 (1990). single crystals at 20 K are a = 12.796(5) Å, b = 4. G. Moorthy, F. J. Kumar, C. Subramanian, et al., Mater. 6.394(3) Å, c = 10.592(7) Å. Lett. 36, 266 (1998). 5. V. Petricek and M. Dusek, JANA-96: Crystallographic ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Computing System (Institute of Physics, Praha, 1996). 6. B. H. Lucker, E. Perentaller, W. E. Kuhs, et al., J. Appl. This study was supported by the Russian Founda- Crystallogr. 16, 358 (1983). tion for Basic Research (project nos. 00-02-16059 and 00-02-17802) and by the Council on Leading Scientific Schools (project no. 00-15-96633). Translated by T. Safonova


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 647Ð653. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 715Ð721. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Rastsvetaeva, Khomyakov.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Modular Structure of a Potassium-Rich Analogue of with a Doubled Parameter c R. K. Rastsvetaeva* and A. P. Khomyakov** * Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia e-mail: [email protected] ** Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements, ul. Veresaeva 15, Moscow, 121357 Russia Received July 17, 2000

Abstract—The structure of a new potassium-rich representative of the described by the ideal- ized formula Na27K8Ca12Fe3Zr6[Si52O144](O,OH,H2O)6Cl2 was established by the methods of the X-ray dif- fraction analysis (R = 0.045, 3900 reflections). The unit-cell parameters are a = 14.249(1) Å, c = 60.969(7) Å, V = 10 720.3 Å3, sp. gr. R3m. The structure of the mineral is characterized by in-layer order in cation arrange- ment resulting in doubling of the parameter c and the formation of two different modules, of which one corre- sponds to composition and structure of eudialyte (with an admixture of kentbrooksite) and the other is the deriv- ative of alluaivite. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

Eudialyte, a zirconium silicate of a complicated Table 1. Crystallographic data and details of the X-ray varying composition, occurs in agpaitic rocks of the diffraction experiment Kola Peninsula and other regions. It is of the most important rare-metal minerals and plays the role of a Characteristic Data and conditions concentrator not only of zirconium but also of ; Unit-cell parameters, Å a = 14.249(1), ; heavy and light lanthanides; and (in some vari- eties) also of niobium, tantalum, tungsten, and stron- c = 60.969(7) tium. The combination of these rare elements in eudia- Unit-cell volume, Å3 V = 10720.34 3 ρ ρ lyte attracts to it considerable attention as a complex Density, g/cm : calc; obs 2.84; 2.86 useful mineral. The knowledge of the crystallochemi- Sp. gr.; ZR3m; 3 (for the cal characteristics of the minerals of the eudialyte idealized formula) group can be very useful when designing technological processes for enrichment and processing of eudialyte Radiation; λ, Å MoKα; 0.71073 ores. In recent years, the structures of more than 30 Crystal dimensions, mm 0.35 × 0.25 × 0.20 minerals of this group have been established by the Diffractometer Enraf-Nonius Russian, Danish, and Canadian researchers. Recently, ω θ four of these minerals (in addition to two minerals stud- Scanning mode /2 ied earlier—eudialyte proper and alluaivite) were given sinθ/λ, ÅÐ1 <0.81 their own names—kentbrooksite, khomyakovite, man- Ranges of the indices of Ð22 < h < 19, ganokhomyakovite, and oneillite. However, the study measured reflections 0 < k < 22, of new specimens, including the mineral in question, 0 < l < 98 showed that many problems concerning eudialyte are Rav over equivalent reflections 0.024 still unsolved. Also, the general crystallochemical for- σ mula and the classification of the minerals of this group Total number of reflections 10354 I > 2 (I) proposed in [1] require the further refinement. Number of independent reflections 3917 F > 5σ(F) The analogue of eudialyte considered below was Program used for computations AREN [2] discovered in intensely mineralized alkaline ultraag- Program used for introduction DIFABS [3] paitic pegmatites from the Rasvumchorr mountain of of the absorption correction the Khibiny massif. The mineral was discovered as Number of independent positions 95 impregnations of irregularly shaped grains 1Ð2 mm in size and their aggregates with the diameters ranging R factor upon anisotropic refinement 0.045

1063-7745/01/4604-0647 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”


Table 2. Atomic coordinates, equivalent thermal parameters, multiplicities (Q), and occupancies (q) of the positions 2 Atom x/ay/bz/cQ qBeq, Å Zr(1) 0.1675(1) 0.3350(1) 0.0833(1) 9 1 1.58(2) Zr(2) 0.0004(1) 0.5002(1) 0.2480(1) 9 1 1.56(1) Ca(1) 0.0720(1) 0.6661(1) 0.1659(1) 18 1 1.52(1) Ca(2) Ð0.0003(1) 0.2616(1) Ð0.0009(1) 18 1 1.55(1) Si(1) 0.3253(1) 0.0563(1) 0.1182(1) 18 1 1.8(1) Si(2) 0.2522(1) 0.1261(1) 0.2940(1) 9 1 1.3(1) Si(3) 0.0629(1) 0.3434(1) 0.2835(1) 18 1 1.4(1) Si(4) 0.5967(1) 0.4033(1) 0.2910(1) 9 1 1.2(1) Si(5) 0.0717(1) 0.1434(1) 0.0411(1) 9 1 1.6(1) Si(6) 0.4042(1) 0.5958(1) 0.2066(1) 9 1 1.4(1) Si(7) 0.5413(1) 0.4587(1) 0.1279(1) 9 1 2.1(1) Si(8) 0.2636(1) 0.5272(1) 0.1259(1) 9 1 1.6(1) Si(9) 0.0046(1) 0.6084(1) 0.0489(1) 18 1 1.4(1) Si(10) 0.1245(1) 0.2490(1) 0.2037(1) 9 1 1.6(1) Si(11) 0.4152(2) 0.2076(1) 0.0378(1) 9 1 1.7(1) Si(12) 0.3389(1) 0.0639(1) 0.2141(1) 18 1 1.4(1) Si(13) 0 0 0.1934(1) 3 0.81(1) 1.7(1)* Si(14) 0 0 0.2871(1) 3 1 1.7(1) Si(15) 0.6667 0.3333 0.0458(1) 3 0.83(1) 1.7(1) Si(16) 0.6667 0.3333 0.1182(5) 3 0.17(2) 2.8(3) Al 0 0 0.1885(5) 3 0.19(1) 2.6(4)* TM** 0.6667 0.3333 0.1440(1) 3 0.60(2) 2.9(1)* Fe(1) 0.3292(3) 0.1646(2) 0.1667(1) 9 0.63(1) 1.6(1) Fe(2) 0.3892(20) 0.1946(20) 0.1639(10) 9 0.10(1) 1.6(2)* Mn 0.2711(20) 0.1356(20) 0.1672(10) 9 0.12(1) 2.0(4)* K(1) 0.0943(1) 0.1886(1) 0.1433(1) 9 1 3.5(1) K(2) 0.1028(1) 0.2056(1) 0.3291(1) 9 0.67(1) 2.0(1) K(3) 0.5635(1) 0.1270(1) 0.0045(1) 9 0.67(1) 1.7(1) K(4) 0.1710(7) 0.0855(5) 0.0823(1) 9 0.22(1) 2.2(1) Na(1a) 0.0922(4) 0.5461(2) 0.3020(1) 9 0.70(1) 2.4(1) Na(1b) 0.4283(5) 0.5717(5) 0.3067(2) 9 0.30(1) 2.4(2) Na(2) 0.2150(4) 0.1075(3) 0.0771(1) 9 0.78(1) 2.7(1) Na(3) 0.2138(2) 0.4276(2) 0.0296(1) 9 1 3.3(2) Na(4) 0.4429(2) 0.5571(2) 0.0904(1) 9 1 4.6(2) Na(5) 0.5683(2) 0.4317(2) 0.1905(1) 9 1 3.2(1) Na(6) 0.2201(2) 0.4402(4) 0.2428(1) 9 1 4.3(1) Na(7a) 0.4802(8) 0.2401(6) 0.2505(1) 9 0.44(3) 3.1(5) Na(7b) 0.4294(11) 0.2147(8) 0.2583(1) 9 0.56(1) 5.2(2) Na(8a) 0.1491(16) 0.0146(23) 0.2476(3) 18 0.22(1) 6.0(6) Na(8b) 0.1624(10) 0.0812(7) 0.2438(2) 9 0.56(1) 8.2(3) Na(9a) 0.5036(7) 0.2518(5) 0.0870(1) 9 0.89(1) 8.7(1) Na(9b) 0.5863(30) 0.1726(30) 0.0766(10) 9 0.11(2) 4(1)* Na(10) 0.2034(21) 0.1017(15) 0.1684(3) 9 0.15(1) 2.7(4) Na(11) Ð0.0018(11) 0.4991(8) 0.0040(1) 9 0.33(2) 2.3(3)



Table 2. (Contd.) 2 Atom x/ay/bz/cQ qBeq, Å O(1) 0.3534(6) 0.1767(4) 0.1093(1) 9 1 2.2(2) O(2) 0.3058(6) 0.1529(4) 0.3170(1) 9 1 2.2(2) O(3) 0.5161(2) 0.0322(3) 0.1519(1) 9 1 1.5(2) O(4) 0.3839(3) 0.2798(3) 0.0541(1) 18 1 1.9(1) O(5) 0.0698(3) 0.3696(3) 0.3089(1) 18 1 1.7(2) O(6) 0.0308(4) 0.2584(4) 0.1045(1) 18 1 2.7(2) O(7) 0.3090(6) 0.1545(4) 0.2233(1) 9 1 2.3(3) O(8) 0.1010(4) 0.4078(4) 0.0651(1) 18 1 2.7(2) O(9) 0.0593(4) 0.1186(5) 0.2043(2) 9 1 4.8(4) O(10) 0.5675(2) 0.1350(4) 0.2666(1) 9 1 2.6(3) O(11) 0.2403(3) 0.4806(4) 0.1016(1) 9 1 2.9(3) O(12) 0.3057(3) 0.2531(3) 0.1445(1) 18 1 1.8(2) O(13) 0.5544(2) 0.4456(2) 0.3108(1) 9 1 1.5(2) O(14) 0.2708(2) 0.5416(3) 0.2042(1) 9 1 1.6(2) O(15) 0.0378(3) 0.6312(3) 0.0235(1) 18 1 2.2(2) O(16) 0.3707(3) 0.2918(3) 0.1888(1) 18 1 2.0(2) O(17) 0.1224(5) 0.0612(3) 0.0409(1) 9 1 2.1(3) O(18) 0.5428(5) 0.2714(3) 0.2931(1) 9 1 2.3(3) O(19) 0.0556(3) 0.2911(3) 0.2192(1) 18 1 1.3(1) O(20) 0.5132(2) 0.0264(3) 0.0565(1) 9 1 1.7(2) O(21) 0.3946(3) 0.6054(3) 0.1273(1) 9 1 2.5(2) O(22) 0.0954(2) 0.1908(4) 0.0654(1) 9 1 2.0(2) O(23) 0.0727(3) 0.6363(3) 0.2679(1) 18 1 1.7(1) O(24) 0.1582(3) 0.3164(4) 0.2755(1) 9 1 2.0(3) O(25) 0.4381(4) 0.3617(4) 0.2290(1) 18 1 2.6(2) O(26) 0.5452(5) 0.2726(3) 0.0358(1) 9 1 2.6(2) O(27) 0.1128(3) 0.2256(4) 0.0218(1) 9 1 2.4(3) O(28) 0.2201(2) 0.4402(4) 0.1451(1) 9 1 2.2(2) O(29) 0.1038(5) 0.5519(3) 0.1880(1) 9 1 1.9(3) O(30) 0.2810(4) 0.2285(3) 0.2782(1) 18 1 2.3(2) O(31) 0.6074(3) 0.2148(4) 0.1265(1) 9 1 2.5(2) O(32) 0.4375(6) 0.3843(5) 0.1130(1) 18 1 4.4(3) O(33) 0.1204(5) 0.0602(4) 0.2984(1) 9 1 2.4(3) O(34) 0.1518(3) 0.3036(4) 0.1801(1) 9 1 2.5(3) O(35) 0.4284(2) 0.5716(2) 0.2307(1) 9 1 2.1(3) O(36) 0.3574(4) 0.1787(3) 0.0145(1) 9 1 1.7(3) Cl(1) 0.3333 0.6667 0.3088(1) 3 0.88(5) 3.3(2) Cl(2) 0 0 0.1147(2) 3 0.55(1) 3.8(2) Cl(3a) 0.3333 0.6667 0.0240(1) 3 0.78(5) 3.2(3) Cl(3b) 0.3333 0.6667 0.0535(4) 3 0.22(1) 3.1(4)* OH(1) 0 0 0.2615(2) 3 1 3.0(3) OH(2) 0.6667 0.3333 0.0725(1) 3 0.83 1.7(1) OH(3) 0.6667 0.3333 0.0922(14) 3 0.17(1) 7(1) OH(4) 0.5540(30) 0.2770(30) 0.1663(10) 9 0.23(2) 3.1(5)* OH(5) 0.6667 0.3333 0.1696(15) 3 0.39(5) 4.2(5)* OH(6) 0.1046(4) 0.0523(4) 0.1686(10) 9 0.19(1) 2.7(8)* OH(7) 0 0 0.1681(10) 3 0.81(1) 4.0(5)* H2O(1) 0.3333 0.6667 0.2609(10) 3 0.50(7) 3.5(8)* H2O(2) 0.6667 0.3333 0.2192(10) 3 1 6.3(5) H2O(3) 0.3333 0.6667 0.0727(10) 3 0.54(7) 3.6(8)* H2O(4) 0.3333 0.6667 0.5 3 0.30(6) 4(1)* * Isotropic thermal parameters. ** Hereafter, the positions simultaneously occupied by the tetrahedrally and octahedrally coordinated cations.



Table 3. Characteristics of coordination polyhedra The idealized formula can be written as Na K Ca Fe Zr Si O (O,OH,H O) Cl . The min- Coordi- Cation–anion distances, Å 27 8 12 3 6 52 144 2 6 2 Position nation eral is characterized by a substantially elevated potas- number limiting average sium content (6.12 wt % of K2O as opposed to 0.5Ð 1.0 wt % typical of eudialytes) and a reduced iron con- Zr(1)* 6 2.046 2.128 2.091 tent (2.73 wt % of FeO as opposed to 5Ð7 wt % typical Zr(2)* 6 2.017 2.073 2.058 of eudialytes). Ca(1)* 6 2.295 2.413 2.370 The X-ray diffraction data were collected from a Ca(2)* 6 2.312 2.422 2.336 tapered single crystal, whose characteristics and the details of the X-ray diffraction study are indicated in Si(13) 4 1.544 1.606 1.591 Table 1. Si(14) 4 1.550 1.637 1.615 At present, two minerals of the eudialyte group with Si(15) 4 1.618 1.620 1.619 the doubled unit cells are known—alluaivite described Si(16) 4 1.54 1.58 1.55 by the sp. gr. R3m [4] and a titanium-rich analogue of Al 6 1.752 1.772 1.762 eudialyte described by the acentric space group R3m TM* 4 1.53 1.81 1.74 [5]. Proceeding from the fact that the composition of the latter mineral is close to the composition of the min- TM* 6 1.809 1.945 1.88 eral under study, we assumed that these two minerals Fe(1) 4 1.988 2.092 2.04 are isostructural and, therefore, used the known coordi- Fe(2) 5 2.038 2.155 2.12 nates of the framework atoms determined in [5] as the Mn 5 2.03 2.35 2.16 starting model for the structure determination. The positions of all intraframework atoms were determined Na(1a)* 6 2.403 2.923 2.556 from a number of Fourier syntheses. At the final stage, Na(1b) 6 2.34 2.90 2.68 we also managed to localize the positions with low Na(2) 8 2.483 2.805 2.665 occupancies from the difference electron-density syn- Na(3) 6 2.401 2.917 2.585 thesis. Upon placing the admixture atoms over various positions and the use of the mixed atomic scattering Na(4) 8 2.543 2.787 2.645 curves, the R-factor was rather low and the crystal- Na(5) 7 2.510 2.993 2.765 lochemical characteristics of all the atoms were estab- Na(6) 8 2.511 2.702 2.633 lished reliably. The final atomic coordinates are listed Na(7a) 7 2.47 2.98 2.63 in Table 2. The main characteristics of coordination polyhedra (except for the Si-tetrahedra of the rings) are Na(7b) 8 2.52 2.76 2.64 listed in Table 3. Na(8a) 7 2.19 3.04 2.44 The eudialyte structure type is based on the three- Na(8b) 8 2.19 3.02 2.77 dimensional framework of three- and nine-membered Na(9a) 8 2.19 3.00 2.74 Si,O-rings linked to each other through discrete Zr- Na(10) 5 2.40 2.84 2.60 octahedra and six-membered rings of Ca,O-octahedra. The cavities of the mixed framework are occupied by Na(11) 4 2.10 2.37 2.24 differently charged cations and anions of different K(1) 8 2.66 3.11 2.82 sizes. The ordered arrangement of these atoms in the xy K(2) 7 2.58 3.07 2.83 (horizontal) plane results in lowering of the symmetry K(3) 7 2.66 3.10 2.85 to R3, whereas the ordered arrangement along the ver- tical direction (the long z-axis) results in doubling of K(4) 7 2.47 2.88 2.61 the parameter c. In this case, the unit cell is doubled * The compositions of the mixed positions (Z = 1): Zr(1) = 7.2Zr + mainly because ordering of Fe and Na atoms occupying 1.8Ti; Zr(2) = 8.82Zr + 0.18(Hf,Ta); Ca(2) = 17Ca + 0.9Sr + the positions of the planar square and of Fe and K 0.1Ce; TM = 2.1Si + 0.3Nb; Na(1a) = 4.9Na + 1.4Sr. atoms in two subpositions adjacent to this square along the threefold axis. The character of such ordering from 0.3Ð0.5 to 2 cm. The bright pink grains are uniax- allows one to consider the structure of the new mineral ial transparent positive crystals with n = 1.598 and as consisting of three modules, which have the follow- p ing geometric prototypes: alluaivite (Fig. 1), eudialyte ng = 1.600, with the vitreous luster and a conchoidal . The chemical analysis showed that the empirical (Fig. 2), and kentbrooksite–”barsanovite” (Fig. 3). The formula (with respect to the sum of the anions equal to former two modules build the major part of the struc- 152; Z = 3) of the mineral can be written as ture, whereas the latter one complements the structure (10%) and is statistically present in the eudialyte Na27.10(K7.93Ba0.03)Σ7.96(Ca11.29Sr0.74Ce0.04)Σ12.07 module. á (Fe2.32Mn0.42)Σ2.74(Zr5.69Ti0.30Hf0.04)Σ6.03 Although the composition of the alluaivite module

á (Si51.53Al0.20Nb0.16Ta0.01)Σ51.9 O146.14OH1.86Cl2.29(H2O)1.71. does not allow one to consider it as the direct analogue





Fig. 1. Cationic layer in the structure of potassium-rich eudialyte corresponding to the “alluaivite” module projected onto the (001) plane; Si-tetrahedra are hatched with solid lines; the Na, Cl, and K atoms are indicated by small and large empty and filled circles, respectively.




Fig. 2. Cationic layer corresponding to the eudialyte module; Fe atoms are indicated by small filled circles; for the further notation, see Fig. 1. of alluaivite because most of Ti atoms in this module or in the adjacent five-vertex polyhedra constructed on are substituted by Zr atoms, the characteristic structural the basis of this square. These positions in the alluaivite features of alluaivite are clearly seen in this module. structure are occupied by Na atoms, which consider- Thus, there are no Fe atoms either in the square center ably increase the dimensions of the square, whereas the




Fe Mn



Fig. 3. Cationic layer corresponding to the kentbrooksiteÐbarsanovite module; the clusters of polyhedra are hatched with solid lines; Na and K atoms are represented by small empty and large filled circles, respectively; H2O molecules are represented by hatched circles. compact hemioctahedra are transformed into large of the cations are indicated by Roman numerals in seven-vertex polyhedra related by the center of inver- brackets. The modules correspond to the structural sion. A higher potassium content in the new mineral fragments whose z-coordinate ranges from Ð0.05 to provides the partial replacement of Na by K in all the 0.11 and from 0.11 to 0.27 Å. These modules form a three modules, and especially in the alluaivite module two-layer sheet with the thickness of about 20.3 Å. in which 12 potassium atoms occupy the seven-vertex These sheets are multiplied along the threefold axis by polyhedra described above. Another characteristic fea- the law of the R lattice and form the structure of the ture of the “alluaivite” module is the high silica con- mineral with the doubled parameter c, i.e., c = 61 Å. tent: the positions in the centers of both nine-membered Comparing the new mineral with alluaivite [4] and siliconÐoxygen rings are occupied by Si atoms; as a titanium-rich eudialyte [5], we can see that the main result, these rings are transformed into ten-membered cause of doubling of the parameters c is the process of tetrahedral “platforms.” ordering of cations of only one type, namely, the addi- The isomorphous replacement of Na by K in two other tional Si atoms or impurity Ti atoms, respectively. modules occurs in the positions characterized by the high- Despite of the fact that the Fe atoms in titanium-rich est isomorphous capacity of all the Na positions in the eudialyte also tend to be ordered over the positions of eudialyte structure (which was denoted as Na(4) in [1]). the square and the [Ti3Al]-cluster, the maximum order- The main characteristics of the composition and ing of the cationic layers is observed only in the struc- modular structure of the mineral are reflected in its ture of the potassium-rich representative of this group. crystallochemical formula (Z = 1): The ordered substitution of a number of cations within one framework leads to regular displacements of oxy- {[Zr (Hf, Ta) ][Ca ][Si O ][Si (OH) Al[VI] á gen atoms from their positions and, hence, to changes 8.82 0.18 18 72 216 4.5 4.5 0.6 in the configurations of Si-tetrahedra and Ca-octahedra ᮀ [IV] [V] [V] [V] Nb0.3 0.6O2(OH)0.7][Fe5.7 Fe0.9 Mn1.1 Na1.3 (OH)0.6] á forming this framework. In view of this fact, the frame- [K9Na36][(H2O)5.4Cl1.65]}{[Zr7.7Ti1.3][Ca17Sr0.9Ce0.1] á work of the mineral studied, similar to the framework ᮀ [IV] [VII] [VII] of titanium-rich eudialyte, can be considered as a pro- [Si72O216][Si5.5 0.5(OH)5.5][Na3 K6 K6 ] á portionally modulated framework with the modulation [Na41.6K2Sr1.4][Cl5.6(H2O)1.6]}, wave propagating along the c-axis and the modulation in which the formulas in braces correspond to the eud- vector being equal to the parameter c. ialyte (including kentbrooksite) and alluaivite modules, Thus, the new mineral is the first representative pos- respectively. The formulas in brackets show the compo- sessing the modular structure in the eudialyte group. sition of the key positions. The coordination numbers This mineral does not fall into the classification of eud-

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 MODULAR STRUCTURE OF A POTASSIUM-RICH ANALOGUE 653 ialytes proposed earlier [1]. Indeed, this mineral cannot REFERENCES be considered as a member of the isomorphous eudia- lyteÐkentbrooksite series, because it simultaneously is 1. O. Johnsen, J. D. Grice, and R. A. Gault, Eur. J. Mineral. eudialyte, alluaivite, and partly kentbrooksite (barsano- 10, 207 (1998). vite). Taking into account the tendency for cationic 2. V. I. Andrianov, Kristallografiya 32 (1), 228 (1987) [Sov. ordering in the structure of titanium-rich eudialyte, one Phys. Crystallogr. 32, 130 (1987)]. can expect the discovery of other minerals composed of modulesÐprototypes of the already described minerals 3. N. Walker and D. Stuart, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A: of the eudialyte group. Vice versa, we can expect the Found. Crystallogr. 39 (2), 158 (1983). discovery of minerals, whose compositions and struc- 4. R. K. Rastsvetaeva, A. P. Khomyakov, V. I. Andrianov, tures would be similar to each of the above modules, and A. I. Gusev, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 312 (6), 1379 e.g., to the alluaivite module of the structure considered (1990) [Sov. Phys. Dokl. 35, 492 (1990)]. above. 5. R. K. Rastsvetaeva, A. P. Khomyakov, and G. Chapius, Z. Kristallogr. 214, 271 (1999). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 99-05-65035. Translated by T. Safonova


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 654Ð658. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 722Ð726. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Fridkin.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Bulk Photovoltaic Effect in Noncentrosymmetric Crystals V. M. Fridkin Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia Received February 28, 2001

Abstract—The theory and the experimental characteristics of the bulk photovoltaic effect in ferroelectric and piezoelectric crystals first observed at the Institute of Crystallography have been reviewed. I dedicate this review to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein whose help in performing these works was really inestimable. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION can be observed in noncentrosymmetric crystals, it can Illumination of crystals (or polycrystalline media) be recorded for only 20 point (piezoelectric) symmetry in the range of intrinsic and extrinsic absorption gives groups. In other words, the bulk photovoltaic effect is rise to photocurrents and photovoltages. If the circuit is inherent only in piezoelectric and ferroelectric crystals. closed (the short-circuited electrodes), one records the In this respect, the bulk photovoltaic effect is an ana- photocurrent J; if the circuit is open, the photovoltage logue of the effect of change of parity in the case of weak interactions. In the low-temperature experiments Uph or the corresponding field Öph (Fig. 1). This phe- nomenon is known as the photovoltaic effect. on Co90 performed by C.H. Wu, the electric current appeared as a result of the neutron decay in a magnetic Until recently two types of the photovoltaic effect field L.D. Landau was the first to assume that the effect have been known. The first, Dember effect is caused by of the change in parity is associated with the asymme- a nonuniform illumination of the crystal, e.g., by strong try of world. absorption of light. In this case, the photovoltaic effect is associated with diffusion of photoexcited (nonequi- librium) carriers and the variations in the mobility of PHENOMENOLOGY OF THE BULK holes and electrons. The second type of the photovol- PHOTOVOLTAIC EFFECT taic effect is associated with separation of nonequilib- By analogy with the nonlinear optics, the bulk pho- rium carriers at crystal inhomogeneities. The well- tovoltaic effect can be termed the non-linear photonics. known example here is the photovoltaic effect at the p– The allowance for the quadratic dependence of the cur- n transitions. It is this effect that is used in solar batter- rent J on the field due to the light wave with the unit ies. Thus, the photovoltaic effect recorded up to now vector e for linearly (L) and circularly (C) polarized was associated either with inhomogeneity in crystals or light leads to the equation: with its nonuniform illumination. Both phenomena L c [] have one common property—the photovoltage Ji = Gijle je*l IiG+ il ee* i I, (1) observed in a crystal (or at a p–n transition) does not where I is the light intensity. exceed the band gap, i.e., a value of several volts. In the second half of the 1960s, a new effect was dis- covered—bulk photovoltaic effect [1]. This effect arises under illumination of crystals (or polycrystalline media) having no center of symmetry. Contrary to the +++++ manifestations of the photovoltaic effects observed ear- Eph lier, the bulk photovoltaic effect is observed their uni- Uph R l J form crystals under a homogeneous illumination, which, therefore, was named the bulk photovoltaic effect. The latter has two characteristic features. First, its value depends on the light polarization and, second, the photovoltage in a crystal can reach several tens of thousands of volts, i.e., exceed the band gap by several Fig. 1. Schematic of measurements of the photovoltaic cur- orders of magnitude. Since the bulk photovoltaic effect rent J and photovoltage Uph.

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The first term in Eq. (1) describes the bulk photovol- (a) (b) L taic effect for the linearly polarized light, and Gijl is the tensor of the third rank. The operation of the three- k' k k dimensional inversion shows that the linear bulk photo- k –k –k voltaic effect is nonzero only in noncentrosymmetric –k crystals, and GL is the conventional piezoelectric ten- ijl –k' sor. The second term in Eq. (2) describes the bulk pho- tovoltaic current for a crystal illuminated with a circu- larly-polarized light, whereas the second-rank tensor (c) c Gil has the nonzero value only for gyrotropic (optically active) noncentrosymmetric crystals. It follows from Wex(R) Wex(–R) Eq. (1) that the current Ji depends on the light polariza- tion. R

If the electrodes are disconnected, the current Ji gen- erates the photovoltage (see Fig. 1), Fig. 2. Illustrating violation of the principle of the detailed balancing in noncentrocymmetric crystals. ()σ σ Uph = Jil/ d + ph , (2) σ σ c where d and ph are the darkconductivity and the pho- p = 0 toconductivity, respectively, and l is the distance z between the electrodes. If either darkconductivity or and photoconductivity is low, the photovoltaic current Ji generates a high voltage in the electrodes, which is proportional to the distance between electrodes and is qq not limited by the band gap.

ON THE MICROSCOPIC NATURE OF THE BULK PHOTOVOLTAIC EFFECT v lz = –1 lz = 1 The microscopic bulk photovoltaic effect is associ- kz ated with the violation of the principle of the detailed balancing for photoexcited (nonequlibrium) carriers in noncentrosymmetric crystals. The principle of the Fig. 3. To the formation of bulk photovoltaic effect in gyro- tropic crystals. detailed balancing suggests that the probability Wkk' of the electron transition from the state with a momentum k' to a state with the momentum k is equal to the prob- (a) (b) l0 ability of the reverse transition: Wkk' = Wk'k. Up to now, it was believed that this principle is fulfilled in electron kinetics of solids, although there are some cases (fore- seen by Boltzmann) where it is violated. In centrosym- metric crystals (such as, Ge or Si), this principle is ful- filled and the photovoltaic effect is of the conventional ≠ nature. In noncentrosymmetric crystals, Wkk' Wk'k and the violation of the principle of the detailed balancing gives rise to an asymmetric momentum distribution for បv បv nonequlibrium electrons (or holes), which results in the appearance of the photovoltaic current in homogeneous crystals or in uniformly illuminated ones. Figure 2 schematically illustrates the violation of the principle of detailed balancing in noncentrosymmetric crystals. This can be caused by inelastic scattering of carriers from asymmetric centers (Fig. 2a), excitation of impu- rity centers with an asymmetric potential (Fig. 2b), or the hopping mechanism acting between the asymmetri- cally distributed centers (Fig. 2c). Figure 3 provides the Fig. 4. (a) Symmetric distribution of nonequilibrium carri- ers in a centrocymmetric crystal; (b) asymmetric distribu- interpretation of the bulk photovoltaic effect in gyrotro- tion of nonthermalized carriers in a noncentrocymmetric pic crystals. Spin-orbital splitting of the valence band crystal.



(a) Here, ϕ is the quantum yield, ξex is the parameter char- acterizing the excitation asymmetry and depending on x[110] β the mechanism of violation of the principle of detailed e balancing, and e is the electron charge. The lifetime of Jx τ ≈ –12 an electron in the nonthermalized state, nth 10 s, is q z[001] small in comparison with the lifetime of a nonequlib- τ ≈ –6 B rium thermalized electron, th 10 s. Nevertheless, l0 y[110] can reach the values of order of several angstroms, Jz µ since the mobility of a nonthermalized electron, nth, is Jy very high in comparison its mobility in the nonthermal- µ ized state, th: (b) µ ()Ð1τ ≈ ()ប Ð1 H –13 2 nth = em* 0 el0 k0 . (4) J x(B), 10 Ä/cm y e µ –B β High nth values are provided by a small effective mass 2 of an electron, m*, (τ is the thermalization time). x 0 Thus, if is clear that the bulk photovoltaic effect pro- 1 vides the transformation of the light energy into elec- tric. However, the efficiency η of this transformation is 0 30 60 120 150 β, deg very low. It is easy to see that ητ≈ τ Ð6 Ð4 –1 nth/ th = 10 Ð10 . (5) Thus, the main application field of the bulk photovol- –2 taic effect is photorefraction and photorefractive optics +B which use intense fields generated in piezo- and ferro- electric crystals. Fig. 5. (a) Schematic of measurements of the bulk photovol- taic current in polarized light in a magnetic field. (b) Depen- dence of the Hall-component of the bulk photovoltaic cur- EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATION rent in a cubic ZnS crystal on the angle of light polarization OF THE BULK PHOTOVOLTAIC EFFECT for two directions of the magnetic field. The schematic of the experimental observation of the bulk photovoltaic effect is shown in Fig. 5a. A crys- (v) results in excitation of electrons with a momentum tal is illuminated with a polarized light with the wave- kz < 0 clockwise circularly-polarized light (lz = –1), vector q. The vector e of the light polarization forms an whereas the counterclockwise circularly-polarized angle β with the x-axis. If the bulk photovoltaic effect is studied in a current mode, the currents J , J , and J light (lz = 1) excites electrons with a momentum kz > 0. x y z Thus, changing the sign of the circular light polariza- are measured along the crystallographic directions x, y tion, one can change the direction of the bulk photovol- and z, respectively. If the measurements are also made taic current. This was first made experimentally in tel- in a magnetic field (see below), the vector B denotes the lurium crystals [1] and can also be made for all the magnetic field intensity. According to Eq. (1), the rota- tion of the polarization vector e of the light results in gyrotropic crystals. oscillations of the bulk photovoltaic current, i.e., in its Independently of the microscopic mechanism, the dependence on the β angle; the type of oscillations bulk photovoltaic effect is associated with the excita- depends on the crystal symmetry and the direction of tion in a crystal of the so-called nonthermalized elec- the incident light beam. Figure 6 shows the angular trons (holes) (Fig. 4). Figure 4a illustrates the intrinsic dependences of the photocurrent for trigonal (3mm) excitation of a centrosymmetric crystal. It is seen that LiNbO3 : Fe, cubic p-GaAs, and trigonal (3 : 2) quartz the electron distribution in the band is symmetric and crystals with different concentrations of F-centers. there is no current. The excitation of a noncentrosym- In lithium niobate and quartz, the bulk photovoltaic metric crystal (Fig. 4b) provides the asymmetric effect is of the extrinsic nature; i.e., it is caused by exci- momentum distribution for electrons (shown by an tation of F+2 centers in the former crystal and of color arrow). The photoexcited nonthermalized electrons centers in the latter one. In p-GaAs, the bulk photovol- lose the energy and descend to the band bottom, which taic effect is of the intrinsic nature, i.e., is caused by an interband transitions of the carriers. In ferroelectric results in the shift l0. An amplitude of the tensor com- ponent GL has the form crystals (Fig. 6a), there are certain directions along which the bulk photovoltaic effect is observed in the natural light. In piezoelectric crystals (see Figs. 6b, 6c), L ξexϕ()បν Ð1 G = el0 . (3) such directions are absent and the bulk photovoltaic


(a) –12 Jx, 10 1 qx, y = 0 (b) 0 –8 Eph/J, 10 V cm/W –1 –12 10 Jy, 10 qx, y = 0 1 5 0 0 –1 π/4 3π/4 β J , 10–12 y –5 1 qy, z = 0

0 –10 –12 Jz, 10 q = 0 y, z (c) –14 z e 1 Jx, 10 Ä 3 β 3 x 0 J , 10–13 q = 0 2 x x, z 1 1 0 1 –11 Jz, 10 qx, z = 0 2

1 090180 270 360 β, deg 0 90 180 270 θ, deg

Fig. 6. Angular dependences of the bulk photovoltaic current in (a) LiNbO3 : Fe; (b) p-GaAs; and (c) quartz crystals. effect is observed only in polarized light. All these sym- metric characteristics follow from Eq. (1). In semicon- ductors with a high conductivity (GaAs), the bulk pho- 2 tovoltaic effect provides low voltages only slightly dif- ferent from the band gap (2Ð3 V). However, in dielectric crystals with low darkconductivity and pho- θ 2 toconductivity (LiNbO3), the bulk photovoltaic effect provides rather intense fields. At higher light intensities in LiNbO3 : Fe, the electric fields attain the fields q1 4 Ð1 ~10 V cm . In some cases, these fields are limited by q the breakdown of the ambient air. q2 θ MAGNETOPHOTOVOLTAIC EFFECT 1 IN NONCENTROSYMMETRIC CRYSTALS 1 The bulk photovoltaic current should give rise to an effect similar to the Hall effect. This conclusion can be drawn proceeding from high values of nonthermalized- carrier mobility. To observe this effect, referred to as the magnetophotovoltaic effect [1], one has to illumi- Fig. 7. Two-beam coupling in a photorefractive crystal.


Mobilities of thermalized and nonthermalized carriers indicated that the effect of photorefraction was observed several years before the discovery of the bulk µ 2 Ð1 Ð1 µ 2 Ð1 Ð1 th, cm V s nth, cm V s photovoltaic effect. The use of KDP-based electroopti- ZnS 10Ð2 102 cal modulators revealed their light-induced damages. It Ð6 3 turned out that illumination of KDP crystals with light LiNbO3 : Fe 10 10 changed their birefringence. This effect was later called Ð6 2 Bi12SiO20 10 10 photorefraction, but it was interpreted only upon the discovery of the bulk photovoltaic effect [1]. The illu- mination of a piezoelectric or a ferroelectric crystal nate piezoelectric or ferroelectric crystals with polar- with applied disconnected electrodes generates the ized light in a magnetic field (Fig. 5a). By analogy with bulk photovoltaic current and the electric field (see Eq. (1), the magnetophotovoltaic current Ji(Ç) can also Eq. (2)). Because of the linear electrooptical effect, this be observed in both linearly and a circularly polarized field changes birefringence. The photorefractive effect light. Figure 5b shows the Hall current J H (Ç) in a is stable because the field is induced by the charge-car- x riers captured by deep traps. The effect of photorefrac- cubic ZnS crystal (point symmetry 3/4) illuminated tion laid the basis for photorefractive optics and three- along [001] as a function of the polarization angle β for dimensional holography. At present, photorefractive two directions of the magnetic field (see Fig. 5a). As is optics is an independent scientific discipline. We con- seen, the Hall component rigorously follows the angu- sider here in brief only the principle it is based on. lar dependence determined by the crystal symmetry. Figure 7 shows a noncentrosymmetric crystal illu- This experiment allows the determination of the mobil- minated with two coherent polarized light beams ity of nonthermalized carriers using the ratio of the (1 and 2) incident onto the crystal surface at a certain component of the Hall current J Ç to the photovoltaic ı( ) angle. The interference of these beams provides a sinu- current Jz, soidal distribution of the light intensity in the crystal µ = ()1/B J ()B /J . (6) bulk, whereas the bulk photovoltaic effect provides the nth x z formation of the corresponding photovoltage and bire- µ µ The table lists the th and nth values for ZnS, fringence distributions. The change of the refractive µ LiNbO3 : Fe, and Bi12SiO21 crystals. The th values index gives rise to the formation of a phase grating the determined from the conventional Hall effect or deter- beam diffraction from it. Diffraction provides the mined indirectly are taken from the related publica- energy transfer and redistribution between the beams. µ tions, whereas the nth values are measured with the aid In turn, this creates new media for a three-dimensional of the magnetophotovoltaic effect [1]. It is seen from phase holography, enhancement of the image contrast, µ improves filters, etc. However, one should not forget the table that the mobility nth of nonthermalized carri- µ that the bulk photovoltaic effect is only one of the pos- ers exceeds the th value be several orders of magni- tude, which provides the experimental detection of the sible mechanisms of photorefraction. In some photore- photovoltaic effect. In order words, the observation of fractive crystals, other mechanisms of the charge trans- the bulk photovoltaic effect is possible under two con- fer are possible, such as photoconductivity in external ditions—the use of a noncentrosymmetrical crystal and fields and diffusion. the excitation of nonthermalized states. REFERENCES PHOTOREFRACTION AND PHOTOREFRACTIVE 1. B. I. Sturman and V. M. Fridkin, The Photovoltaic and OPTICS Photorefractive Effects in Noncentrosymmetric Materi- als (Gordon and Breach, Philadelphia, 1992). As was stated above, the low efficiency of the bulk photovoltaic effect makes the conversion of light 2. Photorefractive Materials and Their Applications, Ed. energy into electric energy impossible. However, by P. Günter and J.-P. Huignard (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988), Vols. I, II. intense electric fields generated by crystals which man- ifest the bulk photovoltaic effect are used in photore- fraction and photorefractive optics [2]. It should be Translated by T. Dmitrieva


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 659Ð664. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 727Ð732. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Kirpichnikova, Polomska, Hilczer.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Domain Structure in CsDSO4 Crystals L. F. Kirpichnikova*, M. Polomska**, and B. Hilczer** * Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia e-mail: [email protected] ** Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Smoluchowskiego 17, 60-17 Poznan, Poland Received February 20, 2001

Abstract—A complex study of domain structure of CsDSO4 crystals has been performed over a wide temper- ature range. The effect of internal and external stresses and the PO4 impurity on the kinetics of domain growth is considered. The behavior of the domain structure of the CsDSO4 crystals is compared with martensite phase transformations. A model of crystal-lattice transformations in various phases is suggested, including an inter- mediate phase with the unknown symmetry of CsDSO4 crystals. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

According to [1Ð6], deuterated CsDSO4 (CDS) a gradual linear decrease of thermal expansion coeffi- crystals containing more than 50% of deuterium have cient on the (001)-cut is observed, and at a temperature an improper superprotonic–ferroelectric first-order 3 K lower than Ts, the thermal expansion coefficient ↑ phase transition, I41/amd–P21/c, at Ts = 412 K, which is goes to zero. Then, at Ts , it increase in a jumpwise accompanied by considerable spontaneous deforma- manner from zero to 10Ð4 KÐ1. It was assumed that there tions. The unit-cell parameters of the superprotonic tet- exists an intermediate ferroelastic phase in the vicinity ragonal phase are a1 = b1 = 5.729 Å and c1 = 14.21 Å; of Ts and a hypothetical intermediate cubic phaseÐpro- the parameters of the monoclinic ferroelectric phase at totype [12]. This idea is consistent with the data of the room temperature are a2 = 7.789 Å, b2 = 8.146 Å, c2 = group-theoretic analysis [13Ð15]. The tables [13] 7.726 Å, β = 110.87°. The superprotonic phase transi- describing various sequences of possible ferroelastic tion can be observed in a 10- to 20-nm-thick subsurface phase transitions do not indicate the ferroelectric phase 19 5 layer at 395 K, i.e., 17 K below Ts [7]. The opticalÐ transition I41/amd ()–D4h P21/c ()C2h . The theoretical polarization studies of the domain structure in CDS consideration of the symmetries of phases formed in [8−11] shows that the transition into a superprotonic ↑ CsHSO4 and CsDSO4 crystals under high pressures and phase during heating occurs at Ts = 421 K, whereas ↓ their possible changes during condensation of various during subsequent cooling, it occurs at Ts = 417 K. It components of an order parameter was made in [14, 15]. was also revealed that a new domain structure is formed ↑↓ at the temperature 3Ð4 K below Ts . A considerable The present study was undertaken for further study change in the domain structure is observed during an of the domain structure of CDS crystals and generaliza- increase and decrease of the temperature with a thermal tion and systematization of the observed changes, hysteresis ∆T = 7 K. At a temperature 3 K lower than which would provide the better understanding of the processes occurring in the vicinity of the phase transi- Ts, the conductivity starts gradually increasing by 1.5Ð 2.0 orders of magnitude, and the transition into the tion and accompanied by disappearance of a spontane- superprotonic phase is accompanied by an additional ous deformation and appearance of a considerable con- abrupt increase in conductivity by two orders of magni- ductivity. tude [8]. Crystallographic modeling of the (100) domain wall on the (001)-cut shows that considerable displacements of Cs atoms (up to 2.5 Å) and the rota- EXPERIMENTAL tion of SO4 tetrahedra occur, in fact, at a temperature The optical studies of the domain structure in CDS 3 K lower than the temperature of the superprotonic crystals were performed in polarized light with the aid transition [10]. The changes in domain pattern of a VTO 232 M1 videosystem over a wide temperature observed below Ts are consistent with the anomalous range. The samples were placed onto a THMS 600 behavior of the thermal expansion coefficients in the heating stage. The precise control, programmed vicinity of Ts [11]. With an increase of the temperature, change, and stabilization of the temperature were made

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(101) (100) – (203)




(b) ()031



a2 b2

Fig. 1. Photographs and schematic drawing of the domain structure induced by external stresses in a CDS crystal at room tempera- ture on the (a) (010)-cut; (b) (100) cleavage; a2, b2, c2 are the crystallographic axes of the monoclinic P21/c phase, c1 is the axis of the tetragonal phase, I41/amd. with the aid of a TMS91 system (LINKAM, UK). The plane (Fig. 1a). The mechanical factors applied to the changes in domain structure were recorded onto a (001)-cut provide the formation of (100)-type domain video cassette, visualized on a TV screen, and also pho- walls. The external stress applied to the (100) cleavage tographed. The temperature was controlled within an gives rise to the formation of bright colored (023), accuracy of 0.01 K. (02 3), and (03 1) domains. With an increase of the applied stress, the latter domains first slightly widen and they are “stabilized” by the cracks appearing near EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS domains (Fig. 1b). Thin domains caused by the com- The as-grown CDS crystals are usually in the single- paratively low stresses disappear upon their removal or domain state. The domain structure at room tempera- become “annealed” similar to defects with an increase ture can be formed by applying an external mechanical of the temperature. stress. The compression applied to the (010)-cut results A domain structure spontaneously appears on a sin- in the appearance of inclined domains with the (2 03) gle-domain (010)-cut during heating at the temperature ↑ and (101) walls and cracks along the (100) cleavage Ts Ð3 K (Fig. 2a) and, during cooling, upon passing the


DOMAIN STRUCTURE IN CsDSO4 CRYSTALS 661 ↓ superprotonic phase at Ts (Fig. 2b). The orientation of domains formed in the vicinity of Ts differs from those formed at room temperature by 15°Ð20°. It is clearly seen that some domains form angles equal to 30° or 60°. The width of the domains formed in the intermedi- ate phase remains almost constant; the change in tem- perature is accompanied by formation of new smaller domains.

The introduction to crystals of 5 mol % of PO4 impurity results in a fast increase of the domain width in the intermediate phase (contrary to their in “pure” crystals) with an increase of the temperature. The impurity distorts and “weakens” the crystal lattice and reduces the coercive stress of a crystal and favors the appearance of a possible side motion of domain walls under the action of the internal stresses. The increase of PO4 content up to 10 mol % results in the gradual dis- appearance of the intermediate phase. 0.1 mm If a sufficient number of the (2 03) and (101) (a) domains are formed under the effect of an external stress on the (010)-cut of CDS crystal at room temper- ature, then an increase of temperature gives rise to the formation of bright color stripes at 418 K indicating the appearance of high internal stresses. As is seen from Fig. 3, the domain walls formed at room temperature become thin in the intermediate phase and disappear against the background of the constantly varying strained state of the sample. The domain structure formed at room temperature seems to be related to a pronounced deformations of crystal lattice. This causes large internal stresses in the intermediate phase, hinders the rearrangement of the crystal lattice and the appear- ance of new domains, and also distorts the pattern of the phase transitions. As was shown in [8], the first cycle of the tempera- ture change does not provide the domain formation on the (100)-cut in the intermediate phase during heating; one observes only the movement of the phase front at (b) 0.1 mm 418 K; however, by lowering the temperature to Ts from ↓ the superprotonic phase at Ts , the domains appear. If the temperature increases only up to 420 K (1 K lower Fig. 2. Photographs of the domain structure formed in a sin- ↑ gle-domain sample on the (010)-cut of the intermediate than Ts ) (not entering the range of the superprotonic phase in a CDS crystal: (a) during heating; (b) during cool- phase) and starts cooling the sample, the domains reap- ing after passing the superprotonic phase. pear (Fig. 4a). It should be indicated that the domains are formed very quickly, almost instantaneously. With ↓ the change in the temperature, smaller domains are of the second phase front (at Ts Ð 3 K), the bright sam- formed, which results in twinning; and the domains ple color disappears; it becomes gray and turbid almost stop growing in width (Fig. 4b). The wedgelike (Fig. 4c). At room temperature, the sample has, along shape of the twins indicates the presence of high inter- with transparent areas, some opaque areas of decom- nal stresses in the vicinity of domains. If lowering the posed subsurface layer (which can readily be polished temperature is stopped, the twinning process decays, off) and the traces of the “frozen” domains of the inter- but the further temperature reduction provides the for- mediate phase remaining as the defect areas. It seems mation of new smaller domains. At 411 K, the move- that the mobility of interphase boundary of the second- ment of the second phase front is observed, which indi- phase front is high in comparison with the mobility of cates the first-order transition from the intermediate domain walls, so that after the completion of the phase ferroelectric phase to the ferroelectric phase existing transition, the low-temperature phase still preserves the down to liquid nitrogen temperatures. After the passage “frozen” areas of domain structure of the intermediate


0.1 mm (a) (a)

0.1 mm (b) (b)

(c) 0.1 mm (c)

Fig. 3. The changes in the (010)-cut of a CDS crystal with Fig. 4. Photographs of the domain structure on the (100)-cut the (2 03) and (101) domains formed by the external of a CDS crystal formed in the intermediate phase during mechanical stresses at room temperature at different tem- cooling at different temperatures: (a) 417; (b) 416; peratures: (a) 300; (b) 418; (c) 419 K. (c) 414 K. phase corresponding, to a certain extent, to the equilib- heatingÐcooling cycle in the vicinity of a superprotonic rium structure formed at Ts Ð 3 K. Applying a mechan- phase transition provides the formation of additional ical stress, one can obtain a new domain typical of the defects in a crystal, intensifies the internal stresses, monoclinic ferroelectric phase existing at room tem- smears the pattern of transitions and the changes in the perature near the “frozen” domain (Fig. 5). The orien- domain structure, and increases the time necessary for tations of these domains differ by 15°Ð20°. A multiple domain restructuring.


The analysis of the domain structure, its changes, – the corresponding X-ray data [2Ð4, 11] and theoretical (203) studies [14] led us to the model of possible changes in the crystal lattice of CDS crystals in phase transitions in the vicinity of Ts (Fig. 6). At room temperature, a CDS crystal is in the monoclinic phase, P21/c, with coordinate axes a2, b2, c2. At Ts Ð 3 K, the crystal undergoes the transition into the intermediate phase, with the axes being parallel to the diagonal of the (001) face of the monoclinic cell. The unit cell of the interme- diate phase (aint, bint, cint) is shown by the dotted line in Fig. 1. At T , the transition into the tetragonal phase s (FD) 0.1 mm (a1, b1, c1) takes place. We assume that if the directions of the aint, bint, and cint axes coincide with the directions of the a1, b1, c1 axes, the intermediate phase is most Fig. 5. Photograph of the (010)-cut of a CDS crystal with a probably orthorhombic or, possibly, tetragonal “frozen” domain (FD) structure formed in the intermediate phase and the (2 03) domain induced by mechanical stresses (depending on the ratio of the lattice parameters). If upon thermal tests. these axes do not coincide, the intermediate phase is monoclinic. Unfortunately, the X-ray studies still can- not answer the question about the intermediate-phase c1 symmetry because of complications in measuring the crystal with constantly varying domain structure in the narrow temperature range of intermediate-phase exist- ence. A number of possible orientational states in CDS c2 crystals, the domain shapes, and the angular correlation between them, the crystallographic features, and the domain indices (at room temperature) point to the exist- ence of a threefold axis in a prototype phase. Taking cint into consideration the tetragonal symmetry of the superprotonic phase, all these facts favor the cubic cc symmetry of the prototype phase. The crystallographic axes (ac, bc, cc) of the hypothetical cubic phase are par- allel to the diagonals in the (001) face of the tetragonal crystal.

The measurements of the electrical properties [16] b1, bint showed that the resistance of the crystal at room tem- 6 a2 b2 perature is (4–5) × 10 Ω; the resistance of the super- a bc Ω c protonic phase, about 60 ; and that of the intermediate a , a phase, (5–6) × 103 Ω. The activation energy of the 1 int superprotonic phase is 0.29Ð0.33 and that of the inter- Fig. 6. A model of possible changes in the crystal lattice in mediate phase, 0.77 eV. Thus, the number of free a CDS crystal occurring in phase transitions from the low- charge carriers in the intermediate phase is small, but temperature ferroelastic monoclinic phase (crystallographic they seem to be “blocked.” Since the barriers are low, axes a2, b2, c2) to the tetragonal phase (axes a1, b1, c1) via they can easily move. The intermediate phase can the intermediate phase (dotted line); ac, bc, cc are the direc- tions of crystallographic axes of the hypothetical prototype hardly be called superprotonic; rather, it can be cubic phase. regarded as a certain intermediate state. The domain structure in the intermediate phase spontaneously formed under the action of internal The internal stresses, impurities, and regions with stresses reminds the domain structure induced by the defects modify the processes occurring in the vicinity external mechanical stresses at room temperature but of superprotonic phase. Thus, the domain structure of rotated by 15°Ð20°. The indexing of intermediate- the intermediate phase can be studied only on high- phase domains is hindered because of the unknown quality crystals. unit-cell parameters of this phase. The narrow temper- The ferroelastic phase transition in CDS crystals is ature range of intermediate-phase existence and vary- associated with the pronounced spontaneous deforma- ing number and shape of domains hinder the X-ray tion comparable with the spontaneous deformations studies in this range. observed in martensite transformations. The formation

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 664 KIRPICHNIKOVA et al. of characteristic triangular domains, the reversibility of 2. R. A. Dilanyan, V. Sh. Shekhtman, A. I. Baranov, et al., twinning, and the character of the variations in the Fiz. Tverd. Tela (Leningrad) 26 (2), 587 (1986) [Sov. domain structure with temperature are similar to the Phys. Solid State 28, 328 (1986)]. behavior of the domain structure in martensite transfor- 3. B. V. Merinov, A. I. Baranov, B. A. Maksimov, et al., Kri- mations. In both cases, the first-order transition takes stallografiya 31 (3), 450 (1986) [Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. place, which is accompanied by the thermal hysteresis, 31, 264 (1986)]. the reversibility of the martensite transformation, and 4. B. V. Merinov, A. I. Baranov, and L. A. Shuvalov, Kri- the phase-front motion. In both CDS crystals and in stallografiya 32 (1), 86 (1987) [Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. martensite transformations, twinning is interpreted 32, 47 (1987)]. with the invocation of the cubic phase-prototype (real 5. A. I. Baranov, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz. 51 (12), or hypothetical), which determines a specific triangular 2146 (1987). shape of the domain structure. The considerable spon- 6. Ph. Colomban, M. Pham-thi, and A. Novak, Solid State taneous deformation in CDS crystals, the rotation of the Ionics 2, 125 (1986). crystal lattice in twinning, the internal stresses in the 7. A. V. Belushkin, M. A. Adams, S. Hull, et al., Solid State vicinity of domains, and the features of the phase-tran- Ionics 77, 91 (1995). sition kinetics result in the formation of supercooled 8. L. F. Kirpichnikova, M. Polomska, Ya. I. Volyak, et al., region of existence of the high-temperature intermedi- Pis’ma Zh. Éksp. Teor. Fiz. 55, 297 (1996) [JETP Lett. ate phase. The decisive role in the formation of domain 63, 912 (1996)]. structure and domain switching in ferroelastics is 9. L. Kirpichnikova, B. Hilczer, M. Polomska, et al., Ferro- played by the elastic energy of the crystals in the field electrics 190, 7 (1997). of external and internal stresses and the surface energy 10. L. Kirpichnikova, B. Hilczer, M. Polomska, et al., of domain walls. The “martensite features” observed in J. Korean Phys. Soc. 32, S796 (1998). ferroelastic phase transitions are understandable—all 11. R. A. Dilanyan and V. Sh. Shekhtman, Fiz. Tverd. Tela these features should be inherent in all the transforma- (Leningrad) 29 (12), 3577 (1987) [Sov. Phys. Solid State tions caused by spontaneous deformation. 29, 2049 (1987)]. 12. L. Kirpichnikova, M. Polomska, and B. Hilczer, Ferro- electrics 221, 85 (1999). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 13. J. C. Toledano and P. Toledano, Phys. Rev. B 21, 1139 This study was supported by the Russian Founda- (1980). tion for Basic Research, project no. 00-12-17095-a and 14. V. S. Shakhmatov, Kristallografiya 36 (4), 1021 (1991) the Committee of Scientific Studies, project no. 2 P03 [Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 36, 575 (1991)]. B024. 15. V. S. Shakhmatov, Kristallografiya 38 (6), 176 (1993) [Crystallogr. Rep. 38, 805 (1993)]. REFERENCES 16. L. Kirpichnikova, A. Pawlowski, M. Polomska, and B. Hilczer, Solid State Ionics 125, 171 (1999). 1. A. I. Baranov, L. A. Shuvalov, and N. M. Shchagina, Kri- stallografiya 29 (6), 1203 (1984) [Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 29, 706 (1984)]. Translated by A. Zalesskiœ


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 665Ð672. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 733Ð741. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Kaminskii, Konstantinova, Orekhova, Butashin, Klevtsova, Pavlyuk.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Optical and Nonlinear Laser Properties of the c(3)-Active Monoclinic a-KY(WO4)2 Crystals A. A. Kaminskii*, A. F. Konstantinova*, V. P. Orekhova*, A. V. Butashin*, R. F. Klevtsova**, and A. A. Pavlyuk** * Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia e-mail: [email protected] ** Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Akademika Lavrent’eva 3, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia Received February 16, 2001

α Abstract—Monoclinic -KRE(WO4)2 crystals are grown. Their structure is described in two crystallographic settings. The principal refractive indices are determined and the coefficients and characteristic wavelengths are used for calculating refractive indices by the Selmeyer formulas. The data on the anisotropic parametric Raman generation in these crystals under the picosecond pumping are discussed. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiod- ica”.

INTRODUCTION Despite promising properties of these crystals for various applications, their characterization is far from The family of lasing monoclinic tungstates exhaustive. Thus, there are no data on their refractive α -KRE(WO4)2 (RE = Y and Ln) crystals activated by indices, one of the most important optical characteris- trivalent lanthanide ions Ln3+ was discovered at the tics of crystals. In the present study, we determined the Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography (Moscow) and dispersion of refractive indices of one representative of α the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (Novosibirsk) the tungstate family, namely, -KY(WO4)2 and also more than thirty years ago [1]. obtained new data on the parametric Raman generation under the picosecond pumping for this crystal. We also Since that time, the stimulated radiation emission in α these crystals has been obtained for a large number of considered the structure of -KY(WO4)2 crystals, since intermultiplet 4fN–4fN channels of lanthanide ions it was described in two different crystallographic set- within a wide wavelength range. Currently, the set of tings, which gave rise to a number of inconsistencies in these crystals and activator Ln3+ ions is rather large and the interpretation of the optical and lasing properties of is intensely increasing. The generalized diagram of the these crystals. laser generation channels in Pr3+, Nd3+, Dy3+, Ho3+, 3+ 3+ 3+ α Er , Tm , Yb in some -KRE(WO4)2 crystal matri- GROWTH OF α-KY(WO ) CRYSTALS ces is presented in Fig. 1 [2Ð16].1 In the near-infrared 4 2 (IR) range, the laser generation was observed at wave- The KY(WO4)2 compound congruently melts at lengths from 0.85 to 2.9 µm and in the optical range at 1080°C and has a layered structure similar to that of the µ 4 6 ° the wavelengths 0.57 and 0.66 m for F9/2 H13/2 orthorhombic KY(MoO4)2 crystal. At 1010 C, the crys- and 4F 6H channels of Dy3+ ions (the result of tal undergoes the polymorphous structural transforma- 9/2 11/2 α the most recent studies [16]). The α-KRE(WO ) tung- tion into the monoclinic -KY(WO4)2 phase [26]. The 4 2 α states also exhibit a pronounced optical cubic nonlin- monoclinic -KY(WO4)2 crystals cannot be grown earity [17Ð25] and can be used in various devices based from the stoichiometric melt by the conventional Czo- on the effect of stimulated Raman scattering. chralski technique because of the complete decomposi- tion of single crystals upon the above polymorphous 1 The first study on the laser generation of Yb3+ ions in the transformation. Therefore, the crystals were grown by α α -KY(WO4)2 and -KGd(WO4)2 crystals was reported by the low-gradient Czochralski technique from the potas- A.A. Kaminskii at the International Symposium Modern Prob- sium ditungstate (K W O ) flux [27] in a setup with the lems in Laser Physics in Novosibirsk in September 1996 and, as a 2 2 7 remark, at the International Conference “Euro/CLEO-97” in two-zone heater under the precision temperature con- Hamburg in 1997 (see also [13]). trol (±0.1°C). To maintain the necessary supersatura-

1063-7745/01/4604-0665 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”

666 KAMINSKII et al.

Pr3+ Nd3+ Dy3+ Ho3+ Er3+ Tm3+ Yb3+

KY(WO4)2 [14, 15] KY(WO4)2 [1, 2] KY(WO4)2 [16] KY(WO4)2 [3, 9] KY(WO4)2 [3, 5] KY(WO4)2 [15] KY(WO4)2 [13] KGd(WO4)2 [12] KGd(WO4)2 [3] KGd(WO4)2 [16] KGd(WO4)2 [4, 5] KGd(WO4)2 [4] KGd(WO4)2 [15] KGd(WO4)2 [13] KLu(WO4)2 [8] KLu(WO4)2 [8, 10] KEr(WO4)2 [7, 11] KLu(WO4)2 [6] 4 1G F9/2 4 3 P0 20 0.57 5 S2 4 S3/2 1.4 1.7 1D 0.66 5 4 2 F5 F9/2 3 15 6 0.85 F3 –1 1.02 F1/2 4 6F I9/2 3 3/2 5 F4 , cm 6 4 F5/2 I5 –3 1.07 F3/2 6 F7/2 4 10 1 I G4 6 11/2 2 × 10 1.35 H5/2 F5/2 E 0.91 6 6 3 H7/2+ F9/2 5 H5 6 6 I6 2.9 3 1.07 H9/2+ F11/2 F4 3 2.7 F3 4 1.02 3 6H I13/2 5 F2 11/2 5 3 3 I7 H4 H6 4 I13/2 6 1.54 H13/2 2.1 2 3 4 H5 I11/2 3 4 6 5 4 3 2 0 H4 I9/2 H15/2 I8 I15/2 H6 F7/2

N N 3+ α Fig. 1. Laser 4f –4f transitions for Ln ions in monoclinic -KRE(WO4)2 crystals (the generation wavelength ranges are indi- cated in µm). tion in the flux, it was continuously cooled by the {110} and {011} prismatic faces. Some physical char- α paired analog temperature controllers ZTA-1 according acteristics -KY(WO4)2 crystals are indicated in Table 1 to the solubility curves for KY(WO4)2 in potassium and can be found in [28]. ditungstate using the special program. The crystals were pulled along the twofold axis at the rate of about α 0.2 mm/h; the seed was rotated at a velocity of 50Ð THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF -KY(WO4)2 90 rev/min in the low-gradient temperature field (0.5– The structure of a α-KY(WO ) crystal, which α 4 2 1 deg/cm). The habit of the -KY(WO4)2 crystals thus belongs to the centrosymmetric class 2/m of the mono- 3 grown with the volume of up to 50 cm is formed clinic sp. gr. C6 , Z = 4 (for the C2/c crystallographic mainly by the {100}, {010}, and {001} pinacoidal and 2h setting), was described in [29]. This space group has two crystallographic settings (I2/c and C2/c); therefore, α we present the monoclinic unit-cell parameters in both Table 1. Some physical characteristics of an -KY(WO4)2 crystal I and C settings in Table 2. Since the unit cell in the I setting better corresponds to the , the fur- Melting point ~1080°C ther consideration is made for this setting. The basis Ð3 Density 6.565 g cm vectors (a, b, c) and (a1, b1, c1) in I and C settings of the monoclinic unit cell of the α-KY(WO ) structure and Specific heat ~500 J kgÐ1 degÐ1 4 2 hermal conductivity ~0.03 W cmÐ1 degÐ1 α Thermal expansion ~4.6 × 10Ð6 degÐ1 Table 2. X-ray characteristics of an -KY(WO4)2 crystal in two settings Microhardness on the Mohs 4Ð5 scale Crystal setting I2/cC2/c Optical transparency* ~0.34Ð5.5 µm Unit-cell parameters (Å) a = 8.05 a1 = 10.64 Band gap ~3.83 eV b = 10.35 b1 = 10.35 Thermooptical coefficient dn/dT ~0.4 × 10Ð6 degÐ1 c = 7.54 c1 = 7.54 β β * Optical transparency for a 1-mm-thick sample. Monoclinicity angle (deg) = 94 1 = 130.5

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 OPTICAL AND NONLINEAR LASER PROPERTIES 667 the corresponding atomic coordinates (x, y, z) and (x , a 1 1 a y1, z1) are related in the following way:

a1 ===ac+ , b1 Ðb, c1 Ðc, x(nm) x x 10 0 1 (1) y = 01Ð0y . 1 z(ng) 94° z 10Ð 1 z1 130.5° The atomic coordinates and interatomic distances of 17.5° α cbbc the -KY(WO4)2 structure for both settings are listed in 1 1 Tables 3 and 4. y(np) In the α-KY(WO ) structure (Fig. 3), the oxygen 4 2 Fig. 2. The relation between basis vectors of the monoclinic and the tungsten atoms occupy the general positions α unit cell in the -KY(WO4)2 structure in the I (a, b, c) and having no symmetry elements (C1), whereas the Y and C (a1, b1, c1) settings and the directions of principal axes (x, y, z) of the optical indicatrix (b is perpendicular to the figure K atoms are located on twofold rotation axes (C2). Oxy- plane and directed from the observer; b1 is directed toward gen atoms form three types of polyhedra: a distorted the observer). octahedron around the W atom, polyhedra with eight vertices around the Y atoms, and polyhedra with twelve vertices around the K atoms (Fig. 3b). The structure has reasonable. The second large fragment of the structure a doubled band formed by W octahedra along the c- is the band formed by Y-eight-vertex edge-sharing axis. The WÐO distances in the octahedron are not polyhedra parallel to the a-axis. The size of YO poly- equivalent and form the groups 4 + 1 + 1 or 5 + 1. How- 8 hedra are consistent with the ionic radii of Y3+. The ever, considering the W atom as being coordinated with α only the four or five nearest O atoms, we see that this W three-dimensional framework of the -KY(WO4)2 type atom is located either almost on the edge of a rather dis- structure is formed by two aforementioned vertex- and torted tetrahedron or lies almost in the plane of the edge-sharing fragments of the structure arranged square face of a tetragonal pyramid. Thus, the octahe- almost perpendicular to one another. The structure dral coordination of the W atom seems to be the most voids are filled with the large potassium atoms.

α Table 3. Positions of basis atoms in the -KY(WO4)2 structure in two settings Crystal setting I2/cC2/c

Atomic coordinate x/ay/bz/cx1/a1 y1/b1 z1/c1 W 0.1962 0 0.4603 0.1962 0 0.2359 Y 0.50 0.2275 0.75 0 0.2725 0.75 K 0.50 0.808 0.75 0 0.692 0.75

O1 0.3727 0.080 0.552 0.122 0.580 0.174 O2 0.0242 Ð0.108 0.053 0.029 0.108 0.976 O3 0.2740 Ð0.158 0.398 0.222 0.342 0.120 O4 0.1882 0.073 0.255 0.185 0.927 0.930

α Table 4. Main interatomic distances in the -KY(WO4)2 crystal structure

Octahedron WO6 Polyhedron YO8 Polyhedron KO12 × × WÐO1 1.78 YÐO1 2 2.31 KÐO4 2 2.84 × × O4 1.72 O2 2 2.28 O4' 2 2.86 × × O3 1.84 O3 2 2.31 O1 2 2.80 × × O2 1.93 O3' 2 2.71 O2 2 3.07 〈 〉 × O2' 2.14 YÐO 2.40 O3 2 3.12 × O4' 2.36 O1' 2 3.31 〈WÐO〉 1.96 〈KÐO〉 3.00



O3 O1 W

WO6 O2 O2'


YO8 O2 O K O 1 3 O3'

b Y 2

O3' O3 O1 O2

O1' O1'

O1 O1 O4 O4

O3 O3 K

O4' O4' O2 O2

c sinβ (a) (b) α Fig. 3. The -KY(WO4)2 crystal structure: (a) projection along the a-axis, the polyhedra of the next level are blackened; (b) the structures of WO6, YO8, and KO12 polyhedra, the metalÐoxygen distances are shown by dashed lines (their values are indicated in Table 4).

2 α 1/(ni – 1) REFRACTIVE INDICES OF A -KY(WO4)2 CRYSTAL 0.34 α The refractive indices of -KY(WO4)2 crystals were 0.32 measured by the technique of the least beam deviation 1 within the wavelength range 0.405Ð1.064 µm on a GS-5 goniometer at room temperature [30]. Since the 0.30 α 2 -KY(WO4)2 crystal is biaxial, the measurements were made on specially prepared two prisms with refraction 0.28 α α 3 angles 1 = 40.421° and 2 = 40.218°. The “refraction edges” of both prisms were parallel to the y-axis of the 0.26 crystal indicatrix (y || b), whereas the yz and yx symme- try planes of the indicatrix bisect the refraction angles 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 formed by the polished faces of the corresponding 2 –2 1/λ , µm prisms. The rotation angle of the optical indicatrix in the crystallographic axes of the I setting is determined 2 λ2 α Fig. 4. 1/(ni – 1) versus 1/ for an -KY(WO4)2 crystal: as ∠cz = 17.5° ± 0.5° (see Fig. 2). The prism aperture 2 2 2 2 ° (1) 1/(np – 1); (2) 1/(nm – 1); (3) 1/(ng – 1). equals 2 cm , the accuracy of the orientation is 0.5 .

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 OPTICAL AND NONLINEAR LASER PROPERTIES 669 α Table 5. Principal refractive indices np, nm, ng and birefringence for an -KY(WO4)2 crystal Wavelength n n n n Ðn n Ðn n Ð n λ (µm) p m g m p g m g p 0.405 2.0704 2.1217 2.1738 0.0513 0.0521 0.1034 0.436 2.0516 2.1003 2.1508 0.0487 0.0505 0.0992 0.491 2.0277 2.0738 2.1223 0.0461 0.0485 0.0946 0.546 2.0128 2.0568 2.1042 0.0440 0.0474 0.0914 0.579 2.0058 2.0491 2.0955 0.0433 0.0464 0.0897 0.633 1.9972 2.0392 2.0848 0.0420 0.0456 0.0876 0.691 1.9907 2.0312 2.0764 0.0405 0.0452 0.0857 1.064 1.9688 2.0065 2.0507 0.0377 0.0442 0.0819

The first prism was used to measure the refractive indi- The refractive indices determined in this study are α ces np and ng; the second one, the refractive indices np lower than those reported in [31] for the -KY(WO4)2 and nm. crystals. In fact, the refractive indices in [31] were obtained by a less accurate method based on the trans- The light sources were a PRK-4 mercury lamp and 3+ HeÐNe (λ = 0.633 µm) and Nd lasers (λ = 1.064 µm). mission spectra of the polarized light on Er -doped The measured refractive indices and birefringences are samples. Also, unlike the experiments in [31], the indicated in Table 5. The refractive indices were mea- direction of crystal indicatrix np was parallel to crystal- sured within the accuracy of ±0.0002 in the wavelength lographic b-axis (b coincided with the twofold axis and range 0.436Ð0.633 µm. At λ = 0.405 µm and λ = the pulling direction during crystal growth). 1.064 µm, the measurement accuracy was lower: ± 0.0008. The refractive indices np measured on both ANISOTROPIC PARAMETRIC RAMAN prisms coincided within ±0.0002, which demonstrates GENERATION their accurate orientations of prisms. α The parametric Raman generation in -KY(WO4)2 All the refractive indices measured on the crystals was excited according the resonatorless single- α -KY(WO4)2 crystals, including the mean refractive pass scheme using picosecond pumping pulses of an 3+ µ index n0 = (np + nm + ng)/3, can be approximated by the Y3Al5O12 : Nd laser at wavelengths of about 1.06 m single-term Selmeyer dispersion formula and 0.53 µm (second harmonic). The samples were pre- pared in the form of polished parallelepipeds with the 2 2 2 2 λ ()λ λ 3 ni Ð 1 = Ki / Ð i , (2) dimensions about 10 × 12 × 25 mm and the longest edge being parallel to the b-axis (two other edges were λ where Ki and i are the coefficients and the correspond- almost parallel to the a- and c-axes). The experimental ing wavelengths for i = p, m, g, 0 and λ is the wave- conditions were similar to those reported elsewhere length of the incident light. The plots of the functions [21]. The orientational spectra of the parametric Raman 2 λ2 λ2 λ2 generation in the α-KY(WO ) crystal and the identifi- 1/(ni – 1) = ( – i )/Ki are presented in Fig. 4. All 4 2 the functions are linear and, therefore, are well approx- cation of the Stokes and anti-Stokes components are shown in Figs. 5 and 6, where the notation of the type imated by straight lines. The coefficients Ki and corre- sponding λ are indicated in Table 6. The axis of the b(cc)b are used for the geometry of the experiment: the i first and fourth characters denote the directions (crys- optical indicatrix np coincides with y (i.e., it is parallel tallographic axes) of pumping-radiation propagation to crystallographic axis b); nm coincides with x, and ng, and the detection of the radiation emitted by the crystal, with z (Fig. 2). The angle between the optical axes lying in the yz plane is equal to 2β. The angle β is calculated λ by the equation Table 6. Calculated Ki and I values in Eq. (2) for the princi- pal refractive indices np, nm, ng and of mean refractive index β []2()2 2 2 ()2 2 1/2 n for α-KY(WO ) crystal tan = ng nm Ð n p /n p ng Ð nm . (3) 0 4 2 n K λ , µm As a result, we find that β = 45.825° at λ = 0.405 µm, i i I β = 44.949° at λ = 0.579 µm, and β = 43.598° at λ = n 2.8134935 0.1529056 µ p 1.064 m. Since, within the whole wavelength range, n 2.9568303 0.1591855 the angle β is close to 45°, the crystal is neither positive m nor negative, and its optical properties are far from ng 3.1278346 0.161512 those characteristic of uniaxial crystals. n0 2.9660389 0.157844


ISRS, arb. units

ω –1 R2 = 765 cm (a) ω = 87 cm–1 4 R3 0.8553 0.9152 0.9226 0.9841 0.9926 1.06415* 1.0741 1.0842 0.9301 1.0012 3 765 765 765 765 765 756 765 765 765 765 0.8617 2 0.7149 0.8028 0.6779 0.9757 1.0946 0.8682 1.0544 1.1582 1.0100 0.9376 0.6444

1 0.9080 0.6142 0.9454 0.7563 0.8085 1.0189 1.1051 0.8748 1.0448 0.8490 0.9675 1.0281 0.9009 0.8142

0 87 87 87 87 87

ω –1 R1 = 905 cm (b) ω –1 4 R2 = 765 cm 0.8553 0.9152 0.9707 0.9841 0.9926 1.06415* 1.0741 ω –1 R3 = 87 cm

3 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 765

2 0.8923 0.9226 0.9036

1 0.8028 1.0012 1.1585 0.9757 0.7563 0.9080 0.8617 1.0544 0.8256 0.7149 1.0842 1.1776 0.9301 0.7682 0.6779

0 87 87 87 87

905 905 905 905 905 765

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 λ, nm

α Fig. 5. The spectra of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) for -KY(WO4)2 at 300 K in the excitation geometry: (a) a(cc)a; (b) b(cc)b (the wavelengths are indicated in µm). The brackets below indicate the relation of SRS-active vibrational modes in the crystal to the Stokes and anti-Stokes emission lines, the corresponding energies are given in cmÐ1. The asterisk marks the pumping wavelength. respectively; the second and third characters corre- experimental conditions, we also determined the spond to the polarization of these radiations. SRS- steady-state Raman gain coefficient for vibrational ω ω active vibrational modes of the crystal have the ener- modes with R1 and R2. Its maximum value for the first ω ω ω ≈ Ð1 ≈ Ð1 gies R1 = 905, R2 = 765, and R3 87 cm and corre- Stokes line is gssR 3.6 cm g W (because of the pro- spond to the most intense lines of the orientational nounced optical anisotropy of the crystal). In contrast spectra of spontaneous Raman scattering from the to the χ(3)-nonlinear tungstate crystals with the α ω Ð1 -KY(WO4)2 crystal at 300 K. The value R1 = 905 cm scheelite (CaWO4) structure, where the SRS-active corresponds to the maximum energy of the optical modes are reliably related to the full-symmetry Ag 2Ð phonons observed in the spectra. Under the same vibrations of the isolated tetrahedral [WO4] anions


ISRS, arb. units

(a) ω –1 R2 = 765 cm 4 0.53207*

0.5574 ω –1 R3 = 87 cm

3 0.5729 765 765 765 765 2 0.5547 0.5346 0.6061 0.5601 0.5821

1 0.5371 0.5628 0.5851 0.5396 0.5520 0.6356 87 87 87 0

ω = 765 cm–1 4 (b) R2 0.53207* 0.5547 0.5792 0.6061 0.6356


2 0.5113 0.4920 0.6680 1 765 765 765 765 765 765 765


ω –1 (c) R1 = 905 cm

4 0.5590 0.5888 0.53207*

3 0.6219

2 0.6590 0.4853 0.5076 0.7008 905 905 905 905 905 905 905 905 0.7482 1


0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 λ, nm

α Fig. 6. The spectra of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) for -KY(WO4)2 at 300 K in the excitation geometry: (a) a(cc)a; (b) b(ÒÒ)b; (c) b(aa)b. For notation see Fig. 5.

α [32], in -KY(WO4)2 crystals, no such coupling was and the Chairman of the Scientific Council on Forma- reliably established because of the complexity of their tion and Structure of Crystals of the USSR Academy of structure. One can state that two SRS-active modes of Sciences, recommended to one of the authors α ω the -KY(WO4)2 crystals with the energies R1 = (A.A. Kaminskii) to establish the cooperation in Ð1 ω Ð1 905 cm and R2 = 765 cm are explained by internal searching for new lasing crystals with the Institute of WÐO vibrations in the double bands formed by vertex- Inorganic Chemistry of the Siberian Division of the and edge-sharing W-octahedra [33]. USSR Academy of Sciences. He said that the Siberian Institute of Inorganic Chemistry is a well-developed institution with the research lines very close to those of CONCLUSION the Institute of Crystallography. He also said his own In the end of the 1960s, B.K. Vainshtein, then the people work there. It was a hint to P.V. Klevtsov, an ex- director of the Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography post-graduate student of the Institute of Crystallogra-

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 672 KAMINSKII et al. phy. Later, Klevtsov took an active part in our research 11. A. A. Kaminskii, A. A. Pavlyuk, F. I. Polyakova, et al., work and was a coauthor of our pioneering publications Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 268 (4), 856 (1983) [Sov. Phys. on lasing tungstates. Dokl. 28, 154 (1983)]. It should be indicated that the progress in the studies 12. A. A. Kaminskii, S. N. Bagaev, and A. A. Pavlyuk, Phys. of these crystals made in the last decade is also Status Solidi A 151 (2), K53 (1995). explained, to a large extent, by our cooperation in the 13. A. V. Kuleshov, A. A. Lagatsky, A. V. Podlipensky, et al., Open Joint Laboratory Laser Crystals and Precision Opt. Lett. 22 (16), 1317 (1997). Laser Systems, one of whose founders was Vainshtein. 14. A. A. Kaminskii and A. A. Pavlyuk, Neorg. Mater. 31 All this clearly illustrates an extremely diverse and (11), 1500 (1995). broad spectrum of Vainshtein’s scientific interests. We 15. A. A. Kaminskii, L. Li, A. V. Butashin, et al., Jpn. J. consider the possibility to participate in this issue of Appl. Phys. 36 (2A), L107 (1997). Kristallografiya dedicated to the memory of Academi- 16. A. Kaminskii, U. Hommerich, D. Temple, et al., Jpn. J. cian B.K. Vainshtein as a great honor. We are grateful Appl. Phys. 39 (3A/B), L208 (2000). to the fate which gave us the opportunity to enjoy Vain- 17. K. Andryunas, Yu. Vishchakas, V. Kabelka, et al., Pis’ma shtein’s support and interest in our research. Zh. Éksp. Teor. Fiz. 42 (8), 333 (1985) [JETP Lett. 42, 410 (1985)]. 18. A. A. Kaminskii, in Proceedings of International Work- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS shop “Tungstate Crystals,” Università degli Studi La We are grateful to Academician F.A. Kuznetsov, Sapienza, Rome, 1998, p. 249. director of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Sibe- 19. A. A. Kaminskii, Raman Scattering—70 Years of rian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, without Researches (Fiz. Inst. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Moscow, whose support and collaboration this study would not 1998), p. 206. be possible. 20. A. A. Kaminskii, H. J. Eichler, K. Ueda, et al., Appl. Opt. α 38 (21), 4533 (1999). Our studies of -KY(WO4)2 crystals were sup- ported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research 21. A. A. Kaminskii, K. Ueda, H. J. Eichler, et al., Jpn. J. and by the State Programs Fundamental Spectroscopy Appl. Phys. 37 (8A), L923 (1998). and Optics: Laser Physics of the Russian Ministry of 22. A. A. Kaminskii, H. J. Eichler, J. Fernández, et al., Jpn. Industry, Science, and Technology. J. Appl. Phys. (in press). 23. A. M. Ivanyuk, M. A. Ter-Pogosyan, P. A. Shakhverdov, et al., Opt. Spektrosk. 59 (5), 950 (1985) [Opt. Spec- REFERENCES trosc. 59, 572 (1985)]. 1. A. A. Kaminskii, P. V. Klevtsov, and A. A. Pavlyuk, Phys. 24. A. A. Kaminskii, N. S. Ustimenko, S. N. Bagaev, et al., Status Solidi A 5 (2), K79 (1971). Dokl. Akad. Nauk 359 (2), 179 (1998) [Dokl. Phys. 43, 2. A. A. Kaminskii, P. V. Klevtsov, L. Li, and A. A. Pavlyuk, 148 (1998)]. IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 8 (3), 457 (1971). 25. A. A. Lagatsky, A. Abdolvand, and N. V. Kuleshov, Opt. 3. A. A. Kaminskii, A. A. Pavlyuk, P. V. Klevtsov, et al., Lett. 25 (9), 616 (2000). Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorg. Mater. 13 (3), 582 26. P. V. Klevtsov and R. F. Klevtsova, Zh. Strukt. Khim. 18 (1977). (3), 419 (1977). 4. A. A. Kaminskii, A. A. Pavlyuk, I. F. Balashov, et al., Izv. 27. A. A. Pavlyuk, Ya. V. Vasiliev, L. Yu. Kharchenko, et al., Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorg. Mater. 13 (8), 1541 (1977). in Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Society for Advanced 5. A. A. Kaminskii, A. A. Pavlyuk, I. F. Balashov, et al., Izv. Materials, APSAM-92, Shanghai, China, 1993, p. 164. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorg. Mater. 14 (12), 2256 (1978). 28. A. A. Kaminskii, Crystalline Lasers: Physical Processes 6. A. A. Kaminskii, A. A. Pavlyuk, N. R. Agamalyan, et al., and Operating Schemes (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1996). Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorg. Mater. 15 (8), 1496 29. S. V. Borisov and R. F. Klevtsova, Kristallografiya 13 (1979). (3), 517 (1968) [Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 13, 420 (1968)]. 7. A. A. Kaminskii, A. A. Pavlyuk, T. I. Butaeva, et al., Izv. 30. N. M. Melankholin, Methods of Studying the Optical Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorg. Mater. 15 (3), 541 (1979). Properties of Crystals (Nauka, Moscow, 1970). 8. A. A. Kaminskii, A. A. Pavlyuk, N. R. Agamalyan, et al., 31. N. N. Mit’kina, A. A. Pavlyuk, R. A. Puko, et al., Izv. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorg. Mater. 15 (12), 2092 Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorg. Mater. 26 (7), 1564 (1990). (1979). 32. S. P. S. Porto and J. F. Scott, Phys. Rev. 157 (3), 716 9. A. A. Kaminskii, A. A. Pavlyuk, Chan Ngok, et al., Dokl. (1967). Akad. Nauk SSSR 245 (3), 575 (1979) [Sov. Phys. Dokl. 33. L. Mocalik, J. Hanuza, and A. A. Kaminskii, J. Mol. 24, 201 (1979)]. Struct. 555 (1Ð3), 289 (2000). 10. A. A. Kaminskii, A. G. Petrosyan, V. A. Fedorov, et al., Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 260 (1), 64 (1981) [Sov. Phys. Dokl. 260, 846 (1981)]. Translated by K. Kugel


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 673Ð679. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 742Ð747. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Alshits, Lyubimov, Shuvalov.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Configurations of the Zero-Birefringence and Zero-Dichroism Lines of Electromagnetic Waves in Weakly Anisotropic Crystals V. I. Alshits, V. N. Lyubimov, and L. A. Shuvalov Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia e-mail: [email protected] Received February 15, 2000

Abstract—Configurations of two types of lines—those of zero birefringence and zero dichroism—drawn by the end of the directional vector of the wave normal over the unit sphere, which correspond to the coincident phase velocities or the absorption coefficients of isonormal electromagentic waves in weakly anisotropic crys- tals, have been studied analytically. It is shown that under the conditions of weak dielectric anisotropy, even slight changes in anisotropy result in the dramatic deformation of the lines of both types. The corresponding evolution of the configurations with the change of the anisotropy parameters is considered by example of absorptive orthorhombic crystals. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION etry of the sheet intersections and configurations of the optical axes. Thus, in a conventional biaxial crystal, Two types of wave surfaces play an important role weak absorption only slightly splits all the optical axes in the description of the optical properties of absorptive [10]. If a biaxial crystal is close to an isotropic medium, crystals—the surface of refractive indices (equivalent then even weak (but isotropic) absorption can result in to the surface of reciprocal phase velocities) and the a considerable splitting of the optical axes [11]. This surface of absorption coefficients of electromagnetic sensitivity of the optical characteristics of such media waves [1Ð3], with both being two-sheet surfaces. The to small variations in the material parameters motivated sheets are intersected along certain cones, which, in the the present study. Below, we follow the evolution of the general case of triclinic crystals, are the surfaces of the configuration of the zero-birefringence and zero- 24th order [4Ð7]. The intersection of the sheets of the dichroism lines with the variation of the material char- refractive-index surface determines the directions acteristics of the crystals with the focus on the along which the phase velocities of isonormal waves instances, where, for certain relationships of the param- coincide, i.e., the directions of zero birefringence. The eters, the change in the topology of these lines bears the analogous line of self-intersection of the absorption- sign of a catastrophe. coefficient surface sets the directions of the zero dichroism along which the intensities of both propagat- ing isonormal waves decrease in the same way. EQUATIONS OF THE ZERO-BIREFRINGENCE AND ZERO-DICHROISM LINES The complexity of the general equations describing As the initial relationship, consider the general these intersections hinders their analytical study. Only equation which describes the dependence of refractive particular cases of such intersections were calculated indices n and absorption coefficients n' on the direction numerically [1, 4Ð7]. At the same time, the analytical 2 description of the conditions of existence of circular of the wave normal m (m = 1) of an electromagnetic cones, which correspond to such intersections in wave [2] absorptive optically uniaxial crystals, was considered N4ε Ð N2()ε Ð ε +0,εˆ = (1) in [8, 9]. Below, we examine analytically the geometry m t m of more complicated intersections of the surface sheets where N = n + in' is the complex refractive index; εˆ is for low-symmetric crystals both weakly anisotropic ||εˆ and weakly absorptive. Interest in such crystals is asso- the complex permittivity tensor; is the determinant ciated, in particular, with the fact that the sheets of the of this tensor; and the subscript t denotes the tensor ε εˆ εˆ wave surfaces in these crystals are close to each other. trace, t = trace , where is the tensor adjoint with Under such conditions, even slight changes in the mate- εˆ rial characteristics of the crystals, e.g., their complex respect to . Here, the convolution of an arbitrary ten- ˆ ˆ permittivity, give rise to dramatic changes in the geom- sor A with the vector m is denoted as m á A m = Am. To

1063-7745/01/4604-0673 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”

674 ALSHITS et al. single out the dielectric anisotropy essential for our fur- It is seen from Eq. (5) that the lines of zero birefrin- ther consideration, we represent the tensor εˆ as a sum gence and zero dichroism in the approximation consid- ered here are described by the fourth-order algebraic ε ε' ˆ ˆ of its spherical part ( 1 + i 1 )I (where I is the unit equation with respect to the components of the vector matrix) and the anisotropic “addition” δˆ = dˆ + idˆ '. For m. This equation is the sum of the products of the type weak absorption and small anisotropy parameters, (mimj) and (mimjmkml) and the m-independent term the Eq. (1) has the following solutions (in the first order of coefficients of these combinations can be represented as the ratios of small parameters. If these ratios tend to δˆ ε small parameters and 1' ): zero, the above relationships becomes uncertainties of the 0/0 type. It is obvious that even small changes in the 1 N± = n ++in' ------()δ Ð δ ± R , (2) parameters of dielectric anisotropy produce a consider- 1 1 ε t m 4 1 able effect on the coefficients of the above equation, which, in turn, should dramatically change the config- where urations of the lines studied, including the positions of ε ε ε the optical axes. It should also be indicated that the n1 = 1, n1' = 1' /2 1, (3) solutions of Eq. (5) (D'(m) = 0) are the same irrespec- 2 ()δ δ 2 δ ≡ ˆ R = t Ð m Ð 4 m DiD+ '. tive of any proportional changes in the tensors d and Specifying the expressions for the real and the imagi- dˆ ' . However, in this case, the degeneracy points corre- nary parts of Eqs. (3) for R2, we obtain sponding to the roots of Eq. (4) (D(m) = 0) change their positions along the line D'(m) = 0. D()m = ()d Ð d 2 Ð4()d' Ð d' 2 Ð ()d Ð d' , (4) t m t m m m Below, we consider absorptive orthorhombic crys- () ()()) tals, for which the general equations are essentially D' m = 2 dt' Ð dm' dt Ð dm (5) simplified and the behavior of the zero-birefringence Ð4[] 2()dˆ 'dˆ m Ð ()dˆ 'dˆ t Ð d'd Ð d' d + d'd . and zero-dichroism lines can readily be studied analyt- t m m t t t ically. It should be emphasized that, writing Eqs. (2)Ð(5), we assumed that the components of the tensors dˆ and dˆ ' are quantities of the same order of magnitude. RELATIONSHIPS FOR ORTHORHOMBIC CRYSTALS As is seen from Eqs. (2) and (3), under the condi- tions that D'(m) = 0, the line D(m) ≤ 0 on the sphere For orthorhombic crystals, both real and imaginary 2 m = 1 corresponds to the directions of the wave nor- parts of the permittivity tensor εˆ are simultaneously mal m along which ReR = 0. Therefore, the isonormal reduced to the diagonal form. In this case, the anisotro- waves have the same refractive indices, n = n . In a + – ˆ ˆ ˆ similar way, under the condition D'(m) = 0, the line pic part, δ = d + id' , of the tensor εˆ acquires the form D(m) ≥ 0 corresponds to the same values of the absorp- tion coefficients of isonormal waves, n+' = nÐ' . At the 00 0 00 0 point D(m) = 0, both lines smoothly converge. The dˆ = 0 d 0 , dˆ ' = 0 d' 0 . (6) common point of these lines corresponds to the coinci- 2 2 dence of the refractive indices and the absorption coef- 00d3 00d3' ficients of the isonormal waves, and the corresponding direction m becomes the direction of the optical axis. The anisotropy parameters introduced here are Here, we mean the optical axes of the general type, the uniquely related to the principal refractive indices ni so-called circular axes [2]. and the principal absorption coefficients ni' by the rela- Along with the solution lines of the equation tionships D'(m) = 0, which include with five points of the sign reversal of function D(m) (these points correspond to ()' ()' ' the optical axes), there can also exist the closed lines of d j = 2n1 n j Ð n1 , d j = 2n1 n j Ð n1 , (7) zero birefringence (or zero dichroism) such that the ε ε ε ε function D(m) along these lines does not pass through where nj = 1 + dj/2 1 and n'j = (1' + d'j )/21 (j = the zero value and is either negative or positive. Earlier, 2, 3), and the index n and the coefficient n' were intro- these lines were described for optically uniaxial 1 1 absorptive crystals [8, 9]. However, the analysis shows duced in Eqs. (3). that solution lines exist only because of the transverse It is convenient to introduce the spherical coordinate anisotropy of these media and disappear at any infi- system (angles ϑ and ϕ). Then, the vector m can be ε ϑ ϕ ϑ ϕ nitely small perturbation of the tensor ˆ eliminating the written as m = (m1, m2, m3) = (sin cos , sin sin , transverse isotropy. cosϑ), and the general equation, D'(ϑ, ϕ) = 0, of the

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 CONFIGURATIONS OF THE ZERO-BIREFRINGENCE AND ZERO-DICHROISM LINES 675 lines we are interested in reduces to the following equa- Eqs. (13)Ð(15), also depend on the parameter ξ from tion relating the angles ϑ and ϕ: Eq. (12), which is also the ratio of small quantities. The change in the parameter ξ (at the given γ and γ ' values) 2 1 2 sin ϕ± = ------[2 p Ð 1 Ð cos ϑ gives rise to the displacement of the points correspond- 2 ϑ 2 psin (8) ing to the optical axes along the line described by Eq. (8). 2 2 4 2 ± ()1 + cos ϑ Ð 4 pq()sin ϑ + 2cos ϑ ]. As is seen from Eq. (8), different combinations of 2 Here, the parameters p and q on the sphere m = 1 can result in the existence of two or four closed lines that pass γγ' 1 ± ±± p ==------, q ------, (9) through eight points m at which the sign reversal of γγ+ ' γγ+ ' the function D(ϑ, ϕ) described by Eq. (11) takes place, in full accordance with the symmetry of an orthorhom- where bic crystal. Passing through each of the eight points of 2 d2 n2 Ð n1 d2' n2' Ð n1' the emergence of the optical axes on the sphere m = 1, γ ==------, γ ' = ----- =------. (10) the zero-birefringence line (D < 0) is transformed into d n Ð n ' n' Ð n' 3 3 1 d3 3 1 the zero-dichroism line (D > 0). Figures 1 and 2 show a In this case, the equation for D acquires the form number of various possible configurations of these lines and the ways of their possible mutual topological ()ϑϕ, 2{ 4 2[]()2 ϑ D = d3 m2g1 Ð 2m2 g1 Ð g2 1 + cos transformations. Their evolution will be considered in (11) more detail in the following sections by studying some 2 ϑ 4 ϑ} + g1 Ð 2g2 sin + g3 sin , simplified situations that admit clear analytical solu- where tions. γ 2 ξ2()γ 2 γξ2γ g1 = Ð ' , g2 =,Ð ' EVOLUTION OF THE LINES IN THE CASE d' n' Ð n' (12) WHERE A CRYSTAL IS SIMILAR g ===1 Ð ξ2, ξ -----3 ------3 -1. TO AN OPTICALLY UNIAXIAL MEDIUM 3 d n Ð n 3 3 1 The optical properties of an orthorhombic crystal The points of the sign reversal of D(m) on the line are close to those of a uniaxial medium if, e.g., the D'(m) = 0, which correspond to the optical axes, can parameters γ and γ' given by Eq. (10) are small. Then readily be expressed in terms of the anisotropy param- the angle ϑ is also small, so that all the lines studied are eters used here proceeding from the general relation- grouped in the vicinity of the direction m coinciding ships derived in [2]. For four directions of the optical with [001]. Under these conditions, Eqs. (8) and (11) axes denoted here as m++, m+–, m–+, and m––, we have are essentially simplified and take the form 2 ±± 2 ϑ± = ()γ /2 ()η + 1 cos2ϕ m = ------1 ++r 2 r 2 1 2 (13) ±η()+ 1 2 cos2 2ϕ Ð 4η ], (16) × {}±Re()r ,,±Im()r*r Re()r , 1 1 2 2 ηγ= '/γ , ξ γ ξγ 2 2 4 1 + i + i ' D()ϑϕ, = d []g Ð 2g ϑ cos2ϕ + g ϑ . (17) 1/r1 = 1 Ð,1/γ------ξγ r2 = 1 Ð.------ξ (14) 3 1 2 3 + i ' 1 + i γ2 The parameters g1 and g2 in Eq. (16) are small, g1 ~ γ The angular coordinates of all the four optical axes and g2 ~ . for orthorhombic crystals are Analyzing the curves described by Eqs. (16) and ()ϑ , ±ϕ ()ϑ , ±ϕ π 0 0 , 0 0 + . (15) (17), it is convenient to use the following relationships: ϕ γ γ Similar to the case of transparent crystals, at 0 = 0, the 2  2  Ð ϑ±()ϕ = 0 =  , ϑ±()ϕπ= /2 =  , (18) optical axes “collapse” pairwise and the crystal γ ' Ð'γ becomes optically biaxial. In correspondence with Eq. (8), the configurations D()ϑ2 = γ, ϕ = 0 = D()ϑ2 = Ðγ, ϕπ= /2 of the lines D'(m) = 0 on the sphere m2 = 1 depend on (19) γ γ []γξ() η 2 ≤ two parameters— and ', which are, in fact, the ratios = Ð d3 Ð 1 0, of small quantities [see Eq. (10)]. Therefore, even small 2 2 changes in anisotropy [see Eq. (6)] can considerably D()ϑ = γ ', ϕ = 0 = D()ϑ = Ðγ ', ϕπ= /2 (20) influence the structure of the lines under consideration. []γη()2 ≥ Below, we consider the changes in the structure of these = d3 + 1 0. lines. The coordinates of the optical axes on the lines Different inequality signs in relationships (19) and (20) described by Eq. (8), which are determined by indicate that the function D(ϑ, ϕ) described by Eq. (17)

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 676 ALSHITS et al. and determined on the line described by Eq. (16) goes It should be indicated that splitting of the optical to zero in the range 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ π/2 (the respective point on axis of an absorbing optically uniaxial crystal caused the line corresponds to the direction of the optical axis). by a small anisotropic perturbation occurs anomalously Figure 1a illustrates the evolution of the curves with sharply (this was indicated in [11]). Thus, it is seen the change of the parameters η = γ'/γ and γ. Stereo- from Eqs. (18) that splitting of the optical axis parallel graphic projections 1Ð7 correspond to an increase of to the [001] direction is of the order of ϑ ~ γ ~ the parameter η from Ð∞ to ∞ under the condition γ > γ ' , so that the derivatives ∂ϑ/∂γ and ∂ϑ/∂γ' go to 0; sequence 7–12–1 also corresponds to an increase of infinity at γ, γ' 0. This signifies that small changes η in the same range but at γ < 0 (at η ±∞, it is in the anisotropy parameters γ and γ' give rise to con- assumed that |γ| Ӷ |γ'| Ӷ 1). The passage through the siderably more pronounced changes in the angle ϑ, critical value γ = 0 corresponds to the rotation of all the π namely, ϑ γ ӷ |γ| at |γ| Ӷ 1. Using the value γ ~ curves through the angle /2 around the [001] direc- γ ≈ ϑ ≈ tion, because initial equations (16) and (17) are invari- ' 0.01 for the numerical estimations, we obtain ant with respect to the changes γ –γ and ϕ ϕ + 0.1 (~60). π/2. Thus, at γ = 0, a considerable rearrangement takes The situations analogous to that considered above, place—a transition of the catastrophe type. Splitting of can arise in orthorhombic crystals in the vicinity of the the lines (the transformation of two closed loops into direction m close to [010] (at γ, γ' ∞) and in the four) occurs at η = ±∞ (projections 1 and 7) and also at vicinity of the direction m close to [100] (at γ, γ' 1). η = 0 (projections 3 and 9). At η = 1, four closed loops are contracted into points and the crystal becomes opti- cally biaxial (projections 5 and 11). EVOLUTION OF THE LINES ON THE SPHERE m2 = 1 The configurations studied are divided into stable Figure 2a shows the scheme of various mutual trans- (not changing their topological structure at small varia- 2 tions in the anisotropy parameters) and unstable areas formations of the lines on the sphere m = 1 at different (not possessing this property). The former are indicated combinations of the anisotropy parameters. Not going by bold circles; the characteristic feature of the latter is into the details of all the possible transformations the existence of intersections, which disappear at con- shown in Fig. 2a, we consider here only the sequence of ≡ figuration perturbations. projections 1Ð6 for which d2' 0, i.e., the projections γ ≡ ≠ The division of the closed curves into the portions for which ' 0 but d3' 0. In this case, the equation corresponding to zero birefringence, on the one hand, D'(ϑ, ϕ) = 0 has only one parameter γ and is reduced to a and portions corresponding to zero dichroism, on the rather compact relationship between the angles ϑ and ϕ: other hand, can readily be made with the aid of inequal- 2 ities (19) and (20). The motion of the points separating 2 1 Ð ()sin ϑ /γ sin ϕ = ------. (24) these portions (these points are determined by the 2 ϑ zeroes of the function D(ϑ, ϕ) described by Eq. (17) 1 + cos and corresponds to the optical axes) can easily be fol- Now, we have lowed, e.g., at η , where the closed curve is a cir- = –1 2 2 cumference (the particular case of projection 2), and D()ϑϕ, = d2[()m2γ + 2()m2γ ()1 + cos ϑ Ð γ 3 2 2 (25) Eqs. (16) and (17) take the form 2 + ()sin2 ϑ Ð γ Ð ξ2 sin4 ϑ]. ϑ2()ϕ ≡ γ, D()ϑϕ, ≡ 2d2γ 2()1 + ξ2 3 With due regard for the above equations and the ξ2 (21) relationship × 1 Ð ϕ ≤≤ϕ π ------2Ð cos ;0 2 . ξ2 ()ϑ , ϕ 2 ≥ 1 + D = 0 = d2 0, (26) ϕ Then, the angular coordinates of the optical axes 0 one can follow the evolution of the line with an increase are set by the following equations (Fig. 1b): of the parameter γ from Ð∞ to +∞. Here, attention is 2 ϕ ξ2 ()ξ2 attracted to the transitions of the catastrophe type, dur- sin 0 = /1+ . (22) ing which the closed curves undergo discontinuity at If η = 0, the closed curves disintegrate (projection 3) the critical values γ = ±∞ (projection 1) and γ = 1 (pro- and we obtain jection 5). γ ϑ2()ϕ γ ϕ ()ϑϕ, 2γ 2()ξ2 At = 0, the crystal passes through the optically = cos2 , D = d3 1 + uniaxial state, and the zero-birefringence and zero- 1 2 (23) dichroism lines “shrink” into points (projection 3). × ------2Ð cos ϕ ;0≤≤ϕπ/4. ξ2 The position of the optical axes on the given curve 1 + depends on the parameter ξ [see Eq. (25)]. The varia- The angular coordinates of the optical axes are also tion of this parameter gives rise to the motion of the ϕ ϕ determined by Eq. (22) with the change 0 2 0. points corresponding to the optical axes along the given




2 6 3 5 (b)

π/2 ϕ 1 y 7 0 x π/4

8 12 11 9 0 1 |ξ|


Fig. 1. Possible configurations of the zero-birefringence and zero-dichroism lines in orthorhombic crystals similar to optically uniax- ial media: (a) evolution of the zero-birefringence (solid lines) and zero-dichroism (dashed lines) lines with the variation of η and γ (filled circles correspond to the optical axes) and (b) angular coordinates of the optical axes as functions of ξ at η = Ð1 (projection 2 in Fig. 1a for the case, where the closed curves are circumferences).

(b) ϕ D > 0 (a) D = 0 π/4 D < 0 3 y ϕ 0 θ x θ 0 0 π/2 2 4 π/2 (c) θ 0 π/4 6 5 1 ϕ 0

0 4/3 |ξ|

Fig. 2. Possible configurations of the zero-birefringence and zero-dichroism lines in orthorhombic crystals on the sphere m2 = 1: (a) evolution of the lines with the variation of the anisotropy parameters; (b) the zero-birefringence and zero-dichroism lines corre- sponding to the case γ = 1 and γ' ≡ 0 (projection 5 in Fig. 2a) as functions of the angular coordinates ϑ and ϕ; and (c) angular coor- dinates of the optical axes as functions of ξ for the zero-birefringence and zero-dichroism lines shown in projection 5 in Figs. 2a and 2b.

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Vol. 46 No. 4 2001 678 ALSHITS et al. γ γ curve. For a better visualization, consider the case = 1 ant, n1 < n2, so that n1 < n2 < n3 and 0 < < 1. In this (projection 5), where the curve shape is set by the equa- case, the angle between the pairs of split optical axes ϑ tions 2 0 is determined by the equations 2 ϕ 2 ϑ ϑ γ ()γ tan = cos (27) tan 0 ==G, G /1Ð . (29) and the motion of the optical axes along this curve The initial (unsplit) optical axes lie in the xz plane, determined by the parameter ξ is described by the for- ϑ whereas the z-axis is the bisector of the angle 2 0, so mula that if 0 < γ < 1/2, the crystal is optically positive, but if 2 1/2 < γ < 1, the crystal is optically negative. 2cot ϑ ξ d3' 0 ==------. (28) In the second variant n2 < n1, so that now n2 < n1 < d 1 + cos2 ϑ γ γ 3 0 n3 and < 0. Then, G = – in Eq. (29); the initial optical axes lie in the yz plane; the crystal is optically positive The above characteristics are shown in Figs. 2b and 2c. γ γ The similar dependences are characteristic of the case at Ð1 < < 0 and optically negative at < Ð1. γ = ±∞ (projection 1) upon the changes ϕ π/2 – ϕ Qualitatively similar situations also arise at some and d3 d2. It is seen from Fig. 2c that the derivatives other relationships between the principal refractive ∂ϑ ∂|ξ| ∂ϕ ∂|ξ| |ξ| indices (the maximum value is possessed either by n 0/ and 0/ go to infinity at 0, when 1 the crystal passes through the optically uniaxial state: or n2). here, the optical axis undergoes anomalous splitting along the direction parallel to [100]. One can see that a similar situation also takes place at |ξ| ∞: here, the DISCUSSION anomaly is observed with respect to the small parame- Thus, we have obtained the basic equations describ- ter 1/|ξ| 0, and the optical axis parallel to the direc- ing the configurations of the zero-birefringence and tion [001] is split. zero-dichroism lines of isonormal electromagnetic waves for weakly anisotropic and weakly absorptive crystals of an arbitrary symmetry. All the configura- OPTICALLY POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE tions considered above depend solely on the parameters CRYSTALS UNDER THE CONDITIONS of dielectric anisotropy. We have followed the evolu- OF WEAK ABSORPTION ANISOTROPY tion of these configurations with the change of the ˆ ε' ≠ anisotropy parameters. Despite the smallness of the At d' = 0 and 1 0, the absorptive crystal is opti- changes in the anisotropy parameters, the configura- cally biaxial—the orientations of the optical axes are tions undergo considerable changes and the catastro- determined only by the parameters d2 and d3, as in phe-type transitions take place. transparent crystals. If the components of the tensor dˆ The lines considered here are characterized by alter- are much less than the components of the tensor dˆ ' , native zero-birefringence and zero-dichroism portions. The junction points of these portions correspond to the then each of the two optical axes is split into two new directions of the optical axes. At the same time, com- circular optical axes, but the value of this splitting is pletely different intersections of the wave surfaces of quite small [10]. Under these conditions, the concept of electromagnetic waves were described in [8, 9]—in optically positive and negative crystals remains valid optically uniaxial absorptive crystals, these lines on the despite the fact that it was introduced only for transpar- 2 ent crystals [3]. These crystals are considered to be sphere m = 1 are circumferences. Such a circumfer- ϑ ence corresponds either solely to the zero birefringence optically positive if the angle 2 0 between their optical π or solely to the zero dichroism of isonormal waves. The axes is less than /2 (the bisector of this angle coincides optical axis does not pass through these lines; instead, with that of the principal axes of the permittivity tensor, it passes through the centers of these circumferences which is characterized by the maximum eigenvalue of ϑ π and is parallel to the principal symmetry axis. this tensor). If the angle 2 0 exceeds /2, the crystals are considered to be optically negative. Thus, absorption cannot be reduced to a mere decrease of the intensities of the propagating electro- If the components of the tensor dˆ ' are considerably magnetic waves in crystals; it also gives rise to the for- ˆ mation of specific phenomena, one of which has been less than the components of the tensor d , then, ignoring described in this article. the small corrections, we can state that the angle between the pairs of split optical axes is determined only by the relationships between the parameters d2 and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS γ d3, i.e., by the values of = d2/d3 [see Eq. (10)]. The authors are grateful to E.A. Evdischenko and Now, consider the situation, where n3 has the maxi- A.F. Konstantinova for a number of useful remarks. mum magnitude of all the three principal refractive The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for indices. Here, two variants are possible. In the first vari- Basic research, project no. 98-02-16069.


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Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 680Ð686. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 749Ð755. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Ostrovskii, de Jeu.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Structure and Thermal Fluctuations in Thin Films of Smectic Liquid Crystals B. I. Ostrovskii1* and W. H. de Jeu2** * Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia ** FOM-Institute AMOLF (Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics), Kruislaan 407, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1e-mail: [email protected] 2e-mail: [email protected] Received February 23, 2001

Abstract—Thermal fluctuations of the smectic layers in freely suspended thin liquid crystalline films have been studied by the methods of X-ray diffraction and reflectometry. The fluctuation dynamics is studied by the methods of photon correlation spectroscopy with the use of a source of coherent synchrotron radiation. In freely suspended smectic films, the typical relaxation times are of the order of several microseconds. In thin liquid crystalline films, the simultaneous damped and oscillatory behavior was observed for the layer undula- tions. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION cules, 〈ρ(r)ρ(r')〉 [3, 4]. To describe the structure of a liquid crystal (LC), the so-called function of the inter- Although liquid crystals (LCs) have already been molecular distances was introduced.1 The methods for known for more than a century, they were long consid- reconstructing this function from the X-ray scattering data ered as an amusing scientific incident having no direct in application to liquid crystals were developed in [2]. relation to the development of physics of condensed matter. The dramatic change in the attitude to liquid First, the structural studies of smectic phases were crystals occurred in the early 1960s. At that time, it performed. In smectics, there is no translational invari- became evident that liquid crystals form a large variety ance along the long axes of the molecules, which man- of phases with unusual properties and fill the gap ifests itself in the one-dimensional density modulation between solid crystals and isotropic liquids. Vainshtein in three-dimensional liquids. These systems exhibit was among the first scientists who started working strong thermal fluctuations. Ideal three-dimensional along this direction. The systematic study of the struc- crystals are characterized by a true long-range order in ture of liquid crystals also started in the 1960s and the atomic (molecular) arrangement, whereas in the became a natural continuation of the fundamental stud- systems with the one- or the two-dimensional periodic- ies of the structure of chain molecules such as proteins, ity this order is destroyed by thermal fluctuations [3]. In nucleic acids, rubbers, and other natural and synthetic the mid-1930s, Landau and Peierls showed that thermal polymers. The tendency to parallel packings of chain fluctuations in the layer positions “smear” the long- molecules stems from their geometry and results in range order in smectic LCs. However, this “smearing” anisotropy in their properties along and normally to the is weak (logarithmic) so that the smectic samples of axis of their preferred orientation [1]. This opens the finite size remain stable. Nevertheless, there are differ- possibility to the study of the structure of liquid crystals ences between smectics and systems with the true long- proper. range order. These differences can be seen from the In 1963, B.K. Vainshtein and I.G. Chistyakov pub- decrease of the positional correlations at long distances lished a series of articles on liquid crystals [2]. Unlike by a power law. The relevant phenomena were thor- conventional three-dimensional crystals, whose struc- ture can be described by the periodic density function 1 The function of the intermolecular distances, or the Patterson ρ function, has maxima at the points corresponding to the most fre- (r), the structure of partly ordered systems such as liq- quently repeated intermolecular distances. The physical sense of uid crystals requires the consideration of mutual corre- this function is analogous to that of the densityÐdensity correla- lations of the position and orientations of the mole- tion function g2(r), used in physics of condensed matter.

1063-7745/01/4604-0680 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”

STRUCTURE AND THERMAL FLUCTUATIONS IN THIN FILMS 681 oughly studied in the precision X-ray experiments on atoms gives rise to their displacement from the equilib- the measurement of the structure factor of the smectic rium positions. In smectics, thermal fluctuations result LCs [5Ð7]. However, these experiments provided the in much larger layer displacements from the given posi- data solely on the static properties of the density corre- tions. These deviations are described with the use of the lation function. At the same time, almost no informa- parameter uz = u(r), which characterizes the layer dis- tion on the dynamics of thermal fluctuations in the posi- placement along the layer normal (z-axis). In the har- tions of the smectic layers was known until recently. monic approximation, the functional of the free energy The situation started improving only in the last few of the smectic corresponding to the layer distortion has years, when the new methods of studying the dynamics the form [11, 12] of the disordered systems by means of the coherent X- 2 rays were developed. If a coherent radiation is incident 1 3 ∂ur() 2 F = --- d rB------+ K()∆⊥ur() onto the fluctuating medium, the scattered radiation 2∫ ∂z forms the so-called speckle pattern reproducing the (1) instantaneous scatter location with regard for the phase 1γ 2 ∇ , ± 2 + --- ∫d r( ⊥u(r⊥ z = L/2)) . relationships between them. The scatter motion gives 2 rise to the corresponding changes in the speckle pat- Here, the subscript “⊥” designates the directions lying tern, which thus can provide an information on the sys- in the smectic-layer plane; K and B are the volume elas- tem dynamics. The photon correlation spectroscopy tic constants corresponding to bending and compres- allows one to measure the time autocorrelation function sion of the smectic layers, respectively; and γ is the sur- of the intensity of the scattered radiation. For the visible face-tension coefficient. The last term in Eq. (1) repre- light, the above technique (the dynamical light scatter- sents the surface contribution to the free energy of the ing) is well known [8]. For X-rays, the study of coher- smectic film of the thickness L [13, 14]. To obtain the ent dynamical scattering became possible only with the spectrum of the eigenmodes of the bulk smectic sam- advent of the powerful sources of synchrotron radiation ple, we have to pass to the Fourier components of dis- of the third generation [9, 10]. Unlike the dynamical placements u(r) and apply the equation light scattering, the X-ray correlation spectroscopy allows the study of the dynamical scattering on the 〈〉()2 ()2 4 molecular scale. These experiments provide valuable u q = kBT/ Bqz + Kq⊥ . (2) information on the characteristics of the relaxation pro- cesses in molecular ordered media and complement the Here, the term Bq2 is associated with the mode of com- data obtained in the structural studies. z pressionÐdilation along the normal to smectic layers, Below, we report the results of the recent studies of 4 the static and dynamic properties of freely suspended while Kq⊥ is associated with the bending mode smectic films. Unlike the bulk samples, the smectic (Fig. 1). We should like to draw attention to the absence films are characterized by discrete spectra of relaxation 2 of the term ~q⊥ in the denominator of Eq. (2). Physi- modes of the layer displacements, which depend on the film thickness and surface parameters. In freely sus- cally, the reason is the absence of the crystalline order- pended smectic films, the characteristic relaxation ing within the smectic layer, which permits sliding of times are on the order of several microseconds. In thin the liquid layers. The characteristic features of the smectic films, the simultaneous damping and oscilla- mode structure of the smectic described by Eq. (2) pro- tory of behavior was observed. The latter phenomenon is associated with the contribution provided by the sur- face to the free energy of the system. This contribution is most pronounced for thin films. We also consider the structure and the properties of polymer liquid crystal- line films, and the prospects of the use of the dynamical X-ray scattering for studying polymers and biological and lipid membranes.

STATIC PROPERTIES OF SMECTIC FILMS qz d The formation of a smectic phase is associated with the appearance of the one-dimensional layer order in a liquid (Fig. 1). Such a structure can be obtained by q⊥ translation of a layer along the z-axis for a distance cor- responding to the layer period d (~2Ð3 nm). Now the Fig. 1. The smectic A phase of liquid crystals. The bending question as to whether the one-dimensional order can mode is shown in which the layer period remains constant; be extended for an infinitely large distance arises. It is qz and q⊥ are the components of the wave vector along the well known that even in solids, the thermal motion of layer normal and in the layer plane, respectively.



I, arb. units curves R(qz) for freely suspended smectic films from a N-(4-n-butoxybenzylidene)-4-n-octylaniline (40.8) are 4 2 10 shown in Fig. 2. The reflection curve R(qz) falls down Ð4 by the law ~ qz , determined by the Fresnel formulas. 102 In addition, one also observes in freely suspended smectic films the simultaneous interference of the rays 100 reflected from the front and the back surfaces (isoclinic fringes) and diffraction from the smectic layers. At a large number of the layers, one observes intense Bragg 10–2 π 2 maxima at the reciprocal-lattice points qzn = 2 n/d. The final reflection pattern from the freely suspended smec- 10–4 tic film is the result of the interference of the isoclinic 1 fringes and the Bragg peaks. 10–6 The positions of the interference maxima allow one to determine the total thickness of the freely suspended 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 –1 smectic film. The analysis of the reflection curves is qz, nm based on the exact (matrix) solution of the Fresnel equations for reflection from a multilayer system [16]. Fig. 2. The reflection curves of (1) 6- and (2) 43-layer-thick freely suspended films of the smectic liquid crystal 40.8. For The electron density of each smectic layer is deter- clearer presentation, the curves are shifted by two decades. mined by the convolution of the projections of the elec- tron density of molecules onto the z-axis with the Gaus- σ sian of width i, which describes the smearing of the vide instability of the smectic layers at long distances: centers of gravity of the molecules in the ith layers at r – r' ∝, the correlator of the layer displacements caused by thermal fluctuations of the layer positions 〈u(r)u(r')〉 is divergent [3]. This signifies that the fluc- [17Ð19]. The resulting distribution of the rms displace- σ tuations in the positions of smectic layers smear the ment amplitudes i across the freely suspended films of long-range order of an infinite system. Thus, the meanÐ different thicknesses in the smectic-A and crystalline-B square layer displacement, phases of the 40.8 compound are shown in Fig. 3 (only one half of the centrosymmetric profile is presented). 3 2 kBT d q kBT L The fluctuations in the layer displacements at the free 〈〉u ()r ==------ln--- , (3) 3∫ 2 4 1/2 surfaces are suppressed irrespectively of their thick- ()2π Bq + Kq⊥ 8π()KB d z nesses. This is the consequence of the fact that the sur- face contribution to the free energy of the system pre- diverges logarithmically with an increase of the sample vails in the vicinity of the interface. The theoretical cal- dimension L. However, this divergence is weak and the culations made for a smectic film of finite dimensions amplitude of the layer displacement for laboratory sam- show that the layer fluctuations at the free surface of the σ 〈 2 〉1/2 ≈ ples does not exceed = u (r) 0.4–0.7 nm. In smectic are suppressed if ν γ KB 1/2 [13, 14]. For σ ≈ = /( ) > 1 terms of the relative displacements, /d 15%; in other a 40.8 liquid crystal, the use of the elastic constants K ≈ words, the layers do exist. 10Ð11 N and B ≈ 107 N/m2 and the surface-tension coef- The characteristics of the static structure factor of ficient γ ≈ 0.02 N/m yields ν = 2, in close agreement smectic LCs can be studied directly in the X-ray exper- with the experimental data. In the smectic A phase, the iments on freely suspended films of various thick- amplitude of thermal fluctuations at the film center nesses. In freely suspended smectic films, the layers are increases with its thickness, which is the direct confir- parallel to the plane of the opening which bounds the mation of the LandauÐPeierls instability (3). Vice film [15]. The film is not broken down due to the elastic versa, upon the transition into the low-temperature response to dilation (compression) of the layers along crystalline B phase, the fluctuation amplitude in the the surface normal to the film. Such films are highly center of the freely suspended smectic film stops being homogeneous, although their thickness can vary from dependent on the thickness. It is consistent with the two to several hundreds of molecular layers. 2 appearance of the term C q⊥ in the dispersion law for Studying freely suspended smectic films, one uses 44 the geometry of reflection at glancing angles (X-ray the elastic modes of the three-dimensional crystal, reflectometry). Within the range of the X-ray wave- which excludes the LandauÐPeierls instability [3] (C44 lengths used (λ ≈ 0.1 nm), the refractive index n is less is the shear elastic modulus in the xy plane). than unity: n = 1 – δ (for organic materials, δ ≈ 3 × 10–6). δ 2 With lowering of the temperature, a 40.8 liquid crystal shows the Despite the smallness of , the classical phenomena of following sequence of phases: I (78°C) N (63.5°C) SmA (48.5°C) reflection and interference at the air–LC interface are CrB, where I, N, SmA, and B indicate isotropic, nematic, smectic observed in the small-angle range. The reflection A, and crystalline B phases, respectively.


DYNAMICS OF THERMAL σ, nm FLUCTUATIONS 0.48 The above results concerned the static properties of the density correlation function in smectic films. What can be stated about the dynamics of thermal fluctua- tions of the smectic layers? The related problems can be solved with the use of the X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy in the X-ray wavelength range. Prior to 0.40 the discussion of the experiment, consider the dynam- ics of the layer systems. A set of the hydrodynamic 6 equations describing the dynamics of the smectic 2 phases is considered by Kats and Lebedev [20] and de 34 5 Gennes and Prost [11]. For the case of thermal fluctua- tions in the layer positions, the linearized hydrody- 1 namic equation is written as 0.32 ∂2 () ∂ ρ ur η ∇2 () ()∇2 ∆2 () 0------= 3----- ⊥ur + B z Ð K ⊥ ur, (4) ∂t2 ∂t ρ η where 0 is the LC density and 3 is the viscosity coef- 1' 6' ficient corresponding to shear of smectic layers with 0.24 respect to one another. Equation (4) is, in fact, the sec- 2' 4' ond Newton law written for the layer displacements u 3' along the layer normal (z-axis). The left-hand side of 5' the equation describes inertia; the right-hand terms 0 1020304050N describe the viscous friction and the elastic force acting onto the smectic layers. In discussing the layer dynam- Fig. 3. Fluctuation profiles of the smectic A phase films at ics of the bulk LC samples, the term describing inertia ~63°C (filled circles) consisting of (1) 5, (2) 6, (3) 8, (4) 15, can be omitted because of the smallness of the dimen- (5) 38, and (6) 80 layers and in the crystalline B phase films of the compound 40.8 at ~47°C (open circles) consisting of ρ η2 ≈ –4 –6 sionless parameter 0K/3 10 –10 . As a conse- (1') 3, (2') 8, (3') 16, (4') 26, (5') 38, and (6') 107 layers, obtained by simulation of the reflection curves [N is the quence, the equation of smectic-layer motion is essen- layer position (its number)]. tially simplified, while the time-dependent layer dis- placement correlation function proves to be overdamped and is described by a simple relaxation In thin freely suspended smectic films, the dynamics equation having the form [11, 20] of layer fluctuations was studied by means of the pho- 〈〉(), (), ∼ ()τ ton correlation spectroscopy with the use of hard u q t u* q 0 exp Ðt/ q (5) (8 keV) X-ray radiation [24]. The measurements were with the characteristic relaxation times made on the undulator beam line ID10A (Troika I) at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, τ η 2 ()2 4 q = 3q⊥/ Bqz + Kq⊥ . (6) Grenoble). To obtain the coherent radiation from the undulator (a partly coherent source), one has to provide According to Eq. (6), the spectrum of the relaxation the validity of the monochromatic plane-wave approx- modes of a bulk smectic is continuous. Considering the imation at the site of sample location. Therefore, the dynamic properties of the smectic films of finite dimen- sions one also has to take into account the appropriate size of the first slit placed at a distance of R = 46 m from boundary and initial conditions. Then the spectrum of the sample did not exceed s = 0.9 mm. This provided the relaxation modes becomes discrete. In the long- the so-called transverse coherence length (along the wave front) ξ λR s ≈ µm in the horizontal (scat- wavelength limit (q⊥ 0), it has the only relaxation th = ( /2 ) 4 time [21, 22] tering) plane [25]. In the vertical direction, the trans- verse coherence length ξ was limited by the collimat- τ η γ tv 1 = 3 L/2 . (7) ing aperture 12 µm in diameter (Fig. 4a). An analyzing At the typical values of the quantities in Eq. (7), 40 × 40 µm2-large aperture was placed in front of the η ≈ γ ≈ 3 0.04 kg/m s and 0.02 N/m, and the film thick- detector at a distance of 1.2 m from the sample. The ness L of the order of a micron (10Ð6 m), we arrive at the monochromator was a Si (111) crystal with the trans- characteristic relaxation times of the order of several mission ∆λ/λ ≈ 1 × 10–4. The ~15% coherence was microseconds. Equation (7) was verified for thick freely determined from contrast measurements of the Fraun- suspended smectic films in experiments on the dynami- hofer diffraction pattern from the collimating aperture cal scattering of light in the range of soft X-rays [23]. taken in the absence of the sample.


(a) times on the order of ten microseconds. The measure- ments are well described by the formula 1 4 ()2 () ()ω ()τ 2 3 G t = 1 + Acos t exp Ðt/ , (8) where the amplitude A is determined by the degree of coherence, whereas the relaxation and the oscillation times τ are equal to ≈6 and 2π/ω ≈ 16 µs, respectively. qz It should be emphasized that in our experiments, the projection of the wave vector onto the layer normal was q⊥ π ≈ Ð1 G(2)(t) equal to qz = 2 /d 2.2 nm , which exceeds by a factor (b) of 100 the range of the wave vectors in the experiments on the dynamic scattering of visible light. At the same π 1.1 time, the range of the wave vectors q⊥ = 2 /r⊥ corre- sponding to the layer-bending mode was much longer—from r⊥ close to the molecular dimensions to the macroscopic values of the order of tens of microme- ters and was determined mainly by the diffractometer –4 Ð1 1.0 resolution along q⊥ (≈10 nm ). At first glance, the oscillatory mode in the dynamics of thermal fluctuations of the smectic layers in the 100 101 102 103 freely suspended films seems to be inconsistent with t, µs the theoretical conclusions and the experimental results [23]. However, this is only an apparent contradiction. Fig. 4. (a) Scheme of the experiment for measuring dynam- ical structure factor of smectic LCs with the use of coherent The point is that the neglect of the term describing iner- X-ray radiation: (1) the collimating aperture providing the ρ η2 Ӷ tia in Eq. (4) is justified only if 0K/3 1. For bulk coherent component of the beam, (2) the guard slit protect- –4 –6 ing from the parasitic scattering from the edges of the previ- samples, this parameter is really very small (~10 –10 ), ous slit, (3) the detector or “analyzing” aperture, and (4) the because the expression of free energy has no term pro- detector. (b) The normalized autocorrelation time function 2 portional to q⊥ . However, for thin freely suspended for the freely suspended smectic liquid-crystal film consist- ing of 95 layers (~0.3 nm) at T ≈ 50°C; the solid line is the films, the situation is different because of the presence 2 approximation by model (8). of the additional surface contribution, γq⊥ [13, 14]. In the static case, this leads to suppression of the ampli- The intensityÐintensity time correlation function tudes of the layer fluctuations at the free surface of liq- (2) 〈 〉 uid crystals. In dynamics, the surface contribution pre- G (q, t) = I(q, 0)I(q, t) was measured with the aid of 4 a fast digital correlator at the reciprocal-space point vails over the energy of the bending mode Kq⊥ in the π ≈ Ð1 qz = 2 /d 2.2 nm corresponding to the first Bragg long-wavelength limit (q⊥ 0), and the inertia term peak of the layer structure. Under the conditions of our becomes more important [21, 22]. The estimations experiment, the function G(2)(q, t) is specified by the show that the transition from the surface to the ≈ × time-dependent layer displacementÐdisplacement cor- bulk mode takes place at the limiting value q⊥c 2 –3 Ð1 relation function G(q, z, z', t) = 〈u(q⊥, z, 0)u*(q⊥, z', t)〉. 10 nm . With due regard for the inertia term in The exact expression for the function G(q, z, z', t) is Eq. (4), the reciprocal relaxation time corresponding to given in [22]. Despite the considerable losses of inten- the fundamental mode of the freely suspended smectic sity associated with the beam collimation, the coherent- film can be written as follows [22]: scattering volume ξ θ × ξ × L ≈ µm3 was ( th/sin B) tv 500 1/2 η 1 2γ 3 2 sufficient for the reliable recording of the time autocor- ---- = ±i ------q⊥ + ------q⊥. (9) θ τ ρ L 2ρ relation function to the microsecond time range ( B is 1 0 0 the Bragg angle of beam incidence onto the sample ~1.5°). Thus, the relaxation time of the layer fluctuations becomes complex for q⊥ < q⊥c, with its real part provid- The time autocorrelation function G(2)(t) measured ing attenuation and the imaginary part being responsi- on the freely suspended film of the 40.8 compound in ble for oscillations of the time correlation function. the smectic A phase is shown in Fig. 4b. The function Since the instrumental resolution in the experiment is (2) G (t) shows the decay of the fluctuations in the layer of the same order of magnitude as q⊥c, the oscillations displacements on the microsecond time scale and, at of the G(2)(t) function should be observable for rather the same time, the oscillatory behavior with the typical thin films as well (Fig. 4b).


THE PROSPECTS FOR FURTHER Concluding the article, we should like to emphasize RESEARCH that our knowledge about the dynamic behavior of comparatively simple smectic films is still far from The experiments performed showed that the meth- exhaustive. With the enrichment of our knowledge ods of the photon correlation spectroscopy based on the about these films, the focus of such studies would be coherent radiation sources can be extended to the X-ray shifted toward more complicated membrane systems wavelengths. This offers the unique opportunity to important for biology. study the comparatively fast dynamic processes in the structured organic films on the molecular distance scale. It should be remembered that Raman and Man- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS delstamÐBrillouin scattering in the visible range pro- We are grateful to A. Shalaginov for valuable dis- vide an information on the long-wavelength ranges of cussion of the theoretical aspects of our study and to the phonon spectra of the crystals. These methods are A. Fera, I. Dolbnya, R. Opitz, and G. Grübel for their used to study fast processes on the atomic and molecu- 7 14 participation in the experiments and fruitful discus- lar level (10 Ð10 Hz). To study comparatively slow sions. This study was supported by the Russian Foun- processes (1Ð106 Hz) with the characteristic scale of the dation for Basic Research, project no. 00-03-33174. order of the wavelength of the visible light, the dynam- ical light scattering is widely used. In particular, it was used in the study of thermal fluctuations of the director REFERENCES orientation in nematic liquid crystals [11]. To study fast 1. B. K. Vainshtein, Diffraction of X-rays by Chain Mole- processes in the condensed media (109Ð1012 Hz) on the cules (Nauka, Moscow, 1963, p. 372; Elsevier, Amster- scale of molecular length, one traditionally uses inelas- dam, 1966). tic neutron scattering. The dynamical X-ray scattering 2. B. K. Vainshtein and I. G. 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Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 687Ð689. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 756Ð758. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Krivandina, Zhmurova, Sobolev.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

On the Variation of the Impurity Composition in LaF3 Crystals Grown by the BridgmanÐStockbarger Method E. A. Krivandina, Z. I. Zhmurova, and B. P. Sobolev Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiœ pr. 59, Moscow, 117333 Russia Received February 10, 2000

Abstract—Single crystals of the composition LaF3 with CeF3, YF3, and SrF2 impurities have been grown by the BridgmanÐStockbarger method in a graphite crucible with six cells. The CeF3 concentration has been mea- sured in the LaF3 charge prior to the growth experiment and in the grown LaF3 crystals upon it. It is shown that, depending on the growth conditions, the CeF3 concentration can change during crystallization from 25% of its initial concentration in the charge up to 550%. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION six cells. The impurity redistribution was studied on Multicomponent metal fluoride-based single-crys- CeF3, since this impurity can readily be detected from talline materials are promising for various fields of sci- the corresponding absorption spectrum (the 5d 4f ence and technology. However, sometimes the crystals electron transitions). Crystals were grown on a KRF-1 having the same compositions but grown in different setup (designed and manufactured at the Special experiments have considerably differing properties Designing Bureau of the Institute of Crystallography of [1, 2], which up to now has not been uniquely inter- the Russian Academy of Sciences) in a helium atmo- preted. We believe that this discrepancy can be associ- sphere (P = 1.5 atm) with Teflon as the fluorinating ated with different growth conditions in these experi- agent. The initial reagents were of 99.95 wt % purity. ments. The composition of the initial charge and the CeF3 con- centration in it prior to crystallization are indicated in To facilitate the search for new fluoride single crys- table. The 1Ð2 mm3-large granules of the components tals and increase the rate of their growth, one often uses were melted in the fluorinated atmosphere and loaded crucibles consisting of several growth cells. This allows into a crucible. The charge was heated at a rate of the simultaneous growth of several crystals with differ- 1500 deg/h until its complete melting. Then the melt ent basic composition and different concentrations of was homogenized for one hour at overheating of about activating impurities [3]. The physical properties of the 50°C. In the growth process, the crucible was lowered crystals thus grown can differ considerably. Thus, the with a velocity of 5.3 ± 0.5 mm/h. The crystals grown question may arise whether the composition of the were 12 mm in diameter and from 15 to 16 mm in crystals grown in such experiments corresponds to the length. The mass loss during growth ranged from 4 to composition of the initial charge in each cell or the 5 wt %. crystallization provides the redistribution of impurities in different cells. The probable transfer of impurity The growing LaF3 crystals can be contaminated between different cells during growth of fluoride crys- with by two different ways—either from the gas tals has not been studied as yet despite the fact that the phase formed during evaporation of CeF3 from the cru- crystal growth can be accompanied by considerable cible cells containing a cerium-activated charge or from mass losses. the cold parts of the heater and thermal shields covered The present study was undertaken to answer the with condensate particles in the course of previous above questions for the case of multicomponent fluo- experiments with cerium-containing melts. Therefore, ride crystals grown from melt by the BridgmanÐStock- we performed two types of experiments: (I) crystalliza- barger method. tion in the setup thoroughly cleaned from all the possi- ble deposits and annealed at 1500°C and (II) crystalli- zation in a setup earlier used for melting 500 g of CeF3. EXPERIMENTAL The presence of CeF3 in the grown crystals was We studied LaF3 single crystals with CeF3, YF3, and detected from the optical transmission spectra recorded SrF2 impurities grown in an open graphite crucible with on a Perkin-Elmer spectrophotometer in the wave-

1063-7745/01/4604-0687 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”

688 KRIVANDINA et al.

Change of CeF3 concentration during crystallization

CeF3 concentration, mol % Composition C2ÐC1 Experiment Cell ------× 100% of initial charge upon C in charge, C1 1 crystallization, C2

I 1 LaF3 + CeF3 0.0035 0.0055 +57 2 0.0080 0.0055 Ð31 3 0.0110 0.0085 Ð22 4 0.0160 0.0125 Ð22 5 0.0210 0.0156 Ð26

6 LaF3 + 0.02 mol % YF3 0.0010 0.0025 +150 II 1 LaF3 + CeF3 0.0060 0.0105 +75 2 0.0060 0.0105 +75 3 0.0120 0.0165 +37.5 4 0.0120 0.0105 Ð12.5

5 LaF3 + 0.01 mol % YF3 0.0010 0.0065 +550 6 LaF3 + 1.0 mol % SrF2 0.0010 0.0060 +500 length range from 200 up to 300 nm at room tempera- valid. The method provides the determination of the ± ture. The specimens were prepared from the parts of the CeF3 concentration within (0.001Ð0.021) 0.0005 mol %. crystals cut out from the portions of the boule located directly above its conelike part. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The specimens were the disks 12 mm in diameter and 2.0 ± 0.1 mm in thickness with the following sur- The data on the CeF3 concentration in the initial face characteristics: roughness Rz = 0.05, planarity N = charge and in the specimens cut out from the boules ° 3Ð5, and plane-parallelity Q < 0.3 . It is well known crystallized in both experiments are listed in the table. (see, e.g., [4]) that the presence of CeF3 in crystals can It is seen that in the course of experiment I, cesium is be detected from the presence of the absorption bands redistributed between the cells via the gas phase. In cells at the wavelengths λ = 207, 218, 235, and 245 nm. The 2Ð5, where the CeF3 concentration in the charge calibration curves of the transmission intensity depend- exceeded 0.0080 mol %, its concentration in the crystal ing on the CeF3 concentration in the crystalline speci- decreased, on average, by 25%. In cells 1 and 6, where mens were constructed only for the absorption bands the initial CeF concentration was lower than λ 3 = 218 and 235 nm, where the BugerÐBeer law is 0.0035 mol %, its concentration in the crystals increased by more than 50%. T, % Experiment II resulted in the mechanical contami- nation of the crystals with cerium. However, instead of 90 an expected decrease in the cerium concentration 2 because of its evaporation as was the case in experi- 80 1 ment I, we observed a considerable increase of the CeF3 concentration in all the cells except for cell 4. In the 70 3 cells with the charge nominally free of cerium (0.0010 mol % CeF3), a multiple increase of its concen- 60 tration in the grown crystals was observed. 4 50 Comparing the character of the changes in the trans- mission spectra from the crystals LaF3 + 0.02 mol % YF3 and LaF3 + 1.0 mol % SrF2 grown under “pure con- 200 220 240 260 280 300 ditions” (in the absence of CeF in the charge) with the λ, nm 3 transmission spectra from the crystals of the same com- positions grown in experiments I and II (cells 6), we see Transmission spectra of (1) LaF3 + 0.02 mol % YF3 and (2) (figure) that, in the first case, the absorption bands at LaF3 + 1 mol % SrF2 in the absence of CeF3 impurity in the λ initial charge, (3) LaF3 + 0.02 mol % YF3 upon experiment = 207, 218, 235, and 245 nm are practically absent, I, and (4) LaF3 + 1 mol % SrF2 upon experiment II. whereas in the second case, these bands are clearly seen


ON THE VARIATION OF THE IMPURITY COMPOSITION 689 and indicate a considerable increase in the CeF3 con- specimens. The study was supported by the Russian centration. Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 99-02- It follows from the data obtained that, during crystal 18067. growth, both the contamination due to transfer of the componentÐactivator via the gas phase and the mechan- REFERENCES ical contamination of the melt with condensate parti- cles containing cerium trifluoride from the cold parts of 1. J. M. Reau, C. Lucat, G. Compet, et al., J. Solid State the setup take place. Thus, both the above factors Chem. 17 (1Ð2), 123 (1976). should be taken into account in growth of crystals of 2. M. Svantner, E. Mariani, P. P. Fedorov, et al., Cryst. Res. refractory fluorides. One should also be extremely care- Technol. 16 (5), 617 (1981). ful in choosing charge compositions for growth of crys- 3. E. A. Krivandina, Z. I. Zhmurova, G. V. Berezhkova, tals which then will be used for studying and interpret- et al., Kristallografiya 40 (4), 741 (1995) [Crystallogr. ing their physical properties. Rep. 40, 686 (1995)]. 4. C. Pedrini, B. Moine, J. C. Gacon, and B. Jacquier, J. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Phys.: Condens. Matter 4 (24), 5461 (1992). The authors are grateful to A.P. Shtyrkova for her help in recording the transmission spectra of crystalline Translated by L. Man


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 690Ð695. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 759Ð764. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Strelov, Sidorov, Zakharov.


Dedicated to the memory of B.K. Vainshtein

Striation in Ge Single Crystals Grown from Melt under Vibrations and Weak Heat Convection V. I. Strelov, V. S. Sidorov, and B. G. Zakharov Space Materials Research Center, Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, ul. Akademicheskaya 8, Kaluga, Moscow oblast, 248033 Russia Received March 28, 2000

Abstract—The influence of vibrations on the formation of mictohomogeneities of the properties in Ga-doped Ge single crystals grown by the method of directional crystallization with the axisymmetric upper heat supply has been studied in earth experiments. It has been established that vibrations provide the formation of inhomo- geneities in the dopant distribution in the grown crystals. © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION gravitation conditions, but still allow the optimization of the structure and the intensity of convective pro- It has been predicted theoretically [1] and confirmed cesses occurring in space. This, in turn, allows the pre- experimentally [2] that the nonstationary thermogravi- diction of some of the possible effects taking place in tational convection in crystal growth from melts by the space, e.g., the influence of vibrations on heat and mass method of directional crystallization under the earth transfer under the microgravitation conditions. conditions should give rise to oscillations in the tem- perature and the velocities of the mass flows in the vicinity of the crystalÐmelt interface [3]. In the final METHODOLOGY OF EXPERIMENTS analysis, this results in the variations in the crystalliza- ON CRYSTAL GROWTH tion rate and formation of microinhomogeneities in the In earth experiments on crystal growth with the lat- dopant distribution. Under the conditions of micrograv- eral or lower heat supply, the main source of nonsta- itation, the intensity of thermogravitational convection tionarities in the convective processes occurring in the dramatically decreases, which provides favorable con- melt is the considerable radial temperature gradients. ditions for growing single crystals with highly homoge- The numerical computations showed that, in this case, neous properties [4]. However, one has to take into growth from melt is accompanied by the formation of a account that under the microgravitation conditions, the multivortex flow pattern with the maximum intensity in processes of heat and mass transfer are essentially the subsurface region [6]. With a decrease of the melt dependent on various mass forces existing under the level, the flows of different intensities in various direc- conditions of the space flight. The residual microaccel- tions at the crystallization front give rise to the changes erations, as well as the microaccelerations caused by in the dopant distribution. Thus, in order to obtain the the changes in the space-craft orientation and various flows and heat and mass transfer that would form a low- vibrational effects, can considerably change the hydro- intensity monovortex flow pattern in the melt, one has dynamics of the melt and give rise to inhomogeneous to vary the control parameters and, first of all, the ther- dopant distribution in the crystal. The level of these mal ones. microaccelerations can vary over a wide range—from In practice, this can be attained by using predomi- 10Ð2 to 10Ð6 g [5]. 0 nantly axisymmetric upper heat supply to the crystal. In this connection, the successful growth of single Figure 1 schematically shows two variants of the ther- crystals with homogeneous properties requires the mal blocksÐcrystallizers with the given thermal growth thorough optimization of the space experiments still in parameters for the vertical Bridgman method. In the earth experiments with the aim to determine the effect first case (Fig. 1a), considerable radial temperature gra- ∆ ≈ of vibrational and other dynamic factors on the crystal dients (predominantly lateral heat supply TR 25Ð properties and predict possible effect of these factors on 30°C/cm) could provide the steady-state mode of heat the nature of convective flows under the microgravita- convection; therefore, the grown crystals are character- tion conditions. The conditions for performing earth ized by inhomogeneous dopant distribution over the experiments at reduced thermogravitational convection ingot length (Fig. 2a; ∆C/C = 10%, where C is the cannot fully imitate the convection under the micro- dopant concentration). In the second case (Fig. 1b, the

1063-7745/01/4604-0690 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”



R (a) (b) T2 Z R


Melt T1

Melt Crystals


T3 T1

Fig. 1. Block-diagram of a crystallizer: (a) mode of natural thermogravitational convection with the lateral heat supply ( T1 > T2 > T , ∆T ≈ 25Ð30°C/cm, ∆T ≠ const, crystallization front is convex toward the melt); (b) the mode of weak thermogravitational con- 3 R Z ∆ ≈ vection with the axial heat supply from above (T2 > T1, TR 2Ð3°C/cm, TZ = const (20Ð30°C/cm), crystallization front is convex toward the crystal). conditions of the reduced thermogravitational convec- Heater 1 provides the axial heat supply, whereas heater tion), the low radial temperature gradients are formed 2 plays the role of a thermostat and provides the con- (Fig. 2b, predominantly axial heat supply from above stancy of the boundary conditions in the lower part of ∆ ≈ ° TR 1.5Ð2.5 C/cm), the melt is characterized by the the crystal. Controlling thermocouples 4, 5, and 6 mea- steady-state mode of heat convection, and the proper- sure the axial and radial temperature gradients, whereas ties of the crystals thus grown are much more homoge- accelerometers 8 record the translational, torsional, and neous (∆C/C = 4%). The change in the geometry of the librational vibrations along the three directions. Elec- heat supply to the melt is clearly seen from the change tromagnetic vibrator 9 generates the translational (in in the geometry of the crystallization front—from the the frequency range 0.5Ð200.0 Hz and the amplitude Ð1 front pronouncedly convex toward the melt (Fig. 1a) in range up to 10 g0) vibrations (applied to a crystal and the first case (∆h = 1.5Ð2.0 mm) to the front slightly the melt above it) orthogonal to the crystallization front. convex toward the crystal (Fig. 1b) in the second case Electromagnetic vibrator 10 generates torsional vibra- (∆h = 0.2Ð0.5 mm). tions around the crystal axis (in the frequency range 0.5Ð –1 Simultaneously with the creation of the conditions 200 Hz and the amplitude range up to 10 g0). for the reduced thermogravitational convection, we Figure 4a illustrates the growth mode (according to also applied an axial temperature field moving at a con- the specially developed algorithm and the program of stant velocity (without translation of the specimen or the automated control of the crystallization process the heater translation), which allowed us to avoid non- maintaining the temperature within ±0.1°ë) with the controllable vibrations caused by the translation mech- set thermal parameters. Stage I consists of heating and anism. Moreover, the constancy of the axial tempera- ∆ initiation of the melting process with the attainment of ture gradient TZ the maintenance of the created con- the set mode within four hours. Stage II consists of vective flows. maintaining the attained temperature for 2.0Ð2.5 h in Using the provided thermal modes of the reduced order to homogenize the melt and provides the steady- thermogravitational convection, we studied the influ- state values of the thermal parameters. Stage III con- ence of natural and forced vibrations on the heat- and sists of 5- to 6-h-long growth under the given axial and mass transfer in the melt. Figure 3 shows the block dia- radial temperature gradients. Stage IV reduces to slow gram of an experimental automated Zona-03 setup for melt cooling within 3.0 to 3.5 h. And, finally, stage V growing semiconductor crystals by the vertical Bridg- reduces to fast cooling of the melt down to room tem- man method in the mode of controlled vibrations. The perature. Thermocouples 4 and 5 are in contact with the setup induces vibrations over the wide range of ampli- melt surface and record the beginning of melting and tudes and frequencies which acting onto the melt [7]. the end of crystallization from the changes in the slope


692 STRELOV et al.

ρ × 10–2, Ω cm N × 1017, at/cm3 1.6 (a) 5.2

1.2 7.5

0.8 11.0

0.4 40.0 1.6 5.2 (b) 1.2 7.5

0.8 11.0

0.4 40.0 0 51015L, mm

Fig. 2. Resistivity distribution over the specimen length: (a) lateral heat supply, (b) predominantly axial heat supply from above. of the temperature profile (Figs. 4b, 4c). The informa- amplitude of microaccelerations ranged from 10Ð4 to tion thus obtained is used to determine the averaged Ð1 10 g0. No striation was observed in the whole ampli- growth rate (ranging in our experiments from 4 to tude and frequency ranges studied, because normal 6 mm/h). vibrations gave rise to displacement of both crystal and the melt above it as a whole without any change in the flow pattern during growth (i.e., at the given level of EFFECT OF VIBRATIONS ON CRYSTAL MICROINHOMOGENEITY In the experiments under the conditions of weak 12 4 heat convection, the background of natural vibrations 5 ranged within the frequencies 0.1Ð40.0 Hz and the 7 11 × –3 amplitudes attained the values up to 6 10 g0. The IBM-PC analysis of microinhomogeneities of Ge single crystals 1 (up to 24 mm in diameter and 40 mm in length) grown 3 2 LTC crate under the above conditions showed homogeneous control Ga-dopant distribution without striation [(1–2) × Block of vibration 19 Ð3 Block of temperature 10 at/cm ) over the whole crystal length and its diam- control ∆ eter within C/C = 2% (Fig. 5). Thus, the experiments 6 8 indicate that the conditions of weak thermogravita- tional convection gives rise to the creation of favorable convective modes of heat and mass transfer providing, 9 in turn, the homogeneous dopant distribution in the crystal bulk. We performed a number of experiments for investi- gating the effect of vibrations normal to the crystalliza- 10 tion front and characteristic of the real conditions aboard space crafts on the microinhomogeneity of the crystals grown over wide ranges of amplitudes and fre- quencies characteristic of the reduced thermogravita- Fig. 3. Block-diagram of a Zona-03 setup for crystal tional convection (∆T ≈ 1.5Ð2.5°C/cm and ∆T ≈ 25Ð growth: (1, 2) heaters, (3) quartz tube, (4Ð6) thermocouples, R Z (7) melt, (8) accelerometers, (9) electromagnetic vibrators 30°C/cm). The frequencies of vibrations “transferred” generating normal vibrations, (10) electromagnetic vibrator to the melt varied from 0.5 to 200 Hz, whereas the generating torsional vibrations, and (11, 12) graphite tube.


× –3 2 T, °ë (a) g0 10 , m/s 990 T5 120 II 970 100 I T4 III Growth T5 vibrations 950 IV 80 Switched-on Melting vibrations initiation 930 60 T4 V

910 40 Growth initiation 890 Cessation 20 of crystallization

870 0


830 T6

810 2 3456789101112t, h

T, °ë (b) T, °ë (c) T5

958 958 T5 953 953 T4

948 948 T4

943 943 40 50 t, min 4050 60 t, min

Fig. 4. Modes of crystal growth: (a) growth mode, (b) mode of melting initiation, (c) mode of crystallization cessation. vibrations, the melt can be considered as an incom- stria. In this case, striation is caused by shear-induced pressible liquid). melt displacement in the direct vicinity of the crystalli- zation front, which changes the steady-state character The application of torsional vibrations around the of the convective flow. In turn, this results in tempera- axis of a growing crystal considerably changed the stri- ture variations at the crystallization front and the oscil- ation pattern. Figure 6 shows some regions of the crys- lations in the growth rate. In the final analysis, this tal under 30-min-long vibrations at the frequency 3 Hz causes the formation of microinhomogeneities in the × Ð2 and the amplitude (3Ð5) 10 applied two times one dopant distribution. hour apart. It is seen that these vibrations give rise to microinhomogeneities in the dopant distribution. These The series of experiments provided the determina- are two characteristic 2.5- to 3.0-mm-long series of tion of the range of the amplitudeÐfrequency character-


ρ × 102, Ω cm N × 1017, at/cm3 1.50 (a) 5 1.25 7 1.00 10 0 0.75 15 0.50 30 0.25 100 0 –3 03691215182124L, mm 0 (b) 2.50 h1 h2 1.25 0 1.50 (c) 0.75 0 5 10 15 d, mm

Fig. 5. Spreading-resistance distribution along (a) the specimen axis, (b) the specimen diameter at a height of 5 mm from the seed, and (c) the specimen diameter at a height of 20 mm from the seed.


12 32 mm 4 × –3 2 g0 10 , m/s 20 (b) 0 –20

50 (c) 30 10 –10 –30 –50 20 (d) 0 –20 012 3 t, h

Fig. 6. Microinhomogeneities in Ga-doped (2 × 1019) Ge single crystal caused by torsional vibrations: (a) micrographs of a crystal cut parallel to the [111] axis: (1) seed, (2) interface, (3, 4) region of the crystal grown under the torsional vibrations, (b) accelerations at the detector of translational vibrations, (c) accelerations at the detector of torsional vibrations, and (d) accelerations at the detector of librational vibrations.


Formation of striation in Ga-doped Ge single crystals under crystal bulk. It is shown experimentally that vibrations the effect of applied torsional vibrations normal to the crystallization front in the wide amplitude and frequency range (0.5Ð200.0 Hz and Amplitude −4 –1 Frequency 10 –10 g0, respectively) affect neither the processes × Ð3 × Ð3 × Ð3 <5 10 g0 (5Ð10) 10 g0 >10 10 g0 of heat and mass transfer in the melt nor the homogene- ity of the dopant distribution in the crystal. It is also 0.5Ð100 Hz Ð Ð + + shown experimentally that, at the accelerations exceed- Note: Signs + and Ð indicate the presence and the absence of striation −2 ing 10 g0, the torsional vibrations result in the forma- in single crystals grown under the action of torsional vibrations. tion of microinhomogeneities in growing crystals. istics of torsion vibrations affecting the homogeneity of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the dopant distribution. It was established that, irre- This study was supported by the Russian Founda- spectively of the frequency (in the frequency range tion for Basic Research, project no. 00-02-16394. studied from 0.5 to 100.0 Hz), the vibrations with an –2 amplitude exceeding 10 g0 applied to the melt cause the formation of inhomogeneities. The vibrations with REFERENCES × Ð3 the amplitude less than 5 10 g0 (also irrespectively 1. P. K. Volkov, B. G. Zakharov, and Yu. A. Serebryakov, of the frequency) did not cause any composition micro- J. Cryst. Growth 204, 475 (1999). inhomogeneities (no striation was revealed). In other 2. V. I. Strelov, V. S. Sidorov, and B. G. Zakharov, in Pro- words, the vibrations of this level produce no effect on ceedings of the Third International Conference ICSS, the thermal-flow pattern in the melt. The vibrations Obninsk, 1999, p. 180. × –3 with the amplitude (5Ð10) 10 g0 correspond to the 3. M. G. Milvidskiœ, A. V. Kartavykh, É. S. Kopeliovich, transitional region. The main results obtained in our and V. V. Rakov, Nauka Rossii, No. 1, 4 (1999). experiments are listed in the table. 4. A. V. Kartavykh, É. S. Kopeliovich, M. G. Milvidskiœ, and V. V. Rakov, Kristallografiya 43 (6), 1136 (1998) [Crystallogr. Rep. 43, 1075 (1998)]. CONCLUSIONS 5. A. V. Kartavykh, É. S. Kopeliovich, M. G. Milvidskiœ, The thermal conditions for crystal growth with the and V. V. Rakov, Kristallografiya 42 (4), 755 (1997) axisymmetric upper heat supply providing the mode of [Crystallogr. Rep. 42, 694 (1997)]. weak thermal convection have been determined and 6. P. K. Volkov and B. G. Zakharov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk 361 implemented in the earth experiments. It has been (5), 616 (1998) [Phys. Dokl. 42, 423 (1998)]. established that under the conditions of weak thermo- 7. V. S. Sidorov, B. G. Zakharov, Yu. A. Serebryakov, et al., gravitational convection, the favorable convection Prib. Tekh. Éksp., No. 2, 148 (1999). modes of heat and mass transfer are attained, which provides microhomogeneous dopant distribution in the Translated by L. Man


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 696Ð697. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 765Ð766. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by the Editorial Board.


Yuriœ Andreevich Osipyan (on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday)

called photoplastic effect. Later, Osipyan and his stu- dents discovered the electroplastic effect, the existence of clusters of dangling valent bonds at dislocation cores in silicon, the electron spin resonance, and the spin- dependent electron recombination at dislocations. Osipyan made a considerable contribution to sci- ence of dislocations, which was initially a somewhat exotic part of the theory of elasticity of continuous media and has transformed into the important constitu- ent part of modern solid state physics. Today, there is no need to prove that dislocations determine to a large extent not only the mechanical but also many thermo- dynamic, optic, electric, and magnetic properties of crystals. Physics of dislocations in crystals is not the only field where Osipyan obtained outstanding results. He is also well known with his works on high-temperature superconductivity and fullerenes, a new form of carbon. Osipyan also made an important contribution to the materials science by the crystallographic studies per- formed on the Mir space station. Osipyan and his coworkers simulated the processes of crystal growth using the theory of similarity under the microgravity conditions. Osipyan is the head of the Section of the Space Technology and Materials Science of the Coor- dination Research and Technological Council of the Russian Aviation and Space Agency and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Osipyan has made a lot for the development of sci- This year, Academician Yuriœ Andreevich Osipyan, ence in our country. He has played an important role in an outstanding Russian physicist and director of the the organization of the Institute of Solid State Physics Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Chernogolovka of Sciences, celebrates his seventieth birthday. (Moscow oblast). He was one of the scientific advisers in the Gorbachev administration and, for many years, a Osipyan was born on February 15, 1931, in Mos- vice president of the USSR Academy of Sciences. cow. In 1555, he graduated from Moscow Institute of Today, Osipyan is the member of the Presidium of the Steel and Alloys and began working at the Research Russian Academy of Sciences and the Bureau of the Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy under the guidance of Department of General Physics and Astronomy of this G.V. Kurdyumov. The subject of his first studies related Academy; he is the chairman of the Scientific Council to the theory of martensite transitions in alloys at low on Physics of Condensed Matter of the Russian Acad- temperatures. emy of Sciences, the chairman of the National Commit- The brilliant experimental studies on the interaction tee of Russian Crystallographers, the editor-in-chief of of electrons with extended defects performed by the journals Poverkhnost (Surface: X-ray, Synchrotron, Osipyan in the 1960’s gave an impetus to the develop- and Neutron Studies) and Kvant (Quantum) and the ment of a new direction in crystal physics. In the same member of the editorial boards of Kristallografiya period, Osipyan discovered the effect of optic excita- (Crystallography Reports) and several other Russian tion on plastic properties of semiconductors, the so- and international journals.

1063-7745/01/4604-0696 $21.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”

YURIŒ ANDREEVICH OSIPYAN 697 Osipyan is the member of several foreign academies Being a benevolent, delicate, and charming person, and scientific societies. In the period from 1990 to Osipyan enjoys the respect and love of all the col- 1994, he was the president of the International Union of leagues and friends. Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). Today, he is a The Editorial Board and the staff of Kristallografiya member of the Committee on Space Research congratulate Yuriœ Andreevich Osipyan with his birth- (COSPAR) and the European Physical Society. day and wish him good health and many years of fruit- Osipyan scientific activity was highly evaluated and ful scientific activity. he was awarded with the Lebedev Gold Medal and the International Karpinskii Prize and Gold Medal. He has been awarded an honorary title of Hero of the Socialist Courtesy of Journal Poverkhnost Labor and decorated with numerous state decora- Photograph of Yu.A. Osipyan is reproduced due to courtesy of tions—three Lenin Orders, three Orders of Red Banner Journal Poverkhnost (no. 2, 2001). of Labor, and the Order for Merits before Russia (in 1999). Translated by L. Man


Crystallography Reports, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 698Ð699. Translated from Kristallografiya, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2001, pp. 767Ð768. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by the Editorial Board.


To the Hundredth Anniversary of Georgiœ Glebovich Lemmlein

the head of the Mineralogical Museum, Lemmlein became interested in crystallography. He was happy to help his remarkable chief and became enthusiastic over the organization of the Crystallographic Laboratory, the future Institute of Crystallography of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He was charmed with the world of “dead nature”—the kingdom of minerals—not only because it gave food for thought but also because he received esthetic pleasure from it. Lemmlein always combined the deep mind of a scientist with the emo- tional nature of an artist. He was deeply absorbed into science and, at the same time, collected gems and engravings. After his death, his colleagues fulfilled his wish and gave his famous collection of gems to the State Hermitage in Leningrad (where he was a councel- lor for many years) and his collection of engravings, to the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow. Great interest in crystal morphology in the 1920’s and 1930’s was caused first of all by his curiosity and wish to reconstruct the natural conditions of mineral formation. At the same time, he also enjoyed consulting engineersÐpractitioners (for many years, he was an offi- cial consultant of the Mineralogical Trust no. 13). In 1929, Lemmlein wrote his classical article on secondary inclusions in minerals. He showed that gas- eousÐliquid inclusions are the result of crack healing. This allowed him to consider and use inclusions as indicators of the geological conditions existed during mineral formation. The great importance for the devel- opment of this direction was a cycle of studies per- On August 23, 2001, Georgiœ Glebovich Lemmlein, formed by Lemmlein and his student P.V. Klevtsov. In an outstanding mineralogist and crystallographer, 1954, they constructed the first thermodynamic dia- would have been 100 years old. He was born in Zurich, grams of state for a number of ternary waterÐsalt sys- where his parents completed their higher education. tems. His father was a physicist and his mother, a teacher. Lemmlein spent his childhood in Tilfis, Georgia, In 1938, Lemmlein, being at the near-polar Urals, whose nature and historical monuments he had known, managed to make a remarkable collection of minerals, remembered, and loved for all his life. It is there, in which is now stored at the Mineralogical Museum of Georgia, that he made his first geological–mineralogi- the Russian Academy of Sciences. Lemmlein’s atten- cal expeditions. tion was bound to quartz crystals, which he had studied for three decades and which had allowed him to make The years of Lemmlein studies at the university the morphological discoveries and generalizations that coincided with the years of the revolution. Studying in forwarded him to the leading positions in mineralogy. Tiflis (today Tbilissi), he seldom attended lectures and His studies of quartz crystallography, its formation, the preferred learning by books and working at laborato- transformations of inclusions in quartz, the thermody- ries, thus simultaneously earning his living. namic properties of salt systems, the equilibrium shape In the autumn of 1924, Lemmlein entered the Geo- of crystals, etc., have been highly evaluated by Russian logicalÐMineralogical Faculty of the Leningrad State and foreign scientists. The studies of quartz performed University. Under the influence of A.V. Shubnikov, then in the period between 1939 and 1942 were generalized

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TO THE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF GEORGIŒ GLEBOVICH LEMMLEIN 699 in his doctoral dissertation entitled Morphogenetic directly engaged in these works. His knowledge was Investigation of Quartz. extremely useful for all those who started the crystal In 1945, while studying the superfine relief of crys- growth on the industrial scale. tal surfaces, Lemmlein developed a new method for In 1952Ð1953, a new film was ready, this time not a determining the elements of a superfine relief—the so- cartoon but the documentary film on the layer–spiral called dew method. The discovery of the spiral relief of growth of paratoluidine and P-methylnaphthalene from crystals, making the film on on spiral growth of crys- vapors with many accompanying phenomena. This tals, and the discovery of the dew method gave him an became possible because of strong birefringence and impetus for performing direct physical experiments on large lattice parameters of these platelike crystals along crystal growth. the plate normal. The film taken by Lemmlein and his Still in 1934, Lemmlein experimentally showed that student E.D. Dukova had became the highlight of the a prick or a scratch made on the face of a growing crys- programs of numerous scientific meetings. Thus, tal gives rise to the appearance of vicinal pyramids and everybody could see how crystals grow and answer their fast tangential growth. Returning to these experi- many questions raised by Shubnikov in his pamphlet ments in 1945, Lemmlein established for the first time, How Crystals Grow. the spiral structure of vicinals on silicon carbide. This The same strive for passing from the mental recon- phenomenon made the basis of the modern theory of struction from morphology data to the direct observa- crystal growth. Unfortunately, Lemmlein had not come tion of various processes in crystals and on their sur- to the idea (had not had the sense) that growth pyramids faces led Lemmlein and his student M.O. Kliya to the are formed around dislocations. At that time, disloca- experiments on the acquisition of the equilibrium shape tions were still poorly studied, and some people in our by the NH4Cl crystal in the closed volume of the solu- country were even inclined to consider them as a “bour- tion. The idea of the experiment dated back to the first geois concept” (happily, on a smaller scale than the the- love of Lemmlein—the direct observation of inclusions ory of resonance in intermolecular bonds). Indepen- in crystals. dently of Lemmlein, dislocations were associated with In his scientific studies, Lemmlein always tried to crystal growth only four years later by C. Frank, who is achieve high accuracy both in observations and mea- thus considered to be the “father” of the dislocation the- surements and their interpretation. This explains his ory of crystal growth. It is a pity that Lemmlein does strive for quantitative understanding of physics of vari- not not share this honor with Frank since his animated ous processes. It also manifested itself in the coloring cartoon film (drawn by him himself) showed the distribution around the radioactive inclusions in quartz motion of monomolecular steps around a dislocation in and in the observations of twisted quartz. Studying the the way Lemmlein saw it mentally with his mind’s eye elementary processes of crystal growth, he supported and which was later fully confirmed by theory and the attempts to create the physical theory of crystal direct growth experiments. growth made by A.A. Chernov, who graduated then The studies performed by Lemmlein at the begin- from the Physics Faculty of the Moscow State Univer- ning of the 1950s had become known in the United sity and entered the laboratory headed by Lemmlein. States, and in 1958 Lemmlein was invited to the first scientific meeting on crystal growth organized by the Lemmlein possessed all the best qualities of a clas- General Electric in Schenectady, New York. Lemmlein sical scientist. He had a deep searching mind, imagina- did not get the permission to go to the United States, but tion, and associative thinking; the gift of observation; a his contribution was highly evaluated by all the col- keen sense of beauty; and the inventiveness of a real leagues even in his absence. experimentalist. He was a man of broad education and deep culture; a connoisseur of objects of high esthetic The 1950s evidenced the use of the technology of and intellectual value; and was a highly intelligent, del- quartz growth on an industrial scale, the design and icate, and noble man. construction of a special apparatus for Verneuil growth of ruby single crystals. Not personally taking part in these works, Lemmlein consulted the people who were Translated by L. Man