~~Ull1be l' 51 The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, March 23, Hl50 ENTS l ,;i (;J'OSS 1).,jve lS IFeature«} Again In UNOfficial Will T C·· , OverTop With $5200; Rotarian Minstrel Give Talk At World WO ontests ArlSe In .Electwn Not d ,ArtI ~ s W~l Exceeds ] 91,9 Total Affairs Parley Here Race; F. A. Wheeless W lthclraws In MethodIst App~alerv Jce On M.u'ch 31.

'rown Among' Firs t In State To Newark C. of C. Urges Members Durnall Seeks Reelection In Middle Oi It'iet; Danie l Hat·- Hit Quota, Lanier Say To AUend Conference April vey, Kiwanis Head, File In Eastel'll' Philadelphia Concert Star To 'Sing- Olu'ano Role In Faure In Thanking Public 10 At U. of D. N one Appear FOI' Mayol' Requiem At 8 :30 P. M. The pa~e quicke ned in t.he town election (his week when conte (s suclcl nly Newark wen t ov~r the top in the The Newark Chamber of Commerce d veloped.1I1 the mIddle and eas(em districts. The choir of the Newark Methodist recent Red CroSs dnve , n t.otal of w holeheartedly endorses the public COllJ~c l lman ~rank A. Duma U fil ed on Tuesday for reelection in the mid- Church, under the dir etion of John $5200 Dr. Charles N. Ldl1!el , JI ., gen­ conference on world economic develop- d,le dlstnct oPPosIte Dr. Charles N. Lanier, Jr., who is seeking his first term. I P. Crone of the W stminst I' Chol'r e~ dhairman. a!1!1OlIl.lced yesterday. ment that has been called for April 10 1 he second te t did t d I lie accompanied hI S announcement and 11 by the University of Delaware's vc R .' , s. eve ope yes er ay ": len Dankl Harvey, pl'oprietor of Har- CoJ\ e~e, Princeton, N . .r., will sing the . ,Y . ~f ll ge l aLlon Company .here, entel ed the race m the eastem distriCt. Requ:-em by Gavriel Faure in obser - with a statement the AI- I l ar~e Institute for Inter-American Study and nIeady 111 the field there IS WIlham M. Coverdale. Both men are tryin fT for their ance of the I:enten Season on March of volunteer soilCLtors for theIr Research. Sponsorship of this confe!'- 1rst term on Council. The incumbent in the eastern d is trict, Dr Wallace John- 31 , at 8:30 p. m. coopera tion, and he also expressed ence will constitute Dr. Allen P. Col- son , has. not. S· to discuss vari-o us special aspects. H~urs for. voting on election day, ed [I'om pens at the farmer's carnival Ormando recently selected her to Sin g Round-table conferences and discussion Apnl 11 , WIU be 7 a. m. to 7 p. m ., here, and MI'. Martin led a wi ld West th e soprano rol e in the B ethoven 9th groups wilJ also form part of the con- the Town Counc~1 decided a t its meet- Main Street round-up at 3 a. m., final- Symphony, with the Philadelphia 0 1' ­ fere nce. Professor Hanson emphasized lJ1g Monday night. The polls will be Iy corralli ng the runaways on the chestra. that the public will be invited to at- set up in the firehouse if company offi- lower campus of the university. Robert Knox will sing the baritonC' tend the meetings. ------_ Last Friday, the four ponies brol< e role. In spite of his yout h, Mr. Knox Aldan "Whitey" Burnaliam, here Developnlent Dr. Herbert Dorn, chail'man of the Dr. Wallace Johnson, now coun- away from their stall s at the farm ancl has gai.ned r ecognition as an excellent shown turning on the vocal charm in Institute for I n,ter-American Study and cilman for the eastern district, flIed were last seen hending into the unmap- oratorio singer. Currently he is singin ' cd For 40·Acre last year's Rotary minstrel, has been Research, said that he expects the April for mayor, and Carl S. Rankin, 82 peel wilds of Cecil County, Md. with the Philadelphia Choral EnsemblC' moved up to end man this year in the conference to . "offer an opportunity to West Park Place, med for Council Ha rd riding sea rch~n g parties fail ed and the Mendelssohn Club. West Of Town show set for next Tuesday and Wed­ 9iscuss many aspects of the complex in the western district early this to track them down, and finally Mr. The Ha rpist for the Requi em will b" problem, and thus to facilitate an ob- morning. Dr, Johnson is running Martin, who doesn't listen to "Hi-Ho Mi ss Marilyn Costello who has for the nesday night at the High School audi- jective exami.nation of possible solu- without opposition, His action takes Silver!" every night for nothing, hireci past fi ve years been first harpist of th Suburban Area Will In- torium. tions. The univerSity will act in a him out of the eastern district race, hims If an ai rpla ne at Lovell's airport Philadelphia Orchestra. Miss Costello dude Parks, Playgrounds, He will combine with G. Taggart moderating capacity and not as a par- where William M. Coverdale and and went range riding in the clouds. It came to Philadelphia to study at th tisan in any of the discussions." Daniel Harvey are opposed, proved an easy maller to spot the Curtis Insti.t ute. She wa s the sta r pupil Improved Roads E'Vans, .E. c. "Curly" Mahanna and Gibby Young to lead the minstrel In calling the conference, the In- Mr, Rankin, chief engineer at thc ponies from above and direct ground of the world's greatest harpist, Carlos stitute for Inter-American Study and Continental-Diamond Fibre Com- parties in for the capture. Salzedos. horseplay. The opening of a 40-acre wooded Research considers the program as an pany, is seeking his flrst tenn. AI- Charles Alan Romero will be guest near Newark for 50 moderate- evaluation of Point IV of President r eady in the western district race is SalludCl's Are Invited ol'ganist. Mr. Romero recently followed homes, was announced today by Fisher Tombsloned Truman's inaugural speech, asktng for Ernest L, Nacbod, Jr. Walter Baker as organi st at the First the development of underdeveloped To Pales tine Wedding Baptist Church, Philadelphia. The for- E. \~;it~o:'k:O~n s:!dc~~~s t1:~ In Nearly Final Rites parts of the world. Mr. a nd MI"s. William E. Sanders, 156 mer student of Dr. Al exander McCurdy Charles Fisher, proprietor of the The Newark Chamber o'f Commerce cials are agreeable. The filing deadline West Main Street, have recei.ved an in- has concerlised for t he past 15 years. feeling that this conference will be of is noon, April I. vitalion to a wedding in Palestine. The Last spring Boston crit ics hailed him as tract, one mile west of Newark,. Newark N~w ss tand, is the only man on national and even international im- Mr. Durna11, an account wi th the card, engraved in Hebrew, arrived a 'genius" when he was presented as Nottingham Road and adjacent record who has had one foot in the of Christiana Presbyterian grave and a nother under a tombstone portance, urges aU its members to at- Westb:ae Water C~mp any, Greenville, bit late, but the Sanders don't feel the "2 1 y ar old OI"ganist." lI'i\1 be open for inspection and lived to tell the tale. tend its va rious sessions and to give Del., ~ s seekmg h 1-5 second ter:n on that they could have made the triP I -----. ---- April 10, Mr. Brinton said. Build- He was serving as a pallbearer re­ their full and active support to the Coun~ll. He was elected In 1948 WIth out anyway. . Thomas Cooper VFW of the first houses-in the $9,500 cently at a funeral in Baltimore, and university in all possible ways. OPP?sltJon w hen Herman ~oJ\a s~on, , The lQviUitJon was from Stephq.n A" • the lI1cun:bent, suddenly w ltbdl ew (10m Schll.(l:,?, a , t~ fh''' ~11 j nt 1+,\ Mn1' f f $10,5110 price class-will start short­ ~omeone dropped the tombstone on his " F.l ee l sSt a electIon race after the nlin g dead- Qf. Delaware, who lived 7 ' -" '- . altirward. Both houses and h::::1- foot. He escaped with a crushed tarsal t~ e v~ty tor 81 lme. Mr. Durnall, a hfetllne reS Ident' time with the Sanders. Now conti uin ' --- buildi ng plots will be available aI'ch and came home an appalled of Newark, is aclive in fraternal cir- h:.s studies in Palestine, Mr. Maude Hufnal Is New President. bearer. , Fibre Plant Wins S a~d er~ 25 acres of the site will be He's been looking sheepish ever c1es: " . . ' '. also found time to marry Miss Bell a Of Auxiliar HI S opponent, DI. L!.J1Iel , IS chall- Lewensohn, a native of J erusalem. The y to build fng lots, with 15 acres since, answers inquiries about his foot Safety Citations (Contmued on r age 6) ceremony took place in the Menorah streams, lakes, drives, and by mumbling something about "a grave Club, J erusalem on March 21. Maude Hufnal was elected president Work already has been accident." National's Newarl, And Yorklyn of the Thomas Cooper Auxiliary, Vet­ community r ecreation­ Buck up, Chal'iie, it's better to have Mills Set Mark Census OJ Pre-School And erans of Foreign Wars, at the group's as well as on three-quar- one foot in a cast than five and a half School Age Children Is Stagehands To Play annual election on Monday. mil e of improved roads in in a casket. Planned In Newark Area Others chosen to head the organiza­ The parkland wi1\ have three Both the Newark and Yorklyn plants Important Role In lion during the coming year are: Doro­ in two of which there will be of the National Vulcanized Fibre Com- A census of pre-school and schOOl thy Naylor, senior vice-president; and bathing. The entire park­ $80,000 Extension To pany recently received awards for out- age children in the Newark Special NHS Faculty Drama Ethel Creswell, junior vice-president; wi\l be deeded to landowners standing safety records. School District w111 get underway Doris Robinson, treasurer; Beatrice compl etion of the development NHS Gymnasium Is The Newark pla rllt opel'ated 543,207 around March 27, school authorities Hevalow, chaplain; and Mildred Sweet­ to Mr. Bdnton. man-hours w.ilhout a lost time accident, announced this week. Teachers To Present "I Remem- man, conductress. lots will contain about 20.­ Slated This Summer a nd the Yorklyn mill went 1,007,900 The canvass, aimed at determining ber M.ama" Tomorrow And E lsie Reed and Christina Grundy feet, wi th a choice of cleared man-hours without a serious mishap the major pupil population centers in were named to one-year terms as trus­ or of land wooded in beech and among the employees. the district as an aid in planning (h e Saturday Nights tees, and Agnes Crossan was elected Five drives will radia te from a Wilmington Architect To Draft. F. A. Stiegler, safety committee sec- location of future school build ings, is Cor two years. Helen Hrycek is th The stagehands will pl ay virtually group's new secretary. square. according to the de­ Plans For Project. Doubling relary of the Newark mi11, accepted a follow-up on a s1milar study con­ program recently approved the award on behalf of the local plant I dueled last year. The first was h eld to as an important a part as the stars in A $25 donation was voted to the the production of "I Remember Mama" Castl e County Regional Gym Capacity from National's insurance carrier. W. determing the actual boundaries of the drive for f unds to purch:Ise a portable Commission, D. Marsey, plant manager at Yorklyn, district, w hiCh until then had never to be given by the Newark High School iron lung currently being carried out Brinton, describing Christine accepted a similar citation on behalf been accurately mapped. Further faculty tomorrow and Saturday nights. by the VFW Post. Funds have finally been cleared The comedy, adapted by John Druten as "the flrst carefully planned through state channels for the long­ of the plant there. studies are also being planned on the district's school population. from Kathryn Forbes' book "Mama's in western suburban planned extension to the gymnasiwn at The census will also aid authorities Bank Account," requires ~ngenious Surratt Ordered To Duty in 25 years," pointed out that the Newar k High School little building land r emaining To Accept New Members in estimating the number of pupils who staging. The script calls for revolving At Army Std School Supt. Wilmer E. Shue said this week scenes, platforms, backdrops, traveller town itself and that the Not­ that the work ,which is expected to At NAACP Meet Tomorrow will enter the Newark Schools in the Grover Surratt, 54 East Delaware next several years. curtains and the like. Road area is the only nearby CO &t between $80,000 and $100,000, will Avenue, has been ordered to active The first regular meeting of the New­ Newark High School seniors will The fast motion of the play calls for area without business and be carried out this summer. E. William duty for a two week period from March ark Chapter, National Association for cany out the actual canvassing for quick scene changing as the action encroachment. Property­ Martin, Wilmington architect, has been 25 to April 8 to attend a Phase One the Advancement of Colored People, the census, dividing the town into areas moves from a kitchen to a hospital, will be protected by d ~e d assigned to draw the plans. Associate Course, Command & Gen­ wi11 be held this Friday evening, 8 p. and working ~n teams. The rural sec­ then back again to the kitchen, then preventing sub-dividing of the The addition will virtually double era l Sta ff School at Fort George G. lots m., at the New London School. tions will be covered in the same off to a ranch. To keep up with the bu , and by th e requirement that the capacity of the present gym and Meade, Md. PW'pose of the meeting w ill be to manner. pace of the script, Miss Ann Stauter, !Idmg plans must b~ approved by permit a much-needed expansion of Surratt holds a major's commission elect ofricers for the newly formed A running report on the count will director, plans to use the fore stage for planning committee. the physical education program at the in the Organized Reserve Corps organization and to set up committees be oin-pointed on a large map in the short scenes and the main area for schools. and select committee chairmen. Com­ scbool office The map is being drawn the longer ones, much in the manner CUB MOVIE BENEFIT "WAR BRIDE" NOW CITIZEN The auditorium stage, now the fo re­ mittees to be formed include: publicity, by ninth g rader Rob rt P rickett. of a musical play. Cub Pack 55 will sponsor a movi" Mrs. Dora Buckingham, wile of: part of the gym, wi ll be partitioned education and employment, l egal, rec­ Also k eping the prop commitlee up benefit April 12-13 at the State Theatre Buckingham, Red Mill Road, off, and the gym proper will be divided reation, program and membership. ' I F nights is how to find a cat with poise as thei.r next fund raiSing project. on~ oC five "war bril UCh 0. ,d.U ,,,uJ:lU... ~ stockholders of the corporal Ion for the sonally kno\\ n to m to be HrGIILIGHT~ O'Clock ill th Morning." Ch ~racte r s The swce t~o~nC~!~Ygoe s straight ~'" u~U\~:~~·~:,a'-:;'~~:;'o':;I';,~~.:-d·:;';AI.'tl~~~ ~~~~ co~.SI~~~!ti~~e l~~':h~~~· at a special 01 ellng I ~~~~E~1~e~!~~~l'eBOONE w re: Drunk, Turp1l1 Rose: Poitcem3n, . . sen.eo III \ I'lllng IU ~ I t!uuc"OIl ?' ,lie oC the stockholders of the said corpora- knowledged that he H ard Pr'estley' Lady Carolyn Chal. from Ih gard n palch to til(' bOlltng Cdll.tal 01 SH. a COI'"O l·Ud O•• ~I'v'" ..'" IV lion called fol' the purpose. upon at least certificate as his free ancl ow I , ,. keltle has thc bcst flavor. Ears of COrn wuu.ana dollal's (~JU,OOO). to Flr.tcel~ thouS- ten days' nolice given In nccordance with and deed and as the fl ·_c_c. __ ...... " •• ,., A Column of New Contributed mers'Ginger I,allicr- Junior Journalist. go on ripening after pick.ed and with ""~,.i:: .. e;u',I~I~~~eUu.,I~g"II~,s c', , ~~:':tvis' rr~~~: 1 i~~o~~~~\~~sgfut\~~ "toll? tf,~r~~~111~~~~~n t1~~ ~~I~ 'b~efl.°~6~c f~a;tl, er "cKnO',led,,'" ~• • m By lhe Journali Cia At - 0- any l cn.gth of st~ ra g th ~ II ·. su~a r con- ~~~,~Y(!~ r ~~.~.CI~8~Cl ~\,~e~~~~~'.:'~~I~~ l~to~1 I :~ e$~;&\t~~a~f J~:~, c~~~~r:dIO;y ft~:;\~~~ I ~~J ;~~I'~I~:,\~I~~ ~~~n:';t~·~~~( til. Newark High School Girls Intramurals Come To Close It ent lUI ns to stal ch. Thel e IS httle loss of Ihls corpol'atton fOI Ihe sum ?r 10~~ \~': I of record of a majority of the outstanding appear on the foregoing ccrtiflcato Gil'ls' intramurals basketball games of flav~r in canned . corn b c,~use t~~ ~~~~~":i~~ ~~~';~nt~'1'~~~~ln?~'~~:'~s l~ t.e~ b~ sh 8l;~s of stock of the ~~Id aC~[~I°':rP tW;l ~ :,~fal~~ri~~n~afJ ~~~n~~I,~/ l"'''l d.nt New Castle oUllty Teachers' Meeting hal' been played every Tuesday, IPI'OC sS lI1g IS m ~annelle.s ne.~ '~\~e l~I · ':.;,~IIl;eet,~~ lix~~I~,~d ~~gpl?"'~'e~,a~~ cor~~~?i~~~ ~~tu~ed ct.o $5,70Q-thc that 'the seal anlxed to the Held At l\lt. Pleasant Thul'sduy and Friday after school from the fields, and wlthm thl ee hnlll s atle. P . "hOlders enutled 10. vole IIpon said said reduction to be effected by reduc- IIs . the common or corpora',· !'cal New Castlc COllnty T eachers' Meet- 3:30 to 4 o'clock during the past sea- th corn is ~~~cke d: it is sealed in c~nii ~~,~~JI~f.n a~; ~~~~~,~'I not excecding that ~~ tV:: 5~;~gu~;a~:s c~rl~f~c~e~,~~~CI~~t~ sa ~~ c~'f~~ai~"sn · WHERE OF' . I hove ing this year was held at the Ml. son. Thel' was a bus team for bus The pack size p i oves the populallty '1 [ Ihe capital of the corporallon l' p- standing to $5,700." unto set my hand and nut anal "a1 Pleasant High School, last Friday, sludents which played on Friday; third of this truly American,. ~weet v ~ge. ~;~;;~~~t bio s~;~ b~~~~I~ I ~~~'~\11 ~:~~i~~IUf.j re~oll~rO~; , ti~'e ~;~?r~a~i~h~v~~~d ~~~.p~~~~ Ihe day and ye~[el~~'°'t. sl~t,'::fr.on t March 17. p dod table ... about 800 mIllion calL of of the General COI'Pordtion Law, may be lion is being reduced from $57,010 to 5,700 I !"otary ~ub lle There was n conductcd tour of th Th gll'ls from Leaders' Club weI e cream styl and whole kerncl corll, 111 cllarged "'lalllst 01' paid oul 01 the cal)ltnl by reducing the amount of capital \'ePI'e- My CommiSS Ion XPII'CS .January h h t d g Id a'l t e o[ Ihe cOI'poratlon: sented bv the 5.700 shal'es of stock now 1 1953. Silvcrside 5<:hool from 9 to 9 45 O'ClOCk ., chosen to manage the dIfferent teams bOtlI t e w I e an 0 en v I I S. THAT lhe " ..els of this cOI'Pora: lolI .l'e- outstandi'ng to $5,700. • HELEN L. ANDERSON · Followll1g t hi s Thc play-offs started WIth the seven weI' tUI ned out last season by corn malnlng afler such reduclion ar.e "' di1~ It'! 4. That the assets of said cor.poration . NOTARY PUBLI • \1 thcre was an Ill- I and eIghth grades Thc two winnmg l c.lI1nel'S In 29 states • , Vf.~ t ' b MEl BdL' I -- ~a~a~0~IN WITNESS,~~v~e~~~~ WHEREOF13~~e~':.~~;",,~,o~[ Ihe saIC' ~ll'hi~\; COI- ~f~~~~itI I I ~~lh gp:;te~n~ucJ~~~edt b 'th ~I~!iO;a:l~I e:~'!:f'd d O.'FICF.C OOKsi~~~T6F 0.' SECRETARY l~h AW"RE 01' , _ voca Ion Y l' I teams we~e ag e eavers an Ive y I -- PUBLIC SALE poration has caused this certificate. \?r a~~ j ~~; c 1 as no een 0 er.w se prov. c I. HARRIS B. McDOWr:LL. • Joseph F . RemeY I LIzards 'Ihc E-agler Beavers won the made and executed un~ er Its . ~Ol~ I IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said KEN- tary of State of the State of supcrintendent of champIonship for these two gradeS , HOUSEHOLD GOODS sea!. an~ ~I~~s ~~;~~vo~f li~arc'h~s~.eD. 1 ~~~ . TUCKY BOONE COAL COMPANY has KE'R;:BY CERTIFY that the Mt Pleasant w:th a score o[ 20 to 17. Saturday. April 1, 1950 eCI~~k~LE EQU IPMENT CORPORATION I f~t~S~~rWfl;~t't ~~a~ee s~~~!~ ~~ ~x;i~';::'~ ~:'~t7~~'~fe '~r ~!~~'~li~~d of Spcc!.al District The ninth and tenth grades were thc 12 Noon By 1". J . Lucid P resident its president. and Evan L. Ausman, its "KENTUCKY BOONE COAL The music wus by th. c Mt . Pleasant ! next ones to play These games werc ! 356 South College Avenue'Secretal and Clarence G. Pechacek 'Y \ secretary, Ihis 28thC, H d. avFox of I'ebruary, 1950 . astwentIeth re~eived day nnd oC Marchfiled In, A.thi Ds. l1Senior High Chorus , directed by Starr played on Thursday, March 10. They Newark, Delaware • • • • • • . President o'clock A. M. L Cole. At 10:15 there was a business were cnlled the Dribblers and Teasers. I Ail her household goods consisting oC I • • M~B~L~ EQUIPMENT Evan L. Ausman IN TESTIMONY WHER EOF, n~ee ti ng and the feature addresses weI' '" 1 The tenth grade or the Dribblers won ~f~i r~f.:'\;n ~~~ea n ~i ~hl' a~~~~I'~~~ s ~e l?:i~g ' In c';;'~~I~Pe~A;S!~~val'c ! ' • • , • ~eci·et~ry. , • ~~~ee~·~ t3'i~e~ \~~~t:~1~d d:~do?fTICI' 1 by Dr. George R. Miller, Jr. and Mr . , by a score of 17 to 7. I room chairs. I reversi ble 9xl2 Olson rug, 1947 • KENTUCKY BOONE COAL' year of our Lord onc Robert L . Durke. " . On Thursday, March 16, An~azol.'s ~~~~a!u~~~I~ ,;~.,!~, t~'~~nged~~Ta~~~t~o~ee~ ~IS;R I~'/ O~ ~ O~U~B;A" S . : COR~g~~:~EAL : dred and fi~~).RRTS B. The theme thiS year was School [01 I and Rockeltes, both cleventh gl adel s, ' radio. I dressel' and washstand, porch' ,, ) S . I • 1932 • (SEAL) t the W'hole Child." From II to 12 there played to see who would play the glider. refrigerator. Westinghouse vacuum CITY that o)n thIS nth DELAWARE' A LSLlE W· . I ' . ., 1 sweeper with hand cleaner lot beds bed- BE 1°1.FRWEMASEliJ~trfiIf • tl e I'• • • • • • • • • • • I 55.~Et eere a.ry of wcre sectional meetings includll1g the Garter GlI'ls for the champIOnship. ding linen lamps dishes and cooking dav of Malch. A D 195). beforedmfe. tl~C STATE OF ILLINOIS ReceIved for Record March 2\1 . H ' I Th R k tt b f 11 t "I d S ' sc Ibel 3 nolan' public m an 01' I ) SS Burton S Heal Recorder ' [ollowing: I- Read1l1g on the Igl l e oc e es won y a score 0 0 utensils. Among the ant ques are a gran - U) r d' C ty a(oresald personally np- 3 '330 4 6 " S hool L evel' II- Human R elations' j 28. They then played thc Garter Girls I fathers clock, drop-leaf table, secl'etary, Dlslr ~t ;:'J ~ucld. PreSIdent of MOBILE COUNTY OF COOK) --, ,-. II~ -H !.gh School Guidance; IV- Ele: and won by a score o[ 9 to 8. ThiSI ~h'~;~!~ ~1?;~-~~~:~c"~::;~~1 °V~~yt~~Je~o~~~ ~Q~~PMENeT"tIConOeRdP~,Rth1,;I~~:ej(~~~J( ~~~: .---- 1 . d Bib) _ poratlon m t b e mentary Guidance; V- Speech and the made the Rockettes champions of the an, es. C h Uncate known 10 me personally ~ t I ~~~'''''''''''''''''''''''~~''''''''~''''~~~'''''''' l Teacher in the Classroom; VI-Child eleventh and twelflh gmdes. . 'I erms- a:ESSIE FRICK, Owner. ~~,c~e ah~' a;~t~~bed!eee~ t1~~Ja~~ece!~~ Ic;:.,~ , Development: VII- School BUlld1l1 ! Wednesday, there WIll be l'Ibbons . L I' FdA t. deed of Ihe said COl POI atlOn. and that . g [II I II d b h 1 J . cs Ie or , uc loneer. 1 U ereta affixed was the cOlnn1on anth~ FOR 1HE BEST IN Construction. At 12 o'clock a luncheon 0 a co ors worn a ay y eac team 3-"1' t ~e~ .' t al of lhe saId coroorallon \ was held at the Mt. Pleasant School, which .won the ch ampionsh ip of its _. ~ c. cOI~ol~ I"r~eE SS nWf~~~E'?Jxe~ ~.::~eo~fcl~i TEL E V I S ION Cafeteria. In thc afternoon a movIe en- I respectIve grade. Letters Testalltentary un\OnSeldmy al~d ~eal helemabove written titled "Meeting Emotional Needs in Mary Alice Fulton. Estate of Mary F. Lutton. Deceased. sea lC a~Norma Ral dy Bntton Childhood" was shown at 1:40 O'C10Ck. \ ____ - - -- Nolice Is hereby given that Letters Testa- • • N.ota~· y tu~IIC. • , SEE Following that. Dr. Ralph McDonald, V' I Of R 1 . i~~',llf~'[e '~rw\~;~e E~\~t: ~tr::~r)I~,·IJ;·~~~ • • Nonna Hal'dy Britton Director of the National Commission a ue e a ( 111 g ~ec[~~~~n ~~' ~h~ u~ ;x t~~~~~e~a~n~~ K.l':,e61~ : D iSI~~;a r~f P~~~\~ll bia, : on T eachel' Education and Professional Will B eSt res sed' AD, 1950. and all persons IIldebted to • • • , , • • • • LEON A. POTTS Standards spoke . I I~I~~, ~~ ~~ s df;eu~:dE~~~ lI\~~u~:,\~c:,l~~ d~~~,~ 3-233~.4. 6. INCORPORATED - Th\s was the first time II: several I In Grade Asselnbly and all pClsons havtng demands agaInst I 1I0,uST ON DUNNOF REDUCTION 44 E. Main St. Phone 3821 years that the Newark Publtc School , C • ~~~s~,~f~~,~e~at~~; d~l~u:~"o(l..,"\~de~~lt~;! :~~~ CE ltTIFI'tl~APITAL I ~~;;~;;;;~;;:~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~:~II:. teachers have attended the New Castle --- Executol on 01' be (ore the Sixleen'h day -- RATED County Teacher's Meetlllg as a group l OA t PI A d Sk't T B of March. A D. 1951 . or ablcie by the law HOUSTON DUNNe'd IN~dO!~I~Un g unde~ i .. Pud .. Tornh t on. ne- cays n ISO e I III thIS behall JOSEPH B LUTTON corporattonIhe General orgaCOl poratlonlllz a Law of the S ta t e \ ,------0- Presented Next Wednes- E xec~tor of Delawale. DOES HEREBY CERTIFY • It " d Addless John P . Cann . AttOlney-at-law as follows . f th TRANSIT MIXED CONCRETE Ma~lDee For I Remember Mama 1 ay Industrial Trllst Building. Wilminglon: (1) That. at n speCIal meeting o. . ~ I ... • ' Faculty play "I Remember Mama" I I r-W~~~~'~6 ~~~rdh~l[d D~I~e~ ~~r s6tC:; ~~~ ~~o~ear~~~ p~~to, 1 ;~~c~e:::~:n2t5e!t °tll~et~e\~~~~i~ ~~o~~ 1 The importance of rcading w ill be l - - -' -'-' --.-: . ~1~~'~~gg~~~l~~~;d 0~Yt~eS~~1~~ IC~~;;;'~~~lg~ Auditorium. The matinee will be given I thc theme of an assembly to, be pre- I I.etipn I e.dameTlI.ary ~~: .I~~n~'.:'o~ii~n t~:YSb;_~~'~~' fh~~~ol~ :;.j n Thw'sday afternoon March 23 for sented by Mrs. R. E. Maclary s home- c Est~te °L Cyrus E; Rlt~enhou se , De- heldnted so that there should be one for' s ~rice-support .stocks ar~ being f~6'':' aT~o H~ndr~~'lF~~~nTI~~u s~~dci',~~. 7 Miles from Newark, Del. everybody. Even so you had better I ofl el ed flce. at the pomts where they ~~~u(:;~30?~5~JO)d~,i~,~~ ~n(t~h~\~~~t~~~~~ CIIESTER COUNTY, PA., at order your copy so that you are sure arc stored In school lunch pl'CJgrams of Ten Dollars (SIO 00) eaeh to One Hun- Clean ICooking ... Easy Cooking ... to get on . I and to Federal, State, and local public c1red Forty-four Thousand Nine Hundred ABSOLUTE I Blll Everhart. Iwe lfare agencie~ [01' thc as s i~t a ~ ,ce 01 ~~~; t~c~0~1~~~"<,~~~4~~;~~ ,~~g~'~~e~\~~t~: -0- needy persons !11 Delaware. rhls was l nine ( 14 ,499) Shares or the pal' vnJ ue of That's the Roper Gas Range ... Gleam· _ ...... YUlIl. Introducing a .Junior High Student-- announc~d recently by Ernest S. Matti- ~~g ~gbla~~tl~elm~~)t "oa{~h~) ·~!~e -il~~l~;!:~ci Loretta Windle ford , ch a ll'lnan o[ the Statc Prod uction Five Hundred One (10,501) Shares of Treas- AUCTION Loretta Windle, a well-liked 8th a l~~t Marketing Administration Com- ~ Iifu.~~fc:a~~, t~'.~\J'~\,, ~a~u'i,~fti~~C'CcPr~~~~~ Clear of l\1ortgal(e-Possesslon ing, Streamlined, Porcelain Surfaces, grade student, is a native of Newark. \ m~rhe:~ commodities w ill be handJed I '~'~j That a ma.iol·lty o( thc 10tal Illlln· Dclightful view, secluded loca­ ,favorite t under thc system of distribution pro- tion. 50 acres tillable, stream, Everything Positioned For Finger­ ~er SPO I~ ~s ba s~etba .ll ~nd p~; ~fo!~~re~a~~ts~~~~Jn~0~nrh~"~~~:j(6f~A woods, fine pasture. Stone house ~o~b; vce;Jec~~~ : ~c7;:: . edL~~ett:'~ I vided in Scction 41 ~ of the Ag'l'icul- ~~~~~Ur~~?i~n~O reduce the capital of the buill during Civil War has fine r 't . . "Oh h' k f d l tural Act of 1949. ThIS law sets liP sev· (3) That the capital of the corporation lines, ideal for remodeling. 9 Tip Control . , . Autonlatic Tinu? and a~~or~o~n sa:a~;a~!." Sh~ ~i~~S e ~at~,:_ eral pl'iorities on di stri butio~ of Gov· ~f'~~;:~drb~~Faer~ ~s~,~~.&of~~cg-~~ :;~~: rooms, 2 baths. Large stone and frame barn. 23 stalls, granary, matics very much. Her favorite movie ~~n~~~~;I! ~~·!~ l ~~~O~~sp~~v~:: ~o~~atr~.:~ ~;,~t:°t;~)i~~~($m~~~OO~ ~I~f,/~~~~~~ other buildings. DlRECT10NS­ Effort Fit For a Queen. star. is . Bet~y Grable ..Loretta5s int:r- cipient agencies must pay handling sC )4for¥ha~b~h:' assets o( the corporation Out Baltimore Pike to N ewark ~5 t JIl Illt~l'Jor decorat1l1g. a.nd cooklllg chargcs and transportation from the remaining a!ter such reduction are Buffl­ Rd. just E. of Avondalc (3 miles IS responSible for her ambllton to settle points of storage cif,?tc h to pay any debts, the paympnt of W. of K ennell Square), left 5 down in her own home someday. Mr. Mattiford 'said that distribution for. have not been otherwise provided milcs to L andenberg. Pass over c Grace MllIer-.Junlor Journalist. o[ dried eggs and non-fat dry milk F6~J'J~~El'~JV~~~f'i '~ ~~h~~'i,~~e~ bridge. then left % mile to fork, It Assures Every Imaginable Flam solids w ill be limited to the first cal.c- Its corporatc seal to be affixed and this bear left [or % mile, then sharp 7-1 Sedi.n Prescnted Three 'kits In gory of cligiblc agencies described ill fc~~ti~f:tev\~cbj,;~~rde~,ry ~~dl'L~';I~ntiC~- righ t for 2% miles lo London To Fit Every Kind, Shape and Sizc Homer, oom on Mareh 10 1 thc Act, whiCh, besidcs school .lunch Moyer, Its Secretary. this 60.1 day oi ,I Tract Church on left, then left '4 mile to dirtl'oad on left, turn left As part their homeroom activity programs and public agencic.;, AND SUPPLY CO ~[ I we][~re ~~t~Gl¥llG 'hfu'N~iEY to 1st property on right. the 7-1. S~tlO.1I gav thrce s~o rt humor- includes thc Bureau o[ Indian Affairs. B.y EDWIN G. STICHTER Utensil. There's Nothing Fin r Titan Open Sun., Apr. 2, 2 to 5 P . M. ous skits III loom 217 on Fnday, March Polatoes, already being offered undcr • • , • , , • • • Vlce~Pr~sl~ent. 10. The first skit, "Mary Had a Little thc S clion 416 plan of d istribution • Read l n~ Foundry and Supply Co • Sale on Premises The 'Simmer.Speed" Top Burner. ~amb," consisted of three sc~ ne s, two are available on an even broader basif: : corpor;lt? Seal . : TUES., APRIL 4, 3 P. M. III the school room and one III Mary's i~lcluding private welfare organiza- : _ _ • • D:ln;va~e . • , • ' home. The char~clers were: Mary, ltons .for ~s s istance of needy persons, Attest LUELLA G. MO~R 15% Deposit at Sale Carolyn Chalmers, teacher, Dorothy both In thIS country and abroad. . Secretary. SEND FOR CIRClTT,AR Mayne; children, Fran.ces GrundY, Bar- I Schools and interested public welfare gt!t~e~ f IRelt~!a~~C;; t~! i~e d~~C~~I:I:rc~t I bara Ness, Grace MIlIcI', and Kathy agencies in Dclaware, according to Mr. 1950 at 9 A. M. and recorded in the Office Lanning; Mother, Glng,.r Lanier; Matllford can get full information on ~~,~~fy R~;or~:r 8?1~ ~:;d~/%a~c"hw ~t1e ~~ Trivit's Appliance Father, Wdght Poffenberger; big available commodities and details for 3-16,23,30. , . •• brother, Turpin Rose; big sister, Caro. handling from: CERTIFICATE- OF REDUCTION AVOTIO co. 01' lOA. lyn Nutter. Schools- Mrs. Ethel B . Emmert OF CAPITAL OF BANKERS SECURITIES BLDG, STORE " Wiadom Tooth," the next skit, fea· School Lunch Supervisor, Slate Dept: ~'m~L~S E~gIPC~~,&::Ot~~pRr:J~?~E PIUl.ADF.I,PHIA 7, PA, Pholle 6.1611 tured a tortured patient played by Sue of Publlc Instruction. Dover, Delaware. EQUIPMENT CORPORATION Is a cor- KINGSLEY 5-2238 Roberts; nurse. Kathy Lanning; other Welfare nnd Public Institutions-A. ~o~:tigr fh~ak~~t~y o~n'f:,:I~~t~~:, l~~~err~~~ ------.! \ ~wark Po -t, Newark, De!m\1are, Thursday, March 23, 1950 Three _ B HI' Club is to Visit Christ· Cl b f - r" 1 N I May 4th. Leader for ne lana ~ I Vmce~ t and Mrs. Olan Cl aver are (he C H h' Oil nfl.rners - Pu,mps - erv;ce and In.tallation, CflpilOlI ral ews. b MI·s. L. J . Walkel' Pl a~t mo~th Wi ll , committee in charge of card party, ustom atc lng ( for NatIOnal lio ' D s Wele made Mr. and Mrs. Freel Miller and dau~h - 1 \lm' Long, Correspomlent W k. The club Pl~ns to e mon s trali~n I( r , PatriCia, h ave moved into theil' Chicks - Turkeys .R. L. TAYLOR nt.-·, ~hol1e 2-6545 tiana Methodist Church O;oA to . ~hns - new home Oil West Main Street. CONTRA TOR Also a window display' b Pl'l 30th. The ladies of the Christiana Mrtno· etling' Every I II< " '\111 CPl' I\(IS adrmlled to Sl. 11 d to be arl"ang d inl\h~l~ ~~:rk' dist Church Will hold a soup and bake Plumbing - Heating franci . 1I 1J~1''',11 la~t Monday, IOI Ob.] Farm and H ome SUI ply StOle, Mrs ,I ~~~'c~ ~~ e basement of th church on Pencader PHONE 6·2] 41 EWARK, DEL. 'rrvatHHl Horace Eastbu1'l1, Mrs. CIaI' ne Hi h. P j\I1 r Ilc'll'Y ~l,It!Il'II'S alld fathcr, lVIr. n Id, and Mrs J . Lesll Ford . g . ! We welcome the new l unch loom oultry Farn1 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. iiiiiii __iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" lUS St. Il'Y 1Ilathl'lI S havc retul'l1cd ( 0 charge. The meting th Wi ll b Il1 l ( opened at 32 West Main StreN. I CI~~rla nd, Ohl(), urt 'r Visi ting with over to Home D e mo~ :~rat' n tU1'l1ed H oly Week schedule for the Chl'1s, Near Cooch's Brillge . SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS I 1Il,ti1l'1I5 and SOli, Dale. Mr'/ K th .' Ion Ag nt l tlana Methodist Church IS as follolw' - lVIl SS ;\1rs , lit!' moved t o Cleveland R a line Jones In charge of l Pa lm Sunday- II a m ·,t Chlisthna ..; • •: •• ; .. ; •• ; .. ; •• ; •• ; .. ; •• ; .. : .. : •• : •• ; .. : .. : .. ; .. ; • •: .. : •• : .. : •• ; .. : .. ; .. ) "------______.1 Mathl'w S IPC' 0 ' , " ccent Developments 1Il N t T .. " ,, ~. .. ",herr hl IS' , Iabilshlllf> bUSiness. M l's ReiI' shments weI' Sn l' union. 8 p m. at Salem. AIJ)e t H.. 'It I I thl'lI' Sf'n wIll join hllnl' ' v d and the Monday- 8 p m at Christiana r anll 011 11,ltht'\I all' 111 cling adjourned to be held 111 Red I Tuesda - 8 . t S 1 ( (Jon. Lion ommunlty Hall on !I. .'1 Y p. 111 . a a em It1aster PI,t1nber) Mr. alld \Ir~ HOI)('l t J POI ambo Pl! 17th Wednesday-8 p m . nt Christiana , rc rI'l'rntly 1 ISlted by the parents or' l 1101' E. F Hall oC the Presbyterian PLUMBING & HEATING T RA D E·1 N NOW I \~~ . 1'oralll\10. )\11'. and Mrs. Peter Christiana New C~~Jl 'c h will sp ak stcvcn ~, of CoaldalC' , Pa. ' S I Ih.ursday- 8 p. m. at Salem. "Modernize Your Old Deh' ...rt ~'~. ' Mrs. An thony Bonl) a nd Rosal e, Mrs, C. L Th C I Fr~day-8 p. m . at Christiana ( om· Pl,unbi"'g" ,JCllt last Sunday visiting friends in , orp, orrespondent I munlon) . jJhiladrl phi il, Pa. Phone Newark 2-1409 I Eoa ster Sunday-7 a. m. at Ebenpzel' JOBBING REPAIRS FRIGIDAIRE'S .C,c5A~·CC.~~t. Mr. and ~Ir s. F'1'~nk B H itCh enSI The Ml. N bo Gills' 4-H Club mct at Church. J I a. m. at Christiana, 2:30 254 E. MAIN ST. 1\11 5 1Iltcht'ns parents, Mr. and the leaders home on March 13 p. m ~a l e m . PlIo 2-6711 NEWARK, DEL. Tsaac P ly ne of Elkton, Md on "B lt . Nt.·" . VISitation Wedn sday ,' ,,('nine 7 p • . "Thrifty 30" Electric Range , . ,. , ' e el u IltlOn was the educ,l' m ., March 29 ' I,... : .. :..: .. :,.; .. : ..: ..:.,: . .:.. :.,:.. :.,: .. : .. ;..: .. :.,: .. :.,: .. : ..: ..: .. :~ SUlld a} tiona 1 theme. MISS eDlsle Gooden . CP~~l'~lli~ ~:~lioovner;~~~na ai;~; ~i I ~. CI ea tlol~ cha.Jrman, had an mteJ e s t~ .: . . PdT' II1g and amu 'lI1g program of music)l up r ~·:! Jl~ . a~e~n"e l~~J. ~dw~Jr~ games ,and contest.s in b onor of Sl. Th FI U HATH CHARMS Anita and Jack Long and Patr~ck s Day.. MISS Grace Rineer, Reedyford Memorial Hospital, , preSident, preSided. N Ison, England, h as put a fi sh tank PYROFAX GAS- ~~C;~SE TAOIN SH,RDLU N The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Fire in its waiting rooms to sooth the nerves Clay Creek l' rcsbytcrian Church Company will meet in the fire hourc of wailing patients, it was disclosed News March 28 a t 8 p. m. -- r e ~ently. Always Clean On Tu esday night, March 28th, at 8 . This group will hold a card parly t a it~J~~ p::n O~a~l:I~V:t~~dc~I~~~~i~J~S ,~,e l~ Always Uniform . m., the Improvement Society will In the fire houre March 23 at 8 p. n l., surgeon said. at the home of Mr. and ' Mrs. Peach in s tanton. Mrs. John Mur- will be in charge of the program. rcfr shment committee wHI be: GREAT REVIVAL SERVICE Paul Peach, Mrs. Jane Chambers. An drew Lindell and Mrs. James Note the change of m eeting GOSPEL TABERNACI~E . Wednesday, to Tuesday for month. Lovett and Benny Streets Weslminister Fellowship w ill • PYROFAX GAS burns w ith a on Sunday night at 7:30 p. m . in Newark, Bel Miss Bertha Bishop wi!l clean, blue fl ame- without sool, odor Until ~'Iarch :n or waste, The uniform quality of .!IOS~~~s:~\.l i n ch arg c of the program. The mem­ Mrs. Anderson's Sunday School PYROFAX Gas- guarded by a series of exacting controls- gives you the have b en invited to join the EVANGELIST: HORACE E. ROBERSON most efficient fuel for cooking, wa­ service at II a. m . Rev. James ALL WELCOME ter-healing, refrigeration. See us to­ continue the Lenten series. day for the best in gas appliances­ will be "Th e MOlJ1lt of the best in bottled gas service. Heights oC Confident F aith Power. The new Junior Choir will part in this service. Look At All The Features Of This Big Oven! April 6th, at 8 p. m ., we have our Communion service, in ;;~ • Biggest oven in any house. • One. piece, all porcelain church. This will be a candleli ght hold range oven , and all are invited to attend. Superior BOTTLED GAS Service at this lime observe the an­ • Cooks more food with no • High.speed, waist· high of the Lord's Supper. An more current broiler recessed into top message w ill be brouch t Vi&it rite • • • I SUBURBAN GAS CO. OF DELAWARE ANOTHER FRIGIDAIRE FIRSTI your use. ROUTE 40 GLASGOW, DEL,

PHONE NEWARK 6·2651 - 1' Appliances For City Gas NEWARK ELE'CTRIC CO. ~ -8C"b ~ 173 East Main Street Phone 2-6872 Ge orge Mo ore, Correspondent ---_ ...... Maric Oieberl, of Elkton, Md"j NEWARK last week of Mr. and Mrs. Ford. Clarence Highfi eld has been con- 10 his home w i',h illness. Anna Harrington and Mrs. Claro field of Bear, were among Rotary Blackbirds of 1950 that attended the wcddmg on of Miss Ruth Bradley, of MERCHANDISE An Old Time Minstrel to Mr. William Raymond Me- of Ba ysi de, N. J . Miss Cath­ Highfi eld was an attendant. IT'S BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER! and Mrs. Harry B . Moore vis ited Mrs. Robert Moore, of Smyrna. ALL STAl{ CAST SHOW * Directed by Charles Southwell * Tuesday & Wednesday, March 28·29 - 8:11 P. M. Felicia Beverley, county art visited Eden School to view High School Auditorium Monday. wi ll (ollow the State and celebrate Easter vacalion RESERVED SEATS- BENEFIT: Scholarship and NEWARK ARMORY 83c Plus 17c Tax-Total $1 beginning with Monday, April Visual Education Program Open again on Monday, April Available at Newark Dept. Store lor Newark Schools APRIL Walker is able to be after bcing confined t o illness . • isemi-mcmth ly meetin g of Pen­ h ~ld on Monday 13·14·15 y Master H nry 'IN. Mrs. J eanette Brooks J ean lte Brooks thal'k- h elped with the ~a rd benefit of the Hospitality 1 to 10 p.m. .Julia Waters reported for Home Economics Youth Chairman Edward PRIZES GALORE!


Thc ('old wa l' going on in the w01'1.1 today i a truggle for men's minds, theit' CHRYSLER EXECUTIVES VOTE MILLION heH!'t , and theil' loyalties. The Communist ma ters in the Kremlin know they can· TO THEMSELVES ... WHILE DENYING· not beat America by direct frontal auack. So they m'e counting on seeing America WORI(ERS THEIR JUST DEMANDS defeat it e]£ by permitting the forces of blind seJfislmess to go unchecked. What 1 .. . K. T. Kel1er , Chl'ysler Corpol'ntion PI'e ident, wa paid $250,800 Mo cow hopes fot, in this coM war i anothel' American depression - a repeat per· year, or $125 pel' hour on the b a i of n 4·0 hour week. Wh n Mr. i 100 oM to work nml too young to die, Chry ler wiJI pay him a pension formnnce of the dark yem's after 1929, when millions of Americans lost theh' jobs, $25,200 per year. 10, t theh' farms, 10 t theil' homes, and lost their hope. 2 ... B. F. Hutchinson, Chrysler COl'poration Vice President, was $225,800 per year, equal to $112 pel' hour, When h e is too oM to work 1929 CAN HAPPEN AGAIN IF too young to die, Chrysler will pay Ilim a p en ion of $23,400 per year. 3 .. , Ont of the 1947 and 1948 Chry leI' earnings, a handful of BLIND SELFISHNESS DRIVES executives divided up a bonus of $10,130,000, They wm get another A FEW TO GRAB MORE AND bonus out of 1949 earnings. 4 .. , As a result of their getting a slice of this $10,130,000 bonns, MORE ,OF THE FRllTS OF IN· Chrysler executives will not buy one more loaf of bread, one more DUSTRY WHILE DENYING A shoes, one more suit of clothes, or call Ihe Doctor one more time. Chrysler executives already were able to buy all the things tlley and Ih" . ... "~~ · "­ families needed out of their high salarie , before they r eceived their FAIR SHARE TO THE MANY. of the ten million dollar bonus.

On tile other hand, 10 cents per hour in the pay checks of 89,000 Chrysler Unemployment bas increased to 4~ million. Still, there is as much work to be crs wouM have enabled them to buy more breatl, morc shoes, more clolhing, and done in peace as there was in war. The needs of the American people are unlimited. the Doctor wilen needed.

Our problem is not over.production; our problem today, as in 1929, is under-con· CHRYSLER'S BLIND SELFISHNESS DICTATES $10,130,000 IN A sumption. Millions of American families simply don't have the money to buy the FOR IDGH.PAID EXECUTIVES BUT ONLY 3 CENTS PER HOUR IN A PHONY things they need, wllich we can produce ill great abundance in om' factories and on SION OFFER FOR THE $1.36 PER HOUR WORKERS. our farms. WORI(ERS' DEMANDS ARE REASONABLE AND Mass productive power must be balanced by mass purchasing power. Freedom HERE'S WHAT THEY WANT: will be made secure in the world only if American democracy demonstrates the moral 1 ... A based on an strength and the practical know·how to mobilize its productive power to meet the supervised by tbe United States Treasury Department. needs of the great mass of people. We mu t remove tbe road blocks of blind selfish· vague promise to pay pensions wiII not give Chrysler workers their old age. ness that obstruct the way to achievement of an economy of full production, full em· ployment amI full distribution. 2 ... Raises for Newark to ve them the salDe is now paying other workers lwder UAW contract. Newark m en and CHRYSLER'S BliND SELFISHNESS IS ell now receive less money fol' ~ b e ame work . . 3 ... More protection a ECONOMICALLY STUPID ... leI' workers and their familie . The Company offers only to coo penIK.I! Lalnier. a plan in which the workers p ay aU of the 'costs of ho pitalizlltioD MORALLY WRONG ... AND A medical care.

4 ... Badly needed contract improvement. The Chrysler contract THREAT TO AMERICAN DEMOCRACYl brought up to date to provide greater job security for the workers, working conditions, security for the Union, elimination of wage and other Company abuses. The Company proposes weakening O~ .""_l llOlofnn . and other contract provisions and going back to the Red Apple Club Look at the FACTS: wh en every worker was at the m I'('y of his foreman. 1 ... In 194.9, Chrysler made a profit of $213,170,096 before taxes. This was a return of 55.40/0 on tbeir investment. Chrysler Refuses to Meet the P~"'+I\"'I~ ~ ~~~ L , ~.

2 ... In 1949, Chrysler made a profit of $132,200,000 after taxes, or a retm'l1 Chrysler's competitors, with a less favOI'able economic position , have IJay 10 cenls per hour to meet the cost of p en ions and hospital.mcdical retnrn of 34,.40/0 on their hIve tment. grams. Chl'ysler's competitors, including Ford, Nash·Kelvinator Kai ,"l' r'lf rl!ier.~ sey.Harris, Bmld Manufacturing and other companies h ave.agree;l to « II 3 .. ' In 1949, Chrysler made more than $2,000 profit p er employee. sion plans based upon tbe company making paymen:s into an nctllal'i~ 1Jy f und, which is the only basis that will assure workers guaranteed pell ion in thcir old age. 4. ... In 1949, Chrysler could have paid every employee a 10 cent per hour in· Chrysler's competitors have agreed to a joint Board of AdmiJllislJraU," crease amI still have made a profit of 31.50/0 on their investment after pay· permit the workers to democratically participate in the admini Iration of' ing all their taxes and operating expenses. ! ' I~ ' •• : sion plan. CHRYSLER'S BLIND SELFISHNESS BLOCKS SETTLEMENT In a police state. where democracy has been destroyed, industrial peace is possible witholtl justice. But in a society of free men indus. trial peace is,possible only if it rests upon a foundation 01 economic and social justice. Chrysler's blind selfishness denies its ~orkers justice, and so blocks the road to industrial peace. The Chrysler Corporation weakens A.merica's position in the cold tvar by clinging to selfish policies that threaten to drive us back to depression, decay and deleat. The Chrysler strike will be settled tvhen blind selfishness gives. way to reason. The strike will be settled when the Chrysler Corporation meets its responsibilities to its workers and to the com. munrty. INTERNATIONAL UNION, UAW­ and Newark 'Chrysler Local No. =;=~==~~====~~~~~==~:=~~======~T~h~e~N~e~w~a~r~k~p~o~S;t,~N~e~w~a~r~k~,~D~e~1~aw~a~re~,~~Th~u~rS~d~a~y~, ~Nr~a;r~Ch~2~3~,~1~9~5~O~~======~======_~~~~= 3 -====-~ H .' LUde ll t 1 Judges eJccted For Know Your chooJs 107 0 Ii LI U. of D. Wriling Conte t P fat''' h• ('cs 11 tty Menges. I tI or . 0 tar I a II first grade. .tuck Into cottage cheese. Serve IIA JO'ln BJrc7cwskl. Joan Drown' MO t ° I N W k with or w ithout dressing. Delicio ul jlargrry Orown. Judy Colburn. IllS I e ext ee with Ry.Krlap. Serves 3. 1113 Jonel LawS. ___ . ______._ Miss Marjorie Jamison j '" DEL MONTE lie Irwin Rinard. June Wagner . Rollicking- Show Promised Tues. ------lOA Phvllis Baker, Ruth Mary Drama Group Plans w ill particl~la te in a training meeting Sliced Pineapple Cooper . . day And Wednesday By i on Reflnt shtng Furlllture on March 28 e lOB Ann ·ll p Ely. Sarah ~ orsuc.h Local Club For Beaux Arts Ball at the Ebenezer Mc Lhoelist Church. Z ~~'~: 55 IOC- El eaJlOl Mlilray, EdIth Priest· ___ C I According to County Home Demon- ley. _ . . When E C. (Curley) Mahalma meets --- I stralion Agent MISS M K aL ~ a l llle IOD Glenn Skllll1el, Glacc TUbbS' 1 his cutie on the Two to Two in " Ro- Hobert Rase Heads Committee J ones, the school WIll start at 10 o clock and Jeanette Wagner. Margaret Woerner. ta ry Blackbirds of 1950" the old time l F A E m the mOl ning and last until 3 p. m 616 -oz i Vitajiifs ca~s 9A George Batchelor. minstrel show be ing olTered by the or nnual vent Instructor Will be MISS LOUIse Whit- 4ge 9B- Jane Hitchens. EtI:en F olk, Alan I Rotary Club of Newark in the High comb, Hom? Manage.ment SpecJalist of I In Tomato Sauce 3 calls 25c: Hurbcncr. MaCilyn H.ldl eth. I School Auditorium in Newark on nex t Plans arc b ei ng made for the fin est the ExtenSIOn SerVIce, Ul1Iverslty ofl 9C- Dolorcs Lloyd, Peter Ma hanna. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. the and most colorful beaux a rts ball In D laware. c 9D- Hel n Stal key. Nan~y P ennock, I audience will receive one o[ Its be'st l the history of the UI1lVel sity Drama ------I MILD CHEESE Mellow Ib 45 AlVin Spa! ks. Charles Skinner, Betty It reats in many a day. i Gro~p , accord1l1g to Michael A Kub:co, Ser vices Hcld Yesterday c MACARONI 01 Spaghell i-Gold Seal plkb9 15 Lou Murray . .. . , ProfeSS Iona l talent Wi ll be featur d preS ident The exact da te for th.e event, II For Ml's. Gertrude B. Henry 9E- Nancy ThOll). Malguellte Tier. , III th e person o[ Hope Nicholson who which Will be held sometime m May. Ideal C ney. Audrey T~~ed • has just signed a contract to a'ppear has not yet been fix ed. F unel:al s I v.ces for Mrs Ge,''lrude . TOMATO PASTE 2 c6~~: 19 bilrdl·,1I8id. 8.2 - Wlad.l1Icr Bohdon. Mary on television on Station WMAR-TV Robert Kase has been named general B. w ho died lV!0nda y. wei e he.ld c I H e~1t y, PIE CHERRIES Red, Pilted ~~n2 27 Mackey. and will appear in the show in a dance cha irman, and Vi rginia Mahann is in I yestel day at the R.. r. J ones. Funel a l 8·3-Janet Campbell, Carole Fuller, specially. charge of the entertainment for the Home. The Rev. DI. H. Evel ett H~II - PIE CRUST MIX Gold Seal 2 pkgs 2 7c . IWberta Gray. Joan Jackson, Wilm:J Final plans ha ve been made [or the a ffai.r, the leading social event of the Iman , pastor. ?f Newark Presby tel'l a.n Kl eema n. Jane Wa lton. two performances, the proceeds of season for the drama group. In ac- Church, offl~l a t ed. Interment was 111 LIGHT MEAT TUNA Ideal :~~z. 35c 8·4- Diane Chal"1ers, Stephanie w hi ch will be used to provide a schol- cordance w ith the usual custom, a I H ead of Chllstl ana Cemetery. Klahr. Nancy Trivits. Nancy Wilson. arship for a graduate of the Newark 1 them e will be scI cted for costumes to . Mrs . . Henry, a ~ ·es lde nt . of ~ ewa rk , Virginia Wi mmer. Marie Woerner. Ray- High School and a visual a id to edU- / be worn on the occasion. / IS. survived by th. ee s ~ ste l s, MI S. J en- mond Wright. cation laboratory for the Newark "The In[ormer," a one-act play, has me ~ . Frazer . o[ Wtlm1l1 g ~ on, a nd Mrs. 7·1 uzann Adams. Carolyn Cha l- School System. been selected as the group's entry i.n Cha l.les B. Evans and MI s. Joseph H. mers. Robert George, Francis Grundy, .Jerome C. Weinbe rg. p roduction I the state drama fastival to be h eld in ~~ss\~~~~~ ~~t~ e~~. ,,~ e;a:~nr~he was Kathy Lanning. Rose Marie L eP e ra ch a irman, announces that r eserved Newark, Api'll 28 and. 29. Belly K ase , __ _ ,,~_. Dorothy Mayne. Ramond McMullen. seats are still available at the Newar k ' Wi ll dlt·~ ct th.e productIOn . t~ e cast. for New OWIlCl'S Take Over Grace Miller, Carolyn Nutter, Wright Department Store but u rges prompt ac- I w hich 1,<; betng selected . 1 he gl oup Offici a l entry bl a nk is insi de the regulat· Bread Poffenberger, Turpin Rose, Louise tion in securing reservations. H e a l. 0 won r ecognition fo r the best place Jiffy Shoe Repair Shop I I wrapper. Tell us in 25 words or : ~c s wh y you like Samendinger, John Slack. suggested that those who have pur- t w ice In the last three years. Sale o[ the Jiffy Shoe Repa ir Shop S upreme Bread. Send In your entry rig~t now. ' ·2- Mary Ann Boyle, Lois Leid , R e- chased tickets elsewhere have them I on East Main Street was announcp, d . beCC3 Wimmer. reserved immediately without addi- HOlllenHlkel's To Study .- I th is week. . I ENRICHED SUPREME '.J-Doris Gri lTilh. tional charge. " • T h new owners, Gi lbert W. Cancy I Second Honor RolI "Rotary Blackbirds of 1950" will of- and Lynn R Bure, both of Ne wark, la rg e c Refina sillng Furluture lo af 12.~-Margare t Buech e. Richard fe r ten soloists. In addition to the end Home Demonstration Club lead 1'5/ wi.1t hencefor th operate under the Gifford. m en, Alden (Whitey) Burnham . Gibb from all parts of New CasU County name "Nifty Shoe Repair." B I The Fi nest lo af that can be ba ked. I2S-Barbara Humphreys. Young, E. C. (Curley) Mahanna and ______iiiiiii __• 12C-Billic Reybold, Da llis Rash , G. Taggart Evans, musica l solos w ill I ~------t. Virginia Lee Feature t h is Wee'(-- RossSmilh. be sung by Dee Clark. Robert H. Jone~ '1 c IIA-Jane Clark. Robert K . Strahorn, Robert F . Klippel, C ~ NN AM ~ N STREUSSEL LO Af li B-Richard Hardy, Pat Meade. Andy Dick and Fra nk Rago. The Cot- A rich, t ender, sweet dough al1d choice selected raisins. T;> pped IOA-Geraldine Beckley. ton Pickers Quartet will be featured . with st!'euosel made from pure honey and cinr.omo n. Deli cious. lOB-Irene Klahr, David George. including Don Butterworth, Don Mar- I' IOC-Hclen Leasure. Ernest L loyd. tin. Tom Martin. and Robert Murphy. BROWN ' N Sl:RVE ROllS just hea t and enjoy pk 12 '15c Mary Anne Miller. Another quartet wi ll introduce as a HOT CRO,2S BU NS Eastci' Cut'OLt on each pkg pkg 12 29c IOO-Ann Weldin. unit Robert S tra horn. Robert H . Jones, I OC- E:1aine Mueller. Robert F. Klippel and Dee Clark. I Brown ' ", Serve Shellsse~ CoHee Cake t a 25c gO-Marian Smith. , To add variety to the show. mystify - , 8·2- Evelyn Price. Virginia Thomas. ing m agic w ill be featured in the p r- , IF ' ESH VECE1'/l/JtES 8·J-Judy Lane. son of Martin Singer a nd William Davis' Fresh Gre~n Calif. ~~~~~~~~tsa~~~;' A~~~S~nna Miller, ~~;i~;~vi~s~ r~~S~ ~t~h~·~~ g~~~c~~u:~~~ ~ , c j·l--James Crowe, Donald Davis. Charles Southwell . w ho is w ell- ' bell .::..:.:..----. Norma Gray, Gail Ka uffman, Ginger known in Newark [or his coaching of B o o Lanier. Shirley McClain, William music will direct the show and Mrs. S. ~ Icho l , Su e Roberts, Maya Ziraks. W. (Shack) Ma rlin w ill play as ac- U. S. No.1 Sou thern Red Ycmli s 3 Ibs 29~ '·2-8andra Capel. Carolyn Tweed . companist. Not Just low prices now and then . , . or here and there-but every price a low price every day. Tha t's our policy. Low prices a re our New F ~ a. Red Bliss Potatoes 5 I,'S 29c ,. Lawr nce Biasotto. Betty Mor- .:.. : .. : .. :- ..-: .. -: .. -: .. -: .. -:. -.:.-.:.-.:.-.:.. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : ":":":":":".:' I~, Alice Williams, E>l hel Wilson. stock in trade-as much a part of our bUSiness as Is the complete La rge Cucumbers 2 for 150 Flo rida Sq ll ash 2 Iju IS r; COME stock of quality-tested, qua lity-proven m erchandise that fills our shelves Crisp Pascal F ~e s01 Fla. C:\..,ldam Pot ato Growel' Pulls TO THE NEWARK and countcrs. And tlla t's why your money buys morc at this friendly Fast Onc On Govt. Chinese Laundry drug store. ·.CE !.EBY CORN Farmer Art Wardner. o[ East G rand rorks. Minn .. sold 160,000 pounds of 126 East Main Slreet TAMPAX ...... 35 2. slalks I"e .2 ears I fe potatoes to the government recently at - 0 ------.:.---- WILDROOT CREAM-OIL ...... 89 O R .A~ GES New Fla. Va lenCia 216'5 doz 39c IIAGpe r hundredweight and promptly SOMETHING NEW bou ~ ht them back for one cent pel' BROMO·SELTZER ...... 57 GRAPEFRUIT Ju icy Fl a. 54·s·64's 3 for 29c hundredweigh t. Your Wash Hand-Laundered CASHMERE BOUQUET LOTION AP PLES Weo tern De llcious:or Winesap 3 Ibs 39c Wardner took advantage o[ th gov- For the Same Price As ernment's potato-buying p rogram, Commercial Laundries With Dispenser ...... : ...... 49 ._"'.~"I'. !tcPPcd up in Minnesota, in an elTort to GIANY SHUR·GRO ROS~ BUSHES ea $1.29 HOT-WATER BOITLE ...... 69 CE ~"il"~ FBE D ROSE BUSt3ES ea 6Sc drain ofT huge stores of surplus spuds WE PICK UP AND Ihat oth I'wise might rot in fa rme rs' GLENSIDE PARK LAWN GRASS SEED 5 Ib bag $1.99 bins. DELIVER ®~------~ Seabrook Far,ns Ex~ra Fancy Peas 2 12·oz pkgs 494 Wlrdner n Vel' lost possession of the IIOla l ocs in the transaction. He got Phone Newark 6411 J ~ O Flt 0 Seabrook Farms Baby Lima Beans pkg 31 c .,,,.·_l'ravK<· ,, ... a fed ra l check on the sale and wrote Ideal Pure Conce l1 tra 'ed Orange Juice 2 6·oz cans 550 :~:kone of his o\\'n to bllY th potatoes QUI NINE CDLD UBLETS Win-Crest Coffee Ib 67c nob Ford Pl'lin es 2 Ib pkg 390 Aseo Coffee Ib 70c Bib Orange J lice 3 ~an s 29c RELIEVE Ideal Cct.ffee vac can 77 c Ideal Ge :ifii nes 3 pkgs 190 00 YOU KN OW- COLD MISERYI Princess Margarine Ib 21 c Ideal Apple Sallce 2 ca'ii 25c you r stopping distance s:" Extra Sharp Cheese Ib 7ge Salad DrO$. Hom-de·Lite pt 250 under excellent conditions? A I DIS/a fire Household Institute Waterless Coo1< ware is back-·get YOll r ca,d 20 MPH 40 ft. Exquisite 24·Po. Set Carme n Silverware, wi th card S3.98 30 MPII 73 ft. JOINT 40 I ACME QUIlUT}' fliI-: AT SAJl I N~ 11'11 115 ft . EFFORTS 50 MPII 166 ft . KLEENEX LEAN RIB END TO 3l LBS GO "11'11 22G ft. Your prescrlbcd mcdlcin e is the 70 MPII 300 SOFT, Ib 295 ft. final product of thc combln'ed SMOOTH 27 lhc\c arc Pork Loe Rcm ~~bcr, ~~\, {tll, " :1 skllls of two highly-tra ined pro· TISSUES • n con.dll lon, - good I" ,.kc~ an I fesslonal men. First the doctor Lean Sliced Bacon Ib 41 c : ~:;!.:~~I ~~:~; . dry, smooth, hard who plans the m edicine, and Fancy Young Hen Le,n Smoked ",nc undn y morning pcrhaps second, the pha rmacist w ho -hen your ca r is standing at rh e brings that plan into Its finished SQ..UIBB ~1~;I~'n~;:cc (~rr :~ few of the above form- by skillfully weighing, TURKEYS ICNICS P"' lia t~ s. '\: au II have a ocw ap. m easuring and mixing the doc­ ASPIRIN while ~n or Ihc d.II.'gers you face tor's prescribed Ingredients. This c tr .• ve llO g al 11Igh specd. Tlflo'I2 ••• Ib4 tb] o is the Joint elTort-the partner . :t(!~~\e, tJ1uan tn arlO h,1\"d o n " 314 . ship in health- that sta nds be­ BOTTLE ., JOO Have Them 49 Ib Ib i,:k:, e!~~~,~:~:~,!',~~~rl'~ ' ,7t11:~~(: t.. .':~~ ::~~ tween you antI prolonged Illness. Smoked Beef Tt>ngues 35c I Midget Bologna 4a,c UraPllllcd BOTH FOR. Examined Today Sliced Pork Liver Ib 29c Sliced Taylor's Rell '2 Ib 39. :~';I~lSlage P'~'.n'od In Iho In. By Ih of OUl- pollcrholcJori and all ~id,.t Braunschweiger Ib 49c Ring Liver Pudding Ib 35e Optometrist Atltl20% Federal excise tax to Cosmetics, Jewelry , '.' Tasty Frankfurts Ib 39c COLONIAL J EWELERS DA"'''''''''''''O"N Fancy Fresh Rock Ib 35c Fillets of Perch OR. DAVID .. FURMAN I Ib 3" 330 East Main Street Pollock Fillets Ib 25c Fancy Large Sh rimp Ib 19. .. CIO 11 6 E. Main S,t.. Elkton, Md. !~fui~ Newark Pharmacy,lnc. DiaI 2.0<141 PHONE EI>KTON 513 (~) 16} E . MAIN S TREET PHON E 28671 IIlnoa R,p" untln, FOR APPOINTMENT NEWARK. DELAWARE DiCCID£NT .j IHD£M~ln COMPA NY 0.. "1I 11111. CU UClicu t YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT THE ACME Th Newark Post, Newark, Delawar , Thursday, March 23, 1950 Six I " • " El' I thu~ far on th Sunday movie question I I Leadlug Clu bW0111CDI Town ectIoll which wilt go before th local voters I (Continued From Page 1) 'l in a referendum in conjunction with Ph()n~ I ta tc Gll est A t the town election No estimates on how I THE NE.IK POST Of man of the Economi-cs and Business public s ntiment is shaping up on the Nell'nrk 2-61.'i~ Founded J an uary 26, 19 10, by Lb e ta.u EvereU C. JohDNll CCI llu I'Y Cl U )) I..... lln C1 1 AdmillistratlOn Department a t the UIlI-11SSU W re fOl'thcomlng this weck from Route l) I ______versity of Delawarc. town oO'lclals. c PtowQ k An Independent Newspaper 1'11'. Wheeless' r tirement from the I PU b llS ~:~6E;~:~~!~ rS~~~e,b~ e~ :r ~e;:I~~ ~;:t , Inc. M I·S. P~:il~:~'~~ c~::~ ~~e ~~_ A t ~~ii~~u :;~o~;:Se:d ~~n~~~ L~s~~~h~1.~t r~~'i : ,:.;• •: •• : .:• •; -.;,.:•• ; •• : • •: • •: •• : .. : • •: • •: ,.:•• : .. : • •: •• : • •; - :• •: • •: • •: • •: •• : .. : •• :, .:• •: .. : •• : .. : • •: •• : • •:, .::::.:: •.: •• :.• :.. :.. : .. ::::.. : .. :.,:~~\ Locally and Independently Owned and Operated Mr. H arvey, the n w cntry in the 1;1: Lel al and Display advertising rates furnished on request. day Afternoon eastern district, is a native of Elkt.on, ';: JAMES E " TYLER In Memori am and Cards of Thanks 5 cents per agate Line. Md., and a graduate of Elkton High I ;'.

FRANK N. MEGARGEE ...... , ...... EDITOR I The Spring Lunch on of the Newark School. H e was employed in ra- I ,;, S I' Hon maintenance by the Abbotts" ::: PAl~TING RICHARD T. WARE ...... ······· · ······ · ··· P UB LI HER New cntury Club took placc Monday Dairies in E'lkton for many y aI's and, .:. AND PAPER HA Gl , C ______I '.'\ 11 sC'tting pay with clowns, ba1Joons. • En tered as second class m3 tulenrd'eMr 8thrCehAlcOt' 01f9 1.ol'a~ct~~e, l~~r.0 mce at Newark, Delaware, ' and snring nowers. during the war, was in charge of rC- ::: .. frigeration and air conditioning at T ri- 1 ::: Floor Sanding and Finishing rhe subscription p rlc~ of this paper In the Uni ted State. I. $2.00 per year IN I Mrs. ~ ~ P earc Cann presided a t t ~,e umph Explosives, Elkton. I';' AD VANCE. Canadian an d Foreign subscriptIons $3.00 per year TN ADVANCE. speakcl s ta ble, and among t h e: d ls- A r e ident of Newark sincc 1945, h e ':' Singte copies 5 cents. Make aU checks payable to The Newark Post. linguished guests were M I·s. B urton .. Phone Newark 6·1311 _ _ _ , I Meycr. prC'sident of the S tat£' F -der;)- launched h is own refrigeraHon repair 'i' NAT ION ALE 0 ITO R I A l I tion of Womn's Clubs: M rs. Howard and sales business here a year la ter, ::: oc" ~ I IA S~O ~ T I~N I ~~a~~~~ t / i ~J~~. r ~~~ye~o!~;; , ~t:% ~:~~ ~~w~n i~r~~i~: I ~n~~ i stl~~ b~~\:~OL;tO~~~~~ '::~~~.~::.::~::~::~::~::::~::~::~::~::~:~::~:::~:~::~::~:::~:~::~::~:::::.::~::~:::::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~:::::~:::.::~::~::~::~:::,:~~ ~~ '~~ ~ a ~ ~' AltJ.M'ili : " ' ll1J . Jiamentarian; Miss E tta W ilson, statr- mitteeman for thiS dlstl'lct. H e I1ves 'j' ' "l;( __ I chairman of youth conservation : Mrs. with h is w ife and t wo ch ildren at 27 ::: A PURCHASE AT OUR STORE WILL ENTER :Mill M R We want and inviu communications, but tltey must be sicned by the writer" I J oh n J . DeLuca, p resident of the Wii- Tyre Avenue. .!. IU m&-not ror publication, but lor our lnIurmation and protecUolL minglon New Century Cl ub; M rs. Wal- Little has been heard in thc campaign :i: YOUR NAME IN OUR BIG WEEKLY - Newark, Delaware, Thursday, Mar ch 23, 1950 tel' Dcw, president of t he Ga rdens - -. - .;. ______I Ccntury Club; Mrs. Will i.a m Cava- JIIliFCSY"':Jill7:b.A.ZOtav :;: naugh, prcsident of tl.c Dovel' Century .'. Le lle l' To EditOl' Open Letter I Club; and Mrs. Phi l ~p J acobs. vicc: NOT ICE * Ipre si d nt of the Miifo, c\ N f'w Centu ry 'f Newa rk Town Election For This Ha pnened In Newark Club. Patrons Please Identify S hoes :1: Prize Drawing Campaign Is ue A friend stopped me in fra nt of Doc I MI·s. W , O. W hite was general ch air- .:. Rhodcs' last week and showed m e ! man. aSS isted. ~ y ~rs. ,R O. Bausman, .JlFFY SHOE REPAIR SHOP :1: If your name i drawn, YOll will recl'i (' a Editor Megn rgec's quiz7.ical com- 50.00 . Said h e bought it for only $37.50 luncheon chall man, M I S. Char les Mad- 132 Eas t Main Street .:. duplicate of the item YOIl purchased l'Cgf\l'(!­ ments deserv a reply. and that he had a deal l ike that com- dock, decoratIOns; Mrs. Delmar Young, .:l.:. ' The campaign issucs in the Town ing up every month for the next t en I table arrangements; Mrs. George Business Chan"'es Ownership. less of the price. . I Haney, reservatIOns; and Mrs. DaVId " .:. elcctions on April cleventh are vcry ~:~~~ ~t S~I~~ ~v~O ~~h ~:a~ ~~:\~~~: ; Eastburn .. fiower arra n ge~e nts. . Shoes Not Identified Within 30 'j' Winner s who pm'chase J110re than onc i t m SImple: Do you, who vote, want cap_ I but then it d aw n e~ on me that h e must Entcl'la1l1ment \ ~as furlllshed ?y MI SS Day FO~~r;dh~o~S~ieWilI be ::: willl'eceive a duplicate of the high e t P"il'N! able To\ n govcrnmcnt·! Are you will, be a customer of m ine 'who ten years Bculah Roth, radiO a.nd teleV ISion el~- :1: ~ n l( to takc thc trouble to find out ago started buying a $50.00 U. S .· s av_ l tertamer. ~ n a senes .of d;:amatlc ~~ • item. w hich candidates are a ble and willing ings Bond every month for just $37 .50. sketches '; .Ith , mU SIC, en tll1 ~ d ACI'oss ::: YOU CAN'T LOSE IN THIS OFFER. to give you capablc Town governmen: Thi friend told m e that hc was ! Our Land. MlssR oth was lI1troduced MAGAZINES ',' a nd to help get those candidates going to use the first two or three of by Mrs. Jay R obll1 son, p rogram cha lr- . :!: elected ? his matmcd bonds to heln pay fo r 0 man fo r thc day. . Thru 7 different publishers I can :i: Town councilmen and the presldcn, television set he has been prom isi ng h is A~,o th er feature of .the m ~e :1I1 g w~s place your subscription to any mag- .;- of Council rcce ive no pay f rom the famiiy. Aftcr that, he plans to reinvest a display of fi ~ 's t edilions, limited edl- azlne (new or rencwal), you pay same ::: Town. People may run for electiun to the monthly matur ities in more U. S. t lO ns, and chOIce examples of the a rt ra.te that appears on any renewal notice ';' Watch This S pace Each serve the community, to broaden thell' Savings Bonds for another ten years. of bookmak ll1g f rom the collection of received from the publisher. ::: xperience, or for business reasons. By that time he plans to retirc and thc Curtis Paper Com pa ny, of N ewark, . ',' Running t he Town is a sizeab le those matu r ing bonds wJ ll provide a and printed on CurUs Company paper . For New SubscrIbers Only :j: S t Sh business. Gross income j.s some 300 ,000 nice monthly income in addition to lhc "Ca" w iii be the ~u bj ect of a ~~m ~ : -;.N owl;e~ Th~n ~c P er Week • mar .Op pel' year ; there arc about 35 emv loyees. retirement payments due from the ta lk by MISS Harn et Bailey of the e.- l ow c er ee ::: The appointment by the Council of two company w here h e is now employed. UllIverslty of Delawar.e art depsr.tment V· W·dd ':' 01'. three key e l ~p l o yees determine how I It occ urred to me tha t this m igh t b a t the ncxt club meet1l1 g on Api'l l 3. lctor I oes ::: 63 East Main Sll'eet Wisely money IS spent. Good app01l1t- a good time to remind you that U. S. -- l 43 West Delaware Avenue ~: ment.s make $20,000 0 1' $30,000 more pel' Savings Bonds arc a good investment ,Yca r a va il able fo l' improvements. Most f or your futu l' e needs, and at lhe same WALLPAPER Phone 2-6841 ,:.. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : ~. :::::=:.,:",:~:, ~:~-:::::~ of these funds can be said to b ~ from tin1e your purchase of these bonds as- imperial ---- the sale of electl'icity : this revenue sists you I' governmcnt to meet neces- Asam GOING TO TRADE m ust be constantly safeguardf'd against sary refinancing problems. It is still Caver & Allman Service Is Our Business possible encroachments. patriotic to b uy U. S. Savings Bonds. PAINTS OR BUY A NEW CAR? Wise spend ing of $50,000 Or so ava il- Either the Farmers T r ust Com pany Kayser able each year for Town improvements or the Newark T rust Company wi il ac- Allentown ** can ma ke thesc dollars strctch. COU Il- cept your order to b uy a U. S. Savings Gldden c:.lmen need though tfully to examine Bond fo r you every month. Ask them VENETIAN BLINDS-CUSTOM MADE many possible uses for thes':) funds: to about the Bond-a-Month Pla n. Repairing and Repalntlnr select with imagination and foresight I By setting aside just $2.50 a week FLOOR COVERING - GLASS the most suitab le applicat.ions. The und er this P ayroJi Savings P lan, when Sh Town lives a nd grows: ex \Ce nditlil'cs your fi rst bond maturcs aftcr ten ycars, eaffer's -should not seem foolish tcn years ' the value of all of your bonds wi il bc h ence. $1440.84 . If you hold them all to ma- Dial 2-6252 '75 East Main Streef Trade-In foor information regoording financing and Town government has but oni! ob jec- t urity, they w ill be worth $1 725.00. If .qutomobil. insurance, it will be to y o ~ r live: to serve the people-all the peo- y ou hav a six-year old j ust entering dvantage to insure with full coveroge pIe. The people shoulrl know w ha t is school, would n·t this be a good way to ~ Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile In.ur­ being done, and why. Councilmen who provide for a collegc education? en c seek election to ser "e the peoplc. to Plan now to buy at least O ne Extra once-which will fully protect your in­ .vn .. broaden t heir experience, will w ~s h to Bond during thc Independence Dl'ive teres" and those of the finoncing organ­ N 0 W'm. take the people of the Town frankly w hich the T reasury Department w ili I izotion which YOIl select. 15 4. Hosiery a nd fuily into thei r con fid ence. promote from May to July Price Start Won't you, Newark voter, m ake it If you have any questions about the FOR FULL INFORMATION-CALL OR WRITE $184-,75 your personal business to help elect purchase of Savings Bonds or about PRICES REDUCED ON I capable, sincere councilmen this yea r ~ t hose wh ich you a lready ow n, tele- ALL STYLES R. S. JARMON F. H. McBerly phone me at Wilmington 4-7709. P er- ______haps I can help you. 14 KELLS AVENUE You Can't Match a PIlONE 2232 U. OJ.' D. STAMP EXHmlT S incer ely yours, 54 - 51 - 45 GAUGE An exhibit from coll ections of mem- Alex D. Cobb Repr.s.nting bers of the Univers ity of Delaware's State Director. farm Bureau Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. FRIGIDAIRE S tamp Club opened Tuesday in the ------Dallita Hosiery Mfg. Hom. Olllct-Cplumblil . Ohio pri.nts room of t he university's Me- Al'RICOT DESERT morial L ibra ry. For a superbly good dessert, arrange Co. The exhibit, incorporating exccrpts a lternate layers of cooki e or cake 800 S. Chapel St., NEW ARI( ELECTRIC CO. from collections of several members, crumbs, strips of sw etened cooked ;~ ~~ s ~owS .a ~~~~ ~~~ e~~;esTI~~ s~~ ~ ~~; ~·it~ e:~~;~~~~a~ n ~. ~~~ i~:~' e~:~a;;: L1: '~ Newark, Del. 1'7 3 Easl Main Street, Newark, Phone 2-6872 is open to thc public dur ing library before serving. ~ ~ r-'..;..''''~·:'«··>·'-'-'''· ·'·Y '''''' '''''''' '''''><''>«''''''-'''',·,..,..,..,..,..,-:.,·;';:··;""'':;::;·~~'=-'·=~·;';i I THEATRE I .. . .. ~!iJ? 1iJd1 r~ 1 1 :::. s::'n~~:~::;:,:::~.: ;i: ,.~' :1: i '-- ''/1 :j: t .M7 ::: f r ~ .' to 'foa::: HollYwood . L 'Y . " • : ~tf\1\\\ti "i~:iQ~ me Nt ". l:',' 1'""na n k I c '- '~ :!',' TH EAT RE tAi\. n: '" t\'~S S\CS a lon acclaims 11.,.".6by f\\. BU :i,: !-I Lrap. - :::. . . ',' t:J If ~ 'j'

·.:1·.: , .. 1010 :.:.':.' \"')"" f) Mon.-Tues. Ma rch 27- 2 t I ~ ~ ::: For schooldays. :l: ::: pla.v cl ay and ::: ::: un days . . . ::: * ~. !' 'f fl exible, f oot- .:- ~~'1I~ 'l!I *' "'4TCIfES . :l: 0 n f 0 1' m- ::: 1 21 K ::: ing sho s f ol' clay-in , :i: .SIIIIfIl.UCMIlAN ....UC' ... ::: clay-out co mfor t t ha L ::: with BARBARA HALE :': your .Y ungsters need ! ::: Myto.:'~!:::'::::.~O:~,:c~~~: ; \ * -:- In soft. supple calf and ':' 1 IfV1N.W,III .. Ondl,orlucodbvSlONIYIUCHMAN I ::: patent lea thers. ::: 1 PECIAL EARLY SHOW :l: $ ~ 50 $- :l: STARTS 5:30 f,:; °m~t~i 0 l' i ~ '. to ~.95 ~1~ I Wed -Thur . -- - · L t ,. March 29-30 ::: suppl brown. T Win - S raps a :': I • ~: l ;aet~I~~.tefl; : r~~~ :',:: ~·:it;iMJo·;';V;,iiA~ iPtiiEi? .. nt. ~ ~

CREDIT _ ASH - CII ARGE i:~ Pilnick's Shoe Store :::~ ~~o>t~~~...... R 1. (X.Ray Fitting3) ~: ADMATNO. ll0 lCOl,xl" 1l411NESI Gregg Jewelers • .1. 178 E. Main l. Pbone tU' ~:+>-:":.. :..:."..:":..:""*':":..:."..: .. :": .. : .. x~x«":··:·,:":··: .. :":-: .. :": ":,,:+:,,:,,:,,:,,:,,:,,:-:,,:,,:,,)~~>-y'''''')<:· (oo!oo:·~:.. :..: ...... t " UJTIJ£Il:[5I:¥.7JtJlk...... "The Store For BeUer Va lUei'" ~~~~Th=e=N==ew==al='k==p~o~t,~N~e~w~a;r;k,~D~e~la;w~a~l~'e~,~T~h~u~r~S~da~y~,~M~a~r~ch~2~3~, ~1~9~5~0======~======~===7======~s~even DRA1~S ~ lEt-----=- ! BIRTHS I NEWARK OROPTIM1STS Miss Dora Glbb. of 32 K li s Avenue, j IN M~; MOIU i\M .MI' . and Mrs William Lawler, Not- TO JOIN WILMINGTON GRP. and Miss Dorothy Ulrich, of Wllm~n g - 1l .l nll:~';:~~ ~~n~rw~~;,r ga;edM~~~~; : ~es;~\~ yen S tlngham Road, ar rcceiving congl'atu- . ton. left In t FI iday by plane fl.omj21. 1947 153 SOCIa lations on the bilth of a son born T~e charter ~lIln cl' of the newly 01'- Philadelphia for a thrce weck's sl."ht- i:?eol' Mother yo u m'e not (orgol! 11 I March 17, 111 the Mcmorial Hosp;ta1. I rBIlIZed 1 Sb°l'°hPhmd 1st CSlUb of WIJming- se Ing il'lp ,n Europc visiting the Brit- ~nftu~~: ~~c~~\~;. ~ ~?~ I a~~d'~v li~l~r~;S. J1 ~ T WILSON 1 MR . A NDON HONORED - 0- I on WI l e el on atlll day, March Ish Isles Holland France SWitzerland As you nlwoys. wcre before )tl H~RR AT JlOWI,: R 1 T SUR:RISE SHOWER Congratulat:. ns ate bing extended 25; at the H?tel ~uPont , a t 7 0' ~o c k and Ilal.~. They ~ve r e me't in Amster- .r.~~U g~~I~~~~l~: ~:~d ~~~v~~O\~d bm'~U';'ou »ONOR ED DCII(bof' and MI , A SUI'PI'I ' stork shower was given lo MI'. and Mrs George Thornton, of rhls club IS belllg sponsored jmn tly dam by MI'. Alden A. Collins, iOl'm rly W e lost ou,· best-oul denrest friend e MrS Jam ' l l ~ntellallWclllSl Sutlll- March 14 for Mrs. Alfred Saindon, Jr., ~er~a;:~ r~h ~8 ~ 'nOt~ th~ ~lrth , ofHa ~on ~~u~~;, N~~~rk J:~s~/h\ o~~~)l:~~~t~~ of Newark. . :~I~~~~~~ls~~~e'l,;\' ~ol~::ll~~uil len, Jesse ('tOrge L)Jlall at a slIl}'lI. "ari ty by)\lls Rita Buchanan and Ml's. Nol'- tal . e e awale 051'1- 1 Clubs MI SS Dorothy ~~~sey, of ncal' New- ____ _ afternoon the 1311 I home on man Buchanan. at 13 Choate Street. -0- The second :lnnlV rsary. of th N'! w- ::Irk, und a student a t Wesley Junior held '" honur of , I,ss liar-I A very pl easant evening was enJoy- MI' . and MI's. Francis Cochran arc ark Club's chartel' dat Will also be ob- College, i a mcmber of the Wesley R,olal'Olla~ of NC'\\ 111" whos, ed by a ll Those plesent Were Mt'c. scrved a t tlll'S dl'nller In Cll' 11 " II ~i1 Fl onk G ])\·nl1l,cn.1 Edward. Boutin, Miss Nancy Boutfn- , receiving congratulations on the birth "'. I COli g Chorale which will present CLASSIFTF.n tOk e Illace Ihls S:ltt1lda) ;11 Mrs. Olive Grcenpl.ate. MI's Randolph of a son, born MaI'ch 17, in the Wil- their annual Spring Concert Thursday, III t3 L d II M M minglon General Hospital. j 1ar(,h 30, in th of P o- w 'M~thQ(hsl hUI ('h. I~ e, j's. - al'le Anderson, Mrs. audilor~um NC"'3 Ik . leeeived l1l~ny gi fts of Alice Bennett, Mrs Edith DuHammcl, -0- PERSONALS. ~) I c 's Church in Dovcr. Miss D >mps y Wanted-To Rent bnde \,le X, aJld ~I ' , ,\"a rc I Mrs. Windel, )\11'S Guthl ie, Mrs Lof- Congratulations arc being extc nded IS thc daughtcr of Mrs. Gcorgc D mp, ROOM- PREFERABLY ON OR NEAR , china, IP'd d 'II', LeWIS pell- I lund, M,'s Stella Shell ender, Mrs. Dall- to Mr. and MI·s. Siem n on the birth M' P t I" A Ch 1 d ht scy and the latc Mr. Dempsey of o.JI·- f?o'''C~~';~1 :f.l\cl Winslow Hoods. P . O. Bo ' cue " of a son, born March 21, in thc Mcmol'- ISS a I' cia . . a mcrs, aug CI' ncr K etch. 3-23,ltp. !IIEd"old Ginther, 1rs. Es- IC I Selfcrt, Mrs William White, MI·s. of MI' d M D 'd '" CI I 1 '-~-,:=-____-..",-= ==- " ial Hospital. . an rs. aV I VY . la mcrs, '___ = , Mrs Ahs Frank G . Dennison. Nl,ta Ferguson, MI·s. Ma ry MUrphy, of 41 Prospect Avenue, and Miss Lyn- B ERN A T Situation 'Van ted c p Denn ison 1\ 11'5. J ohn I MISS Ell a Mae Maclary, Mrs. Helen elte Steineour daughtcr of Mr and Ho;ac '1'15. Robert P . D nnison, Bramble. MI·s. Eva Custer, Mrs. Ri'ta PRES. LADIES BIBLE M J S Sl ' 61 I A 'd f) A I B h P k CHfLDREN AND BABIES CARED FOR C. " Denni50n, 1\lrs. Bcvcr1 y B uc Ilanan , Mrs. Margaret Buchanan, CLASS MEE'TING MONDAY Streetrs..., wm be amongemouel ',tho se graduatinca emyg .') - nge. a y L') 3-23-11cbv hou. r. day 01' week. Phone 2-6786. Ws w. H. Nallda lll, Mrs. Mrs. Emma Bucha nan, Kathy and The members of the Ladies' Bible (rom. the Delaware Hospital Scho?1 of I - 0- LET ME DO YOUR LIGHT HAULING N aud~in . Mrs .. El!ward Nau- Bonnie Buchanan. Class of the First Presbyteria n Church Nursmg on Monday evel1lng, Apnl 17 . with my pick-up. Low rates. Phol\e New- Mrs. C. II'. Holli ng \\·orth., Mrs. Those who were unable to be pres- are urged to note the changl' in the II Invitations havc b en issued for thc I Cm'digan or PuJlover in 3_H~2t~~12 . Hitchens, AIl'S. Norman Hlkh.ens, ent b ut sent gifts wer e: Mrs. Made- hour of the MarcQ meeting en t hat of exercises which will be held in the P. Size 6.12·18 Months EXPERIENCE BABY SITTERS Availabl" H. Vought , Mrs. Earl .qulres, line Brown, Mrs. Edna Gregg, Mrs. 7 o'clock on Monday evening, March 27. S. duPont High School and Will be 1 for YOUI' children. References. studel\l Henrv Kendall. I\ lbs Annlc Der- Ann Perry, Mrs. W i·lbur Wright, Miss A short business meeting wm be j-Ield I preceded by a tea at the N~lr ses Home -0- &. wife. Phone Newark 4012 . Mr~. Raymond Lynam. Helen Eileen Fielding, Miss Edith Fielding. promptly at 7 o'clock that the mem- In thc aftcrnoon lor relati ves of the Arg'ylc, Stripes or Dot Pa tterns 3=-=2:1o=2;::tl~). ==-",==~~=-=--== Rodney Dcrickson. Mary Lou Mrs. James Fielding, Mrs. Widdoes bcl's may preparc the homemade class. Pearl Buttons and Gift Box Includel\ Help ""anfed , and G ol'gic Lynam. Mrs. E isner, Miss Helen Hill, Mrs. Por~ candies to bc sold at the Rotary Min- -0- ter. Mrs. Myrtle Jordan, Mrs. Marion strels on Tucsday and WednesJay eve. The Ladies' Auxili ary of the Aetna - 0 - CASHIER WANTED . PERMANENT posi­ Buckingham. Mrs. Edith Mitchell, Mrs. n ings. Hose, Hook and Ladder Company, held tion open Cor W01nan. Apply Newark Deportment Store. Williamson, and Mrs. Eva Smith. All members are urged tl) attand and a .covered dish supper on Tue3day !:lig ht! help. t'lizabeth fHenry's !Shop 3-23-llc. sou therland. na tion~ l HARVEST PARTY BY of thiS week and presented a chrome i Lt ~ ry of th Daughtel s I nozzle to the nre company for their j 24 W. Dcl. Ave. Newark S~:n~I~~l o~:o~;r~ni~~ ar.t~L}urn'f~~~ : Colon:·sts, was a guest at LOCAL O. E. S . FRIDAY LADIES BIBLE CLASS new engine. Phone 8061 salary & camm. Call between 7 & 9 Fri­ day or Saturday evening. Leon A. Polts. a$sembly of the Delaware Mrs. Ida Case, chairman of the March TO MEET TUESDAY EVE. 44 Easl Main Street. 3-23-lte. Society. Saturday at thc Hotel Ways and Means Committee, announccs The March meeting of the Ladies' CAN YOUR LEARN MUSIC? ---- Other gucsts incl udcd Mrs. a Ha rvest P a rty to be sponsored by thc Biblc Class o( thc Newark Methodist BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - SEEKING P. Davis. Jr., chai rman of the Newark Chapter. No. 10, O. E. S., ir, wide awake p er son with small capital. Chlirch will be held on Tuesday eve­ to invest in own btl iness. Something ab­ . Coast Section of the Golden l. O. O. F . Hall on Friday evening, ning, March 28 , at 8 o'clock at the homc Music Aptitude Test Will Determine the Extellt of solutely new in this area. W iIJ prove junior group of DAC; )\h s. Ma rch 24, at 8 o'clock. that you can operate from your own of Mrs. John Moore, 284' East Main YOUR Music Ability home. Eal'l1 $75 .00 to $100.00 per week. PAY ' E. Johnson, state regent of Cards and bingo will be played and For full particulars write c/ o Newark Miss EI :ie Wcbber, vice- li ght refreshments wi.1l bc served'. Street. Post. Box 60, Ext. I. Mrs. John Steele and MI' . Mary I NO CHARGE _ . NO OBLIGATIONS 3-23-2tc. o[ Colonia l and geneologi- PI'izes will also be awarded. Walker will be co-hostesses frr the Winner ' for th e Atlantic Coast Sec- Tick ts may be obtained from the evenmg. Phone 2-1432 6 Prospect Avenue For Rent and Miss Ruthanna Hines. (o ll owing committee members: Mrs. ------OF"FICE SPACE-CENTER OF TOWN . '. W. Floyd Jack on, of neal' Leila Little, Mrs. Irma Hopkins, Mrs. MOORETOWN BASEBALL HILDA J\II. GRANT Available at once. Su itable for business was one o( the luncheon Mary Woodward, Mrs. Ruth Futcher, 01' profession. Phone 3161. CLUB DANCE FRIDAY MANDOLIN PIANO BANJO 1 2-2~ tic. MI'. Frank Futcher, Mrs. Mattie Mal­ A benefit dance will be held lh~s Fri- • J: Pearce Ca nn led the si·nging colm and Mrs. Edna McMullen. I FURNISHED APARTMENT. BEDROOM. "Star Spangled Banner" and day even ing, Ma rch 24 , in Wh i tema n's .~:":":•• : .. :": .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : •• : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :": .. :-: •• : ":":'':''''':'':":'':'':'':'':'':'':'':'':'':'':'':":'':'':'':'':.':'':'':''::r, living room, kitcheneUe. G. E. Retrlgera­ Garage and will be sponsored by the • • lor & Disposa l. Magic Chef stove. tile , with Miss Dorothy DI:aper S. J. TOLOMEO hath, hardwood Ooors . Center of town. 2363 Mrs. Frank B. Rldge- Mooretown Baseball Club. :1: THIS WEEK.END AT :1: Phone 3161 for appointment. the salu te to the flag and re- CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY 12-29-tie. o[ th e American Creed. Mrs. F . J . Tolomeo r ecently observed his SINGLE BED ROOM- PHONE 3.6721. 2-2-tie. Mull en gave a memorial to l fifth birthday and celebrated it by en- T~;:~n~~~l :cI~'~: ~nti l 12 p. m'II ~~ ., BI-ng's Pastry Shop ~!j Mary deVou . tertaining severa l friends at a party 60 ACRE FARM IN NEWARK WITHIN 4 CLASS DISCUSSION , :l: :i: squares of Post Office. Wm . J. Barnard. Elizabeth Webber, regent, on Saturday aftel'l1oon. Phone 2-6341. business session proceding Guests included: Adele Thomas and Mrs. Alex D. Cobb, teacher. will lead 'j' 'i' 3-9tfe. t he discussion of the topic "The Church :;: SATURD A in which annual reports her mother, Mrs. Hughes Thomas, Nor­ Y :1: in Rome" fo r this week's lesson in the 'j' ':' SMALL 2 ROOM HOUSE. WM. J . Barnard. by state officers and ris Wright, Stephen Hill, Thelma Phone 2,6341 . Ladies' Bible Class of the First Prcs- James H . Mull en. was Gregg, John and Betsy Able and An­ :i: Strawberry Short Cake With Whipped Cream. :1: 3-9-tie. byterian Chur c h . ~: to the national assem- drca Cole with her mother Mrs. Davc :!: 2 FOUR-ROOM APARTMENTS ON Pros­ Class calls 3t9:45 a. m . VISIT THE SHOP THIS WEEK-END-We are intro. pect Avenue Heat furnished . Apply 16 Cole. :1: :j: ProsPect Avenue. Phone 2386. Little F. J . is the son of Mr and 3-16-2te . :i: ducing Pepperidge Farm Brent1 to Newark-the origi. :!: Mrs. Frank Tolomeo, of 264 East Main .------I Street. ~l~ l1a1 h ealth bread. ~~ Misce"aneou~ P""PER HANGING. All work Imaranteed. 'j' FANCY EASTER COOKIES, pas tries and 0111' own 'j' G ..T . Mat.thf'ws. Christiana, Del. Phon~ A. A. U. W. GEN. MEETING R. T. JONES New Castle 6858. i: homemade.type breads. :1: 3-2-9tp. aLNcw Castle, for prizes in a CANCELLED FOR MONDAY MAKE OLD FLOORS LOOK LIKE NEW­ to be sponsored by th A general meeting of the A. A. U. W. ~: WE ARE TAKING ORDERS NOW for Easter Egg :1: Rent our High-Speed Floor Sandel' and Society, DAC, and to scheduled for this Monday, March 27, * Edger-Inw rates, Newark Lumber Co. :,l:. Cakes-a rich yellow cake cover ed with the best cho· Phone 504. Cancer Society. has been cancelled. FUNERAL ~ll~ II -lI-tJc . Society Da ughters of the Amer­ •!. c01ate and decorated. Two sizes 011 display now for 'j' The next meeting will be held DIRECTOR REFRIGERATOR SERVICE AND SALES adopted a resolution to April 24. ,ince 1933 Harvev Refrlgeratlon Co,. !'I to United States Senator J . Tvre Avenue. Phone 579 , Washington, D. C., for the 8-18-He . Commi.ssio n to acquire JOIN.T CARD PARTY MON. BPNDLE & FAMIT.Y WASHING. PIck-up PHONE* 2·6221 and delivery. Sweet Shop open-all hom!! the John Dickinson home CANCELLED BY LODGES baked goods. Phone 2309 nnd 2906. Al­ , . The joint public card and bingo partY j t::::=~~j:=!::«***-~.:-:-:~-J berta Brown. P-l-Hc. Dickinson was known as pen- scheduled for this Monday evening by 12-15-tfe. the Constitution of the U. S. . * interested in this project is the Osceola Lodge, No.5, Knights of 122 West Main Street l"URNITURE REFINISHED, ELECTRICAL appliances repaired and Installed, odd write Senator Frear. Pythias, and Friendship Temple No. 6, SEWARK, DEl.AWAR!: Jobs. Phone 2-6786. a resolution petition- Pythian Sisters, has been cancelled. I 3-23-ltc.

CongresNixonsman-F erguson(or the Billpas sagenow A~~~Af~~E e~':~1er~\UTo° ~~i ~~r;:,~ I i;:~N~O~o~t~he~r~d~a~t~e~ h~a ~s ~b~ee~n~s~e~t.===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Phone 2-1432. _ "'Lnn.r.,. Any interested pal'ties ® ~23-ltp . .I ~'essn~en . also urgcd to wri\c DRO~to':~~:TH For Sale meeting of the soc ie~y FACTORY SITE ON P. R. R . NORTH h ~ ld in the gardens of Mrs. ANNOUNCES A FULL-TIME OFFICE SCHEDULE CllA nel Street, Wm . J. Barnard. Phone 2-6341. . Ellstburn , Red Mills. Mrs. Mon. to Fri., 9-12 A. M. - 2-4 :30 P . M . 9-15-tic . was chairman of the floral (Except Wednesdays) LUMBER BARGAINS 4c to 5e FOOT. Wm. J . Barnard. Phone 2-6341. [or the assembly . Tues. & Fri. Eves., 7-8:30 P. M. tte. Ely Appointment . HA ND KNIT BOOTIES. CALL 2-1341. 1-19-2tc. 11 W. Main S t. Phone CH ICKEN MANURE FOR YOUR GARDEN Newark 2547 - Reasonable-delivered. Phone 2-0542 . 3-2-tfc. AFRICAN VIOLETS DTFFERENT Varieties Sunnv Corner Greenhouse. Maude Mote. 171 Academy Streel. 3-2-J3tp._. ______the business meeting, Miss BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM Hatching a very interesli nt( talk on done. Albert Folk. Chestnut Hill Poul­ EASTER SUNDAY & development ~n nutrition. The try Farm Hatchery. Phone 2-8661. 3-9-4tp. to donatc $5.00 to lhe Ncw­ Nurse AssociatIOn and TH APARTMF.NT SIZE GAS STOVE. 17 Choate Street. the American Red Cross. APRIL 9 3- 16-I_tc_. ______!ltond lamp shade projcct ~c hoo l ENGLISH BABY CARRlAGE. Excellent h~ld lI'ednesday, j larch ~(J, a. condition. $20.00 . Phone 8545 . o[ Mrs. RobNt J. Dnv i,;. DOltble the USllal Quantity 3-23-ltc. [01' the Apr il meeting wi ll SAVE $30.00 . DELCO WATER HEATER. . Hopkins and Mrs. Rob­ now $59 .50. Newark Electric. 173 East Main Street. Phone 2-6872 . and discuss th~ topic or Rytex SPRING - MILL PARCHMENT 3-23- 11 e. [urniture. ------PRINTED WITH YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TOP SOIL-DELIVERED G TON LOAD. sc ~ oOls. for caning and rush I $12 .~ 0. Phone Wilm ington 6-2370. ~ha lls Will be held in ApI il. 3 23-4t p_. ______the:nterested person may a t­ A distinctive and s m ooth -writing parchment like paper COC KER PUPS A. K . C. REGISTERED. e chools and lhe rlu,; m et- $15.00 . Roberl Price. W st Park Plnce, printed to yOUl' order to make it truly individual. Phone 2-808J. I 3-23-2tc. ------200 s ing le s heets, 100 envelopes ._- ~"""" . or POWELL'S 100 double s heets, 100 envelopes Ira C. Shellender or ICE CREAM CO. 100 large flat s heets, 100 envelope ' FUNERAL Dial 3171 C hoice of Crystal White, Pearl Grey, Rose Tan paper. Name and Address in Script or Block lettering in Blue or Mulbe rry HO~fE We Deliver AND OTHER WHITMAN'S ink. ASSORTMENTS ICE eRE A 1\1 BUY IN MARCH ••• GET TWICE AS MUCH -e-

For Your 254 W. Main Street RHODES DRUG STORE Newark. Delaware PROFESSIONAL PIIARMACIST MEl1.VIN S. DALE PARTIES I (\~n N·E.WARK, (C. Elhertlon Joltman. Successor) '~J..lJfXu'" OELAWARE. NIJ'hl Phone 2-0493 1 OIAL 3111 Phone 2-6131 • • Phone 581-2234 _ 6 P. M, to 9 p , M. I ~ ___;;;;;;;; __;. ~______;; \; ______-.1 ·~ ... ~~~~~OOI~g I Sunday Houn 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. STADIUM SITE SPECUl.ATI'ONS By Sam Cohen When its new stadium is built, t he he Newark Pos University of Dela wa re football team will be making a trek back to wh er f,.ig ht The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, March 23, 1950 it I (t its hi gh-button shoes: Down the ~======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.=~====~======.======~- ~l! M :n~~ :~~~ , ~~. ~~eth~il;~I~t~~nW~! Newark AA Downs Roccos Twice IWomen Golfers List Stake Money For Delawar() ~;:;!~: ,i :~: ' ll g:: I::i~~;Cakl~t'~~~ tr:: t:~: 1 To Mo~e Into Play-O-rr Finals Season's Schedule Park Meet To Total $210, a long the road. (to th college farm) but, li ke as not, when they pass R ed :J.J Women golf I'S of the Newark Coun- Men's Grove, an ind ividual dressed in Two UI) et VictOl'ies Fit'st For Newal'k Tllis Year Over try Club will open their season May 31 32.Day R~cc Program To Get Uudet'way May 29; old-tim e fo otball garb will loom from when they are scheduled to compete FIgurc Increasc For Twelfth Con, behind a tree and call out: "Hi, fellows, League Leaders; Local Club In State Toul'ney in an 18-hole match at the Kennel! secutive Year need an extra player?" Starting Saturday Square Country Club. Former Rep. Philli p A. Traynor is A complete schedule of events for . For t h ~ twelfth year i~ succession Delaware Park's stakc prol(ram bas authority [or the sta tement that not The N~wark AA cagers, who finished fourth in the Susquehanna League :~~~:~n~~~~'~~i~;ist~~oeUkg ~ s ~o~f~~~ : 30, Increased 111 value, accordIng to an announcement f" om J . G. (GIl) ~:e~ eOfp~: I ~;~~: .'S ':~:~r~~ e~~~~~y~~ standings, are now well on their way to takJng the play-off tille. May 31- 18-hole match with K ennett ing secretary and handicapper, who has just completed const! believes, was played on what later T wo resounding upset victories last week over the Roccos, top team in Square at K ennett Square C. C. President Donald Ross and General Manager Bryan Field. For thc race became Frazer Field, in September, the season's Slandings, moved Newark into the play-off fin als. Their opponent June 6- 18-hole match with Hercules which will open May 29 and run for 32 continuous days, until July 4 1889. T wo years later, he recalls, a \\' 111 depend on the outcome. of a series now underway between the Cecil Associate Women at Newark C. C. will be $210,000 i~ fifteen stakes. In all approximntely $1 ,000,000 WilJ' military training hall was built there, Post and the W. llmll1 ~on Chicks. Week of June 6-Begin Classes of horsemen 111 combll1ed purse and stake m oney. Thus without a break so the football team picked up it.s The ease w~th which Newark eliminated the Roccos from the play-offs I Eight Tournament. \\'are Park has increased its added money in stakes from the i ' equipment (a water bucket> and mover! ca me as a surprIse to even their most loyal followers, since the two victories June 27- 18-hole match with P enns of the track in 1937. " du ~ Ura& ••ItPJ1d down to the Pie estate. were the first the local club managed to score over the league leaders all season. Grove C. C. at Newark C. C. But the first game? Who won? Un- :b The tirst last Tuesday was a nerve- Week of July 4- Begin Handicap Delaware Park's two rich. futurity<$>i>------fortunately, the Delaware Field Club I racking, 57-56 affair, the deciSion com- I' Matches. events, the Leonard Richards Stakes, did, by a mere 74-0. BOWLING il;g only i~1 the last ten seconds, when July 11- 18-hole match with Maple exclusively for three-year-olds, and the Of the game itself Dr. Traynor re- JImmy McNeal sank one from the flo or I Dale C. C. (Dover) at Newark C: C· calls one principal incident- how the to provide the slim victory margin. July 20- 18-hole match with duPont D e ~ awa re Oaks, .for three-year ~ld and the Delaware Sp ring law stepped in and almost cut sho!.t 'l C Ollt~:l~r~~";,. NI~HJall'~:~~~:' Co. Once they had taken the Roccos' , ASSOCiate Women and Penns Grove flllIes, are responsible for the 1950 In - Steeplechase. The Maiden HU lrdl" .ange.mclu< Delaware's fl rst try at football. Cronhal'dt ...... 477IJordan ...... 417 measure, though, the local club moved C. C. at duPont C. C. crease. Each will carry a new value I run in conjuncti on with When the news leaked out in New- Link ...... 491 lLogan ...... 427 i~to .high, and. in the second game Inst I July 26- 18-hole m a tc~ with P enns of $22,500-added, marking a gain of I Saratoga, while the Maiden ark that the college boys were going ~~~~t~n~;;':::: ~~~ I ~r;s~~,? : :· : .. 573 lhUlsday polI shed off the erstwhile Grove C. C. at P enns GlOve. $2,500 over the 1949 listing. These chase starts at Belmont, to take up mayhem and fir ~ t -rl E!g r ee Total Pins .202 1' Total P i n ~ : . . ' Igfg league bIg-guns to the tune of 72-43. Week of August l- Begi·n Club . , . y Aqueduct and is concluded massacre, and masquerade them ns i Friendly Five 1 Wild Cats The Newark club, displaying its best : Championship Matches. I c l a ss .' c~ w ll.l. gross approxllnatel . $32:- ware Park . Each carries a .'._._ 'ouPTIV "football," Sheriff Bill Simmons swore G bbs ...... 527 Jon~s ...... 445 form or the season, led from the t rt August 1- 18-hole m atch with K en- 000 fOI thell 1950 renewals. Ther e al e I value of $5 000 - dd d up and down Main Street that the first ~a~; ~I'~;"; '::::::: !~~ I ft:~:.~ th. . :::::::: : ~~ although they stm had only a ~o:r~ nett Square C. C. at Newark C. C. 126 fillies eligible for the Oaks, which Monday, May :n-;h~ corpse carried off the fi eld would mean Dale . .... : ...... 477jMasten . : ...... 507 1 point advantage at half-time The 1 I August 22- 18-hole match with Her- WIll be held on Saturday, June 24, and dlcap, 3-years-old and up, six the end of the game. TO~ :,:";'h~';s : I994 \ ~~tllo~~~~ i;I;;,;;~~6 five found its stride in the s~cond ~Z:f , cules Associ ate Women and BrandY- 137 sophomores o~ the list for the Leo- $1~~~~d=~~~aymfd~~ilC Christlana He almost made good his threat. Kelley ...... 463lR.HoPkins ...... 486 ratlling off 50 po in ts while holding the wine C. C. at Hercules C. C. nard RI chards, mJl e and a furlong [ea- 2years-old, colts and geld ings, five During the game one of D. F. C.'s ~iC;;;,~:? : : :::: : mg::re g .:::: ::' : ~~~ Wilmington team to 25. August 30-18-hole match with 'du- ture on closing day, . July 4. I IO~~~i.1I~2y~OL~~d~~~~ni;~ ndYWIn guards, William Michael Byrne. got a Robinson 388IHWhlteman .. 429 Gene Schaen paced Newark with 19 Pont Associate Women at Newark C.C. S ec r e ~a r y Haus WIll open the dicap, 3 years-old and UP . one mil: face luting. Blood flow ed like '.vater, D~~r;,~ a l ' 'Pins . . : :2~~~ I M~~~~~k~rn ":.: : :2 :~~ points, while Tony Coselli took seco nd Ladies Days-Tuesdays. even t ~ 111 1950 ~vlth the popu~ar .s r1l1t ! S IJ{~~~';,t!~d;~:O~Ou~~d~~Th e but while the appalled sh riff ponder- Texaco PLICO place honors with 14, R1I1 ger Toul'l1ament-5cores Accept- featlll.e, the slx-fmlong WIlm1l1gton mond Sila kes, 2-years-old ed calling the game, the players closed Bl'ow~ ...... 4581GI'ant ...... 416 Newark has also accepted an invita- ed (rom May 1 until September 30. HandICap, a customary curtaIn raIser longs. $10,OUO added money. in on him. Once they stemmed the ~ ~~~~\e ~~n.... : : ;~~ ~1~~~la'';d '::::: '' m tion to compete in the Delaware State I that attracts topnotch speedsters of all y e~7-;~~?da,y ~,;.:'n":;i1~o-;~s ea Kent ~~OOad; t;:~dto~~ \~1::~ e~~ff ~:~n :~~~~~ ~1~~F;;~i'::: : 2~i~: ~~~~~~~~ ~ . . . . 2i~~ ~;a~:~~;r::~k~\~~l~ ;:u;~~~~ ~~ s~a:I;~ Newark, Dover Golf I ~;:; i. ~e::t~~:~. ~!u~~e ~~~e~~~a~~~I~~ : :~h~~;~t.:,~~~~ ea ~.;~Tcthe·a·AnJ'· "'o:~m.n , l:1_ MT. o.'u the first aid was applied, the blood Wilmington. Ni neteen tea ms are en- CI h W·II R IW en" s crack campaIgner, Royal Gov- mIles, ay$10,000 3dded money p, finall y stopped flo w ing, and the $herifT TUESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE teredo Last year Newark finished fomth 11 S lOtate ernor, w1l111ln g the 1I1augural dash from 1 dtng , June II>-NatlOn al Malden picked up his warrants and let the Jaq~~~:~ FI~~~ . CO·515 I Gr~~~~~at~apc~ ..~0389 in a field ~f 15. A an outstand!l1g fi eld. Royal Governor j qUe~ , te-!~;rl~S~~d$5~~~~ ~J'd e~n;;,O~~~ game proceed. After dousing the bloody Hel'bener ...... 471lsaindon ...... 417 Tuesday's Ga~c mat e 11 r TOllrney also won the BrandYWll1e HandIcap 111 Sat~ r d ay, June 17- The Sussex field w ith th a ~ sam.e water buc.ket. the ~~'rtr;'{ .:::::: : ::: :~~ I ~';;';::r ::::::::::: m NEWA~ F . p.1 ROCCO'b F P _ __ 194~ , a mIle and a sixteenth e ~ en t that ~~~; · t e~: e$~;:o~~d a~~~duP ' one teams got thell' fl Yll1g wedges 111 oper- Blind ...... 4661wright ...... 455 McNeal.f 1 1 ~ f.ju shabeck,f 7' l ' Hi IS lIsted for the first Saturday s racll1g I Wednesday, June 21-The ation again. Incidentally, there is no HandicaP ...... 108 HandicaP ...... 399 Cha llanger,r 1 1 3 Tat?f 10 0 20 Agreement Seen As Step Toward this year, June 3. The star of Mrs . . ~obeaJ~-~d, five and a half record of a substitute for Byrne. R~0~ ~:~:e';k · N2:.2~ Tot a ~:';i~ T." .2556 ~~I~~~~/ ~ A 1~ ~~~'~lIb~r n .g ~ ~ Ig Formation Of State Golf Weir's stable went on to become one T~Ur S~ay~°'j.'J~e 22- Thc For Dela ware Burr Edmund- Crossland ...... 455 4'09S ...... 419 "vans,c 6 4 1 Bukowski.g 2 I 5 of the top ranking handicap horses of ISt~ ep l ec h ase, 4. yearS -Old and son played center, Delaware Rothwell ~l~oal~~a.~d . :.::: : : ~~~~i~rl~ :::: :: : ::: m Lee ,~ 1 0 2 Pucylowskl,g 0 I 1 Association the year and will be back to defend ms~~ur~2y~0~U~,~d~~~he and Skeeter Ellis wer~ guards, Clar- Woodworth . ... 37~ I Go rdo n ...... 444 ~~::''t~i i~g i ~ ~ his laurels in the Delaware Park in- 3-years-old. fillies. one mile and .n ence Short and Brooks Ross, tackles, ~~~~iC~P '.. : ;~~ ' ~~~~I~ ~ P ·: : .. .. . : ~~~ ~~;~Ii~i.: ~ J ~I What may be the first step toward augural on May 29. . I$2~~~~d~~~tirua~~d 2f~~~ e $~p~':g ·-••aI1dc hildren Sylvester Bookhammer and Kirke Mar- Total Pins .... 23631 Total Pins . .. .. 2409 Totals __ --l the formation of a Delaware state golf The three $25 ,000 races WIll occupy St~eplecha se, 4-years-old and tin, ~nds .. In the backfield, Captain Ed ~~~lnC~:; ~. ~~ek . N~i~ ll wunz . N.e.'~~.r.~ .. 446 SC6itEO ~~ ;~~WJDS 25 656 association was taken last week, when their usual ~romin e nt l!slings on the m~;~da$;:00~ua~~ed3 1~¥':r Martm directed the play from quar- Shakespear . .. . . 35R "'rl mansun ...... 495 Newark ...... 9 14 10 16-57 the Newark and Dover Country Clubs 32-day contll1uous racll1g program. St!,eplechase, 4-years-old Hnd tel,-back and had as his assistant: John ~\~~~d \~~~ rl "::: ~~~ l i:~~:se ... : ~~i Rocco's . Thu'rSday'; IGa~e 19 11-56 l nnounced a n agreement for rotating They are the ~ ent ~tak :s, mUe. and a '~~~~ U ~~~y~ J~~~ ' l!:~~o.,o ~~~e a WIlson and Joseph Hossmger a, half- P "'n,,"ward . . . 4~ ' I~. r"n t ...... 455 NEWARK \ RO 0 the sponsorship of the Delawar State SIxteenth a ffa lr fOl thr ee-year olds, dlCap. 3-years-old and up, fill ies and backs and John Armstrong as fullback. Handicap ...... SWHand icao .. .. . ,II ." G. F . P. CC '~. 1". P . Amateur Golf Tournament. scheduled for Saturday, June 10 ; the one mile and a sixteenth, $25,000 ~~~~rw:..~e ;i~~d a ~l~~sti~~;~, O;hi\~~ M:~ : : b:i;r' p: . :2::01" ~~~ ~\:~~;< c 're;~:: ~~~~Z g g,~ li;!~fa:~:k.f ~ ~ I~ pa;th~ her::l; e:~sic~/~~ eb~~:!~~e~l~be ~e~·s ~:~t ~::1 ~~~~_yae:::i~~d : nadn; u~:a;~ :~~~.da~: y~~ : .~ _~:h~n~eo~~[ed i Churchman served as center' Byrne Wh iteman ... . . "~? I TMu rray ...... 4a ~ e n~to~ ~h~m: s f F. Bayard and ~~~;aman ...... ~~~ I~~l~;~erlY'::::: :: ~~ ______agreement was arranged. The event Park. The leapers begin their cam- ~Z~I: ~~~~yn ~~\~ltigO~th;; la'bt Swoi ~ f vld 1 . 1 e l~ ~rllormer atl:ocney- Adams ...... 610;Strickland . . 425 Wh en buving washables look fOI' the w ill return to Newark in 1951 and paigning on Monday, June 12, thirteen- genera, p aye u back and quarter Tolal Pins .. 2148; Total Pins 1895 "Certified Seal of Approval." All arti- move to Dover again the follow~ng th day of the continuous 32-day season. University of Delaware, on back. B l ans fie~Jkto~.... 453 koA a ~~ve. g . co~P.'. 471 cles or materials with this seal have year, unless other clubs become inter- The fourth running of the Tom Roby for the spring meeting of th~~ D~~:~~~: ~~Il~~~ ~~~t~~l1 ~~:~e~~~ ~ ~, ~~~r :: .. :~~J~~F rn s":: ::: :: m~~ '~~eth~~ :r~cat~,eTn~~~ ~ ~:~ ; ~ ~b~~~,~O~' ~~~ =~~~~ ~~d aa !~~:e~ s ;~~~~til:~ ,di~ !/O:~ f~~~Je:;}~i~~O~:d~:l~ i~aal~g~~~l ~~'i st ~ : g~~t~~il .c~~Cn~;'din~o;~~vrrs . Carl caslOnally traveled to Wilmington of ~~~~:~d . .::: 523 1 'lri~d ':: : :' " . 414 ing, proving !versity Gard n on Old Wil lllllldOIl {oa , 1l~~ 11 work being done in his country under tram Owen. Jr., on the birth of a nine ChIldren And Adtllts Beach House. I Apartments is expect d to b gin in IllVlllc. ~I!s 1I1~111~'~':1~ I~~~; h~~lt; the Tnd .a ConIerence of the Methodist poun.d b.oy last Monday. Ma rch 6. The ___ I - the ncar r'uture. Arrangements with daU/lhter. ~I)SS . She has Church. The youth department of the laddie IS to be known as Berlr'am COl cil l\'leel the town for sewer lin s are now b 'll1 g her ~on. Prll') I11 ~ hftc ld . . I local church school is sending m'Jlley Owen Ill. ! Plans for the second ::o.nnua l Easter l • In made by the build l'rs. and it was in- confincd to IH'r room fOI . sevela_ to Mr. Nrlajag i's da ughter for her The Wesleyan C:uild of the Landen· , Seal Sale have been drawn up I 'CO IILlnllt'd frnrn Pa~p 1) 'I dicated that the plans have fin ally been Her many fl'll'n:1> .a nd I eiallve'l education berg Methodist Church, along With the Iby the Executlv~ Committee oIl clud d Manuel Street. sout~ [rom Ke ll s cleared through the Federal Hous:np, 1l€t!1" .,mcnlD<'lr .. her II'llh (a~ d s d ' More than sixty enjoyed the St P at- Membership Class of said church, will the Dela ware Society for Crlpplej I Avenue for 150 feet and W ll1s lo w Road Admll1islralton. The project was first New III Null'ltlon" was IS- I'Ic k's SOC ial held by the ~ . Journey to Philadelphia on March 25 Children and Adults. from Townsend to Beverly Road propos d here over two years ago. by MIsS Kathallnc ~oncs, :~u~~~ . to. visit the Fi[th Street MiSSion, alon.g A total of ~O,OO O letters with a Sheet ] Other It e~s proposed were the', The lawmakers also d irected Bngl- '''''''IIIIIIII" der. at th e monthl) 111 e ltn~ b l . CORNER KETCII w1th other POlOtS of interest. TncI - of 100 seals m each lett I' havc been wldenmg of ·South College Ave nue need Haub I' to draft a rough layout of thehl. \"imO,l aW'IS Ilomc DCIllonstratlon ,Clu, One ~undl'ed fifty m em b ~l's of vari- dentally. all girls between the ages of ma il cd to friends of crippled chil- from Ma i· n Street to the end o[ Ihe Read Village showing how sidewalks wednesday. Mrs. ,Iohn Edlel, JI,'I ous tl'lbes of Red Men 10 Chester 12 and 25 are welcomed to the meet- dl' n. It i hoped t hat, through gen- former Evans property and thc round- ! should be laid to conIorm to the ll<'W Mrs. William Gas we re n~m"~ to County, Pa .. Marylan.d. and Delaware, ings of the Wesl eyan Guild. erous response to these letters, the ing o[ th corner of the Baltimore: town rul that the inner edge o[ the maugu,rali~., lIcnd lhe training school on I filllSh- wi tnessed the adoptIOn of ten "pale The dance which was scheduled (or society will be able to attain it s goal I and Ohio Railroad property at the COI'- walks should coincide with the town ure to be held Ma rch 28 ll1 [aces" at the weekly meeting of Wa Wa K mblesville Hall was held at New of $23.500. '1 ncr of Main Street and Elkton Road. right of way . • -----....III:;:;" ,PZl'r Church. )Ilt·s. Charles Kae~.e l Tribe, No. 45 , 1. 0: R. M: The degree London the evening of March 13. Volk's A program of activity for 1950 has Regal'ding the proposed extension of Town Secretary F. A. Whceless read y about Illl' ea rliest seW s work was cxemplled by Ochlokonee Orchestra played, and a grand time was been approved by the Executive East Cleveland Avenue, the report ad- a Ict,(er from Mrs. C. E. Ritcnhouse whil (' )I II'S. Gass con- Tribe of Oxford, Pa. T wo of the new had by all. Committee. Continuer! support and de- I vised securing a quick deed 10 stab- thanldng the Police F orcc for its ef. on "Saf ty." Mrs. WalTe.n i members were from Litlle Bear Tribe The New London Grange has a dance velopment of Ihe Day School [or li sh a right of way east to the tO Wll forts in tracing her immediately artel' named chairman for the at- at Bear. A special guest o.f honor was at the Grange Hall every first and third Handicapped Children will be a part limits and to carryon present nego· her husband's death. on National Home Demon- the Great Sachem of Maryland. Theo- Wednesday. There is modern and of the 1950 program. Further co- tiations with the State High way De- Wcel< April 30 10 l\fay 6, w hich dore Swanner, of Richey High way, square dancing, and the dance is open ordination o[ the society's work with partment regarding an outlct on Ca pi · To move heavy furnitur" without will obscl'\·e. Baltnnore. On March 27 , the tribe and to the public. tha t o[ other publtc and private agen- tol 1'r3i.1. marring the fi oor 01' linoleum, place a m mbers andqucsts a Uende:l Lola CounCil will nominate and elect ] The next square dance at Landenberg Cles I endering sel vIces to the handl- The report concluded wi ~h th\! sug- I small piece of waxed paper under the " F 3Iml~' Night" [or 1'1e new ofTlcers for the next six months Hall will be held the evening of March capped was also Wl'ltten ll110 the 1950 gcs tion tha t the town deveiop p.:1l1 legs. Club held In st W e cln~sday Gene Dempsey w ill be host to the 23 Volk's Orchestr a is p laying. and r en ,~~•• V a"fTlJ Eliza beth Peach, preSident, Korner K etch 4-H Club tonight judgll1g fl'om sevel al r eports. the the l!roup whilc Mrs. Elli. Red Clay Creek Presbyterian Church Idances are gaining ll1 popularity. Any L'1rlllb ..., .""M pl'o!!ram chairman. introduced FI ed Schu ppe. Jr. of Arlington, Va, profit is being contributed to f :ll thcr speakcl'. 1111' . William. spen~er , a member of the Gldeons, spoke at Red Im provement of the hall , who told of hiS n a ll ~e Clay last Sunday. The flowers on the I The K emblesville WCTU met Wed­ d" and hiS I' ccc.nt tnp I altar were placed there by Mr. and nesday at 2 p. m. with Mrs. Ever ctt a l ~ o playcd harmomca se- I Mrs. Evan H. Klair. of Stanton, in Holts at her home in Elkview. Piano solos wcre given by Mrs. i honor of their 55th wedding annivel'- WSCS (Flint Hill) met at the home , Gilmore Wilson and ,T ackie I sary on March 15th. of MI's. Harry Swain at 2 p. m. on The youth visitation week-end will Thursday. Officers for the corning year 11'/1'5. Lewis W. C.oll1lery ~el e - I be this week . starting Friday pveninci were elected, and the hostess served re­ their fifti eth weddll1g anl1lver- , and closing Saturday night with ~ freshments. . a fa mily pa rty held SLU1day banquet. The Musical Committee for thc Mf'th- home on Limeslone Road. T he I MERMAID odist Churches of Flint Hill. K embles- -_.. _-...... _ ...... wcre ma rried March 20, 1900.1 Through the cooperation and court- ville, and New L ondon, met at the par· Philad Iph ia. by the Rev. esv o[ the State Pol~ce, the color film sonage in ~ew London, March 15. at Davis. paslor o[ P itman Met h~dl s : I " G a t ~ way to Death" was able to be 8 p. r ~. ThiS meelln,g was. devotei ~~ Mr s. Col mery was the fOlmel I shown at the Harmony PTA last week. planl1lng the Eastel musIc and pI' . ~' - '~-~'_M Ida H. Schull. ?[ Newport, ,N. J . Directed by Mrs. Elsie W. Stradley, grams .for t.he three c,~u~ c h e s: ,. 'crc havc th ree children, La~v l ence, I teacher, the primary chorus and the ' MOVing Plcture ~ on ~lld .Llf e , v. c<- Park . Mrs. EI rna A' I glee club sang several numbers. 1 shown W'ednesda) evenll1g In K emhl • ington. and Le,.Vis, J r .. 1 Candidates from Union Grange as ville Hall fo r the ben.efit of the ~· H Roa d. There are five w 11 as Harmony Grange were initiated IClub . . . . and two great-grand· Monday night in the first and second Mrs. Wilmer ~llkl~ son r e ~urn ~ d . For the celebration the fOI - 1 degrees a.t the local hall. Visitors from home from. the ~l1lv e r s lty Hospital 111 '''''wi'nggllestS from Philadelph ia, Tren- I Diamond State Gra nge a t Stanton were Philadelphia, Fl'lday, Ma.rch 10. . She . and other N w Jersey i also present for this degree work. The had undergone .an operallon, and It at . MI'. and Mrs. Lawrence fin al subordinate degrees will be givn present much lmproved. Mi ss Lois Colmery, Harry ! this joint class at Cornel' Ketch on Mrs. Paul MacClar?, return)ed [!'Om Erma J ones and son. Ray- April 5th. Tickets are now on sale Che.ster C o~nty Marc 1 8. fol- Rnd Mrs. Lewis W. Colmery, for Ha rmony GI'ange's minslr'el show lowrng a mm.or operat!on .. ' . . Colmcry 111 , Mr. and Mrs. 1 on March 31 and April 1 also !he an- Mr. and MI s. Earl Rlchal ds I CtUl nC'd I Colmery. Wallace Colmcry. J~" 'I nual poultry supper on April 13U I. from Florida ah ead of sched"le. Thurs- - , .ar.dMrs. James Davis. Janet DaVI S, I ------.------. and Mrs. Edward Colmery. MrS' l -- [ I Crav 11 . Mr. and Mrs. ~lbel't l News of I~ ondon- ~ Alb ert Cra\'en, 1'.. MI . and :-v esling. MI' . and Mrs. Britain Vicinity * Schelh nge r. Emma Jane and THE 1 950 NASH AMBASSADOR Schell in!!cr. MI' . and Mrs. Fred l\'Ia rthalee NesR, Cor respondent I ~~~ Fox . MI' . flnd Mrs. Harol.d Phone Kemblesville 217 1 and Mi ss Emma L . Heck. w ho IS I guardian o[ Records, Lady Gold- Mrs. Alma O'Leary has returned 80th MI' . and Mrs. Colmel'y 1 from A ll el\town. w here she a ttend cd I of th Eaglc order. the \ . I bein g a slat and national orTi- 1he funeral of he r grandmother, who passed away Wednesday, March C, al AN ENTIRELY NEW IDEA OF LUXURY Wh ite Oak 4- 1-1 Club will. meet I the age of 94 .

wilh Emili e Ann P enl1ln glon l At the March 14 meeting of the Homl'! ..2$.: ~, Mermaid." Iand School League, following a dis­ .r,i . Mal colm Ycarsley returned to cussion of "Future Educational Re- on Creek Road Saturday.. . ' . . .:;:;M#:::;~"~mthc Memorial Hospital, w her e She ! qU .lr e rr~ en t s l or London-Bntall1 Town- , a major operation l'ecen tl ~·. sh ip," It was suggested t.hat the Sc~ool 1\1rs. Charles Davis, of I Board appornt . a planl1lng commlttec WE: Pa .. were r ecent week· to assist t~em Il1 a firm assessment of ~ es t s ~f Mrs. Davis' parents. Mr. ~~lr;. :s~\I ~:t ~~~~ r:~Jt~ll:~l~I~!~~~~/~~~ . Mrs. Marvin A. Shakespeare. on p ndi ture o[ tax monies. c Road. Mrs. Ralph K . Hill was taken sudden PLEASANT HILL I ill Saturday night, and is confined to . Re\, . Edwin ,J. Horney was in- I her home at present. I unanimously to re urn as pastor I March I I brought a C an~sta party at Eh 'ncze" Methodist Church fl t the Gcorge Ka lbs. Guests .1I1cluded the '1uart r ly conf I' nc lasl R ~l ss e ll Eatons: the ~orns Sanbol'l1s' l It 'd d b the dis I Bi ll Nichols, Blli Mackey, and Mr. and I ~u ;~;i~t~;~~ S : l t. t h~v:~v . ~r. I-ram: I Mrs. John A. Kalb .. F . I h' 1 t 11 ' v Young Johnny Nichol was t wo on I o~Ul~~a:~z ~~n ~\~a ;e~1~'~ ' he ~ Mal:c h 12. Time maches on! . . f Did a nyone else h ear the birds sll1 g- . cO!T.lphsh~d which included ,ou;' ! ing merrily during the soft spri ng rail~ flll1era: s . . one we dd:~ng~ the m0l'l1i;1g of March 13? Wasn't it a ] .mrmbel shl p class o~ n I promising sign? It inspirC'd your re· lakcn Into full memb r 'hlP . b ~ pOl'ter to march around looking h opC' - · closely l!ra de~ lesson matel'lrlls Ifull y once mOI'e for at least some of because of .Inc r ~ a se d Sunday those scads of datTodils planted la,t nll ndanc , l~tCI'IOr o.r p rson· year. Bless their lillie heal"ts, thcre COlllple tely new comfort never possible before, await H e re is ne w Turbo-H ead Irigh- omjJrcssioll po wer­ tcd. filing cabrnet .pur- I they were, at long last. Is there any­ you in the 1950 a h Ambassador. a revelalion in pcrformance and econom y. In the and gara e ~"n)()nr l e d , thing so impati ent as the mood of an 1950 Grand Canyon Ecoll omy RUII, lir e a Ir Am- Her a lone is an Airliner Reclining cat, . , the Futurc plans ,,:hlch he an· 1 ardent gardenel', \V.aiting for spr-in a? bassador ave raged 26.4 miles to the ga ll on ! wrr" central heating plant for Thinking of those daffodils, helps one spacio usncss of a Sky-Lounge, H ere is the smoothest dificr . udditionol spnce (or , keep hold o[ fl consoling thought os ride wiLh s uper-soft coil springing on all/our wheels. Yet the Nash Ambassador, even the lux urio us Cus­ . _,_.,"!"::":",... tt! .r ~~~ School classes; t rainil~ g cl asses one squares ofT to face the reality of s"hool workl' l's; In~ rras l'd , th times. Rev. Julius Meyer and Mrs. Drive iL a nd liste n . In this car of besl aerodynamic tom model, cosls as much as $1,000 Ie than oth er church. memul'l ~ h lfJ ~n d Myel' wcre on a list of preachers, dol'­ design, wind-noise is hushed, And with Airflyte Con­ cars of comparable size and q uality. ee it today. : and a da ll y vacutlo n Blblc I tors. nurses and teachcrs se,I c.c~ed by s truc tion, body-bolt squeaks and rattles are e nded. Hydra-Malic Drive is available at new low price, th ' Army to be in on the mltlal 01'­ I'll'cl d for the y'al' were ganizational efTorts (under Army aus­ Stewards, Mrs. Annie At- pices) to prepart our citizens for the · Mr. lind Mrs. A. T. Buckingham. possibility of atomic warfare: The Only Nash Ambassador Owners Enjoy All These Fine· Car Features and Mrs. Al x Botluk, Mrs. Her- Mey rs allended a demonstration of COOk. MI'. and Mrs ClifTord Ayars, the atomic bomb, which was held last TUIIO·HEAD high,comprcssion cngine­ TWIll IEDS for sleeping,car comfort at DELIVERED HERE now 7.3 to 1 rati o. 7-b ori ng, 100% · R bcrt Grcenplatr, A. D. Fishe r.\ Thursday at the ",,:est C.atholic .High night , or napping whi le others drive, StatetllDall Super 2·door Sedan counter-balanced crankshaft . Premiunl Frll. Mrs. Maskle .J ohnston , I School Auditorium In Philadelphia. I' rfOl'lllOnCe on regul ar gnsolin c. AME RI CA'S BEST AERODYNAMI C ,I 'si6" , Ima Johnston. Mrs. F l'llnkli l1 A number of films were show n, dem- $1795.00 SK y·t OUNGE IN TE RIOR S wi lh oll c- pi ('r provcd 20.7% mo)'c cffrcicn l in o\'er· ~ , Miss GOl'a Litlle, Ml'. ond Mrs., on strating the atomic explosion, ?nd Goming ai r drag than th e avcruge of Ungl'r, Ml'S Grace Whiteman, the after tTects of s uch an explOSio n. windshield, Pull-Oul Glove l. oc ~ cr , Ambassador Super 2·door cdan Cockpil COlllrol, the nis ope. lO olh er Icading ca r Ic led . Whiteman, Earl Lynch , Miss r Then thel'e were lectures by the Army 12134.00 AmJ8ss8~ Jarrell , Clarellcc NC'l soll Paul l Medical StafT on the best way to ap- AIRLI NER RE CLININ G SEAT th ul gocs back AIRF lYTE CONSTRUC TI ON. From and body (Car IlIuSlrll lcd) Paul N Isol1. Mrs. Amos N rton, pl-o:1ch the sccl1,e, what to expect, and us for as yo u lik e al I " 'cr louch. urc weld d inlo onc ra ulc.proof unit. n Wh itcman, MI'. and Mrs. Sid- how to handle Ilny first aid cases, bear­ AUT OMATIC WEAT HER EYE. Fresh ai r ven , Twi ce as ri gid , it m ake~ poss ibl c ncw ins Mrs. Gray O. Lomax; in g in mind the special requirf'menl,s lilation amI heo t con lrol. You ncver perforll1an ' , 'conolllY, nefits Proposed Flu orinc Mrs. Hanna Thompson Pilling Buzby, o( employees retiring under the Chrys· Louis staats, presi,01 69 GIVen By 0 I cans "There is no reason." he s.lid. ··to ___ I cepted by other CIO unions last year cut in the sizes you 2 anticipate any dilTerence in acti("1n be- I have terminating clauses and also are most frequently use? 2. 11-0. 19c tween artificially added fluo rine and Vice-Pres id ent Weckler Says subject to renegotiation in the li ght that present naturally." He stated that Firm Offered Sound Pension of practical experience. The coal AI'e they packaged • DE:a:ONTE fea r of the consequences of ilrWicially • miner's experience shows that creating the wa, you like them? SLICED OR HALVED adding fluorine in quantitie; of one P lan Before StrIke a fund does not guarantee perpetuity part per milE.on is unwarrantE'd . be- of benefit payments. FAMOUS N8C TEUVISION STAR If you hnve any liug· cause there is no evidence that fluo- Tn an elTo rt to bring the local public "Callillg Chrysler employees on PEACH ES RECOMMEND~ geslions that will help us rides in such quantities have any harm- abreast of the company's position in strike in the face of the pension and c (ul elTects. While it might mall'l some the current Chrysler strike, Herman L . insurance benefits Chrysler has offered, improve our dairy de· 2 :~-~: 4 5 imperceptible moWing on posterior Weckler, vice-prcs:-dent and general shows again how dilTicult. if not futile, partments and serve you I,~:: teeth in a few cases, it does not create manager of the corporation, issued a it is to try to do business w i.lh people beller , please let us know. 1 3l( any mottling on the anterior tt:!eth, said statement this week saying that the who do such irresponsible things. Thcy'ct so sm aCl auJ ~ lyl JS h DEL MONTE the speaker, and does not present any s rillers could have secured the "pack- "The employees have no choice. The .. . and Poll - Parrols a rt Plea e write: cosmetic problem. age" benefits they seek without going strike vote was taken last S ptember prt -ItSlU/ by real boys and EARLY GARDEN Dr. Musselman a:.ct that to wait for on strike at all. before the Chrysler program of bene- g irls. So you know they're .--- tOPS for wear, fi t and style. Customer Relati on s Dopt, present tests to be completell would About 160 Newark workers joined fit s was formulated and made known to Come in soon. deprive many children of the beneficial UAW-CIO workers [or Chrysler in our employees. A&P F ood Stores effects o[ fl uorine, and that if any bad the wa lkout J a nua ry 30. To date there "It is too bad that Union leadership $3.50 to $5.98 42 1 Lexington Avenue elTects did show up, which he doubted, is no sign of a settlement. makes Chrysler employees go through the Newark test could be stoppec be- In a review of the company's basiC the hardships of a strike in order to New York 17, N.Y. fore such elTects could appear here. position, Mr. Weckl er said: get the benefits "package" they could JlemoAk He j ustified the test in Newark as a "The ha rdships this strike inflicts on have gotten without striking." /? DEPARTMENT SLI CED 20 01 proper exercise of legislative action by the public, on Chrysler employees, its I '. PINEAPPLE 2ge Council on the ground that no im- dealers and stockholders are wasteful {/~ provement in public health .-.:an come and unnecessary. They follow the ut- Many men stand out in the sun and ~ CORN COUNTRY GEN TLEMAN, GOLDEN CREAM 1701 ~ STYLE OR WHOtE KER~IEL 2 can, 2ge from voluntary methods. most elTort on the part of the Chrysler fish because it is too hot to go to ,tore Hours: 9-5:30 Dally Hugh Gibb, chairman of the Ladies' negotiators to work out this problem church. Friday Only 9-9 30· 01 • BARTLETT PEARS HAtVES 33e N hght Committee, report.ed tha t plans in a sensible a nd reasonable way. ~,======---~--====-;, were nearing completion for the Dinner ''If the Union demand for pensions Dance to be sponsored by t he Newark and insurance benefits is an honest Write or Phone for FREE ESTIMATE • TOMATO JUICE 2',~~0,' 23c 46,::' 24e 0'1 Rotary Club. It wi ll be held Mon- one, Chrysler has met it-guaranteed 3001 day evening, April 3, at 7 "'clock, at pensions of $1 00 a month, increased _" • FRUIT COCKTAIL 33e the Newark Country Club. life insurance, improved sickness and ~A.I ~g~T E lections fo r the 'I x t Rotf'ry year accident and disability benefits. w ill be held at the meeting of tbl'! club "Chrysler's pension and insurance • DICED BEETS ~~KITCHENS next Monday evening. offer is better than the so-ca ll ed pat­ .TYLED IN .T .... tern of economic gain put out by the EASY TERMS - 36 MONTHS TO PAY RRBS of Union. PRIME BEEF Five Minor Grass "Chrysler's offer to pay pensions to _ SUPER-RIGHT 7-INCH CUTS Fires Here In '" eek ~~~~!~f :I~~:~y:e~o':;a~; hicna~ i~a~e~ c plenty of assets and good earnings. ,' ~ - '}-.:. ' . LB. 59 Six fire alarms the past week, five "To the Union leadership the em- . .: ~ .., NO NE PRICED HIGHE. for minor fie ld blazes, brought to 29 ployee benefit that Chrysler has offer­ " " .:~ : ' .# ~ Th o Short Rib. are removed from a ll the n umber of calls handled thus far ed a re apparently secondary to other A&P Super· Rlght 7·lnch Prim. Rib, of -=:;:: l eef a nd are lold to you at only 3S c 0 this m onth by the Aetna volunteers. Union ideas. poun d . The firemen began the week's work­ "These Chrysler benefits. superior to ~ out on Thursday at 1:30 p. m ., when any the UAW has negotiated elsewhere, SHORT RiBS OF BEEF Ib 35, they were summoned to a grass blaze were obtainable without a strike. The Union leadership howevf!c, has chosen at the old Mill igan Airport, near SIRLOIN STEAK ~~~5·i~'R~ ~T Ib 8le Cooch's Bridge. to sacrifi ce Chrysler employees in an effort to escape a political dilemma of UP TO After a brief rest back at the flre- RIB END PORK ROAST 41f, Las II> 43c house. the volunteers were off again, its own making. Planncd for your dcllght by Kitchen Experts. Complete Service - Equlp­ trus time to extinguish a brush fire "The Union leadership wants a ment - Watls - Floors, Etc, We Do Everything. Workmanship Guaranteed SMOKED PICNICS SH~~~~R:c:~c:,K ED Ib 3ge on the property of Thomas Reilly, Elk­ "kitty" that it can get its hands on for ton Road. Tha t night another fi eld fire other purposes. That is the only plausi­ TRIVITS APPLIANCE STORE SLICED BACON SUNNYI'IEtD ble excuse for its demand that regard­ brought the firemen to Polly Drum­ Phone 6-1611 181 East'Main Street mond Hill. less of Chrysler's guarantee to pay VEAL ROAST .OLt~~:~~sJLDn Friday was a comparatively quiet pensions to r etiring employees, 10c an ~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i® day, with only one call for burni.n g hour must be set aside in a fund over • gr ass on a vacant lot along Paper Mill which the Union can share control. LARGE FRESH CORAL SHRIMP The Union leadership sabotaged the Road. The call came about 5:30 p. m. Her. i•• Lonten the whole family i. Action began Saturday around 10 a. coll ective bargaining conferences. It .1Ir. to enioy, Buy a pound or 4wo th is week­ c m., when a chimney caught fire a t the refused to discuss set'iously anyth ing ond and .urpris. tho family with. delicious Foxden Farms, Milford·Crossroads. The but its demand for 10c an hour to be EAGlE'S WEEK-END SPECIAlS .hri mp di sh. LB·69 damage was slight. put into a fund. Chrysler repeatedly Monday a grass fire was reported on made ~t clear that the Company would vacant property in the rear 01 the stand responsible for the payments Knapp Barrell Company, South Chapel promised. FRESH ASPARAGUS Street. Another fi eld fire occurred Chrysler's proposals were offered in Friday and Saturday., March 24 and 25 Tuesday in the rear of the Newark good faith. These were subject to de­ c Country Club. velopment and clarifying. The Union lb. was not interested. For instance, ques­ 35 , .. A total of 1.176 registered co' vs are tions as to service eli g ibility for bene­ AGAIN SUPER VALUES NONE PRICED HIGHER on Deiaware Herd Improvement Test- fi ts were ba rgainable. The Union lead­ 54 % of all the cows on test. Of these, ership never got around to barga ining 2 , 0".n·~9c 220 are Ayrshire; 363, Guernsey; 510, on these things. APPLIANCES FRESH TOMATOES Holstein; and 83, J ersey. . Chrysler pays wages regularly. It Norge Washer ...... $129.50 All Three PASCAL CELERY J~~~t? 17c 1 Metal Top Ironing Board 10.95 For .. , ..... $129.50 STRING BEANS aLAcK.~~~TlNI 2 lb. 2ge 1 Iron (Samson) ...... 10.95 Savings of $21.90 d... · 4ge JUICY ORANGES ~~~~~~76 SIR $151.40 ONION SETS ~~~l~~· 3 lb. 29c O rl~I: ':ag $2.75 (Can' t afford to miss. this one) mounted in plati. SEEQ POTATOES'·,~~,~?~~~E.s o rl~~~g $4.69 num and priced far Norae Full Size Gas Range-Orig. $129.50 .... $99.50 below its wual value. SEED POTATOES K.~IS!'~!~~ _~~lr:.~ 4S: o~~~~ , $4.19 1 MO l'e Demonsl1'utor Premier Elec. Sweeper $25.00 NEDICKsS ORANGE CONCENTRATE 2 E1ecll'ic Muffin Makers-Orig. $14. .95 ...... $5.00 NOW - Orang. Drink C.nco ntral. Cash or Budget 10 Cn. Ft. Norge Refrigel'ator (Last Year Mode1) ~ thot', not frol. n ••• "Hadlck',". 6-0Z c ~'" No "frlgl1ollo" n,.d,d . Mode (Automatic Deft·osling)-Orig. $379.50, $309.95 '. ~ from Valentia Oronse. . Vltam' n CAN 8· ' added. And rememb.r-Nedlck ', 19 f c.nce ntrot. h no' fro len. You can EACH CAN MAKES kee, It .n the ,helve., 1. yo,,, 8 Cu. Ft. NOI'se Refrigerator 1950 Model .. .. $229.50 I V. QUARTS I, panlry. or kltch, " lable. TABLE RIOT SUNNYFIEtD '·Ib In Y. - I~ BUTTER FANCY CREAMERY .olld 69c prin lt ~ 71e 18 End & Occa ional Table, lightly Damaged JELLY EGGS .U~AW;~ aNA~~~~· :ALt 23c ~Al~ 43e or Scarred in Shipment-Range in Price TOMATO SOUP ANN 'AG. 3 I ~N~Z 2Sc Fl'om $22.50 to $29.50 ...... NOW $5.00 DINTY ,4-0Z BEEF STEW MOORI CAN 43c Buy from a store that specializes in TnlSWEET 46-01 39c diamonds . , . volume sales for us mean KITCHEN FURNITURE ORANGE JUICE CALIFORNIA CAN VAN ~t 19c low prices for youl Ou y It'OIll Pc. FOI'mca Top Breakfa t Suite TENDERONI CAM"S Z PKGI 5 $59.50 - - - - Buy from a store that gives you the F INE QUALITY POULTRY F EED advantage of a large selection and a Dally Scratch Chicken Feed, 25 lb, baa- ...... , .... II Dally Laying Mash. 25 lb. bag ...... •...•...... , .' .' ~ wide price range, Dally Chick Starter, 25 lb. bag ...... Buy from a store that offers you long­ Eagle Fumiture Co. Dally Baby Chick Feed, 25 lb. baa- ...... term payments, at no increase in cost. COmlJlete Home Furnishers ' . 162 Ea t Main Street Phone 3311

Don't Miss Newark Merchandise SholV at Armory Jeweler - Est. 1885 April 13, 14 and 15 Prizes Galore u. - 318 DEL, ST. 5! E. MAIN ST. I' NEW CASTLE NEWARK ...... r Comer: Maln and Haines Streets