SHOP IN lEWARK YOUR MONEY FIR T THE NE ST AT HOME ~~Ull1be l' 51 The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, March 23, Hl50 ENTS l ,;i (;J'OSS 1).,jve lS IFeature«} Again In UNOfficial Will T C·· , OverTop With $5200; Rotarian Minstrel Give Talk At World WO ontests ArlSe In .Electwn Not d ,ArtI ~ s W~l Exceeds ] 91,9 Total Affairs Parley Here Race; F. A. Wheeless W lthclraws In MethodIst App~alerv Jce On M.u'ch 31. 'rown Among' Firs t In State To Newark C. of C. Urges Members Durnall Seeks Reelection In Middle Oi It'iet; Danie l Hat·- Hit Quota, Lanier Say To AUend Conference April vey, Kiwanis Head, File In Eastel'll' Philadelphia Concert Star To 'Sing- Olu'ano Role In Faure In Thanking Public 10 At U. of D. N one Appear FOI' Mayol' Requiem At 8 :30 P. M. The pa~e quicke ned in t.he town election (his week when conte (s suclcl nly Newark wen t ov~r the top in the The Newark Chamber of Commerce d veloped.1I1 the mIddle and eas(em districts. The choir of the Newark Methodist recent Red CroSs dnve ,1V1.th. n t.otal of w holeheartedly endorses the public COllJ~c l lman ~rank A. Duma U fil ed on Tuesday for reelection in the mid- Church, under the dir etion of John $5200 Dr. Charles N. Ldl1!el , JI ., gen­ conference on world economic develop- d,le dlstnct oPPosIte Dr. Charles N. Lanier, Jr., who is seeking his first term. I P. Crone of the W stminst I' Chol'r e~ dhairman. a!1!1OlIl.lced yesterday. ment that has been called for April 10 1 he second te t did t d I lie accompanied hI S announcement and 11 by the University of Delaware's vc R .' , s. eve ope yes er ay ": len Dankl Harvey, pl'oprietor of Har- CoJ\ e~e, Princeton, N . .r., will sing the . ,Y . ~f ll ge l aLlon Company .here, entel ed the race m the eastem distriCt. Requ:-em by Gavriel Faure in obser - with a statement thal:k.mg the AI- I l ar~e Institute for Inter-American Study and nIeady 111 the field there IS WIlham M. Coverdale. Both men are tryin fT for their ance of the I:enten Season on March of volunteer soilCLtors for theIr Research. Sponsorship of this confe!'- 1rst term on Council. The incumbent in the eastern d is trict, Dr Wallace John- 31 , at 8:30 p. m. coopera tion, and he also expressed ence will constitute Dr. Allen P. Col- son , has. not. S·<lown h IS' co I ors as yet. I Miss Hallie Nowland, concert 'and : gratitude to the local publi c for its, burn's first public act after assuming Another hIghlight of the week was an 0 opera sta r of Philadelph in , will sing th h :·s new position as acting president announcement b C '1 F A of the university. ~h ~e l ess, t?at h/do e~l~noc; ~~::~ to'run' Ceo. Martin Gets All Up In ~ ~~~;n~t I~O~ :. w~~~:'n s t~~1P~~t~~rg ~~~ Donald V'. McGranahan, an officer of agalll fOl. Councl·1. He also saId he WIll The Air When His Ponies lege, Mi ss Nowland ente red the P hila­ the United Nations St:cretariat, wiU be r e~ l g n h~s . post .as Town Secretary- Escal'Je Into Local W,'.ld" delphia Academy o[ Fine Art . UPOIl among the principal speakers: TI easurel ImmedIately after the elec- ~ he r graduation she becam sta r of the Earl Parker Hanson, he:Id of the tlon. He. has. held the latter job since George L. Martin, service station LaScalla Opera Company. Miss NOII" - university's department of geography, the resIgnatIOn last fall of Vernon proprietor and gentleman farmer of la nd has toured in concert extensively, w ho will be conference chairman an- Steele. Mr. Wheeless, a retired business Elkton Road, is having trouble with and she i well known in Ph i l ade lph ~a nounced that several outsta~ding man, ga ve no reason for his action his pon:.es again. This time he literally for her superior performances in such speakers in science, business and other than that he is anxious to get got up in the ai r about it. taxing oratorios as the VCI'di Requiem statecra.ft have been invited to Newark away from the pressure of town affairs, Last summel', you r ecalJ , they escap- and th e St. Matthew P as ion. Eugene> to discuss vari-o us special aspects. H~urs for. voting on election day, ed [I'om pens at the farmer's carnival Ormando recently selected her to Sin g Round-table conferences and discussion Apnl 11 , WIU be 7 a. m. to 7 p. m ., here, and MI'. Martin led a wi ld West th e soprano rol e in the B ethoven 9th groups wilJ also form part of the con- the Town Counc~1 decided a t its meet- Main Street round-up at 3 a. m., final- Symphony, with the Philadelphia 0 1' ­ fere nce. Professor Hanson emphasized lJ1g Monday night. The polls will be Iy corralli ng the runaways on the chestra. that the public will be invited to at- set up in the firehouse if company offi- lower campus of the university. Robert Knox will sing the baritonC' tend the meetings. ------------_ Last Friday, the four ponies brol< e role. In spite of his yout h, Mr. Knox Aldan "Whitey" Burnaliam, here Developnlent Dr. Herbert Dorn, chail'man of the Dr. Wallace Johnson, now coun- away from their stall s at the farm ancl has gai.ned r ecognition as an excellent shown turning on the vocal charm in Institute for I n,ter-American Study and cilman for the eastern district, flIed were last seen hending into the unmap- oratorio singer. Currently he is singin ' cd For 40·Acre last year's Rotary minstrel, has been Research, said that he expects the April for mayor, and Carl S. Rankin, 82 peel wilds of Cecil County, Md. with the Philadelphia Choral EnsemblC' moved up to end man this year in the conference to . "offer an opportunity to West Park Place, med for Council Ha rd riding sea rch~n g parties fail ed and the Mendelssohn Club. West Of Town show set for next Tuesday and Wed­ 9iscuss many aspects of the complex in the western district early this to track them down, and finally Mr. The Ha rpist for the Requi em will b" problem, and thus to facilitate an ob- morning. Dr, Johnson is running Martin, who doesn't listen to "Hi-Ho Mi ss Marilyn Costello who has for the nesday night at the High School audi- jective exami.nation of possible solu- without opposition, His action takes Silver!" every night for nothing, hireci past fi ve years been first harpist of th Suburban Area Will In- torium. tions. The univerSity will act in a him out of the eastern district race, hims If an ai rpla ne at Lovell's airport Philadelphia Orchestra. Miss Costello dude Parks, Playgrounds, He will combine with G. Taggart moderating capacity and not as a par- where William M. Coverdale and and went range riding in the clouds. It came to Philadelphia to study at th tisan in any of the discussions." Daniel Harvey are opposed, proved an easy maller to spot the Curtis Insti.t ute. She wa s the sta r pupil Improved Roads E'Vans, .E. c. "Curly" Mahanna and Gibby Young to lead the minstrel In calling the conference, the In- Mr, Rankin, chief engineer at thc ponies from above and direct ground of the world's greatest harpist, Carlos stitute for Inter-American Study and Continental-Diamond Fibre Com- parties in for the capture. Salzedos. horseplay. The opening of a 40-acre wooded Research considers the program as an pany, is seeking his flrst tenn. AI- Charles Alan Romero will be guest near Newark for 50 moderate- evaluation of Point IV of President r eady in the western district race is SalludCl's Are Invited ol'ganist. Mr. Romero recently followed homes, was announced today by Fisher Tombsloned Truman's inaugural speech, asktng for Ernest L, Nacbod, Jr. Walter Baker as organi st at the First the development of underdeveloped To Pales tine Wedding Baptist Church, Philadelphia. The for- E. \~;it~o:'k:O~n s:!dc~~~s t1:~ In Nearly Final Rites parts of the world. Mr. a nd MI"s. William E. Sanders, 156 mer student of Dr. Al exander McCurdy Charles Fisher, proprietor of the The Newark Chamber o'f Commerce cials are agreeable. The filing deadline West Main Street, have recei.ved an in- has concerlised for t he past 15 years. feeling that this conference will be of is noon, April I. vitalion to a wedding in Palestine. The Last spring Boston crit ics hailed him as tract, one mile west of Newark,. Newark N~w ss tand, is the only man on national and even international im- Mr. Durna11, an account wi th the card, engraved in Hebrew, arrived a 'genius" when he was presented as Nottingham Road and adjacent record who has had one foot in the of Christiana Presbyterian grave and a nother under a tombstone portance, urges aU its members to at- Westb:ae Water C~mp any, Greenville, bit late, but the Sanders don't feel the "2 1 y ar old OI"ganist." lI'i\1 be open for inspection and lived to tell the tale.
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