Westfield native Brian Ciemniecki returns from a summer of . See page C-1.

WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS FANWOOD Vol. 14, No. 31 Friday, July 30, 1999 50 cents I Briefs Donatelli Red Cross seeks won't run Type O donors WESTFIELD - The for office Westfield Chapter of the American Red Cross is co- BYJOMUEDEBMAW sponsoring a special blood U-lM'OHUKSl'DNDKNT drive for people with Type O SCOTCH PLAINS - blood. Lorraine Donatelli bus decided The blood drive will be 3-8 not to run in the Nov. '2 election p.m. Wednesday at the Red for her Township Council seat. Cross office, 321 Elm St. All She was appointed to the donors will receive a specially council in Juno to succeed her designed T-shirt and a free husband, Franklin Donatelli, cholesterol screening, regard- who suffered a fatal heart attack less of blood type. in May. Mr. Donutelli was in the Blood bank officials con- first year of a four-year term. sider those with Type O neg- "I'm not running in November ative blood "universal donors" because I just don't, have the because transfusions of that time," Mrs. Donatelli told The type can go into virtually Record-Prt'ss on Wednesday from anyone. Type O negative is her home. also used for exchange trans- "My husband was retired," ehe fusions for newborn babies said. "He bad the time and he and pregnant women as well enjoyed it. But I'm tied up with as for premature babies in my grandchildren, which is a neonatal intensive care units. fulkimc job." Transfusions of Type O She said the Democratic Party positive blood can go to peo- had nsked her for a final decision ple who have Type A positive. by AUK- 1. Type B positive, Type AB pos- "Lorraine stepped up to the itive and Type O positive. plate, something not. everybody All donors must be 18 or GEORGE PACCIELLO/RECORD-PRESS would have done, because she older, provide a Social thought it was the right thing to Security number and have a do," Mayor Tieri Morgan Samuel signed form of identification. A classic in downtown Westfield said. Those who art* 17 may be This 1934 Ford roadster was one of the stars of the classic car show Tuesday evening In downtown Westfleld. The show was sponsored by The municipal Democratic donors with written parental the Westfleld Area Chamber of Commerce. Committee will suluct a candi- consent. date to run in the Nov. 2 election Appointments are recom- and the winner will take- office in mended. For appointments .January to complete the remain- and additional donor require- der of Mr. Donutelli's term. ments, call (800) 652-5663, Former resident "The council is extremely Ext. 140 grateful for what she- has done," Snmuel said about Mrs. Two performers opens a new B&B - Donatiilli. on Village Green SCOTCH PLAINS - The Scotch Plains Cultural Arts at the Jersey Shore— Council Committee is pleased to announce that on Thursday, BELMAR — She never even Gugliuzzo, who has begun Aug. 5, two performances imagined herself working full time. referring to herself by her maid- to discuss have been scheduled for the But for 16 years, Carol Lee en name, Tiernan "because it's HO Village Cireen. Gugliuzzo, formerly of Fanwood, much easier," has spent the last At 7 p.m. Guitar Bob, the donned a suit and climbed the few months and nearly $125,000 second of the summer's chil- corporate ladder at Prudential renovating the old home which charter dren's performers, will per- and more recently at IBM. Much overlooks Bulmar'n Silver Lake. WESTFIELD - The town form until 7:45 p.m. Bob's to her surprise, she learned all She installed new bathrooms in council is expected next Tuesday "Songs from the Kooky Jar" is about computers, programming, to continue discussions on a musical treat for the whole and business analysis. But her proposing a change in the terms family. His original songs fea- long standing personal dream 'Owning and operating of council members. ture an upbeat blend of musi- was fulfilled when she opened the bed and breakfast The discussion will locus on cal styles with appropriate her own bed and breakfast, the allows me to spend my whether u referendum should be childhood themes, which Morning Dove Inn in Belmar, on placed on the November ballot encourage active audience Memorial Day weekend. time doing all the things I that would petition the legisla- participation. Since then, dozens of guests love. There's more to life ture (or a change in the length of Following Guitar Bob will have come from far and wide to t.ermn. be the British Invasion enjoy the bright, sunny rooms, than money' Mnyor Tom Jurdim Haid thin group, "Carnaby Street" who ocean and lake views, and warm — Carol Tieman week be IISIN prepared a resolu- will perform from 8-9:110 p.m. hospitality that is quickly becom- tion for the council to consider. The concerts are free and ing the trademark of the Weslfiold is (inn of eight will be held on the Village Morning Dove Inn. each of the eight guest rooms, a municipalities in the state that Green, adjacent to the "Owning and operating the Jacuzzi tub, and created a year- has a special town charter form Municipal Building. Birch bed and breakfast allows me to round solarium, while maintain- GEORGE PACCIELLO/RECORD-PRESS of government. To amend this cur- beer will bo given out free of spend my time doing all the ing the home's original French rent system, a petition would charge thanks to the generos- things I love," said the innkeeper. moldings and six foot windows. have to he sent to the state legis- ity of the Scotch Plains "There's more to life than money. "When I opened on Memorial It's hot, hot, hot lature which would have to Volunteer Firefighters Assoc. Deciding to have my own bed and Day weekend, I already bad all This summer's unseasonably hot weather caused this Jogger in approve the change by a 2/ii In case of rain, the concert breakfast was not so much a available guest rooms filled," Tamaques Park in Westfield to wear only shorts last weekend. majority in each of the two hoUH- will be moved indoors to the result of my age, but my person- exclaimed Tieman. "That's There's little 9tgn of relief from this heat wave. os and then be- signed by the gov- high school auditorium on ality. It iits mo perfectly." (Contiriued on page A-2) Westfield Rd. (Continued on page A-2) New support group meets Wednesday Scotch Plains church SCOTCH PLAINS - The La Leche League of Weslfield is getting a new facelift has formed a new support jjroup for "Parenting Your Work should be done by millennium Toddler." The group's next meeting SCOTCH PLAINS The outside of the will be 10:If) a.m. Wednesday sanctuary of Scotch Plains Baptist Church, at the Scotch Plains Public constructed in 1870-1 for a cost of Library, 1927 Bart le Avo. $iJ!),(iOtf.b'l, is getting a facelift. For more information, call This major undertaking of the 2f>2-yeiir- Sharon London at <90K> HH9- 0010 or ChriHsy Alba at (908 > old congregation involves cleaning, reset- 653-159H. Support group ting and pointing of the bricks of the 12H- meetings are held the first year-okl sanctuary on Piirk Avenue as well Wednesday of every month. iis repainting, roof work, and installation <•( new stained-glass window protectors. The inside of the sanctuary wan remod- eled two years ago during the congrega- Inside tion's celebration of their yfidth anniver- sary. Commentary .. .A-4 The church's history records that,"March 30, 1870 is a red letter day in the history <>f Community Life .B-1 the church. On that day the Committee on Building presented plans for a brick and Obituaries .... .B-2 stone structure, to he erected oti the cornel" opposite the parsonage, at a cost (if $2ii.0()0. C-1 They were given authority to proceed. The first Sunday worship service was held in PrimeTime B-3 the new building in -Inly of 1871." This renovation project of the siincl uitry Real Estate C-6 is expected to take 4-5 months to complete. Statewide Restoration Inc. ban been con- Automotive .. . .C-8 tracted for the cleaning and brickwork. The general contractor for the project is Skinner Classified D-1 and Cook Inc. of Roselle Park, Workmen are busy giving the Scotch Plains Baptist Church a facelift. July 30, 1999 Record-Press Former resident opens a new B&B at the Jersey Shore (Continued from page A-l) process of fixing up her home because HO many of the other and meeting the challenges one innkeepers in town have l»e«n faccH with home ownership. HO supportive." "1 did everything from Titsman credits her many painting to plumhing and elec- ,. friends and the Hupportive trical work there," Tiemun. .environment created by her fel- "Tiiat'H why I feel so comfort- low innkeeperw at the Jurney able going into this new busi- Shore for her HUCCCHB in launch- ness." ing her new endeavor. "Every Tieman also gained invalu- : step of the way there have been able experience dealing with , angeln helping me out," she people during the eight yeurs Haid. she volunteered for Contact We , Divorced ufter 25 yearn of Care, a telephone hotline and • rnarriaKe, Tienuin found her crisis intervention service. own voice and nonne of confi- "I used to be shy and quiet, dence when Hhe purch(iHC itivt'S- tigalt1 a change in the term length of elected officials. Walk-In Medical Facility - No Appointment Necessary "I would like the town of Wo.st field to re-examine our form of government which was adopt- Full X-ray and Laboratory Facilities ed more than HO years ago." Goldman said previously. URGENT CARE - FAMILY MEDICAL CARE - OCCUPATIONAL CARE Air Conditioning 1 PHYSICAL THERAPY - ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE MODALITIES Prc-Scason Sail !! Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday : (9 am - 9 pm daily) Weekends : (9 am - 7 pm) WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR HEALTH SiYORK Heatiny (ind Air Conditioning DON'T TAKE A MULTI-APPROACH TO CARE... Avoid Mid-Summer Breakdowns

INSIST ON This sprint, ect a new air I'oiuiitiunihi! system ;md Siive up to 5{)r'c on your ek-ctik bill, (id a 5 year parts iV liihor ami 10 year COMPLETE CARE compressor warranty. We oiler 52 years of expert installations. Visit our new Wcsttii'lil showroom to see the neuesi equipment made 1*>49 WESTFIELD AVENUE * SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ 07076 by York. It your equipment is over 15 years old, now is the time to change it lor a TELEPHONE 908-226-3111 * FAX (908) 322-8665 new liitzii efficiency York unit an,I yet up to a $550 utility rebate. Richard J. Schaller MD, FACEP

Medical Director 615 Central Ave. Westfield, NJ (908) 928-0800 Record-Press A-3 Prosecutor's Office is now in new home KUZAUKTH Tin- mam I'rom (lie courthouso tnwor iillu'f ot the lTniii[) I'iM'.Mlv liuildnu: li ^ MOW Im-att'd pri- I'losi'i'iiior's * Ml'ice lui> fumjili-U'd marily on tin' >cnmd. third, and llll' Mlllr-MVl' M IO\ I1 tlH'Hi (>t IHO1V touitli n,ui)x ,,| the Andrew K. lluill H>.) l'lll]llm i'l'S. t'l'lllll Il.tl Hiioinlo -h -hisiu'e Compli'X 1 files iiiul I'liuipiiicnt intn ,i ti'im luinieii !or Hi* late prosecutor vati-d olVui> liuilihnj; ju'inw ihr who dieii in I!MC> ai a;;e \'J. shvcl at ilu- nmrllmusc iomp|,'\ In a li-ttrr In 1'iniiil v maiiam'r in Kh/aU'lU Michael -I. l.apolla, the pro.-u'cu- 1'iMsci-iilnr Thomas \'. lur < hanked 1 he in.uiv I'mplnyt'Ort ManaliMn ^.tut lilt1 liiulortaknij;, who inaiie llie traiisiiion t*asy iiy in ihr planniuj: slaves lor inotv ;i>sislin;; with the plaminij; and than a yoar. wont ut without a iflocalUMi I'lfurl "H nnilil nut liiti-li as ilcttT! i ves, assistant h;i\.'t% j'.nne inure Miiimlhlv, and I piosi'iut nrs am) cli'riral aiul Mi]i know hiew \Muilil he \er\ proud port :4ati i-.inii'il most ol' thoir ul' this hiiildmn," MaiKihau s;iid. own I'iK's, supplies ami paper- "Oinc l hr iriH'hohtiMs ^nvc wnrli while workers tiniu the approval to tin1 overhaul ul tSu" nullity's Division ul' Itmldiii}', liuildinj:. wckniHV we would have Si'i vices moved l;ii|;r file I'abi- a luMutiful and si-eure iacihlv for iH-ts iiiul liiriuUiie lo save tax oni" employing. pavors thousand dtdollars. DiiriiiH tin1 move. eiKployi't'H Tin- main operation of thr liiuoveied a liuinlier of used plo^ivutor's ntlue Vili'Mtcd spare iiotelionk linuli'i's thai were nn it had ntvupied sttiee H>7!), when li>tn;iir neciled thai wound up I he i;inv\ lllf; demands of thr iriin liemj; lollrclfd and donated to iual justiiv systrm reijiiireil a lU'cilv si'liinilrliililren. Democrat brunch on July 31 FANWOOl) Tin' l'anwiind will im-hidc Morou^h l-imucil GrORGf i'ACCIRlO Ml OOMO I'll! SS IVmorratic <\>mmiU(v will spun I'rrsidcnt William IN)|nilus| , the snr a fit tulr;ii-iinn l>miuh lent urinn 1 atic ciindulalt' lor mayor, thi' partvV slali m I In- Nov. 'J. j;t'U phis couiuil i\imliil;iti's I'atcii'id Taking it easy in style rial olfttion Tin' hrmu'ti will hi' 1'lanle anil Ailolc Kenny. Eight-year-old Marcie Wood and 6-year-old Julian Zeaarlrviounge on the running board of a 1925 Model T at the Wcstfiold Car Show Tuesday 11 >: :tO a.in -'.:i(l pp.m . Saturdayy, Adinissiim is $'-\0. \<\n moiv evening. July .11 at HA'.. Kielils, ,ri!Jll inloniiatioii.ealliiMI.Si KHU-WiW or SprilHlfit'ltl A\e., West field 1'iucsls 7Si) 7!IS(). County government is Y2K compliant ELIZABETH - Union County "The resdient of Union ^"f.ii1 '.'OiMi or \2K is also nients were e Cioveruinviil know II a'- the millennium Inij; panel discussion. 'They inehided TheBigTime U-xiindcr Mirabella has for information. 1 IN important and is ,iu t-Mio hi'ciiu^e smile I'nion County I'rosei'iitor nmiunced that that Union for us to keep thffi informed as older iolii|hiil el's use two dibits to Tlionias Maiiah.iu. actiuj.; SAVE musty is Y2K compliant and to what weOre «inf,r and what idcniil\ i year wlien i-econlitu; Director of Operat loniil Scrviees Milcnts Lit!) t'xpi'ct a smooth they tan cxpi'et.'Mirabt.'Ha said. d^ltevTIn- e- e\|ieetcil to Ciiti^c l''rai)k Dann, Union County 1 1 iiinri*. mil Ui hi* I'nmliiiml .msition into the now century i'lu fivoholdnrs made tluir prol »lein.- u hell t hi' i . lie I ilia r VIM! Police Captain Han N'aui^ka. ^Illl .IIIV ntlu'l 1itft is. 1 Mim niidniK'il Dot. Ul. remarkti duriti'f» (Sot Heady for switt-li.-. from !;»!!!» to 'JO00. ii'iml Union ("lunily MIS Consultant , ^ ^(^V I' miiI111'*l 1OI'IUK ^I "UIMIIII Much work has boon done to Y2K: Coordim-iTi^' County and rui reiteii. in-caiisi' i osn(Miters \\ ill Daunnil l'"arahi, i>eptlt.V ^'^ lT Jltl IK'IVIIII J Municipal Unniii},' seminar ^11 tVuni )!!;)!> lo I'.HHI. Ksperls Cunt iliii.ilur ot Knvi ronnienla I .ldt'i'^s Y2Kjind we are pleased 1 i rcftort nil 21 Union County sponsored b>th«' Union County havt warned that il not I h-allh & Kinerjjencv iiiiripalit icH nrt> retidy. We iin> Board of Chi*n I'VeehoKlers and addressed, (he result m^ urror.s or MaiiiiK»'iiieiit Chris Seutaro, iw focusing ori providing public tht> Ciatew^ Institute' hold at >yst em iTashes could have a sifi, Summit Kite Department SlendiT said. Kean i IHIK anct' unpacS on everyday life. Director Chris Cotterr and Urine Uriiresentalives Inmi County Connor, ilirector of the (k'parttnellls. who atteudt-d the Department of Kn^ineei-iug for 256EAST BROADSIRi:i; 1,WESII 1ELI> School supply drive will si'in inai", reported their depart- Union Cimntv. (Next to the Hialto 1'hcalcr) 90H-233-9424 ,.. continue througn August donations will he WKSTFIKHJ - New and (jen- once t.lv iist-d school supplies are Ix'intf from |>eople who find they *mii{ht by thi' Community Service ected 01. purchased more of b anie Krum in through Aug. 20. JfeaU'th, the 1'hiinfield Aiva Y for Sought fur collection are all K> homeless,the lnU?rliiith Ctnuuil, imnner nf writing implements 0c United Way of Uniot) County (inni'ils, pons, in»rkers, crayons), Hid other local couuminity pni- nilers. wcisisors. (jlue. Mticks, tape gi'ani.s assisting the less forUinutf. iiiul eniserw. Also included could in.' All iteniK may 1K« hniu^lit to tlie Votives \>v*i' leaf paper, folders, binders.Heidtor Association tiffices ;il 7(>7 Beanie Babies 4 /ip|M'r ixniclH's. and ixKik hagri. C'entral Ave., Westfield, Monday Scented Candles 1'his is HIP wcond year th* through Friday, H:'M) a.m.-l:30 p.m. Starting Cnnnninity Service Committee */ and questions* may IK? directed to this drive, hoping tlf them ut 1908) 232-9000. at $3.99 1/2 LOWIST HICK IN NJ. 0N


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1922 Wcilficld Avenue Scoich Pliins, NJ 860 Mountain Avenue i 1-800-522-4100 www.villcyninanilbink.com Mountainside • 908-232-7812 Across from fleet Bank • free parking in rear Record-Press July 30, 1999 Commentary

Jersey Boy Brown is beautiful The summer of 1999 is quickly becoming one of the hottcKt and driest of the, decadt;. After a few summers of below normal temperatures and above normal precipitation, Central Jersey is .suffering through .days and days of 90-degree, heat and afternoons Mike Deak when thunderstorms born in the ridges of Pennsylvania evaporate at they reach tin; parched Delaware River, Electric companies arc reporting record levels of usage The stigma and tho water levels in reservoirs and rivers is far below normal. It iseanior to hike the Karitan River, than to pad- of frustration dle a canoe down the river. Some New .ler.sey municipalities have declared a water never fades emergency. But the slate has been curiously lagging in making official what already most of us know — we're in The stigma still stalks me. a drought and it's time to impose .statewide restrictions on I was the only member of the water usage;. Crabs & Cakes, a secret society at For example, there is no need to water lawns (except Johns Hopkins University, riot to those that have heen installed in the last six months;. have n date for the social event of the fall season — the Pigskin GraHH is supposed to turn brown in the summer; the Promenade. change of color in not a sign that your lawn is dying. Grass During my college days, I was is one of the most durable! plants the Earth has ever considered quite a dandy. There was. known and it can survive a hot, dry summer without our either a coed on my arm or at my help. Brown is beautiful. feet. Being the editor of the campus Trees and plants should bo watered on alternate days. newspaper and holding the ceremo- For example, in Montgomery Township residences and nial foot-long pica pole was a job homes with even .street numbers can water on even days that generated tremendous sex with residences and businesses with odd street numbers appeal and it was this literal watering on odd days. romance attached to journalism that let! to what 1 am Unlay. 'You Washing vehicles should be prohibited except for car can find my picture in the dictio- washes. Like grass, cars can survive a dusty summer with- nary next to "underpaid."* out any help from us. And there's also no need to wash But the week of the Pigskin down streets, driveways, decks and patios. Promenade found me alone in my There are a number of voluntary water conservation apartment playing Connie Stevens measures we can practice within our homcH. In the long records and preparing a paper on drought of this mid-1960K, we were encouraged "to .shower the Kierkegaardian model of per- with a friend." While the times may have grown a bit con- ception ("A Sight for Soren's Eyes.")' servative .since the Summer of Love, we can conserve While the other members of Crabs water by paying attention to our shower habits. Do we & Cakes wort' busy renting formal really need to run the water while we lather? wear for the evening. I wn» up to my There are other tilings we can do in the bathroom to Letters to the editor ankles in footnotes. conserve water. We don't have to run the faucet while we At first I was stoic, dismissing brush our teeth or shave. We can put a brick in the toilet the festive evening as "just unotht r and maybe we don't have to Hush every time after we uri- petty ritual whose solo purpose is t.> nate. ThoHe may sound like drastic measures, but they're Mayor should give proper credit remind us of our hominid origin.-" Then, as I gradually become exclud- harmlesH and will save water. To The Record-Press: received $357,000. So we ^ot less than our fair ed from the rings of knowing chut i- In the kitchen there are several more things to do to Recently Mayor Marytinno Connolly attrib- share. tes around the clubhouse, I began u> Have water. Simply fixing a leaky faucet can save 15 gal- uted tho borough's HUCCOHH in obtaining grant * For virtually all tho grants attributed to panic. Not having a date for the.. lons a day. Keep a jug of water in tin* refrigerator to use for money to Councilman Populus." She said In; hnd Mr. PopuluH, the applications were forwarded lo Pigskin Promenade would soil riiv • a cool drink instead of running \]u>. tap. One Bridgewater dune much to "build good relationships with him without request simply by virtui' of his reputation for the rest of my colic . family places a bucket under their air conditioner to col- county and state legislators." ponition an Chairman of tho Administration and giato days. Hore'n tho rest of (he story: Finance Committee. They did not require extra- The ink in my little black boi>k. lect condensation; they then use the water to take cure of 1 When PopukiH approached Assemblyman ordinary research or expertise. At* Chairman ol thuir plants. the Administration and Finance Committee, it had I xvn smeared over the years (••• • Hugger to fjet money for the Ko.scue Squitd IIIHI 1 the toai-s of those unlucky chump* We do not need a state mandate to begin conserving year, he asked Councilmnri Joel Whitukur to jf<» is Mr. PopuluR obligation to apply for grunts who had succuml>ed to heartbreak' water on our own. These are simple measures we can take with him to show it bad bipartisan support. Tho grants are often not awarded without the 1 effortH of Iho Republican members of council. begging for a glimpse at tho- to preserve one of our most precious resources that fur too Whitakor did HO, and Fanwood got the money. sacred numbers, a kabbala I often we taken for granted. *Wh«n 1'npuluH Nought $100,000 from 'the In years past, Andrew MucDonald, a romance. Most of the names had state this year, ho asked C'ouncilnian Lou Jung Republican, and Hruee Walsh, a Democrat, have iidlen into antujuity. the victims if to go with him to meet with So mile President chnirod tho Adminint ration and Finance di>re|Mir and croissants thrown Dnmiiri Dil'Vancenco and Assemblymen Richard Committee of the Fanwood Horoiitfh Council It ovi'i the morning mocha. But then' Hugger und Alan Augustine. Councilman .lung was their job in that position to apply for \va^ one name that stared at iin* The Record-Press is here for you attended not one hut several meetings with grants. When they did so they did not pat them- willi the yapping innocence of i l)i Francesco, Rugger and Augustine. And lit* selves on tho hack and take sole credit. lniui. puppy Lulu Van Liew. maintained close contact with the in and their If Councilman Popuhis has been aide to The following informal ion should help you get your wlall's. Whitnkor also has boon active in urging Hii imago is a fuzzy as ti cmi- obtain grant money, it is because he has been stelhiii"ii soon through the Ixitllci.if' ideas and community news into The I'rms: Cull Executive our legislative delegation to "look out" or supported by Councilmen Jung and Wbilak«>r. Editor Cheryl Kcnsko nl (908) r>7f)-IHiHl with story sugges- Kaiiwtmd. a troMi-it Iteer mug which, inciden- it would be nice if the Mayor gave credit where tally, is how 1 first saw Lulu. 1 had tions^ questions or comments. * When county officials mil- credit is due, rather thim playing politics. just Mumbled out of a cognac hji.-h The sports editor is U'wh HeveiiHoo. IU> can ht» reached at lion grant pie among 1*1 municipalities. JOHN GURLEY m Ik-lt.i Delta Delta - the fraur (908) 57r)-o(ii)8. Kit u wood got $;!()(),0(10. Simple math shows that Vice President n.t\ uhn cchango was the only con- Our address: 77;, • Heron t-IWss, P.O. Hnx (JU9, it' (hat $5 million gnint pile wan divided ei|iially Fanwood Republican Club st, nit when I tripped over i beiween the towns, Kutnvood should bavt> Fanwood Somerville, N.rJ. 08H7C. Our fax number is The Record-Press will correct errors of fart, context or duci'ii. i at planted the seed «f Democrats are playing politics love in •'•>, movies. Life has ,1:1 presentation und clarify any news content that confuses or Tb The Record-Press: tho council. Mayor Connolly answered my ques- unt'Mn.LiU1 tendency to imilaw* misleads readers. Mease report errors to Kxecutivo Editor At the iliily lf>. l!)i>l> Kanwood Council meet- tion by stating, "It wasn't the right time." even the schlix/kiest of nrt and alh-r Cheryl KoiiHke at 575^81. ing, 1 asked the Democratic mouthers of Iho I was astounded by the simplicity of this :i lew tumblers of sherry at a pub. council why I hoy would not allow to he placed on answer. There bad to ho something more to we both i-onvinced ourselves then1 I )ru(!lin<'s the evening's agenda for a vote Council man their reasoning. So, I asked her if that was The deadline for submitting articles und press releases was a cli.mco this overture migli? r Louis .June's resolution calling for the Postal their only reason and amazingly she stated bloom into ,i full-blown symphon- to The lifconl Press is ,> p.m. Friday, The letters deadline Service to investigate the feasibility uf moving again, "Yes, it wasn't the right time." But the i"!',n.u- was s(K)n doing it- is noon Monday. the Post Office to the core commercial area bor- The Mayor articulated absolutely no other dirty dot d ami soon my ioquaciu Lrltrr |»oli( % dered hy Marline Ave.. Month Ave., LnCSiando reason other than this vague notion thai it is was repliici'd by yawns and when 1 Ave. and Second Street not the right time. awoke aiUi (wo score of wink-. Letters should be no longer than 1200 words ;md may be Tho louse on the site of the current Post It is clear why it is not the "right time" - il's Lulu was p.-"- but her telephone edited for content, brevity, good taste and libel. Letters Office expires in two years. A move of tho Post an election year and this great idea ctune from a numU'- liji^-ri'd on a cocktail nap- should be typewritten ;nul include the writer's daytime Office to the core commercial area would he ben- Republican. Lou .lung, who is also running kin. eficial to the Post Office, which has outgrown its against a Democrat this year for Mayor, telephone number for verification, if lU'ivssarv. And three m r.ihs later, as ! current locution, and beneficial lo the downtown It is unfortunate that Mayor Connellv. switched to Connie Francis album-, by acting its an "anchor store" and attracting Councilman I'opulus and the other Democratic those seven numU St Hill! l'| AINS I'ANWUHl On behnlfof all of the Democratic members of Fanwood Well, di .. ulor. as you kno\*. A MediaNews Group Newspaper Lulu turned nu luwn. She was t<»" NUN Publishing ©1999 husy studyir g tia a French exam 1"' even consid'i leaving her librar- Wildlife plans should be developed canvl. She v a.x hundred t<> bt1 asked Rosemarte Maio by such an llustrious campus per- Publisher To The Ret'orcM*rt>«H: able to escape human prodiilion i hunting i when The editorial entitled "Bear necessities of lands previously accessible to hunters are no sonality, bu she di-clined gentl^ ' limiting growth" made some very important longer hunted. Not only do these large deer "Mem," she tKH'd Cheryl Fenske oints about maintaining the quality of life (ov herds impact humans directly, but these vora- Wheneve these days 1 meet .t Executive Editor Rlew Jerseyans by preserving and protecting cious herbivores destroy the forest understory. fellow shinier from the Crabs ^ our environment. However, there were a few preventing growth of vital vegetation including Cakes, it is 'novitablo the Pigskin' Allan Conover Tina Quarino factual errors with respect to (be cause of some tree saplings, thereby eliminating the habitat Promenade i mentioned in tho first SportB Editor Reporter of our wildlife problems, especially deer associ- for other important wildlife, including song- wave of IVI unisoenee. I can only ated problems. birds, small mammals, und beneficial insects smile [Kihii'l' and tr>- V> direct the Deer are a beautiful and valuable aesthetic As the New .Ii-r^ev open spare legislation convorsatii'ii ?oward niU'it-st nile,^. Eileen Bickel John Tsimboukis and economic resource to the (iarden State program develops, we must assume our role as but somonui'.-s I am tin) Into and I Advertising Diiootor Production Mnnagor However, the glow ing problems associated with stewards of the land hy developing appropriate am asked. "You didn't make it to the the car-doer collisions, datuuge to landscaping wildlife management plans for all the pre- Pigskm Promenade that year, did and crops, und loss of biodiversity created by served space. It we do mil. we will soon bid you'.'" rapidly expanding deer populations is not due farewell lo many species of plants and animals. Ami .im I furred to say some- to encroachment of development into the woods. We will also likely witness the death of tanning thing sillv '"I hm\ to do an emer- Rocord-Press (USPS 006-049) is published on rricldy by NJN Publishing , but rather tho increased amount of excellent in our stale. gent-v rewrite i<>r a Churliv'.i Angel 301 Central Ave,. Clark. NJ O7M<;G (908) !>7!, r,r,t;o. Second d.iss postage paid deor habitat created hy environmental frag- To prevent further deterioration of tho qual- epistxle thai weekend fnr Aamn.'i M Cranford, NJ 07016, POSTMASTL-n pip.isn si-mi i-iumcma to NJN Pubtehhg mentation associated with suh-urhnimiilion of ity of life cased by unmanageable populations that inilucos .i gentle round of Fulfillment Olllco , PO Box 099 Soon-mile NJ OHti/ii. Subscription rates by our woods and open spaces. of wildlife wo should onnuirago our elected offi- laugbler. with its thousand prickly Wall, One year Wilhin Union County SI A mil ol comity Si'O out o( state S24 The Now Jersey environment now supports cials to quickly pass the various hills in the stings of derision. Then, when I am 1b subscribe call I -800-300-93?i more deer than ever before because we create state Assembly and Senate that focus on deer alone. I rememtior the way Lulu's Circulation: 1-800-300-9321 tho environments in which deer thrive when we management und research. voice sounded that day and I won- enrvo-up the woods into small parcels with LARRY S. KATZ. Ph.D. der i f she really did have a French News 908-575-6684 exam. 1 try to runvjuce myself the, tremendous browsing opportunities nt the Associate Professor, Animal Sciences and Advertising 732-396-4404 woods' edgo, •nudity of her mvrci was not Research Director, Rutgers Center for strained. We also create vast refugea in which deer ure Wildlife Damage Control July 30, 1999 Record-Press A-5

Nets team with libraries to promote reading Summer reading dubs at the tin1 Civil IVaetico Committee of the Sunny Acivs I'ark Anttindu Cranford Public Libraiy. (ianvood New .h'rsev Supreme Court fnuu Merwede and liarv McrwinU1, Public Library and kt'nihvorth Public library art* being m-s|x*n- He is a fellow of the American sored by the New Jei>*\v Nets has- College of Trial L^awyers and a for- Scouts collecting kctbaJl club and Omnipoint. mer chairman of its state commit- handmade pillows The three libraries mv amtme; SO tee. He also is n fellow of the ClLANKOKt) Senior Girl that are involved with the promo- International Society of Barristers, r tion being wordinatod through thi1 American Har Foundation and Scout Troop 5,>0 is collect ing hand- New Jersey Library Association. American Board ol Trial Advocates. made pillows as part of" n 'Oold All children who enrolled Cor thi1 MeCiieedy, who lives in Colts Award project. St'mor I'Jirl Scout rending chilis rvceivod a bookmark Neck, holds a bachelor's degree Tiixip 550. with tin1 Nets lop). Backpacks, huts, from Columbia University and a The pillows will lx> donated to pennants anci other prizes with thi1 law decree from the Kordliain l'nytvt Linus tor distribution to Nets logo aiv boinn awarded to University taw school. terminally ill children around the renders based on the niiiiilx*r of His son. Jim. is a partner in the world. I'illows can lx? any size but must !x* handmade and "hiiMjftble.* minutes each child reads. Murristown law firm ol' Wiley. 1 l P Sweet sounds 1 All donations should IM i-t"Ctived liy In uddttiim. tht participating Mulehorn & Sirota. His daughter- Jrj Sandy Sasso belts out a tune libraries are eligible to receive tick- in-law, Mauivcn 1'lively, is an attor- Ann. 20. For more information, call r 1 with the Music Makers during a ets to Net** games or visits from t.he ney in the Morrislown law firm ol' Jessica Malum at UM)H) 272-1579. ^k recent Tuesday concert at the team mascot Sly. I'itney, Hardin, Kipp & S/.uch. More than UK) pillows already jOT gazebo In Cranford. The gazebo collected wen1 handmade by Ciirl _J at Springfield and North Union Scouts at a recent community |[H avenues is the site of weekly McCreedy ^appointed 'Outstanding Citizens' encampment. ^^^^^^^ ^^K \ A^m summer concerts sponsored association trustee are iiamid ^H by the Recreation and Parka ^H Department. CRANFOHD Krfwin .). ClUNFORD The Recreation Center tor Hope : McC reedy hus IXHMI reappointed a and l'arks Department has plans golf outing trustee of the New Jersey State liar announced its "Outstanding Aftsocinlion. s of the Week" in tbe pluy- The Center for Hope Hoapioo He is a partner in the Cranford program lor the week of will bold its annual ^olf 'outing law firm of McCreedy & Cox. A past July !!•: Monday, Sept. i:i at the Rosello president of the Union County Har Adams l'urk Daniel Clean' C.oifCiuh. Association and the Richard .1. and Hlaike r'rnser. Pnveeds from the lundraising I Hughes American Inn of Court, Bmoksuli1 Place School event benefit the Lindvn'-basod McCreedy is a former trustees of Ji'llVt>v Markovitcb and Olivia hospice and its asKtH-iated enlitioa, the Trial Attorneys of New Jersey. Sidinaitlo. including TIM-O House and the In the wtate bar association Hillside Avenue School Knther Hudson House. McCreedy is a pant chairman of the Joseph Bork and Himnji Stoiii. C'ost of $i;i!i includoH KretiiiB Judicial Administration Commit Lincoln Avenue School Hilly fivs, lunch, cocktails and dinner, H GEORGE PACCIELLO/ U« and a former memlior of the Davitt and 1'ltin i\)lito. I'ri/.es will lx> awarded. ^H THE CHRONICLE executive committee within the Orange Avenue SehiKil Kevin Kor tickets or sponsorship infor- Civil Trial Bur Section. Ik» was on Hovte and Kill*1 Sweeney. mation, call (90S) 4H(i-07(K). Piano students earn high marks CRANFORI.) Six students of Crunford piano teacher ClariHse Kant have received the highest possible marks m the annual auditions sponsored by tht1 Music Kducators Association of New Jersey. The pupils are Brooke Ford, CRANFORD SIDEWALK Errica (liordnno, Benjamin Holler, Craig Montiit»ri, Matthew Pnrness and Michael Vanfj- All six pianists have performed in recitals at the Madison I'uhlic Library. In addition, 7-year-old Michael received honorable mention as the third place winner in the Young Gifted Artists Competition of the Music Kducators Association He, I'mitf, Kevin Carpenter, Christopher D'Amlxilii and Alexandra Garcia performed at Columbia Artists Hall in Manhattan in a recent concert sponsored l>y the Piano Teachers Congress. JULY2r, 30U3T The Music Kducators Association sponsors auditions; competitions for composition and gifted student.--; student recitals: and monthly meetings for contin- THURS., FRL 9 AM-9 PM ued education of piano teachers. Kant recently was re-elected the asBociation's president. SATURDAY 9 AM-6 PM Bodian excerpts in book fair in Zimbabwe C RAN FORD A hook ml in- duced this week at tin.1 Zimbabwe International Hook Fair includes excerpts from n vie book written by Cranford resi- dent Nat ttodian. "Book Market ine; and Promotion: A Handbook of Good Practice" hn* been pub- • Rain Or Shine • Friendly Service lished by Hans Zell Publishers of London. England. This title Convenient Parking In Municipal Parking ^ is aimed at introducing pub- lishers in Africa and the devel- oping world to good book mar- North Union Avenue Will Be Closed To Traffic keting practices, "Book Marketing and And Filled With Merchandise Promotion" includes passages from "The Copywriter's Handbook," written by Bodian in 198-1 and used with his per- mission. "Your own books have been an inspiration." Zell wrote Stores With Great Bargains Bodian on the evt- of the book fair. "Thank you for giving us permission to u>e extracts from one of thorn." The Arrangement Cranford Optical Linda's Book Exchanaje Back to Nature Cranford Center Magdalina's ;: Got news? Bagel America Dave's Wide Shoes Martin Jewelers If you want the news of your Bell's Pharmacy Explosions Michelle's Hallmark business ini'luded in The Chronicle, you can send it to Big Sky Bread Company Four D Jewelers Mirra & Ritter P.O. Box (>•)«.». SunK/rville. N.J.. Off The Record 08876; leave it in the drop box A Calm Approach Gateway Minerals at the Cranford Deli mi Walnut Gentlemen's Corner Pink Sub Avenue: or leave it at the Chiquitos offices of the Suburban New.4. Golden Jewelers Phat Citi 301 Central Ave.. Clark. Cranford Beauty Supply You can also fax the informa- Cranford Bike Shop Hartig's Paint Store Tony's Cafe tion to us at (908' G7">-(>(iH.'l or CRANFORD Village Shoe Shop e-mail it to njnnrirs<"c<>m- Cranford Florist Hynes Jewelers pubell.com. For more information, call (908) 575-6684. July 30, 1999 A-6 Record-Press Jut? SIDEWALK 29, 30 If 31 Local mail's career turn is a marriage of writing, teaching CRANFOKD - Hrian Uradfonl is the ing the annual conference of the New He sees what he calls "a fine marriage first to admit that his true: passion in life is Jersey Writing Alliance, based on the New between writing and teaching." writing fiction. Brunswick campus of Rutgers University. "Both are processes of inquiry," he said. His works have been published in Black His presentation was "Taking It to the "In both cases you are knocking down Ice, T}ie Antioch Reviow, New Blood and Streets: Practical Applications for walls, exploring the rubble and going on other literary journals. Rhetoric," a program he said was "very well from there. A few years ago ho received the Henfield received." "When I write, I get an adrenaline rush. Transatlantic Review Award for short fic- The program focused on selling writing It's the same in the classroom. tion. as a means to express one's self and to "I encourage my students to view their There is, however, nothing fictional enable individuals to see writing as a mar- education as a work in progress. about his latest accomplishment: Bradford keting tool for the rest of their lives. "Life, like writing, is a series of revi- has been awarded tenure as an assistant "There are some students who see no sions," Bradford said. "Both require a great professor of English at Warren County relevance in writing," Bradford said. "We deal of risk and reinvention." Community College in Washington. want to change their way of thinking on The new professor has gone through The Cranford resident has been a col- that." lege instructor for five years and is the col- The Writing Alliance wants to create plenty of revisions himself: working on a lege's area coordinator of humanities. He "curriculum parity" among community col- shrimp boat in the Florida Keys, writing also oversees the college's literary periodi- leges, state colleges and state universities for a Manhattan-based weekly newspaper, cal, ars poctica, and the campus newspa- in New Jersey. Public high schools may selling tuxedos, teaching at a Japanese per, Fine Print. also be included in alliance programs in university for two years. Because of his work, the college plans to the future. He played at CHS and at James begin a liberal arts program with an Bradford, a 1978 graduate of Cranford Madison University. English option in the fall 1999 semester. High School, enjoys a loyal student follow- "Every class has a different dynamic to Bradford and two of his colleagues were ing and uses his own life experiences to it," he said. "It forces you to be a creative eelected in May to give a presentation dur- make a point during classes. teacher."

LINDA'S BRIAN BRADFORD BOOK EXCHANGE SIDEWALK SALE Resident's work featured STOREWIDE SALE! Thousands of Books & in 'Highlights for Children' Records at Highlights for Children mag- cated that she enjoys sharing azine, edited for children ages 2- knowledge with children, which 50< each 12 and which boasts the largest is one of the primary reaBon8 <* "20% OFF circulation of any children's why she was inspired to write magazine in the country, recent- the article. ly featured an article by Boyko holds a bachelor's EVERYTHING IN STOCK In Store Sale Cranford resident Doris Boyko. degree from Newark State The article titled "Phillis College and a master's degree 50* OB Paperbacks, Wheatley: Slave Poet" is a from Rutgers University. Boyko chronicle of Wheatley's ascen- taught in the Elizabeth school Records, CD's & Tapes sion to fame during the later system for 37 years before retir- xo Alden • Cranford, NJ half of the 18th century as the ing in 1977. country's first female black Some of Boyko's additional (9O8) 27*-lSI4 poet. works have appeared in Hours: Thurs.-Frl. 9-6 • Sat. 94:30 Wheatley published her Contact, Live, The Friend poems, with the aid of her mis- Clubhouse, The Lutheran tress, and won the attention and Journal and Spirituality Today. approval of George Washington. Boyko has two children and 03 N. UNION AVENUE • CRANFORD "I wanted to show that there four grandchildren. are people who have overcome •e» 272-0184 •• adversity," said Boyko. She indi- -ALEC MOORE

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SIDEWALK SALE 29, 3O & 31 College Women's Club awards $5,000 in scholarships

Cranford College Women's Club honored its 1999 scholarship winners, each of whom was awarded $1,000. College Club senior sons and daughters Included Ryan Hegna, Geoffrey Rood. Dlano Glgantino, Matthew Recipients are Christine Polidoro.Tracey Mulvaney, Erin Stark, Lisa Lavloff, Sarah Hensler and James Doty. Rausch. Erin Goodwin, Alan Trzuskoskl, Edward Sweeney and Bethany Dittmar. Club members' graduating sons, daughters also honored CRANFORD - The College Women's Club held its annual scholarship awards dinner June 7 at the Roselle Golf Club. Scholarship Chairwoman Elaine Traynor presented awards of $1,000 each to five Save 50-60-70% Off Original Prices high school graduates who live in the township. Graduates, their schools and intended colleges are as fol- lows: James Doty, from Cranford Sport Jackets Suits j High School. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doty plans to Hart Marx, Haspel, Regent Hart Marx, Haspel, Austin Barrie | attend Columbia University. s $ Sarah Hensler, from Reg. 175- 395 Austin Reed, Regent Cranford High School. The $ $ daughter of George Honsler $ 00 $ 00 Reg. 195 - 695 and club member Hilma Now 49 to 179 $ ! Henaler plans to attend the Now 99°° to College of the Holy Cross. t i Tracey Mulvaney, from Cranford High School The daughter of Edward Mulvaney Knit Shirts Slacks plans to attend the University of Delaware. Tommy Bahama, Jack Nicklaus, Farah, Haggar Christine J'olidoro, from $ $ Cranford High School. The Cross Creek, Enro Reg. 44 - 88 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. $ $ Richard Polidoro plans to Reg. 28 - 58 attend Quinnipiac Collect- Erin Stark, from Mount St. NO $99O,$149O,$1990 Mary Academy in Watehung. W *• >'i The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Stark plans to nllond Stevens Institute of Technology. Outerwear Shorts I Four daughters and six sons !4 of club members were honored London Fog, Weather Proof Savane, Haggar, Tommy Bahama,. as graduating seniors. These $ $ $ $ graduates are Bethany Reg. 75- 135 Reg. 20 - 45 Dittmar, the daughter of $ 90 $ 00 Carolyn Dittmar: Diane? Now Gigantino, the daughter of l-ois 29 to 59 Gigantino; Erin Coodwin, the daughter of Carol (ioixU'in; Ryan Hegna, the son of Cynthia Hegna; Matthew Kaiisch, the son of Carol Rausch; (ieoflVey Rood, the son of Carol Rood: Edward Sweeney, the son of DAY Joanne Sweeney; dretfory EARLY RD Winter, the son of .Judy Winter; Sarah Henster; and Alan We Will Be Ready With Sidewalk Sale Prices Wedn&sdtMy Trzuskoski. In uddition, Lisa Lavikoff BEAT THE CROWD AND STILL SAVE BIO received the club's award tor SN the highest ranking girl in the OPEN WEDNESDAY 9 to 9 CHS Class of HK>9. She plans to attend Branded University. The College Women's Club raises funds for its scholarships through sales of the Cranford Community Calendar antt note GENTLEMEN'S CORNER cards of local sceiu's. alontf with other fundrnisinn events. Note cards arc illustrated by 11 North Union Avenue • Cranford, New Jersey 07016 • (908) 272-5350 club member Linda Sovvu. The 1999-2000 calendar will be available in Auguwl. Thursday July 29 • Friday July 30 • • Saturday July 31 For more information, call '-'Lois Mariano at (908) 272- Weekdays 9-9 • Saturday 9-6 r 2539. July 30, 1999 _ A-8 Record-Press Westfield High School names honor roll pupils WESTFiELD - WestJield High Andrea Maltese, Elizabeth Kjystle K. Dixon, Katherine School has issued its honor roll for McKeon, Meghann McMahon, Dohson, Charles Dodge, the fourth marking period. Daniel Moore, Kate E. Mortenson, Christopher Dodge, Bethany Named to the distinguished Bridget Murphy, Ilka Netravali, Dresely, Kathryn C. Duddy, Tyne honor roll: Caitlin Nish, Melanie E. Page, Duffy, Daniel F. Egan, Robyn Grade 12 — Tara Bhandari, Joeelyn Pashko, Alana Passananti, Ehrlich, Sara Elizabeth Euwer, Ian Diana Burdulia, Soth Burstein, Christopher Phclan, Diana D Federgreen, Adam Feinberg, Rebecca M. Goldberg, Jennifer Pritsker, Vrinda Rao, Alyson Jennifer M. Fowler, Brett Matni, Rebecca A. Matro, Amy E. Rentrop, Katherine Riley, David Friedman, Bradley S. Gillin, Molnar, Nellhi Kandeep, Natalie Roberts, Jamie L. Rood, Christine Cheryl Gordon, Clifford J. Warren and Andrew Wislocki. Salerno, Beth R. Satkin, Harold R. Haldeman, Matthew T. Hall, Edward Harry, Kerry Hart, Grade 11 — Stelanie M, Schliesske Jr., James D. Schliesske, Amy M. Seligman, Nichole A. Herttua, Susan M. Bistak, Michael J. Ciacciarelli, Hinds, Eleanor Hodara, James Paige E. Corhett, Sara Finestein, Suzannah F. Skolnik-Smith, Alicia Starkey, Michael Stotler, Robert Ryan Hogan, Kevin M. Johnson, Derek R. Lartaud, Rachel L. Luria, Richard Kaplan, David King, Laura E. MacNeil, Elizabeth Nicol, Stroud, Nicholas Tricarico, Margaret Turner, Anna Stephanie Kolterjahn, Mark V. Joshua Ray, Kathleen ML KUKSOII- Kolvites, Lianna M. Kong, Smitli, Kathryn M. Solon, Neil Urbanowicz, Karen Veltri, Lisa Nicholas Korn, Catherine Kuza, Talreja, Tanya Tran, Valerie Wickn, Maria Villalobos, Melissa Willyard Jonathan B. Lau, Alexander Leger, Ines Wu and Jessica L. Wyckoff. and Liza J. Yannuzzi. Andrew Lin, Aimee Lombard, Grade 10 - Ellen Dehra Grade 11 — Elizabeth D. Karen B. Manahan, Kelley Bernstein, Jessica A. Bowers, Ambrosia, Seth A. Augenslein, Masterson, Carolyn A. Matthews, Timothy Carroll, Ushma Dedhiya, Kathryn A. Bartholomew, Danielle Molly McDermott, Eileen David P. Geenberg, Daniel R F. Baukh, Kay H. Bhagat, Laura McKeever, Ureigh Ann Menza, Rotary donates to Contact We Care Gruen, Edward W. Hotfun, Rachnel Bonavita, Adam M. Brundage, Michael J. Meredith, John W, Horowitz, Jennifer M. Koreeky, Ryan BunLain, Clare E. Cambria, Merrimun, Kristin Messina, Carol Wood, president of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Rotary Club presents an $1,500 check to Michael Lisa E. Krieger, Kelly Ann Lane, William E. Cashman, Kitty Chang, Jessica E. Meylor, Jonathan H. Nicholson, executive director of Contact We Care to support the agency's unique telephone listening Evan J. Lee, Sean Lewis, Anne Jenn-Tyng Chern, Brian S. Chiger, Miller, Rachel E. Moloahok, service. Pictured on the left is Andy Calamaros, president-elect of the Rotary Club. Loughlin, Shwan W. McCahe, Sang Ho Choi, Mary Clancy, Caroline G. Moore.Conner Mulvee, Victoria McCabe, Julie M. Murolf, Abigail Coxson, Robert A. Cunlifle, David J. Nariiorski, Mary Nielsen, Denise O'Connor, Andrew Ol.sen, Catherine A. Curran, Claire Erin O'Brien, M. Ryan O'Donohue, Kate Onishi, Richard R. Rowe, DeCampo, Raymond P. Andrew Osborn, Kristen Ostrega, Firm, JCC to offer computer courses Randi Siegel, Carolyn F. Singer, Encarnacion, Samuel Fleder, Julia Elizabeth Ottoson, Jessica L, Joseph Swingle, Shell J. Tamboli, W. Gates, Christine Genova, Sasha Patterson, Joseph I. Petrsoric, Julie SCOTCH 1'LAINS A state- opportunities at the Jewish ning in September. Current Daniel J. Weinberfj, Christina M. Gibbtms-Ohr, Shana Golembo, E. Phelan, Michael J. Pollack, of-the-art collaborative i-llbrl ha.s Community ('enter, located on course offerings will be greatly Yang, Allen Yu, Peter Yu and Eric Lisa R. Goodman, Sara Guerin, Caroline L. Powell, M. Frances Re, been announced by Amtech the Will" Jewish Community augmented and computer oppor- Zimak. Kristen Gundrum, Neha Gupta, Edward J. Reagan, Joshua Rogers, Business I'mil lifts and iiu> -ICC Campus, I.'i91 Marline Ave., tunities will reach a new level. Grade JJ — Tara Bchr, Alicia Thomas Hanscom, Zachary A. Jacob K. Rosenatein, Travis R. of Central New .Jersey, Scotch Plains. The programs beintf offered Bilheimer, Samantha Bourque- Hanson-Hart, Rose Davis Hely, Russo, Christian Santomauro, Amtech, ;i fully-integrated The existing computer lab, will be geared toward learners' Trieff, James Bridgeman, Megan M. Hobson, Joshua David Ashley Saul, Gregory G. Scanlon, computer services company, ami known as the Cantor Hillol intellectual abilities and think- Alexandra S. Brill, Ashley A. Carr, Hoey, Yao Young Huang, Julie C. Aron R. Schatz, Farryl Scher, the JCC have joined together In Hadowilz Computer Learning ing skills. There will he courses Julia Chahri<'r, Michael Charney, lannazzone, Sean P. Joffe, Scott Kathryn M. Schott, Christopher create and provide new computer ('enter, will double in size, begin- available in Microsoft Word, Tara Christakos, Erin E. Cockren, Kautxmann, Joanna D. Koeppel, Sclivvarz, Matthew J. Seagull, Lilya Excel, Access, Effective E-mailing Kovin J. Culro, Daniel DeSerio, Paul Kolterjahn, Andrew T Sinister, Matthew Simone, and more. Each program length Racliel Falcone, Adam Gonnley, Eli Krasovsky, Jason 13. Laderman, Elizabeth A. Sweeney, Jeffrey will be approximately four week- Harel, Sarah Heitnur, Karen Jonathan K. Larsen, Evan Michael Talmehnick, Katherine Trimble, ly sessions. Jluskey, Mara Judd, Shannon E. Ixjrner, Lin Li, Rung Liu, Linda E. Pietor N. Van Curt, Esther Van Amtech wilt also offer inten- Kunnth, Megan A. LeHko, Matthew Madorma, Marjorie R. Madresh, Pykeren, Jill Veltri, Alexis sive career development courses K. Lowenslein, Erin M. McClellan, Julianne Mandrillo, Lauren A. Vigilante, Kristin M. Wanca, at the JCC, daytime 9 a.m. - 4 Rosaline I'alalucci, Anura A. Patil, Mattes, Caitlin McGee, Aubrey P. Margaret Wei, Kristinn Williams, p.m., and evenings tJ-H p.m. Andrew l'ilecki, Sarah K. Round, MeGovorn, Maura W. McMahon, Tamara Yellin and MUn Ling Yeow. Classes will begin after Labor Elisabeth P. SaUmnne, Daniel B. Amy Ngeow, David Paik, Ki Mun Grade 9 — Christy Day. Watch for registration infor- Suoger, Lauren K. Solon, Miriam Park, Amanda W. Parker, Kristen Ahdelmessieh, Dania K. Aguero, mation in the next several weeks, Ztchliii and David Zorn. K. Pastir, Virginia R. Pnynter, Crystal Aidrich, Christopher or contact the JCC of Central Named to the honor roll: Sarah Pietruszki, Marina K. Annese, Kristin Anton, Lauren A. New Jersey at (90H) 8H9-8H00, Grade 12 Peter Powell, Mairen Priestley, Ralph Baeder, Joshua W. Bengal, Casey Ext. 205 or Amteeh Business Ahdelmeswieh, Elizabeth M. Rapuano, Justin D. Itenard, Daniel Benson, Priya Bhasin, Michael Products at (732) ;U)(M


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»4 i 3'

The balloons at the festival get more colorful every year. There was fun on the ground and in the sky READINGTON - The 17th Annual Quick Chek New Jersey Festival of Ballooning has become one of the most popular events in the New Jersey summer, with thousands coming to Solberg Airport for a variety of activities. The balloons, of course, are the stars of the show with ascensions at dawn and dunk. But there's plenty of other fun things to do, including the Skydiving Elvises, a variety of musical acts, circus performers and hands-on activities for children. It's the largest summertime balloon festival in North America and next promises to he even bigger and better than this year.

! ^.KW '? . The sight of soaring balloons Is always thrilling (or the thousands of spectators. Five-year-old Jasslem Harper of Edison does his own soaring on the Rosa Rosales, 15, of tho Nc->rth Wind Museum Circus with a Purpose, Photos by Nicole Dimclla trampoline. performs a bit ol derring-do on the trnpuze.

The Flying Elvises once again proved they are on the most pop- ular acts at the balloon festival cither In the air (left) or on the ground meeting their fans. July 30, 1999 B-2 Record-Press

H William B. Barnes j Obituaries work as chairman of the "Voice of •WESTFIELD - William H. Democracy" contest sponsored by Barnes, 86, died July 22, 1999 at Martin Wall berg Post 'i, American his home. He helped organize l/egiun. Mr. Barnes was ;< volunteer David Mumford E N I O R S American Association of Itelired with Meals on Wheels and the SCOTCH PLAINS - David Chapter 99, Order of the Persons Chapter 14.T7 in tin: town Retired Senior Volunteer Program M. Mumford, 75, died July 26, Eastern Star, both in Westfield; apd aided seniors through the of Union County. 1999 at Rah way Hospital. He and the Crescent Temple, AARP Chapter 1437 Senior Handyman service in Union Trips sponsored by the AAKF chapter: (bounty. His wife of 55 years, Elsie, died had been a decorated World A.A.O.N.M.S., in Trenton. i Jit' was horn in Washing on, in 1 !)<)(>. War 11 soldier and owned Surviving are his wife, Leola Sept. 20-23 - Hunts Landing (Matamoras, PaJ for the I). C, and had lived for many years Surviving are two sons, !iol>ert Mumford Dental Ceramics in Thomas Mumford; a son, Mitch "Roaring 20's Festival" and Mid-Hudson Valley (Culinary in Wesllicld. and William; and a sister, Muriel the township prior to his retire- of Scotch Plains; a daughter, Institute of America, FDR mansion, Vanderbilt mansion, •• Mr. Barnes wu.s a shipping man- Norris. ment. Judy M. Leslie of Lansdale, Pa.; Brotherhood Winery, Gillinder glass factory). Call (908) 232- ajjur with Rheem Manufacturing Services were held Monday sit Mr. Mumford was born in two brothers, James Jr. of 7153. C]o. at its Linden plant prior to his the Dooley Colonial Home. Burial Westfield and lived in that Springhouse, Pa., and William wa.s private. town before moving to Scotch of Woodcliff Lake; and five Oct. 1016 - Smoky Mountains (Tennessee). Includes 1080 retirement. He owned a truck- Cherokee Village, Dollywd, Harrah's Cherokee Casino, iiif4 company in Virginia before; join- Memorial contributions may be Piainn in 1954. He also main- grandchildren. ing the Army Air Corps for service madt! to the American Kidney tained a home in Loveladies. A memorial service was held tram ride and four theater shows, call (908) 889-6769. g World War II. Foundation or Alzheimer's He was awarded four Bronze yesterday at the First United Monthly chapter meetings will resume in September. He received an awurd for his Association. Stars for valor in recognition of Methodist Church, Westfield, of his wartime service in which Mr. Mumford was a Old Guard of Westfield Normandy, France, and else- member. Meetings of the Old Guard are 10 a.m. every Thursday at where in Europe. Mr. Mumford Arrangements were by the Mildred MacMUlan graduated from a dental ceram- Memorial Funeral Home in the Westfield Y, 220 Clark St., Westfield. Group activities ; WESTFIELI) - Mildred H. Kuccatiunna; a nister, Kuth Jelinok of ics school in New York City. Fanwood. Memorial contribu- include golf, bowling, bridge, day trips, luncheons, women's Martin MacMillan, 87, died .July 24, I'endlt'ton, S.C.; 12 grandchildren He was a member of the New tions may be made to Shriners events, shuflleboard and the Merrymen chorus. 1999 at Conwuy Hospital in and 14 great-grandchildren. Jersey Lapidary Society; Atlas Hospital for Crippled Children, The Old Guard is open to retired men and counts an aver- Con way, S.C. She retired in 1978 as A funeral Mass was celebrated Pythagoras Lodge 10, Free & 3551 N. Broad St., Philadel- age of 80-100 at each meeting. For more information, call a; teller in Newark with the former yesterday at St. Helen's Roman Accepted Masons, and Atlas phia, Pa. 19140. Don Finter at (908) 233-1407. Midlantic National Bank and its Catholic Church. Burial was in predecessor, the National Newark Ke.stland Memorial Park, East and Essex Bank. I lanover. Catherine Zades Golden Agers Club The Golden Agers Club meets 10:30 a,m.-3 p.m. every Mrs. MacMillan wa.s bom in New ArrangernentH were by the CRANFORD - Catherine both of Cranford; a Bister, Irene York City and lived in Culdwcll Dooley Colonial Home. Memorial Zumhoulis Zades, 66, died July Bartone of Toms River; and two Thursday at the Scotch Hills Country Club in Scotch Plains. before moving to Westfield in 1993. contributions may be made to Sister 20,1999 at her home. She worked grandchildren. Each meeting includes conversation, cards, bingo and pro- • Surviving are two sons, Gary Put's Camp for Children with with her husband, Gus, at the A Divine Liturgy was celebrat- jects for charitable institutions. Refreshments are served. Gadok of'Westlield and Fred CJiidek Cuncor/St, Helen's Church, c/o Officers for 1999 are Jcanctte Rotella, president; Olga Marilyn Ryan, St. Helen's Church, Park Pharmacy in Roselle Park ed Friday at Holy Trinity Church, of West Ciildwell; a daughter, Janet prior to her retirement, following services at the Dooley Bruce, vice president; Marge Van Duyne, secretary; and \yutcrmun of Myrtle Beach, H.C.; a 1600 llahway Ave.f Westfield, N.J. Ellsworth Martin of 07090. Mrs, Zades was born in Funeral Home. Burial was in Josephine Masi, treasurer. brother, Elizabeth and lived in Roselle Fairview Cemetery, Westfield. Once a month, food is collected and donated for those in before moving to Cranford in Memorial contributions may need. Peanut butter and jelly is collected for donation to the 1966. She was a member of the be made to Holy Trinity Greek Emmanuel cancer group in Scotch Plains. In addition, teddy George H. Bell Ladies Philoptochos Society at Orthodox Church Millennium bears have been dressed for children in hospitals. , George H. Bell. «.r>, died July 1H, the Korean War. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Fund, 250 Gallows Hill Road, Church in Weatfield. Westfield, N.J. 07090, or Make A Trips sponsored by the Golden Agers Club: 1999 at Ihe General Hospital Surviving are a friend, Ruth Sept. 23 — Black Whale cruise from Long Beach Island to Center at I'nssaic. He had been Baronownki Bell; a daughter, Also surviving are a daughter, Wish Foundation, 1034 Salem wfith the New Jersey Division of Elizabeth of Long Branch; two Helen Marti, and a son, Stephen, Road, Union, N.J. 07083. Trump Castle casino. The bus wil! leave 8 a.m. Pprolo for the past 10 years and sons, David G. of Fanwood and Oct. 11-15 — Neveki Grande resort in Ellenville, N.Y. most recently was a senior parole Sean M. of Chapel Hill, N.C.; a Includes daily activities, nightly entertainment and three officer. daughter-in-law, Kuthryn of Elva Bunting meals a day, I He was born in New York City Ftinwood; a brother, James M. of WESTFIELD - Elvu L. Her twin sister, Edna Johnson, Nov. 18 — Christmas show at Evergreen Theatre in ahd lived in Elizabeth before mov- Cranford; two sisters, Sheila Bell Gustavson Bunting, 86, died July died in 1981. r Mountain Lakes. The bus will leave 10:30 a.m. irtgtoCIillon in I99. >. Campbell of Cranford and Peggy 11), 1999 at the Greenbrook Surviving are four brothers, All trips leave from the Scotch Plains Municipal Building ' Mr. Bell joined the Union Bell O'Brien of Sea Girt; four Manor Nursing and George Gustavson of Hancock, grandchildren; and 16 nieces and and are open to the public. For more information, call Hose County Hheriirs Department in Rehabilitation Center in Green N.H., Paul Gustavson of Frino at (908) 322-6330. 1971 and was a deputy warden nephews. Brook. She worked for McKesson Cresskill, Bruno Gustavson of when he lefl in 1989. He was a A funeral Mass was celebrated Corp. at its Manhattan offices for Orangeburg, N.Y., and Eric founding me in her of the Union Thursday at St. Geneviove's 10 years prior to her retirement. Gustavson of New York City. •Over 55'Travel Club County Thornsticks and Daniel Roman Catholic Church, Mrs. Bunting lived in her Services were held July 22 at Adults are invited on these trips for the "Over 50" Travel O'Connell Division ,'), Ancient Elizabeth, following services at t he native New York City and in the Higgins Home for Funerals, Club from the Senior Citizens Council of Union County: OfVler of Hibernians, in Elizabeth. Higgins & Bonner Echo Lake Westfield before moving to in North Phunfield. Memorial Wednesday, Aug. 18 — Musikfest in Bethlehem, Pa. Cost is He also was a member of the Funeral Home in Westfield. Burial Dumont in 1996, She was a mem- contributions may be made to St. New Jersey State Policemen's wan in Fairview Cemetery, ber of St. Peter's Evangelical Peter's Lutheran Church $34. Benevolent Association and theWi-st Hold. Lutheran Church in North Memorial Fund, 9 Mercer Ave., Aug. 23-27 — Scott's Oquaga Lake House in upstate New Efherald Society of the Union Memorial contributions may be Plainfield. North Plainfield, N.J. 07060. York. Cost is $525 per person, double occupancy. County Policemen's Benevolent made to George and Mollie Bell Sept. 13-17 — Grand Hotel in Capo May. Cost is $375 per Association. Mr. Bell served in the Inner Citv Scholarship Fund, c/o person, double occupancy. National Guard before being James M. Bell, P.O. Box 220, William J. Hassett Sept. 30 Oct. / — Atnish trip. Cost is $145 per person, dou- called to active Army duty during Cranford, N.J. 070Hi. FANWOOD William J. Plains. ble occupancy. Hassett, 74, died July 23, 1999 at His wife, Ellen, is deceased. Oct. 4 — Oktoborfcst at Plalzl Brau.Cost is $55. his home. He served in the Navy Surviving are three sons, Oct. 10-bt — Yankee Doodle Ijodge in Vermont. Cost is during World War II and was a Thomas, Daryl and Buddy;- five $430 per person, double occupancy. Bob Nakly boilennaker with Local 5 of the sisters, Sissy Cox, Kathy Haley, GARWOOI) Bob Nakly, 71, Midler Nakly, in deceased. boilermakers union in New York Marilyn Love, Peggy Sinoppoli Oct. 25 - South Jersey Culinary Arts. Cost is $42. diod July 21, 1999 at Muhlenberg Surviving are lour daughters, City. and Gerry Wendell; a brother, Oct. 31 — California coast and San Francisco (9 days). Regional Medical ('enter in Miiryann N. McGrath, Cluudene Mr. HasHett was born in Robert; and three grandchildren. Nov. 10 •- Larison's Turkey Farm and village. Cost is Plitinlield. He retired in 1987 after Manliv, Maureen and Christine; Hayonne and had lived for many Services were held Sunday at $638. 25' years as a postal worker in and a grandchild. years in Fanwood. Me was a the Memorial Funeral Home. Nov. 17 and ,'i() - Radio City Christmas show and South Jersey City. He was born in A funeral Mass was celebrated member of American Legion Post Memorial contributions for Street Seaport. Cost is $45. Newark and had lived in (iarwood Monday at St.. Anne's Roman 209 and Veterans of Foreign Deborah Hospital will be accept- All trips leave from the Boys and Girls Club in Union. since 1970, Catholic Church. Burial was in Wars Post 10122, both in Scotch ed at the funeral home. Special trips and pickups can he arranged for groups and Mr. Nakly was an area supervi- Fairviow Cemetery, Wostfield, clubs. Payment in full is required for one-day trips. sor with the former Newark Arrangements were by Ihe Martha R. Aber For more information or a brochure, call Richard Stone at Evening News before becoming a Dooley Funeral Home in Cnmford. (908) 964-7555 day or (90«) 687-1559 night. postal worker. He served in the Memorial contributions may be SCOTCH PLAINS Mnrtha of Atlas Chapter 99, Order of the Army during World War II and the made to the Garwood First Aid R. Aber. 94. died July 20, 1999 at Eastern Star, in Toms River. Sbo Korean War. His wile, Jeanne-tie Squad Community Medical Center in was a member of the Scotchwood Toms Rivor. She joined the Women's Auxiliary in Scotch Howard Savings Bunk in 19.'J0 Plains and a past president of the and was the assistant manager of Women's Club of Holiday City, in County College will have new its South Orange ofllce when she Toms River. retired in 19U5. Her husband, Wilbur, is student registration TYiesday A native of Long Island, N.Y., deceased. CRANKOKD-For tin- first and services will he available she lived in Scotch Plains before Private arrangement!) were by time Union County Collect' is from the \)VC stall, including moving to Toms River in 19B7. the Sil vert on Memorial Funeral hosting a New Student tours of the campus, advise- i Mrs. Aber was a past matron Home in Toms River. Registration Day on Tuesday, ment trom ('ounneling Services, Opportunities Aug. 'A. and insights on student organi- The event is specially zations, activities and athletic Alice J. Hora designed to assist incoming programs. "Once student are Made Golden CRANFORD Alice-J. "Cookie" Sons of Nonvuy in Roselle. students who have nlready sub- equipped with this information Schwalbach Hora died July '2,'J, Surviving mv a son, Roy Thomas mitted their applications mid they will he better able to make 1999 at her home. She had IXMMI a Schwalbach; it daughter, Carol Ann completed thi> necessary pl;nv- intelligent choice when the reg- lifelong Cranford resident and a Webb: two grandchildren: and ment tests, but have no yet ii'tf- ister for I heir fall classes," said laboratory technician at the many nieces and nephews. istored Cor classes. Mary Mi-lh Reilly. director of Premier Home Equity Cmnlhrd plant of the Ibrmer J.B. Services were held Tuesday at Students can hegin this recruitinenl. Credit Line Williams Co. the Gray Memorial Funeral Home. helpful experience liy chousing Furthermore, students will Mrs. Hora later worked for Burial was in Fairview Cemetery. form one of three orientation lie encouraged to register and Merck & Co. nt its Railway plant for West field. sessions that will he held iroin make their course selections 11 years and retired last month Memorial contributions may IK* !0 it.m. to noon, I p.m. lo -\ that day. Students must he pre- aik'r live yeurs on disability. She made to Cranlbrd Family Care, (il p.m., and (i p.m. tn H p.m. in llu> pared to pay for their classes 6.49% llanc was a past social director of the Myrtle St.. Cnmfbnt, N.S. 070Hi. Roy Smith Theater on thewhen they register. A deferred C'ranl'ord campus. During the payment option requiring a first hour of thesi' sessions, (;r>() deposit is available experts from the College will through the Office of Student provide iin overview of I lie Get .i 6.49% APR tin ,1K IIW six months, .uul an APR Accounts. ( Registration process, Financial Students do not need to noti- of 0.50% below the Priim- Rait lor ihe life of the lo.in Aid n\ ailability and require- fy the college in advance of —> incnts, and the Dual (currently 7.50% AI'R). Apply lor ;i Premier Home To Advertise /^ -— their intention to attend, but Admissions programs which only students who have already Equity Credit Line and lap your home's equity. You VCC maintains with four-vcar applied and completed the nec- can borrow up to $200,U00 if ymi uiialify. There arc I colleges. essary placement tests are eli- no application fees, dosing costs, or points. You pay During the secmid hour, an gible to attend. For more infor- array of helpful information mation, call iSKIH) 709-7518. nothing to have ihe (inn)1, mi IVIIHI. Act now because KENILWORTH Tcrfill Road tins oiler is iiv.nlabL- at um Ni>nh Uerj;en oOke only GOSPEL CHAPEL Baptist Churcli 1 'i iO It Mill Nd Scoich I'l.nns alul expires . I1'1)1). Newark Avo, if, 23n\ St. Konilworlh 908-272-6131 322-7151 Sunday Sorviccs: Kct Muh.iii Sc.iin.in. I'.Mur Hillside Cemetery Uatii-Fnmily Bible Hour nml 6.00 pm-EvcuIni) Services SUNDAY ''•ill .101 SUIHI.II Vlnml was established in 1886 Monday 7 00 pmlioys Dilrjodc l<) o .mi Monimi; \\• 11"•>!li;•> Wodnesday 730 pin -Prayer and Blbtc Sltiily under state laws ensuring safety, permanence Valley National Bank (i !!(• pin l\ i in nt; \\ ur--lii|> Friday. 7 00 pm-Youm Mi-ctintj and (he careful guarding of owner's rights. )1J WoifirUAvuiur fridnyNitjhtChllclien's Club WEDNESDAY Hillside Cemetery, located on Woodland Avenue in 7 B.10 pin (Cirnde School Aye| " mi pin I'r.ncr \lii I mi; Call lor Mew Intotmntion Surscry (.if I'rovltltil Scotch Plains, i,; a non-profit organization. 1-800-522-4100 For further information, telephone (908) 756-1729 WWW 1 llil J M . lllUlhi.) ll], VII To Advertise Holy Cross Church ; Your Business JDH5 Auditorium, 10 am Sunday 1 • (W VUVj NHiorut Itah Mmfer Uki - R«w i •* * On This Page 101 Mr. Ave. Springfield

I D^nii l>Wrtk*H[*li^ffliH.u1kyt-f'.-*MTi1at>njikfi.n I * r«v*nrht HVJ • S ,r« intnW ,lrtk|..i-.l Call Rtik 973-379-4525 t t JM^'MVpUf tfH* lilMN hi Wi W# tttrfW i"|iH'^i(<* 1*1) l *tj^i+^ ijiJhi* fti^J int<»Miit r\ity hi' nnuiitJ NIK (t^bMt. to iijntfH \ tlit 1-8OO-981-564O www.Holycroisnj.org llmt t^y

THIS WEEK Dancer attends Nutmeg Ballet CRANFORD — Andrew Notarile is dancing his way through New England moun- tains this summer. The 13-year-old Cranford resident is attending the 30th International Summer Session of the Nutmeg Ballet WYACT's in Torrington, Conn. Andrew is one of 109 'Threepenny young dancers from 27 states who began a six-week train- Opera' ing session with the Nutmeg Rich McNanna Is Mack the Knife and Margaret Brautlgam troupe on July 5. Activities is Polly Peachum In WYACT's will end with performances production of The Threepenny Aug. 12-14 at the Victorian Opera July 30-Aug, 8 as part of Studio Theatre in Torrington. the Arts Incubator Festival at Most students in the Kean University. Tickets can be International Summer purchased at The Music Staff on Quimby Street In Westfleld Session are 10-18. On occa- or at the door. For tickets or sion, young men are accept- more information, call 233- ed up to age 24. 3200. Andrew is studying ballet technique, pointe, theory and other dance-related subjects in the program. Classes are under the direction of Sharon E. Dante, founder and direc- tor of the Nutmeg Ballet. Other instructors include Alexi Tchernichov, who trained with the Bolshoi Ballet in Russia; Eleanor D'Antuono, a former prima ballerina with the American Ballet Theatre; and Joseph Albano, founder and former director of the Hartford Ballet. For more information, visit Stamp Expo coming to Springfield next month www.nutmegballet.org on the Internet. SPRINCFIELI) Atlantic public. These efforts have in;; and selling stamps of the also be on display. This stamp, trio club will be presont and a Coast Inhibition's of hdm ('oast, brought more than :j,()l)0 new or world will be present. Free door which was issued to commemo- courtesy loun^o will ho avuilable Fin. announced that it will pre- re-interested persons into the prize drawings for more I ban rate the 1!)()1 Tan to tlume who wish to lonrn more Enjoy tea sent tlu1 Greater New Jersey hobby. $!il)() in merchandise will be held. American Imposition held in about pailiciimtin^ in tin- dub. Stump Rxpo in conjunction with Stamp collecting is the A lar^e youth area with free Ituffalo, NY in Unit year, wus mis- For moro int'ormutitm about on The Terrace j the Wi'Mlii'ld NU Stamp Club. nation's number one hobby. The stamps and collecting materials takenly printed in this manner. tht1 (1 router New iJernuy Slump SUMMIT — Sip tea on the \ The show will be held Aug. '2H- United States Postal Service esti- will be available for all kids that Of the l(i() million of this slump Expo write Atlantic COUHL Terrace and enjoy the sereni- 2!) at the Holiday Inn inmates that there are more than attend. A Hoy Scout merit badge produced, only 140 were mistak- Kxliibilions, 42 Baltimore Lano., Springfield on Koutc 22 Went. 22 million Americans who collect roistered counselor will be onenly printed in this manner. Of Palm Const, KL XJ137-HH50. Or ty of the beautiful Reeves- r Reed Arboretum. Iced teas Show hours arc Saturday, Hi stamps. Any interest can he com- duty t.« answer ijiieslioii.s con- the 1-10 stamps produced, only S*H call 15)01) •Ur>-r>0; ts-imiil nt a.ro.-fi p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m.- bined with stamps through the cerning the acquisition of the are now accounted for, of these, m rulamp2(" .m. Admission and parking many topics illustrated on them. Stamp Collecting Merit Badj^e. this is one of (lie two best exam- from i'Yed Li.scmndrn at (7.'i2) served there Aug. 5 and 19. arc fri'i' and the public is invited The (iieater New .Jersey Several area stamp clubs will ples of this rare stamp. The 7r>O-K!):i7 or at the Holiday Inn in Take a stroll through the gar- to attend and experience the joys Stamp Expo is New -Jersey's have displays and members on slump lias been valued at Sprintffiold nl iHT.U HHi-UAOO tin dens or sit and visit with of stamp collect inji. largest and best attended stamp hand to offer guidance and $75,000. Recently many record show ciiiy.H. friends and stop in the The Creator New Jersey event. The Kxpo features extend ii welcome to people inter- prices have been obtained for Detailed informal ion includ- Garden Shop for "a gift for Stamp Kxpo lias run continually exhibits by exhibitors from nine ested in becoming new members some of the world's rarest. ing a iistini; of the dealers of their groups. Free appraisals slumps. A stamp was recently any season." since 1982. It is presented six states, displaying a combined nt.1.. Refreshments are courtesy of Chez Barbara Summit. Admission is free, but reser- vations are requested. For Union County goes country with the Tim Gillis Band more information, or to make MOUNTAINSIDK Clountry its music to Europe, Ctmudit, and reservations, call Reeves- musk1 fans and those who enjoy tin; Caribl)ean. Along with pro- Reed Arboretum, (908) 273- dmicinK to yuod music, will want ducing hit CDs "T(i» The 8787. to Hue and hoar the Tim Gillis Nashville Kdition," "T(JH r Office hours are Monday Hand when it returns to Echo Live," and " l'(!H Hocks the through Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Lake 1'ark lo perform at Union (Iranite" the band has been hon- County's free Summer Arts ored to be the. first country music Festival concert Wednesday, Aug. act to perform on the (JK2 luxury Trailside offers •I. cruise ship. They have- opened for planetarium shows j The performance is sponsored various groups iru.ludin^ by the Union County Board of Alabama, The Charlie Daniels MOUNTAINSIDE — Traitside j Chosen Freeholders alontf with Hand, Patty Loveless, The Oak Nature and Science Center, thi! Siherintf-I'loii^h Hidye Hoys, and many others, 452 New Providence Rd., will Corporulion, and are certainly not newcomers to the Union Comity Summer present Summer Celestial "ThiK nine-piece band is immensely talented," said Arts Festival stage. Sights on Aug. 1 at 3:30 p.m. Freeholder (Ihuirman Nicholas P. All concerts in the Summer Learn where to find Cygnus, Scutari, "Their contributions of Arts Festival are held on Lyra, Aquila, Hercules, Venus, pedal steel, fiddle, ^uititr, bass. Wednesday evenings at 7:.'10 p.m. Mars and more. Each family drums,keyboards, and vocals will at the Springfield Avenue end of will receive a sky map to take definitely have the audience Kcho Lake Park, Mountainside. home. The show is for ages 6 dancing find singing along." Lawn chairs, blankets and picnic baskets are encouraged. There and up. Admission is $3 per "Union County is especially pleased that a longtime .support- will also he a refreshment stand person, $2.55 for seniors. er, the Scherinn-Plough. available at approximately (>:.'{() On Aug. 4, explore the lives, Corptiration, is ;i};ain able to join p.m. The rain site for all concerts types, sizes and remains of the UK in sponsoring one of the most in the series will hi' Cranford late great lizards with Dinosaur popular country music groups in Jlifdi School, Cranforrl. Rain Doin'sat 1:30 p.m. Trailside's thi! region." added County information is available by call- i])f> IUOHI r»27- l!>00 after.'! p.m. on own naturalist and dinosaur Wfina^er Michael .J. l.apnlla. "If isKchei'iiifi-PltHi^irs support that the day "I t he conceit. expert, Ruth Yablonsky, will enable^ us to provide such hitfh The i'rr^ summer concert lead the program. See a life- qiiali t v I'litertaiiimenl." series continues on Aii|; 1 1 witli size T-Rex head and play The Tun (iillis Maud, led by an evening of Motown, featuring Name That Dinosaur. Tim (iillis himself, boasts innu- the Sensational Sou! Cruiser.-.. Admission is $4 per person. nu'i'ii hie i\ ccomplishment s. On Auj;. IK, the Brass Tacks HIK No children under 4 will be j including winning ttic Marlboro Hand Orchestra will perform. Country Music 'I'alent Search tor Koh i'aparoz/i and the Hudson THE TIM GILLIS BAND admitted. i the Northeast. Tin- hand has not Kiver U;it ^ will l>rim; t be Hlues lo On Aug. 1, 8,15,22 and 29, | The Tarty Ilolls on Sept. 1. For lind oul about )•(•( icalioual activ- Division of Parks and Recreation only performed throughout the Kcho Lake on Aug. ^5, The finale at «> r>iJ7-4!)()(). learn the answer to Why is the i United Slut es, but h. is al.-n taken of the series will he a night with other concert inforinal ion, or to ities, call the I'nion ('oiinly Sky Blue? at 2 p.m. Take a ; look at the nature of light. \ Explore colors of the spectrum. j 9 Learn about ultraviolet and \ Artist's black and white paintings come 'Full Circle infrared radiation, what it j WATCNUNC • Iterlu'lry Heights ml rmliirl oi\' solo show at W.itchung in form-., st ruct ures, nenalivc space and em-iKcl ic and Honiclimes Kpnoky and means and how astronomers \ art isl rinii I'Vnss will bi» present ing a .-'"In people:- wil bin I he given area. In I be pasl lid! H'lI'lU.'l. use it to iearn about the uni- ' sli!>\s' of his new black and while painl- t hat "1 have just finished over -II) small I would (In n lew ni Ihesr | taint 11 igs ,tm I'Vuss bus lived in New Zealand, Africa verse. Admission is $3 per per-; lliUs entitled "l''ull '"itcle" in the Inwci black and white paintings which ;ire ;i revert lo t be bright enlor.-. that my work is and South Aiumica for two years mich son, $2.55 for seniors. The ! liallfiv i\\ llu- W.-ilclmng Arts (*< • n t '•! on leliuti to the b;isics o) 'form iind st rue- known lor This tune I slaved wilb the and a tnlal o) seven years in Italy Ho show is not for children under the circle in Walchung thnai^h Aug. 1 :i lure." Fuess sit id. "When my work lias J!&W fnrmai for over ;i year'." li'ilclri a HA in Knglisb and a M.A. in comjiiira I H'e religions from (ioddard 6. Fiiess i.s the lormer vice l'|)esident of been stuck in the past f have Inund it Most ni' ["cusp's work is dune wilh liij- helpful to go back lo my l)<'t;uuiin|;N. 'fhe uid acrylic piii nt. The work i^ ahsl ract bul College. For more information about Visual Artw and KKI-I utive Hoard Member nt the Watchuug Alls (.'enter, and this work deals with the limits of the cd^e of there me recognizable tonn.s or laces in a I''uess has had more '10 HOIO HIIOWH and these programs call Trailside at show in Hcheduled seven years atler bin the ciinvHH and tlie conllict helwoen lot of Inn paintings. The work is lyrical, more than 100 (jroup shows in his career. (908) 789-3670.

*.* B-4/Record Press prime time/ July 30, 1999 'Hello, Dolly!' coming to Roosevelt Park

EDISON — Plays-in-the-Park has Carol Channing. Starring in the title role is Menlo Park Shopping Center. Use th& announced the opening of its third musical Susie Speidel of Springfield who played Grandview Avenue turn off into Roosevelt production for the 1999 Summer Season, the Mama Rose in "Gypsy" two seasons ago. The Park. The County Police will direct you to the American classic "Hello, Dolly!" object of her affection, Horace Vandergelder, free parking. This beloved family cnlcrtaingment opens is played by Joe Conti of Hillsborough. Also in There will be a sign language interpreted Wednesday, Au#. 4 at 8:30 p.m. and plays the cast are Susan Dougherty (Mrs. Molloy) performance on Wednesday evening, Aug. 11, every evening except Sunday through of Edison and Patrick Andrae I Cornelias* of with a raindate of Thursday, Aug. 12. The the- Saturday Aug. 14, Tickets are $3 for adults, New Brunswick. ater is handicapped accessible and there is a children under 12 are admitted free. The box The show is directed by David Christopher separate wheel chair section. office opens at 5:30 p.m. on the night of the who helmed last seasons "My Fair Lady"; For further information, call the theater at performance and audience members may Lorinda Haver is the choreographer and (7321 548-2884 during the business hours of place their low-back lawn chairs as soon aB Vincent Zito is the musical director. The turn Monday through Friday, 8:30 p.m. to 4:00 they purchase tickets. Food is available or of the century sets are designed by Vern p.m. audience members may leave their chairs Smith, lighting by Stephen Brady and cos- Funding has been made possible in part by and return before the 8:30 p.m. curtain time. tumes by Frank Champa. the Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Tickets are sold on the day of performance Plays-in-the-Park performs in the newly Commission through a grant provided by the only, no advance saleB. named Stephen J. Capestro Theater (former- N.J. State Council of the Arts/Department of "Hello, Dolly!" was one of Broadway's ly the Roosevelt Park Amphitheater J which is State, and by the generous financial support longest running hits and made a star out of located off of Route 1, one block south of the of the Friends of Plays-in-the-Park. 1999 Teen Arts Exhibit touring county IJWmUNION -— ThThfe. 199190.(19 TeeTr33 Pearl St., Elizabeth, NJ 07202, at Ploinlit'ld's tliiCrct School of hoard, graphite, stained glasn, Barr, Orange Ave. MS; Sponsors and supporting agencies of the (908) r>f)8-2f).r>0; Relay Service Users call (1- Art recent !y juried student pen and ink, watercolor, pastel, Elizabeth — EsteveH Ludgero, Elizabeth 1999 Teen ArtH Program ure: Union County 8001852-7899. fine arts show will exhibit color pencil, mixed media, their works comprising 10 dil- ceramic and wood. ferent media, now through Philip Vincgra of West field Folk sounds of Harpers Bizarre are at arts center Aug. 7, al Swam (Jalleries in WHS a winner in color pencil. Plainlu-ld. Tin' duCrct award-winning WATCH UNO On Saturday They sing und perform American Mine Street Coffeehouse, the ers. Winning titled awards uriv works remain on exhibit at H p.m. the Watchung Arts and British folksongs and always Candlelight Coffeehouse and Brewin-Wilson is also a song- Suss;iniu> Bonder ami Henee through Aug. 7 to be viewed Center will present one of the include u Celtic foot-stomper like Bonnie Brae Scottish Festival. writer with a talent for wit and A^ans, wlio received 1 he ( Mt ilic Tuesday through Friday, 0:110 finest duets around. "The Athol Highlander." She has been adding ballads to humor in song. Her recording of HailU Weiss /\v\ ;II<1K; ,lnsepl> a.in.-r>:HO p.m., Saturday to 4 Harpers Bizarre combines the Kalhy I')t;Aiigt>lo has lieen per- the repertoire, delighting audi- Roots an award- The fall series includes: sings both English and Gaelic, winning "Smokt'y >Joi''s Cafe" to "'Smokey .Joe's Cufe" on Sept. 14; reserved bv calling <9<>H) 7M- Her harp playing is solid and dri- 1 0190. Noil Somon's tiit Hniuiiwav corm - "TaiiKiieros in Milonqa ving. dy, "Chapter Two," Kean Houlevard'on Oct. 13; "Tribute to Harpers Bi/arre plays "Blues Debbie Hrewin-Wilmin the Mothers" with sultry VOICCH in a University's Cultural Arts Series a Century" on Dee. 9; "Sally of Scottish Mnrp Society of has sttmething for evt-ryoiit'. The Monti cello" on Feb. 29; "Tap- double-harp version of their own America's National Amateur making. Their Kverly Brothers" fall and spring series VM-}\ offer Caulion: Men at Work" on March championship in 1991 and contin- three product inns that promise to .'JO: "Chapter Two" on April 13. style vocal duet of "Lei it Be Me" ues to headline for various Celtic redefines its classic beginnings. keep audiences coming hack to All product inns are at 8 p.m. festivals and clubs such as the more. and will he held in the There's nothing like the expe- University's Wilkins Theater. rit'iitv of a live perfDrnuinci". espe- Tickets are $11 for the public; $10 Marino's Fine foods cially ut Kean University With for faculty, stuff, alumni and its accessibility to numerous senior citizens; and $<> for Htu- owned & operated by Hillside Seafood major highway*, uflurilulile. ticket ilents. prices and convenient and well-lit Kor more lnfnrmation call the parking, the performing arts at University l«ix office at (908) 527- BOARS HEAP Kean University is sure to please. _U71. COLD CUTS FRESH FISH & SEAFOOD

HOMEMADE SOUPS DAILY WYACT presents Downtown Rahway W. Main at Irving Street SANDWICHES PREPARED Bring a Lawn Ctiair & PINNERS FOODS Thursdays in August 7-9 PM TOGO book & lyrics by August 5 The Tim Gillis Band Country BERTHOLT BRECHT August 12 The Verdict Reggae &Soca 3K\CK OVEN HOMEMADE music by & August 19 New Power Soul Swing & Dance ITALIAN August 26 The Party Dolls Oldies ITALIAN KURT WEILL T BREAD SAUSAGE i C I IV Ol UAIIWAY PARKS & UiCKl' UION DIV , i MARC BLIT2STEIN inii>siviiiiiiMi wuli RAI1WAY fl-NI I K I'AK I N! RSHIPimd $ OO i i I'NIMN i Ml MY Alt (Nil N] IK 1 OFF C.'Al.I. (7.UJ827-2IM5 lui ( onciii luioi mutioti i ANV PURCHASE I July 30 & 31 i OVER *1O°° ' *WJ_ COUPON. IXP. «/l/9»Ij August l 6 7»8 Uring this Coupon I o Any i>l ilir (. \>mais f"i*i .1 UUIHY to win tickets to f f J The Cousins, Tin- Drifters und tin- I'lnltc-rs 111 toiuvit ;u the I'nioii of 7:30 p.m. I County A1 Is < 'niter on 1 Vt 2.1. I'>'>')! IMPORTED I ( Di.mw.1.' in lie held tin Aupusl 2t>, I ')<>'> - Nivil ,\m Ik' J'resetil U> Win) ITALIAN PRODUCTS Mets: Adults $15 /Students $10 • Name: tickets con be purchased ot

< •"•" " " "— Music SMGuiby Si WestfleW, (Address: i 7IP: RAVIOLI, MANICOTTI, STUFFED SHELLS w at the door i Phono: .^______973-253-9009 •Have you aiietidcd Railway's Mayor's Concerts in the pnst7 SEAFOOD ITALIAN DELI & CATERING The Arts Incubator Festival Ye« No Hours: Mon. - Fit 9:0Oam-7\0Opm Sat. 9:00am- 6:00pm Sun.-Cloeed !ha MuFphy'Dunn Theotfe,\taugtin Eomes Building, Kean University, Mortis Avenue Union re H? 905 MOUNTAIN AVE., SPRINGFIELD. N.J. FOR INFORMATION CALL WESTfIELD K0UN6 ARTISIS COOPEWIIVE IHLtfK (WYACT) 908-233-3 30. 1999 prime time! Record Press/B-5 Films in focus: A look at the latest movie releases Coptoy N»ws Service Isaac Hayes, Minnie Driver. n timo: 1 hour. IT min- rape, to copy her horrid gang security, snake-pit psycho ward irom San Diego, drudgingly. Joe Irey Parker, Matt Stone. utes. (Klliotti K;itod l'(;-!;t. .'5 rape at West 1'oint. so as to That will depend on his psycho agrees to boat him down the NEW RELEASES ' Hehert > Rated R. 2 -tar-; "SOUTH PARK: BIGGER stiirs. finally nail dad with the guilt of logical evaluation, which eager Inland W.itriu.n tn a mysteri- 'AVILI) WILD WEST" - Will RKCENT RKLKASKS having covered tip her previous and ambitious young shrink ous mooting. That leads to a big LONGER AND UNCUT" - It's Smith is in strapping, macho t;ot a love story, a war and "Hit; DADPY" - The promo- rape <"fur the honor of the Theo Caulder (Cuba (iooding shock, and the sudden beaching heaven as government agent timuil poster <>! "Big Daiidy" itM- Point." and his career*. It pumps enough musical sap to gum up Jr. i is aching to perform. The onto a lush but deserted island Jim West in -Wild Wild West." tuivs Adam Sandlci'and a link' along briskly, and the good cast ears from here to the Great realistic simians are little more ot Joe. Donna and Noelle. It's too Based on the pop-cultish TV boy, hoth prinunl tn urinatf oiv gets maximum munch from than gorillas in the grist. Cast: much, though capably per- White Way. Hey, is this "South 1 show i 19ti5-tilM. the film barrels sonit posh doors. W'v >cv that their dialogue, Cast: John Anthony Hopkins. Cuba formed. Park" or "South Pacific"? The along - shooting both barrels. whiz.iuid t'tuir ur five othors. It's Travolta. Madeleine Stowe. Ciooding Jr., Donald Sutherland, answer to that question is Cast M.iry Kli/.abeth West is first seen hobbling with supp(tst>(l ti» bt> a big lau^h i>:ieh James Cromwell. James Woods, Maura Tiernev. (ieorge Mast ranlomo, David apparent the second you hear a lovely lady in a water tank. tinu'. bi'causi' boy-nian Sonny Timothy llutton. Clarence Dzundza. (Salm* Hated H. '2Straitharii. Vanessa Martinez, the actual words to the cheeky They get spilled out by a ram (Sandk'i-i has taught tho kid. Williams III. Running time: 1 IS stars. Kris Kristoffei'snn. Ciisoy musical numbers that punctu- pfiging loon, the Confederate -Julian, whom ho hopes In adopt, minutes. (Klliott* Rated H. 2 "LIMBO" - Mary Kli/.abeth Siemas/.ko, Leo Burmoster. ate "South Park: Bigger, Longer Gen. "Bloodbath" McGrath HVd the art of public urination. Snnu1 stars. and Uncut," Most of those words Mastrantonio is fair of face and tKlhotn Kated R. 2 stars. Lovinei. who doesn't much care of the eool (bleep) inrludes niak- "INSTINCT" • It seems that fine of voice as Donna De consist of four letters. Many of r that the Civil War ended lour in^ skiitfhoaniers take nasty while in Africa. Dr. Kthan Angelo, a nervous escapee from them start with "F." In a sense. HAT1X: years before ami his side lost. falls, extruding gum like mucus, I'owell (Anthony Hopkins), n bail marriages, and a gifted yet the whole plot of this nasty little For the South must rise again, •I STARS • Kxrt'Uvnt. bod-wotting cover tact its lust- primatologist doing research on unreuowned singer in joints. :i STARS \\\>rt!ix. flick revolves around issues of even ii il requires major shoot- newspaper', eanneil gorilla behavior, went native Donna leaves her current man censorship and hypocrisy. The ing, boozing and whoring bv a 'J STARS • MLwti. food nn the fliuir. and null' with extreme prejudice: He dis- in a fierce skedaddle. She takes 1 STAR - Poor, high jinks begin when young- war wreck like McGrath. The insults to seniors. There is a appeared for two years and along her jaded and dyspeptic 0 - Fowt II. sters Stan, Kyle, Kenny and evil mind behind tin' scheme to sqitishy topper. Sonny's lived like an animal with the daughter. Noelle. Donna takes Nli • Not Rated. Cartman, regulars from the seize history and loot it blind is wheedling speech asking for former objects of his study. up with depressed former fish- hugely popular Comedy Central Dr. Arliss Loveless (Kenneth ehild custody. "Bi^ n;»ldy" is Convicted of killing two erman Joe (liistincau (David cartoon, sneak into an R-rated Branaghi. Kevin Kline plays the Cults ult's fompilvd from sort of nothing. It may make- Rwandan soldiers, he has been Slruithurii). Hour Joe's shifty miwit' rcrirtrs icrtt/fii hv movie. Anyone bucking for an even more inventive Artemus millions, but the run of zeroes whisked back to the United half-brother (Casey Siemas/.ko) Gordon, at first a rival to West. Elliott, film critic for ( excuse to get outraged over the pretty well sums it up. Cast: Slates, probably to he locked turns up. with an odor of 1 baseness of popular entertain- hut Iheti his partner. Cast: Will 77M Sun l)ici;o I'uiuii-Tribune, Adam Sandier. .Joey Lauren awav forever in a maximum crooked money and had deals (erit/itu!) ami other staff writers. ment will find plenty here to Smith. Kenneth Branagh. Kevin Adiims, .)on Stewart, Hob sloke the flames of indignation. Kline, Salnia Hayek. M. Emmet Schneider, Josh Mnstel. ('ok> Voice cast: Mary Kay Bergman. Walsh, Ted Levine, Bai Ling. and Dylan Nprouso, Slevi- Buseeini. Huninng tinu1: !>."> min- RHYME TIME utes. (Klliott) Uated I'C-l.i. 1 star. 1 3 "THK tIKNKRAL'S DAIH;H- 13 TKU" - rlolin Travolta is Paul Brennoi. a U.S. Army internal INIWUOON 17 agent win) discovers that a mill tary installation in tieorgia is a CUOUfll 1 20 lot worse than the roll en one in "»*• TWI moo I Carson McCullers' "Reflrelions TMff C«MkU MAU.OOH | in a tiolden Kyi>."(Jen. "Ki^htiu^ OOLF . Joe" Campbell, the revered ram- covir • rod played by scarecrow James OTHM 4MMiir ITIIM* Cromwell, is retiring to run for Mtw SOAHOMMLM vice president. Hut his lovely OAMI A VHMO AMCAOf daughter Li/ (Leslie Stelanson* is murdered, and found spreiid- oagle naked. Kli/.alieth wits a brilliant instructor in psycho logical warfare, and richly right for it by also being a psyclmtic. I'll'. • ni|(u»iT N'l li< ir'-.-M.I.- Not raped before death, she ImichiM'ul I ' lufci'l cleverly staged a simulated M 55

ACROSS 46 Comurnwl 11 ••„ i, 48 Stain ItiMAtn I? KII- M may be lurid 50 Back inti'!>.(.- IS Tupi Squealer"* tune 3 *ht*«l^i' J) El (j B#[*ve#n Oand Miuter buff vuvuvww ,') Charged Gd Typo u( r_nnl 37 Cnlicyo 010m I'kiuic (In--. You mine IIKIIIC .(lu'i ;I IOII^ Jay .it Scotty's ,fj Ertrly bird 0 g 3H Clay, now Voted Area's •" ;* *nouk DOWN HI i[k, Joi; 1 IICI] Vni \\ ml Jiniici, hut , IUMJ I In 41 Nictitate Top "Steakhouse" -* t Portrn b cum 42 Ashtabula's lake 1 tlioiiLiiii i't t;oiii^ out Hi hxnii; it VOIIIM-II. Sninul i? Pie/ru a girl 2 Hal'lin sparkling 4] Zenith Hume oJ'J-i oz Ureat Steaks i! tnvm of dims pluco 44 Spal l.lllllll.ll.' p' *~Minls headpiece J TViy bhopiung 46 Ankle binder Self stjHed e»peri 47 Charge Phd. lor 4 In ported sliope 49 Ray $11.95 !'M( :UOKiN( i I-UK YOlIl,ireison,itt:|iel 5 Gawk 50 Frentfi hofy woman 1 J F'holograp+ry lefm 6 Church music 51 Mother1* brother. Scrvu e, i ,in piiividc iniicshiitt (tislonicis with an tnValencM 1 V $11.95 J •11 SI/ UK* makers [< Illlll Ml Iks • I Mil !Mli 11 uI •.:I !•• iltrin ihvi in r I j, 11 Jitiinm.i, ,nul Milne I'd ,il incaK! 4i' Mako nappy 7 Sliagtil 52 Price <» voHie 07-07-M 54 On the Aegean lftl l^ll • I nlii !u vihl< Miiili'.-i I • 1 Sealing B Take ' • 'i ' JS Soap Bo« Derby 9 Small amount » Mil|)lac*d ( ulil Uiti • Ulln I i-' $1.25 DRAFTS entrant 10 Emulate CKOTO S6 Apple M«4 SiKin. v"ii i>crvMi.il i iict ,ii I'M C( K 'KIN( i I'OK .*ll/>5 24 <>/. Siiiuin Steak Y( H i, will |>icp.nc inultiple, itelu lous JilitH'ls, .m ( lint Hmilcd !/2 II.. Kor^ti S MUM \,ml In \ I'll' I In f,K Ii i. llelii. Sprimjliulfl, N.J (1/0)11 .Wl'lVl OPEN / I)A¥5; Double • • • Ni 'I "ii l\ ,ur .til I In- |i ii ii Is |>rc|'.ireil, it is Lihelcil .II i>l in ul-tJ will i i m ;irv i IIIHerneif 1020 S. Wood Avenuei , Linden, N.J Every Evening Alter 4pm 1 uiiciuc <»r NOW ( Neuly ,-...... ,!' !•• .-.-• (Ml tlort lor dlUllll .il i iMiui!. In ihliw ,iiiil .ill n) whom want tu eat FREE DELIVERY ill-Ik inn- cMiii-c-. liny JU>I tlnii'i want to have hi B»nquerf?aoms 862"6455 No Service Charge for 7 D>yi < Wt(k 1 30 (HI lo I DOpm sIiDp lor ni mill, rIKIII. Anil innv lhcy don't liitvc We Serve The Best Breakfast in Town All Day Long i.., I'MtX H)K1N(. 1OK YOU, Susan's Personal ( .\wi Scrvu.c will happily Jo thai for them. 12 Months VIVIAVS lillt ••• A For A Snark A StirxJv/ir.fi A l«o',l Ui si IK I.I ~ OPEN 24 HOURS and first order of checks free. Quaint. Comfortable & Reasonable Yuiir Mine is valuable, and tliis is an aMonlahlc way Almost Everything is Honiei'uiUe1" tDC.it healthy, reJuu- stress, anJ enjoy lile, Mltl J5 StHJfJ!) IV;Mi'! l'i.vl,l! K ;i"J ) HM-,toJ 1','ti:,1 K ' • t'irl :l \'/--)•. Ymi uin rc.uli Susan, a mcinhcr ol ihe Aim-man Sloaki • Chop) When you open a Valley Convenience Checking f rt',1. 'j.lii'i'l: • iMli.i''j III' • »' .'i."';!:!';-: '-." '.'•• I"' K SoalDOd ' Sa lai) Bar tg:j (.reini'j • I.'!",ti li-iK'D',••,!•••. '&.• ,••'•- Hi'i.;!:•-. I VIM 'ii, il ( 'hc( ANMH. larion and julnisi >n t>i Wales : Buiinoiiman'i luncheons , , or NOW Checking account with $ 100 or more, r.'.-jnf, [i,;, I,it I,' .!1 •'. '. i ••!. '• •• "' ( ailinary Art (Jraduaic, at I'M ( :( H)KIN( i I OK 1932Eo.tSiOor9.tA,, M» '• With This Coupon 'You Can Even Buy n Genuine Antique! YOU. IM-W you'll get no monthly service charges for a year 925-4777 i and your first order of 50 personalized w.iHct-style 10 i'i' & checks, absolutely free! We will also buy back unused checks from your recently closed checking account at another NIGHT OUT DIM If; SUM CASUAL DINING • REGIONAL ITALIAN CUISINE financial institution. Act now because this offer I i l.il'illiMM SI ll'l't. ">n HI / is only available at our Scotch Plains office and < I.IDIOHI. rtl li7H I(J ( ! fi expires September 30, 1W9 A%03b : - '<•.;*

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ALL THIS AND MORE MEET THE CRITERIA? HANDSOME GENTLEMAN 32 yr old. 5'B", 185 Ib, non- WOMEN 21 yr old, blue eyed female is 38 yr old, single white male, 5'10", handsome, fit, financial- smoking, single, white male * looking (or a Spanish male, 21 SEEKING MEN ly secure, emotionally stable, with blonde hair ar>d blue eyes. to 27, who likes movies, clubs, Call 1-900-37091U enjoys camping, biking, com- Enjoys music, movies, dining music and knows the way to $1.99 per niln. puter, piano, the ocean, seeks out and more. Looking for a treat a lady. Can we begin lo single while female who has single, white female, 25 to 35, SHORT AND SWEET makfj memorirts tor tti8 both of similar interesl, is honest fit, with a great sense of humor, 28 yr old, ST. 100 lbs white us in a good friendship? BOX non smoker, non drinker, emo- for a long term relationship. female, blonde hair, ha0 (o 58, (or a COULD THIS BE museums, NPR and poetry. wants to 90 out. have some gle, 70'8, In good hoflllh, tor possible lor>n tnrm THIN, WHOLESOME AND Maybe together we'll find fun and do different things. friendship and fun lima togclli- relationship. BOX MAGIC CAH I BUY something extraordinary. BOX BOX 34260 er, BOX 39068 ...Pfoity. Ciirimj, single Jowish 32646 Single white male, female, 30, 57", 125 lbs, non- YOU A DRINK? early 50's, non3762- 7 "VERY RARE" "MAN OF MY DREAMS" STRIKING smoker, non-drinker, never smoker, slim, " WISHING ON A STAR " 20 yr old, single white mate." Single, white female wlih rod BRUNETTE married, music attractive, honesl, Single white Catholic male, Enjoys bowling, music, movies hair and hazel eyes. Likes din- Attrnclivs divorcBri composer/accounlnnt. down to earth and early 60's, slim, 5'9" andand much more, Seeking a ing out, dancing, relaxing and whitn brunotlB who is Allsctionate, homebody, old financially secure. romantic. Seeks younger gal. single white female, 18 to 25, more. Seeking a kind, carlnrj, honesl, caring and fashioned is vwilting until hon- Likes the beach, who is easy going, feminine, with similar interests, lor a pos« Single, white male. 44 to 47. hns a good sBnso of travel, dining out, slim and a non- smoker. Enjoy who likes to dance tind has eymoonl Seeks odncaletl sin- humor. Ssoking nn siblo relationship. BOX 33993 theaters, movies museums, nalure, cultural other Interests. UOX 33644 gle whim professional malo, 2 7 lionostnran, 46 to 56, " TAKE A FEW YEARS OFF " and more. In aclivities, spectator sports, (o 41, share movios. coinociy, lor a sfiiious talatinn- 20 yr old, 6', 160 Ib, single THE THREE C'S... travel, talking, listening, nostal- pmks, cuddling and lovol DOX ship. Middlosox search of very while male. Seeking an older, While widow femalo, 67. gia, music, photography and 325C4 Counly. BOX 33027 attractive female, single white female. 25 to 35. pallia, Intellignnt, Win. fil, more BOX 32985 37 to 47 for possi- who is fun, has a great sense aolive, warm, assoriivo, nrticn- " LETS HAVE FUN " PRETTY AND FIT ble long term rein- " LETS LAUGH TOGETHER " of humor, and Is willing to try tale. Senkin:i m)MiiiOiistiH! and ch.il- hair and blun eyos. I ikes II VIMI iirn i,m;jlu ami iiluno. vveakpnrifl. Preferably a more. Seeking an at tractive, " PERFECT FOR YOU" who ii: not ii fourh potJtn. .'•ihle lontj li'iivi iol.i!innMitp I lonytv BOX 1M0? walks on Ilia beach, movira, vvishinii for a y.xiri friiind male woniiin will) a drivers license. single or divorced, white Handsome, humble, fit. black Must nnji'y ;|DIP| tinms. oklie::, cimouiiiiMiKt nocJ pi'isoPiihly, dining oul, diinnnci. Alkwiiic 50 to (j:>, ()ivo mot \cM> |!OX BOX 16146 female, 33 to 43, for a relation- male is seeking a ftl female, 26 WOMEN r find suniaiHt days on Ihe honed nml importing tlii) City, thsiltoi iind morn. 330-1 , MEN ship. BOX 33037 to 38, for a long term relation- Im.'ii'h. plus bii hoMnst. a(li>(- y.irno in ri>luin. tlOX 330OO NEXT DOOR TYPE SEEKING WOMEN Looking for an honpsl, tifn:f>m ship. BOX 32983 " SECUHE AND SINGLE" lion,UP, uoonuiintii. rnus.l hn omploynri, nwn 57". WKlov.'nd, down to n:ir1h. romantic, coring and affection- beachas, and romance. In liliiu eye: ('ni-nys ,1 vdr-pty pf Early 50's, widow, 5'9". 16b lbs, great shape Seeks an attrac- sional female is seeking a bi attractive, onorgetic, (iivori.ftrl, lr;ins|ioit.)li(in. c'ii£tn, lieiillhy nfffciionntn, wiirni. Jowisli, ate lor friendship and mo'e. iiilnnislr.. !ii">kmi) ,i non- (jood looking, lit, intelligent. search of slim, single or tive female for discreet, casual curious female, 45 to 66, lor Hispanic, linlian fpmaln who hyvit Inolh, iind cm not live whiln loiiiain wilti li.vcl cyps BOX 16350 smiikiiiji. nhiln. w,(l;'v,t>:i or tnjoys (jollinri, baating. music divorced femalo, 28-40, with encounters and good times. fun and friendship. BOX 32980 enjoys working cms, Dm out-wilti your wifo or yom niolho;. isriti hnmnttn liair. Simkini) ;)n sincjlo niiil", .10 lo 55, for com- fnmily finil lritoki!iglor n SEE WHAT HAPPENS similar interests. BOX 33038 No games. Will return all calls doots, dinlnci oul, unimnls nml UOX 0300S )>tiri'i';1, toni|),ir,';iorMlM, youni) patilc, ji'etty. uplwiil, intoliicient MIDDLESEX AREA ruinimslHp !»,ni tu| into ,-) pr.3. Single while male, 33, brown BOX 33003 naluro. Soaking (j!), Irv ;ih;iro ttj-n'-r prplincfd. !3OX 1201/ who nnjoys span's, movies, the Good looking, 25, 5'8". easy "JUST DO IT" seeking a bi white female, 18 45 to 52. Non-smokor BOX Pfitiln whitn widow, •illiaclive. row's t.ivn. ffiuqhlcr, and li.ip going, honesl, enjoys Iitness, 42 yr old. 6'2". handsome, fit. to 35, who is down ID earth, CALL 2 FIND OUT MORE NO TAN LINES bench and dining out. Seeking 37345 limiimim, iillociioii.ilti, unjoys clubs, movies, good conversa- outgoing, romantic, mulli-lm- honest and don't drink or Silt:]'.', wlvlnWu-ili.. v;li:- hnr. Vmi don I liivn lo h« into the ci single white female, non- music, (Jananii, luiml, ail In tion and sports. I would like to gunl. financially secure, singte, smoke Middlesex County ATTRACTIVE REDHEAD ,1 l.iniily 1 ( IIIIITI")',!', i;; f-,r> 'kiMi| •r-ii'i I.• ]nr.-,v,'r thi> ;idd. f]O0(1 smokpr. ;?7-3fi, who is tit, search ol riootj n;ilui(>ii, whitp ( k".ikuni 39 yi.-i old while man black male who enjoys spoils, Area BOX 40184 Enorgetlc, dlvorcod wtiilo 1 r-iriijiti rr!,i!,., l,ir ,1 l , in• J• Oup swopl, down lo fiaftti ^nd (ain- mssl someone with similar widower, 60 plus, wild similar r ( bonkUM ii.'nf.innjtft. liin to bo movies, dancing, travel, and female, 69, 5'!)", 130 lbs. with SEEKINOMOMANCE 1 ily oncnlfd, with simitnr inter- interests lor friendship nnd inioroslr., (joori SPIISO t.f •Hill ,| [.• , •• ,l,|l'il|1''.l)||) rtlh ••...in,in, , 111 v' fi.]<*. COX fine cuismp. Seeking tall, GUIDELINES an outgoing personality mid n 3li W c='cl, S', |(K! Ih. nttf.iit ests BOX 324^2 possible long-term relation- hiinioi, iiiuf lr,idi!Kin;il Viiliii?H c flttracSrve, intelligent, down to NM PuklsMng assumes no liability great sense ol humor, Likes whitf? leni.ilii, Swr|nn. > iUi ship, I am will-rig to give my wtio Is lookiiui for Ilif) (injoy earth, single, whits female for for contents of. of wplitts to liny per walking, tennis, rtanr.infl, duly hhjrvio h;iir ,KKi hK.'.vn 1 heart away to tho right person possible lonq term relation- conn tnt\piii5Qrrtpflic!ufli.ely with thft Would enjoy mooting a non- BOX XVMi I'lM Mi >IV Ads V)s|( a-Jve'lisaf ot, of rHS[x!mi#nt to. surh smoking gentleman, BOX PLAYFUL SCIENTIST FRIENDS FIRST MEHGEf) IN PROGRESS? light ilimiors ;ni(f mure. ifdvBitist^njpnt!; NJhJ PtifoUshino 33004 Divorced, white male. 55, 26 yr old 5'10", athletic, good Lot's t|ive usn chnncn! Wonrp Ssnkinri an IHII^VI, rorn inh<; tn&y. In its Mite difcretton. ctianje /V//V l>tiblisbint[> On tine seeks relationship with sensi- lookiny, honBst, friendly, while Ihourjhtful, W.IIIII, flomtilp. ri),ili-*, 'Mi to 44, with .] 1'KKI ip/t*ci rv delete ary personat itch&r •* SENSITIVE AND HONEST " male with brown hair and hazel compiissionatn, with Mtiilily lo sonsvo ol humor, lur lni'ii(inhi|) |||H \\ s bio opon minded, realistic, sin- tisuwpnls vfhtch it cldpmt Attractive, 47 yr old, whito, oyes, non-smoker, social listpn, latirjli, nnd share joyous first, pnssihio IOIKJ Imm cam ojo white female. Enthusiasm Christian woman with lilondn mitmont. UOX :i;.rii:ir;> drinker. Enjoys the outdoors, friendnhip. YOU: cjnnd in essonlinl, beamy n nol HW» greeting ro dLXwn^jf than hair nnd tilun eyes, smoker Is movies, dancing, sports, dining naturod. tilll. odtirdtfld, wlilln PRICILLASEEKSELVIS jequifed, nlcensss is neces- dtl Ads tv'tfuHit b nice gigglings may seeking an attractive, Christian out, conversations, boofcslores Jowish malo. 52-G2, ancf 54 yr old, dm loving foinfiln sary. Eeist Windso' a-.»;i BOX not aw*$f in Tne H&eling Pla man 40 to 55 who Is soiisitivn, and more. Seeking a Iriendiy, searchlrtri for M[{: » witty nkis- wilh qrpnn f»yfls ;irul lonti fJ;irk 33043 Vihsr\ ypLr respond fo » Meeting companlonute end honest who honest, white lemale, IB to 30, sicnlly slrikinri, pTulebsioiml hntr. Loves niur.ii: WIIIIIL, in Respond to Ads with your ONE OFAKIND with similar interests. BOX Fine* s.f, )«uf (VK.I<> MI will mftest enjoys bicycling, moving Hivd a ctutqe ol S1MC> jw numitt An with wifiBfl inU?rnstg Slinll WP meot I'lvis luok (ilikn far mm- Tall Linky, sinc)k> vitnle male, 32589 dinning oul. BOX 33046 Inlk? UOX 330OH fKirnoitship. UOX 3.?(i!i!l flv-erfliTff J mtntj-tn Cilll COtts $?, [4? Visa/ Mastercard! 25, employed, tuvn transporta- " BLUE EYES " 7H9 Meeting piace !>0Of is inn «U\1 INSPIRED ti\ NATURE tion, good hr.iM and looks, 38 yoar old, 5'11", attractive, ,*!>' Attvlnce'J le'pcom 5<>(\,:ns Rplifijliinti iitiij v'.iiin. ,'!|I|IM;I]- Oifftf sonin what shy ami sensitive, honest, single white mnle li**ir,';iii(i, ! liidv win) flnjciys dining oul. jom;$ncf>, Seeks attractive, singln or orwjt,='S. ftiKfc.int>0 rt'HiVw/,1? f. lilVOIf. il(lvk.dlBl.lli>,l, fji.jkilll.f. " 1-388-785-67OO amusemBnl parks, and hnrri [Irvtircod while femnlo, 32-42. P'lC-rf 6 •>*•/'.' ticm 9urn lo S 30 p.-n l«luir;il>!if, t.il while .Imvii.li v/nrk. Looking for smqie for a relationship. I enjoy LPT, Kfrntuy In Fmhty lor t.?it FREE VOICE GREETING! riMln. fi.l lil'. rj,m wo liiiihi imi * ALL NEW AUTOMATED SYSTKM fflmnfs, 19 lo 25. who is on thrt sports, movies, outdoors and tuliiiy lii(Mii)-;liip wilfi l,iui|lil,->r, shy sid&> nnd is unprt*>tprjtk"iij;; comedy clubs t)i(t nol alone. I y.v tiy NJH in id lli"liitiiniVMOX ;i.'c.'",7 -99 |ioi*/inln. with lhat spotifll person BOX Hints aplua. SOX33044 33002 Record-Press B-7

Deadline Noon Wednesday Prior To HOME IMPROVEMENT k. Publication ONE CALL PUTS YOU IN TOUCH WITH THESE HOMETOWN WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS • Suburban News • Independent Press • Cranford Chronicle • Record Press

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BUILDING • REMODELING WILLIAM & MIKES There is no substitute lor experience To Advertise HECTOR MEDINA LANDSCAPING To Advertise HOME IMPROVEMENT DECK POWERWASH \our Business omplt'li'l .iihkr. ifitui K In1!1 ,sVn'/r t>lir olil tli'ik lonk likr iit-wln KEYSTONE FLOORING Relax... Call Ruk liillderi * Remodeling Contractors Over 30 years of Top Quality Work at K l k I l! H;» clwiiod riooiin

LANDSCAPING Relax... D.J. Donoughue Construction POTTS CREEK Replacement Windows & Decks F+M ASPHALT Let Our Advertisers Relax... Hardwood Floor Specialists Wood & Vinyl Siding • Additions DRIVEWAYS * ROADWAyS inntalted • R&finished • Sanded UNDOING & DESIGN Do The Work Let Our Carpel, Upholstery A On Site Drapery Core c'i jolt from design to finish Renovations • Kitchens • Baths • PARKING AREAS • ; Oriental & Aica Rugs Cleaned & Restored • SPRIN6CLEANUP- SHHUBS Free Ettimatn 800-307-4494 • 908-464-2653 908-241-3972 Advertisers BELGIUM BLOCK CURBING • SEEDING • SODDING • GRADING RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL • INSTALLATIONS • BRICK PAVING AIR COND/HEATN Do The • CHEMICALS • DRAINAGE SYSTEMS RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. • INDUSTRIAL • Complete Home Improvement SVC. MARROW WOOD FLOORS FREE EST. SR. CITIZEN DISC. M0TKAI Afft CARPENTRY • MASONRY • PAINTING Work ROOFING & SIDING FULLY INS. • FREE EST, Kxpt'il kflinisliint; & Installations Residential - Commercial Healing • Air Conditioning - Plumbing FIRE DAMAGE RESTORED Sales - Service • Installation WEEKLY -MONTHLYMAINT. l.i-i-'J S-i-i!' .!••• : ('iislinn Work VVelcouu* •-"(Ml Air Systems • G.in Fum.iu»s &>"••' 973923-5063 /w/ 80O-3S2-O030 '' .-iijilieis - Air Cleaners Hoi W;I1<>I H'M'i- 201-261-5151 -.»<•«' 300-395-2153 > iH££T METAL WORK AMANA FM:F. £SNM B. 973-510-7881 90S-352-4242 906-654-a86t L-^ntf *U *"'• 973-984-2996 '"

HOLLYWOOD CUSTOM To Advertise CARPENTRY BY PAUL To Advertise CARPET SERVICE 'Your llusiiicss Relax... j la tula Mrm/DtiM ImMtr • M ir«l h Man SALCS • SERVICE • REPAIRS Let Our Advertisers CwUfrj on* 1iipb JM* • WWOJ Ctartm tm • INSTALLATION • CLLAN UPS On Iliis Fa^c Your Business FULLY INS. AVAILABLE 7 DAYS FREE F.ST ROLL OFF DUMPSTEKS 10 to 20 yds < til Ruk Do The Work 908-355-1165 908-686-5229 FREE Est.908-789-9279 I ully 11' t-nscil ^ InMjrcH 1-800-981-5640 On This Page PAGER-973-855-2737

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Green, Scotch Plains, 7 p.m. required. Call (908) 789-4090. Rain site: Scotch Plains- GAME NIGHT - for New Scholars Program |This week Fanwood High School, 641 FEMALE, Formerly Employed Westfield Road, Scotch Plains. Mothers at the Leading Edge. Free admission. Hanson House, 38 Springfield with Type O blood, sponsored Avi1., Cranford, 7:30 p.m. Aug. will aid UCC students by Westfield Chapter of the Call (908) 322-6700, Ext. .status at UCC, a minimum of 3.0 or 222 18. ELIZABETH - Freeholder American Red Cross, 321 Elm Bring «'t board game (no Chairman Nicholas I*. Scutari a H average- attained in high school, SATURDAY St., Westfield, 3-8 p.m. CARNABY STREET announced a new program initiated and an annual lamily income of loss Appointments recommended; Sixties tribute hand. Village Candy Land). Call (908 > 27 2- W the county — tho Freeholder than $75,000. Students applying for JULY 31 call (800) 652-5663, Ext. 140. Green, Scotch Plains, 7 p.m. 2471 or (908) 862-7781. Scholars Program. the Freeholder Scholars Program BENEFIT BRUNCH - for FEMALE — meeting and Rain site: Scotch Plains- CAR SHOW - antique and :This program was established must file for federal and state finan- Fnnwood Democratic Party discussion with Formerly Fanwood High School, 641 classic car show along Quimby by the Union County Hoard of cial aid. The Scholars Program slate. B.C. Fields, 5(J0 Employed Mothers at the Westfield Road, Scotch Plains. Street, Westfiold, 6:30-8:30 Chosen Freeholders to unahlo our award will cover the difference Springfield Avi\, Westfietd, Leading Edge. Hannon House, Free admission. p.m. Aug. 24. (Street closed 5-9 country's .students who attained hetween UCC tuition and fees, and 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Cost $,'10. 38 Springfield Ave., Cranford, Call (908) 322-6700, Ext. p.m.) academic success* in high school to other financial aid received. Call (908) 889-5298 or (908) 7:30 p.m. 222. Registration: Call (908) 654- receive two (roe years of collect; Freeholder scholars who maintain a 789-7980. Call (908) 272-2471 or (908) 4100. toward an associate's degree at 3.0 grade point average at the college 862-7781. Union County College," stated are eligible to receive the scholarship Scutari. "So many .students and for four consecutive fall/spring COMING UP WANTED BOOK CLUB - discussing their parents are caught in the mid- semesters. BOOK CLUB - discussing ¥W#*1^ • WmmMJ dle. Their income is too great to 'The freeholders are pleased that THURSDAY "Americans at War" by Stephen DEALERS - for fourth receive a sufficient amount of finan- the program, tho first of its kind in AUG. 4 E. Ambrose. Town Book Store, annual Antique and Collectible cial aid, yet paying for college in Now Jersey, has lx;en meeting with PARENTING YOUR TOD- AUG. 5 255 E. Broad St., Westfield. 8 Doll. Toy and Train Show spon- these times of ever escalating edu- a great deal of interest," Scutari DLER — support group spon- p.m. Aug. 10. Call (908) 233- sored by Westfield Lions Club. JERSEY FRESH - farm- 3535. Pantagis Renaissance, Route cational costs is quite hurdensome." added, "We are looking forward U> sored by La Leche League of ers' market at railroad station, helping Union County students to INDOOR BARD - "Two 22, Scotch Plains, 10 a.m.-3 Beginning in the Kill of 1999, Westfield. Scotch Plains Public South Avenue, Westfield, 2-7 p.m. Nov. 20. these scholarships will cover the cost attain their higher education goals." Library, 1927 Bartle Ave., p.m. Thursday to Oct. 28. Call Gentlemen of Verona," for card- of tuition and Jeon at Union County Call the Union County College Scotch Plains, 10:15 a.m. Call (908) 233-3021. holders of Westfield Memorial Spaces $30 first table, $25 College for entering or returning stu- Office of Financial Aid at (908) 709- (908) 889-0010 or (908) 653- GUITAR BOB - with Library, 5B0 E. Broad St., each additional. dents who meet the criteria of coun- 7141 for brochures on the scholarship 1598. "Songs from the Kooky .Jar" for Westfield, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 11. Reservations: Call (908) 232- ty residency, full-time enrollment pmgram and further information. BLOOD DRIVE - for those children of all uges. Village Free admission; tickets 8551 or fax (908) 654-3643. Deadline Noon Wednesday Prior To " . Publication

HOME IMPROVEMEN•.'•'.•' •••< % TJ / t :-s ONE C^LL PUTS YOU IH TOUCH WITH THESE HOMETOWN WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS • Suburban News • Independent Press • Cranford Chronicle • Record Press •.'!/',•'•:' To Place Your Ad Call 1-800-981-5640

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Ultt* July 30, 1999 Record-Presi C-1 Sports Upstate NY pitchers found Ciemniecki offensive ByMCHBEVEWSEE and missed the league playoffs at 17- struggled." there." RECORD-PRESS 23, Ciemniecki appears to have met And Hornell did struggle early, When Ciemniecki did heat up, it his pre-summer goal. stumbling to a 6-14 start. Ciemniecki apparently rubbed off on the ballclub, WESTFIELD — Rutgers University Ciemniecki chalked up some hurt his arm pitching in an exhibition which went 11-9 in the second half. needs a more reliable leadoff man on admirable summer numbers hitting game against an American Legion "He was a spark plug for us," its baseball team next spring, which leadoff for Hornell. team two weeks into the season, and Carroll said. "He'd got a bunt single means the Scarlet Knights are looking He batted .331 (43 for 130) with 12 he battled strikeout woes. and two pitches later he was on third for offense and speed. RBI and 19 walks in 38 games. He Baseball "He gels himself down by not being base. Hi* kept the team fired up. I was Speed is already a huge portion of broke team records by stealing 30 aggressive enough," Carroll said. "He's talking to his dad the other night. Out the Brian Ciemniecki package, but if baaos (out of 32 attempts) and scoring got a good leadoff hitter mentality. of HO some stolen bases, 1 don't think I there was one thing the Westfield 42 runs, and he ranked second on the N.C., juggled players from all over the When he's using the whole field and gave him the steal sign more than High alumnus wanted to get done this club in hits, average, walks and on- states — Alabama, Florida. Iowa, he hits ball on the ground he's tough twice." summer in preparation for his junior baso percentage (.405). Louisiana, Minnesota, New Jersey, to get out." Ciemniecki said lie is taking two season at Rutgers, it was to improve "The main thing for summer was to New York, North Carolina, Virginia Because of his injury Ciemniecki weeks off before resuming weight his hitting. get at bats and concentrate on my hit- and Washington. Carroll came away was relegated to designated hitter training and conditioning. He The only way to do that is get more ting," said Ciemniecki, who batted impressed with Ciemnieeki's work duties. returned home with lliree out-of-state at bats, he said, so he played for the .297 for the Knights from the No. 9 ethic at the plate. The new role seemed to suit him teammates Monday and he planned to Horncll (N.Y.) Dodgers of the hole last spring. "I was cutting down "Our general manager talked with because it enabled him to concentrate take them to the Mels-Pirutes game Northeastern Collegiate Baseball on my strikeouts. I was feeling com- a scout who recommend ml him and we solely on hitting. that night. League. fortable up there and swinging the bat pursued it from there," Carroll said. "I struggled at first but I got used "It was a great experience." he said. The Dodgers packed a 40-game well." "He was tremendous for us all year as it," Ciemniecki said. "I got to like it a "It was tough competition, but I never schedule into a month and a half, and Hornell Head Conch Aaron Carrol), the leadoff hitter. Basically when he little bit. It is kind of different having felt overwhelmed. I felt I could pluy at Ciemniecki came out swinging. who's in his fifth year at Division III wins, we win. When he was on base, a leadoff DH but we were struggling the level. A bunch of us are talking Although the Dodgers struggled early Chovvan College in Murfreesboro, we stored runs. When he struggled, we so much for runs that 1 stayed in about going back next year." Nilsen pads league-best record, clinches first place in Union Co. Comcast takes two, keeps second-best record in senior league

Ron Ivory hit a two-run home Mike Ward (home run) led the run, Bruce Bilotti had two hits Union County offense for Rehabco, and Frank Ciampi and Jerry Rehubco 18, Legg Mason 6 Hettrick both had key hits in Senior - Bob Bierman (two triples, the seventh inning as Nilsen double), Dick Kotowki, Buddy Detective Agency scored three Standings an of July 23 Hra/aitis and Kd Malko posted times in the seventh to bent multi-hit efforts for Reliabco. ChoequoH, G-4, claim its league- 50-plus Division I Henry Barnes (double), Bob best 18th victory, and clinch (Mark and Willie Morrison first place in 50-plus Division 1 W-L (JB (triple) had multi-bit gameH for of tin* Union County Senior 1. Nilsen Detective 18-2 Lcgg Mason. Softball League. 2. Comcast Cableviskm 1 & ('.rill 1 I'liiisarid St.. Thomas scored in early-game slumber to scored evrry iintiruj for t be win. Marry all 17 runs in the last three each had a pair of bits. seven hiin, while Mil Helfin the offense with a pair of Scinplc. Turn Henderson and innings. BnbC.uy drove in three Joe Met/.)!!1)1 each had throe runs. Don Kmvh'ol hum hud four Tommy Strunioro and Bobby triples, and Finn lllithiiv. I'iolhau drove in four run a each Darryl Katun and Slim bits. bits, and Matt Vnstano, Put LARRY MURPHY/R-P CORRESPONDENT Linmgn and Mike Cam field for St. Jude, and Hick Lesniewski each hud bane hits. For St. BI nine. Torn Kuuiiu each had throe hits. Wusterfeld, Tom Kutkownki Bob Klrni and Hilly JVlirto each drove in three runs, and Nick Darryl Eaton, here pitching In a recent game In the St. Bart's Men's Old- Timers Softball League, was a offensive contributor In games against St. Jude 11, St. Blaise 9 - and Mark Romnine each had two hits for St. Paul. Lnrsun and Nick Donichiln both Hick WiiKterfuld slapped three notched three RBI. For St. St. Michael 4, St. Joseph .'{ bad three hits. St. Joseph and St. Paul last week. Record-Press SPORTSCENE \\% Youth winners advanced player camps, baseball and Scotch Plains. Direct questions t --"\buth events sponsored by the basics, prospect and showcase to league commissioner Dom I Scotch Plains YMCA produced camps, private lessons and coaches Lawrence at 322-1697, or publicity ', these winners recently; clinics throughout Union County. chariman Dean Talcott at 322- | Track — first place, Ashley Call Paul Reddick for details at 6577. ' McCoy; second place, Lamont (908) 686-6057. \ Hunt; third place, -Justin Brown. Sunday-Only Baseball [ BaHeball hitting — most hits Raiders Soccer Camp The Garden State Baseball J (10), Julius Thompson. The second session of the 1999 Conference, in its third year, is ' ' ,Ping Pong Tournament — First Raiders Soccer Camp, under the accepting select travel teams from ' found: Andrew Goldberg del'. Marc direction of Scotch Plains-Fanwood all parts of the state to play in a ', Ftfisin, Victoriya Gorbach dot'. Head Coach Tom Breznitsky and Sunday-only and summer double- | Saxony Nieson, Michael Ru.sin def. Roger Bongaerts of the Dutch header league. Championships and ; Bahid Cornejo, Melissa Koerner Soccer Academy (a full-time profes- all-star games will be held in pro- \ def Alexandra Kuck, Marc Ruwin sional coaching school), will be fessional stadiums. Scheduling will ! ddf. Mike Rusin; Second round: offered Aug. 2-6 at Scotch Plains- be flexible. The average travel com- \ Mike Rusin def Gorbach, Marc Fanwood High, home of the seven- mitment will In; one hour only once ; Rusin def. Michael Rusin (playing time state champion boys soccer a week to play extreme baseball. All \ for Andrew Goldberg), Stacey team. The featured clinician for the types of teams with players 10-19 \ Subbie def Koerner; Semifinals: girls is four-time AJl-American accepted. Teams will be placed in I Marc Rusin def. Subbie; Finals: Nickie Kelly, who plays profession- division by competitiveness. Teams • Mike Rusin def. Marc Rusin. ally for the Jersey Stallions. There will play a very competitive 16- ! Knock Tournament — 6- is a separate goalkeeper program game schedule. Our fall season will ! 8 age group: first place, Billy under the direction of Jeff Gillie, an start Aug. 1. Players ages 13-19 ; Bucklind; second place, Alessi All-Stater from Scotch Plains and interested in trying out are wel- ; Scott; third place, Michael Ridge; 9- presently the starting keeper at come. For details call Frank '< 12 age group: first place, Kyle Princeton. There are three soccer Bacchetta at (732) 750-5506 after 6 ', Grizzurd; second place, Arpan fields and two indoor gymnasiums p.m. ; P&tel; third place, Andrew available. The camp is open to boys ; Goldberg. and girls ages 5-17 (grades K-ll). Instructors, players needed PlayerH are grouped according to The New Jersey Lightning I Adult Softball ability level and range from begin- instructional baseball team is seek- Girl Scouts help at Nature Center ; .The Westfield adult pickup sofl- ner to advanced. For a brochure, ing experienced professional coach- call (908) 322-6102. Forty Girl Scouts from Scotch Plains and Fanwood put in more than 100 hours upgrading the Fanwood | ball league offers three games es, instructors and demonstrators Nature Center In May, adding wood chips to the trails and moving debris caused by storms. The scouts • every Sunday through November. to join the staff! Players are of are from Brownie Troops 343, 346 and 352, Junior Troop 821 and Cadette Troop 751. Shown are Beth '• Interested players should meet at St. Bart's Softball above-average ability and there are Zimmerman, Krystina Byron, Kelly Syring, Laura Schwahl, Stephanie Reed, Jessie Lieberman, Christ na : the Memorial Pool Park Field, Applications for joining the St. several age-level teams ranging Roth, Christine Gillie, Arlelle Felnstein, Kelly Zajac, Jennifer Zimmerman, Stephante Fredas, Leigh „ behind the tennis courts. Bartholomew's men's softball from 13-19 years old based in North, South, East and West New Zebleckas, Samantha Loshlavo, Alexandra Calamela, Cindy Galasso, Nicole DeDursa, Rachel Peterson. I 'All games are slow-pitch. The league, for men 30-and older, are Becky Brand, Siika Merriman, Diamond Crane, Ashley Shubert, Allison Zimmerman, NIKM Appezzato, flt 20 people to show up start available in Scotch Plains at St. Jersey. Games and practices are on Sundays. This is an excellent Stephanie Ballko, Remy Bernardo, Melissa Goldberg, Lauren Hirschhorn, Kim Many, Maggie Murad, 1, and a new game begins Bart's Church vestibule, Standard Nicole Ostrowski, Kerry Pierce, Alexandra Price, Tina Quoi, Julia Ross and Laurel Trezoglou. y 90 minutes. The next 10 peo- Pest Control and Sideline Sports; opportunity for recently-graduated play the winners of the first and in Fanwood at the Fanwood college ballplayers looking for a e, etc. Games run 9 a.m.-l p.m. Clipper and Family Investors career in coaching as well as college skill levels are welcome. For Company. The league, entering its coaches, high school coaches, scouts [Store information, call David 21st year, has grown to 21 teams. and professional baseball trainers. ; Waxtel at (908) 232-5762. Much of the league's success may Players who are interested in try- Union County College has be attributed to new teams being outs should make contact about ! Baseball Camps choaen each year during a draft, roster openings. For further infor- [ SportSMARTS Baseball Camps much like the NFL's college draft. mation call Frank Bacchetta at wide variety of courses in fall ; will hold summer day camps. All games are ployed in Fanwood (732) 750-5506. CRANFORD-For students Anthropology, Architecture, Program, and Electrolysis. who wish to enroll in a full degree Astronomy, Biology, Business, Newly renovated space on the program, as well as those who Chemistry, Communications, Plainfield Campus has been spe- HOURS want to take a course or two to get Computer Information Systems, cially designed for the American LOWEST Mon. Thurv 9:00 AM to 900 PM their feet wet in a college envi- Computer Integrated Sign Language (ASL), Emergency Fri. & Sat. 9 AM to 10 PM ronment, Union County College is Manufacturing, Computer Medical Technician (EMT), anil PRICES Sun. 10 AM lo 6 PM conducting registration for Fall Science, Criminal Justice, Dental Paramedic- courses. In this new Semester classes at its campuses facility, students are provided GUARANTEED Not responsible for typographical errors. Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Sale items cash & carry only. Sale prices in Cranford, Elizabeth, Plainfield, Economics, Education, with increased opportunity for Bring in any competitor's effective 7/28/99-8/3/99. Prices do not and Scotch Plains. The College Electromechanical Technology, hands-on practice sessions. The ad or coupon and we will include sales tax. Beer prices represent conduct classes during daytime, Engineering, English, Fine Arts, ASL laboratory allows students to meet or beat that price 24-12 oz. bottles unless otherwise noted. evening, and weekend hours to Fire Science Technology, Food enhance their learned skills subject to ABC accommodate the scheduling Service Management, French, through the use of specialized regulations. needs of most every student. Geology, German, Government, videotaping equipment. EMT and Students can choose from History, Human Paramedic students have expand- 870 St. George Ave., Rahway, CVS Shopping Center • 732-381-6776 • FAX 732-381-8008 courses in many disciplines in Services/Gerontology, and Human ed breakout rooms and equip- 2370 Plainfield Avenue, South Plainfield • 908-756-2165 • FAX 908-756-0850 comfortable lecture halls and Services/Interpreting for the ment that affords them as realis- state-of-the-art computer, scien- Deaf, Interdisciplinary, tic an experience as possible dur- tific, and engineering laborato- Interdisciplinary Health, ing training programs. SEAGRAMS 7 DEWARS SMIRNOFF SEAGRAMS GIN ries, using high technology train- Interpreting Spoken Language, Registration office hours ar<> CROWN Vodka 80° Reg.»Lime Twist ing equipment. Faculty frequent- Italian, Mathematics, Mechanical ongoing throughout the summer. J&B 29 ly enhance their lectures through Engineering Technology, Medical 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Mondays the use of multi-media presenta- 13" SCOtCh us liter 14" I W 1-75 liter Laboratory Technology, Nursing, through Thursdays, and from 9 J tional software, tho Internet, lap- Occupational Therapy Assistant, I W 1.75 liter I "w 1.75 liter a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays TANQUEBAY JIM BEAM j799 OLD 99 top computers. Interactive Office Administration, (Cranford Campus.) Starting on Bourbon 80° 1 • in SMUGGLER Television (ITV), and active learn- Paramedic, Philosophy, Physical August 23, students will be able ing instructional techniques, Education, Physical Therapist to register until 4:30 p.m. on 1.75LJACK 1.75L GRANTS W 1.75LKETELONE 1.75LG1LBEYS A AM among other innovations. Many Assistant, Physics, Practical Fridays and from 9 a.m. to noon Scotch. VodtaWT din „ „ „ I & DANIELS 2O 25" distance learning options, includ- Nursing, Psychology. Additionally, on Saturdays. Students are not 175L CANADIAN 1.7SL WHITE SIDE 1.75LSTOLJCHNAYA 1.75L BACARDI RUM 4 £99 ing tolecourses, will also be Rad iogr aphy, Reap i r atory UjhfQold 13 required to sign up for classes al MIST 12" Scotch 86.C VodklW - 23" offered. A growing number of Therapy, Sociology, Spanish, and the specific campus where the 1.7SL CANADIAN 1.7SL INVERHOUSE 1.75L FINLANDtA 1.7SL BACARDI 4Q99 courses feature internships in Urban Studies. wish to study. CLUB Scotcti Vodka 80* 21" Llmon'Seled .19 14" practical employment settings. New programs of study offered Those interested in further I.TSLMAJORSKA W 750DEWARS 1.75LSKYY W 1L BACARDI RUM A99 Credit courses will be available this fall include Webmaster information should call thu Vodka 80" WHITE LABEL Vodki 80*.. 19 Ughl'Gold 51 1O 14" in Accounting, American Sign Program, Database Specialist College's Admissions Office at 1.75LVLADIMH 750 JOHNNIE 1.75L GORDONS TSOTROPICO 4I\99 1 Language/Deaf Studies, Program, Programming, C++ (908) 709-7500. Vodka M 8" WALKER BLACK.. 22" VodklMV 12" Rum k Juice IU 1L GORDONS 750 ABSOLUT 99 1.75LWOLFSCHMIDT 750 SAUZA (SOLD 4t%99 Vodka 80' .7" Vodka 80' Vodki BO'..... 11" Toqulta 10 McGinn PTA 122. W 9" is collecting EI$TERiRAJJ^..Ll)hiC99'l / HILWAUKEES BEST Q99 ROLLING Jim V CKS 4O99 boxtops again JCHtfFM ' LWit O<*. J \_ 30-PacK O<**J ROCK Regular«Dark I VBHI CORONA SCOTCH PLAINS - McC.inn NATURAL g Light ( HEINEKEN IT) Regular'Light Safety in Elementary school's PTA is gear- c LIGHT \ Nip; ing up for another year of General /BUDWEISERNiptO99^ / RED DOG KILLUNS HEINEKEN 'light Red Regular'Dark Mills Boxtops for Education ^ ttegutof UgM Otis) \ 3?P»ck fdii COORS BECKS Reg. 4799 \r AMSTEL 99 Numbers 16 oz. Cans I f ^» A Light McGinn has more than T>00 Alcohol Free students in grades K-5 who collect CHAMPAGNE CORDIALS WORLD OF WINE Boxtoprt to help their school. A col- lection box has been placed in tin- 750 ANDRE CHAMPAGNE 1L HIRAM WALKER 750 GLEN ELLEN M99 750 AVEIEDA Invest in a risk-free Dry* Pink •Bnil< 999 Anisette 8" While Zintandel Jta Vinho Verde children's section of the Scotch 7£0 MARQUES OE RISCAL &M Due* • Spumame A 750CAROLANS 750 GLEN ELLEN i%99 Plains public library HO that resi- While 750 VERDI 999 IRISH CREAM Regular... 9" Sauvignon Blanc •# dents of the town can help too. •S Day Prime-Link CD r Spumanle *• 750 SOUTHERN 750BERINGEB ^99 750 BiG SA! NT LOUIS B99 General Mills donates l()-l<> 750 TAYLOR *99 COMFORT 76° 9" White Zinlanda •» FJeaujolais * Chardonnay .9 1.5LCANEI E99 cents for each boxtop logo that tin- flat'Dry *t 1.75LT.G.IF. Mudslide 15LGALLOE8J ^99 White'Rose «J Annual school collects. Lust year the pro- 750 FREIXENET Cwdon Negro £J99 and Older Flavois. 11" White Zirtt I • White Grenache •• 750 CHERRY £99 Percentage gram was a great success, accord- M D 1LAUZE PASSION 750GlEN ELLEN i-gg KIJAfA 3 4.7O% Yield ingto BarbaraTimko,the Boxtups 750 STOCK £J99 Goki'Rod 14" Cabcmot • Chardonnay Pmol Grigio W 5LB0X ALMADEN Chablis 7MGODIVACH0C01A1E up and is guaranteed never to decrease below the Future endeavors will probably "799 Cabernel © 1.5LF0LONARI RNne • GoWeii • Burgundy Ong 'Write*Cappuccmo.. 17" Bardoimo • Vaipoliceiia • 7^' include new picnic tables and 1.5LVEN0ANGE initial APY during the term of the CD. Your funds 4L CARLO ROSSI 750DSD-' SoavD • Meilot • Pino! Grig;n I Caburnel • shade trees for the school's play- ChaWis • Burgundy • ntisna * BENEDECTINE 23" 750 MARQUES DE CACERES 799 are insured up ID SI00,000 by the PHIC. Act ground area. Paisano • Blush • V>n Hose • 799 1 7H KAHLUA 7WFFT7FR *»gg Riqa I now because this oiler is available for a linmed Scotch Plains and Fimwniul White Gtenacho Cotleo Liqueur 33" Suniiui Chartoray O 1.5LF0NTANA CANDIDA O99 Frascali • Meilol • Pinol Gngio.. O residents, families and friends are 4LINGLEN00K Criaute- 7S0FETZER time at our North Bergen office only. 799 750 LOUIS JADOT Q99 Rhino * Rose* BtJigwidy VaUey Oaks Cab Sruv < ^gg encouraged to help by collecting Chardonnay O Boxtops for Educul ion logos found f99 ttt MntknFnlitilllrvnrSiian, Mrnki KUC Tl« 4 711* APY n ..„!,<* n,,vll,. i Keg 39" Mflrtot I*T mailed in the w-hool: McGinn he mm»T< ik« *i not -..I f f 1 With Coupon. Rnhwoy Only. mm rfih> CO. • 4 »* MY» mnlUHt uA u hOTi u, iW Pine luv mm™ S In A pm.li, „,,, h Elementary School A'lTN. ITA - * *> tIPTW •H^^i ft** MU|ht BOXTOPS, 1100 Koosevolt

*. Avenue, Scotch Plums, 07070. July 30, 1999 Record-Press C-3 Terrill Middle School [Campus notes names honor students Colleen McCarthy Ryan of WVstl'icKI \\.i-. nanu'ii to the 0T I PLAINS Teit 1 dean's hsi tin llif spring semes- Price, Steven Rodriquez, M-?Ti S J • -" ter at I hi' I \illrgi> id' tlic Holy Alexandra Roslofi", Neal Shukla, Middle School has issued its Cror>s iti Wi.ivi'.-t.'r, Mass. The Bruce Smith Jr., Erica Speer, honor roll for the fourth marine daughter of Mr and Mrs. Hobert Amanda Wells. Kristen Wuost, period. IV Kyan is ,i tichhiiiiin majoring Named to the diMiiifuisiipd Caiilin Wrgalonis and Gershon m hi ii|;hsb. honor roll: Zb Grade 8 - Kheu Grade 7 - Jesse Allen. yy fTdl Garileld (.hakraborty, David Chang, Uicardu Arocha, Ryan Aspell, Alyssa David, Sofia Fayngold, Avi- . Westlii'Ul. was named to the Sara Heckerman, Eric Connolly. dean's lisi lor llu- spring H)i)9 Benjamin Flath. Malina Brian Coyle, Caryn Feder, Milonnet, Aurpon Mitra, Esther semt'sler ,il Syr.icusi' University Brandon Femia, Diini Finkel, in Syi-ii-iisc, N.V 1 lc is a senior Ogunyemi, Sonali Phatak, Amanda Frank, Hannah Elizabeth Pilkington, Amy Ryan, nuijurinf.; in inlonnalioii manage- Creenspan, Michael Hessenu'r. mellt ;ll\i) Ici'l IUUIUL;V, Delsa Slaugh. Nisha Tamhankar, Morgan Larkin, Ark-ta Lobacz, Sarah Van Wagner, Emily Kimberly Lorenzini. Laura lrinu It. Avram of l().r) W. Walker, Caroline Webb and Manzi, Robert Mnroney, Dervck Judith Wicker-Briscoe. Mi-i>;id St.. Wislfirld, lias gradu- Middleton, Peter Miller, Jared ated from Norwich University in Grade 7 - Flora Alexander. Montagna, Lindsay Ordower, Norwich, Yt. Shr rt-ci'ivt'd a bach- Alexander Clark, Rachel Diken, Nathan Parker, Lukasz Pukalo. elor's dfgivc in inli-rnalional Kristi Gayam, Cheryl Kuplun, Abigail Rosenblatt, -Joseph studies dunnc the univorsity'a Vani Kilakkathi, Amanda Miller. Ruggiero, Rosanna Rvskasen, IKOtli euniiiH •nriMiunt exercises Christina Minniti, Scott Baric Salmon, Juliana Sams, May 0. Moynihan, Jessica Nouringer. Kristin Schardien, iJeanne The ilaiifih'er uf Mr. and Mrs. Hoshni Patel, Vaidchi PaU-1, Schneider, Kimberly Schurtz, Puutitru Avr. mi p.radnatiut from Allyson Salisbury, Tracy Salmon, Aly.ssa Scizuk and Talia Westiield Ili^ll Schnol. I)aiu» Skwirut, Eric Swensnn, We in berg. Slttphen Tavarcs and Grade 6 — Brittany Adisano, Christopher Wallden. William Albizati, -Jonathan Grade6 — Jenny Buvke, Aliza Altman, Michael Baumwoll, DeNichlio is Burns, Uori D'Aloisio, Tiffany Nikhil Bhasin, Jessica Davis, Elise DcVries, Michael Dinkiewicz, Carlene IJinizo. Rachel Dolfjin. Elizabeth Bronikowski, Robert Butora, named Civil 1'lko, Alexander Gorvoshi, Rachel Kj-ystina Byron, Jennifer Calvo, (iooi\ Robert Gordon, Karina Amanda Cameron, Kaitlin Ciollihoym, Laura Harrison, Carman, Joscelyn Chang, R;uhel Engineer Shannon Hassett, Rachel Charme-Baum, Celina Chaves, Ik'iv.berg, Abraham Hiatt, Nora Amanda Cohen, Christopher Issik, Stephanie King, Aaron D'Annunzio, Elizabeth of the Year Klomow, Rebecca Koransky, DeCataldo, Jacquelin DeJohn, Mll.l.MUHN Nicholas M. Jason KrucytT, Robert Lasher. Christine DeLuca, Alexa UcNiihilo, I'.lv president of Michael Leighhm, Yuney Lio, DiGiorgio, Janee Easley. Marc Killani Asstu intcs, Consultingr Marissa Mast roianni, Fabiano, Anthony Ferrante. I'lhfiiiH't'is. h:is lii-i-n named 1!)()S> Christopher Maltern, Kelly Christopher Finan, Jennifer New Jersey < 'ivil Kngineer of tlie McManus, Sain Parisi, Lauren Gawrylvik, Nicole Hagcrly, Year liy the New Jcrsfy Section IVrrotta, Jamie Quale, Sarah Matthew Massed, Laura of the Atnt'iitiiM Society of Civil (Jualo, Sarah Schwartz, Rebekah Henderson, Samantha i lershey, Fiiit-fiiiei-rs t-i'dwin, Alyssa Shea, Brittany Justin Hia-Gyaw, t'ast'.v Hn.yiies- Dt'Nifhilo Mils himnred al tin? fc|)(.'er. William Swenson, Michelle O'Connor, ('ara Hurley. Hillary Soriely's Anmial .Awards Dinner t^wick, Allison Tayhir. Sean Klimowicz, Nicole Kuiv\riowski, at (he llv;ill Kcnency, New Vttsolona and Katie Zaleski. Nora I^acko, Daniel LaFurgc. GEORCiF; PACCirLLO/nFCORPPRKSS Hrunswick. Named to the honor roll: Natasha Larrinaga, -Jossu-.i Di'Nit'hilo. a graihuile of the Grade 8 Rebecca Babicz, Leide, Gregory Leisclmei, .Jessica New -Jersfv liistttiltf of J".-i'ph Bartolntta, Anisha Lieberman, ,Ja«»n Livingston, Tender loving care Technology, lias liccn employed l>h;ism, Jamie Huteas, Nancy -Jonathan Loi-cnzini. Jh David Venezia polishes his 1959 Austin Healey at the Westfleld Car Show Tuesday night. by Killani Assnciatcs since 1!>74 C.illahnn, I'amela Cameron, Macchia, Nicoh1 Malchow. John anil Iji'caiuc pfrsident in May Kvan Chinny, Colleen Coyle, Mangan. Jennifer Marckotla, 1i)i»H, Hi- lias lu'i'i! lvsputiHibli! for Cianna Feri.i lie. Tomn Gibson, John Monti. Laura Mortkowitz, many water supply projects in L\irah tJinsln'j i;. Andrew Goetz, Alan Neuhauscr, Kalherine Flute students give recital in home of teacher 1 hi- slate fur major water utilities K.itc Ciousttian, Samantha Newcomer, VanuttKa Okoi'o, and numeiuLis cominuiiilicM. (•r.'.yvvacz, Joshua Heftier, Alex Manish 1'andya, Michael Rivera, WESTKIKLI) The flute stti Handel. Kristen Wutst, an eighth I 'niviTsity, performed the first Kilhmt Associates has provid- Hiif'er. Scott Hymiin, Jovonne Scan Robinson, Nathalie dents of Clarissa Nolde have grader at Terrill Middle School, movement of the Mo/art Flute ed I'Diisnltitt); engineering si'r- 1 Jiiit's, Stefatue Katz, Annmarie Rodriguez, Max Rosenheck, given a recital in her home who was recently selected as prin- ('onceiin in I) and the Largo from vif«*n iii the .-stiili since H)!S7. It is Klimowicz, Surah Knnzelnmn, Jessica Sapienza. James Brooke Austin and Adiienne cipal lluti' of the Central Jersey (he Vividili Piccolo Coiuei'ls m C, iKMtlijiiai'tcrod in Millburn and Scalfaro, Matthew Scihek, O'Ruiirkr of Wcsttield each played Intermediate Orchestra, per- I*' VI, int. •!. Beverly Weber nccom- lias regional offices in li'illy Kramer, Prianka Kumar, 1 Iianiel Kurtter, Alicia Laztir, Michael SheHield, Amber a duet wit h Nulde. formed the Bach Sonata in I ! as panii'd on piano. Wiirrcmlale I 'a. MIIII 1 ladley Ma., Jeremy Lipstuin, Matthew Sizemori, Samui'l Slaitgh. St-un Lydin Forest i ol'Railway gave a wiil as Ibi- Largo from the Vivaldi Tlie program ended with a as well as loin branch offices in LiMitnis, Kelly Lusk. Lenore Smith, Michael Sprung, Erica performance of two pieces by Piccolo ( 'OIKCIIO in ('. F. VI, mi. f>. spirited performance by Clarissa New Jersey. MrMillion, Melissa Mollen, Stupplc Benjamin Vogel. Schumann arranged fur flute anil liclh (Irausso, a ^ophomoiv al Nnldr, Hclli < Irausso. and Kii :in DeN niiilc > is a resident of Kmily O'Connor, Megan O'Loarv, Amanda Walk.-r. L.iura Webb. piano, liana Weinberger and Scotch Plains Jfigh School and a Wuesl ofihelirsl niovcnicnt oil he Scutch I'laiiis. lie and his wilo Charles Ortiz, Melinda Carly Wells. Kcll,1 Zajac and Christina Kosa, both of Scotch rcccnl patlui panl in I In- Ml li I ted hovcii (!rand Trio <)pit'i H'i Linda arc piireiils of Nick, annual Flute Choir Day al Dn'w lor Iliree (lutes. N, Miflmel. Mini David. J'.ilonuires. John Piniat, Abby Kristii. /.via. Plains, performed sonatas by

^ 4 i c


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Home SoUlby: Masonry Now Proudly Celebrating Our W Yr. NICK ANNIVKRSAKY! Presif*** 1 GUZMAN REALTY, INC. *W:r NC '- "' /(, I.I MOk A AV! M I CONSTRUClON lil.l/AltM F! Nl \^ !l I--SI.N W.'D ' Ilirif (irnrttiliims . CoiiMrurliiin A \tii\oitr\ lir'< '' TEL: (WK)353-M»M FAX (908)353-5080 IMON KHM ^ \ \ II July 30, 1999 Record-Press Union Catholic student earns Rising Star Award SCOTCH PLAINS Sarah l»cal organizations have also of five nominations for this year's Mugavero, a student at Union «een her talents when she musical production including Catholic High School, wan recog- appeared in Elizabeth with St. Sarah'H. The others were nized recently at the jyfJtt Paper Anthony's Drama Club in "Pippin" Outstanding Overall Production of Mill Playhouse KiHinff Star AwartlH and in Linden's St. Elizabeth's a Musical, Outstanding with tho IjDBt Outstanding Church presentation of the Performance hy and Actor in a Performance by and Actress in JI Stations of the Cross. Her singing Leading Role (Matthew Price), Supporting linle. ability wan fin-st recognized by Outstanding Achievement hy a Sarah appeared in the UCHS Joseph Weiss, her first voice Teacher or OutHiclu Director annual spring musical "How to teacher, ile encouraged her to per- (Maryann C. Carolan, English and Succeed in HunincHH Without form with the New Jersey Aires Drama Teacher at UC) and Really Trying as Smitty, the loud- barbershop Quartet at Railway Outstanding Achievement in Hair mouth, huKy-iwidy n<;cretnry with High School UH Snow White in "A and Make-Up Design (Ellen Sides unique match-making ability. The Tribute to Disney" and a« Amy in and Suzanne Stowa»kyj ehoyv was featured with Rick Flynn "Hrother Can You Spare a Dime". Judges of the awards are profes- and the show's chorus in the pro- In May UC'H Aids Awareness) Club sionals from the New Jersey duction numlwr "Cnttoebreiik" per- put on a cabaretAicHHert "No Day Theatre and educational communi- formed ulthe Paper Mill Playhouse Hut Today" where «he performed an ties. At least four evaluators attend on tho awards night. a member of the ensemble group. the performances of the participat- Sarah, who will l>e ;i jiinior at Sarah has l>een studying voice ing HchixjlH iind then submit reports Union Catholic High School, has an for five years and acting for two on the show. A lint of nominees is extenttive reHume npiitining her years with Cynthia Meryl who is presented and voted upon by the high school career. She appeared in the director of WYACT. She also full panel ofevaluators to decide the last year's UC musical "Hye Bye takes dance IOHBODH in all di.sci- winner. The Rising Star Awards is Birdie" an well as with the plineH with the WeHtfield School of juHt one aspect of Paper Mill's WeBtfield Young Artist's banco. START (Student Achievement and Cooperative Theater fWYACT) pro- At Union (Catholic, Sarah is a Artistic Recognition) Program. It Students ready computers for new school year ductionB of ""Merrily We Itoll Along", memlMjr of the Thespian Society, was established to encourage and Recent graduates and current Westfleld High School student! are completing four weeks of work in the and "A Christmas Carol" performed Chorus, Performing Arts Company, reward the talents of young per- school district preparing computers for the 1999-2000 school year. More than 1,000 computers will be at tho Cranlbrd Dramatic Cluh'H Service Club, Environmental Club, formers across the state. cleaned said Oiatrict Technology Director Darlene Nowak. Cleaning the computers in the media center Theater. Also with W YACT she. was Italian Club and AIDS Awareness Thin summer Sarah is studying of Edison Intermediate School are Steve Cemak, Anthony Santllll, Sung Bin Lee and Rob Cuniiff. Other seen as Felicity Hrown and wan Club, Shu is involved in ForennicH with other winners in the Summer student assistant technicians are Scott Brewster, Susan Wilson, John Larsen and Elan Arbitsman. Understudy to Julio in last Hum- and has been a finalitd in their Musical Theater Conservatory and mer's "CurouHel" at tho New Jersey competitions. will perform in the New Voices con- Performing Arts Center in Newark. Union Catholic received a total cert even at the end of July. Two high school graduates receive Junior League grants CRANFORD ~ The Junior Sketchpad by Key Curriculum Gornowski's volunteer scr League of Blizabeth-Plninfiold vice includes her involvement in has awarded $1,000 Community y volunteer service the Junior Twig II program at Service Scholarships to two urea includes holding numerous Children's Specialized Hospital HeniorH. The recipients nrc leadership positions with the where she served as a commit Lauren L. Blalock of Scotch Student* Concerned for the tee chairperson and president nf PlainH/Fanwood High School Needy . AK president and .Ir. Twig II. Her dedication tn and Laura Beth (JornowHki of editor of the newsletter she volunteer work has prompted Westfield High School. Their organized charitable events her to take on a leadership n>|. selection WHH based on academic such as a shoe drive, clothing by recruiting friends and class- achievement, leadership abili- collection. World Famine Day, mates to the program ties, and outstanding commit- nursing home visits and (lornowski has held leadership ment to vohmtariHm and com- American Red Cross disaster roles in the youth ministry ,ii munity Hcrvicc. The Hcholar- relief course. Blalock has done St. Helen's Catholic ChuiTh «hi|)H were awarded at the extensive volunteer work with where she served as peer mini- Junior's LCHKUC'H annual dinner AIDS and HIV-infected patients ter and ret rent coordinator. Sht held in May til. Echo Lake by participating in the annual volunteers with a local fo»u; Country Chili. AIDS Walk NJ and NY and vol- pantry and travels to New York "It is with great pride I pre- unteering in the Boston-New City svitli the program Bridge-' nenl these Community Service York AIDS Ride office in New providinji lend and clothing fur Scholarship Award* on hehall'of Yftrk City. Her volunteer work homeless people. the Junior League <]( Kli/.al)( will pursue a majnv their voluntarism in the com- Justice Committee at E'^irst in humanities. Field Day fun United Methodist Church. During the last week of school, students at School One in Scotch Plains enjoyed Field Day, one of the munity," KHid Hernadelte Headquartered in Cranfoni, school's most popular annual events. The event, coordinated by physical education teacher Ray Houston, president of the JLKP. Btnlock will attend Rhodes the .Junior League of Elizabeth Clecwlsz, featured a variety of games, Including a friendly tug-of-war. Hlalock's academic achieve- College in Memphis, where she ['lamfiek! is an organization ments include Honor Koll status will pursue a major in business ol women committed to improv- for the past four years. and international business. mi: their communities through Commended National Merit (lornownki's academic nccom the etfective action and leader- HARD TO BELIEVE Scholar, Hloustein Scholar. plishments reflect her commit- ship ol' trained vclunteers. Waksman Student Scholar from ment to scholarship and ;i Nlembership is open to ;tll RutgerH University, participat- capacity fur academic vigor. She idea women over 21 regardless Let's Talk - Camp 2000 tng in 1'roject Acceleration was president of tlu- National of race or creed. For information OUR FOCUS IS YOUR CHILD'S NEEDS BECAUSt receiving credits for Advanced Honor Society, Spanish Nat tonaJ call (SK).Ki 70ft-1177. CAMPING MEEDS ARE INDIVIDUAL Placement (Jennan V from Honor Society and Spanish Seton Hall, and first place in a Club, National Merit Scholar, national contest for (ieometer's and HloiiHlein Scholar Internet class HW«0 set at library PROFESSIONAL in Westfield CALL FOR FREE: by Jill (iu;miut WKSTFIKLI.) - The West field PERSONAL GUIDANCE BROCHURES • VIDEOS • MAPS • DIRECTIONS TO CAMPS Memorial Library, 550 E. Brn;ul St., will hold a class on Internet SIEEPAWAY CAMPS* DAY CAMPS • SPOR IS & SPECIAtU CAMPS DREAMS AND REALITY search techniques 9:15 a.m. IF.EN TOURS • PRE COLLEGE PROGRAMS • COMMUNITY StRVICF PHOGRAMS r ll you lliink ikit uiorf pt'opK" art' Thursday. Aug. ,>. Please Call Today! Donna & Ed Okin (973) 984-5700 t have any experience, you lo.tn jppunal jiiiiik'hiii.'s lioin the Ad Here 1 loin ,-w»c-ric.r> HcJlthcm- rfcist visit the library on 1-IH1CI.II National Mort^ajiL Assofialion V^dnesduy. Aug. '1 for instruction VINYL FLOORING Call Ruk At nil ihi'c.irc Mm r'lannii.' 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Rehabilitation Center • Complex (.are Hava Floor Stzm Raatfy For Tnm PTion* Estlmaisa - Call us at 1 _'H WiMltcltl Avcmif. Clark,Nj ( • Dysphagia Prot-nuns 76 ELMORA AVE.. EUZABETH, NJ 07202 IV| -*,! V)(,-HHI |-,ix 7>2-39(^ll • Dedicated Subacutc Unit (908) 353-0748 • (9081 964-4127 TEL: I90BI353-60M • FAX: I9OBI353-5OHO .Mamie K)an, Administrator J

\ July 30, 1999 Record-Press C-5 Edison Intermediate releases list of final honor roll pupils WESTFIELD - Edison Elizabeth Maekay. .John Marks, Thomas Killian, Samuel Leib, Intermediate School has issued Suzanne Merkelson, Taylor Justin Lewis, Sabrina Lewis, its honor roll for the fourth mark- Mulvee, Kathryn Mulvey, tara Kaitlin Lipe, Rachel ing period. O'Dunohue. Annio Onishi, Brian Mundragona, Jeffrey Mathews, Named to the distinguished Oxman, Gmvanna Palntuctu. Matthew McManus, Jason honor roll: Rebecca Perch. Rryan Power, Mesches, Christine Milazzo, Grade 8 — Raj Bhandari, Abigail Rosensiein, John Sawioki. Richard Mo ran, Stacy Osborn, Shannon Boyle, Katharine Cass. Rebecca Schulman, Kirsten David Palma, Michael Paragano, Marc Castells, Angelina Selert. Kayli Spialter. Brian Carolyn Pecoraro, Sean Perlman, Chaplygina, Emily Chen, David Stotter. Monica Sull. Allison Andrew Pusar, Znchary Eisenberg, Jennifer Fleck. Zontee Tiednch, Alec Wasserman. Rosenberg, Alice Ryan, Amanda Hou, Lawrence Kao, Ariel Kaye, Lauren Winchester and Lisa Spero, Caitlin Stanley, Shanna Katherine Lechner, Christine Zhang. Wlla and Kyle Vost. Leiz, Joshua Lerner, William Named to the honor roll: Grade 6 — Casandrn Badyna, Masket, Sarah Masterson. Beth Grade 8 Sara Ackerman. Sluirnsa Baksh, Jeffrey Bayne, Mokrauer, Tyler Patla, Darnel Sean Adams. Beniam Hiftu, Amy Bernstein, Kara Buonocore, Rea, Kelly Schmidt, Vincent Catherine Honard. Jenna Brill, Darek Candelore. Rebecca Cass, Shen, Staci Spass, Cristine .Jennie Chang. Vanessa Church, Katie Cole-Kelly. Lauren Cordes, Velazco, Jill Woodbury and Kelly Margaret Curran. David Falk, Summer Donnelly. Marc Dowling, Yang. Michael Federici, Stephanie Finn, Jeffrey Dresely, Meaghan Egan, Grade 7 — Benjamin Hofjen, Jessica Klvnn, Shannon Jessie ElKoury, Shaun KIwell, Kathryn Brucia. Sean Callahan, (lilniartin, Kirt tiiresi, Charles Daniel Follz-Morrison, Megan Daniel Clark, Stefanie Courtney, Holy. Dean Jan. Adam Karnish, Fowler, Alana Fraser, Laura Mikaela Cruz, Rebecca Fallon, Daniel Lange, Joshua Lawrence, Ciiihriel, Joseph (Jeissler, Lauren Suzanna Fowler, Kevin Hobson. Christine Mc(5rath. Jenna Uelmetti, Keivan (Ihorbanzadeh, David Israelow, Anthony Nocman. Adam Osborn, Elizabeth Deiinna C.oldner. Paul (itildwoitz. Johnson. Paul Johnson. Kimberlv Paynter, Tashera IVrry, Lauren Ash ton CSolembo, Michael llorski. Lam, Kelli Layton, James Leong, Pollack, Meryl Reichback, Layna Marie-Claire Unusseguy. Mefjhana Limaye, Cassandra Lo, Rolnick, Kenny Sanocki. Emily 1 Christopher Hild, Daniel Jekelis, Dana Ann Marra, Alison McCain. . Sharpe. Matthew Torcillo, David Kate Judd, Bryan Kalm, Daniel Emily McDermotl, Pamela I'ccifern. Alison Weinstein, Mun Kelinan, Edward Kerins, John Musat, Mubashar Nasir. Amanda Yin Yeow, Jennie Zegan, Joshua Kerr, Valerie Kerr, Rebecca Nehring, Pooja Patcl, Laura Zucker and Joseph Zutewski. Klinger. Rebeeeu Korn, Matthew Pietruszki, Andrew Royston, Grade 7 Tara Amelia. Curl Kukis, Christina Marcus, Jared Rebecca Sabruen, Neril Sandeep. Baron. Rahul Hhnsin, Brian Messina, Sarah Myers, Lisa Christina Santilli. rlarlyn Bigelow. John Hoyrf. Nicole Novick, Adrienne O'Kourke-, Steinbach, Lauren Steller. Tovah Brunetto, Ryan Hurslem. Michael Emily Ortuso, Justine Palme, Tripp, Alison Weingarten, Chfcchio, Emily Colvin. Annika Brett Paulan, Jeffrey Pazdro, Christopher Wolski and <)enna Danielsson, Alexander Dejohn, Snrah Perch, Matthew Perrelli, Zorn. Joshua Dennerlein, Everett Nicholas IVtnura, Taylor Porter, Grade 6 -• Evan Hilheuner, Donelson. Reine Dud'y, Kathleen Dina Ragab, Perry Sacks, Jessica Lisa Constant in, Ashley Current. Kerio, Daniel Francis, Carolyn Hchor, Sasha Sharif, Stephen Lindsay Degiraiamo, Thomas Del Freundlich, Jennifer Frost, Ariel Kiujijcll, Andrew Skoller, (tregory Just for kicks Duca, Amanda Diekson. Carina (itirfinkel. Danielle tJelber, Speir, Scott Steinbreeher, Gavin Amanda (Jenova, Adam Thomas. David Torres, Justin Heated soccer competition Don, Mark Doss. Jamie Klbnum, didn't end with the Women's Michael Fantini. Allison (Jerckens, Hrendan CJorman, Tullo, John VHIHSCO, Brittany -Jessica tJuerriero, Joseph Velhi, Bailey Venlone, Jiic


Introducing Chancellor Gardens A school fair to remember Assisted Living The students of J.A. Coles Elementary School had a great day for their school fair. PTA School Fair Committee Chairwoman Sue Spirko received a lot of help from the school staff, Including second-grade teacher Jennifer Murphy, helping on the ring toss game. Country bans fires in Watchung Reservation SCOTCH PLAINS - The "The ongoing drought Mountainside, Scotch Plains, Union County Division of Parks throughout this region lias made Summit, and Springfield, the and Recreation has announced it the ban necessary," siiid i>,l' a fire fishing a planetarium and muse- cues will be allowed in the park very real." um itnd historic Deserted Village throughout (In- duration <>f the Located in Berkeley Heights. of Feltville. ban. County Police, who patrol the park regularly, will enforce it. The county bar- posted signs in the park advising user* of the AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING ban. Call For Your FREE Comfort Analysis Got news? Financing Available At Chancellor Gardens, an assisted living community opening late fall, you will All Credit Cards Accepted LENNOX If you want the new.- »i your discover a warm and caring atmosphere where people can continue to enjoy independence, business included in Th>- ftvctml- Fras-Air Contracting, Inc/Arrowhead Conditioning friends, activities, and the fim-r things in lift-. Welcome to Chancellor Ciiirtkns and enjoy: Press, you can send it to 1M>. Box CALL NOW 1-800-339-1153 For FREE Estimate 699, Somerville. N.J.. WHiii. You 24 Hour Service can also fax the information to us Hunterdon County • Somerset County « Home-cooked and heart-healthy • Persona! care, comfort, and security at(908)575-fioH.'i. Union County • Middlesex County } dining • Rental package includes dining, utilities, 24-hour caring staff housekeeping, local transportation, Daily cultural and social programs and more REFLECTIONS..QN CAN VAS r ./ For more information, please call 908-754-8180 or 888-778-5479 toll-free. • in,' • \fitrk Kinff ' tliuhels

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In Sun k . Ill OF WATCHUNG 3O Off Assisted Living • Alzheimer's Care ( ' fYi „,. „, .1,.. i ,i.,r,./ .» .....»/ i Information Center • 680 Mountain Boulevard • Watchung, NJ 07060 Itlfrrl-.xplm HIHIW Chancellor Gardens of Watchung is a (jireMatnx premier aimted living community. 227 fclmer Street, >Vestfield, iSJ 90«-232-3745 www.carematrix.com July 30, 1999 Record-Press WwG&U

Real Estate Transactions for $208,000. Rozaneki to Frank J. & Catherine Well-designed floor plans is CRANFORD Senters for $310,000. 21 Adams Ave. from Robert W. SCOTCH PLAINS Ronan to Noel W. Nugent for 2450 Alhvood Road from 1410 Rah way Ave. from Ida K. $218,000. Elizabeth Colosino to David & Campbell to Stephen D. & key element to a great house 715 Brookside Place from Sharon Gentile for $140,000. Michele L. Dzury for $218,000. Sheila Murphy to John J. & 2344 Belvedere Drive from 508 Springfield Ave. from Madeiyn A, Murphy for $40,000. Uwe & RaiTaela Bartsch to John Harriette E. Carlough to Scott & The floor plan, or how the • IH the kitchen adjacent to the • IH the kitchen laid out HO you Sheryl Ettinger for $175,000. are arranged in a home, in tho dining room and other room.s in can work efficiently 19 Connecticut St. from Otto T. Spellman for $181,500. Saizer to Francisco & Claudia 31 Burnham Court from Julia 834 Standish Ave. from E. important aspect of the livability <>!' which you might be serving meals? Sight lines Alfred Herberich & Mary D. a house, according to David • IH there direct access to the • Do you wee (something uppeal- Piraces for $256,000. C. Thomas to Adrian Raindera & 14-3C English Village from J.S. Murphy for $195,000. Herberich to Henry P. & Susan Schoner, vice president responsible kitchen from the garage or back ing when you walk in the house - a Johnson for $725,000. for the New HomeK Division of door? gracious staircase, a lovely view, or Mary A. Clurk to Marion 2221 Coles Ave. from Darryl P. a focal point, such aw a fireplace? Goldberger for $127,000. & Karen A. DeLauro to Keith A. 1 Trails End Court from Adam Coldwell Banker. • In there sufficient wall space. M. & Marcy L. Borr to Paul F. "A well-deaifmed floor plan in ibr your large pieces of furniture, • Can you see into any bathroom 10 Hemlock Circle from & Joanne Guarnuccio for from a main living area? Joseph & Elena ZygnerHki to $235,000. Tompkins & R.L. Kramer for what makes a house'live f,'re.it'. You such UH beds, drenHtsrH, china closet $479,900. can alwayn change non-Htructural iinrt seating? • Can you Hupervitse your chil- James F. & Kelley A. Loguidice 1367 Cooper Road from elements such as decor or add built- Lifestyle dren'K activities from the kitchen? for $288,000. Countrywide Home Loans to 123 Wells St. from Michael J. in bookshelves, but if the bank: floor • Do you want the rna.ster lw;d- Storage 3 Johnson Ave, from Vendee Robert J. & Lilla C. Leuchs for & Carin E. Guard to Andre & plan .doesn't meet your needa, you rwm on the first floor or second • Every household has a good Mortgage Trust 1994-2 to $480,900. Judy Ungar for $345,000. won't eryoy your houm* UH much as floor? deal of Htuff that needa to be stored. Jaroslaw Rodzik tit. al. for 4 Eaton Row from John S. & 680 Westfield Ave, from Henry you should," Haiti Schoner. • Does tho Door ]>lan lend itself IH there a place to put hard-to-ntore $95,000. Barbara Fink to Jeffrey K. & P. & Martha M. Kieltyka to Brian A. & Lisa R.W. Stern for Coldwell Bunker m expert in t)u> to the kind of entertaining you pre- itema HUCII as a vacuum cleaner, 211 Lincoln Park EaHt from Mara Vanetten for $595,000. marketing of now coimtnictiou fer? out-of-season clothes, recycling con- Joan M. Spozdzial et. al. to 819 Everts AVD. from Oaei $262,000. work with builders throughout tin; • IH the dining room large tainers for cans, bottles and pa|)er, Robert J. Martinez for $70,000. Comfort to Cheryl & Zamor M. BERKELEY HEIGHTS metropolitan area to SIKH'IHI in plan-enough 'or your holiday celebra- bicycles, golf clubs, and household 103 Mohawk Drive from LaGuerre for $150,000. 66 Cromwell Court from ning the homeH today's consumers tions or dinner partioH? tools. Christine B. Bebel to John & 5 Marion Lane from Gregory Samuel H.C. & Eileen C. Poon to want to buy. • Is the powder room convenient Staccy Connorrt for $213,000. W. & Ana L. Hovvell to Domenico Jens T. Finsen & J.M Markey for For a quick evaluation of a floor tor gue.stH and children coming in The New Homes Division of 187 North Ave. East from & Barbara Ma.stroianni for $271,000. plan, Schoner augments the follow- ami out? Coldwell Banker has helped thou- Anna Tabacco to Anthony $390,000. 15 Helen Way from Berkeley ing diecklist: • Are tho laundry facilities con- sands of homo buyers choose the Tittanegro for $229,000. 1285 Marline Ave. from David Group L.L.C. to Karen Sohl for The ovorall floor plun veniently located? floor plan and home* that's perfect 2A Parkway Village from B. & Margaret Marcrander to $218,500. • Are the living and sleepinjj • Do you want u separate bed- for their lifestyle. For information Brian & Kathleen Celardo to Ilija & Nancy Zeljkovic for 62 Middle Way from Milo L. areas Beparate and,clearly defined? rooin/buth suite for a nanny, aging on newly constructed homes any- Mary L. Lyons for $117,000. $335,000. Schaefer III & Susan Schaefer to • Can you move from one. room pment or older child? where in the greater New York met- .'JC Park wiry Village from 1936 Stony Brook Circle from Kurt P. & Margaret H.D. Furger to another without moving through • IH the kitchen large enough for ropolitan area, call your local Mark & Kelley R. Wolek to Frederick A. Jurdine to Daniel P. for $625,000, the middle of any room? your needs? (Joldwell Banker office. Libera Tenore for $86,500. & Domenica F. O'Brien for 39 Spring Ridge Drive from 214 S. Union Ave. from $355,000. Luke J. Marchie to Kathleen S. Thomas & Denise Piehl to WESTFIELD McLane for $33,699. Ciilhert & Patricia I. Caminon for 205 Ayliffe Ave. from Brian G. NEW PROVIDENCE Real estate history is made in Springfield $225,900. & PuulaA. Mann to Timothy F. & 14 Fairview Ave. from William 72,'l Willow St. from Florence Marcee M. Rogers for $200,000. H. Storz to Vincent & Maddalena Paul M. Mar/ell, real estate bro- priced industrial sale in the history cHt corjwration to purchiuie and Fuschetto for $205,000. of Springfield. occupy a facility in the townHhip'.s M. Allen to Jeffrey Ci. & Jill A. 828 E. Broad St. from ker, and James Brunette, president Slivinski for $279,900. Matthew P. & Michele F. Albano 47 and 57 Pittsford Way from of Mftngelfl & Co., Realtors, indus- Mar/.el! represented the seller, history. Jose R. & Maria C. Santos to who had purchase the pro|x;rty less FANWOOD to Shay S. & Lara E. Caherly for trial; division, sold tin; (-bunco 132 Burns Way from John P. & $252,500. Carlos R. & Helene Langezaal for International, Inc. facility at 50 than five years ago and sold it for Spillane honored Jane L. Sieredzki to Kenneth M. 930 Brown Ave. from $288,000. Lawrence Road, Springfield. mom than three times its original Sproul & A. Rebisz for $215,000. Margaret A. (Jottlick et. al. to 33 Tall Ouks Drive from Lloyd Th^ facility consisted of a one- purchase price. WESTFIELI) - .Jami!H M. 72 Farley Ave. from George M, Melanie Rhodes for $200,000. S. & Nancy M. Swyer to Thomas storjt 77,000-square-fbot building Brunette, representing Schering Weichert, president, announced & Ann C. Butcher to Wanderlun 205 E. Dudley Ave. from G. & Patricia Karafin for located on an 8.95-acre inchiHtriiilly Corporation, introduced Schering that Robert Spillane, a nalen HHHO- P. & Melinda Silva for $279,900. Kenneth H. & Sharon Sullivan to $379,900. zoned site. U> Marzell; a deal was formulated ciate with Weichert, Realtors' 162 Farley Ave. from Glenn E. Clary M. & Christine C. Bailey for SUMMIT The facility was Bold to Schering and contracts signed within .'10 Wostiield office, huH been honored Palehonki ot. al. to Charles & Jill $690,000. 65 Beekman Road from Brian Corporation for a purchase price of day*. lor liiH nccomplinhments in May. Clark for $134,051. 745 Fairacrea Ave. from Louise M. Keidan to Timothy J. & $7,000,000, making it the highest Sehering (!<»rporation is the With a dollar volume of nearly 92 N. Glenwood Road from Cagnassola to Matthew P. & Amanda H. Collins for $552,500. $1.3 million, Spillane WIIH the Abraham H. & Lorraine Michele F. Albano for $359,900. 30 Kent Gardens from oflice Hales lender and qualified Gurfinkt'l to LOUIBO Cagnassoln 716 Kimball Ave. from Kevin Cynthia F. Perper to Thomas J. for the Million Dollar A Month for $202,500. & Anja Sullivan to Christopher Mookken & P.B. Aanal for Club. Ho led the office in trans- 76 Helen St. from ConBtance R. & Mary Romano for $305,000. $162,000. action unit dollar volume and M. Russell to Frank P. & Audrey 313 Marlboro St. from Gregory 14 Parkview Terrace from ait recorded the greatest number of Sahaj for $233,000. J. & Cindy A. Boudreau to David W. & Christina Mahoney Hold listings during Msty. 61 Woodland Ave. from Briiin Thomas J. Peterson for $173,500. to J.M. Gerlach & Jeltje Jacobs For real estate t ran suet ions, A. & Lisa R.W. Stern to Ruth 370 Orenda Circle from for $455,000. call him at Wcichort's Wentfleld Markham for $180,000. Joseph A. & Carol A. Jankowski 768-C10 Springfield Ave. from oirice, (908) b'51-7777, located at GAKWOOD to Steven & Vanessa Pacella for Rosemary Maloney to Coloman it z man 185 Kim St. 40 Second Ave. from Mary B. $400,000. Carven for $192,500. Lutchko to 904 Pennsylvania Ave. from 32 West End Ave. from Mono BE OF out William L. Ruth Czarny to Christopher R. & Charlea P. & Patricia Mullens to moss Sims'" COLDUI6LL & Donna M. Cerrachio for $.'185,000. Frank J. Stanley IV & Jill S. GONGRfliUTNINS T0KMMZ& UUU Starting From Qulnti o t o 260-4 Prospect St. from Hayn Stanley for $395,200. USNEUVE PDOUD RRST TIME HJVB6 OF15HCUYW000AVWUE $ HUSK, HI 07205 RESIDENTIAL BROKERS 49,900 CUSIKi TOOK PUCE MY 10,1989 Roadington Coldwell Banker is offering "Dear Jill: career path for college grads My daughter and I came to Jill Heal estate is a good career choice for the challenge of marketing a home. Still Guiman Rosily. Inc. with a little bllot money college graduates, according to Tony others enter real estate with the goal of and a tired laded, 2D year dream of mine; to own a house A lew weeks Dolceumore, director of training for getting into management. It all depends latlr,-and thanks to the persoverance ol my friend anil Guanllan Angel (Or should I say Coldwell Banker Now Jersey. upon the individual's skills and inter- GuaKHan Agent?), Isabel De Rosa,., my dream actually came Iruel Isabel, there are no "It's too bud tHat college graduates ests." wortjjto aipress how rjrateliil I am tor all youi hnip, your always, generous advice, your think of rt>al estate us n career for their Real estate has the added advantage ralrjkle networking and your enormous expertise! t have dealt with other agents In the mothers, rather tluin for themselves. thnt il'ti not expensive or particularly (Ml and none compare to you! fiail bless you and reward you tor all your kindness. Real estate is challenging, it's fun arid tinu'-contuiming to get a license. An Sincerely, offers tht> potential fur a very comfort- individual must complete 75 hours of Beatrix and Lara Caieneuve ' 'Edqeiyood able income," snid Dolccamoru, who has classroom study before being eligible to been selling renl eslatc since he was a sit for the state licensing test. On pass- "WE TAKE THE JITTtRS OUT OF FlflST TfMEBU VINO AND SELLING!!!" 20-year-old college student. ing the lest, a licensee must work as the •THIS NOUSI WAS LISTED AND SOLD IV JILL OUZMAN REALTY, INC.!" 'Terrace LISTING AGENT JILLGUZMtN "My first yeur working lull time in agent of a licensed real estate broker, SEUING AGENT ISABEL DC ROSA real estate, sales I madt< twico as much such as Coldwell Banker. "OUH SUCCESS STOPIESS'ARE NEVER ENDING. at branch burg money as my friends who had also just Coldwell Banker provides compre- MODEL HOMES OPEN graduated from college. That possibility hensive training to get a career started NOW PROUDL*CEltBRATINQ OUR TINfM still exists today for a college graduate and ongoing education for professional 1 and 2 bedroom Ranch Style Homos who is willing to work hard petting a growth, Dolceamore said. By ERM CORPORATION career started," he added. "Our sales office managers do not sell JILL GUZMAN REALTY, INC. Every college major i.s a good back- real estate. They manage the office and Sales Office Hours: Sal- & Sun. 1-4 ground for real estate, Uolctuimore help their salespeople grow in their "OUR BEST REFERENCE ISYOUf* NEIGHBOR** 908-231-8711 added. "Those who studied the social career. The combination of our intensive 76 ELMORA AVENUE, ELIZABETH. NEW JERSEY 072O2 DIRF.C TIONS : Rt. 202 south from Somerville or Rt. 202 sciences bring one perspective to their training and the mentoring of a manag- 908-353-661 1 north from Meminyton to Robhins Road, (next to Bagel career, while those who studied er gives a new licensee all 1he support Ciardcn) go 1 block to ticnlmry to Model on left. accounting or business have :i different they need to be successful." set of skills. They Coldwell Banker offers a special pro- are all valuable for gram for college graduates to take the a real estate pre-licensing class for $99, a reduction career, which calls of as much as $266 over the regular cost UNION COUNTY MORTGAGE RATES upon quite diverse WIODUCT HATB PTS APW % POWM IOCK | PRODUCT BATE PTS APR % DOWN LOCK 1 PRODUCT HATE PTS APR % DOWN of the course. Classes are available in skills. Some several locations in the state and run Commonwealth Bank 800-924-9091 Kastie Mortgage 800-692-2730 Summit Federal S & L Asso. 732 968 0665 agents prefer to during the day. in the evening or on 30 VR FIXED 7. MX) 0 (X) ;1O Yfl FIXf-0 7 .17 5 0.00 / 430 !>•-.< eo DAY 30 YR FIXI:D 7 675 OOO 7.943 20% 75 DAY focus on helping weekends. For information on the $99 15YR HXhD 7,i!e>0 0 00 I'iCl HAY If. VU I IXt.0 0.00 / .'10 1- , 60 DAY 1S YR nxcD 6 875 0 OO 6 965 7b DAY buyers find just licensing class offer, call 1-800-724-5688 •1 H/!i ,' P0 N-P til) HAY n the right home, or the manager of any local Coldwell 1 YR AtXI .Ui VU .IUMHO 0 0(1 DAY I YH AD.I 5 . 5O 0 OO 7.402 20' o. 75 DAY 1 while nthers enjoy Banker olilce. •NO A™ roe I tco l*i Vit'i'ktv ' «'IMO ! tU'iin.uvp ' 1 nu i i-oirn Mf.its" App Fuo $3^0 A lorney "tvrew $250 Fniiincial One, Branchburg 800-201-9004 Kentwood Financial Svcs. 800-353-6896 Synergy Federal Savings Bank 800-693-3838 Wilson joins Westfield Burgdorff ERA 30 Vn FIXED BO HAY M VH I I XL II "/.;';iO o oo / ?MI 7 3/5 0.00 7 !iOO 60 DAY 30 YR FIXED 7 750 0.00 7.816 5% 60 DAY 15YRFIXUP dO DAY 7 1^!, 0 OO / 12i< i:> YFi r ixro / O0O 0.00 7 130 5"\. ')5 DAY 1b YFI FIXED 7 375 0 00 7 MA 60 DAY WEiSTI'lELU - Burgdorft'ERA recently announced that Susan 30 YH HHA fiO DAY 1 Wilson 1ms joined the companv as n broker and sales associate in 7 !'00 0 00 t\ 1)00 30 YH .ILJMHd 7 O^'J^ *W(bi]|ff^)l' (lit io 60 DAY I HA. v uiiiitH'li i.il Ilk)'.. )' the Westfield office at fiOO North Ave., West. State! W'iUon IIIK n hui-hi>l f Wilson is u member of the New Jersey A.^srx-iation of Realtors First Savings Bank 732-726-5450 Loan Search nno-f.9t-r.2rv Unit-:-:! •Mlcrt.-' 008-429-2332 Million Dollar Sales Club (1985-90, i)3-'B6. -98l. She has won 30 VR FIXED 7 00(1 :) oo 1 HSfi B0 DAY 30YHJUMNO 9O DAY numerous ofikt? awards, including Top Salesperson. Wilson is n ISYRFIXEO /.I.V. 0 00 ; VM t>0 DAY 10 1 JUMHl) 7 ,'HO 10 \. 60 DAY 10/1 -30 YR 7 500 0 00 7,500 \Q>, 90 DAY member of the Greater Union County Association of Realtors, and 5J1-3O Yll O.ti^'i 0 OO /!• OAY .'0 YMJUMHO has served on its Education Committee. She knows the importance K'!i (ISO 7^10 10'.- SH) DAY 3.1 ARM G 750 OO0 7 481 10°, 90 DAY Zeft)poi'ii loan spomimi,I Inn ( of continuing education in her career; she has a GRI (Graduate, -MHSIMIi'll COI N.I 5 lOAl'Sl filles Realtor Institute( desifinntion and is working toward a CRS Hudson City Savings Bank 201-967-1900 McDonnell Financial 800-840-6343 WFS Mortgage Services 800-616-8374 'Certified Residential Specialist). Wilson has been a realtor since 30^RJUMDO 7.S00 OOO 7,525 25% 90 DAY 30 YFl riXb'D /.OOO 1 7S 7 2-I-I i>0- J 30 DAY 30 YR FIXED 7 500 0.00 7.572 5" 45 DAY 1981 and u broker since 15)89. 15^RJUMflO 7.U0O 0 00 7(140 HO UAY 1!. YH lixn.) h ,TiO r I i:» i O-IO I'll', JO |)AY 15YRMXCD 7.250 0 C» 7.29B 5-" 45 DAY Wilson is a longstanding rncmLwr of the College Women's Club 1Qr"1-30YR 7WK1 OOO 7.TOH HO DAY t'?.\ [IA|| OON I. *1."S of Cranford and the Cranford Bicycle Board. She was involved with i a 0 PH 7 0,'H ;'O''.. 30 11 AY 1SYHJUMBC1 7.25(1 OOO 7J98 5-' 45 DAY St. Miehai'l*?! Boy Scout Troop 178 for many years. She worked at the Westfield Neighborhood Council during the inception and cer- Hates aro suppled (jylhe loiKieisnnd pmsrnlml wilhoul gu.H.inlinv H.ili'S ami lorms .no sut>|rcl lo rhanijo l.pr^lprs intproslbd in displaying (nlocrnatian should "•""•"- tification prm'ess of the day care center. ConlHCl C.M.I. 9 800-426-4565. Contact lenders tor tnoin tnlo/rti,itMii on oilier finulurl oi .luililu.n.il IPH-J Almlt in.iy .ipply CM I .mcl tht> NJN Publications ijssumo no liability lor Wilson has lived in Cranford since 1973, As a longtime area rea- typogr.iphir;;ilerrors or oimssionr, n.iloi.; wrrti supplii'd hy lh(> londcis oii.lufy 22. 1099. Nl'--nol pfovidedby institution ident, sh« brings an in-depth knowledge of her market territory VISIT ALL. LENDERS @ www.cmi-mortgageinfo.com She is well informed about local school systems, recreational facili- Copyright, 199B. CoopBratlvo Mortgage Information. Inc. Atl Rtghf Reaervad. ties, and the quality of life nvaiJtible in Westfield, Cranford and the surrounding towns. Record-Press Automotive/Classified Auto electronics leaps into the future Car electronics are leaping t hese new products: allow driver^ In interact with the into the .leiso11 ;i::e '['his laII. new • Monitor yuur leeiia;;er's dri- products uith'Uil ever taking aft ermarkt't prmitic! ^, c.ttepi- \ itie; speed. then eves off I he n>ad Some also ri/ed umler the lerm car mult i- • Record memos tu yuurself ineoi-piM'ate te\llo.speech capil-<

ineilia, wdl hit retail slieKes inst \neally thrmi^h \onr car radio hilities s(i i li.it ihe products can as Ui;t!l nimlel year civs roll into • Download ri\il-tii!ie traffic provide si.iius information and, dealer lots. alerts ami navigate new ronles assManee. such ,is directions or (.Nnnhiiuii},' lunrtiuns such .is around traffic tie-ups. e-mail .ilerj >. \ nc.dlv. emergency road>ide assistance, • Access roadside emergency Von can lm>l them at local car navigation, en.iune diajmos- services when lost. mobile elect conies retailers.. tics. road r-peed inomloi in;:, • Tracks down your car if it Installing these new mohili' mul- autosoimd. vehu li- set nnl v, eel lu tjels stolen. timedia devices e- best left to pro- hir plumes, l'l>-l\OM drives, e • l.el your kids play CH-KOM fessionals. The Mohilu mail, Wet> surrtii;:. real-inne iraf- eninpuler games or walch videos I'llect ronics I 'erl ificatinn in the hackseat while you drive lie feporls, >lock i|Uoles, spoils (he family on vacation. Program * M lOt "1*' makes suro si-ores. new> services and \niie that insiallei •, ,ne certified in tilt" • Head listen to your e-mail reciifjnitnni. these ne\\ c.ir elec- liurinj; your inornin;.: commute. proper electronics installation ironics prnduets will take vour These new nolnle multimedia techuitjues I'or the car. To find udt car (o tin* likes onh sccti Itelore products are built with sat'et\, the nearest retailer wilh MKCP- Celebrating Flemington Porsche's Number 2 ranking in the Top 10 Porsche dealerships worldwide that in sei-li movies and carl onus. efficiency and convenience in cerlitied iiir.lallers, call I earned a 100 percent satisfaction rating on Customer Satisfaction Inquiry surveys are Lee Hegary, Porsche 7H7-MKCP. service manager;Tom Deitsch. Porsche Master Service Technician; and John Malherbe, Porsche/Audt ser- Mere's ,i tew apphcadtins for mind simple voice commands vice consultant. Flemington Porsche earns 100% customer satisfaction award Listed in top 10 of BMW dealerships worldwide FLEMINGTON - F^ At Fli'min^Ton i'urschc, "excel- SatisfarSion 1IH]UIIT surveys, here's Porsche, when? the mn\\ is to sat isfv lence" is the name nf tile tjaine. what customers h;id In say alxmt every customer who drives a I'ursL-hc Master Servti-e Technieian (he Kleiniii^tnn Porsche Service Porsche in for serviiv, was ivivntly 'I'om Dei I sell has iimler^une seven Team: named to the 'Rip 10 list of I'nrsdu- weeks of training since May uf "The lilt-mile drive tu dealers worldwide fiiruustoitu'i"ser - Klemiii^ton 1'itrsche was worth the vice satisfaction. "1 work a lot ot hours way (rip for the (|iiahly uf service." In addition, the dealership, a more (h;m my ei^htlnnir sliitl," member of this Fkuninuton Car & Deitsch said. "It feels tfivat 1" win "The service experience at Truck Company family of dealer- ihis award 1 speak to all my cus- l''lemiiij;ton Pnrsehe is excellent N()2 tomers personally. They want tu improvemi'itt needed1" in Flcmingtnn, is one of seven tleiil- kniiw what's happening uith their erships to have earned a 100 per- cars and lhev w.mi it straight (rum the technician's umiith." '< hit overall I'xperieiu-e at cent satisfaction rating ;> I he "I ioaI <>f Kxrellenee" I he dealer call unking thorn to rale (he <|ii;ilily seven dealerships worldwide tu ship fluids. Car raffle sale kickoff of customer service and automotive have earned tin- 10(1 penvnl t us- "I .mi helpful and i'nendlv In all Susan Walcott, administrator of Villa Maria Home tor tho Aged In north Plalnfleld, and Jell LiccnrdI of LiccardI service they received nit their tinner satisfaction ratiiu; on every our cusloniei s," Maiherbe said. Ford. Watchung, sell the first ticket to Villa Maria's second annual Oktoberfest car raffle to Gloria Pflueger of recent trip to Remington 1'ursi-ric." single niie of tlie ears serviced is "Kverv customei who comes in is a the North Plninflcld City Clerk's office. This year's grand prize Is a year 2000 Ford Mustang sponsored by explained John Muint-rlx.1, sei-vicc e\tla




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T MITSUBISHI 7T~H fVION - THUR TSUBISHI M0H-FRI9-9-SAT9-6 MM. MOTORS FRIDAY t_ .. n AM WAY otnviiit nuuno, wake up and drive 38B-BBO0I MON-FRI8-5 * SAT 8-1 Vj-5K:rr«KE'«if;ti3 . All • ' A',f; •, Ai-:f" f.l •)';!!) i_fJ(. • tOfJ SFLtCI WODiiLS Ml PHOTOS ARE FOP iLLU'nUAriVE F'UHF'OIF'i ONLY DEALEH FKJf i/JTL> AS A COUF'OfJ & MUST BF PRtL-tMrfiU MF FlMi- OF- . TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD« • -PHONE IT* • • FAX IT • » »OR MAIL IT MERCHANDISE WHEEL DEAL MEGA HELP WANTED BIG DEAL. ST BUY WHEEL DEAL items from $1O1 - $5000 items under $100 $ ADVERTISING $ 50 For Just 55.95 we'll run For Just $1O3.95 we'll run your $ 1 County 3. Per Ad Special Low Rates For 1 County 24." per Ad S 00 your Auto, Van or Truck ad in Auto, Van or Truck ad in All Counties....*74." Per Ad I All Counties. 14. Per Ad All Counties - Union, Somerset, 1 County until it sells. Full County Coverage Mai! Only to: NJNP Mail Only to: NJNP Middlesex & Warren until it sells. 44 Veterans Memorial Drive East 44 Veterans Memorial Drive East CALL FOR DETAILS P.O. Box 669 P.O. BOX 699 CALL FOR DETAILS CALL FOR DETAILS Sommerville. NJ 08B76 Private Party Only Privatp Partv Onlv Sommervllle. NJ 08876 Please read your ad carefully after publication. We are not responsible for errors after 1st Insertion INDEX 110D Rooting 05 70 Snow Removal rqmpmeiil Hiinit HMIIII SCIVXC^ (Jr.ifjery & Decorating 8335 Income Property 1105 Rotolilling ANNOUNCEMENTS 034(1 Iridtl'jln;^ Piopurly OVj Itumi UnifcrSIUO Iti'.uran'.l: 05140 Driveways FAX 1 1115 Sewer & Dram Cleaning CLASSIFIED f.Mr.V [!(Mlh Nfiliff!. 0342 I O'JHO GL-IICMI Mc(ili,unf:',« 0770 U>ij;il Siiivid! -, 0941 Duel Cleaning '.![)[); i;i Mi-!nr.?ri,nris 0773 Linif;!;1,^!''fi Taxi '.'M 0945 necincaf 1120 Sheetiock 4 Spacklmg YOUR AD 0345 Loans & Muiiyaijes 0SH1 Lawn* r;,ii[|«n 1135 Snowbfower Repji; HOURS Oni'-l t'.u'ij u( Hi,ink'; DM? M,nkct f!,i'.li!t 07 7.) 0947 Environmental Testing 0355 Out *lf -&1arc *"rii|ii:fly 1140 Snowplowing Kiu/ MiriiiorLil'.'Pjnts 0360 (1581 I'laiiK Scfil, S Fcitiiuti O'77'> 0949 Frranri Service Wantci Heal f'Male 1145 Telephones For maximum For your convenience, OHM Autliois 0380 0584 Machinery k luols 07/1. Marh-t FltriiinJ! 0950 Excavating Vauttioti Property 1150 Topsoit Giavel 4 Sand fjin'i Ailnptii.ii 0390 Ofjli'j MuVl.jl Hf,lrti!Hi:nf; 0955 Exterminating Mobile Homes mu 1155 Tree Services our Classified Center Ul'i! Arriourittmunis (I'iSO DHK.C I iiiiirtijn; S fciuilliriMH Pbotogfapliy 096U Fencing convenience REAL ESTATE-RENTALS 0/BO 1100 TV 4 VCfl Repair "IV, Lo',1 f, fuuni! O'J9!I H»ilu((!,>Iiliy fc Canieia FfJtjr[>rriL-lit Piano Tiiiiiiifj & ReiMii 0965 Floor kite is open: 0400 Ap.itlnienls (FUMMIIII'III 07Bi 1165 Upholstery & Slipcovers DVill f'*-r- ou;te UYi'.l (lira M.iiki-N S(;IUOF L\\}ifj>^ Services 0970 Floors just fax us lil:ill I-:. !>••!•: 0405 Apartments (Un(niiii'.lif:1) 0975 Fuel Tar* Services 1170 Vacuum Rejjan 04 to Commercial Properly l)ti(K) G.iMiji! >• Y.inJ Jjjlcs OBOO Sewing Alleialmris !Hl>(l (Ink Sh.lllliq 0801 Shot Hep.ni 0980 FirnWB Hepar & Rc«nisl»«j 1173 Wallpaper Monday-Friday 1 0415 Garages & Stor.igc uij,r':j w.mti'd To Finy 0985 1175 Waterfxoofuiq your ad anytime, Oil, , Hiijipy A'Jfi 0H05 Sfic^i(*io A UuMl Services (j.mige Doors 04?0 Halls O99U 1177 Water PimlicHtion ti I 7lj (Xilnifig F verrts PETS & ANIMALS 0818 Teltprione Services (widen Supplies D-1?5 Houses (Fiinn'ilwdl 0995 1185 Welding 8 am to 6:00 pm 0825 Tutoring & Insimctiou tinss i Minors 24 hours a day at: EMPLOYMENT 0430 Houses II»J3U Hoi!.i"s A LwfMock 1000 1190 Windows A Screens (IfjiS Obedience lrai!nri(j 0830 Tyfnng r. W«rt Processing Gutters * Leaders U;-(jll UiilMPf.lirs 0435 Housing To Stiau? 1005 1195 Window Washing 1 Ufj40 Pels Handyman ll/ii'i I mii'uvdii'iit Agu 0437 Lot , Tui Rent HOME SERVICES 1010 Hsannij 0440 Olta Space OM.'i PelbSupphefi t. Sun/ices 0850 Air Conditioning 1015 RECREATIONAL FINANCIAL I BUSINESS Home Improvements 610-258-2100 !):v:, I. ii)|iloynicnt H 0460 lioons*, (FUIIIISIWUI 0855 Alarms & Security I01B Home Inspection VEHICLES DEADLINES O??li HiiiJMCis Help 046b Rooms (UNlurni:,hciJ| OPPORTUNITIES 0860 Aluminum 8 Vinyl Siding 102O Home & Office Cleaning 1300 Mopetls it Dirt Hikes OP-IU tanriiil Help 0475 ruwnhoiises 8 Condos 1025 0650 Business Ci|i{joi(um1ics 0865 Appliance Repair House Washing. 1305 Mtiloicylles {I1MS M.imirjtrnrfit He\p 0480 V.acalirjn Properly 0B67 1030 CHARGE YOUR 0555 Financial Services Autu Detailing & Service Insulabon 1310 Molor Home', Will Mudicul HtlfJ 048? Farms 0870 Batluooms 1032 131'j Travel Trailers [ PRDfESSIOMAL Interior Decorating D;". 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Announcements II Announcements 110II Announcements 110II Lost & Found 1351| Personals Employment Business Help 226 REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST Ono end stands boiwecn One call stands between FOUND- CAT HEADACHE SUFFERERS yniir butiintiau nnd mit- your business and mil- Ingalls Avo. in Llmiurt WANTED Employment QATAPROCESSNG A rare opportunity to step into ;i well-established, high- Iions of potential ctistoni- lions of potential custom- Mo ins Coon. Tortolso shell Honest Caring Doctors, who pcTibrming advertising sales territory is now available. t-ra-run your cldbsidcdi, ers-run your clnssifieds color, collar. Very vocal have helped 100 3 of pain Resumes I CUSTOMER AflE YOU PREGNANT? thro.KjIi Itio NJ Slalowldo through the NJ Slolcwldo nnd friendly. Owner or sufferers, using natural non- The NJN family of weekly newspapers is seeking an Don'l know wlinl to ili>'f Clflssitied Attvcrtisinci Classified Advertising good home 908-587- drug care lo get rid of head- SERVICE We have mnny f.imilM-s Nelwork (SCAN). For ono Nolwork (SCAN). Fur one 1537 after 7pm. aches. Receive a comple- RECEPTIONIST Busy sales olfice In need experienced salesperson able to serve the advertising walling to oUopt yunr law price, your (id will low price, ycur ad will mentary phone consultation. For High Quality Denial Office, of clerical person, MS of- Child. Please enII roactl OVER 2 MILLION reach OVEH 2 MILLION Limited lo first 10 callers. Must hnve good organiza- fice req 1-3 yrs. e»p. needs of our Real Ksiate customers. Candidates must be 1-800-745.1 21 O. FiEAOERS Through 1B5 NJ HEADERS Through )5S NJ Personals !40 Call lite Wollnoss Education tion skills & willingness lo prof. Full benefits, 401 k. professional and organized. Knowledge of Real Estate a aik for Marci or Gluri.i new3p.ipprs. CilF Jodt newspapers. CJIM Jodi Foundation toll free: work as a lo.im player. FT, Send resume tot We can Help1 nyiHi. NJCA SCAN Coor llynri. NJPA SCAN Coor- 877-381-8448 includes Monday & Thurs- strong plus; but will train the motivated salesperson. dillillor. nt 609-4()G-(HiU0 or dinator, nl 60IMQ6 0600 or ATTENTION: day evenings. Fax resume lo NQK Spark Plugs Need people who uro seri- e ni;iil [yry.tnyrnjpn.ory I'-in.ii) joiyanWnipn.org BO8-722-4O96 75 Main St.. Suite Posiiion has full clerical and art department support ser- ous nbout losing weight lur more Informnliaii. (Oul lor num.' Inlormntion. (Out 303 Announcements 110 and feeling groat. Your vices. Compensation includes commission plan, mileage, of sUiic pliicunienl Is ut •; t < 11 o ploccmonl is 9OB-322-7414 Mlllbum, NJ 07041 avnikiblo). vacation, >.harballi With an Exchmigtj Stu- (e.com/reaulU to take control of your career and excel in a fast-paced dent! High School Mil- | Your Business donls Irom OVPI 30 I oun- Open Classifieds environment where success is rewarded, fax resume and Irlei arriving August Call CLASSIFIEDS... (A\ HI.MU.IVOIKAD! cover letter to Advertising Director Steve Jankowski at: alse (or Inlortnnlroii on for the Services \\v Ai'i'cpt Visj, hoiUng! i-BUO'iiru IIK. www.alse.corn You Need! In The Classifieds The Messenger Goxette THEY WORK! 44 Veterans Memorial Dr., East Somerville, NJ 08876 THOMAS LINCOLN/MERCURY Fax: 908-575-O666 SUMMER In The Classifieds CLEARANCE Quality Acura Dealer SAVb $2095 All Colors ^ $ 13.495 for Immediate


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Holy Crojs Church LEAD AIDE MEDICAL 12-6pm, 5 days, yr. round, JOBS Auditorium, 10 am Sunday) Associates Degree in ECE, RECEPTIONIST It's like [Service*, In pert- CDA, or CCP reqd. Child FT position for busy 0BGYN with Valley Na- 101 Mt.Ave. Springfield | Care Center In Cranford. office. Monday - Friday te currently Call MB-272-3962 with some even- SHOE SALES j far full-time and Ing/Saturday hours. Expe- NEB DBM'S, Summit has an i Tetter*. Qualified 973479-4525 I rience preferred. Please opening for an EXPERT lax resume to: 908-756- findixi muat possess ftii WWW.HolYcnHsni.org I LEGAL ENDED P/T sales person experience; tetter 7119. Attn: Geri Good pay. Good working SECRETARY erwironmert. Experienced Part-time Legal C%(l! 90BV273<2O42 available Secretary lor small Law In Warren, RECEPTIONIST - Ani- Office In Cranford Spe- mal Hospital. PfT. Filing. , a, Morris Counties. cializing In Family Law & Integra telephone skills, light Heal Estate. Salary com- typing, approi. 25/his TREE CUMBERS * CREW Mw today: mensurate with experience. FOREMEN -Growing Co. i Mt. Ollvei IT IT r\jH-rU-iHrL.l siii wkly. Incl. some Sat. 6 ili'iin timing n-tunt ull PleasB send resume to: eves. Call 908-322-7500 seeks foremen w/mln. 3 Box: M.118 yrs. exp. Able to lead 3 or Sell it with The Express-Times more men on |ob site. l (*T3jaB7 -e«B-aaat2 P.O. Box 331 Climbers: exp. & CDL a 4, Easton, PA 1BO44 RECEPTIONIST will train. Salary based on I National Branch F/T- Mon - Frl , 9-5PM Light exp OGSSTAXl! riling, light typing, data MARKETING PT entry & answering **WE SHOW YOU IRKETING 2 P/T TEACHER Energy conservation co. In phones. Benefits. THE MONEY!!!** Roselle has opening (or SPftlNOFICLD TRUCK Hauling Dry/Liquid Bulk. self-starter, knowledge- CENTER lANAGER AJDES (973J376-0248 Regional & local runs. Anticipated openings able In sales, administra- Benefits! Home Time! a last paced tion & advertising. Flex. Competitive! New Equip- rter consulting starting 9/7/99; Appro*. 3 hrs Fax resume to 908- to hrs. per day; exp. with ment! Call Now!! 800-338- with tremerv 241-72BB. S439, Ext 253. frdom for growth, children preferred. Send SEAMSTRESS letter of application and PT position. 3 or 4 lull The Wheel Deal for a Indeperat- resume by 6V6/99 to: days/wk. Now available in Earn an computer literate extra $499-$7,99&rmo. PT/FT 10 candidate with Ms. Rene* Howard POSTAL JOBS S48.323.OO our alteration dept Exp. Run yyou r ad till youy r car sells! Superintendent yr. Now hirlng-No experi- also necessary in fitting. Na exp. neci-aOO-296-7316 administrative a www.nhbn.com code p1116 rtlng skills. Posl- ence-Paid training-great Casts •O0-S22-O2S2 | available Immed. 500 East St. benefits. Call for lists, 7 Optrn Classifieds fan resume Qarwood NJ, O7027 days. (BOO) 429-3660 ext. Woodland Ava. J200. Summit, NJ. for tho Services ••MBS7 or mall AA/EOE Yt>u Ntcd! P.O. bo* SOT $ hood, MJ 07023 AVON PRODUCTS: $35.95 Start your own business. (4 Hues, each ^Additional line $ Work flexible hours. Enjoy OFFICE unlimited earnings. Call Looking for a great part-time job? For private party only. Prepayment required. toll free 1-888-942-4053. ASSISTANT J Ad Agency with Na- At family seeks cars for new I accounts nseds assis- born and toddler $400400 Join the SRI team! i with business oftanatd e/wk, tot-232-2271 I as wad as receptionist bookhseptno, ac- CHILDCARE i psyabKa and coard- i of Arm organization, NANNY personality, •xcel- Needed, m or P/T ASAP. pnone manners and Car & exp req'd. knowA'edJQS oi com* • must Resume and •oa-754-aiei I requirements may be CHILD CARE SRI is a nationally known research company by Fax 9W60S-2030, $25.99 Email ta WORKER based in Westfielcl—and we are looking for Items from $1O1 - $5,000 |tabdsndb.com or Experienced preferred. PrT for I to Bsndu)o Donker a Cranfortf Nursery/ CNIdcare. telephone interviewers to oonduct our opinion (4 lines, 1 week. Hueh additional line $2) 396 SpringfMd 1-5PV. Year round J7.2S , Summit NJ, 07901 per hour. studies. For private party only. Prepayment required. (WM)272-3M2 CHILD CAME - Work In We are not telemarketers! =FICE CLERK your own home. Apply or PT wanted for at Monday Morning Inc aunt, busy Law SRI team members are eligible for: Duties: copying, 908/666-4S84 ling, mall, local er- A $100 bonus after 3 months tids. Hours: Bam- CLERK TYPBT/ Buy i or &am-2pm. En- &C. PROGRAMMER level-will train erv Paid training etlc. bright Individ- •YT- Typing, filing, program Resume to •. registration, knowledge of Merit reviews Spanish nnanta Bourn*, book/ record keeping, an- bilingual also II, A Kenyan, PO swering phones, able to Advancement • MO, Summit, work under pressure, deal with the public, planning, 401(k) savings plan 07»02<«*M or developing community Items under $1OO |x 9O«-2Tr-MO8 recreation program*. 30 houre a week. (3 lines, 1 week. F.ach additional line $1) CfUUeYOHD MECNEAYION («W|7O»-7283 For private party only. Prepayment required. EMANAGEfl E/O/t7M/F/V/H Call between 9AM - 4PM or 7PMf- 9PM fast growing com- or consulting com- Deadline: Friday at S I'M tor I he following week. riy. We are looking for Full/Part Ume. $23 S3* Yearly fuli-llme person, who I-800-550-6656 ext. 540 organized & computer MIVER- Covenant trans- Statistic... Rcsi'a. Inc. irate, (windows 95-96), port ft,000 sign on bonus tependenl A can hatv for axp. Company drivers Isst paced atmoa- 1-800-441-4394. Owner (908) 654-4000, Ext fie. College degree operators 1-6W-6673729. 1-800-559-9^95 •tarred Fs« resumei Bud Meyer Truck Lines re- ,M»-1tS7 or malt frigerated hauling Call toll LPS P.O. boa SOT free 1 877 263*393 Solo nwooct, MJ 07023 drivers and contractors. DRIVER/PT For Adult Day program In Ber- SUMMIT BANK keley Heights. Exp wtth RV#** of th# seniors required CUYCtsss Ol C preferred - 15 hrtrV*. (9ak, snd use Boi _ icownwcnoN for the positions KMMH Knowledge/e up. of plant material A layout. Constf. of walls, walks, drainage 4 grading from Supervisors •tart to finish. Salary iThree Bridges based on exp. Class A '1998* m 1 Salary »t J10 3OTir COL a t. 9OO-SS8-5S5S boo join the Summit jr, you will receive an LANDSCAPING SUPER SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR AAA MEMBERS Itlve salary, a com- rtsiva benefit* pack- Full Time year round posi- I more than enough tions with 50 year-old hor- for substantial ticulture company In- . EOE M/F/D/V stalling live plant displays Inside offices and hotels. I Box" is a registered Must have valid drivers li- nark of VOICE BOX cense. Room lor growth a I SYSTEMS, Inc. advancement. Hourly + OT a Benefits. Apply now to the Parker Companies ral Help 240 60O-75Z-6858 Extension SAVE*3711 444 (Mark) or fax resume SAVE*: SAVE *37O9 ON II MEW 1M* CNEVT ON * NEW IBM CNEVT ATTHi to 908-322-4819. EOE ON AMEMf IBMCHCVV 0M ft NEW 1009 CHCVY IK FROM HOME 4 DOOR IIJ Ho J6.000 pLtt mo Lawn malnt. co. seeks 2 2 DOOR • 4X4 LLJIV1LISJA. PAID VACATIONS Bap. people. Must have SWfquiplfKl auIuODIran'j pwr stma'AOS/lturik. vgls. *X* OR 7433B mln. 2yr. exp. w/knowtedge AIR, lill. wtil evib Opt Ec|ji() lnr:l 3100 V-6, power G0NVERT1BU Stf| f t)iiip mil )10|J i Ini f Cii'jItJm Cloth. window*, powilr locks crmtie r.flof. cass. mflis. split (t n bftji Opt Equip mt.t ilut:> OD Irafi'j lilt. ro*>1 rant, pwr S(ci Lf|llip lnr;l \>w i!rri(j>tnii'i. 1 .<•)!'• ' ' '•I'-""" !'•'» "lirfi ( 4 DOI needed F. Hit.') f!>i)ii1 O])1 l(|iiF|ilnfl '/[>\ 1 <.yl ;iuiy OU ViI* r,ik #h; I rj I J r 7 Xi t.|(.t«)fy iflbalO* > great hour•. on exp. 908-668-M5B MSBP H8.B95 Incl % 1«» Inclury wiirrant S WOO OMAC VIN #X69O5449. MSRP ICJ 9/') 1 •/1. VI'J #/'f.' iVl/ * WM\* ^l.Mj'lr I" »IISO«.232-192t* Rw.ent Coflege Grnd Robnte it f|ual JBOO QMAC n»ccinl College Qriir) notj.iln i) <|ii,il ViN i)Xh'i?'.,y<\! USIU' SillA/'i Nir.l i 1'j[»(.n:U:ry l rol),it(! S SHOO fiMAf; rci.wit fJnii lir,i ^SCHCD t:X FT-^ EI^ S

U*\ t'J:. r.l, l- cpqrnP^rsn MXE CZF=IRI_a ALIS Oj-' I yj I CARGO If AIM Z28 COUPE '.Id f quip Inr.l pwr slfiu|'tjrks, \>li.i rrnrrs, t/gls LS COUPE f lir-H',. lull '.(i.-itir rj|)l F'r|iii|i Innl 5 01. V-B, S!'J 1'fJ'r. Ill'l . ^l Vft J.^r •tinijr.rl- ' 'p; H< ! >\ ^ \'\>\; I: !••- • Sid Equip 1ncl 3tLV6 aifl'j 0D!rans, ri*r S1rrx>t>rki!«.io(lluck8. iiiilotn;itir 'rji'.i'Uw tf/ui!.. Al H, <|l;i'.'. in !ii(Jo and l/gls iilt. ta&9 Opt Et]urp Sncl tK-Mi spoiler atumwti's pwr \t\jnk WO MONEY DOWN-SIGN & DRIVE! aj(u Of' liiui', I r.,u-. ir.v.li'.-. ' •'!»>' «t < it;,Li rji,r,[., Stk/)',(,',',.11. VIN #^IO^irt84. MSHP opener •!')') !•'.• f.r.H !'••• S LEASE PER MO. ...Tell Us 16,343 38MOS." 22,724 V 18,596 SUPER SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR AARP MEMBERS MWJHtSfT , bout Your BARNES CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED CARS A TRUCKS! •WIOMOB—U CIIH 1996 CHEVY 1996 CHEVHOULT i l&MOUBCTTUSl 1996 CEO KCHHMLfT 1997 CHEVY HNMKKK6M I9WPOWT1AC CAVAUEII2DR LUMINA 4M NOVAUMiOiUI SUPfttMSHWI COTTOW 4 DWM! PH1ZM SIHIIMUUIIT4X4 LUMINAdDR :«"J Ji, »,!•, rjl.ir.i. i [.«• suNSEtm Neck Of !'•-.)!,.k-, «,«'! ".•>•. r IL al if,a! .-'0 * ri r-ji, • -I lf ' Incl 6 mo. or CSDO rmle be! ! "••) 5' «;Q r.iil *l" S S he Woods 12,995 S9999 S8995 $23,995 11295 9295 11595 2995 MORRISTOWH Prlce(s)lncl. all costs 1o De C icnuinc C Chevrolet paid by a consumer except lor lie . reg. & Inxes No! resp. lor typos 'Not applicable to ad vehicles "36 mo. closed end leosn w/12.000 ml/yr 20c •' PO Box 699 38 RIVER ROAD • SUMMIT, NJ Ihoroallor (99 CAVALIER Ttlpymnls = S6581 16. Til -is. -•-«£ Veterans Cool = S65B1.16 Purcri ' Memorial Drive E. Op!, al teaao ernl = Somerville, NJ SE HABLA ESPANOL $8684,24). Lcasoe rcsn FINANCING-MANY SOURCES VISIT US ON THE WEB AT SMIXGFtELO lor excess wenr K Iciir 08876 $10 MILLION AVAILABLE! I9O8) 273-78OO www.barnctcfiavy.com July 30, 1999 Record-Press




Total Due At Lease Inception; $2679 Auto, 4 cyl, air cond, p/t/b, airbag, cruiM, tilt, p/wfl, bucket seats, rr defrost, am/fm cassette, MSRP: $18,495 ml. Vin IXEO5T4K, Stk IX313MI 2 dr, 5 spd man trtns, 4 cyl, p/s/b, air cond, airbag, bucket seats, am/tin cassette, MSRP: (13,166, Vin IXU043404, Stk IX447MI NEW 1999 mnsuBisiH ECLIPSE RS NEW1d99M1TSUBISHI MONTERO SPORT

[Total Due At Lease Inception; $26961 Total Due At lease Inception: S30431 5 spd man trans, p/s/b, air cond, 4 cyl, airbag, cruise, p/w/l, alloy whls, MSRP: $16,663, Vin HXEO77488, Stk IX363MI Auto, V6, p/s/b, atrwnd, airbag, crul«, p/w/l, bucket Mats, am/tji stereo, MSRP: $27,660, Vin IXPO36640, Stk 1X427 NEW1999HITSUBKHlDlflMflNTE HEW 1999 MITSUBISHI MONTERI ^ ^<«Bk ^H*. /• NOMf m [Total Due At Lease Inception: S3604 ] Auto, V6, p/s/b, alf cond, airbag, cruise, tilt, tint, p/w/l, rr defr, cassette, MSRP:S27,739, Vin tXTOO8847, Stk IX587MI M8IIPI ,„,— m ^ f 'mmmmmAuto , V8|, p/s/b, air cond, airbag, rwf rack, 7 passenger, p/w/l/m, keykw wtry, cd chanyr, MSRP: $M,0< 5, Vin IXJOO3797, Stk IX623MI Auto, 4 cyl, p/s/b, p/w/l, rr defrost, f tirbag, aHoy whh, cass, tilt, cruise, tint NST CREMT PRMUIIB? WE UN HELP! S7,S22 mi. Vin ISOmtte, Stt IX832A *Wf|p)w/l, I 1*800* NEW* CREDIT rear def, AM/FM, MM, tint, cmlse, tilt, 34,741 ml,, ViRieZ20eS, StH»552A1 24-HOUR HOTLINE • INCL SUNDAY! (1-800-639-27331 'M M9MTAI ft mmmiM hrJauKlqjftiiVir'pSMicwd,p/w/l, till Toyota, auto, 4 cylinder, p/s, abs, kither, a jto, 6 cyl, p/i/i, nr cond, p/rnndom, Toyotaraufomafic, p/s/b, air cond, Get, •utomiDc, ' cyl, p/s/b, atr tint, cntist, tilt, airbig, am/lm cassette, I "1 -1 -1 tat, cntw, Hl«r wtiH, nwnmf, CBMtte, p/lockt, rrdetr, tint, cruise, tirt cassette, cruise, tilt, tint, am/fm cassette, 44,631 conditioning, pA«/1, win cauttts, 53,682 70,100 mi. Vtn ICBC0U3B, STK 1X469* 6T.967 mt. Vin IPO14S021, Stk IP8121 35,514 mi. Vin fTF233104, Stk t795B mi. Vin IV0O26516, Stk (P3123 IE mi. Vin ITZO3490T. SU IPTflU. *S IS Auto 6 tjhndeTp/s, at!, air cond, lull y 7 pass".;«ilo76'eyl, pTt/B, air, p/w/l/s, *"6 cyf,"p?s, aos, pW air cond, I'll Ty' 49k mi, Vin IWN74585, Sih IP8056 CBWt«. M,W « Vn (CT2231M, Stk IP?Ui playef, 26,035 »i. Vin Ht3 MJM, Stk IP8H ?

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TEACHER/ Juin Aiiunciis fostout ROOFER deer/b*ar hunting 1 Walk lo I for Sale York City. Call toll free for exp'd Pollih woman. NANNIES, ELDER CARE free brochure and ap- pods, spat, and much w/ Ig. loft (or stora^t. loT yrowirK) itakn/ftvJto Co. Citt- Musi hove driver license B«1'«, own tramp. Call Beaverkllll Many bfdg rert hnmad. Saoty mo. 90*- imraws trjjtit; lo you In inujar AH natkmalltkw. Screened. pointment. HEARTLAND more. Beautiful r*s*e AIDES and axp. Tap pay. Pd. hoi. Sylvia 9oa/428-Oo63 Lie. Bonded. Serving Tri- •Has. Twn rd, else A rare 272-M81 of 90»-e6+~49S7 *' fotntl <>lues, EOT] $500- find! 607-583-M77 REALTY, Whiting, NJ homas avallabla). Call 954- andvac.9OeV8asV2111 elata ana. AUflOIIA •OHMVIM.I- 19O0 ^ 325-1822 for Information Certified teachers, $1,000 .wooWy, will trrtn. CLCAMIMO * »>AIMTIHQ www.snyland.com So. ft. Offlc* Building 1-800-631-5509 tchool van driver A CiD. Mwrfc BOO-2U2-5949 732-560B235 AGENCY 732-222-3369 for eale. Downtown, Houses acroai from pott of- FORECLOSED GOVT HOMES aid*! with bnslc mu- B08-575-1SB0 UPSTATE LAND BAHOAIN Save up to 50-4 or more! Mr> sic and computer Situations 7 acre* $14,900 Woods, llcs/ train. Minuiet HRHLIY HCIOHTS (Unfurnished) 430 HOME A APT CLKANUtO Real Estate Sales from RT, 22. 20Z/2O« 1 Inn or no down paymsrt! Fa 4 ef) »plil. 2 Vi bath, •kills needed lor Sop- REAL ESTATE Wanted long rd Front, very Pri- 287, Maht an offert Mngp cs« now 7 days * limber '99 school Hwilctiinij enrcors? Find out References, own transp vate! 2 hrs NVC! Twn rd, CMC. 2csr gir., 2 WBk.aaMZ9-3ae0ejd.M88 FP, new tiding, big HALF • ttousa In Weatfisld. sastlon. FT/PT. Free hcjw you can onjoy the Call Annabel 732-469-1B3S survey, low i% down! Wi-Tlt-MM deycare lor employ- LIVE-IN CHILDCAHE Acreage & lots 305 corner lot. S339,D0O. twsl (raining mid mnrkol- Local Au Pair Program I* HOUMCLaTAMIMKkrta Hurry! M7.M3.M77 ees children (ages ? in(] support In Iho Industry www.snylind com By owrwr. 6 lar. rms . and up)l Send a toiler seeking qualified host families Rican Lady cleans house* farms lor Sale 325 FOMCLOUD Call for ippolnlm«nt In 2 family wall to wall eat (ram tho nnllan'fl IsrrjQftl lor summer arrivals. Flexible Exclusive South Carolina ol Internal lo: Hefs. 732-4M-3M1 lakefronl community on HOMCt t17W33Mf In kit., parking, Walk lo Individually ownod rosl legal 45 hrs./wk. Average LOW OH SO DOWMt akn.41.2Dai COUNTRY Dslnto company. Friendly, HOUSE CLEANING Lake Murray. Featuring UPSTATE LAND MMOAIM cost *240/wk. Per family not 7 acres 114,900 Woods, Gov'l t banks repos. PLAYSCHOOL Insl-pncod ollico. Call Ml- per child Call (BOO) 901-Exp'dw/rsf's. Ftaaonri clubhouse, pool, tannrs. YOU CAN CHARGE YOUK AD! walking trails, marina. long rd From, very Pri- Btlng sold Now! Fi- 14M SPRINGFtELO uh»ol King. mnriRgor 2002 or www.Buraupalr.com 90S-725-6913 or 5 B1 -904 3 nancing ivallaMe! Lo- AVE. BrUfgownlor Olllco Reservo your lot lodayl vate I 2 hrt NYCI Twn rd, Industrial Proqertv I OfliGe SpaGe * Polish Agency Inc. * Excellent financing Htr- We Accept Visa, survey, low H downl cal Listing*. 800-501- (908)689-0100 HOUMCLEANINO-good "~ ^1777 ait 5205. j tor Rent 07974 mhlna43D22Htaol.com Specializing In elderly/sick r»f», long e«p. A low rales bour Wslch B00-8O5-9B97 Hurry! 607W3-8877 for Sale WEICHERT REALTORS care. Call QO8-S89-914O Call Nolly 909-6*5-0203 www. hsrbour-watc h.com www.snyUind.com ATTNi MARV Mastercard, Amex CLANK - Bund new btdg STEEL M0 SF w/dlrecl access. Don't mttle lor l«tt • Buy Immed. occupancy (he #1 Arch Sleel $120u/mo. High visibility Building. Factory Direct Call Georve • Saving. 25x28. 30x42, 732->M-O«0« 40iO4, 50l110. Gall 1-«00-3*1-70O7 CLAHK - Nearly iww bldg www. steelmaslarruM.corn 950 * 750 SF w/dlrect ac- cess. Immccl. occupancy & S/1. S785 + $970Vmo. FORGET TH High visibility. Real Estate Call Qeor«e 6 _ _ 73aWO«0 Wanted 360 OANWOOO- Ot1lc» apace TMI MOST CASH For rent, 12B sq. ft., fully Paid outright lar your furn., ulll. Incl., convarr home. Any condition lent downtown locaillon. Attractive building next to and foreclosure No municipal parking lot. Call Fee*. E-Z cash out or SHW-7W-33O3 trade. Call The ERA QUEEN CITY flEALTV Individually furnished of; FORECLOSURES. Ask llcas with bualntss sup-' for Lydla, 908-889-9111 port services, call Terri at •73-t21-3000 is Hero f Mobile Homes 390 |l ROoms OOLDCN MUM, FT' .[furnished) 460 PIERCC, FL. Rural 55* Manufactured Home SUMMIT • Large furnished Community Cubhouaei, room, prlvsla BA, pfcg.. 3 Heated Pooi/Sps GUAR- blocks to center of town. ANTEED Rent on New *62&/mo.. 1 mo. s*c. A Homes. Rstalea Avtltablt. reft. W>aVa73-—TS Call (S61) 4SS-AO0S for In- formation. SUMMIT: Room lor rent $110 per week. Call 9OW598-O522 ID HEW Heal Estate Rentals CHEW ••£_/< Vacation Property 4 dr, G i'yl. nuto liarv;. pwi •.itiiui'luk's/wind/locks. AIR, AM/FM •I *Jr, 6 cyl. .uilol inns, pwr slmg'ABS/wimi/locks. AIH. AM/FM stoiBo-cass 2 dr. A cyl. auto trans, powor slmg.'l>rks. AIR. r/det. l/nls. clolli bckts, all Stoioo-ciiSK. i.'<1,'./(.I IIICusI $»&?./ 70 I S10.VtiJ TIICosU StO./G4 Vacation Rentals: (2)2 Bdnv. Exclusive South Carollrui lakefront community on laundry, storage room, $750 i Lake Murray. Featuring $800 p*j» u*» i \~, month sec clubhouse, pool, tennis, No pet*. 908488-4814 LEASE walking trails, marina. LEASE LEASE Available Now! Reserve yout lot today! PER MO penuo 36M0S- pen uo. BUMMIT-3 ig~rmsTL'oU of E« eel lent Hnanclng Har- closets Hardwood Hrt bour Watch SOO-B05-S997 New kitchen & BA. Park- www.harbour-walch.com - ing ft all ulll. $1250 • 1 i) mo see 908273-66/5 Merchandise SAVE SAUt SAVE Antiques ! M337 LAFAYETTE MILL ANTIQUE* CENTER Juii off Rl. 15. Lafayette ^^SILV/ERADO1500 |Suiu< Co.) NJ LLJIVilrSI/A. <»73( 383-0065 40 Dealers Pick-Up. (S t;yl, juitnt (an:;. |.HVI :;imi| liiks. AIH, AM/FM G cyllndor. automatic Iransttiission. power steering, poweri •( door. 6 cyltndm. auto trans, power strtiglirakes•'*indows.1ocks. AIRJ olfsrlng a vast selection AM FM slaroo-CHSs. rdnl, cloth boncli. till SSi) tiros, int wip, dual air hags SOMMfEnVILLE- 1 & 2 • slercio. ill! sc.tsuri lues. 1I11.1I ,iit ti;i(|s. Stk7/!)004, brnkos. AIR Conditioning. AM/FM Sloreo-cass, Slk #8975.! BDR Garden Apart- ol affordable antiques, Slk#B482. VIN#X91C5461, MSRP $19 337 Irtcl J20OO BobatO&S40" quality collectibles.. VIN.0Y9128884. MSRP S19.5')7 coll (jr,id lobalo II mania available im- med. Serene salting. Cafe Newly renovated! Must 1 OanvAptn. see, MW-735-2SM Closod Tuas-Wad. www.mlllantlejues.com BU* FOR 16,4781 18,421 15,849 FORA PRE-OWNED VEHICLES '95 CHEVY LUMINA '98 CHEVY CAVAUER '96 CHEVY PfttZM 97WEYYIU2DIM* UCWVYUHWU NGNEVTUVUII 97CKVTUMiUI •t ill W .11.!.. I..11. . [...I 1 i I y\\ ,iiitiHltn|ir .Hlloin.lli, 4 dl I i-yl. auUimililc 4tlr i> cyl *iulo trjns p%%r 6 cyl a i» to ! r;( ORAGREAT Klcnu I'.t.. n.'-.l I . • - AIH I ' .1 H-^lt : !i -T !, * F i |Tisrt' ( • f ! E iin srn i •. -Sinn ^ m\ v [ lun:! [irt r sirJH) AUS ;;inK)ttik&witKlk'*cK«; MR AM 'I M -.lei.- , 1 1,11 •.in.-i f-ih!. AIM AM I M ••1 i fit) |i i H s rt ini.t s •< .11 •• Alf! Wll.1 AM>M sleiiH>-CciPS I'M 111,-Ks'llllPt AIH. StilMNi i ,1V. AM f M SIvloo n dpi Mt I r ilFSU all S U - .iH.atii "ii sik »i»e.u>o. cruise ' (lei t q'5 t:kith htTith all bsri lires rJual Vlf! 'SI 1 !'• VIN* irifO^rtJ :'l I .'i\>i *.o lllOS Stk aT'.lr'.IJ VIN & PARTS? r $! CLICK HERE & CHECK OUT OUR LLIVfi WEEKLY SPECIALS! CH»»HCKI T C i enu i ne Chevrolet EXIT 13? U. PKWY TURN IHT1MU! www.Merton-nj.com

FULLERTON 3 I'OKI) • I'tlKYSLKK iicos incl. all costs to be pd by a consumer except lor lie , rog & taxes Pictures are tor illusiralion [utrposos only Pholos arc lor illustmtion purposes only 'I ; ;iii! 30 iiu.) closed out! ienso with IMAMODTII - JKKP • KIA U',000 m)les/yr; 20e theroalter. Lessee resp. tor excess wonr & lonf Piifchnso oplmn at loiise end •.-. ('99 CAVALIER • S781Q) (MAU.HU Sri «'ii (BLAZER • S18 91 1) Serving Netv Jersey Since 1967 July 30, 1999 Record-Press Pmn» How Antiques Sags HOUM Vassga. Set PITS ,Afl&t Bought *SoidO**sw Clean ups || Electrical Handyman •IUIIIU || iiumu || Hams & Office - Spaa) Aval 908-322-9090 lAACASHtr rocods, mags. Improvements 1015II Improvements 1015 K Cleaning 1020 stuffed animals, teddy U bears, toys. 90&S54-6636 & Hauling 915 Building Material lAAACLEAMLtPHojsetx*: ENGLISH TUTOR ODD JOBS A GENERAL POLISH LADY can clean or consfcr. dctns rernGMri taw GUTTER HAN3YMAN REPAIR - Lt HmilinL). your house well, 10 yrs* & Equipment 520 30* yrs. e«p in public i priv. rta&toetSL 908-232-5146 ALL AMERICAN brush cleared S .... AAAOtD PHOTOS schools wrt help yoof cMild Call Wanted for highest prepare tor HS English 1-3-3 CtEAN UPS- We t*E t» 1'] t CLEANING niovett Eipprt iiilext ' 908-4?fl-9615 • STEEL BUILMNOS •HOME* carpentry, punning. rt»- : Oon'l aattla for lets - buy SSS Also, OLD paint- Dass or w/summer readng. aTytrsig S119 a "muCK LO AC ALL HOMES $45 908-241-8241 'the #1 Arch Slsel Build- Ings, pens, watches, l-3hrs/wk. Tue-Tbur year ridrtig cimprig & loading i DEEGAN plrtcemefit windows A ' ing. Factory Direct Sav- 50-60's toys, costume found 732-752-9008 MJt*73a57MB16 ! IMPROVEMENTS decks Tree work, lot) ings, 2Si28, 30x«. 40x64, jewelry, etc. ROOFING • Addtlons & Alterations splitling, guttt^rs clod BARGAIN CLEANUP lectric Contractor No job (oa small. Why -50*110. John 908-322-1545 • Kitchens 7 Horns Atttcs, Basements. Garages, Hesl Cornra Noextra 908-479-4344 • Bathroom brenk vour biick II you • Call *.SOO-341.7007 charge (or eves & Home ' www.ttMlmaslerusa.com All Lionel, Iwas, & other Lite Hauling. 908-636-0676 • Fin. Basement don t sec it. ask. CflH us wkend, FrM Est. Ins. Lie (rains, top S pd. BOO-464- Services HAUL • Siding today for FREE eslimntc HQosewashlng 1025 STEf L BUIUMNOS - never CJLCANUP"»T •t-nm3732. 9O8-755--403Q Improvements 1015 4671 or 973-425-1538 Free est. Insured I •Windows Sdoors Out 21st y«wt! 52*3-5535 • put up. 40«3O was 16,212 RONSON ELECTRIC Handyman 1005 'will a*f| lor 13,497; 50x86 7 day service. •Sheelrock POWERCLEAN •OOKS-Old SelB-Singtes. All Types ol electrical work. CALL wts SI 7,690 will sell lor Bathrooms 870 1-886-781-5800 HAW}YMAM-Frw> estimates • Tile & Masonry Autographs, old postcards. Ltc 553^. Insured • Free Est 1-B0O-794-1417 '. S&9TO. Chuck 1-800-320-2340 iy) job too sjiidH CflK Damiy at • Mauri Exfcrii Fto^ws Home & Office MARIO'S CLEAN-UPS 25 yisexp.732.^52-5663 CARPENTER BATHTUB k TILE Aitic. basement, garages 908-232-2580 Cleaning 1020 Estate & Tag OUNS-SWORDS-KMIVE& RESURFACING All types of debris Doors, windows, decks. MILITARIA. NJ & Federal 5 years warranty. Powerwashing Fencing trim work. (908)665-2949 POWERWASHINO ci.Assii-'i CLEANING CARE EXPERTS ' Sales 545 Licensed. Top cash paid free estimates For info: Call Mono Hiry by tt>e day or job. Ftee Estimate, Call Bert 732-821-4949 Call 908-756-5351. 908-354-7058 FL&ZA FENCE oflkn*s. good rri.. 9yrs. Ftilry liisirtxi. five EstirnateB- Crutl Lin k & Custom Wood TH1V WORK! Call 908-931-1819 906-725-0596 732-248-4114 gHAMFO*» Bfi sat, dl-NEED CASH-Tap prices Sloohadc. Jerrith . nrtle, china closst, buflct, paid for your Silver & Carpentry Paul's Ctean-up REPAIRS -4 mlac. Utolas 1 chairs. Gold Coins & Misc Free Est Clicertully Given •CHI: 7M1II1I forsppt. Coins. Call 906/754-1414 ALL TYPES OF DEBRIS SMALL JOBSOMLy ATTICS, BSMTS, Fully Insured OLD CM ANTIQUE FURM OuaBty WorV- Hess. Roles. HOUSES Call Pot« SOS-369-2281 If you want buyers to notice Firewood & Glass, China, Any un- 28 yre exp. Bob 9uB-»t-86O7 COMMERCIAL. usual Kerns. House Sales RESIDENTIAL Fuel 550 by Nancy. 9O8/272-5OS6 or CARPEHTRV * ROOTIMG INTHEXT DEMOLITION 906/233-8157 Repair. Ceiling & floor LjowFtsnsVery DEpendr**! EAGLE FLOORS S.ind AluhnaJi H d wd Floors j POSTCARDS, Sheet porches, sleps. point. your car for sale... 908-964-1554 322-7115 8 1-8OO675-02I2 j music. Radio. TVs. ?32-356-90?O. Firewood +12 or lull cords Al^COUsWnK FlOOBfHQ I - 90B6S41H6,732-388-1581 Cameras, Toy». Mili- Professional Carpentry tary, Pens, Worlds g Installation. Smd* J Roofing-Siding* Windows Clenned & Hauled. Rms Fair, etc. 908/272-5777 Doorsi Porches* Decks Relin,,Staining Free Esl, | >c« toi. «ll«r 1. Ml-utl. Furniture 560 ctemollshed. Light Carpen- liis'd Comm/Resi- j HONDA TRX200 RK APARTMtn A FtaMrtg Tackle CoMwctw Leaders- Gutters try, Painting & Handyman OL»4C Rtducllons 732-356- 500N8OO-734-S008 On All ApartmtnK Most Flepa i rs> Free Est Services. 732-926-8009 OiHIHO ROOM • A 12 Warts to buy ofct rods. •»*. 4-Whe«ler lhl Frn Hint 26 YrsEJp ,-piscB solid cherry wood lM CLEANUP / Mini Container Only $192i QMi!(v LEN 908-561-4073 »el 96" 2 pedttlal table BUYING Ca m eras sT Svc. 6-15 yd Rest, i Barden Was $32 J 111.4 .ttll laavts, 0 hand carved Equip, 1 pc or wtnte studic T0MPKIHS CARPENTRY Comlr. Debris. 15-30 yd Chippendale chairs and Call Ken at 732 928-7611 • Interpec & Exterior Repairs* also avail. Lied. Ins'd. -.lighted 2 pc. hutch buffet 'Remolding* Fre«E»t. 908-233-2699 ' and matching tide board B ARTEL. LS • f>ecki* Farm i Oarden server. New In box. Retail Excellent References S9500- Sail S32S0. Call: Decks 8 Patios 930 Top toil. MdsNroom Soil, All inqulros promptly fundktd Stono. Qunrry Oust. Wall and all jobs completed to DECKS BY UNLIMITED Stuno. Grlnnell Block. LOfT MO • $100. Mattrass - customer satlilaction. Call 9O8.306.A875 We build all types ol RUTIcs i Firewood. S20. O*ik - SSO. Dresser - $50 BILL buys liny puppy J35. Call WHMOM0 decks. All work guar- 732-3BS- 15BI over 16 weeks regardless anteed 10 yrs. Free B ulk Division 9O04S4-1S66 of prior cost. 66 younger Ceramic Tile 905 Est Ins. SOB-707-4447 lurnlil Items Under pups. 0p«n July 30" -31" wllh many *ktf a Aug. 1 . lOam-Spm JP. UP tO UHIitl.4 and CMblt lumUn $100 575 O'Neill Kennels 3637 OS Atlas Til* Installations II fool Illlh 4rh*«l. ftuggt. l»«n«Jry mo ivcurlly irtli Hwyl. Princeton, NJ. '.. • Ceramic • Granite • Marble Act;*** Ig lavcuitl and uu III! 111.710.oo. Our price MHill. I lo * I WOOO flHCLVIS - 3x7'. mile South Alexander • Installations* Repairs Asphalt Driveways '.Jit.OO. Trawl irllll»a> (MS-S371). WASHER, $75. Dryer, S75. LEII THAN Stove, $75. Refrigerator, CREDIT? Need debt con- $150 Can deliver. Color solidation? Call Chile console TV $100. Please Manhattan tg got you the 906-722-632?, financial relief your nttd WOLFF TANNING BEOSi through our Innovative TAN AT HOME. Buy DI- residential mortgaged (ell- RECT and SAVE! Com- nance programs. Call marcial/ Home Units from now! t»00-5S4-3S73. . S199.O0. Low Monthly C1999 Tin Chau Manhil- • \^L_*y RlTy i P«yrneflll. FREE Color tan Corporation. All right • Citaioa Can TODAY i- reserved Equal H on ting • 8O&M2-131O Lender AIR CASMT? ImrmclaB: PUfrlsjatators . Moves cash paid tar loony wirings BRAND NEW 19B9 MERCURY Rocoodltlooed $99 a up. d hd Wlto 1 A/C'S 4000-20,000 BTU medal matpractta. pmnamt i75 * up. Thru the wall injury and wrongtUdaesSv Call apt. * hotel A/C's. A/C re- Singer Auet 1-flOM05-5007 yAvw.afcngsraeaetoom pairs * cintral lir service. WaguH f, . yi auiolian-. pwi slmg'h'ks/wind/soait/locli ] cit ftr.y! rtulor»ftfis [nvr slFnyyABS/wind/50iil*^lt>ck»/friif 3 ton 10 saer outside unit OWN'"YOU* OWN i< AIR AM'FU ilerco cflts CO lilt ciutse "(lo) alum whll only M99 Inatalted. AIR nil cruiM r«tcl Ugls clothbekts tlurti im bafls Com STOHE. or choos« ap- Group Cornrort Group Stk«VS3 V1N *XDJ4424.1 MSRfJ moonrt ithr bckls con^olo '"t wip duiil mt bnga 732MS-3233 SHi»9T)l VIN#XUJ?0SOI M5HP SJ.l ?90 24 Mo parel, ahoe. wetter nwear, 524 484 36 Mo tetw Ttl pymnll s S10 ?64 Til Co»1 ; IBM COMPATIBLE SMS lingerie, bridal gift In- = S1U63 S499 cuilcasd SO free (toy il quol" » j' loasf Til pyinnls - S81/6 Ttl Cutl *iBH5 S.I44 JrVe also buy & repair cludes Inventory, fixtures. 1299 Ul pymnt ; S/9B due ill ien»e s>gni"g •J"^ cv.si cash SO IOC doo il qrnir' » 4349 111 pynuil = S696 duo ,)l lease siyrung • computers, monitors, buying trip, trnlnlng Minimum Investment • printers. 9067464-7496. S19.900 Call Liberty SOMMA • Klnf, glass/ (501|327>7503 chrome LH table, DM tsbl*. chasm MM com- puter, monitor a key- Professional 0 board, coyote coat, sc B-1O. 732-M8-M2B, att • Services

Flea Child Care/ Markets I

Promote your traditional Schools or Idhloric art or craft a« a vendor at the Summit MONDAY MORNINO INC Cultural Heritage festi- Reliable, insured care for BRAND NEW 18BS UNCOUI val October 10 1999. infants & toddlers. For information cat! the 9QB/52&48B4 Summit Cultural Heritage VVEXC ELLE NT"C h i Hcare Feitival office. provided by 2 <**P- rnoms. O0S-273-M9B lots of TLC a chlld- 4 dr 6cyl aulo trans pwr itrng/ABS/wlnd/seaii/loclit/rTim 4 di 8 cyl auto trant pw> stfng/ABS'wmd/ienls/locks/ Iriendly environment AIR AM/FM it?reocBSS lilt cruise, r/del Ugli llhr bckti. trunk/mirr AIR AM/FM ttereo-cnaa. tilt, cruito r^el alum New-born & up. unbeat- console alumwtiU duai air bagi VINJ»Y¥6(5ZO79 M5RP *(-il« Ithr bckta ml wip ttual Air bags hid seals j Garage/ able rates Please Call J31 450 36 Mo lesse Til pymnta = $1 7 244 Ttl Cosi Sth *9C89 VIN.#XY667567 MSPP 539 390 36 Mo ••"*• Cindy. 732-«47929¥» =S t?7?3 $479 cuBlcash JO sec dep if qusf" 1 „ leamj Tt) pymnta = S17 244 Til Co*l =&17.723 S479 . Yard Sales $4 79 isl pymnl = S95e due at lease signing jt cust caah. $0 sec dop if qual" * S479 111 ^ J pymnl c $958 due at leoie iigning j CRANFORD- 17 Wade Musical Ave. 7/31. 9-2. Furn . computef, Rain dale 8J1. Instruction WasMngton PI 7/31 I 8/1, 6-4. Clothes. | TRUMPET m / nppls. designer Hems, HH j 0 tUMMT MOVttM SALE - 8 LESSONS WettEnd Ave., 7/31. B-1. DR ! 30 plus yrs ptayiny MI, microwave aHH Items. leaching Will leach your Leate WESTFIELD- 863 Sriadow- sludenl power, range, tn- durrancoi tecrmtqu« Call Per Mo Uwn Dft, 7/31, 9-3. Rain 36 Mos date an. Many misc. ilemi! for Info. 9O«-526-16U u SOMERSET • MIDDLESEX • UNION


ROYAL CHEVROLET 88 FORD 92 HONDA 92 FORO EJtPUMER '95 MERCURY S7 FORD 1548 Route 22 East TAUflUSLX ACCORD EX ini tri-hnicat SPORT EDDK BAUER SABU LS MUSTANG 1 V 'Jr. fi t.yl riul'i lifiir. pvjr Wnr|nri. fi cyl. ,m!o »».us-. |i.-.-- '. • , . •-. !• i" r •''''. Bridgewater Wagon 8 cyl aulo trans, pwr 6 cyl auto Iran ;, \mi otingbrkr-; 'Icryl jutri trans, p*r'ilrnr).lir«; 1 11 alrnaOifk^ AIH 84 7 s, AIH. nn.'.>rMu7O"i66 Stu *2B35. VlU *JA2f)776O. SH- */[^7. VIN #HA0:IWIK ':il"ir;r>r.;jv, I'-.iihcr. fift 10I'mi. Slk V'.'-"n/ VlfJ «'. Ai,.'ti(f '• '• " i ' "' '• •

SATURN OF GREEN BROOK 270 Route 22 West Green Brook C732) 752-8383 To Showcase Your Dealership in AUTOSOURCE Call Sucan Vail at (908) S7S-*7»* Record-Press July 30.1999

CREDIT PROBLEMS FULL DISCLOSURE GET A %000.00 EASY FINANCING ARE NO PROBLEM AT THE OUTLET We're not concerned with what-over past credrt POLICY IS UNIQUE! TRADE-IN BONUS We work with 11 different banks and problems you may have had ... weS/e aN had lending Institutions. Daily we compare rates some sort of credit problems. If you're 16, have Knowledge is power. With the push During this Anniversary Sale, we and terms and can therefore offer Outlet a job and a reasonable down payment, we of a button at the Outlet, you get un- will pay a full $1,000,000 OVER custom's better financing than Ihey can Guarantee to get you credit, no ifs, ands or buts. restricted computer access and can the current Galves "Book Value" independently obtain. No cash down, up to 60 months to pay for qualified buyers. We see atl of Toyota's "inside" prices. for retail trade-in. This trade-in 1-800-NEED LOAN bonus is in addition to what your are an Equal Opportunity Lender. The Toyota Outlet's policy is simple: car's actual "Book Value" is. Now Full Disclosure of everything and isn't it worth a trip to Flemington anything you want to know. Who to save an extra thousand PRE-OWNED SPECIALS! could ask for anything more? smackeroos? Of course it is! '92 FORD TAURUS $4995 •98 CHEVY MALIBU $13,995 4-0r. \ffi, Auto Tans. PSW Air Cond Luted. ^Df 6C/I. Auto. PSrt"B. PW/l. AVC. HB. Alloy Wheels, VI WNAl 36397/7 36S3MI VINWYI82SU/IO759MI ZERO DOWN '87 TOYOTA 4x4 P/U $4995 •99 TOYOTA COROLLA $13,995 '99 TOYOTA 4-Cyl, 6 Speed Man Tram. Cap No rVC VWHO502*Sfll376MI '95 NISSAN PATHFINDER $14,995 '09 UMULK SEDAN DEVUE $5995 4U( 4W0, 6Cvt. AulD. PSfPB. AC. PW. POL. R»ar CMroil. CAMRYLE Till Crwlt r.QIs. CasE«tlt VIN/SWMS702/44087MI VS. Aulo Trans. PSTfl. Ai> Cond. E« Cond, VIWM2F3271/731J3MI '98 JEEP CHEROKEE SPORT $17,995 4-Door «4-Cyl Eng •93 TOYOTA TACOMA PICK UP $6995 M Air Conditioning 4-Cyt. 5-Spe*d Man Trans. PS/PS, No Air Cond. $J Stereo, VIWPZ0S2SS8/80079M1 ,«1» Qua. Atay Automatic Transmission IB BUCK ROW MASTER LTD. (6995 vwmMaM Power Steering & Brakes i VS. Auto. PS/PB, WC. VIN«R4M952/94170MI •96 LEXUS ES 300 $21,995 '93 MERCURY SABLE $6995 4(» SV Am Train ConW m RR FWt AC. Dul Ai ha T» -Pwr Windows « Door Locks" 4-Dr, B-Cyl. Auto Trans. PS/PS.' Air Cond ttadtrl, o Aiv**viwroi»t3r/37«ai •6 Speaker CD/Cassette Systm VHWPAM4S/S.W931MI "96 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER LTD. $25,995 '93 CHEVY CAVALIER Z24 $7995 •Cruise Control S Much Morel 4Dr, 6Cyl. Auto, Lejlhm, P/S. P/B. Sun Roof. A«. 2-D(. 6-Cyi. Auto tuns. PVPB. An Cond. I aided. i N#T(X)a766«4e3B6MI '92 TOYOTA PASEO $7995 NEW'99 MEW '99 $ NEWW $ ZOr, 4Cyl Auto, PS^B. PW/1, A/C. Sun Rool. » CHEW BARETTA 149 UNCONDITIONAL 48tUOf NEW'99 SOOQ 2-0r, 6-Cyi. Auto, PS/P«. Air Coml. PW. PW.. Tilt. COROLLA AVALONXL •94 CHRYSLER CONCORD $9995 Cruise, Cassette. VIN*S¥E«217/330O8MI Per SATISFACTION LAND CRUISER 4Or, 6Cy1 Auto. PSTO PWL TJt. Cmise, Air, Sun TAC0MA414 ££9 WReWW '96 CHEVY LUMINA »149c GUARANTEE: jPsr Month A-Ot. 6-Cyl. Auto. PSfl>B. VC. PW. PDL. Bear Del, '96 CHEVY LUMINA $9995 Till. Cruise. T/Gte. Cast. VINfT926481Oft968OMI 4Dr, 6Cy1, Aulo. PiTB, PW4. TW, Cruiss, Air, Keyless Entry. VINrT9?64gtuYS»!?9MI '94 FORD TAURUS *149C '97 MERCURY MYSTIQUE $9995 <-Dr. 6-Cyl, Aulo, P&PB. Air. PW. PDL. Tin, - a'*] pay r«tfy Motw VufnfJ'i afrtaoc twi I IHeakors, ADS t. Mulet FM Sloroo Cans. PW/PL 4 Moral '93ISUZU TROOPER 4x4 $10,995 •MUCK, MUCH MORE. VIN#XU33531 7, MSRP$?8.D36 VINKXC1O52U93 MSIiP S52 MO VINIW442523, MSRP $22,208 98 CHEROKEE SPORT $1,000 DOWN Moon Roof, KaytaiCntry. V)WTA10(H0a^?SiSMI Jst« Om*t». VB, AUB. F^PB «. PW P.Ot. »*n( Ei Conj' •95 CHEVHOLET tLAZER $13,995 98 LEXUS ES 300 $1,000 DOWN Wafl0n,4Ml. SCyl.Aulo, PS/PB. PWA.AA; THi Ciunf 4-r>, 6-Cyl, Aulo, *C. PS(PB. P,W P

, Avalon 60 mos. No purchase option. Total of pym'ts/1 st mo. S395/S564, VIN#Xt196337, MSRP $14,148, AAraloni may not be combined. Temporary Plates issued on the spot. Offer valid ] all this week & only to buyers presenting Itiis ad. All vehicles in slock ut jiress deudlino but subject to prior sola so shop early E. snvo! IF YOU DRIVE ONE YOU'LL BUY ONE Come take a drive in a new *99 VW & you'll find it hard not to buy one. The new V99 VW's are simply irresistible. At Millennium VWwe make everyone's dreams come true.

New'99 Beetle GL $ Your new VW comes with great stuff! Beetle: A Cyl, aulomalie trans. A/C, AM/FM stereo cassette, New'99 Jetta GL 16 W5 power sleeiing. ABS brakos & locks, front & side aifbags & factory alarm. MONTH Slock No, Passat Wagon: A Cyl Uiibo, ciutennotic tions. A/(", AM/FiVl stereo Stock No. B938, V!N No. XW04M99. 39 Mo. Lease, 9084, V1N No. casselto, power stetJiing, ABS btukos& locks, (font & side $W5Down. 10KMI.m.. XM448V7O. airbacis & Unit >iy alarm. w/15c ovor. r/SRP S 18.200, MSRP $17,400. S495 Bank Foo. SI65 MV Jetta: 4 Cyl. cu11 * mialic Irons, power sluoring, ABS brakes, locks Fee. S269 Security Deposit, first Payment. Taxes. & Irunk, A/C, AM/I M sleroo cass, cruise, front & skit? airbags & Residual S 11.648 kiclory nk urn, New'99 Passat Wagon GLS $ Passat: A Cyl. !> spcl rnonuol trans, fx">wor steering. ABS brakes, New'99 Passat GLS $ wimiows. locks, trunk & mirrois, A/(':, AM/I M stcroo cass, front & side- oirhups, Irciclion cntrl & faototy alarm. 249 MONTH Stock No Great things you don't pay for. Stock No. 9261. VIN No. 9284, VIN No XE440WI. 39 Mo. lease. $1495 Free Schodul^ci Mainlenance lor 2 yoars/24000 miles. Down. I0K M /Yi, w/l 5c over. XE463920 MSRP $21,725. S4W) Bank Fee. MSRP $23,350 Freo 2 ye«r/24O00 milo "BurTifx:^1o Bumper" Limited Warranty, $16SMVFoo. S349Socufrty Deposit, First Payment. Taies, Free 10 year/1 CX),OCK") mile Limited Powertrain Warranty, Residual $ 12.035 Free Seivice Loaners to Millenniuni fiewcar buyers, Free 24 Hour Roadside Assistance. Pre-Owned VW's The Best VW Technical Staff on the planet. •VW Certified Warranty 1 Yr/ 12,000 miles -^ , ., Bb •VW Quality Assurance Guarantee1*******^ '96 VW JETTA GL $12,990 Block, A cyl riutotians pwi slrrnj/hit',. ciii, am/fm cols Juol CJUIXJOS. olaim 37,9/17 ml. VIN sfMfVtTVHS Call or visit us today...and also ask about Millennium pre-owned vehicles. '95 VW JETTA $12,995 Part 4 cyl .'. tpd mnti tro.i; p.A1 jtmu/tnVs. nir, om/)rn coss, nkirin. duol olrtxig!- A! WO ml VIN (WAUVlfl? '96VWJEnAGLS $13,995 Block. A cyl, uulo Irons, pwr slrng/brti. u.r. atn/fm casi. alarm, dual alibogs M.<122 ml. VIN »IM0?907[I '98VWGOLFGL $13,995 Millennium Roif. A Dr. /I t yl. f, spj rntin trnrw. pwr itrng/bfkv on am/fm con. dual akbagj alarm 4<7BBr7>l VIN CWMliiiai'i '97 VW JETTA TREK $13,995 AUTOMOTIVE CROUP RorJ, A cyl 5 ipti man Ircjm. pwi ilrng(T>Vj/wlnc(i junrt, olt am/lrn cosi. GASTON AVI-M W. AT i!( H 11H ?'.: • M )MI H\li .1 I -'UK! I)(il-WA TFH NJ alairn. 2-1.B?) ml VIN 1 VWilVIW '97 VW JETTA GL $13,995 Bkicfc. 4 cyl uu'rj irons, pwf slrng/brkj. air. am/fm can atorni. dual odbaQt. 908.685.1033 2<1,V76 ml VIH * VUOI2376 '97 VW JETTA GLS $14,995 FAX: WK.685.1404 Groon, A cyl ciuto tinns, pw iirng/LMks. ak CHn/fm cajj. alarm, < Htlfltpofl!&ll tor Itibpiiils r>r fypojiophltnl (uuii A9E olfiri, ^4539 ml. VIN ptkn and ipMlliialknissubject toihnge An Exclusively Volkswagen location fcjy 30, 1999 Record-Press

Lawn Care & || Masonry 10651| Painting & || Rooting Recreational || Autos far Sale 13851| AutoJ for Sale 1385|| Autos lor Sale 1385 Landscaping 1O40 r QoVO CONSTRUCTION Papernangtng 1075 cj scorn SERVICES- Vehicles DODGE '77 WON • 1 I OLDSMOBILE TORONADO Owner. PB. PS. Air. New ' MAZDA MX6 LS 1993 Steps-Concrete-Stone- ROOflNQ, siding, paining Only 3OK miles' tl.irk '91 - last yrin nuide, well DEPENDABLE SERVICE Brick Fireplaces- OLD GUY PAINTINQ. gutters cleaned A repaired. tires. 51000 908*87-5897 i grt-oii. P/S. I"'W. nulo. mninLiintHt. g,u. kept. 1 Lawns Cut. Hedges and Plastering-Patios- Need Interior painting? Powwwash. Fulry-fnsunxJ Campers & Divil^ruirlvLT ill! extras, Shrubs neatly pruned FORD ESCORT '93 - 65K. ; power sunroof, AM-FM Foundatlons. All types Csll the Old Guy Chris 732-424-0454 (Of work of school, cass , ntitnn. new tires H>3K. Sb.UUU.'uliu Cranford/Wesltield Area , of tile marble works. RVs 1320 9O0J 22-4 264 Call Bob Jr. 908-276-6645 I 908/7698971 S3.001) 908 599 3611 \ S/hOO 732 499-0460 All Repairs. Free Est. CAFKE CONSTRUCTION 908M64-9220 & 464-9273 PINOLA BROTHER'S • lnl~ STARCRAFT (89) PoFORp D TAURUS STATION ' PONTIAC GOOO 1966 - RjTLANbSCAPE & exl. painting. No job too Shingle Roofs. Leak Repairs. UP. sioeps 6. Ref . sink. WAGON 'S9- low mile- i MERCEDES BENZ S40D -Idr. '.JK. .ill power, AC, small. SOB-276-65S9 or Flat Roots & Sltte Work No garage Kept, exc, cond age. 3 sent. exc. running ; 82'- Ivory, J Or. A/C, P/S. (•«• cond. S3.500 CONTRACTORS Mason Contractor 9O 8-241-93 7 7 Job Too Small. Free Est. In- S3.OO0 OBO 900-789-0815 cond.. S2.1S0. 908-522- \ t'lli. A/M F.'M Ciiss , inns Commercial & Residential Specializing in Brick, sured 732-96»«241 0155 iv. mussg. j exc , cleiin int.. l-46k. J S2.OO0 908 iH-Abr.' evo.. * Planting & Landscape Block & Concrete. No DANNUCCI ROOFING Transportation FORD TAURUS WO. IX PONTtAC FIREBIRD 09 - Design * Lawn Renovation I Job lo big or small Over Fully Insured. Free Est. • '90 - Fully loailed, nuto, ! nm. ssjtocd. vc. T9K. Specialist • Grading & 25 yrs. experience. Fully Over 20 yrs. experience new tires, one. cond. j A.'C. All [Hiivi-r, T-tOpS, Drainage Systems Insured. Free est. Call $24bO/obo 308-6540405 j MERCURY SABLE STATION .inulm i:^^^ oxc cond. Master patnter/paperhanger. 908^996-6462 Autos for Sale 1385 * Palios * Walkways 908/526-3500 HONDA ACCORD LX '91 - WAGON "Sa-nwoov auto. $3100/oho OOO-272-212B * Retaining Walls Highly skilled master idiei. dual airings, lunfin cass. craftsman. Honest, reli- '83 Cadillac Fleet wood drk grey, 4dr. 5sp , nil SATURN SC '92 100k Hwy. * 908-276-6895 * pwr. A/C. Jcyl.. C(l pl.iyui. |B- fix I*H. iVc. ion* rack. :Wrt able, very tair and rea-Tree Services 1155 Fully Id., very gel cond., new sKrt. tWM tk?l, n^ir wi|io*. 7flK. miles iicioil cond , AM/FM Moving & sonable. Please call Mark Irans, 79K mi., needs fuel body & interior exc coiui.. L^iss , I'W, I'L. A,'C S3.9O0 Storage at 732-424-1615 DESHIELDS pump.$120Oobo. gar kepi. UOK. S6000 olio. SPRING CLEANUPS TREE SERVICE 73*721-7351. 212-5B1-96B4 MITSUBISHI MONTERRO Renovation & Design Summer Specinls HONOA CRX 9V- A/C.98, I til , ? pussengvr TOYOTA AVALON XLS -96 SCHAEFER MOVING Int. & Ext. Qual'V work. ACURA INTEGRA '96- Call 908/322 7189 Insured & Exp'd. nuto. loaded. 31k rnr . moon 5sp , Sunroof. CDplaycr. sertttng, color is ittetiillic- Lr.itlic-f «t..t»t*it seals, sr.ee 2 Hr Minimum. Low Rates. SSS/rm. S20/roll. Why All types ot tree work. Very good cond.. 112k, binck seayicciV municli pay more? 908/707-9B72 roof, silver. Exc cond. 3WM/IIB wk ( yn nltlM Bprn #1 TJSUUMNa LANDSCAPE Lie* PM 00561. Ins. Free estimates. S13.500. 900-232-1211 S35O0. 7323020520 siluor, lenther se.itp, lux- Cleanups, Mowing. Shrub Free Est. 908/964-1216 732/885-0530 ury |>ck , cold wenihi'r STEINMAN & DAUGHTER BUICK ELECTHA 19B7- KIA SETHI A RS '97 - 5spd., pck., vnlue pek,, mileage VOLVO BGO GLT 'O4 4 dr Trimming & Tree Re- sedan tllile/ljrren im moval. 732-873-224B Painting, Window Wash & Station wagon. EKC , cond. Mo A/C. AftVFM Cass . Sccunly 14.000 miles, excellent Painting & Repair, Putty & Caulk. Pa- Wallpaper well maintained, all Sys,. 13K mi.. Excel. Cond.. condition, ktju S2fl.O50 t.m ic.4ll>,'r inter.. nuU' AC. At T&R LANDSCAPING per hanging. 3Oyrs. op. power, 124k, car phono. S4.995 Call 908-089-0728 Cnll 201-847-S34C SH. Cl>, cold weiitlioi |ji.(j. A rad dot. Toiv pack SIH3W liies, 50K. exc. curxi, Lawn rrainL, Cleanups. Sod, Paperhanglng I075 Insured 908/526-3382 WALLPAPERING BY LINCOLN TOWNCAR 1985- Aiklny $15,999 Seed. Topsoil, Mulch. S16 / FEMININE TOUCH • $2,000 973-379-6816 BZk. Orinifhil owner. Asking NISSAN MAXIMA '96 - Auto, A/C, Loaded. Ex- 9O8-789-9424 yard. Planting. Thatching. l/.Wlll! Reasonable rates. CHEVY SUBURBAN 07- S2.OO0. 732-381-9396 Over-seeding, Brush re- Plumbing Prompt service. Free es- MERCURV GRAND MAR- cellent Condition. 45K WE BUY CARS, HIGH- Gray. good condition. 55k. S11,900. 908/464-3630 moval. Chipper & Small HovxPaintinfibyCttin timates. No Job Too S5.OO0. QUIS '96 • 45K, 15.000 EST PRICES PAID, NATALE PLUMBING/HTG Small! 908/231-0282 mi. btini^wr lo bufTi|M>r MARANO & SONS Backhoe Service. Delivery No job too Big or Small OLDS CUTLASS CIERA '80 avail Reas. rates. Futty iis'd CHEVY BLAZER 84 Blue, warranty, nil power, A/C, AT, 74k nil,, good cond., now AUTO SALES, INC. 908-322-4298 Dennis Natale mint tand., S16.50O. We return all calls! Owner Plumbing lie t nm 5322 Waterproofing 1175 good condition. f5k, brakes, llfea. shocks & muffler. 507-13 South Avo.. 150 Operated! 908-369-5590 $2,000. Call 90&620-0746 908-S1B0019 lor nppt. $1,600 obo. 732-699-2044 South Avo.. diirwood JERRY DEBARO i>|ikRrH\NII\<. LINS WATERPROOFING AAA PLUMBING Chrysler Sabring LXI LANDSCAPING lOOLilKHU Ft. '96 • Blnck/gray. Z8K AM phases, including 201-964-1001 See ad in Business French Drain mi-, mint coo - I \U fi'H hllcll'T I0P DOLLAR PAID AFFORDABLE • I \(Hc! lhTip.ir.i!i'fii \ l\iinhitj; LANDSCAPING You could be sitting Spring Cleanup. Thatching, * Hiurn1 liiijvuMim (its on a small fortune! Trim Shrubs. Lnwn maim. • KoMr.moii'. WE BUY USED CARS & S.U.V.'S Prompt, Rettabte. Charlie • \ iinl Ripl.k t Mitm \\ mili'W* 908-755-8429 ALL MAKES AND MODELS lulh In-iin-d. •Miti-2-2-ii.l.».« AUTOHAUS MULCH STONE • Pk-Up At Richard's Painting GERMAN OAR SPECIAUSTS or Del. Retail/Wholesale Experienced. Int./ext. Eagle Fence 1-a»-262-3245 Very reasonable. Free Est. Fully ins. 24 hr. We'll buy your answering serv. BENZ or BMW SALERNO*DUANE Masonry 1065 732-499-9234

A-1 WAYNE P. SCOTT •CHRBTADORE* NO HASSLES! .-(ON,, Quality Masonry Services. TOP PRICES PAID! Free Est. Insd.. Ffors. 43 yrs. PROFESSIONAL CUl CURB MIME 01 TOM GRASSB a family business. Every HOUSEPAINTING CALL US lob a specialty. 732 968-5230 Nobody Covers It Beltert Paul's Masonry Reasonable rates TOLL FREE 1-SSa-BENZ-BMW Steps, Sidewalks, Brick & Free estimates, Fully Ins. 2369-269 Concrete Specialist. Re- Aluminum/Vinyl house painting also avail. 908 277B700 pa Ira. 90B-M4-1554 , lue., Elizabeth, NJ (Elmora Section) 900-276-1127 A 906-232-4023 267 BROAD STREET A 1 REP MASONRY www.autohauscars.com We do II atl. big or smalll to INTERIOR PAINTING & yrs. e»p. Fully ins. Free WALLPAPEFBNG PLUS OO0 Sales • Service • Autobody • Lease SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY clutter? Est. Ron 9OB-S2e-eS47 JOBS. Call 908-241-8754 Classifieds


7 Pass 4 dr W.iijcin ,i 8L V b julo OD luns pn< -I ; i v i t'. n:. ti.n,.. |.J..I I-I.J i.- 'i-n -1'i i' • •!. i-»> AM I M '.' i . ' So- * hi il .!•' P - -11 i I I'I • M| • •!•• ./!•- .!:.• I SirJXjbrKiwindkK>smitiv AiK AMH.1-jliMeo tass (lufk rlotfl il'i : 1 1 liti 5f#edronnol Ih'-ir mils I def Pwer&mv (iiu VIN'XUCWP L">'" i!',W.ii hi..... V.n SXIIIW 1 ', . I,! ,id :..'- .1.11 II ,, i ,••••• :.-r" MSRP $S3 745 BLI, [nice irv I S10MI Kt>t>ale $400 Collega (ira-.1 ''»' '-''' •'*•'-'"'' i ll'.'ilj li..r...ii- Mini (. '|.. i .Mil !!.• if.i.- il .iu.ii" ;•..". I MI-I '••''• c ! R«ai)1l> ll qual" ft S1'., > , Wyman [>srr.wnt 30 mo F MCC HC1 !e.v.t I JIM mr.t -. ;•• '. . V/y 11-1-1 hi.' rn,..l |i,n,, [l,1r i". I «") !;.,.••/. -,h w.11400 cusl cash 41 (XXI iftate K S41XJ Collefje fira'j flfable rl <(uai" ^ i I,'.I. , 11 i_ • ".-.•• r..| il<. f, '.ll.ri I .,'u.i|i. l,..il II.' ,hr.. .1 'i i ,i-- SAVE = down pymtil UB'i v.i |iynjit s S3(XJ id we tX-ji . >l'^89 il.in ,it 9 ' . l-1/.n |.,'." .1 T.'u1' 1. I |,,.l,i.l *. '; 1. i'i i.-I ' - iH i i'-ti-l -li..- Il i least signing til pyrnnis . JIO 4(1-1 Til c>,:l = SHfilH fiiiyf. U'.r.i- i.-.i j ' il I'yTiiiii Ilf.t'i! Ill'--' In! I'"! El , I • •5S7O


4 dr, 'I 0L V-6. iiuto OO lr.ui1.. |iwr sirnj^brhs/wiivt'louks/mirr. AIR. i:lryili i:,ipi ttmirs iill I HI V ... ml'i ')(J li.nr im lerrnin (ires, lugq Mtk. c;i5t alum whls. b/'j rnliirj'; * if r ii|,,:!...l II','" iriiit'-. ti'.Vl I VlN,#XUCe3?8i MSHf S?;..)rr(j lluy [iiiroincl S?0(i U. ' «. IH O'.ll Ilil/ |in< (i Hit I $1111 I'I Ford Dibcounl. S-1O0 Cotloijn Oriitl firiiihiri \l cjual" P. H'.iir.li^ il 'Iliril1' '• Sl,',r;' W/rr $2410 VVymnn Discount 3lj » I MCC l«;is« w'SI'fino r.r. SAVE cuslcash S $4(K) Col!o(jo Gr,i',1 DEALER I UIVMHN FORD C€ftTIFI€O INSPECTED PR€-OUJN€D SUP€RC€NT€R 1989 U 1989 GRAND U 1987 U 1993 U 1993 TAURUS U 1995 1996 U 1997 TRACER TOWNCAR I MARQUIS LS I BMW 5351 I TAURUS GL I LX WAGON il TAURUS GL CONTOUR GL I LS WAGON Mi-rrui/ M i.,' .mil, Ir.-iri", H I""' "I'll V <» .luldtr, | i,| i| I, i yliri'liT I,,.il .1. ,1 .„,!.,Ir.iri. |,.v. I I.'. ••• ii-,• 1 ,"' •-ii.,1, „,-. lincu!" Ut.yl iiutu , ^ , . ^ .1,,! li- ti.irr. I'.'-i •.INI') lill- . .Vllli» li.i t'. {• I-.'.' llMi| I •! •. i'.-ir| !..• r . li-A-rstrr«iMksv"" '•"'i') '"l'' """• ''•'•' • ••-"•»! '•'" • ""'"• I- >". AIH 'A|[, I....i.,,. incri-ji • AIFI lilt t.,,,-... 1-1'lMii • , ;,•.. lit,' -.i ••!•< j> j-f 1u..'l',') • .1-,,'i I '(••, .-.,..'1i.« k ••,-••,'•. ^ AIH till iriil'n Ir'l' •.Irii'l Air, ••.•/iti'l I'.- i •. /VIM I.,',•.-til' ,illllim.'jll> IH •MM r .I' '.: /I • ,(ii 106.023 .-, Virj iK.//"ti..'l.'! A-, ^K li, yirj .VIII / 1VII 1 A-. • AIM Mt '.r-,i ,'• /.lH,'/ii,i jH ,, | i, 1 u,Jo', VIN'-'KVVH ify/3 A-, iy AIH Illl ' mi .'• '.•' '•'•.'• ,v!i.- I li. ,'.•'. mil--. IPJ 'I I ••'•'I" "••''•• J «I'A.-I,MI.I A... Fri.l • |.A:",'l1)tl ,,,,!,. , ./in .V;AH:I,/'.(, VIIJ v 11,11 !ii'./ \ liii'lc51950t 1 s22501 $44501 $49501 $69501 sS5501 $8950J $9750

1997 • 1995 • 1995 • 1996 • 1998 1998 1996 • 1996 TAURUS SE F150XLT • H0DE0 4X4 ESCORT LX I TAURUS $E 1 PROBE GT I TAURUS GL • MYSTIQUE i•.•.] .•] . .i,i •. [ /ii.) -1 llr .1 I ,'i .lUt'j H It.l.l VI. .i.ll'i 11,111 , (i.'.l BJ f .jrdfi ' yllli'lcr .lut'iltVilir. BJ F n"t I. •./!.-mtu Ir.in . [•/,' HJ '''••-•ll», •1',1 .nil-.'r.Jli , 1 trrnj A[ir. ...IIKI !<• w l. - All! H tr.in'.flii'.'.K.ri | j • j.-.); r H '.'I'i'l Ink'. Airi'l I' " •' ' " •• |i.'-' 'I'i'l '"•' .'."ill-l-. I' 'n*'- OF MAPLEWOOD

SATURDAY SERVICE GAM-1RM 973-761-6000 Prine'i ft pymrils inclifdo all cosls to be pnici by n cor loiir.f"; with f^.Oflrt'.niilfis por yoiir A \!ic thoro.iflor. I "Mini tii? ,i r|nnlu,iti> ftl ,1 ? or '1 vf" iicfirpditivl col nst 11? months to qunlily. JVohlcto rnnnl IK Record-Press July 30, 1999

Autos for Sale 138511 Autos for Sale 1385II Autos for Sale 13851| Autos tor Sale 13851| Autos lor Sale 1385|| Autos lor Sale 1385II Antique & II Antique & II Antique & II Trucks & 1 CHEVY CAPRICE JEEP ORANO WAOONEER MERCURY COUOAR '69- TOYOTA OELICA 1964-TOYOTA COROLLA SRS *8»-1 Classic Autos 1394 Classic Autos 1394II Classic Autos 1394II Trailers 1405 ACURA INTEGRA '90- BROUGHAM LS 87- exc. •91 - Hunter green $6500. Orig. owner, 95K mils*. Good Irans . Rlma, Blue, while. 5-sp., mnrf, cass., t.Spd.,2 Dr hatchback. cond.. 140k, be si offer Call: 908-534-8201 Ac $1700. 732-574-1 WO 3 speed, J500. Firm. garaged, all maintenance BRADLEY CT II 19?1CADILLAC 73 SEDAN Flat Spider Convertible 9ES KMUP «» Hi S0B7-72S-9461 90S- 231-1294 rocs. Mini cond. 135K hi. DaVMI*- orig. owner, exc. White, 94K, excellent con- NISSAN PICKUP-1 BOB 1981 Now roof, rebuilt t mi. S2500 732-873-399B battery pwrd Electric cond., full power, gar. engine, excellent me- dition. $4000 908-317- PLYMOUTH Dusts* 1902. VS MAZDA RX7 'BO- Con- Extended cab, Fully 30 tor. 6 tp 13DK FUv <»Wt 1 vertible, black, auto, loaded, very clean. 104k CLASSIFIEDS"... Sports Car 585 orig ml kept, black w/red leather chanical condition. 0604 Sl&a 9»47»1967 Atklng 17,900. Call: 908- hwy. miles. Asking $5,000. CLASSIFIEDS ... $13,000. 908.527-04,79 interior, $450(VOBO. 908- S4000. obo 9O8-6B8-2882 S 26-3070 Call: Rob 908-638-9068 THEY WORK! THEY WORK! 353-6053 FORD 1942 CP V-8, 350 Vehicles ready far paint & Int.,Wanted 1415 auto $13,000. Call 732- 386-2142 Make Summer Sizzle with a ALL CASK ON THE SPOT PONTIAC 1958 Star TOP $$$ PAID MARANO & SONS AN¥ CAR OR TRUCK Chief, 4df, A-1 cond. $12,000 Call 732-388- 908-620-9234 New Car at a Great Price! 2142 DONATE YOUR CAR To Heritage lor the Blind. PONTIAC CATALINA Tax Deductible, Free Sedan '65 • Excl. run- Towing, Free Phone Cant USED CAR SALE SPKCIALS ning cond., orig. owner. to donors with this ad * $975. 973-701-9561 IW VOLKSWAGEN MSStfGLS •97 FORD EXPLORER XLT 96 NISSAN MAXIMA CLE "97 HONDA ACCORD EX V6 'MDODCENEONHICHiiNE nmnGZ CaB 1-eoo-Z-borate, |V6. moonroof. auto, air jv's. [iK jv«- * ffl. .V*J, Jlll-i. j|[ pv. M»*iti>jf. Jiiln. ;i:r. |is. [»K prtv, MfiidFOW. Julo. 3:r. ps. p1>, rvw. pltfks •t dr, jutu. air. ps. pi, lilt, ias. dual r ii'.lvV f Srjti. tilt. ifJiSr fiWks. px'jl. till. iTuisc. caw. cd. Ipioc ks. tilt, cruise. u«. zh trji l!lMI »t [Jr. EtuK. ass, ii leJttw, Jte 113,000 mi!«,VI,WK IKS 1. jts J'.Sjl tads 1? miles btlut, ik. Juil Ktty. .t"i.iK«i miks VIN«Vl'lT.5§]7. AUTO SALES INC $21,495 $21,995 $16,995 $8,495 '95 CADILLAC SEDAN '98 MAZDA 626 LX V6 •98 DODGE INTREPID '95 HONDA CIVIC DX •99 TOYOTA CELJCA ftuyint/ (V Selling I sed C 'urs ft Trucks DE VILLE Auln.jir. Ci.pK .I* r^Kks.trit.ifji't i.ii" nf. i's pli p,v. fitn'ks psiM Auto, air pi ft. Mss. Jml hf . CT CONVERHBIE I Aulu. a;r. ps. |>K p-u plgiAs p«jls J h J! t S 5 spj. jir. (is. [vb. n*», [tK'ks, tilt, Since 1955 I till, cruise, cass, rJ. Ifilhi'r. ab. JLJJ cruise, «a. tJ leather. jh«. Juil ba^s. | tags 29.1*1(1 milts. VISfiLBli'5'J . ilby wheels, 2.PWI milei.

$18,995 $16,495 $15,995 hi WFORDWUWSTARCL •96 MAZDA 626 LX V6 '97 SUZUKI SIDEKICK 96 JXEP CHEROKEE 50"" I 3 South Aw. 150 South \vf. 1 I Auto. JIB! air. ps. fit . |»V, J>U'IJ. lilt. JLXSPORT SPORT GRAND AM <,;«r\votnl, !\J (R027 <>ar\v(Htd, NJ (HO2"' Icmtk. cm. cjplam cluir*. jhs, allnv 4 a an!-- J!r. ps [vb. p.v pUks. tilt, Uf.juti.. jirf'i. p-t, pv>l«i-ki,lilt. tJuute iir.p'i, pb. piwks. ruisi. cjss, Jirhaj!. W.'XK) miles. 90S-789 0555 UhaK Jwl K*. 2V*'> mite. VIM irum. ijsi. jh, jml hj^ >i.i'(«i mile, lU. 54.IWmifej lax 908-"'89-1^2 h UN-Vi I lui*! lax 908-789-27-n $16,995 $13,495 $13,495 $6,995 Look For Our Complete Inventory On Our New Website At WWW.MARANOSONSAUTO.COM USED CAR LEASE SPECIAL LOOK AT THESE PAYMENTS TAX, EANK FEE AND GAP ARE ALL ^INCLUDED IN THESE PAYMENTS!!! SUBJECT TO LENDERS APPROVAL 1998 NISSAN 1996 NISSAN 1997 HONDA 1996 SUZUKI MAXIMA CXE PATHFINDER SE PASSPORT EX SIDEKICK SPORT 4 dr, moonroof. lease for 5279 4 Dr, moonroof. 4x4, 35,000 4 dr, 4x4, sunroof, 35,000 4 dr, 4 X 4ta3M|p miles, per mo/36 mos with Sl3t)9 miles, VIN #TWO33387. Least miles, V!N#V4410982. $259 VlN#T4JUl!|%||rfor $179 Price(s) included all cosis to be paid by the consumer total down. for $259 per mo/36 mos. with per mo/36 mos. with $1,699 per miQMwith $1099 total except for iitenjtog, repyion & lanes $1,999 total down. total down. down. lot ropoitiible lor typographical errors.

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