Westfield native Brian Ciemniecki returns from a summer of baseball. See page C-1. WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS FANWOOD Vol. 14, No. 31 Friday, July 30, 1999 50 cents I Briefs Donatelli Red Cross seeks won't run Type O donors WESTFIELD - The for office Westfield Chapter of the American Red Cross is co- BYJOMUEDEBMAW sponsoring a special blood U-lM'OHUKSl'DNDKNT drive for people with Type O SCOTCH PLAINS - blood. Lorraine Donatelli bus decided The blood drive will be 3-8 not to run in the Nov. '2 election p.m. Wednesday at the Red for her Township Council seat. Cross office, 321 Elm St. All She was appointed to the donors will receive a specially council in Juno to succeed her designed T-shirt and a free husband, Franklin Donatelli, cholesterol screening, regard- who suffered a fatal heart attack less of blood type. in May. Mr. Donutelli was in the Blood bank officials con- first year of a four-year term. sider those with Type O neg- "I'm not running in November ative blood "universal donors" because I just don't, have the because transfusions of that time," Mrs. Donatelli told The type can go into virtually Record-Prt'ss on Wednesday from anyone. Type O negative is her home. also used for exchange trans- "My husband was retired," ehe fusions for newborn babies said. "He bad the time and he and pregnant women as well enjoyed it. But I'm tied up with as for premature babies in my grandchildren, which is a neonatal intensive care units. fulkimc job." Transfusions of Type O She said the Democratic Party positive blood can go to peo- had nsked her for a final decision ple who have Type A positive. by AUK- 1. Type B positive, Type AB pos- "Lorraine stepped up to the itive and Type O positive. plate, something not. everybody All donors must be 18 or GEORGE PACCIELLO/RECORD-PRESS would have done, because she older, provide a Social thought it was the right thing to Security number and have a do," Mayor Tieri Morgan Samuel signed form of identification. A classic in downtown Westfield said. Those who art* 17 may be This 1934 Ford roadster was one of the stars of the classic car show Tuesday evening In downtown Westfleld. The show was sponsored by The municipal Democratic donors with written parental the Westfleld Area Chamber of Commerce. Committee will suluct a candi- consent. date to run in the Nov. 2 election Appointments are recom- and the winner will take- office in mended. For appointments .January to complete the remain- and additional donor require- der of Mr. Donutelli's term. ments, call (800) 652-5663, Former resident "The council is extremely Ext. 140 grateful for what she- has done," Snmuel said about Mrs. Two performers opens a new B&B - Donatiilli. on Village Green SCOTCH PLAINS - The Scotch Plains Cultural Arts at the Jersey Shore— Council Committee is pleased to announce that on Thursday, BELMAR — She never even Gugliuzzo, who has begun Aug. 5, two performances imagined herself working full time. referring to herself by her maid- to discuss have been scheduled for the But for 16 years, Carol Lee en name, Tiernan "because it's HO Village Cireen. Gugliuzzo, formerly of Fanwood, much easier," has spent the last At 7 p.m. Guitar Bob, the donned a suit and climbed the few months and nearly $125,000 second of the summer's chil- corporate ladder at Prudential renovating the old home which charter dren's performers, will per- and more recently at IBM. Much overlooks Bulmar'n Silver Lake. WESTFIELD - The town form until 7:45 p.m. Bob's to her surprise, she learned all She installed new bathrooms in council is expected next Tuesday "Songs from the Kooky Jar" is about computers, programming, to continue discussions on a musical treat for the whole and business analysis. But her proposing a change in the terms family. His original songs fea- long standing personal dream 'Owning and operating of council members. ture an upbeat blend of musi- was fulfilled when she opened the bed and breakfast The discussion will locus on cal styles with appropriate her own bed and breakfast, the allows me to spend my whether u referendum should be childhood themes, which Morning Dove Inn in Belmar, on placed on the November ballot encourage active audience Memorial Day weekend. time doing all the things I that would petition the legisla- participation. Since then, dozens of guests love. There's more to life ture (or a change in the length of Following Guitar Bob will have come from far and wide to t.ermn. be the British Invasion enjoy the bright, sunny rooms, than money' Mnyor Tom Jurdim Haid thin group, "Carnaby Street" who ocean and lake views, and warm — Carol Tieman week be IISIN prepared a resolu- will perform from 8-9:110 p.m. hospitality that is quickly becom- tion for the council to consider. The concerts are free and ing the trademark of the Weslfiold is (inn of eight will be held on the Village Morning Dove Inn. each of the eight guest rooms, a municipalities in the state that Green, adjacent to the "Owning and operating the Jacuzzi tub, and created a year- has a special town charter form Municipal Building. Birch bed and breakfast allows me to round solarium, while maintain- GEORGE PACCIELLO/RECORD-PRESS of government. To amend this cur- beer will bo given out free of spend my time doing all the ing the home's original French rent system, a petition would charge thanks to the generos- things I love," said the innkeeper. moldings and six foot windows. have to he sent to the state legis- ity of the Scotch Plains "There's more to life than money. "When I opened on Memorial It's hot, hot, hot lature which would have to Volunteer Firefighters Assoc. Deciding to have my own bed and Day weekend, I already bad all This summer's unseasonably hot weather caused this Jogger in approve the change by a 2/ii In case of rain, the concert breakfast was not so much a available guest rooms filled," Tamaques Park in Westfield to wear only shorts last weekend. majority in each of the two hoUH- will be moved indoors to the result of my age, but my person- exclaimed Tieman. "That's There's little 9tgn of relief from this heat wave. os and then be- signed by the gov- high school auditorium on ality. It iits mo perfectly." (Contiriued on page A-2) Westfield Rd. (Continued on page A-2) New support group meets Wednesday Scotch Plains church SCOTCH PLAINS - The La Leche League of Weslfield is getting a new facelift has formed a new support jjroup for "Parenting Your Work should be done by millennium Toddler." The group's next meeting SCOTCH PLAINS The outside of the will be 10:If) a.m. Wednesday sanctuary of Scotch Plains Baptist Church, at the Scotch Plains Public constructed in 1870-1 for a cost of Library, 1927 Bart le Avo. $iJ!),(iOtf.b'l, is getting a facelift. For more information, call This major undertaking of the 2f>2-yeiir- Sharon London at <90K> HH9- 0010 or ChriHsy Alba at (908 > old congregation involves cleaning, reset- 653-159H. Support group ting and pointing of the bricks of the 12H- meetings are held the first year-okl sanctuary on Piirk Avenue as well Wednesday of every month. iis repainting, roof work, and installation <•( new stained-glass window protectors. The inside of the sanctuary wan remod- eled two years ago during the congrega- Inside tion's celebration of their yfidth anniver- sary. Commentary .. .A-4 The church's history records that,"March 30, 1870 is a red letter day in the history <>f Community Life .B-1 the church. On that day the Committee on Building presented plans for a brick and Obituaries .... .B-2 stone structure, to he erected oti the cornel" opposite the parsonage, at a cost (if $2ii.0()0. Sports C-1 They were given authority to proceed. The first Sunday worship service was held in PrimeTime B-3 the new building in -Inly of 1871." This renovation project of the siincl uitry Real Estate C-6 is expected to take 4-5 months to complete. Statewide Restoration Inc. ban been con- Automotive .. .C-8 tracted for the cleaning and brickwork. The general contractor for the project is Skinner Classified D-1 and Cook Inc. of Roselle Park, Workmen are busy giving the Scotch Plains Baptist Church a facelift. July 30, 1999 Record-Press Former resident opens a new B&B at the Jersey Shore (Continued from page A-l) process of fixing up her home because HO many of the other and meeting the challenges one innkeepers in town have l»e«n faccH with home ownership. HO supportive." "1 did everything from Titsman credits her many painting to plumhing and elec- ,. friends and the Hupportive trical work there," Tiemun. .environment created by her fel- "Tiiat'H why I feel so comfort- low innkeeperw at the Jurney able going into this new busi- Shore for her HUCCCHB in launch- ness." ing her new endeavor. "Every Tieman also gained invalu- : step of the way there have been able experience dealing with , angeln helping me out," she people during the eight yeurs Haid. she volunteered for Contact We , Divorced ufter 25 yearn of Care, a telephone hotline and • rnarriaKe, Tienuin found her crisis intervention service. own voice and nonne of confi- "I used to be shy and quiet, dence when Hhe purch(iHC<i her but I've learned terrific people own home in Kanwood nine HkillH," she explained.
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