BOTSWANA ENVIRONMENT STATISTICS Published by Central Statistics Office Private Bag 0024, Gaborone Phone 3671300 Email:
[email protected] Contact Statistician: Ditshupo Gaobotse Environment Statistics Unit Phone 3671395 Printed by and obtainable from: Department of Printing and Publishing Services Private Bag 0081, Gaborone Phone 3914441 Fax 3912001 October 2008 COPYRIGHT RESERVED Extracts may be published if Sources is duly acknowledged PREFACE This publication is the second edition of Botswana Environment Statistics by the Central Statistics Office. The first edition was published in 2000. In between the years, the office has compiled detailed statistical reports on Wildlife, Energy and Environmental Indicators. The compilation of Environment Statistics is dictated by recognition of the fact that in order to achieve sustainable development, the natural resources and the environment which are used in development processes have to be taken into consideration in development planning. The CSO did not conduct any survey to come up with data presented in this publication, rather the department used secondary data collected from various government departments, ministries, parastatals, NGOs, and private companies. The Pressure - State - Response Model was used in preparing this publication. The model is based on a Framework for Development of Environmental Statistics developed by the United Nations Statistical Division. It looks at human activities as the 'Pressure' on the environment. Such activities include the production of goods and services; for example the production and consumption of water. The impacts of human activities on the environment are the 'State'. The quality of water is an aspect of the state of the environment. The 'Response' is the reaction to the state of the environment by governments, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and individuals.