Atkins, R 2003 an Early Salt Making Site and Settlement at Longhill Road, March, Cambridgeshire: an Archaeological Evaluation
A Research Framework for the Archaeology of the Extractive Industries A Bibliography for Salt Production GENERAL Anon 1988 Research priorities for post-medieval archaeology. Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology [includes salt] de Brisay, K and Evans, K A (eds) 1975 Salt: the study of an ancient industry. Colchester Archaeological Group [a collection of papers from around the country discussing aspects of the archaeology of salt production] Keen, L 1988 ‘Coastal salt production in Norman England’ Anglo Norman Stud 11, 133-79 [Mainly documents (charters, Domesday Book) for the southern and eastern coasts; maps and lists provided] Gilman, P (ed) 1996 Monuments protection Programme: The salt Industry. Step 1 Report for English Heritage. CAMBRIDGESHIRE Atkins, R 2003 An Early Salt Making Site and Settlement at Longhill Road, March, Cambridgeshire: An Archaeological Evaluation. CCCAFU Report A226 CHESHIRE Bestwick, J D 1975 ‘Romano-British inland salting at Middlewich Salinae’ in De Brisay, K W & Evans, K A (eds), Salt: The Study of an Ancient Industry, 66-70. Colchester: Colchester Archaeological Group. Brooks, I P 1992 Warburton to Audley Gas Pipeline - Archaeological Report. (unpub report) Chaloner, W H 1961 ‘Salt in Cheshire, 1600-1870’ Trans Lancs and Cheshire Antiq Soc 54, 58-74 Cheshire County Council Cheshire Archaeology & Planning Partnership Reports. Crewe and Nantwich. April- September 2001; April-March 2003 (unpub report) Chester Archaeology 1993 Saltworks Farm, Frodsham. Desk Based Assesment (client report) Fielding, A 1993 ‘The Lion Salt Works, Marston, Northwich’ Cheshire Past 3, 20-1 Ironbridge Gorge Museum 1993 Cheshire (Weaver Valley) Rolling Programme, Archaeological Site Investigation. R2055 [client report: includes salt mine] Lancaster University Archaeological Unit 1992.
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