FINAL REPORT CONTAMINATION OVERVIEW STUDY Environmental Assessment Services for Eglinton- Scarborough Crosstown Program From Jane Street to Keele Street DECEMBER 2012 PREPARED BY: 2655 North Sheridan Way, St. 280 Mississauga, ON L5K 2P8 Ph: 905-823-4988 • Fx: 905-823-2669 Email:
[email protected] PROJECT NO. 3212006 Contamination Overview Study – Final Report December 2012 Environmental Assessment Services for Eglinton-Scarborough Crosstown Program From Jane Street to Keele Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Metrolinx and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) retained McCormick Rankin, a member of MMM Group Limited, to undertake Environmental Assessment (EA) Services for the Eglinton- Scarborough Crosstown Program along Eglinton Avenue from Jane Street to Keele Street in Toronto, Ontario. The undertaking includes a light rail transit line involving both above grade and subsurface (tunnelling) construction. As such, Ecoplans, a member of MMM Group Limited, conducted a Contamination Overview Study (COS), in support of the EA, to identify and review actual or potential contaminated sites and to identify appropriate future work and mitigation measures. Based on the findings of this report, broad Areas of Potential Environmental Concern (APECs) were identified. These areas have been categorized by assessing the overall relative potential of contamination from the findings and are summarized below. APECs with High Potential for Contamination APECs with high potential for contamination are summarized below and are illustrated on Figure 3 (highlighted in red). These areas correspond to locations within the study area where land uses consist of commercial/industrial operations that could impact soil and/or groundwater. Kodak Canada property located northwest of the intersection of Black Creek Drive and Eglinton Avenue; The former waste disposal site located on the southeast corner of Black Creek Drive and Eglinton Avenue; and A rail corridor exists to the west of the former Kodak Canada property and bisects the study area.