
Intro to Computers Where did they come from? Part 1 - Pre-1940s Define Computer

Man vs. Machine Define Computer

1600’s Definition:

-Someone who makes calculations.

Late 1800’s Definition:

-A machine that makes calculations.

Modern Definition:

-An electronic device used for storing and processing data Lets go back to the beginning!

Computers exist because of math.

One of the earliest “calculators” is called the Abacus.

-Been around for 1000s of years Online Abacus

https://www.online-calculator.com/full-screen-abacus/ The Next Big Step!

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz invented the Stepped Reckoner in 1672. Stepped Reckoner

-Made calculations using a gear mechanism called the Leibniz Wheel.

-The first machine that could add, subtract, multiply, and divide Leibniz Wheel

-or stepped drum is a cylinder with a set of teeth of incremental lengths

-Was used for over 200 years in calculating Machines.

-Even into the 1970s And then came this guy...

-Babbage saw a better way of crunching numbers

-In 1823 he began construction on

-A machine able to do complex calculations and output tables of numbers. Difference Engine -Babbage used a loan from the British government to make the Difference Engine

-Due to the inability to make precise metal parts for cheap, Babbage never fully constructed the Difference Engine and the project was abandoned.

-In 2000, a Difference Engine was fully built to celebrate Babbage’s 200th birthday. The machine actually worked! This settled the debate on whether his idea would really operate. Difference Engine -While attempting to construct the Difference Engine, Babbage designed an even more complex machine called the Analytical Engine

-This machine was never built, but was the first design of a machine that had memory and could be programmed, thus, making it the first computer as we think of them today.

-The design of the Analytical Engine would be the springboard for modern day computing, making Babbage known as the Father of Computers Up to this point...

- These calculating machines were all mechanical (no electricity) - Were mainly used for science - You did not see these machines used in business or personal life 1890 Census -The US constitution requires that a census be taken every 10 years

-Problem! The 1880 census took 7 years to complete!!

-It was predicted that the 1890 census would take 13 years!


-There had been a rapid growth in the population, mainly due to immigration

-The US government was going to have to spend a lot of money for the 1890 census Enter...Herman Hollerith

-An American inventor born in 1860

-He solved the government’s 1890 census problem by inventing an electromechanical tabulating machine that used punch cards. Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine -Used punch cards

-The card was inserted into the reader. Pins would pass through the punched out holes and touch a vial of mercury completing an electrical circuit.

-Each time a circuit was completed it advanced its corresponding gauge 1 spot. Hollerith...cont’d

-Hollerith’s machines sped the census up greatly and became very popular!

-Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company in 1896.

-This company joined 3 other companies in 1911 to form the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company

-In 1924 this company changed its name to International Business Machines or...