To: Bill Robinson <
[email protected]> From: "Howard W. Hallman" <
[email protected]> Subject: Re: Canadian churches and abolition Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: At 12:43 PM 11/16/98 -0500, Bill Robinson wrote: >Dear Howard - > >Project Ploughshares, which is a project of the Canadian Council of >Churches, is considering the feasibility of organizing some kind of >outreach project between Canadian church leaders and church leaders in >other countries on the subject of nuclear abolition.... December 1, 1998 Dear Bill, I've been hanging onto your communication of November 16 about getting the Canadian Council of Churches to reach out to other countries on nuclear abolition. Since my response is somewhat complex, I'm just getting around to replying. Basically it's a good idea. Because the Canadian government is questioning some of the cold war assumptions about nuclear deterrence and has led the way in land mines, it would be useful for Canadian religious bodies to provide similar world leadership within the religious community. As you may recall, I initiated an effort related to the 1998 session of the NPT Preparatory Committee in Geneva that (1) produced a statement to delegates from Dr. Konrad Raiser, general secretary of the World Council of Churches, and Godried Cardinal Danneels, president of Pax Christi International, (2) sponsored a reception for delegates co-hosted by Dr. Raiser and Cardinal Danneels, and (3) developed a presentation to delegates on spiritual and moral values. I'm sending separately the Raiser-Danneels statement with some endorsers. I can send you the presentation to delegates if you want it.