Kirby Cane Ellingham Parish Council


The next Parish Council Meeting of Kirby Cane and Ellingham Parish Council is on Tuesday, 21st January at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall, Kirby Cane.

Jane Love Jane Love – Parish clerk 14th January 2014

Members of the Public and the Press are welcome to attend

1. To receive apologies for absence 2. To receive declarations of interest from members on items on the agenda, and any requests for a dispensation on those interests 3. To approve minutes of the meeting dated 26th November 2013 4. To note matters arising from those minutes (an update only – no decisions can be taken on these matters) 5. To suspend the meeting to allow public participation 6. To consider correspondence 7. To receive a report on the allotments 8. To receive a report on the Village Hall 9. To receive a report from the local policing team 10.To consider any planning matters including a) a scheme of delegation for planning matters 11.To receive a financial report from the clerk and to approve invoices for payment 12.To consider the draft budget for 2014/15 and decide on the precept 13.To consider a report on the playing field including: a) a report on regular inspections and maintenance 14.To consider the purchase of a new dog waste bin 15.To consider the drafting of a training policy, risk assessments, an asset register and the appointment of a Tree Warden 16.To discuss recent email correspondence regarding the charities 17.To review and update the Communications Protocol 18.To receive items for the next agenda 19.To receive items for information 20.To agree the date of the next meeting – Tuesday, 18th March following the Annual Parish Meeting which will start at 7.00pm

Parish clerk: Jane Love 01508 518375 Email: [email protected]