Long Buckby Parish Council

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Long Buckby Parish Council



1. OPENING PROCEDURES 1.1 APOLOGIES – M Osborne (work) 1.2 PRESENT – J Christie, S Osborne (Chairman), M Owen, G Spokes, S Spokes, D Stoddart, P Townsend, R Vivian, A Webb, J York, District Councillor C Millar and 4 members of the public. 1.3 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD MONDAY 9TH JANUARY 2017 were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting and were signed and dated by the Chairman. 1.4 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS Non Pecuniary Interest: M Owen – Chq No 5045 Disclosable Pecuniary Interest: Nil

2. MATTERS ARISING 2.1 Street Names – East Side of Station Road – The names submitted for the new development are as follows; Burnham Way, Muddiman Close, Blincow Road, Bradshaw Close, Ruston Close, Hickman Drive and Willis Close 2.2 Traffic Regulation Orders update – Letters have been sent to all affected residents, with comments/objections to be submitted by 23rd February. These will then be submitted to the County Councillor and Parish Council, with the implementation planned for August 2017.

3. PUBLIC TIME – Residents from Watson Road asked the procedure for the new traffic regulation orders to be in place and this was explained under Item 2.2.

4. COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORTS NCC – Northants County Council is still within budget for the remainder of this financial year. The new council offices are gradually being occupied. Elections will be taking place in May 2017. DDC (Chris Millar) – A meeting has recently taken place with some of the Directors from London Midland, the old ticket office has been removed due to being unsafe, with a temporary building now in place, a date for the permanent ticket office is yet to be announced. There have been talks about the small Parish Council part of the car park being allocated to season ticket holders, the PC have yet to be consulted on this matter. R Vivian advised that the 4 disabled parking bays have been reduced to 2, and the other 2 have been made for Staff Use only. C Millar will investigate. The Railway Station is not disabled friendly, and there are no plans for this to change. C Millar stated that there is no platform cover for bad weather and London Midland advised that over the past 10 years the majority of trains have run on time so there is no waiting time for customers, C Millar was not impressed by this comment. The sustainability of the Railway Station is recognised by London Midland and the upgrade of the facilities should be achievable through the growth of developments in Daventry and Long Buckby. Parish Councils are being offered the chance to take over the maintenance of the Closed Churchyards from June 2018 when the current contract ends, this being in exchange for payments received from DDC. Long Buckby will express an interest in this scheme, subject to suitable funding. There is a problem with fly tipping in the Chippings lay-by, and the Clerk will report this in to DDC.

5. BUSINESS 5.1 Street Lighting – R Vivian has sourced details from alternative maintenance suppliers. With an approximate 326 street lights in the village with a 30-40 year lifespan, a replacement programme should be allocating around £20,375 per annum (at a replacement cost per light of £2,500) for the future. G Spokes proposed that in the first instance Aylesbury Mains, as already precept for this year, undertake the street lighting survey. 5.2 New Street Light – Outside 79 High Street – A new street light proposed by Aylesbury Mains can be provided at a cost of £558 plus VAT, with a power connection charge of £520 plus VAT. It was approved by all to proceed with this replacement. 5.3 Vehicle Activated Signs – Following a visit from the Engineer, it has been advised that the East Street sign needs to be relocated due to being in the wrong position causing this sign to fail on occasion. The Clerk will contact NCC (Steve Barber) who allocated the positions for the signs. 5.4 Station Road Development (East Side - DA/2012/0138) – The planning conditions as detailed on the Appeal decision are not being adhered to by the Developers. E McDowell (DDC Planning Enforcement Officer) is in communication with them, and has advised that they do have 6 months to put the works right before enforcement action can be taken. NCC Highways can be contacted over the amount of mud left on the road from the construction traffic. 5.5 NCC – Community Enhancement Gangs – Requests for work – It is suggested that the signs at Long Buckby Wharf are cleaned, the painting of the bollards on the Market Square, and litter picking at the village entrances. 5.6 Litter Picking Services in the Villages – 2018 onwards – The Parish Council will express an interest, subject to the financial arrangement being satisfactory. 5.7 2017 Litter Pick Weekend – G Spokes will organise a village litter pick. 5.8 Dog Poo Alley (beside Community Centre) – The Clerk has advised of the problem areas around the village, and Amey/Enterprise will clear these areas up. The fence of the property adjacent to the Community Centre needs advising that the leaning fence needs attention. 5.9 Catering Services – Railway Station – The mobile catering van will be in place from Monday 27th February from 6am to 3pm. The Clerk will find out where this will be parked up? 5.10 Daventry NE Development – Suggested improvements for Long Buckby is a footpath from Long Buckby Wharf to the Railway Station, a much improved road surface from the A5 to the Railway Station, including the widening and straightening of the road through the burges. 5.11 DACT Bus – Open Gardens 2017 – All in favour to proceed with the supply of the DACT bus for the event. 5.12 Remembrance Plaque for the late Robert Pring – A memorial plaque has been requested for the bench in the Market Square in memory of Bob, this was approved by all. Should enough money be raised a bench would also be approved, but this will be a family decision. 5.13 Lease of the Hockey Pavilion – The lease is due for renewal in March 2017, S Osborne will liase with the Sportsfield Committee. 5.14 Welcome Packs – M Owen will continue with creating the packs for the new residents, a new drop off point for leaflets needs to be arranged and the local businesses and groups advised. 5.15 Rights of Way – There is a problem stile at Church Farm, which is need of attention, the drop is very deep and the Rights of Way Officer will be contacted again for some action to be taken. There is another stile at the bottom of The Banks, which is also in need of attention, it is practically impassable and kissing gates would be preferable. 5.16 St Lawrence’s Churchyard Path – The pathway to the Cemetery and Allotments is becoming slippery, unsafe and in need of attention. A meeting will be arranged between P Townsend, S Osborne and the Church representatives.

6. FINANCE 6.1 Expenditure Update – latest copy supplied to Councillors

6.2 ACCOUNTS TO BE PAID It was proposed by J Christie, seconded by S Spokes, and all voted in favour to pay the following accounts: Chq No 5038 S Porter Clerk Salary – January 2017 £ 944.04 S Porter Expenses – January 2017 £ 56.60 Chq No 5039 G Kenning Street Warden – January 2017 £ 830.00 Litter Picking/Street Maintenance £770.00 Weed Maintenance £50.00 Cemetery - £10.00 Chq No 5040 E-On Public Toilets – January 2017 £ 67.38 Chq No 5041 E-On Un-metered Street Lighting – Jan & Feb 2017 £ 2,708.62 Chq No 5042 DACT Parish Transport – January 2017 £ 79.29

Chq No 5043 Aylesbury Mains Street Lighting Maintenance – January 2017 £ 746.40 Chq No 5044 LB Green Spaces Awards 4 All Project £ 2,511.80 Chq No 5045 M Owen Christmas Decorations – Expenses £ 120.46

TOTAL £8,064.59

PAYMENTS RECEIVED A J Mills Cemetery Services £ 25.00

TOTAL £ 25.00 BALANCES AT BANK £ 67,467.90

7. PLANNING DA/2017/0033 – Reserved Matters application for 5 dwellings and garages served off private drive (landscaping only) – Land to the west of Hilgay, Harbidges Lane, Long Buckby No Objections

PLANNING APPLICATIONS GRANTED The Parish Council noted the following planning applications granted: DA/2016/1038 – Single storey rear extension – 1 Grange Farm, Foxhill Road, Long Buckby DA/2016/1079 - Installation of new door to front elevation – Buckby Newsagents, 4 High Street, Long Buckby DA/2016/1122 – Single storey front extension to garage and conversion of garage to habitable space – 4 Harry Close, Long Buckby DA/2016/1150 – Work to trees within a Conservation Area – Wharfdale, Three Bridges Road, Long Buckby Wharf PLANNING APPLICATION WITHDRAWN The Parish Council noted the following planning application had been withdrawn: DA/2016/1152 – Removal of hedgerow – Land off Foxhill Road, Long Buckby

8. COUNCILLORS REPORTS and RISK ASSESSMENTS 8.1 Cemetery – Report handed to the Clerk for filing. 8.2 Allotments - Report handed to the Clerk for filing. 8.3 Public Toilets – Anglian Water have reduced the water pressure in the Gents. 8.4 Cotton End Park – The Committee have passed on their thanks for the assistance with the Awards for All project.

9. CORRESPONDENCE 9.1 Station Road Closure – The road will be closed for 24 hours a day from Long Buckby Wharf to the Railway Station from 18th – 26th February and then again from 11th March – 19th March. This is for Network Rail to undertake railway bridge repairs at Long Buckby Wharf. 9.2 Rockhill Road signage – Following a letter from a resident with regards to providing additional signage to prevent attempted through traffic in this road, it will be advised that the Housing Association be contacted to provide this. 9.3 Electric Vehicle Charging Points in the village – Following a letter received from a resident with suggested charging point locations for the village, the Clerk will reply stating that the Railway Station is the preferred location in the village.

Meeting Closed: 8:55pm

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