Notes Meeting Mat AGM May 4Th 2005 s1

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Notes Meeting Mat AGM May 4Th 2005 s1

170 Minutes December 2016

1. Apologies: John Williams (meeting in Fulbourn did not finish in time).

2. Minutes from November meeting Agreed and signed as a true record.

3. Matters arising from previous meeting including:

A Cambridge C.C. Highways matter: Nicola Burdon her contact is [email protected]

Tracey contacted Nicola Burdon and advised the following:

1. NM-83670 Signpost at top of Albert Road/Newmarket Road still not replaced. Nicola’s records recorded completed in June 2016. Tracey provided her with further details and she is personally coming out to view Tracey and will update me.

2. NM-83671 Footpath by Mr & Mrs Carr very bad. Nicola advised she has put this footway forward for further surface treatment, however currently she is unable to say how successful this will be, as it will be put forward with other roads county wide. In the meantime, they will continue to monitor and will action Tracey any defects that meet our intervention levels.

3. NM-83678 Wheatsheaf to offices path in a terrible state. Nicola advised she has put this footway forward for further surface treatment, however currently she is unable to say how successful this will be, as it will be put forward with other roads county wide. In the meantime, they will continue to monitor and will action Tracey any defects that meet our intervention levels.

4. Old style street lights, continued work by roundabout. Nicola advised its Belfour Beatty. Tracey to contact. Tracey

5. Update regarding local funding initiative application in Section B, ‘Speeding in the Village’, detailed below. Further updates will continue under ‘Speeding in the village’. Agreed to remove from agenda. Remove 6. Hole in Wheelwright Way. Nicola confirmed she was not aware and needs to be raised via CCC Highways website. Tracey took photos and reported on 21 November 2016. Nicola came out on site personally on 27 November 2016 and filled in the potholes which they could. Reference: 00258691 Remove

7. Hole in road round a metal cover in Stow Road/Colliers Lane junction into Quy on left. Nicola confirmed she was not aware and needs to be raised via CCC Highways website. Tracey took photos and reported on 21 November 2016. Nicola came out on site personally on 27 November 2016 and filled in the potholes Remove which they could. Reference: 00258687

8. Drain outside thatch cottage opposite village hall still blocked. Tracey advised by Nicola completed on 11 August 2016. They were also doing the drains on 12 December 2016 down Main Street. Advised the drain Tracey/ has not been done, think there is some confusion to which drain. David has kindly offered to give his David H contact details and will meet them when they come and do the drain. Tracey/ 9. Road Sweeping through village. Advised this is SCDC. Have e-mailed but no response received yet. Robert Tracey will chase and if she has any problems to contact Robert who would help. Tracey 10. Grass overflowing the footpaths need cutting back. Tracey to raise on CCC Highways website.

11. Concerns raised to Tracey by two parishioners regarding potholes between Bush Farm and the river. Nicola Remove confirmed she was not aware and needs to be raised via CCC Highways website. Tracey took photos and reported on 21 November 2016. Nicola came out on site personally on 27 November 2016 and filled in the potholes which they could. Reference: 00258682.

12. Concerns raised to Tracey by parishioner regarding road surface/potholes on Between Newmarket Road and Tracey the under path under the A14, CB25 9AG, Cycle Route 51. Reference: 00258695. Tracey received update 171 on 1 December 2016 advising CCC Highways are investigating your enquiry and will be visiting the site shortly. B Speeding in the village: Matt has submitted the application for the LHI grant. Matt advised one or two Parish Councillors will need to attend a meeting in January to put forward our case. Advised we will need to put a plan together. Concerns raised regarding time it is going to take to put plan together and Parish Councillors do not have highway knowledge so may have to employ someone to do plan, Councillors agreed as requires knowledge. Martin Mead had heard the parish had received a lower estimate and he has made contact and advised due to the type of cushions it would reduce his previous quote quite dramatically. Further quote received but still not as low as Gaskin Brothers. Matt has advised Martin that we need to wait and will contact him in the future for a revised quote, once we have hopefully been successful in obtaining the funding.

C Churchyard/cemetery and village hall carpark: Bill and Geoff have not managed to look at the area and write the specifications, but it has been decided to leave until a decision has been made regarding the speed cushions. Agreed to remove from agenda. Remove

D Jackdaw: Jackdaw Awards, £10.00 awarded to the best article included in the Jackdaw Chatter over the past twelve Donna/ months. A committee of 3 Councillors will review the 4 additions of the Jackdaw Chatter, Spring, Summer, Au- Geoff/ tumn and Winter of 2016. Donna, David and Geoff volunteered to be the Jackdaw Award Committee. David K

Need to include the new e-mail address for the Village Hall, [email protected]. Matt

E Internet: Matt has managed to sort transferring the website to a new domain. He is able to set up as many e-mails as required, Offered to make each councillor their own personal e-mail but this was declined by those who had not already got one.

F Rec maintenance: Mole Man, Andy 07756495649, moles are back. Colin has contacted Andy directly and Ray has chased Andy three times in two weeks. Andy was due to come last week, week commencing 5 December 2016 but cancelled and is supposed to be coming this week, week commencing 12 December 2016 but has already cancelled earlier Colin Hall/ in week advising he is very busy but will attend by end of week. Ray

Shed is secure. Padlock has kindly been provided for free by Andy Rowlinson and is all fitted to shed. You re- quire two keys to get into shed.

Play Equipment: Ray purchased a bottle of port to thank Andy Rowlinson for his help to purchase the cyclone.

Tyres have been repointed and Ray will be putting some matting down. Ray

Tracey has contacted Zurich and confirmed two additional items have been added, the cyclone and slide and work has been completed. Graham Crouch, Engineer Surveyor from Zurich acknowledged and advised that the next round of inspections are due in March 2017.

Tracey has introduced herself to Martyn Livermore. Martyn kindly sent e-mail advising what his role entailed.

It was agreed in January 2016 that Colin’s pay would increase 5% from £300.00 to £315.00 for every 6 months, which is paid in arrears in June and December. Unfortunately, it was brought to our attention that this had not happened in Colin’s payment for period January to June 2016 so £15.00 has been included in Colin’s recent payment for period July to December 2016, a cheque was written for £330.00. Tracey

It has also been raised whether Colin is on a contract with the Parish Council. David K

G Bus shelter: David de-cobwebbed the light in Colliers Lane Bus Shelter and it now goes on and off as required.

Donna advised that Colliers Lane Bus Shelter looks like it rotting at the bottom of the sides (not back). David is going to have a look and if it needs some working doing will offer Paul Moore the job. David will seek an estimate from Paul and Tracey will e-mail round to seek approval. If it is quite expensive then we will need to David H/ 172 seek two estimates. Tracey

H Accounts: Budget Committee met on 12 December 2016, consisting of Matt, Donna, Ray and Tracey.

Savings around £11,000 and Mr H’s money. The hedge for the cycle path will not be required in 2017/18 but the following year, 2018/19. We have enough money to cover the implementation of the speeding cushions. Tracey will e-mail round the Budget Precept Excel document with the minutes for everyone to have copy. All approved, Bill proposed and David K seconded. Tracey

Tracey to contact CAPALC to confirm the amount of savings we are allowed in our account. Tracey

Tracey received an e-mail bulletin from CAPALC which advised about Transparency Funding for smaller Councils with a spend of less than £25,000 per annum to receive funding for laptops, websites and internet access. Tracey to look into to see if the parish council could receive any funding as purchased laptop earlier in year and website fees. Tracey

I Allotments: Rabbit wire was a bit flimsy but ok as we already have it, Matt will put this in over winter. David has offered to Matt/ help. David K

Tracey spoke to Mr Vincenti yesterday evening, 13 December 2016 regarding Plot 5 and he would like to view the plot position before accepting or declining the offer. Tracey advised Mr Vincenti that if they were to take on the plot it has not had any work done on it all year so will need work to get ready, they would need to sign the agreement but the yearly fee of £25.00 would be waived until March/April 2017. Tracey

J Parish Clerk: Thank you for old Clerk, £50-£75. Matt has spoken to Richard and no ideas so not purchased anything as yet.

David has taken on seeking a company to do Payroll and found a new company, Cambridgeshire Payroll based in Pampisford, Claire Grey, is very keen and knowledgeable. Normally £6.70 a month initially, they calculate payroll and tell us what we need to pay. When we are registered for pension/NI it will increase to £13.70 a month. We have to set up with HMRC and have some procedures to follow but Cambridgeshire Payroll will guide us. David happy to continue with the payroll. David K

David will speak to Claire about Colin, as he is paid six months in arrears. David K

It was also confirmed that we as a parish do have public liability should someone have an accident in the village.

K Station Road sign: Floor mounted sign for Station Road has been approved. Tracey advised by Nicola Burdon that this is SCDC. Tracey contacted SCDC and on 17 November 2016 advised by Diane Duncan, Address Management Officer at 3C Shared Services who confirmed they now have the sign from the manufacturer and it is in the pile to be erec- ted. She will contact the contractor and request that he erects this as a matter of urgency.

David H saw sign and fitters about two weeks ago but there was obviously a problem as taken away again. Tracey to seek update. Tracey

Ray spoken to Gillian but has not done revamped sign. She has confirmed that it will be going back on the wall.

L Cemetery bench: David has surveyed the cemetery and produced a fresh plan in Excel. Need to go through the reserved certificate against plans, Tracey has some records held in black box which thought would be a good place to commence. David also spoke to a funeral director who confirmed 4ft plot graves are 3ft by 7ft. David feels there could be potential for a few more spaces but raised concerns that the plots reserved between Mrs Lucas Geoff/ and Mrs Gaskin are very tight. Need to remeasure these plots. David K

Regarding the verbal request from Mr Gaskin to but a bench by Mrs Gaskin, there is not enough room beside Mrs Gaskin’s grave but a bench could be put beside the tap which is quite close. Matt will write to Mr Gaskin. Matt 173 M Joint finance scheme: Review regarding applying for grant for the speed cushions provided in Section B, ‘Speeding in the Village’. Further updates will continue under ‘Speeding in the Village’. Agreed to remove from agenda. Remove

N Budget meeting: Review of Budget Meeting in Section H, ‘Account’. Further updates will continue under ‘Accounts’. Agreed to remove from agenda. Remove

O Bank signatures: Tracey took the paperwork and photographic ID to Newmarket Barclays Bank on 25 November 2016 and was sent via their internal post to relevant office. Awaiting further contact.

Donna and Geoff are currently not able to sign cheques.

4 Agenda items: A Parish Council Contact Details: It has been suggested to include a list of Parish Council contact details on the notice boards, is this something everyone would be happy with. After discussions, some Councillors were not keen for their details to be on the noticeboards and it is correct procedure to come through the Parish Clerk so agreed Tracey would make list of names of the Parish Council and include Tracey’s contact details as Parish Clerk, [email protected] and 07760709580. Tracey

5 John Williams, County Councillor report:

1. Yesterday, 13 December 2016 the full meeting of the county council agreed to reinstate last year’s road gritting plan and to turn all its street lights back on between 2am and 6am. Parishes which have decided to pay to keep lights on will be contacted about their circumstances.

2. The first Countywide Annual Parish Council Conference saw around 200 people come together and the launch of a new £1 mil- lion fund to support community organisations. Attendees explored how all tiers of government and the voluntary sector could work better together for the good of Cambridgeshire residents in the future, around the conference theme of ‘Stronger Togeth- er’. The Conference saw the launch of Cambridgeshire Communities Innovation Fund, initially worth £1 million. The Fund has been set up by Cambridgeshire County Council to help community organisations to invest in ideas that help keep people safe, independent and well. To apply visit

3. The bus service between Newmarket Road and Addenbrooke’s via Perne Road which is funded by Marshall’s and Section 106 money is being withdrawn next month due to lack of use.

4. The Anglian Learning Trust which includes Bottisham Village College has bid to run the proposed primary school in the Wing development.

Robert Turner, District Councillor report:

Local Plan The Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire local plan examination Hearings Programme continues.

Further South Cambridgeshire specific hearings will be held:  Tuesday 29 – Wednesday 30 November 2016 Delivering High Quality Homes (Village Housing Allocations)  Thursday 1 December 2016 Delivering High Quality Homes (Housing Policies)  17 January and 2 March 2017 Delivering High Quality Places, Protecting and Enhancing the Natural and Historic Environment, Building a Strong and Competitive Economy.

A programme is still awaited with dates for the remaining South Cambridgeshire specific hearing sessions, including strategic sites and the rural settlement hierarchy and village omission sites (sites put forward by objectors to the plan for housing development).

Remaining joint hearing sessions, including Gypsy & Traveller policies and Green Belt omission sites on the edge of Cambridge, to take place later in 2017.

For details and progress with the examination on the Council’s website: 174 Devolution On Monday 21 November 2016, South Cambs District Council voted in favour of being a member of a Combined Authority.

On Tuesday 22nd November, Cambridge city councillors and Cambridge County Council gave the green light to the £800 million Cambridgeshire and Peterborough devolution deal.

The City Council was the last of seven regional local authorities to vote in favour of the historic agreement with central government. With a hard fought devolution deal, this region is poised to become the first non-metropolitan devolved area in England.

The decision by all seven authorities and LEP, trigger a schedule of events culminating in the election for a Mayor in May 2017

Financial Implications  £770m new money to invest in the area  Costs of set-up, elections and running combined authority (including mayors’ office) can be funded from the grant or by a levy supplementary business rate (2p in the £) (subject to approval from the business community)

Governance  Combined Authority - 7 authorities and LEP with one representative each, plus Mayor  Elected Mayor will chair Combined Authority, and has defined delegated powers  Mayor will create Cabinet and responsibilities will be allocated to Council Leaders and any other members of the Combined Authority  Mayoral Combined Authority will be open and transparent  E.g. Public meetings; meeting papers published; key strategies/documents on the web site

Timetable for implementation  November 2016 - Full Council and GCGP LEP board meeting to approve devolution deal and draft order  November 2016 - Draft parliamentary order laid  November 2016 - Shadow Combined Authority established  December 2016/January 2017 - Parliamentary Bill passed  February 2017 - Combined Authority established  May 2017 - Election of Mayor

6 Correspondence: All relevant information noted.

A Airport Consultative Committee Meeting on 16 November 2016, Ray attended. Not much discussed. One lady complained about the aeroplanes flying over her house in Cherry Hinton and she was told they have only one way to take off and land. There are two meetings held a year and Ray is happy to attend future meetings. Ray

7 Cheques Out: £1,275.60 Fenland Leisure Products Ltd Slide £10.00 Ray Jakes Bottle of Port as thanks to Andy Rowlinson

= £1,285.60

Cheques In: £65.00 Reserve DDB Linsey

8 Balance of accounts: C/A £1,537.90 (£97.26 Jubilee money now used towards D/A £11576.98 children’s recreational equipment/labour) Plus £17562.63 Mr Hibbitt not to be included with general funds Children’s Play Equipment:

Out £ Details In £ Details 1,275.60 Slide (£1,063 + VAT £212.60) 1,000.00 Donation 270.74 R Jakes materials and labour 97.26 Jubilee Money 240.00 Gaskin Brothers labour (VAT £40.00) 1,097.26 TOTAL 1786.34 TOTAL Cyclone was free from Morley thanks to Andy Rowlinson. Money has been paid out of C/A but £436.48 will need to be transferred from D/A (Mr Hibbitts Legacy) to C/A and we can claim back VAT, £252.60. 175

Agreed we need to transfer £440.00 from Mr Hibbitt’s legacy in D/A account to C/A account. Tracey to write letter to Barclays and get someone to sign the letter.

9 Planning applications: S/2364/16/FL Proposed garage conversion to form additional accommodation ancillary to existing dwelling, Dunmovin, Newmarket Road. Approval letter received 30 November 2016.

10 A.O.B.: 1. Church Farm/Fable Farm, concern about the dirt being dumped on the land. Bill Trotter, Planning Enforcement Officer has visited as advised an infringement had been committed. Mr Jones who is the tenant claimed he was unaware that creating dunes on the land is considered development and as such requires planning permission. Bill Trotter has written to Mr Jones advising him to either remove the dunes within 28 days or submit a retrospective planning permission application. Mr Trotter has also made Cambridgeshire County Council aware of the development as the land belongs to them.

2. Bill requested to borrow four tables from the shed on rec for the church. All agreed fine. Bill

3. Issue raised regarding Minter Close, delivery people cannot find as not clearly sign posted from entrance of Wheelwright Way. Requesting sign to updated/replaced with Wheelwright Way leading to Minter Close. Tracey to commence process. Tracey

4. Tracey advised that CAPALC were holding a two-day training session for New Parish Clerk in January 2017 at Somersham. As we are CAPALC members, the two days will cost £200.00. All agreed and supported that Tracey Tracey should attend.

5. Hedge outside 8 Church Road needs to be cut back. Geoff volunteered to go and speak with Mr Aldworth and Geoff Miss Gray.

11 Date of next meeting: Wednesday 11 January 2017 at 7.30pm.

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