A.P. U. S. History, Chapter 25 Study Guide: the Great Depression & New Deal

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A.P. U. S. History, Chapter 25 Study Guide: the Great Depression & New Deal

A.P. U. S. History, Chapter 25 Study Guide: The Great Depression & New Deal

Where are we at as a country by 1930? Think about what you observed for your summer assignment for “Letters from the Edge”: the edge of what? If edges are dangerous, how was the U.S. in danger?

The Human Impact of the Great Depression Results Between 1929-1932, Health: ______became unemployed Immigration:



Radio entered a golden age of commercialism

Things like: Note what Davidson, et al, say 1) _____Legion of Decency about Hitler’s Germany. created 2)


Led to ------ Note what causes the Dust Bowl, the environmental impact and especially the Okies. The Dust Bowl. Note especially the literature associated with the Okies. What is it? _____ repatriations of Especially about LULAC Mexicans back to Mexico

Pay attention to the formation of the Black Muslims, why they formed and who was Elijah Muhammad. Pay attention to who the Scottsboro boys / cases were. For Discussion: What was the human impact of the Great Depression? The Tragedy of Herbert Hoover Pay close attention to the types of private and city charities that tried to help and why they failed. What led to  Pushed for a pledge for:

“Hoover set in motion an Increased: unprecedented program of government action.” Believed: (p731) But then agreed to:

______Hoover endorsed the Smoot- Hawley Tariff

Note also how much Hoover spent on public works. For discussion: Remember Coxey’s Army? Would it have liked this? ______The RFC is established

______The Emergency Relief and Construction Act is passed “The word revolution is heard at every hand …” Note also the milk ‘strike’ in WI, other types in other states. For discussion: Note the painting on page 732 and the reason for the statement “Communism is 20th century Americanism.” June, 1932 – The Bonus Hoover’s response: The result of Hoover’s reaction: Army descends on Washington, D.C. Election of 1932 Democrats Republicans Candidate: Candidate:

Platform: Platform:

Election Results, especially about resulting “coalitions” for the parties:

For discussion: So what was the “tragedy” of Herbert Hoover? What lessons might he have taken from Sec. Mellon or Pres. Coolidge? The Early New Deal ______Emergency Banking Act

______Glass-Steagal Banking Act ______Federal Emergency Relief Act

(Conditions and what law) ______National Recovery Administration

______Schecter v. United States

______Agricultural Adjustment Administration

______Butler v. U.S.

For Discussion: What is the “new deal” so far?

______Huey Long begins his “Share Our Wealth” programs. Objective:

~1935 Roosevelt, seeing the popularity of public tirades against the wealthy, rides the tide of discontent against the rich. This causes three pieces of legislation designed to reign in the wealthy. What are they and what do they do?

Dr. Francis Townsend; What does he ______the Social Security Act do that leads to the Social Security Act?

______the Wagner Act and the National Labor Relations Board

Election of 1936: List here candidates and their Winner, winning coalition, and long term results: positions: Republicans:


Why was a second new deal needed? How did it differ from the 1st new deal? The American People Under the New Deal _____ Bureau of Reclamation becomes a powerful force in Washington and the West

“Negroes Ruined Again”

______The Indian Reorganization Act

______John L. Lewis forms the Congress of Industrial Organization

______the CAWIU Strike

______General Motors Sit- Down Strike

The End of the New Deal ______FDR’s “Court Packing Plan”

_____ FDR orders cuts in federal spending

The Legacy of the New Deal What are 5 significant social, or economic, or political differences that New Deal left in its wake?

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