THE WALTER J. & HOLLY O. THOMSON FOUNDATION Phil Marking, Esq., David Anderson, Esq., & Bank of America, Co-Trustees GRANT GUIDELINES

MISSION The Walter J. & Holly O. Thomson Foundation seeks to make life better for residents of Santa Barbara County and downtown area of Los Angeles, California by focusing on six broad areas: animal- related issues, arts and culture, education, the environment, health care, and human services. The Foundation was established by Mr. Walter J. Thomson, who died on February 1, 2010.

GEOGRAPHIC FOCUS The Foundation makes grants to organizations primarily in Santa Barbara County and the downtown area of Los Angeles. Charitable organizations in other geographic areas may be considered if their work benefits residents of Santa Barbara County or the downtown area of Los Angeles.

PROGRAM FOCUS AREAS As stated above, the Thomson Foundation focuses its funding primarily on six key areas that Mr. Thomson supported to during his lifetime—animal-related issues, arts and culture, education, the environment, health care, and human services.

Animal-Related We fund animal-related programs that focus primarily on the protection of animals and animal rights.

Arts and Culture We support institutions, museums, and organizations that provide education in, access to, and awareness of the visual and musical arts, and natural and environmental science.

Education We fund education programming for all ages, with a focus on programs that work to close the achievement gap, such as early childhood and out-of-school time programs, and programs that promote college readiness and college access.

Environment We are committed to funding programs that work to protect the environment. Particularly, we are interested in programs that focus on land and water preservation, green technology, and protecting open spaces.

Health Care We fund a variety of issues related to health care, including, but not limited to, access to health care for uninsured and under-insured individuals, behavioral and mental health, and reproductive rights.

Human Services Human services are provided in a variety of areas, with a special interest in services for the blind, services to decrease homelessness and to provide necessary supports to homeless individuals, such as job skills training, case management, and emergency shelter.


1 Grants are made to support operating and program/project needs. Also, grant requests for one-time capital improvements will be considered. Please note that grants will not be provided to individuals or for endowment campaigns. Most grants will be awarded for one-year in duration, although the Foundation may request a multi-year proposal from certain organizations from time to time.

SIZE OF GRANTS Grants will normally be approved in the range of $15,000 - $25,000. The Foundation may make exceptions to this range for certain organizations or purposes.

ELIGIBILITY  Requests are considered primarily from California-based charitable organizations for purposes to be carried out within Santa Barbara County and the downtown Los Angeles area.  Only one request will be accepted from an organization during a twelve-month period.

PROPOSAL SIZE AND SUBMISSION Applications should total no more than twelve (12) pages, including cover sheets and attachments 1-5, and must be submitted electronically (preferably in a single PDF or Microsoft Word document) to: Jorge Pinedo at [email protected] with a cc to John Ostler at [email protected]

Attachment 6 (audited financial statements) must be submitted electronically along with the application, but in a separate PDF or Microsoft Word Document.

PROPOSAL DEADLINES Proposals are due no later than end of day on Thursday, November 3, 2016. Funding decisions will be communicated by the end of December.

Please note that the Thomson Foundation does not accept unsolicited requests at this time.