History of True Colors

For centuries, man has studied his fellow man. Through medicine, doctors and researchers have studied the physiology of the body and its functions. Through psychology, psychiatry, and related fields, countless studies have considered the behaviors, personality, and temperament of man. Some of these studies have focused upon the unique characteristics of individuals and those that are common among groups. Twenty-four centuries ago, Hippocrates identified four different types of human beings. Carl Jung described these differences in 1921 in his publication Psychological Type. For the past 35 years, Dr. David Keirsey has been refining the work of Katherine C. Briggs and Isabel Briggs-Myers who developed the Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Through the MBTI, its authors show that human behavior is orderly and can be characterized by different personality types. Dr. Keirsey, in his book Please Understand Me, described personality types in four groups. His work provides the basis for the True Colors™ metaphor.

Don Lowry created the metaphor, True Colors™, to translate complicated personality and learning theory into practical information we can all understand and use. He has developed an easy and entertaining way to understand ourselves and others. Keys To Personal Success is a series of courses and products teaching and applying the concepts presented in the True Colors™ metaphor