The List of Students for the Award of Gold Medals / Cash Prize in the 15Th Annual Convocation
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The list of students for the award of Gold Medals / Cash Prize in the 15 th Annual Convocation of RGUHS to be held on 25 th March 2013
Award University of Gold SL. GOLD MEDAL DONOR In the name of Notification CRITERIA Medal / Awardees Gold / Cash Prize No. & date Cash Prize 01. Highest marks in The Administrative Officer, Dr. (Mrs.). S. UA/Misc- A MBBS student of the University passing out Anatomy of BLDE Association, Bijapur – Kantha, First Vice- 18/2000-01 in first attempt & completing the course in Gold M.B.B.S Course 586 103. Chancellor dated min. possible duration & securing highest Medal 19.06.1998 marks in the subject of Anatomy.
Highest marks in The Convenor, Dr. RHN Dr. RHN Shenoi UA/Misc- A MBBS student of the University passing out Surgery of Shenoi Felicitation 77/2000-01 in first attempt & completing the course in M.B.B.S Course. Committee, Karnataka dated min. possible duration & securing highest Gold Nursing Home, New Cotton 29.11.1999 marks in MBBS in the subject of Surgery. Medal Market, Hubli–580 029. Highest marks in Dr. S.G. Desai, Former Vice- Dr. S.G. Desai UA/Misc – A MBBS student of the University passing out Paediatrics of Chancellor, Karnatak 103/2000-01 in first attempt and completing the course in Gold M.B.B.S Course. University, “Shishu”, Near dated min. possible duration & securing highest Medal Ambedkar Hall, Belgaum. 23.06.2000 marks in MBBS in the subject of Paediatrics.
Highest marks in the Dr. N.M. Sreenivas, Dr. (Mrs.) Vijaya Ua/Misc- A MBBS student of the University passing out subject of Radiologist, Nandi X-Ray Srinivas, Prof & 22/2000-01 in first attempt & completing the course in Pathology of Clinic & Pathology HOD of Pathology, dated min. possible duration & securing highest Gold M.B.B.S Laboratory, Dewans Road, MMC, Mysore. 06.01.2001 marks in the subject of Pathology. Medal Opp. Veterinary Hospital, Mysore – 1. Highest marks in the Dr. F.V. Manvi, Dr. H.B. Dr. UA/Misc – A MBBS student of the University passing out Dr. Santhosh Narayanan subject of Medicine Rajashekar’s 60th Birthday H.B.Rajashekar’s 07/2000-01 in first attempt & completing the course in Reg. No.07M5862, August 2008, marks of M.B.B.S Course. Celebration Committee, 60th Birthday dated min. possible duration & securing highest Gold obtained 346/400, (86.50%) A.J Institute of Nehrunagar, Belgaum – 590 Celebration 06.01.2001 marks in MBBS Phase III in the subject of Medal Medical Sciences, Mangalore. 010. Committee, Medicine. Belgaum. M.B.B.S student in Dr. M.R. Ramanna, Director Dr. M.L. Ramanna UA/Misc- A MBBS student of the University passing out [17 Gold Medal] the subject of of Physical Education - Rtd., & Smt. Ramakka 95/2000-01 in first attempt & completing the course in Gold O.B.G. No. 195, 36 B Cross, 3rd dated min. possible duration & securing highest Medal Main, 7th block, Jayanagar, B, 25.05.2001 marks in MBBS in the subject of OBG. lore– 82.
1 Best outgoing student The President, Karnataka State Smt. Mani Bai & Sri UA/Misc – A MBBS student of the University passing out in in the subject of Medical & Dental Alumni B. Sidda Naik 93/2000-01 first attempt & completing the course in min. Gold Medicine in Association of America, 19533, dated possible duration & best outgoing student in Medal M.B.B.S. Kilfrinan Street, Northridge CA 25.05.2001 Medicine of MBBS Course. 91326 Highest marks in all Dr. (Mrs.) S. Kantha, First Dr. (Mrs.) S. Kantha, UA/Misc- A MBBS student of the University passing out in Pre-Clinical Vice-Chancellor, RGUHS, # First Vice- 27/98-99 first attempt & completing the course in min. Gold subjects of M.B.B.S 707, Ramya Rajiv, 7th Main, Chancellor, RGUHS, dated possible duration & securing highest marks in Medal Course. J.P. Nagar, 3rd Phase, B, lore. 20.07.2001 the I Phase MBBS which includes of all Pre- B, lore – 560 078. Clinical subjects. Highest marks in Dr. S. Sivanappa, Registered Smt. S. Saradamma UA/Misc- A MBBS student of the University passing out in Final year M.B.B.S Medical Practitioner, Vinayaka & Dr. S. Sivanappa, 24/2001-02 first attempt & completing the course in min. Gold subjects. Pharmacy, Neelakanteshwara Chitradurga. dated possible duration & securing highest marks in Medal Extension, Chitradurga – 20.07.2001. final year MBBS subjects. 577501. Highest marks in Dr. Kishore Baindur, Karnataka Pedicone UA/Misc- A MBBS student of the University passing out in Paediatrics in the Organizing Secretary, 2000 128/2001-02 first attempt & completing the course in min. M.B.B.S Karnataka Pedicon 2000, # dated possible duration & securing highest marks in Gold 997, 4th Block, 2nd Main Road, 14.03.2003 the subject of Paediatrics in final MBBS Medal Rajajinagar, examination. B, lore – 560 010. Highest marks in Hon’y Secretary, B, lore ENT Trust UA/Misc- A MBBS student of the University passing all ENT in M.B.B.S B, lore ENT Trust, Sneha ENT 08/2002-03 the examination of final year Part I & securing Gold Hospital, 175, 1st Stage, BEML dated highest marks in ENT subject in the first attempt Medal Layout, Basaveshwaran- -agar, 23.05.2002 without grace marks. B, lore –560 079. Highest marks in The President & Secretary, Karnataka UA/Misc- A MBBS student of the University passing out in Ophthalmology in Karnataka Ophthalmological Ophthalmological 59/2002-03 final year in first attempt & completing the Gold Final M.B.B.S Part- Society, BTM Layout, Society dated course in min. possible duration & securing Medal I B, lore – 560 076. 11.10.2002. highest marks in final year in the subject of Ophthalmology Part I MBBS Highest marks in Dr. Hurikadale P. Sundaresh & Dr. Palakashan & UA/Misc- A MBBS student of the University completing Obstetrics / Shailaja Sundaresh, USA. Smt. Parvathamma, 06/2003-04 the course in min. possible duration & securing Gold Gynecology in Mysore. dated highest marks in Obstetrics / Gynecology. Medal M.B.B.S 04.08.2003 Highest marks in The Working Secretary, JSS Jagadguru Dr. Sri Sri UA/Misc- A MBBS student of the University passing out in Final M.B.B.S Mahavidya Peeta, Mysore – Shivarathri Rajendra 13/2004-05 first attempt & completing the course in min. Gold 570 004. Maha Swamigalu, dated possible duration & securing highest marks in Medal Suthur Math, Suthur. 20.07.2004 final MBBS.
2 Highest marks in Dr. R.K. Raju & Dr. Dept. of Pathology No. UA/Misc A MBBS student of this University passing M.B.B.S in the R.Visweswara, Vydehi Inst. Gold Medal –15/Gold out in first attempt & completing the course in Gold subject of Of Medical Sciences, Medal/2005- min. possible duration & securing highest Medal Pathology Bangalore. 06 dated marks in Pathology subject. 08/08/2005 Highest overall in Mrs. Uma Murthy, Mrs. No.UA/auth/ A MBBS student of the University passing out the first to final Mr. Ravi Malur & Ramaparthasarathy Gold in first attempt & completing the course in Gold M.B.B.S Course Mr. Balaji Malur, # 762, Gold Medal Medal/238/2 min. possible duration & securing highest Medal Barron Avenue, Palo Alto, 008-09 dated marks overall in the first to final MBBS CA 94306, USA 05/04/2008 course. Highest marks in Ms. Vydehi, Dr. D.K AUTH/Endo A MBBS student of the University passing out Ophthalmology in Vydehi Institute of Medical Audikeshavulu, wment/Gold in final year in first attempt & completing the Gold M.B.B.S Course Sciences, 82, EPIP area, Shri. D.A Sathya Medal course in min. possible duration & securing Medal whitefield, Bangalore Prabha, Smt. D 282/2012-13 highest marks in final year in the subject of Kalpaja Ophthalmology Part I MBBS 02. Highest marks in Sri Sethu Madhavan, The Karnataka State UA/Misc- A BDS student of the University passing out first to final year in President, Karnataka State Medical & Dental 32/2000-01 in attempt & completing the course in min. all Dental subjects. Medical & Dental Alumni Alumni Association dated possible duration & securing highest total Gold Association of America, of America Gold 29.12.2000 marks of all dental subjects of first to final Medal 19533, Kilfinan Street, Medal year. Northridge CA 91326. Highest marks in Dr. Ramesh A.M. Gowda, # Dr. S. UA/Misc- A BDS student of the University passing out B.D.S in all the 532, W Lincoln Ave, Anaham Ramachandra, 70/2000-01 in first attempt & completing the course in subjects totalled Ca 92805 USA Former Principal, dated min. possible duration & securing highest Gold from first through GDC, Bangalore. 04.01.2001 marks in all the subjects totaled from first Medal final year. through final year.
Highest marks in The Associate Director, Colgate IDA UA/Misc- A BDS student of the University passing out Dr. Bhankhar Ruchi Ramesh Pedodontics in Marketing Colgate Palmolive 104/2001-02 in final year in first attempt & completing the Reg. No.07D3020, June – 2011, Marks Gold B.D.S India Ltd., Colgate Research dated course in min. possible duration & securing obtained 2260/2950, (76.61%), A.B Shetty Medal Centre, Main Street, Bombay. 11.09.2002 highest marks in Pedodontics Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences Mangalore. Highest marks in The Associate Director, Colgate IDA UA/Misc- A BDS student of the University passing out overall topper in Marketing Colgate Palmolive 104/2001-02 in final year in first attempt & completing the [4 Gold Medal] Gold B.D.S India Ltd., Colgate Research dated course in min. possible duration & securing Medal Centre, Main Street, Bombay. 11.09.2002 highest marks in BDS examination (overall)
3 03. Highest marks in Sri K. Vijayasarathy, 104, Dr. K. UA/Misc- A MD Radio diagnosis student of the M.D. Radio Sushila Road, Dodda Mavalli, Krishnamurthy 65/2000-01 University passing out in first attempt & diagnosis B, lore – 560 004. dated completing the course in min. possible Gold 06.01.2001 duration & securing highest marks in MD Medal Radio diagnosis.
Highest marks in Dr. Umashankar, President & Prof. S.M. No.UA/Misc A MD Radiology student of the University M.D Radiology Dr. Ravishankar, Secretary, Chandrashekar -25/2005-06 completing the Course in min. possible Old Radiology students of Shetty dated duration & securing highest marks in MD MMC, Vijayanagar, B, lore Gold Medal 06/12/2005 Radiology. -40 Gold Dr. Rashmi M.N Medal Reg. No.09MR002, May -2012, Marks obtained 522/700, (74.57%), Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore.
[2 Gold Medal]
04. Highest marks in The President, Karnataka Mrs. Kasthuri UA/Misc – A MD General Medicine student of the M.D. General State Medical & Dental Muralidhar 93/2000-01 University passing out in first attempt & Medicine Alumni Association of dated completing the course in min. possible Gold America, 19533, Kilfinan 25.05.2001 duration & securing highest marks in MD Medal Street, Northridge CA 91326. General Medicine.
Highest marks in Dr.(Mrs.) S Kantha Jadhav, Professor Dr.N.A AUTH/Endo A MD General Medicine student of the M.D General First Vice-Chancellor of Jadhav, former wment/Gold University passing out in first attempt & Medicine RGUHS and sons Dr.Kishore Senior Professor of Medal- completing the course in min. possible Jadhav & Dr.Santhosh Jadhav Medicine, Mysore 89/2010-11 duration & securing highest marks in MD Medical College, Dated : General Medicine. Mysore. 21.02.2011 Gold Dr. Khalid Farooqui, Medal Reg. No.09MG751, May -2012 Marks obtained 476/700, (68.00%), Al-Ameen Medical College, Bijapur.
[2 Gold Medal]
4 05. Highest marks in The President, Karnatka State Sri B.P. Revanna, UA/Misc- A MS Orthopedics student of the University M.S.Orthopeadics Medical & Dental Alumni Dy. Inspector 93/2000-01 passing out in first attempt & completing the Association of America, General of Police dated course in min. possible duration & securing Gold 19533, Kilfinan Street, 25.05.2001 highest marks in MS Orthopeadics. Medal Northridge CA 91326
Highest marks in Dr. T.V. Mariappa, Dr. T.V. Mariappa, No. UA/Misc A MS Orthopedics student of the University M.S Orthopeadics # 30, 9th A Main, 36th Cross, Former Prof. & –62/2006-07 passing out in first attempt & completing the 5th Block, Jayanagar, B, lore HOD of dated course in min. possible duration & securing -41 Orthopeadics, BMC, 26/02/2007 highest marks in MS Orthopeadics. B, lore Gold Dr. Mahesh M Medal Reg. No.09YT177, May – 2012, Marks obtained, 456/700, (65.14%), M.S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore.
[2 Gold Medal]
06. Highest marks in The President, Lions Club of Lions Club of UA/Misc – A MS Ophthalmology student of the M.S B, lore West, 56/2, H. Bangalore West 18/2000-01 University passing out in first attempt & Ophthalmology Siddaiah Road, B, lore– 2. dated completing the course in min. possible Gold 29.02.2000 duration & securing highest marks in MS Medal Ophthalmology.
Highest marks in The President & Secretary, Karnataka UA/Misc- A MS Ophthalmology student of the student M.S Karnataka Ophthalmological Ophthalmological 59/2002-03 of the University completing the course in Ophthalmology Society, BTM Layout, Society dated min. possible duration & securing highest B, lore – 560 076. 11.10.2002. marks in MS Ophthalmology.
Gold Dr. Vishalakshi, Medal Reg. No.09YO676 May- 2012, marks obtained 487/700, (69.57%), Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Bellary.
[2 Gold Medal]
5 07. Highest marks in Dr. N. Satyaprema Kumari, # Dr. D.R. Nanjappa, UA/Misc- A DOMS student of the University passing in Diploma in 256, 1st Cross, 2nd Main, MBBS, DOMS 61/2000-01 out in first attempt & completing the course in Cash Ophthalmology (Behind Market), (England), Former dated min. possible duration & securing highest Prize Ganganagar, B, lore – 560 Director, Minto 06.01.2001 marks in Diploma in Ophthalmology. 032. Hospital, B, lore. Highest marks in The President & Secretary, Karnataka UA/Misc- A Post Graduate Diploma (DO) student of the D.O Karnataka Ophthalmological Ophthalmological 59/2002-03 University completing the course in min. Society, BTM Layout, Society dated possible duration & securing highest marks in B, lore – 76 11.10.2002. PG Diploma (DO)
Gold Medal Dr. Manoranjan M, Reg. No.10DE005, May -2012, Marks obtained 331/500, (66.20%), Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore.
[1 Gold Medal & 1Cash Prize]
08. Highest marks in Dr. (Mrs.) Shivaratna C Dr. Shivaratna No. UA/ MDS Orthodontics student of the University, M.D.S Savadi, # 220, 32 A Cross, 7th Savadi Gold Medal Auth/ Gold passing out in first attempt & completing the Gold Orthodontics Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore. Medal /148/ course in min. possible duration & securing Medal 2007-08 highest marks in MDS Orthodontics dated 29/8/07 Highest marks in Dr. Hemanth M Shri M.L Maidaiah AUTH/Endo MDS Orthodontics student of the University, M.D.S Senate Member of RGUHS. wment/Cash passing out in first attempt & completing the Orthodontics Prize course in min. possible duration & securing 283/2012-13 highest marks in MDS Orthodontics
Cash Dr. Smitha P L, Prize Reg. 09EO402, May-2012, marks obtained 459/600, (76.50%) K.V.G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia.
[1 Gold Medal & 1Cash Prize]
6 09. Highest marks in the The President, Karnataka Mrs. Lakshmidevi UA/Misc- A BDS student of the University passing out subject of State Medical & Dental Ramanna 93/2000-01 in first attempt & completing the course in Prosthodontics – Alumni Association of dated min. possible duration & securing highest Gold B.D.S America, 19533, Kilfinan 25.05.2001 marks in the subject of Prosthodontics in final Medal Street, Northridge CA 91326 BDS Course.
Highest marks in Dr. D.R. Prithviraj, Prof. & Smt. R. Suparna UA/Gold A BDS student of the University completing Prosthodontics HOD of Prosthodontics, Medal/20 / the course in min. possible duration & including Crown & GDC, Bangalore –560 002. 2004-05 securing highest marks in Prosthodontics Bridge in Final dated including Crown & Bridge in final BDS. B.D.S 27.09.2004 Gold Dr. Pawan Kumar Medal Reg. No.07D4633, June – 2011, Marks obtained, 211/250, (84.40%), Government Dental College Bangalore.
[2 Gold Medal]
10. Highest marks in B. Dr. M.R. Ramanna (Director Sri Kuppuswamy UA/Misc- A B.Sc Nursing student of the University Sc Nursing of Physical Education Rtd.,), Mudaliar. 95/2000-01 passing out in first attempt & completing the 3rd Main, 7th Block, dated course in min. possible duration & securing Jayanagar, Bangalore – 03.09.2001 highest marks in B. Sc Nursing. Gold 560082. Medal
Highest total The Director, Padmashree Dr. C.M. UA/Misc / A B. Sc Nursing student of the University average marks of all College of Nursing, Jnanana Gurumurthy, first GM / 85 / completing the course in min. possible subjects of 1st to 4th Bharathi Main Road, Special Officer, 2003 –04 duration & securing highest total average st th year in Bangalore – 560 072. RGUHS. dated marks in all subjects of 1 to 4 year of study Sonu Gurung B. Sc Nursing in all 09.01.2004 in B. Sc Nursing Course. Gold Reg. No.08Z0448, August - 2012, marks the four years. Meda obtained 2170/2600 (83.46%), Padmashree Institute of Nursing, Bangalore.
[2 Gold Medal]
7 11. Highest marks in President / Secretary, BMC Bangalore Medical No. UA/Misc A M. Ch. Urology student of the University M.Ch. Urology Urology Alumni, BMC, B, College Urology –01/2004-05 completing course in min. possible duration & lore Alumni Gold Medal dated secures highest marks in M. Ch. Urology. 14/03/2006
Gold Medal
Dr. Vishal Vig , Reg. No.09SU001, July-2012, marks obtained 476/700, (68.00%) Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore
12. Highest marks in Sri K.Vijayasarathy, 104, Dr. K. Manorama, UA/Misc- A MD Anesthesiology student of the M.D Sushila Road, Dodda Doctor of Medicine 64/2000-01 University passing out in first attempt & Anesthesiology Mavally, from B,lore dated completing the course in min. possible B, lore – 560 004. 06.01.2001 duration & securing highest marks in MD Anesthesiology. Gold Medal
Dr. Rammurthy , Reg. No.09MA427, May -2012, Marks obtained 483/700, (69.00%), Fr. Muller Institute of Medical Education, Mangalore. 13. Highest marks in The Managing Trustee, Dr. Dr. Nirmala Kesaree UA/Misc- A MD Paediatrics student of the University M.D Paediatrics Nirmala Kesaree Pediatric 28/2002-03 completing the course in min. possible Academic Trust, Davangere. dated duration & securing highest marks in MD 27.12.2002 Pediatrics
Gold Medal
Dr. Taru Sharma Reg. No.09ME677 May - 2012, marks obtained 467/700, (66.71%), Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Bellary.
8 14. Highest marks in The Secretary, B, lore ENT Dr. M.V. UA/Misc – A M.S. ENT student of the University M.S (ENT) Trust, Sneha ENT Hospital, Venkateshmurthy 75/2002-03 completing the course in min. possible B, lore. dated duration & securing highest marks in MS 13.03.2003 ENT.
Cash Prize
Dr. D Chandrika Reg. No.09YE528 May- 2012, marks obtained 453/700, (64.71%), J.J.M Medical College Davanagere. 15. Highest marks in Dr. C.M. Jayakeerthy, Dr. Dr. M. Krishna UA/Misc- A MD Pathology student of the University M.D Pathology A.V. Ramprasad, Dr. M.G. Bhargava & 36/Gold completing the course in min. possible Rajashekharappa, Dr. D.M. Dr. Saraswathi Medal/2004- duration & securing highest marks in MD Srinath, Bhargava 05 dated Pathology Dr. Rajashekarappa, Dr. Ajit 02.12.2004 Rampure & Dr. K.M. Srinivasa Gowda Gold Medal
Dr. Divya A Reg. No.09MY328, May-2012, marks obtained 471/700, (67.29%) Government Medical College, Mysore. 16. Highest marks in Suresh Kumar K.K. Director Hicare Medal UA/misc- A MS General Surgery student of the M.S General (Marketing), Hindustan Latex 47/Gold University completing the course in min. Surgery Ltd., Latex Bhavan, Medal/2004- possible duration & securing highest marks in Poojapura, Thiruvanthapuram 05 dated MS General Surgery. –695 012. 12.01.2005
Gold Medal
Dr. (SQN LOR) Surjeet Kumar Dwivedi, Reg. No.09YG101, May-2012, marks obtained 474/700, (67.71%) Command Hospital, Airforce, Bangalore
9 17. Highest marks in Dr. Rajiv Narayan, MBBS, Prof. Gomathy & UA/Misc / A MS – OBG student of the University M.S – OBG M. Tech., 9/B, 11th A Main, Prof. Narayanan 52/GM/2004 completing the course in min. possible 4th Block, Jayanagar, Gold Medal in OBG -05 dated duration & securing highest marks in MS - Bangalore –41. 12.04.2004 OBG
Gold Medal
Dr. Devendra B.N, Reg. No.09MO003, May-2012, marks obtained 489/700, (69.86%) Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore. 18. Highest marks in Smt. Jayanthi Sambasivan, Dr. T.S. UA/Misc – A MD Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy M.D-Dermatology C/o Mrs. Kalyanee Rajan, Sambasivan, Former 16/ Gold student of the University completing the Venereology & 13822, Briarwood Drive SW, Prof. & Dean, BMC, Medal/2005- Course in min. possible duration & securing Leprosy Cumberiand MD 21502, 06 dated highest marks in MD Dermatology, USA. B, lore 08.08.2005 Venereology & Leprosy.
Gold Medal
Dr. Shobha V, Reg. No.09MD427, May-2012, marks obtained 477/700, (68.14%), Fr. Muller Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore. 19. Highest marks in Dr. Rajashree J Ingin, Shreya Late Dr. Jagadish B AUTH/Endo A student of M.D Biochemistry of the M.D Biochemistry J Ingin and Saisharan J Ingin, Ingin, former w/272/2012- University passing out in first attempt and H. No. 1-9-28, ‘D’ [FF], Professor of 13 Dated completing the course in minimum possible Basavanandan, Khuba Plot, Biochemistry, M.R 26.02.2013 duration and securing highest marks in M.D Gulbarga - 585102 Medical College Biochemistry shall be eligible for the award of Gulbarga and Gold Medal of this endowment Former Member of Gold BOS in Medical Medal [PreClinical] Rguhs
Dr. Chrishanthi Quirine Rodrigues, Reg. No.09MB126, May-2012, marks obtained 548/700, (78.29%), St. Johns Medical College, Bangalore.
10 20. Highest marks in Dr. Shankar B. Medikeri, Dr. H. Hirannaiah- UA/Misc- A PG Diploma student of the University in D.L.O Hon. Secretary, B,lore ENT Trust 01/2003-04 DLO completing the course in min. possible B, lore ENT Trust ®, Gold Medal dated duration & securing highest marks in DLO. B, lore. 04.08.2003
Gold Medal
Dr. Abhineet Jain Reg. No.10DL554 May- 2012, marks obtained 337/500, (67.40%) Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli. 21. Highest marks in B, lore Academy of Dr. K.R. Devanath, UA/Misc- A MDS student of the University completing M.D.S Periodontics Periodontology, Chartered Former Prof. Of 01/2004-05 the course in min. possible duration & Ambaprasad, # 3, Bull Periodontics, GDC, dated securing highest marks in MDS Periodontics Temple Road, Bangalore –18. B, lore. 20.07.2004
Gold Medal
Dr. Khitste Sujeet Vinayak Reg. No.09EP953, May - 2012, marks obtained 469/600, (78.17%). AECS Maruthi Dental College Bangalore. 22. Highest marks in Dr. (Mrs.) Mithra N. Hegde, Dr. Nidarsh D. No. UA/Misc A MDS Oral & Maxillofacial M.D.S Oral & Prof. & HOD, Conservative Hegde, Professor, –01/2004-05 Surgery student of the University completing Maxillofacial Dentistry, Mangalore Dept. of Oral & dated the course in min. possible duration & Surgery Maxillofacial 16/03/2006 securing highest marks in MDS Oral & Surgery, Mangalore Maxillofacial Surgery.
Gold Medal
Dr.Shah Ankit Gunvantkumar Reg. No.09EX178, May-2012, marks obtained 460/600, (76.67%), College of Dental Sciences, Davangere.
11 23. Highest marks in Organizing Secretary, XI Dr.Gururaj Nadig AUTH/Endo A MDS student of the university passing in M.D.S in FODI & IES Post Graduate wment/Gold first attempt and completing the course in Conservative Student Convention, Medal minimum possible duration and securing Dentistry Bangalore (PG CON-2010). -85/2010-11 highest marks in MDS in Conservative Dentistry shall be eligible for the award for this endowment. Gold Medal
Dr. Benin P, Reg. No.09ED153, May-2012, marks obtained 467/600, (77.83%), Bapuji Dental College and Hospital, Davangere. 24. Highest marks in Dr. C.V. Mohan, Prof. K.S. Nagesh No. UA / MDS Oral Medicine & Radiology student of M.D.S Oral # 37/1, Subbarama Chetty Gold Medal Auth /Gold the University, passing out in first attempt & Medicine & Road, Basavanagudi, B, lore. Medal/ 187 / completing the course in min. possible Radiology 2007-08 duration & securing highest marks in MDS dated Oral Medicine & Radiology 14/11/2007
Dr. Preeti Patil, Reg. No.09EM204, May-2012, marks obtained 446/600, (74.33%) SDM College Gold of Dental Sciences Medal Dharwad.
Dr. Astha Chaudhry Reg. No.09EM327, May-2012, marks obtained 446/600, (74.33%) V.S Dental College and Hospital, Bangalore.
25. Highest marks in Dr. (Mrs.) G.V. Satyavathi Mrs. Tulasamma & UA/Misc- A MDS student of the University passing out Gold M.D.S Community Dr. G.V. Acharya. 35/2000-01 in first attempt & completing the course in Medal Dentistry. dated min. possible duration & securing highest 12 11.09.2001 marks in MDS Community Dentistry.
Dr. Shyam S Reg. No.09EC152, May - 2012, marks obtained 426/600 (71.00%), Bapuji Dental College and Hospital, Davanagere. 26. Highest marks in Sri A.T.S. Giri, Chairman, Sri A. Thimmaiah UA/Gold A MPT student of the University completing M.P.T Goutham Institute of Medical Medal/21/ the course in min. possible duration & Sciences & Technology, 2004-05 securing highest marks in MPT Course. Manjunathanagar, Bangalore dated – 10. 28.09.2004 Gold Medal
Madhusmita Koch Reg. No.10MT458, May -2012 Marks obtained 627/800, (78.38%) Dr. M.V Shetty College of Physiotherapy Mangalore. 27. Highest marks in M. Sri A.T.S. Giri, Chairman, Sri A. Thimmaiah UA/Gold A M. Sc Nursing student of the University Sc Nursing Goutham Institute of Medical Medal/22/ completing the course in min. possible Sciences & Technology, 2004-05 duration & securing highest marks in M. Sc Manjunathanagar, Bangalore dated Nursing. – 10. 28.09.2004 Gold Medal
Prerna Thapa, Reg. No.10NS111, May-2012, marks obtained 966/1150, (84.00%) Padmashree Institute of Nursing, Bangalore.
13 28. Highest marks in Smt.Lalitha, B B Mahesh and Dr. B T No.UA/Auth/ Student of RGUHS who scores highest marks Community Health B B Ganashri Basavanthappa Gold Gold Medal / in Community Health Nursing in M. Sc. Nursing in M. Sc Medal 187/2007-08, Nursing Examination, passing out in First Nursing dated attempt and completing the course in 23/01/2009 minimum possible duration
Gold Medal
Raina Anisita Dsouza Reg. No.10NC171, May – 2012, Marks obtained 557/650, (85.69%), Smt. Narayani D R Karigowda College of Nursing, Hassan 29. Highest marks in Mrs. Uma Murthy, Prof. Dr. M.S. No. A MBBS lady student of the University Anatomy of Mr. Ravi Malur & Parthasarathy Gold UA/auth/Gol passing out in first attempt & completing the M.B.B.S Course Mr. Balaji Malur, # 762, Medal d course in min. possible duration & securing (lady student) Barron Avenue, Palo Alto, Medal/239/2 highest marks in the subject of Anatomy. CA 94306, USA 008-09 dated 05/04/2008 Gold Medal
Dr. Akhila M.V Reg. No.07M0005, July/August – 2008, Marks obtained 335/400, (83.75%), Bangalore Medical College and Research Center, Bangalore. 30. Highest marks in Dr. M.V. Jayaraman Dr. (Mrs.) S. UA/Misc- A Lady Student of the University passing out M.B.B.S Course for Charitable Trust, 125, Kantha, First Vice- 17/2000-01 in first attempt & completing the course in a lady student Armstrong Road, Chancellor, dated min. possible duration & securing highest B, lore –1. RGUHS, B, lore. 27.02.2001. marks in MBBS Course.
Gold Medal
Dr. Yashasvi Suvarna , Reg. No.07M4500, December -2011, Marks obtained 3880/5050, (76.83%), Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore
14 31 Highest marks in Dr. B.M. Jayaram, Suma Jayaram UA/Misc- A MBBS Lady Student of the University final M.B.B.S in Koramangala, B, lore. Memorial Gold 43/2003-04 completing the course in min. possible Medicine for a Medal dated duration & securing highest marks in Lady Student 16.09.2004 Medicine in final MBBS.
Gold Medal
Dr. Vidya K Reg.No.07M1294, December - 2011, marks obtained 405/500, (81.00%) Sri. Siddhartha Medical College, Tumkur. 32. Highest marks in Dr. K.S. Nagesh, Principal, Dr. B.K. UA/Misc- A BDS student of the University passing out B.D.S in the RVDC, J.P. Nagar, Bangalore Venkataraman, 50/2000-01 in first attempt & completing the course in subject of Oral – 78 & Dr. C.V. Mohan, Former Principal, dated min. possible duration & securing highest Medicine & Dental Care & Research GDC, B, lore. 04.01.2001 marks in BDS in the subject of Oral Medicine Radiology Centre, 85, Vaibhav & Radiology. Apartments, Gandhi Apartments, Gandhi Bazar, Gold B, lore – 560 004. Medal
Dr. Ayshath Rasmiya R.H, Reg. No. 07D2213, June -2011, Marks obtained 199/250, (79.60%), Yenepoya Dental College, Mangalore 33. Highest marks in The President, Karnataka The Karnataka State UA/Misc- A BDS student of the University passing out Medical subjects of State Medical & Dental Medical & Dental 90/2000-01 in first attempt & completing the course in I, II & III B.D.S Alumni Association of Alumni Association dated min. possible duration & securing highest Course. America, 19533, Kilfinan of America Gold 22.05.2001. marks in Medical subjects of I, II & III BDS Street, Northridge CA 91326. Medal. Course.
Gold Medal.
Dr. Pooja Ramnani, Reg. No.07D0036, June - 2011, Marks obtained 1169/1500, (77.93%), Bangalore Institute of Dental Sciences, Bangalore.
15 34. Highest marks in The Associate Director, Colgate IDA UA/Misc- A BDS student of the University passing out Periodontics in Marketing Colgate Palmolive 104/2001-02 in final year in first attempt & completing the B.D.S India Ltd., Colgate Research dated course in min. possible duration & securing Centre, Main Street, Bombay. 11.09.2002 highest marks in Periodontics.
Gold Medal
Dr. Tailor Neha Harshadkumar Reg. No.07D6882 June- 2011, marks obtained 199/250, (79.60%) AECS Maruthi Dental College Bangalore. 35. Highest marks in The Associate Director, Colgate IDA UA/Misc- A BDS student of the University passing out Community Marketing Colgate Palmolive 104/2001-02 in final year in first attempt & completing the Dentistry in B.D.S India Ltd., Colgate Research dated course in min. possible duration & securing Centre, Main Street, Bombay. 11.09.2002 highest marks in Community Dentistry.
Gold Medal
Dr. Surbhi Chowdhary, Reg. No.07D0275 June-2010, marks obtained 207/250, (82.80%) Bapuji Dental College and Hospital, Davangere. 36. Highest marks in The Registrar, Karnataka Karnataka State UA/Misc – A BDS student of the University completing Oral & State Dental Council, B, lore. Dental Council 31/2003-04 the Course in min. possible duration & Maxillofacial dated securing highest marks in Oral & Surgery in B.D.S 10.09.2003 Maxillofacial Surgery in BDS Course.
Gold Medal
Dr.Vankawala Harsh Dineshchandra, Reg.No.07D3095 June- 2011, marks obtained 200/250, (80.00%), A.B Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences Mangalore.
16 37 Highest marks in The Registrar, Karnataka Karnataka State UA/Misc – A BDS student of the University completing Oral Pathology in State Dental Council, B, lore. Dental Council 31/2003-04 the course in min. possible duration & B.D.S dated securing highest marks in Oral Pathology in 10.09.2003 BDS Course.
Gold Medal
Dr. Lavanya Pragada , Reg. No.07D1819, June- 2010, marks obtained 206/250, (82.40%), D.A Pandu R.V Dental College, Bangalore. 38. Highest marks in 1st Dr. D.R. Prithviraj & Dr. Late Dr. B. No. A 1st BDS student of the University passing B.D.S in the Jagadeesh Hallikeri, Goverdhan Hegde UA/Misc- out in first attempt & completing the course in subject of Dental Bangalore. 43 / min. possible duration & securing highest Materials GM/2004-05 marks in Dental Materials. dated 12.04.2005 Gold Medal
Dr. M Deepthi Reg. No.07D4620, July/August - 2008, marks obtained 196/250, (78.40%), Government Dental College, Bangalore. 39. Highest marks in Mrs. Jayamangala Shashank Dr. Sunder Rao UA/Misc – A BHMS student of this University passing final year B.H.M.S & Smt. Susheela Sunder Rao, Gold Medal 60/GM/2004 out in first attempt & completing the course in Course in the Bangalore. -05 dated possible duration & securing highest marks in subject of Materia 27.04.2005 final year BHMS Course in the subject of Medica Materia Medica
Gold Medal
Dr. Chaitra S, Reg. No.07H0012, December - 2011, marks obtained 287/400, (71.75%), Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Bangalore
40. Highest marks in Sitaram Jindal Foundation Sitaram Jindal AUTH/Gold A BNYS student of the University passing in Gold final year B.N.Y.S Jindal Nagar, Tumkur Road, Foundation Medial – first attempt and completing the course in Medal 17 Bangalore - 560073 70/2010-11, minimum possible duration and securing 21/02/2011 highest marks in BNYS course shall be eligible for the award of the endowment.
Dr. Malini P Joseph Reg. No.07Y0215, June - 2011, marks obtained 827/1100, (75.18%), Sri .D.M College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences, Ujire. 41. Highest total The Director, Padmashree Dr. Chikkananjappa UA/Misc / A BPT student of the University completing average marks of all College of Physiotherapy, GM / 86 / the course in min. possible duration & subjects of 1st to 4th Jnanana Bharathi Main Road, 2003 –04 securing highest total average marks in all year B.P.T Course. Bangalore – dated subjects of 1st to 4th year of study in BPT 560 072. 09.01.2004 Course.
Gold Medal
Mr. Binaya Kandel Reg. No.07T0507, August – 2011, Marks obtained 2319/2800, (82.82%) Padmashree Institute of Physiotherapy, Bangalore 42. Highest marks in Alumni Graduates Dr. F.V. Manvi, UA/Misc- A B. Pharm student of the University Final B. Pharm Association, KLES College Belgaum. 25/2003-04 completing the course in min. possible of Pharmacy, Belgaum – 590 dated duration & securing highest marks in final B. 010. 19.09.2003 Pharm.
Gold Medal
Preeti Kumari Reg.No.08P1921 August- 2012, marks obtained 1039/1200, (86.58%) Sree Siddaganga College of Pharmacy, Tumkur.
18 43. Highest marks in Dr. B T Basavanthappa, Sri Thukkappa Gold No.UA/Auth/ Student of RGUHS who scores highest marks Community Health Professor, Principal (Retired), Medal Gold Medal / in community health Nursing in B. Sc Nursing in B.Sc. Govt. College of Nursing, 187/2007-08, (Nursing) examination, passing out in First (Nursing) Bangalore dated attempt and Completing the course in examination 23/01/2009 minimum possible duration
Shilu Regmi Reg. No.08X0029, August - 2012, marks obtained 250/300 (83.33%), P.R. College of Gold Nursing, Bangalore. Medal
Jinu Baby Reg. No.08X1916, August - 2012, marks obtained 250/300 (83.33%), Sea College of Nursing, Bangalore.