Attention All Bidders s4
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RETURN BY 5:00 P.M. ON JANUARY 3, 2007
PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL For questions concerning this Bid Contact: Darryl Tavel, Principal Buyer Phone: (205) 521-7530 Email: [email protected]
No faxed or email responses will be accepted JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530
Sealed bids marked "MISCELLANEOUS HOUSING REHABILITATION" will be received by the Purchasing Manager, Room 830 * 716 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N, Birmingham, Alabama.
Bids will be accepted until 5:00 P.M. central time (standard or daylight savings time, as applicable) on January 3, 2007. Bids submitted after this date and time will not be considered .
Bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 P.M. on January 4, 2007.
CONTACTS FOR THESE PROJECTS Robert Newbill, Community Development @ (205)325-5761 Darryl Tavel, Purchasing Department @ (205)521-7530
SCOPE OF CONTRACT Various housing rehabilitation work throughout Jefferson County as listed in the specifications, for each location.
SPECIFICATIONS Please see the attached specifications and pricing section for each project. Bidder may elect to submit bids for one or all projects.
Use of specific names and numbers is not intended to restrict the bidding of any seller and/or manufacturer, but is solely for the purpose of indicating the type, size and quality of materials, products, service, or equipment considered best adapted to the County's intended use.
Proprietary specifications may be waived for functional equivalents offered. Functional equivalents are subject to the approval of the Community Development Department.
PERMITS, CODES & REGULATIONS All equipment, construction, and installation will comply with City, County, State and Federal codes and Regulations. Successful bidder will obtain and pay for all permits necessary, notify proper authorities for inspections and furnish any certificates required for the work. Continued On Sheet 3
DELIVERY Delivery will be to various locations in Jefferson County as per specifications attached.
Failure to deliver as specified and in accordance with the bid submitted, including promised delivery will constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the order at the option of the County Commission.
PRICES Include all labor, materials and equipment to complete projects as specified.
TAX Jefferson County is exempt from all tax. Provided however, bidder shall be responsible for payment of all sales, use, lease ad valorem and any other tax that may be levied or assessed by reason of this transaction.
GUARANTEE Bidder certifies by bidding that he is fully aware of the conditions of service and purpose for which equipment, material, installation, and/or construction included in this bid are to be purchased, and that his offering will meet these requirements of service and purpose to the satisfaction of the Jefferson County Commission and its agent.
EXAMINATION OF SITE All bidders are expected to visit the site of the work to ascertain existing conditions. Failure to do so will in no way relieve the successful bidder from the necessity of furnishing all materials and equipment, and performing all work required for completion of the contract.
Continued On Sheet 4
INSTALLATION/QUALITY ASSURANCE Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen, under proper supervision, who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work in these specifications.
CLEANING AND SAFETY Throughout the construction period, maintain the buildings and site in a standard of cleanliness as described throughout this document. At no time shall construction interfere with daily work within the building or cause a safety or code violation around public and private entrances. All precautions possible shall be taken to promote the safety of the public and employees. The successful bidder must have verifiable, active, safety policies.
Contractor is responsible for all damage to existing County or public property, including but not limited to the building, grounds, and equipment, caused by him, his employees, or sub- contractors, and will replace and make good such damage. Contractor will maintain adequate protection to prevent damage to his work and property of others, and take all necessary precautions for the safety of his employees and others. The contractor will comply with all safety laws and regulations in effect in the locality.
PROGRESS CLEANING: Retain all stored items in an orderly arrangement allowing maximum access, not impeding traffic and providing the required protection of materials.
Do not allow the accumulation of scrap, debris, waste material, and other items not required for construction.
As necessary, completely remove all scrap, debris and waste material from job site.
Continued On Sheet 5
Provide adequate storage for all items awaiting removal from the job site, observing all requirements for fire protection and protection of the ecology.
All areas must be cleaned of dust and debris after each day's work.
GENERAL Jefferson County expressly reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or parts of bids, and to make the award on merit and/or features of design and quality, delivery, and availability of parts and service as the best interest of the County appears.
Attach a letter stating differences between County specifications and specifications of item(s) offered. Darryl Tavel Principal Buyer
Continued On Sheet 6
PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL DECEMBER 20, 2006 BID NO: 072-07 SHEET NO: 6 INVITATION TO BID The Jefferson County Commission, or its Agent, shall have the right to waive any informality or irregularity. Under certain limited conditions, the Purchasing Department may apply a local preference option in determining the low bid for purchases of personal property.
All provisions of this Invitation are accepted by bidder as part of any contract or purchase resulting there from.
Please specify terms of payment below; otherwise, the terms will be 2% 10th Proxy.
Date:______Company Name:______Web Address:______
If Jefferson County Business Licenses were issued to your company for the past twelve (12) months, please list numbers:______.
Vendor's Federal I.D. Number:______
I certify that ______has ___ has not ___ been in operation for one year at (Company Name) (Check one) location(s) zoned for the type of business conducted by my company at the address stated above.
______(Authorized Signature)
______(Print Name)
______(E-Mail Address)
Toll Free Phone:______Fax Number:______
Return original bid in sealed envelope. Authorized signature of bidder must be in ink.
Bids received in our office after the specified date and hour will not be considered.
INVITATION TO BID INSURANCE The successful bidder will maintain such insurance as will protect him and the County from claim under Workmen's Compensation Acts, and from claims for damage and/or personal injury, including death, which may arise from operations under this contract. Insurance will be written by companies authorized to do business in Jefferson County, Alabama and shall include Jefferson County, Alabama as Added Additional Insured including a thirty (30) day(s) written cancellation notice. Evidence of insurance will be furnished to the Purchasing agent not later than seven (7) day(s) after Purchase Order/contract date.
Insurance Minimum Coverage Contracting party shall file the following insurance coverage and limits of liability with the County's Risk Management Office and Purchasing Department before beginning work with the County.
General Liability $1,000,000 - Bodily injury and property damage combined occurrence $1,000,000 - Bodily injury and property damage combined aggregate $1,000,000 - Personal injury aggregate Comprehensive Form including Premises/Operation, Products/Completed Operations, Contractual, Independent contractors, Broad Form property damage and personal injury.
Automobile Liability $1,000,000 - Bodily injury and property damage combined coverage Any automobile including hired and non-owned vehicles
Workers Compensation and Employers Liability $100,000 - Limit each occurrence
Umbrella Coverage $1,000,000 - Each occurrence $1,000,000 - Aggregate
Added Additional Insured Jefferson County, Alabama 30 day(s) written cancellation notice
Property Owner: Robert Baker 408 Bo Jackson Avenue Bessemer, AL 35020 Phone: 425-7833, or 901-4181 Case No: 85 BID# 072-07
Bids will be on a lump sum basis, and on the Work Write-up Form attached, with all line items completed, and delivered to this office in a sealed envelope. Include the applicant name, case number and the words "BID, DO NOT OPEN" on the envelope. BID DOCUMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN ALTERED OR CHANGED WITH "WHITE- OUT" WILL BE REJECTED. The Work Write-up is the entire Scope of Work to be covered by the Program. Any overage, extra work or revisions to the scope of this Work Write-up will be between the Owner and the Contractor. Examples of the complete contract documents are available on request. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the receipt of bids.
NOTE: Contractors and Sub-Contractors selected cannot be on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s List of Debarred Contractors. Contractors must provide Jefferson County with a copy of their insurance certificate before, or as part of, bid submittal. Contractors and Subcontractors must be licensed and have a minimum of $100,000.00 in liability insurance available for the Work referred to above and have a $25,000.00 Master Performance Bond certified to Jefferson County for performance for the rehabilitation projects facilitated by Jefferson County under the Housing Program referred to herein. The insurance company and bonding company must provide Jefferson County with a copy of the insurance certificates and performance bond before, or as a part of the bid submittal. Any Contractor that has been disqualified under the General and Special Conditions of the Contract, or any County policy, shall not bid and any bid shall be rejected and disqualified by the said County.
Property Owner: Robert Baker Address: 408 Bo Jackson Avenue City and State: Bessemer, AL 35020 Phone: 425-7833, or 901-4181 Case No: 85
The undersigned Contractor, ______, bids the following Work; (Print name)
It shall be incumbent upon the Contractor to visit the site and determine existing conditions and what will be required to accomplish the scope of work intended by the bid and Contract Documents. All work shall comply with the intended scope of work and Contract Documents, giving precedence to all applicable Codes, tables, laws, regulations, and ordinances, wherever applicable, including Lead Reduction Safe Work Practices. In the event of conflict or ambiguity, the most stringent of all the aforementioned shall govern. Correct all collateral damage that is caused by the following work specification to a finish quality. EACH WORK ITEM INCLUDES OVERHEAD & PROFIT.
Electrical $______Perform all electrical work per the local code and pay for all permits and fees. __ Install a new 200-amp service. This includes the entrance head, mast, and breaker-box with breakers. All are to be new, unused material. Breaker box is to be located inside at an accessible location and properly labeled. __ Completely rewire this house pulling new wire for each circuit including appliances. Remove all old and dead wiring. __ Each room (not including bathroom and hall) is to have a minimum of 4 receptacles – one per wall. On walls where one receptacle is not sufficient and the owner would have to use an extension cord to operate an appliance or fixture a second receptacle will have to be installed. Coordinate with the homeowner to ensure a sufficient number of receptacles are in place. __ Replace all switches, receptacles, and plates with new ones. All switches must be located at the doorway to the room they activate. Exterior light switches shall be located at entrance doors. Bedroom and living room is to have 3 way switches. __ Hallway and bathroom is to have a surface mount, wall switch activated light. Surface mount lights are to be a minimum of 14”, 2 bulb dome flush mount fixtures. Install vent fan, switched separately from the light, for bathroom to specifications. Bedroom and living room ceiling fans are to remain. Replace the kitchen ceiling fan with new 3 light fan fixture. __ Install new exterior porch lights at each entrance doorway. Install a light at the crawl space. __ Each fixture is to be complete with working light bulb(s). Incandescent lights are to be 60 watt long life (3000 hour minimum) bulbs. __ All connections are to be in electrical boxes. All exposed wires shall be in conduit. __ Install GFIs in kitchen, bathroom, each entrance, and at the crawl space. __ Install a hard-wired smoke detector and CO detector in a central location, and doorbell. __ Repair all collateral damage caused by this modification to a finish quality.
Bathroom Modification $______Remove the floor covering in the bathroom and replace any rotten or weak decking or framing. Install underlayment and prepare surface for vinyl per manufacturer’s specifications. Install a good quality mid-grade vinyl floor to manufacturer’s specifications. __ Remove the tub, tub surround, window, and replace/repair any rotten wood. Reinforce the walls for grab bars. Reframe as needed to install a 5’ shower unit. __ Install a 5’ shower unit complete with fold down seat, good quality lever style fixture, grab bars to ANSI specs, handheld shower massage with stainless steel line and slide bar, wall mounted shower rod, and good quality weighted antimicrobial shower curtain. __ Install a handicap toilet with an oversize flush system, good quality seat, wall mounted grab bar beside the toilet and behind the toilet, and a toilet paper dispenser. __ Install a new hardwood vanity or finished plywood with stock top and lever style faucet. __ Prepare the remaining walls and install new wall board throughout the bathroom complete with all trim to manufacturer’s specifications. __ Install new siding and paint to match existing where window has been removed. __ When complete the bathroom is to be ready for use as intended. __ Install new cutoffs, supplies and drains. All cutoffs and supplies to be chrome plated brass.
Miscellaneous $______Remove the loose courses of brick on the chimney in the center of the house and permanently cap it with custom fit fabricated metal suitable for a cap and permanently fastened in place. __ Remove the improvised piers and bracing under the house that is giving temporary support to the floor system. __ Install new piers and framing as required to make these floors stable and rigid. Replace any rotten wood as necessary. Piers are to be masonry, permanent, and on footings to code. The floors are to be as level as possible. Permits and inspections required. __ Install a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.
Property Owner understands and agrees to the above Work Write-Up.
______Property Owner Date BID – INCLUDES OVERHEAD & PROFIT OF ______% $______
TOTAL PRICE $ ______
Contractor is to furnish all labor, material, equipment, permits and inspections by the applicable Inspection Services, to complete all itemized Work in a workmanlike manner and shall comply with all local, state, and federal codes and standards. This includes, but is not limited to, all Building, Electrical, Gas, Plumbing, Mechanical, International Building & Residential Codes, CABO, ANSI A117 revised, and the FHA Minimum Property Standards. Contractor will remove from the site all debris caused by this work daily and keep the site clean, safe, and livable. All Work will be guaranteed one (1) year from date of final acceptance.
Executed on this the ______day of ______, 20____.
Signature and Title______
Contractor (print) ______
Address, City, State, Zip ______Phone______Phone number(s), pagers, e-mail, and any other sources of contact.
Contractor's ID/SS Number______
Property Owner Cherry Washington 4121 Letson St Brighton, AL 35020 426-5831 Case # 141
Bids will be on a lump sum basis, and on the Work Write-up Form attached, with all line items completed, and delivered to this office in a sealed envelope. Include the applicant name, case number and the words "BID, DO NOT OPEN" on the envelope. BID DOCUMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN ALTERED OR CHANGED WITH "WHITE- OUT" WILL BE REJECTED. The Work Write-up is the entire Scope of Work to be covered by the Program. Any overage, extra work or revisions to the scope of this Work Write-up will be between the Owner and the Contractor. Examples of the complete contract documents are available on request. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the receipt of bids.
NOTE: Contractors and Sub-Contractors selected cannot be on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s List of Debarred Contractors. Contractors must provide Jefferson County with a copy of their insurance certificate before, or as part of, bid submittal. Contractors and Subcontractors must be licensed and have a minimum of $100,000.00 in liability insurance available for the Work referred to above and have a $25,000.00 Master Performance Bond certified to Jefferson County for performance for the rehabilitation projects facilitated by Jefferson County under the Housing Program referred to herein. The insurance company and bonding company must provide Jefferson County with a copy of the insurance certificates and performance bond before, or as a part of the bid submittal. Any Contractor that has been disqualified under the General and Special Conditions of the Contract, or any County policy, shall not bid and any bid shall be rejected and disqualified by the said County.
Property Owner: Cherry Washington Address: 4121 Letson Street City and State: Brighton, AL 35020 Phone: 426-5831 Case No: # 141
The undersigned Contractor, ______, (print name) bids the following Work;
It shall be incumbent upon the Contractor to visit the site and determine existing conditions and what will be required to accomplish the scope of work intended by the bid and Contract Documents. All work shall comply with the intended scope of work and Contract Documents, giving precedence to all applicable Codes, tables, laws, regulations, and ordinances, wherever applicable, including Lead Reduction Safe Work Practices. In the event of conflict or ambiguity, the most stringent of all the aforementioned shall govern. Correct all collateral damage that is caused by the following work specification to a finish quality.
Electrical Repair $______Existing interior service panel may be reused. Make any modifications to ensure panel is adequate size and meets applicable codes. __ Re-label Service panel door. __ All work must meet local code. Pay for all permits and fees. __ Check all existing wiring, replace and repair as needed, tighten connections and fixtures that are loose and replace those that are faulty. __ If aluminum wiring has been used, check all connections and correct them as necessary. __ All connections are to be in electrical boxes. All exposed wires shall be in conduit or wire molding. __ Each room (not including bathroom) is to have minimum of 4 receptacles. __ Replace all switches, receptacles, and plates with new ones. All switches must be located at the doorway to the room they activate. __ All surface mounted lights are to wall switch activated and have globes or shades. All fixtures are to have working bulbs. __ Replace any fixtures that are found to be defective. This does not include ceiling fans or chandelier. __ Install GFI’s in kitchen and bathroom. __ Install a hard-wired smoke and carbon monoxide detector in a central location. __ Install smoke detectors in bedrooms. __ Repair all collateral damage caused by this modification to a finish quality.
Bathroom and Plumbing Modification $______
__ Contractor is to perform all plumbing work per local code, pay for all permits and impact fees. Repair all leaks in supply lines, distribution lines, fixtures and drains. All distribution and supply materials used shall be PEX or nonferrous metals and insulated properly – no plastics accepted. Plastic drain lines are acceptable when they comply with code. __ Connect all drains to sewer system and clear all stoppages. Sewerage system is to work as intended. __ Remove tub/shower unit, toilet and vanity. __ Remove vinyl flooring. __ Replace rotted or damaged flooring, subflooring or framing. This is to include rotted framing. __ Call prior to closing floor and wall for an inspection of framing. __ Cover floor with an appropriate underlayment and adhesive per manufacturers specifications. __ Install new mid-grade sheet vinyl goods over bathroom floor. No torn or patched vinyl will be accepted. Owners choice of pattern and color. __ Install and finish new shoe mold around bathroom. __ At tub surround all rotted or deteriorated framing is to be replaced. Install MR gypsum board to good quality finish at tub surround. __ Install a porcelain on steel low profile bathtub with slip resistant bottom. __ Install a semi-rigid fiberglass composite tub surround to manufacture’s specifications complete with all trim and silicone caulk for a water tight finish. __ Install a chrome plated brass, lever-style anti-scald shower valve and tub filler. __ Install a wall mounted shower rod and shower curtain. __ Reinstall the toilet or if damaged, install a new good quality toilet with seat. __ Install a new cutoff and supply line. __ Install a new 24” hardwood faced vanity with stock top and lever style controls. __ Install new cutoffs, supplies and drain. __ Install a mirror front medicine cabinet above the vanity. __ Install a good quality mid-range towel rack or bar, soap dish and toilet paper dispenser. Owner’s choice of style and color. __ Install a wall switch activated vapor proof ceiling mounted light and vent fan exhausted outside bathroom. __ Install a double light switch, fan shall be operated independently from lights. __ Prime and paint (2 coats) walls to a finish quality above tub surround to match existing. __ Provide a good quality lever style privacy lockset for bath door. Ensure door closes and latches properly. __ Repair any collateral damage caused by this modification.
Property Owner understands and agrees to the above Work Write-Up. ______Property Owner Date
BID CONTINGENCY $__2,500.00______
Contractor is to furnish all labor, material, equipment, permits and inspections by the applicable Inspection Services, to complete all itemized Work in a workmanlike manner and shall comply with all local, state, and federal codes and standards. This includes, but is not limited to, all Building, Electrical, Gas, Plumbing, Mechanical, Southern Building Codes, CABO, ANSI A117 revised, and the FHA Minimum Property Standards. Contractor will remove from the site all debris caused by this work. All Work will be guaranteed one (1) year from date of final acceptance.
Executed on this the ______day of ______, 2006.
______Signature and Title
______Contractor (print)
______Address (print)
______City (print) Zip
______Contractor's ID/SS Number
Property Owner: Verta Danzy 504 Xavier Street Birmingham, AL 35224 Phone: 785-6170 or 326-6244 Case No: 153
BID# 072-07
Bids will be on a lump sum basis, and on the Work Write-up Form attached, with all line items completed, and delivered to this office in a sealed envelope. Line items may be deleted or awarded to other contractors. Include the applicant name, case number and the words "BID, DO NOT OPEN" on the envelope. BID DOCUMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN ALTERED OR CHANGED WITH "WHITE-OUT" WILL BE REJECTED. The Work Write-up is the entire Scope of Work to be covered by the Program. Any overage, extra work or revisions to the scope of this Work Write-up will be between the Owner and the Contractor. Examples of the complete contract documents are available on request. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days after the receipt of bids.
NOTE: Contractors and Sub-Contractors selected cannot be on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s List of Debarred Contractors. Contractors must provide Jefferson County with a copy of their insurance certificate before, or as part of, bid submittal. Contractors and Subcontractors must be licensed and have a minimum of $100,000.00 in liability insurance available for the Work referred to above and have a $25,000.00 Master Performance Bond certified to Jefferson County for performance for the rehabilitation projects facilitated by Jefferson County under the Housing Program referred to herein. The insurance company and bonding company must provide Jefferson County with a copy of the insurance certificates and performance bond before, or as a part of the bid submittal. Any Contractor that has been disqualified under the General and Special Conditions of the Contract, or any County policy, shall not bid and any bid shall be rejected and disqualified by the said County.
Property Owner: Verta Danzy Address: 504 Xavier Street City and State: Birmingham, AL 35224 Phone: 785-6170 or 326-6276 Case No: 153
The undersigned Contractor, ______, bids the following Work; (Print name) It shall be incumbent upon the Contractor to visit the site and determine existing conditions and what will be required to accomplish the scope of work intended by the bid and Contract Documents. All work shall comply with the intended scope of work and Contract Documents, giving precedence to all applicable Codes, tables, laws, regulations, and ordinances, wherever applicable, including Lead Reduction Safe Work Practices. In the event of conflict or ambiguity, the most stringent of all the aforementioned shall govern. Correct all collateral damage that is caused by the following work specification to a finish quality. EACH WORK ITEM INCLUDES OVERHEAD & PROFIT.
Roof Repairs $______All work shall meet or exceed the requirements of the ICC © for roof framing, materials, application, installation, etc. Permits and inspections are required. Owner’s choice of colors for all materials. __ Remove all existing roofing materials down to the bare decking. Replace all rotten, broken, damaged, weak, or substandard decking, framing, barge rafters, fascia, soffit, etc. The finished roofs will be stiff, level (this does not include the transition at the rear addition), and uniform. There is presently some rotten decking exposed between the rafter tails and possibly in other locations upon closer inspection. The contractor must call the County Specialist for this case to view the decking before it is re-covered. __Tear down the existing chimney below roof level and close it. Frame and deck this area to match roof level. Close the vent hole inside the bedroom with masonry material and paint to match surrounding area. __ Install new flashing, drip rail, new boots for all vents, and two 12” internally braced turbine vents, all to compliment roof color. Install white drip rail around the perimeter of the roofs. __ Haul away all debris daily. Use a magnetic sweep around the perimeter of the house and rake away any other debris daily. __ Cover with 30-LB asphalt impregnated felt to manufacturer’s specifications. __ Reroof with a 25 year, Class A fiberglass asphalt shingle to manufacturer’s specifications. __ Prime and paint all exterior repaired or new wood to match existing per paint specs. __ Use a stain blocker to cover water damaged areas (spots in kitchen, bedroom, etc.) for the interior ceiling inside the house. Apply ceiling texture to match existing and finish. __ Apply an additional 6” of blown-in attic insulation uniformly for this house.
Miscellaneous $______Note: The windows in this house are aluminum and condensation has promoted the growth of mold. The kitchen is the worst area but each window is to be addressed. __ At each window clean each unit, the sill/stool and surrounding area and trim. Repair as needed and prepare all for prime and paint. Prime with good quality mildew resistant primmer. Paint with Behr Kitchen and Bath. Use mildew resistant additive in primmer. Owner’s choice of color. Submit invoices for materials at the end of the job. __ Install good quality, aluminum single-track storm windows complete with locks, screens, weather stripping, and caulk for a good weatherized seal for each window. Owner’s choice of color. __ Install a CO/smoke detector in a central location. __ Install a fire extinguisher in the kitchen area.
______Property Owner Date
Contractor is to furnish all labor, material, equipment, permits and inspections by the applicable Inspection Services, to complete all itemized Work in a workmanlike manner and shall comply with all local, state, and federal codes and standards. This includes, but is not limited to, all Building, Electrical, Gas, Plumbing, Mechanical, International Building & Residential Codes, CABO, ANSI A117 revised, and the FHA Minimum Property Standards. Contractor will remove from the site all debris caused by this work daily and keep the site clean, safe, and livable. All Work will be guaranteed one (1) year from date of final acceptance.
Executed on this the ______day of ______, 2006.
______Signature and Title Contractor (print)
______Address (print) City (print) Zip
______Phone number(s), pagers, e-mail, and any other numbers or type of contact.
______Contractor's ID/SS Number
Property Owner Donnell Smith 108 58th Street Fairfield, AL 35064 785-4638 Case # 140
Bids will be on a lump sum basis, and on the Work Write-up Form attached, with all line items completed, and delivered to this office in a sealed envelope. Include the applicant name, case number and the words "BID, DO NOT OPEN" on the envelope. BID DOCUMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN ALTERED OR CHANGED WITH "WHITE- OUT" WILL BE REJECTED. The Work Write-up is the entire Scope of Work to be covered by the Program. Any overage, extra work or revisions to the scope of this Work Write-up will be between the Owner and the Contractor. Examples of the complete contract documents are available on request. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the receipt of bids.
NOTE: Contractors and Sub-Contractors selected cannot be on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s List of Debarred Contractors. Contractors must provide Jefferson County with a copy of their insurance certificate before, or as part of, bid submittal. Contractors and Subcontractors must be licensed and have a minimum of $100,000.00 in liability insurance available for the Work referred to above and have a $25,000.00 Master Performance Bond certified to Jefferson County for performance for the rehabilitation projects facilitated by Jefferson County under the Housing Program referred to herein. The insurance company and bonding company must provide Jefferson County with a copy of the insurance certificates and performance bond before, or as a part of the bid submittal. Any Contractor that has been disqualified under the General and Special Conditions of the Contract, or any County policy, shall not bid and any bid shall be rejected and disqualified by the said County.
Property Owner: Donnell Smith Address: 108 58th Street City and State: Fairfield, AL 35064 Phone: 785-4638 Case No: # 140
The undersigned Contractor, ______, (print name) bids the following Work;
It shall be incumbent upon the Contractor to visit the site and determine existing conditions and what will be required to accomplish the scope of work intended by the bid and Contract Documents. All work shall comply with the intended scope of work and Contract Documents, giving precedence to all applicable Codes, tables, laws, regulations, and ordinances, wherever applicable, including Lead Reduction Safe Work Practices. In the event of conflict or ambiguity, the most stringent of all the aforementioned shall govern. Correct all collateral damage that is caused by the following work specification to a finish quality.
Electrical Repair $______Existing interior service panel may be reused. Make any modifications to ensure panel is adequate size and meets applicable codes. __ Re-label Service panel door. __ Remove all dead electrical wires from crawl space. __ All work must meet local code. Pay for all permits and fees. __ Check all existing wiring, replace and repair as needed, tighten connections and fixtures that are loose and replace those that are faulty. __ If aluminum wiring has been used, check all connections and correct them as necessary. __ All connections are to be in electrical boxes. All exposed wires shall be in conduit or wire molding. __ Each room (not including bathrooms and hall) is to have minimum of 4 receptacles. __ Replace all switches, receptacles, and plates with new ones. All switches must be located at the doorway to the room they activate. __ All surface mounted lights are to wall switch activated and have globes or shades. All fixtures are to have working bulbs. __ Replace any fixtures that are found to be defective. This does not include ceiling fans or chandelier. __ Check GFI’s in kitchen and bathrooms for proper operation. __ Install a hard-wired smoke and carbon monoxide detector in a central location. __ Install smoke detectors in bedrooms. __ Repair all collateral damage caused by this modification to a finish quality.
Bathroom and Plumbing Modification $______ALL WORK IS TO BE DONE TO ANSI SPECIFICATIONS
__ Contractor is to perform all plumbing work per local code, pay for all permits and impact fees. Repair all leaks in supply lines, distribution lines, fixtures and drains. All distribution and supply materials used shall be PEX or nonferrous metals and insulated properly – no plastics accepted. Plastic drain lines are acceptable when they comply with code. __ Connect all drains to sewer system and clear all stoppages. Sewerage system is to work as intended. __ Remove tub and toilet. __ Remove vinyl flooring. __ Replace rotted or damaged underlayment, subflooring, etc. __ Cover floor with an appropriate underlayment and adhesive per manufacturer’s specifications. __ Install new mid-grade sheet vinyl goods over bathroom floor. No torn or patched vinyl will be accepted. Owners choice of pattern and color. __ Install and finish new base. __ Remove tub surround and drywall. All rotted or deteriorated framing is to be replaced. Reinforce wall for grab bar installation. Install MR gypsum board to good quality finish at tub surround. __ Install a porcelain on steel low profile bathtub with slip resistant bottom. __ Install a semi-rigid fiberglass composite tub surround to manufacture’s specifications complete with all trim and silicone caulk for a water tight finish. Cut out surround for bath window. __ The new surround shall not have any molded features that will interfere with the proper placement of the grab bars. __ Install 4 grab bars (2 for length and 1 at each end). __ Install a chrome plated brass, lever-style anti-scald shower valve and tub filler. Install ADA approved ALSON 62001 slide bar shower message unit. __ Install a wall mounted shower rod and shower curtain. __ Install a new good quality Handicap toilet with seat. __ Install a new cutoff and supply line. __ Install a good quality mid-range towel rack or bar, soap dish and toilet paper dispenser. Owner’s choice of style and color. __ Install a wall switch activated vapor proof ceiling mounted light in bathroom. __ Prime and paint (2 coats) walls to a finish quality above tub surround to match existing. __ Repair any collateral damage caused by this modification. __ Replace all of the water supply lines throughout the house (This repair will begin where the water line enters the foundation of the house). __ Replace the regulator. __ Replace the drain lines throughout the house. __ Ensure the vent stack is of adequate size and free of any obstructions. __ Upon completion of this repair the house shall have new supply lines and drain lines and all aspects of the plumbing shall be leak free and operating properly. Property Owner understands and agrees to the above Work Write-Up.
______Property Owner Date
BID CONTINGENCY $__2,500.00______
Contractor is to furnish all labor, material, equipment, permits and inspections by the applicable Inspection Services, to complete all itemized Work in a workmanlike manner and shall comply with all local, state, and federal codes and standards. This includes, but is not limited to, all Building, Electrical, Gas, Plumbing, Mechanical, Southern Building Codes, CABO, ANSI A117 revised, and the FHA Minimum Property Standards. Contractor will remove from the site all debris caused by this work. All Work will be guaranteed one (1) year from date of final acceptance.
Executed on this the ______day of ______, 2006.
______Signature and Title
______Contractor (print)
______Address (print)
______City (print) Zip
Property Owner Bernice Patterson 304 12th Ave SE Graysville, AL 35073 674-4084 Case # 138
Bids will be on a lump sum basis, and on the Work Write-up Form attached, with all line items completed, and delivered to this office in a sealed envelope. Include the applicant name, case number and the words "BID, DO NOT OPEN" on the envelope. BID DOCUMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN ALTERED OR CHANGED WITH "WHITE- OUT" WILL BE REJECTED. The Work Write-up is the entire Scope of Work to be covered by the Program. Any overage, extra work or revisions to the scope of this Work Write-up will be between the Owner and the Contractor. Examples of the complete contract documents are available on request. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the receipt of bids.
NOTE: Contractors and Sub-Contractors selected cannot be on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s List of Debarred Contractors. Contractors must provide Jefferson County with a copy of their insurance certificate before, or as part of, bid submittal. Contractors and Subcontractors must be licensed and have a minimum of $100,000.00 in liability insurance available for the Work referred to above and have a $25,000.00 Master Performance Bond certified to Jefferson County for performance for the rehabilitation projects facilitated by Jefferson County under the Housing Program referred to herein. The insurance company and bonding company must provide Jefferson County with a copy of the insurance certificates and performance bond before, or as a part of the bid submittal. Any Contractor that has been disqualified under the General and Special Conditions of the Contract, or any County policy, shall not bid and any bid shall be rejected and disqualified by the said County.
Property Owner: Bernice Patterson Address: 304 12th Ave SE City and State: Graysville, AL 35073 Phone: 674-4048 Case No: # 138
The undersigned Contractor, ______, (print name) bids the following Work;
It shall be incumbent upon the Contractor to visit the site and determine existing conditions and what will be required to accomplish the scope of work intended by the bid and Contract Documents. All work shall comply with the intended scope of work and Contract Documents, giving precedence to all applicable Codes, tables, laws, regulations, and ordinances, wherever applicable, including Lead Reduction Safe Work Practices. In the event of conflict or ambiguity, the most stringent of all the aforementioned shall govern. Correct all collateral damage that is caused by the following work specification to a finish quality.
Electrical Repair $______Existing box maybe reused. Make any modifications to ensure panel is adequate size and meets applicable codes. __ This work is for top and bottom floors. All work must meet local code. Pay for all permits and fees. __ Check all existing wiring, replace and repair as needed, tighten connections and fixtures that are loose and replace those that are faulty. __ If aluminum wiring has been used, check all connections and correct them as necessary. __ All connections are to be in electrical boxes. All exposed wires shall be in conduit or wire molding. __ Each room (not including bathroom and hall) is to have minimum of 4 receptacles. __ Replace all switches, receptacles, and plates with new ones. All switches must be located at the doorway to the room they activate. __ All surface mounted lights are to wall switch activated and have globes or shades. Bathroom light is to be vapor proof. All fixtures are to have working bulbs. __ Replace any fixtures that are found to be defective. This does not include ceiling fans or chandelier. __ Install GFI’s in kitchen and bathroom. __ Install a hard-wired smoke and carbon monoxide detector in a central location upstairs and downstairs. __ Install smoke detectors in bedrooms. __ Repair all collateral damage caused by this modification to a finish quality.
Bathroom and Plumbing Modification $______Work is to be done to ANSI Specifications __ Contractor is to perform all plumbing work per local code, pay for all permits and impact fees. Repair all leaks in supply lines, distribution lines, fixtures and drains. All distribution and supply materials used shall be nonferrous metals – no plastics accepted. Plastic drain lines are acceptable when they comply with code. __ Connect all drains to septic tank system and clear all stoppages. Sewerage system is to work as intended. __ Remove tub and toilet. __ Repair Bathroom floor. __ Replace all rotted, damaged or otherwise substandard flooring, subflooring or framing. This is to include rotted wall framing and wall panel below the tub drain leak. __ Call prior to closing floor and wall for an inspection of framing. __ Cover floor with an appropriate underlayment and adhesive per manufacturer’s specifications. __ Install new mid-grade sheet vinyl goods over bathroom floor. No torn or patched vinyl will be accepted. Owners choice of pattern and color. __ Install and finish new base. __ Remove tub surround and drywall. All rotted or deteriorated framing is to be replaced. Reinforce wall for grab bar installation. Install MR gypsum board to good quality finish at tub surround. __ Install a porcelain steel or comparable bathtub with slip resistant bottom. New tub is to be level. __ Install a semi-rigid fiberglass composite tub surround to manufacture’s specifications complete with all trim and silicone caulk for a water tight finish. Cut out surround for bath window. __ The new surround shall not have any molded features that will interfere with the proper placement of the grab bars. __ Install 4 grab bars (2 for length and 1 at each end). __ Install a chrome plated brass, lever-style anti-scald shower valve and tub filler. Install ADA approved ALSON 62001 slide bar shower message unit. __ Install a wall mounted shower rod and shower curtain. __ Install a new good quality Handicap toilet with an oversized flush valve or tower system. __ Install a new cutoff and supply line. __ Install a towel ring or bar, soap dish and toilet paper dispenser. Owner’s choice of style and color. __ Install a wall switch activated vapor proof ceiling mounted light in bathroom. __ Prime and paint (2 coats) walls to a finish quality above tub surround to match existing. __ Replace existing bath door with a 36” door unit with a lever style lockset. Paint all sides and trim with 2 coats of gloss enamel. __ Repair any collateral damage to hall from new bath door installation.
Interior Stair Handrails $______Install a 42” vinyl handrail at top floor to right side (going down) of basement stairs. __ Handrail is to run from top of stairs and terminate perpendicular to wall adjacent water heater. __ Provide a gate at top of stairs swinging out from stairs. __ Provide latch post at left side of stairs (going down). __ Install and finish a hardwood handrail at left side of stairs (going down) attached with metal brackets. __ Vinyl handrail system (posts, pickets, gate, etc.) to be Certain Teed and installed per manufacture’s specifications.
Water Heater $______Provide Pop-off drain to exterior. __ Extend drain line through floor. __ Run line below floor parallel the floor joists and extend through rear exterior wall. __ Turn down and terminate line 12” above grade. Gutters and Downspouts $______Clean gutters and downspouts.
Property Owner understands and agrees to the above Work Write-Up.
______Property Owner Date
BID CONTINGENCY $__2,500.00______
Contractor is to furnish all labor, material, equipment, permits and inspections by the applicable Inspection Services, to complete all itemized Work in a workmanlike manner and shall comply with all local, state, and federal codes and standards. This includes, but is not limited to, all Building, Electrical, Gas, Plumbing, Mechanical, Southern Building Codes, CABO, ANSI A117 revised, and the FHA Minimum Property Standards. Contractor will remove from the site all debris caused by this work. All Work will be guaranteed one (1) year from date of final acceptance.
Executed on this the ______day of ______, 2006. ______Signature and Title
______Contractor (print)
______Address (print)
______City (print) Zip
______Contractor's ID/SS Number
Property Owner Theresa Payne 216 6th Ave Midfield, AL 35228 425-1844 Case #: 139
Bids will be on a lump sum basis, and on the Work Write-up Form attached, with all line items completed, and delivered to this office in a sealed envelope. Include the applicant name, case number and the words "BID, DO NOT OPEN" on the envelope. BID DOCUMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN ALTERED OR CHANGED WITH "WHITE- OUT" WILL BE REJECTED. The Work Write-up is the entire Scope of Work to be covered by the Program. Any overage, extra work or revisions to the scope of this Work Write-up will be between the Owner and the Contractor. Examples of the complete contract documents are available on request. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the receipt of bids.
NOTE: Contractors and Sub-Contractors selected cannot be on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s List of Debarred Contractors. Contractors must provide Jefferson County with a copy of their insurance certificate before, or as part of, bid submittal. Contractors and Subcontractors must be licensed and have a minimum of $100,000.00 in liability insurance available for the Work referred to above and have a $25,000.00 Master Performance Bond certified to Jefferson County for performance for the rehabilitation projects facilitated by Jefferson County under the Housing Program referred to herein. The insurance company and bonding company must provide Jefferson County with a copy of the insurance certificates and performance bond before, or as a part of the bid submittal. Any Contractor that has been disqualified under the General and Special Conditions of the Contract, or any County policy, shall not bid and any bid shall be rejected and disqualified by the said County.
Property Owner: Theresa Payne Address: 216 2nd Ave City and State: Midfield, AL 35228 Phone: 425-1844 Case No: # 139
The undersigned Contractor, ______, (print name) bids the following Work;
It shall be incumbent upon the Contractor to visit the site and determine existing conditions and what will be required to accomplish the scope of work intended by the bid and Contract Documents. All work shall comply with the intended scope of work and Contract Documents, giving precedence to all applicable Codes, tables, laws, regulations, and ordinances, wherever applicable, including Lead Reduction Safe Work Practices. In the event of conflict or ambiguity, the most stringent of all the aforementioned shall govern. Correct all collateral damage that is caused by the following work specification to a finish quality.
Roof $______All work shall meet or exceed the requirements of the Standard Building Code, Section 1501 for roof materials, application, installation, etc. and Section 2309 for roof and ceiling framing. __ Remove existing roofing materials down to bare decking. __ Remove any rotted or deteriorated wood at rear louver. __ Haul away debris immediately. __ If any areas are found to be spaced decked, cover those areas ½” exterior grade sheathing material. __ Replace any rotted, un-even or deteriorated decking, framing (to include wood at rear louver). __ Replaced/repaired decking shall be level and ready to accept felt and shingles. __ Contact the office of Community Development for inspection before covering the deck with felt. __ Remove all unused elements, chimneys, vents, etc. that are not operational and close them below roof level. __ Re-flash all valleys, vents, roof openings, and chimneys. __ Provide ridge vents at horizontal ridges. __ Cover deck with a 30-lb asphalt impregnated felt. __ Reroof with a 25 year, class A fiberglass shingle. (Owners choice of color) __ Gutters and downspouts to remain in place. __ Ensure roofing material extends 1 inch past deck/fascia into gutter. __ Paint any new exposed wood to match existing. __ Use a magnetic sweep around the perimeter of the house. __ New roof to be structurally sound and leak free. __ Contractor shall warrant the roof to be completely leak free for one year.
Bathroom and Plumbing Modification $______
__ Contractor is to perform all plumbing work per local code, pay for all permits and impact fees. Repair all leaks in supply lines, distribution lines, fixtures and drains. All distribution and supply materials used shall be (PEX) or nonferrous metals – no plastics accepted. Plastic drain lines are acceptable when they comply with code. __ Connect all drains to sewerage system and clear all stoppages. Sewerage system is to work as intended. __ Remove tub and toilet. __ Remove vinyl flooring. __ Replace rotted or damaged underlayment, subflooring, etc. __ Call prior to closing floor for inspection. __ Install new mid-grade sheet vinyl goods over bathroom floor. No torn or patched vinyl will be accepted. Owner’s choice of pattern and color. __ Install and finish new base. __ Remove tub surround and drywall to reinforce walls for grab bars in the tub surround. Replace any rotted or damaged framing. Install MR gypsum board to good quality finish at tub surround __ Install a new porcelain on steel low profile bathtub with slip resistant bottom. __ Install a semi-rigid fiberglass composite tub surround wall kit. Surround shall be installed according to manufacturers specifications and shall include all caulking and trim to provide a quality finished product. __ The new surround shall not have any molded features that will interfere with the proper placement of the grab bars. __ Install 4 grab bars (2 for length and 1 at each end). __ Install a chrome plated brass, lever-style anti-scald shower valve and tub filler. Install ADA approved ALSON 62001 slide bar shower message unit. __ Install a good quality wall mounted shower rod and shower curtain. __ Install a new good quality Handicap toilet with seat. __ Install new cutoff and supply line. __ Install a good quality mid-range towel rack and toilet paper holder. Homeowners choice of style and color. __ Prime and paint (2 coats) walls to a finish quality above tub surround to match existing. __ Repair wall corner at head of tub and paint to match existing. __ Repair any collateral damage caused by this modification. Property Owner understands and agrees to the above Work Write-Up.
______Property Owner Date
BID CONTINGENCY $___2,500.00______
Contractor is to furnish all labor, material, equipment, permits and inspections by the applicable Inspection Services, to complete all itemized Work in a workmanlike manner and shall comply with all local, state, and federal codes and standards. This includes, but is not limited to, all Building, Electrical, Gas, Plumbing, Mechanical, Southern Building Codes, CABO, ANSI A117 revised, and the FHA Minimum Property Standards. Contractor will remove from the site all debris caused by this work. All Work will be guaranteed one (1) year from date of final acceptance.
Executed on this the ______day of ______, 2006.
______Signature and Title
______Contractor (print)
______Address (print)
______City (print) Zip
______Contractor's ID/SS Number