Research Report 9 Figure to be inserted Historical Transformations of the Lower Jordan River Basin (in Jordan): Changes in Water Use and Projections (1950-2025) Rémy Courcier, Jean-Philippe Venot and François Molle Postal Address: IWMI, P O Box 2075, Colombo, Sri Lanka Location: 127 Sunil Mawatha, Pelawatte, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka International Telephone: +94-11 2787404, 2784080 Fax: +94-11 2786854 Water Management Email:
[email protected] Website: Institute ISSN 1391-9407 ISBN 92-9090-609 The Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture takes stock of the costs, benefits and impacts of the past 50 years of water development for agriculture, the water management challenges communities are facing today, and solutions people have developed. The results of the Assessment will enable farming communities, governments and donors to make better-quality investment and management decisions to meet food and environmental security objectives in the near future and over the next 25 years. The Research Report Series captures results of collaborative research conducted under the Assessment. It also includes reports contributed by individual scientists and organizations that significantly advance knowledge on key Assessment questions. Each report undergoes a rigorous peer-review process. The research presented in the series feeds into the Assessment’s primary output—a “State of the World” report and set of options backed by hundreds of leading water and development professionals and water users. Reports in this series may be copied freely and cited with due acknowledgement. Electronic copies of reports can be downloaded from the Assessment website ( If you are interested in submitting a report for inclusion in the series, please see the submission guidelines available on the Assessment website or send a written request to: Sepali Goonaratne, P.O.