Glade Mountain District, Virginia
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COMMONWEALTII OF VIRGINIA VIRGINIA CONS ERV.A,TION COIIMISSION VIRGINIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ARTHUR BEVAN, State Geologist Bulletin 61 Geology and Manganese Deposits of the Glade Mountain District, Virginia By RALPH L. MILLER Pnurnnno By rHE Gnorocrcnr. Sunvny oF TEE Urrrm Smrps Dprunrrvrsxr oF rnp lNtmron UNIVERSITY, VIRGINIA t944 RICHMOND: Drvtsror.r oF PtrRcHAsE AND PRTNTTNG VIRGINIA CONSERVATION COMMISSION Wrr,rrarr A. Wnrcnr, Cl,tairnnan, Richmoncl L. E. Lrcnrona, Vice-Chairrnan, Lynchburg Jenrcs Asrrnv, Stafford C. S. Cenra& Bristol Eowenp W. Leucr, Luray Gooncp PnrNcs Anxor,r, As sis tant C orunai,s sionar, Richmond Rrcrrano A. Grrr,rarr, E.recwtive Secretary and Treasurer, Richmond tIl VIRGINIA DTVISION OF I:IIT.III iI, RtrSoURcEs P. O. -l ''' -''.'s7 Charlottesville, Va. 22903 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CorulroNwnAlTrr oF Vrncrxre i- Vrncrxre Gror,ocrcer, Sunvnv IJNrvansrry oF VTRGTNTA Crrenr,orrEsvrr,r,q Va., March 6, I9M. T o t h e V i.r gini,a C ons ervati,on C orutni,ssi.on : GpNrromrN: I have the honor to transmit for publication .as Bulletin 61 of the Virginia Geological Survey, the text, geologic map, and illustrations of a report on the Geology and Manganese Deposi,ts of the Glade.Moun- tain Di,stri,ct, Virgi,ni,a, by Dr. Ralph L. Miller of the United States Geological Survey. The field work was done and the report was prepared by the Federal Geological Survey as a project in the series of strategic minerals investigations in Virginia and other states. The Glade Mountain district is in Smvth and Wvthe counties. southeast of the Lee Highway (U.S.No. 11). The character of the manganese deposits in this district and their geologic relations are discussed in sufficient detail to be a guide to further exploration and mining, not only in this district but in similar areas. Some fiity mines and prospects are described in detail. Respectfully submitted, Anrnun BeveN, State Geologist. Approved for publication: Virginia Conservation Commission, Richmond, Virginia, March B,Ig44. R. A. Grr,lrl.w, Erecwtizte Secretarnt and, Treasurer. CONTENTS PacB Abstract 1 Introduction 3 Location o{ the district------------ 3 Previous geologic work -----*- 3 Field work and acknowledgments----- 4 Geography and physiography ------- 6 Stratigraphy l0 Generalized geologic section 10 Unicoi formation 10 Hampton shale ______ ll Erwin quartzite --------- 13 Shady dolomite ---_ 18 Rome formation ---. 27 Elbrook formation 29 Quaternary deposits 30 Structure 31 General features 3L Structure of a typical ridge and val1ey------- 32 Structure of the lowlands around the Glade Mountains--- 34 Types of structural features----- 35 Reverse faults ------ 35 Overthrust faults ------ Gravity faults -_____ 38 Cross faults -- 38 Folds -- 38 o,'#Tl"'i?ilil;;,-,;-;,;;t1;;,;,;.---,i-------:---------,-,----10, Age of the deformation,-- 45 Economic geology 46 Manganese 46 Ore minerals -- 46 Minerals associated with the ores -------- 47 Types of ores -------- 48 Granular ore -------- 48 Nodular ore -- -*---- 49 Angular ore ---- -----*,---,--- 49 Ledge ore 49 Beddedore - - 49 Breccia ore 50 Vein ore 50 Powder ore -------- 50 Structural types of manganese deposits----- 51 Residual homoclinal type -------- 51 Bedrock homoclinal type -------- 52 vll vul CoNroxrs Pacr Relation of manganese deposits to geologic and topographic fea- tures ------- 53 Origin of the manganese deposits-- -------------- 55 Source of the mangqnese---------- ----------- 55 Concentration of manganese in residual clay:-------------- 58 Prospecting 63 Mining and milling methods----- 64 History of manganese mining and production figures---- 66 Statusofmanganeseminingandrecommendations__-_- Reserves 70 Description of manganese mines and prospects---- 72 Ilorne prospect ---------- 72 Winn mine 73 White Rock mines ------------------- 76 Glade Mountain prospect 78 Glade Mountain mine Dutton prospect 87 Phillipi Branch mine ------- ----------------- 87 East Nick Creek prospect----------- --------- 88 Chestnut Mountain prospects West Nick Creek prospect----------- Slemp Creek prospect 92 Wright bank ------- 93 Marchand prospect 94 Barton bank ------- 95 Walker-Forney prospect 97 Atkins mine ------- ---:-------- 98 Currin Valley mines ------ Currin Valley mine No. 1------------ ---- 100 Currin Valley mine No. 2----------,- ---- 103 Currin Valley mine No. 3------------ ----,- 104 Currin Valley mine No. 4..------'.'-.-'.'- ' Currin Valley mine No. 5------------ ---- 108 Currin Valley mine No. 6 (Amburg mine)------------- 109 Prospects north of Pond Mountain------------------------ 109 Rich mountain mine ----------- 110 Deans Branch prospect -,------ 112 Holston River prospect --,------- -----*----- 114 Kyva mine ------- ll4 Savage prospect --------------- lI7 Thomas prospect ---------.---- l2O ' Roland Creek prospect ---------- ------------ 120 Morris prospects --'------------- 122 Hutton prospect Rock bank ------- 723 Calhoun prospect --,------'-'---- l2S Red bank ------- -------------- 126 CoNrBrrrrs lx Pecr Hull bank ________ L27 Bishop mine _______ __________- l2Z Hickory Ridge prospect __________ ___________ 130 Pierce prospect __________ ______ 131 Horn prospect, Catron place, Nelson prospect, and Cox prospect _______ 131 Umbarger mine *______ _____-__ tS2 Umbarger prospect ________________-__________ ____________ l3Z Porter bank ______ 137 Roberts prospect ______________ 139 Prospects near Camp ______-___ 140 'Iron --____ Other mineral resources Lead and zinc ____-___ _____________ 142 Barite _____ __________ L42 Limestone _____________ ______-____ l4S Sand and gravel ______ _____________ 143 Road metal _______-___ 143 References Index ------ __-__ 147 ILLUSTRATIONS Pr-aru Pacu l. Geologic map and structure sections of the Glade Mountain dis- trict ------- ,---In Pocket 2. Physiographic diagram of the Great Valley in Smyth and Wythe counties, Virginia 6 3. A, Rome hills and-Erwin quartzite ridges; B, Hampton shale near the crest of the Iron Mountains; C, Qaa*zite zone near the top of the Erwin 12 4. A, Contact of Erwin quartzite and Shady dolomite; B, Platy sand- ' stone in the middle of the Erwin; C, Patterson member of the Shady dolomite l2 5. A, Blebs and veinlets of secondary dolomite in the Patterson mem- ber; B, Outcrops of Shady dolomite west of Teas; C, Nodule of chert in Shady dolomite , -------- 20 6, A, Salterella acerzrylosa from the lower part of the Shady dolomite; B, Rome shale and sandstone--- 20 7. A, Dolomite interbedded with red shale in the Rome formation; B, Sugar Grove fault, showing the nearly vertical attitude; C, Contact of Shady dolomite and Rome shale near Atkins-------- 32 8. A, Nodule of limonite and; B, Pyrolusite crystals lin- ing a cavity in a nodule of limonite--- 32 9. Map showing the major faults in the vicinity of the Glade Mountains 36 10. A, Nodule of mangafiese oxide; B, Grape-cluster type of man- ganese nodule; C, Mammillary type of manganese nodule---------- 48 11. A, Ledge-type of manganese ore; B, Modified. breccia-type of manganese ore; C, Polished surface of a cryptomelane nodirle showing concentric growth lines-------- 48 12. A, Fretted type of manganese ore; B, Replacement of silicified dolomite by manganese oxide 60 13, A, Incipient replacement of silicified dolomite by manganese oxide; B, Hand mining of manganese ore; C, Washing plant at the Umbarger mine ------- 60 14. A, Single-log manganese washer; B, Active cut at the Umbarger mine ------- 64 15. A, Main pit at the Umbarger mine; B, Main pit at the Glade Moun- tain mine ---- 64 Ir rusrnarroms xl Pr-ere P*cp 16. Topographic map of the Winn mine__-_____ 72 17. Geologic map and structure section of the Glade Mountain mine_In oocket 18. Map of White Rock mines Nos. 1 and Z____________ 76 19. Topographic map of the Savage prospect__ __________ lZ0 FrcunB P.c,cn 1. Index map of southwest Virginia shorving the lcation of the Glade Mountain district 3 2 Sketch of Rye Valley and the Iron Mountains Sketch of the Glade Mountains___ 8 I Geologic section showing the origin of the major structurar features of the Glade Mountain district__________ +J 5 Sketch of Glade Mountain____ 54 6. chart showing altitude above sea revel of manganese mines and prospects Cement mixer used to wash ore at the Savage prospecr__ OJ 8. Sketch of washer at the Glade Mountain mine_ ____, 84 9. Geologic section through the West Nick Creek prospect___ 9l 10. Sketch map of Wright bank,_______ 94 11. Sketch map of Barton bank________ 96 12. Pace and compass map of Currin Valley mine No. 1__-___________ 101 tJ. Pace and compass map of Currin Valley mine No. Z_____ _,______ 105 14. Sketch map of Currin Valley mine No. 3__-__ 106 15. Geologic section through Deans Branch prospect tt2 16. Pace and compass map of Kyva mine,_ tl6 yartral geologic map of the vicinity of the Savage prospect_ ___-__ 118 18. Geologic section through Rock bank 124 19. Sketch map o[ the Bishop mine__ 128 20. Pace and compass map of the Umbarger mine__ lJ4 21. Pace and compass map of the Umbarger prospect___ 138 TABLES Pece l. Generalized geologic section of the bedrock formations of the Glade Mountain district, Virginia 10 2. Chemical analyses of Shady dolomite----- 3. Manganese and manganiferous iron concentrates produced in the Glade Mountain district 68 4. Reserves of manganese ore in the Glade Mountain district-- 7L 5. Manganese produced at the Glade Mountain mine-------- 85 6. Manganese prodriced at the Umbarger mine---- ------- 137 x11 Geology and Manganese Deposits of the Glade Mountain District, Virginia By Rer,en L. Mrr,r,Bn* ABSTRACT The Glade