Glade Mountain District, Virginia
COMMONWEALTII OF VIRGINIA VIRGINIA CONS ERV.A,TION COIIMISSION VIRGINIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ARTHUR BEVAN, State Geologist Bulletin 61 Geology and Manganese Deposits of the Glade Mountain District, Virginia By RALPH L. MILLER Pnurnnno By rHE Gnorocrcnr. Sunvny oF TEE Urrrm Smrps Dprunrrvrsxr oF rnp lNtmron UNIVERSITY, VIRGINIA t944 RICHMOND: Drvtsror.r oF PtrRcHAsE AND PRTNTTNG VIRGINIA CONSERVATION COMMISSION Wrr,rrarr A. Wnrcnr, Cl,tairnnan, Richmoncl L. E. Lrcnrona, Vice-Chairrnan, Lynchburg Jenrcs Asrrnv, Stafford C. S. Cenra& Bristol Eowenp W. Leucr, Luray Gooncp PnrNcs Anxor,r, As sis tant C orunai,s sionar, Richmond Rrcrrano A. Grrr,rarr, E.recwtive Secretary and Treasurer, Richmond tIl VIRGINIA DTVISION OF I:IIT.III iI, RtrSoURcEs P. O. -l ''' -''.'s7 Charlottesville, Va. 22903 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CorulroNwnAlTrr oF Vrncrxre i- Vrncrxre Gror,ocrcer, Sunvnv IJNrvansrry oF VTRGTNTA Crrenr,orrEsvrr,r,q Va., March 6, I9M. T o t h e V i.r gini,a C ons ervati,on C orutni,ssi.on : GpNrromrN: I have the honor to transmit for publication .as Bulletin 61 of the Virginia Geological Survey, the text, geologic map, and illustrations of a report on the Geology and Manganese Deposi,ts of the Glade.Moun- tain Di,stri,ct, Virgi,ni,a, by Dr. Ralph L. Miller of the United States Geological Survey. The field work was done and the report was prepared by the Federal Geological Survey as a project in the series of strategic minerals investigations in Virginia and other states. The Glade Mountain district is in Smvth and Wvthe counties. southeast of the Lee Highway (U.S.No.
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