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Weekly Email News
EMAIL ADDRESSES: To reach Alyce – [email protected] To reach Stacey – [email protected] District Office Phone Number: 814.361.2464 District Office Fax Number: 814.361.2465
JOHNSTOWN DISTRICT OFFICE HOURS Monday – Thursday 7:30 am to 1 pm TOMORROW!!! March 17, 2017 we will be having a continuing education event for pastors at Arbutus Park Manor from 10 am to 3:30 pm. Chris Kindle from the WPA Conference Center will hold a seminar on Discipleship. Please note this change: YOU WILL NEED TO CONTACT THE DISTRICT OFFICE TO REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT! I apologize for any confusion as to where to register ~ Stacey
Rev. Chris Kindle WPA Conference Director of Discipleship and Spiritual Formation Presents Systematic Discipleship: What’s Your Next Step? We all have churches filled with programs, but how many of us have a church full of disciples? Do we know the why of discipleship? Are we offering a menu or a clear path to discipleship? Come and be a part of the ongoing discussion of Deliberate Discipleship When: Friday, March 17 at 10am Registration begins at 9:30am Where: Arbutus Park Manor 207 Ottawa Street Johnstown, PA 15904 Contact the Johnstown District Office before March 13 to register for the event.
Earn .5 CEU for this event UNITED YOUTH MINISTRY NETWORK YES & AMEN “But in Him it has always been ‘YES!’ for all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding ‘YES!’ and through Christ, our ‘AMEN’ ascends to God for his glory.” 2 Cor. 1:19-20. Worship experiences are open to all youth! Time for all events is 6:30 pm to 8:20 pm. - April 12: Westmont High School led by Chris Valente from Bridge to Life Church - April 19: Windber High School led by Andrew Taylor from Faith Chapel Church - April 26: Forest Hills High School led by Jim Gay from Greater Johnstown Christian Fellowship Church
To all District men and boys, young and old!! Join us for worship, food and fellowship at the Palm Sunday Communion Breakfast at Elton Zion UMC on Sunday, April 9 at 6 A.M. The morning begins with a worship service and communion in the sanctuary followed by breakfast and fellowship in the social hall. The early hour is to accommodate anyone that wants to attend but needs to be back to his home church for services. We try to do this so we will be through by 7:30 AM.
A free will offering will be collected to help pay for the breakfast.
Please announce in your church and make reservations for your entire group by calling the Elton Church at 266-1512 (leave message with your name, church and number attending), Pastor Daryl Penrod at 814-341-4300 or Dick Trent at 814-536- 3383. Reservations needed by Monday, April 3.
Daryl Penrod, Pastor Elton Zion United Methodist Church CAMP ALLEGHENY IS HAVING A FREE CHRISTIAN CONCERT APRIL 6, 2017 AT 7 PM “SPOKEN” DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 PM 100 Camp Allegheny Drive Stoystown PA 15563 814-754-5122 campallegheny.org
Volunteers Needed RISE – a light dinner followed by a contemporary Worship and Praise Service every Thursday night at the Garfield Street UMC at 6 pm. RISE is a shared ministry of the United for God Cooperative and the Ebensburg UMC. This ministry is growing already we are adding more partners, most recently Homestead Ave. UMC.
You are invited to be part of this new ministry! There are opportunities for everyone to share the love of Christ and to use their gifts. Help is needed in cooking, serving, clean up, welcoming, singing, playing a musical instrument and just worshiping with others. Please let Pastor Carol know if you are willing to help. You do not have to commit to any particular number of times, just as your schedule allows. The Spirit is rising in Johnstown!
VOLUNTEERS WANTED! JUMP is looking for retired men and women who are seeking a rewarding experience.
BENEFITS: Investment in your community; serve God by doing ministry to help the less fortunate
Current JUMP leaders are aging and dealing with health limitations. They will help with permits, design, materials transport, and paperwork. Priority for jobs goes to handicap needs, followed by home repairs addressing safety issues. Teams are generally 3 to 5 people and most jobs are completed in 2 to 3 days. We need team leaders and team workers, hopefully with some fix-it experience, but we will train any interested individual. This is a part-time volunteer effort. JUMP has tools but bringing your own is encouraged. Access to a small truck or van is also helpful but not necessary. For more information, call Franklin Street UMC at 535-8288. South Fork: First UMC in conjunction with the Chan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber is holding a Community Lab Blood Screen for $30. Tests included in the $30 donation: CBC, Hemoglobin, MCV, MPV, Platelets, RBC, WBC, Differential, Albumin, Alk.Phosphatase, Bilirubin, Direct & Total, BUN, Calcium, Chloride, Cholesterol, CO2, Creatinine, Freee T4, GFR, GGT, Glucose, HDL, Iron, LDH, LDL, Phosphorus, Potassium, ALT, AST, Sodium, Total Protein, Triglyceride, TSH, Uric Acid. Additional tests offered: PSA - $20, Hemoglobin A1C - $20, Vitamin D Level - $35
This testing will take place on Saturday, March 25 from 7-9 am at First UMC, 500 Maple Street, South Fork. Please call 814-467-3961 to schedule an appointment. *A 12 to 14 hour fast is recommended. Even if you are not a patient of a Windber Physician, you can participate! No physician order is needed and the information will be sent to your family physician. Walk-ins are welcome! The Mens Bible Group will be serving breakfast for a donation.
PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR SPRING HELPSHOP! Johnstown District Help Shop Saturday, May 6, 2017 "Including Everyone in God's Love"--handicapped accessibility, inclusion, and the local church
Grove Avenue United Methodist Church, 501 Grove Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15902 $10 per person -- Continuing education credits available. Registrar: Karen Kinkade, 814.266.2514 340 Hostetler Road, Johnstown, PA 15904
Bethel Hollsopple: Notes and News We will be hosting the Conemaugh Township Area Ministry Good Friday service from noon til 3.
We are thanking God for parents who are bringing their children to church. It's heartwarming to see their eagerness to learn and participate.
A note from Gary Hale…
Greetings to all, I would like to invite you to a meeting of the Greater Johnstown Covenant Ministry. We are a group of pastors and leaders dedicated to bringing together pastors and leaders from Johnstown and surrounding communities to bring a new level of unity in Johnstown so we may see revival break out in our churches and community. A friend of mine, Pastor Gary Mosorjak , told a very important story at Bethany UMC prayer breakfast. Back in 1977 Pastor Burns of Oakland United Methodist Church was planning to bring in David Wilkerson for a Holy Spirit revival on July 20, 1977. David would only come if there was unity among the pastors and they would all support his coming. Pastor Burns was not successful in bringing the pastors together so David said he would not come. As most of you know instead of getting a flood of the Spirit on July 20th we got a flood of rain and dams bursting that changed our city negatively. Around 80 people lost their lives, millions of dollars of destruction, and it was instrumental in the mills closing.
Years ago going down 56 by-pass into the city the Lord showed me His Spirit coming upon the city like a great flood. I know to see that happen we need to work together and as God sees us in harmony and humbling ourselves before Him He will send His Spirit and bring revival to the churches and to the entire community.
I am inviting you to join us so we can pray and seek the Face of God and find out what we must do to bring this about. We will meet at Our Sons Restaurant Tuesday March 21 at 8AM. Pastors, if you cannot come send one of your church leaders to join with us. I want to see the Lord move mightily this year in Johnstown, PA. Gary Hale President of Greater Johnstown Covenant Ministry.
Encounter with Christ UMVIM Mission to Colombia August 15-23 In August of 2017, the Conference Committee on Encounter with Christ in Latin America has set it focus on Brisas del Mar, Colombia, as the location for a VIM Mission. As always, we have the cooperation of the Conference of the Evangelical Methodist church of Columbia, acting as our guides and hosts. Brisas del Mar has been a significant center of ministry and mission for some time. Not many years ago, the drug cartels controlled this part of Colombia, and the local population suffered extremely at their hands. The Methodist Church reached out to these people, and even to their oppressors. When this area became pacified, the Church had gained wide respect for its involvement, and used its good name to foster ministries in health, education, and church work. The purpose of our proposed mission in Colombia is to do construction and improve the facilities in Brisas del Mar. Details of the actual building plans will develop with the ongoing correspondence with the Colombian Church leaders. Those who are interested in participating in this mission should complete the attached from and mail it to the Mission Team Leader, Dr. David Stains, at 518 Fronheiser Street, Johnstown, PA 15902. If you have questions, you are welcome or call at 814-539- 0044 or 539-0532. Email at [email protected]. Realistically, you can probably expect total expenses to be about $2,000.00. I hope the Lord opens doors for us to work together. Pastor David Stains
“MESSY CHURCH” Park Ave UMC will sponsor "Messy Church" the last Saturday of every month from 3-5 pm. This is an event that highlights the family. There is a time of welcoming, a craft or game time, a time for celebration and each month we will be serving a meal and the best part is it is absolutely free. Call the church for more details at 814-288-4725. We'll see you at "Messy Church".
CLERGY REMINDERS: UPCOMING DEADLINES: All clergy - please give this your immediate attention. Please check "Required Annual Forms" on the WPAUMC website for more information. Of course, all of these deadlines can be met BEFORE the deadline!
March 1 – Fund Balance Report – Submit to District Office The following churches have not submitted their 2016 Fund Balance Report to the district office: Alum Bank Armagh Blacklick Community Bright Hope: Nanty Glo Cherry Tree Charge: Burnside, Cherry Tree Coalport Charge: Irvona Conemaugh: First Cresson Charge: Cresson, Gallitzin Dunlo/Sidman/Beaverdale Charge: All churches Fishertown Charge: All churches Glasgow Larger Parish: Pleasant Hill, Utahville Hastings/Bakerton Charge: Hastings & Bakerton Hollsopple: Bethel/Centennial Charge: Hollsopple Johnstown: Beulah Johnstown Ferndale/Faith/Park Avenue Charge: All churches Johnstown: Franklin Street Johnstown: Oakland LaJose Northern Cambria: St. John’s Point Saint Michael Scalp Level: Trinity Seward Shanksville Central City Charge: Central City Spangler Uniontown Westover/East Ridge Charge: Harmony
March 31 – 2016 Worker’s Compensation – Send to Conference Center – Attn: Holly Sawyer
May 1 – Spring Equitable Compensation Applications – Submit, if applicable, to District Superintendent
May 15 - 2017 Clergy Evaluation – Submit to District Office May 15 – Continuing Education Report Form – Submit to District Office
May 15 – Annual Parsonage Inspection – Submit to District Office
District Prayer Chain - Arch Moore, brother of Pastor Tom Moore - Pastor Valerie Conrad Dembinsky - Dorothy Weaver - Kathy McKee - Shawn Crum - Dan Dembinsky - Rev. John Mize’s Father - Rev. Doreen Griffith - Stan & Gene Mickolick - Laura Williams - Our Country and our Leaders - All Pastors and Laity in the Johnstown District
Alyce’s Schedule: March 20 – Alyce in office March 21 - Alyce in Cranberry March 22 – Alyce at Cabinet March 23 – Alyce at Cabinet March 24 – March 25 – Connectional Meeting @ Conference Center March 26 – Alyce preaching at LaJose, Westover, East Ridge
Save the date! Annual Conference 2017 is June 8-11, 2017
Conference News and Events
Harry Denman Awards At Annual Conference each year, the Evangelism Team honors three persons who possess a desire to increase the Kingdom of God with the Harry Denman Award. The Categories are: Clergy, Youth and Laity. The Team encourages congregations to nominate candidates for these awards now so they may be recognized at our 2017 Annual Conference. What distinguishes a Harry Denman Award recipient is an on-going commitment to introduce others to the good news of Jesus Christ in various ministry settings. They will be recognized for help numbers of people ignite or re-ignite their faith journey. Does your pastor fit that description? Is there a youth or lay-person in your church who needs to be considered? Then please, begin the nomination process.
You can download nomination forms from the following website: www.foundationforevangelism.org. The Evangelism Team asks for all nominations to be in by May 5. We need time to make our selections and order the awards from the Foundation of Evangelism. If you have nominated someone before and they were not selected, please try again.
Help the Evangelism Team honor folks who deserve recognition for the Kingdom-work they are performing. If you have question or trouble downloading the forms, call Pastor Al Kimmel at 814-758-3667. Submit your nomination via email at this address: [email protected] or send them to Pastor Al Kimmel, Herminie UMC, 3365 Pike Street, Herminie, PA 15637. Please mark “Denman Award” on the envelope.
OLDER ADULT RETREAT Olmsted Manor July 17-21, 2017 (Mon. dinner – Friday lunch)
Theme: “Stained Glass Windows: Letting God’s Holy Spirit Shine!” Deans: Mrs. Lois Hiles and Mrs. Glenda Merritt Bible Teacher: Rev. Bruce K. Merritt Music Director: Robin Swank Cost: Tuition: $16.00 + Room and Board: $264 = $280 Price includes class, 4 nights stay, 12 meals, and evening entertainment Camperships available for first time attendees!
For more information: Olmsted Manor P.O. Box 8, Ludlow, Pa. 16333 814-945-6512 [email protected] www.olmstedmanor.org
Glenda and Bruce Merritt 1268 Fells Church Rd, Belle Vernon, Pa. 15012 724-379-4502 [email protected]
Thank you for any publicity that you can give this retreat. It is a week of Bible teaching, worship, fun, good food, and fellowship. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!
Abundant Blessings…Pastor Bruce K. Merritt
SHORT-TERM MISSION PROJECT OPPORTUNITY AT CHERRY RUN CAMP The Franklin District camp is always in need of adult volunteers to help with the work of the camp. Working and helping at Cherry Run is a great short-term local mission project for church groups or for individuals. Work one day or as many as you are able. Cherry Run Camp especially needs volunteers to help the week prior to camp to clean and prepare the grounds and buildings for camp. They are also looking for volunteers to serve in the kitchen during camp. They have a camp cook who plans and buys for the camp, but he needs extra hands to prepare and to serve the meals. Individual volunteers or a team of four individuals are needed each day to assist the cook. Your help is greatly sought-after and appreciated. For more information or to volunteer, contact Judy McQueen, Cherry Run Camp Meeting Board Member, at 724-846-7565 or [email protected].
5TH ANNUAL FAITH NIGHT AT PNC PARK Thursday, August 17, 2017. Enjoy discounted tickets for the Pirates-Cardinals game at 7:05 pm and stay after the game to hear from Manager Clint Hurdle and many more Pirates Players and Coaches discuss how faith has impacted their lives, both on and off the field. The Faith Night presentation will last approximately 45 minutes. Early bird pricing for groups of 15 or more. Contact Chad Glover at (412) 325-4756 or [email protected] or Ryan Vizzini at (412) 325-4777 or [email protected]
2017 Confirmation Class Tours 2017 Confirmation Class Tour Schedule April 21, Friday - Morning May 12, Friday - Morning and Afternoon May 13, Saturday - Morning Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Use the links above to the reservation form for the session you choose. Have a confirmed number of students and adults in your group when you register. Confirmation tour sessions fill up quickly. If you are unable to attend after you register your group, contact Rev. Greg Cox. Registration begins at 9 am for mornings and 1 pm for afternoons. Sessions run from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm respectively.
Weather Conditions In the unlikely event of snow or weather cancellations, we will follow the Seneca Valley School Districts for cancellations only. We will also follow up as soon as possible for notices through email. In the event of a delay, we will operate on a normal schedule throughout the day of Confirmation Visits.
Make sure to: Download the School Release Form Print it out on church letterhead Send it to each student's school to be properly excused from classes on the day of your tour.
Minister's Chorus (Rev. Steve Morse) Rev. Steve Morse is the director of this chorus and would love for you to join him at one of his upcoming concerts. Upcoming Concerts April 20, 2017 Carmichaels UMC May 25, 2017 Combined chorus with Susquehanna Conference- Westside UMC, Clearfield Pa Sept. 21, 2017 Linesville/Harmansburg UMC Oct. 19, 2017 Mount Hope UMC Nov. 16, 2017 Brookville First UMC
New Newsletter Available Now!! Prison Outreach Ministry Keep up with WPA Prison Outreach Ministry volunteers in their latest newsletter. Learn more about the ministry and how you or your church can get involved at: wpapom.org.
GIVE TO WEST VIRGINIA FLOOD RELIEF Give to WV Flood Relief - The Western Pennsylvania UM Conference, is gathering funds under the designation #WV2016 and encouraging local churches to take up an offering or give online.
Keep Up With Upcoming Events - WPAUMC Conference The website for upcoming events is: http://www.wpaumc.org/events. The Conference Calendar can now be found on the website under “Calendar” instead of “Events”, to save any confusion.
Follow the Western Pennsylvania Conference on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wpaumc CONFERENCE MISSION OPPORTUNITIES
You can now check our running list of WPA VIM Trip Opportunities online anytime at www.wpaumc.org/opportunities
UMVIM/UMCOR TRAINING ACADEMY Registration is open for the Northeast Jurisdiction’s 2017 Academy, set for March 26-29 at Pocono Plateau Camp and Retreat Center in Cresco, PA.
Spring, Summer Volunteers Needed in Connellsville: The Connellsville Flood Recovery Center still has 109 active cases in the aftermath of flooding last August. Volunteer assistance is needed for repair and rebuilding at many of those homes. UM volunteers from several districts, including Erie, Butler, Connellsville, Pittsburgh, Greensburg, and Johnstown have helped. Housing and hospitality for teams serving multiple days is available, but one-day teams are common. One team from Latrobe UMC serves once a month! Volunteers can register online at connellsvillevolunteers.org/2016/09/08/how-to- volunteer/ or email [email protected].
UMCOR Needs Health, Bedding Kits: Katie Peterson, new executive director of the Eastbrook Mission Barn, notes that UMCOR has put out a call for health and bedding kits. Get kit details at wpaumc.org/MissionBarn.
UMCOR Kits Needed: Cleaning buckets, health kit, and bedding kit ingredients can be gathered by local communities and congregations. UMCOR kits can be received at Eastbrook Mission Barn, at the Conference Center or at one of the official Mission Barn sub-depots. Eastbrook Mission Barn is on call to deploy their kits through the UMCOR Relief Supply Network through their national system. Kits collected in UMCOR's name are UMCOR property and unverified kits cannot be given out in UMCOR's name by local groups.
Can’t Wait for Summer Mission U? Check out the Mini Mission U event May 7-9 at Olmsted Manor. Study subjects are from 2016 Mission u. Learn more Uth4Mission – Summer 2017: Hands on service, worship and fellowship for Youth grades 6 -12 at Pitt at Johnstown. Estimated cost: $275. www.wpaumc.org/youth
Mission U – July 2017: Service and learning for Kids, Teens & Adults at Cal U. www.wpaumc.org/missionu. Registration’s Open for Mission u 2017! Learn about the July 27-30 event for adults, youth and children and download a flyer to share at wpaumc.org/missionu.
UM A.R.M.Y. – Your church can be a youth work camp as Youth and chaperones partner with UM A.R.M.Y. to love your neighbors. www.ne.umarmy.org.
Eastbrook Mission Barn – Ramps, relief supplies and Outreach. ALL ages can serve for one day in the New Castle area. www.wpaumc.org/missionbarn
For Mission opportunities, please go to www.wpaumc.org/opportunities. This is the best place to see what is open.
House of the Carpenter Team – June 18-24, 2017 in Wheeling, West Virginia. Join House of the Carpenter in holistic approach to mission and community development. Volunteers engage the community for mercy, justice and spiritual formation. This team will focus on home repair and other tasks. Ages 14 to Adult. Cost $375.
Red Bird Family Team – July 9-15, 2017: Volunteers enable Red Bird Mission to builds up the community and witness to Christ. Kids ages 7-12 with adult, Youth (age 13+) and Adults. Estimated cost: $600 for Youth and Adults. Kids: $450.
UMCOR Sager Brown Team – July 30-August 5, 2017: Join the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) in the work of disaster response and fighting poverty at Sager Brown, their main warehouse and shopping depot. Volunteers engage in local outreach and in preparing relief supply kits as signs of comfort and hop to a community in distress. Age 16+. Estimated cost $2,500.
Individual Volunteers in Mission: Change your life by becoming an individual volunteer. Learn more at umcmission.org/Get-Involved
Keep up with UMCOR, Mission News: Effective today, the UMCOR Hotline, which provides updates about the United Methodist Committee on Relief will become a bi-weekly publication. On alternate weeks, UMC Global Ministries’ Connect ‘n Mission will be published. You can subscribe to both publications.
Pastor Rapheal Koikoi on Loan to WPA! Beginning February 1, the Rev. Raphael Koikoi will begin serving a new extension ministry in Western Pennsylvania, but remain a member of the Baltimore-Washington Conference under appointment by Bishop Latrelle Easterling. Read more.
CLERGY DEVELOPMENT Vital ministry requires a plan. Let this be a tool to create your continuing education plan. Opportunities are listed here by areas of focus to allow you to target an area where you need to grow. Our Conference focus for 2016 is Leadership. There are some great leadership development events coming up! Which ones could help strengthen your ministry?
Youth Zim Camp Applications are now available for the 2017 Youth Zim Camp. The dates are June 20- July 5, 2017. Get details and application.
Thrive - Ministry on the Edge
April 30 – May 2, 2017 Double Tree by Hilton, Pittsburgh, PA, 15205 Cutting Edge Speakers Interactive Breakouts Travel/Lodging - Book Room now Western PA Scholarship Form
VIM Connellsville Disaster Response As the recovery continues in Connellsville, funds are being requested from local churches, pastors and individuals to the Conference Disaster Response - Advance Special #DR0000911. Gifts can be made online at wpaumc.org/online payments or sent to the Conference Treasurer's office at 1204 Freedom Rd., PO Box 5002, Cranberry Twp., PA 16066-0002. While Connellsville Area Community Ministries money will go directly to the victims, funds contributed to the advance will go to other needs like tools, materials, and volunteer support for the teams who will be working over the coming months in the flood damaged homes. UMCOR has already granted funds for PT staffing to manage this recovery, and our Conference Mission Coordinator is working with others to secure father grants for the response office and staff. Volunteers and work teams are needed to get people back into their houses before cold weather sets in. To sign-up or to volunteer visit www.connellsvillevolunteers.org or call 724-366-0408.
2017 Conference VIM Teams
Find out how to apply for a team and see new teams as they are announced at wpaumc.org/opportunities. Costs include travel, housing, most meals and VIM insurance.
Contact Rev. Stephanie Gottschalk for more information, [email protected].
724-776-2300 ext 241
MISSION VIMpossible PILGRIMAGE TO GERMANY - Western PA UMs are invited to join a spiritual pilgrimage, On the Trail of Martin Luther, in Germany from Apr 19-30, 2017. The year marks the 500th anniversary of Luther's Ninety-Five Theses and a major turning point in the Protestant Reformation. Collette, the tour company, will support WPA Volunteer-in- Mission Scholarships to help make VIM service possible for all God's people. Highlights… Mainz, Worms, Gutenberg Museum, Erfurt, Wartburg Castle, Lutherhaus, Eisleben, Dresden, Leipzig, St. Thomas Church, Wittenberg, St. Mary’s Church, Berlin --- For more information contact: Stephanie Gottschalk--(724)776-2300 or [email protected]
Mission VIMpossible Pilgrimage to Germany: Western PA UMs are invited to join a spiritual pilgrimage, On the Trail of Martin Luther, in Germany from April 19 – May 1, 2017. This year marks the 500th anniversary of Luther's Ninety-Five Theses and a major turning point in the Protestant Reformation. Collette Tour Company, will support WPA Volunteer-in-Mission Scholarships to help make VIM service possible for all God's people. Cost: $3,990. Luther Trail Webinar: Get details
House of the Carpenter Team – June 18-24, 2017 in Wheeling, West Virginia. Join House of the Carpenter in holistic approach to mission and community development. Volunteers engage the community for mercy, justice and spiritual formation. This team will focus on home repair and other tasks. Ages 14 - Adult. Cost $375.
Red Bird Family Team – July 9-15, 2017: In Eastern Kentucky, chronic poverty makes life a struggle for people in this mountainous area of Appalachia. Volunteers enable Red Bird Mission to builds up the community and witness to Christ. Kids ages 7-12 with adult, Youth (age 13+) and Adults. Estimated cost: $600 for Youth and Adults. Kids: $450.
UMCOR Sager Brown Team – July 30-August 5, 2017: Join the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) in the work of disaster response and fighting poverty at Sager Brown, their main warehouse and shopping depot. Volunteers engage in local outreach and in preparing relief supply kits as signs of comfort and hop to a community in distress. Age 16+. Estimated cost $2,500.
ZIM Camp – July-August 2017: Despite widespread challenges, the UMC in Zimbabwe has grown and continues in vital ministry and dynamic worship. ZIM Camp offers youth two weeks a chance to build relationships through District partnership projects, all in the spirit of Chabadza. Ages 15-18. Cost $2500.
Fiji Team – fall 2017 (Dates to be determined): Cyclone Winston devastated parts of the Fijian Islands in February 2016. We are working with our brothers and sisters in the Methodist Church in Fiji and the UMC to meet their ongoing needs with solidarity and encouragement. Cost to be determined.
Olmsted Manor Upcoming Events:
Women’s Retreat with Sue Duffield Ministries “Laugh, Cry, Pray, Give” April 23-25, 2017 http://www.olmstedmanor.org/spring-womens-retreat-2017.html
Fly Fishing Retreat with Gary Kell, John Swart, and George Lilja “The Secrets to Fly Fishing Success” April 29-May 1, 2017 http://www.olmstedmanor.org/fly-fishing-retreat.html
Mini Mission U with Rev. Dr. James Ritchie “The Bible and Human Sexuality” May 7-9, 2017 http://www.olmstedmanor.org/mini-mission-u.html
Pastors’ Academy with Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi “Why Do We Have to Talk About THAT?” May 22-24, 2017 http://www.olmstedmanor.org/pastors-academy.html