Chapter 11 / The Great War / September & October 2014

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

11 12 Mini Documentaries: pass back tests / Cleveland, MAIN causes of McKinley, T.R., & World War 1 / The Taft “Spark” / Read chapter 11 None section 1; guided reading check on 9/24 & due with checklist

15 16 17 18 19 War Starts In Life in the Trenches / War at Sea / Why Why America Enters Why America Enters Europe / Fighting New Military America Enters the the War the War on the Western Technology War Front / Life in the Trenches None None Read chapter 11 None None section 2; guided reading check on 9/24 & due with checklist 22 23 24 25 26 America in the War America in the War America in the War / All Quiet on the Documentary: Dear All Quiet on the Western Front / Info America, Letters Western Front on Home Front Home from WW1 Assignment / Documentary: Dear America, Letters Home from WW1 None Guided reading check Read chapter 11 “Movie” Bring your on chapter 11 section 3; guided Assignment due textbooks Monday sections 1 & 2 reading due with with checklist. and Tuesday!!! tomorrow checklist 29 30 1 2 3 Home Front Home Front Home Front Home Front Wilson’s 14 Points / Presentations #1-6 Presentations #7-10 Treaty of Versailles (meet in library; (meet in library; bring / Wilson’s 14 Points bring textbooks!!!) textbooks!!!)

Presentations begin Propaganda Poster None Read chapter 11 Organize & Finish Wednesday. evaluation section 4; guided Checklist / Study for assignment due with reading due with Test checklist checklist


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Legacy of World Chapter 11 Test and War 1 / Work on Checklist Today Study Guide

Study for Test / None Chapter 11 Test and Checklist Tomorrow