2. Misha - HS - Devrdg - Essential Components
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Essential Components for Instruction (C-2)
DIRECTIONS: With your support provider, discuss and record information to ensure all essential components for instruction are considered when designing your lesson series.
Participating Teacher: Misha XXX Support Provider: Erin XXX
Content Area: World Literature - Night by Elie Wiesel Beginning Date: 4/13/09 Ending Date: 5/15/09 Grade/Period: 10th Grade Anticipated number of lessons in series? 13
1. Copy the academic content standard(s) being 2. What are the learning objectives? addressed:
Reading: The learning goals for this unit are as follows: 2.3 Create solid questions about Night 3.3 Analyze how characters interact within the story and 1. Students obtain a better understanding of the events determine how that interaction effects the plot during the Holocaust and WWII. 3.4 Analyze the traits of the characters in the novel 2. Students make connections from the Holocaust to recent 3.6 Analyze the time and journey that takes place genocides, occurring in the world. throughout the novel using flashbacks, foreshadowing, and 3. Students will study a memoir and analyze the text from a other techniques as a guide reader response perspective. 3.7 Recognize literary devices when used 4. Students will analyze the narrator of the novel and the 3.8 Discover and discuss ambiguities, subleties, effect his character has on the plot of the memoir. contradictions, and ironies in the story 5. Students will understand and analyze the themes 3.9 Recognize how our narrator can affect the tone of the presented in the novel. story 3.12 Relate themes from the story to themes from the Ho Holocaust How will the learning objectives be communicated to the Writing: students? Families? 1.1 Develop strong thesis statement Learning goals are communicated to the student daily in 1.2 Use active voice class. I also communicate our large goals for a unit at the 1.4 Develop strong topic sentences and concrete details beginning of each new unit. throughout 1.6 Use quotations and properly cite them The families of my students were given basic unit 1.7 Write in MLA format information at the beginning of the year in my course syllabus. Also, parents remain informed throughout the Writing Application: school year via the online parent portal where I update 2.2 Response to Literature Essay current assignments, due dates for projects, and test dates. How will students be helped to connect the content to real life applications? One of the goals of this unit is to help students understand and make real-world connections from the Holocaust to today's world. We will discuss and connect the Holocaust to the genocides of Rwanda and Darfur. We will discuss themes such as hate, faith, loss of identify, and prejudice and connect them to the world today, the community in which we live, and the lives of the students. And we will study and understand that the happenings of the Holocaust must be learned, shared, discussed, remembered in hope that future generations will not allow genocide and hate to exist in the world.
Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – 2010 Inquiry into Teaching and Learning – Essential Components for Instruction C-2 Page 1 of 4 3. Describe the entry-level assessment used to measure the understanding of the content standard.
I will give my students a KWL chart to assess the prior knowledge they have about the Holocaust and the novel, and we will have class discussion to determine students' current ability levels.
What method/criteria (e.g., scoring guides, rubrics, etc.) will be used to interpret the results of the entry-level assessment? I will place the students into one of three categories (beginner, intermediate, advanced) based on the amount of correct information given in the "know" column of their KWL chart and the discussion held in the class.
4. Describe the summative assessment to be used to measure the learning in the content area.
Summative assessments will include a final unit exam and a final literary response paper based on the novel.
What method/criteria (e.g., scoring guides, rubrics, etc.) will be used to interpret the results of the summative assessment? Scoring guides will be used to grade the exam. Differentiated rubrics will be used to grade the papers.
5. Based on the entry-level assessment, what 6. Based on the entry-level assessment results, what knowledge/vocabulary/skills are needed to ensure progress-monitoring assessments will be used during this student learning during this lesson series? lesson series?
Based on the KWL charts it is clear that the majority of I will give my students a test half way through the novel as students have some prior knowledge of the statistics, well as one at the end, classroom discussion, study guides, practices, and extermination methods used during the classroom projects/assignments, and journal entries. Holocaust. However, my goal through this unit is to ensure the students walk away with a full understanding of the devastation, heartbreak, and inhumane treatments that took place during that horrific period in history. Therefore, my job will be to create an atmosphere of emotional understanding in my classroom.
7. How might key understandings from the Action Plan 8. What materials will be needed for this lesson series? (IIP Cells 5-8) be applied to this lesson series?
I will give my students a test half way through the Student copies of Night novel as well as one at the end, classroom discussion, study LCD projector guides, classroom projects/assignments, and journal entries. Audiobook Computer Lab access
9. How will students’ use technology to advance their 10. To ensure student engagement, what needs should be
Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – 2010 Inquiry into Teaching and Learning – Essential Components for Instruction C-2 Page 2 of 4 learning? What technology will be used to enhance considered for the classroom environment? instruction?
I will show a video of an interview with the author of the I need to ensure all my students sit in their assigned seats novel, use powerpoint to present information to my that I have previously arranged for maximum learning. I students, utilize the audiobook version of the novel to read need to make sure each student has full view of the screen in portions together in class, and use the video Hotel Rwanda front of the class so each person can fully view the videos to connect student learning to a more present situation. and powerpoints. The students will have access to the computer lab during their research for the research paper/brochure they will create.
This will enhance student learning because it will allow them to search the internet for valid sites that will provide information about the Holocaust beyond what we cover in class. They will learn how to include websites in their works, cite pages, and properly cite research information.
11. What instructional strategies will be used in this lesson series? How might they assist in reaching all learners?
We will take a trip to the Museum of Tolerance before we begin the unit to set the tone and introduce the Holocaust.
When I lecture and give direct instruction to my students I will make sure to call on individual students for answers to assure student participation and attention.
I will provide a combination of group work and individual assignments throughout the unit.
We will take notes together as a class to help model and teach the appropriate methods for note taking.
I will make myself available during tutorial times, before school and/or after school, for those students who need extra assistance.
We will listen to the majority of the novel via audiobook so that we can discuss as we read and I can model traits of good readng to my students.
My students will complete multiple journal entries for this unit to build on the emotional aspect of the unit and connect themes to their own lives.
I will utilize the parent portal to post assignments, homework, and the chapters covered each day in class.
12. What accommodations or modifications are required 13. In order for students to be successful, what English
Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – 2010 Inquiry into Teaching and Learning – Essential Components for Instruction C-2 Page 3 of 4 during this lesson series for students on an IEP, 504 or language development (ELD) proficiency level data or other learning plan? which ELD standards must be considered? (Consider students not selected as Focus Students)
My students with an IEP will be allowed extra time on Given the varied CELDT levels, the reading comprehension assignments and tests if needed. levels of my students must be considered any time a novel is introduced to the class. Students of all CELDT levels will My student with a 504 plan will need to sit in the front of need vocabulary surrounding the Holocaust must be the class and be allowed extra time on assignments and addressed: genocide, prejudice, Judiasm, propaganda, and tests if needed. extermination, for example.
14. Other considerations:
I want to create an atmosphere of respect during this unit. My students must understand the sensitive nature of our topic and treat each day we speak about the horrors of the Holocaust with respect and understanding. Hopefully our field trip to the Museum of Tolerance will help establish the proper mood and tone for the unit.
Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – 2010 Inquiry into Teaching and Learning – Essential Components for Instruction C-2 Page 4 of 4