Board Meeting Hanp

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Board Meeting Hanp


ATTENDANCE: Alison Mitchell Rick Roberts Johnny Rollins Pepper Santa Ana Delmar Imperial-Aubin Sara Wilkins

RICK ROBERTS Updates from Region 6 AANP Leadership Meeting HR Bill 2 we can now order DME for our patients

Alison Mitchell will be the new the new Texas AANP rep She be replacing Jan Zdenuk, the president-elect for TNP

Utilization of social media FB page by AANP David Williams the public policy director for TNP will be available to speak to HANP

Phil Duran Legislative Committee, new members: Michelle Gillespe, Faisal Aboul-Enein


CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Alison reminder to send out call for nominations for candidates for board officers AGENDA

1. CONFERENCE UPDATES - 6 PRESENTATIONS - TENTATIVE SCHEDULE CONFERENCE - 0700-0830 Registration - 0715-0815 Breakfast Session - 0815-0830 Welcome JR - 0830-0930 CE Talk #1History of NP -0930-1000 Break/Exhibits -1000-1100 CE Talk#2 JP Ethics -1100-1200 Key Note Speaker Concierge Medicine -1230-1330 Lunch -1330-1430 HTN -1430-1530 DM -1530-1600 Exhibits -1600-1700 Documentation and Billing -1700-1715 Closing Remarks Scholarships Announcement -1715-1800 Happy Hour -1745-1800 Executive Board Meeting 2. Reviewed conference Budget 3. Fee Conference Early Bird Registration $125.00 September 1, 2015 deadline, thereafter 150.00 4. Sara Wilkins to call Hyatt

4. $1000.00 Scholarship Recipients: to be announced Carylin Holsey, Blanca Barrera, Kristine Clements 5. Identify back up speakers for conference, identify honorarium fee 6. GALA 20th anniversary planning, by Pepper, see attachment 7. Budget 2014-2015 approved by the Board Discussion about 1-fee for both events: $200.00 for both events if purchased at the same time; if purchased separately the cost will be $125 or $150 (I forgot) per event/person ???my question is if we purchase both together do we get a discount for our guest at the gala ($50 or $75) 8. Proposed November 6, 2015 Gala 9. Elections: Nominee Pres Elect Secretary Blasie, Lauren Casile Treasurer we need president elect 10. Electronic call for nomination for position to be sent out by Sara on 5/6/15 to the board for review and approved by 5/7/15 11. Candidates to send Bio’s to go out Tuesday 11:00 to 1300 5-7-15 go out this week Sara will resend call for nominations weekly on Tuesday around 1130-1230, starting on 5/12/15 with last email blast on 5/26/15 May 31 st – call for nominations closed June 2 nd – nominations reviewed by the board June 3 rd – electronic ballots sent to memberships for vote June 10 th voting closed Motion to move June’s monthly meeting from the 10 th to the 17 th – approved June 17 th – 2015-2016 Officers annaouced at monthly meeting 12. May 1, 2015 - end call for nominations, June 2, 2015 Board to review, June 3, 2015 Ballot goes out to membership(Official), June 9, 2015 voting closed, Announce board officers for 2015-16 June 17, 2015 13. Meeting adjourned 2100

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