Pumpkin Globe Extra Credit Project

Name: ______Core ______Date ______

Directions: The purpose of this project is for you to deepen your understanding of latitude, longitude. This optional project is worth up to 31 points. Due Friday, October 28. This will not be accepted late.

1) You need a pumpkin. Choose one that is as close to a sphere (round ball) as possible. 2) Design your labels. You must label North Pole, South Pole, equator, Prime Meridian, the hemispheres, and the correct degrees for required lines of latitude and longitude. Labels can be cut from index cards, scrapbook paper, or other paper and attached with toothpicks, craft glue or hot glue gun. You can try sticky labels as long as they stay on. 3) Required Degrees: You must label the correct degrees for the equator, north pole, south pole, prime meridian, and label 90-degrees east longitude, 90-degrees west longitude, and 180-degrees longitude. 4) If you choose to show parallels in addition to the equator, they must be equally spaced apart at every point. 5) If you choose to show meridians in addition to the Prime Meridian and 180-degrees, show that they are equally spaced apart only at the equator, but cross at the north and south poles. 6) You may use materials of your choice on the pumpkin. Examples include carving, marker, paint, yarn, or ribbon. The possibilities are endless! 7) Use color. 8) Include the continents and oceans. 9) The finished project needs to be visually appealing! It will be displayed for others to enjoy. 10) Most importantly, enjoy creating this project and involve your parents.

Resources for printable maps and latitude / longitude: www.kbears.com/printmaps.html http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/geology/leveson/core/linksa/latlong_menu.html

The following rubric will be used to grade your project.

Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points Pumpkin is Nearly spherical Rectangular spherical Design and Nicely sized, all labels on 5 out of 6 4 out of 6 3 out of 6 2 out of 6 No labels inclusion of and correctly placed, best labels, best labels, best labels, labels labels work quality work quality work good acceptable quality work work Required Nicely sized, all labels 5 out of 6 4 out of 6 3 out of 6 2 out of 6 None Degrees for degrees are on and labels, best labels, best labels, labels labeled correctly placed, best work quality work good acceptable work quality quality work work

Continents 1 point per continent correctly represented. Oceans 1 point per ocean correctly represented. Visual Display Quality. I would Almost my I did a good Less than Very little Lacks effort presentation be comfortable with other best work. job, but average effort students and teachers could have effort. made. seeing my project. done better.