Second Grade Social Studies Assessment Blueprint Aligned to State Standards

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Second Grade Social Studies Assessment Blueprint Aligned to State Standards

Second Grade Social Studies Assessment Blueprint Aligned to State Standards

Theme Strand P.O. # Alternative Questions Correct Answer Economics SS02-S5C5-01 Discuss the costs and 1 Which of the following is a Having a personal savings benefits of personal benefit of having a savings account helps you make sure savings account? you have money to buy something you really want When you open a savings bank account, you give the _____ your money. When you save money at extra money called interest. the bank, the bank gives you______

Government/ SS02-S3C4-03 Describe the importance 2 Which of the following is an Collecting canned food to give Civics of students contributing example of how you could to the local food bank. to the community contribute to your community? When you and your family contributing to your volunteer to serve dinner at community a homeless shelter, you are ______History SS02- S3C1-01 Describe the history and 3 The Liberty Bell stands for Freedom meaning of national _____ symbols –Liberty Bell Which of the following People rang the bell after the explains why the Liberty Declaration of Independence Bell is special to all was signed, which meant we Americans? were free from England.

Second Grade Social Studies Assessment Map – June ‘09 Page 1 Government/ SS02-S3C4-02 Describe the 4 If you and your friends Ask someone who knows the Civics responsibilities of disagree on how to play a rules of the game to help citizenship – display game, what should you do? everyone agree. good sportsmanship Following the rules of a good citizenship or good game helps everyone to sportsmanship display_____ Geography SS02-S4C1-04 Construct tally charts 5 Look at the chart above. Teacher creates chart which and pictographs to How many of the students reflects six students were born display geographic in Mrs. Smith’s class were in Arizona. information born in Arizona? (Create a chart which shows Answers will vary according to the number of lakes in four what states are featured in the different states) chart. Which state has the greatest number of lakes? Economics SS02-S5C1-06 Recognize that some 6 Steve’s baseball glove is It means the baseball glove goods are made in the stamped with the words was made in the United local community and “Made in China.” States. some are made in other What do these words parts of the world mean? Study this chart carefully. Some of the items are made in Where are the items in this Arizona and other items are chart made? made from countries around (Create a chart that the world. illustrates common items and the countries from which they are made)

Second Grade Social Studies Assessment Map – June ‘09 Page 2 World SS02-S1C5-02 Identify reasons why 7 Which of the following is a They wanted to find land to History people in the United reason people wanted to farm. States moved westward move westward? Why did the Native The government made them Americans move to move to reservations because reservations? they fought with the settlers over land. Many people moved west Insert land or better economic in the 1800’s in search of opportunities _____ Economics SS02-S5C1-07 Describe how people can 8 When Heidi buys a doll at consumer be both producers and the store she is a consumers of goods and ______. services Bob makes kites to sell at producer yard sales. Bob is a______. David’s dad builds houses David’s dad is both a producer and buys groceries from the and a consumer. local store. Which of the following is true about David’s dad? Research Skill SS02-S1C1-04 Use primary resource 9 Nancy is looking at a picture Primary resource materials to study of Betsy Ross making the people and events from first flag. This picture was the past drawn by someone who helped make the flag. What type of resource is the picture?

Second Grade Social Studies Assessment Map – June ‘09 Page 3 This is a picture of the The Declaration of Declaration of Independence was written by Independence. Which of hand. the following describes how it was made? History SS02-S3C1-03 Describe the significance 10 Which of the following It is a time when we think of national holidays. describes why we celebrate about all the soldiers who died Memorial Day? for our country. The holiday where we stop Memorial Day and think about all the soldiers who died for our country is called______. History SS02-S3C1-03 Describe the history and 11 When we say the Pledge of showing respect for our meaning of national Allegiance we are… country. symbols Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance is a way of telling people how ______much we care about our country. Geography SS02-S1C5-04 Describe how new forms 12 Which of the following Railroads of transportation made it easier to transport impacted westward goods and people expansion of the United westward? States Describe how new forms How did the telegraph help The telegraph made it easier of communication people move westward? for people to communicate impacted westward with one another. expansion of the United States.

Second Grade Social Studies Assessment Map – June ‘09 Page 4 Government/ SS02-S3C4-02 Describe the rights and 13 Which of the following is an Kathy and John are voting for Civics responsibilities of example of someone a class president. citizenship – voting showing they are a good citizen? Describe the rights and Janet’s school principal has showing they are good responsibilities of asked all of the students to citizens. citizenship – following walk quietly in the hallways. rules When the students follow her rule, they are… Economics SS02-S5C1-05 Compare the use of 14 When you barter for are giving the other person barter and money in the something, you…. something they want instead exchange of goods and of money. services When you trade your toy bartering. car for candy, you are… World SS02-S4C2-04 Discuss the ways places 15 Which of the following New buildings and offices are History and regions change over describes how a city built over a ten year time time. changes over time? span. Which of the following Some families move away describes how a from the neighborhood and neighborhood could change other families move into the over time? neighborhood. Economics SS02-S4C5-01 Identify ways humans 16 How do people depend on Farmers grow plants to eat in depend upon the earth. the earth? the earth. When people take time to reducing the amount of recycle, they are … pollution on the earth When we build roads on modifying the earth for human the earth, we are… purposes.

Second Grade Social Studies Assessment Map – June ‘09 Page 5 Skills SS02-S1C1-04 Use primary resource 17 Look at this picture (direct Answers will vary according to SS02-S2C1-04 materials to study students to picture of your picture. people and events from choice) the past What does this picture tell you about pioneer life? Geography SS02-S4C1-02 Interpret physical maps 18 How far is it from ______to Answers will vary. using a legend ______? Use your pencil to measure. Geography SS02-S4C1-02 Interpret physical maps 19 (Show students a Answers will vary upon map using a legend neighborhood map choice and teacher choice of containing a legend. symbol What does this symbol (teacher inserts symbol of choice) mean? History SS02-S3C1-01 Describe the history and 20 Why did we choose the The American bald eagle is meaning of national American bald eagle as our strong and brave. symbols – American bald national bird? eagle Which of the following The American bald eagle tells explains why the American other countries we are strong bald eagle is our national and brave. bird? History SS02-S3C1-01 Describe the history and 21 Why is the White House an The White House is where the meaning of national important symbol for our president of the Untied States symbols country? lives. Alternative Question – When people look at a they think about the president White House Focus picture of the White of the United States. House…

History SS02-S3C1-01 Describe the history and 22 Why are national symbols These symbols tell other meaning of national important to Americans? countries what Americans symbols value.

Second Grade Social Studies Assessment Map – June ‘09 Page 6 History SS02-S3C1-03 Describe the significance 23 Which of the following is The Fourth of July of national holidays – the holiday when we Fourth of July celebrate America’s freedom from England? When do we celebrate the We celebrate on the Fourth of signing of the Declaration of July. Independence? Economics SS02-S5C1-01 Discuss how scarcity 24 Brittany has $7.00 dollars. Brittany needs to decide which requires people to make She wants to buy two toys toy she wants the most. choices due to unlimited that cost more than $7.00. needs and wants with What decision does Brittany limited resources need to make? Jake spent all of his Jake needs to earn allowance on a toy. He More money before he can wants to buy another toy. buy the toy. What does Jake need to do? World SS02-S1C5-01 Identify the reasons for 25 What is one of the reasons They wanted freedom to History immigration to the people wanted to live in worship any way they liked. United States America? People from other they wanted to make a better countries came to live in life for themselves and their America because______families.

Second Grade Social Studies Assessment Map – June ‘09 Page 7

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